A German Nurse Walks Free After Refusing Covid Vaccinations: Using The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates to regulate out of control governments

A Red Cross nurse who injected 8,600 elderly patients with saline solution instead of the experimental COVID jab has walked free from court with only six months probation. 39-year-old Antje T. had administered the saltwater solution “vaccines” at the Schortens jab center in Friesland, Germany, telling patients they were the Pfizer jab. She was found guilty of six counts of intentional assault by Oldenburg District Court, Lower Saxony state, on November 30. Police told the court that she was able to introduce the saline solution undetected because she was in charge of vaccine and syringe preparation during her shift at the vaccination center. Many people were upset that she didn’t go to jail and suffer more punishment than losing her nursing license, but in truth, the Germans couldn’t prosecute her for something that wasn’t a law; the government didn’t have a right to force an alliance with Pfizer to force medicine on people under the standards that were created with Covid because the imposition of public safety as a means to undermine personal rights had not been worked out in their legal system. Therefore, there wasn’t any real merit for the case to begin with. And in America, there is even less of a premise for such a case. This is a good story for a number of reasons, but it ultimately shows the power of the excellent book The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates and how it can bring governments to their knees when they grab for power and abuse their authority such as was the clear case under Covid. Local officials were obliged to push back against the tyrannies of the state. Joe Biden never had the authority to mandate vaccines of any kind, which is just how those court cases turned out. And the best way to undermine such corruption is by following the basic ideas established in that great book.

I knew of many nurses and pharmacists during Covid who behaved much the way that German nurse did, and there is even less of a prosecutorial standard in America for them to be punished for their actions. I see what they were doing as patriotic, we had a power grab by the government from the Biden administration trying to flex some first-term muscle, and people ignored it, which they should have. There was no authority by the government to do so; I told everyone that at the time. It was a bluff by the government that had no enforceability or justification, and the Biden executive order needed to be ignored. For example, a president can set some parameters for vaccine passports, such as international travel. Corporations can have policies for flying on their equipment as well. It’s their planes, their rules. But saying that people wouldn’t be allowed to work if they didn’t take some government-mandated medicine was insane at best. And I was encouraged during Covid by how many rebels emerged using The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates to destroy the tyrannical grip governments had over industry. I knew quite a few people who were issuing vaccine cards to people who needed them for employment mandates, and I thought it was fine. I knew that none of this executive order action would hold up in court, so it was good to see people putting a check on that power from the outset, which occurred from September of 2021 to around January of 2022 when the court cases started falling apart under scrutiny. I was happy to be right about all of it, but it was pretty scary for people to realize that government had way overstepped its authority and that people might lose their jobs as a result. It took guts for people to take a stand and use their positions to help people get vaccine cards, even if those people didn’t want to get the vaccine.   Under those conditions, where the government is not acting in accordance with the Law of the land, the American Constitution, people have an obligation to ignore the mandates of an out-of-control government. 

The situation was so bad that I knew a few legislators, one in particular, who was immune from the mandates because they were law makers themselves, but they had a scheduled trip to the Virgin Islands and had to have a vax card to make the trip. But they were very much against the government-mandated vaccination. So I helped everyone talk to each other so they could get what they needed, but I still applied the concept of The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates. Rules created by an abusive government should be ignored and even defeated at the local level. Otherwise, the government will never stop imposing itself on the innocent. The method of using a crisis to impose under unconstitutional emergency laws had been debated for years; one of the worst scenarios was the Hurricane Katrina crisis in New Orleans years ago. Martial Law was imposed there, which had disastrous effects on the population. Thinking back on it, people would have been better off ignoring the authorities and functioning from a constitutional law foundation. Just because something is an emergency doesn’t mean you have to rearrange your entire legal system.

And even in Germany, which hardly has anything close to an American Bill of Rights, the courts couldn’t prosecute the young nurse and her convictions against the vaccination shots. Legally they had much more power there than in the United States. It wasn’t an apples-to-apples kind of analysis. But what the authorities couldn’t afford to have happen was that by prosecuting this nurse, they upset the population and gave birth to a thousand more. When the government sees that people are so willing to break their dumb rules, they are less motivated to issue them in the future, knowing that in the long run, they’ll simply overplay their hand, and people will stop listening to them. And for powerful governments, that is their greatest fear. A population that has no reverence for them and calls their bluff on exerting authority. If people fear compliance more than government power, governments are exposed as worthless in their endeavors if they simply lose the public, which is always a risk. I am personally very happy that so many people refused in the United States to take the vaccine. The government needed to make a better case for its position than it did, which was even worse than many feared. And at no point in the future can government believe that it has that kind of power over people. The World Economic Forum people also, who fancy themselves as having control over governments through their campaign contributions, have to learn the hard lesson as well, that they cannot control the Law through emergency bioweapons.   Seeing people refuse to play the game, by whatever means they had to, was a good warning to those tyrannical forces. The centralized government will not have the power they fantasize about over mass populations because The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates promises that people will rebel against abusive laws, even if power at the top is captured through election fraud or some other maniacal method. Obviously, the only laws that are good and can work are those regulated by voters through a representative government. And through that method, the Lesser Magistrates always keep the Upper Magistrates from gaining too much power and making themselves the tyrannies of our day. And in that regard, the best thing to keep society honest is the willingness to say no when given an unjust order and to force the government to think seriously about their demands before they say a word.


Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The New Kind of War: Tanks, planes, and troops are the bows and arrows of yesterday. Bioweapons are the new nuclear war. And Covid was their test shot.

Just a little friendly advice for President Trump and his campaign staff, he has to stop talking about his role in the vaccine roll-out for Covid. The Operation Warp Speed stuff is a long-dead issue, and knowing what we do now about the vaccine, and the Pfizer CEO himself, and his crazy employees revealed by Project Veritas, a new kind of war has been shown to us, and Trump needs to distance himself from it. I know he doesn’t want to admit that he got snickered. Still, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci, specifically, along with many others, took advantage of a president looking in an election year to do all the right things regarding a mass pandemic outbreak, a “plandemic” as Gates had been planning one for years. Power goes to those who cry wolf. And those two partners in crime walked into the White House and pulled a fast one over on President Trump by telling him millions of people would die if he didn’t shut down the American economy to deal with it and let the white-coat physicians run the country. I knew it at the time that it was a trick. Even Rush Limbaugh went along with it at that moment, but I was the only one with a mass media voice saying anything about Covid being a trick and a Pearl Harbor-like attack on the world by a new kind of enemy. Knowing something about Bill Gates’s radicalism with climate change, it was easy for me to see. But then again, I wasn’t in the White House. Trump had a lot of people advising him. I’m sure he had his doubts. But he had to do what he thought best, and at that time, Dr. Fauci was a very respected medical professional that should know what he was talking about. So Trump listened and did everything he could to stop Covid. But the medical people knew what they wanted to do: to use the virus to help the World Economic Forum invoke a Great Reset on the world’s economy. And the rest is now history. 

