Getting Rid of Herbie: Why Trump’s economy will be so much better than Biden’s

This will likely be one of the most valuable things I will ever tell you.  It’s worth a lot of money to many companies all over the world, but not for the reasons they think.  But on the topic of why Trump’s economy will be better than Biden’s or that Biden and Obama’s economy was worse than Trump’s and why, you have to understand the very nature of all communist and socialist governments.  It’s why, even with over a billion people in China, they still have a GDP that is less than America, with 2/3 fewer people. It is one of the most significant crimes happening in the world; it is not strictly against the law, but laws are created to preserve its nature.  That trend is expressed in the classic book on efficiency called The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt, which deals with the Theory of Constraints and how to deal with them.  Goldratt is the Jonathan Cahn of business books, and he has a series of them that many companies worldwide have sought to improve their lives in some way, and for all the same reasons that people pursue religion.  They don’t necessarily want to fix anything, but they go through the motions, hoping to trick God into letting them into the Heavenly Gates at some point.  And that is the approach that many people have with The Goal.  On the surface, it’s a pretty good book with a fictional narrative about a plant manager with minimal time to turn a company around to start making a profit.  But behind the scenes, it’s a soft sale on communism that has infiltrated the marketplace over the last several years.  The goal is to identify the constraints in your manufacturing process and manage them instead of trying to jam things through them. 

When I talk about The Goal to people, which happens all the time actually, I tell a story from the book where a bunch of backpackers are hiking to a destination, and they have a big fat kid named Herbie who is holding up the rest of the hikers from reaching their destination on time.  Since Herbie is fat, not as strong as the other kids, and has a hard time carrying a heavy backpack through the wilderness on a long trail, the kids behind him bunch up to his back while the kids in front of him pull way out ahead.  They arrive at the destination many hours ahead of Herbie and those behind him, and the goal of the exercise is to have process flow built around team cohesion.  So, the story’s purpose is to find ways to lessen Herbie’s burden on the group and to pace all the activities to those limits.  For instance, don’t force Herbie to carry the heavy backpack because it will just slow him down.  Have those who can take the backpack do it for him because, as the communists say, “those who can, each by their means,” and all that.  Once you realize that people reading the book, especially government types, are using this Theory of Constraints to hide their laziness and incompetence and trying to sell it as an efficiency tactic.  Without question, constraints are a genuine thing.  But how you deal with them is something I’m afraid I have to disagree with most of the world emphatically.  Constraints are meant to be managed, not yielded to, and the point of The Goal is to find out what they are and build everything around them. 

See the problem here, lower your expectations and live with the limits of Herbie

In my worldview, I advocate for removing Herbies from the process. I believe in finding individuals who are about 100 pounds lighter and can carry a heavy backpack. I don’t believe in forcing the rest of the group to slow down for slow old Herbie.  I say remove as many constraints as possible with good, competent people.  But to do that, we must acknowledge that all people are not equal.  Some people are better than others, and in a business environment, this is the opposite of what political trends have tried to create in the world. They emphasize equity and inclusion, not performance and competency.  And you can see this in the performance of the world today, from your local drive-thru to the store stocker at your local grocery.  In my view, the Biden administration is all about creating a society of Herbies. In my world, I would encourage them to be the first to be fired or pushed out of your work culture.  Rather than building around the Herbies, I would say to get rid of them and replace them with someone faster and better. This goes against almost every unspoken rule of our modern world.  However, the government, especially under Biden and Obama, is all about putting as many Herbies into your system, so it’s no wonder their governments are much less efficient and covered with slowness and waste.  They have made it pretty much illegal even to judge the performance of the Herbies of the world. When you want to understand what has happened in the world to slow everything down, The Goal, as a book, has captured the problem well.  But not for the reasons it intended to define the Theory of Constraints.  Lazy losers in the world and incompetent people afraid of competition have been empowered by it to prevent performance from being the measuring criteria and instead made group cohesion the mode of operation as a central value. 

Don’t learn to live with constraints. Improve them or get rid of them all together

During his first term, Trump thinks about Herbies the way I do.  He brought free market capitalism back to the markets where competition drove expectations for about three years until COVID-19 was invented and released to tamper with the 2020 election and get a Great Reset to all global markets influenced by the communists at the World Economic Forum.  And the American economy flourished under Trump.  But the policy of Obama and Biden, which is attached to global communism, China style, and corporate control superseding elected governments, wants a society of Herbies that they feed with welfare checks and entitlements because it gives them more centralized control over mass populations.  If they can sell that inefficiency to the public as “efficiency,” you can bet they will try.   So few people understand why Trump’s economy was, and will be, so much better than Biden’s.  Most economists don’t understand it; they have been taught only one way of viewing economic value, so they are oblivious to what Trump will do, which differs from Biden.  However, the real difference is that any good economy or company trying to implement a process will seek to eliminate as many Herbies as possible. And if they do have them, to mitigate the damage they cause to others by slowing everything down.  Speed is our friend in a thriving economy and successful business.  And rather than manage around our Herbies, we should get rid of them whenever we spot them and replace them with someone much faster and more competent.  That holds of a machine or even a business model.  If speed is not the emphasis, then incompetence becomes the breeding ground of fools, and you end up with horrendous economic numbers, such as we have seen with Biden.  The fix is easy, but it is something the government doesn’t want to see happen as they attach themselves to the global communist movement where Herbies are made, not managed.

A much better world, one without Herbies

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Horrible Biden Economy: A purposeful attack on our personal lives by global terrorists

There is an anti-ownership movement going on globally that is working in the background of the communist Biden economy, which is reflected in the grotesque financial numbers coming on the heels of 1st quarter reporting.  When you understand what kind of lies the reporting machine puts out to deceive the public on the economic health of the American economy, then you’ll understand why only reporting 1.6% growth when the prediction was over 2% was so devastating for the Biden people.  Just as most people never saw a bullet or a battlefield during most of the wars in the world, this modern battle, which is much different, is impacting them the same.  People might not have fought in a modern war, but they would see the cost of goods increase as supply chains are disrupted by fights around the world where people are at war.  But this fight is connected to virtually every person in the world, at every bank, and the movement of a dollar.  The intent is to eradicate private ownership of everything and turn it all over to collective associations, just as Karl Marx always proposed.  In America mom and pop shops are being replaced with corporate boards, and private ownership of homes is being consumed by companies like BlackRock off fake Fed money funneled through Wall Street to clean it up for public consumption, with the intent to make renters out of owners, and to gradually steer them all back into city life, where they can be controlled more efficiently with a centralized government.  Meanwhile, in line with Agenda 21 initiatives and 2030 goals from the United Nations, communities are building lots of apartments to shift ownership from private homes to apartment life.  From buying a car to using shared vehicle services.  There is a subtle communist plan behind most of what our money touches that is a real menace, and people have been slow to understand it.  But when the lying machine can’t produce anything better than that silly 1.6% GDP growth, you are starting to see the rabbit under the table for the global magic trick, and people aren’t happy about it. 

