The Definition of War: Yes, there are many enemies at war with America, and us

Before you can fix something, you must admit there is a problem.  One of the concealment strategies utilized against our nation is the reality of what has been done to us.  No matter what level of evil we are talking about, which I would say is innate and subconscious, well beyond the scope of human interaction, reality is well-defined if you apply the correct definitions to things.  And that is that America has been at war with many characters who run various groups intent on our destruction, and it’s been that way from the beginning.  And like the Trojan Horse of Troy, the villains purposefully disguised their efforts to catch us all off guard, and they have done that by hiding their malice behind polite society.  And the war they have declared on us resided beyond our social definitions of human behavior.  But yes, we have to understand what’s been happening to us with definitions that matter, and that is grappling with the concept of war and the fact that our enemies are numerous and vicious.  And they are plotting our doom moment by moment and quickly if they can’t make a lot of money off us.  They seek to destroy us for all we’re worth.  Classically, the definition of war is “to overcome the enemy’s will to resist.”  As I saw the stock market results for the second week of May 2024, I didn’t see good news for 401Ks and family planning.  I saw a strategy to put people back to sleep because Joe Biden is losing in the upcoming election, and the enemies of America are attacking our culture with a clear strategy to remove our desire to resist what it is they want to do to America, and that is to convert our entire culture to globalism, Chinese communism style.  And the stock market is just one of their many weapons in the ways that the world is at war with America, and us as its caretakers. 

This is money created through inflation. Not the actual profit of true value. Fake money printed by the Fed to protect Biden from the reality of horrendous fiscal policy in an election year.

Now I get it; people just walking their dog and thinking of a two-for-one special at their local smorgasbord think of war as our involvement in Vietnam.  Or, Iraq.  War involves military action by governments intent on that purpose.  In the past, a general representing a nation or some other sovereignty directed soldiers on a battlefield toward suppressing the enemy and designing victory from a surrender once an overwhelming force had been established and utilized toward victory parameters. Upon such wins, people fly their flags and feel good about their nation’s victory against other countries, much the way we think about sports teams that we cheer on who win.  In that way, war is thought of as something that happens “over there” and is done by “other people.”  We don’t think of ourselves and our lives as being at war because our enemies use the concealment of the true definitions of things to perform their malice.  One way to do so is to subdue people away from their defense of a nation by changing their definitions of what war actually is and why people would be or would not be interested in having war to defend something they value.  The enemies of America, as we have seen often recently, overtly out in the open, is to destroy our desire to resist anything, such as in the transgender movement where even the concept of a boy and a girl is in dispute.  To our enemies, it’s not the sexuality involved that is the issue but the ability to corrupt even simple definitions so that significant attacks are never seen by a society that has lost its ability to have a conceptual faculty.

For instance, the good news that is not such good news on the Dow Jones closing at over 40,000 for the first time in history is a kind of Trojan Horse intent to sneak the enemy deeper into our culture while disguising it as something beneficial to us.  Many people do not realize how powerful BlackRock as a financial institution is in the performance of this scandal, which is relatively simple.  The Federal Reserve, through monetary easing using a clear strategy of Modern Monetary Theory, is doing precisely what crime syndicates have done since the beginning of time, and what is happening now with the war machine pumping large amounts of money into Ukraine behind a fake, and provoked war effort with Russia, and that is to wash illegal money through a legitimate business to give it the illusion of validity.  Not to mention that this practice is the cause of inflation, which is too much money chasing too few goods, and that even with more money in your pockets, it is worth less in what it can buy.  The sudden jump of the Dow over 40,000 isn’t about making money but printing more to represent the same value at a much lower value.  But it’s all disguised to give the illusion of profit by hiding the inflation behind a historic milestone.  In this case, the Fed dumped money into BlackRock and other Wall Street firms to have them distribute the money as if it were real into the economy through person-to-personal investments in the form of 401Ks and other financial strategies to prop up the economy with fake numbers to help Biden not take the blame for the impact that globalism has had on American sovereignty. 

This financial game is just one way in which the enemies have sought to suppress American understanding of the war that has been conducted against them.  Another means of such vile menace is in pornography.  Through the internet, porn has been made accessible to the public to weaken our resolve toward a just and moral society.  By attacking those values and the family creation that often comes from successful family relationships and the production of children who are healthy and independent, the governments of the world have purposely sought to corrupt our intellects so that we wouldn’t be able to resist them in war.  But would instead be addicted to vices of destruction meant to take away our will to resist their intentions.  When you understand how “they” are attacking us, you can know that much of what we do and what happens to us is the result of war, and the intentions of our enemies are pretty vicious and maniacal.  Most of what we experience daily is an act of war against us hidden behind definitions meant to conceal their strategy and keep us from seeing what they have been up to.  And we are stopping them from doing it.  For them, the best thing to do is take away even the reality of seeing what had to happen to resist their desires, which is our destruction, after they have made a lot of money off us in the process.  This has been going on for a long time, and it’s certainly not just a current thing.  Only the plot has been revealed in ways they have lost control of the narrative, and people are talking about it in ways they never dared to before.  But war is our reality, and it’s not something we can hide behind some soldier’s ethical code of battlefield conduct.  This is coming into our homes and neighborhoods disguised in ways we don’t think of as threats of war.  But you can bet they are every bit as such and worse. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Fighting the Uniparty: Appeasing evil only makes it stronger

When Marjorie Taylor Green made a motion to vacate the Speaker seat in Congress, it was more than a cosmetic gesture.  The boos and hisses that commenced when she did so were what she indicated as the “uni party,” a combination of Republicans and Democrats who have joined together to benefit from the offices they were elected to for the power that comes with it and the money that can be made in its wake.  The bottom line is that Johnson has been getting pushed around, letting the Democrats run the House anyway, making Republican majorities just a token footnote.  Democrats want a pacifist like Johnson as Speaker because it allows the Democrats to hide their communist plots behind the responsibility of Republicans, which has been a trick of the “uni party” for many years now.  Remember what I did at the end of the 2020 election when I sat down with everyone and read the works of Cleon Skousen, the old FBI agent who wrote The 5000 Year Leap and The Naked Communist, and I showed you the plan to inject communism into both parties.  And that process became the uni party where Republicans and Democrats essentially divorced themselves from those who elected them and rolled like pigs in the mud to the power and money that came their way by matters of corporate communism.  I mean, what else are you going to call it?  Corporations wanted Chinese-style communism, adopted those measures, used the money to buy off crooked and corrupted politicians, and built a “uni party” to facilitate the Lords of Easy Money.  And poof, you get what we have in Washington, D.C., now.  The kind of people who conspired to get rid of Trump through a government coup.  And a way to keep the easy money flowing with ineffective government and a lack of voter representation. 

