The Great Replacement Theory is Very Real: To understand it, just watch the classic film, ‘Scarface’

The Great Replacement Theory is not some politically driven rant; it’s a real political strategy that has been around for a long time, and it’s a heavily used communist tactic.  Even Elon Musk has come to see what the strategy is of Democrats in America, the purpose of the open border policy, which is well underway, and sending over 10 million undocumented migrants into the United States to essentially saturate their voting base.  For them to deny that is what they are doing is to deny history, and one of the best examples of this kind of thing in history was captured in the great Brian DePalma movie Scarface with Al Pacino.  The plot of that movie, which had a historical backdrop supporting a fictional storyline but one based on reality, was that Fidel Castro had let all the criminals out of their prisons to flood the border in Florida in order to saturate a red state with illegal immigrants and convert them to Democrat voters.  It was a Jimmy Carter policy to take them all in, just as Biden is now doing on a much more massive scale.  But the point of the communist regime and the Democrats in America was to take in all the criminals from those prisons and have them infiltrate America, mix in with a lot of other people, and overrun Miami and other Florida cities with massive crime and drugs.  It was a military maneuver, and the movie Scarface did a nice job of showing all the different layers of politics involved and how those decisions impacted people at all levels of society.  The root cause of the problem was the strategy of Castro to offload the criminals of his country to bring down his rival in the United States with poison.  This tactic is clearly behind the modern open-border movement.

People who don’t believe this is happening aren’t very good at geography and politics and don’t understand the characters at play.  Of all the countries that people are fleeing from, such as Venezuela, Mexico, Central America, and even Canada, they are all run by socialists.  Even in Brazil, you might recall they let a communist out of prison to overthrow their own populist leader there.  Everywhere you look behind this open border policy are advocates who want a strong centralized government in the style of Chinese communism, and their method of delivery is to overwhelm countries with immigration to change them into socialist and communist countries by migration.  In the process, they destabilize the economies of their targets with chaos and crime.  We don’t have to speculate about whether such things are happening because we can see them with our own eyes.  But we also now have historical context.  We saw what happened in Cuba when Scarface hit the movie theaters.  The whole point of the movie was to show how criminals were let out of jails only to become members of crime syndicates to push drugs into Miami, Florida, and other places in the United States.  The antics of Tony Montana became legendary in movie history as it was one of the first movies to almost be rated X because of hard language and violence.  But that was back in the early 80s and history remembers what happened.  People were so outraged by the communist insurgency at the time that they elected Ronald Reagan, and America survived even if the character of illegal immigration purposely changed the kind of people associated with Florida demographics.  There is no doubt that the same kind of strategy is being employed now, and behind all the impoverished areas are communist and socialist-led countries that people are fleeing from. They purposely antagonized innocent people to make them want to leave and overwhelm the border of the communist target, America. 

But when Cuba had their mass immigration into Florida, the Democrats didn’t get exactly what they expected.  That is because the way to beat communist countries in policy is to destroy them with capital and wealth generation.  And the capitalist government of America gave all those communist despots somewhere to work and a way to secure a decent life for their families.  And what we have seen over the last twenty to thirty years is a failure of the Democrat playbook to win the immigrants over as Democrats.  The Democrat party is so anti-family that they are unattractive to migrants who are very much pro-family and enjoy their family lineage.  2024 polling is showing that illegal immigrants and their immigrant families already in the United States are leaning toward Trump and the Make America Great platform.  After all, that’s why they migrated to the United States.  They didn’t want to be a part of the communist hellholes they ran from.  And the terrible ordeals they had to endure along the way, the disgraceful conduct, especially among their women.  Behind the manipulators of policy, the consultants, the financiers, and the despots of doom who purposely cause trouble among innocent people to inspire them into mass migrations to overthrow countries, many of their plans have backfired.  But that doesn’t mean their intent shouldn’t be punished.  What they planned to do and what they did do ended up harming many millions of innocent people on all sides, and all that tampering is catching up to them.  What might have been overlooked in the 80s because reporting was slower, and we hadn’t seen what was happening before is no longer hidden.   People understand this game now better than at any other point in history.

