Why you should not be a Soldier, a College Student, or a Gang Member: The Crushing Weight of Collectivism

My daughter and nephew had some interesting discussions with me over the Memorial Day Weekend that I felt deserved sharing with my readers here at the OW. Their comments are the same that everyone thinks, but fail to identify and it starts with a simple question—why do I feel the crushing urge from society to squash my soul into some type of conformity, and why is that urge allowed to do so?

All during the Memorial Day holiday we celebrate the soldier slain—who gave up their lives so that we could have freedom. We celebrate their collective sacrifice so that we might live. While traveling during this holiday it can’t be mistaken that many so-called motorcycle riders travel in packs down the highway riding in formation with a leader at point. Families gather and social peaking orders manifest into their hierarchy of established seniority. The middle-aged parents sacrifice to care for their elderly parents. The young parents sacrifice to care for their infant children and the youth are seeing their individualities being slowly destroyed and forced to yield to these forces of nature—the reality and maturity of adulthood where compromises are to be made in favor of the collective whole.

The soldier who cannot figure out what to do with their life joins the military to delay a hard decision and hopes to get opportunities in funding college later, because college is so expensive. When the young soldier steps off the bus and into basic training they are given a short hair cut and told to wear the uniform of The United States soldier. Their drill sergeant makes fun of their parents, their loves, and their individuality in an effort to push out individual desires in favor of service to others—into collectivism. The military makes a soldier out of the young person in basic training with a well established formula. The soldier is supposed to learn to follow orders without question.

The young student who gets wonderful grades in school and loves to make their parents happy goes to college and is urged to sacrifice their individuality in favor of a collective by selecting an occupation for life that serves society whether it be an architect, an engineer, an attorney, or a doctor. Their professors will over the course of four years impose the values of the collective upon those students. If a fraternity or sorority is involved, the student will yield much of their individuality to group brother and sisterhood through similar humiliations that destroy the sanctity of the individual as the soldier endures through basic training. Thus you see the source of 90% of society’s modern social problems where legions of lost adults parade about taking jobs that pay moderately well, but at a cost, the loss of their individuality and love of personal freedom. This is why most people in society follow the mandates of socialism even if privately they claim to abhor such collectivism. The motorcycle rider believes they are bastions of individuality as they travel in packs and dress in leather which is a look established by the collective will of “motorcycle riders.” The soldier is told thank you for your service, even though inside they won’t reveal that they ran in front of bullets on command from their superiors because they were more afraid of disobeying orders than of dying or being maimed. The soldier does not have the luxury to consider that their “orders” may actually come from some former dope smoker such as President Obama as he sits with his feet on a desk trying to sneak a cigarette hit behind Michelle’s back. Because the solider has been “trained” to do what they are told without question, and they are told this is honorable, even though inside there are moral dilemmas.

Then there is the middle-aged college graduate who finds themselves drinking too much just to feel relief from crushing social weight. On one hand there are their elderly parents and the lifetime of serving their expectations. Then there are the expectations of their friends and neighbors. Then there are the expectations of their own children, and the desire to steer those children into a life of comfort so that they might have a better life than the middle-ager. As the middle-ager drinks and feels the tinge of numbness coming from the alcohol, they know that what they must do for their children is relieve that “crushing weight” that my daughter and nephew were specifically speaking to me about. So they attempt to guide their children into one of the paths mentioned, the soldier, the college student, or even the gang member. The young child is told to join a group and assimilate, and that process brings much pain to the child that causes a period of rebelliousness, body piercings, tattoos, malicious sex, tumultuous relationships and other catastrophic conditions as the individual yields to the crushing force of collectivism.

I told my nephew as we watched children playing nearby that society goes wrong because it is schizophrenic. On one hand we teach our children individuality from a very young age, we care for and nurture them as individuals and embrace them as unique creatures in the field of space and time. The toys we give them are designed to bring out and establish individual thought, cognitive ability, and rationality skills. But as the child gets older we begin to pull those traits away from the child leaving it a husk of its former self. This leaves the typical teenager a shell of its built up potential which it seeks to fill with collectivism, encouraged by the parents.

The crushing weight my daughter and nephew were talking about was the organism of collectivism to consume the lives of individuals in order to sustain itself. Collectivism in itself is a consuming entity just as the sun through nuclear fusion consumes hydrogen nuclei, or fire consumes oxygen. Collectivism can be seen as an entity that consumes individual human lives to feed its voracious appetite for destruction. As I explained to my nephew, to the organism of collectivism it regards the consumption of individual lives with the same regard that we consume beef at our dinner table. We don’t consider the life of the cow we’re eating, we just eat it. We don’t care what kind of life the cow had at the pasture, what it saw and learned in its lifetime, we only care that it was born, and was slain so that we might eat it. Collectivism looks at human existence in the same fashion.

It is assumed that collectivism is superior to individualism, and it is not. Without the efforts of individuals, there would be nothing for collectivism to consume, and it would die of starvation. All advancements in civilization were done by the few who broke through these temptations of collectivism and brought individual talents to develop new aspects of human existence. It was they who endured and carried on their backs the crushing weight attempting to compress them into service of the collective. As I told my daughter at a McDonalds while we were traveling during the weekend—don’t avoid that crushing feeling. Learn to carry it, build up your strength so that you can push back.

A technically “good” father might tell their child to yield to the collective so that the pain would go away–the invisible monster that consumes the lives of individuality with a brainless hunger. Most of society is in service of this monster, so I’d be lying to her, because there is a pride to be had in surviving that gauntlet of conformity to arrive at a place few people ever reach, a feeling of independence and self-reliance that is provided by The United States Constitution. Sadly very few Americans fully grasp that the freedom we are protecting is not the freedom to “serve” society in any way—but the freedom to live, think, and feel as we teach our very young children, before we pull the rug out from under them with notions of conformity.

As I told my daughter and nephew, until more people push back knowingly against all types of collectivism, the crushing weight they are feeling now in their early twenties to adhere to the great beast’s wishes will be overwhelming. And when they feel it, they must not seek to alleviate the pressure through alcohol consumption, because it causes the loss of wits, or sexual depravity, because it causes a loss of personal pride—of a strength needed to push back against that crushing weight. I explained that I always pushed back against those forces with the ultimate weapon that collectivism despises, I’d read, and fill my head with thoughts, and if my kids wished to maintain themselves into adulthood, that they will make a point to keep their minds full and active and their spirits uplifted; but to never look to collectivism as a pain relieving redemption. The act of avoiding the pain is the first step toward the complete destruction of the individual. It is the individual who holds the keys to mankind’s ultimate survival which cannot exist fully until the beast of collectivism is slain entirely.

Even though most everything stated in this article goes against what most people learn in their lifetimes, it doesn’t make it incorrect, the facts of collectivism cannot be ignored. Most of the misery people feel in their lives comes from this schizophrenic duality of collectivism consuming individualism, and the desire for individualism to live and thrive free of collectivism. The two do not go together, and cannot be mixed like mashed potatoes. The choice must be made and it’s not an easy one. But to make it correctly, all one has to do is look into the eyes of a child, and there they will see their own fates and everything they were ever meant to be, but lacked to courage to live out.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice.

