The Proof of Fake News: Corporate Media shows its cards and intent to destroy America

I am very good friends with several people in the arena who are legislators in state and federal House and Senate positions.  I am also very good friends with people who consider themselves Sovereign Citizens and are so upset with the corporate takeover of America that they renounced their citizenship and exist as “non-people.” I understand their arguments; they have tried to recruit me to their cause many times, declaring that all the property we own doesn’t really belong to us, but to this global corporate cabal, which we have seen emerge out into the open since President Trump was in the White House and was driven out by election fraud in 2020.  Based on what we learned from the Maricopa County, Arizona election audit, we can easily say now there is more than enough proof that fraud was committed on such a scale to insert Joe Biden and remove President Trump illegally.  This has only fed the argument of those who believe as the Sovereign Citizens do.  Of course, the next step in the process is that they’ll take back their property at will, our homes, our cars, our jobs.  But as I’ve told my friends, both up and down the political spectrum, I’ll stand and fight my ground to protect my property.  My property is my property, end of story.  I don’t share.  I do not recognize any global power or any corporate alliance.  When I wrote my new book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, I had all these kinds of people in mind.  Corporate structures can be brought down and disabled, so don’t be afraid of them.  They should instead be afraid of you. Don’t feed them with your fear. 

Yet, I could only think of the Sovereign Citizen argument about corporate structure in the wake of what we learned from Maricopa County in Arizona.  I wondered how or if Fox News would even cover it, which they didn’t much.  Even Sean Hannity kept his shows focused on the border crises and not the election fraud because it was a corporate decision not to open that can of worms, which existed whether anybody acknowledged it or not.  Instead, all the news outlets covered was that Biden gained more votes in the recount than in the original count.  Everyone from CBS News, ABC, Fox, and CNN all covered the Maricopa County results in the same way, pointing to the corporate conspiracy that Alex Jones and the Sovereign Citizens are always talking about.  They say that the corporate cabal is run by a band of demonic hellhounds using the blood ritual of abortion to fuel their evil menace across the earth.  I might otherwise squint with a description like that, but suddenly, it made more sense than any other explanation for the obvious cover-up that mass media was engaged in. 

It’s one thing to say that all news that you disagree with is fake news.  But here, we had obvious evidence that anybody paying attention to could see was an obvious cover-up.  All the news outlets who deliberately tried to mislead their viewers with a faulty count of illegal ballots participated in a crime against America; it was sedition and treason at best, and many worse things.  And it pointed back to the Sovereign Citizen position that nothing we have is ours, that corporate stakeholders could call in our debts anytime they want and enslave us to their will.  And they simply no longer recognized America as anything sovereign.  They didn’t care about our Constitution.  They didn’t care about us.  They were all signed up to this global view of things and were going to take us all there kicking and screaming if need be, and there was nothing we could do about it.  Patriotic Americans did not own these corporate media types after all.  They could care less what happened to America.  They had sold us all out long ago, and the way they covered and participated in election fraud during the 2020 election was proof, all the evidence we needed. 

I waited for a few days after the results were announced to see how the coverage played out. Still, by the middle of the following week, no mainstreamers talked about the election fraud case in Maricopa County, Arizona.  It was, after all, the biggest story in the world, yet nobody wanted to acknowledge it.  The argument that it was a partisan audit was tossed around, but what is happening when primarily Democrats run the elections in blue cities? Isn’t that partisan?  But arguing that the Arizona audit was conducted by conservatives only opens the door to ask whether we should allow Democrats to run any aspect of an official election.  Based on that assumption, we have a lot to talk about regarding what we know.  Yet nobody wanted to discuss the matter where people get their news the most.  Instead, all topics were about getting the jab, about Covid, about the border crises, all of which were problems created by the Biden administration to essentially direct our attention from the real crimes at hand, election fraud that they knowingly participated in to undermine our republic.

It’s one thing to be angry at the media because they don’t cover what we think they should, but election fraud is an issue everyone should be concerned with because there isn’t a country without voter integrity.  And maybe that’s the point. Instead, it’s the most logical point.  Alex Jones and the Sovereign Citizens have been right about that acquisition all along; most of what we see and hear is controlled by a corporate entity for the ownership of some unseen bosses.  But I would say that we don’t have to accept that.  Honestly, we own this country, not some corporate pinheads showing themselves only at Davos every year.  And if anybody thinks they are going to take anything from me, well, that works both ways.  I can break the rules too.  We all can.  We will not be conquered by many corporate hacks using the rules to steal our country and our wealth while we comply and stay in the lane following the rules they gave us.  If they break election law, they deserve to be prosecuted.  Because we either have law and order, or we don’t. 

What we learned from Maricopa County was extremely valuable.  It convinced me that Joe Biden was not elected.  Take away all the emotion, and the facts of the audit speak for themselves.  There were illegal votes counted.  Votes made up in a Wal-Mart parking lot in the back of a van by a couple of dope-smoking losers don’t count.  Dead people can’t vote.  People can’t vote twice.  You can’t tamper with evidence by hacking the voting machines the day before an audit and expect everyone to be OK with it.  Any one of these would have flipped Arizona from Biden to Trump, and everyone in the media knows it.  Yet they all chose the same lie, even Fox News.  And we are better off knowing it now because when you are fighting a hidden enemy who refuses to show themselves in the light of day, this is the way to smoke them out into the open.  And by doing what they did, they are out in the open.  They exist beyond speculation and conspiracy theory.  We can see their network and the menace they intend for our country. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

All Red Flag Laws Are Government Overreach: While everyone was looking at the loser Biden, legislators have snuck them into the NDAA Bill

All Read Flag Laws are Government Overreach

About ten years ago, I warned everyone about the National Defense and Authorization Act, in how it was meant to trample all over the Bill of Rights under the guise of emergency power.  This NDAA thing told that any time the military needed to get control of something the government deemed was an out-of-control situation, they could then use the NDAA to suspend the Constitutional rights of anybody and get things under control.  In theory.  The NDAA was always a bridge too far. It was sold to us as patriotic, just as Homeland Security was, and it lingers in the background of about everything that happens domestically involving the military.  My position on things is that I support the military so long as they are fighting for the Constitution.  But when they become the enemy under an oppressive government, such as the one that we have presently with China running the Biden administration, then that’s where you don’t want the military to have too many domestic teeth.  This is why we should never have let it happen in the first place.  Now, to my points in the past, there is a 1300-page bill passing through the House and Senate installing red flag laws that many Republicans have signed on to.  Even the NRA has had a weak position on this red flag problem.  So, while everyone is looking at the chaos of the Biden administration and election theft by foreign antagonizers, a power grab by the government and the military is happening right under our noses. 