You might have heard what Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said recently, the president of Mexico about his role in protecting the American border from the drug cartels who essentially run his country.  He claimed it wasn’t his responsibility, that Americans want drugs, and they make the market for his drug cartels to do their business.  And that was very much the policy when the movie Scarface took place.  How do you attack a free market by injecting poison into that market and letting people die in it?  In that way, the resistance to the communist invasion destroys themselves with gratuitous sex and drug abuse, founded in a lack of morality by the destruction of the modern family unit that would otherwise disgrace such detrimental behavior.  The open border policies in America sponsored by Democrats and their RINO Republican conspirators are an attack against American sovereignty meant to destroy the country in ways that no military on earth could otherwise.  And we know that because it is straight out of the communist playbook that Castro in Cuba historically has shown the world, and the after-effects are still evident during any trip to Florida.  Even if the results failed to make Florida a blue state, as it’s a red state that still votes Republican, the intent can’t be ignored.  And it must be understood that what we are seeing now, with all the open borders with socialist countries, like Canada and especially Mexico is open warfare where people are used as weapons of war to convert capitalism to communism.  It’s certainly not a conspiracy theory.  It’s a malicious attack on our country and all of us, and it’s the only way to understand what is happening today.  It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Uniparty Attack to Bring America Down: What illegal immigration is all about and why the perpetrators must be punished ruthlessly

The border dispute in Texas is a perfect example of what a corrupt government looks like, where they will lie to our faces even when there is contrary information presented so obviously. The gig is a blatant invasion designed by the uniparty to establish a permanent dependent class in America. It is at least massive election fraud because they are deliberately trying to manipulate and destroy the American system of law and order to subvert the power base of voters to tamper with the results gradually. Democrats hope that many of these illegal aliens will find some way to vote and tip the scales in their favor. This is the same kind of intent that we saw in 2020 when there was obvious election fraud in many states to remove President Trump from the White House and give us this fool that is completely controlled by corruption and global interests, then lie to our faces about the truth regarding election fraud. For these lies, we should be prosecuting and punishing viciously these perpetrators, including Republicans who have joined this purposeful destruction of American policy and the knowing destruction of our border policy to facilitate what can only be described as an invasion of troops to overthrow our civil government controlled by the consent of the governed. These liars and thieves have let us down, and they must, at the very least, be punished with career-ending castigations that will send shock waves through the world who knowingly participated. It is absolutely pathetic that it has taken us this long to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or talk about it, for his knowing dereliction of duty to protect America from hostile foreign invaders. This type of activism is the same kind of social manipulation we have seen elsewhere that fully intends to destroy our way of life with purposeful military aggression.

It’s clear that America is being attacked from many different perspectives, and I would say that the only reason we are still here, that our flag still flies in the face of all these hostile agents who are, yes, domestic enemies, is due to the power of capitalism and the nature of our Constitution which is the foundation of the rule of law. Despite the efforts to destroy that rule of law, it has survived in a very pesky way. All these foreign hostilities are not going as planned, and it is frustrating the globalists, who I would argue are poised to lose in this whole game. Even though the footprints of their destruction are ominous and obvious. I would also say that this migrant invasion will backfire on them, which is why I told the recent Taco Truck story. I like hard-working people from all over the world, as opposed to the spawns of labor union slugs who drink too much, do drugs, and are always looking for a government handout while working a minimum of 40 hours of work per week. I personally always worked two or three jobs to make money for my family, and when we couldn’t afford two cars, I rode a bicycle to work, sometimes 20 miles one way in the rain, snow, and treacherously cold weather, and I didn’t call off sick, over many decades. I did that so my wife, who was a housewife taking care of our kids, could have access to the car to get groceries and ensure that the kids could always get where they needed to go when they needed to get there, no matter the cost to my convenience. So I like hard-working people who will walk thousands of miles, endure the rape and pillage of out-of-control cartels along the way and face the genuine prospect of death just for the opportunity to achieve the American dream. I understand those people often more than the people lucky enough to be born in America and have grown to take that gift for granted.

