Trump Doesn’t Need Anybody As A Running Mate: Republicans love America, Democrats hate it

It was all the talk after the Kansas City Chiefs won their championship game to go to the Super Bowl that a polling firm had done a study on the impact Taylor Swift could have on the upcoming election and that 1/5 of potential voters would vote on whomever she told them to.  This is after a week of mainstream media saying that Trump needed help winning the general election because he needed Democrats and moderates.  Now that it’s apparent that he will win the nomination,  Let me tell you, if Trump picked a stick to run with as V.P., he would still win the 2024 election, and people who don’t understand that are either grotesquely naive or stupid.  The guys on Clay and Buck’s show during daytime radio these days are nowhere near as insightful as Rush Limbaugh used to be.  They are in a panic, believing the statements about how moderate America is and that general elections are more complicated to win than primaries with primarily Republican voters.  They think that there are now largely independent voters who will make it impossible for any Republican to run for office unless they align themselves with more moderate voters because that’s what it would take to win a majority in America.  Well, all those assessments are wrong. Trump doesn’t need to pick Nikki Haley to pull the Republican Party together, and no, the President doesn’t need more than 90% of Republican voters to win in the general election either.  When people say things like that, what we are hearing are the gasps of a dying regime.  It’s a bluff, and nothing more so that those losing power can somehow stay close to power and perhaps control it like George Bush did with Ronald Reagan in the 80s.  We are not that kind of country anymore and will be even more different than we are now in the fall of 2024.  Fox News does not have the type of influence that many think it does if it ever did. 

I love this book!!!

Trump will win the general election because he’s selling something that all people can relate to, a good country. I have said for years now that Trump’s book, The Art of the Comeback, is the book everyone should read on how Trump plans to run for a second term. And it takes something that Taylor Swift will never have. The political left, who have managed to get Taylor Swift to endorse Joe Biden, thinks that what makes it work for Trump is celebrity and the influence that such a person has over people commercially. But as I reminded people in the last two elections, few celebrities openly endorsed Trump, especially in 2016. Remember when Obama brought all the top pop culture celebrities in Philadelphia to support Hillary Clinton? It didn’t help her one bit. Remember when no real celebrities signed on to attend Trump’s inauguration? It didn’t hurt him at all. I know many people, especially women, who were undoubtedly Never Trumpers a few years ago because they didn’t like his public approach, the tough executive persona he developed during his many years on the top-rated show, The Apprentice. And they are voting for Trump now, no matter who else is running. Do you know why? Because the economy is terrible, and they can see it at the grocery store. The proper measures of economic growth are obvious to all, and people have lost trust in media personalities because of the gross abuses seen over the last several years, starting with the many lies that were told to them with COVID-19. And that trust isn’t coming back anytime soon.

Taylor Swift or Nikki Haley aren’t needed to soften the Trump ticket. He will win anyway. I understand that many Republicans want me not to say that because they worry that it will keep people home on election night, and they believe the media narrative that it will take all Republicans and then some to get Trump back in the White House. And while I will say, don’t take anything for granted, we are looking at a guy in Trump who had over 75 million votes in the 2020 election. And we are looking at a guy in Biden who had a reported 81 million votes, primarily made up of around 20 million. I have been all over the country after the election and know people. I have also seen voter information percent by precinct in every county in America, and Biden is lucky if he even got 60 million votes from the dripping wet blue state cities. Everywhere else, labor unions, people of color, immigrants from south of the border, and Democrats upset that their manufacturing jobs have been shipped away to China through globalism are all voting for Trump. When the rubber hits the road, a majority of Republicans will vote for Trump. But all the minority groups will, too. Even Democrats. Why? People will vote for their best interest, and Trump is in their best interest. When it’s time to vote in November and many of the political pundits who are starting all these rumors already know, people will vote for Trump because they want to save America, and only one person is selling that. Democrats hate America and want to transform it. Republicans love America and want to save it. The election comes down to that one issue, and Trump understands it clearly.

Most Republicans, for a number of reasons, are very insecure. Maybe they spend too much time earning money to feel stable in their social interactions, so they are prone to peer pressure. But Republicans believe too quickly the con jobs of these social parasites who tend to run popular culture. But the truth of the matter is that Taylor Swift is one of the few pop stars left due to the tampering of the World Economic Forum, and they are trying to sell her as the second coming of Christ, essentially to save feminism. And she can’t handle it. She’s favored by default, not because people picked her. There isn’t anyone else to listen to these days, so yes, lots of young girls like her and go to her concerts. But those same people aren’t likely to vote, even if Taylor Swift tells them to. The catch with celebrity is that brand damage happens quickly once people see and meet the person up close. Taylor Swift will lose her star power if she goes against Maga openly, which is happening now that she is associated with the Kansas City Chiefs because of her relationship with the star tight end. Trump understands the limits of celebrity better than just about anybody and has been able to take it several steps further because he’s a good executive. He’s selling America back to America, which is very powerful, especially when you read his book, The Art of the Comeback. Biden can’t undo all that he has done in trying to rip the carpet out from under everyone with his anti-American actions. The sucker job of trying to make the race look close is actually to sell the original cheat in 2020, where a lot of people were involved in stealing that election, including Fox News and all their employees, of which Clay and Buck are part. They may disagree with the mainstreamers, but there are specific rules in playing in coastal media, and some of those rules these days are to deny, deny, deny until you die, what happened in the 2020 election. And even Taylor Swift is prone to this disparity. The truth is, celebrity is pretty fragile. Trump is selling something most people want: a stable country that is the best in the world. And everyone wants deep down inside to be part of a winning team. And nobody knows how to sell winning more than Trump. And people will vote for him because of it.

Mr Pfizer looks like he’s kissing his sister.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Book of Giants: Governments’ Relationships with the Disembodied Spirits of Ancient Rebels and Unleashing Terror across the world, perpetually

Here is what bothers me about the many reports about giants around the world, including a recent siting by American special forces who apparently ran into one in a cave in Kandahar in 2002, that was over 13 feet tall cooking food and matches very closely the same kind of giant that was described in the Bible Ishbi-Benob who almost killed King David in 2 Samual 21:16.  This story is a popular conspiracy theory that has made the rounds of scrutiny for a long time, and I think has new life after the governments were caught in the world attempting to cover up the origins of Covid, but failed.  The same techniques were used to cover up this Giant of Kandahar, which I think is an excuse for war in that region to this day.  Not because there is civil strife to worry about but reasons that governments want to prevent proper archaeology and civilian research in those areas.  Keeping things in a state of chaos allows for a political narrative to be controlled.  And when you see how violent the Deep State reaction to President Trump’s work to eliminate all these wars has been, new meaning comes to mind when asking questions about these things.  Which, of course, traces back to the conspiracy of the real cause of the Gulf Wars.  Troops did not go first to military targets when storming Bagdad, but the museum where troops on the ground who were there have said that their mission was to confiscate DNA samples from the Tomb of Gilgamesh.  For those who don’t know, Gilgamesh was a giant from the Anunnaki legends of Mesopotamia, reported to be half God, and spent his life seeking immortality.  Knowing that governments lie to us, start wars for all the wrong reasons, and get caught doing so all the time, these are questions we must answer, especially when we are told that America invaded the indigenous people of North America and took their land and built cities on their Indian Mounds, burial places.  But we aren’t allowed to desecrate their graves with real archaeology because of some George Bush Indian Graves Act because what’s really in those mounds are the giant bones of these same species of very tall people who inhabited the earth many years before the Bible was written.  They are a significant part of a hidden history that governments of the modern world want to avoid talking about for a whole bunch of nefarious reasons. 

