A Report on the World Economic Forum 2022: They have bad cards and can’t hide the guilt of their crimes

To review this year’s World Economic Forum, from the Desecrators of Davos socialists, scum bags, and global tyrants, I would best sum it up by the harassment that the WEF police showed when they went after Jack Posobiec shortly after a podcast to the WarRoom on day one. Klaus Schwab and the gang didn’t like having Jack outside their Davos meeting, reporting the event to millions of people with the kind of anti-globalist discussion from the WarRoom. They are quite open to sharing what they are talking about at the World Economic Forum on YouTube. But they want to talk to the world, but they don’t want the world to talk back. Jack was fine after they accosted him and his crew, and he continued to report on the agenda events for the rest of the week, even going an hour or so to Geneva to report on the World Health Organization and the Biden deal to give away sovereignty to them in order to cover the next made up pandemic. There was a lot to consider in all these events, but many are wondering what it all means to them. So after watching all the coverage the way I do each year, I will have to say that this year was a bit different. The attempted arrest of Jack Posobiec sort of summed it all up; Klaus and the gang are worried. Their game was off this year in a big way, and they were undoubtedly feeling the pressure. And they don’t do well under pressure. 

I tend to think of all things in life like a poker game, and these guys had bad cards, and they weren’t doing a good job of hiding it. If you read Klaus Schwab’s books, you will quickly know that he’s likely insane. His views were formed in the vacuum of intellectual debate. All the people who go to Davos to participate in the Forum he organizes lean to the extreme political left. They find security among themselves in their schemes for global domination. But those schemes fall apart quickly when opposition confronts them because their ideas are not very well fleshed out. Klaus Schwab and the other Desecrators of Davos have been doing this kind of thing for a long time. But they have made their global moves over the last few years, and for the first time, the masses know about them. A year ago, there weren’t many people in the world who could even tell you who Klaus Schwab even was. But now, after a couple of books, Woke, Inc, and Glenn Beck’s The Great Reset, now many millions of people around the world are onto what the World Economic Forum has been up to, and they are now paying attention in ways that they never have before. And that was best reflected by the WarRoom coverage hosted by Jack Posobiec. Socialist countries, which all of Europe essentially is, don’t like the idea of freedom of the press or even any form of free speech. They want to be the world’s managers and want the world to be sheep. They want control, domination, and a very powerful administrative state. And there is no plan B. 

The Desecrators of Davos are not ready for prime time. They may own the Biden administration, which they clearly control. But that administration is not respected by the people of America, and that was not part of their plan, and they are not sure what to do with it. After watching many hours of Davos coverage, the sum of all the parts was that they didn’t know what to do next but to complain about conspiracy theorists and anti-vaccine types pushing back against the Bill Gates agenda, who was there to speak his part of the story in very unconvincing ways. And what was most alarming, given the radicalism of Bill Gates, was that he wasn’t the craziest one on the panel. The big administrative state agenda that the members of the Forum abundantly communicated functioned like academics theorizing in a classroom of their peers, without understanding how they were going to sell it to any kind of public. It’s like that scenario where you take someone on a date, you take them to bed, but the next day it’s like, “what now? Do we get married? Do we buy a house? Do we have kids? Or do we just sleep together, which is a pretty pointless relationship?” All the effort from the Davos people was in getting to bed with each other without a plan on what would happen the next day. And they certainly didn’t want any American media there to report just how ill-prepared they were.  

They are pretty far into the process to be so ill-prepared, which brings us back to poker. They have gone all-in with some really bad cards hoping to bluff their way into a victory. But many in the world have held their cards, especially in the United States. The Desecrators of Davos are certainly behind the election fraud schemes in America; Mark Zuckerberg, this time, paid the money to steal the election through mules shown in the movie 2000 Mules. He’s one of the Davos types. And Bill Gates made his move by buying up the media to push the dream of the administrative state; the vaccine mandates to cure a virus that they made in the Wuhan lab with the help of the American Department of Defense. There are a lot of very bad characters who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

The only reason that none of them have gone to jail yet is that they have so much money. Collectively, they have bought the political system in America and other countries, and they own the media like a cheap whore in a sweaty brothel in Nevada. As long as the drinks keep flowing, the whores will love you. The moment any of that stops, the whores will move on to a new love. But what they did to the world to give the administrative state more power over the sovereignty of all global people was well planned, evil, and ruthless. But it was also done in a vacuum of thought that does not hold up well at all in real-life scenarios. Clearly, the Desecrators of Davos people thought that Joe Biden would be accepted in America as an alternative to Trump and that they’d gain control of the Beltway in America, but that’s not happening. And they don’t know what to do about it. The world called their bluff, and now they are holding their weak cards sheepishly, not sure what to do next. Personally, I think it’s pretty funny. These people have ruined countless lives; they’ve killed people, especially in what they did with Covid and the suppression of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to stop the global pandemic they created for the purpose of all these global takeover plans. Laughing at them is perfectly healthy as a reaction to how they’ve played the game. But to know how to deal with them based on what we are seeing, they are not as scary as they appear. They are holding a losing hand, and they know it. So, it’s up to us to clean their clock and make an example of them. We are justified to do it, and it’s the only way to deal with their intentions against America so as to alter their behavior for the future. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

‘The Value of Corruption’ at The Patriot Awards: Knowing the bad guys in a confusing world

It was an honor to be invited to speak at the 20th Century Theater in Oakley, Ohio, which is a classic building in northern Cincinnati, on a topic, I feel very strongly about, “The Value of Corruption.” People enjoyed the speech I gave, so I present it here in a couple of versions, one in a way that I usually provide in my walk and talk sessions. The other is from the event itself. It’s a nice theater with a lot of sound bouncing around, so I am presenting it both ways for the clarity of the presentation. The Patriot Awards were meant to reward hardworking patriots and constitutional defenders from the Southern Ohio area, and it was a very nice tribute to American patriotism. The purpose of my speech was to articulate what the fight is we are really fighting in the present state. The word patriotism gets thrown around a lot, but it can be hard to really get a mind around concepts that have often been with us all our lives that point us in the other direction. For instance, until a few years ago, it was fashionable to think about someone like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg positively because we admire the wealth they gained in life in a capitalist culture. But we know now that money is only a tool for them to gain power over others, so we need some new definitions of good before we can actually see and understand the kind of villainy they have perpetrated against the United States. And that all starts by understanding the wonderful measures of money. 

