Superman: Man of Steel — an ideal to aspire to

I’m going to go out on a limb to declare that the new version of Superman: Man of Steel will be one of the best films of 2013.  Needless to say I am very much looking forward to Christopher Nolan’s version of Superman, because after Dark Knight Rises, I am pretty sure I know where Nolan is going with that long famed hero.  If I had to guess, I would say that Nolan and I share a love for the classic book Thus Spoke Zarathustra.   To understand what I am talking about, let us study just a few quotes known to come out of the new film set to be released on June 14th 2013 in tribute to the 75th year of the comic book creation.  Many similar quotes are spoken by Zarathustra in that wonderful book which has meant so much to me over the years.  They have been modified to fit the story of Superman, but the essence is there as either an accidental or intentional tribute by Nolan, to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.  To place faces to the dialogue below, Jonathan Kent is being played by Kevin Costner, and Jor-El by Russell Crow two of my favorite actors.

    1. Superman: My father believed that if the world found who I really was, they would reject me. He was convinced that the world wasn’t ready. What do you think?
    1. Jonathan Kent: You’re not just anyone. One day, you’re going to have to make a choice. You’ll have to decide what kind of man you want to grow up to be. Whoever that man is, good character or bad, he’s going to change the world.
    1. Jor-El: What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended? What if a child aspired to something greater?
    1. Jor-El: You will give the people an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time you will help them accomplish wonders.

To understand what Superman means to me, let me take you dear reader back to the time when I met my wife 26 years ago who felt that her father was the only living embodiment to Superman on Earth.  She quite literally felt this way about him as he had then and still does have a Clark Kent quality of gentile courtesy even as a very large and strong man.  He could crush most people easily, yet he didn’t.  He supported the world in a way that Ayn Rand’s character of Hank Rearden did—another man of steel as a business tycoon—quietly, tenaciously, yet graciously.  That man, my wife’s father was involved in a very serious accident a few years ago at the age of 65 when he was riding his Vestpa home from the school where he taught geology and was hit by a car driven by a young girl texting on her phone.  The crash broke his leg so badly that doctors threatened to cut it off. Being a man of science, he knew that there was a chance his body could repair the fractured bones if only the living tissue within his femur would take and bond again.  Doctors were very doubtful.  There really wasn’t enough stable bone to even place rods through, so the prognosis was not good at all.  Months later he came to my house and my son-in-law and I tried to pep him up with a positive discussion so that his mood would influence his peptides and feed his cells into rebuilding the bone of the femur.  At the time, it looked like the bone was dying, as doctors had predicted.  Yet his mood was good.  He arrived at my house and insisted on walking on the broken leg.  He dressed in a very nice outfit complete with a fedora hat and suspenders which was typical for him.  He seemed to have a handle on the situation even though amputation seemed inevitable.

Months later the bone began to heel, and it was obvious that his shattered leg would repair.  He has recently just returned from a 10,000 mile trip all over the western United States with his spouse, my wife’s mother.  He hiked the Rocky Mountains with his leg and countless other places as a 67-year-old man.  He’s fine now and can walk without a cane when he wants to.  Over the years even during the tragic deaths of loved ones, economic difficulties, social upheavals, and any tribulation known to man, he has always risen to face those problems time and time again.  In fact, on the day of his mother’s burial recently, we spent some time in his basement movie theater watching movies and laughing as though nothing had happened in the outside world.  His ability to carry trouble on his back so adequately–protecting the more sensitive females in the family boldly is why my wife has always thought of him as Superman.   In fact, she is planning to take him to see this updated version for his birthday, which occurs around that time.

My wife let me know from date number one that she expected from me to be Superman too.  She wanted nothing less.  Now many people who knew me then thought that her expectations were outrageously high and terribly unrealistic.  Superman Part II from 1980 was the very first film she and I watched together and I noticed her sincerity when it came to Superman.  We were in Richmond Virginia the day that Christopher Reeve had an equestrian accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down.  She openly wept because reality had come to her mind that Superman played by Christopher Reeve was fictional.  It’s not that she didn’t know it already, but it was blatant that the idea of being greater than just a slop of human flesh was not obtainable in the world except in the fantasy of the mind.  To her it was sad that such a strong man in Christopher Reeve was imprisoned to a wheel chair for the rest of his life, which was greatly shortened because of the accident.  Reeve had put on a valiant “Superman” like fight, but in the end had lost.  My wife never really got over it.

When my wife met me, I was very rough around the edges.  Actually, I still am.  I don’t like dinning customs, social manners that remind me of European Victorianism, and I’ve been so mad that as recently of two years ago I’ve put my head through doors splitting them in two to make my point.  I used to hope that my wife would be impressed by those acts of strength, but she never was.  Now I only do things like that when I need to make my point to someone attempting to impose themselves on me.  What did impress her were the times I rode a bicycle for 12 miles a day round trip in 10 degree weather working two jobs so she could stay home with our growing children.  Or when I worked 16 hour days 7 days a week to make ends meet, or when I took on a whole neighborhood of rowdy kids to bust up a marijuana ring endorsed by the police, or the night I caught a peeping tom outside our window trying to get a look at my changing  wife—and many other incidents.  Not all of them were so obvious and clear-cut, but in my mind I always held in my mind the famous “S” shape that is the second most recognizable symbol in the entire world behind only the Christian cross—and I pushed forward no matter how daunting the feat in front of me was.  My wife’s insistence that only Superman would impress her put my mind into the mode that was required.  As a result, I don’t belch or fart and I never let even lip saliva run down a glass I drink out of.  The reason is that those things are reminders of the grotesque nature of the human body, the simple collectivism of cells running about trying to live one more day in slow decline toward death.  The human body needs to be more than that, or at least aim higher.  Because of my wife, I hold the door open for all ladies young and old, I walk on the street side of a sidewalk when I walk with her to protect her from dangers that might come from that direction, and I have learned that there is a lot of strength in kindness, which has preserved many walls, doors and windows over the last couple of years.  Instead, I have focused that energy not in the misplaced reaction to ill will toward me and my family, but in the pro-active attack of threats—often before they have a chance to manifest.

In short, since I have met my wife, I have tried every day to get up in the morning and be Superman.  I expect to be Superman.  That doesn’t necessarily mean the physical manifestation, or the ability to fly.  But what it does mean is the “IDEA” of superman, the yearning to be more than just an average man, a man of faults, of weakness, of scandalous character, of pathetic whimpering, a man less than super.  There were times where I thought such expectations where unrealistic, and that I thought she was the out-of-her mind to expect such high quality from me.  But the result is that I am now at an age where I can hear that classic John Williams score and understand it intellectually, not just perceptively.  I now have stories worth telling, and they are much greater than they would have been if I had not pushed myself to be a Superman every day of my life.

Sure, there were times like in Superman II where I understand just wanting to be a normal guy, and surrender all the power of the cape to be “human.”  But what is quickly learned, just like in that old film, is that without Superman, evil rules the Earth, and hiding in the mountains, or in the Fortress of Solitude with a loved one won’t stop evil from advancing.  It advances when there are no Supermen to meet it.  So the world needs Supermen.  My wife without realizing it set a high standard for me. I struggled to meet it, and in the end, I feel I understand Superman extremely well.  I strive every day of my life to be Superman and nothing less.

It is easy to see why my wife was so insistent on living up to the image of Superman now in hindsight.  Having kids of my own, they have a father who is someone they can legitimately look up to.  Like I always looked at my wife’s father as something to aspire to, I have now given a new generation something to emulate.  My version of Superman may be more like Indiana Jones, dirty, gritty, with streaks of blood running down my arms and back routinely.  I lack the cleanness of leaping buildings in a single bound and flying around the world to stop time itself, but the idea is what’s important.  The yearning to be more than just a decaying human being that simply wants to fill their bellies with food and have sexual relations with the same intensity that one uses the restroom—and for the same reasons, is something to be overcome, not cherished.

Because of Superman, I have looked for real examples of such an idea, and this is how I found Thus Spoke Zarathustra and ultimately became such a fan of the Übermensch idea which means in German “OVERMAN.”  This is why this site is named Overmanwarrior’s Wisdom as Overman means Superman.

It sounds as if Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder made their version of Superman: Man of Steel understanding all of what I have said above.  After Dark Knight Rises for Nolan, and 300 for Snyder, I am 100 % sure that these guys understand what Superman is.  It is highly likely their own wives have a similar yearning from them to behold a Superman, after all, what woman in the world deep in their hearts doesn’t?  It is up to such men to be Supermen for their women.

But more than anything, Superman is an American idea.  Superman evolved from the German ubermensch of Nietzsche and was carved into a preserver of Truth, Justice and the “American” way through comicsI almost turned away from Superman not long ago when the comic took a dark turn toward statism and Superman declared his alliance to The United Nations, which is to take such an American icon and turn him into an advocate for socialism.  This is a trend I trust Christopher Nolan will halt in this upcoming film.