I see the whole issue as a problem in the human race that must be fixed before we can become a space-faring society.  I think it’s critical, and I want to see the problem solved so that we can become that kind of society; I want to see the human race step away from the Vico Cycle and become a Type 1 civilization.  But when we have governments who so easily lie and kill to control historical narratives, then what are they going to do when we get into space and learn that much of what has gone on within our tiny planet and all its history is relatively small in comparison?  When we discover that there are planets with stuff on them that we don’t even know about yet and a history that dwarfs our own by millions of years?  We must have a religious and political system that can deal with such things and doesn’t seek to start wars to maintain trouble perpetually and use the power of government to create Frankenstein monsters with the ancient DNA of old giants from old museums.  Or try to destroy religions so that the government can become the new ruling god and keep from people’s minds the truth about their ancient past, which these giant people were such an essential part of. 

One thing that I think is particularly interesting is that even with access to religion and religious text, especially biblical understandings that are so widely read and contemplated, very few people know that there is a Book of Giants that was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, written by that rebellious society of Essenes in Qumran during the Second Temple Period and certainly helped shape the narrative of what ended up becoming the Bible. The Book of Giants is an apocryphal text and is as essential to studying biblical text as The Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees have been. Jesus Christ would have known about the Book of Giants, which references the ancient Gilgamesh. If you know your history, it must be considered that around 200 rebels from God’s Divine Council conspired against the creations of Yahweh and took human wives to desecrate everything on earth, purposefully and politically. The offspring of this rebellion were human giants, and it all started at Mt Hermon in Israel, well before the flood stories, of which Gilgamesh had his own version. When you start looking at all this information from the perspective of their individualized cultures, a much larger story begins, correlating to the many occurrences of Greek Titans and notions of Hercules. Some of these characters lived for thousands of years, and that giant in Kandahar could have been one of the last of his kind, which is why the military shot and killed him, then took his body away for the same scientific research as was done in Bagdad.

Notice the size of the lion

As the stories go, much of the evil loose in the world now are the disembodied spirits of these dead giants, and they cause all kinds of trouble.  And the more we are told to stay in our lane and obey some worthless government, the more obvious that a cover-up, or a coordination with that disembodied evil, is a source of many of our current problems.  And they’d love to keep everyone away from a means of dealing with it, which points back to the biblical text and the source material discovered at Qumran.  The same scrolls that gave us the books of the Bible also tell the history of these giants and their empire of malice, which was a worldwide problem.  In the West, we have allowed ourselves to be steered recklessly by authority figures.  But as I say and report from my personal experience, I just recently returned from a trip to Japan where the people there are very concerned, all the time, about evil spirits called the Kami that are always causing trouble.  They have shrines dedicated to appeasing those spirits so as not to cause them trouble set up everywhere.  You can literally go out for a night on the town and eat a wonderful Kobe steak then leave in the middle of the city and pray to one of these many shrines burning incense, everywhere, right at the corner of a cosmopolitan community bustling with activity, and nobody thinks it’s strange.  I’ve made the connection more than once between Japan and the empire of Solomon along the Silk Road many years before the birth of Christ.  As logic dictates, it would appear that the elements of our current governments, especially after what they did with Covid, have an arrangement with this vast evil and are working with these disembodied spirits to rule the world once again, and they are attempting to do it right under our noses.  It’s not always what they say you have to worry about, but it’s their actions, and there are enough reports for us to ask the questions.  We need answers before taking on the many mysteries and problems of space travel, where our groundings for faith and understanding will be rattled healthily.  Yet before we can do that, we must understand why we do things on earth and how we can manage the power of controlled government who lie to us and attempt to cover up the truth of our nature so that they can always be in control of us by pretending that that history never happened.  Such is the case of the giants of the earth and their dead spirits, which haunt many to this very day and are working hard to spread an evil rebellion against God and creation for reasons of malice that predate history itself and will likely be confronted in space where it was born, to begin with.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Women Want Real Men: Turning to traditional roles due to massive progressive failures

I knew this would happen, and I’ve talked about it for a long time. More and more women, especially young, attractive women, are signing up for relationships with traditional men to be stay-at-home girlfriends or wives. They are willing to do all the cooking, cleaning, and home maintenance in exchange for staying home while the man goes out and makes all the money. In some cases, they are even signing legal documents protecting the man from such a relationship where the deal is off if the woman gains too much weight by going over 130 LBs. In that way, sex, which men need voracious amounts of, can be obtained by the stay-at-home relationship whenever and wherever so that the man can get back to work and be productive. It’s obviously a flip on the entire concept of feminism, which has turned out to be a big lie for women. The idea was that they could have everything if only they sold themselves to a career and that their career ultimately served government and international statistics. Women are built for certain things in life, and men have their roles because of many of the social failures that young people are witnessing, with transsexual lifestyle acceptances being the latest disaster; women are turning toward traditions before the progressive movement ruined everything for everybody. This isn’t so much about women losing rights, or the ability to vote, or getting equal pay for equal work. Instead, it’s a rejection of the premise of progressive intrusion into the natural biological desires of the two sexes and how they can benefit each other in relationships. And with the rejection of progressive social relationships, people are looking for a much happier life where their needs are more fulfilled.

This has worked for thousands of years. It’s only been recently, where progressivism altered these roles, and people are unhappy because of it

I’ve been married for more than 35 years, and my wife has been a traditional housewife most of that time. It has caused us a lot of trouble from the peer groups that expected us to pursue some ridiculous life designed by progressives.  Dumb things like, do you guys share dishwashing opportunities?  And how do you divide income if I make all the money?  I have always been, and will always be, a traditional man.  I make the money and give it to my wife to distribute to meet the needs of the family and our domestic life.  We have a very defined division of labor, but the first criterion, of course, is stability because you can’t build a life together without a firm foundation, and that comes from income and everyday things like having access to a car and ensuring that there are resources for a woman to build a family with.  Women are not very happy when they don’t have resources to work with.  So, for a traditional man, that means no matter what, that basic foundation has to be maintained.  In our life, especially early on, I had to do extraordinary things to provide that security, including riding bicycles to work 12 to 20 miles one way and working multiple jobs to ensure enough money was coming into the family because we could only afford one car.  And I always made sure she had the car so the kids would have that basic security.  So sexual expectations and weight tolerances are certainly part of the story, but first, security had to be provided and there is nothing that causes instability in a relationship than some man crying about how unfair the world is and how he wants to share all the responsibilities of domestic life with a woman, as he was taught in his socialist government schools.  This entire scam has dramatically turned women off. 