Money is not the root of all evil; it reveals it, which is a chapter in my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business. We typically measure the value of money by what it can buy, not so much by what people will do to get it. But just changing that simple measurement gives the value of money a completely different understanding, which I find useful in understanding corruption, which I find very valuable in this increasingly volatile world. Under traditional measures of money, we have loved Bill Gates and many of the billionaires like him who participated in this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. And they have used that poor measurement to hide their treacherous actions against America. They have used their money as a weapon against the country that gave them the best opportunity to make it, which leaves us with all kinds of emotions directed at people like that. So a measurement that is more conducive to reality is something people want. It was appreciated at The Patriot Awards for sure because people looking for constitutional preservation are certainly trying to sort out their feelings on those types of matters. And there is nothing that brings people who are paying attention more anxiety than watching the Biden administration and the various characters at the World Economic Forum treat America like some second class nation where the spoils of war were already being divided up by the looters of the world as if nobody in North America had anything to say about it.

In my speech, I told several stories that point out the differences in how Americans think about things as opposed to the rest of the world, especially in Europe and Asia. Not that those other cultures are bad, but the way they think is not conducive to making money for the value of what making it provides to a good and moral society. Making money can produce extreme villains, like Bill Gates and George Soros, but it does more to reveal the content of the character of those making the money that otherwise would never be seen. Much of that social mask is always present at the World Economic Forum, where I call them the Desecrators of Davos because they hide their need to control others behind masks of social good. But when you have a measure of corruption, by seeing what people are willing to do to get money and what they aren’t, then you can see many truths they would otherwise like to hide behind. That comes to a sharp point in my example of the wild west saloon and the various characters who would like to appeal to the new sheriff through relationships forged exclusively to give them an advantage in making money. To learn how to clean up a town of corruption, the most crucial factor is to what extent people crave as much money as they can get through the easiest means of obtaining it. In the case of Bill Gates, it’s all about vaccines for him. Not that he wants more money to buy cars, women, and homes, but because he wants to run the world’s governments to satisfy his beliefs about climate change, which is more of a fanatical religion to him than a practical science. 

I have examples of corruption regarding Mitch McConnell, the Republican senator that many would agree is an extreme RINO, in my speech. He plays a conservative on TV, but in truth, he uses his office as leader of his party to protect his family’s shipping business with China. Mitch is pro-China, all the time, and he has shown to what extent he would attack anybody who threatens that relationship. He is hardly what we would call a real conservative, but we wouldn’t otherwise understand his behavior if it wasn’t for the Value of Corruption. We call people like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton corrupt all the time, and they deserve to be referred to that way. But much of what they do is hidden behind a façade of kindness hidden behind the charity, which allows the value of money to hide what they truly were willing to do to obtain it. For years these political criminals have been able to hide their malice behind the good tidings of charity, much in the way that was discussed in my speech. If the new sheriff of a town announces who he is, then all the corrupt criminals would seek to cover up who they are with ass kissing and boot licking, which is very common in modern-day politics. By luring the corruption out into the open, the way the Trump administration has in recent times, it has shown many of these political characters for what they always were, which wasn’t so easy for people to see because the criminal conduct was so aggressively hidden behind the definitions we had for money, which prevented us from seeing the true nature of the participants. So I was happy to give the speech and to that specific group. As I said to them, it only takes a small minority of people with value to beat a whole society of corrupt people because of the nature of the people conducting the behavior. They need to loot off the value of people who have it in order to live so that always puts them at a disadvantage over those who have value. This makes them easy to beat once people understand the level of corruption they are dealing with regarding those people. Corrupt people are easy to beat once their leverage of cover is revealed. And that is the case with modern politics as well. The people fighting for patriotism and constitutional preservation will always have the upper hand because it’s what they have that the corrupt want most because, they don’t have that value, to begin with, and must lie, steal, and cheat to get it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Intentional Government Terrorism Behind Raised Gas Prices: The Weather Underground still working in the background

We know they lie; the government lied about Barack Obama’s birth certificate, which was proven a fake by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The birth certificate that the Obama people produced was a digital one that could not have been made at the time of Obama’s birth because that kind of technology wasn’t available then. Even though Obama, who is still working in the background of the Biden administration, had his career start in the living room of Bill Ayers, a known domestic terrorist, we ended up with eight years of Obama and all his government tampering with markets that caused prices to go up on goods and services. I remember about Obama most about high gas prices and light bulbs that didn’t work. And the reason it’s relevant now is that people didn’t vote for Obama, honestly. He was pushed on us so our way of life could be stolen from us. So, of course, they did the same thing with a continuation of Obama, the Biden administration. They stole the election to go back to their attack on American infrastructure because that is precisely what is happening with gas prices. We learned the method during the Obama years; then we learned just how rigged the game really was during the Trump presidency. America is sitting on so much natural energy that it can be an energy exporter. So all the policies that the Biden administration and the Obama administration before have been deliberate attacks on us all, causing inflation and destroying our economy so that other countries could prosper and our wealth redistributed.   It would be one thing if people actually voted for these people, but in both cases, they didn’t or were misrepresented to the public to conduct the attacks we have been seeing.

I remember when Bill O’Reilly was the big man at Fox News in the old days. I never thought of him as a hardline conservative. He was just a guy who asked a lot of questions. And when he was still on Fox News during the Obama White House, he was constantly wondering why gas prices were so high back then.   Every time a turtle crossed the road somewhere, gas prices were going up, and we gave the oil producers and refineries the benefit of the doubt. But we learned later, during the Trump administration, that all that was nonsense. Gas prices were artificially propped up, the oil companies were able to jack up their prices because of government tampering with their market, and everyone got something out of the deal, except for the end-use consumer. Bill O’Reilly was pushed off Fox News during the early part of the Trump years. We saw much of the same kinds of lies, manipulation, and scandal go after anybody associated with Trump, unleashed with much more ferocity than occurred to put Obama in place the first time. But the game was obvious this time because gas prices were under $2 per gallon under Trump. They had been lying to us all along, just as they did, about our role in Europe, the real threat of Russia, North Korea, and many others.   Trump did a great job as president, and it ended up exposing just how much Obama and Biden have been lying to people to attack the core infrastructure of our nation for acts of climate terrorism once again. That was, after all, the core goal of Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground back when he was organizing violent terrorism against America during the 1960s. 