The only thing I am worried about concerning Superman: Man of Steel is the music by Hans Zimmer.  I am deeply in love with the John Williams score from 1978, and it will be difficult to accept anything less.  It is not rare for me to put that soundtrack on in our family car and blare it loudly with the windows down.  My kids know all too often that this is routine with me and comes with riding in the same car.  They were raised on that type of music.  But Zimmer is my second favorite music composer behind only Williams, and I have a sneaky feeling that the musical score may actually be spectacular on many intellectual levels.  Another popular soundtrack that is played all the time in my car and on my iPod is the soundtrack to Gladiator, which Hans Zimmer wrote.  So Superman is in good hands.

Superman is great not because of his strength, but because he stands as a symbol of what everyone should strive to become.  Unlike Robin Hood who steals from the rich and gives to the poor, which is an entirely socialist scheme, Superman stands alone as a beacon to the world as something to be aspired to, something to attempt to become.  Superman is what capitalism is to the world, an example of the best among all human beings and someone who drives all of society forward in an attempt to be better.  This is how Superman became the embodiment of the “American way.”  It is the same as to say Superman endorses capitalism and fights for the right of mankind to be free and not to struggle under the tyranny of scheming despots, like what Lex Luther always represented as the primary villain.

I feel a little sorry for my son-in-laws.  My daughters do expect them to be Supermen, and it will be tough.  They don’t expect those boys to be cut the way Henry Cavill is but they do expect the heart of the Superman character to be in their every day life.  They do expect their personal Supermen to hold up the entire world and crush any threat to their freedom; they expect a man who would crawl into the depths of hell to rescue a loved one, or to fight an army of millions all alone.  Is such a thing unrealistic……………of course…………….that is if the problem is viewed from the lens of being only human.  But if the same problems are viewed the way of Superman, then no problem is too great, and not threat is too severe.

The “S” on the front of Superman’s shirt does not stand for “super” but for “hope.”  This is why young women desire their men to be Supermen, and if they don’t they should.  Young men need such targets to aspire to.  They should not look up to weaklings, and belching comedians.  They should look up to Superman and work every day to be super.  In that fashion, the “S” represents the hope that all people have to be more than they were born into, to be more than any terrestrial goal could otherwise provide.  Hope is what Superman represents, and I “HOPE” that Man of Steel is even a fraction of what I desire it to be.  I am looking very forward to seeing that picture with my wife, because out of all the characters in film or literature there is not one that she admires more than Superman, and the idea of a man who is more than just average.

Today is the twenty-fifth anniversary of my wife and I.  Traditionally, a man is supposed to give his wife some kind of silver after 25 years of marriage.  But our life has not been conventional to say the least.  So some silly silver trinket just won’t do.  So what I give her instead is the gift of the Superman.  I give her the literal meaning of the “S” and everything it has come to represent.  It’s all she has ever wanted, and after 25 years of marriage she has the right to have it.  Thus Spoke the Overman.

superman-pirate1Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Matt Clark Interviews Congressman Mike Rogers: Learn about the Bostom bombings and CISPA

Matt Clark interviews Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) on WAAM who believes there are still people of interest in the Boston Marathon bombings. Live on the Clarkcast, Matt asked the congressman to comment on evidenced gathered around a Saudi national, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, who was injured in the Boston bombings and tagged as a “212(a)(3)(B)” – the U.S. immigration designation for “terrorist activities.”

Read more:…

Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI) then discusses the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) on the Clarkcast. Matt raises some concerns about privacy with the congressman.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Matt Clark Interviews Mike Maharrey: Learn about the Tenth Amendment

Matt Clark from WAAM radio interviewed Mike Maharrey from the Tenth Amendment Center ( to talk about his group’s work and ensuring the Constitution is followed. Mike talks about states nullifying the NDAA, health care exchanges, drone usage, and more.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Capitalism: The new political party of one

I am starting my own political party in America.  So far I am it’s only member and I really don’t care if one year from now, or 30 years from now, that the number remains at one, because if history has taught us anything, it’s that the masses are fools and it is individuals who always prevail, and there isn’t a greater signifier of individuality than the number “1.”  I have traditionally been a Republican most of my life, yet as a party they are not freedom oriented enough for me.  I sure as hell am not a Democrat as there isn’t one cell in my body that understands their socialist diatribes of collectivism.  And I enjoy freedom too much to be cast into an oven with Libertarians, Objectivists, or any other political philosophy associated with “group” behavior.  Yet America needs a political philosophy that is uniquely an invention of The United States Constitution, and it needs people who will not cower in fear to defend it.  All of the above have to some extent, with the exception of the Libertarians, and Objectivists who currently find their social identification cast into the quick sand of marijuana legalization by the other two established parties, are on the wrong path–completely.  My new party of which I am so far the only member is The Capitalism Party.  And when I speak of capitalism I’m talking specifically about laissez-nous faire capitalism.  The reason is that such a brand of capitalism is the only moral choice for the modern age, and is the absolute best way to defeat all pretenses of statism in all political parties across the world.  Tactically, since it is well-known at this present date that ideologically the world is well involved in World War III I see capitalism as the most effective component to winning that war not against other nationalities, but dangerous collective ideologies.  Capitalism disarms the enemies of freedom in a way nothing else can, so it is my determination that capitalism gets a political party dedicated to fighting not against any machine political rule, any lobby force in state and federal capitals, or the type of tribal chieftains who have destroyed every culture on the face of the Earth with their infantile notions of collective sacrifice—capitalism trumps them all in logic, moral value, and effectiveness and it is time to use it as a means to bring the human race true freedom once and for all.

Very few people know what is meant by laissez-faire capitalism.  The way political parties have established the meaning is in a connotation of greed, wealth, and distorted excess.  It has been ostracized not because it’s bad, but because capitalism is good.  The worst elements of human society have recognized that capitalism favors those with value and makes those without it easily recognized so their objections to capitalism are to prevent those revelations from being seen by the world at large.  Enemies of capitalism have sought to knock out the lights of capitalism just as they were turned on following the American Revolution.  The small period of near laissez fair capitalism emerging from 1780 to 1850 in America brought The United States most of the wealth it currently enjoys.  But it could do more, and many more people could have benefited if capitalism had not been abandoned in favor of socialism and big government fascism.  Laissez faire capitalism get’s its name from the French period of Louis XIV who was the archetypical despot of Europe.  He is certainly not alone in history as there are many Louis the XIV types currently in The United Nations, and current American White House.  There are wheel barrel loads of them on the current Capital Hill in the House and Senate.  There are even more in the court rooms of our free country who seek elected office at some point in their careers to assist in their legal business and establish themselves as advocates of statism by advancing “political pull” as their path to success.  Anyway, under Louis XIV there was the chief advisor by the name of Colbert who believed that government regulations created national prosperity, and that higher tax revenues created economic growth.  It is easy to see where Karl Marx and the theory of Keynesian economics derived their elementary ideas—from the rulers of Europe and early advocates of world statism.  Colbert was not stupid however; he understood that business was important to the country’s prosperity.  Often he would attempt to wine and dine fattening them on the opulence he had access to under Louis the XIV in hopes that they would become willing facilitators of collective success.  This reflects the type of behavior currently seen in American politics and then as in now, businessmen through tokens of appeasement in the direction of Colbert by way of bribes to keep the government off their backs as much as possible, sought to protect themselves from government interference.  Yet one businessman, a manufacturer named Legendre told Colbert that if he really wanted to help industry in France that the government would: “Laissez-nous fair!” meaning (let us alone!)

Those who advocate statism of any kind tend to be mentally lazy, and short on original ideas.  Their desire for statism is to leech off the efforts of the very few who do have original ideas so that they may show the world that they also have value.  However their only means of achieving that value is through collectivism, as they are not able to generate such value on their own.  This is why large masses of people find themselves seduced by socialism, fascism, and hard communism because it takes courage to stand at the front of an idea and to be successful.  Most people do not have that courage.  So like Colbert, they understand that they need the big ideas of those who start corporations so that jobs are provided, but like abusive husbands who fear a cheating wife, they prevent them from having unlimited freedom to disguise their own insecurities, thinking that the they will run away if they are given free choice.  Colbert sought partnership with business in much the same way, and the same holds true to this very day in America.  Government seeks a partnership with business to elevate their moral authority—to fill the empty vessels of their souls with value—not because they want to help advance liberty, or even make people safe.

I have studied history and political philosophy for many years, and all the systems are lacking the type of value I personally have, so I must reject them.  All current political parties can fall under one of the three primary influences known to the world today, socialism, fascism, and statism.  The definitions of these three forces need to be understood adequately.  First, socialism is a theory or system of social organization which advocates the vesting of ownership and control of the means of production, capital, land, etc, for the community as a whole. When a school levy in America is attempting to appeal to the moral authority of their right to take tax money off private property they are functioning as socialists.  The value of the property is for the good of the “community”–the collective whole.  Their premise is that by spending money on children they are investing in the future of the community, but in reality, what is really happening is that public schools are tactically attacking private property by penalizing those who have it, and benefiting those who don’t—such as renters of apartments who have an equal vote, but do not pay an equal share of the taxes.  This is socialism.