A few years ago, while traveling across the countryside of Canterbury, England, I noticed how much open green space they had and how so many people lived along the train routes from that city to London, about an hour to the west.  Most residential property in England was focused around traditional towns and communities.  And the price of private flats and homes was extremely high.  As I asked about this, it became clear that England and France were well on their way, decades ahead of the United States in fulfilling the globalist plans of the United Nations and frustrating private ownership of homes and cars by raising the prices of everything to push everyone but the most wealthy away from ownership.  If you understand the intentions of the Masons Karl Marx and his best bud Friedrich Engels in Das Kapital, for instance, the real estate across the English countryside makes sense for a socialist, communist government.  However, private people would rebel if told to accept a communist government.  To take it, they would have to be manipulated over a long period where death and inheritance would insulate people from seeing the overall global strategy embedded in every centralized bank.  The kids would never see what the parents lost because they were too busy with their own lives to notice, and gradually, over time, everyone would lose everything in the managed chaos created by these globalist forces. 

Yesterday, some of my children were shopping for a new car and were frustrated that most of them were not good enough. These days, the decent cars were all over 100K dollars.  By the time you compensate for the cost of compliance and the regulatory environment to build a decent car, the cost structure is too high for most people to afford, so they can’t.  The car market in America is struggling, especially with the push for EV cars, which will cost car companies enormous amounts of money.  Of course, the Federal government will bail out these big companies just as it did in 2008.  However, in the process, those companies will have to turn over some of their control to the government and lose their independence to manage their affairs.  Do you see how the game is going?  It’s not so subtle now, but over the years, it has been, and the increased costs are purposeful to steer people away from private ownership of cars, homes, and businesses and to frustrate them into selling off their assets and moving into an apartment controlled by a centralized authority.  That plan was well underway in America until people picked Trump in 2016. Trump turned off all these artificial controls and gave some power back to private people, and of course, the economy thrived.  This was devastating to the globalist’s plans for communism everywhere, so it was not a surprise that they lost their minds and created Covid as a cover for their World Economic Forum Great Reset, and had to steal the election of 2020 to get control of their Agenda 21 plans, which were eroding from them with a populist movement popping up around the world, not just in the United States.

And Biden put in place all the economic controls that had been planned, many of them by executive order, and as I have been saying for several years now, we are technically in a Great Depression, and people feel it.  However, like in the 1930s in America, it was not caused by natural occurrences but by massive government tampering.  The Great Depression was made by the government to push communism into America with FDRs New Deal politics.  Then to cap it all off, World War II created the United Nations and we have what we see today.  Massive government tampering caused it all, just as they are causing it now, for all the same reasons.  Except now, they have a media culture that will help them better sell failure to the public.  So, they deliberately hid the Biden economy from the public even if everyone could see the results in extremely high prices.  Since Biden took office just a few years ago, overall prices for everything are up 19.4%, food prices are up 21.1%, rent is up 20.9%, and electricity is up 28.3%.  Gasoline is up a whopping 47.8%.  These are not natural occurrences, but purposeful military strategies meant to destroy the American economy through rigged elections, criminal syndicates running our elected offices, and global scum bags entrenched in centralized finance.  And even with all their propping up the economy with phony Fed money, all they could legitimately show for economic growth was 1.6% when they needed to show much, much more to attempt to keep Biden in office.  If they could have shown a better report, they would have.  But the truth is that the economy is much worse than that, which tells you everything you need to know.  Communist terrorists are running our financial systems in detrimental ways for the destruction of our way of life.  And they are terrified of another Trump term where all these controls will be cut off, and justifiably so.  The United Nations is going to lose the power it has spent most of the last seven decades building.  Which is the fight of our day and what is on the table for the future.  But the high prices are not natural; they were created for political reasons, and the economy, as bad as it is, was managed to be that way by our domestic enemies, with which everyone will have to come to terms.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Judge and Judge Often: Don’t get hung on a cross or be destroyed like the Indians–punish evil and make them pay

Here’s my thing: we’ve been too friendly to the Marxist movement behind much of our social interactions.  There are a lot of people upset with me over my recent smoke shop article and find my anti-pot stance intolerable.  Hey, I told everyone back in August 2023 how it would be before a bunch of losers and lobbyists worked to make marijuana legal.  And if there is an edge to me now that people didn’t notice so much before, it’s because of things like this.  I have watched the pot movement grow over the years by these hippie flower children forces that have been gaining ground since I was born, and I never liked them.  I treated them fairly, but their intentions were always to take and take more, no matter how much kindness we gave them, and now they are going for the destruction of our country, and they aren’t shy about it.  And now that pot has been legalized in Ohio, a place I call home, I consider it an act of war.  And anybody who has looked up my past and researched me already knows my position.  There is a lot of violence in my wake over fighting pot in my various communities.  I have been evident in my position, and I could tell stories all day about my long life fighting against it that have much more relevance to people now with the context.  There are lots of police, mayors, and commissioners who hear my name and know the trouble, and they’d rather forget about it.  These were not things done in secrecy; it’s all been well documented.  But this whole “you do you, and I’ll do me” libertarian nonsense isn’t going to work for me.  So the pot heads brought it on themselves; now that they’ve brought that stuff overtly into my community, pot is the new “Lakota Schools,” for me.  Locals in my community will understand what that means.

One thing you will never see in front of one of these smoke shops selling marijuana paraphernalia is a nice car.  People who do dope tend to be lazy losers who drive beater cars and look like the kind of people who can barely get out of bed in the morning.  Anybody who thought they could replace good business in all the vacant strip malls with these smoke shops and that it would be “good for our community” was not thinking straight.  When people say to me, “Who died and made you king,” here’s the deal: if people are free to rub pot consumption in my face, then I am free to cast judgments on it and the people who use it.  For me, there is no blurred line on pot consumption because it’s the sign of a society retreating to the primitive, to follow the Vico Cycle back to the village hut of compliance to a tribal council, and is the opposite of freedom.  Consumers of pot are weak, and they are seeking to justify it with a chemical substance that hides it from the world where they should be working to make themselves better.  So when people tell me I should be like Jesus and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1), I say, look what happened to Jesus when he was hung on a cross crying for the Father not to abandon him.  Don’t end up hanging on a cross.  Humans can bring whatever meaning they want to religion, but I’m not OK with the teachings of Jesus if people think we aren’t supposed to judge lousy behavior or punish people for it.  I’ll stick with the Old Testament, thank you. I say, “judge and judge often,” and punish those who intend harm to you and your society.  And any advocate of marijuana is intending harm to our society.

I warned everyone of the old hippie notion of “live and let live.”  I’ve told everyone the truth about how the KGB and the CIA worked hard to import communism to our college campuses, just as they are now with the anti-Israel movement, to erode the foundations of our youth.  The concept of “let’s party” was revealed in the excellent Ayn Rand book We The Living, a youth movement meant to usher communism into their society in Russia.  Ayn Rand would know because she had to flee her homeland and her family to escape it.  And all that nonsense was brought to America in the 1930s with Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, and it culminated in the 1960s with all the campus riots.  And it’s still happening, festered on by people like George Soros, who fund a lot of this destructive behavior among people willing to take the easy money and bring chaos to our streets, to submit to communism.  And pot is one of those strategies of communism against America.  The intent was to weaken our youth and our Biblical culture of values and to fall to communism because everyone was too stoned to fight back.  That is why I have such a hatred for the stuff.  I’ve known this for a long time.  I feel this way because I read a lot.  And I don’t take attacks against my country kindly.  And all drug consumption, even alcohol, as far as I’m concerned, is an attack.  The legalization of pot is meant to destroy the concept of civil society and replace it with a bunch of stoned losers who won’t work, won’t lead their families, and are no good to anybody for anything.  Yes, I will judge others, and I will judge often. 