Gas prices have been an act of terrorism in reaction to a fake crisis in climate change to justify the theft of American wealth and industry for the specific act of terrorism against us all. The terrorists have shown us what they are willing to do in the past. As soon as they were able to get Biden elected with fake votes paid for by Facebook, they went right back to manipulating the markets to attempt to destroy the American economy. We would call this an act of war at any other point in history. But they have taught us in our public schools, which they control, that we shouldn’t judge and, therefore, that we should not have an opinion about the terrorist intentions of radical climate terrorists to attack the infrastructure of America. If this were World War II and the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, which was a strike against the mainland of America, then the nation would have declared war on the aggressors. But these enemies are not the kind of enemies we were taught we are supposed to wage war on. So the thefts occur outside the understanding of the crimes, just as was done to steal the White House several times now. We know they were willing to do it with Obama. And as if there were any doubt, they did it outrightly with Biden. With Obama, they used the fake birth certificate to get by the rules of becoming president. With Biden, so that Obama could be president in the background, they just changed the election laws so that fake ballots could be counted during a fake pandemic designed by all the people who wanted gas prices in America to increase for all kinds of terrorist reasons. 

The point of the matter is that the pain we are all feeling now at the gas pumps is the result of terrorist activity instigated by a government not properly elected by the people but by insurgents who want to destroy the concept of America in every way they can get by with it. It’s not an honest mistake in policymaking. It was purposeful theft of the American way of life. And as they did with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News, and ultimately Trump, with the same lies they pushed into the public over the Obama birth certificate and the election fraud conducted to create a fake Biden administration, the crime is being done right in front of our faces. They are daring us to do anything about it. Because the implication is that if we stand up to it, then a worse fate will await us. At every level, the conduct is unforgivable and hostile in its intention. But these are not the days of Obama where we wondered about these things and whether or not they purposely lied or even if they would. Now we know they will and have. The birth certificate was always crucial because Obama didn’t meet the basic criteria even to be president. Yet, they did it anyway, and if we questioned it, they called us a racist. And because they got by with it, they have done much worse since then, leading to what we are seeing with Biden now. So think about that every time you get gas because we put up with it over all these years and gave these terrorists the benefit of the doubt. They have unleashed terror on America by directly attacking our basic infrastructure in ways that can only be viewed as acts of war. Many don’t want to believe that their government is so corrupt, but the evidence over the years has been overwhelming. There simply isn’t any other explanation. These are not people on “team” America. They are our way of life attackers, and they are out for blood. And blood is what we have at our gas pumps; intentional terrorists meant to destroy our way of life. And they think it’s funny because they continue to get away with it. Behind it, all is still the terrorism of the Weather Underground as they set in motion the schemes to destroy America, just as they started to do in the 1960s for all the same insane reasons. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The World Economic Forum is Just a Front for Treason and Sedition: Using election fraud to rule the world the way drug trafficking in America has shown how

There have been mass attempts to obtain money in the easiest fashion in every age, leading to criminal life. It’s far easier to take money from people than to just earn it. And that is certainly the case in this internet world where you can fly anywhere in under a day. When we are all so easily connected by technology, it shouldn’t be a surprise that criminals would find a latest scheme to conduct criminal activity, which is clearly the case with The World Economic Forum in Davos. I watched all the coverage, and what you have with them is an administrative state out of control and using the tapestries of process management to conduct massive financial theft across the world with the same justifications that Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid robbed stagecoaches in the Old West. The intent to capture the world’s governments under the umbrella of a massive international mob in the fashion of Al Capone’s from Chicago is unmistakable. From the Desecrators of Davos crowd, we are dealing with a massive international mob disguised behind names of good intentions, such as what Klaus Schwab is operating in Davos, for the simple goal of wealth confiscation and personal enrichment based on radical leftist ideology. These criminals sat in front of the camera and broadcast to the world during the last week of May 2022 just how they planned to commit treason and sedition against the most powerful country in the world openly and without fear of any recourse because they had a secret that they are utilizing to ensure their success, election fraud. 

It’s not a mystery; their method has now been well studied. The Desecrators of Davos types have watched how drugs were illegally trafficked in the United States, and they have devised a way to perform the same kind of activity when it comes to election fraud. In the 2020 election, Facebook, a member of these World Economic Forum criminals, paid for the mules who stole that election. And the people who don’t want to talk about it are just like the media and politicians who silently allowed Al Capone to operate his famous mob. In modern times, many people just want to live their lives. They want to take their kids to sports events and maybe an occasional movie. They don’t want to think about all the illegal drugs flowing into the country and what impact that might have on society in general. They’d rather look away from all that ugliness. Well, the Desecrators of Davos types have watched this behavior and have now exploited it for their global theft of the world’s wealth. They are quite well aware that what they are doing in Davos will infringe on the national sovereignties of the world’s nations. But they are pushing for a borderless world that they control, so they don’t care about crimes like treason and sedition because they are already invested in the change state. Rather, their plan is clearly to steal elections around the world and to take power away from the people’s vote to enact their plans, and they plan to get away with it because of what they have witnessed in the drug trade in America. 

In the movie 2000 Mules, it’s ballot trafficking that was happening. Facebook is a Desecrators of Davos member. Bill Gates is too. So is George Soros. They all want to overthrow traditional America and acquire power for their globalist intentions. So, of course, they were involved in making a virus that would be unleashed worldwide by their methods. They own the media so they could control the coverage of what was reported, what the methods were in dealing with the crises that they were creating for the eventual goal of creating chaos to overturn election laws and steal the results, as they clearly did in 2020 to get rid of the people’s pick.

The whole effort was conducted in the same manner as has proven successful with drug trafficking. And everyone knows how drug trafficking occurs. The CIA knows who the drug lords are, where their mansions in Mexico are, and how the drugs flow into America. Who buys it, who uses it, and for what purpose. Every now and then, they arrest some poor fool to give the public the illusion that anybody really cares about illegal drugs. But the truth is that everyone is in on the action, the American government, the drug lords, the cartels, and the mules that haul all the drugs to cities across America. It has worked so well that the Desecrators of Davos have used the same methods now to steal elections. And now that we have seen this activity, because of the overwhelming proof from the 2020 elections, it’s likely that this election fraud by these globalists has been going on for decades. Much of our current congress likely were illegally picked by election fraud, which raises all kinds of trouble for the legality of everything they have been doing as a legislative body. 

