Vote For Vanessa Wells to Lakota’s School Board: Elgin Card is just the beginning of the problem

Vote For Vanessa Wells to Lakota’s School Board

Vanessa Wells, shown in the video above, didn’t foresee herself running for school board at Lakota a few years ago.  She was a mom, just like everyone else sending their kids to school.  She and her husband moved to the Lakota district specifically because the school had a good reputation. Many thousands of similar parents could tell about their experience and reasoning for moving to the Lakota school district.  And that dream was alive and well up until the point in time that a politically immune resident’s son threatened to kill her daughter while in school at Lakota, and nobody wanted to deal with the problem.  At that point, Vanessa considered her options.  First, she decided to pull her child out of danger, out of class, and homeschool her.  That solved the immediate problem of the threat in the classroom and Lakota’s school board having no stomach to do anything about it.  As I say all the time, the kind of liberalism that grows in all public schools emphasizes the institution, not the essence of the individual child.  Of course, the Lakota school board wasn’t going to deal with a foreign agent and all the political attachments to the case by defending the rights of one individual child. That’s not the political climate of any school board or school system—to protect individual rights unless those rights advance a progressive cause, such as gay rights or race-baiting.  Threatening to kill another student when it’s a young white lady born of traditional white parents is grounds for dismissing the issue altogether.  After all, the radicals of the political left are threatening to eliminate white people all the time, and this was just one more of them.

Yet, for Vanessa, that wasn’t good enough.  She loves her kid the way all parents do; she has to defend at least her right to exist.  Hiding at home homeschooling was a retreat away from a system that our tax money is paying for, which has been openly hostile to the type of targets that Critical Race Theory seeks to attack. That’s what was being taught at Lakota schools under various masks they use to deter public outcry.  But the school system’s mission could never have been made more evident. They were committed to the progressive implementation of political goals aligned with the teacher’s union, and anybody who got in the way of that would be run over. Vanessa’s family was just the latest in a long list over the years who have found themselves chewed up and spit out by a government institution that is more committed to creating a real-life Brave New World rather than a bright-eyed child entering adulthood ready to meet the challenges of life. That’s when Vanessa decided to run for the school board and directly fight the corrosive elements that were making school life dangerous for kids like hers. To target Critical Race Theory at its source, the school board created the position of Elgin Card, and that was the feature of Vanessa’s presentation.

You can hear Vanessa explain her personal story and her experiences dealing with the school board in the videos contained here.  She also presented the kind of radicalism in Lakota school’s hallways advocated directly by the six-figure school employee, Elgin Card, which should concern everyone.  Additionally, Elgin Card’s social media screen captures further display the evidence of Critical Race Theory being taught directly in class.  In the videos here, it is evident that Vanessa isn’t alone in this concern.  Many people showed up at a local church to learn what they could do to stop CRT teaching at Lakota.  I was surprised by the showing because I knew many threats made by the usual teacher union surrogates on the same scale as what we see on the national level in politics attached to the Black Lives Matter Marxism movement.  It’s very much happening in all our school districts, specifically Lakota. It’s a big target, one of the most prominent schools in the state of Ohio in an affluent neighborhood.  So, by attacking Lakota, the Marxists behind the Black Lives Matters movement see an opportunity, and the harassment of any resistance to their plans was deep on their minds.  There were plenty of threats made to discourage people from coming to this filmed event.

Vanessa Wells talks CRT at Lakota Schools

But as you can see for yourself, a lot of people came anyway.  I was expecting a crowd of 25 or so concerned parents.  Even with all the threats leading up to it, those who showed up were visible from the footage.  That’s precisely why there aren’t more Vanessa Wells parents out there because when they stick their heads up, the radicals in the school district immediately move to cut them down.  Any way possible.  And they pride themselves in their ability in much the way that blue state governors have become obsessed with Covid mandates to boss around their populations.  The same thing is going on at Lakota.  When parents complain, the school board appeases them with a gently worded email, almost like patting a dog on the head to make them happy and stop barking.  But then they turn around and hire expensive radicals like Elgin Card at Lakota to implement BLM political Marxist strategies, essentially with an openly hostile approach to most of the Lakota student population.  Lakota isn’t seeking to teach diversity and fairness, as they claim.  They are seeking outright Marxism from Black Lives Matters which is evident by the screen captures of Elgin Card himself. That’s why it’s such a great benefit that Vanessa has decided to run for the school board at Lakota and offered to bring leadership to these matters where it is needed.  It would be great if more parents joined her, but she’s a great start. 

It wasn’t easy for Vanessa; I can tell you that.  But she’s a fighter; it’s in her nature. She’s also brilliant.  While it might make sense to just homeschool her child, turning away from a vast evil in her backyard didn’t make sense for her, so she’s working to improve the situation precisely what we should all be doing.  The clear answer to these problems is to replace the management that allowed them to happen, which is 4 out of 5 school board members.  Many people don’t know it, but up until this year Lakota, led by Brad Lovell, was planning to ask for even more money on a tax increase just so the board could hire more people like Elgin Card at more than $100,000 each to bring this level of radicalism to our community school.  Because of Covid and the election year theatrics, they backed off it for now.  But they indeed plan to as soon as they can.  After all, they have to pay for the teacher contract that they just voted for, and they can only pay for those raises with a tax increase which they are now committed to.  And think how many radical teachers are just like Elgin Card waiting to be activated.  Before this new diversity position that the school board created for Elgin, he was the principal at Lakota West.  So, there are more like him waiting for a chance to bring more radicalism to the children of Lakota.  At this point, the only legal means we have to defeat this attack is to replace the school board, starting with Vanessa Wells, and the courage she managed to muster to face an onslaught of evil intent to destroy us all, one child at a time.

Rich Hoffman

The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business
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Vote for Isaac Adi: Fighting the poison of CRT that is now unleashed in Lakota schools

Vote For Isaac Adi

Did I tell you, dear reader, how much I love Isaac Adi!  Oh, I didn’t, well let me tell you how much.  Isaac and I have known each other for a while now through other people; he’s running for school board in the Lakota district I talk about so much, which has been under attack like most public schools for their implementation of Critical Race Theory.  Isaac is a man of color, not that it matters to me, but for visual considerations, people would assume that he might support CRT because of the color of his skin.  But, that’s not how Isaac conducts himself. He’s a smart man from Nigeria who fled that country to come to what he considers the greatest country in the world.  He came to America for many of the same reasons that many immigrants do, for the opportunity.  Opportunities that the rest of the world doesn’t offer.  And now he’s a citizen who has been in the United States for a few decades now, and he considers that citizenship to be a great treasure.  He has read the Constitution many times back and forth and understands his rights as a human being.  I met him recently at an event where we could catch up to each other, and we had an excellent time together.  He was speaking at the event included in this article about the dangers of CRT, which is one of his driving reasons for running for that elected office, which I am ecstatic that he is.

