Our Flag is Still There: Obama isn’t sleeping well these days

Much like during the War of 1812, our flag is still there, despite the domestic terrorist attempts to destroy it. After all, that is what we are dealing with, domestic terrorists who now run our government and have been working to destroy America from the inside out for many decades now. So it’s nice to hear that Barack Obama is not sleeping so well these days. He’s worried about the disjointed media, meaning that the government has been unable to control the media the way the communist movement intended. And Obama wants to see Australia-style gun confiscation in America because the writing is not going well on the wall where the opposite thing seems to be happening. As a community activist and drug user, Obama has been committed to this destruction of America for his entire life. And so far, it hasn’t happened yet, and it appears to become less of a possibility now that people are showing massive mistrust in the government as opposed to how it was when he was president for two terms. The common belief is that this current Biden administration is actually the third term of Obama. That it is Barack Obama who is whispering in the ear of Biden and that he is really in control. But I don’t think so. Obama himself was always a puppet. It’s the people who controlled him who are really controlling Biden now. And because of all their terrorist efforts, they have the world we are living in now, where Trump hasn’t gone away, and people are more dug in than ever against the causes of progressivism. And it has frustrated their movement. 

I never accepted that Barack Obama was President. But you didn’t see me attempting to host an insurrection against his administration. Instead, I worked to help get Romney elected. But he turned out to be a major RINO, and we ended up with another term of Obama, just barely. I never believed that the birth certificate that Obama produced way too late was real. Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona made a good case for the fraudulent nature of the document that was eventually released to the public. The problem was that it had digital elements at a time when birth certificates had no possibility of computer-generated images. So, there were a lot of problems with Obama. As I’ve said many times, and the media underreported the story severely, Obama’s political career was launched in the living room of a known Weather Underground terrorist, Bill Ayers, a precursor to the modern-day Antifa terrorists that are certainly government-sponsored and saw a lot of activity during Trump’s administration. While January 6th, protestors of election fraud sit in jail; all the leaders of Antifa are free and waiting for their next government-sponsored terrorism campaign. So, hindsight makes it more evident that the Barack Obama presidency was a planned terrorist attack against the flag itself. They inserted a foreigner into our White House, hid his communist radicalism behind skin color; remember, we weren’t allowed to have judgments against Obama because we had to all prove we weren’t racists, even though it was Republicans who fought the Civil War to free slaves. Going through those years, people became very frustrated. Looking back on it, it’s all obvious what was happening. And people wanted a change, and that’s how we ended up voting for Trump. 

Barack Obama and his handlers of insurrection created the political climate we see now. You would have thought that they would have learned that communism doesn’t work; they never got control of the media in Cuba, Russia, Germany, or China, all the places where the communist model was being utilized. To think that it would work well in America, the place where all those places were fleeing communism to have an opportunity for freedom, the plan was to take that option away and that people were somehow magically going to accept authoritarian governments. Obama now has that same blank look that Bill Gates had when he realized that Covid wouldn’t work because states had rights the federal government couldn’t impose on. Oppps, just a small oversight in their plan to destroy the world with a One World Government. America has this crazy thing called the Constitution. And apparently, they didn’t study that in their maniacal schemes. These plans always sound great in the halls of academia, where Obama learned his radicalism at the University of Chicago, where Ayers the terrorist recruited him for an inside job that the Democrat party fully supported. Hide the communist radicalism behind a well-spoken person of color. And hope to guilt people into accepting authority rule of centralized government. The intentions of a communist coup are now apparent to everyone with eyes to see. During Obama’s years, people were reluctant to admit it to themselves. They wanted to give Obama a chance, to prove that they weren’t racist. But I knew it all along. One of my most popular articles to this day was one I did about nude pictures of Obama’s mom, who was a sleep around and had relationships with lots of communist men. It’s likely Obama has no idea who his father was because of his mother’s scandalous life. No wonder he was a druggy, a communist, and attracted to domestic terrorists. And for all those reasons, the people who hate America found a way to put him in the White House. And now they are so arrogant about their ability to rig elections and manipulate the media that they can put a brain-dead slug in office, and nobody even challenged them on it. It all started with Obama. 

Now they see that power slipping; they thought they controlled the corporate media. But now, the media has gone underground and is more independent than ever. And people aren’t afraid of the government because there are over 300 million guns in homes all across the country. The government just isn’t big enough to go door to door and impose authoritarian rule on everyone. They couldn’t do it during Covid, which was a test for a Great Reset. And now that people have been burnt trusting the government, it will be harder than ever to impose any government authority on anybody. Especially since the government does not control the media the way they hoped to by now. So yes, Obama isn’t sleeping very well.

The plans he has been involved in all his life are falling apart, and Trump is still the pick of the people. And Obama and his fellow government insurgents don’t understand why. Just as the English thought they were going to destroy the young country of America easily during the War of 1812. They found out that the war took too long, and people were too dug into this idea of being free to scare them over, back under the flag of England. Communism has been resisted in America, and now that people are awake, it’s hard for the progressive communists to do anything. And that’s why Obama isn’t sleeping well. This wasn’t how the plan was supposed to go. People were not supposed to run from Obama and into the arms of the ultimate flag-waving capitalist, Trump. This isn’t how the communist revolutions in other places went, so they had no idea that Trump would even be a possibility or that people would elect someone like him when the going got tough. But they did, and despite all the efforts at terrorism, our flag, and our country, is still around.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Debt Ceiling Debacle: Government needs to be cut by 75% or more

The values expressed by the June 1st made-up deadline for the debt ceiling talks were that it was a bi-partisan agreement, which prevents a first-ever default, protects Biden’s key priorities and accomplishments, and rejects extreme cuts to programs for veterans, seniors, and what families count on. It protects Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and keeps President Biden’s student loan relief program for 40 million hardworking borrowers. That is what the White House is saying about it, and it’s the kind of deal you will always get from a corrupt government with a serious spending problem. And the feeling is that Keven McCarthy got suckered even though members of Congress I like from my area; Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson were happy to push back a bit from the Republican perspective; ultimately, these budget fights are going to get messy and would have been better done now than later. Essentially, Republicans bit on the phony deadline for debt payments that Janet Yellen set from the Biden administration, and House Republicans didn’t want to be blamed for a default. We are dealing with radical employees here; it’s precisely the same argument we have been making for years in public schools where the government simply adds too much payroll, then expects taxpayers to pick up their massive expansion of government through job creation, then overpaying those employees. I tend to agree with Davidson and Jordan that McCarthy played a nice game, but in the end, there weren’t wins to justify the effort, and the Biden Democrats get to celebrate a win at taxpayer expense. 