Fascism is a governmental system with strong centralized power, permitting no opposition or criticism, controlling all affairs of the nation (industrial, commercial, etc).  This is what the EPA is doing, the ATF, the FDA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Education, the IRS—just name the federal agency, and you will see the definition of fascism clear as day.  Then there is statism, which is the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty.  When a school says they must teach a certain thing to students because “The State” has mandated it, they are indicating that they are committed to teaching statism to students and they expect tax payers to supply the costs of that statism with tax increases.

Obviously our modern society is a mixture of all three of those definitions, and none of those political theories are dedicated to individual freedom, quite the opposite.  Instead, they are 100% dedicated to the idea of “rule by consensus.”  Rule by consensus is the surrendering of the good to the bad so that the murky middle can rule all by fairness.  However, this is only fair to the bad that have little to contribute to society.  The only entities that make a sacrifice under such compromises are the good.  So the rule by consensus ideology that is so prevalent in our modern times is unfair to those who produce and have value, but is fair to those who are scandalous, tyrannical, and emotional despots.  Ironically, in any democracy there will always be more of those types of people, so they will perpetually vote in favor of statism—as they only can gain from such an arrangement.

This brings us back around to capitalism and why I am committing my political philosophy to it for now on.  The definition of capitalism as it needs to be rightly understood is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.  That sounds simple enough and it needs to be, but the idea of ownership permeates every level of society and virtually everything that is seen.  When someone owns property even if it’s just an idea, they tend to take care of it.  When they share the responsibility with others, they neglect the property—its human nature and is as old as time itself.  So to encourage the most value in society that brings the most benefit to the most people, capitalism needs to be the political philosophy most strongly advocated—world wide.

I understand that it will take a long time to make my case.  It may take several lifetimes to change the minds of mankind away from the idea of tribal sacrifice and embrace property ownership.  The planet Earth in 2013 is being ruled by tribal consensus.  Every continent except half the North American continent has a deep history of mystic faith and voodoo beliefs, and the political philosophies have forced their people to live in huts, cramped up housing, and sub par conditions because they have embraced either socialism, fascism, or statism in their tribal cultures from their inception.  Only the United States took a step toward capitalism and the benefits were obvious.  But under the rule of consensus, America has been made to feel guilty and has been expected to crawl on its knees begging for atonement—begging the lethargic buffoons of five continents to impose their beliefs on American success and that has to stop.

In our representative republic of America I do not have anyone who reflects my beliefs not because my beliefs are wrong, but because they lack the courage to defend them.  I will not crawl on my knees for anybody, especially Europe.  And if I’m the only one who thinks capitalism is the proper political philosophy for America, I am fine with that.  But I will continue to make the case for capitalism going forward because only it represents my personal values and does the most good for Earth and everyone on it.  For an example, see The Epcot Center in Disney World for proof and evidence.

There have been a few writers in history who have defended capitalism properly, but not nearly enough.  So I will endeavor to contribute in that area.  Already I have two books with separate characters in Rick Stevens from Tail of the Dragon and Fletcher Finnegan from The Symposium of Justice who can tell a story in mythic form why capitalism is the preferred political philosophy in America.  This is the best way to understand a complex concept.  It may take me the next 100 years to write more stories, and create more scenarios that articulate properly why capitalism is the proper political system that America should function under, but that task is one that’s appropriate to the type of odds I enjoy.  There are nearly 7 billion people living on Earth presently, and I would guess that nearly 98% of those people currently believe that the world’s political philosophy should either be socialism, fascism, or statism.  Yet they are all wrong—every one of them.  Since I do not accept rule by consensus, I am happy to take on each and every one of them in tandem to defend capitalism as the most moral means of political philosophy ever invented and to expose the holes in their corrupted theories in a battle that even though the numbers are dramatically against me, are in my favor by virtue of honesty.  So the time to make a commitment to capitalism is now.

I suppose I’ve always felt this way but what really sharpened my teeth on this idea was the school levy fights I’ve been in and how I had to watch good people whom I knew that were factory owners, developers, and other creators of jobs and ideas cower before the likes of people like Laura Sanders, a radical levy addict in my home school district. I had to learn why, and how. CLICK HERE FOR REVIEW.   Now that I understand the problem, it is time to do something about it. That is why I am starting my own political party that is not dedicated to holding elected office, but in the type of philosophy that built America in the first place, and one that will bring prosperity and freedom to every breathing soul in the entire world.  That is a task I find honorable, and one that deserves top priority and tenacious dedication even if the effort is solitary.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Looters of Lakota Part II: Not surrendering the moral argument to emotional levy addicts

In the April 21st edition of Today’s Pulse Butler County a cheerleading student from my home district of Lakota took issue with my dialogue of resistance against the lecherous tendency of the public school to raise taxes ahead of an upcoming teacher contract in 2014.  The school district has attempted every progressive political trick known to mankind over the last two years and is hungry to pay for their lack of contractual management with further impositions on local property owners.  Since I have been the most outspoken opponent to tax increases in my home district, I am of course the target of their strategies.  CLICK HERE TO REVIEW.

I have covered all the who, what, why, when, and where’s of education funding at this site in great detail, and it is now obvious that education is not about teaching children values, intelligence, critical thinking, and life skills centered on self-reliance, so I won’t continue to repeat the same material as the behavior has not changed in lieu of the presented facts.  Rather, the commitment is deeper, darker, and much more sinister involving people who believe they are operating on high moral ground when in fact they are committing erroneous evils that are impacting lives across the entire world.  Those evils many times begin with letters such as the presumed innocent plea from the below Lakota East cheerleader.  Read her words for yourself as they were written:

Lakota Schools: Balancing from the top of the pyramid

After two strenuous, back-breaking years, the Lakota Local School District is slowly dwindling down to former Little Miami state-run status.  The residual aftermath of three failed levies is hacking and slashing athletics, academics and employment.  However, Lakota is working hard to keep the state’s “top ranking” label. 

Yet with the costly sports and disappearing classes, Lakota schools are nothing to cheer about. 

In response to Rich Hoffman’s letter to the editor, I find it curious how an adult can describe the school district’s budget issues in the same way he describes cheerleaders on the football sideline. 

As a Lakota East cheerleader, I believe it’s not Lakota that is poorly budgeting its resources but rather the lack of support shown by those who fund the team. 

Cheerleaders are there to boost the morale of the crowd and cheer our team to victory.  Like the tax increase supporters of Lakota, we strive for an excellent victory and domination.  Yet, with multiple failed levies it’s becoming harder to cheer on a team that is deteriorating to just a couple of expensive sports fees. 

In regard to Mr. Hoffman, jumping on the bandwagon for lower taxes isn’t getting the township any closer to winning that football game.  Rather, it’s fueling the blow for the team’s next defeat of 45-0. 

What Lakota needs is a healthy dose of TLC in the form of a passed levy.  The lingering effects of the rejected tax increases is leaving our students unattended and overspending. 

As the state’s largest district rated “Excellent with Distinction” on the Ohio Local report Card, one would think Lakota had the fans willing to allow the team to succeed. 

Mr. Hoffman, the levy addicted cheerleaders are cheering in order to pump up the hesitant crowd, not splatter their “mindless drivel” on the already losing football team called Lakota.  Maybe it would be more obvious if Lakota didn’t have to balance its budget from atop a pyramid of vetoed levies and income shortfalls. 

Ellen Kasik

Now, here is my response as it appeared in the same paper one week later on Sunday, April 28, 2013.

I would like to think Ellen Kasik, the Lakota East Cheerleader who wrote a letter specifically addressed to me in last week’s paper, was motivated to engage in a debate purely by her own regard.  If that is the case, I think she makes my claim that kids are not learning anything about finance at Lakota, because she had some alarming opinions. However, if she were to be asked, it would not surprise me to learn that the motivation for putting a letter in this paper was not her own, but actually the work of either Lakota board members, principals, school employees, or “other” political activists seeking to avoid violation of Ohio Revised Code ORC 3315.07 (C) (1) and (C) (2). That particular ORC states that no board of education may permit any of its employees to attend a public meeting during regular working hours for the purpose of presenting information about school finances and activities and board actions, even if the purpose of the meeting is to discuss or debate the passage of a school levy or bond issue. 

Cincinnati Public Schools was guilty of this very violation, three times!  It would be naive to think that the same thing is not presently going on at Lakota.  It has in the past, and the issue has been overlooked out of kindness.  However a fourth attempt at levy passage will require updated analysis of which Ellen Kasik will be a starting point, since she’s offered up her name with a similar mode of operation currently performed in other school districts regarding levy strategies. 

Now to answer the claims by Laura Sanders who also recently addressed me in a Letter to the Editor the previous week.  I can recognize a student at Lakota not understanding that commercial properties pay the same rate of taxes per value as residential properties.  But for Sanders to say such a thing against businesses indicates she is drinking from the union talking points and is short on fiscal knowledge.  I’d like to thank her; she made my job so much easier.   

