The Great Replacement Theory is Very Real: To understand it, just watch the classic film, ‘Scarface’

The Great Replacement Theory is not some politically driven rant; it’s a real political strategy that has been around for a long time, and it’s a heavily used communist tactic.  Even Elon Musk has come to see what the strategy is of Democrats in America, the purpose of the open border policy, which is well underway, and sending over 10 million undocumented migrants into the United States to essentially saturate their voting base.  For them to deny that is what they are doing is to deny history, and one of the best examples of this kind of thing in history was captured in the great Brian DePalma movie Scarface with Al Pacino.  The plot of that movie, which had a historical backdrop supporting a fictional storyline but one based on reality, was that Fidel Castro had let all the criminals out of their prisons to flood the border in Florida in order to saturate a red state with illegal immigrants and convert them to Democrat voters.  It was a Jimmy Carter policy to take them all in, just as Biden is now doing on a much more massive scale.  But the point of the communist regime and the Democrats in America was to take in all the criminals from those prisons and have them infiltrate America, mix in with a lot of other people, and overrun Miami and other Florida cities with massive crime and drugs.  It was a military maneuver, and the movie Scarface did a nice job of showing all the different layers of politics involved and how those decisions impacted people at all levels of society.  The root cause of the problem was the strategy of Castro to offload the criminals of his country to bring down his rival in the United States with poison.  This tactic is clearly behind the modern open-border movement.

People who don’t believe this is happening aren’t very good at geography and politics and don’t understand the characters at play.  Of all the countries that people are fleeing from, such as Venezuela, Mexico, Central America, and even Canada, they are all run by socialists.  Even in Brazil, you might recall they let a communist out of prison to overthrow their own populist leader there.  Everywhere you look behind this open border policy are advocates who want a strong centralized government in the style of Chinese communism, and their method of delivery is to overwhelm countries with immigration to change them into socialist and communist countries by migration.  In the process, they destabilize the economies of their targets with chaos and crime.  We don’t have to speculate about whether such things are happening because we can see them with our own eyes.  But we also now have historical context.  We saw what happened in Cuba when Scarface hit the movie theaters.  The whole point of the movie was to show how criminals were let out of jails only to become members of crime syndicates to push drugs into Miami, Florida, and other places in the United States.  The antics of Tony Montana became legendary in movie history as it was one of the first movies to almost be rated X because of hard language and violence.  But that was back in the early 80s and history remembers what happened.  People were so outraged by the communist insurgency at the time that they elected Ronald Reagan, and America survived even if the character of illegal immigration purposely changed the kind of people associated with Florida demographics.  There is no doubt that the same kind of strategy is being employed now, and behind all the impoverished areas are communist and socialist-led countries that people are fleeing from. They purposely antagonized innocent people to make them want to leave and overwhelm the border of the communist target, America. 

But when Cuba had their mass immigration into Florida, the Democrats didn’t get exactly what they expected.  That is because the way to beat communist countries in policy is to destroy them with capital and wealth generation.  And the capitalist government of America gave all those communist despots somewhere to work and a way to secure a decent life for their families.  And what we have seen over the last twenty to thirty years is a failure of the Democrat playbook to win the immigrants over as Democrats.  The Democrat party is so anti-family that they are unattractive to migrants who are very much pro-family and enjoy their family lineage.  2024 polling is showing that illegal immigrants and their immigrant families already in the United States are leaning toward Trump and the Make America Great platform.  After all, that’s why they migrated to the United States.  They didn’t want to be a part of the communist hellholes they ran from.  And the terrible ordeals they had to endure along the way, the disgraceful conduct, especially among their women.  Behind the manipulators of policy, the consultants, the financiers, and the despots of doom who purposely cause trouble among innocent people to inspire them into mass migrations to overthrow countries, many of their plans have backfired.  But that doesn’t mean their intent shouldn’t be punished.  What they planned to do and what they did do ended up harming many millions of innocent people on all sides, and all that tampering is catching up to them.  What might have been overlooked in the 80s because reporting was slower, and we hadn’t seen what was happening before is no longer hidden.   People understand this game now better than at any other point in history.