The crimes have been committed because the Desecrators of Davos know that people don’t want to see or hear about it. They may not like it, but they consider themselves too small to do anything about it. These are the problems of big governments, not the kind of thing some little ol’ nobody from small-town USA can stand up to. So knowing that’s how people are, the Desecrators of Davos have sought to take over the governments of the world and to run them from Davos, through the roots of finance, and to conduct massive crimes against humanity on a scale that is beyond the reach of most people. And that’s how they have gotten away with these crimes, and crimes they certainly are. Crimes that are punishable by death penalty. And over time, as they have found that their ballot-stuffing crimes got them the results they desired, they have become bolder in how they go about their business, which has left behind plenty of evidence for us to act on if only we had to courage to do so. But their gamble is that nobody will, just like nobody stands up to the illegal drug trade. People would rather do just about anything in the world than confront vast evils right in front of our faces. And that’s why it keeps happening. Good people are certainly in the majority, but they don’t want to look at the evil a minority is conducting because they are too busy and too scared to confront it. So, of course, there will always be some latest version of international criminal who will exploit that trait for their lazy gains of wealth, so they can have the ornaments of money, the things that money can buy, without doing the work of actually earning the money. It’s much easier to just steal the wealth of America rather than work to compete with it to be the next superpower. From the point of view of this new criminal class, the Desecrators of Davos, they would rather destroy the only superpower left, rather than compete with it, and that in the aftermath of that destruction, they could rule the chaos behind charitable foundations and feel good think tanks, which is, in essence, all the World Economic Forum really is, a front for treason and sedition that is in full support of open criminal conduct on a vast scale. And they have no fear of being caught because of what they have learned from the American drug trade. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Hypocrisy of Democrats and Global Progressives: They love to kill kids as babies until they want to use death as a way to get gun control

It’s not even about the obviously disturbed kid who shot up young students and a teacher in a school in Uvalde, Texas. Salvador Ramos was an obviously disturbed 18-year-old kid who shot his grandmother in the face and then went on a rampage to the nearby school for all kinds of bad reasons, which we’re learning more and more about by the day. It is about whether an administrative state in the form of government can stop violence like this from happening. While it is my argument that they are the cause of it. And to disguise their complicity, they seek gun control to hide their obvious social failures. Ramos was a product of progressive society; immigration is undoubtedly part of his story especially living right on the border with Mexico and Texas. He had turned toward the “EMO” life as described by others. There isn’t much talk about a stable parental structure for him, certainly not a strong father figure. And he was projecting warning signs toward violence that the authorities, who are supposedly watching every one of us all the time with every keystroke on a computer, failed to pick up on. It almost looks as if progressive politics wanted this kid to snap, so they could exploit the carnage to advance their agenda. Ramas bought his guns right after his 18th birthday, put pictures of them online, and sent messages directly to a recipient talking about what he wanted to do with them. The FBI was watching, and they should have picked him up. Yet they didn’t. They either wanted him to commit the acts, or they were just stupid and lazy. Or a combination of both. The mass killing was a complete creation and failure of progressive politics, the John Dewey view of the world. 

But only within a few hours of the murders Joe Biden and many from his political caucus were exploiting the violence to support their gun-grabbing agenda as if they really thought that this tragedy was justification for advancing their long-established plans, the disarmament of society in general, so that they could rule everyone through an administrative state with even more power. Looking at the situation clearly, if the administrative state was at fault for this shooting, which it is, then why would anybody in their right mind give them more control? It was an absurd notion, yet we saw Beto O’Rourke attempt to do that very thing, pushing for gun control legislation which the communist left desperately wanted so they could implement their Marxist plans for America without even hiding it. Smartly, President Trump will give his speech to the NRA on Friday anyway, as he should. This exacerbated the gun grabbers even more because Americans see the game, as I’ve talked about many times before. They are losing feeling to these mass casualty events because they understand that the government is far more dangerous to their lives than the crazy Salvador Ramos types. So, they aren’t responding to the wall-to-wall news coverage. They are buying more guns, and they still support the NRA, even more after these tragedies, not less. So when Joe Biden gave his little speech talking about how “they” need to stand up to the gun lobby, he’s essentially forgetting who the gun lobby is. It’s not some administrative state competing with them for power; it’s the people who are really in charge who have decided that the government is more of a risk than the next government-produced lunatic.

You can see the hypocrisy in the abortion argument; the same people who are pointing to the murdered young kids in a school are advocating for the murder of kids just 9 or 10 years younger while they are babies in a mother’s womb. For some reason, murder while a child is in the birthing process is a mother’s right to choose, but when progressives advocating for a strengthened administrative state want to value life, they use school shootings to push for removing guns from society. The liberal television commentator Whoopi Goldberg actually went on a rant about confiscating all the assault weapons of Americans as if that were an option. Without considering that by doing so, we would surrender our lives over to be managed by lunatics like her? Meanwhile, there are mass shootings every day in Chicago, and nobody seems to care. There are cries to defund the police and restrict their ability to establish law and order. Mexico’s drug cartels have been empowered like never before to bring murderous drugs into America to eradicate our population with intoxication and mayhem. Nobody cares about the lives destroyed by drugs from the illegal cartel trade or the many murders and beheadings that occur along our border to maintain their “turf.” All of those are creations of a progressive administrative state. Yet, the assumption is that we are all so stupid that we might be pulled into a sad story of even more incompetence, the failure of that system to teach Ramas properly. Instead of becoming a productive member of society as a member of the immigrant community, he became an emotionally fragile killer. And gun control legislation will do what exactly, Whoopi? 

America is a society of guns; they represent protection not just from gangs of thugs and delusional killers but from the administrative state’s failures that are currently grabbing for power in maniacal ways. And no amount of emotion will change how Americans view that situation. Other places in the world may have gone along with the gun control scheme, but they have miserably paid the price. Most notably in places like New Zealand and Australia during the lockdowns from Covid, where the police state grew into all the frightening realizations of a dystopian novel. When Joe Biden asked the question as to why these school shootings are only happening in America and no place else, well, that’s because America hasn’t been stupid enough to give the government that much power. After all, as we can see throughout the world, they will abuse it. Other countries, like China, have killed off their political rivals, and people know not to stand up to authority; otherwise, they will be destroyed. Other countries also don’t have such open cultural standards as we do in America.