Rich Hoffman

Real Estate at Lakota: The Beauty of Captialism shown at Costco

I truly do feel sorry for the real estate agents who used to look at the school districts of Lakota, Mason and Fairfield, Ohio to help sell their homes. Because the housing bubble collapsed, and values have plummeted back to reality, it has forced many to look at other aspects of their communities for value beyond the schools, because communities are not just for young families just beginning their lives, but are for the adults who still remain long after the children have grown. And that reality has been difficult for many to grapple with as the changing economic situation has forced a re-evaluation of many values.

To the neurotic parent who believes that their child is somehow the responsibility of the community to raise and care for, or the real estate agent who wishes an easy home sale off such neurotic parents, your luck has run out, and you are learning that the world in fact did not revolve around you like many thought the sun once did around the earth, but that it is you who serve the community. You are not unwelcome. We do want you to sell homes, and we do want you to buy them. We also want you to enjoy the shopping, the restaurants, and the businesses that make up our community, but you must understand that it is the earth that revolves around the sun—and this is a devastating realization for the selfish school levy supporter.

I have never said once that Lakota could fail as a school during my fights against higher taxes. I have always expected Lakota to be among the best in the state even if at its very best it will fall well short of my personal standards since it thrives as an institution of collectivism, as all public schools do. But I have said that the cost of public education should be cheaper while the quality remains high. An example of what I expect from Lakota and Mason is for them to learn from the Costco business model where that wholesaler is able to offer all its products to customers at a 15% reduction on average, which is the job of its purchasing agents. Costco still offers excellent quality products, but at a much lower price than most anywhere else, and in public education this should be the goal.

I was thinking of Lakota while I was at Costco with my wife the other day, and I realized that if Lakota were to remain a great school in these changing economic times, it would have to find a way to lower its costs while still providing a superior product. That is the name of the game, and the success of how that game is played will dictate the future real estate value of our communities. High taxes just aren’t attractive to new buyers who may not see the kinds of value increases that took place in the Southern Ohio since the 1980’s.

I often wondered how long people thought real estate values would escalate as they have over the last 20 years. When I was in high school gas was under $1 per gallon and a $100,000 home was a mansion. These days $100K doesn’t buy you much of a home and gas is close to $4 dollars per gallon, all in just a very short time, which points to the mismanagement of the economy by the government in general. The home expectation in the Lakota School District is that the costs should be at least $250K to $500K and that simply isn’t sustainable. Home buyers are realizing that there just aren’t enough buyers to drive up the cost of their homes making the property ownership a good investment that outpaces the taxes with levy approvals. This means that once a buyer buys a home, they may not be able to sell it for more than their purchase price even if the school is excellent. So other aspects of the community must be made more appealing, such as lower tax costs, and a more business friendly community with less red tape from meddling trustees and zoning boards.

It’s not because I’m old that prices are so much different today. It’s all about inflation, not just at the Federal Reserve, but of the perception of what we get out of the investments. Many baby boomers have thrived with the low-interest rates and plentiful jobs America had through the 90’s when Bill Clinton and all his scandalous ways operated with a Republican house and senate to balance the budget and maintain that the era of big government was over. This was Clinton riding on the coat tails of Ronald Reagan’s economic policies of the 80’s and Alan Greenspan’s handling of the Federal Reserve.

During this time, there was a lot of money to be made, and baby boomers made it by selling properties and buying new properties with the equity of their investments building fortunes with foundations as stable as a house of cards. Greenspan was a very devote fan of Ayn Rand and was part of the Objectivism circle she had in New York, and even with the influences of a mixed economy, and a gradual push for more and more socialism in America, Greenspan held the economy pretty well together until his departure in 2006. That is when Ben Bernanke took over and by 2008, America slipped into a recession as a number of economic bubbles simply collapsed from years of pressure.

The criticism of Greenspan was that he was naive as to the sheer greed of individual investors and corporations who were prone to take the money and run instead of behaving like Reardon from the classic book Atlas Shrugged, or the principles of Howard Roark in The Fountainhead, both novels that Greenspan loved dearly. But such greed is due to other social factors and not the merits of capitalism, which are directly derived from weaknesses in a mixed economy, with a bit of capitalism sprinkled here and there for show and tell, with socialism making up the structure. As Greespan pushed for privatization of Social Security and other government programs, Democrats pushing socialism prevented those discussions, and the spending spree of the Bush Administration caused Greenspan to use every economic trick available to hold off the inevitable bubble from collapsing. But without Greenspan, Bernanke was no match, and the real estate bubble burst and the nation has plummeted into a depression.

The greed of the self-interested wither it be the Bilderberg group of world financial powerhouses using Bernanke to their ill intentions, or the desire of socialists like President Obama to collapse America under a George Soros plan to destroy America and give rise to a one world government headed by The United Nations where scoundrels and cut throat politicians like Bill Clinton is positioning himself for a key position within that new government, the rules have changed. It can no longer be taken for granted that just a few economic tweaks will solve all our problems, or a company can simply hire a lobbyist in Washington to fend off the political looters from stealing all their corporate profits.

Real solutions are needed in this modern age beyond just shuffling money from one place to another.  During the time of Greenspan residential real estate was sold almost exclusively on the school system it resided in, and now that has changed. Teachers unions not recognizing the changing economic factors continued to strike and make labor threats to drive up their wages, because they saw an opportunity to capitalize on the real estate trends. At Lakota the average teacher wage in 2001 was around $45K per year. Now just a decade later the wages are $63K per year yet nothing changed other than a strike attempt by the teachers in 2008. The service is the same, and the expectation of the community has not altered.

But those days are over. Now a community must actually work to keep itself solvent, and homes must improve on their actual value based on the merit of their competitive market circumstances, and not just the school systems they reside in. School districts themselves must do like the district governments, and that is keep their tax signature low so not to scare away investments. Local governments should not be naive on the opposite end of the political scale as Greenspan was toward private business and not properly accounting for the greed of a collective, which with all the protests members of the political left launched at Greenspan and President Reagan, they have shown to be just as greedy as the average Wall Street looter. The teachers, the fire fighter and the police officer have been just as ravenous as the executives of Enron or the Ponzi scheme of Bernie Madoff. The greed of the mob on both political sides has burst the bubble of the American economy, and now we must all survive.