I ordered a margarita with some friends at a fancy dinner the other day.  People around me at the table were shocked because they knew my position on drugs.  Occasionally, I’ll drink something with alcohol in it because the texture of the drink makes it interesting.  I’ll occasionally sip on a wine as well.  But not very often, and never to get drunk.  In a long list of people who have known me over the years, nobody will ever be able to claim that they saw me drunk and disorderly.  I was always the one who was sober and had my head on straight, even when I spent time with some very wild and crazy people.  In my church, there was an epic battle between them, my congregation, and me over communion.  If not for the church, I likely would have never tasted a drop of alcohol.  I was never OK with the cannibal ritual of eating the symbolic body of Christ and drinking his blood, which is a Roman way of bringing all the religions of their empire under one roof of Christianity.  I’d rather not sacrifice people to the powers of the universe in any way.  And I’d always recommend staying sober to do it.  But with pot, there is no redeeming factor.  Like many people have said to me recently, “But the Indians did it.”  Yeah, that’s my point.  Most of them ended up dead and eradicated from existence, with their culture destroyed.  See a pattern?  There is nothing good about pot smoking, and anybody who is trying to sell it to you is trying to destroy your culture.  And there is no compromise with it.  If people want to bring it to my front door, they will get what they get.  Now that they have, I am much less tolerant of their other behaviors that I find objectionable, and they will hear from me about it often.  Because I will be doing what you should be doing dear reader, and that is “judging and judging often.”  And punishing those who have done wrong.  If you want to save your country and not end up destroyed like the Indians or hung on a cross like Jesus, try something different, starting with judging evil and punishing those who commit it.  And look at intoxication the way I do, as a slow way of killing intellect and, therefore, the person that houses it.  And punish it as attempted murder because that’s what intoxication, all intoxication, is.  The murder of a mind. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Trouble with a Police State: A “swatting” strategy designed to test the fences

Over the last few years, there have been several times that I thought it was time for a very unpleasant experience involving the police. This started around the time of the lockdowns in Ohio, where I was one of the only people still behaving normally as it looked like road checkpoints might be a genuine concern to keep people off the roads and complying with a corrupt governor’s insane mandates. I lived my life mostly normal generally during the Covid lockdowns, and for a few weeks, it wasn’t clear if, at any moment, there might be some shootout with corrupt forces trying to impose on society a direct violation of the Bill of Rights. I kept playing the mistakes made by the FBI at Ruby Ridge and Waco through my head and considered how I might approach that problem differently. And probably because of the region and the type of people in it, that checkpoint problem never happened, and everyone eventually lived happily ever after. But those same concerns returned on Christmas Day this year as reports of swatting were being reported everywhere, where someone calls the police against a political target and reports that person as being dangerous. It has happened to Steve Bannon on the Warroom several times, Marjorie Taylor Green, and Laura Loomer, and on Christmas morning, it looked like it was happening to me. As my children were coming over to have Christmas at my house, two police vehicles sectioned off my road in front of my house with their noses of their squad cars blocking the road, pointing into traffic, and it looked like that was going to be it. So, figuring that to be the case, since I am on several “political enemy” lists, I did what I did. As it turned out, a few minutes later, they were leaving, which I was not unhappy about. They indicated they were looking for a place to hang out because it was Christmas Day, and they had nowhere else to go. Well, hanging out in front of my house wasn’t a good idea. So we parted ways for that day.

As we get further into 2024, I think this will become a much more prevalent problem as very desperate political characters turn to the police, who serve whatever administration is in power, and use this swatting strategy to harass political opponents.  There have been increased incidents between both Republicans and Democrats of this “swatting” strategy, and they have certainly become more aggressive since the days of Covid, where the apparent problems of a massive police state showed us just how dangerous it is to have too many police on the payroll reporting to corrupt politicians not following the Constitution and honoring our American Bill of Rights.  The Bill of Rights explicitly limits what a government can and cannot do, and for me, there is no compromise, especially regarding the Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.  I did a radio show many years ago over this topic on WLW with Darryl Parks about the dangers of the newly written NDAA that Congress passed back then and how the military could be weaponized against the people who were supposed to control it.  I have a pretty good relationship with my local law enforcement.  I will always say that we need law enforcement.  But I am always weary of their power and the tendency to abuse it.  I call it the “mall cop” syndrome.  Even the best-intentioned people can turn into maniacs once they gain the ability to carry a gun and kick in someone’s door for the “safety of society.”  This policy idea that your Bill of Rights is suspended until they determine that you are not a threat is completely wrong as far as I am concerned.  And when someone “swats” you, the assumption is that the police then have a constitutional breaking mandate to violate your rights until they prove to the contrary, which is at the heart of the problem.   

I would go even further and discuss this as a strategy of sheer evil that steps beyond the veil of conscious reality, which is why I have been writing a lot lately about the hostility of the spirit world and those occult practices that seek an alliance with help from the quantum realm.  My interest is in what makes people do bad things and why they think the things they do, especially under a crisis management scenario.  I took the incident on Christmas Day at my house as the raptors testing the fences to see what they could and couldn’t get away with.  But what made them want to try?  Those are the things I spend a lot of time thinking about.  Behind that concern is this push to continuously expand the reach of government with more police with prominent stories that we hear about all the time, where police brutality causes race riots, and it forces society to pick one side or the other.  The Democrats come up with a “defund the police” strategy to decrease police killings of innocent people.  Republicans want to fund more police and “back the blue.”  But the real menace is the political characters, both spiritual and terrestrial, who want to play these forces against each other with the result of getting people screaming for more police protection and submission of their Bill of Rights over to a police state of massive government expansion so that when they do come and arrest you in the middle of the night by kicking down your door and you suddenly have to “prove you are not guilty” before they let you go, you won’t expect anything else.  You’ll want police brutality so that you can be “safe” when the real bad guys are out there causing the trouble to begin with.