Red flag laws are reprehensible.  They allow peer pressure to run the world essentially.  Before Covid, people might have had a hard time understanding, but it’s what’s happening with the masks.  Demanding people to wear a mask or take a vaccine is unconstitutional by every measure of the law.  So to get around that law, the government encourages peers to tattle on each other to force compliance that the government has no right to conduct.  When it comes to gun ownership under red flag laws, if you don’t wave at your neighbor the way they think you should, or if you don’t take care of a member of your extended family the way they want, they could call up the government hotline and report you as a danger to yourself or others.  Then the government could come to your home in theory and confiscate your guns “for your own good.” Just as Obama did, the Biden administration has been trying to use every mass shooting as an excuse to unleash red flag laws as a power grab.  When the fundamental problem of mass shootings is likely related to marijuana use, the red flag intends to provoke mental instability into government control over a person’s essence in society.  If “they” (potential mass shooters)  cannot be trusted, they must be watched and managed as a menace to others. 

The government has been trying to get people to accept this line of thought with Covid by introducing the concept that what you do might be a danger to others as a premise.  Once we accept that concept, then red flag laws come next.  Even Mike DeWine of Ohio, who was supposed to be a Republican, favored red flag laws after a Dayton nightclub shooting that occurred not that long ago.  The kid who did the shooting was a drug-using loser from the political left.  But DeWine ignored all that and went for a constitutional violation of all gun owner’s property rights.  Like Covid, he showed that he was more inclined to centralized government authority than to protect individual rights.  And that’s the real danger when we give the government the power to manage a situation on their own and aren’t driven by the inclination of the vote.  The misinterpretation of their abilities and timidity can then trample the rights of the people they are supposed to represent.  As a little fellow, DeWine may be scared of viruses and other threats, but he does not have a right to impose his limited view of the world on those he was elected to govern. 

This latest red flag law is written in that NDAA update bill. If there is a concern over a gun owner, the issue is presented to a military tribunal. From there, the opinions of “experts” can then issue the mandate to confiscate the guns from a property owner.  Now the government would say that these are under emergency conditions where the military was involved.  Well, ten years ago, that might have sounded like science fiction where the government would shut down the Constitution and become a branch of local law enforcement, but then look what Governor DeWine did over Covid-19.  We did see a governor power-hungry and dystopian suddenly go all-in on complete tyranny.  The next time might be the next virus or even some other form of attack where the military takes over society and starts making demands on us.  Such an occasion could be a storm that knocks out the power grid leaving everyone without power.  Or it could be a political upheaval like we saw on January 6th, where people were upset over the election results, and for a good reason, upset.  The opposition party then decided that those people and their families were threats to their order, so they arrested them and put them in jail, warning their peers what the power of government could do to them.  Under those conditions of a Nancy Pelosi radicalism, such an NDAA provision on red flag laws could be implemented at that time. We’ve already seen the warning signs; it’s not very far-fetched to see how this little thing could become a big constitutional menace. 

As to what I would do if such a corrupt court of military officers came to my house, I won’t say directly. Instead, I would point to two books that I had written to express my motives when and if such a thing did happen.  One book that I wrote was specifically about this kind of abuse of authority, called Tail of the Dragon.  The other book I wrote a long time ago is called The Symposium of Justice.  Needless to say, if what the military or a governor or president does is not in the Constitution, I could care less what some skinny jean author of an NDAA bill slides into a massive 1300-page document.  It’s unconstitutional and a law that will be ignored and challenged in every way possible.  But for those still scared of it, I would remind everyone of the Battle of Wounded Knee, where the military was worried about the Lakota Sioux under Sitting Bull conducting Ghost Dances.

The government went to arrest Sitting Bull.  There was a massive shootout, and the government never lived it down.  If such a thing happened today among gun and militia groups, it would be much worse than Waco or Ruby Ridge.  Only, in the case of Sitting Bull, the Indians there was part of a dying race.  The MAGA supporters in the country between Washington D.C. and Los Angeles don’t have much tolerance for Biden and the Democrats.  The situation could quickly get out of hand, and the government couldn’t afford what would happen in the aftermath.  Any red flag law proposed is against the Constitution, so I’d say at this time, don’t let it distract you.  They might want to have complete control over us for their climbs to power.  We have seen in Covid that “experts” can’t be trusted, so there is a lot wrong with the NDAA concept that needs to be flushed out in the future.  And if the government has plans to abuse their authority, they will be met correctly.  We have guns to keep the government in check.  Not to surrender our freedoms to those drunk on power and of a timid nature unable to solve complicated problems.  They do not have a right to make their problems our problems. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Meeting Timothy Zahn: How Comic-Cons predict the future of politics

Predicting the Future by Going to Comic Cons

It’s no different from predicting the weather or an upcoming earthquake.  Some measurements are quite scientific that can be used to measure cultural ability and political sentiment.  For me, those measurements don’t come from the nightly news cycles or the hours of daily talk radio and podcasts, but I learn a lot from places like comic book stores and Comic Cons, such as the one they recently had in Cincinnati during September of 2021.  My daughter is a well-respected artist, and she was at that show and invited me to come on her opening day to help out, which I love to do.  It exposes me to different kinds of people where my age group is not well represented.  Most of the Cincinnati Comic-Con of 2021 were in the 20 to 30-year range.  Last year the event was canceled due to Covid, so I wasn’t sure what we would see.  Happily, the event was a great success, well attended, and there were lots of great costumes elaborately displayed, which I think is wonderful to see.  Mythology at work, where ideas work in people’s minds driving to manifest some form of reality.  From the mind of fantasy to the existence of at least a costume.  When I see that, it tells me that the participants recognize something in these fantasy stories that are attractive to them and care enough about those things to make them into reality.  As I think about the world and the problems that we have in it presently, many of the people in a comic con are at least doing the first step in solving those problems, recognizing that there is one.  Now their recognition may not be rooted in a realistic solution, but the first step in situation solving of any kind is in seeking alternatives to the present reality.  If the world is messed up and these people find comfort in fantasy, well, that says something to me, and I discovered that the Cincinnati Comic Con environment is full of great young minds looking for something positive in their lives.

I have written extensively about Star Wars in the past and how the future progressive problems for the political class currently at work in the world would fall apart.  The latest trilogy of films that have upset Star Wars fans is a perfect barometer for how progressive woke policies are destined to be destroyed in the coming years, especially in the United States.  The America First movement will only pick up steam. The Disney strategy of seeking market expansion in places like China and other places in the world was already showing signs of falling apart before Covid hitting in 2020, paving the way for the United Nations Great Reset.  People, the kind of people who go to Comic Cons, see through a lot of the nonsense.  They don’t care if Disney sells its products to China or some other communist country.  But if they screw around with characters and make them political, well, then there will be trouble.  When Disney and Kathy Kennedy at Lucasfilm decided to kill off Han Solo in the first movie of the new trilogy, they wanted to kill off toxic masculinity and put in his place a girl.  That didn’t go over too well, to replace the gunslinger of space and replace him with a person who had no idea who her parents were and what her job was.  The mistake of Disney to erase the Star Wars past and replace it with some woke, warless future wasn’t going over well with fans.  And they rejected Star Wars sending the studios into a frenzy trying to repair the damage.  Because ultimately, that’s what it always comes down to.  That will undoubtedly be the case in the world regarding electric cars, windmills, health care, and taxes.  Progressive intentions might sound good in an academic setting, but people ultimately decide what they want when it comes to reality. 