But Green had a point, and it was now that Republicans should be demanding authenticity of office, and if Johnson wasn’t going to be the guy, then Republicans needed to find out who it would be.  It doesn’t do any good to elect Trump and put him back in the White House only to have a uni party still in control of the House and Senate.  Sure, on paper, you might show a Republican majority, but that has been all an illusion.  They are not in office to do the people’s work, the way that Marjorie Taylor Green is, or other freedom caucus types.  They are there for the easy money and power from those positions.  And we have to smoke that out before we can even hope to have a government that legitimately works for us again if they ever did.  The other day, I told a good friend as we were talking about lofty things; he’s a powerful politician, and we were contemplating the universe.  I was reflecting on a book I have from the Statehouse of Ohio that I love and what I said about it, “People might fall short of the lofty expectations of government, but at least we try.”  Our government buildings are often better than those of us who fill them as elected officers.  But some do try to live up to those lofty expectations.  Yet many others fall for every temptation that comes their way and seek to make a lot of money off the chaos.  And in essence, that is what the uni party is.  In other ways of making a living, they are worthless.  But the power of government makes them somebodies.  And they exploit it without much coaxing. 

Not that Speaker Johnson is corrupt.  I think he’s a nice guy.  But surrounded by the kind of vipers he is, he’s too nice.  If you want to be the hand of God, you can’t be a wimp.  You have to fight like you want to bring Heaven to earth, not to appease the evil of Hell.  Playing to get along with evil only gives power to evil, and soon, you have a government out of control and running off the rails.   Of course, the media wants a corrupt government because it makes it spicy for them to work in.  Plenty of bread crumbs fall off the table, which they can enrich themselves with as well.  Most media members are lazy, and they are not fighting for the Constitution or God.  They, indeed, aren’t fighting for America.  At best, they are looking for a free drink and an easy bed partner under intoxicated circumstances in a hotel with a half-burnt-out neon light so they can tell the story on Facebook to a bunch of worthless people who could care less other than to gossip about.  The “uni party” is filled with these kinds of people who don’t care that they let down the people who voted for them.  They are missing their moral compass and are always on a quest for easy money, which comes from the various communist forces around the world who want to bring down our country with greed and laziness.  When money is easy, the courage to fight for our country is very low, evident in the creation of the uni party.   Because he’s weak and friendly, Speaker Johnson only facilitates the evil of the uni party as it exists now in Washington, D.C. 

Trump is only part of the puzzle in eradicating that uni party.  We don’t want Democrats and Republicans working together if the Democrats are working for communism and the destruction of our country.  That may not have been what Democrats were over 50 years ago.  But it’s what they are now, and I would say that most Republicans aren’t too far behind.  The 45 Planks of Communism showed in that referred book, The Naked Communist, are very real.  They are motivated by globalist forces to destroy the concept of America, and they exploit weak-minded people to facilitate their aims.  So yes, the “Uniparty,” as it exists, is something we should actively eliminate.  And if we have to have the motion to vacate the Speaker seat yet again, then so be it.  We don’t just need a token Republican majority that will work with Democrats to help destroy our country one policy at a time.  We need people fighting for it and working with Trump to form an America First Policy.  And to take away the power of the Lords of Easy Money, starting with our out-of-control Federal Reserve and its maniacal connection to international finance.  I can promise those bankers are not walking around with copies of our American Constitution that they intend to preserve at all costs. Instead, they have a lift pass for a ski slope in Switzerland on their mind, and as 50-year-old men, they have 22-year-old girlfriends hanging on their every word, perfectly willing to trade sex for an easy life, all hours of the day.  That is the world of the “uni party.”  That is what Speaker Johnson is trying to appease with his soft manner and gentle ways, hoping God will throw him a bone.  No, you must fight for things in this life and stand by good in defeating evil, especially in government and the Uniparty.   They can’t be reasoned with.  They must be destroyed and nothing else.

Rich Hoffman

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One Person in Jail is Not Near Enough: Much of what Democrats have done against America, and God, deserves a terminal sentence

In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton was attempting to paint a negative picture of all the people Trump would throw in jail for a revenge tour.  A tour that Democrats have embarked on themselves.  So there is a real fear by her, and many others, that Trump will target them for jail next, once people elected him for a third time to the White House.  The crimes from the coup against Trump are just the tip of the iceberg in denying the people the pick they made for President of the United States in 2020.  All the efforts Hillary Clinton made to destroy the life of President Trump, the corruption by the Obama administration, and, of course, Biden working actively to put Trump in jail for hundreds of years and millions of dollars in fines to keep him off the campaign trail.  These are not the actions of innocent people who know they had 81 million votes and won the presidency legitimately.  These are criminals who broke the law and have attempted to destroy our country and worse.  And now the shoe will be on the other foot, and they are terrified.  Well, when Hillary Clinton says that one person going to jail once Trump is in office and can then put his political rivals in jail for what they have done to him, I would say that one person would not be nearly enough.  As I write this, Steve Bannon, the former Chief Strategist for the President, has lost his appeal and is facing jail time, joining Peter Navarro, another Trump White House official who is currently in jail, put there by hostile Democrats at all levels of society.  Hey, they started it.  But we won’t be happy with just one or two obvious criminals going to jail, I would say it needs to be in the thousands. 

This is no time to feel sorry for any Democrats who have broken the law and are now facing the wrath of Trump.  I personally think Trump is too nice.  He says the right things and, as an executive in business, naturally understands the tough decisions it takes to get things moving in the right direction.  I think during his first term, he should have drawn first blood and put Hillary in jail because they were always going to try to do it to him anyway.  There was no harm in putting them all in prison because that’s where we have been in politics for a long time.  The politeness in politics between political parties has only worked against Republicans because Democrats have a proven track record of brutality.  That is the foundation of their entire political platform, and we have to admit that all gains they have been making are the tactics of Marxism and not American capitalism.  They are hostile to the American way of life and have no intention to preserve our nation well into the future.  They are criminals and cutthroats at best.  So, giving them the benefit of the doubt as Trump did was devastating.  That’s why they thought they could get away with destroying the American economy with Covid by walking into his office and lying to him about a potential death count, where Covid was made, who was involved, and what the plan was all along for socialist lockdowns and a push to more centralized governments all around the world.  They knew behind all the tough talk Trump was a nice guy, and they did what Democrats always do, they take advantage of Republicans who present themselves as suckers. 