No place on earth does so many nationalities interact with each other with all kinds of religions so well. There are always bound to be tensions, but most countries don’t have close to the type of diversity that America does culturally. So there are shootings that happen, and there is violence. But in our media culture that reports every bug killed crossing the road, other countries in the world have control of their media conduct, and the world never hears about the killings, the political sabotage, and the many different ways that violence is conducted upon the citizens. For instance, they don’t have their version of Salvador Ramos in China because they would have locked him up the first time he put on a dress and posted it online. He would have just “disappeared” from society. And that is the kind of world that progressive Democrats like Joe Biden want in America with gun confiscations. And the sick part about it is that they only care about the lives lost of children when it gives them some political victory. But not before. Otherwise, they are the party of death, and they produce people like Salvador Ramos by the bucketloads. And they will kill again, and often. But those killers are nowhere near of a threat as the blunders of the centralized administrative state.   Americans are onto it, and they aren’t falling for the scam.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Trump Swings For The Fences: The Kemp win in Georgia only means the President can afford to take chances

I always thought that the David Purdue race for governor in Georgia would be an uphill battle. Trump’s endorsement has a lot of power, and his record is outstanding. Still, it would be a stretch in Georgia to beat the incumbent Brian Kemp for many of the same reasons it was going to be hard to beat the establishment RINO Mike DeWine in Ohio. It’s hard to beat an incumbent for one because they have the power of the office to run from. And it takes a real organized effort to knock someone off the top of the mountain, and David Purdue didn’t have that. Trump’s endorsement was a revenge pick, more than a practical one, and down the stretch, the money didn’t line up with the passion. If Trump didn’t have a personal vendetta against Kemp, he likely wouldn’t have put his name behind Purdue. David Purdue never was able to define his campaign as anything other than fighting election fraud, and voters in Georgia were obviously looking for something to vote for, not against. There’s a lot of funny business regarding elections in Georgia. Still, as I said leading up to the primary election, the establishment types were betting everything they had on Georgia, so it would be tough to do anything there. In many ways, I would point to this circumstance and remind everyone not to take anything for granted when it comes to the general elections in the fall. The SWAMP is not going to go quietly in the night. They have everything to lose and will fight to keep it; whether it’s money, cheating, lying, stealing, whatever they have to do, they will do it. And it will take more than what David Purdue put forth in Georgia to beat them. 


The media was all too happy to underline the loss of Trump’s endorsement. They ignored all the other wins he has had, which was to be expected. The Never Trumper types are hoping this means that the Trump brand is damaged forever and that they might be able to put up Mike Pence, someone from the Trump administration but isn’t Trump. To me, it’s obviously wishful thinking. David Purdue was never for what Trump is and always acted as a person drug into the race to challenge Kemp rather than someone who was passionate about winning. So the Trump endorsement has its limits. Trump can afford to swing for the fences, and he does. That has given him more home runs than not, so the essence of the Kemp win isn’t so much a strikeout but rather the affordability that Trump has to take risks on candidates that might not otherwise have a chance. Obviously, voters liked Kemp in Georgia and needed more to take a turn from him. They needed more than election fraud to drive their passions.

Yet there is a more sinister tone to the haughty banter after the Kemp win, the hope by the media and Never Trumper types that election fraud was not something that voters cared about. Purdue made it a one-issue race, and after the primary election, it’s clear that voters wanted more than that. Election fraud is hard for people to admit to, like acknowledging that a loved one is an alcoholic or that a spouse is cheating on you. Mainstreamers want to believe that they can vote and that it will be counted honestly so they can return to their lives without worrying about it. So there is a natural reluctance to put the thought out of their heads. While most believe there was election fraud in the 2020 election, they don’t want to live with the knowledge that it will require them to do something more severe, like scrutinizing those who count the votes. They want to believe that Brian Kemp is a good person because to admit otherwise will require work on their part that they aren’t willing to commit to. People are prone to ignore an injustice if it means they can live in peace. And obviously, there are many in the Beltway culture, Mike Pence included, who are counting on that timidity to allow them to stay relevant in the political world. It should be remembered that Trump picked Pence to be his Vice President because he wanted to drive a wedge into the Never Trumpers, to begin with, to put one in his administration. Trump did that with a lot of people because he thought the strength of his personality could convert them over to justice. I would say that, for the most part, Trump significantly improved the conditions around him. Still, he was never going to be able to use his sizeable positive personality to change the behavior of those who insist on keeping their minds below the line. 

The hatred for Trump is to hate the concept of Making America Great Again. Instead, the Never Trumpers, including Mike Pence, believe more in the survival of institutions rather than in reshaping them for positive outcomes. So it wasn’t a loss for Trump that David Purdue never could get that message across. If it had been Trump running, the priorities would have been different during the campaign. Trump would have been “for” things rather than just stating that he would fight election fraud, which few people want to admit is a problem, especially those who have committed it to preserve institutional power. MAGA is powerful as a movement, but you can’t use it as a golf ball driver when you really need a short putt. You might still be able to make the shot, but it’s not the best tool to use. In truth, Georgia, in the decertification process, isn’t needed. There is plenty of criminal conduct already proven in Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, with governors who will get behind the decertification movement. Georgia was the last refuge of the Never Trumpers, and we learned a lot by watching them in this primary race.

In many ways, watching all the anti-Trump forces spike the football over the Kemp win is like a football game where the losing team has been down 60 to 0, and they get a field goal at the end of the game. The crowd cheers because there is something to be happy about, but they will still lose the game. The disappointment for the MAGA voters is that they wanted the shutout. They wanted as much of a perfect record for Trump as possible. But, Trump is willing to take chances. He does not play it safe. And as a result, sometimes there will be misses. Trump has playing golf seven holes in one, and you get that by hitting the ball hard and trying to skip all the little putts that get you to the green by hitting over the obstacles or through them. Sometimes that means that the ball will go into the rough. But if you play it safe, as many people do, you won’t get those holes in one. So by force of personality, Trump has an excellent win ratio. He can afford a David Purdue here and there, and all it means to the political world is that the Trump brand is so strong that he can take risks others can’t afford to. It doesn’t mean that the Never Trumpers will start winning, and MAGA is on the decline. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The World Economic Forum Must Control Elections Worldwide to Implement their Plan for Global Domination: The lessons learned from Hillary Clinton

If you search my site here of Hillary Clinton’s name, you will see that I have written hundreds of articles about her guilt and corruption, all of which have turned out to be true. It has taken, in some cases, six years to uncover some of the crimes. Some of her crimes, especially regarding Benghazi, have not been adequately investigated, but time will prove them all to be true. While I enjoy the Glenn Beck’s of the world and Alex Jones’s work, I would distinguish what I have done for over a decade to be much different. I purposely work to keep theater out of my statements, even though the things I say may sound like radical conspiracy theories. How they sound is only relevant to the experience of the consumer of the information. The relevancy of what I say obviously is something I consider essential. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mention it. From my perspective, if I’m talking about it, it’s something you should be concerned about. When I talked about Obama and his illegal presidency, or the crimes of the Clinton family, or the crimes of the current Biden family, election fraud, manufactured viruses like Covid was and distributed by our own people to help the Desecrators of Davos change the world to global communism, I have no plans to say in the future, “oh, my bad. That never came true.” Instead, I expect everything to be proven true, just as this Hillary Clinton case has proven concerning the Sussman trial, which revealed that Hillary Clinton actively promoted the Russian conspiracy with the Trump campaign and many millions of dollars wasted with four years of Hell that followed a properly elected presidency. All because she wanted power and was throwing a fit because she didn’t get it. Never underestimate the evil people will perform to gain power over others. 