Isaac has raised his family in the United States, as his children were born in Nigeria.  And as he said in his speech, two of them have grown up and obtained Master’s Degrees taking advantage of the opportunities that can only be found in America.  And now he wants to protect those opportunities for a new generation.  But he smartly has seen what is going on in all public schools, all across the country.  Something he would call a poison to the minds of our children.  Over the last year, Lakota schools have made a hard left turn toward outright Marxism using Critical Race Theory as the mask to sell it to the public through “equity” and “diversity.” That is what led to Isaac speaking at that event with others concerned about the same issues.  Another school board candidate, Vanessa Wells, also spoke at the event for many of the same reasons, which we’ll get into with their own topics because they deserve that kind of specificity.  But Isaac’s story was a touching one, as articulated in the video above.  He has a strong accent, and it’s a little hard to hear at times, but it was so refreshing to meet and listen to such a fresh voice from our community who is all in on bringing justice and purity to the school board process, which is often such a sad story.  Most people who offer themselves up as school board members, such as the 4 out of 5 that Lakota currently has, are just monstrosities of stupidity and liberal community activism.  However, which is the point of talking about this Lakota issue, if you want to drive Marxist influences out of your community, you have to start with the school board.  As Isaac says, if the youth are corrupted and destroyed by such an ideology, there will be no tomorrow.  All the work we put into our children will be for nothing because liberalism will gain control of their minds and ruin them forever, which is precisely what is going on at Lakota schools with Critical Race Theory.

What is Critical Race Theory

In many ways, Isaac is the perfect candidate; he’s everything the left politically desires, he’s a man of color, he’s an immigrant, he’s a lot of things they claim they want in the world.  But………………… .he’s a conservative. He’s very religious.  And he’s astute.  He says in his video, which I agree with emphatically, and say all the time myself, if you fail in America, it’s for one primary reason: you are lazy.  For those who don’t achieve success, it’s because they aren’t willing to do the work, which is one reason Isaac Adi wants to be on the school board of Lakota.  He wants to see that other students get a good chance at life and that they don’t fall into the false narrative of Marxism that is very much poised to destroy an entire generation of young people currently going through the public education system.  Isaac wants to be part of the solution, not to add to the problem.   As much as it shouldn’t matter, an older white guy running for the same spot would distract from the situation. Still, with Isaac, nobody could look at him and not say he’s the creation of the American dream, a man of diversity, a man of opportunity, a man of intelligence, and a man of God. He’s precisely the kind of man I want to see sitting down with a budget of over 200 million dollars and managing it on behalf of the community.  Meanwhile, an outrageous teacher’s union full of radical Marxist ideology seeks to steal it all and turn it into political radicalism at the expense of our children.  Isaac is a very nice guy, but he’s not stupid, and I am very excited at the prospect of voting for him this coming fall.

But more than all that, Isaac Adi gets what the problem is.  Through way left political ideology that this current school board, except for Lynda O’Conner, has fully embraced, they are poisoning our children.  Isaac could turn his back on all that; his kids are grown.  He could do as most people do and tune out Lakota because it’s too much a pain in the ass to listen to those idiots cackle like hens in those school board meetings.  It takes a particular person to want to deal with the bureaucracy that is hung on everything in public education and do the management required to fight off Marxism and produce truly educated people for the future of our country.  What this current school board is doing in many ways is evil because they are endorsing the radical leftist ideology with their complacency.  We all are who turn away and allow this poison of Critical Race Theory to corrupt our children and for the school board members to clap it along as if they were building a bonfire with the American flag and all the potential of the future.  Great people like Isaac Adi are what you hope rises out of those ashes to put the fire out and fight off all those who want to start it again.  He is a solution that many didn’t even know they needed, but once they learn how bad it is, they will be happy to learn that Adi is there and that his love for his community runs deep and is pure.  He loves that he came to the Lakota school district as an immigrant and that his family had great opportunities that he couldn’t have obtained anywhere else in the world.  But now it’s his time to defend our community from an encroaching evil that is very real and is on our doorstep.  And history will judge how we all deal with that evil.  The least that you can do, dear reader, is to vote for someone willing to stand up to it.  The best thing to do would be to join the fight against that evil.  But at the very least, you can vote for Isaac Adi and the terror of poison that he is willing to fight on your behalf. 

Rich Hoffman

The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business
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The Ghost of Trump Terrifies Biden’s Administration: It looks scary to the rest of us, but its not us who are haunted by a corrupt past

Trump is Ghosting Biden

I know it’s scary out there; everywhere you look, something looks to becoming unhinged.  The Olympics are a joke, the political class is using Covid cover to hide their vast crimes, and no longer do people trust public education with all the CRT nonsense that is going on.  We can’t trust our sports and entertainment anymore.  We can hardly even talk to our neighbors over neutral topics.  Most of us don’t even know what is happening in our careers from week to week, whether we’ll be shut down by the government and stuffed on the unemployment line, or what kind of appeasement we’ll have to come up with to keep the local health departments from harassing us with newfound powers from the White House controlled CDC.  It’s pretty rough, and people are sincerely scared.  I would compare these days to times in the past, like the Civil War or the Revolution where battles happened, people heard about them, but day to day, things looked normal until the effects of some nearby battle were ushered into their lives.  Such as a railroad line being blown up by the enemy, and suddenly some small town in the middle of Kansas couldn’t get food.  That is something like what we are all experiencing now, except it’s on a global scale, and we see it in things like the Olympics where France beat the men’s basketball team, and Wokeness has grounded the Women’s gymnastic team.  Now you know why these other countries have been promoting these poisons of thought into the United States.  The effect is first apparent in the Olympics.  But less directly, they hope for the same results in politics and business.  Wokeness was meant to cripple us, and it has been the new weapon of our day, and we all feel the effects.

But I say as I always do, never fear; reality is near.  Nearer than the enemies of Americana would like to admit.  It was best demonstrated in the most obvious yet least talked about side-by-side comparison of 2021, the speech that Joe Biden made at the end of July in Cincinnati, and the speech by President Trump in Arizona at the Turning Point USA event there.  When I wrote my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, this was a perfect example of what I talk about as being one of the most potent management methods ever created, “ghosting.” Trump was ghosting Biden, which has forced the White House to pull in the tent flaps, turn to Covid to cover their many crimes exposed and hide from Trump’s impact on international politics.  The Biden people and Democrats do not have an answer to what happened between those two speeches, given just a few days apart.  For Biden, he came to Cincinnati for a CNN town hall which the venue struggled to fill enough rows of the auditorium there in Delhi to look decent for television.  The back half of the arena was empty, and it sounded that way on T.V.  The story was that Biden struggled through the event bumbling around with his sentences and sounding like a very old and weak man. 