Lucky for the districts of Lakota, Mason, and Fairfield, there is time to make adjustments before they end up like the have-beens of Sharonville, Princeton, and Reading. The schools could be removed from the economic equation and these areas would still be wonderful places to live because of their location and quality of living. The thing that would kill these areas in the future is in allowing themselves to be crushed by high taxes, which would then push those economies into Monroe, Trenton, and back to Middletown, which was devastated once before by the labor problems at A.K. Steel and the diminishing industry there. The solution for all these communities, particularly Monroe Schools, who is currently on an academic emergency is to take a page from the Costco playbook and find a way to offer the same product with the same quality or better, but with a 15% reduction in cost. If schools embraced that concept suddenly many economic factors would fix themselves with a fury. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is a stubborn refusal to see the obvious—because greed stands in the way of reality in the minds of the public educrat.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice.

Rich Hoffman

My Favorite Drink “Mello Yello”: The story of stuggle, tenacity, and exceptional quality

While it is true that I have a passion for many things, what I put into my body is of paramount significance. In this day and age of many types of foods and drink there are many varieties, however, when it comes to beverages there are really only three that I consume, water, milk, and the soft drink Mello Yello.

I have a very long and complicated theory that I’ve entertained for years which states simply that people who tend to like the soft drink products of Pepsi tend to be the same type of people who are currently in the “OCCUPY” movement. They are as the marketing campaigns state, part of “the next generation.” They are the leftists, the Marxists, the socialism advocates of our society in general. People who enjoy Coca Cola tend to be more conservative, enjoy tradition, and lean-to the right of the political spectrum. So I have always enjoyed Coke over Pepsi. It has a bit more bite to its taste and I like the marketing of the product so much more than the hippie diatribes of Pepsi.

My life, especially during the 70’s and 80’s was often said to be a living Mountain Dew commercial, which if you remember back, was always action packed. Mountain Dew was marketed as an adventurous drink, so their commercials always had people doing daredevil like stunts, which was intended to be a compliment to me. The problem was Mountain Dew was made by the Pepsi Company, which I had even back then wrote off as a company that pandered to hippies. So when the Coca Cola Company came out with Mello Yello to compete head to head with Mountain Dew, I naturally took to that beverage as my choice. I enjoyed the citrus drinks better than the caramel tasting colas, so Mello Yello was an instant hit with me which started as a rebellion against Mountain Dew and everyone trying to push me toward it because of my lifestyle being so similar to the marketing campaign of the Pepsi Company.

Mello Yello made great strides to overtake Mountain Dew all through the Reagan presidency culminating in its use as a sponsor in the Tom Cruise classic film Days of Thunder which captured two of my favorite things, Mello Yello and my need for speed in the same movie directed by the great Tony Scott, Ridley Scott’s brother. (Much more on Ridley Scott later—as I am absolutely drooling to see his new film PROMETHIUS) Because of Mello Yello’s appearance in Days of Thunder, and the fact that Coca Cola is a powerful company in Atlanta, Georgia, NASCAR and the South in general have embraced Mello Yello and never let go all through the Clinton years of the 90’s. But up north, Mello Yello phased out losing ground to Mountain Dew and it began to become difficult to get.

Coca Cola had failed even with all their efforts to penetrate the Mountain Dew market and began to rethink their drink. In the northern United States they completely pulled Mello Yello off the shelves and replaced it with a drink called Surge, which was the prototype of the modern energy drink. So I moved to Surge rather than Mountain Dew just out of sheer protest, but I missed my favorite drink, Mello Yello badly.

Surge sales never really got off the ground so slowly Mello Yello was reintroduced and the restaurant chain Chick-fil-A began to carry it in their stores as they started to move into more free-standing buildings as opposed to just shopping mall food courts. This was much to my delight because I travel a lot through the south and whenever I found myself driving to Florida I made a point to stop at the Chick-fil-A in Dalton, Georgia for breakfast just so I could get Mello Yello in a fountain drink. I had always liked Chick-fil-A as a business also, but now my loyalty to them was full-proof. It is because of this loyalty that Chick-fil-A plays such a prominent role in my upcoming novel Tail of the Dragon, as a tribute, and thanks to them for keeping my favorite drink, Mello Yello alive in the south.

Right around the turn-of-the-century Mello Yello was showing up at gas stations all over the southern states, so I’d buy up what I could to take home with me for my private supply, because you just couldn’t get it in Ohio. Eventually my wife met an Indian family who ran a convenient store and they promised her that they could import Mello Yello for me to my home in Liberty Twp so long as we bought just from them.

This went on for a number of years before Walmart, and Kroger began to stock it again, as Mello Yello had moved back into the market in the north. Thankfully I can now get Mello Yello just about anywhere I go. To this very day I have one every day for breakfast and it is a pleasure every time I pop the top of a can to drink one. It is one of the few beverages that I truly enjoy. Of course I like the taste, and it is a product of my youth as it came on the market during that impressionable time, but now for me it’s a symbol of perseverance, and a reminder that if something can stick around long enough, that it always has a chance to re-emerge, even if a competing idea tries to crush it out of existence.

Many times since its beginning Mello Yello was on the ropes and ready to be pulled off the market as Coke executives were frustrated with their efforts to overtake Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew was so entrenched with the youth in America because of their successful marketing campaigns that Mello Yello even with the movie endorsements and clever ads of their own could not get a steady foot in the market. But I never gave up on Mello Yello, and at times I think I may have been the only one in all of Cincinnati that was drinking it. But it stuck around, and now it’s back and can be found almost as readily as the other soft drinks.

Like most things in my life, I am very particular about what I like and don’t like. I am not one to compromise, so when Mello Yello was not available at my local store, I drove south to get it, or found someone who would ship it in for me. But I did not go to Mountain Dew just because it was convenient or similar in taste. I avoided it out of  rebellion and went to great expense to obtain my chosen alternative, primarily because I viewed the Pepsi Company as the company of The New Generation. I like the Coca Cola Company because of their old-fashioned, traditional ads, their Christmas campaigns in particular, their ability to capture markets like McDonalds, and Chick-fil-A, and I like their sponsorship in events like NASCAR. As a company I think they are world-class, and I stood by their product Mello Yello even in the hardest of times out of sheer loyalty. But every day I enjoy at least one Mello Yello and I am very thankful that I can, because it was not always easy to get. It’s always been worth it, because to me, every one of them is special, made more so due to the struggle just to survive in a market place that has been very competitive.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman

YOU ARE BEING WATCHED: The real life version of the novel “1984”

Best-selling author Glenn Beck and best-selling author Brad Thor along with many others speak in great detail just how bad our privacy has become in America.  Do yourself a favor and take the time to watch these videos so you can understand the reality of the situation.  While you watch these clips keep in mind that the government’s behavior is all funded by your tax dollars.  You still have control, for now.  But lack of action on your part will bring about a complete police state within a few short years. 

It’s here right now, and it won’t get better without your action.  Now, make sure to share this with a friend or family member so they can learn about this very important topic! 


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice.

Rich Hoffman

Police State in Ohio: “Tail of the Dragon” cover is revealed!