So when I say that everyone should expect the World Economic Forum supporters to attempt to use the Monkey Pox or some other virus as a way to try Coronavirus shutdowns 2.0 before the Midterm elections in 2022, I say it with the meaning to take it seriously. I watched all the coverage from this year’s World Economic Forum from Davos this year, and they are clearly delusional. They are not paying attention to global trends toward populism, and it’s not hard to read between the lines as to why. I’ve said it for a while now, the Democrats in America, and the progressives around the world, have no plans for America ever to have a fair election again. They got caught stealing the 2022 election, as the evidence from the movie 2000 Mules shows clearly. For anybody who wants to debate that fact, just interview those 2000 Mules and trace where their money came from to harvest ballots to put Joe Biden into the White House. With the same confidence that I’ve said everything about Hillary Clinton that has come true, Facebook will turn out to be the bank that paid the cash to all the election fraud mules, and they should all go to jail for what they did to our country. If we had a law enforcement system that wasn’t beyond corruption, the next step for 2000 Mules would be massive investigations and trials in congress. It might take a decade for everyone to admit to it finally, but eventually, they will. But ultimately, it wasn’t just Zuckerberg who stole the 2020 election, it was the entire group of the Desecrators of Davos who did, and for that, we must focus our anger.

The World Economic Forum spent much of the last week of May 2022 talking about its elaborate plans for global domination. But what they didn’t talk about was their need to control all elections worldwide to make it happen. There is no way for them to get votes from the world to support their efforts. There is an assumption in their meeting that voters won’t have a say in their efforts. And it is that aspect of their candor that we should be most alarmed about. At local and state levels, I would caution all public officials to role-play what the next pandemic will be. There is no question that this is why the Biden administration is flirting with giving over American sovereignty to the World Health Organization so that they can manage lockdowns from a centralized United Nations source. They watched how Americans reacted to Covid and the vaccine mandates. That is why the WHO is being tasked with managing future pandemics, taking constitutional law out of the hands of American courts, and placing them into global governance. That means that it will take local officials to challenge their state governors in the future with constitutional challenges, especially those that come from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. The apparent plan is to use another manufactured crisis, just as Covid-19 was manufactured and released by communist China with the help of Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, as proven in the book, The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy Jr., to change election laws and prevent a free and open election in the fall of 2022. The World Economic Forum characters are counting on that to save them from a wave of populism that will destroy all their plans. 

Knowing what the plan is and learning from the past, not to just dismiss something that seems outrageous only to turn out to be true, America at every local level needs to consider the lessons of the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates to challenge any legal assumptions that might come from the direction of the World Health Organization and ultimately, the World Economic Forum. Their plans are obvious, they already have our CDC and Biden administration in their corner, and none of them can afford a real election in America this coming November. So now is the time to role-play just as they do for implementing viruses, as they have just done with the Monkey Pox. We must role-play our counteraction against their methods with legal challenges of our own. Instead of accepting an Executive Order health emergency to shut down our economy this coming fall to hide the terrible inflation numbers and the impact of actual in-person voting, we must have a legal challenge ready before the executive orders are even written or before a blue state governor like Ohio has in DeWine attempts to use emergency power to take control of everything, all in an effort to manipulate the election results that might put a wet blanket over the World Economic Forum’s plans for global communism and dominion of all national sovereignties. The lessons we have learned from the past have been costly. So this time, lets put them to good use; let’s learn from history and be ready for them when they do attack through the back door of emergency powers because they have no choice but to try. We are not dealing with honest people; these are international criminals who seek protection from justice by world domination, so let’s not take them lightly, as many did with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a product of these criminals; she’s small potatoes. The big cats are in this Desecrators of Davos group, and they are out for blood. They have told us so, so take them at their word and take nothing for granted. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Power of the MAGA Movement: Government can’t hide their crimes like they used to

It’s safe to save that Dr. Oz won his primary against the challengers because of the Trump endorsement. I thought David McCormick was the better candidate for that senate seat in Pennsylvania, but President Trump picked the tv star, probably more out of sentiment than practicality. Otherwise, Dr. Oz wouldn’t have had a chance, and now no matter what happens with the election count, people will always remember that he won. The same can be said of the David Purdue situation in Georgia, with all the early voting and interest from MAGA, even as the establishment forces have lined up for their own version of the Alamo, going all-in on backing Kemp to keep the election fraud there under wraps. What is astonishing to many is the power of the MAGA movement, which the Biden administration has finally realized isn’t going away, so they have been attacking it increasingly. None of the political insiders thought Trump picks would be doing this well into the primary season. They desperately hope for a loss that can embarrass the movement and chip away at Trump’s endorsement power. But the action itself is far more complicated than Trump. Trump didn’t make the movement; the movement made Trump. I have been following the freedom movement all of my life. Specifically, the Tea Party days directly merged into this change state with Trump at its head. But I could additionally point back to the late 80s going into that 1992 election. I campaigned for Ross Perot back then, so this pushback against establishment politics isn’t new. It’s been around for a while, and no matter what we call it, MAGA, or Mega MAGA, or King Maga, or whatever, acceptance of global institutionalism has been on the chopping block for most of the last century. It is culminating to this point in history. 

In many ways, the crimes we have seen in government which have everyone on edge, were always going on. But the pressure of Trump and the MAGA movement itself has created these unforced errors. We always knew Hillary was breaking the law with her emails. We knew she was trying to sabotage the election of 2016 with the Russia hoax and her disciples in the liberalized media. For many years they denied it, but now it’s coming out in court. The same is happening with election fraud. Criminals tend to deny, deny, deny, even when caught. Our prisons are filled with people declaring their innocence, even though most were convicted with hard evidence. We have trusted politicians too much, and they have evolved into an oligarch class, and things got out of control. And to keep the other crimes they have been caught in suppressed, they have had to commit even more crimes, to the point we are in now where all the ugliness is out in the open for all to see, and we can still see them saying, “nothing to see here.” As the world burns behind them. The latest crime is this adherence to the green agenda religion with deliberate sabotage of the American infrastructure to destroy food supplies and drive up energy costs.   The whole scheme is a last-ditch effort to destroy the American economy before there is another election where they will lose their leverage by controlling all the houses of congress. 