Trump, on the other hand, at the Turning Point event put on by Charlie Kirk, filled a 10,000-person arena to the rafters, and there were about as many people outside who couldn’t get a ticket.  Trump spoke for well over an hour, sounding tough, robust, and insightful.   He threw red meat to the crowd on election fraud and other conspiracies, all that looks to be coming actually true day by day, leaving NBC apocalyptic by Monday morning.  Trump was supposed to be gone by now, not giving speeches and showing up the President in the White House.  Removing Trump from the White House by all the elements at play, both foreign and domestic, had one major weakness which nobody had factored in.  Such a coup would have worked in other places globally, but nobody had figured it out before they tried it in America.  Leadership does not follow the rules, people either have it, or they don’t, and with Trump ghosting Biden, it was exposing the main problem of the Biden administration.  The Democrats had a guy who was a compromised “yes person,” a supreme bootlicker, and he couldn’t compete with Trump on the world stage, and the bodies in seats show that.  They rejected Biden’s free event on CNN but went to Trump’s event instead.  No matter how much voting fraud occurred to put a win on paper, people knew better, and their bodies in seats were more than a sampling of public sentiment.  It was pretty clear by Monday morning when NBC as a network had their faces melting by the reality that everyone had seen, which their reporting on the matter reflected.

Of course, not much was said about the two speeches.  The conservative media got pulled into the whirlpool of Joe Biden’s stumbling speech.  While the left-leaning press was outraged by Trump’s claims of election fraud and were sincerely concerned that people thought Trump would be re-inserted into the White House any day now.  But that wasn’t why Trump was doing the speech, and actually, that wasn’t the objective of the election fraud investigations that are going on actively outside of Trump’s direct influence.  I believe I said it on day one of opening this Rumble video account that hosts all these videos I now put on these blog postings that Trump could be more potent in Florida than in the cesspool of Washington D.C.  Providing authentic leadership in the form of “ghosting” the propped up President in Biden was the way to defeat all these bad guys who have been up to no good.  And it’s working magnificently.  Shortly after the two speeches were digested, that is when the CDC had to find a cover story for the Beltway politics that was being exposed.  So, they re-imposed the mask mandates for indoor venues.  The Biden White House does not have public support, it’s evident in these public speeches, and they can’t keep getting exposed by Trump, who can show up anywhere at any time and fill up a venue with excited voters. 

We know by now the science of Covid.  The problem with the CDC is they are a political organization, not a group of people following science.  If they wanted to solve Covid, hydroxychloroquine and ultraviolent light management would be part of the conversation.  But what we have in the United States funding by the Fauci-led NIH into the Wuhan lab was flagged by the French as a risk to the world, who has been caught taking a virus not dangerous to humans and modifying it as a Chinese bioweapon.  And they were caught.   And the same group of big government people has been detected in the various election frauds that occurred in the 2020 election.  And people are getting it, and you can see it in crowd participation.   When the rubber hits the road, people did not want Biden, and even when they are given a free ticket and have a chance to be on national television, nobody showed up.  But even for a president that nobody supposedly likes, that was voted out of office; there isn’t a venue in the country that can hold all the interest people have in seeing Trump give the same speech over and over again, to the same Lee Greenwood song, and dancing at the end to YMCA.  For the people in government who have committed all these crimes, this is genuinely terrifying.  They are trying to hide that terror with the Covid emergencies, but the significant risk is whether or not people will take the bait.  And I don’t think they will.  In reality, things are not as scary as they have been made to appear.  But to see things in such a way, you have to see the ghosts and how they terrify the world of the living where the crimes are most exposed. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Experts in Plato’s Cave: Fear of learning the truth

Plato’s Cave Wall

When things start getting disjointed and the pressure starts blurring reality, I always turn to books for clarity—the process of reading books levels out the mind in very productive ways.  I don’t care if it’s a comic book; reading anything helps solve many thought problems.  And that is certainly the case in the news these days, where various Covid variants are scaring people into looking at everything but the fundamental issues of politics.  I told everyone what was coming when we started learning about Dr. Fauci and his connection to China, how China has long ago declared war on America. Still, we have not matched that aggression, and then there are election fraud problems from the 2020 elections.  There are some big topics out there that could topple our government in a very negative way.  There is some bad stuff going on that is now well out of control, so the perspective is needed. That’s when I turn to books to solve problems, and it always works.  Doing extensive reading brought my mind back to an old topic, the Cave Analogy from Plato’s Republic, a favorite.   In the video above, I explain it and how it applies to the politics of our times.  The problem we all have is that we know what is making the shadows on the cave wall. Still, we have an expert class that insists on staying in control of what we see and hear, even though their information is entirely irrelevant for 2021 sensibilities.

If you haven’t heard it before, this problem of experts attempting to shape reality based on their limited perspective is not a new problem.  It goes back several thousand years to around 375 BC to the times of the Greeks when they were trying to figure out how to operate a Republic as a form of government.  The assumption is that we are all chained to a pole looking at a cave wall and behind us in a cave is a fire burning.  Behind us are people walking around, for which we have never seen.  All we know of them is the shadows they cast on the cave wall.  Other people chained with us to a pole facing in the same direction have learned to predict the movements of the shadows on the cave wall depending on what time of day it was.  Again, not knowing that the shadows are caused by people moving about out of our sight.  Well, one person eventually manages to get loose and turn around and see for themselves the source of the shadows.  Breaking free, they attempt to tell the others tied to the poles what can be seen, but the experts don’t want people to pay attention.  So, the freed person goes by themselves into the world beyond the fire into the people moving about, talking with them, and learning who they are.  Eventually, the person finds themselves moving out of the cave altogether, and outside they see the sun and the more significant evidence of civilization.    

This evidence of reality provokes excitement, so the freed person returns to their colleagues tied to the pole and tells them what was seen outside the cave.  This causes anger from the experts because the threat to them is genuine.  Their entire value in existence has been to predict when the shadows will appear on the cave wall and determine their movements.  Obtaining a higher knowledge of what makes the shadows destroys everything that gives power to their lives, and they find it threatening.  They would much prefer to keep the public ignorant to be important by predicting the shadows on the cave wall.  Learning what makes the shadows for such people is the worst thing in the world.  Well, that pretty much spells out the problems of our modern times.  We have a lot of people in politics who make good livings predicting what the shadows will do.  But we live in a time where information is abundant, and we don’t need experts to tell us what things mean.  We have decentralization of information, and if one expert class attempts to keep us facing a direction we don’t want to be facing, we have the choice to look somewhere else anyway.  If we’re going to know what causes the shadows, we can look for ourselves.  That is the tension of our current political world.

Literature is such a good method of resolving problems because, as in the Allegory of the Cave, Plato had the same issues then as we do now.  There is nothing new about what we see out of the behavior of humanity.  There might be some modern tapestries to what we see, but the essence is always the same.  But what we should expect is to learn from history so that we don’t keep repeating it.  I think we can feel sympathy for those experts who only see the value of their lives in predicting where the shadows come from.  Or we can hate them for their attempt to control us.  Dr. Fauci comes to mind, a government expert who has spent his whole life predicting shadows and trying to scare us into behavior the government desired.  For him, we long ago untied ourselves and could see what was causing the shadows, even as the government has insisted that we not look behind us to where the fire cast its shadows.  Notice how we are talking about a Covid variant, but we never talk about a natural solution such as hydroxychloroquine. That’s when you know the expert class doesn’t care about you; all they do care about is their retention of power, their ability to scare you into behaving the way they want you to do, and they use the shadows to do it.  Once you know what causes the shadows, the experts lose all their power.