We aren’t all on the same page with this one. The government needs to be radically shrunk, and it will put a lot of people out of work. The entire issue of these budget talks really comes down to whether we are a better nation with all the government workers we have who do so little for the nation in general. Most government workers make 30-40% above market value for jobs that aren’t needed in most cases. And we could likely afford to cut 75% of those and still get an operational government, much like Elon Musk did at Twitter. Real people who run real companies understand that budget impacts on the payroll are the biggest problem of inflated budgets. If employees get increased productivity with their staffing, and that productivity is valuable to the world, then a company could be said to be successful. But we’re not talking about that with this budget problem with our government. Government is a make-work enterprise where they fill positions we don’t need and pay people too much money to perform the job. I would say that the utilization rate of those employees is under 5%, where it should be somewhere between 70% to 90%. That’s the effective time employees are actually doing their jobs while being paid. What we are dealing with when it comes to government workers are lazy radicals who are hidden from job performance by government labor unions who continue to want to throw bodies at positions they create to expand government and take credit for it as politicians. And politicians are never going to give those jobs away without a major fight. And this debt ceiling talk of 2023 would have required people negotiating who actually want to fight. 

And the kryptonite for Republicans is always military spending, but even with that topic, do we really want to waste money on a woke military? In my view of this problem, everything is on the table. What does our military really do for us these days? It seems to only serve for wars that help globalism. It’s not preventing war with China. China has their guy in our White House. They are fighting wars through finance now; nobody is planning to fight a ground war now or in the future. So, Republicans need to be willing to go there. And they must be willing to take away the credit cards from big-spending Democrats and let them have their head-spinning moments. At some point, we are going to have to call the bluff of the big government types and stop wasting money on these massive government programs in every category. Lots of people need to lose their jobs, and a resizing of the real needs of our federal and state government needs to occur because, at the core of it, that is what we are talking about with these talks. Nobody wants to end well-paying jobs for a government that know-nothing politicians created for a job that society generally doesn’t want or need. We are going into debt to do jobs so that foreign interests can make money off the interest rate, and the only entities benefiting are the communist labor unions attached to the government workers. It’s a treadmill that goes nowhere, and we waste all our time and money on essentially nothing. Our nation has not improved because of all the money wasted on these jobs, and the economic value is a negative rather than a positive. We are paying a lot of money to get in the way of productivity, not to enhance it. 

And that’s where the really hard decisions come into play. We all have family members who work in government and did what they needed to to get a job with the government at that overpaid rate, with all the days off and work-from-home policies we have seen over the past several years. Government workers don’t think they owe any productivity to society. They believe that society owes them a job and that they’ll show up for it whenever they get around to it; that is the true cost to the productivity of our culture. We are paying a lot of money for a government that doesn’t do what we need it to. And unless Kevin McCarthy was willing to argue on those merits, the Democrats would own him in the negotiations. McCarthy made a good show of it, working himself over the Memorial Day Holiday, but Democrats knew from the beginning that all the mainstream Republicans could not fight the budget battle where it is really the costliest. Nobody wants to admit that their friends, family, and fellow union members are actually performing worthless tasks for a worthless government. Eventually, we will have to have this discussion because it is what makes deficit spending such a catastrophe. One that few, perhaps only the 20 or so freedom caucus members, are willing even to discuss. Government, in general, with all their labor unions attached at every level, is a bloated machine of communist corruption of no value, and to be a healthy country, those government jobs need to be private sector jobs at a much lower wage rate. And that would essentially destroy the inflated economy of the Beltway culture that entirely exists on debt, not the actual value of the jobs that fuel that economy. Then until we are willing to have that discussion, which is inevitable, we will continue to see debt ceiling discussions like this one with precisely these results. Kevin McCarthy never had a chance because he was making the wrong argument. The government positions that make up the bloated budget we are dealing with need to go away. People will have to be out of work. And the government will have to be significantly minimized, by 75% or more, because anything productive never happens. And we are a long way from that happening with these government politicians. A long way away from reality.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

BlackRock and the Kaaba Stone of Mecca: The politics of the ancient pagan gods of the spirit world and what they are doing now

What we’re dealing with in the early part of this 21st century is an ancient evil that has always existed. But for lots of reasons is more focused and more vicious than in other recorded attempts throughout history. I would say to everyone that religion is essential to human beings because people tend to fly apart without it. When we look at our governmental problems in America and we ask why it’s all screwed up, we can go back to Georg Washington’s inauguration and get a wise warning, a country that turns away from God will perish on itself, much like what happened to the Israelites in the past. To be a prosperous country, there must be an alignment with a positive spiritual nature. Christianity was the foundation of America and our laws, so the strategic goal of attackers wanting to undo our country has been to separate us from our foundations. And now, in hindsight, we have seen the anti-American forces using other religions, such as Islam, to blow on the winds of ancient conflicts to insight social change toward communism. And to understand that, a careful study of ancient religions’ foundation beliefs becomes necessary and essential. As we talk here, remember that during the 1980s, Osama bin Laden worked for the American CIA. And we never saw the body when he was killed for his role in 9/11. The troops who killed him killed someone watching pornography. But in this world and in that region, there are a lot of old people dressed in robes who have long beards in Pakistan. And we were told that Osama was dead by the same people who killed President Kennedy, ran President Nixon out of office, performed a coup against President Trump, tried to cover up that Covid came from China as a bioweapon, and also told us the election of 2020 was the most secure in history.

Obviously, we are seeing a military plot being performed by financial institutions like BlackRock, which most of us reading this have some connection to through a 401K plan. This plot is using our own money to buy up stock, propped up by our own Federal Reserve through quantitative easing, to become majority owners, and to drive all corporate management toward ESG, woke objectives. And it’s behind much of the ruin we see in 2023, from Disney to Bud Light and Target. But before Larry Fink was able to use BlackRock to acquire trillions of dollars of asset management, he needed an event to catapult his little company, oddly named to perform the task it would, in becoming the most significant money management firm in the world, which is now the first to operate within communist China. What you learn upon conducting a vast amount of research by asking the who, what, why, when, and where is that by studying a multitude of social categories carefully hidden behind the façade of religion, the kind of religious tension displayed every day at the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, specifically between the Jews, Christians, and Muslims, we are seeing the politics of the spirit world unfolding in strategic ways, and suddenly things start to make a lot more sense. The gods of worship by the modern World Economic Forum, of which BlackRock is a member and tool of aggression, are not Christian concepts. And an ancient evil captured by gods from the past coming out of that same Mesopotamian region is obviously working in the background of our current culture. American intelligence, finance, most corporations, and many of our elected representatives have been caught up in this plot, which is older than the Bible by quite a lot and is the source material of much of our misery.