I think many of the illegal aliens coming to America will end up voting for Trump if given a chance, so this military objective from those hostile to America from the globalist inclined uniparty will end up failing like everything else they do. But we cannot ignore their intent, which is why it’s still important to talk about the election fraud from 2020 and their use of the known bioweapon COVID-19, which was released from China, purposely, not by accident.  COVID did what the globalists wanted: it was a bioweapon made for the purpose it was used: to destroy economic output, kill people, and change the nature of government not just with election fraud but by attacking the nature of free government and giving strength to centralized forces.  This same intent has destroyed our education system in a blatant attempt to destroy the family structure of the American people and to make them dumb by teaching them garbage and trying to sell economic mobility by turning them into a class of useless experts that only serve a strengthened administrative state, globally.   The public education system in America cares more about sexual perversion than about inspiring the next Mark Twain to tell America’s story to a new generation.  Instead, they are taught to hate America and to rally to the causes of European socialism, communism, and fascism, all of which are creations of these same uniparty parasites.  Look to your local Mason halls for the history and international means toward mass collectivism and its desire to rule the world because they think they know better than everyone else.  But they fail in their form of government, where the consent of individuals is what works and has made America great.  Their view is the strength of peer groups and social classifications under more group affiliation, the upper-class elites, and the middle class that Biden is always talking about.  Then you have the slugs of humanity, the purposefully destroyed classes of poor made that way to keep the middle class licking the boots of their superiors.  That’s the game they are playing, and also why they will end up losing much to their mystification and mass frustration.

It’s the intent we should be angry about and should use as our foundations of justice.  There have been over 10 million migrants let into America since Biden took office from south of the border with the intent to wash out the voter base and keep in power those who stole the 2020 election.  By overthrowing the country and its rule of law, they hope to get away with the greatest crimes ever committed on the face of this earth by human conspirators.  They have purposely let in criminals who are bringing violence to our neighborhoods, making it easy for drugs to poison our next generation and make slugs out of otherwise hardworking adults who are so stoned and high that they don’t even want to get out of bed.  And it was done on purpose, as a military exercise to destroy our nation and all of us with it. And everyone should treat this treacherous condition for what it truly is.  There are a lot of people who need to go to jail, and everyone who calls themselves a “progressive” who intends to subvert our traditional Constitution should be eradicated from the American protections and exported to some other nation at a minimum.  We must have a hard line drawn in the sand to set policy for the future that does not put up with insurgents with the ease that we have because we always took it for granted that people in government would look out for our best interests.  They haven’t and don’t.  They have lied straight to our faces about their intentions on border security, and now they have to pay for the crimes they have done and then some. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

A Little Taco Truck in Oakley: Hard work and good food that come with opportunities only capitalism provides

Oh, I know, my kind of Republican politics has not been built by the Koch Brothers and other personalities who don’t get what’s coming in the future. While I am eager to return to Trump’s border policies and send back illegal immigrants wherever we find them, I do have a soft spot for people who are willing to crawl through broken glass naked to get into America and take advantage of the freedoms afforded individuals in the greatest country on earth. I don’t blame anybody who wants to get into America and work hard to have a good life, which they are not allowed to have in many other places. I tend to think more of immigrant people than I do of people who were born in America, by default, and expect someone to give them a golden slipper for the rest of their lives. I like to see people working hard. I have much more in common with most immigrant people because they often come from cultures where hard work is not only appreciated, it’s expected. The labor unions in America, with all the elements of Marxism that go with them, have destroyed the labor force in the United States. And for me, this isn’t even about cheap labor by people exploited because of their resident status. It’s simply a work ethic issue. While I am a person who likes AI and robotics because it makes a business not dependent on slugs who are afraid to work, I like immigration labor because of their work ethic. And when it comes to deporting people, I would vote to deport crybaby welfare recipients living off Medicaid well before I’d get rid of a cook working 18-hour days in the back of a Chinese food restaurant. I appreciate and most enjoy knowing people who work hard. And I very much despise lazy people who expect things to be given to them just because they were fortunate to be born in a rich country and want to exploit every political giveaway that they can get their hands on.