You might have heard what Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said recently, the president of Mexico about his role in protecting the American border from the drug cartels who essentially run his country.  He claimed it wasn’t his responsibility, that Americans want drugs, and they make the market for his drug cartels to do their business.  And that was very much the policy when the movie Scarface took place.  How do you attack a free market by injecting poison into that market and letting people die in it?  In that way, the resistance to the communist invasion destroys themselves with gratuitous sex and drug abuse, founded in a lack of morality by the destruction of the modern family unit that would otherwise disgrace such detrimental behavior.  The open border policies in America sponsored by Democrats and their RINO Republican conspirators are an attack against American sovereignty meant to destroy the country in ways that no military on earth could otherwise.  And we know that because it is straight out of the communist playbook that Castro in Cuba historically has shown the world, and the after-effects are still evident during any trip to Florida.  Even if the results failed to make Florida a blue state, as it’s a red state that still votes Republican, the intent can’t be ignored.  And it must be understood that what we are seeing now, with all the open borders with socialist countries, like Canada and especially Mexico is open warfare where people are used as weapons of war to convert capitalism to communism.  It’s certainly not a conspiracy theory.  It’s a malicious attack on our country and all of us, and it’s the only way to understand what is happening today.  It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Make My Day Michelle Obama: Davos is Planning a Disease X to stay in power

I think it’s fair to say that I hate Michelle Obama and her husband, the terrorist Barack, the former president of the United States.  I don’t think there is one good thing that I like about them, and I see them as American terrorists who purposefully initiated an unwanted change to America to fulfill the terrorist intentions of Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorn as an extension of their Weather Underground radicalism.  And additionally, through the Islamic radicalism always working in the background that was learned in the “God damn America” church that Obama grew up in with Reverend Jerimiah Wright in Chicago as pastor.  I don’t think, based on the evidence, that Obama was even qualified to be president and that terrorists used his skin color to hide his radical, communist extremism to usher in under the door the destruction of America, for which the Biden administration represents.  There is nothing good about them; the Obamas are poison intent to kill the patient, and their goal has been to kill Americans and the people who resist their terrorist acts of progressive transformation.  And they have been paid well to be those terrorists by lots of people hostile to the American way of life.  I have written millions and millions of words about the Obamas over the last 15 years, and everything I have said, as it usually is, has turned out to be 100% true.   And in many ways, the ways that the Obama family was forced down our throats in the early 2000s is precisely why Trump emerged into politics.  For all those who are upset that a person like Trump ended up in the White House for the first time, they can only blame themselves for shoving first the Clintons on us, then the outright terrorist, Barack Obama.  He was the Weather Underground president, and many of our intelligence agencies who want to see globalism happen with the destruction of America joined forces to give us the most corrupt three administrations in the history of the presidency, with the third term being what we have witnessed with the compromised, hapless fool, Joe Biden, the puppet of Barack Obama.

So it was no surprise, given what we know about Joe and his chances of keeping the White House, that the Obamas are panicking. President Trump is poised to recapture the White House. The world is in a panic. The opening dialogue in Davos, where the World Economic Forum is in a panic as well, is that they need to release the lab-created “Disease X” so that they won’t have to face prosecution from another Trump administration that must pay them back for what they did to the world with Covid. Would they rather kill off the world to save their Gaia “earth” from the parasitic humans on it? You bet they would. In a heartbeat, many of them are legitimately crazy and should be nowhere near public policy. More on that one later because that is a concern all its own. These dangerous forces have been unleashed because we have been too kind to them, and that was certainly the case with Barack and Michelle Obama because we wanted to prove that we weren’t what they called us, racist slaveholders when it was the Republican Party that ended slavery, and we fought a war over it. People with shallow understandings of history thought they had to accept the terrorism of the Obama terrorists to prove they could get into leadership positions with people of color when the intention all along was to use racism as a Trojan Horse to destroy the concept of domestic America so that globalism could take over as the ruling force. But the polling shows that Trump will be president and that Biden has no chance of winning. So, all the panic-driven rants are starting to take shape with just a few months to go before the next election. That will be a lot harder for them to cheat so as to hold power the way they have in the past.

Michelle Obama has been testing the waters to indicate that she might get involved in the election by offering herself up as a candidate because it is obvious that Joe Biden is not up for the job, and Democrats are praying that either she or Gavin Newsom gets in the pool to save them from the inevitable. Democrats and globalists must pay for what they have done to us over the last several decades. They created Trump, and they are going to have to suffer for what they knowingly did, which, in many cases, is far worse than mass murder. I would love to see Michelle Obama run against Trump because, in many ways, it would be a proper payback. After all he’s been through, Michelle Obama is not going to save the Democrat Party from the revenge that America must issue toward its enemies. Trump would be able to destroy the Obama brand once and for all; honestly, that’s what we need to see happen. It would be suitable for Americans to watch that slaughter publically through the election process. I would even say such an event would be the hand of God working retribution against those of ill intent. So I would like nothing more than just beating the election fraud president, Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt people on the face of planet Earth, but the destruction completely of his puppeteer, Barack Obama, and his goon island wife, Michelle Obama. There aren’t harsh enough words in the English language to describe my hatred of those communist terrorists.