I don’t think it’s such a well-kept secret that BlackRock, the company, refers to the Kaaba Stone in Mecca, which is the heart of the Muslim religion. It’s where the original dispute for most of the trouble in the Middle East started, the argument between Muslims and the Jewish people about which son was the favorite of Abraham. The Quran says it was Ishmael. Abraham’s wife was barren, so she suggested Abraham have a child with the slave girl Hagar. Ishmael was born, and he and his father went to the shrine in Mecca and pushed away all the pagan idol worship, which would have been references to Baal and the pantheon of ancient gods featured as the Bible’s primary villains. I’ve read the Quran several times, including most recently looking for clues about our current political situation, and my thoughts on it were that the ancient Assyrian descendants wanted a way to stop the adoption of Christianity by the Romans as a unifying force, to provide leverage in the region to destroy them as a military power. Muhammad wrote the Quran, which took many of the characters from the Bible and put its own “Eastern” spin on them, and it was promoted as its own unifying force against the newly created effects of Western civilization. In the Quran, Ishmael is looking to finish the shrine but is missing a cornerstone, so he looks for one. That is when the angel Gabriel, the same one from the Bible, gives him the black stone that is now known as the Kaaba stone, which supposedly fell to earth and provided Adam, from the Biblical Adam and Eve story, wisdom for the creation of all civilization. And just for context, the Dome of the Rock sits on top of the very spot where the world was supposedly created, from God’s own hands, Allah in the case of the Quran. But Yahweh in the traditions of the people of Israel. Think of Gabriel as a kind of CIA agent of the spirit world who is likely still hiding behind the scenes of the masks of global religions. And things start making a lot more sense.  Is Gabriel a MAGA Republican?  Does he share political alignment to Yahweh?  Or is he working a deal with the ancient Baal, Ishtar, or Moloch?  These are the things we should be thinking about and not assuming that all the archangels are………. beneficial.

Also, the Dome of the Rock is the spot where God sent Abraham to kill his only true son, Isaac. After Ishmael was born, Abraham’s wife Sarah, at a very ripe old age, found herself pregnant, and she gave birth to Isaac, who was the son of the official marriage union. Not a slave girl. So, this is where the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims part ways. Isaac was spared from the sacrifice on Mount Moriah and went on to become the father of the entire line of the Jewish people. Ishmael went on to become the father of all Islam. And the reverence of the Kaaba Stone centers around the shrine Abraham built with his son there to push out pagan influences. But, the Kaaba Stone is the ultimate of pagan references, and we don’t know much about it, not even the Muslim people, other than it was given to Ishmael to place in the corner of the shrine in Mecca. There are a couple of passages from the Bible, Mathew 21:42 and Daniel 2:45, which refer to this black stone, so we are talking about something that has a connection to history in ways we don’t understand. And is clearly at work in the world now, if not literally through religious pilgrimage for the Muslim faith, but in the name of an anti-American continuation of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 where government expanded as a reaction, we had a massive financial collapse in the following years, starting in 2008 where the housing market tanked, Larry Fink worked with the Fed to buy up all the bad loans, then shielded BlackRock from the risk with quantitative easing printing trillions of dollars over the next decade, leading to BlackRock owning most of the wealth of America, and influencing most corporate structures. And we still have no body for the Muslim terrorist who launched the attack in the first place, the old CIA asset Osama bin Laden. And it only gets more menacing from there. So, what is the power of that Kaaba Stone, and what role did it play in the pagan beliefs of the region and the world? Where did it come from, and what influence does it have now over the politics of our day? Well, to say the least, it’s substantial. And regarding the CIA and the Muslim terrorist organizations, there is plenty of smoke to make rational conclusions, and for me, the giveaway happened when the FBI failed to contain the crime scene of the Christmas shooting in San Bernadino and allow the press to stamped through it just days after the violent attack. That’s when it was clear that we weren’t all playing on the same team or the same fundamental beliefs before Trump came along and forced everyone to show their cards in the light of day.

Rich Hoffman

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Woke Disney’s Glaring Problem: The negative impact of Showing the New Indiana Jones Movie at the Cannes Film Festival

I always get excited about new Indiana Jones movies, and I know enough about this upcoming one, the fifth movie in the series over a 40-year period of time, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, to say I think it’s going to be a pretty good movie, and that I’ll like it. Whenever I go to a bookstore, I see Indiana Jones’s impact on publishing. Most of the top ten books sold in publishing have some kind of Indiana Jones influence. That character was a wonderful creation of George Lucas, a guy who wanted to be either a drag racer or an anthropologist; instead, he became a filmmaker. And what he did was much better for many industries, especially history; he made it fun through the character of Indiana Jones. I see Indiana Jones all over each copy I receive of Biblical Archaeology Review, which I have been getting for over 40 years now. It’s undoubtedly my favorite topic. Because of my very popular blog that, I operate like a newspaper, many people think I am obsessed with politics. And I am very interested in politics. But mythology, comparative religion, and history, in general, are what I put most of my efforts into. I spend about 70 hours a week professionally. I spend about 30 hours a week on political “things.” And the rest of the time, I spend reading, exploring, and contemplating. It is not uncommon, as many people with hostile intent have learned, that I am up often at 2 AM walking around my yard or going up and down my street thinking about things I have read. I don’t sleep much because I love history topics so intensely, and I am always in some sort of study of those topics. Indiana Jones made history as an industry that made normally boring topics, fun, and I think this new film will do much as the previous films have done for the study of history, bring joy and adventure to it, and the human consciousness will grow in healthy ways. 

And because I’m interested in this subject, I watched the coverage of the Cannes Film Festival, which played in the middle part of May in France, where Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was shown to a large audience. The Disney people, especially Bob Iger, the CEO, think they have a good movie in the new Indiana Jones film, and they decided to rush it out to reviewers to get some positive buzz going on the film. And they need it; as I have been talking about, Disney is in big trouble on multiple fronts. They have invested too much in ESG scores, BlackRock political values, and their company’s commitments have been slowly destroying them. They are not the same company they were ten years ago, and ten years from now, I think we will perhaps not see them in entertainment as an influencer at all. It is that bad for Disney. And I’m not a fan of Bob Iger, a big-time liberal who has committed to the global citizen movement, gambling that globalism would be the new transition economic force, so he has steered his company in that direction. But globalism is failing across the world. People want American nationalism, and even in broken-up countries on the other side of the globe, people want to think about the idea of America, not a bunch of bureaucrats in the European Union who the Administrative State so paralyzes they can’t even tie their shoes or a China approach with centrally managed communism that completely steamrolls the individuals of society into mashed potatoes who serve corrupt oligarchs like some top-heavy aristocracy. 