There are 88 counties in the State of Ohio, yet there are 900 police departments all who participate in the “Click it or Ticket” campaign over the Memorial Day weekend for one reason—revenue enhancement! This “Click it or Ticket” initiative is a nationwide endeavor and the federal government is spending millions of dollars promoting it with expensive ads and marketing. It is sold to the public as a “protective” measure from big daddy government, but is in fact a diabolical infringement of the freedoms Americans enjoy and over time gradually deprive liberty from drivers everywhere with small increments of advancing the construction of a complete police state. Darryl Parks of 700 WLW covered this issue in the video below as I joined him to reiterate the amount of police departments there are in Ohio that have only one purpose—to tax motorists in another scheme to pay for the increases of government by giving all those police department employees working something to do.

In my generation I have watched the gradual erosion of resistance that has taken place in respect to “The Law.” These days’ young people think nothing of DUI check points, or “Click it or Ticket” fines because they’ve always seen them, and were recently indoctrinated in their government schools to blindly follow orders. So when ODOT puts out an ad stating that the fines they are collecting for violations are for the safety of society, it is failed to recognize that a cleaver scam has just been perpetuated. Police departments have managed to sell “nothing” to the public by charging society a fee to keep them “safe.” Gradually year after year more police departments have been created and to pay all those employees states have had to rely on more regulations so they can fine motorists to pay the salaries of so many police officers.

The police unions have done a good job helping this process along by vigorously promoting themselves as useful advocates of “safety” and attacking any politician who does not “support law enforcement.” This has led to tremendous amounts of pandering from public personalities, particularly those in the legal profession because these increases in regulations created by comb-over politicians, enforced by cops, and processed by the courts have made great livings for lawyers who need revenue from the massive amounts of DUI cases, traffic infringements, and safety violations like “Click it or Ticket.” Then once those court cases have concluded the parasitic insurance companies can then raise their rates since they have a non competitive oligopoly granted by the politics of their state through mandatory purchase. If you want to drive, you must have insurance, which guarantees insurance companies in states a share of business for every driver on the road, so there is little incentive to keep their rates low to meet the needs of their customers. Government guaranteed these companies income from every motorist on the roadways, and it is the cops who help drive up the rates through regulation enforcement.

What has happened is that so many regulations have been passed over the last 20 years that were disguised as “safety” for the public, but were in actuality funding mechanisms for the public employees and the parasites who feed off misery—such as lawyers, insurance agencies, and ad companies doing work for ODOT. Darryl is 100% correct; the American people let it happen. On Memorial Day, and coming up on July 4th we celebrate our fights for freedom in America but right in front of our faces these freedoms have been eroded away into tyranny. We should not be pulled over at check points to verify that we have on our seat belts. Government is not our parent and we are certainly not their children—their loyal subjects. When a person considers that there are 900 police departments in only 88 counties in Ohio, it must be questioned why so many cops are needed. Of course the Fraternal Order of Police will say that it is for public safety. They use the same type of line that the teachers unions use to protect their members, which kids deserve a chance to succeed, so more teachers are needed—as if parents had nothing to do with the process of raising a child. Cops are sold as protectors of our safety, but they are actually tax collectors and they have full authority to carry out the whims and back room deals made by corrupt politicians who pander to the mobs of lobby power in order to soak from the American citizen every last dime that can be taken without actually squeezing the life out of the victim.

I feel so passionate about this issue that I wrote a novel about it, because I recognized as Darryl stated that we have allowed it to happen, we stood by idly and allowed a police state to grow right under our feet. To me the most alarming aspect of those 900 police departments in Ohio is that under the NDAA Act President Obama signed into law on New Year’s Eve this last year, those departments actually represent a military force that can become activated under martial law, which is declared by the president just by his whim, so the situation is rather serious, and I don’t wish to just sit by and let it happen with a whimper. So I wrote a book that has a story exploring all these aspects mentioned above and what would happen if a person decided enough was enough, and decided to “fight back.” After three years of writing and securing a publisher, the book is about to be released and it was just the other day that I signed off on the cover designed which you can see below.

It is healthy to push back and question the law and the legal systems tendency to soak citizens for everything they have. Violence is not the answer, because the power is already in all our hands. All we have to do is learn to say “NO” to all these gradual increases in government expansion and make no mistake about it, police forces are government expansion. They are not your friends, or your parents when they pull you over to make sure you’re “behaving safely.” They are arms of corrupt politicians. The community cop in your neighborhood is only as good as the laws they enforce. Do you dear reader think that the politician who made all the laws these COPS are enforcing are good people, or are themselves thieves who use those 900 police departments as their personal sledgehammer of extortive revenue enhancement to embark on their diabolical schemes?

I think you know where I stand and if my readers here think that I dislike the manipulation that goes on in our public schools, they haven’t seen anything of the anger that I feel for the tyranny I see in our police departments and their tendency toward terror disguised as safe keeping. “Click it or Ticket” as a campaign is the symbol of a freedom that is evaporating from American life-like a puddle of water on a hot July morning before the sun has hit it. The water disappears slowly, not even perceptible to the mind’s eye, but a person who has looked at the puddle at 8 AM then leaves, and comes back again at 9 AM will find that the puddle is gone, evaporated before our very eyes, consumed by the heat of the sun and the elements of earth. And our freedom is no different, it is evaporating one cop at a time, one ticket at a time, one lawyer at a time, one judge, one insurance agent, one PR spokesman, one politician at a time till eventually there will be nothing left, and the people of America will wonder how the “Police State” came to be and why they let it happen. At that time, everyone will have forgotten the “Click it or Ticket” campaign because that will seem mild compared to what’s coming.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice .

Rich Hoffman

Arne Duncan Promises Money in Cincinnati: Another scandal at Lakota pushed under the rug

As Lakota Local Schools attempted to put out the fire of more inappropriate contact between a substitute teacher at Lakota West and a female student, “educrats” from all over The United States gathered in downtown Cincinnati to discuss how to improve education. In Southwestern Ohio a quiet battle has been raging that many didn’t even know had started. Those on the battlefield knew very well what was at stake. Public schools have been underperforming for years leaving children empty shells of propaganda going into their adulthoods and the teachers led by their labor unions have charged too much to do it. Tax payers have began to say no to tax increases on their properties that are losing value faster than nighttime temperatures in Antarctica. Suddenly the entire public education system is being exposed as an industry of looters, a simple service oriented government bureaucracy as useless as an attendant at the license bureau.

Over the last two years there have been many groups that have pushed back against the high cost of these service jobs in education, and have properly pointed out the broken nature of the funding structure which acts like a parasite on property owners. It is disgraceful for tax payers to learn that the teachers and administrators they are employing in their districts are making on average over $60K a year, and getting terrible results among the student population. Then it has been learned that the teachers are having sex with the students in great abundance, the service of the public employees to the public has not been good—it certainly hasn’t been worth $60K per year. In the Cincinnati region the news has been national with the largest and wealthiest districts like Lakota having serious troubles with scandals that have very much damaged the credibility of public education as an institution.