To this point, a friend of mine was out running around with me, and he wanted me to do something unusual for lunch and go all the way to Oakley to show me. I am used to Liberty Township and West Chester, Ohio, for lunch and dinner options. I expect delicious food if I’m going to eat it, and I like pleasant surroundings without a lot of slugs lying around, bringing down the vibe. When eating in public, I don’t want to smell pot smoke and look at a bunch of freak show contestants while I’m eating, so I usually go to places I know are safe for that kind of thing. So I was reluctant to follow my friend’s advice on this lunch option he was talking about, a little taco truck in a BP gas station in Oakley near the old Cincinnati Milicron plant that is now torn down and replaced by new economic development. This isn’t the best part of town; this newly developed renovation project is just east of Norwood. I have a long history in this area, so I wasn’t too excited to go there. There are taco trucks all over Cincinnati, so why this one? They have taco trucks at Liberty Center, which is my favorite place to go and eat. Why were we going all the way down to Oakley? Well, as he promised, according to him, these were some of the best tacos in the world, and he would know he’d traveled the world a lot and had sampled lots of food from many different people. And he swore by this particular taco truck that it’s simply the best around.

So we went way out of our way for lunch, and I was shocked to see how small it was.  But it had character; it was sitting in the parking lot of a gas station with its little grass umbrella shrouding a few picnic tables.  To the left behind the gas station were a couple of cops hanging out because of the vast homelessness problem that the area has and the frequent drug deals that are pretty obvious a part of the discarded shopping carts lying around.  Oakley is trying to reform itself with lots of new construction, but when people lose their way in life and conjugate all together in one area, they usually get depleted economic zones.  And that’s where we were; we were there to eat food.  So, I was skeptical.  But we knocked on the window, and a smiling face greeted us, a little Central American woman happy to get an order.  She immediately took the order and soon smoke was coming out of a little smoke stack on top of the truck, which was much smaller than I expected.  Two people were in the taco trailer that could have been pulled by a small car, and the whole thing ran on propane as its heat source, evident by the stack of tanks behind it discarded for refilling.  The entire event reminded me of something you might find in the highlands of Peru and some tourist spots in a remote part of the world.  A few people were making something happen with very minimal resources, and they were excited to have customers, which they went way out of their way to facilitate. 

To get drinks at this place, you have to go into the gas station to get them.  So I was having a cultural experience with all this.  But it was enjoyable, and once we were finished, the food was ready, and we ate it in the car.  These are all things that I usually wouldn’t do for lunch.  But, boy, was it all a treat.  It was great food made fresh and in large quantities.  It was worth going out of our way to get the food, and I was happy to give that little taco truck a little business.  These people wanted to work hard in exchange for a bit of money, and they provided a superior product.  This is as opposed to a fancy restaurant staffed with slow-minded people who feel entitled to a job, who often give only as much service as they can get by with not doing.  You get a good environment because the people attending such a place with you don’t have holes in their heads.  But this Oakley place was the opposite.  And if you wanted good food from good people trying to scrape their way out of a difficult situation, this little taco truck in Oakley, Ohio, was the place to go.  And it reminded me of what kind of country we could be again if we made it so many people were rewarded in life for their hard work instead of penalized.  While Democrats might think that these kinds of people running this taco truck will vote for their entitlement programs, I don’t think so.  I think they are primed to be Republicans and that they would vote for Trump if they could.  And these people want to work hard for a piece of the American dream.  And I am glad that they were doing what they did.  Let me say those tacos were fantastic!   America is a lot better off with many options from people worldwide who want the same thing: freedom and a chance to do good things without the government trying to hold them back from living a good life.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Sheriff Jones, The R.A.T.: When Trump comes to town, he will have very clean shoes