I’m sure Trump would not like to have that tag stuck to him, that he was a “sucker” to Democrats.  But he was.  That doesn’t mean I won’t vote for him again in 2024.   Considering the ominous globalist forces at work here, I think he played the game as well as it could be.  I mean, Fusion GPS wasn’t just Hillary Clinton; it involved John McCain, a well-known Republican at the time, and much of the FBI and CIA who were in on destroying an American president with the same kind of vigor that we now know went on behind Kennedy and Nixon, by many of these same types of characters.  American voters were considered not relevant.  And when COVID was made and released during an election year to provide a cover story for a stolen election, which was the plan all along because they knew what the poll numbers said, Democrats had no fear of revenge for being caught doing what they were doing.  They had no concern that what they were doing to people, by the millions, would put them in jail because they had no respect for Republicans in general.  Republicans talk about fairness and justice.   But when the rubber hits the road, they put up with crime and corruption with the best of them.  They do so because they seek comfort in life; they trust that God will be the one who issues judgment, so they stay out of the business.  And since Democrats hate God and seek to destroy religion, replacing it with state power, then Democrats always have an advantage over Republicans.  They don’t confine their evil to their thoughts because they don’t believe there is a God to punish them. 

I view this effort as being the hands of God in this world, and we were created in his image to inflict justice and bring heaven to earth, wherever possible.  And that starts with punishing people who break the law and harm innocent people.  I think absolute ruthlessness in this category is essential to a civil society that functions well.  When bad people do bad things, the righteous should viciously punish them.  But who is the “righteous?”  Well, those who follow God’s law and the Ten Commandments.  Those who are following Biblical principles.  With Trump, it was good that he embraced the Bible when Marxist thugs were attacking a church right outside of the White House and were trying to burn down Washington.  But he should have done more, and I would expect him to know that he has had a lesson in radical Marxist movements who are not cheerleaders for America.  I would like to see the perpetrators executed for treason against our country, not just thrown in jail.  And so many millions of people are involved that they can’t all be punished.  Well, yes, they can all be punished, and if we have it my way, there will be many thousands, if not millions, who will be punished with more than jail time.  I would hope that after all this, Trump would be more ruthless than he was in his first term and that he would not hold back the power of his office to severely punish those who came after him and his administration so horrendously.  I want to see blood paid for these sins by the truckload.  I do not want to forgive and forget; I want to see the enemies of America punished in a way that would discourage all future action.  And I think many Americans feel the same way, especially after watching what they were willing to do to Trump.  Americans don’t want to see the bad guys get away with all this yet again.  And that is a world that Hillary Clinton doesn’t understand.  But I feel they are all about to learn a lesson in justice that will shock the world.  And they deserve everything and then some, that is coming their way.

Rich Hoffman

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Democrats are Planning Not to Certify President Trump’s Victory: The domestic enemies of America are vicious and daring us to fight them

Let me explain something to you fools out there: that little show of solidarity that Speaker Johnston and others from Washington showed behind President Trump on May 14th, 2024, is about three years too late.  Sure, it’s better late than never.  But it clearly shows that many people don’t understand the fight we are fighting.  The Democrats are viciously evil.  They are not your friends.  Even as we speak, they are already making plans not to certify the election for President Trump should they win enough seats in Congress to take back the House.  Or, they are counting on enough RINO Republicans to get squishy and vote their way to not certify the election once Trump wins this November, which he is poised to do, and then some.   Yes, remember all that nonsense about Mike Pence doing the right thing, and certifying the 2020 election with the deciding vote, which put Trump out of the White House and gave us this stupid fool, the criminal Joe Biden, who just this week, his daughter proclaimed that the contents of her diary were true, and that she did shower with her dad as a young girl.  This was not a conspiracy theory.  These are bad, horrendous people, and they are playing for keeps.  And they are not planning to give back the reigns of power over a silly little ol’ election where the people pick their favorite representatives.  No, they are plotting and scheming our destruction moment by moment, and they think you are all suckers.  Even as people from the Trump White House are in jail or going to jail, and now, after many years, there are still many January 6th prisoners rotting away with no prospect at being released.  While Republicans sit around looking for fairness.  They play by the rules while the entire Democrat Party platform exists to break them. 

There are a lot of conservatives who have known for a long time that the game is rigged against us, and we are tired of it.  This placating evil thing has not worked out well, and think about what I’m saying here.  With all the spectacle that there was about getting Trump out of the White House, how Democrats used the rules to essentially establish a coup against a popularly elected President.  Knowing that they will lose power by that same voting system, they will attempt to block that certification process at every step of the way.  When Trump wins in November, the election, Democrats are not going to do what Mike Pence did and go through the routine of certifying the electors toward the politician who received the most votes in the electoral college.  They are going to attempt to burn down cities and send illegal immigrants home to home with a show of violence, hoping to cause as much chaos as possible to punish people for not voting for them.  Democrats are like the mobsters of old.  That’s why we don’t hear about the mob anymore; they went from illegal businesses into government, instead of fearing prosecutors.  They became the prosecutors.  They became the members of the House.  They became the President.  And if you don’t obey them, they will cut off a horse’s head and put it in your bed if they think they can get away with it.  They are ruthless, vicious, and plotting maniacal fools.  They are bloodthirsty.  And they have no intention of giving back power over a silly election.  That power will have to be ripped away from them.  And they will have to be punished tenaciously.

They aren’t intimidated by any Republican solidarity that was shown to President Trump forty years too late; they aren’t shaking in their boots.  They are laughing, because they know what they are willing to do, and they know Republicans won’t do it.  You watch.  It will be the day after the election in November of 2024 and the story will be that Democrats are planning not to certify the election of Trump for a number of reasons.  But it will be their only play after all the court attempts to destroy him have failed.  And all the attempts by the media to disparage him will have shown that Trump even won in heavily Democrat areas and that Joe Biden lost the election so badly that Jimmy Carter will have finally lost that title to the word “landslide.”  Everything will have failed for them, and they will have nothing else but to attempt not to certify Trump to the White House.  They will try to tie it up as much as possible, and in many ways nobody has ever seen before.  Because that is their nature.  They are vicious.  And they have every intention of showing their teeth and doing to us what they accused us of thinking of doing when we had the power not to certify the election and send it back to the states to keep Trump in office.  Democrats won’t just talk about it.  They’ll do it.  And they won’t feel one bit guilty about it as they do.  They will force us to fight them in the streets.  They will be happy to destroy our Constitution because they don’t like it anyway.  They are globalists.  They are communists.  They are thugs, liars, cutthroats, and, on a good day, criminals.  And they have no respect for Republicans because they have observed us for a long time and think they can get away with anything.