A few booths down from where my daughter was, I could see the great Star Wars author Timothy Zahn signing books, all of which I’ve read.  He had his latest book, which I hadn’t yet, book II of the Thrawn Ascendency series, so I went down there to speak with him and talk to him a bit.  It was a rare opportunity, and I couldn’t pass it up.  Now Timothy Zahn is a great guy and a great ambassador for the Star Wars brand with Lucasfilm and Disney, so I’m not going to reveal the contents of our discussion. He’s the creator of the expanded universe.  He started the novel-writing after the movie Return of the Jedi, so I had to ask him how he felt about Disney coming in and screwing it all up by changing the entire story with their dumb movie The Force Awakens.  But I’ve read his Thrawn books since then, and I know where he’s going with this recent series, and after talking to him at the Cincinnati Comic-Con, I am just glad that he’s out there. He’s a great dude, and he and some others now at Lucasfilm with Kathy Kennedy, now pushed into the background, are going to fix up Star Wars and win back their fans.  Listening to him talk only confirmed what I had said about everything 5 or 6 years ago.  And here it was, all happening, just as I said it would.  Zahn held his nose like a lot of people do when they work for big corporations.  I know many people who work at Disney; some are very dear friends who have done the same.  But what I know and have known, which these people suspected also, is that they’d wait out the storm until the corporations learned their lesson and had to adjust to the market conditions. 

Globally, the political hacks think they are in charge and utilize various methods of communism and socialism to regulate all existence.  But when I go to events like these comic cons, it just reminds me that the mind of humankind is still in charge.  The kinds of things people decide to spend their money on and the type of stories they find attractive still indicate what the rest of the world will do.  For instance, even with all their woke corporate policies and insults to Uncle Walt and his frontier America, Disney bent the companies back to facilitate communist China.  But when Disney tried to release their new Marvel movie Shang-Chi to China, the communist country turned them down.  Disney has gone way out of its way to appease China, even sticking Asian characters into Star Wars not because they needed to be but because Disney was sucking up to China.  Well, China sees the wave of the world, and they know that they are in trouble for their part in manufacturing the Covid crises and election fraud, and they are lashing out.  And Disney is the one getting slapped.  Was it worth nearly ruining Star Wars to get a communist government to play nice?  Well, Disney learned too late.  Their actual audience is in America, and they need to cater to that audience.  As I was talking to Timothy Zahn, I saw many Star Wars characters coming up to him looking for an autograph.  I even saw Mara Jade.  But you know what I didn’t see.  Nobody was dressing up as Rose, the Asian girl from The Last Jedi.  The movie that Star Wars fans hate.   What is evident at these kinds of events is that the rest of the world will follow politically.  And the direction will not be toward more totalitarianism.  But to freedom, justice, and the American way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Anna Perez Understands: Overcoming America’s inferiority complex and becoming your own shepherd

Overcoming America’s Inferiority Complex

As I was promoting my new book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business,I discovered the show on Real America’s Voice, The Water Cooler, with David Brody.  I contacted the producer Anna Perez about coming on and talking about the book’s contents because it seemed that they would be interested.  This is the same network that produces The Warroom and Dr. Gina, so they have some good things going on there that people are just discovering.  I certainly fit in that category.  Here I was promoting a book, but my personal feelings limited my reach to an audience with clear parameters regarding the massive amounts of injustice that we see play out politically.  So Fox News was out.  Newsmax was too wishy-washy.  They wanted to be a Fox replacement, but they were shying away from the real sources of the problem.  One American News was stuck in what we’ll talk about here, a kind of inferiority complex common among conservatives for all the reasons we’ll discuss.  So what I found in Real America’s Voice was something different.  They were confident, hungry, and asking all the hard questions.  I had a person the other day asking me on Gettr what a replacement for Fox was during a discussion and when I said Real America’s Voice, they shunned it away as if it was a radical right-winged network of religious freaks.  To that, I could only say, the crazy lunatics who are the current problem in the United States would say that anything to the right of Vladimir Lenin is a “radical right-winger.” The entire political scale has been moved and measured so that I would reject the whole premise.  Real America’s Voice represents most American beliefs, and I have found I enjoy them very much.  And I have become quite a fan of Anna Perez’s produced show The Water Cooler.  It’s more fun than The O’Reilly Factor, which made Fox News what it became, and it indeed points to the future of what our country will become once we sort out all this current mess and get Trump, DeSantis, or Kristi Noem in the White House again. 

Anna Perez has done several shows over the last several weeks when she has hosted The Water Cooler as David Brody has been out, that deals with the lack of masculinity in our culture.  Of course, we all know why, especially now.  Our society was primed for a global takeover, and the attackers wanted an easy way. So they watered down the necessity of men with all kinds of sexual viewpoints that would underline toxic masculinity in our culture and replace it with this kind of “beta” male that most women don’t want.  The rest of the world doesn’t identify with masculinity these days, and they certainly understood that to conquer the United States, men needed to be neutralized.  So of all the news reporting going on, Anna has been contemplating why we have allowed ourselves to fall for this concept of toxic masculinity in a busy news cycle.  It’s at the source of everything bad that has been happening to us as a country.  When attacked, the men are running away; they are not standing and fighting.  This goes back to every time society told us that it was OK to cry; we should all hug and express our feelings.  When public schools started promoting this kind of behavior twenty years ago, more people should have seen the intent.  But here we are, and Anna Perez is one of the only ones out there these days asking the question correctly and often.

I essentially wrote my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business as an answer to this problem.  It is a guidebook to solving many of these contemporary issues.  But to sum it up concisely to answer the question, I discovered the answer at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, Wyoming, as my book was going through the last parts of the editing process with the publisher.  I had long been thinking the same things as Anna has been, where are the men, why are they so ashamed, and how could we wake them up?  Well, oddly, the answer is one that essentially answers the old Saul Alinsky question about Christians and how the left can permanently paralyze conservatives into defensive positions when attacked.  The leftist attackers exploit a part of the conservative brain that puts them perpetually on the defensive, and now with the lack of manhood to defend such actions, there was no defense mechanism.  This was further obvious to me while at a funeral recently where the church was decorated with images of the shepherd guarding the flock of sheep, meaning Jesus playing the role of shepherd and the congregation being the sheep. That’s an excellent idea in church, but when some crazy leftists step in and take out the shepherd, they gain control of the sheep, and that’s what we find has happened to us.  The sheep might be upset about it, but they still follow whoever the shepherd is.  So for the world’s malcontents and evildoers, they understand that the way to beat conservative America is to fight to become their shepherd.  Replace their god with government, and most of the battle is already over.

I propose in my book for the reader to become their own shepherd and look back to the great gunfighters of American culture as the reference.  Take away the willingness to cooperate as a group of sheep and be your own shepherd.  It will help your business, your community, but most of all, your family.  But there is an additional problem that must be solved, which I discovered at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. It’s the inferiority complex that most Americans have about how young our country is and how we assume that Europe and other places are wiser than we are because of the depth of their history in arts and sciences.  While Buffalo Bill was touring his Wild West show around Europe, even he became enchanted with the Europeans honoring him as a great representative of American culture. That endorsement filled a need that he and most Americans had to be respected by the mother country.  Even now, most Americans still view Europe as the big brother or parent to impress.  There are many great things about America, but our weakness is that we don’t have a vast history of showing that our culture works instead of the other cultures around the world who do have deep histories.  That inferiority complex has prevented us from fully embracing an America First platform.  Sure, there are 30% of all people who get it.  But there is still another 20% who are too insecure about assuming that they are equal or even better off than European or Asian culture.  Then there are the below-the-line thinkers beaten in life who become liberals and want to be sheep all their lives. 

