The Story of the Cicadas: How governments and other malicious characters control us

Thinking deeply about these new cicadas that have been coming out of the ground for this latest 17-year cycle in May has given me reflection on the nature of life in general and the ways that governments seek to control us.   I like these cicadas, they are beautiful little creatures, and it almost seems tragic that their life is so short for all the hoopla they embark on to arrive over such a long gestation period.  But here they are, they climb out of their shells after so long burrowed in the ground only to almost immediately begin their mating rituals followed by death days or weeks later.  It reminds me in a cosmic way of the human lifespan and why we have the kinds of anxieties that we do about things.  I would also offer that by developing our intellects, we can step away from the lifecycles that the cicadas are stuck on.  But one major impediment that we must overcome is how governments use our natural struggle with lifecycles to keep us under control, as explained in the video below.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Why We Need More Sea Shepherds in the World: Forget about the plastic straws

Watching the excellent documentary on Netflix reminded me of something I themed my new book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business around.  The documentary was called Seaspiracy, and it’s all about overfishing in the oceans and some of the politics around removing plastic straws from the discussion.  Because that’s not what is killing all the fish needlessly, it’s a film with a liberal slant to it, but it also points out a problem behind just about everything in our modern age.  In this case, big corporations have been caught using government corruption to hide their massive crimes and pushing the straw issue to save a few sea turtles from diverting attention away from the real problems.  The real issues are disregarded nets and overfishing, leading to massive waste because there is no regulation whatsoever in the middle of international waters.  To my point, like the great gunfighters of the Old West, these days, we have the Sea Shepherds who roam the seas challenging lawbreakers.  I would argue that we need a lot more good people in the world doing such things, which is the solution to the overfishing on the world’s oceans.  Let good people fight it out with bad people to save the earth.  Forget about more dumb rules by a government often in on the scams that we see all too often.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Biden Will Always Be Known as an Illegitimate President: Evidence of massive voter fraud isn’t going away

It is pretty smoky out there; it’s a war between ideologies and, you know, the rule.  In wars or fights of any kind, the winner is determined by capitulation.  And right now, it’s impossible to tell who is thinking of capitulating, but remember.  We are not in a peaceful transition of power, and President Trump is not gripping power for power’s sake.  We are in a full-out war for the influence of American ideas in the world.  I think all this is healthy.  Because of Trump, the world has its ideas challenged. That challenge is forcing honesty where it has otherwise been hidden.  All that is good, as I said in the video above.  The cracks are showing through the many methods of election fraud that were performed for Democrats to get the power they have gained in 2021.  And no matter what happens as a result of this war, Joe Biden will never be considered the official president.  Only five months into 2021, just over 50% of all Republicans do not believe Joe Biden is the legitimate president.  And that number is growing as election audits are showing a lot of irregularities that factually did occur.  There will come a time very soon where all those in the media who said that there was no election fraud will have to retract their statements and admit there was, just as they have been doing with Covid coming out of the Wuhan lab in China.  And despite the smoke we see now, this is as good as it will ever get for Joe Biden and his Democrat insurgents.  And that’s not very good.  The best punishment is to force them all to live with what they have done.  Every day, they look in that mirror, knowing that they have been caught and will go down in history as losers of the highest degree and criminal scum who used government offices to hide their many crimes for which reflection will never forget.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: RINO Paul Ryan and others

Donald J. Trump

9:23am May 28, 2021

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!

The Dream of Being Awake: Vivek Ramaswamy and his book ‘Woke, Inc’

Vivek Ramaswamy

I had an excellent opportunity to meet Vivek Ramaswamy, talking about his upcoming book, Woke, Inc., at a Butler County event sponsored by several great Republicans.  Butler County Treasurer Nancy Nix and her husband are a few of the best people anybody could imagine. They were responsible for setting up the event, which features a discussion on the problem of “wokeness” in American business and is a topic I am very concerned with.  I always appreciate when I have an opportunity to learn something new, and I did as Vivek spoke for an hour and a half at the Republican Victory Center in Middletown, Ohio.  He said that the definition of “woke” was waking up from the dream of being an American, which startled me as a metaphor.  I suppose it’s an obvious definition, but the way Vivek presented it was pretty alarming.  Ramaswamy, you might know from Fox Business and Fox News in general, he’s on several shows regularly, specifically Tucker Carlson.  So it was quite a treat to get him for an evening all to ourselves to discuss this critical issue as I talk about below.