Way back in 2015, when people laughed about Trump entering the presidential race when he made the now-famous descent down the escalator at Trump Tower, I would explain all this to them, and they would look at me like I was just a disgruntled rebel who wanted a fight.  That our political system was sophisticated and righteous.  And I explained how far gone everything was to anybody who would listen, and they just giggled under their breaths and thought they knew better.  Well, it had to be Trump for all the reasons we have been seeing, and only now do people seem to understand these domestic enemies that we know as Democrats, finally.  Only now did Republicans show up to show support for President Trump during his New York trial with Fat Alvin and the gang of communist thugs who are running our judicial system there.  Punishment for the crimes that Democrats put forth and intend to utilize in the months to come can only go one way.  It has to be ruthless.  You can’t sit around crying about it, about unfairness, and how sad it is.  You have to get tough.  And you have to be willing to fight it out.  And when Democrats try to steal this election, too, as they did in 2020 when dumb Republicans thought that the real value was in following the rules and preserving our system of a peaceful transfer of power.  When Democrats refuse to leave the White House and all the other power positions they’ve managed to capture, they will dare us into violence, knowing we don’t have the stomach for it.  Which is why it will be likely that it will be our only option.  They’ll make it that way, and as we contemplate that inevitability, they are plotting our destruction with every breath of every word of insurrection that can be applied against the United States of America.  Because they don’t care about the country or its survival.  They only want more power so they can commit more crimes.  That is what we are dealing with, and that’s probably too nice. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Roger Reynolds Has His Conviction Overturned on Appeals: When people like Fat Alvin use the power of government to destroy political rivals

It was a rigged, political case in Butler County. And the prosecutors wasted a lot of tax money on a personal hit job.

I wish people would listen.  I feel like that frustrated parent who has all the answers but has to stand by and watch their kids make dumb mistakes that cause them much pain and suffering anyway.  And if you care about everyone, it can be a harrowing experience.  But essentially, from the beginning, the prosecution against Roger Reynolds, the popular Butler County Auditor, was as flimsy of a case and motivated by the same intentions as the Fat Alvin case in New York against President Trump.  These are purely political cases where the prosecutors are trying to use legal warfare to take out political rivals.  In this case, it was elements of the Republican Party in Butler County, even extending into the Attorney General of Ohio to exert power and position within the party.  It had nothing to do with any actual crimes committed.  Roger Reynolds found himself having the law used against him in a weaponized format, something that happens more often than people would like to think, over disagreements regarding family connections and how tax money is spent, just theorizing on such spending.  And for that Roger Reynolds has had to pay a fortune in legal bills, lose over three years of his life professionally, during his prime income-building years, and was popularly elected into a very powerful auditor position only to be removed from office because of a conviction on a last minute charge tossed over the fence to attempt to get anything to stick against him to get a jury to put him in jail for 30 days and ruin his political career for the rest of his life.  The case had nothing to do with justice but everything to do with power, who controls the legal system, and how they can then use it to take out political rivals.  And nothing more.

On Monday, May 13th, 2024 after many years of fighting for his innocence, a 10th District Court of Appeals in Columbus reversed the conviction against Roger Reynolds from a few years earlier, bringing somewhat to an end the long ordeal that started for him back during Covid when some of the people from Roger’s office as auditor stopped coming to work over Covid rules.  Now I get Roger’s position. I’ve talked to him about it, and I am even more traditional regarding the COVID rules for employment.  Doctors don’t run our economy and when they stuck their noses into our business with all these new globalist Covid rules, they were way over the line.  It was the job of science to figure out how to stop COVID-19 and its spread with science.  Not to shut the world down with a bunch of new rules to establish a new normal.  And some of these kids then, and now, thought that meant they could all work from home to avoid spreading the virus.  When Roger had to deal with that trend in his office, he let people go for not coming to work, and that made people mad.  People then promised their family members that they had the power of the law at their back and could get revenge on Roger.  At that point, an attendance issue then became a big labor one where communist policies seep into the assumptions of a government workforce, and the power of government is then weaponized against that assumption. 

At that point, Sheriff Jones made it his mission to go after Roger Reynolds, spend money on investigations, and waste a lot of money in court proceedings to destroy Roger Reynolds’s life in court.  Many different charges were thrown in Roger’s way, with the power of the Attorney General being added to the mix, trying to make the former auditor look like a corrupt official who had abused his power of office for personal gain.  But nothing was sticking, and Roger was found innocent of all charges.  At the last minute, this issue with Lakota schools and a country club golf connection came up, and Roger suggested to the treasurer that some tax money being returned to the school be applied to a venture that he thought would be a good idea.  It was just a discussion about how to spend tax money.  But Sheriff Jones and the prosecutors threw the weight of their office to destroy the life of Roger Reynolds in precisely the same way that Fat Alvin has been doing to Trump.  Over the last few years, we’ve seen it happening more and more as these same tactics have been used nationwide.  It has been the collision of why people pursue big government jobs to have immense power over innocent people, which is the problem.  When government is sought and used to give power to people who otherwise wouldn’t have it, abuse of government then becomes the subject, and the warning of why we never want to give any people, no matter who they are, too much power through government to abuse others over a quest for power.  In most cases, even if the prosecutors get a conviction, they are being overturned on appeals.  But by the time a defendant spends years trying to prove their innocence, their lives are destroyed in the process.  So, even if they don’t go to jail, they are destroyed in the process.  Now that Roger Reynolds has had his conviction overturned, where does he go to get his reputation back?

I am proud to call Roger Reynolds a friend through all this.  I’ve told him this when I’ve seen him throughout this process.  I am proud of how tough he has stayed in proving his innocence.  I want to see him get back into elected office and do good work because when political enemies see you as that much of a threat, I want to see people like Roger sticking it to those powers to keep things honest.  I would hire Roger Reynolds before and after this appeals ruling because Roger is one of the good guys.  And in a world run by evil and malicious people, like Fat Alvin in New York is against Trump, they are the ones who need to be punished and be fired from government work whenever possible.  I remember the day the indictments came down against Roger and the people who called me to talk about it, very haughtily.  These were small-government conservatives who were impressed with Sheriff Jones’s power to drum up charges to essentially take down a rival within the Republican Party.  And I was surprised how many people played along with it because it was wrong.  I knew it was a crooked case from the beginning because I knew all the people involved and understood the rivalry in ways that weren’t reported in the media.  But what surprised me was how vicious the ordeal became, where the lawyers were the only ones who profited.  They are pleased to have millions of dollars wasted on their services over an issue that essentially was just a family rivalry within a political party.  And this is why we must always watch how people use government power, and why we can’t give too much of it to any one person.  Because they can’t handle the temptation to abuse it.  However, in the case of Roger Reynolds, he was always innocent of those ridiculous charges.  And it’s fantastic that the appeals court saw the case for what it was and reversed the conviction.  Justice still works, even if it takes a while, and a lot of money has to be spent on it to get it.  Let’s go back to dueling, as I say more often.  It was a lot cheaper, and the real bad guys usually went away, saving taxpayers a lot of money in the future.