We have the same problem with the election fraud deniers, who want to look at the cave wall and let the experts translate what we see.  The election fraud of 2020 happened in the world beyond the fire, so the shadows of their existence don’t even show up on the cave wall.  Yet it happened all the same.  It just occurred beyond the vision of what we are looking at.  If we get up and away from our pole and look, we’ll see the evidence in the corner of the cave just beyond the firelight.  It’s not that the evidence isn’t there, but the experts expect to hide it from us by keeping our perspective from turning around and seeing it.  Because if we do get up and see for ourselves, the experts lose their power, which is terrifying.  Then what will happen to them once we realize how much we have been lied to.  For all those reasons and more, I love time with my books.  They are not connected to the internet.  Nobody is tracking what I’m reading by keystrokes.  It’s just me and my book in my reading chair.  If all the power in the world went out, I would still be fine and able to read history and reflect upon it.  And that is very empowering, especially in times like this.  But knowing something is only half the battle.  The trick is in making history different based on what we’ve learned.  And that is what our next step will be. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Blue Origin’s Spaceflight: The unfortunate cost of being one of the world’s most hated men

What Should Have Been

I wanted to enjoy the rocket launch of Blue Origin as it occurred in July of 2021.  But, hey, it’s Jeff Bezos. I’ve written many good articles on Bezos in the pre-Trump days, but he’s come out as so anti-Trump, that it’s impossible to like the guy.  But as a big fan of commercialized space and the steps Bezos had played in making it more of a reality, I did my best to put all that aside to support what he did when he went to space with three other people to prove that traveling into space could be so easy that anybody could do it.  And it was, the space flight itself was great.  The Blue Origin rocket itself was brilliant.  It took off effortlessly with minimal infrastructure and flew out into space without any sign of struggle.  The booster rocket returned to earth and landed like a special effect from some excellent science fiction movie.  It was so good that it didn’t look real.  Then, the capsule containing the passengers came back to earth and landed almost where they had all taken off.  Nobody emerged from the vehicle looking chaotic or stressed out. It was smooth as silk and quite an achievement for commercial spaceflight.  Jeff Bezos even wore a cowboy hat before and after to understand the kind of mentality it will take to commercialize space. That space flight itself did not have to involve pressure suits and other inconveniences.  In all those ways, the flight was enormously successful. However, spaceflight was never going to be the problem.  The problem was Bezos himself.  As one of the world’s wealthiest people, that, of course, makes him a target of every bootlicker there is.  Add to that the awkward nature of Bezos himself, where he always comes out sounding like a Bond villain, even at a birthday party, and the PR for the spaceflight was just terrible. 

After what Amazon did to Parler after the Trump election of 2020, it was the final straw for me.  Amazon is a great place to buy books and just about anything else you might want, but now they had made themselves political activists, and that was the beginning of their eventual doom.  Their branding would be harmed forever.  Now that won’t matter, but it will slowly rot Amazon in the years to come because they essentially alienated 80 million Trump-voting Americans, which will be a real problem in the future.  I responded by moving my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, from Amazon’s Bookbaby and moved it to a more conservative publisher, which took some effort.  Amazon is the largest bookseller globally, so my current publisher lists books there, but I was not about to publish my book with Amazon, even though they have tremendous resources.  It comes down to Jeff Bezos and his activism that is the problem.  I often forgive, to some extent, rich people and how they have to appease the mobs of progressivism. Still, Bezos has gone too far in trying to control the corrosive elements of progressivism by becoming one of its spokesmen.  And that is what ruined his spaceflight.  After the historic flight, Bezos gave $100 million as a donation to liberal causes to the communist Van Jones, which was simply unforgivable. 

I get it; Bezos didn’t have any blacks on the space flight, so he had to do something for the black community to justify his picks for space.  But that didn’t stop the onslaught of hatred that emerged after the flight, everything from the rocket looking like a penis to Bezos’s cowboy hat during the journey.  People don’t like Bezos because he presents himself as a progressive hack.  Like many other modern people of great wealth, they think the future is in globalism, so they have worked against American tradition to favor a change state government that liberals will run.  And that dream is falling apart in their hands, running like water between their fingers, and Bezos seems to have an understanding of that.  After all, Amazon knows that conservative books are outselling liberal books by a lot so that the trend won’t be going in the direction of Van Jones.  Bezos has gone all-in on betting that liberalism would win anyway, and that has created a level of tension that is ever-present with anything attached to Blue Origin.  Of course, Bezos shares that problem with the Walt Disney Company who has also gone all-in on a progressive world of tomorrow.  But like Virgin Galactic’s journey to space, they made the mistake of miscategorizing space travel as an extension of preserving the earth rather than escaping from it.  Bezos made comments about looking back on the earth from space and appreciating that we are all in it together or something stupid like that; it came out sounding terrible.  Not something people could feel proud of. 

That’s the sad part of the story; what should have been a great day came out as a bla.  A perfect feat of engineering that involved many thousands of people turned out to be all about the odd personality of Jeff Bezos.  Nobody cared about his mom, his brother, or the other passengers because the entire event came out as a pr appeasement of progressive erosion to give a rich person a ride into space.  The scope of the effort was lost in the hatred toward Jeff Bezos by a public that decided it just doesn’t like him.  And if he were the kind of person who could care less, it would at least be honest.  But he tries to pull the shades over everyone’s eyes, including Van Jones.  To cover that ground of oddness, he just tossed $100 million to a devout global communist from CNN, giving more power to an enemy of Americana all the while trying to appeal to the cowboys and Trump voters by wearing the cowboy hat.  What he ended up doing was making everyone mad.  The story of space was lost in the drama, which is saying a lot.  With such an outstanding achievement into the vastness of space, all people saw was a way to poke fun at Bezos, one of the world’s most hated people.  But people don’t tell him they hate him because they want a chance to maybe get some money from him at some point.  Yet as I say all the time, you can tell a lot more about people by what they do, not necessarily what they say.  And that is what came in the aftermath of the Blue Origin space flight; people could only find fault in an otherwise faultless flight.  A journey to space without error, as predictable as the hands on a clock, but as hated as a pile of cow dung.  The public would have instead had anybody else go to space aside from Jeff Bezos. That’s what’s sad about the effort; rather than advance space travel, it had the feeling of setting it back by decades.  Giving that big check to a communist as payment for letting the socialists and the communists of the world let Bezos go to space came out as an ominous message of appeasement rather than freedom.   It said to the world that we are slaves to it and the communist greenie weenies who inhabit its service like a virus of thought that seeks to chain humans to earth forever and never let go. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Great Option of Homeschooling: To see just how bad public schools are, walk the halls of Lakota