So it came as no surprise that the 2012 Labor Management Conference in downtown Cincinnati focused on transforming the teacher profession with over 600 people from 40 states attending consisting of school superintendents, board presidents, and union representatives to “collectively” unite the teaching profession. Even Arne Duncan the U.S. Education Secretary under Emperor Obama came, and among all those people not a single one was a productive citizen. Every single one of them are parasites to the economy, meaning they live off tax money without directly contributing to the nations GDP. So the essence of the gathering in Cincinnati was to put out the fires that have been raging against public education and to get control of the situation before that fire spreads to the rest of the country.

Of course at this conference all these “professionals” were told that they were critical to the futures of American children by the union leaders–so the educrats were all drinking the Kool-Aid. I know this because I saw the types of key words people use to find my articles and suddenly on Wednesday and Thursday this past week the popular search word, “Rich Hoffman No Lakota” came up over 150 times, and that hasn’t happened since March when the Enquirer story came out blowing open my scandalous comments calling levy supporters “latté sipping prostitutes.” So the buzz was on to deal with the “educator haters” of Southern Ohio, which to the labor representatives present I’m at the top of their list. But that is the “unofficial news” not intended for the papers.

The news that did make the papers in the propaganda arm of the Educrats public relations was that $700 million dollars in federal education grants are coming to the area, which is designed to alleviate the short-falls happening by local funding refusals of property tax increases and cuts of state contributions to districts. This is supposed to be a good announcement, as though the federal government was going to swing in and save public education from itself, and their high employee costs. All the participants of this conference are social parasites of tax money and they forget that the money coming from the federal government is tax money too, still provided by the people of the states. It’s simply a shuffling around of money to make the labor leaders happy and willing to work with the school superintendents for a couple of years while the anger toward public schools calms down.

To help promote districts of the area that are struggling, like Cincinnati Public Schools, which is suffering from declining enrollment, yet there are plans to go for another tax increase in November of 2012, public recognition was given. CPS was lauded for its ability to “collaborate” with union leadership and school administration. Arne Duncan stated, “unions and school leaders are getting along better these days, in part because they realize that American schools need to ramp up education or risk losing economic and political standing in the world.” The trouble with Arne’s statement is that his concern is in fulfilling the requirements of his boss Emperor Obama and the commitment to Agenda 21 for the United Nations, so global standards are the context of the statement. But for the people of Cincinnati, the parents of the 33,000 students at CPS just want their children to have a job—a real job. Not a government created job like the 600 people at the Labor Management Conference. Those aren’t real jobs; they are service jobs like a waiter at a restaurant, or a bagger at the grocery store. Real jobs make the food that is served or placed in the bags. The service job simply mediates between the product and the consumer. The focus of the 600 attendees of the labor conference presided by Duncan is to create more service oriented employees as products of their schools, and figuring out a way to consume more tax money to get it.

The climax of this Conference was the announcement that 50 parents, teachers and community leaders in Cincinnati will head to Columbus on May 30th to protest Ohio’s unconstitutional school funding system. When I first heard this news, I thought addressing the unconstitutional funding structure in Ohio sounded like a good idea, until I learned who was behind the announcement. A group called Prepare the Future of Southwest Ohio is paying for the 58 seat bus transporting protestors to Columbus and a group called Strive Partnership is supplying the food. These groups are working with Progress Ohio, the progressive political organization of Ohio, and the Ohio Federation of Teachers. So the attempt is a show of force by organized labor to extort more tax money from the state because local communities are refusing to increase taxes on themselves.

The trouble with “properly” funding education positions, and the reason these public employees and their minions of parental supporters are taking these measures is because they have seen the future and if the states leave the funding to the local school districts voters are going to force down the cost of education and these progressive “educrats” know that voters will reject more and more tax increases when it comes directly out of their property value. So the parasites at the 2012 Labor Management Conference know they are doomed with school funding unless they can get the money for their extraordinary pay checks out of the state where tax payers can’t see so clearly how the money is spent. When Scott Sloan asked me on 700 WLW why I don’t join up with these types of groups to solve the school funding problem I answered that these employees aren’t interested in the same thing that I am. I want to see education become cheaper. I want to drive down the cost per pupil. These educrats simply want to maintain the wage structure they were promised when they moved into an education profession, where they could be paid on average over $60K per year, cash in their personal days, work 9 months out of the year and have all holidays off, then retire at 55 only to be rehired the day after to become a double-dipper. They wish to maintain the scam. I wish to fix it for good by driving out all the looters of education. By my definition every one of the 600 attendees of the 2012 Labor Management Conference are parasites to the rest of America, and every one of them could be removed from their jobs because they could afford to spend two days in Cincinnati talking about nothing, to achieve nothing, and intend nothing but smoke and mirrors with an attempt to reframe their social argument.

That is why I will not go to Columbus with these educrats to speak in their favor to legislators in order to obtain for them more loot allocated toward public education. The $700 million that Arne Duncan is throwing at these labor leaders and administrators is equivalent to throwing some bloody meat to a pack of wolves. It will only appease the parasites for a short time before they are hungry for more. By then, Arne and his education employees across the nation hope that society goes back to sleep and forgets about the scam they are attempting to perform in broad daylight right in front of all our faces. But it won’t work, because just like them, the opposition is recalibrating our message as well, and they won’t like the result.

So no matter how much protesting they do, or how many meetings they indulge in, people like me will continue to report every scandal, every accounting error, every fault they perform with the intention of driving out the weak leaving behind only the strong and employable. The way to end consumption by a parasite is to take away what the parasite eats, and in the big business of public education, they eat money. And according to police in West Chester, the substitute teacher’s inappropriate contact between him and the female student was not sexual or criminal, and has been turned over to the school to deal with. So we’ll see what they do about it, even though they will surely attempt to keep it under the carpet. But they won’t be able to, because the public owns the carpet, and I’ll make sure we pull it up so we can see what’s underneath. And we’ll do it while all the educrats are at meetings patting themselves on the back and planning how to save the world—using our money to do it.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman

The Best Transformer Costumes: Opening the new Tranformer 3D Ride at Universal Studios

I know what I want for this Halloween’s costume, the Optimus Prime outfit seen below at the grand opening of the new Transformers 3D ride at Universal Studios in Florida absolutely rocks!!!!  I want one!!

The don’t make them any better than that!


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice.

Rich Hoffman

Reds Pitcher Aroldis Chapman Arrested: Behold the Superman

I listened with a level of fascination to the public outcry over Aroldis Chapman’s recent arrest for excessive speeding and driving without a license after being clocked going 93 miles per hour on I-71 on his way to the airport to pick up his girlfriend. The very same people who sit in the stands and cheer the Reds relief pitcher throwing fast balls up to 105 mph and is nicknamed the “Cuban Missile” because of his national heritage, turned their backs on the supposed reckless antics of Chapman during his late night run across Ohio to meet the flight schedule at the airport.