I talk about all this in the clip above; it’s a topic that could use much discussion.  But Anna Perez is tapping into the issue by identifying the toxic masculinity problem.  We can see the shadows of the conspiracy, which is undoubtedly a global trend.  I remember reading the Fifty Shades books a few years ago to understand why women were so hungry for those books, which were essentially about sadomasochism.  I found the lead character repulsive and excessively weak.  From a female perspective, there were all kinds of things going on. The politics of our times have sought to remove men from society to expose that need in women.  The goal has been to replace men as the family’s shepherd and replace them with the government.  It was essentially a coup of every American home.  I wrote my book as a guide to get out of that cycle and to think not just like a man again, but as a culture of shepherds, not sheep.  And what makes us that way, and why are Americans different than other places in the world?  Well, it starts with the invention and cultivation of the gun in our culture.  Not as a weapon of death and destruction.  But in becoming shepherds of our destiny and leaders of business, industry, and family.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Socialist Antonio Guterres Thinks He’s President of the World: The United Nations guilt in trying to topple America

The Leader of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is a Socialist from Portugal

To add to what I have said about election fraud and what we learned from the Maricopa County audit in Arizona, all roads for much of what is wrong in America can be traced back to United Nations tampering with our sovereignty using China as the strawman.  Just as China uses North Korea as a strawman, the United Nations, filled with socialists and communists, are using global crises they manage to overthrow America with Cloward and Piven’s tactics meant to undo everything for their Great Reset.  I explained the whole process in a previous video, but I needed to provide readers with proof.  We don’t talk about him in the daily news, especially in the media of the United States.  But if you attend the Davos World Economic Forum or one of these Climate Summits, you’ll see clearly where the trouble in the world is.  China is now in trouble in the United States for its role in unleashing Covid-19.  Now we have their tampering in the American election and many other problems.  This has turned up the heat of talk of a new Cold War between the United States and China.  China has been caught in some bad stuff against the United States, and there will have to be some payback.  This set Antonio Guterres in a bit of a panic as he interviewed a few outlets expressing his frustration about the challenges presented with this new potential Cold War.  For many reasons, to see this kind of stuff, you’d have to pay attention to news that occurs outside of the American markets, which I watch like a hawk.  And it’s the way that the United Nations thinks of itself which should worry everyone.

The United Nations has been operating in the background for many decades in The United States.  Every time I see a god damn roundabout being built or some fresh out of college bootlicking socialist on a zoning commission wanting to put in a new sidewalk, it reminds me of how deep the United Nations Agenda 21 infected our culture.  Everything from Smart Meters, which were put into place around 2010 to record our energy consumption, and eventually tax us on our carbon footprint, to the alternative forms of energy through Green New Deals.  With just a little research, you can see that the United Nations is doing what Europe failed to do in the War of 1812, the American Revolution, and two World Wars.  Again, not a conspiracy theory but something that becomes very obvious when studying history. The purpose of the two world wars was to use Hitler as a strawman to provoke the world to join together against a common enemy.  That is why there was so much support for Hitler in Europe before him going crazy.  He was propped up to create a war.  European leaders were guided to both World Wars by using Germany as the launch point for change.  They wanted first to form the League of Nations, which the United States rejected, then start the United Nations after World War II.  Which of course, FDR wanted to become a leading force.  Just as the war with Japan was meant to pull communism into the region of China and all of Southeast Asia, these tamperings of what many call the Global Elite have been going on since communication around the world became so much easier.  Of course, the media would be used for such advancements.   Nobody needed tanks and guns anymore; those types of wars were only propagated to satisfy the human need to see the kinds of conflict they understood.  Meanwhile, the actual attackers were working behind the scenes pitting countries against each other so they could fill the power vacuum in their wakes as they fell. 

Antonio Guterres Thinks he’s President of the World

The United Nations is embedded all over American policy, and it shouldn’t be.  It lost power under Trump, which is precisely why they had no problem supporting a change state that broke American law repeatedly.  They had no problem pushing China’s will for global domination into attacking America through election fraud to put Biden in power and to unleash the Covid bioweapon to stop our economy and force us into socialism.  It was a classic Cloward and Piven strategy used by the socialists running the United Nations.  People in America assume that everyone in the world is like us, but they are far from it.  Step away from the American media for just a few hours, and the differences will become evident quickly.  The world is filled with jealous old-world socialists who do not want America to succeed, and they think they can topple the American spirit the way they have all over the world. They’ve managed to tie us all together with global trade making a messy divorce with any country nearly impossible.

Meanwhile, they would profit off the misery with power grabs as the rest of us fought it out.  What gave it all away to me this past week, as America was struggling with the Biden administration’s disastrous policies on the border, over Covid, over the economy, and many other things, it all moved from suspicion to fact.  Antonio Guterres’s interviews about America and China relations showed how troubled he was that things weren’t going as planned.  Americans were not just following Joe Biden over a cliff.  They were fighting back and pushing for a Cold War with China, which was not supposed to happen.  China was supposed to be the antagonizer and successor to America.  America was supposed to fall due to Covid and the regime change.  And that hasn’t happened.  Instead, America is getting angrier and more obstinate, and for the socialists and communists playing this game, things were now getting dangerous.

You can always tell the truth by what people do or don’t do, and in the case of Joe Biden’s speech to the United Nations this past week, he didn’t talk about China, because essentially we know from many sources China has its hand up Biden’s caboose.  That by itself is bad enough, but for the puppet masters in the United Nations. They knew that the World Health Organization was trying to impose global socialism with Covid and knew China had manufactured the virus as a bioweapon.  They also knew they had to get rid of Trump to bring America into the socialist fold of the world.  He was making fools of them, so yes, they were all aware of the need to steal the election of 2020.  What did they care about breaking American election laws?  They planned to destroy America with Joe Biden as president, so big deal.  What was America going to do, put them in jail for tampering with our election machines by hacks conducted on the other side of the world?  Were we going to go to war with China and risk not getting cyber chips for our PlayStation 5s?  Of course not, they had us all by the balls, and we were forced to take it.  They controlled the media, so nobody was talking about these things, except in markets in other places worldwide.  By watching them, you will see what’s been going on.  The United Nations was making their move to take over the world and regulate all of us in it, just like Glenn Beck’s book Agenda 21 did many years ago.  Read that book again, and you’ll see that it doesn’t sound so far-fetched today.  Because what has been going on with Covid-19 comes straight off those pages.  The playbook is now open for us to see, and that is when people like Antonio Guterres, the socialist leader of the United Nations, out of Portugal are revealed to be what they really are. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Election Fraud is Real in Maricopa County: There are many involved in “criminal intent” who must pay