Saving Kids by Homeschooling Them

Just to let you know how bad it is, the pictures included here were taken in one of the 22 schools within my school district of Lakota.  As you’ll see, it’s all about Critical Race Theory, all the time with them.  So much so I would consider them a danger to any child.  I would never in a million years send any kid of mine to a public school these days.  If you want to know what’s wrong with public schools, take a walk through the halls of Lakota in Cincinnati, Ohio, and you’ll get a good idea.  I never thought they were any good, but now, they are just horrendous.  Ironically, just as revealing as those pictures were, I had the chance to meet up with some old friends at the Annie Oakley Wild West Show I’ve been involved in for over a few decades.  They have a swarm of kids I’ve watched grow up, and now they are all bloomed.  I only see them once a year, so it has been fascinating watching them grow, and I can only say that they are such intelligent and fully developed kids.  They are super nice kids, very gifted, socially extremely confident.  They don’t have that beat-down look on their faces that most children have these days, 22 and under.  Taking those kids out of the cesspool of public education has been great for them. The results show after looking at those pictures from the walls of Lakota schools, which is reflective of all public schools all over the country, it’s easy to see why parents are upset.  They have a right to be. But at least there is a silver lining I’ve known about but haven’t had much exposure to.  Like the kids I mentioned who have homeschooled their entire lives, more and more parents are taking advantage of that option.  My kids are a few of them, and they were over this week showing me the learning material they have for starting this school year, and I have to say, I was very impressed. 

This is what is in the Halls of Lakota Schools

I remember what it was like; as I told in the story above, public schools have been garbage for decades.  They weren’t very good when I was in school.  They were terrible when my kids were going to school, so much so that we homeschooled for one of their years, and in their last two years, they finished their courses online and graduated at home.  Both of my children graduated early and spent time in Europe learning about the world while their classmates from Lakota were still trying to get a date for the prom.  And as for today, I would say, if you love your children at all, do not send them to the garbage heap that is public school for the life of you.  It’s no accident at Lakota and many other schools that they have started All Day Kindergarten because that is all that government schools are to parents, a free babysitting service ran by radical progressive activists paid for by the taxpayers.  That is why they are also pushing pre-school options because parents have kids, but they need to get back to work.  So they drop their kids off at these government schools to raise because they need the free babysitting, then wonder 12 years later why their kids are all screwed up as young adults.  Well, it doesn’t have to be that way, and my kids love their kids, so they’ve been looking for options, and what they brought me to show me was some of the most wonderful homeschooling material I’ve ever seen.  There was a time when my wife and I homeschooled our kids because the public school at the time, Mason, wanted to teach sex education in the 4th grade by putting a condom on a cucumber.  Well, these were my kids; they were little and were never going to have an opportunity to need to learn to put a condom on a penis.  My kids were going to be little and learning as much as they could as long as I could fight off the evils of the world to let their childhoods be as good as possible.  The school freaked out when my wife and I wouldn’t sign the permission slip, and a fight ensued that got quite bad.  It resulted in us pulling our kids from school and homeschooling for a year, which at that time was one of the hardest things we had ever done.

CRT at Lakota Schools

It wasn’t the education that was hard; it was the social stigma.  I never cared, but it mattered to my wife.  We were in our 30s at the time, and we did not have the support of our parents.  For our parents and society in general, public school was about dances, school jackets, and class rings.  They were the kind of people who went to their class reunions at five and 10-year intervals.  The friends they made in public school lasted a lifetime.  It was like the movie Grease, the school was about friends and memories, and they hated that we were robbing our children of those great things.

They Have Groups for Everything, But American Appreciation at Lakota

Only, school had changed since their days, and they had no idea what was going on.  When the Department of Education was put in place by teacher union lobbying in 1979, I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade at the time.  I was able to watch firsthand how that old view of public education changed into a radical political cesspool controlled by labor unions and their leftist desires.  I hated school more and more each year I was there; it was stifling to creativity and involved too much group think.   By the time my kids went to school, it was worse.  Not in the first few years, but by the time they were trying to push off sex education to 4th graders, it had gotten out of control.  Most of the kids were going home to empty houses from the school’s logic, and the kids were having sex until the parents got home from their jobs.  But that wasn’t fair to the kids who went home to a loving parent or two and had good lives at home.  Those kids didn’t need to be destroyed by such education methods of social rendering at the expense of innocence.  So the only real option was to homeschool them, but back then, when my kids were of that age, there wasn’t great social support. 

The Future is Women, so think of all the Young White Boys, what are they Supposed to do?

Now that has changed, my kids will teach all their kids at home, and all their Instagram friends think it’s great.  Of course, they have parental support from us, but more than that, most of their friends are saying now that they wish they could afford to teach their kids at home instead of sending them to these terrible public schools.  The branding of public schools has gone south over the years.  Most adults who have kids wish they made enough money to either send their kids to private schools or take advantage of the tremendous network of homeschool resources available now.  They feel the same way the rest of us think about public schools, except they don’t have the option of staying home because they have jobs to teach their kids at home.  My kids have built their life around the matter, and I’m proud of them, even more so now that I’ve seen what kind of resources my grandchildren will have to work with. I’ve seen the results of homeschooled children.  Every kid in America should have such a chance at a good education.  But they just aren’t going to get it at these misrun government schools as they are today.  If you love your kid, you will not send them to any of them.  Because if there is anything genuinely equal in this world, it’s that public schools are all equally bad.  If the government runs them, they are terrible for your kid, and you should do everything you can to avoid those places at all costs.      

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Don’t Listen to What Biden Says: Its what he does which reveals his communist nature

Its what People Do which tells the Truth about Them

You have to understand; we are living in the future; it’s a media-driven culture full of video images and photos.  We have learned to judge the value of something based purely on the way it looks and sounds as positioned to us through imagery.  Back in other times not that long ago, we judged evidence based on what we read and could gather through the vetting process of public opinion, from mouth to mouth.  So we are dealing these days with professional manipulators of what an image can communicate, and without question, that is a factor in the mass corruption we see these days.  Of course, politicians would attempt to challenge people’s intelligence and enrich themselves because they could hide their true intentions and complete character behind their ability to present good imagery to the public.  And getting some success with this ability, now they have gone all out with open crimes that Butch Cassidey would have blushed at.  Not all criminals are black-hatted curling mustache monstrosities.  Sometimes they are that older man like Joe Biden, who has sold America to communist China and has done it by acting like your prolonged lost grandpa stuttering through sentences, limping around on stage to appear feeble.  But he tells a few jokes, tries to make everyone lower their guard by stumbling around with old-fashioned stories of his youth, and before you know it, you find yourself trusting the guy.  Just as China and other hostile agents worldwide have learned, the way to dupe Americans and others worldwide is to control what they see and hear so that they’ll ignore what the bad guys are doing.