Rich Hoffman

The probable reality behind Ellen’s letter is that someone either working directly for the school, or working as a favor to their befriended employees at the school as levy cheerleaders put the idea in Ellen’s head to submit the letter to the paper as part of a long taught levy strategy instructed to education professionals to impose tax increases on communities.  It happens all the time, in fact CLICK HERE to read about the court cases attorney Chris Finney has successfully advanced against major area schools that provides explicit proof. I sincerely hope that Ellen wrote the Letter to the Editor on her own, but when truth is told under a similar situation as what Finney has revealed in emails, testimony, and other evidence, indicated at the above link we will discover most likely kids like Ellen are “lured” into such political activism by levy radicals for the purpose of concealing their thuggish tyranny with innocent children.

This is why the fight against public education has to be turned up and taken in a new direction.  The intent of public schools and their levy addicts in using young people to advance their cause is to bend communities to their whim using emotional leverage and guilt to advance their tax increases.  After all, who in their right mind would argue against a sweet little girl from Lakota East who is a cheerleader?  Who could possibly rob such a child of their future by not throwing more money at the public schools?  Well, I can because I know the real intention behind the tax increases, the labor unions who advocate them, and the intention of the government schools.  The crux of the problem is in the reason the public schools have to use such extortive measures in the first place.  After all, if one clicks on the hot links of this article, the story of extortion, anti-capitalist education, revisionist history, and deeply scandalous activity is common place in virtually every public school.  They are not exactly safe-havens for children’s minds.

The advocates of public schools routinely boycott businesses who do not vote for school levies, they strike against the community with work stoppages, they indoctrinate children with liberal propaganda, and they do not hesitate to put children in harm’s way to extort money from the public with busing cuts, or using children like Ellen as scarecrows against the community.  But why?  Well, the reason is their product is bad.  If Lakota were such a great product, would they have to twist so many arms, and attempt to ruin the personal reputation of people who stand in the way of the “institution?”  If Lakota and every other public school were great community products, would they need to strong-arm business leaders, and make ploys at emotional whims through charity organizations?  No, they would not.  The reason that schools do such things is that they represent the worst of collective mentality.  They are simply mobs of thugs who desire to crush individualism in favor of altruism.  They ignore reality because they believe that the thoughts of the collective team can bend fate to the appeal of the masses.

They attack the moral base of reason so that thought is undercut in favor of emotional decision-making.  It is for that reason that public schools cannot balance their own budgets, and are ruled by corrupt labor unions teaching generations of children to become servants of statism while pretending it’s for their own good.  They seek to pass tax increases not on the superiority of their product, but on the guilt that successful people should feel toward a sense of collective unity.  They seek to manipulate, cover-up, and lampoon their opposition since they cannot answer any honest inquiry because their product is bad.  Their product is an emotional one, teaching children the same, which is why all government schools are failing so miserably.  Yet they want more money for the same behavior, and they will do anything, and attempt to destroy any individual to meet the will of that collective desire.

Because of these trends, my focus on education will not be on the legitimate arguments of cost versus performance as they were during campaigns past.  No, the times require new strategies, many of which the opposition has never seen before.  I do not like to see young people used for institutional gain.  I do not like to see individuals mashed into collective causes.  And I don’t like to see institutions extremely willing to sacrifice individuals to the gods of altruism, and that is what is prevalent in public education not just at Lakota, but everywhere across America.  Public education is built off the innocence of children and funded by the guilt of property owners, and that is a system that should be crushed in its present form.  The transactions shown here are just the beginning………………………….

I would be happy to just let the community vote in favor or against a tax increase if the desire to manipulate and extort money through coercion was not the way public schools achieved their means.  But as it stands, they cannot win elections based on the goodness of their product.  Instead, they rely on emotional leverage and guilt.  This makes them not just bad for the education of children, but a tremendous negative for our entire society, which is why they deserve to be exposed as parasites to the human mind and the appropriate title Looters of Lakota.

To see Looters of Lakota Part I, CLICK HERE

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

The Belly of the Beast: Reading ‘Tail of the Dragon’ screaming carpe libertas!

I love reviews of my recent novel Tail of the Dragon like the one below.  It is for readers like that which prompted me to write the book in the first place.  In the letter I see that the soul of a person was touched in the way I had hoped, and invoked the thoughts and beliefs of a time before people grew up and began to “compromise.”  The letter writer tells a brief history of their life as the exploits of the novel’s fictional character Rick Stevens provoked memories long suppressed.  It ended with nostalgia for just one more adventure in life before age robs the body and mind of such yearnings, and every time I hear a story like this, it breaks my heart.  It is for those people who I wrote the story, to give people such an adventure without the risk of their own peril.  By reading the book, they gain the ability to crawl into the lives of Rick and his daredevil wife from the comfort of their bedrooms and contemplate the possibilities written words can paint on their minds.  The villain of many modern lives, especially those over the age of 30, is the long list of compromises that are usually made just to navigate through life.  By the time many reach the age of 40 to 50 they are just fragments of their former selves, and this produces a level of sadness as such people look longingly toward their own past in a yearning to recapture it for just one more time. In the novel, Rick Stevens never compromised himself.  He at times in his life delayed his efforts as there were obstacles in his way, but he tenaciously held on to his course until such a time that his number for a grand adventure was called, and when it did, he didn’t turn away from it.  The Rick Stevens story is one of a man doing anything he can to hold on to his own authenticity, even if the result is death.  This is a powerful motif, one that resonates with many people, and it touches me deeply when readers let me know that they found a part of themselves rekindled by the book.  Here is the letter as it was written:

Thank you Rich Hoffman. I just finished reading Tail of the Dragon. What a great ride. It brought back some of the adventures of my youth. My first muscle car was a ’66 Ford Fairlane GT with a 390. It was red and fast. My friend and I would take either my car or her ’66 Chevel SS and cruise and street race and laugh. We were underage and cute so we would get guys to buy us beer then we’d go off to race. I sold the Fairlane when I enlisted in the Navy. My parents thought I’d spend my entire Naval career in the brig. I didn’t. Only 1 Captains Mast and a couple of close calls and 6 extra months for a Good Conduct Medal. After watching the original Vanishing Point I bought a Super Blue colored 1973 Challenger with a 383. The first car I ordered from the factory. I wasn’t able to get the Hemi I wanted. A pox on your house Ralph Nader.…… had that car for a long time. While in the Navy I had airborne adventures too. As I trained pilots, on the weekends I’d go down to the flight line and see where a plane was going that I hadn’t been yet. During Nam there were lots of planes going lots of places. I got to steer a tactical jet. Eventually I bought a Firebird. It was orange with a white Landau top. It was a nice car but the color sucked and it wasn’t a Trans Am.

Those cars and I had some good times. We drove cross-country several times by our selves. The fastest trip was in my ’83 Challenger. D.C. to Yosemite in 2.5 days thru ice, snow and rain storms and stopping at hotels 2 nights. You only stop when the bladder is full and the tank is empty. We had adventures those cars and I. I received professional curtsey from Texas Ranges, RCMP, NHP& CHP or I’d have a lot of points.

My friends all wanted to get married and have 2.5 kids, a dog, a station wagon and I white picket fence. I always said I didn’t want to be put out to pasture as a brood mare before I had a chance to run some races. I ran several and set some records. Young ladies, there is no need to thank me for opportunities you have now. I didn’t do it for you.

I don’t want my adventures to be over yet but it’s hard to find somebody that will come out and play anymore.

I want to thank you Rich for another adventure.

See a shorter version of this letter at the end of this article and at the Amazon review site:

To that letter writer, you are sincerely welcome.  It is hard to find people who are willing to come out and “play” in these ultra safe times of apathy, political correctness, and attorney driven schematics, so I sympathize.  I understand.  That is why I wanted to give readers Rick Stevens.  Rick is willing to come out and play…………………in a BIG WAY.

There are thousands of reasons that people live their lives like a slow death losing pieces of themselves a little bit every day until their days run out.  I deal with those reasons at this site extensively.  But more than what is ever offered at this site; there is nothing contextually more powerful than when difficult philosophical concepts can be placed within the plot of a story like I was able to do in Tail of the Dragon.  In human societies, we have always done such things, which is how mythology is created.  It is our myths which form up the values of our social behavior.  So to bring to light a problem, the best way I know to tackle that problem is with mythology.

The journey of Rick Stevens in Tail of the Dragon is on the surface a good ol’ car chase.  But mythologically speaking the story is much deeper than that, at least the way I intended it—which is most notable in during the “shopping mall” scene.  For me, this scene for Rick Stevens is his Jonah in the belly of the whale, or Pinocchio trying to rescue Gappetto from the same type of beast.  Rick in the shopping mall is on a psychological level the same type of mythological story telling, the hero going into the belly of the beast to find what society is lacking, which has been consumed by the beast.  For the readers, who have been placed into their own bellies of the beast as they have unintentionally found themselves consumed by the monsters of existence, they must escape, which is the point of the novel.