This isn’t, after all, a conspiracy strategy; we have seen lawfare applied to President Trump, a former president, so the blueprint is out.  Big governments run by corrupt people expect that they can raid your home, go through your wife’s underwear drawer, and push your face into the ground with your hands behind your back whenever they decide to.  They might apologize later, but they genuinely do intend to embarrass you in front of your friends and neighbors to show that they have domination over you.  They don’t care about the arrest; they care about letting people see how much power they have so that you’ll be ready to submit if they decide to use it.  And when they want to go after political targets, one way to diminish them in the eyes of their followers is to show the world how little power they have.  This is why conservatives have been getting swatted a lot lately.  And I think it will continue to increase as the insanity of the communist left realizes they are losing power and that crimes they have been involved in will now have to be paid for.  While they can, they plan to abuse their power for all its worth.  So we should expect to deal with these things accordingly.  No matter what party you are affiliated with, this is a problem for everyone because it is a strategy of the Deep State that has no respect for the American Constitution, and they intend to cause trouble that we beg for more police so that the police can then become an extension of government power who then give them the right and ability to violate your rights with just a phone call and to take out political enemies so that the state can grow and gain public power as a net result.  We saw during COVID-19 that this is a real problem; the bad guys were testing out what they could and could not get away with regarding massive abuses of authority.  And since then, this swatting strategy has become much more frequent.  And on Christmas Day of 2023, I thought my knowledge of the Constitution would be tested.  Which everyone knows there is no compromise on.  We live in that world, and I advise everyone not to take the bait.  Keep government as minimal as possible, including the amount of local police you have.  Because with just a phone call, they can indeed become your enemy at a moment’s notice.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Politics of Heaven: Evidence of a vast conspiracy involving giants, disembodied evil spirits, and the ancient Book of Enoch

I certainly didn’t start this process with the eventual conclusion being what it is.  And no, people are not ready to hear this truth.  But under some diligent investigation over a long period, this is where everything essentially leads: the central conflict on Earth and what I call the Politics of Heaven.  We’re talking about the contents of 1 Enoch 15:8-12, where the disembodied spirits of ancient giants are imprisoned on earth and cause so much harm in the world.  And why not? Look at the mess we can see; this problem has been looming in the background of everything since the beginning of the known time.  And the region of the world where all this started, with a band of around 200 rebels against God who plotted to corrupt humanity to perverse God’s creation at the current site of Mt. Hermon in Israel, and they are still at it.  Millions and millions of what we call demons, working at a quantum level, occupying the dumb, naive, and corrupt by working their bodies against their will through drunkenness and drug-induced recklessness, to provide us with the outcomes of evil which we are now contending with.  I came into all this just asking questions, and to peel away those questions with eventual answers, which end at Mt Hermon and this band of rebels against God who conspired on earth to corrupt humans, which introduced all the pagan practices that have been with us for tens of thousands of years.  I would think of it all as a story if not for a couple of conspiratorial elements that make a lot of sense and have been bothering me most of my life.  The first is the conspiracy of why 1 Enoch is not a book in the Bible because it is the key to understanding the entire plot of the Bible.  And two, that in ancient mounds all over the world, especially in the United States, we have the bones of giant people who have been hidden from the public behind this ridiculous notion of Indian grave preservation.  The conspiracy to make that evidence not known to the public answers the first question of why 1 Enoch was not in the Bible, politically.  And how that decision was made.

Long-time readers here might remember; you can certainly look it up over the last 15 years when I published an article on the Giants of Ohio, which was a collection of old newspaper articles reporting the discovery of giant skeletons around traditional Indian mound locations, which are abundant in Ohio specifically.  But they extend down the Ohio River to the Gulf of Mexico.  I had just taken my family to a ghost hunt at the Moonville Tunnel in eastern Ohio, expecting to disprove the existence of ghosts.  Instead, we ran into the opposite condition, which proved to me that there are all kinds of disembodied spirits roaming around the earth fixed on locations they inhabited during life, and they don’t go to Heaven for whatever reason.  But they do attach themselves to people who are passengers in their bodies.  These disembodied spirits take control of these people, often without them realizing it, and drive their bodies around as if they were their own.  Learning all that, my family and I found ourselves at the Mothman Festival down in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where very paranormal activities occurred, so we capped our trip off with a visit there to check things out.  That is where I found a map of paranormal activity for Ohio, which bewildered me, and on it were provided known locations of giant skeletons of previously unknown people. 

Since that time at the Mothman Festival, I have been interested in who these giants were and why science refused to do any further investigation from the point of view of scholarship. I know of four blatant conspiracies related to this topic. One is the famous Serpent Mound, where people over 8 feet tall were found in the mounds. In Miamisburg, many huge people were located in the ground, and archaeologists stopped digging in the late 1800s because it scared them what they found. Strangely, no further digging was done with all the colleges in the area. Then there is the Middletown Mound, right across the river from my house, that sits stagnant and in political limbo, partially looted. The bones on the top of it have been stolen for a private collection where no further study has ever been done. And, of course, there is the primary site down the road from my home just a few miles south of downtown Hamilton, which is the Fortified Hill site, which has a direct connection to the Pleiades star system and is significant, much like Serpent Mound. These are hints of an ancient, global culture, not a bunch of nomadic Indians scraping sticks together for fire and hunting with rocks. These were celestial characters who were very large in stature, and history has erased them from the earth, for political reasons. Except for the bones left behind and their story written down in the 2nd temple period, roughly 300 BC, in the Book of Enoch, which Jesus Christ certainly would have known about. The Books of Enoch and specifically The Book of Giants were found within the Dead Sea Scrolls which was discovered in 1946, so it’s very recent. Slowly, people have come to accept that the Book of Enoch, which talks about all these giant people, should have been one of the significant books of the Bible preceding the events of Noah.

Over the last twenty years, more private investigations have cascaded off each other to uncover many of these giants’ truths.  I likely played a part in that, I wrote things, a lot of things.  People would contact me about my articles.  I can think of many hours of interviews I did with the people from The Unearthed television series that didn’t add up to much on screen but indeed pointed the private investigators in the right direction to acquire vast amounts of evidence.  There have been many books written on the subject. Yet, there is still this stubborn reluctance to admit to the truth, which ironically is the same level of conspiracy as we have seen with COVID-19, which was created in a lab by the American DOD and released by globalists for all kinds of political reasons. We have a media that has covered up the truth for over three years.  We have the same conspiracy going on with the Book of Enoch, including the many reasons it was considered an Apocryphal writing and not part of the orthodox text of the original Bible.  Because of the amount of scholarship being done these days, particularly the great work of the late Dr. Heiser where the Book of Enoch has been taken very seriously, we now know that it had a significant influence on writers of the New Testament in the opening centuries AD, from 100 AD on.  So, you can’t study the Bible without understanding the Book of Enoch.  And to understand Enoch you have to understand the nature of evil and its connection to these ancient giants, these Heavenly watchers and angels who sought out human females for their quest for lust and malice.  And all that would sound very far-fetched if not for what we know about these ancient bones, which are still covered up to this day.  Only now do we have a lot of evidence that there is a lot more to the story concerning us in the present.  And that the politics of Heaven is just as bloodthirsty as what we see anywhere in the world, perhaps more so.  And it’s a very ancient problem we are tasked with solving now.

What’s important about all this is that it points to a common theme among globalists and those who get invited to the upcoming Davos World Economic Forum meetings.  When you know some of these people and learn what they think about things, you will find common traits that make them easy for quantum manipulation by living organisms that we traditionally call “spirits” and “demons.”  And when you witness their lifestyles of perverse sexual obsessions, intoxication, and other sinister behaviors, you will find the exact personalities that were present at the time of the Watchers, as talked about in the Book of Enoch.  And to keep that trait disguised so as not to let the world know what has always been going on behind power moves, wars, and all the misery of the earth, the public has been kept in the dark by looking for evil in all the wrong places, which has always been part of the strategy of concealment.  But time and the shrinking world have brought us to this point of finally figuring it out.  Along the way, many good thinkers, starting with the Jewish people, then migrating to Christians, Mormons, Hindu, and Buddhist people, have formulated a way to combat these evil traits from the same flawed characters that jump from body to body over many lifetimes.  And they hide behind the weak, the stupid, and the compromised, to fulfill their lusts concealed behind our assumptions.  Yet, the task of our times is to end this nonsense once and for all, which starts by acknowledging that it was an evil that was always there and that we have a right and obligation to make it no more and to conquer it wherever they are, and in all of their hiding places, openly and concealed.