That’s why I say all the time, ignore what people tell you. Don’t get caught looking at the makeup, the nice clothes, the pleasant smiles.  Pay attention to what people do.  Especially pay attention to what they do when they think people aren’t looking.  Now people too lazy to take that extra step are often defensive about the need for doing this. They’ll say things like, “show me the evidence,” as if to justify why they won’t do the extra work in analyzing behavior patterns to make more informed decisions.  The essence of these people is that they are sloppy and essentially lazy.  They want people to tell them what to think because they don’t like thinking for themselves.  Those are essentially the type of people who make up liberalism.  They want to trust the system, the process, and the signs of health that they can visually see because they don’t want to think what all those elements might mean.   The way, however, to figure out the truth of a matter is to watch what people do.  Watch how they behave as a totality of their existence.  Before there was so much eye candy in modern times, before television, before movies and full-color ads, people had no other way to measure behavior except by what happened as a result.  But these days, what image is projected is usually what people accept as reality, even if the image’s projection has no relationship to achievement in the real world at all. 

Yet, we can say with complete confidence that Joe Biden’s administration is a communist one; it is fully aligned with the Chinese government and is intended to hand them the goal they have been seeking for a long time, which is to take over the United States entirely.  To run it, by the middle of the next decade.  The Chinese are happy to wait; they have been waiting since the 1950s, so another decade is no problem.  They seek to undo us from within as a culture; they often write many of the policies that we develop domestically through financial influence and their “honey pot” network.  They are just waiting for everything to fall in the United States, exactly why they wanted Joe Biden in the White House.  They wanted a crotchety old many Americans trusted to sell the story of communist takeover to the public so the Chinese could swoop in and collect their assets at the end of a few terms and become the world power they always wanted to.  But to get there, they had to sabotage the big dog of America not through competition, which they can’t compete within a capitalist fashion, but through sabotage.  Now, of course, nobody will ever admit that this is what they are up to.  Nobody is even willing to accept on any side, even Republicans, the level of cheating that occurred in the 2020 election by China.  Because to see it, we’d have to declare war with the Chinese formally, and many enjoy too much money pouring into their lives from the communist country.  And the pillow talk, even though many of the honey pots from China are sleeping with multiple people simultaneously, such as in Eric Swalwell’s case, prevents complex emotions from rising to the surface.  Yet the Biden administration has shown where its allegiance is on communism with a few occasions.

Cybercrime has been a big problem for a while, and it is how communist China learns from the world.  They don’t do things themselves; they steal information through cybercrime.  And China has been caught doing it by the pro-Biden intelligence agencies of America.  Yet Joe Biden has attempted to explain away the Chinese government as free of guilt without any proof whatsoever that China’s government is not behind it all.  Biden tried to paint the situation as if it were rogue elements in China who were conducting the massive amounts of cybercrime that are currently going on. Biden’s lack of commitment to the issue tells you everything you need to know.  What Biden does shows what is going on with this government; it is aligned with communist China.  Now you might be saying, dear reader, that all that is a coincidence, or simply, a “misunderstanding.” Okay, well, then let’s look at the freedom movement in Cuba, just a few miles to the south of Florida, where people there are attempting to rise against the communist government and overthrow the Castro regime’s tyranny.   Again, in the same week, Biden came out in support of the Cuban government, not the people trying to throw off communism, but those who advocate for it.  That tells you everything you need to know.

When it is asked, which it is often, who controls the Biden administration, the puppet strings first run through China.  They are ultimately the way that Biden was elected in America.  The evidence is pouring forth by the droves.  Now, most people aren’t ready to deal with any of that.  They don’t want to believe it because it means they will have to do something about it, and they are just too lazy to have that engagement.  But we know by what people do, whether it’s the Chinese government, our government, or the Biden administration under great scrutiny, what they are really up to, what they believe, and what they intend for us based on their actual behavior. It’s not what they say.  It’s not their denials.  It’s what they physically do which declares their character and the truth of their guilt.  And it is that which we must use to judge the situation for the betterment of existence.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Oh No, Its a Delta Variant: Remembering Lois Lerner and the many lies by government

Its the Delta Variant!

I’ve about had it with the Covid-19 “Delta Variant,” which I would say is just a government concoction meant to increase the vaccination numbers.  There is so much wrong with all this that we’ll be studying it for years, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.  To make it simple, I would say that electing President Trump exposed this deep state mess.  The Delta Variant was created to cover their crimes of election fraud. In at least two places, Maricopa County, Arizona, and Fulton County, Georgia, there was election fraud large enough to change the election’s outcome in both of those states.  Its irrefutable evidence that election fraud happened, and it was a massive, coordinated effort on behalf of Democrats and their deep state supporters.  Who are those deep state supporters? Well, we know them well in the FBI.  They are part of the story, but ultimately, it’s the entire Beltway culture that has turned politics into a goldmine of profit extracted from the panic that the media culture gladly generates to drive the narrative of corruption.  But it didn’t start with Trump. Suppose you had to put the finger on it and declare that the January 6th, 2021, cause of mayhem at the Capitol began with the IRS corruption of 2010.   We learned about Lois Lerner weaponizing the tax-collecting agency into attacking Tea Party challengers in 2010, after the reform group caused mass changes in politics during the midterms, not in favor of Democrats.  The Deep State quickly whisked Lerner off the stage, just as they have with Bill Gates recently, to take him out of the Covid connection with the Wuhan lab in China, and the lack of resolution just continued to mount.  Not having an answer to Lois Lerner or justice brought to the IRS brewed a fit of anger that has been building for quite a long time.  And Democrat Deep Staters know it, which is why there is a Delta Variant of Covid-19 now.  They know we know about their crimes, and they are trying to buy time to get out of it. 

It’s important to understand history. Don’t look to the media to remind you; their business model prevents us from remembering what happened yesterday, especially the Beltway media.  Their whole structure is built on the subsequent crises that will drive ratings tomorrow while covering the horse race between election cycles.  The moment they have to think about some of those horses being juiced up on steroids or in some official tampering with the great race, then the integrity of their coverage loses all appeal.  So, of course, they don’t want to look at election fraud.  They can’t afford to.  Yet, that is what the attackers of the 2020 election counted on happening.  They figured that the time frame to prove election fraud was too short between election day and inauguration day.  And that the media couldn’t afford to cover any of it because they needed to start the coverage of the next election cycle as their business model and the kind of people who pay them with ads demand.  There wasn’t time for a constitutional crisis; there wasn’t the time or a will to even consider it, especially since many just wanted Donald Trump and his mean Tweets to go away.  So out of arrogant desperation, the entire system showed its cards and threw them down on the table, thinking they had the winning hand.  They didn’t know or expect that they had been caught cheating and that the case would extend for months and years into the future, gradually weakening the entire system.

What didn’t help the Democrats is that the nation isn’t taking the bait either on the January 6th commission to investigate the insurrection at the Capitol, destabilizing the political establishment to its core.   There is a genuine fear that people in America may very well rise and rip the politicians from their very seats.   That the natives did not respect the system’s authority, and for Biden’s group, the Nancy Pelosi types, that was truly scary.  But I’ll save them a lot of money in investigating that event; it wasn’t Trump that caused all that frustration.  It was the lack of justice for Lois Lerner years ago.  It was the cover-up of Benghazi where people were killed, and the Democrats tried to blame it on a YouTube video when it was a clear case of mismanagement of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State during Obama’s election-year of 2012.  People don’t forget.  Then there are all the injustices against Trump, of the FBI working with the DNC to take out a political candidate with an open coup.  It was two impeachments of Trump, a popularly elected president.  Covid, a blatant power grab by liberal governors, and yes, Mike DeWine of Ohio behaved like the other blue-state governors.  Then it was election fraud on election night; we went to bed on that Tuesday in November with Trump winning.  Vegas was calling it for Trump, then the five states stopped counting, sent home their workers, then when we woke up, Biden had won, and we were supposed to believe all these last-minute votes were all for Biden. 