I can speak with complete authenticity that I understand Chapman’s situation, as I have been in precisely the same circumstance many times. As I’ve discussed here many times, I love to drive fast. In fact it’s the subject of my upcoming novel Tail of the Dragon, and the theme of that novel almost mirrors exactly this situation with Chapman. So I have to comment on this issue which I feel very passionate about.

Many of the weak and timid minded—the types of people who lobby to create some of these ridiculous speed limit laws in the first place think that 90 mph is fast—and it’s not. It’s only fast compared to their slow, cumbersome minds. I drive that fast in our family mini-van, and I don’t think anything of those types of speeds, and I have not come close to crashing in over twenty years. So with a car of the quality that Chapman was driving, a Mercedes built easily for speeds of up to 150 mph, 90 mph is not a problem. While behind the wheel of a car like that, Chapman is in no danger to anybody, not even himself. I’ve driven faster than that for many of the same reasons, and I find it appalling that people are making such a big deal about Chapman’s need for speed.

This arrest of Chapman is a great example of how the laws of our society reflect the level of tyranny politicians have injected upon the human race. The speed limits are set to the soft minded of our people, of the lowest skilled, and pander to their slow reflexes and timid natures. Our laws do not encourage such types to think faster, to become better to adapt to the world around them—the laws pander to society’s weakest links in the same manner that everywhere in our modern age there are parking spaces reserved for the handicapped and physically ill. The intentions of such laws are out of compassion to the collective whole, and the average of that collective is brought down to a ridiculously low level of tolerance because the weak links of society bring down the standards for all of us and that simply isn’t fair or representative of freedom.

I have never been able to live within the speed limits of society. I find the limits the rest of civilization places upon itself to be mind-numbingly dull and ridiculously slow. The complaints I heard about Chapman were that he might have killed someone, and that he was behaving as though he were above the law—and each of those statements drove me closer to an eruption of anger that I haven’t felt for a number of years. Those who complained about Chapman’s speed and behavior are the same kind of people who have pushed for the overly regulated world that we currently live in. Government serves those docile personalities who are too lazy or apprehensive to compete in the rest of the world with those who are better than they are, who are faster, and who are stronger. It is those complainers of Aroldis Chapman who have brought socialism to the United States pushing capitalism into a dark corner of our social tapestry.

Many athletes find it very difficult to turn off their superior reflexes and talents when interacting with the rest of society in normal life. On the football fields and baseball diamonds of professional sports fans pay their tickets to see these superior human beings compete on the field of battle and they are cheered on for being who they are—for being what God created them to be to the maximum limit of their talent. That is why they are being paid such large amounts of money because the professional athletes are the first handers of society; they set the pace everyone else strives to achieve. The second handers are those who sit in the stands and watch the players play their game, they are the ones who cheer on the superior athlete to accomplish what they as second handers cannot.

In sports it is the fence that protects the second handers of society from the first handers on the field. Or on TV, it is the TV screen, or the radio that protects the masses from the superior men and women of athletics. When I heard the panic reaction from society about Aroldis Chapman’s excessive speed, I heard fear from society in wanting the assurance that they are protected from the interaction of the first handers. They want assurance that the laws created to protect the second handers will protect them from the superiority of Aroldis Chapman and the other superior minded human beings who stand above the rest in talent and intelligence.

When looked at in this way it is obvious why society has so many laws, and that is to protect the life of the second hander from competition. When I have passed by other highway drivers at double their speed I can feel the hostility from those drivers as they peer at my disappearing vehicle. They wonder why I can’t drive as slow as they do. What do I have to do that is so important that I can’t wait in line on the highway like the rest of them? Why am I so important? What makes me better than they are? For me, I drive fast to leave these types of mentalities far behind because there is nothing worse than a long trip staring at the lumbering tendencies of a second hander, a weak, “socially conscious,” broken link in the chain of society. The sight of them is not something I wish to observe for long periods of time, and I seek to move out ahead of them.

Why should Aroldis Chapman spend an extra 40 minutes on I-71 driving from Kentucky to Columbus, Ohio because the laws of the socially average wish protection from the superior driving skills of people like Chapman? It’s not Chapman’s task to restrict his God-given talents to live within the limits of the physically slow. It is the task of the physically slow to improve themselves and strive to be better. It is their task to recognize that a man of superior driving ability is coming up behind them rapidly and they should move out-of-the-way so not to cause an accident. It is the job of the inferior person to yield to the superior person. The superior person should not rub the nose of the inferior person in the muck of their own existence. But the superior person should encourage the inferior person to help them become better. The task of the superior person is not to be less than they are in society just to be “fair” to the second hander. That simply isn’t fair to people like Aroldis Chapman who is clearly one of the supermen walking on the earth presently.

This week the Ohio Highway Patrol is cracking down on seat belt violations and charging thousands of dollars in fines generated by the courts. DUI checkpoints are set up to alter the freedoms of individuals with impunity and all those laws were initiated to make the masses of society feel, “safe,” to pander to their fears and insecurities. There are simply too many rules, and they greatly restrict a free society in unnecessary ways and defy common sense. I’m not saying that there should not be speed limits of any kind or rules of any kind. But they should not be set around the parameters of the weak links of society. In Ohio, 65 mph is simply too slow. The speed limit should easily be 85 mph. I would argue that the only reason the laws were created in the first place were to appear to satisfy the whims of the panicky voters, the second handers so that revenue could be generated by the fines for breaking the law. The politicians will point to the fearful public and profess that the laws were created by request, but the real motive is to generate additional tax revenue for the state. That is the reason for all these laws, not the protection of its citizens.

Aroldis Chapman is not just a superman because he can throw a 105 mph fastball and has hundreds of strikeouts to close out victories for the Cincinnati Reds. Chapman even though he is a young man has learned to disobey certain laws in society so that he is not confined to a mundane existence. Chapman was born in communist Cuba and had a chance to compete in the Beijing Olympics but was suspended for attempting to defect from his tyrannical home country of Cuba. President Raul Castro met with Chapman personally and gave him a second chance because the second handers of Cuba wished to use the strength of Chapman to win sports awards for the nation of Cuba and gain world-wide respect, so Chapman was allowed to play in the World Baseball Classic. While participating in the World Port Tournament in Rotterdam, Netherlands Chapman attempted to defect again, to escape the communism of Cuba, and on his second attempt he was successful. He quickly established residence in Andorra and then petitioned Major League Baseball to be granted free agent status. The Cincinnati Reds jumped at the chance, and signed Chapman to at six-year contract worth $30.25 million. To gain all this it cost Chapman his relationship with his mother and father, two sisters and a girlfriend who had given birth to a newborn baby.

If Chapman would have followed the rules, he would still be a prisoner of communism allowing Cuba to loot his talent for a fraction of the cost he is able to get playing for the Cincinnati Reds. He left behind everything to gain everything and it’s his recognition that risk would buy him freedom that allowed him to become what he is today. It’s his tendency to break the rules that earned him freedom his parents could only dream about, and Chapman took the step to take it for himself, which will ultimately benefit his entire family much more than if he allowed himself to be picked apart in the best years of his life by the looting communists of Cuba.