Well, you could see why people would be concerned, and they are. Now that there have been whistleblowers who have pointed out things that Matt Miller has been involved in, the superintendent of Lakota schools, of extremely bad character, those whistleblowers are now worried about retaliation from the superintendent’s friend Sheriff Jones. During the transcript of the police investigation into Matt Miller’s very controversial sex life, the scraggly, overpaid, online dating addict name-dropped Sheriff Jones to the investigators to let them know about me and my role in a few recent political campaigns purely to garner favor with the police to support him in the matter. And in all likelihood, it worked. It was out of context to the rest of the investigation when Miller brought up my name in connection to the recent election of Thomas Hall over the Sheriff Jones-supported Matt King.  Sheriff Jones had paraded King around purely out of spite against Hall, and I worked to help the very good incumbent Hall as Sheriff Jones went about to utterly destroy the very nice young man, purely out of vengeance. Well, everyone knows when I support a candidate, they usually win. And Jones has found his brand to be much less influential in these post-Tea Party years. There has been a similar rift between the Sheriff and me over Roger Reynolds, the Butler County auditor. The Sheriff wants him out and to replace him with another friend of mine, Bruce Jones. Why, well, Bruce isn’t as radically transparent as Roger is with the books, and Jones wants to send a message, complete with seven indictments, including jail time. So clearly, for his defense with the police, Mat Miller was doing a little name-dropping from information he would have from behind-the-scenes activity. And people worry that now that Sheriff Jones is helping Matt Miller perceptually with his major social problems, people assume that the wrath of Sheriff Jones and the power of the Butler County Sheriff’s Department will be turned toward them for a destiny of misfortune. 

I would say, fear not. I have known Sheriff Jones for over 20 years. While he might be vengeful, he’s generally a good man, and I would vote for him again for Sheriff. I’ve had these kinds of rifts with him over that entire span of time, and my impression is that he’s been a good sheriff. We’ve worked together on things like immigration issues during the early days of the Tea Party. Then we’ve been enemies regarding public sector unions. I’m against unions altogether, while he thinks they are the greatest thing in the world. People can have disagreements without things getting out of hand. What is going on with Matt Miller has been an investigation into criminal wrongdoing. So far, the evidence points to bizarre sexual practices with adults who think about kids. And that’s for the public to figure out if they are comfortable with. But for the police to suddenly become Matt Miller’s personal hit squad led by Sheriff Jones, that’s not going to happen. People should not worry about the fear of political wrath in the aftermath of all the events of 2022.

Many people say that Sheriff Jones is the biggest RINO in Butler County. (Republican in Name Only). I wouldn’t say that. I think Sheriff Jones is a Democrat most of the time, that he plays a Republican on stage when he gives a speech or is on WLW radio with his friend Bill Cunningham, a fellow Democrat also. When there are Democrats in the White House, Sheriff Jones is a Democrat in public. But I can say that when Trump was in office, Sheriff Jones was very much a Republican. He was one of the early supporters of Trump. And from 2015, there was great harmony in the Butler County Republican Party for the first time in years because of Trump. And during that time, Sheriff Jones and I were even friendly with each other in public. I even saw him at Ace Hardware in Liberty Township and said hi.

So if Jones isn’t a RINO, then what is he? I would say he’s a R.A.T.  (Republican Around Trump). When Trump makes his announcement soon that he is running for president again, then Sheriff Jones will start acting like a Republican again. And Republicans aren’t known for abusing their authority to use the power of their office to fulfill political hits like Matt Miller is obviously hoping to cover up his bad behavior from public opinion. So even if today Sheriff Jones is acting like a vindictive Democrat with all the power of the police at his disposal, fear not, Trump will be running for president again soon, and Sheriff Jones being the very political creature that he is, will want to be on the right side of history. After all, Trump used to be a Democrat, so moderates who spend most of their lives on the fence between liberalism and conservatism find Trump very appealing. And the Republican Party of Butler County will be united again. I certainly didn’t spike the football when it came to Thomas Hall. Sheriff Jones put his personal brand all in behind Matt King. I thought Matt was a nice young man, but I supported Hall, who worked like a saint amongst sinners in Hell to redeem their very souls before an apocalypse to win that election. And Thomas won despite all the wrath of Sheriff Jones. And the same thing will happen when it comes to Roger Reynolds and any other character Jones has taken aim at for purely political reasons. Once Trump announced that he was running again, which he will do because the FBI has raided Trump’s home and gone through the personal clothes of his wife, Melania. Sheriff Jones will rediscover his Republican nature, and the world will be much better off.