My mom was one of the few stay-at-home moms in the 70s and 80s and she certainly paid for it.  Socially, she was ridiculed by the other moms to no end.  But all the kids I knew wanted a mom like her.  When I met a beautiful girl who wanted to be a stay-at-home mom at an early age, even though it wasn’t convenient then, I took the plunge into marriage because I knew how rare it was to find a woman who wanted even to be a traditional housewife.  Even as a young person, I had defined opinions about the adverse effects of feminism.  I could deal with women who wanted to work in the world, but for building a family, I had strong ideas about it.  So when I found someone who shared those opinions, we got married and started making a life traditionally because all the progressive family tampering was not for us.  As a result, our children grew up expecting much the same kind of thing because that’s what works in family building, even if the men aren’t of the same quality as they used to be, which is why a lot of women are desperate to get out of the rat race now.  Melania Trump has been an excellent example of this type of relationship.  Sure, she married a wealthy playboy, which came with all kinds of problems.  But she has managed to use her beauty and intelligence in very productive ways to raise a son with the kind of attention she wanted to apply, and the results have been good for her.  Of course, all the women not so fortunate to have beauty like Melania, and who will never be able to attract a wealthy billionaire to have such a lavish lifestyle, hate her.

I learned all I wanted about these matters in the fifth grade, and one of the cutest girls in school wanted to go steady with me.  Under a lot of pressure from other girls, I said yes.  She asked me, and I wasn’t interested in girls yet.  But then I had to go to her house because that’s what girlfriends and boyfriends did.  I didn’t know what to expect; I thought we’d play a game or draw pictures.  I had no idea.  No, she was interested in sex, and she was very experienced.  She lived in one of those new neighborhoods back in the 70s where most of the moms worked, and all the homes were dual income.  That might sound strange since that is the status of most homes these days.  But back then, it was just becoming a thing.  She had already been naked for every boy in the neighborhood, and that was her idea of what a boyfriend and girlfriend did together because there were no parents around to teach anybody anything.  And that was the start of today’s disaster, which I rejected immediately.  I called my parents to come and get me, which was the end of that forever.  As soon as I could find a young woman who thought the same way or similar to me on these family matters, I wanted out of the rat race, and we have been married for 35 years.  Most of our problems over the years were due to outside pressures built by progressive expectations.  Not in our relationship with each other or the family roles we have taken on in a division-of-labor way.  And it has been challenging.  Not because the relationship itself was complicated but because the social expectations that came from ridiculous rules of feminism were so outrageously broken.  And now, many people, especially women, are figuring out that they want the traditional roles because the world is broken and offering them nothing but misery.  Which, based on my experience, doesn’t surprise me in the least. 

Without question, the root cause of feminism and communist, progressive thought was that only the most attractive women could get access to the best men.  Unattractive women, no matter how much make-up they put on would not be able to get anything but the slugs in life to pair with.  So the anti-family progressives reading straight out of Karl Marx came up with this idea of fairness, in destroying all men so no women could have the good ones, because there were none to get.  And then the plan was to send women of all kinds into the world to be enslaved for corporate/government alliances to determine value.  Then the plan was to let the government schools raise the children of any marriages that were attempted.  And in all that social engineering, that went against the happiness of human beings, these people have ruined life for everyone.  In what they started as an attempt at fairness, fairness for people lacking attractiveness or good family structures and domestic skills would destroy opportunities for everyone.  But now, when it’s so apparent that these failures are occurring in every part of our lives, attractive young women are dropping progressive politics and converting to tradition because it is to their advantage to do so.  And in so doing, they are finding happiness, which will cause many to follow after them, wisely.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Dummies of Davos: Rather than taking over the world they should be in jail

Yikes, this year’s World Economic Forum meetings in Davos were not very appetizing. Whatever they were trying to do, in looking like a bunch of smart people gathered to talk about solving the world’s problems, it blew up in their faces quite dramatically. As I say all the time, I watch the reports from Davos whenever they have them, so I have observed them evolve over the years. They are entertaining, and I enjoy watching what those kinds of people think, even if I disagree with them. Regarding the Davos participants, many people are naturally insecure about what they believe are “smart people.” The World Economic Forum participants tend to be highly educated, and the natural assumption is that because of their many years of commitment to academics, they are naturally more intelligent than the average person. So automatically, a barrier between them and everyone else forms, which they exploit to their advantage. Over the years, they have used that relationship to make a move for world domination because of their leverage over people who form across the lines of intelligence. The Davos participants are a group of people who assume that they are the smartest people in existence and that, by that nature, they should rule over those not as smart as them. They think they know better than any of the world’s governments and the people who elected them what should happen on Earth and how the affairs of human beings should be conducted. And because most people don’t feel very confident in having a conversation with academic people, all conflicts are avoided and the Davos types came away with the impression that they had a right to rule the world, almost as if it were an obligation to their existence.

I would say that such impressions of intelligence only grew because people didn’t know who any of those people were. But once you understand them a bit, you find out that they aren’t very smart, just as is the case with most academic types. Once that natural assumption is removed, and you talk to some of these people, you find out that they aren’t brilliant and pursue academic lifestyles to disguise their insecurities about intelligence. And at that point, the ruse falls apart. Which is what has been happening in Davos over the last several years. It used to be that nobody outside of their network paid any attention, except people like me. But because of their massive political tampering around the world, by attempting to take over governments by unelected bureaucrats, and their role in starting the Covid crisis, which was detrimental to happiness everywhere, people are paying more attention to these malcontents than they ever have before which has forced them, at Davos, to be more self-conscious knowing that the world was paying attention to their every word, and scrutinizing it. Now, with the freedom of speech that is quite common on social media, especially in the United States, the filters the World Economic Forum has enjoyed in the past aren’t present, and people are noticing that not only are Klaus Schwab and the gang not very smart, but they are radical leftists that are dangerous to everyone’s personal lives. The more people learned about them, the harder they had to work to make a good public impression, which did not turn out well for them. Because they are coming across as the phonies they always were, without the intimidating presence of intelligence to back it up.

Not that there is anything wrong with academics, but most of the time, the case is “those who can’t do, teach” certainly comes into play here. What Davos was this year, 2024, was a collection of micromanagers who have very little understanding of how the world works and what the people in it are really like. Like most academics who pursue such a life to protect themselves from social judgment, the game works until reality displays the opposite. It’s not enough to have theories about how things should work. But when those theories are imposed upon people who know better because of vast life experience, the results are never good for the academic, and that is the best way to describe this past year of events at Davos. They failed miserably if they were trying to show how smart and capable they would be running a one-world government. Rather, they overplayed their hand because of the level of scrutiny they now have to overcome. More people are now paying attention to their antics, and that pressure negatively affects them. Most of the events of the week were centered around building trust with the public, which they had lost. And their market brand has taken a massive hit, which I would say they deserve emphatically. Over the last decade, they had a public impression of being “elite” in the world. But now, they just looked like a bunch of out-of-touch fools full of untested ideas that would only make everyone much more miserable along the way. And in trying to overcome that level of public scrutiny, they made fools of themselves. It’s hard to believe that anybody used to listen to these people: John Kerry, Larry Fink, Bill Gates, and many others. But people are much less inclined now that they know more about these people. The brand of the World Economic Forum has taken a major hit.