As a writer I loaded Tail of the Dragon with such metaphors, some spelled out literally, and some quite discrete.  The purpose was to take readers on a journey of their own “escaping their own personal beasts,” so it gives me great joy to learn of such successes.  It is in such journeys that people find redemption even if many years have passed them by and threatened to deliver them to their graves in a suppressed state.  People speak about freedom all the time, yet they seldom realize that before they can have freedom in their lives, they must have it right in their mind.  It has always been my hope that readers of Tail of the Dragon can re-learn what freedom is and experience it for themselves in Rick Stevens struggle.  For the letter writer above, this was the case.  So for that person, the thanks go both ways.  Yet the adventure doesn’t end there.  Hopefully for that person there will be many more times that “someone” will ask them to “come out and play.”  It may not be Rick Stevens, but there will be others………………….

5.0 out of 5 stars A great ride and a great read. April 24, 2013
Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase
Tail of the Dragon is a great ride. It brought back some of the adventures of my youth. My first muscle car was a ’66 Ford Fairlane GT with a 390. It was red and fast. My friend and I would take either my car or her ’66 Chevel and cruise and street race and laugh. After watching the original Vanishing Point I bought a Super Blue colored ’73 Challeger with a 383. I couldn’t get the Hemi I wanted because of a Birkenstock wearing crusader. A few years later I got a Firebird. All these cars represented freedom to me. The freedom to live, to breath, to think.

That’s what Tail of the Dragon is; a tale of freedom. The freedom to live. The unbridled political ambitions of a Governor backed by the police union set Rick up. He is thrown in jail and abused ending his romantic weekend of motorcycle riding with his wife. Rick is given the opportunity to fight back against the abuse. With his friend Charlie’s help, great craftsmanship, creativity and inventiveness they turn his old Firebird into a bird of prey. Rick and Renee declare war on the vampires sucking the life, soul and freedom from the citizens of Tennessee in the name of public welfare, public safety and the public good. What follows is a tale of the fight for freedom and liberty against all the odds.

Ride with Rick and Renee in that red Firebird as it flies through the Smokey Mountains screaming carpe libertas!

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Congressman Thomas Massie: What a Washington politician is supposed to look like

I normally spend a bit of effort when  I’m filming video making it as interesting as possible with depth of field changes, camera rotation, and any other means of capturing a still image—especially during a public speech.  But during the Cincinnati Freedom Expo I had put out the notification to readers of my Overmanwarrrior’s Wisdom blog that they were welcome to come up to me and say hello.  I wore my traditional hat so that readers would know who I was, and the result was a constant stream of readers who took me up on my offer.  The result was that I found myself away from the camera for most of the evening, so I missed some of the stage movement while filming speakers like Congressman Thomas Massie as seen below.  The camera work was not my best, but the audio captured from the event was classic, so much so that Matt Clark of WAAM radio used some of these video clips during his weekend show.  Massie as a sitting congressman has a reputation for voting NO on Capital Hill bills which has earned him the derogatory diagnosis of a politician who doesn’t understand “compromise.”  Yet upon listening to Massie, it is not hard to wish that every politician in Congress thought the way he does.  He appears to be one of the very good guys in politics and his speech was like a pleasant breeze on a comfortable spring day.  Check it out for yourself.

Thomas Harold Massie (born January 13, 1971) is an American politician who has been the United States Representative for “Kentucky’s 4th congressional district.”  In 2010, Massie announced his intention to seek the office of Lewis County Judge Executive; he went on to defeat the incumbent by a large margin. In 2012, Massie announced his run for the seat most recently occupied by Congressman Geoff Davis. On November 6, 2012, Massie defeated Bill Adkins in both the special election and the general election.

Thomas Massie was born in Huntington, West Virginia. He grew up in Vanceburg, Kentucky and met his future wife, Rhonda. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[1]

In 1993, at MIT, he and his wife started a successful company, called SensAble Devices Inc.[2][3] Massie was the winner in 1995 of the $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize for inventors.[1] The company was re-incorporated as SensAble Technologies, Inc. in 1996 after partner Bill Aulet joined the company.[2] They raised $32 million of venture capital, had 24 different patents, and 70 other employees.[4]

After Massie sold the company, he and his wife moved back to their hometown in Lewis County. They raised their children on a farm,[3][5] where he built his own off-the-grid timberframe house.[6]

In 2010, after attending several local political meetings in Lewis County, Kentucky, Massie decided to pursue the office of Judge Executive of Lewis County, in order to fight what he considered wasteful spending and intrusion into the lives of the county’s citizens by the government.[3] Massie won the primary election, defeating the incumbent by a large margin,[3] and went on to defeat his Democratic opponent by nearly 40 points.[7] Massie also campaigned for then-U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul, speaking to various Tea Party groups on his behalf.[3]

In December 2011, Congressman Geoff Davis announced his decision to retire from his seat in Kentucky’s 4th congressional district. After several other officeholders announced their candidacies for the seat, Massie announced his decision to join the race on January 10, 2012.[8] Massie has been endorsed by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky,[9][10] and Rand’s father, Texas Congressman Ron Paul.[11][12] He has also received endorsements from FreedomWorks,[13] Club for Growth,[14][15] Gun Owners of America,[16] and Young Americans for Liberty.[17]

On May 22, 2012, Thomas Massie was elected as the Republican nominee for the 4th congressional district, beating his closest opponents, State Representative Alecia Webb-Edgington and Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore, by a double-digit margin.[18][19] In his victory speech, Massie thanked “the Tea Party, the liberty movement, and grassroots Ronald Reagan Republicans.”[20] Massie was challenged by Democrat Bill Adkins in the general election, and was widely expected to win the election by a wide margin.[18][21]

Since being sworn in, Massie has voted on and co-sponsored several key pieces of legislation, including voting against the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, otherwise known as the NDAA,[32] and co-sponsoring legislation in favor of industrial hemp,[33] and repealing federal gun free zones in schools.[34] Massie also voted against the fiscal cliff deal, stating “This plan is Washington kicking the can down the road […] The modest spending cuts agreed to in the 2011 debt ceiling deal are postponed by this bill. This bill does nothing to reform our bloated tax code — in fact the bill perpetuates Obama’s failed stimulus spending within the tax code. Finally, it fails to address entitlement reform or the solvency of Social Security and Medicare.” [35] Massie also broke from the majority of his party by opposing the reelection of Speaker of the House John Boehner, instead casting his vote for Republican Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan.[36]


Thomas Massie represents the type of man who is supposed to be in congress.  As a free and independent thinker who was wealthy before ever stepping into office known forever as the inventor and proprietor of SensAble Technologies, being a politician for Massie is the way it should be for every congressional district in America.  Massie has talent and wisdom to offer based on a thus-far successful life, so he is not prone to the pressure of Congressional leadership attempting to force his vote in a whip, or to toe the line as a non-thinking representative of the 4th District.  Congressman Massie is what every member of congress should look like and after a few years of service, they should leave their congressional seats and return to their businesses.

Congressman should not hold a seat to earn the sizeable check or hold office for 20 to 30 years.  They should never seek to become wealthy off lobbyists.  They should 100% of the time vote their minds no matter what party they are from, and should never—EVER—vote as a compromise to collective democracy.  NEVER!  They should never allow their arms to be twisted in a way that their minds reject.  They should never be told how to vote, as was indicated by Massie during his speech.  There should never be a table of people who have read a 2000 page bill instructing congressman who have not read a bill how to vote.  To do so is to surrender the American representational republic to a thuggish mass driven democracy.

Out of the whole event at the Cincinnati Freedom Expo, out of all the wonderful speakers, it was Congressman Massie who spoke to me most clearly.  It was his words as a sitting congressman who confirmed much of what many already suspected.  Congress is corrupt beyond repair due the current trend allowing the philosophy of congress to be one of emphasis on democracy instead of a representative republic.  The former will slowly destroy itself as a mass of collective minds never succeeds, and cannot direct society in a positive direction.  Only independent minds committed to uncompromising truth can do so, and in the fog of the day, it is congressman like Thomas Massie who represents the best and brightest of how congress should operate.