But I don’t think Bob Iger is an idiot. I think he did a pretty good job as the Disney CEO over the previous decade. However, it was a house of cards that was eventually going to fall, so I think it was a horrendous idea for him to return to attempt to save Disney because he was just going to sink himself in the process. He knows he needed a hit with Indiana Jones, so he stepped in and encouraged the filmmakers to make a film that people would want to see, to take out some of the Kathy Kennedy from Lucasfilm’s wokeness that was showing itself to be very unpopular with Bud Light, Target, and essentially the rise of the MAGA movement in politics. Bob and the gang made a pretty good movie that they thought would serve fans enough and not compromise their commitment to ESG measures, and they were in a rush to show it to the public. And, of course, the results were devastating. It was the worst thing they could have done. It would have been better in this media climate to surprise everyone at the release date instead of trying to create positive buzz for the film a month early. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny comes out on June 30th, so that’s a lot of time to have people who now hate Disney because of its commitment to woke policies to criticize everything that they do, from The Little Mermaid to the destruction of Pixar, the ruin of Star Wars, and now another Indiana Jones film that many of the critics who saw the film are saying is worse than Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

I personally liked Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It injected into publishing hundreds and hundreds of interesting books that I spent many thousands of hours reading over the last decade, so I was very happy with it. And I think that will certainly happen with this new movie, The Dial of Destiny, with the plot point being that of the Greek mathematician Archimedes. I think the concept for this film is much more interesting than a time travel movie like Back to the Future. This one deals with quantum entanglement, which people know is something I spend a lot of time considering and the nature of dimensional reality outside our four dimensions. But Disney underestimated the negative power of new media, so once their critics like Variety and the BBC came out negatively against the new Indiana Jones film, the new media types on YouTube, who have become the new influencers, pounced. It didn’t matter how good or bad the new Indiana Jones film was because it’s a Disney project, and as a company that has been committed to woke policies, they have made themselves open season for intense criticism, which will impact the opening of the new film. Iger should have held his cards and just let the film tell its own story when it was released. I’m sure I’ll find things I like about the new film, and I’m sure that the wokeisms will be there and I won’t like those. But I do think that Disney realized that Indiana Jones required some fan service and that they attempted to give that to this new film as a peace offering to their audiences. But it has had the opposite effect, and in some ways, I feel sorry for everyone involved in the film. They are feeling the pain of using their movies to sell political messages that the world doesn’t want. And when they thought they had surrendered to the fans a bit, they have only been slapped harder, which is the story coming out of the Cannes Film Festival. No matter how good the movie is, because of any connection to woke Disney, people are going to hate it because that is the political climate we are all in now. Globalism is the enemy; people know it and express themselves accordingly. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

What Happens When Your Little Sister Plays With Your ‘Star Wars’ Toys: The Fate of all woke corporations

There are likely fewer people in the world who wrote as much about Disney’s acquisition of the Star Wars property in entertainment as I have, or the fate of a multibillion-dollar investment, the Star Wars hotel in Orlando, Florida.  I was excited about it.  I have been a Star Wars fan most of my life, which is reflected in my work.  But it’s not just Bud Light that woke policies have crushed that the global push for a certain kind of CEO to now run these corporate boards ran by BlackRock have destroyed.  Knowing Star Wars as an entertainment property and a work of modern mythology, I could see early on the impact and ultimate failure of Disney’s quest to appease BlackRock and the other elements of the Desecrators of Davos, the World Economic Forum’s view of the world.  And it was evident in 2015 when the first of the next generation Star Wars movies came out in The Force Awakens that the future destruction of globalism was making itself most apparent.  What we have now is a kind of stubborn tenacity of globalism to impose itself on reality.  Whereas I have been saying for a very long time, many decades now, in writing, that the trend was going to destroy itself.  That was never more clear in how Disney as a corporation handheld Star Wars as soon as it purchased George Lucas way back in 2012 and have now chased off their audiences, which, prior to, looked to be eternally loyal.  I warned early on to all those who owned Disney stock to sell because the brands they, as a company, were building would fall apart, and that’s precisely what is happening.  As Disney is falling apart, so is globalism everywhere in the world. 

As scary as a post-President Trump world has been with all the horrible revelations that have been revealed, we are actually better off because market forces are proving that wonders of capitalism envisioned by the great Adam Smith book The Wealth of Nations to be as reliable as anyone could hope it to be.  Out of all the presently trained economists with PhDs in the study of social behavior and the flow of money, it really all points back to that seminal work that was released to the world when America was founded that has turned out to be exclusively true.  Disney had the money and power to hire anybody they wanted to be successful.  Just ten years ago, they looked to be an unstoppable entertainment company, but like the world presently is in general, all members of the Bilderberg group, and the World Economic Forum, Disney is a dismal failure that literally can’t do anything correctly.  They can’t produce new content that anybody wants, and what they do put out from their entertainment classics is so burdened with woke politics that it has turned away half the nation from enjoying their products.  Disney bet on their brand and thought it was so great that no matter how much wokeness they proposed, they assumed, as they all did when they adopted this Chinese communist model of corporate rule of the world, that people would follow them as leaders of culture and that progressive politics would rule the day.  Yet what they found out has been completely the opposite.  Markets serve people; they don’t shape culture.  They represent culture. 

That was never more apparent than when Disney built the Galactic Star Cruiser Star Wars hotel in Orlando, Florida, connected to the Galaxy’s Edge Star Wars land at Hollywood Studios.  I was very excited about Disney’s attempts and wanted them to work.  I was a big fan of the Star Wars Land and went to it as soon as it opened with my wife, and we made a nice vacation out of it.  I thought it was a stunning experience for a kid who grew up loving Star Wars, so I wanted the experiment to work.  But I saw the trouble too and had been talking about it, at first, very politely.  I did several radio shows with various guests around the country talking about the danger of woke Disney, which at that time, nobody understood what “woke” was.  And sadly, everything I said as a warning sign for Disney turned out to be true.  Disney didn’t understand Star Wars.  It was being run by a woman, hand-picked by George Lucas, to continue what he had built.  But she got swept up into this New World Order of the global citizen movement and turned Star Wars into what a little sister would do to your Star Wars toys when everyone was kids.  Girls might take your Star Wars figures and put lipstick on them, and instead of them having epic battles, she would sit them at a table and have them drink tea.  Kathy Kennedy essentially did that to Star Wars, designed for 8- to 12-year-old boys, and started producing all the content for girls.  And she thought that the boys would stick around and that the market expansion would now be more inclusive of girls and empower women. 

So when the Star Wars hotel opened as a kind of cruise ship last year, right after the Covid lockdowns, after ten years of development and over a billion dollars in investment, fans were stunned to learn that the $6000 per room 2 day all immersive experience was essentially the little sister version of Star Wars.  Star Wars is about rebellion against tyranny.  Not singing songs and drinking drinks in a bar with aliens walking around.  But Disney didn’t listen to the fans; instead, it lectured them about what it would be like, and the results were devastating.  Just over the hotel opened to great fanfare, it is now projected to close in September of 2023 because it just never took off.  People rejected the idea, and it wasn’t so much the money; the lack of the Star Wars experience ultimately destroyed it, really, before it ever got off the ground.  It proved something that will eventually happen to all corporations who have embraced woke policies, from Ford and General Motors to Bud Light, Miller Light, and Target.  Corporations don’t and never will run the world.  They will always serve society in general.  Not the other way around.  I warned everyone.  Some people listened, and those that did are better off today than they were.  Just as I have warned about the climate that still wants to vote for President Trump as opposed to the corporate approach of Ron DeSantis, they don’t know what they are doing.  Professionals who make their living off these kinds of things have drunk the Kool-Aid and found out that there is a lot of bad stuff in there, and they’ve learned it too late.