My name for them over the years has been the Desecrators of Davos because they tended to want to desecrate everything in the world that was related to value and national culture since they desired to rule the world, literally being the creation of the United Nations.  Their fantasy has been to be like the United States, only a collection of socialist nations as opposed to capitalist-driven states.  And that they were going to shame and desecrate any lifestyle that did not facilitate their whims of progressive thought.  But their approach made their effort appear more like a day in the life of the high school homecoming queen who ruled the halls of the government schools with peer pressure and inviting people to her latest party as the only claim to power.  Once people caught on, they were fine and free to enforce that rule by doing many other things there was to do in life but appease some worthless homecoming queen just to be seen being near her.  I would say that these characters deserve a new name, based on their performance at this year’s Davos events, and that is the Dummies of Davos because that is the only explanation of their performance that anyone could make.  What they showed to the world was dumb.  It is hardly the kind of behavior that would cause people to want to follow them and change their governments to appease their wishes.  What we know now is that most of those participants weren’t only dumb, but they should be under investigation or in jail for the mass destruction they have sponsored as part of their globalist social experiments that went wrong.  Law enforcement within the countries affected should arrest them and lock them away before they could do more harm.  And that the Dummies of Davos could be prevented from further harm in the critical years to come.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Government Plan to Cheapen Death: Hiding the massive crime of Covid from public justice

Why aren’t the people involved in producing the COVID-19 vaccine and distributing it in jail? Or at least in court explaining why we have a lot of people under the age of 50 suddenly dying at a much more rapid rate than usual? Instead, as it is in Ohio, we have billboards up advertising from the Department of Health that people should get their COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots to avoid contracting the virus, which, based on the evidence, is complicit in an act that is highly probable, deliberately harming people. Ladies and gentlemen, Covid was a scam, a plandemic put on by global economic terrorists, and they have killed people in the process, and ruined the lives of just about everyone on planet earth. And they should be prosecuted and punished for what they did to the world, not put in power or listened to about anything. I wouldn’t trust anything these people would say, including what we should watch on television. I’m certainly not an “anti-science” kind of guy, but that’s not what we are talking about regarding the COVID shots and the virus itself. It’s good to have medicine to avoid getting sick so people can continue to work and be productive instead of lying around on a bed and getting healthy again. But Covid was a developed bioweapon made in a lab in Wuhan by American globalists who wanted to help the World Economic Forum perform a Great Reset of the world’s economy and to push it from a capitalist one into a communist model, such as what China has. They built the weapon in China because of the low regulatory environment, much less hot than Fort Detrick, where the whole project was started, and they planned to use the tight controls that the Chinese government had over the media to contain the story.

Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, along with many others, conspired with the American government and many other governments around the world through the World Economic Forum and their organizations of influence, The World Health Organization and The United Nations, to perform gain of function research so to make a Covid virus transmissible to humans, which under natural immunity wasn’t possible. COVID was a hypervirus made to suddenly transmit to humans under cover of vaccine preparation so that people would have medicine when viruses hit. Ralph Baric was one of the people involved at the core of the story who performed this gain of function under the assumption that they could remove the elements of human tampering, which is why Dr. Fauci denied any tampering because he thought the human imprint had been expelled from the process, that the fingerprints so to say, were removed and the evidence was destroyed. But Duke University and other places figured out how to read the genetic manipulation and have uncovered the destroyed proof, so now we know, without question, that COVID was created in a lab for use as a bioweapon against a global population intent to drive people toward more government regulation and a change in economic values. So there is nothing worse than a created virus to spread harm to a human population globally than perhaps the medicine associated with it. Why should people be forced or even encouraged to take medicine for a virus that isn’t even natural for human beings anyway? Nature already built immunity to the COVID-19 virus, and by introducing a weaponized version of that virus into the population, what could have gone wrong?

I would argue that many guilty parties are so arrogant in believing they can control media narratives and the legal system that they are thumbing their noses at the world. And that protecting vaccine makers from prosecution is part of the problem. And so is desensitizing people to the concept of death to hide this massive crime. For instance, we might recall recently the hockey player who was cut across his neck during a game by a rival player’s skate. It killed him right there on the ice in front of a filled arena and on live television. It was murder to my eyes, yet you didn’t hear them talking about it on ESPN and other Phizer-sponsored broadcasts. Politicians like getting money for campaigns from the pharma companies, so nobody pushed the issue of prosecution and spoke about what a tragedy it was to see such a killing on live television. Over the past several years, especially since we have seen COVID-19, it is evident that the reporting of deaths has been minimized. There is what looks to be a purposeful campaign to desensitize people toward death and to accept such losses as a fact of life. This attitude is a market push by all the same flawed characters, and they are the ones bringing us no romance in movies, so to push a social agenda toward the destruction of the family and to make masculinity appear toxic to the same social engineers that are invited to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos. They have ruined music by infusing communism into the money structure of marketing and distribution to keep any social messages in pop culture tightly controlled and much less expressive. Death and cheapening it is their current agenda so to hide their massive crime in a devalued society, and they are laughing at us with every Health Department billboard encouraging people to get a vaccine shot for a fake virus as a result of a phony government-controlled pandemic.

Covid was the crime of the century, and the vaccines were already ready before it was released.  Now that Trump is coming back into politics, officially, people are playing back what happened in 2020 when he got wrapped up in the scam because, at the time, he had no other option but to trust the science.  Dr. Fauci was there as the highest-paid government employee, and Bill Gates had this obsession with vaccines, and nobody had any reason not to trust them when they demanded that the economy be shut down and that people listen to another economic terrorist, Richard Hatchett when he designed the social distancing policies advised by our own CDC not to protect people from this government-made virus but to destroy the concept of any individual rights that the world might have left, especially the Bill of Rights in America.  This was an officially stated objective by Hatchett discussed before the virus’s release.  And these kinds of people advised Trump in that critical year.  The social controls got much worse under Biden, as he moved to make the vaccine distribution among the public mandatory, where the government could tell people what kind of medicine to take for a virus that they created in the first place.  And as a result, people look to be dying everywhere, prematurely.  It happens every day.  And to help cover up the massive crime that has killed many millions and continues to, we are being desensitized to even the concept of death.  We now accept death much more casually than before COVID-19, and that is part of covering up the original crime, which is stealing from us an entirely new generation.  It is the greatest catastrophe known to planet Earth, far worse than anything else, and the government is still playing the game of COVID-19, which obviously produces a vaccine that has negative health attributes for a percentage of people.  And when they die of those effects, we have a media culture and governments that are covering it up to protect the drug makers so they can continue to do their illicit deed, to the death of the innocent in large amounts that looks to be connected to a larger plan to participate in a depopulation agenda, not for the good of people, but the religion of Gaia, and the mass sacrifices that have always been attribute to that worship from the lunatics of history.