Election Fraud Happened and the Perpetrators Must Pay

To begin understanding the problems coming with the Maricopa County, Arizona audit results, which show significant voter irregularities, is the definition of criminal intent.  Even though I feel sorry for everyone involved in the sad death of Gabby Petito, when she turned up missing and her fiancé drove home in her van to his parent’s house alone, red flags started jumping up everywhere.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened.  It looks presently that young Brian Laundrie told his parents what happened, and they helped his getaway.  Eventually, the FBI will want to charge the parents with aiding and abetting instead of turning over their kid to authorities once they knew about a crime, the murder of Gabby Petito.  In helping their son get away from authorities with a ten-day head start, they committed criminal intent to commit the crime of hiding evidence and impeding a criminal investigation. It’s a tragedy, but it’s all over the news so people can have some reference point for why what happened with the election fraud case of 2020 is so much worse.  When any person or a group of people intend to hide evidence, sway opinion on a criminal matter, or deliberately sabotage a criminal investigation, they are guilty of criminal intent.  It doesn’t matter if it is two losers committing election fraud in the back of a van in a Wal-Mart parking lot, or it’s the United Nations attempting to infect our legal system with billionaire bootlicking investments hoping to use the Cloward and Piven Democrat playbook to overwhelm our system of government to topple America so that they could take over as the world’s global power.  It’s all criminal intent, the intent to commit a crime that becomes a prosecutable case mandating justice.

With the Cloward and Piven strategy, I am surprised that more people don’t quickly see what’s going on here.  Personally, I don’t think there is anything particularly smart about Francis Fox Piven and Richard Cloward, who came up with the strategy.  If you are a Marxist, socialist, communist, and sympathizer of all forms of collectivism, their approach has the genius of cockroaches.  They are parasites feeding off the efforts of others, and they tend to survive in the vilest conditions.  But they hate capitalism, and they have always hated America.   And their methods gained renewed attention around the world during the Obama administration.  People didn’t have much tolerance for their hippie drivel during the Reagan administration. Still, Bush and Clinton set the world up for “The New World Order,” and to get there, Cloward and Piven were going to be used to get the world equal with each other, which meant America would have to be brought down. That’s where we find ourselves today, some twenty years later.  To review the Cloward and Piven strategy, you can understand it in four basic steps, overload a system, encourage chaos to ensue, then take control. That’s when socialism and communism are introduced as the new management method.  Once you show that capitalism cannot solve the problem, centralized authority is utilized to take over.  That is what the United Nations is doing to America, through Covid, through UN regulations, and with their intent to commit election fraud to overthrow our country and to restructure it under the umbrella of the United Nations. 

Most of the world’s billionaires are in on the plan because they have already leveraged their assets to the United Nations strategy.  For them, it’s access to increased market share.  They are highly motivated to join the United Nations way of looking at the world and were more than willing to direct their businesses in that direction.  That is how the media companies became involved in election fraud.  The United Nations did not want Donald Trump to be president again.  Neither did China.  So they conspired with liberals within America to overthrow our election with massive voter fraud.  They used a Cloward and Piven strategy to attack our system from every direction and install a known criminal in Joe Biden who would open the gates to the kingdom they wanted.  Biden would never stand up to them because he couldn’t afford to.  They had the goods on him, so he was a safe install.  That is when these liberal forces stepped outside of the American legal system and decided to commit election fraud on a mass scale. They’d use those same billionaires to control the messaging, especially the internet, and contain the story.  In their minds, they hoped to overthrow America within a few months of the new Biden administration. 

Yet, what we found in the election audit in Maricopa County, Arizona, and will likely see in many other places from the 2020 election is this Cloward and Piven strategy gone crazy.  It was unorganized theft from many disjointed directions, so the evidence is abundant.  But they felt secure in making mistakes because they never feared getting caught.  The planners, in this case, thought that American election laws were irrelevant compared to events around the world, so sloppiness was accepted.  For every conspirator who promoted hiding the election fraud because they wanted good jobs under the new regime of the United Nations, they tagged themselves with “criminal intent.” With every manipulator of bandwidth, of web traffic flow, of every media writer and commentator who attempted to hide what had happened with election fraud, they have all committed criminal intent.  They deliberately committed a crime against the United States and tried to cover it up.  Just like what is happening in the case with the poor girl Gabby Petito.  Stealing votes is not acceptable; it’s theft of a person’s property, their right to vote.  Voting is the spine of our republic, and tampering with elections is one of the worst crimes that can be committed.  The murder of a person is horrible.  But so is the attempted murder of a country.  It’s all murder.  And those who assisted with the crime are all guilty of criminal intent.

With the results of Maricopa County, our country is on a course that will have to decertify the Biden election.  It will take a while to do other similar audits.  But the crime scene is clear to us now.  We can see that a crime did happen, and there are conspirators involved in the process.  It is no longer speculation, and those most guilty are those hoping to bluff their way out of the mess they’ve put themselves in—the laws of our nation matter.  The United Nations does not get to override us, which has been the assumption all along.  Many of our political class don’t want to know about this evidence because they’ll have to admit that the election fraud was an act of war.  That the Cloward and Piven strategy against us mandates that we do something about it.  And many of them don’t want to have to face that reality. They’d instead go to The Louvre in France and eat a croissant on the dirty streets of Paris and consider themselves worldly and cultured than to fight the United Nations and their pawn in this game, China.  But we must face facts, our election was attacked, we have had hostilities from foreign countries attempt to overthrow our nation, and we must answer the bell.  We didn’t ring it; they did.  And now they must pay.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Trent Emeneker is a Liberal in West Chester: Relative to Butler County, Ohio, the trustee challenger is a Democrat in disguise

Trent Emeneker Wants to Be a Liberal Trustee in West Chester, Ohio

Not a surprise; I’m a Mark Welch guy in West Chester.  Of course, I’m supporting Mark Welch for re-election to the West Chester trustees. He’s had that job for a while and has done a fantastic job.  West Chester, Ohio, is one of the greatest places to live in all of America.  As I said in the video above, I have recently returned from Jackson, Wyoming, which is per capita one of the wealthiest places in the United States.  I love Jackson Hole, Wyoming; I enjoyed shopping there with my family.  It was all very nice.  But it’s not nicer than West Chester, Ohio.  Not by a long shot.  I’ve been all over the United States and seen a lot of nice areas to live in.  When people vote for West Chester to be one of the best places anywhere to live, they aren’t kidding.  And Mark Welch gets a lot of credit for making it that way.  The process started long ago when Senator George Lang was a trustee and implemented a small-government philosophy, which the trustees still adhere to currently.  Small government anywhere, minimal, competent, government leads to prosperity.  A big, bloated government, especially filled by incompetent people, leads to corruption, disaster, and high costs to maintain that government.  In this upcoming race for re-election in November of 2021, Mark Welch is the small-government guy with a proven track record.  End of the story, vote for Mark and enjoy another term in office to keep West Chester great.