In general, what happened to Disney and the Star Wars hotel and brand is a warning of what will happen to everyone in the future of corporate globalism.   People don’t want woke and corporations who assume that their products are so beloved by the public that people will follow anything.  Corporations who believe that have another thing coming.  And that was never more obvious than in the closure of the Star Wars hotel so soon after it opened.  The smartest people in the world with the most financial resources could not change the kind of reality that Adam Smith articulated in his economics studies.  And those rules apply in every market sector.  Entertainment just being one that is obvious.  Which is a fine indicator of things to come. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Playbook for Defeating Evil: Lessons from the Snake in the Garden of Eden

There is much more to the story of Adam and Eve’s fall in the Garden of Eden than just the temptation to listen to a snake and eat the wrong fruit that would cast all mankind into everlasting sin. There is a recipe for defeating evil that is quite deliberate. Not to pick on snakes, but they are disembodied creatures strange to the touch, complete with a forked tongue and menacing appearance. In the stories of the Bible, and those like it which describe some version of the Adam and Eve story, the snake would go on to form in Western civilization a definite approach to defeating the nature of evil in human beings. A philosophic divorce from the nature of existence that would form the backdrop of an entirely new way of looking at the world and establishing a moral conduct within it. However, in Eastern cultures, essentially all oriental approaches to matters of good and evil, the serpent, or snake, is an object of reverence, representing rebirth and rejuvenation. Dragons, as they are of the serpent family, are worshipped favorably in oriental cultures, whereas in the West, they are meant to be slain. We have dragon slayers in Western civilization, slayers of evil, destroyers of the serpent. Killers of evil. In the East, we have a religious approach that lives in harmony with evil, a yin and yang approach that strives for balance. But in the West, we traditionally strive to defeat evil wholesale. So, in that regard, in a modern world where China and its supporters, some in our own government, are seeking to embrace evil rather than defeat it, and any defeat of evil is frustrated rather than dealt with in the traditional way that our culture measures it. 

But there is more to the story, literally, than just appearances. Western culture’s representation of evil as a snake has a much more literal meaning. Snakes are cold-blooded animals, whereas humans are warm-blooded. Snakes cannot sustain their energy for very long, so their actions are often swift because they run out of energy quickly. Humans can endure over a long time because we are warm-blooded, and can sustain ourselves no matter the climate conditions. Snakes hide in the ground and can be quite terrifying when they emerge into the light of day to sun themselves on a rock to gather up the warmth of the sun, which is yet another aspect of worshipping the sun as the current earth goddess worship is so concerned. The reverence for Eastern religions of nature worship instead of the conquest of it revolves around this central concept of accepting evil, embracing it, or making a conscious effort to defeat it. The two cultures are incompatible; there is no coexistence where good and evil shake hands and get along. And this is a fight that essentially started literally in the beginning; it is at the core of why all mankind was born into sin and had to make a conscious effort to deal with it. What we are seeing now, as in a modern context regarding the vast amounts of evil being presented to us, in many forms, all at once, is this panic by evil to reveal itself to gather energy. We see them coming out into the light of day to sun themselves on rocks, which is scary to look at. Because we are used to evil hiding away from our eyes, just as in nature. Seeing a snake is a startling experience because they tend to hide under rocks and in the ground and don’t make themselves known easily. 

But their sudden appearance everywhere and often is actually a good thing. It indicates their true condition, the status of global evil as it has existed on earth from the beginning of time. It takes energy to hide, stay malicious, and work in the background. Yet now we have evil out in the open for all to see, and the vast amounts of it are intimidating because we just didn’t know there was that much evil out there, at least those living their normal lives not thinking about fighting good and evil all the time. However, it’s good to see the snakes, to see them out of their hiding places. Because it tells us what their true condition is. Just because we can see something, because we can see the truth, it doesn’t mean that there is more evil in the world making itself known, rather it provides an indication of the truth, and now we are seeing it in abundance, for a vastness that just wasn’t part of our daily dialogue, at least until now. Then our natural reaction as members of Western civilization, that understands the keys to success in life, is not to embrace evil and to make peace with it, but to defeat it. So, it is natural for us to look at all these vast examples of evil and want to strike at it with a vengeance because that attitude is the key to all Western civilization, which is the natural outgrowth of human development.   In the beginning, there were snakes, lots of them. And they ruled the earth. And Western civilization made a conscious effort to grow, evolve, and despise evil. And to defeat it. 

With all that known, the way to beat evil is in how the snake actually behaves. Evil looks scary and can strike fast with its venomous bite. But it runs out of gas quickly, making it easy to outlast and overcome. So to answer the question I get all the time about evil as to why I am so patient in dealing with it, as opposed to some sexy defeat of it spectacularly, like the latest Hollywood movie, which would be far more exciting, is because the best tactical opposition to evil is in self-propelled energy, the warm-blooded nature of the human being, the thinking intellect. Evil gets tired quickly because of its cold-blooded nature. When we say that someone is “cold-blooded,” we are essentially talking about the nature of evil itself and how it can appear menacing, but it loses its energy quickly, making it very vulnerable to those with the intentions of good. Good being a long-term pursuit, a divorce from the animal ways of nature. Evil being short-term, live quickly and die just as such in accordance with nature’s impulses. Can we say that the buzzard eating roadkill is evil on the side of the road due to its parasitic nature, or should we expect a buzzard to develop an intellect to grow its food more humanely even to question the life feeding off of life nature of the universe as humans wonder about such things. And they do because they have developed intellects even to behold the thought; thus, Western civilization was born. And the concept of defeating evil became a priority in our culture. Of course, evil is very aware of this, yet they are powerless to defend themselves from the intentions of good because they run out of energy so fast. Which is what we are seeing happening right now. As scary as evil is, it is losing its effectiveness in the world, and they know it. So, they are panicking to strike while still having the energy to do it. But good is outlasting it and causing desperation, exposing this classic struggle with a truth that we have never had the luxury of dealing with. And the victor is going to the warm-blooded nature of existence over the cold-blooded parasite, which is the true message of the Adam and Eve story. The defeat of the snake is well at hand and within reach. Outlasting evil is the best way to defeat it 100% of the time. Never fight the strength of an enemy if you can avoid it. Always attack the weakness with your own strength, and in this situation, warm-blooded creatures defeat cold-blooded creatures whenever the long game is applied because of the lack of energy that the snake has to sustain itself through an extended conflict.