Rich Hoffman

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Process Efficiency Through Fast Draw Shooting Sports: How to eliminate communism from any culture

There is a root cause of big government and communism in general, and it essentially all comes down to laziness.  The best hedge a country could have to protect itself from communism is an emphasis on hard work and personal improvement.  If you have an efficient society where personal conduct is rewarded, you will have a better society generally.  And they will not vote for communism and all the various follies of Marxism.  I have figured out that over time by participating in Cowboy Fast Draw, particularly a great group of people I have known for quite a while, many years before I started shooting with them, The Ohio Fast Draw Association.  I think of it as one of the best sports that the human race has come up with, but in making it an actual sport that has very rigid rules and regulations, as most shooting sports do that involve real guns and ammunition, the drive toward speed and accuracy has created a window into the purity of human intellect that I find endlessly fascinating.  And that’s what was on my mind as my wife and I had a wonderful meal at the Punderson Manor overlooking one of the deepest lakes formed by glaciation near downtown Cleveland, Ohio.  We were camping across the lake and preparing for one of the first Fast Draw competitions of the year just a few miles to the north, and economic systems and process efficiencies were most on my mind as I thought about current events over pork covered in honey and garlic sauce.  Out of all the educational institutions and means of human intellect, I think the best representation of efficiency matched with risk formed out of Cowboy Fast Draw and America’s fascination with Western arts and entertainment. 

It was something most obviously revealed during Covid, which we all know now was created in a Wuhan lab and released by China and a lot of other nefarious governments for a Great Reset by the World Economic Forum to spread communist-style government micromanaged by a massive, leftist, Administrative State.  And so many companies and governments were ready to jump on and sign us all up for it by a media poised to spread the news as fast as television broadcasts could put up death graphs on the side of their visuals.  This was the theme of my 2021 book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, which I wrote and published during the first year of the Biden presidency, on the heels of the most ostentatious takeover by governments over private industry using Covid as their excuse.  But I wasn’t happy just pointing it out; I wanted to understand why human beings did this to themselves because that is where the real answers to life are.  That is why people were so quick to wear masks during the Covid crises, which were artificially created.  More specifically, when you look at a process for a big company, you will find that they have too many administrative employees and entirely too many rules.  Incompetent people use rules and large administrative practices to hide their incompetency from the eyes of a competitive world.  And you really don’t see that in people until you hang around people addicted to speed like there are in Cowboy Fast Draw events.  Human beings create a lot of rules and drag on any innovation system because they are timid and weak as personalities who look to shield themselves from risk through legislation.  And it is those kinds of people who make governments restrictive and crave communism and the security of a perpetual nanny state.

Of course, the sport of fast draw, especially The Ohio Fast Draw Association that I shoot with several times a year, is to shoot at a target when a light flashes on it and to draw a .45 caliber single action pistol with a wax bullet, as fast as you can from a holster at various distances.  What I like about the Ohio Fast Draw guys is that they have a variety of combat scenarios that are part of their competitions, and it forces you to find the fastest means to achieve the objective within some rigid rules that are always part of shooting sports.  The endeavor aims to manage risk and competence toward the stated goal.  Not to run and hide from it, as most organizations do where this problem of individual merit isn’t addressed.  In my real life, outside of shooting sports, which I consider a real vacation from the sluggish minds of bureaucracy and considerable government inefficiency, I would say that most people have some element of timidity in them that is open to government expansion over improved processing, I see how a lack of management over personal risk drags the world down in unhealthy ways.  People love their rules, their regulations, and their slow rate of completion in things because they are terrified of the actual responsibility of accomplishment.  At Cowboy Fast Draw events, all people generally agree that the goal is to shoot fast, hit the target, and find the most efficient process to perform the task.  That means drawing the gun from my holster in fractions of a second and shooting as soon as the barrel clears the leather.  There is no hiding the intent behind process rules disguised to protect the incompetent from the expectations of performance.  And I never get enough of it.  There are usually six or more events per year, and I always get a lot out of all of them, but what I get most is time away from the sluggish people of the world and their slow obsessions with administrative practices that hide their grotesque lives from competitive expectations. 

Since my last competitive event with these Ohio Fast Draw guys, I have been to Japan twice to deal with real-world issues of efficiency and competence necessity.  In Japan, they do not run from competitive expectations; they fully embrace them as a mass culture.  They are not in love with the process flow that protects themselves from competitive expectations, which is part of their samurai culture that is still alive and well there.  As my wife and I ate our meal and looked out over that lake, this was May of 2024, and my last competition was September of 2023. During that time, I had a chance to observe Japanese culture up close and personal, including how they eat.  Many lights came on for me as to the cause of human society leaning toward communist governments and why corporations of all kinds were so quick to do so.  Those elements of the fast draw and Japanese society painted across the current events of our times revealed a nasty sentiment holding back the human race for many years.  But the sport of fast draw had purged it out and away from its hiding places, and I have found myself obsessed with the results.  It was the root cause behind all the Lean work that had been developed in Japan with the Toyota efficiency standards, into why people behaved the way they did when work was presented to them, and responsibility for success fell on their shoulders.  It would take America’s gun culture to match up with the most successful economy in the world to evolve the sentiment, which I always cherish at competitive shooting events that tell more than just the story of American tradition.  But peel back the veil to the most wonderful elements of human intellect, the ability to use risk to produce efficiency and innovation that otherwise would never come to be.

Rich Hoffman

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The Lies of the Biden Economy: Claiming Covid jobs as economic credit for a Marxist government

Calling someone a liar and a typical political thief is one thing.  But in the case of Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers, to have proof of it is something else.   The economic numbers for Biden are not good and, in many ways, getting worse because not even the communist media will carry water for him as they have.  When they try to tell us that he was legitimately elected, remember what I did as the very first thing.  My wife and I packed up in our RV and went out into the desert to think and get some perspective, which I needed.  I remembered some of this as recently, my wife and I traveled to Cleveland for a fast-draw competitive event and lived out of our RV for an extended period.  We were watching Trump’s speech in New Jersey, where he indicated that he would make a play to win some of those heavy Democrat areas.  It was raining outside, and we had an exceptionally cozy evening together.  We were talking about Trump returning to office and thinking of the first few months of the horrendous Biden presidency, where the shoe was on the other foot.  Since we were so political, we were among the hundred ones, which had been made clear to me.  So we went to the desert of New Mexico to consider what to do next.  I made some adjustments to my life as a result, and then there we were, watching Trump from that same RV a few years later with the rain pouring down outside after a day of shooting and lots of gunsmoke, and the truth was all coming out on Biden.  We knew Biden didn’t win the election with 81 million votes because we had traveled extensively, and they were nowhere to be found.  The Biden people had lied about their election and their presidency, and we were the first to see it.   Now, it was obvious to everyone. 