Rich Hoffman

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Christian Nationalism is the Most Powerful Political Force in the World: And they are voting for Trump

Here’s the little con game they don’t want to talk about at Fox News and throughout the media that makes a lot of money off the election process through ads and consultant contributions: Christian Nationalism is far more powerful than they want to admit. After the New Hampshire primaries, where it was evident that Nikki Haley wasn’t going to win, which was her best place to succeed, the game plan for the opposition became quite clear. Keep the Republican Party from uniting around President Trump in a last-ditch effort to slow him down. It’s the same kind of strategy you see in college basketball games when a team is down 10 points at the end with under a minute to play, and the losing team switches to a full-court press, hoping to draw a penalty and go to the line to shoot points with no time on the clock. Of course, the fear is that the Deep State is about to lose all touch with someone in the White House, which will be a first for them. When Trump was president the last time, it was Mike Pence who was their representative, someone they thought they could deal with and who could control President Trump somehow. But before that arrangement, Reagan had his Bush. And George W. Bush had Chaney. Nikki Haley, for traditional Republicans, is their safety rail, and they were talking her up as if she could have some hold over President Trump, which is absurd. I have traveled to almost every corner of America and know it very well. I can tell you that the world’s most potent force in politics is Christian Nationalism. There are a lot of them, as the evidence shows, all across the landscape from sea to shining sea, there are a lot of nice white steeples from churches that reach into each community with the values of Biblical text, and they are more engaged in politics now than in any of the years past. And they are voting for Trump.

The media narrative that Republicans have to work harder to win anything against some vile Democrats and independents is a game of chicken I’m perfectly willing to play.  I would argue that Trump is already a Democrat enough to pull over votes from the other side, especially the union vote.  Trump will draw Democrats from concerned suburban women worried about putting food in the refrigerator; he will get immigrants chasing the American dream to vote for him, and he has a lot of minority support in general.  Then there are the classic Republicans.  Trump in a general election against an entrenched Biden is a blowout.  What the political forces fear is their lack of relevance.  And then there is election fraud, which has kept Democrats in power and is the real story behind the scenes with the donor class.  They believe they own elections because they control the money that feeds the media culture and, therefore, can control election messages and the world with it.  President Trump does not need Nikki Haley as a running mate.  He can afford to pick anybody he wants and would be wise to choose a successor, someone most like him.  I have stated my favorite pick would be Kristi Noem.  But Vivek Ramaswami would be great because of his youth and energy as an attack dog.  But this next Trump term, a revenge tour in a lot of ways, is about stopping the Deep State, as it is anything else, and Nikki Haley is their pick.  Not Trump’s.

If you have been paying attention, all the things that make America great have been under attack by these same people propping up Nikki Haley, even as a loser.  With strong families and strong faith in religion, when Ben Carson compared Trump to King David recently as an imperfect man picked by the hand of God to lead the American nation, the reaction was desperate.  The panic was evident on many fronts with that kind of talk.  And that’s how you know they know that people are seeing through their long-established scam, a divide-and-conquer strategy that they thought would always protect them from just this type of election with political people like Trump changing the game away from their control.  I believe the comparison between King David and Trump is a good one.  Trump does look to be the hand-picked agent of God, and that hand is at work with the power of the universe behind it to defeat the forces of evil that have embedded themselves into the American government as globalists.  And a lot of people who would have never otherwise voted are as good Christian soldiers marching as to war, and they are voting as if it was a war.  Engagement is much higher than usual, and Trump is poised in every state to blow Biden off the map in ways we have never seen before.  When Newt Gingrich recently said that the 2024 election was shaping up to be a return to the kind of blowout numbers that Reagan had over Carter, I think he was being nice, and that will essentially be because of Christian Nationalism.  America is a Christian nation, and so is much of the world, and they see in Trump the work of God that is a destiny.  And they are willing to play their part in it, one way or the other.  As I said about traveling around the country, America is not controlled by Democrats.  Most people are Christian Republicans, and the only reason they haven’t voted in past elections was because they didn’t have anybody to vote for. 

And that is the little secret that the Deep State would like everyone not to know, that Christian Nationalism beats them in every form they present themselves.  To win, not only do they have to cheat, as they have been doing for many years.  But they have to erode people’s foundations of value, so they have been attacking the church as one of their primary objectives.  It was not an accident that the ridiculously unscientific social distancing standards were trying to keep people from attending Church together during Covid.  The goal is obvious: the political left and the Deep State, in general, have been trying hard to subdue Christian Nationalism as a strategy for their takeover of global politics, and they have been working hard at it in America.  This only pushed Christianity’s influence to the back burner because there was nobody to vote for in the past.  But now there is.  And it’s a much more powerful political force than anything else.  It is the biggest rival of the United Nations attempting to take over global politics as godless heathens of polytheism and a return to the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods that have been around since the dawn of human intelligence.  The ideas of individualism are what they find objectionable, and there is nothing more individual than a God who runs the universe all by himself.  That is the enemy of mass collectivists everywhere, and they have been working hard to separate the world from such a relationship with God and nature in themselves, individualism, and the impulse of their spirit.  To serve the globalist and their United Nations political autocracy is to serve the polytheism of their ancient gods and return to the kings over their subjects, which is the fantasy of the World Economic Forum and communist governments around the world, especially socialists like Justin Trudeau and the lunatics at the European Union.  People get it; through Christian Nationalism, they can take America back and spread that influence to the far corners of the world, as we should.  And Trump is the means to do that, and people are going to crawl through broken glass naked to do it.  Nikki Haley has no role in that effort as the RINOs need to be crushed and removed from the Republican Party, and the media culture that has supported all these tyrannies be eradicated for the role they have played in America’s destruction.  Trump is just the start of it; there is a lot more to come on behalf of Christian Nationalism. 

Rich Hoffman

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Trump the Invincible: A person only America could have produced

Now that we’ve been through a few primaries, and the bad guys out there have done everything they possibly could, including gross manipulations of the legal system to exert control over Trump, we are now seeing why only the President could have run for this office, and why he’s the only one who could return. Some real treacherous characters have been wrapped up in our government and media culture, even our military, and they have shown their worst. Trump sees himself as bigger than all them and beyond their influence, which we need now in America. What Trump is doing is something I teach to people, which is why I recognized many years ago the value of Trump running for president, even though everyone laughed it off as ridiculous at the time. I remember returning to the Ross Perot Reform Party days with Pat Buchanon when Trump tried to make headway as a third-party candidate. The key to Trump’s personality is a personal recognition of something significant and is quite specific to the American mindset, which naturally undoes the concept of globalism, which is of the individual showing dominance over collectivist behavior. When I teach these things in public and private settings, I use my metaphor of the lonely gunman who steps into a bar late at night during a storm with lightning streaking across the sky. He gets a drink at the bar with his back to the room, which is filled with criminals, thieves, and maniacal cutthroats. And the gunfighter drinks his drink in peace because he knows something about them that not even they learn about themselves. He places himself above them and their mechanisms of evil in ways that only individuality can do, and it is precisely what America has needed because only America could produce such a person.