Obama’s presidency spied on Trump as a candidate, and these people have done everything except pull the trigger of a gun to kill the MAGA president, and if they could, I have no doubt they would have by now. The best thing about Trump is that as a former president, he has some of the best security in the world, and these are not the days of Kennedy when the CIA could kill a president and lie to the public so quickly. Such an act these days would set off a civil war of armed conflict that would make the one where Republicans eliminated slavery from the Democrat slaveholders in 1864 look like child’s play. The World Economic Forum, the Chinese antagonizers, and every Marxist on planet Earth that has been plotting the death and destruction of Americans know what the stakes are, and we are there. We either have an election where they lose all their power, or we have a bloody civil war with a nation that has more guns than people. That’s why the most guilty are planning the release of Disease X in Davos. They are making the vaccine for it now so that they will live through the release. Hey, don’t take my word for it; listen to their meetings, they are openly talking about it, and if you read the Robert F. Kennedy book on The Wuhan Cover-up, you will know that I’m being nice about what they intend to do to avoid the revenge that is coming their way. Michelle Obama isn’t going to get herself dirty; she and her terrorist husband are getting in line to get that vaccine so they can survive the next virus release, this one much more deadly than Covid, so they never get that day in court, or that embarrassment of losing power after the 2024 election. They are living a good life, and they aren’t going to stop, even if they, and all their criminal counterparts, have to hit the destruct button to keep the mobs from their front door. Because, at the very least, that is what the future looks like for them due to all they have done to deserve it. Go ahead, Michelle Obama, make my day. Watching the destruction of the Obama brand would be very gratifying.

She is an anti-American terrorist who hasn’t yet been able to destroy her target. And she is unhappy about it.


Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

China’s War with America and the West: An economy of deception meant to completely destroy us

I must point to several articles I did on Unrestricted Warfare, as indicated by China several years ago, for the present context to be understood. But for all those peace lovers out there who think there is some concession that can be utilized in the world to have good relations with China, you are all smoking crack. China has been at war with America for years, and our politicians have been too stupid and compromised to do anything about it. But this is a different kind of war, one that attacks explicitly our weaknesses, with the same intent of social destruction, but to exploit our love for attention, security, and peace. And the most dangerous characters in a war like that are not the Chinese nationals who might work at your local Chinese food restaurant making you sweet and sour pork. It’s your neighbor who slept with a Chinese honeypot disguised as a political intern who turns out to be a Chinese spy. Or the businessman looking for a World Economic Forum invite to the next event in Davos because they planned their business expansion around the communist Chinese economy. Or even the local newspaper, which is owned by a big conglomerate that has been looking at the market opportunities in a country that has over 1 billion people in it, who all are like slaves to overly imposing parents. The best war and the most effective tactics are to fight your enemy in ways that are so deceptive that your targets don’t even know they are at war. To say we have all been gullible is a vast understatement. The war that China has waged on us has taken advantage of the greed of weak people and turned them against our nation for the purposeful destruction of it. And we’ve let it happen primarily unchecked.

You can look at the massive amount of drug use that is going on, which is purposely embraced by our political culture these days because they are all compromised in some way by the hidden war of globalism that has put China at the head of the table for all kinds of tactical reasons. These are not the days of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, where drug use was understood to be dangerous to society. In the war of today, that is the point. Poison people in a trade-off for quick and easy feel goods, and watch your enemy destroy themselves with attrition. You don’t even have to fire a shot. And with the open borders that we have, there is little to no restriction of that poison coming into America, primarily from the weaponized drug cartels that are flooding our streets with deadly poison meant to kill us. In almost every cultural category, you will see the aggressive influence of China penetrating that field, buying up our assets so that they can manage the decline. I’ve pointed out that you can see this influence most in Hollywood, especially Legendary Studios, where China became the owner of that traditional Warner Bros. branch to make communist propaganda movies, and people have noticed. They’ve stopped supporting the Hollywood product, but one way or the other, China was going to either destroy Hollywood or the consumers of the product, hopefully both. They have conducted a purposeful campaign of destruction to kill outright everything resembling Western culture, and they are purposefully deceitful in their actions. But when China tells Biden that they are going to attack Taiwan right to his face, you can bet that they will. They had planned to all along. And Biden has no choice but to let him because if not for China, Biden would not be in office, and his family would likely be in jail prosecuted for their many crimes against our nation.