Listening to Massie speak for me was the highlight of the evening, and worth the effort of the entire event.  In a simple 20 minute speech Massie summed up the goals of the Tea Party movement and displayed what is right in government so all could see what it is supposed to look like.  I appreciate all the readers here who approached me to talk and converse in person.  If I was distracted during Massie’s speech, I apologize because I was really enjoying what he was saying.  Congressman Massie represented not only the 4th Congressional District of Kentucky that evening of April 19th 2013, but the hearts and minds of millions of Tea Party Patriots who are hungry for honesty and clarity in a representative republic, perhaps for the first time in American history.  It’s not that the Tea Party wishes to return back to the yesteryear of a bygone era.  The American Constitution was manipulated and corrupted by incomplete minds and power-hungry politicians from the very start, so America has never fully been what it was designed to be.  But people like Congressman Massie are excellent examples of what America should be, and is what the Tea Party expects in elected representatives.  The people who the Tea Party must fight are those who would attempt to paint good people like Massie as radical extremists of “uncompromising” integrity.  Anyone who utters such a thing is a contributor to the looters of modern America, and villains to the lives of billions of innocents across the Earth.  Because as freedom lives or dies in America, there is no light left on Earth for any hopeful being to wake up and live on their own terms but in the shores of The United States.  And such hopes for such dreams are carried on the many strong backs of representatives like Congressman Massie and many thousands of less glamorous souls attending the halls of the Northern Kentucky Convention Center.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Rich Hoffman on WAAM with Matt Clark: Why compromise is EVIL

Matt Clark from WAAM had me on his Sunday afternoon radio show to discuss the Cincinnati Freedom Expo at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center on April 19th 2013.  Matt had come down from Ann Arbor, Michigan to attend the event and meet with me personally.  As a bonus, he had the opportunity to also meet Doc Thompson from The Blaze radio network also in attendance.  The three of us have been on a kind of collision course for a long time as we have each fought our own portion of the battle for modern-day freedom independently.  The Freedom Expo was a chance for us all to meet on the same evening at the same place, as most of the time we have spoken primarily over radio airwaves.  So Matt took advantage of my invite to come to Northern Kentucky and be a part of the freedom festivities.  After a fabulous evening with a lot of color in dialogue spewing forth from multiple sources, Matt invited me to come on his Sunday show immediately following the event as Doc Thompson drove him back to his hotel at 2 AM.

A theme of the evening was the influx of young people who are now migrating to the Freedom Movement in large numbers.  As the founders of the Tea Party are aging, even though they started that way, it is the young who are beginning to find that the Tea Party is the only voice of reason available to them, as the political machines who handled America before their time have mismanaged the country toward statism, which has done a tremendous disservice to entire generations.  Matt Clark was certainly in that demographic.  CLICK HERE FOR MORE EXAMPLES.

One of the topics we discussed was the speech by Congressman Massie where he described how poorly congress prepares for their votes, and how arm twisting was common place in order to force consensus.  On many levels, we all know this goes on, but it was surreal to hear a sitting congressman speak about it so openly, and matter-of-fact.  That type of behavior has contributed to most of the evils young people fresh from their educations have to contend with as they graduate college to find a world that has hung  perilous debt at their feet.  Those educations have instructed them to “feel,” first and embrace their compassion for all life, leaving them totally unprepared to deal with the problems of our modern age which require logic to solve.  The education institutions have completely failed young people teaching them all the wrong skills for not only running government, but their own lives.  This has given inquiring minds no place to turn but to the Tea Party, which was born out of the kind of apathy Matt played in the Massie clips during our interview.

For those who have destroyed the world with misguided strategies of collectivism the pieces are laying about everywhere, and the minds of mankind is struggling to find out why it’s happening.  Bright minds with eyes willing to see notice the warning signs in the movies of our age, songs, literature, video games, and virtually anyone who still prides themselves of thinking.  But everyone gets the summary of the problem just a little wrong, because the true evil consuming America, and the world at large is the misguided premise of compromise being the guiding light of the current civilizations of planet Earth.  Compromise has ruined America and given young people no place to go or hope to cling to.  In virtually every business, every political endeavor, every relationship the word “compromise” is thrown about as if it were a gospel of almighty thought, yet it is the destroyer that has robbed young people of their future potential.

This realization hit me during Matt’s broadcast when he played the Massie clips.  Audio over a radio is more potent because like a book, it forces the mind to paint the picture of what is being said, as opposed to the visual senses providing the information like a baby eating from a jar a of baby food.  The evil that Massie was speaking about in congress is the same evil that is ruining schools, businesses, and all government activity–the evil of compromise.

Compromise is sold as an altruistic form of goodness, so the idea that compromise is the root of all evil is certainly an alien one to most people.  When Massie told the story of the GOP leader who instructed him he could vote the way he wanted “this time,” that was an attempt to “compromise” with Massie so that it would be realized that there would come a time when the vote was more important to vote the way leadership instructed—as a collective unit.  This astonished Massie, because as a congressman, he was willing to do the work of reading the bills he’s responsible for.  It was an insult to him that the GOP would expect him to vote any other way but the results of his thinking mind.  This is because the machine politics of the GOP desired “non-thinking” compliance to the collective order of the right leaning political party. They expected Massie to collect his tax payer funded check and to vote the way he was told, and this has been going on for decades.  It’s certainly not a new phenomenon.

Compromise is evil because there is only one right answer in any given argument.  A thief cannot be a thief by themselves.  First someone must produce something of value before the thief can steal it.  In such a relationship only the person who has something of value losses anything.  When the thief attempts to take all or a part of the valuable something, they call it compromise.  The producer calls it theft.  Barack Obama and other socialists call such an act “wealth redistribution.”  But the intention is the same in all cases.  When a drunken uncle asks his straight as an arrow brother to go into business with him as a partner, the brother says yes out of obligation to his sibling, because he may feel sorry for the drunk.  But once the two brothers are in business together, the drunk has little to offer leaving the straight business partner to do all the work. The success of the business rests completely on the straight business partner while the drunken uncle can only gain from the relationship. If the business fails, the drunken uncle returns to his bottle, but his brother’s reputation may be ruined forever from the failure.  This is why Matt and I began our broadcast with the 53% comparison that was made so famous during the Mitt Romney campaign.  It is well-known that roughly 47% of the country does not pay federal taxes.  But 53% pay for 100% of the country’s needs, and I am proudly one of those 53%.  Yet I find myself in an unwilling partnership with those leeching 47% who refuse to manage their lives, or conduct themselves with productivity, because it is easier to “compromise” with me through votes in the government to steal my wealth for their gain.  These arrangements are made possible because of scenarios like the one outlined by Congressman Massie at The Cincinnati Freedom Expo.

Compromise is not good, because always the value of one thing is reduced when portions of it are divided up and consumed out of a dedication to fairness rather than the truth.  Those who fear the truth are always those who reserve the right to compromise with someone else so that they earn value in their life by the act of compromise.  But the compromise of right to wrong comes from a value somewhere, and it is always from that value that something is stolen.  This is why the political landscape of modern America is considered so immoral, and ruthlessly decadent.  People like Congressman Massie are expected to compromise their beliefs for the benefit of the collective GOP.  Such a compromise makes the collective sum of congress better off the efforts of Massie, while Massie comes away from such events less than what he was in the beginning.  In the compromise, Massie had something to give while those representing all the incorrect answers had only to gain from the Congressman.

This is the reason for the increases in young people who wish to join the Tea Party with greater numbers.  Young people have been lied to, manipulated, and tricked into compromises from before they were even born by the kind of leeches who whisper in Congressman Massie’s ear on how he is expected to vote.  Young people are learning that there are no answers in either political party for them.  They are looking for something else.  They are looking for a chance, and they won’t find it in the present system of statism that is built around the premise of compromise.  So they are coming to events like The Cincinnati Freedom Expo in greater numbers, because they are tired of it.

When Matt Clark says on his radio show that he is intending to “Save the Republic” one show at a time, he means it.  As one of those young people, he has no illusions that anything current politicians utter are any greater than a terrible lie.  When that realization hits, a person has only a few choices, they can dig a hole and hide their heads, or they can start to fight back to take what is rightfully theirs.  In the case of the second option it is “compromise” that starts the corrosive process that delivers human beings into slavery, the kind of slavery young people all across America are currently chained to.  What makes people free is their ability to think, and when the mind is robbed from a person through compromise, or dedication to collective causes they have lost their freedoms in the worst way.  Matt understands this, and it is through his program on WAAM in Ann Arbor, Michigan that he is dedicated to stopping such intrusions, one broadcast at a time no matter how wonderful the weather is outside.  Because the fight is worth it, and fortunately Matt is no longer alone in a wasteland of compromise built by generations of fools who placed their values in the wrong strategy of saving the world by destroying all the good in it so there wouldn’t be any opposition to evil ending conflict for all time.  It is now time to stop compromising with evil, and to stare it straight in the eye and dig our fingers into its sockets with a ferocity that it has never seen popping out their ability to have vision, and fill that empty socket with spittle, and declare, “That is the new way that the good ‘compromises’ with evil!”

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

Doc Thompson at The Cincinnati Freedom Expo: A new age of radio at The Blaze

Doc Thompson’s speech at the Cincinnati Freedom Expo had for me a tinge of sadness even though it was electrifying in delivery.  It was sad because before he spoke two men had stood on the stage for a moment as giants in the radio business, at least locally within the Cincinnati area.  The man who introduced Doc Thompson was Brian Thomas of 55 KRC who is a wonderful person and has been with the liberty movement from day one.  He does a show from 6 AM to 9 AM every weekday morning that has done much to fan the flames of freedom over the years.   Doc Thompson just over a year ago worked with Thomas at Clear Channel Radio but as fate would have it is now part of a national show on The Blaze radio network that Glenn Beck has started which utilizes the Internet in ways that are innovative and pure from a moral standpoint.  My sadness came as I thought of all the battery operated radios I have had over the years where I would listen to AM radio at all hours of the day and night learning infinite amounts of information from minds communicating over vast distances to be received in the privacy of my own home.  Even as a young child of 8 years old as I turned on my radio to listen to WLW at 2 AM in the morning careful not to get caught by my parents for violating my sleep, I felt the privilege of being an American with access to such stores of knowledge passing over invisible airwaves.  As an adult I have participated in radio as a frequent guest and used the power of debate to articulate complicated arguments that are most successfully framed in such a fashion.  I love radio, and some of my best friends are radio people because we share the value of such thought freedom.  Unfortunately the reality of knowing too much is the result of such relationships, and this was the cause of my sadness as I watched Doc speak during the following clip.