But there are always challenges to these kinds of positions, and this year is no different.  Liberals are always trying to replace conservatives as trustees, representatives, commissioners, everywhere.  And to do that, they have to pretend to be Republicans when, in fact, they are Democrats, relative to the kind of politics that we have in Butler County, Ohio.  The challenger this time is a guy by the name of Trent Emeneker, a recently laid-off employee at GE who needs something to do, so he decided to run for West Chester Trustee.  Now on paper, Trent will say that he’s a former Marine and a registered Republican.  However, the Democrats had a recent fundraiser for Trent hosted by the old Lakota school levy supporter Kathy Wyenandt at the AC Hotel at Liberty Center.  I was at the Roosevelt Room across the street around 5:30 PM on the Tuesday of that fundraiser and learned all about it from some little birdies who came to that back table complaining about the $10 drinks at the cash bar.  I didn’t know Trent much but thought it was strange that a so-called “fiscal” conservative was having a fundraiser with a Democrat, even if only a few people showed up.  I didn’t pay much attention to the guy until that point, but the fundraiser was enough of suspicion to inspire some research.  After all, who would question a former Marine?  Well, maybe people should ask those with a military record more often and not just assume they will be good officeholders.  That is how we ended up with General Milley.  In today’s military, many progressives are coming out of that system, so we can’t take anything for granted, which looks to be the case with Trent Emeneker.

The biggest problem with Trent is that he wants to hold a vote in West Chester to make the township into a city, which has long been a progressive plan wanted by people who attended Kathy Wyenandt’s fundraiser.  Do you know why they want to make West Chester into a city?  It’s not to better pay for roads and other social services.  We do well now with partnerships with Butler County to operate a great community with low crime, high service value, and without an income tax.  Liberals want to make West Chester a city to create more office positions for people who wish to sit in and get attention. I’m thinking of old-school levy supporters like Joan Powell, who has pushed for this city thing in West Chester for a long time.  With a city comes city council seats like what they have in Middletown and Mason.  Then, of course, there are significant positions such as mayors, vice mayors, and other offices.  Government expansion is what we are talking about, and for liberals, it’s a chance to do something progressive and raise taxes to pay for everything.   Right now, West Chester is run by essentially three trustees and a fiscal officer.  Parts of Butler County that are cities do not run better than West Chester.  The track record is unavoidable. 

Yet that is pretty much the campaign of Trent Emeneker.  Somebody that not even GE thought was worth having around since they let him go as part of their Covid-19 resizing. He wants to get on West Chester’s Board of Trustees and push to become a city so that more liberals can have some office to sit on and create more bureaucracy, such as what happens everywhere that government expands.  With West Chester interacting with hundreds of thousands of people in the residing area, providing services to them all efficiently and with a budget surplus most of the time, what else is there for Trent to do but complain about making government bigger?  This is where the “fiscal” conservative on his signs comes into play.  If he was a real conservative, not just somebody who might have voted for George Bush in the past or every other RINO like John Kasich, he does not think like a conservative.  It’s not enough to complain that the current Trustees spent millions of dollars on landscaping at the new exit off the highway.  Hey, when you manage your money, you can do that.  I like coming off that exit and seeing it look classy.  The amount of money that is generated off the Union Center exit in West Chester is enormous.  Planting a few flowers doesn’t make the current trustees fiscally reckless. Instead, they respect the great businesses camped out in West Chester because the trustees have protected them from the overly intrusive government Trent wants. 

These kinds of campaign theatrics used to work when people didn’t know better, but in West Chester, everyone can look at a track record of success.  Then to propose that government is what makes something great, which most liberals believe and what gives Trent away as a liberal, is to slap away everything successful in West Chester.  And that’s what would come with a vote for Trent Emeneker.  He can sell himself as Goose from Top Gun because he spent ten years in the Marines in the back of a Navy fighter.  I might like Top Gun, but I don’t know if I’d want Goose managing the money in my home township. I’d need more than that.  What matters to me is that he was so invaluable that he ended up on the lay-off list at GE when they decided they needed to reduce their workforce after Covid hit.  Why would he make a good trustee again if an employer didn’t even want him?  And when Democrats are pushing to get you elected, what does that say about the person running?  Yeah, I’m sure Trent is a nice fellow.  He probably is a nice husband and father.  But keep that guy away from money.  Because he’s a liberal in disguise, and he wants to expand government and change what has been working for us all very well already.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Don’t Play Nice With Democrats, They are At War With Us: Say NO to more funding

Shut Down The Government

Here’s a news flash, we are at war!  We are not in a situation where we, as Republicans, are required to play nice with Democrats.  No matter what you think about election fraud.  No matter what you think about the border.  No matter what you think about the cover-up of our political machine helping China develop a bioweapon in coronavirus at the Wuhan lab with NIH funding by Dr. Fauci.  We are under attack.  Democrats are trying to collapse our system of government, of our country, and we have the means to stop them. It’s not with elections during the midterms.  It’s not with the reinstitution of President Trump.  It’s actually upon us now, with the vote on the Hill to raise the debt ceiling and refund the government at the end of September.  We are already terribly in debt because we’ve played too nice.  We let the United Nations sucker us with Covid and trillions of dollars of new debt.  What is happening is a classic Cloward and Piven strategy meant to crush the American dollar and America as a sovereign nation.  We have domestic enemies who are helping bring it about.  Yet, we still have the power in our hands to stop it.  We still control the flow of money.  We can say no to raising the debt limit, and we can refuse to fund the government past the September deadline.  What are you afraid of happening?  What could be worse than losing your country?

Look, already, the government has taught people to live without the government. What will the media do when the government shuts down and people can’t go to the National Parks?  We already shut down the government during Covid.  I went to six National Parks this past year, and most of them had just reopened.  At Yellowstone in June 2021, they had only been open a few weeks after the government shutdown over Covid, and honestly, life still went on. Suppose they shut down over a lack of funding. Who is going to care?  People will rearrange their plans and get on with their lives.  This isn’t how it used to be where Republicans were the first to blink in such shutdowns; they would accept the blame for the whole fiasco.  No, we’re in a real new world now.  These days, if you stand up to Democrats by throwing all this in their face, you will be rewarded by voters; even illegal immigrants will vote Republican.  Because everyone likes a fighter, and everyone wants to see people in power defending the underdog.  This is the first time we could have a government shutdown where the Democrats would get the blame.  The public won’t care a bit.  By taking this leverage away from Democrats now, you will take it from them forever. 

And to put an end to the trillions that Democrats want to spend with that communist infrastructure plan they want to pass.  Just take away their ability to borrow money.  The number one extortion piece that China has over the United States is our debt.  Democrats want to feed that power for an overthrow of America. That’s why they are against the Pledge of Allegiance; that’s why they want people to protest the American flag.  Do they hate America, isn’t that obvious yet?  Who doubts that now?  They have virtually come out and stamped their hatred of us right on our foreheads.   So why play nice with them?  Why shake hands?  Why pretend that the Senate is a country club of legislators who all want what’s best for America because they aren’t.   Many of them are domestic enemies to our Constitution, and they say it in the open.  Why not take them at their word?  Why play nice with them?  Would you want history to remember you opening the door and letting in the Trojan Horse that destroyed the war?