To comprehend their viciousness, all anybody has to do is look at the medical trade journals, such as what we saw with the Lancet during COVID-19. There has been a lot of talk about Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci using trade journals to manipulate the public away from COVID treatments and toward their vaccine development, which was meant to gain control of society in general with centralized regulation. The vaccine push as we know it now in 2024 was to convince people that they would need the government vaccine to stay alive if they wanted to live. China, in partnership with deceitful traitors in the American government who leaned left and wanted communist China-style politics, built Covid as a bioweapon. They maliciously manipulated COVID through gain of function to become transmissible to humans, which was the whole debate between Dr. Fauci and Senator Rand Paul, so that their deadly virus could spread to humans and bring the entire world under the foot of a communist government led by China. All this and much more is chronicled in the excellent book by Robert F. Kennedy, The Wuhan Cover-up. We’re not talking about a conspiracy theory book here; we’re talking about a severe presentation of a legal prosecution against American traitors, by the thousands, who have been working to bring us all under the submission of the Chinese military intentions. And they have been using their wealth, given to them by money managers like BlackRock, to conduct a war of destruction against every living American through their manipulation of our colleges, finance institutions, and particularly trade journals like the Lancet, which allowed Gates and Fauci to use advertising dollars to trade reputation for military effectiveness so that Covid would do maximum destruction as a bioweapon, and prevent society from learning they could have taken hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin to stop it.

When it was observed that every news organization and trade journal followed the “established norms” of the Lancet during the Covid crisis, you can see China’s massive influence in owning so much of corporate America.  Employees at those organizations needing a paycheck quickly fell under complete compliance and would determine that the truth could be shaped to be anything that China wanted it to be.  And when anybody said “trust the science,” what we were seeing was China exploiting our messaging with their propaganda to destroy our society essentially, and they didn’t care if people died along the way.  This is not a war that most people are prepared to deal with.  But it’s the kind of war that China, which is still a backwater economy only propped up by globalist investors with leftist ideology fantasies of a centralized authority utopia, wants to fight.  It’s the only war they are prepared to fight, and they have now been conducting it for a long time by targeting weak people of power in America and buying them off with easy money and sexual compromise, and they have been doing it by the millions.  The worst troops in this war are not the troops marching in the square in Beijing.  They are your neighbors with a full bank account and a retirement pension built off confiscated wealth from Chinese money.  And the intent is ruthless and deadly.  And we saw just a hint of their intentions with Covid and their network that is well at work in America for our ultimate destruction.  Compromised assets like Joe Biden will do anything they say because, as the Biden laptop has shown, the Biden family is a compromised asset.  That’s how China does it: they buy up senators and members of Congress with a tradeoff, such as sexual favors or money that comes easily to those willing to steal to get it, and in trade for those fun and nice things, lowlifes like Biden will become their loyal servants.  And we’ve seen the result, which is purposeful and intentionally destructive at every level.  Their intent for our destruction is even worse than you can imagine, and then some by using an economy of deception conducted by research whores to destroy us from within, without firing a shot.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Elohim and Plight of the Divine Council: Fighting the great war that spans eternity

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we are being played in a kind of chess game with some basic patterns of thinking that are precisely how marketing motives are revealed. To say that the Jewish people are all one way or another is utterly ridiculous. That is like saying that Joe Biden and I are both American. But the next question about Republicans and Democrats, traditionalists and progressives, ends the conversation. There are no more similarities between Joe Biden and me than in saying that we live within the same borders of the same country. It has come up a lot over the Holiday season where people have been asking me a lot about the Bible, why and how I can support the Jewish people, and the creation of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians the way I do, even knowing what I do about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So, of course, that opens up many explanation opportunities, which I’m happy to divulge. But to put it nicely, if you have allowed yourself to be marketed into foolishness, then you will be a little upset to find out all the ways you’ve been suckered, including most of the translations of the Bible. I think most people, including some of the most vigorous religious studies, get their interpretation of the Bible all wrong, and I often turn to Psalm 82 for the entire purpose of the Bible, which I would argue runs counter to everything people believe. 99. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of everyone gets the Bible wrong. They have allowed their worldview and their religions to be shaped by institutional aggressors who are prone to mischaracterizations and influences of scandal that reside in the hearts of most translations, on purpose or by accident.