That same process occurred with Biden’s economic numbers.  We all know we had a much better economy with Trump until the Covid virus was created in a Wuhan lab and released to the world by not only the Chinese but the global communists at the World Economic Forum who wanted to distribute the China model of communism to the world with a Great Reset had wanted to stop that excellent Trump economy hurting him during an election year.  According to Department of Defense reports now, COVID was a bioweapon, and they released it during that year, as they had been planning to destroy Trump’s economy and make their power move for global domination.  Things didn’t work out as they had imagined, and world domination wasn’t happening. All those lunatic billionaires retreated to their hiding places in Davos, and the world tried to somewhat return to normal, hoping everyone would forget about it, even though millions of people had died along the way.  We are all still coming to grips with that tragedy and our government’s role in the scamdemic.  The contents of that contemplation are still considered a massive conspiracy theory, even though the proof is all around us and was all along.   Those same forces wanted a puppet president and found one in Biden. They put him in place with massive election fraud done behind the veil of COVID-19, which allowed them to do so.  This is an element they would not have in 2024, as people are just waking up to deal with all this terrible news, most evident by the Biden economy, which was harming people at every level of society.

Oh, I know, these are hard to think about for people who want to take their kids to soccer practice and buy their next steak dinner off Amazon.  I had a front-row seat, and I think about these things in ways others don’t, so it doesn’t matter when people realize that they have been scammed by a massive government conspiracy centered around the United Nations trying to push Chinese communism to every corner of the world through corporate influence and international finance.  But the truth is easy in this case: the Biden administration has been lying about their economic recovery, saying they had created more jobs than any president in the history of the world, and even skeptical people have been scratching their heads, wondering where they were.  Well, they were the jobs destroyed during Covid, when these same con people convinced President Trump to turn off the economy to save lives, which he did—resulting in the biggest con job the world had ever seen.  And once Trump was out of office, and all the political rivals of Biden had been hunted down, prosecuted, or thrown in jail, the Biden people had to finally give up on Covid as a cover story because the world was coming apart in anger over the issue.  If the Biden people could have, Covid lockdowns would still be happening, with the “new normal,” as they used to say.  But people realized there was a thing called the Constitution, and the lockdowns were illegal.  And the governors across the country were losing their cases and had to reopen the economy. 

Along the way of that reopening, the jobs that the COVID lockdowns had destroyed became open again, and those are the massive job creations that Biden is now claiming his administration has created.  They are saying all this with a straight face and expect the public to accept it without question.  That’s how stupid they think we all are.  And how malicious they are and how much they have lied to everyone.  Even with all the scrutiny, they believe they will get away with lying about their job numbers without the context of a pre-Covid lockdown reality that returned to normal in the years following during the Biden administration.  The Biden economy has been a disaster, as any socialist economy would be, and that has been their policy, and the measures have been obvious.  Their lies about the job reports are much worse because people know better.  But think that if they will lie about these job numbers, what else they have been lying about that is that much harder to prove?  The only thing preventing people from seeing the truth is that they won’t believe it because they can’t imagine that people are that evil and malicious.  Yet, they are, the Biden people.  They are cruel and malicious.  And slowly, people are realizing it.  That’s why people were camped out in New Jersey to see Trump give the same speech over and over, and even Fox News carried the whole thing from beginning to end.  There were over 100,000 people at that Trump event, and it did terrify the political left and the uniparty.  Even with all the crazy court trials, nothing was stopping Trump, and the writing was on the wall.  People knew they had been lied to about Trump and many other things.  And they wanted a change; they wanted their good economy back.  And they were done with Biden and his con artist lies.  They have started to admit to this, which was the first step in solving the problem for good. 

Rich Hoffman

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A Love Letter to America: Season 5 of ‘Yellowstone’

Now that I have watched the Yellowstone series it has confirmed something that I had suspected, which made it a more urgent project.  There is a lot more going on with it than just an entertaining television show.  Taylor Sheridan and the gang are making a point and they know who their audience is, which was obvious at the start of Season 5 if you know what you are looking for.  Of course, Yellowstone is the popular television show for Paramount Plus, which many have called a love letter to the MAGA political movement.  Over the various seasons, Sheridan and the gang obviously struggled with this impression.  After all, they are Hollywood lefties and they didn’t want to be viewed by their peers as a bunch of radical right-winged lunatics.  However, the show has become increasingly popular over the five seasons because the topic of a modern Western has captured the hearts and minds of an audience hungry for content that represents their concerns.  Taylor Sheridan has become a scorching commodity since all the shows he’s producing suddenly are doing very well, not just with Yellowstone, but also the spin-off shows like 1883, 1923, and Bass Reeves.  There are more in the works, but these are all excellent shows, and in my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d see them on television.  They remind me of the old westerns I grew up with, like Gunsmoke and Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie, and I didn’t think Hollywood could produce anything like that ever again.  However, with Taylor Sheridan and Kevin Costner, along with others, there is a revolt against Hollywood that has been going on in Montana and Texas, which has its own kinetic energy that is giving voice to America, which is crying out for its own existence. 

If you’ve ever dealt with Hollywood types you will know that they are cosmetically, outright Marxists.  But around the catering truck, they are like everyone else.  They are mostly Marxists because they have to be to get work, and the financiers of their projects want global communism; otherwise, their projects don’t get greenlit.  But on rare occasions, sometimes you can flip the script on that process, and when someone like Taylor Sheridan is successful, the greed factor takes over, and the finance people forget about Marxism and turn to the glitter and glory of massive profit, which is one of the great attributes of capitalism.  Yellowstone is not a show that could have been made for state-run television.  It is a love letter to the foundation of America, and it is oozing in patriotism.  With the success that Taylor Sheridan has found with these projects, he is moving in a more obvious direction politically, which is similar to what we’ve seen with Elon Musk, President Trump, and Joe Rogan, all people who voted Democrat but have changed over time, based on what they have seen.  At the beginning of Season 5, when John Dutton becomes governor of Montana to essentially save his ranch from developers who want to build an airport, during the swearing-in scene, there is a long pause before putting his hand on the Bible, where Kevin Costner is throwing obvious red meat to the Hollywood community.  The purpose of the scene was to show that the Yellowstone production had not gone native and thrown their lot in with God, even though Kevin Costner does end up doing so and swearing to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.  But the scene’s purpose, even if Taylor Sheridan will never admit to it, was to throw the Hollywood Reporter types into a tailspin of doubt.  Because the rest of the season, the next eight episodes are a love letter to American life that I never thought I’d see in a Hollywood production again. 