Talking about Woke, Inc.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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The Kotter Change Model: Biden administration using China to convert America to communism

The Kotter Change State to Convert America to Communism

It’s called the Kotter Change Model, which is based on a paper first published by the Harvard Review years ago.  It’s been around for a long time, and most organizations have had some exposure to it.  It is precisely what Beijing Biden is doing by talking up China, as mentioned in the video above.  China is still a backwater, copycat country of scum bag communists, yet the Biden administration is attempting to paint them as the future wave.  It’s a sleight of hand trick to convert America into a communist country by setting an artificial emergency to inspire us to copy our enemy to beat them.  There is nothing new about this method, only that it is being used to destroy our country, not just to change a business or organization. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Our Government is Nothing but a Collection of International Criminals: Going after Trump, Rand Paul, and us

Our Judicial System Has Been Weaponized

I woke up today with news that the Biden DOJ is appealing a court order to release a Trump obstruction memo as part of the fake news dossier, so they can further attempt to destroy any notion of Trump running for president again.  At that same time, Rand Paul, who has come out against government forced vaccines, received death threats.  Then as mentioned in the video above, the attorney general for New York is going after the Trump Administration as a weaponized judiciary body.  Rudy Giuliani has already been targeted for abuse and had his office raided by the FBI in an early morning raid, the same type of raid inflicted against Roger Stone.  Do you see what’s going on, dear reader?  Our current government is nothing but an organized mob of international criminals, and they are sending us a message.  Obey or be harassed, or even killed.  We aren’t going to win back our country playing patty cake with these losers.  Knowledge is power.  So use it to fight back.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Even if Aliens are Fully Disclosed: Its still America First

Its Always About America First

It came to my attention recently from one of my editors that I produced over 12 million words from the first week of April until the date of this posting. That’s quite a lot.  For instance, The Holy Bible has over 783 thousand words.  There are around 677 thousand words in Atlas ShruggedWar and Peace have 587 thousand words.  So you get the idea.  Since early April of 2021, I have written enough to fill more than 18 books of similar length, so smoke is coming off my fingertips.  Also, we have some changes in the marketplace; people love my podcasts much more than reading articles, so I’m going to take a bit of a break and finish up some projects that need time.   I will still be posting daily for my readers, but it will be the podcasts for a while as I get recalibrated until about July 4th of 2021.  I hope everyone enjoys the results starting with this statement above.  Even if aliens are revealed in a full disclosure event, the American Constitution is still our guiding document. Just because our government reveals aliens, it’s still America First!

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: Enjoy!

Donald J. Trump

5:00pm May 24, 2021

Highly respected pollster John McLaughlin says 73% of all Republicans want Trump to run again in 2024 and Republican primary voters would support him 82%-13%. Even the Washington Post has just reported “All Republican Roads Lead to Mar-a-Lago.” What WaPo and other members of the Fake News Media don’t report is that Joe Biden is of no interest to anybody—21 million less people watched his Joint Address to Congress than watched mine. Also, Biden’s ratings have killed the Radical Left Fake News Cable Channels. MSNBC and CNN have plummeted in the ratings. MSNBC doesn’t have a show in the top 10 of all cable news programs, and CNN doesn’t even have a show in the top 100. They should have embraced and endorsed “Trump”—their ratings would have been at new highs! I have been doing very limited media so the American public could see just how big of a disaster the Biden Administration has been, and I was right. Inflation, the Border Crisis, our forgotten Military, war in the Middle East, all as a result of Biden’s mistakes. Our Country is being destroyed. Watch, it’s only going to get worse! The Washington Post also incorrectly reported about my website viewership. We have not yet launched our own social media “platform,” but even the very basic site we have to post our statements has received 36.7 million views over the past month alone, and we’re getting more traffic to our website now than in 2020, an Election year! This number would be even greater if we were still on Twitter and Facebook, but since Big Tech has illegally banned me, tens of millions of our supporters have stopped using these platforms because they’ve become “boring” and nasty. My website is a place where everyone can see my statements, issued in real time, and engage with the MAGA Movement. This is meant to be a temporary way of getting my thoughts and ideas out to the public without the Fake News spin, but the website is not a “platform.” It is merely a way of communicating until I decide on what the future will be for the choice or establishment of a platform. It will happen soon. Stay tuned!

Bill Gates’ Sex Dungeons, UFOs and Covid-19: How to cover up the crimes of the century

The Only Way Out: UFOs

As sad as it is, I think the only way out for the government is to point to these alien stories so that they can tiptoe out of the corner they’ve painted themselves into.  The only rational reason that so many UFO stories have emerged recently is that the government attached itself to too many crimes and that people didn’t take the bait the way they were supposed to.  I wondered how the government would get themselves out of the mess they created with Covid-19 and the massive election fraud currently being uncovered through these many state audits.  These are all big stories, some of the biggest in the world, and now it appears they plan to bury these stories with the biggest story of them all, the possibility of life on other planets.  Since I brought it up the other day, many other people have responded with the same thoughts.  This story certainly has legs and may sound far-fetched.  But it is the only real option for so many complicit people caught up in the biggest scandals and crimes in history. 