A dog whistle from the radical left hoping to eliminate Trump from the realities mass collectivism

To watch Trump bringing the Republican Party together again after all that has been done and revealed over the last few years is astonishing compared to traditional measures, where politicians are always boot-licking someone because of the nature of getting elected, and they can never entirely do what is needed in these kinds of jobs, once they get them.  Even Julius Caesar was a pawn of the public as the conniving political machine of Rome dictated his ever-eroding concerns.  Reagan was an actor and could fake this swagger, but he never was a rugged individualist, the way people recognize Trump.  Trump learned to be that lonely gunfighter through many hard knocks in life, and now he is showing the value, and I’m pretty happy about it.  For some context, I’ll demonstrate here a speech I did to a crowd not long ago, and this was precisely what I was talking about.  I give that same speech to smaller groups of people in more focused settings, but it holds everywhere in every situation.  Trump is performing it on a large scale, but many people operate this way and are very successful in life in many ways of defining success.  It starts with an individual being born of their nature and value and expressing that in a cultural setting.  It’s essentially what the great American novel The Fountainhead was about, the famous novel by Ayn Rand, which should be required reading in every public school as soon as children can learn to read.  If we were serious about teaching kids to be great and have an excellent education in America, we’d teach kids those concepts.  Instead, we teach globalism and righteousness to authority, which destroys them for life. 

Many people never imagined that Trump would lock up the nomination through the New Hampshire primaries, wiping out all the rivals who have come out against him, thinking that collectivism would constantly beat out individualism. To conventional thinking, nobody would survive such a gauntlet. That is, except for me. I knew this day would come and how it would happen, even in the darkest days when everyone thought Trump was toast. Just as nobody would expect that lonely gunfighter to step into a bar of bandits ready to slay him with the twink of an eye at a moment’s notice, let alone enter that room with his back to the room. It is not at all surprising that Alex Soros has been putting out cryptic messages about assassinating Trump. There are lots of these bad guys who are thinking the same thing, but as I say, and sometimes have to prove, just because people intend to kill you, it doesn’t mean they can. Often, many other conditions keep them from doing it, which is part of my speech on individualism and the power of it over the collective masses. Coming out of New Hampshire after a dominating win in Iowa, it is good to see that Trump is invincible to all these hostile forces, even as they now plot to destroy him in any way possible. Just because they want to doesn’t mean they can, which is a condition at the heart of all of Ayn Rand’s novels, especially Atlas Shrugged. Why didn’t they kill John Galt at the end of the book? Because they couldn’t. For the same reason, they can’t do the same to Trump. They need him to make the world work, and the biggest secret is that collectivism is powerless and entirely depends on individuals to carry them through life.

I’ve heard a lot of idiotic stuff over the last four years, starting when the COVID bioweapon was released from China to attempt to destroy Trump’s presidency.  The core of the dispute was collectivism against individualism, and nothing is more effective for scaring the sheep than a deadly virus to convince the masses to run into the arms of an overly protective government and to give up these fantasies of individualism like a global pandemic.  The core of the strategy, which is how you know the whole thing was fake, was the intent to terrify people away from individualism.  When, in fact, the world was rebelling for individualism, which isn’t a new process, but one that started very early in America with a mass movement that was reflected in the Ayn Rand books and certainly played out in the best of the Hollywood movies which expanded on those ideas best when done well.  From Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments to God’s role in the universe as the ultimate individualist, a solitary figure who created the universe and everything in it, which we celebrate on Sundays in church.  The struggle was always against individualism from the mass collectivists hoping to hide their parasitic natures behind a social safety net that keeps their ruse from the world.  But Trump exploits that, and now people can see the truth, a truth they want for themselves.  They want to be free of the parasites of collectivism, and Trump gives them the best chance of breaking free by inserting a barrier between them and those, (who would dare stand at the bar with their back to the crowd and those in the crowd who plot to use that person for all they can squeeze out of them as all collectivist societies do to their individuals.  Trump is unbeatable and has learned to embrace that nature of himself over time and a well-lived life.  As a gift, he is bringing that personality trait to America, which people want desperately, and it’s showing itself in dramatic ways in 2024 politics.  And I love it!  Finally! 

Rich Hoffman

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I Want Revenge: Bathe in the suffering of our enemies–they deserve it

We just had the three-year anniversary of President Trump leaving the White House which they showed recently on the Warroom with Steve Bannon and I’ll have to admit, I want revenge.  I want my political enemies to suffer deeply for what they did; that day was one of the worst days of my life.  And there have been some bad days.  It was worse for me because of what I do and my role; I pay more attention to these things than most people care to.  I was very mad when Trump gave that last speech before flying off in Air Force One that last time after his first term.  I am still angry.  Mad.  I want bad things to happen to the thousands of people who participated in that exile.  There were very few Republicans who were there to send away one of the most popular presidents in history.  The SWAMP was happy to get rid of Trump after all they did to conspire against him.  On that day three years ago, and since, we have learned just how bad the Uniparty truly is and to what effect the Deep State thought it was in charge. And that was indeed one of the darkest days of my life because, to my very soul, I love America and the concept of America.  And it was obvious that we were not in charge of America.  We were shown that we did not have a representative government, and that day’s message was, “Thanks for playing; we’ll fly you where you want to go in our airplane and drop you off.  And we never want to see you again.”  I was so mad at that time that my wife and I packed up our stuff and headed out into the desert for a while in our RV.  I didn’t want to see anybody or talk to anybody.  I needed to clear my head and recalibrate.  And I’m glad I did.  While traveling, Rush Limbaugh died, Biden moved into the White House, and what I think of as the darkest days of America were in front of us.  It was a horrible time.

You don’t want to know what I was thinking when this picture was taken. Thank goodness there was a vast desert for me to cool down in

And as bad as it was I told everyone, some people wanted to grab guns and overthrow the government, to hold tight and use the rules to beat these guys.  I went way out of my way to convince people that the insurrection act of Trump refusing to leave the White House and use the military to fight back against the apparent coup was not the right one, as tempted as I was to snap myself.  To say I hate the people who participated in that day is an understatement, and people can tell me it’s not very Jesus-like.  But I speak to all of them that if Jesus wants to forgive them, he can at the Heavenly gates, or the Devil can at the gates of Hell.  But I want revenge for what they did.  I want them all to suffer and more.  My message to everyone upset has finally come back around to fulfillment and I’ll have to admit, I have been waiting for this day all this time, and I can taste the blood in my mouth from the vengeance I want to see happening to people like Paul Ryan, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and his ridiculous family, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Mittens Romney, and the entire band of globalists at Davos, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all of them.  They deserve to suffer for what they did and did a lot.  Covid was a bioweapon made and released to facilitate a Great Reset, a Marxist plot hatched at the World Economic Forum and released from China because everyone figured the communist government could contain the story of its release.  And Covid was released to perform massive election fraud and, steal the election from Trump, and ruin the American economy that was at that time thriving.  And I took it as an act of war that our people were deeply involved in.  The kind of people who did not show up to see Trump off that day.