I’ve told everyone who cares to listen that we are no longer in a troop-related war, where military occupation wins wars. I was playing Risk, the board game, with my family the other day, and I had to laugh at how naive the world had been. We accept that military endeavors are like we have always known them; an aggressor with what they think is military might, may invade a country and overtake it. If they win, they control the country. But in this modern age, this 21st Century, that is not how you win wars. I would point back to 1955 when Eisenhower was pushed into a kind of corporate yielding to new global forces, not one where countries ruled the world, but corporations, right there on Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. The Military Industrial Complex has essentially ruled the world since then, as the evidence of the behavior of the FBI, CIA, and many others clearly indicates. They aren’t working for the American voters; that’s clear. They rig elections and kill off political rivals, such as JFK and Nixon, with a clear set-up job in Watergate. And they had perfected their methods by the time Trump was in the White House to a new level of smear campaign meant to tamper with elections and keep their kind of people in power to sustain their own interests. Not the ones that people pick at the voting booth. We have been trained to see the military as the force that decides the fates of nations. But that has been wrong for many years, really since that day in 1955. All the wars since have only been projections of power while the real powers worked in the background. I wouldn’t call it a conspiracy theory as much as a technical evolution of warfare that moved from troops, tanks, and aircraft to bioweapons and information propaganda, which is what we see now. 

Covid was a military attack involving a corporate alliance with world governments to impose its will against people everywhere. I think the proof is abundant that human beings made Covid in a Chinese lab. And that Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates knew all that from the beginning. And while they were telling President Trump that millions of people were going to die if we didn’t wear masks and socially distance hiding in our homes like fools while we waited desperately for a vaccine to reopen the economy again during an election year, it’s almost too crazy to believe any of it. And many didn’t at first.   Some are even reluctant now because they want to believe that our medical professionals were well-intended and had our best interests in mind. They don’t want to consider them a new kind of military tyranny. Yet, that is precisely what they have been and intend to be. Many people took the shot, believing what the government was telling them, and now they have to live with the aftereffects. People are dying all over the place, and many of them are young people who suddenly have blood flow problems, strokes, and heart attacks. Yet the government continues pushing vaccines to advocate the Pfizer plan and the Moderna influence over world governments to impose a military strategy to take over the world with global surveillance and white coat authority. 

When Project Veritas caught Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planner, saying, “one of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create – preemptively develop new vaccines, right” it was revealed what the game plan had always been. And it is not just profit through an alliance with Big Pharma and the government. The plan was to control the entire human race from the undefined influence of the World Economic Forum, which is clearly looking to move sovereign power away from nation-states and pull them all in under a manufactured crisis into the United Nations, which the corporations in partnership controlled. Once caught, Walker went into a kind of exorcism mode and freaked out on camera, showing what kind of people are really running Pfizer. And it is for this we are supposed to sacrifice ourselves to, as many millions are dying because of their medicine, proving far more dangerous than the virus itself. I’m not going to spike the football in everyone’s face, but I would implore people on the Trump team to listen while he makes his next move to become President once again. I don’t blame him for being scammed by Fauci, Gates, and the gang. But he must repair the damage before another presidential run because every time he reminds people that he pushed a vaccine solution for reopening the economy, he is admitting to the worst “checkmate” in the history of the world, a world conquest for the first time that didn’t involve a single shot. And once the United States shut down the economy under Bill Gates’ recommendations, the rest of the world fell as well. And there are a lot of people who will not vote for Trump because of his role in it. They would prefer a non-vaxxer to run for President instead. So, Trump will have to adjust his support for the vaccine push and walk it back because it was never about healing people. It was always a military endeavor, which is evident now in hindsight as the evidence emerges. And we must treat it that way, or we will see it again and again. Remember, this is the new warfare in the world. Tanks, planes, and troops are the bows and arrows of yesterday. Bioweapons are the new nuclear war. And Covid was their test shot. And so far, it has benefited those attackers by confirming their hopes and dreams. The world is full of suckers, and they plan to exploit that to their benefit by using literal fear of death to unite the world under their rule through a corporate alliance. And that is a fact, not speculation.

Rich Hoffman

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The Fight Between Yahweh and Baal: Studying the Bible to beat globalism and the nature of evil everywhere

There are a lot of people contemplating evil these days. We aren’t exactly living in a stable culture anymore. I had a person ask me about the picture on my blog with me at Jackson Hole the other day, which provoked a question about its significance. Well, the spot I was standing is where the fight in the Clint Eastwood movie Any Which Way You Can ended, with Eastwood winning in front of the entire town. And that is where I bought my white hat at Jackson Hole, Wyoming because I always loved that movie which I watched again recently. It’s not as good as Any Which Way But Loose, but it’s a fun movie about macho material and the problems men have specifically. It’s also a movie that wouldn’t be made today because woke culture has pretty much stamped it out of existence. You don’t see that movie playing on network television anymore, but twenty years ago, it was on all the time. We have a real struggle on our hands with this massive woke conglomerate that wants globalism everywhere and communism for all that is trying to impose itself on all of us. And there is a pushback from our culture against it and a return to the reverence that made movies like those old Clint Eastwood films so popular, to begin with. I loved that movie so much that I had to visit all the places where that big fight took place in the film because it met so much to me. But why, why was it so important, and what are we fighting? Many of us would call it evil. But the macho behavior that is expressed in that movie and many movies from that age was what the globalists would call evil. So, who is right?

It’s an impossible cliché to avoid when discussing evil, but the best book in the world to deal with it is the Holy Bible. I personally love the Bible; it’s been part of my life since I was very little. I grew up in church listening to “Onward Christian Soldiers” at the end of the service as the pews let out, I went to Sunday school most every week, and I had two years of catechism. But I didn’t stop there, I have read widely on all topics over the last 50 years, and I have a pretty good handle on where everyone in the world is coming from based on their personal histories. I can say with great confidence that there isn’t a better book ever written than the Bible in exploring the nature of evil and how detrimental it can be for the human race. Yet my interests in history go far beyond the time frame of the Bible, which is around 4000 B.C. with the start of Adam and Eve and extends to our present time roughly 6000 years later. I consider sources that talk about the “pre-Adamites” and their religions. And when you start getting into the Gnostic beliefs from the Book of Enoch, you open the door to consider humans came not just from the earth but many other places in the galaxy.   I would say the evidence points to “many other places.” And that doesn’t mean that the Bible was wrong in its description of the creation of Adam and Eve. But what we see in the Bible is an experiment by God to break a tribe of humans away from the masses and free them from the bondage of the worship of Baal, an ancient deity from Egypt that persisted with great reverence in the land of Canaan and was the primary villain of the Bible, much more so than Satan, or mentions of the Devil, which don’t come along until almost the end of the Bible, in the New Testament.

You could spend a lifetime putting together all the various puzzles regarding prehistory, the mysteries of today, and how the Bible plays a part in it all. Like most books, it only captures one point of view in a very specific timeframe. But unlike most books, it covers exact references to a family line of descendants over many thousands of years to conduct a particular experiment on the nature of good versus evil and essentially the struggle of Yahweh against the primal nature of all people to worship Baal. This is where western civilization starts, and eastern religions separate themselves, leading to globalism’s primary struggle today, how to merge these two radical forces, which is absolutely impossible. In a world where communist China is being used to sell globalism through corporate control, this issue of Baal is persistently a problem, the worship of the forces of nature and submission to it, as opposed to the western view of conquering nature and using it as a tool for human advancement. The essential problem is what the Bible is about. The Old Testament is a chronicle of this struggle and the ramifications of failure to adhere to it. That’s why I love the Bible because nothing else ever done in literature has really attempted to solve this problem of evil.  Other attempts have tried to define it, but they do very little to solve it.  Are all the worshipers of Baal evil? Why is Yahweh so jealous of Baal, to the point that he would destroy his own people by turning to Baal for worship? I would say that Yahweh was a rebel, a fighter who was trying to free people from the clutches of an ancient problem, one that persisted for many millions of years, the worship of nature to the detriment of human development. Once people started listening to God, the Yahweh of the Bible, then civilization lurched forward, and we have what is called in another book I love quite a lot, The 5000 Year Leap, by Cleon Skousen. 

I recently saw a lot of talk about satanic references, with a picture of three women at the Golden Globes dressed in bizarre outfits. As I’ve pointed out, Satan doesn’t appear in the Bible until 1 Chronicles 21:1, nearly halfway through the text, and when he appears, he’s a kind of census taker. I’m sure there is a lot more to that story somewhere. But the villain of the Bible is Baal, and the plot device is escaping from its rule, which looks to have been around well before the events of the Bible. Much of the modern “satanic” worship referenced is actually humanity’s lazy trend to continue worshiping Baal. Its Baal worship that is essentially behind climate change and is the religion of globalism, especially from the point of view of the communist Chinese. They call their gods by different names, but the nature worship aspect of merging light and darkness as a kind of balance stands opposed to light conquering darkness; that is the message of the Bible. And the two are not compatible. They cannot coexist as the bumper stickers indicate. And to avoid the conflict, you can’t just throw out all religion, which has been the weapon of choice of those globalist-minded. It can all get very confusing, especially if you listen to the authority figures. So if you need to get your bearings, I would suggest rereading the Bible, or for the first time, and getting your mind wrapped around the struggle. Because of all the great things that have happened in history, the essential conflict that we are all still engaged in is this fight between Yahweh and Baal. The battle between human progress and yielding to the forces of nature. And that fight is literally in everything we do. So, understanding it will help your life a lot. Simply put, the path to evil is in the lazy; the worship of Baal comes from those too lazy to do for themselves and hope that nature will give them a way out of personal responsibility. And good, as the Bible defines it, is in self-responsibility and assertiveness to do good in the world by leading a productive life toward the aims of creation.

Rich Hoffman

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Nazis in Antarctica, Aliens, Secret Societies, and the World Economic Forum: Eisenhower’s warning about the Military Industrial Complex

After watching the 2023 Davos coverage of the World Economic Forum, the only thing that kept popping up in my mind was Holloman Air Force Base with President Eisenhower stepping off Air Force One in the New Mexico desert sun and into a couple of UFOs parked on the runway for a critical meeting. The occupants of the UFOs are more controversial than the unique craft themselves; they could have been beings from another world or an off-shoot colony of Nazis who never went away after World War II and had simply moved underground, literally in Antarctica, where many volcanic caves have produced underground chambers only accessible by submarine in a comfortable 70-degree environment all the time. The talk has been persistent over the years that nobody won World War II. We simply wiped out the Third Reich in Germany, created the United Nations, and then hired some of the Nazis as our own scientists and created NASA with occult leaders like Jack Parsons and Alister Crowley leading the charge in rocket design, along with the Nazi Warner Von Braun. Meanwhile, a Fourth Reich, which had long been planned by the creation of the Nazis in the first place by a couple of secret societies, the Thule Society and the Vril Society, claiming to have contact with aliens from other worlds, escaped with the help of American corporations, such as the Ford Motor Company and many other sympathizers to the Nazi cause. They set up shop in Antarctica, using Argentina and other areas of South America as a new base of operations. There are pictures that show Adolf Hitler in Argentina, as well as other prominent Nazi officials, and that the United States helped all this along because they wanted a space program of their own, and the Nazis were the way to get it. 

Of course, the story gets even more colorful than that. There was a conflict off the tip of South America close to Antarctica and the superior technology that the Nazis had been working on all during the war. American forces were easily beaten, and the event rattled the intelligence community profoundly. It was obvious to all involved that the Nazis had been developing lots of unique technologies, UFOs being one of them. They were openly working with characters from other worlds, species of visitors who had been coming to Earth for more than 10,000 years and were part of our human history from the beginning. And the Nazis, as other secret societies had been doing for a long time, were trading information and advancing in a way that national countries could not keep up with. To flex their muscle after the conflict in South America that embarrassed further the American Navy, those same Nazis used their high technology to harass Americans over Washington D.C. in 1952, just to prove they could. Of course, the incident was the famous UFOs over the American Capitol story. It got plenty of attention, which led to Eisenhower meeting with them for a treaty in 1955 at Holloman Air Force Base. If America couldn’t beat them, we could join them. And it’s at that moment that many point to where America became a corporation instead of a republic, and all Americans became a captured serial number asset to this invisible corporate conglomerate who had actually caused all the World Wars and was now entirely in control of Earth behind the veil of the world’s governments. In the 1960s, as he was going out of the door of the Presidency just before Kennedy stepped in, President Eisenhower gave his famous speech about the Military Industrial Complex and warned us of the dangers they possessed. People scratched their heads at the time, but now it all makes much more sense. 

Watching the trajectory of history over the last seven decades has only made this crazy story seem more plausible. I’ve known about these events as kind of fun facts for much of my life, but I sort of laughed it off as a bunch of interesting information that didn’t have much validity in reality. I have been to Roswell and done my own research into the UFO phenomena there, and my conclusions were that the UFO crash that happened there was likely perpetuated by a dying town, destroyed by a flawed foreign policy that sucked away the jobs there and gave them to China and Mexico. All the town had to draw people to it was talk about aliens and government cover-ups. Yet, there is more to the story, just beyond the veil. And much of this has been confirmed by President Trump’s Presidency that nobody would have believed before. That the FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies were not working for the voters of America but for some mysterious force that was not accountable to the American public. The war in Ukraine suddenly was evident for what it was, a way to change the boundaries of the world, using the American military as the primary mover in the chessboard, and it was being done for mysterious reasons that had nothing to do with the American Constitution, or the will of the American people. These intelligence agencies did much of their work by hiding the obvious in plain sight and keeping people from noticing by layering conspiracy theories in front of the truth to keep anybody from discovering or admitting it. After the events of Covid, the coup against President Trump, and the antics of the World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab and the gang, suddenly all that crazy stuff of Nazis in Antarctica, alien interactions with secret societies, and the selling out of America by an American president for the good intention of protecting the people from superior technology and accepting those Nazis into partnerships with the American government in trade for a space program suddenly takes on all new meetings. 

From my point of view, the bottom line of the matter is that I don’t care about all the crazy stories. I don’t care if aliens are running the world and they have technology far superior to anything human beings have managed to create so far. I don’t even care if those alien beings actually had a hand in building the human race from the ground up for their own needs. And that, in truth, many species of aliens are fighting it out on Earth and other places all the time. And that the Nazis reached out to them first and benefited in ways that gave them and their corporate partners leverage over all the nations of the world in the 20th century. Now those same people have formed the World Economic Forum, which was nothing more than another secret society cult worshipping Mother Earth with climate change. What we do know and can prove without a doubt is that none of these World Economic Forum people respect the American constitution, and neither does American intelligence or our military. Their behavior gives credence to these vast conspiracy theories, which may not prove to be so crazy after all. The Davos characters, the Desecrators of Davos as I like to call them, as other people call them the “elites,” do not have respect or reverence for American sovereignty, and they act like it’s already a conquered nation. And that Eisenhower’s speech about the military-industrial complex was something we should revisit and take notice of. Because it looks like the little dog from the Wizard of Oz has pulled away the curtain, and we can see who and what has been behind the smoke and mirrors. And what we have learned because of the Trump presidency is that the conspiracy theories were more than fiction. What we know now requires us to act accordingly. 

Rich Hoffman

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Kids Who Learn to Shoot Guns Grow Up Into Better Adults: Managing stress and dealing with problems under parental care works better than government tampering

It’s come up a lot lately, especially on social media, where there are criticisms of parents who start training their kids to use firearms under ten years old. There have been some cases of kids just over five years old on social media actually drawing pistols from their holsters and shooting, then reloading with a clip that has the more timid-minded of our society exasperated with horror at such a sight. Which, of course, demands some ground rule understanding. I have known a lot of kids, especially growing up in southern Ohio, who worked on farms and started using firearms at a very young age, and they have grown up to be some of the best people in society. And when I see videos of these kids who have liberals so horrified, I see children who will grow up and become very useful as adults. They’ll become good spouses; they’ll be good parents themselves. They’ll be good members of their community. They’ll make great workers. They likely won’t grow up with many dumb problems that many people these days are experiencing through stress management and depression. Learning to use firearms and to manage danger as early as possible is great for young people, and the earlier they learn, the better off generally for them later in life. Out of all the people I know and have known who handle firearms and did so as kids, I’d have to think hard if any of them grew up into some kind of psychological disaster. I can’t think of any. Instead, they usually hold doors open for women; they are polite to adults when speaking to them. And they likely will attend church willingly at some point in their life and have some fundamental beliefs that make them trustworthy people to their friends and neighbors. And their exposure to firearms made them better people, not worse. 

I saw an advertisement for anxiety medicine the other day, and it reminded me of how often I hear about that problem in young people these days. When my kids were growing up, it was Hyper Active Disorder which was why medical firms prescribed Retaline to kids if they were identified as being too hyper in school. I always saw all hyperactive disorders as the latest scam of the medical field, where experts, just as they did with Covid, stuck their noses into people’s businesses in ways they had no right to do. What we have seen coming out of medical professionals with their alignments with the government and Big Pharma has been an experiment that has failed miserably. As the government tried to use public schools to remove parents from children’s lives, the expert class hoped that the drug industry could replace wisdom, experience, and love with some kind of chemical substitute. Of course, that has been a devastating failure. We have watched a steady decline in people generally over the last few generations; the more good parenting was replaced with substitutes. And the substitutes have turned out to be no substitute at all. Rather, they made known problems worse and created problems in people who would be expected not to have them otherwise. The failures of experts extend well beyond the damage they did with a massive global power move regarding Covid in 2020, which has been steadily rejected by many populations ever since, but those failures had been going on for many decades prior, as governments turned to the drug industry to satisfy the psychological void of an overly managed society with too much central planning, and a lack of fundamental love coming from family interactions. 

I think I’ve said it twenty times this past week where some kid, someone younger than 40 as far as I’m concerned, has been said to have some kind of mental disorder, such as anxiety. My response has been that people have always had problems, but recently we turned to drugs to treat them. For anxiety and stress management, the primary cause is that there aren’t enough fathers teaching their kids to shoot guns and build fires anymore. If a kid did learn things at ages 5 through 10 like building fires and shooting guns, we would find that there would be a lot more adults arriving to maturity who could handle problems much better than what we are seeing now, where people are just collapsing over small things. We have had an overly coddled society where the government and media have insinuated that danger could be managed out of existence, which then has left entire groups of people unable to manage the stress that danger poses. Most of those problems could have been solved if an adult had given a kid aged six a pocketknife and taught them how not to cut themselves. I knew many years ago when the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts were coming under attack by leftist radicals, that we were going to have this problem where people were going to grow up under liberal guidelines, tossing out the teaching of managing danger to just turning to government to eliminate the danger. Now because so many people have listened to them and so many children have grown up under their influence, we have a mass society of drug users and victims of a panic attack every time lightning streaks across the sky. And that problem happened when the government told lazy people that everything would be taken care of. If you don’t have enough money, just get on welfare; the government will pay you not to work, and if you are stressed about anything, just take some drugs. With that position, it’s no wonder why the government has been pushing to legalize pot—more drugs and more dead minds, which make people easier to control for an out-of-control government. 

Whenever I see young people working with firearms, I don’t see abuse but self-reliance. Teaching children to handle danger at a young age, and to manage it properly, with poise and persistence, is the key to a successful adulthood, and those who criticize such methods are part of the problem. Listening to those types of people who think guns are too dangerous for children to handle at all has led our society to the problems it has now, which is an unmitigated disaster. I would rather have a 6-year-old learning to shoot guns with their parents and showing proficiency around them even in their maintenance than some crazy adult flipped out with hypertension because they never learned how to manage stress and do things for themselves. The secret fear that all these anxiety victims have is the loss of a safety net where the safety blanket of an all-powerful government won’t be there to relieve them of stress, that the drugs might stop working, or that the money might suddenly disappear. People who learn to live without that security are much better able to do for themselves, so when tough times come, they don’t panic; they just solve the problem. And that’s what’s missing these days. There aren’t enough young people being taught how to handle guns, and they are growing up to be liberal disasters of panic and anxiety. And as a result, everything that is stressful comes out as anxiety as if that were an excuse for not performing. And that’s why we have the problems these days that we do. Government and Pharma tampered with something that worked great before they came along and messed with the basics of human needs with their own misaligned philosophy that has been so destructive and ruined so many lives. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Darbi Boddy Playbook: Breaking free of the invisible fence that has always held back Republicans

I’ve always watched dogs confined behind an invisible fence and thought of them as Republicans. Why don’t the dogs just run through the zapper when they get near the parameter of the fence? There is no physical barrier to hold them back, just an emotional one set off by a little physical pain that they learn occurs by a wire buried under the ground that gives off a bit of pain when they get near it. When you first set up an invisible fence, you put little flags in the ground so the dogs know where the limits are. Then once they learn the limits, the flags can be removed, the dogs will stay behind their “invisible fence,” and the yard can look like an open space when really there are barriers only the dog knows about. In a liberal society, that is what Democrats call bipartisan relationships. That’s how it looks to the outside world. But really, the deal is that only Democrats get to run free across an open yard. Republicans get zapped if they get too close to the edge and dare cross a line. My advice to Republicans for over three decades is to ignore the silly zappers liberals have set up to contain Republicans. Put up with a bit of pain, ignore the signal of woke limits they have politically imposed on everyone, and just go beyond those barriers because they have nothing else in the playbook. Either the dog stops with the invisible fence, or they have nothing else. And when we say stop, we mean the little fears of pain and social castigation that Democrats apply with name-calling to keep Republicans behind their own version of an invisible fence. And after three decades of watching this ridiculous behavior, I am very proud to say that the first conservative politician I have ever seen prove this point is Darbi Boddy, the first-year school board member at Lakota schools. She has broken through their barrier and is loose, and all the liberals are lost as to what to do. 

Ultimately, that forced Matt Miller’s resignation, the very controversial superintendent of Lakota schools. Liberals expect to live a life of no accountability for their social life, and conservatives hope for accountability for everything. Those relationships just don’t go together. For many years, conservatives have been stuck behind an invisible fence of social parameters that Democrats controlled, and the relationship of free expression was clearly one-sided. It remained that way in national politics until President Trump came along and showed politicians that they could just step through that stupid invisible fence and there wasn’t anything that Democrats could do to convince everyone to stay within the barriers they created through social rules they controlled, the kinds of things you can say, the topics you could cover, the way things were communicated to the public. But with Trump, it was experience from show business that he brought with him into politics. With Darbi Boddy, a local school board member for Lakota schools, she has brought that same kind of effort to ground up politics, and the results are obvious. On Monday, the 23rd of January, 2023, I saw one of the best school board meetings I’ve ever seen; there were plenty of community members and supporters of Darbi Boddy who voiced their opinions and did some really good, articulate work that showed the liberals of that progressive government school that the dogs had broken free of the liberal invisible fence, and were now just as free to roam around in society as Democrats always have been. Pay particular attention to the public comments around the 55-minute mark included on this article.

For those who want to know, or need to know, this is where the future of education is going. Darbi represents that effort at Lakota. But this is a national movement that is not going away. It was caused by years of abuse by teacher unions, and taxpayers have had it. Public schools cost too much, they teach all the wrong things, and they bring liberal politics to our homes and we don’t want them around.

I would call what happened at Lakota schools the Darbi Boddy playbook. At the start of her term as a school board member, essentially the moment she was sworn in by my good friend, Senator George Lang, the radical progressives of Lakota schools, the kind of people who are always causing all the trouble, and making everything too expensive, tried to get rid of her.   In just four months on the job, the alignment of the school board, Matt Miller’s radicalism, and their media partners, the Michael Clarks and the Karin Johnsons, turned up the heat on that invisible fence to keep Darbi contained from investigating CRT in Lakota. And they pushed her hard to force a resignation. But Darbi kept plowing forward; she did not resign, she did not play by the liberal woke rules, and she stayed tough in the pocket under a lot of pressure. More pressure than most people could ever hope to handle. And the result has been a complete collapse of that liberal invisible fence network. And now that one Republican has survived it, others are seeing how to do it themselves, which led to a parade of protestors speaking in support of Darbi at the school board in front of a very messy crowd that isn’t used to people beating them with their liberal playbook. There were radicals there with t-shirts trying to inspire people to sign a petition online to remove Darbi from the board, and they were pretty vicious at the meeting away from the microphones. But essentially, they were like those owners of the dogs who yelled and screamed at the escaped animals hoping to terrify them into submission. Meanwhile, the freed dogs are just jumping around and playing like nothing in the world matters because now that they know they can escape the invisible fence, nothing in the world does. They are just as free to communicate as the radical Democrats who run all government schools. 

If this were indeed a debate over what’s good for kids or not, we might call all this effort “childish.” For instance, many who spoke against Darbi Boddy at that school board meeting want to convince themselves that the people who support Darbi are only 30% of the community. They want to believe that they are the ones in control and that there are more of them than Republicans who care about these matters. They keep saying to the escaped dogs, “let’s just get back to teaching the kids. Let’s get back to meetings where nobody shows up, and we just give out awards and happy stuff that makes education fun.” They really intend to get the dogs back behind the invisible fence with a treat or a dog toy; then they plan to turn up the zapper to keep anything like this from ever happening again, where they lose control. But the truth of the matter, and I’ve told this to Lynda O’Conner, the school board president at Lakota, many times, most people in the community support Darbi. They don’t like liberalism and are upset that Democrats have been running the public schools for years and are looking for something to rally their minds to the problem. And for them, Darbi is that person, that rally point they can believe in. They have watched her escape from the clutches of the invisible fence that Democrats have always controlled, and they now have someone to cheer on. And now more people are joining Darbi, which was on full display at the Lakota school board meeting. The best one I have seen yet after all these years. And now that Republicans can see from the Darbi Boddy playbook how to fight back against those invisible fences they are always confined to, maybe they can do some good work in the world as well.  And remember the most important thing, it’s not that we just say we are teaching kids that matters.  But it’s what we teach them.  If what we intend to teach is liberal behavior, then that’s a no go on all fronts. 

Rich Hoffman

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How Democrats Plan to Win in 2024: A cure for cancer that has been tucked away in their back pocket for decades

For over a decade, I have been saying that there are cures for most cancers. It wasn’t surprising to me that Israel recently announced their successful results with mice and that most cancers are treatable with some of this groundbreaking technology. The skepticism leveled at my claims in the past was that nobody believed that government would purposely kill people by denying them essential medicine. But I think all that was put to rest when we discovered that governments worldwide would do precisely that. We watched them overplay their hands with Covid and the denial that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine could treat the man-made virus unleashed from a Chinese lab. The bottom line is that cancer is big business for the government partnership with big pharma, and we saw just how deep that relationship ran regarding the Covid vaccines. Now with a bit of history behind us, the Covid vaccine looks to be far more dangerous and much more deadly than the virus ever was. Yet watching the government on Covid has taught us much about how evil it can be. Nothing was more evident than putting Covid patients in nursery homes next to other elderly people knowing that the virus would spread and kill many more with weakened immune systems. I would call it murder. But to the kindest minds, we call it patient mismanagement. Either way, the tactical results were obvious. Would government kill people to maintain control over the population? Absolutely, yes! In fact, they would do anything to gain power and keep power. 

That’s why I found it odd that during the campaign, Joe Biden announced that he would find a cure for cancer if he won the presidency. And he has said similar things over the last few years. Now, when I heard that, I knew that there were already cures for cancer that was well-known for many years. And  NMN supplements can actually reverse the aging process. The fountain of youth wasn’t some obscure science fiction any longer. The technology was within reach and known to many. But at present, we are still dealing with a global order that wants to depopulate the earth, to make mankind dumber so they can’t catch on to the schemes of the religious fanatics involved in climate change. Even if Joe Biden wanted to, he wouldn’t be able to unleash a cure for cancer because there is just too much money in people dying to give it up, and the government is a direct benefactor of those deaths. Because it keeps them in power. So how would Joe Biden ever bring about the cure for cancer if big pharma was against it? Well, this is where judging people based on what they do, not what they say, comes in handy. The cure for cancer looks to have been Joe Biden’s secret strategy for a 2024 run all along, and he has been making deals to protect his vision since he was put in office by the Chinese through election fraud. As an elderly person, he directly benefits from this technology and would like to see it in the marketplace. 

Well, Biden’s strange yielding to big pharma when it came to Covid and playing the alliance with the government to the extent that he did, with the executive order regarding the Covid vaccines, is a dead giveaway to a market replacement for the next great crises, one that gets rid of one concern and replaces it with another. If mandatory vaccines could trade off cancer treatment as a guaranteed revenue stream for big pharma, that would allow for releasing that campaign promise in his fourth year, just before the next run. When you watch the Biden people drift through one flop after another, the high vaccine deaths, the terrible economy, the horrendous foreign relations mishaps, the controversy of the classified documents, the Hunter Biden laptop, and the constant talk about his old age, what topic would there be to make everyone forget about all that? A cure for cancer. Few topics would erase everyone’s mind more than this topic because just about everyone knows someone with cancer or has lost people to it. Its one of those deadly diseases that most lingers in the mind of just about everyone, and if Joe Biden’s presidency revealed a cure to it, such as the recent news from the Department of Energy for net energy production that has been talked about as a big technical breakthrough, its easy to see how the political machine is setting up this story. Biden gets re-elected, big pharma trades off cancer treatment for government-sponsored vaccines, and the globalists get to peel away some populations with the side effects of the vaccine surveillance. Those are my thoughts after watching a week of Davos coverage from the World Economic Forum. Public relations were not good this year; many angry people were reporting on their activities, which made me think that they are going to retreat underground again, as they have since essentially since the creation of the United Nations after World War II. They need a win, too, a new technology breakthrough that shows the value of a government/corporate alliance. Cancer cures are just the thing all these radicals have been looking for to save them in 2024. 

Most of that is conjecture based on my thoughts on the matter, of course. But the looming question that has to be answered to all of that is whether the government deliberately allows people to die of cancer while waiting for the right political window to unleash the cure. Well, the answer is yes! They have been caught doing it; they did it with the creation of Covid and the denial of medicine to truly stop the spread with phony methods designed by the World Health Organization to inspire a Great Reset with the China model in charge of the new global economy. Meanwhile, the billionaires stayed away from Davos this year because they have been snuffed out. They have retreated to the background, but they genuinely want Biden or some other puppet to stay in the White House. And Biden knows his role. So to throw society a bone to retain power and push back the pressure of populism is a strategy that they would absolutely be interested in. And this is a trait they have already shown they are willing to do, to kill people off, to retain their own power. Based on everyone’s behavior, the cancer release story makes the most sense about their pending strategies of Democrats, progressives, and global communists. They need a win, and cancer cures are in their back pocket. And many might call all this a conspiracy theory if we already didn’t know about the cures for cancer that have already been so well known. Yet, our medical industry has sat on those findings for decades; when Biden made such declarative statements about the cure for cancer, it was because he already knew. He’s not that smart otherwise. But they are waiting to release it because they think it’s the only way they can beat Trump without election fraud. It is to give people a solution to something that everyone in the world is concerned with. And by releasing it next year, ahead of the 2024 campaign, they hope to buy votes with a chance to live, even though the government itself is the most dangerous organization on planet earth. But people may well forget about all that if only they wouldn’t have to worry about catching cancer.   

Rich Hoffman

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We Are Not Alone: Thank goodness for Trump’s Space Force

I don’t think it’s controversial at all, the talk about exopolitics which is the political diplomacy with lifeforms from other places around the galaxy. I think it’s absurd to consider that we are alone in the universe. Instead, I think it’s a proven scientific fact that there are many civilizations in space and that they constantly interact with each other all the time and always have. The challenge that they would have would be that they might technically be on different paths of scientific development. But philosophy and art can be significant and valuable to cultures even with technical superiority. I think that is the value we have to various curious minds around our galactic neighborhood. We have had our assumptions about these topics shaped by us through corrupt early governments and religions of radicalism, and they want power for power’s sake. Yes, they want to be the mediators between earth and whatever else is out there. With that said, I think it will soon be evident why President Trump developed a Space Force for our military and why its creation caused so much consternation. He was briefed on what we are dealing with like many presidents were, and he knows what we will soon be learning. We’re going to get into space, and we’ll figure out fast what many already know; the earth has been a playground for many species of life from all over the galaxy and perhaps the universe. And we will find evidence of that life on the moon, on the moons of Mars, on Mars itself, and likely all over the various moons of planets in our solar system. It has been going on for millions of years, and we will have to come to terms with it, and yes, we will need a Space Force to deal with that reality for a whole bunch of reasons that could fill libraries with explanations. Our history is as deep as a water droplet in the ocean. There is much more to think about; we are barely getting started.

Most every night from my hot tub in my backyard, I look at the star of Sirius, which is just under the constellation of Orion. I often think about all the occult references we have in our society that hint at these things that are out in the open but hidden behind public concern about being called a “conspiracy theorist,” which prevents deep investigation into the real issues that concern us. For instance, I think of the Orion movie company that was obviously paying occult homage to a star system that the Egyptians were very interested in. And I think of Sirius radio, which is a direct reference to a star that many secret societies, especially Masons, Knights Templars, Rosicrucians, and many others, indicate were the seeds of life here on earth, the way that Mayans and Aztecs revered Quetzalcoatl, the white-bearded man who brought them culture, then disappeared. That looks to be the evidence of our own culture; living beings from likely Sirius C came to earth tens of thousands of years ago and did so regularly, bringing civilization to the humans already here. The evidence is in the many myths that predate the Greeks, and they constantly permeate in that particular region of the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia. It’s not an accident that many of the world’s religions were born out of this specific area, and the remnant of those interactions can be found in the everyday aspects of the mythologies of different cultures, from Egypt to the Greeks, then Romans, all the way over to Ur.  And those same kind of mythologies are constant in Indian cultures in both North and South America.  There is a lot for us to learn.

But they never went away and are heavily involved in our politics; presently, those same sentiments can be heard during the World Economic Forum. The people attending are not working toward terrestrial goals, they are worshiping the earth as a galactic deity, and that belief system comes from interactions through the occult and secret societies, like the Germans, unlocked with the Thule Society a continued progressive push that has gone on for over a century. In exchange, technology has flourished quickly. Elon Musk, who isn’t very concerned about aliens and UFOs, is a significant threat to these interactions. He just wants to make the earth a multi-planet species, which is a good idea considering that the earth goes through a cataclysmic event every 30,000 years or so. We are due for another one, so SpaceX is racing to get their Starship into an orbital launch soon, likely in March of 2023. And once commercial space opens up in such a way, the long-held secret will be out, and the secret societies that run most of our politics today will lose that power and it will be catastrophic for many people. 

That’s why the rumors about soft disclosure seeping into Hollywood culture have some merit to them, especially in relation to Gene Roddenberry of Star Trek creation. It’s long been known that soft disclosure of all these species interactions was flowing from military leakers into Hollywood screenwriters for television shows like Outer Limits, Battlestar Galactica, and of course, Star Trek, to prepare our mass population for the inevitable, where we won’t look toward these interactions as some mystical, religious event, but as just another species of life form interested in doing business, just like any person from some other country on earth might want. What’s the difference if those life forms come from another planet or just another country? Once you remove the fear of a War of the Worlds type of attack, it becomes evident that everyone exists everywhere for mutual benefit. But once a new, spacefaring reality replaces that place of ignorance, then there will be a need for a Space Force, and history will remember how crucial it was that Trump made it possible. The snickers behind its creation were more than just accusations of conspiracy theories. There is a real occult movement toward the primitive that fears these contemplations, and they tend to be liberal in nature. And rather than go out into space to meet those challenges, they would instead turn inward and worship the earth and hope it protects us from all things to come. If you really want to understand our politics in a contemporary way, we must deal with the beliefs and fears that people have that cause so much trouble on earth presently. And most of it traces back to these understandings of interactions with life outside of earth as the seeds of our own foundation. But, because humans are interesting and have really good minds, typically, we have things that a technically superior race might not have, imagination, rationalization, and contemplation. And that prevents mass destruction because everyone has mutual needs. But we are coming to a time quickly where such understandings are going to move from conspiracy theory to daily fact, and when that happens, we will be thankful for a Space Force. Because after tens of thousands of years of evolution in thought, religion, and politics, it’s time to take that bold next step. As we saw with Covid, those who want power over humanity will deny the medicine and the facts to keep people dependent on those powerful forces. And that same kind of thinking is behind the reluctance to admit to the history of the human race, what is really going on down in Antarctica, and what the truth is about local and galactic politics. Soon speculation will no longer be a luxury; it will be an everyday discussion that will truly advance us to the next phase of human development. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Biden Classified Document Dump: A purposeful diversion from the real problems they’d love to hide

Once you know the tricks these people use to conceal the truth or mislead the public in a direction you don’t want to go, you will find they use the same playbook for everything. Even if the truth is that President Eisenhower met with aliens on the runway of Holloman AFB in 1955 and sold-out American sovereignty into a corporate conglomerate of globalists, ultimately losing World War II and everything we thought we fought for, the diversions that are used to conceal the information from the public are all the same. And that is what I think about the sudden classified documents coming out from the Biden administration initially. Joe Biden knows he’s not a legitimate president; he was elected by China essentially through a rigged system by globalists who wanted a friendly face to implement their Great Reset. If you’ve been watching the coverage at Davos, you’d see just how crazy they all are, and that ties into the Eisenhower deal that I’ll talk about a lot more later. None of these aggressors think they can beat the United States directly, so they have methods of deception that they use to undercut us all by way of war, but by methods of dishonesty, they have become quite overconfident. They put Biden in place and thought people would be gullible enough to accept it, but it hasn’t been working. Biden has serious economic problems. He is allegiant to a phony war in Ukraine, and his boy Hunter is in all kinds of trouble with that laptop. We know that President Biden even showered with his daughter, and the FBI tried to cover that up. Biden is a disaster in every way a president could be, and the anger toward him is much worse than the mainstream polling cares to indicate. 

The Biden classified documents that we have been hearing about over the last week were a purposeful leak meant to soak up people’s minds over a couple of issues. First, it’s safe for Biden to look for a diversion to defer to classified document leaks to get people talking about what is preferable to all the disasters that Biden is enduring presently. There is a lot of really bad stuff we could be talking about in the news, especially concerning the deaths that are directly connected to the government-mandated vaccines and the people who lost their jobs because they defied Biden’s illegal executive order from September 2021. Covid was an attack, a bioweapon from China that many of the World Economic Forum people were directly involved in, and it’s one of the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to the United States. Much of it happened during Biden’s watch. Once he realized the situation, Trump tried to walk back out of the mess, but liberals would not allow it, and they made a mess of the economy and health policy that was embarrassing at the time. But now we see that it’s been killing people. The vaccine didn’t save lives; it has been taking them, and for those who have lived, it’s resulting in lower birth rates and all kinds of side effects that people are just now realizing. If you have to pick a catastrophe, a leaked classified document is much preferred to all the other news that would otherwise be discussed. 

Biden’s people know that people don’t care much about classified documents. Even though Hillary Clinton should have been disqualified from running for president because of her destroying 30,000 emails on her server, the way the FBI handled the story, people became numb to the whole issue. Then when the political left tried to use the classified document issue in revenge against President Trump by raiding his home and taking items he clearly had a right to possess because, as president, he could. People didn’t care. Anybody with half a mind can relate to a president wanting to take home some memories of their time in office. That’s how President Nixon got into so much trouble, tape recording himself for his memoirs later when he was out of office. There was no official need for him to have any recordings; he did them to remember his time in office. So this classified document game has been going on for a long time; people are numb to it and generally don’t care. When they can’t buy eggs at the grocery store, they are thinking about a lot more than what President Biden has in his garage sitting next to his corvette. So what they did, was the Biden people and lawyers purposely leaked this information to soak up the news cycle so nobody would talk about the serious problems because they know from history that Americans are forgiving about such things and really don’t care. In the end, they could throw a bone to the DOJ and let Trump off the hook just as they’ll let Biden off the hook, and much of that controversy will go away. They are admitting to these documents because it gives them cover for the other very serious things that are going on in the news that people won’t be so forgiving about. 

Now there is no question, now that the news is out, that there are people within Biden’s own party who would like to replace him with Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom for the 2024 presidential race. They would like to use this classified document dump story as a way to convince Joe to step away from the race. Of course, because the Biden presidency has been such a disaster, Democrats are looking for someone who might actually do better in an actual vote since the next election will be more difficult to cheat in. Statistically, I have my doubts that Biden obtained 60 million votes and that the election fraud was so out of control because of all the loose Covid rules that he may not have had 40 million people voting for him. Most Democrats know that or at least suspect it heavily, and they know if they are going to run against Trump, yet again, they’ll need some way to break 70 million votes, which will be hard for anybody in the Democrat Party to do. So they are hoping to do to Joe Biden what many wanted to see happen to Hillary Clinton. But it won’t work in the end because people generally don’t care about classified documents. But they do care about a whole lot of other things. I would say to everyone distracted by the classified document story they keep finding around Biden that it’s a preferred story that everyone prefers to talk about so that nobody talks about the things that really matter. The problems of the Biden crime family are much worse than having some moments from his years in politics sitting in a garage. Yet, predictably, that’s all anybody has talked about for a good part of January 2023. And that tactic is common where truly bad people conceal their actions behind a narrative that soaks up attention away from much more serious topics. And it is used heavily in our media culture to disguise many horrible things. They have been doing it for many decades, since mass media’s invention, anything more complicated than newspapers. And the human race has never entirely caught up because they are too trusting. Which is why the tactics are used the way they are. 

Rich Hoffman

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Matt Miller Resigns and Blames Everyone But Himself in the Process: Darbi Boddy is far more valuable for Butler County real estate value than Sheriff Jones

I wasn’t planning to say much on the Matt Miller resignation. Obviously, he just wasn’t a good fit for our community, and like it happens to a lot of people, his divorce essentially destroyed his life. Many people have false beliefs about the importance of what a superintendent does for a community and the changing nature of public education. Included in this article is a good piece by Jesse Watters on Fox News about CRT in Ohio schools and just how much radicalism we are dealing with. As a former teacher and an obvious supporter of left-winged radicalism in public schools, Matt Miller was a prominent progressive politically, and that came out during his tenure little by little. In the beginning, he did a pretty good job of hiding it, but during Covid, he showed himself to be precisely what many of us worried he was. The mask mandates were a disaster; he pushed conservatives off the school board, then finally what we learned about his personal life through divorce records, the community had to take a stand, which they did, and he had to resign. But before he left, he dropped a media bomb, essentially attempting to set up a lawsuit against the school board and anybody else they could drag into the issue for creating an unsafe workspace for him, which was evident in an article from the Cincinnati Enquirer that made its way to Yahoo News by his attorney setting up the litigation indicating playing himself a victim and that all his problems are someone else’s fault. He took a job within Butler County for much less money. 

I give people a lot of advice, free of charge because I want to see them have good lives. I even very recently gave some excellent advice to Matt Miller himself through his attorney, Elizabeth. My advice to the school board is not to settle any lawsuit with Miller and to take him to court. What everyone knows about the case, including the school board, which can be seen on ProtectLakotaKids.com, is that there isn’t any path for litigation once the discovery process is revealed in court, so there is no reason to settle anything. Just a few months ago, when Matt Miller threatened everyone with lawsuits, including me, I told him with written documentation that he could solve all his problems if he only worked with Darbi Boddy. He had gone way too far in trying to remove her from the school board, and to destroy her life, just as he did with Todd Parnell and several other very liberal school board members. It didn’t work; he should have tried to call off all the radical dogs who were petitioning to remove Darbi and make her life a living hell. If anybody should be filing lawsuits, it’s Darbi. I think she has a great case against a lot of people. But that’s not her nature. She’s tough and respects toughness. If only Matt Miller had offered peace, he wouldn’t have had to resign. All he had to do was work with her. He didn’t have to like her. But of course, he didn’t listen; his legal counsel ignored the good advice as well, and now they find themselves where they are. And it’s nobody’s fault but their own. Matt Miller’s career wasn’t destroyed by Darbi, Darbi’s friends, the Tea Party members of Lakota, or even conservatives in general. His ex-wife destroyed his career for the way he managed his family in his interactions. And what he did was not reflective of someone who should be managing anybody, anywhere. Once people learned in his own words through a Butler County Police report the details of his marriage and divorce, they couldn’t work with him any longer, and they certainly didn’t want to pay him the amount of money he was making as a Lakota superintendent. 

Yet there is much more to the story that obviously Tom Ferrell and other area Republicans reflect when they showed concern that Matt Miller was leaving Lakota schools because of a political upheaval that pushed him away. Tom is a trustee for Liberty Township. I know him; I think he’s a good guy. But he thought Matt Miller was like the second coming of Christ, like many do, and they worry that with some national figure like Matt Miller gone, that Lakota will suffer. So rather than make fun of all those people for their beliefs, I’ll give a little more free advice that is actually worth a lot of money. But it shreds a popularly held misconception that government schools drive real estate value and that if Lakota doesn’t have an excellent grade card by some expensive superintendent, people will move away and destroy our real estate industry, and our community will be destroyed. The radical union element created those beliefs, just as they have secretly pushed CRT and generous progressive lifestyles on Americans for years. They have told us that zip codes get funding, and any interruption of that will destroy our entire society. But it won’t. It’s time to call that bluff and let reality tell the rest of the story. Don’t get suckered by the progressive playbook, and that’s clearly the condition of Liberty Township Trustee Tom Farrell and likely most of the Lakota school board, and many parents who drank the Matt Miller Kool-Aid and think the sky will fall just because he resigned. The sky is just fine. Here’s the hard truth of reality. 

I’ve lived in Liberty Township most of my life. I’ve traveled all over the world, and I have come to realize that it’s one of the best places on earth, so I have stayed in the same area most of that time. But I have watched several regions, like Fairfield, Princeton, Middletown, and Hamilton, rise and fall as real estate destinations. And do you know why people move and what makes real estate value occur, which no realtor wants to admit to in public? It’s running from liberalism. When any area starts getting too many liberals on their school boards or as trustees, city councils, and mayors, when liberals begin running the show, conservative money moves to where they aren’t. It has nothing to do with the quality of the schools but the degree of liberalism. Even though many of the Matt Miller supporters moved from liberal areas to be recruited by a liberal public school, Lakota and those pretentious types are now crying like babies because what they want out of Lakota is more liberalism, and they filled the houses that were built for them.  Yet, they could all move away, and their homes would be sold to more conservative people who do want to live in the area because they don’t want to live where liberals are ruining their zip codes. If you study the matter all over the nation, from New York to Los Angeles or to Seattle, Washington, you’ll find the same truth; people leave areas where liberals are in charge. Butler County, Ohio, has thrived not because of Lakota schools.  Lakota schools has thrived because of the people who moved there, despite the liberalism that came from the employees. Butler County has always been a haven from liberals, and that is its actual value. I should know; I have watched it grow over many years. I used to have cows next to my house. Now it’s a bunch of crybabies, Matt Miller-supporting losers. I would be happy to see them leave and to take their liberal voting record with them. I could put my dog in charge of Lakota schools, and our community would still be a valuable place to live, a destination for most of the world.   The school and its employees are a hindrance, not a help. 

Back to Tom Farrell, and politicians like him, the best thing that could have happened was Darbi Boddy. Having peaceful school board meetings is not a value; it’s a lazy approach to management. But when people hear people like her defending conservative values from liberal invasions, that helps real estate value more than any other criteria. There is nothing better to show concerned parents that they are moving to a safe community than Darbi Boddy fighting to keep their children safe from the evils of liberalism, CRT, genderless bathrooms, and pushing gay lifestyles on young children, not even before they enter puberty. A few years ago, Jesse Watters’s piece would never have appeared on Fox News. Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes would have laughed it off as a conspiracy theory, just how radical these public schools really were. Today, people generally understand that these public schools threaten their families and their lives. And they are terrified of the effects of liberalism, and they ultimately do vote with their feet. I would recommend that people like Tom Farrell update their understanding of what makes a great community. I would also suggest that Tom update his Facebook photo. Times do change, and we need to reflect that in our assumptions. And in this new world, Darbi Boddy is much more valuable to the Republican Party and to regional politics that drive real estate values than Sherriff Jones and a well-known police department. Darbi has done more to keep kids safe, and that’s what most moms care more about than anything. And people won’t leave Lakota because of Matt Miller. But they will flock to Lakota because of Darbi and her crusade to keep kids safe and to provide a good education environment by fighting off a liberal progressive agenda, which is the primary concern of this new real estate market. 

Now there is one more thing to discuss, and again I wasn’t going to talk about it because it sort of falls in the realm of soap opera gossip. But Matt Miller made it the centerpiece of his exit statements and the accusation against Darbi that her supporters may have broken into his home. This also plays into Karin Johnson from Channel 5 News, who wanted to clarify to Darbi after my video started circulating that she did not coordinate her video profile of Matt Miller serving trespassing notifications to Darbi at her home in front of her child, as a coordinated effort with the school. Karin says it was a pure coincidence. However, this is where the story gets a little wild. Karin Johnson was also involved in publishing the video of Darbi Boddy taking a picture of a young student in the halls of Lakota, dressed below the dress code standards, which again looks like a very coordinated event from the school to the media. It turns out that the young person photographed by Darbi was the daughter of Matt Miller’s housekeeper, and she is the one who has made the statements about a break-in at Matt’s home. This same person also claims to have adventurous relationships with Matt Miller himself, as she has bragged about it to several people. When I learned all this I didn’t believe it. But then I read the police report, so nothing would surprise me now. And these people think they are going to last two seconds in court? The media was worried about lawsuits because of these people? Give me a break. Lazy media, lazy lawyers, lazy school board, lots of lazy people let this whole thing spin out of control. The story gets pretty bizarre from there. Apparently, this is the same person who was charged with domestic violence, knowingly causing physical harm on the 16th of January, 2023. So let’s do some basic math here; Karin Johnson is involved in all these Darbi Boddy hit pieces, this housekeeper gets into trouble with the police on Monday the 16th, and Matt Miller resigns on Wednesday the 18th. And by the 20th, Matt Miller puts out his exit letter talking about how Darbi Boddy destroyed his life and may have even broken into his home, according to the testimony of his housekeeper, who happens to be the mother of the person Darbi took a picture of in the hall as a dress code violation, that was used by Channel 5 to attempt further to pressure Darbi to resign from the school board. Hmmmmm, I don’t think we need Sherlock Holmes here to smell what is cooking in the politics of Lakota. And you know what, if Darbi hadn’t taken any pictures and didn’t just show up to see what was really happening in the halls of the school, we wouldn’t know anything. Imagine just how much is still hidden. The only reason we know any of this is because we had a school board member who went to look for herself, and through the coverup, we learned a lot about what is really going on in our public school and their media friends who help conceal things the tax paying public would otherwise be very concerned about.

Truth is always stranger than fiction, and as far as legal challenges are concerned, Darbi Boddy has a lot to be very angry about regarding her treatment by lots of characters. And her case of advocating for much more transparency among school board members policing the schools for radical elements that are usually hidden from the public has a lot more merit. As I always say, don’t judge people by what they say but by what they do. And many people are doing a lot of things, and we wouldn’t know any of it if not for Darbi Boddy. 

Rich Hoffman

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