Rich Hoffman

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I Endorse Bernie Mareno for Ohio Senate: The necessity of Defeating the radical Democrat Sherrod Brown

I had been thinking about Frank LaRose for the next senate seat in Ohio, where Sherrod Brown, the long-time extremely progressive Democrat, is vulnerable.  There are three Republicans looking to take a shot at taking on Sherrod Brown, and because he was Secretary of State and I knew the most about him, Frank was well positioned to defeat Sherrod Brown, which will be a tough job under optimal conditions.  I remember how tough it was when another person I supported, Jim Renacci, tried to do it a few years back but fell short.  Jim left some opportunities on the table, so this has been cooking in the background for quite a while.  Winning this seat would significantly impact the balance in the Senate from Democrat control to Republican.  But it needs to be a good Republican, and there was an upgrade when Rob Portman stepped down and J.D. Vance won that seat opposite Sherrod Brown.  Rob Portman had essentially become a Democrat, and between him and Sherrod Brown, Ohio was not being represented in the federal Senate with conservative values.  So, this next chance at Sherrod Brown was critical, and I thought only Frank had a chance.  The other guy running is another person I have met a few times, Matt Dolan.  He’s a good guy, but he’s a traditional country club Republican who doesn’t think much of Trump supporters, and nobody is going to win anything in Ohio if they don’t have the Trump base.  Plus Matt is one of the owners of the Cleveland Guardians baseball team in Cleveland and people haven’t forgotten how he caved to woke pressure to change the name from the Indians, which people miss.  So he is damaged goods.  Then there was this guy Bernie Mareno, who I didn’t know much about until I met him at a fundraiser for Nancy Nix.

I was surprised that Nancy Nix had already come out in favor of Bernie at that point.  But the special election in August hadn’t happened yet, and the loss on Issue 1 essentially damaged Frank LaRose for the foreseeable future.  And I couldn’t help but think how funny Bernie Mareno was at that event, which featured comedians for entertainment. That was quite a nice touch by Nancy.  Nancy usually has a great sense of people in politics, so I pay attention to who she supports and why, and suddenly, Bernie Mareno looked a lot better for that senate seat.  So, I was already leaning in the direction of Bernie when I had a chance to have lunch with him and get to know him better.  And I’m glad I did because there are things I learned that I wouldn’t have otherwise come to know about him personally, which makes him to me an emphatic yes on an endorsement. Bernie Mareno is undoubtedly the best Republican to take on Sherrod Brown, and after hearing from his team, they have the best game plan I have heard yet for taking down the long-time Democrat.  Bernie was good on all the conservative boxes, great on Ukraine support, great on business first in Ohio, and great on MAGA positions.  He has been a successful businessperson, so he has an independence that I find very valuable in political figures.  After spending some time with Bernie it was clear to me why Nancy came out so early in endorsing him.  Bernie was likable, brilliant, and getting into politics for all the right reasons.  Essentially, and I understand completely, he’s at a place where he has been very successful and wants to leave the country in good hands to the next generation. 

Unlike Frank LaRose, who is now damaged goods politically because of the Issue 1 failure, and Matt Dolan, who does not like Trump supporters and is best known for changing his name under woke pressure, Bernie Mareno is a well-connected fresh face.  He has a great relationship with J.D. Vance, the current senator.  I had met J.D. under similar circumstances in the backyard of Nancy Nix, by her pool, ironically.  So, it has been interesting to watch this new generation of politicians emerge and build a new teamwork network.  And Bernie is undoubtedly part of that because with J.D. Vance also comes relationships with the Trump family, especially Don Jr and Kimberly Guilfoyle.  Bernie also told me that he had formal endorsements from Charlie Kirk from Turning Point USA, so these were all great things, and there are many more to come.  Bernie Mareno had quietly put together all the pieces for a successful run against Sherrod Brown that he would need, which certainly consolidated the Trump MAGA base in Ohio without ostracizing all the other degrees of Republicans along the way, which can be a tricky balance.  And he’s full-time committed to running for this seat, which means a lot of leg work across Ohio, which he has already been utilizing, with a lot more work to do.  But it’s a tough job, even with great endorsements, and one obvious thing was that Bernie Mareno was a hard worker who was faith-based.  We talked about God and moral perspective on the Washington D.C. culture, which he was great at.  And he had the right mindset for what it would take and the energy to put it all to work. 

I endorse Bernie Mareno for the Ohio Senate seat.  I would give it based on what I know about Bernie himself.  All the other good stuff is just reassurance.  To beat Sherrod Brown, you must be able to tap into his union support in the northeast, and only the Trump base can do that with the percentages needed.  There are a lot of union people who support Trump and are willing to vote for Republicans on anything, so long as Trump is part of the story.  Then, of course, the rest of the puzzle is that Bernie will have to perform with significant margins in the southwest.  Only Bernie has a chance at any of this.  I worry about Frank being stubborn and not repairing his brand before another run because he could easily make himself a future Ron DeSantis.  You lose a lot of political capital when you suffer a loss, and Frank needs to be part of some wins before he attempts anything like a state race again.  And, of course, the MAGA base won’t turn out for Dolan, and at this stage, there is no way to be who he isn’t.  Dolan will get soft support and nothing better, and that won’t peel away any votes from Sherrod Brown.  Only Bernie Mareno has a plan and personality to pull that off, which is exciting.  I’ve heard a lot of happy talk over the years about taking on Sherrod Brown, but nobody has had the gas in the tank to do it.  Bernie Mareno does.  And I’m looking forward to watching it happen over the coming race.  Replacing Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown with J.D. Vance and now Bernie Mareno would be excellent for Republican politics and change the face of the Senate into a much more conservative body of representative government.  And it is what Ohio deserves after several long years of the wrong people representing us.  We all deserve better, and Bernie Mareno is what we should have had all along. 

Rich Hoffman

What to Know About the Ken Paxton Impeachment Trial: The old power of party politics wants to be in charge again, but it never will

What anybody needs to know about the Ken Paxton impeachment trial in Texas is that he’s a MAGA supporter who has been very influential.  At the outset of the 2020 election, as the Attorney General of Texas Paxton established one of the best cases for election fraud proof, which upset all those RINOs who wanted a clean break with Trump.  So, the old Bush power in Texas put a target on Paxton’s back right away.  And recently, Paxton was going after Google over privacy issues.  So, this trial in Texas, where the House has already impeached him from his position and now the Senate is going through the process of hearing the evidence cast against him, is an old game by the old forces who are clinging to their power from MAGA challenges to their established order.  It reminds me of a case in my county within the Republican Party, where legal warfare is regularly employed to destroy political rivals.  The core of the dispute is to resist the apparent changes that are part of the MAGA movement and the hope that if those challenges are destroyed, everything will snap back into the controls of the old days.  Where the Bush family was in charge, alliances with big companies like Google could occur under the radar, and election fraud could be conducted in the open, and nobody would question it.  It is interesting to watch, especially as RINO Republicans have attempted to shame Paxton with references to an affair he had that was well settled before any of these current issues emerged, which are being used to attack his character.  People see through it that it’s essentially the same type of case thrown at President Trump, and the results will be the same.