It was ironic that in a Georgia courtroom at the 3rd anniversary of Trump leaving the White House on that horrendously cold day in January of 2021, it was proven that the digital machines could be hacked and votes changed, which has been happening for a very long time, likely since the invention of the internet. There is no question now what happened. Over these last three years, the proof has come out, and all the conspirators are trying to advance the topic so they never have to pay for what they did, essentially telling us that we are not in charge of our government. And that when they sent Trump packing, they were spitting in our face. Which is why my wife and I went to the desert to think. I had been telling everyone to use the rules to beat these guys because once you drew guns and fought them with a violent insurrection, then you couldn’t use those same rules to put Trump back in office and the whole system of justice would be gone forever. As it stands now, the Uniparty has to make the same move, and if they choose to pick up arms and defend their power, then it is on them. We have waited and played by the rules as much as possible because we have been planning for this day all this time: the revenge tour. And I couldn’t wait.

While in the desert, my wife and I found an excellent place to eat breakfast called the Cowboy Café. Each morning, we would get an omelet and take it back to our camper to dine and watch the news on television.  It snowed in the desert that year, and temperatures were devastatingly cold.  There was a little grocery next to that Cowboy Café where we bought most of our food for that time, and it was the people in that region that picked up my spirit, and I figured out the path to hope that was in front of us.  And I came away from that trip ready to fight and do whatever had to be done, which I have been doing behind the scenes since then and even more than I had been doing up to that point.  But here we are.  Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the race, as well as Vivek Ramaswamy, as the primaries are clearly showing that most of America is ready for Trump again in the same way I am.  But make no mistake: I’m not alone in wanting revenge for what has been done to us.  A lot of people must pay for the crimes they committed.  And as I said, you beat these guys with the rules even though I was tempted otherwise.  They used the rules to steal away Trump, the best president likely in American history, so we can utilize them to turn the tables on them, which is happening now.  But don’t cry for your enemies.  Bathe in their tears, enjoy their howls of anguish, delight in their suffering, and don’t feel sorry for those losers.  They have it coming, and they should handle the kind of wrath that makes people beg for the fires of Hell and the impalement of a pitchfork into their worthless carcasses for eternal damnation.  Trump prefers to take the high road and says the best revenge is living well and winning.  And to be a gracious winner.  That’s not where I’m at and never will be.  I want a pound of flesh from each who contributed to the crime, and I’ll never get over it.  They are lucky Trump is so gracious.

Rich Hoffman

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45% of Companies Plan to Eliminate Bachelor Degree Requirments: You can’t buy experience, and talent doesn’t come from institutionalism

It hasn’t been that long; the temptations for some global world order would try to resurrect the old European values once travel and communication became easy.  But the concept of a college education isn’t ancient, but the values of good labor are as old as time.  And the experiment, like many concepts of globalism, has come to a crashing end.  In 2024, 45% of companies plan to eliminate their bachelor’s degree requirements so they can access labor that is more appropriate for their needs.  The world has figured out something it has been trying to hide for at least half a century: you can’t buy your way into intelligence, which was the assumption with college programs.  Then, to make matters worse, it was the colleges who were the first around the world to adopt a World Economic Forum outlook, where to get a degree after you’ve paid these excessively liberal people a fortune of your hard-earned money, you had to become some form of desecrator of social order to get a good enough grade to graduate.  When I think of college, the very first thing that jumps into my mind is illicit sex and way too much drinking.  And after four years of that lifestyle, what kind of people do we think are produced for the world?  Partying is the value system that the college brand sold to the world, and for liberalism, it became the boot camp of society.  Those who did it and endured it were rewarded with white color jobs at a higher rate of pay.  But what companies have had to admit, especially after Covid, is that they don’t need or want those kinds of job fulfillment from college degree types of people.  And they are turning away from the college scam. 

Key findings:

  • 45% of companies plan to eliminate bachelor’s degree requirements for some positions in 2024
  • 55% of companies eliminated bachelor’s degree requirements in 2023
  • 70% say they eliminated bachelor’s degree requirements to create a more diverse workforce
  • 4 in 5 employers value experience over education when evaluating job candidates
  • Two-thirds of employers have candidates complete test assignments

I know many people with Master’s degrees and Ph.D.s. Most of the people I deal with daily are people with advanced degrees and get very excited when their favorite college teams play a sporting event like basketball or football.  It would be an understatement to say they lose their minds on rationality on such occasions.  I also know many backyard geniuses who run derby cars on hot summer nights at fairgrounds to roaring crowds who barely graduated high school.  My wife and I have also been to college, so I have seen a lot of what works and doesn’t over the years, and I’ve never been a fan of the college approach to labor fulfillment.  In 2021, the scam was revealed when the political left took things too far and showed all their cards with the same kind of process they used to sucker companies into hiring their college graduates over other types of employees.  This time, it was the attempt to launch the COVID-19 vaccine shot in the same way, and it was interesting to see how corporate behavior went into instant compliance mode.  The way that corporate behavior adapted to COVID mandates, social distancing, and vaccine shot compliance was precisely the game that was played with pay scales and access to white color jobs in corporate environments.  College was designed to remove merit from the hiring process and ignore raw genius in exchange for adherence to a global administrative state.  The experiment has failed dramatically, and companies are no longer willing to suffer the impacts of such a lackluster workforce. 

My experience with college applicants is that it might give them some discipline structurally in social conditions that they might not have acquired from their parents, but it fails to do anything to provide them with some level of intelligence.  Many of these people would have been better off watching The Wizard of Oz as kids.  The degree they get only has an actual use as a psychological mechanism.  It does little to nothing for an employer looking for that next genius that can bring them a competitive edge over their rivals in marketplace capitalism.  College was never designed to do what it was selling: to be an institution of intelligence. Instead, they became incubation factories for liberalism and were created from the start to be so.  I wish they were different, but they have only been around in popular culture since entering the 20th Century.  But labor has existed since the beginning of time, and our measure of good and bad labor hasn’t changed.  It was based on performance, and to hire the college graduate of liberalism, we had to ignore those rules and assume that the piece of paper that cost many tens of thousands of dollars to get, and untold personal desecrations of an individual lifestyle, were going to benefit companies in some way.  To say that the experiment of global liberalism has been very costly to companies over the last several decades has been a severe understatement, and now, since Covid put everything on the front page, companies are finally admitting to the failure.  You can’t buy talent; you have to develop it with experience. 