The Elohim is the proper word for God

There is quite a movement looming in the background that has figured some of this out and has been gaining momentum over the last few decades, which I would attribute to the nature of mass communication and having so many cultures interact now in ways they never could before. The old game of keep-away isn’t working like it used to, of pitting various sides against each other. I love the Jewish people because they are the oldest surviving group on earth. They are an ancient people, and with them and their rituals comes a window into the past that I find fascinating. Why do they believe the things they do? And why have so many groups, including those of today, want to eradicate them from the face of the earth, yet they are still here after many such attempts? And regarding any references to the Jewish people running all banking and controlling the world in the way that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have chronicled, I would use the Joe Biden comparison, too. We both might have white skin. We both might live in America and be called American, but the differences end there. Otherwise, I’m nothing like Joe Biden, and regarding the many conspiracies, the Jewish people are not like the Rothchilds and various globalists who try to hide their tendency to want to control the world by hiding behind a religion, a region of the world, or the sentiments of history. Those who try to put everyone into these neat little categories are part of the problem, and their antics should be revealed for what they are: the actual manipulations of the Elohim and the Divine Council politics that work their way into our lives daily but reside far beyond our reach materially, into the chess games of Heaven that are very much a part of our daily life.

An amazing book compiled over a tremendous amount of time

In that wonderful passage, Psalm 82, we find the proper word for God, Elohim, used by the Jewish people in their Hebrew Bibles, particularly before the modern era of progressive impact on the publishing industry began tampering with words, that the Hebrew names for things are essential.  God calls on the Divine Council of Heaven to pull it together and judge wickedness righteously.  Even though God spoke about here as the singular Elohim, he has trouble keeping his Divine Council together even as creator of the universe.  They are plotting and scheming always to undercut all civilization for their political purposes.  We tend to think of Heaven as a relief from the concerns of Earth, but reality indicates that things are on Earth as they are in Heaven.  Politics is a creation of Heavenly existence; our motivations are similar everywhere, including on the other side of the universe among all living creatures.  The idea of a utopia where everyone gets along is the fantasy of those who don’t have the will to fight and understand politics as living things interact.  I have many different Bibles that I use for study, and one of my favorites for this very reason is a Complete Jewish Study Bible that has gone to great effort to put its original Hebrew words in it to translate the true meanings of biblical passages.  One of my Bibles, my study Bible for the King James version, is wonderful, but purposefully, the translation from the original Septuagint in Greek is very much watered down.  These last few decades, It has been challenging to find a Bible with the correct term for God, the Elohim, in it for the context of meaning.  And even then, there has been a lot lost to time and translation by minds not entirely up to the task of wrapping their minds around the concept of a “divine council” that is always rebelling against God and using the plight of humanity for malicious purposes. 

The wars we are fighting are instigated by many of these same forces who jump into the minds of the stupid and weak willingly for purposes that cannot be understood until the context of the entire Bible is conceived as an attempt over many thousands of years to see this big picture of politics among the Divine Council for what it is.  Psalm 82 was likely written around 1450 BC, so it predates the building of Solomon’s Temple by 500 years and the birth of Christ by over a thousand.  So, to put together this story as the Jewish people had by being one of the only civilizations to be together still after such an ancient past is quite remarkable and worth preserving.  Another interesting fact is that Jewish people, by heritage, can all trace back their genealogy to one common ancestor 140,000 years ago, which makes sense to me.  To all those who want to think about the entire history of the world starting about 6000 years ago, I believe that is because the translations are off.  That doesn’t cheapen the religious experience but is driven because the context of history is off in translating ancient material.  Such a consideration gives the Adam and Eve story a lot more merit.  If the Middle East didn’t have so many wars all the time, we would likely be able to confirm all this, but then perhaps that’s the point of all the political turmoil.  To keep us from figuring it out, the political mechanisms can be applied for reasons that extend well beyond the concerns of the Earth.  And that is my answer on the Jewish people and religion in general.  I like to understand politics and am very interested in why people do what they do.  But saying all that, I am very interested in the Elohim in the plural sense and their politics so that we, too, can play the big chess game and win it on the side of goodness and righteousness.  And to not be victims as Job was, or many other characters who were caught up in the political antics of the Elohim.  But to fight back against them in ways they aren’t prepared for, and to win.