The radio as it is today is dying.  It is being replaced with Internet radio, phone apps, and much more powerful and free means of communicating that stand to end the powerful rule of radio as controlled by the so-called public airwaves.  My sadness is that I like Brian Thomas at 55 KRC a lot, and I feel that within the decade his job at Clear Channel will be in peril as the kind of leap that Doc Thompson has made with Glenn Beck will change the world in a way that has not yet been foreseen.  Doc and his producer, long time friend Skip are truly on the cutting edge of technology with their all Internet radio show on the powerful Blaze Network.    Doc’s style of radio is traditional American with copious amounts of humor.  Doc like Glenn Beck likes to tackle stories that are very critical of the government, and it is the government who runs the FCC, Federal Communications Commission.  Under the First Amendment this should be no problem.  But radio people will testify privately that they have the same problems with the FCC as controversial figures often have with the IRS.  It is well-known that when controversial, small government types put a light on themselves, the risk of being audited by the IRS goes up dramatically.  The IRS is not shy about imposing themselves upon targets under the laws they helped shape to “inconvenience” the lives of the people they audit.  The threat of IRS audits is enough to change human behavior to stay away from any conduct the IRS might not approve of.  The same kind of performance goes on with the FCC.  If a radio station does not do enough “balanced” content a radio station is often audited by a FCC regulator and this can spell big trouble for a station trying to stay in business with ad sales and any revenue streams they can manage offering free content over the airwaves.  This is a hidden tyranny that few know about but those who are close to the business.  For instance, hypothetically speaking of course—perhaps a radio station provided too much content attacking public schools as incompetent and that the government took notice deciding they wanted to crack down on the station for “unfairly” targeting public education.  The concern is that public education is a shared government program, so the FCC activists seek to crack down on the violating station providing their government co-workers with a little help.  They audit the station’s programming and determine that the program director needs to provide more opinions from both sides of a political debate even though only one side represents the truth, and is accepted by the listening public.  Offering false progressive oriented information just to appear “balanced” has a negative impact on the listening audience whom the station seeks to appeal to in order to sell advertising space.  But failure to comply can mean the revocation of the FCC licenses for the station.  This is how the media has become so liberal over time is through this type of activism on behalf of the FCC.  The same content challenges come on television, and producers of content have had to learn to dance around the regulations to appease auditors.

The government grabbed this control with the Act of 1927 where the Commissioners had total power over the fate of professional broadcasters.  They did this in the fashion that they always do, by declaring that the airwaves where in the “public interest.”  From the outset public radio waves as quickly as they were discovered, or rather invented as a means for utilizing through technology, was taken over by government statists like President Herbert Hoover who declared in 1924, “radio communication is not to be considered as merely a business carried on for private gain, for private advertisement, or for entertainment of the curious.   It is a public concern impressed with the public trust and to be considered primarily from the standpoint of public interest in the same extent and upon the bases of the same general principles as our other public utilities.”  Hoover was of course wrong and was being influenced at the time by the global push for communism which had infected Europe.  To stave it off from the education institutions in America, Presidents like Hoover tossed sacrifices to the statist oriented big government progressive advocates in return for peace; much the way station directors do for FCC auditors in the present time.  The result has been a gradual erosion of the First Amendment from day one in radio and this is why I was sad watching Doc Thompson speak.  It wasn’t for Thompson that my heart went out, but for Brian Thomas and the station he works for that struggle with the FCC.  Doc Thompson who is now working for Glenn Beck is totally free of that FCC drivel which should have never been put in place to begin with.

The Internet is driving big government types insane with worry, which is why there are constant attempts to tax and regulate the Internet which in its current state is the perfect example of laissez-faire capitalism.  The government starting with Al Gore has tried to lay claim that it was he (government) who created the Internet so that they can hope to build in the minds of society the moral means to create some modern form of the Act of 1927 allowing the FCC to regulate Internet content and put a stop to all the free expression that goes on because of the unregulated content where competition crushes bad ideas, but encourages creativity.  It is because of the Internet that blog sites like this Overmanwarrior’s Wisdom site can thrive and bypass the regulated controls of newspapers and television.  It is because of the Internet that Doc Thompson now has the potential to reach listeners all over the world instead of the meager power of a radio station throwing information to the airwaves controlled by the government.

So far, the government has not been able to control the Internet with a moral argument that has duped the public, and it is driving them absolutely crazy.  As of this writing the CISP (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) passed the House of Representatives by a 288-127 vote, receiving support from 92 Democrats. It will move to the Senate and then to the president’s desk. That bill has been proposed in the same spirit as the Act of 1927 and is a gateway for the government to regulate Internet usage and information exchange.  The Internet powered by new media like blog sites, YouTube and Internet radio like The Blaze hosted by Doc Thompson has far more power than any FCC controlled business because good ideas will be accepted by the public, and bad ones will be flushed out the way capitalism is supposed to work under a laissez-faire system.  The FCC has harmed the flow of information in an attempt to control the behavior of on-air content in the same way that the government has destroyed the economy, through tampering, meddling, and coercion.  Because of the FCC Brian Thomas cannot say whatever he wants whenever he wants to, and put at risk his reputation to his listeners if he believes the risk is worth the reward.  For him, the decisions are already made.  He can discuss content in a certain way so that he does not violate the FCC license of the company he works for.  If he crosses the line, because of the license renewal process, management can reel him back under control, and this is the direct result of government intrusion into broadcasting.  CEO’s and other managers trying to keep their professional broadcasting companies operating, have learned to stray to the political left in order to keep auditors off their backs and keep advertisers secure.   To understand how serious this situation is watch this broadcast between Doc Thompson and Matt Clark on WAAM radio in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Doc Thompson now on the other hand only has to worry about Glenn Beck.  Doc is free to do and say what he pleases and the risks are completely on his shoulders.  For instance, when Doc shared the hallways of Clear Channel with Brian Thomas during the fall of 2011, Doc would wrap up his show each day with a five-minute segment “What have we learned today.”  It’s a fun segment that allows for a lot of humor, and is an aspect of his show that his audience enjoys.  On The Blaze network Doc and Skip do over 10 minutes of the segment and have a tremendous amount of fun doing it.  Most of the segment is deeply critical of modern government and the outrageous hypocrisy that is often associated with institutionalized sacrifice.  Doc’s show has only been active since January of 2013 and is quickly growing in numbers.  After listening to Doc now for a couple of months and noticing how it has evolved, the success of it is a foregone conclusion.  It is successful because it follows the rules of laissez-faire capitalism and will soon crush the kind of radio stations that I have grown up listening to because the FCC will not allow direct competition.  The government has declared itself owners of the airwaves and have put themselves out of the emerging market.  It is because of the FCC that the Internet is a thriving, vivacious place of anything and everything at any time a day, the way the American economy is supposed to be.  For instance, last week my Jacuzzi had a heating element that went out in it, so I took the removed part up to a pool specialty shop where they told me they couldn’t find a replacement.  Discouraged, my wife went to Ebay and looked up Jucuzzi heating elements.  She found a match for our tub that was $22, about $40 cheaper than I was expecting.  She ordered it, it arrived by UPS and I installed it within a few hours.  The tub was back up and operating again in no time at all while I was in attendance watching Doc Thompson’s speech.  Ebay is a dynamic market driven supplier whereas the carefully controlled regulated pool store could not help me get what I needed.  If not for Ebay, I may have had a really difficult time getting a new heating element.  The same kind of flexibility is what is happening to the First Amendment in public broadcasting.  The old radio business model is dying, whereas the new one represented by Doc Thompson is growing rapidly.

The sadness I felt at Doc’s speech wasn’t so much in that the old radios of my youth were becoming extinct.  It was more like witnessing a young child who was born and immediately had its legs cut off so that it could never run away too far from mother government and had just now been seen for its handicap.  Such a comparison was only noticed in a side by side analysis.    The FCC put the clamps down on free thought in a direct reaction to the great communist threat coming from across the pond, and what America ended up with was broadcasting which reflects the mixed economy of our present society—full of diversity, and content, but always possessing a subtle reminder that America could do better, have more, and reach much loftier heights.  It’s the thought one has who visits Disney World and sees that there are wheel chair ramps up the Swiss Family Robison House in Adventure Land which reminds viewers that the ADD had their input on the creative impulse of such capitalistic endeavors represented eloquently in amusement parks.  More and more listeners of radio programming are switching to Doc Thompson on The Blaze radio network from 6 AM to 9 AM Monday through Friday to hear the unregulated truth separated gleefully from the long arm, and nanny state FCC.  Shows like what Doc Thompson and Glenn Beck are producing on the Internet is what radio should have always been. But radio never had a chance, because of the government’s innate instinct to behave as European statists devoid of logic, encapsulated by a mask of goodness, only to discover the roots of tyranny were uttered in the well-intentioned words of Herbert Hoover which created the Great Depression prevailed.  The Internet is all about laissez-faire capitalism and this has never been truer than the wonderful work Doc Thompson produces each day in thought, humor, and news delivery.  His show can be heard anywhere in the world where the Internet can be received and is the future of America and the continuous pursuit of freedom.