Rich Hoffman

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The New Alamo in America Coming in 2024: It will be fun

The bizarre approach that Miller Light had in attacking their beer-drinking customers recently with a suddenly out-of-fashion feminist position was very revealing. On the one hand, it was a message to the public by the beer-making corporations that they were making a power move and saying, don’t think you will escape wokeism just because you left Bud Light for Miller Light. Woke policies are coming to a corporation near you brought to you by BlackRock and friends. We are taking over all your corporations to the point where you’ll have nowhere to go. So, get used to it. But then there was the more absurd notion that feminists were actually going to take the sex out of beer drinking and get away with it. As if they didn’t already know that many men drink beer, so the women in their lives look better, more like the girls in beer commercials, and that this latest attempt to ruin culture with a bunch of dumb rules and regulations pointing at social appeasement was actually going to work. I found the information interesting, actually quite revealing and encouraging even. At least now we knew how to get young people to stop smoking pot in our culture, put some of these woke ads out showing transvestites and angry potato-looking women using the product, and it was a sure bet that consumption would go down. Yet a bigger plot was unfolding, and it became obvious that the election of 2024 was presenting us with a unique opportunity. America was having a modern version of the Alamo, and it was unfolding on a global stage. 

The attack on American corporate culture in almost every category reveals much about what the enemy has been plotting and scheming behind closed doors for years. Suppose you want to listen in on the latest Bilderberg meetings that were held May 18th through May 21st  this year at Prestana Palace in Lisbon, Portugal. In that case, you can save yourself the plane ride because the Miller Light commercial reveals everything any secret society might want to contain. The strategy is clear from the globalist aggression against sovereign nations, especially America. And the pressure is something they are not holding up well to. The arrogance of the woke policies against companies that Americans thought were distinctly American, like Bud Light and Miller Light, like what Disney is going through, and they are doing it to their own detriment because the system put in place is that entrenched through the kind of CEOs our culture is making these days, is bringing to a collision a long-held belief in the powers of communism and what it could actually do as a means to global control of the world. The attack is on choice, slow conditioning toward sameness, and the assumption that people are so stupid that they will put up with it, as opposed to the market forces that brought all these various options to our minds in the first place. It’s a who-created-who kind of debate unfolding in many unique ways in the year 2023 and the election year of 2024. And this plot is unfolding even more dramatically as those same forces presented Ron DeSantis to the world as the next presidential candidate, as Elon Musk is part of the symphony of discontent attempting to sell him as an option to Donald Trump. 

I’m not a fatalist; I always think there is a chance for good things to happen. But even the Alamo, as history remembers, resulted in the massacre of American heroes. We are about to have our own kind of last stand in America with the 2024 election and the hostile forces against America, know it. And I see it as a unique opportunity to have a revolution against these globalist tyrants without bloodshed, which usually accompanies these kinds of military attacks. That is, after all, what BlackRock has been doing to American companies; it has been an attack designed by the forces at the World Economic Forum to change the world into their desire. Not the consumer sentiment measured by market value.   What is the real issue here? Who decides market value, the choice of market saturation in the pursuit of profits by corporate interests, or the arrogance of corporate interests to believe that they shape public objectives like some cow being provided to migrate itself straight into the slaughterhouse to be consumed as a sacrifice to the efforts of global collectivism. Even King Solomon’s Temple was aligned with the needs of sacrifice as its core tenant of design. The Temple was aligned with the east, where the sun would rise and settle in the west, where the Ark of the Covenant resided. A high priest would offer up a sacrifice, probably a sheep or a goat, on the east side of the Temple, then sprinkle the blood on the Ark in the Holy of Holies in the west part of the Temple, believing that it was necessary to appease God. And many of these crazy characters involved with globalism believe much the same thing, and sacrificing profit, sanity, logic, and political power are at the foundation of their actions. And we are seeing a kind of Alamo situation setting up for the 2024 election, with many ideas colliding for a final stand. 

It’s a good thing to have this kind of Alamo standoff; it means that our constitution works and that hostile forces that might plan against America can be fought without bloodshed. As ugly as everything is, the beauty is that our checks on such powers are keeping the forces of globalism from doing what they’d like to do without resistance. And it is great that someone like President Trump is making himself available to be the headliner of this modern Alamo fight. It has forced the attackers to reveal their positions too early and often. It has stirred up anger that politics usually don’t have the opportunity to express. When globalism feels it must attack beer brands, for a lot of people, that’s the final straw. And it suddenly has awakened even the most casual voter. So it will never get easier than this election of 2024 to defeat globalism and fight for our country’s preservation than this upcoming election. It may be the only time in history when such an opportunity to fix things would come from simply controlling an election. To ensure we have an honest election without all the American intelligence and tech billionaires contaminating the election process for their globalist candidates. In this election, all people have to do is show up and vote because it will never get easier than this. The 2024 election won’t require people to take up arms and fight in a bloody rebellion to take back their country and overthrow hostile intent. All people will have to do is show up and vote. And you can see that already becoming known to people as they have stood by President Trump through all the news headlines that have been thrown at him. The more the established order throws at him, the more people support him, leaving Ron DeSantis’s fantasy an option not even on the table, where the globalist forces thought it would sink Trump. The strategy is clear; the hostile characters are now well-known and have been exposed to their hiding places. And 2024 is shaping up to be a modern version of the Alamo in America, a final stand between capitalism and communism, between sacrifice and life, and good against evil. And I think it will be a lot of fun, and America will invent future patriotic songs to commemorate the terror of these times with ballads of heroics and tenacity.

Rich Hoffman

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What We Learned From the Durham Report: The worst punishment is that the people will never trust the government again

You have probably heard from many people wondering what the Durham Report says and why nobody has gone to jail over its contents. Well, that’s because, essentially, the government investigated itself and decided not to send itself to jail. Because what we did learn, much of which we already knew, is far, far, far worse than anything a civil society is prepared to deal with, and the villainy of it is simply off the charts of acceptability. There is a belief in the perpetrators of the contents of the Durham Report that if enough people commit a vast evil, everything is suddenly good because it’s too bad to prosecute. That is essentially the defense of the actions shown clearly in the Durham Report. It says that Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid for the Russian Dossier that has been much talked about for over seven years. This is another aspect of the amount of evil that is shown here; everybody knows that the government is slow, except when it wants something, so by dragging out investigations, nothing ever happens to the perpetrators. There is no swift justice when it comes to the government. The SWAMP protects itself even from its own investigations, like John Durham. But the attempt to connect President Trump to some Russian scandal was a made-up piece of fiction from the start, and everyone at the top of intelligence knew about it. Yet they played along knowingly, which is the worst information. What we have learned, which is all the “what ifs,” was structurally bad. That the Obama White House was in on the scam because the head of the CIA, John Brennan, advised them that it was bad enough. But for the number of people to knowingly commit so many falsehoods, we are dealing with a dire situation here, which undoubtedly contributes to all the scandals that followed.