Without question, Chapman sees this situation with the speed limits in The United States the same way. All he wanted to do was pick up his girlfriend at the airport. But he found himself arrested and thrown in jail by the second handers who are attempting to turn The United States into Cuba with more and more laws every day. And the same people who cheer Chapman on the pitching mound turned against him during his arrest, because they see in Chapman a superman that escaped the safety behind their televisions and radios and was functioning like a superior man in the world of the meek, and it scared them. It was not Aroldis Chapman who is in the wrong, he’s simply doing what he’s always done—it’s the weak-minded second hander who created the pathetically low-speed limit in the first place not to protect their lives from danger, but their minds from the reality that they are simply second handers and socially worthless next to the likes of a first hander like Aroldis Chapman.

I like Aroldis Chapman more than ever now. I was a fan before, but now my respect has doubled. I may actually go out and buy one of his jerseys to declare my support of this fine young man who is being ridiculed in society for being too “big” for the average standards of the political class and their pandering mobs of safety seekers.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman

“The Blaze” Exposes Brett Kimberlin: Domestic terrorism paid for by the political left

The Blaze recently did a wonderful job of covering the story of Brett Kimberlin. When I read the very detailed history of this apparent domestic terrorist I will have to admit it got my dander up excessively. Check the story out for yourself below.


If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s a bully. I really don’t like people who attempt to control others with fear, and when that doesn’t work, they resort to the courts using the bureaucracy to gain leverage to silence dissidents who have the superior argument, but wish to avoid conflict so yield to thugs. Fear works both ways and people who use it deserve to feel it in return.

I suspect as the truth continues to be revealed over these types of cases that there are armies of bullies who have been suppressing voices for years, and are directly responsible for helping the very corrupt take control of our society with sheer force. This is how the labor unions have done it, this is how Larry Flynt has done it, and this is how the mob does it. So it does not come as a surprise that there would be hired mercenaries like Kimberlin who would be commissioned to go after conservative bloggers in an attempt to shut down the truth.

The mistake that many have made is that they trust the legal system to be honorable and that the truth will always pave the way to justice, which leaves them vulnerable to domestic terrorists who hide their maliciousness behind the rules of society. Honest—good people do not think of attempting to send the SWAT team to their political enemies to create embarrassing arrests, or tell another man’s wife they want to take a “crap” on them because they wish to scare the man away from covering the truth.

Kimberlin’s bully behavior needs to be eliminated from the debates of freedom that are transpiring in a republic struggling to sustain itself by the forces which seek to destroy it–forces that hire out their intimidation for profit to political reformers intent to end America. Allowing the thugs to silence the truth is the same as participating in evil, since it empowers the bully to thrive, and to profit at the expense of others.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman

S.E. Cupp versus Larry Flynt: The real story behind Hustler Magazine

If a professional athlete wears an Under Armor muscle shirt in the world of progressive politics they are considered heroes. If I wear the same exact shirt during my whip video titled A Whip Trick to Save America I am called a “wife beater” because the shirt is offensive and reminiscent of the strong types of men who are against feminism and therefore an enemy to the progressive feminists. The term “wife beater” and “woman hater,” are thrown in my direction because I stand in the way of the feminist agenda. When it became known to me that progressive advocates were at my local grocery store surveying people, “what do you think of Rich Hoffman,” in an attempt to harm my reputation I responded by calling them “latté sipping prostitutes.” They responded by pushing the buttons of every media source in the city of Cincinnati to their cause in an attempt to derail me by turning all the women of West Chester against me in one collective blob of bloc voting, in a campaign to paint me as a “woman hater.”

It was the first time I’ve seen the scam of the so-called “war on women” up close, where progressive politicians like President Obama and school board superintendents like Lakota’s Karen Mantia use women as a bloc voting group playing on their emotions to advance private progressive policies. Unlike most conservative commentators, I do not fear the “wrath of the women” as my counterparts do, because I have admitted to myself that the entire movement is a scam, and deserves an eye for an eye. I’m tired of seeing conservatives apologize for being right and being ridiculed as insensitive or called other derogatory names to force them out of the public light leaving the progressive blob unopposed on the battlefield of ideas.

Once again, and quite audaciously the progressive mob has struck again, most notably against the GBTV commentator and conservative author S.E. Cupp. Cupp is a very talented young lady who is extremely strong in her political ideas and personal beliefs. If all women thought as she did, The United States of America would be so much better off as a society. She reminds me of the types of female characters that were popularized by the great novels of Ayn Rand who is another enemy of the feminist movement. Ayn Rand was a strong female author whose philosophy offers a real fix to American ideology. If the feminist movement was truly about strengthening the power of women in the world, women like Ayn Rand and S.E. Cupp would be placed on a pedestal and not attacked as profusely as they are. That is because feminism is not about strengthening women; it’s about weakening them and making them collectively dependent on government services therefore carrying out the desires for socialism in progressive politics.

Cupp was attacked most recently by one of Obama’s biggest supporters Hustler publisher Larry Flynt in a recent fantasy edition where they took images of S.E. Cupp and PhotoShopped in a sexual act to plant in the mind of their readers a deflowered, diminished woman fallen from grace. This isn’t the first time Flynt has done this. He often offers rewards to mistresses of conservative politicians to accomplish the same effect, so Flynt’s role in politics is as an attack dog for the movement. You will not see feminist groups protesting Flynt over the attack on Cupp, because they are on Flynt’s team, even though the most ardent progressives of our day think the attack against Cupp went too far.

I waited to cover this story because I wanted to see if Obama would offer any comment as he did for the woman called a prostitute by Rush Limbaugh. It was that incident that gave the progressive women who push excessive school levies in my community the idea to come after me. They figured it worked against Rush Limbaugh so it would work against Rich Hoffman. Nobody ever asks why these progressive goof balls can’t argue any facts. They can only call people names because their ideas are fundamentally flawed and emotionally based. In Cupp’s case, she’s young, strong, attractive, smart and is virtually unstoppable in a one on one debate. She doesn’t have the easy flaws to attack as progressives did against Sarah Palin when they went against her accent on Saturday Night Live with a vigor. Bill Maher painted Palin as a street walking parasite and just about every publication went after every aspect of her family attacking her children with a fury. The vicious nature of these attacks was covered by Ayn Rand in her novel The Fountainhead. Rand spelled it out in great detail what the progressives were up to in that book written way back in 1943. Cupp is simply the most recent target, and the intention is to frighten her into hiding in the masses, to strip her down and beat her into submission. All these attacks are aspects of mob rule against the mind of the individual and the hypocrisy is more evident when the attacks are against other women by so-called women supporters than when the attacks come at me, or someone like Rush Limbaugh.