In real life, Sheridan and much of the cast have found themselves enamored by the majesty of the flyover states, which has rarely happened to famous Hollywood personalities.  And rather than hiding from it, they have embraced it more.  In the case of Sheridan, he has bought ranches and is desperately trying to tell the story of everyday Americans in this struggle with a true phantom menace of Marxism without calling it that.  There are many parts of Season 5 in Yellowstone where Beth Dutton, the daughter of John Dutton and the apparent future of the show, delivers some of the best pro-American lines that have ever been done in entertainment, on the level of Clint Eastwood and John Wayne.  And they were possible because of that setup of ambiguity at the start of the season with the Bible.  Usually, with these kinds of projects and the success that comes with them, any romantic notions that a producer like Taylor Sheridan receives take the ambition out of the projects, and they become more corporate as more people are interested in attaching themselves to the success.  But not here; Yellowstone has become more authentic.  And even though they probably find the idea repulsive, Yellowstone is more MAGA in the notion of Make America Great Again.  They may not want to admit that they like President Trump.  However, they are after the same things Trump and his supporters wish for in life.  We want our country, and we want to love it.  America is speaking and doing so loudly at the heart of the Yellowstone series and all the Taylor Sheridan projects. 

I don’t think Yellowstone planned to be this way from the beginning.  But what it has ended up becoming, and Taylor Sheridan himself, is an authentic love letter to the creation of America.  As I became more interested in these Taylor Sheridan shows, I caught him on a podcast with Joe Rogan talking about the western 1883 and the genuine plight of a new nation needing to fulfill the needs of Manifest Destiny, where advertisements around the world were begging people to come and settle America for a piece of it.  And much of the world, under various forms of tyranny and the early versions of Marxism, wanted more than anything to have a piece of their own life, even if it meant having to come and fight Indians to the death just for the opportunity.  Taylor Sheridan, throughout his various television series, is grappling with this problem, and it all leans toward the reasons America needed to exist in the first place and is stepping away from the Hollywood Marxism that has so ruined entertainment to its present condition.  And because of all that, people love Yellowstone and the other Taylor Sheridan projects.  I am indeed a fan.  There is some real heart in what is being produced around the Yellowstone series, much better than The Godfather or Dallas, which it has been compared to.  Yellowstone is a love letter to America that has needed to happen for a long time.  And it’s a story told by people going through their own transformation into patriotism.  I have always been conservative.  But I am happy to see more people becoming that way as they learn the real history of America, even if it takes success to free them enough to have that point of view.  Watching Yellowstone is worth the effort to get to Season 5.  And whatever happens in the future with the show, what has happened up to this point can’t be undone.  It’s part of America’s story now; and many people will be better because of it.

Rich Hoffman

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We Must Save America: Flying the red, white, and blue over the destruction of our enemies should make everyone very happy

For most of my life, people I would speak with thought that America was a permanent thing that required no maintenance.  They took for granted that the concept of a country would always be there, that we would win all the wars and have the best economy, and all they had to do about it was pop popcorn in the microwave and watch the whole thing go like a movie on a streaming service.  America would be great whether or not they participated in its greatness.  But now, things are much different, people have seen a level of viciousness they didn’t know the enemies of America were capable of.  And it has pushed people to understand just how fragile the concept of a country really is and why we must all work hard to keep a great country great.  After all, a country is just a set of ideas; some ideas are better than others.  However, in the pursuit of global communism, many want to run the world with a centralized bureaucracy through the newly created United Nations, and they don’t like the concept of one country being better than another.  They want communist sameness, especially the corporate communists who are lazy and don’t want one market in the world to have different rules for them than other countries.  They want everything as uniform as possible, and of course, they will try to destroy America to satisfy their own needs in the world from their perspective.  They aren’t out there fighting for America.  They have been working against America, and they have no shame in it.  Many people now reflect on this impasse by understanding that we must Save America because America is in danger, as a concept and Constitutional Republic. 

When I was little, 3 to 5 years old, my mother realized that I was a very patriotic kid who gravitated to parades and shows of national pride.  So she painted my room in stars and stripes of red, white and blue.  As the years passed, I wore an army hat everywhere, so much so that I wore out the bill of the cap with my fingertips.  I never took it off.  I have been intent on fighting for the red, white, and blue in my country for as long as I can remember, and there is no other outcome for me.  There is no, “coexist.”  There is no “not American.”  There is no “global citizen.”  Some people are better than others.  Some families are better than others.  And certain countries are better than others.  Now, fighting for our country does not include military life for me.  I see them as part of the problem; the structure of military life is built on a rules-based aristocracy that I find repulsive.  I’m happy to go anywhere and fight anybody over anything as a contractor.  However, giving up my rights as an individual citizen and being owned by a government is not my idea of patriotism.  Many people think that military service is the only kind of patriotism.  I think of it as one kind, not a very good one.  Patriotism isn’t about dying for your country and giving it all away like some sacrifice to the maniacal forces of existence.  I am way too strong-headed to take orders from anybody.  It just was never going to happen.  Many have tried and found out just how difficult that is with me.  So military life was never in my cards.  But if some attorney generals want to give me a free get-out-of-jail card, I am happy to take care of any problem for free.  We all know where all the bad guys are; we must decide to move on them.  It’s purely out of patriotism.

The next time I see President Trump, I will tell him that if he needs anything, sign me up as a contractor, and I won’t charge any money for it.  But I would be happy to make other people die for their country or for their commitments to collectivist groups in whatever menace they present themselves.  Once Trump is president again, many bad guys in the world will have to be put down, and I’m happy to help out wherever possible.  But the aristocracy of military life is not for me.  But patriotism, in general, is.  With all that said, I was certainly never going to let America be destroyed without doing something about it.  As I have said many times, I will follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the general practice of law established by the American Supreme Court. However, being pushed around by some corrupt WHO director or United Nations diplomat isn’t going to happen.  Nor will putting up with sellouts in our Senate and Congress.  If a bunch of communists take to the streets to cause trouble in my country, then in my view, they are behaving against the law and will have to be put down.  There is no compromise with people who want to destroy America.  They must be killed themselves for posing the threat.  And this isn’t just something I thought of a few days ago.  This has been at the core of my life, my whole life.  And I have lived it with every cell of my body, well beyond the traditional reverence to military service. 