Essentially, what’s wrong with the Durham Report is that everything is so bad that it flows off the scale of acceptable criticism. It’s like Aaron the Moor from the great Shakespeare play Titus; the evil is so great that all anybody could do at the end when they went to execute him could only let their mouths drop open of the sheer magnitude of it all. The Durham Report shows us that our intelligence agencies, the FBI, the CIA, and Homeland Security, all of them are rotten to the core and filled with unprincipled government workers who will lie, cheat, steal, and even kill to stay in power and protect their government pensions which are all too lucrative. These are looters of the worst kind, criminals far worse than villains like Jesse James, Al Capone, or Bonnie and Clyde. This is institutional evil that goes far beyond any measure of acceptance known to the human race. And the portrayal of evil was so arrogantly displayed that they knew they’d get away with the crimes simply because the scale was beyond the reach of justice. They purposely planned, the government in essence, that the way to get away with the crime was to have so many people involved, as a global effort, that justice could never wrap its mind around it. So they arrogantly broke many laws feeling that they could simply override the Constitution through consensus and dare anybody to say anything about it. So from the start, when Hillary Clinton’s campaign funded opposition research that then became a justification for illegal FISA warrants and weaponizing the intelligence agencies in ways that nobody thought was previously possible, the intention was to break the law and never to get caught because the scale of the crime was so vast, that nobody would dare ever to prosecute anybody. 

And it all went to the Obama White House; President Obama knew about all this even as he shook the hand of President Trump on that first day when the Trump’s reported to the White House for a first term. Remember when Melania gave Michelle that gift from Tiffanies, and there were a lot of awkward exchanges? Donald Trump had been popularly elected president despite all the Deep State efforts to prevent it, and the Obamas were furious about it. And they weren’t done. The activism from the FBI and CIA would continue into color revolutions over the next four years. And we would see everything, including the kitchen sink, thrown at Trump for daring to challenge the SWAMP in any form. Those forces declared an all-out war against the American people who had voted to put Trump in the White House. This forced all the bad characters of that Beltway culture to reveal themselves for the evil they represented. It was a system that was rigged against the American voter, and these arrogant people felt they had an inwardly protected aristocracy where the peasants would never challenge a king. And they carried that arrogance over into our modern elections and current problems. We thought there was at least an illusion of honesty in that Washington D.C. culture, but we learned from the Durham Report that everything was so corrupt that there simply wasn’t any prosecution possible to resolve the matter. The entire report then came out as merely a shrug, “What are you going to do about any of it? They run everything.” 

Now we are getting ready for another election, the 2024 presidential race. And lucky for us, President Trump wants to run again because the game is now obvious to more people than it was back in those innocent days of 2016 when the Durham Report showed just how radical and dishonest our American intelligence agencies actually are. We have since learned through declassification that the CIA was involved in the Kennedy assassination, so a lot of innocence has been lost over just the last several years, and by the sounds of many, that was also part of the plan. What kind of America would we have if we couldn’t trust our government? Just as the woke strategy is for us not to trust our corporations born from capitalism. Ultimately behind all this is a vast evil bigger than anything the human race has had to deal with, and it’s so arrogant about its intentions that it feels vindicated and endorsed to perform its villainy before it even commits the crime. Government prosecutors are coming to the defense of the SWAMP since nothing else has stopped President Trump from running again. And that’s beneficial because it removes any doubt anybody had about the level of corruption we are dealing with here. All this has exposed what many have believed about the government for a long time, and it’s far worse than even the craziest-eyed conspiracy theory could have ever come up with previously. That’s what we learned from the Durham Report. It doesn’t matter that nobody is being prosecuted and going to jail. This punishment is actually worse. They have lost the American people’s trust, and our country will never return to the Fox News days of controlled opposition. People have been taken advantage of, and the government got caught doing it. And now they will have to live with the consequences, a nation that knows how bad they are and suddenly doesn’t support anything they want to do. Then, in the end, that will be the most painful revelation that comes from all this, and the punishment will be much more severe than jail. And with all that in mind, the Durham Report will be one of the most important documents in history because of what we learned about institutionalized corruption and the evil it is capable of involving so many people, to the detriment of a republic form of government and the best example of civil government so far in human history. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Synagogues of Satan: How anti-Semitism has been weaponized by the political left

Out of all the people in the world, I had a group of radical lunatics refer to me as anti-Semitic recently, which clearly indicates that the people saying it had no idea what they were talking about. And it is yet another reminder of the schemes of the political left that they use to attempt to separate America from its Biblical origins. Just because someone like George Soros has a Jewish background, regardless of his alliance with the Nazi party, we are seduced into thinking, based purely on ill-defined definitions, that any criticism of him is anti-Semitic, even though those same people are the ones preaching against the Ten Commandments in classrooms, and religion in all public places in general. People who don’t really understand what the word, anti-Semitic means, are quickly lured into a frozen state of debate because they allow the terminology to stall in them through guilt. It could be said that this is how the lawyer Satan works, as a play on words to confuse the rational mind away from debate. This is undoubtedly what Saul Alinsky was doing with his Rules for Radicals book, which is the Bible of the American left, and how they attack conservatives. Stopping criticism of an obvious domestic terrorist like George Soros because he has a Jewish background is yet another way that vast evils are hidden behind made-up social rules formed on a flimsy understanding of history. And when the political left feels most challenged, they use those proven terms to stop debate and gain some invisible moral position built on ignorance. But in my case, I know what anti-Semitism means, so it doesn’t have an effect on me.   

Jesus has some great words to say about the Jewish people in “The Book of Revelation,” well, those who were behind writing the book. But it has Jesus as quoted saying it that the Jewish people were the “Synagogues of Satan.”   And it would be understandable why Jesus and his apostles would have thought that. After all, the Jewish people representing institutionalism at the time plotted and killed Jesus, as they did his mentor, John the Baptist. But, the story of the Bible is the story of the Jewish people, the line of Jacob who became by the name of God to be the Land of Israel. Israel was their promised land after being held slaves in Egypt. And during the entirety of the Bible, the Jewish people who were the Hebrews from Moses and God’s rescue of those people out of Egypt, whom he had given the Ten Commandments and cared for after many tribulations against Baal worship, finally arrived as a respected power within the structure of the Roman Empire. And the Jews certainly didn’t want some rebel coming along and screwing it all up for them. Jesus was a Jew himself, and he was performing miracles on the Sabbath and putting himself equal with God, and all kinds of things that the Jewish people at the time could not deal with. So, they plotted to kill him, which they, of course, did. As a trick of the political left, or even going further, the forked tongue of Satan himself, in his play on words by the vastness of evil permeating all existence, the way to separate people from their Bible is to freeze their thoughts on such judgments. You don’t have a Bible without the Jewish people. But yet, the Jewish people killed Jesus. So any critical discussion about the matter is off limits, which means that the entire value of the story is tossed out only to have the political left provide a whole new class of definitions supporting their insanity. 