And when Trump comes to Butler County the next time, he will have very clean shoes from all the bootlickers who want a picture next to him. People who today are denying that there was election fraud and have been saying that Trump is too mean to be president. I’ve seen Sheriff Jones around Trump, and when he is, the Sheriff starts glowing like a little boy. The bootlickers do line up to be near real power, and Trump has that real power that comes from inner self-confidence and a sense of purpose in life. The top of the food chain in political sentiment. It’s very interesting to watch. But by the time Trump returns to Butler County, Ohio, for future political events, many of these fears about Matt Miller will long be over. People don’t have to worry about the police following them home and harassing them to no end. Just put a Trump sticker on your car, or wear a MAGA hat, and you will be fine. Because when Trump is running for office, and when he’s in town, Sheriff Jones the R.A.T. will be a valuable ally. He will be less inclined to support scandalous characters and will quickly adapt to the Trump agenda. A lot of the trouble mentioned here has come from the power vacuum of Trump not being in office and the thought that progressive politics would be making a comeback under Joe Biden in the wake of the Covid lockdowns. But that is not the future. Trump is the future, and when he is in Butler County, Ohio, his shoes will be clean, and the personal vendettas will be directed elsewhere for the good of the Republican Party. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

A Different Way of Looking at the Border Problems: Turn them to red votes instead of blue ones

A different way of looking at the border challenges

The numbers are obvious and are part of the liberal panic that was part of the strategy to cheat in the 2020 elections.  When I say cheat, I am referring to voter rule changes made due to coronavirus specifically, but that is a topic of its own and there is vast evidence that it occurred.  However, liberals had to cheat to win their seats because Trump support had grown from 2016 to 2020 and it was obvious, specifically among black voters and Hispanics.  Black support, which is supposed to be fully in the column of Democrats went from 6% to 8% while Hispanics jumped up from 28% to 35%.  And its that last number that has everyone in a panic.  Hispanics like Trump and there is room to turn that number up even higher.  These voting blocs that Democrats have been counting on are not holding, which pushed them into over-the-top action to stop the bleeding and go on a massive media campaign to assist them into gaining power in all three houses of congress to hopefully get things back under control for them.  Republicans being the nice people they are of course hold the door open for their enemies because they think its going to get them into Heaven which leads us to our present circumstances on the border which is all the talk these days. It seems to be the only thing anybody can focus on which is why Trump was building a wall on the border with Mexico and 75 million Americans voting for him again in 2020, to secure the border and stand for a path to legal immigration.

I’ve been watching all this carefully and have some unique thoughts on the matter, especially after visiting the border states myself just a month or so ago and meeting so many Trump supporters who are Hispanic and very engaged in voting for him again.  Democrats know it too, but I think Republicans are missing the point.  Most of those people flooding the border trying to get into the United States do not know or understand the politics of America, they don’t know the difference between Republicans or Democrats so much as they just want to leave where they came from and get to somewhere that has running water and an opportunity to have a decent life.  I personally am pro-immigration; I have no problem with people of different skin colors or sexes in the very least.  I take it as a compliment when someone wants to leave their home and come to my country so they can have the things we do.  In my experience, such people are actually more American than most Americans, they work harder, are more respectable toward their neighbors, and strive for better things in life as opposed to the lucky few in the world who are actually born in America and take it for granted. 

I did laugh out loud when Kamala Harris stated that she wanted to commission a study to understand why people are flooding the border and want to immigrate to the United States.  I’ll tell you, because those other countries have fallen into bad management, something the handlers of the Biden administration obviously want to duplicate here, and now there are corrupt governments in those places, like El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, everywhere that socialism and communism have infested themselves and ruined the countries where those philosophies are practiced.  If I were stuck in one of those crappy countries, I would be looking for ways to get into the United States too, to make a better life for myself and my family.  And in talking to many Hispanics personally while I was in New Mexico last month, I didn’t find a single one that didn’t love Trump.  Now that certainly isn’t the media narrative and that is at the heart of a massive coverup, but think about it, you work hard and make great sacrifices to get from a bad place to a good place, you want to feel good about it when you get there.  People who become legal immigrants can be proud of the value of that citizenship, and they appreciate that Trump protected that value, as opposed to the Democrat push to exploit people who are down on their luck only to take away their ambitions with a nanny state to get them addicted to government services and ruin them that way. 