S.E. Cupp is a danger to progressive politics because she can punch holes in their ridiculous collectivists’ arguments; she is young and can fill the minds of that demographic group in ways that terrify progressives, because they want empty minds that they can fill with their pornography, just as they don’t won’t women strong and independent, but pregnant and on welfare—dependent on “daddy” government. Progressives don’t want S.E. Cupp, or Ayn Rand–strong women who actually think for themselves and can stand on their own against the world. The progressive’s biggest fear is that these women from the past and present will undo the fear they are attempting to unleash upon the world, a sickness of collectivism driven by the insecurities of the masses.

Progressives like Larry Flynt, and Barack Obama wish to see personalities broken down and crying in a gutter, that is why people like Cupp are made to suffer, to destroy their confidence so they will admit they need the collective body of society. They would place higher in their minds the sluts of Hustler who will undress for money and allow their sanctity tarnished forever because the women yield their honor as deflowered beings who will never challenge the established order, because they sold themselves short. When a personality like S.E. Cupp does not take off her cloths for some scandalous photo shoot, or gets caught drunk and passed out behind a college fraternity house gang rapped by a bunch of drunken fools tarnishing forever a young women, or taking off her top on spring break cheapening herself to thousands of gawking eyes, there is not much one can do to tear down such a person emotionally. The progressive seeks stories of weakness, and doing such things are signs of human weakness, which the progressive seeks out like a plant strives for sunlight. The progressive needs corruption and foolishness to grow and survive. In the case of Larry Flynt, if he can’t get it legitimately, he’ll make it up, as he did with S.E. Cupp. President Obama will not come to the defense of S.E. Cupp as he did the target of Rush Limbaugh’s comments because the standard is assuredly a double one.

The same people who call me a “wife beater” because of a muscle shirt I wore, or Rush Limbaugh as a “woman hater” because of his comments attempt to paint Sarah Palin as “unsophisticated” and Ayn Rand as a “right winged-radical.” These same minds would rather tear down a fantastic young mind like S.E. Cupp into a diminished porn queen because only then can they relate to a woman so virtuous. Now my critics know why I called them “latté sipping prostitutes” because they are all too willing to sell their souls away to public schools to disguise their horrible parenting skills, or their value of money is non-existent because they do not value themselves. True, I could have been gentler with my wording than I was, but I didn’t want to, because I choose not to turn the other cheek from this treacherous behavior. As Hustler explained in their article of Cupp and the pornographic images they created of her:

“S.E. Cupp is a lovely young lady who read too much Ayn Rand in high school and ended up going the dark side. Cupp, an author and media commentator, who often shows up on Fox News programs, is undeniably cute. But her hotness is diminished when she espouses dumb ideas like defunding Planned Parenthood. Perhaps the method pictured here is Ms. Cupp’s suggestion for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.”

S.E. Cupp is the kind of young woman I raised my daughters to be, self-reliant, strong, and vastly independent. These are the kind of women who should be held up in society as the goals of all women. But Hustler feels it must defame them in a way to lower the bar for the masses so the collective does not feel bad about themselves and the terrible decisions they’ve made in their lives. So far, Cupp has made excellent decisions and she deserves the merit of those decisions. She does not deserve the implication of collective salvation attempted against her sanctity. But the intention of all involved is clear, Hustler, a pornographic magazine headed by a so-called champion of the 1st Amendment Larry Flynt highlighted in the movie The People vs. Larry Flynt starring Lebanon, Ohio’s own Woody Harrelson is on a political torpedo mission against the American way of life.

Larry Flynt himself started right here in Cincinnati, Ohio where he ran a dirty go-go club downtown. To get more customers to come to his club, he published a newsletter that became Hustler Magazine. His magazine took off when he published pictures of Jackie Kennedy in the nude—the former first lady of The United States. Larry Flynt lost his smut peddling case in Cincinnati and narrowly escaped jail time but became a national celebrity in the process. Many years later in Monroe, Ohio right down the road from Woody Harrelson’s boyhood home, Larry opened a Hustler of Hollywood store to rub his “free speech” in the face of the same type of conservatives who attempted to jail him so many years ago. He has made his living tearing down others and is the ultimate political looter. He exploits the weak nature of his audience by peddling sex on the cheapest scale making it easy for all to indulge in their most explicit fantasies. Hustler of Hollywood, which is right down the road from my house is busy at all hours of the day all days of the week, and is filled with pro-government school levy supporters and social degenerates. The average political knowledge of the typical customer is approximately equivalent to a gold-fish. It is these customers who will enjoy the images of S.E. Cupp with erotic joy even though the images are completely made up and falsified by the owner of Hustler Magazine who seeks to smear goodness under the banner of free speech granted to him by his victory with the Supreme Court. The merit of S.E. Cupp’s Hustler picture is the same of progressive politics in general—it’s a complete fantasy of the mind and has nothing to do with reality.

In that fashion, Flynt has become a hero to the progressive community who use his strategies to this very day to eradicate goodness from the face of the planet. And when a person dares to stick their head above the collective masses, they use Larry Flynt’s court battles and naked women as the battle cry to deflower the entire human race so everyone in society is just as disgusting as they are—so the image they see in the mirror does not make the progressive feel guilty in comparison.

S.E. Cupp deserves an apology from President Obama, from Larry Flynt, from every porn lover who reads the Hustler Magazine and visits his Hollywood Hustler store—my friends and neighbors. It was the kind of evil being seen now that people like Sherriff Simon Leis tried to fight back in the 70’s because they could see what was happening even if everyone else chose to turn a blind eye. Progressives like Flynt and Harrelson who came from broken deranged families and were jealous of those who were morally intact and valued themselves went to war against everything that is good in the world.

Cupp will never get an apology because the intention was to destroy her. Progressives do not want to look at her, they don’t want to hear her, and they just want her to go away. They are so vitriolic about their hatred of goodness that they will do anything to remove it from their eyes. But lucky for all of us, S.E. Cupp is not afraid; in fact it looks like she is feeding off it. Because of this episode of Hustler Magazine against S.E. Cupp it is likely that we are seeing the modern version of Howard Roark about to crush all his enemies with his simple will and goodness that occurred in the Ayn Rand classic The Fountainhead. Because the playbook of the progressive is open for all of us to see and it’s full of hypocrites. Not a one of them in progressive politics be it your local teacher, superintendent, politician, actor, porn peddler, president, union leader, or feminist, want individuals like S.E. Cupp to be all they can be. They don’t want freedom for all women at all. They want enslavement and the evidence is in the silence from Obama and his legions of goons, his backers at Hustler Magazine, the latté sipping prostitutes, his “educrats” who are teaching children to have sex in the fourth grade so they are future customers of Larry Flynt’s store and on their third marriages before they are aged 30. Progressives want the complete destruction of individualism and goodness in the world, and they will attempt to destroy anyone to have it, even if it’s a nice, young, attractive lady like S.E. Cupp who is wholesome and full of virtue.

As for Larry Flynt I was watching the below footage and I can’t tell the difference between him and Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars.

To me they look just the same.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

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While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and Nobel.com as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman