America Lost Over A Million People in 2022: The bioweapon of Covid leads straight to the door of the Desecrators of Davos

It’s nice to see more people this year are paying more attention to the Davos, World Economic Forum 2023 event than usual. Of course, two of the main themes there, the kind of things they talk about in the after parties and a looming topic in the background of everything economic, is population growth in the world and how it needs to be lowered to preserve the Earth, and they talk about it in a cult-like way more inclined to religion than science. Then, of course, there is all the climate change garbage which essentially is a continuation of the real villain of the Bible, Baal, the worship of the Earth and the moon, and all the stars of the sky letting the universe play them like cards from a Tarot deck instead of playing the cards to your advantage the way we do in American poker. For people like Bill Gates and many of his fellow billionaires he has an obsession with reducing the Earth’s population to help preserve the Earth. In contrast, intelligent people like Elon Musk have realized that population regression will only stunt the technical evolution of humanity. We need to make more people; we need more babies, and it’s not Earth that should be their home; they need to move onto the moon, onto Mars, and into a much more open space environment, settling space, which is the ultimate frontier. Instead, the focus of the World Economic Forum is population control and, ultimately, reductions. And now, finally, people are starting to put two and two together and can see what’s been going on, which I have been warning about for years.   Covid and the vaccine were created to control the population, and the guilt for the effort of distributing Covid all over the world as a bioweapon built by governments leads straight to Davos. 

As I always say, judge people by what they do, not what they say. Of course, as I call those World Economic Forum people in Davos every year, the Desecrators of Davos will say that they only have the best intentions. What they don’t tell you is that liberalism to them is a religion, and peeling away the population is one of their goals because they love the Earth more. The Earth has one destiny and one destiny only; it will be destroyed by a usual cataclysmic event that occurs routinely over geologic time. That doesn’t mean we should treat it unfairly, but this nature worship stuff is for the birds. We need as a species to dominate nature and to use it for our science for the survival of our species well beyond the terminal life of Earth. So with that context in focus, we can easily look at the year of 2022 and see the results that the vaccines have had, how many deaths came to us through Covid, and in general, what the population charts show happened from one year to another. There has been a lot of speculation regarding the Covid vaccinations, which government pushed on their populations from Pfizer and Moderna, and the after-effects have been terrible. A percentage of our population is suffering after the effects of the Covid shot and its boosters, which were untested when they were introduced under tremendous pressure. Many big government types are in complete denial about the role anybody played in the sudden death of people by accelerations of cancers suddenly taking advantage of destroyed immune systems, heart attacks provoked by myocarditis, and other advancements of diseases that might otherwise linger for years that had their effects suddenly sped up because of the contributions of either Covid to their systems or the government forced medicine that is the only change into the human species from one year to another. 

And these are the facts of 2022 regarding death rates, which can only be viewed as murder at this point. In the United States, we have a total population of 334,013,678. During 2022 there were 3,236,726 deaths in just America, including everything from the elderly dying of natural causes to heart attacks, cancer, all the usual causes. Yet, in 2022, we only had a population growth of 2,218,142. So in total, we lost 1,018,584 people in 2022. And suppose you look at population growth charts over many years. In that case, it is obvious that we had population growth outpacing population death for most years up until 2019, when Covid was introduced to the world through a lab in China. We had Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci suddenly telling us that we would all die unless we enacted climate change, stayed locked in our homes, wore a mask, and tried to hide from the virus. And to perpetuate the fear, they denied knowledge of any treatment in top medical journals, which the media picked up on the story denying that hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin could treat Covid and actually save lives. The Desecrators of Davos types did not want to save lives; they wanted to flip that population number where there were more deaths than births, and in so doing, we lost over a million people in America alone. If you multiply that trajectory across all advanced economies in the world that didn’t keep as good of records as were kept in the United States, there were many millions more lost in the total population on Earth. 

Now, if this had been a military invasion with tanks and troops storming into our neighborhoods, and a million people were killed in the process, we would have been talking about that every day in the news cycle. Instead, we see sports figures collapsing suddenly at the age of 24 who took the vaccine for Covid, and we try to ignore the obvious because most people were suckered into taking the jab, which is advice that came straight from the World Economic Forum. Straight from sources like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci. And the results are a population decline, not growth. If the Davos talk hadn’t created a strategy for population decline, the birth rates would outpace death rates by the standard margin. So there is no other conclusion to make about the declining numbers of the population in relation to birth rates, that people have been murdered to fulfill a political agenda that centers on the old worship of Baal, the nature gods of old, and that the climate change talk is nothing but a religion where genocide is part of their strategy. And the vehicle of delivery is not the traditional one of military might. Instead, this is revenge of the nerds, the kind of treachery we should have expected from tech geeks, like those at the World Economic Forum who have obvious plans for the future of the planet that they feel entitled to conduct in elite ski towns away from the observations of the rest of the world. At this point, most of us know somebody who has died of Covid, and we have watched people have adverse effects due to the vaccine and the boosters. The death counts are just confirmation that something different wasn’t there before 2019 when all these Desecrators of Davos plans were introduced into society. And if you take that declining birth rate along with the death rates out over ten years or more, past the target date for many of the Desecrators of Davos plans of 2030, then millions of lives will be lost over that duration as part of a population control plan that they have imposed on us in the full light of day, right in front of our faces. And their purpose has been murder from the very start. They just planned for us not to figure it out until it was too late. 

Rich Hoffman

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