Never underestimate what the bad guys are willing to do to hide their massive crimes. I will remind everyone that they have openly killed people and destroyed their lives to hatch their plans, specifically with Covid. They will try the same thing before this upcoming election, especially as they see the kind of candidates that still support Trump this far from the 2020 election. What the political world sees coming from the MAGA movement is terrifying to them, like any criminal would if they knew the cops were about to catch them.   They will fight with everything they have in the tank to avoid another election in America where the people actually speak. They have been caught stealing the 2020 election, and obviously, many others and people are waking up to it, and the pressure is terrifying to them. It’s so scary that the pressure is causing them to make a lot of forced errors, leaving us scratching our heads at how stupid much of it is. But when you see them reading from the playbook in such desperation, it’s obvious how guilty they have always been. The crimes are coming in so fast now that people just can’t process them fast enough. The testimony by Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, was a major dagger into her guilt. But it goes much further than that. And to cover up each of these crimes, most of the Beltway culture is looking more and more guilty, meaning their coverups have to be more ostentatious by the week, even the sell-out Republicans like Mitch McConnell. He is really struggling to find his place in this new MAGA universe.

But I would say that it’s not new. Trump could come and go, but the desire by voters would be the same. I remember passing out 10,000 Perot promotions on Fountain Square in Cincinnati during lunch in 1992, just four years after Reagan left office, and the country was only so-so on George Bush, the elder. The Karl Rove types loved Bush because he stood for the two or three issues that they thought represented conservative politics, support of businesses, and a stance against abortion. But the need for good conservative, “American” politics was so much deeper than that. People always wanted a party that represented America first. It just took many decades of evolution to get it. The extremes of the Obama insurgency shaped the parameters into usefulness. It shocked people into supporting their own shock and awe president, the TV star and casino owner, Donald Trump.   It would be a similar personality in the future, but the rules of conduct are the same. America first, and to fly the flag proudly. That movement is not going away, and for those in conventional political circles, things are never going back to what they thought they were. The MAGA movement is growing by the day, and with each failure by the current government. The supply chain failures, high gas prices, and woke politics are all things that Americans will not accept. And they aren’t going to accept the new lockdowns that the government is planning to stop the fall election with the Monkey pox outbreak or whatever else they manufacture as a bioweapon in some Chinese lab.

People have been burnt by this recent American government and the world’s governments, and they want freedom from their stupidity. The more the governments hang on to loot off the efforts of the good, the more resentment there will be. That is why the Trump endorsements are doing so well. There are a few here and there that Trump reached.   But the effectiveness cannot be denied. Yet it goes way beyond him as a political figure. The big-government types and overbearing institutionalists have not yet figured it out. No matter what they do, people will not be compliant with an out-of-control criminal government. The only path they will accept is justice, which will be a painful future for many. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Root Cause of all Political Problems: Playing the cards to win, not letting the cards play you

One of the reasons I had to talk about superstition in my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, is because one of the failures of Lean manufacturing, which has become the industry standard in process improvement across the world, is that it fails to recognize the most important detriment to all process failures, human behavior. Rather than deal with the detriments of human behavior, Lean seeks to create processes that remove human variables and build group consensus around those resolutions. Because the main problem with human behavior is that in the East, and even in Europe, workforces are much more compliant naturally due to their long histories with kings and overbearing governments. But in America, a different kind of human being emerged. And we can easily see those differences in the type of card games that we play. I specifically use the differences between Tarot cards and poker cards to accentuate the point often to clarify the differences in thought. And this is spectacularly important in our present time specifically because globalists have assumed, as many have with Lean manufacturing, that all people are the same. If the same rules were imposed upon them, then a universal kind of sameness could emerge and could then be easily controlled. But that has turned out to be vastly untrue, and the failure which follows is what we are seeing playing out in our present time. 

Lean manufacturing, as it turns out, which is a problem I have always had with it, is that it was a kind of pre-ESG score way to bring eastern thoughts to western cultures and then launch a global approach of sameness to all industries. I have taught Lean for over 30 years and have always run into the same problem; American cultures tend to push back on it while those in Europe and Asia tend to be much more accommodating. This has been a mystery to all involved because they failed to consider the most important aspect of human behavior and how they transact with their peers. So in my book, I break it down in ways that people can understand, which essentially comes down to tolerance for superstition in a culture and how those beliefs manifest into a business climate or a political one. In the book, I give a history of superstition across the world and talk about the use of horoscopes and Tarot cards to predict the future as some fortune teller might professionally do around a crystal ball. The thought was that people were helpless to the greater scheme of things and could seek help in the stars or in the spirit world of card reading to better navigate through the complexities of everyday life. When a string of luck occurs in business, even the most resolute executive might say, “knock on wood,” hoping not to jinx a project into failure when all has been going well. Behind such thoughts is the fear that humans are not in control of their destiny and that they must subjugate themselves to some “greater good” to function at even basic tasks in life. 

But in New Orleans, during western expansion, the card games of Europe evolved into something much more conducive to the lifestyles of Americans. Poker was invented, and over the next hundred years, the very American game of Texas Hold Em’ emerged and is extremely popular presently. Poker tournaments are common on sports programming such as ESPN, and every casino runs a Texas Hold Em’ game. Likely, they are running dozens of them. Meanwhile, the fortune-tellers are always on the outskirts of such activity at the fairgrounds and sidewalk attractions which offer a different kind of game for the more faint at heart, Tarot card readings. It is often interesting to go to a casino and witness the types of people who play poker and the kind who line up to have their fortunes told to them by someone else. The point of the matter is that the poker players can win the game even if they have a bad hand. The poker players play the cards, whereas the Tarot card reader allows the cards to play them. The fortune is in the cards, but the game is played to win in poker even if the cards are bad. Both are card games, but their rules of conduct are magnificently different to reflect the cultures that play them. 

In the movie Titanic, still one of the most successful movies ever made, this idea of making one’s own luck was a centerpiece of the story. Many women loved the love story between Leonardo DeCaprio and Kate Winslet; they could relate to the overbearing mother, the “too perfect” fiancée who was projected to be a great and wealthy business leader. It was, in essence, an East meets West story, where the business leader was a person who made their “own luck,” which he actually says at the end of the movie as his projected wife leaves him for the unfocused exploits of the hero played by DeCaprio.  Only to find herself floating on a door in the freezing north Atlantic after the Titanic sank and her lover sacrificed himself so that she could live. The story’s villain was one who self-determined his reality while the heroes surrendered themselves to circumstance. We see those same politics playing out daily in our news cycles, in our business process improvements, and certainly within our own families. But what the American poker players figured out was critical to the truth of the universe.