Make The Blaze radio network your one stop source of streaming news and entertainment.  Click the link below to listen:

Click here to see just how powerful, and how many people are listening.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”

The Cincinnati Freedom Expo Speech by K Carl Smith: Ending modern slavery to a government master

One of the most inspiring speeches at the 2013 Cincinnati Freedom Expo came from K Carl Smith founder of the Frederick Douglass Republicans.  Smith as a father and grandfather is an unyielding defender of the Constitution, who has been deeply inspired by the Founding Fathers—a message that has the political left terrified.  As a man of color, Smith has taken the very bold steps of declaring his individuality of thought into advocating his beliefs which unfortunately is unique among African-American demographics who overwhelmingly support the current president Barack Obama not from principle, but due to skin color.  K Carl Smith during his speech to a crowd of thousands was a breath of fresh air as he proudly set the record straight on a number of misconceptions not just related to race, but the little known history of Fredrick Douglass which many in the African-American communities of today are deliberately prevented from learning about in government-run schools.  Such an attempt would logically appear to be one not much different from when slavery in America was practiced, as slave holders attempted to prevent human beings from learning to read, so slaves would not gain the mental capacity to advance their social position.  In the absence of thought, human beings of all color regulate themselves to collectivism and tribal behavior.  Public schools, especially in inner cities are more committed to political preservation and demographic bloc votes than lighting up the young minds of millions with the truth about Frederick Douglass.  That is………..until K Carl Smith came on the scene in 2009 with a message that threatens to ignite a revolution of conservatism in African-American circles and truly end the kind of education slavery that is currently under way in the world of politics.

Frederick Douglass (1817-1895), was an American abolitionist, orator, and writer, who escaped slavery and urged other blacks to do likewise before and during the American Civil War (1861-1865). He was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, the son of a slave. In 1838 Douglass escaped slavery and reached New Bedford, Massachusetts. Following an antislavery convention in 1841, he became an agent of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. His work for the Underground Railroad, a network that helped slaves escape to free areas, did much to further the cause of the abolitionists and made his name a symbol of freedom.

In 1845 Douglass went to England to escape the danger of seizure under the Fugitive Slave Laws. His lectures on the question of slavery in the United States prompted his admirers to raise funds to purchase his freedom. After returning to the United States in 1847, Douglass became the leader of the Underground Railroad in Rochester, New York. There he established the abolitionist newspaper North Star, which he edited until 1860.

During the presidential election of 1860 Douglass campaigned for Abraham Lincoln. Following the outbreak of the American Civil War (1861-1865), he helped raise two regiments of black soldiers. After the war, Douglass fought for enactment of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. He later served in governmental positions, including U.S. minister to Haiti (1889-1891).[1]

Douglass supported the Republican Abraham Lincoln who finished the work started by Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers in 1770 when Jefferson represented a slave in court arguing for his freedom stating “Under the law of nature, all men are born free.  Everyone comes into the world with a right to his own person, which includes the liberty of moving and using it at his own will.  This is what is called personal liberty, and is giving him by the Author of Nature.” Tragically Jefferson lost the case.  In 1772, he also argued a similar case.  In 1773 and 1774 a number of American colonies, including Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, passed antislavery laws, all of which were struck down by the King in 1774.  That year according to David Barton in his book The Jefferson Lies, Jefferson penned “A Summary View of the Rights of British America.”  His purpose was to remind the British that legitimate American concerns were being ignored—one of which was the king’s veto of American antislavery laws.  Jefferson wrote, “The abolition of domestic slavery is the great object of desire in those colonies where it was unhappily introduced in their infant state (by Britain).  But previous to the enfranchisement of the slaves we have, it is necessary to exclude all further importations from Africa.  Yet our repeated attempts to effect this…have been hitherto defeated by His Majesty’s negative (veto).”  It was the King of England at the time who imposed slavery on America against the will and desires of people like Jefferson who inherited his slaves.  As considered property he could not release his slaves to the world to be free, but he could allow them to reside as such on his real estate—which was how many abolitionists were forced to conduct their rebellion against the King and England’s pro slave policies.

Anti-slavery was one of the key reasons for igniting the American Revolution, and if that act of rebellion had not occurred, it is most likely that slavery would still be openly practiced throughout the world.  The Founding Fathers started the dialogue and created the means for patriots like Frederick Douglas to escape slavery and help self-taught politicians like Abraham Lincoln get elected and fight the second part of the American Revolution, the final nail in the coffin of slavery, the Civil War.  It was capitalism that set the slaves free in the north by creating a Constitution that allowed for laissez-faire capitalism.  Machines, innovation, and improved manufacturing techniques allowed the north to show the world that production could be obtained without statism and forced breaking the chains of enslavement on the human mind for the first time in the history of the world, and the revolution of which Frederick Douglass participated in by helping Lincoln become President was one to wipe the last remnants of European slave culture off the North American continent once and for all.

However, jealous Europeans settled America after the War of 1812 and determined to end American independence with education instead of guns—as the later did not work as the British were again defeated in 1815 for good by Andrew Jackson and a band of hearty pirates lead by Jean Lafitte (c. 1776 – c. 1823)  These Victorians entered New England and brought with them the work of Karl Marx and a not so disguised notion of new slavery through the destruction of capitalism in favor of a political system that would preserve European domination of the world through socialism.  As Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln worked to free the slaves, European socialists immigrating into the United States seeking work as educators sought the return of all human beings to the psychological chains of socialism.   The chains of slavery had evolved simply from literal chains to the mental ones of progressivism.   The intent of both was to control the thoughts of mankind in service to collective ideology.

When K Carl Smith spoke in his speech about modern slavery, this was his frame of reference.  When racism is used by the political left and progressive groups to hold as a rally cry historical revision completely made up by left-leaning educators to hold the demographic voting bloc of African-Americans they are practicing modern slavery that is little different from the slavery practiced by the American South sanctioned by the King of England prior to the Revolutionary War.  When public education deliberately attempts to manipulate history, or deny knowledge to young people, especially young African-Americans so that they will vote for Barack Obama because of skin color and loyalty to civil rights causes ignoring the obvious commitment of the American President to socialism, they are guilty of modern slavery.  The practice of teaching revisionist history is no different from the slave owner who prevented their slaves from learning to read so they could keep them ignorant, and thus dependent on the master for their life and earnings.  Any political group that attempts to hold the mind of another in a suppressed state is guilty of slavery and in modern politics, it happens all the time.  This is what K Carl Smith is fighting against, the modern slavery of suppressing the human mind from thinking, and knowing history and the realities of the American Constitution.

When a statist regime, such as what the current American government is, attempts to pay women to have babies, take control of their health care, their financial resources, and even their housing, the government is performing the same task as the slave master who tells their slaves that it is they who puts a roof over their head, feeds them, and gives them life.  The slave master can continue this only if they keep those slaves from knowing the truth, from learning to read or interacting with other minds.  The ghettos of inner cities are in the state they are not because the people who live there are free, but because they are still slaves.  The real shackles and whips that were used in the past to draw blood have been traded in for ignorance preached in public schools, and financial dependency which arrives in their mailboxes in the form of a check from government.   In this way, the chains are not needed, because the minds of the slave have been suppressed so that they never stray too far from their mailboxes, where the money arrives.  In return, the slave holding government gets not labor, but votes so that they can continue to stay in office for the same intimidating reasons that the King of England denied Jefferson the abolition of slaves in 1770.  The goal of all statist governments is to convince their slaves to do their labor under coercion for the strategic aims of the ruling minority.  The slaves can be literal, or figurative, but the behavior and aims are all the same.  K Carl Smith is preaching against modern slavery, and is using the example of Frederick Douglass to bring freedom to all men and women of all colors, and it was a pleasure to hear him speak.  He is a wonderful advocate of freedom that is performing a monumental modern feat that is in essence the third step of removing slavery from the world.  K Carl Smith is attacking through his Frederick Douglass Republicans the notion that slavery of a human being is not being done today in the traditional sense, but through the human mind, and real freedom begins and ends there.  It is his effort to break that slavery once and for all in the African-American communities and for that he is a modern hero that will earn a place in history comparable to the giants of history hitherto mentioned.

Read more at K Carl Smith’s website Williams

[1]Encarta® 98 Desk Encyclopedia © &  1996-97 Microsoft Corporation.

All rights reserved.

Rich Hoffman

166701_584023358276159_1119605693_n“If they attack first………..blast em’!”