Rich Hoffman

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2024 is Time for Harvest: Separating Good from Evil

As romantic of a notion as conspiracies might be, and they are, ultimately, many of the dark rituals to come from the following of astrology were related to the acquisition of food, such as knowing when it was time for harvest and preparing for the upcoming winter. And specifically to food supply, the production of wheat, and its use in the human diet. We forget these days just how stressful it was to wake up every day and figure out where your food would come from because food is an assumption for us in these modern times. It’s easy for us and in all varieties. But for thousands of years, right up until around 100 years ago, food was a very stressful problem, even for the rich and famous. So nurturing a good crop of wheat to the harvest was a significant undertaking, and it’s why such societies were able to make judgments of good and bad more directly because, literally, their food supply depended on value judgments just to survive. This is what the Parable of the Weeds is all about in Matthew 13:24-29 when Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.” Jesus essentially said to let the weeds grow with the wheat and not try to pull them up together; otherwise, you will destroy your crop in the process. Jesus was talking about tares, which are weeds, and specifically darnel, which looks like wheat during the early stages of growth. In this case, the best way to save your crop would be to separate the weeds from the crop at harvest time, not necessarily during the growth of the good wheat. And under such a metaphor, we can look at our times and say, “It’s time for the harvest.”

Can’t let the weeds sink roots

We have allowed a lot of weeds to grow in our culture, largely out of compassion, because we live in a time when perhaps we thought we could let everything grow together. That we could co-exist with evil and that demands on our survival would not be challenged. But that was incorrect. Instead, we have allowed many weeds to take over our gardens of life and now we cannot separate good and evil so easily. Like the darnel, evil looked a lot like good, and now their roots have intertwined together as parasites threatening to kill the host crop if we were to attempt to remove those weeds as they have been growing. And like the darnel, the weeds looked like the wheat we wanted, so we left it alone to grow, unmolested. This is the problem with having a society that does not cast value judgments on the wicked and estranged intellect. Letting a multitude of terrible menaces grow into a healthy society has destroyed our culture and stunted its growth outrageously. Of course, we took it for granted because we have lost touch with the necessity of using value judgments for survival. We have entertained this fantasy that we could all get along if only we respected each other’s place in the garden. Yet in so doing, we have only harmed what’s good and allowed what’s evil to perpetuate and grow in strength, leaving our only means of dealing with such a problem to a hope that everything might survive until a harvest.

We have a lot of darnel in our society

I would point to the year 2024 and the re-election of Trump as the harvest time of our present generation.  Of course, the weeds who have been surviving as parasites of the good will have great anxiety as the intentions of the harvest are revealed, the separation of the wheat from the weeds.  The darnel of our culture, which is vast and in many forms, knows that their time as parasites is ending, and they are naturally terrified.  After all, they are a lifeform too, and they were created to be parasites living off the good, to disguise themselves to even look like the wheat of our desire so that we might not know what they are until it’s too late.  Until they are in our schools teaching children to be transexual maniacs and sexually obsessed losers.  Until our national deficit is over 34 trillion dollars, with 1 trillion added in the last business quarter of 2023.  That drugs would be sought after to numb our minds from the terrors we see, that hidden tyrannies hidden in our technology would give us no peace in seclusion.  The war against good and evil would turn everything we thought we could trust into a pitched-fork devil of ill intent.  Everywhere we look, we see weeds, and it’s so bad that we can no longer tell what is good for us or bad.  We can’t know the wheat for the weeds because, at this point, everything looks the same.  We have not tended to our gardens; we have let the weeds deceive us into thinking they were wheat, and we allow them to grow and wrap their roots around the roots of our good crop, daring us to pull them and, in so doing, to destroy everything we value.