Even when you are losing, you can still win, and poker was invented to reflect that new way of looking at things from the perspective of an American, which much of the world admires, but secretly resents because they don’t have the courage for it. It is much safer to have the cards tell them how to live, consult a horoscope, and look to the stars for guidance. But to the American, not all of them, but to the bold ones who figure it out, every moment of every day is an opportunity. Even bad luck can be turned into fortune if you know how to play the cards right. But failure often happens because people let the cards play them. They don’t live their lives in a way where they play the cards. That is why Lean manufacturing always falls short, and companies end up throwing vast amounts of money at process improvements when they should be dealing with the psychology of interpersonal relationship failures. This is why Republicans and Democrats essentially can never work together because they have entirely different ways of dealing with the same problem. One is passive, and one is very active. And this is also why the MAGA movement is growing, why people elected a casino owner with a supermodel wife to the White House twice, and why much of the swamp hated them for it. Politics wants to read the Tarot cards. Trump supporters want to play to win. And those approaches will never go together. The problem was never one of simply political belief. Instead, it all comes down to superstitions and how to manage them. Do we let the cards play us, or do we play the cards? In America, we play the cards. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Government is Far More Dangerous Than Mass Shooters: In the world we are living in now it’s clear for all to see

To answer the question that ABC News wanted to ask after this past week’s mass shootings failed to capture for a moment American sentiment for gun control, is that Americans are much less concerned about mass shootings because the government has proven itself far more dangerous. As Joe Biden went to Buffalo to capitalize off the horror of a mass shooting there by an 18-year-old kid who obviously had mental problems, people remembered that the Black Lives Matter activist Darrell Brooks had just recently driven his car through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin killing five and injuring over 40 others.   Joe Biden didn’t go to Waukesha and exploit that criminal enterprise as he did in Buffalo. Both were mass murders, but only one fit the political narrative of white supremacy, the ending of American life as we know it to be replaced by immigrants worldwide through open border policies. And only one could give the radical left what they wanted, gun control legislation, so that they could more easily perform their obvious task of destroying America home by home and could use a tragedy to convince Americans to give up their guns so to make the job easier for the big government globalists. There were more mass shootings during the third week of May 2022, and the mainstreamers tried to do their usual wall-to-wall coverage, but the issue was a dead one for the public. A sort of panic was forming in newsrooms across the country, Americans weren’t buying it, and that was something new nobody had seen before. 

With gas prices pushing up to 5 dollars per gallon, concerns over simple things like baby formula, inflation, even buying a new car, Americans can see what’s going on, which we have long been warning about. We are not living in a time of mass conspiracy theory, with tinfoil hats speculating on what may happen. No, we are living it now in all its gory glory. The attack on American infrastructure is fully underway by foreign powers, and the Biden administration is helping them along. By the proof offered in the film 2000 Mules, we know that the Biden administration was illegally inserted to run our government for all the reasons we see, for the world to take down the only superpower on earth and redistribute the wealth to nations around the world. We remember when Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona proved that Obama’s birth certificate was forged, allowing a domestic terrorist created in the living room of Bill Ayers to start the process of destroying America. Americans reacted to the obvious Obama problems by electing Donald Trump. For all four years of the Trump presidency, the scum bags of the swamp worked to destroy the people’s pick. The latest evidence comes from the Clinton campaign itself through Robby Mook. He revealed to lawyers that Hillary Clinton personally OK’d giving media info on Trump/Russian information that their campaign had completely made up, breaking all kinds of laws in the process. The law has never stepped in to defend the American people. Still, it does act to destroy people who don’t fall in line with globalism, as advocated not just by Obama, Clinton, and now Joe Biden, but many nefarious characters like the vaccine murderer Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Mark Zuckerberg, who openly broke many laws giving over a half a billion dollars to have President Trump removed from office, and of course George Soros. The latter has openly declared war on America for years. Americans have witnessed extreme cases of treason and sedition by many domestic terrorists in American politics and had that evidence rubbed in their faces as if to say, “what are you going to do about it.” Now people are seeing the results of all that terrorism, with transportation costs soaring beyond reason, food shortages, CRT in our schools, and the complete destruction of our society. People did not have time or energy for the latest mass shooting. 

It has been a transition in America; people used to watch the wall to wall coverage of mass shootings and think about gun control out of compassion for people slain in those events, especially the soccer mom types who are fairly new parents, fresh and compassionate, wanting a nice safe world for their kids to grow up in. They were the first to say, “maybe we should think about gun control.” But not anymore; those days are over. Even the worst of the gun violence shootouts that we heard about on the Disney-owned ABC News wire, the government has proven itself to be far more dangerous. People, of course, are concerned about whatever version of the Black Lives Matters Marxists like Darrell Brooks that might be in their neighborhood, but for them, those are acceptable risks. The government is everywhere and into everything they do and is a far greater threat. A government that will steal an election to keep the people’s pick from stopping a globalist agenda is the greater menace, and people get it. Now they see it without discussing conspiracy theories because the facts are now in front of their faces. Instead of banning guns, they are rushing out to buy them. When the power grids fail, and the looters hit the streets, and the law can’t come to every call of violence that happens because they don’t have the gas in the budget to operate their patrol cars, people are going to be left to their own devices, and they are going to want their guns. That’s the world that has been given to us by the Biden administration, illegally inserted as an act of domestic terrorism to destroy us all, with a smile on their faces while they are doing it. And the same punching bag of blame they have resorted to for years now, to blame their actions on Russia and expect people to buy it. 

It was almost humorous to watch all the old tricks by the media aligned with these government power grabs panic as people failed to show concern for the shooting in Buffalo. All mass killings are sad and terrible things. But now, even regular people who typically just go about their business are thinking of buying guns to defend themselves from an obviously criminal government spun way out of control, where the rule of law is not a concern for them. The killers and social provocateurs of society are dangerous, but not nearly as much as the Biden administration is. That concern isn’t coming from the traditional Joe Arpaio types, the Glenn Becks, or the Alex Jones versions who have always tried to point out the problem with the current American government. Now it’s those same soccer moms who used to watch the news reports on ABC News and have concern for their kids. Well, now they are pushing their husbands to buy more guns and more ammunition because society is just one power shortage away from all-out civil war in the streets, all because this Biden administration and the puppet masters that control it have shown their intentions for the complete destruction of America, and everyone in it. The attackers want an end to the world’s superpower, which means us. And they are the real threat that people finally can see for themselves. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business