The Ken Paxton trial in Texas is an ongoing legal battle that has captured the attention of many across the United States. The problem centers around allegations of securities fraud against the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton. The case has been controversial, with many questioning the motives behind the investigation and subsequent charges. At the heart of the matter is the accusation that Ken Paxton committed securities fraud by encouraging investors to buy stock in a technology company without disclosing that he was receiving compensation for the recommendation. The case has been mired in legal battles and delays, with Paxton’s lawyers arguing that the charges should be dismissed due to a lack of evidence. As it is going, the case against Paxton has been weak at best, with the best parts of it involving going to the FBI with no evidence, just accusations. And if there were any merit to the case, the Biden DOJ would have picked it up because they want to take down Paxton for his election case against the federal handling of the 2020 election. But there was nothing there, leaving the entire issue to the flimsy holdovers of the Bush legacy control over Texas. So everything is coming out petty instead of having any good legal standing. As bad as it all is to attempt to impeach an attorney general by his party, over essentially, nothing but to get rid of a member of MAGA in the power politics of Texas, the attempt says far more than any of the evidence does that has been established against Paxton. We have uncovered a monster that we always knew was there but has emerged in the wake of Trump in the White House and the distinct fear that he will return, with people like Paxton gaining power.

I see these fights all over the country, and they are happening in just about every county.  As I have said about my county of Butler County, this is the number one issue challenging everyone.  Many supported Trump during his first term because he was in power then, but they held their nose and couldn’t wait for him to be removed from office, which they cheered for when they thought nobody was looking.  In the wake of one of the most massive crimes in world history, which was the stolen election of 2020, and the Covid release of a bioweapon against the public to allow for cheating to occur, no matter who was harmed in the process, you could see clearly where people were politically.  Many put on masks and surrendered everything to the health administrators, hoping that a superior power, more significant than Trump, would knock him out of office.  These are the same people who, just months before, would gut their mothers for a chance to get a VIP pass to a Trump event and stand next to him for a picture.  I watched all this action with curiosity.  And over the last three years, it has been obvious what they were up to all along: they wanted to go back to the regional powers, such as what the Bush family has over Texas.  And there is always some family like that all over the nation, and they were pleased to snap back into that control in the wake of Trump.  They wanted their power back, so anybody expressing Trump-like opinions now that Biden was in the White House were a target, and everyone expected Trump to be gone forever, in favor of some controlled asset like Ron DeSantis, they bet everything on that future.  And that isn’t what’s happening.

I tried to explain this to many people at our Lincoln Day dinner in Butler County, Ohio, after Ron DeSantis had just come and spoken to everyone.  Many were hoping that DeSantis was going to be the Trump killer.  I told them that Ron was going nowhere, which is precisely what has happened.  I found it surprising that nobody wanted to talk about Trump.  And those who did, and we saw this same kind of radicalism on the Lakota school board, where the former Trump supporters were quick to adjust to this new Biden world as if the former Republican president had never happened.  It was as if some great eraser would come along and put all the people who wanted power back in charge forever.  It was a bizarre exchange.  On that school board, the Lynda O’Conner’s of the world wanted to destroy the Darbi Boddys over essential political philosophy, establishment against MAGA.  And now there is panic in those groups because they have bet everything on the old forces destroying these new rivals.  All the political hits have not beaten their enemies; it has only made them stronger, just like what is happening with Trump.  And, of course, what is happening to Ken Paxton.  The frustration is that Paxton will emerge from this impeachment process with more political power, which is the case with all these traditional attacks.  The old games no longer work; people don’t like the kind of society that we have had with them in charge, such as the Bush family or the DeWine clan in Ohio.  People want better political parties to represent them, not those who make deals with Google to ruin our country, destroy our Constitution, and tell us that we’ll all be better after the compromises.  That them selling us out to foreign interests was to our advantage somehow.  But many have realized that the political parties, especially RINO Republicans, have not been good for us, and we want real change.  And we’re not going to accept sell-outs.  We’ve given them a chance in the past, and we are now forever against their further attempts.  And that they can get rid of Trump, Ken Paxton, or even regionally, Darbi Boddy or Roger Reynolds, and people will still be upset with the lackluster RINOs.  They will never regain their old power, and in the future, they will only be more and more resented.  That is the future of politics; we want more like Ken Paxton and fewer Jeb Bushes.  We want people who represent us, not some ruling-class aristocracy.  And those needs will only increase in the future; we will never go back to the old days that caused all these problems in the first place. 

Rich Hoffman

A Conversation with My Mom: Understanding the Cult of Trump

It was an easy answer that had been coming up more frequently, especially with the Trump indictments by a corrupt legal system run by a crime boss in Joe Biden, who was only in power because of a stolen election. And the thugs were showing that they were in charge, but they were mystified as to why so many people still supported Trump. They had not thought that to be the case. Instead, they expected submission, groveling, and fear from the Trump supporters. Even as they distributed a mugshot of a former president to show their power over him and much of his former staff. We saw a coup by Marxist insurgents, just like Lenin, Mao, or Castro in Cuba. This happened in the United States, and they thought they had it all figured out. Yet, instead, they didn’t understand why Trump was getting more popular, and nobody seemed able to explain it, even the Trump supporters. But the issue became very clear as I visited my elderly mom in the hospital. We were having one of those life-flashing-before-her-eyes discussions as if checking the validity of everything’s worth. From issues when she was a little girl that were coming back to her very fluidly. To things that happened just yesterday. And in her condition, she had been telling all the nurses who were tending to her about some of my very violent past because it was on her mind, and we were talking about it in a way we never had before. Life moved quickly, and there hadn’t been time to catch up, at least for me. She felt she had done something wrong, producing a person like me who was so angry that many people outright hated. She came from the Happy Days generation, where people measured success by how many people liked them. Not me. She didn’t understand why I needed to carry a gun everywhere. She said to me, “Maybe if you just did what you were told, so many people wouldn’t be after you,” she said.

Vote for Trump to fight Marxism

We reflected on many stories, but the one she had told the nurses was one where I was involved in a large fight where many people were killed in the process.  As we reflected, only a few were still alive out of all the people involved.  She was upset that I was so proud of that incident.  She felt guilt about it while I took great pride in it, and that was the core of the problem and why we hadn’t talked about it over all these years.  But that wasn’t the only issue.  I reminded her of the first grade when I poked the school bully in the eye with my scissors.  He was picking on somebody. I had stepped in to stop it, and a fight ensued in class.  He was a really big kid, and everyone was terrified of him.  So, knowing he was dangerous, I fought him that way and stabbed him in the eye with my scissors.  I got into a lot of trouble.  Another time, I was on the school bus.  I always rode in the back, as far away from the figures of authority as possible.  But that was always where the kids who did terrible things sat, and I witnessed many bad things.  One day, they were doing drugs, sharing apparent stimulant pills, and they tried to force me to take one.  I threw it out the window, as I have never taken any drugs, ever in my life.  And I felt very strongly about it even back then.  A huge fight ensued, many of them against me, and many people got hurt, some of them badly.  I got into a lot of trouble.  A lot of trouble.