Many would argue that the Trojan Horse has already been unleashed, that the battle has already been launched, and that the globalists are already marking the war won.  That it’s too late.  Well, for that to happen, suckers must give them the money like the robbers they are.  Like Jesse James holding up a train promising to let all the women and children live if only the train’s occupants would hand over all their money, the Democrats are doing the same with our country.  Remember, Jesse James was a staunch slave-owning Democrat, and he was and is just like these modern Democrats.  Thieves, radicals, and political insurgents.  They do not want to work together for a better country.  They want to hold us up, steal our money and our lives, and turn over our country to the globe for a reward in an upcoming insurgent government.  So, the robbery is taking place for the naysayers and negative barnacles who think the fight isn’t worth having, but the goods have not left our hands.  Raising the debt ceiling and renewing the federal government’s funding is when that takes place, and Republicans would do well to hold tight, even shoot it out with the bandits.  But don’t hand it over.

Republicans are talking tough about the upcoming vote.  Democrats are threatening to do it all without them, which would be fine.  Never put your name next to a loser.  The Democrats, through election fraud, have managed to take the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.  Let them choke on it.  Let them be the ones to fund all these ridiculous projects.  Let them be on the hook for it.  Let them hang on to it and make them pay later.  There will be a later if Republicans hold tight.  Burn the horse with all the troops in it. Don’t let them in the gate, then go to bed only to slaughter you in the night.  Kill it before it gets to you under hidden schemes and actions of aggression intent for other nations, not those of America.  It’s all very simple; without the shared guilt of a broken economy, of an outright insurrection, Democrats will be left alone and afraid.  They will have nobody but themselves to blame, and when it all comes crashing down, it will be their party that will feel it most.

Then and only then can we talk about reforms.   They can’t steal the votes of the Republicans in our republic.   They can override the votes, but they cannot steal them from a live person voting on the House floor and talking to the media after.  Do not give them the leverage of your acceptance.  Leave them alone on this, and ultimately to blame.  Americans will back a fighter.  They will not support an accomplice who helped rob them of their wealth and country.  The power is truly in our hands.  Democrats only win if we surrender.  At least make them fight for it.  Fire back for a change and play chicken with the intent to crash headlong into their ranks.  Be willing to take damage from the action.  But don’t play nice with them.  Playing nice will be a sure way to lose this game, and in losing, we lose our country to the forces obviously against it.  And even though it may be scary now, remember, history has a long memory.  Finding a little bravery today and standing up to these bandits and insurgents will be worth the memory tomorrow.  Yet yielding to them will only pay embarrassment for the rest of your lives and the memory of it in the centuries to come.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Election Fraud Story Isn’t Going Away: Illegal Immigration is just obvious proof of it

Election Fraud is Not Going Away, the Story will Only Get Stronger

Of course, there was and is election fraud.  Every time illegal aliens are allowed to vote or be shipped to purple states hoping to get Democrats’ votes, we see election fraud.  That is, after all, the essence of illegal immigration at its core.  The chaos left in the wake will allow Democrats to tip the scales of an election in their favor.  So, to say that there is no proof of election fraud is to report that the people saying it are in denial and refuse to look at the evidence right in front of their faces.  With that in mind, we have massive amounts of election fraud in our current elections that we know about.  Logic would dictate that there a much more that we can’t see because it is hidden for us for all the same reasons that criminals commit a crime—so they can get away with a crime.  For too long, we have been gullible; we voted and trusted that everyone counting that vote was honest, and we enjoyed going home on the day of an election and watching the results come in.  Sometimes our picks won, sometimes they lost.  Whatever happened, we shook hands at the end of it and lived our lives until the next election.

However, we’re not talking about getting along here; the people who committed election fraud in several close races over the years leading up to the 2020 election aren’t looking to shake hands with the other side.  They intend to destroy the other side, “Republicans” and the republic of America forever.  They aren’t trying to get along.  They look to kill, so when they commit election fraud, it is with the intent to control us all first by robbing us of our vote and our choice in government.  And now, because they went too far in recent years, the election fraudsters, people are finally admitting to themselves how corrupt the election system of America indeed has been.  From now until a time when the situation is fixed, whoever loses in these elections will question the results of the other side.  We are not close to having the United States of America agree to disagree on various political platforms.  That was, after all, the first thought many had about the Newsom recall vote in California in 2021 was that Democrats cheated to stay in power. That’s not Trump’s fault for pointing out what everyone else was already thinking.  People think what they do, and now because of what Democrats have done, people do not trust elections.  

The real danger in election fraud that Democrats and RINO Republicans are now learning way too late is that there is no peaceful transfer of power without them.  The assumption that the solid and critical-thinking Americans still functioning in America would bend the knee to an all-powerful centralized government shows ignorance about really childlike beliefs about what people are like.  Yet the major political parties in America, especially in the Beltway, believe that was the case, just as they did with vaccine mandates and mask-wearing due to Covid protocols.  There is always a percentage of stupid people who don’t like to think who are quick to let others think for them.  We call them Democrats.  But turning smart and non-compliant people into stupid people isn’t possible in a country like America.  Too many people will say no and will question people trying to tell them what to do.  And it is those people who will be the first to challenge an election that didn’t go right.  They were the first to see that something wasn’t right about the 2020 election, and it didn’t take long for the facts to catch up to their sentiment.  Now, most of the way through 2021, election fraud in 2020 is evident.  No, the question of it was how much?  Well, it looks like more than enough to change the results of the presidential election.  Likely also, many House and Senate races.  Presently, we have no idea if Democrats truly control the Senate and House because the fraud looks so extensive that we must question that assumption, which is dangerous. That’s why nobody should ever try to steal elections.

The next option for a free people if they can’t trust elections is through a violent overthrow.  Putting up with a fraudulent government isn’t an option.  History shows us that without elections that people can trust, people will turn to violence to get done what they need in government.  What happened on January 6th, 2021, was nothing, even though the modern political class acts like it is the worst act of terrorism to happen ever in America.  It’s all a matter of perspective.  In this case, the criminals have been caught, and they fear being exposed by those who won’t accept the absolute Big Lie.  That government has been managing honest elections for decades, but we know now that the government has simply been tipping the scales to give them more and more power.  The Biden election was a tip too far, and they broke the scale revealing their activity.  And now the payment is fear of retribution from those they have committed the crimes against. 

Yet this story isn’t going away.  People see what has happened, and the movement is picking up steam.  More and more people are talking about the election fraud of 2020 and the foreign influence problems of our election.  It was Democrats who first attempted to cast doubt in our elections by blaming Russia for Trump getting elected.  In truth, it should have been Democrats who accused themselves of making Trump by being so dishonest with us for so many years.  Now that they have betrayed our trust, they can’t force us to trust them again.  They broke that trust with reckless behavior.  We didn’t do that; Democrats did.  And the media bet on the wrong horse.  Somewhere, somebody told them that if only they played along with this global game, there would be something in it for them when the power shifted from a republic to a centralized communist party.  They were dumb enough to believe it.  But in reality, we see the truth.  People are on to the election fraud, and so long as there is doubt in our elections, violence and mayhem are not far behind.  Democrats should have never attempted to cheat with illegal immigration, with early voting and mail-in ballots.  With digital voting machines.  And many other methods such as suppression polls.