That’s what caused the Capitol riot, it was a government that had been lying to the people it was supposed to serve, and people had witnessed a long string of injustice with no end in sight, and they were sick of it.  And they are continuing to be sick of it.  They are getting madder by the day, and no appeasement will take that anger away.  Every time Facebook colludes with the government to censor the voting public or Twitter bans any talk about an actual scientific fix to Covid with hydroxychloroquine; they throw gas on the fire.  People have not forgotten Lois Lerner and all the other government cover-ups of weaponizing offices paid for by taxpayers for the intent of keeping Democrats in power.  And the worst of it was when the vote was taken away from them.  First, they voted for Trump in 2016 legitimately and by popular consent.  The Beltway worked for four years to take that vote away.  When they couldn’t, they unleashed Covid, used the emergency powers given to them by Dr. Fauci in the Wuhan lab to alter a variant of SARS that did not exist in nature paid for by the NIH—taxpayers—to create a virus that would spread quickly to humans and cause this whole artificial crisis.  All in the name of performing election fraud in the fall.  They tampered with the economy, tampered with the constitutional process of elections, and ultimately coordinated with foreign powers to undermine our republic.  They committed big-time crimes and stuck them on the back of that long list, and people are mad about it.

So in that way, the Biden administration knows people are on to them.  Mike Lindell just yesterday announced that with the evidence he has about election night, and the packet captures, which show China tampering with vote switching from Trump to Biden that he’s willing to pay $5 million to anyone who can disprove his evidence, the game is up.  The news hasn’t told you that, dear reader, of course, because they can’t afford to.  But the gig is up.  And to delay the consequences just a bit longer, the government is trying to create their standard stall tactic to the implications with this Delta Variant.  Yes, the CDC is in on it.  China is in on it.  The Biden administration, the DNC, most of the cable news stations, many corporations all gambled on the wrong number, and they have lost it all on reality.  And they can’t quite wrap their minds around the implications of what they have been seeing.  People don’t trust them.  People don’t like them.  And what happened on January 6th was just a little thing.  Because the anger is genuine, and it doesn’t favor them.  They have a good reason to panic, they have been discovered, and they will have to pay. They’ve been delaying as much as possible, but they can’t outrun this one. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

America Was Meant to Divorce the Class System: Answering a good question

America was Never Meant to have a Class System

When I posted the video for this article, I received an excellent comment asking a great question.  When talking about a class system in America and recognizing it, this person wanted to know what to do about it.  Here is the comment:

“All well and good, but how do we the people reign in corruption in our government from our meager station? When my best year is working in a machine shop, I made $63,000; someone like Hank Johnson makes $174,000 plus perks.  Look up Hank Johnson’s quote about Guam.”

My first instinct was to reply to this guy and say, “well, this is why I wrote my new book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, to undo this very notion of a class structure in our political world.” That is, after all, how you fight it.  The thing to do is to understand what is happening then divorce yourself from that class system. Don’t let them call you Middle Class or anything as such.  Ignore their class system, function without it.  Of course, his question is that we’re all in it whether or not he likes it.  And to that, I would say, read my new book; it tells you exactly how to function without a class system, but one of earned merit.  But that is kind of cheap to say, “go read my book.” That’s why I wrote it and why it’s separate from something like an article on this blog.  It’s an actual strategy guide for undoing many of the corrosive forces holding back our current society, whether raw progressivism or malicious communism using a class system to enforce their control over the masses.  Or the cost structure of your company and its success or failure and the ultimate connection it has to your ability to make a living.  An answer to a question like his deserves at least some perspective.  Yes, my book would help him, but some context to the problem is well worth answering.

In the video above, I talk about one of the most important things to both males and females that there is in the world, the pecking order of our species and where we reside on it.  I attended a lecture on Joseph Campbell many years ago in Washington D.C., where this topic was covered, and it has always stuck with me.  Not because I agree with it as an accepted reality, but because it truly is one of the most significant elements of human society anywhere in the world.  Our entire public school system is built around this premise, so the people that want to control us, like the guy mentioned in that question, use the pecking order system as a way to preserve their reality.  Once we become adults and accept our pecking order station in life, whether it’s at the top or the bottom or somewhere in between, we typically stay there the rest of our lives.  The guy who accepts that he’s not very smart marries the safe girl who balloons up into a big hipped pillow of flesh in her middle years has kids that don’t like him, and who stays in middle management his whole life was put there through the pressure cooker of adolescence by society, and he never questioned it.  He accepted it and moved on to living life.  That way, when a government tells him to wear a mask or pay huge taxes, he pays the money without question and does what he can to avoid conflict and work from week to week to catch the next Sunday NFL games, which he genuinely enjoys.  If he’s daring, he may put $5 into the office pool and play the brackets of NFL teams who pick the most winners from week to week.  He might treat himself to BW3s and a cold beer that his wife won’t know about if he wins. 

That previous paragraph might sound like a sad case, but it’s a situation to some degree or another what a majority of people believe about themselves.  I used the example of a guy because it’s genuinely understood.  Women have the same problems but with a different focus.  Did I marry the right guy for my children?  Is this the best house I could get as a nest for my family?  Did I get the best DNA for my children using all my female charms to do so?  Again, these aren’t things we talk about, but they are the things that concern us most.  The higher up the pecking order, the better spouse you get, the more resources you have access to.  How much do you fight to rise to the top, or is it better to keep your head down and accept where they put you in life?  These are the things that keep all of us up at night.  The pecking order mentality is a carryover from years of evolution in our species.  But intellectually, as I argue in my book, America came along to shatter that reality.  And for a period, we did just that.  Over time and with the introduction of progressivism from Europe, masking outright Marxism, the class system has crept back into American vocabulary to present us with today’s problems.  The solution to those problems is to cast off the class system. 

My book demonstrates that the American Gunfighter was romanticized the way they were because it showed that people of all stations in life could throw off the class system.  Gunfighters like Wild Bill and wild west performers like Buffalo Bill Cody demonstrated that through western expansion, not old money from Europe, people could become wealthy and independent through panning for gold, winning at gambling, or gunfighting bad guys in dusty streets.   I would point to the magical Second Amendment and say to anybody that the key to casting off the class system in America is in the Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment.  The right to own and carry a gun for your self-defense means that you cannot be forced into a pecking order position where the strongest and fastest can step ahead of you in life and take the best spouse and the most money.  If you can shoot, you can have the world at your feet.  You can be small, fat, tall, and ugly, but you can also be rich just like anybody else in aristocracy, and you can have a clean and independent life if you dare to.  That is the short answer to that original question.  For the long answer, I’d say read the book.  But to get to the gist of it, pecking orders are a shackle on our minds that we need to be free of.  Gun ownership is the first step to taking those shackles off not so that you can shoot people who are in front of you.  But so that you can know that they can’t force themselves on you and push you into a position on that pecking order where you don’t want to be.  And it is in that mindset that freedom is born. 