I don’t sit around thinking about it, but I had dozens and dozens of those kinds of stories, and as my mom reflected on them like older adults do as they are trying to work things out about their own lives, I just let her talk.  But up to that point, I am not a sit-down-and-talk-about-it person.  I keep the throttle down pretty hard, and I like things to go fast.  Not that I’m trying to outrun my past.  I don’t like getting stuck thinking about it because I see it as a waste of time.  But visiting her in that condition it was on her mind, and she felt like she had done something wrong to have such a socially ostracized kid, and she was being hard on herself for all the death and mayhem that was in the wake of it all.  Then, telling her how proud I was of my life was too much.  Yet she had said something that explained the current situation with Trump and the Marxists, who were essentially trying to take over the American government, and why there was such a lack of understanding about the whole issue.  The theme of my life was pretty easy to sum up: resisting anybody who wanted to control my life in some way. I have had the unique circumstance of never being beaten into any submission.  But from my mom’s point of view, she felt that I would have had a much easier life if I had just done what people told me to do.  But I didn’t want an easy life.  I enjoyed the violence.  I enjoyed the heartbreak.  I liked the pain.  Because I wanted more than anything to be free, free as a person to think what I wanted when I wanted to.  So, to me, all those horrible things were good, and I was proud to now reflect on them, knowing what I had to do to arrive at this moment.  On the other hand, she valued safety as the primary criterion of goodness, and because of that, she felt like she had failed. 

Not all Americans had my experience.  Many, at some point in their lives, had taken that pill to keep from being beaten up.  Or they avoided stabbing a bully in the eye because they were afraid to hurt the other person, so they ended up getting beaten up themselves.  And they said yes to the pushing and shoving against them, where a long history of dead bodies didn’t populate their past.  It costs a lot to resist the bullies in life, and there are many of them, and most people do not feel as strongly as I do about it.  But their inner rebel does come out when it comes to Trump.  And secretly, they support that he has been so strong as their representative, and where the Marxist insurgents expected to bully people and have them fold up like cheap lawn chairs, people have continued to support Trump, and that support has increased with each new indictment.  As I answered my mom, appeasing the bad guys does not improve life.  I’d instead carry a gun like I do now everywhere, knowing that lots of people would love to kill me.  That was her fear: if you, just for once in your life, would appease all those bad people, maybe they’d leave you alone.  But no, they never leave you alone.  All they understand is force, and in my way, I have fought very hard with lots of casualties along the way to maintain my freedom.  And now, I was watching the nation of America waking up to that same sentiment.  And I think it’s good, and about time.  Better late than never, but I can certainly say that I understand it fully.  And what’s to come quite well. 

Rich Hoffman

The Goal of the Deep State: Pedophilia on a mass scale

I didn’t arrive at this conclusion lightly.   It is the sum of a lot of work, study, and life experience.  And any suspicions I had on the matter that wanted to think otherwise evaporated with the latest school scandal at Lakota, in my neighborhood, where yet another administrative staff member had been found to have excessively sexual lifestyles, and kids were part of the role-playing fantasy.  Watching how all the various authority figures moved to cover up the actions was stunning, especially since I knew many of the personalities personally.  That experience was incredibly educational, but it wasn’t the first time.  Over the last few years, including some people that I knew very well and would never guess that they would have temptations toward pedophilia, and were actually hard-core pastor types of the local church, were caught trying to give nude backrubs to 11-year-old girls.  It was everywhere, and many members of the administrative state went out of their way to cover it up, but why.  And just how bad was it?  So when you ask what the root cause of the Deep State is, why a small group of people who consider themselves the wealthy elite, I call them the Desecrators of Davos, want so intensely to acquire so much wealth and power, it can only then start to make a bit of sense.  When you ask that question seriously and stacked with behavioral evidence, you find that it is sex addiction and the power it gives some over others that is the real problem, and eventually, almost all roads of that lifestyle lead to pedophilia.  And that the entire purpose of a Deep State rooted in globalism, hidden behind social causes as a mask to conceal the evil, is to have access to children to fulfill that vile objective. 

I started this effort by talking about personal experiences that showed me how bad this situation really is and how people you know well are investing themselves directly or indirectly in pedophilia.  But that is an answer in the micro that connects to massive evidence in the macro.  People understand that over 2 million children a year go missing if you have seen the recent Christian-based movie, The Sound of Freedom.  It was shown to President Trump, and he has declared that if he’s president again, he will go to war with the Deep State and their various criminal cartels, which are purposely allowed to break all rules and moral norms to terrorize the innocent.  We have to then look at the way the members of the Deep State spend their time, specifically the shocking case of Jimmy Savile, the very popular BBC celebrity, and the extensive pedophilia that he engaged in with a large number of people in the entertainment industry, who interacted with the Royal Family regularly and was considered a pimp to Jersey Island, the English territory just north of the French mainland that is a known haven for the rich and famous seeking sexual interaction with children, boys, and girls.  When you consider that Mr. Climate Change himself, King Charles knows about all this, a stunning revelation comes into sharp focus.  The point of the Deep State isn’t just to run the world.  But they want to run the world so that they can have a way to satisfy their immense sexual appetites.  If they run the world, they can live above the law, which is what we have seen with Jeffery Epstein in America and from what we know and are learning about in regard to Jimmy Savile, which involved every kind of sexual perversion that could be imagined.  And people propped him up as a celebrity anyway, knowing full well what he was up to, government members, law enforcement, and everyone at the BBC.  And once the story got out, the key member of the BBC who had been facilitating all the behavior had to leave for another job as the head of The New York Times. 

If you’ve ever been in a fraternity or witnessed a hazing ritual, you will know that public debasement is part of the team-building process.  The same idea applies to corporate heads, political figures, and social influencers.  Members of rock bands understand this all too well as groupies, many of them extremely young, throw their young bodies at stinky, sweaty members of the band to be close to them.  The managers turn the other way because it gets the band members addicted to the sex and keeps them coming back for more.  They wouldn’t get that kind of attention in any other life, but in being a rock star.  And once down that road, there is no way back to normal.  Sex is a never-ending appetite and usually ends in some form of pedophilia.  This is true of the creepy next-door neighbor or the wealthy mover and shaker at the top of the political pyramid.  And the people who want to rule the world want to facilitate that weakness.  Why does anybody think that porn is essentially what the internet provides?  Everything else is a front for pornography, just as almost every type from the progressive leftism in the world, earth preservation, racism, and Modern Monetary Theory are all fronts for the pursuit of sex with the power acquired and the ability to exist above the law because everyone else is so compromised.  Back to my personal story in Lakota schools in Butler County, Ohio, the reluctance to punish the crime was that so many in the decision-making process were compromised themselves.  They had behaved poorly in public, people had a video of the acts, and they couldn’t afford to have a moral position.  And many people in authority found themselves in the same position at all levels.  They couldn’t punish the threat of pedophilia because they were either guilty themselves or were thinking of becoming guilty because they wanted to participate.  They weren’t outraged by the behavior because they wanted to be just as bad if given the chance and acquire the power to do so. 