We know about Bill Gates and his involvement in creating the Covid-19 crises with his massive funding because there are now frequent stories like the one from last week where special forces military are said to have raided the ranch he owns outside of Cody, Wyoming.  He supposedly had a sex dungeon there for little kids.  The tip came from his crazy wife Melinda, who just a few months ago was on the news all the time telling us how to live with Covid and how the world needed to get to zero emissions to save the earth.  Now we find out that things were so bad between one of the most powerful couples on the planet that they couldn’t stand each other—Melinda’s big problem with Bill’s relationship with Jeffery Epstein.  From there, things go down the rabbit hole pretty deep, and we get into all kinds of bizarre sex rituals and perversions.  Much of it, we’ll have no way of finding out the truth.  But what we do know is that the Bill Gates brand is forever destroyed.  In the past, no matter what was going on with Bill Gates, the rumors of depopulating the earth to save it from humans would have been discussed but not be taken very seriously.   Or Bill’s connections to the world elite who want to take over the world by governing the governments of all the major countries from the shadows.  That geek founder of Microsoft that we have had a fondness for is gone.

And that is what I was wondering at that outbreak of Covid.  I never thought of Covid as anything but a scam from the government meant to tamper with elections, and Bill Gates was involved from the beginning.  I thought it was quite a gamble for him even to be involved, but it was easy to see where it was going.  What I couldn’t quite get was what these people would do once they were caught, and let’s face it, most all the mainstreamers did get caught, and they are having a real hard time talking their way out of it.  This event certainly did bring down the Gates marriage and Bill Gates himself.  Before all this, he was respected.  There was always smoke, with some fire under it, but the Gates brand was one of the best in the world and kept it concealed.  He was well respected and could get on any television show to speak about climate change, as stories like this supposed sex dungeon that cost $36,000,000 under Irma Lake Lodge that Melinda leaked existed, not so much now.  Instead of being the friendly family from the Gates Foundation, which replaced the Clinton Foundation as the driver of all global socialism and was aligned directly with China communist activism, now Bill Gates is only known for being a connection to Jeffery Epstein, his good buddy obviously in gross, deviant ways. 

If you look into people’s lives like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, what you discover are people with warped minds who have a gross sense of sexual proclivity and get involved in politics to get access to targets of their sexual indiscretion.  They mean to hide their desires behind do-gooder foundations and invented global menaces like global warming.   People don’t call them out because they leave the back door open, hoping to get some of the money that these philanthropists give out like candy.   Even if such indiscretions are suspected, people seldom talk about them until the pressure of their crimes gets so great that somebody snaps, like it looks as if Melinda Gates did.  Then we learn something of the truth all along.  And that’s what I knew would happen after 2020, where people like Gates put his name on Covid and helped facilitate election fraud.  After Dr. Fauci told us all to hide in our homes like fools wearing masks to hide our faces so we couldn’t talk to each other, as they committed unspeakable crimes at the lab in Wuhan and used Covid as a cover story to keep it concealed, we know now that it was all to hide government crimes.  There are so many bad, terrible things that resulted that it left me wondering.

Now we know that the government’s alien stories are now admitting to what they plan to use to divert our attention away from the crimes they have committed.  Nothing would be more significant than learning that our government has been working with aliens for a long time and that we have some Full Disclosure event as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton have been wanting for years.  Did anybody notice that the Clintons have been wiped away from politics currently?  Is it because they are holding the matches to the fire creating all this alien smokescreen for the most significant crimes of the last thousand years anywhere on the earth? I’d say yes.  You have to look at these people not as normal human beings but as deranged losers who will do anything to fulfill their fantasies of power and control over others.  They aren’t like the rest of us, which is precisely how they get away with so much.  And if they ever do get into trouble, as Gates is now, they think so little of us that they count on the next shiny object to divert our attention to something they control, and that’s how they have been getting away with things over the many years. 

With Covid going away so fast, ironically just as fast as Bill Gates had to go into hiding and could no longer go on Sunday shows to sell the fake dangers of Covid-19, UFO stories came to replace the covers of crime that these losers had been hiding under.  UFO stories were meant to replace those cover stories just long enough to tiptoe out of that painted corner they had trapped themselves into.   But this time I think it’s not going to work.  They went too far and did too much.  The media culture they controlled is sinking in a changing world, and people have not been distracted this time by the next shiny object.  People who have survived all this are pretty tired.  One thing that China should have learned is that Americans are not like the Chinese.  While the Chinese people will follow directions without question, Americans will show compliance until they can figure out how to undermine the people who want to control them.  That wasn’t clearly understood at the start of Covid; now it’s all blown up in their faces.  Which then only leaves UFO stories to shield them from reality.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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