Yes, there is a lot of election fraud, and our next step as a nation is to make voting believable again.  Nobody cares if Democrats cry about it, they caused this mess in the first place.  But the vote needs to return to one day on the first Tuesday of November.  Only mail-in ballots for special circumstances such as the military.  And count them the old fashion way, with paper.  No dead people. Voter I.D.   Nobody voting more than once, none of that stuff.  Only when those things are cleaned up and people can trust the election process again will we have peace and stability in our government.  Only then can we hope to be one nation once again.  Because what has been done to us has been unforgivable and mandates action.  Whether that action is peaceful or not is up to the other side.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The World Bet Against America: What Edward Abilene and other socialists never figured out

The World Bet Against America, Bad Decision

Another reason I felt I had to write The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business is because many people consider America a great place, but they don’t understand why.  I thought I had always understood its essence, but how its evolution played out on the world stage leading up to some of the monstrosities we see in our current events, people didn’t have the proper context to grasp what was happening.  To write the book, I needed to visit some places to confirm my thoughts, and one of them was the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, Wyoming.  I was after the essence as to what made America tick, and to get there; I needed to step back to before the progressive era and into the end of the reign of Queen Victoria to put my finger on it.  I would say that I discovered what I needed to, not just at the Buffalo Bill Center. Still, I visited along the way in many places, including the area where Wild Bill Hickok was shot in Deadwood and exploring the reasons for the murder, which is compelling.  For me, these events told the story of today, how we got here and what was wrong with it.  These discoveries certainly made it into my book, a unique collection of thoughts about American business and why they so quickly outwork other industries in the world.  And why there is so much global jealousy toward America.  It’s not something we did, but instead, it’s that we left the world behind, and like a jealous lover, they can’t get over it.  Well, I can say that the Buffalo Bill Center of the West gets it, and I honestly think that all youth in America should go there and study.  It would do them a whole lot more good than in going to their first year of college.  The same holds for all Americans and people worldwide who make the pilgrimage to that Center to touch the essence of Americana as Buffalo Bill showed it to the world at the turn of the last century. 

I always warn my kids about Liberal Springs (Yellow Springs, Ohio) because Antioch College is such a liberal institution that attracts all the dope-smoking hippies and other progressive degenerates.  It’s one of the most liberal areas in all of Ohio, made that way by the college that has been there for so long.  Most Americans have been made to feel guilty for passing judgment on a place of higher education, that is until recently.  But in the case of Yellow Springs, they would have saved themselves a lot of pain if they had been willing to call bad, bad from the beginning.  One of my daughters and her husband wanted to go up to Clifton Gorge to hike, and to get there; they stopped by Yellow Springs to get a Coke.  Because my daughter wasn’t wearing a Covid compliance mask, the server there refused to serve her and wanted her to leave.  After some dispute, my daughter went to McDonald’s next door to get her Coke, and they proceeded to hike at the Gorge.  While there, resting on a rock along the trail, a mall cop type of park ranger wanted to give them a citation for getting off the path by a few feet.  After more debate, they were told to leave.  The area of Yellow Springs had heard the Biden dog whistle and was moving toward full authoritarian, the kind of world liberals want for all of us.  Instead, my kids left the area, returned home, and went to a place much more conducive to their personalities, Premier Shooting in West Chester.  They spent the rest of the day there shooting and enjoying themselves with like-minded people who had not become corrupted by liberalism. 

The reason for that little story and the tie back to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West is that Edward Abilene had toured America with the daughter of Karl Marx in the late 1800s to measure the temperature the new nation would have for socialism.  Abilene had a strange attraction to Buffalo Bill in trying to understand Americans, which is why that Center was critical to understanding how Europe saw America.  At that time, Americans weren’t considered a threat, so England appeased the Buffalo Bill show the way a parent might indulge a child putting on a magic show for the first time, with a pat on the head and some upper lip encouragement.  But what they saw was a raw example of masculinity and weapons work that had conquered the wild frontier that had a new kind of art and culture to display, industry, endurance, tenacity, and courage.  The men of English society were more than a little threatened when English women were clamoring for these Buffalo Bill types, just as England as an empire was well on the decline.  They thought that America had no art, no history, no culture, and Europe was far superior.  They convinced many Americans to chase after the European standard and copy their religions, their colleges for higher learning, and other aspects of culture.  That is how the liberal was created in America.  Many other Americans like those in the Buffalo Bill show were new and mysterious in the world. They were not just attractive; they might become the most dominant organization of people on the face of the planet.  That was a threat to Europe and the old powers, and they have been anxious about it ever since. 

Liberals in America started creating colleges in the United States, like the one in Yellow Springs, to bring European culture to the new country.  Not so much to help America but to slow down its growth and ambitions.  During his tour of America and his relationship with Buffalo Bill, Abilene realized that Americans were looking for recognition from the old world the way a child seeks the approval of a parent.  So the plan to bring socialism to America was through such a process of shared art and culture.  Since then, America has had a restrictor plate applied to it, slowing it down to Europe’s liking.  It has also created a kind of subclass of European in the American liberal that is all the cause of conflict to this very day.  Such as the waitress in Yellow Springs who refused to serve my daughter a Coke or the overly zealous park officer at Clifton Gorge.  Americans have been made to feel guilty for all their ambitions and lack of culture, which Europe provided in exchange for a limiting relationship that has hindered America’s growth.  Now that all the cards are on the table and true feelings about each other have been revealed since Trump became president, it’s time to review all these relationships and decide how to move forward.  I would propose to leave the world behind and to force them to catch up if they want by adopting capitalism.  That would solve many of the problems in the world.  No government can provide that solution; it has to come from individuals who set the bar high and force the world to live up to it.  It might be a nightmare for Europe and Asia, but it is the way of the future, and for anybody curious about it, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West tells the story in ways that no place else does.   The world has bet on liberalism.  But what America created is what everyone wants, so that bet toward China will fall short because it’s not the best. 

Investors like Ray Dalio and companies like Walt Disney may have invested everything assuming that the world would turn back to the old and that hierarchical power would resume its work globally.  For them, they picked China and have hedged themselves behind that decision.  But, they should have read my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business.  It would have saved them billions and trillions of dollars in lost revenue, which they will experience over the next decade.  I can understand their anxiety, but it’s their fault for not understanding what America was and thinking they could change it through academic means.  The Buffalo Bill Wild West show led to a yearning for freedom that created the country despite the world’s governments, and those forces are still at play.  Peer pressure isn’t going to return Americans to the grip of the old world. Instead, the entire government of America could be stripped away, including those compliant losers in Yellow Springs, yet Americans would still have an incredibly high GDP.  It was always a mystery to Edward Abilene and other Marxists who wanted to take over America and still do.  But they won’t be successful.  To understand why the Buffalo Bill Center of the West shows it.  Or, you can read my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Rich Hoffman

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