The conflict between the Jewish church and the teachings of the Jewish person, Jesus, is one between institutionalism and individualism. Jesus was questioning the order of the day, which would eventually lead to the creation of America by decentralizing the religious concept. The idea of a godhead or an individual achieving such a position as an individual was a radical concept at the time. So it’s a good debate. The criticism of the Jews was that they had broken the covenant with God too often over the years, and they weren’t about to look the other way as Jesus openly did violate their laws. Yet, the laws were meant to be broken, as most laws created by dumb people should be. However, these were the Ten Commandments, which God gave them and were meant to be cherished. And along comes this young thirty-something who is claiming to be the son of God himself. And people were following him. Jesus had to go. In the modern context, because of the history, the desires of many countries to return essentially to Baal worship that predates the Bible, to use institutionalism to cater favor in the power seats of Europe and the Middle East, there has been lots of scrutiny about the Jewish people, which climaxed during World War II. The creation of Israel was controversial, but it all traces back to the story of the Bible and the creation of Western civilization, which came directly from the Bible. Without the Jewish people, there would be no Bible. So the anger toward the Jews is essentially anger at the core of Western Civilization. 

Then it becomes even more ironic when the same people who want to bring down Western Civilization, to destroy the concept of America, then use the name of the Jewish people to stop debate. On the one hand, they want to remove the Bible from every part of public life and to separate any trace of Christianity from American civilization. But then they are openly seditious when it comes to using the Jewish name to freeze all criticism in the world and to use the Bible as their weapon of choice against conservatives who don’t know any better how to think about these kinds of things. But the real debate isn’t about the Jewish people as a whole but of the factions within factions that either perform good or evil based on individual merit. Jesus was preaching something new that was outside the lines of institutionalism, and the institution’s participants sought to protect themselves from that change. However, the political left is all about collectivism, so they can only see groups and their names rather than the individual criteria of their behavior. So, they have weaponized debate because most people don’t understand the definitions or history leaving them paralyzed to have an opinion otherwise. Without the Jewish people, there would be no Bible. So, anybody who loves the Bible can’t be said to be anti-Semitic. Those two definitions can’t be applied together. Yet that is the position of the political left and a trick they have been using for quite a long time. Which only works when people don’t understand history well enough to know better. The political left fully intends to separate Western civilization from their Bibles, but this is one of the many ways they do it. That is how they have been hiding the vile actions of people like George Soros, who works diligently to destroy everything America stands for, every day of his life with all the vast wealth he has acquired. And as a mask for the behavior, any criticism of him is called anti-Semitic so that the true evil at work is never dealt with. 

Rich Hoffman

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I Disagree with the Bible on Wealth Creation: Money is a measure of good and evil

One of the problems I have always had with the Bible, going all the way back to bible school, which I had most Sundays from age 5 to the 8th grade, was this idea that a rich person was evil and working against God unless they gave away all their material items during their life and wholly dedicated their life to God, in every way. I have never read the Bible that way nor interpreted religion with such narrowmindedness. Making money and religion were always two separate things as defined by the old powers of Europe, and I really didn’t have a personal approach to it until recently, when I spent a considerable time in the deserts of New Mexico writing my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, and specifically the chapter where I say, “Money is not the Root of all Evil.” There I argue that America has been a different kind of invention that couldn’t have been understood during the Biblical period, nor when the Romans decided what books of the Bible to include in the Council of Nicaea. Cultures have been hindering themselves with this problem for many thousands of years at this point, and it’s caused a lot of problems. But before you can come to a rational conclusion on the matter, you have to go against literally every pastor, minister, and biblical interpreter that has ever been known because I think they all got it wrong and that they have been holding civilization back, and creating many of the problems we see today politically, and have actually empowered evil to thrive behind the definitions as they have been interpreted by institutionalism, as the Roman Empire was undoubtedly inspired to do.

A few of the most controversial passages from the Bible regarding wealth come from the Book of James 2:6 “But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats?”  Then again, with Jesus saying in Luke 18:25 that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God,” There are many others, of course, littered throughout the Bible and I would argue not so much that they are wrong, but that they don’t capture the entirety of the morality of money. I have personally been able to forgive the Bible for these definitions, which run counter to the essence of a life well lived, but at the core of how the political left attacks conservatives is this deeply rooted guilt of making money and taking care of the poor. Because if a conservative has made a lot of money in their life, then by association, they will turn away from the Bible because it doesn’t fit their life experience with definitions like what the Bible provides. But with all other things, especially in the definitions of evil, which are well articulated throughout the Bible, then those get tossed away as well. My argument has been that the concept of American capitalism, as established by the wonderful book The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, is that in the times of Jesus, nobody had good definitions of money and how they were moral markers in a healthy society. And who would have expected the writers of the Bible to ever figure it out during that period of human history? Indeed, proper definitions of the value of money in a culture did not arrive upon the human race until Ayn Rand did it in her outstanding work, Atlas Shrugged, in 1957. And such a definition would have only come from a culture like America, which was vastly different in its use of capitalism than any other place in the world.

America was created to answer an ancient problem: living life free of kings and regional governors. In such a society, the only way to get rich was to obtain permission to be so by schmoozing up to the powers that controlled the region people lived in. And this is undoubtedly the issue during the teachings of Jesus. To preach the ways of God that he was, away from Jewish institutionalism, was a severe rebellion in those times. It was an unheard-of menace, so they plotted to kill him. And, of course, the people who were protecting their wealth would have been the villains of what Jesus was preaching. But there wasn’t an America even conceived of at the time, and the writers of the Bible never could imagine anything like freedom being possible. So the problem persists for a nation like America that it was built around a religious connection to ancient documents that defined money before the concept of individual freedom had been worked out politically. And for the human race, that is a very recent development. It’s even more recent than the work of Karl Marx in Europe. There is a morality to money, as applied by the United States, that is quite a good measure that is fundamental to rooting out evil in a society that is very much the topic of our present politics and is the theme of our times. 

I benefit from knowing many people in my life who are very rich. In some cases, they are extremely rich, and I have been able to see up close how that wealth creation has benefited the world around them. Adding to that an extensive study of comparative religion and reverence specifically for biblical research, I can see how definitions working against the rich, or materialism in general, would cause people problems. But I would say the Bible is wrong about wealth creation and the “rich” in general while being “right” about the definitions of “evil” itself. We can’t just pick and choose what we like in the Bible and toss out that which we don’t, which most religions do, no matter what their source material is. Instead, I would say that wealth creation has benefited from inventions in politics over the years and that the criteria for rich people have changed with the creation of America. Money helps a healthy society measure the morality of a culture in ways that institutions have never achieved after many centuries of trying. In a free culture, those who make money do so because society values something they produce for that society. But we associate wealth creation such as the Biden family has achieved as a sell-out of his office to the rivals who would like to destroy the concept of capitalism to hide their evil actions behind the traditional definitions they can’t live up to. But for a person like President Trump, who has acquired all the material items and wealth that could be imagined in a single lifetime, then used that wealth to fight for the cause of truth and justice, then suddenly the Biblical definitions aren’t broad enough to encompass the morality of money as a representative of a life well lived. Then, in that case, all wealth creation is not equal; it is good and bad among the wealthy, and how they have made their money roots out their behavior in ways that benefit moral discourse. And in that way, the right kind of wealthy people are paramount to a healthy society, especially in contrast to those who were likely just as Jesus spoke about in his time with the metaphor of the camel and the eye of the needle. 

Rich Hoffman

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