I would say that instead of worrying about all those immigrants becoming future Blue voters I think the strategy should be to include them in the future, get them their path to citizenship and embrace capitalism so that all those new immigrants can have a job and not be stuck to the services of the government nanny state.  People flocking to the United States just want to live and have a chance at a good life.  But Republicans have allowed themselves to be suckered into this strawman argument of accepting the Democrat definitions for things.  Trump showed that the cycle could be broken if only we shifted the lens just a bit on the whole immigration issue.  There should always be a path of citizenship.  We can’t accept illegal immigration and chaos at the border.  We need a wall to protect the value of American citizenship, but we must understand that the people coming to the United States are hoping with everything they must be able to get their hands on that citizenship at some point in their lives.  And those who do have that citizenship value it, and they do enjoy voting for people like Trump, because he protected that value.

Where Republicans go wrong, whether the issue is gun control, illegal immigration, tax and spend policies, is that they allow Democrats to set the stage for all these confrontations.  They allow Democrats to define the definitions of moral conduct and the proper legislative battlefield.  Republicans assume that Democrats will do onto others as you would like others to do onto you.  That sounds nice, but that also makes anybody who thinks in such a way a sucker, and you can now see the cost of that way of thinking.  Democrats are hell bent on their own destruction and the destruction of everyone around them, and we are getting the full scope of that in the early days of the Biden administration.  The collapse of sanity at the southern border with Mexico of course was going to be out of control.  The Open Border Society people around the world who are behind the Biden administration—people like George Soros and he’s not alone—want to push people from bad places to good places to collapse the good places for their eventual overthrow.  Its just another military war tactic by hedge fund investors this time instead of railroad barons from the past, or oil tycoons.  The battles are all the same, power and control by any means necessary.  Yet I see a crack in their plan, a way to turn it around on them.  If only we would embrace immigration and instead of trying to fight Democrats on the morality of the issue, instead work to convert those people to Red votes.  And once that happened, we would see a different story on the border.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Tear Down the Statue of Liberty: Understanding what immigration should be and knowing real history

As a very strong advocate of President Trump and his policies I am in a good position to defend the reasons that we want to build a wall. Only stupid people thinking in a negative below the line way would think that the reason is racism. The actual cause is to inspire more above the line thinking which stupid people are terrified of, so their only defense is to accuse above the line thinkers of racism. But in all honesty the need for the wall at the American southern border is to defend the values of the nation from those who don’t share those values and it has nothing to do with racism. Even deeper than that however is the need to defend America from its domestic enemies, any below the line thinkers who seek to destroy the concept of America who are now gathered under the clear tent of Democrat politics. I’ve had the benefit of watching my son-in-law go through a naturalization ceremony where he had to swear as a new American citizen to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic, and it was quite serious when placed in that context. Well, the Democrats have positioned themselves as clear domestic enemies and they are on full assault, so its time that we make it clear what this fight is really about. Don’t negotiate with them, destroy them!

The Statue of Liberty is a part of recent American history, there is a lot more to the concept of freedom and liberty that were in place well before the French gave us that statue which resides in the harbor of New York. It was commissioned in 1886 by President Cleveland at the start of the progressive movement in New York City so any references to the Statue of Liberty and the role it plays in immigration are tainted at best. Elis Island where the Statue of Liberty resides then became the first immigration station in the United States from 1892 to 1954 where roughly 12 million immigrants passed through on their path to citizenship. This is why progressives are particularly fond of the Statue of Liberty and keep using it as a reference to illegal immigration at the southern border, because the whole concept of a processing station with the Statue of Liberty looming over the process is one born in the heart of progressive politics in America to begin with in the very recent past.