Only when you stop acknowledging the class system can you bring down the aristocrats of old who want Marxism to put them in the upper class to have the best of what the world offers without actually being the best at anything.  To the point that Hank Johnson rules over the hard-working machine shop worker because he makes more money, well, the assumption is that money indicates where we all are on the pecking order of life.  If an ugly guy tries to pick up a nice-looking woman in a bar, she won’t pay him any mind and will blow him off quickly.  At first glance, fair or not, she doesn’t want his DNA to make a bunch of ugly kids.  But, if that ugly guy has a lot of money, well then, she will likely talk to him. She’ll put up with the ugly kids for the nice house and not worry about money for the rest of her life. That’s the effect of the pecking order. We’ve allowed those rules to shape our culture in such away.  But when someone like Hank Johnson makes more money than us, we accept that he is higher up the pecking order than we are, so we naturally obey him, even when we know better.  The key is to stop thinking like that and to start thinking like a gunfighter.  You don’t have to shoot anybody to make your point.  All you need to do is stop playing their game and know that you can be anything you want; you can make all the money you wish to, if only you dare to in America. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Saving America: We’ve become stupid, its time to change that

We have to become Smarter as a Nation

For my own anger management, the travel I’ve done around America so far in 2021 has been very redeeming; I’d recommend it to anybody who has found themselves stressed out over the election of 2020 to put things in perspective.  My travel certainly did it for me, especially after spending one of my travel days at Mt. Rushmore and Deadwood on the same day.  All of my kids have been significantly harmed by Covid.  I have personally been hurt by it, just as everyone has.  I took Covid very personally.  The government was anti-Constitutional, and I see nothing in life that is worth violating those laws.  Then when you add the election fraud and the reality of having the most progressive administration in the history of America inserted in our government, ruining all our lives even further, I was either ready to blow up and become the character from the movie, Falling Down.  Or I was going to figure out something that has eluded civilization so far and bring back the boons of it for the benefit of all.  So I picked the latter and hit the road with my entire family in our RV, and we had a marvelous time discovering America and seeing many things that I had only read about.  To say that any of the places were my favorite places would be disingenuous.  Everything was wonderful.  But I found at Mt. Rushmore an itch I had been trying to scratch for years, and I can only tell you that it eased my mind considerably.   A combination of that travel day, reading all the books I bought along the way, and reading them nightly at our campsites in my favorite chair set up next to my portable traveling office gave me a fresh perspective that I did not think possible.  But it was possible, and I would like to share the results with others out there, such as you, dear reader who might find comfort in those results. 

After our last trip to Europe, my wife and I decided that we didn’t want to visit overseas anywhere again until we saw almost everything in our own country.  It took us a few years to build up to it, but we bought an RV and committed ourselves to the task.  At the time, we didn’t know the world would be turned upside down, but that it did only elevated the urgency to travel more.  After the massive letdown of our government with Covid and the obvious disappointment on Election Day 2020, where people went to bed thinking Trump won, then waking up seeing that Biden had, we accelerated our plans. We hit the road so I could think things through.  I needed to go out into the deserts of our country away from everyone and think.  To stop by gas stations and not use their dirty bathrooms, but those in our RV.  To get our drinks out of the refrigerator and climb off the grid for a while.  Also, to read lots of books without hotel staff bothering me or even bothering to go out to dinner.  I wanted everything to be with me and to have my home with me at all times, even as the scenery outside that home changed by the hour.  I think a culmination of all those elements made Mt. Rushmore much more potent for me.

As we visited Mt. Rushmore, I was thinking of the British Museum in London, and the Louvre in Paris, even some of the temples and monuments I had visited in Japan and I have to say, it was my favorite place of all, so far in my life.  I’ve been to many exotic locations worldwide, even most exquisitely, the temples and pyramids of the Mayan culture, and Mt. Rushmore was the best.  It far exceeded my expectations.  It was not because of the fine stonework and the viewing platforms they had erected but because the entire place was dedicated to intelligence and philosophy.  It was the perfect place for me at the ideal time for my thoughts, and I came away with some authentically fresh perspective.  It was that itch I had always been trying to scratch, and I felt a tremendous amount of relief after visiting there.  At that same time as I was at that monument, my publisher was putting the final touches of my Gunfighter’s Guide to Business out for my last review, which I had been structuring as a strategy guide for making businesses successful, but countries as well.  So, I was in the perfect place, and this is a feeling that will stay with me for a long time. 

We often take it for granted that our country can handle anything.  We’ve allowed our people to become corrupt, sexually obsessed, drug-influenced, and, through our public education system, turned into absolute idiots.  We weren’t born that way, but we have allowed many jealous outside influences to harm our intellects as a country, and we have now seen the result.  We have seen the attacks on our culture culminate into the mass calamity of our times.  But still, I saw in people during that trip, all day there at Mt. Rushmore, then up in Deadwood, Americans are so resilient.  Even with all the devastation, these were not conquered people.  The system of American freedom had proven that even with all the pitfalls we have experienced, our nation could withstand it all.  But to indeed have a great country, we needed places of intelligence to raise our intellects to where a great country should expect to be.  If we wanted to save America from the attackers worldwide who wanted to bring it down, many of who are now acting as domestic enemies, we would have to get smarter as a culture. 

As usual for me, books and time to read them helped my anxieties tremendously, and they would do the same for you.  For anybody.  And to truly save this country, that is the key to not just saving it but keeping it that way.  Mt. Rushmore was built to remind people, such as in times like these, why we tried to create a country in the first place.  It worked so well, we have taken it for granted, and many people have allowed themselves to be seduced by the antics of the world.  They have been seduced by stupidity and told that it was a virtue.   Well, stupidity is not a virtue.  We were told that we should lower our defenses and allow insurgents to raid us through our schools, through our businesses, and corrupt our politics so that there would be no sign of a republic for which we could hope to stand.   If we want to keep our country great, we must get more intelligent as a culture; we have to return to the times of readers like Lincoln and Roosevelt.  Of Jefferson, who started the Library of Congress with his collection of books.  America was built on philosophy and intelligence.  It was a divorce from the stupidity of the world, not in adoration of it.  And even in our own family, my wife and I have traveled the world only to realize that the best things were always around us.  Yet we did not see those places because the world was saying that everything else was great.  Well, I’ve been to those places, and nothing was better than Mt. Rushmore.  And there has been no more satisfying experience than in reading the books I brought from there.  If I seem content in my thoughts these days, it’s because of this minor boon, which I think has the power to change the world. 

Rich Hoffman

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