Most people reading this are probably college graduates but think about it before you get too defensive.  What is the first thing you think of when considering college?  I remember a lot of nice girls and guys who managed to get out of high school somewhat intact, as virgins who did not drink at all or say curse words (this was in the 80s) who, by the time they were away from their parents in a college, turned into complete lunatics.  I knew one such girl who was clean as a whistle, graduated high school and was most poised to enter adult life as Mary Poppins.  I saw her next at Miami University on a Friday night, being gang raped on the hood of a car with her clothes ripped off and thrown everywhere, nearly passed out from intoxication.  People were walking by like it was an everyday occurrence.  People didn’t have cell phones back then, so nobody recorded it.  But nobody was all that shocked.  These days, the whole thing would be a video on Porn Hub.  It happens every night somewhere, especially on college campuses.  And that poor girl was ruined for life, never to recapture what she had been and never would.  She got a good job, but was she a good employee?  Of course not; she was destroyed and would remain that way for the rest of her life.  Her kids would always know, and so would her husband.  And everyone who was there with her that night.  And that wasn’t the last time for her.  She had three more years of college.  College was never about getting more brilliant for the political left and their desire for an administrative state.  It was about desecrating the Christianized America and forcing them through the gauntlet so that their kids could get a better job than they had when the parents were kids themselves.  And they’d throw their kids into that rat race to save them from blue-collar work that the world didn’t respect.  But the game has not produced what employers want, which is actual skill, and now they are paying for it.  They are finally making the necessary changes they should have all along and admitting that the college-trained employee is not very good for them.  What they want is talent built by experience.  And there is no way to cheat that.  You have to live life to gain that experience, and desecrating yourself in public drunk on a weekend of debauchery hasn’t helped corporate America be very competitive.  And now they are finally admitting to it.

Rich Hoffman

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A.I. and Robotics are the Keys to Future Economic Development: They don’t call off, do drugs, and protest for government expansion, which makes them wonderful

I am not afraid of technology in any way; ultimately, A.I. and robotics will end up working with people in much the same way as they did in Star Wars, as actual characters built by humans, but part of the real story of history as it expands.  Being worried about technology taking over the world, in some Terminator way, I think, is giving technology too much credit.  As I have said, the most dangerous thing in the world is a government unchecked to develop bioweapons like COVID-19 to terrorize the world behind the shadows of Davos, Switzerland.  And to let artificial intelligence go off and develop in similar ways such an example is scary.  But that is a current and significant problem, whether or not humans do it or artificial intelligence.  This is a reason we must have an effective government, to protect people from vile threats to the human race, like the World Economic Forum, but limited in what it can do to individual rights, so that government can never become so big that it abuses its authority tremendously, such as we have seen over the last several years, especially since 2020.  I understand the concerns about transhumanism, but I also know its need, which was presented quite well to my wife and I recently when it was late and we were hungry. We hadn’t had any dinner, and we were both exhausted.  So we went to the McDonald’s close to our house for some quick food.  Now, I hesitated going there because since Covid, they have struggled at this location to staff it adequately, and almost every order we have had from them has been horrendous; they miss lots of stuff, get the order completely wrong, and charge the incorrect amounts.  They have been slow because their staffing levels were inexperienced and unmotivated, and they often called off too much from work, making them short-staffed.

A trip I made with some friends to a Cincinnati area robotics manufacturer. There are some excellent options out there.

Many McDonald’s locations are now utilizing at least an A.I. menu board, which takes orders much better than humans do, and it works great, which was our experience at this particular McDonald’s.  It probably shaved 45 seconds off our total interaction time in the drive-thru, which is very important to me.  I often don’t have 45 seconds to give to anybody, so speed and accuracy in a drive-thru exchange are critical to me.  Our experience at McDonald’s was excellent that day, another thing I warned about years ago.  All this talk about pushing the minimum wage has devastated the economy, and I warned everyone what would happen.  Commercial outlets would replace human workers with machines, robots, A.I., or whatever they could handle.  That is certainly the case at Walmart today with self-checkouts and now at fast-food restaurants.  The labor it takes to keep open a fast-food restaurant is relatively high, and wherever you see a collection of them, such as at a highway intersection, there is a lot of labor needed for that area to sustain itself economically.  So, artificially impacting the profit margins of an economic enterprise has been devastating to anybody concerned with hiring labor.  To pay for the extra workers, companies must cut the amount of staffing they have to make for all the numbers to work out.  Socialists and communists think that businesses exist to provide jobs and that by forcing companies to pay an artificially high wage rate, they are doing everyone a favor.  But companies exist for the marketplace, for real economic value, so meeting those needs is their first concern, and when labor is artificially high in value, then all kinds of financial problems emerge when it comes to the amount of work produced. 

This a robot that is specifically for inspection. It works really well!

I included an accompanying video of a recent trip I took with some friends to a Cincinnati manufacturer of robotics, for my interest is to see what they could and couldn’t do.  Because it’s a simple math problem.  You don’t want to limit your economic development in a culture by the availability of labor, especially with Ohio legalizing drugs, the government using Covid to try to get everyone to work from home, people dependent on government for subsidiary income, welfare, and putting unmotivated people into the workplace, then having all the same companies trying to hire all the same people to do work.  Suppose there are only 300 million people in the United States available to do work, including the millions of migrants inspired to invade our country by the Biden administration.  There isn’t enough labor to sustain a 19 trillion dollar economy with a yearly GDP.  So if labor is not available, or if that labor has been tainted with destructive politics that has not prepared the marketplace with viable talent, then you have to solve the problem some way, and the most obvious is to do as McDonald’s and Walmart have already been doing, and that is to automate as much as you can and use robots to do the routine work that humans have traditionally done.  If you don’t, there is no way to facilitate the economic expansion that could take an economy like America up over 19 trillion dollars.  Suppose you want to do more work in a culture. In that case, utilizing the workforce properly is the key, and you can’t allow yourself to be limited to the availability of labor if you want an economy to grow. 

To make matters worse, not only is the labor of this current generation tainted with laziness, drugs, and horrendous work habits, there just aren’t enough of them.  With birth rates down, we don’t have enough labor to meet the economic needs of our commercial demands, so we have created a constraint.  But like the Japanese, who have used their limited labor well with a relationship with robotics and other means of simplifying labor constraints, there are many automated examples of economic expansion without actual human bodies building it.  Then there are the gross inefficiencies of the Chinese government, who have over 1 billion people ready to work, but they still can’t produce more economic output than America because their government is their primary constraint, as a communist, centralized government.  For America to recover from its 35 trillion dollar deficit, massive economic expansion under President Trump that pulls off all the restrictor plates is essential.  And there aren’t enough human bodies to perform the work, even if every illegal immigrant in the many millions was put to the task.  It wouldn’t be enough for the opportunities, economically, that are coming our way with the space race expansion.  So, I’m excited about robots and A.I. and whatever means of production can be utilized to fulfill market needs. Instead, I don’t like to see a lack of labor holding back an economy.  When I want a sandwich from McDonald’s, I don’t desire a bunch of excuses about call-offs and lazy, pot-infested losers holding back the economic exchange.  Robots and A.I. never call off work.  They don’t do drugs, drink, get divorced, and go through complex social hardship spells in life.  They are consistent and do what you program them to do.  And they don’t talk back.  They don’t protest for the government or demand paychecks when they aren’t doing work.  They are always there, and for an economy in need, that is what we all need for labor in the future.  Dependable, fast, and never complaining. 

Rich Hoffman

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