It was Emma Lazarus who wrote the famous words inscribed on the Statue of Liberty,

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

She was part of the movement that was trying to raising money for a permanent home for the Statue of Liberty as it had been touring around since the French gave it to us. She was close personal friends with the progressive economist Henry George who wrote the terrible book Progress and Poverty, which ultimately inspired Emma to write what she did. That is why progressives in our modern era are so quick to point at the Statue of Liberty and attempt to unite the entire country behind their cause. Personally, I think we should tear down the damn thing. If you want to put up a symbol of American values in the harbor in New York for the world to see, it should be someone like John Wayne who much more embodies the values of America rather than the statue of a French designer who was part of the progressive era as it was born in New York society to grow like a massive disease to attempt to destroy American civilization.

There is a reason under capitalism that people are poor, it’s because they are lazy. In a capitalist society, which is something Henry George was debating, effort is the key to earning a good living. If you have that basic approach, you can do well in America. If you don’t, then you won’t, or wouldn’t until the progressive era corrupted politics with all their social reforms that made it so that people were less inspired to work hard and more inspired to think below the line such as is common in the labor movement which is another progressive era invention. Henry George and Emma Lazarus were some of the first people in America to propose a land tax which came directly out of this quote from his 1879 book Progress and Poverty:

Take now… some hard-headed business man, who has no theories, but knows how to make money. Say to him: “Here is a little village; in ten years it will be a great city—in ten years the railroad will have taken the place of the stage-coach, the electric light of the candle; it will abound with all the machinery and improvements that so enormously multiply the effective power of labor. Will in ten years, interest be any higher?” He will tell you, “No!” “Will the wages of the common labor be any higher…?” He will tell you, “No the wages of common labor will not be any higher…” “What, then, will be higher?” “Rent, the value of land. Go, get yourself a piece of ground, and hold possession.” And if, under such circumstances, you take his advice, you need do nothing more. You may sit down and smoke your pipe; you may lie around like the lazzaroni of Naples or the leperos of Mexico; you may go up in a balloon or down a hole in the ground; and without doing one stroke of work, without adding one iota of wealth to the community, in ten years you will be rich! In the new city you may have a luxurious mansion, but among its public buildings will be an almshouse.

–Translation, Henry George is proposing that the hard-headed businessman must be compelled to donate their riches to the “community.” That the wealth they create isn’t a value of its own which makes a town into a city or electricity to replace the candle. What the Statue of Liberty represents isn’t freedom, but compulsion as proposed by early progressives who are below the line thinkers trying to hide their negative vantage point behind do-gooding.

The below the line progressives and their modern Democrats are what early Americans fled from in Europe yet they followed with immigration the efforts of those frontiersman and adventurers who came before and built New York City with ambition and capitalist yearning. Below the line thinkers like Henry George saw this wealth and wanted to tax it, and his little girl friend Emma Lazarus adopted his ideas and stuck them on the side of a statue the French gave us as if they understood American capitalism and that is how the first immigration station started in America, which was a disaster from the beginning. Immigration is a fact of life when something has value and people are leaving areas of low value to seek a better life. But Emma missed the point, her entire quote was inspired by an economic below the line thinker who wanted to tax land owners as his great contribution to thought.

Resistance to illegal immigration isn’t to protect America from a “browning” of it from people south of the border, but in ensuring that the people who do come into America want to protect its Constitution and not to overthrow it. Hidden behind their proposals are the below the line efforts of the Statue of Liberty founders who were not rugged American capitalists. The debate isn’t about preventing all people into America through immigration but in letting in the best and brightest, not the perpetual poor, lazy, and drug addicted. Some people you don’t want in your country. People lacking value are some of them, and its time to have that debate instead of retreating back to some stupid words that Emma said on the Statue of Liberty. In fact, its time that we just take that damn thing down and use some other symbol of American value that is more properly representative of our present circumstances, like a gun that is there to protect the land owner from bleeding heart progressives like Henry George from using public resources to steal money from those making it, because he thinks he’s morally inclined to do so and to distribute that wealth to below the line thinkers who didn’t earn it to begin with. The debate is really about values and who has them and who doesn’t.

Rich Hoffman

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