In that context, there are domestic and foreign enemies, and all of them must be destroyed when in conflict with the idea of America.  Any notion of communism, given the fact that we have spent most of the last century fighting communists, is not going to rule over America.  All these foreign and domestic enemies have gained a lot of strength because people have not protected America the way they should have.  And now we have a situation where violence is very likely on a mass scale.  But accepting this communist, globalist view of the world is not in the cards.  This is not just from my point of view; now, many people are just realizing how precious and delicate the concept of a good country is.  They took it all for granted, and now they see the threats to their country, and they are angry.  Well, they should be.  There is a lot to be angry about.  But it’s not too late to Save America.  America is a set of ideas that are better than the ideas of other countries.  In a competitive world, good ideas are apparent, and bad ideas are snuffed out due to the pressure, which is how it works.  Artificially, propping up ideas to make globalism work isn’t possible.  I’m not going to let it happen.  Many more people are increasingly aware of this trend and are poised to stand against it.  So, any fantasies that the globalists out there had about a one-world government rooted in China-style communism are going to see those dreams shattered.  I have been ready to fight these people all my life, so I’m excited about it.  But yielding to any of them.   Well, that’s just not going to happen.   The only thing on my mind is their destruction, entirely and with great fanfare.  And I intend to fly a red, white, and blue flag over them to rub their faces in the majesty of their destruction and warn others in the future what is coming their way. 

Rich Hoffman

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It Shouldn’t Take Kristi Noem to Teach America How to be a Man: The future will be far tougher than just shooting a sick dog

The story about Kristi Noem’s dog doesn’t change anything for me regarding her qualifications to be the Vice President with President Trump.  There are two main things that a VP will need to do for Trump: defend his plan for MAGA, which she has been doing.  And to establish a continuity culture that will continue for another eight years after Trump leaves the White House this next time.  Someone will need to work with the Trump family for the future of politics and everyone out there with the right brand to do so; it is Kristi Noem who is the best for that need and its fulfillment.  The Guardian newspaper in England is aware of where Kristi’s name is on the selection list, so they read her new book No Going Back and twisted the story around about the dog that she had shot many years ago, hoping it would have an adverse reaction from the public and steer Trump away from picking her.  Based on everyone’s response to that story, I think Trump should pick Kristi Noem more than ever.  Reading that section of the book myself and comparing it to what the radical leftists out there think about it, it’s clear that Kristi Noem is just the right person for the VP job, and this character assassination thing against her needs to backfire in a spectacular way.  I personally like Kristi Noem.  And I like the idea of Kristi Noem being close to the White House and having the potential to be the first woman president.  We know someone will be the first, and the way that Kristi Noem represents America, she would be a great opportunity.  She has been a fantastic governor in South Dakota.  And she knows how to present herself on a national, even an international stage. 

People’s reaction to the Noem story about the dog was most astonishing, though.  Kristi had a dog that was out of his mind and not getting better.  That happens sometimes, especially on farm life, where many animals come and go, and sometimes you get a dog that just doesn’t get it.  And you have to get rid of the dog.  Both of my grandparents were farmers, so I understand farm life better than other people; I know what it’s like to bale hey and what it feels like to get a call in the middle of the night to give birth to a calf.  And I’ve seen many hundreds if not thousands of animals killed either for food or to prevent them from eating the products of a farm.  But farmers are some of the best conservationists in the world, and many animals have a far better life on a farm than they would in the wild, so in the context of farm life, Kristi Noem’s story about her problem causing dog is consistent with all of rural America.  And that America is part of Making America Great Again, which is why Kristi told that story.  The dog was killing other animals and biting people, so she had to do what was done at the end of the movie Old Yeller, and that was to take the dog out back and shoot it.  It used to be people could watch the movie Old Yeller, produced by Disney, and they could relate.  But now, there are lots of these urban dwellers who have grown up as dependent Democrats who have just lost touch with reality, and that Guardian story was intended for their ears as much of the American media picked it up and ran with it.  I’d say that what happened only proved a point I have been making about the differences in those who support Trump are far different from those who have global communism in mind, and the Trump supporters far outnumber those who want big daddy government communism to rule their life from top to bottom.

But it was Clay Travis who had the most surprising reaction to the Noem story for me.  Here is a guy who was picked to fill in the radio void of Rush Limbaugh and lives in Nashville, well outside the media loop culture of Fox News, where he is very well respected as a voice of the future. He loves sports and is a classic man by today’s standards.  But he was really emotional about this dog story.  For him, it was a deal killer.  I listened to him talk about dogs and his love of them, and I was shocked that he was such a beta man.  Not that shooting dogs prove your manhood, but it’s an urban context.  Don’t people realize how cruel the world is for dogs?  How many dogs end up in shelters?  I have picked many dogs from the pound over the years; some worked out great, and some did not.  But I have had to put a lot of dogs to sleep.  Now I live in an area where putting dogs to sleep is easy.  It’s more preferred than shooting a dog when they get sick beyond repair or go bad mentally, which happens as it did in the Old Yeller movie.  But when you live in rural America, as Kristi Noem has on her ranch, and the nearest medical facility for dogs is an hour or more away, shooting the dog on the farm is the most humane way to deal with it. 

Clay Travis, as a modern man, didn’t know that.  He thought that if Kristi couldn’t make the dog work out, she should have given the dog to someone else.  As if dogs were a precious resource.  Hey, there are a lot of dogs in the world, and most of them are not in good homes.  Most of them are being abused to some degree or another.  And there are lots of poor dogs at the pound being put to sleep every day because nobody wants to care for them.  And you know what’s worse? There aren’t enough homeowners these days to even give dogs a proper home because too many people are renting.  And the more that the United Nations gets its way with its Agenda 21 policies that every trustee in America has to deal with, where communities are more urbanized, there are fewer homes for dogs, so many more of them will be killed as communism runs our communities as they have been.  It is not a dog-friendly world, and Clay Travis, out of all people, should understand that.  But the modern left and manhood have shaped his perspective and been defined in new ways that are far from classic American farm life.  And I would say that was Kristi Noem’s point with the dog story.  She certainly set herself apart from the rest of the pack.  Many would say not in a good way.  But based on the reaction of so many people like Clay Travis, I think it was good.  Especially men, need to find a way to be Great Again.  Not by shooting dogs, but it shouldn’t take a woman to tell you how to be a man, and that is a problem in our modern times.  People have lost a connection to the harsh realities of where their food comes from, and how hard farm life can be, which is one of the backbones of American life.  To get too emotional over a dog is to be too emotional to save America from the communist losers who are far worse than that dog Kristi Noem shot on her ranch.  There are a lot of decisions over these coming years that will be far harder.  And people are going to have to have the stomach to do the hard things when required.  Kristi Noem gets it.  But many people need to learn to be tougher, especially those like Clay Travis. 

Rich Hoffman

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