Preying on the gullibility of the innocent is part of the charge behind the sexual intrusion.  So by taking that sentiment to its logical conclusion, the entire point of the Deep State is to acquire power, using infinite wealth to inflict that power, to have access to sexual manipulation and conquest over others.  And the younger, the better because it is a very powerful temptation to steal innocence from those not yet tarnished in the world and to be the first to leave your mark on them.  The Deep State is an ancient menace that is rooted in perversion for all the animal instincts that have destroyed mankind since the beginning of time.  And the quest for political power to indulge in those activities is enormous and not talked about enough.  It’s a topic people would like to avoid because they don’t want to know.  But it’s at the center of all political discourse.  And if you ever doubt it, just visit K-Street in Washington, D.C.  Everyone knows what’s going on, including the police and the politicians.  But nobody stops the prostitution there, just a few blocks from the White House.  The root cause of most of the political trouble in the world is sexual, and it’s impossible to have a proper society when such a priority is the reason for all activity.  Yet that is the truth of it when you pull back all the talk about socialism, charities, renewable energy, everything, you have a mask that is intent to take advantage of someone sexually, an intern, a prostitute, or a sex trafficked kid to satisfy some unquenchable desire, that brings great evil into the world through the ultimate theft.  And once a person crosses those lines, as most people do in some way, there is no going back or hope to restore a life without such terrible things happening in the world.

Rich Hoffman

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They Aren’t in Charge, We Are: Violence is the only form of communication the political left has to express themselves, because their ideas are horrendous

Here’s all anybody needs to know about the present situation around the world, the desire for radical lefties to have a one-world government and the conflict of that imposition running up against a country with over 300 million guns owned by people with really short fuses.  Unlike in the past, where a benefit of doubt would have been applied to people in government management positions, in this post-Covid world, where this push for a one-world government crossed many lines, the skepticism that traditionally has been applied to government has switched into open hostility.  There is a broken trust now loose in the world that wasn’t there before, an assumption of guilt instead of forgiveness.  We have seen what the radical left wants to do, and now in the aftermath, the Saul Alinsky book doesn’t work quite the same way because that innocence that it required to exploit in people is gone forever.  Instead, in a world where information is open, and it has to be, the truth of what the radical communists of the world always intended is exploited, and now, because we are an information-based world that rejects centralized control of that information flow, the word is out, as it has been moving for many years.  The same trajectory that put President Trump in office in 2016 is the same one that is now much further along around the world in 2023, and now they have history at their backs instead of just suspicions.  And that grim reality for the communists who want the China model in every branch of government worldwide is that the political left always only had one playbook: to use force to impose compliance.  But if that doesn’t work, which it isn’t, then what?  What happens when you have a world where people have information and weapons to defend themselves with?  Well, the Liberal World Order falls apart, which is where we find ourselves presently in history.

I said it to someone yesterday who was asking me about it.  The political left is ruthless and violent.  Their entire political platform is built around fear and compliance.  They aren’t trying to win people over to their way of thinking.  They want to destroy your options, rob you of choice, and impose on you a life they control by removing all other alternatives.  And they expect to keep you in line with sheer fear.  That is why there is only one way to deal with them, with more ruthlessness.  They don’t deserve a fair shake, a turned cheek, and a sentiment toward coexisting.   They deserve what they have been giving to the rest of the world dished back at them and then some.  Don’t feel sorry for them; they will exploit it as a weakness.  Crush them politically, socially, and financially, and smash them into dust because they deserve it.  Their intentions for the world is one that cannot be forgiven now that we know.  These communist plots have been playing in the background since the mid-1850s, not that long ago, and they have spread around the globe as communications increased and made sharing information easier.  But what kept the world safe was distance from each other, so it was a slow burn over the next century.  Yet for all the same reasons, the stupidity of communism has been exploited and shared in real-time, and people have decided they don’t want that One World Government strategy and they are looking for elected representatives who will defend them from it, which is why Trump, even with all the lawfare that has been thrown in his direction, is only getting more popular, not less.

The trick was to create the illusion that a radical few could control the many with sheer intimidation, the way cows or sheep are herded with the sound of the crack of a whip.  The communists of the world thought people were that stupid.  The people that the media calls obligingly “the elite.”  The original aristocracy has been trying to stop a revolution against their existence for thousands of years.  But those revolutions failed because it was too slow to communicate with other countries.  The American Revolution happened because of that sweet spot in the world coming closer together but was yet still too far apart for mass communication.  Now information is instantaneous, and the communists thought that would work to their advantage.  If they controlled the internet to dumb people down with pornography and trivial nonsense, then we would all be easily corralled like simple-minded animals with every bio-lab-created virus they could unleash to shove the world into a Great Reset.  But instead, that compression of information and the rate of sharing it has worked against communism, which they should have seen coming.  Their plans were always going to fail, and the acceleration of that failure becomes very clear when it is realized that they are very few trying to control the many who do have the means to fight back, and the only reason they haven’t yet is because they still assume that they have free elections where they get to pick their representatives.  However, since 2020, when election fraud was blatant, the media’s complicity in election fraud was seen by all, and we were given Joe Biden almost as a slap in the face of our republic form of government to show us that we were not in charge, the assumption was the same as it is in all communist countries where the people have been conquered, such as Brazil, Venezuela, China, Iran, Europe and many other places where the words of Karl Marx have become their social foundation. 

Yet when those same communist ideas have tried to be implemented in America, the big difference has been the expectation of a Bill of Rights, of free speech to criticize the liberal effort, and guns to stop the only method the left has to communicate their message, through force and violence.  It’s one thing to host a demonstration with a bunch of pot-filled youth on a college campus or in a town that looks bigger than it is on television.  But spreading that force out across a vast country of 300 million people is a bit more complicated.  It’s like spreading butter on toast.  You can taste the butter well if you just eat the part where you applied it, but if you spread it across the whole piece of bread, it thins out rapidly.  And this fantasy of taking over the American military and going door to door to impose some leftist orgy of martial law is preposterous.  The truth is that there are a lot more of us than them, and they now know that we know that.  And we now know that their intentions for us have been hostile, and any presumption that we had previously had about playing nice together in the sandbox is gone.  With the tools of modern society, the message of freedom is much easier to sell, especially when the message of communism has failed so spectacularly, and people have realized that it’s relatively easy to stand up to.  The communist movement doesn’t have enough butter to spread across the bread, and they aren’t recruiting more to their cause.  The only grounds they have ever made were through force and manipulating things in the background.  Now that there is no longer a background, they have been exploited and are losing ground, recruits, and their message.  The old games will not work in the future, and those who have been caught deserve the hell they will have to pay because that is the trajectory of political sentiment, which will never go back to the polite society of the past.  They aren’t in charge; we are.

Rich Hoffman

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