But it’s harvest time, time to pull up everything, wheat and all.  It will be a messy process, but our fields must be cleared in the aftermath.  At that time, the darnel can be removed from the wheat, and we can distinguish value from the parasites.  Because we have yet to separate the weeds from our garden early in the process, the field has become overgrown, and there are more weeds than wheat.  So we have quite a mess to deal with.  But once the job is done, we have a clear field, and we have determined the wheat from the darnel, separating the good from the bad, we’ll have a chance to start over.  We nurture our crops by keeping the weeds out of our garden before they wrap their roots around what we value.  Always after harvest, when we see our clean fields and a healthy food supply, can perspective begin to bring sanity to our concerns.  And when it does, we must protect our wheat from infancy and not let evil wrap around our values to feed off them for its sustenance.  The weeds must be pulled before they can ever take root.  That is why we must tend our gardens and have value judgments on the good and the bad.  We must get rid of the bad before it matures into a parasite that is dangerous to the things we value, such as a food supply.  It is also in understanding such parables that evil wants to eradicate the Bible from a culture so that we can’t tell the difference, allowing evil to grow unmolested.  Such an idea was always a bad one, and during this time of harvest, one that we should never neglect again.  The Bible is full of such wisdom and has contributed to all productive human cultures.  And we’d be wise to listen before it’s too late.  

Rich Hoffman

The Jewish People Should Learn from History: Stop trying to appease evil

Never forget, it was the Hamas terrorists who parachuted into Israel, like a cut scene from a Call of Duty video game, and purposely assassinated innocent Jewish people just because they exist. Since then, the people who support Palestine, the original occupants of the land of Canaan that God decided needed to be eradicated for their sinful ways and given to the people of Israel, have been claiming to be the victims and have been calling for a ceasefire from retaliation.  They attack, kill, and destroy, then immediately ask for peace.  The Jewish people are one of the oldest people living on earth to this day, with a culture that has survived many tough times.  They are God’s chosen people, yet all their history, persecution of their very existence has followed them wherever they’ve been scattered to, to the ends of the earth.  So, to some extent, they have survived by appeasing all the bad guys in the world, and for Bible readers who study the ancient texts without a preconceived notion, Yahweh has become very angry toward the Jewish people for their weakness and apathy toward conviction.  It was a source of much frustration for God that the Jewish people sought to appease their persecutors so much when he would have rather had them slay their enemies without remorse.  And we see that now, even as Israel is under attack by terrorist groups sympathetic to the PLO many Jewish people in America are registered Democrats and support liberal policies that are detrimental to their very existence and feed the power of their oppressors.  Which is a very dumb idea.  It’s one of the reasons that such villains exist in the world: nobody stops them from unleashing hell upon it.  God would prefer the Jewish people to defend themselves as a group of people.  Not seeking to survive by appeasing evil with timid social values.

You might have seen that Steven Spielberg and other Hollywood types support Joe Biden with a big fundraiser hoping to get the old man’s campaign moving in a positive direction.  Spielberg used to be a great filmmaker, but not so much anymore.  Like many Jewish people, his politics have not lined up with reality, and it shows in him as a person.  Many Jewish people in Hollywood support Democrats and have made themselves part of the problem by essentially making peace with their oppressors in a kind of Stockholm Syndrome.  It’s great to have an ancient connection to your past, but what good is it if your only means of survival is to embrace the bad guys?  It reminds me of the old stagecoach robberies where villains would get on a train with many passengers with a lot of money and stick them up.  I always wondered why people were so compliant and did so without fighting back.  Perhaps it’s because they believe material possessions aren’t worth dying over.  They think that they can always make more money or get more stuff.  So that their view of protecting their family is to do whatever they need to do to live another day.  My thoughts, however, are that when someone tells you to hold your hands up if you want to live, then that is the time that you pull out your own gun and defend yourself.  Appeasing evil strengthens their resolve and makes it easy for them to be evil.  This ties into a lot of God’s original problems with the Jewish people, as stated quite clearly in the Bible.  Why don’t people attack their enemies and trust that God will protect them from harm?  When God says to attack a nation and destroy it, do it, even if you are grossly outnumbered.  Trust God: he will take care of you. 

God was always frustrated with his chosen people because they did not attack, and they were always trying to appease the desecrators of their culture, such as the Baal worshipers who continued to corrupt them during their entire existence.  King Solomon didn’t just build temples to Yahweh; he built temples to other gods because he had thousands of wives and concubines who worshipped Baal and other regional gods and always tried to make them all happy.  It was about that time that God just gave up on the people and let Nebuchadnezzar have them through a vicious attack that oppressed the Jewish people for the next several thousand years.  If it wasn’t the Babylonians, it was the Romans.  Then, Islamic radicalism took over all the Holy sites from the Bible to essentially attempt to desecrate them beyond memory, and in doing so, tried to kill off the Jewish people entirely because the dispute was whether or not they should have ever existed in the first place.  What right did God have to give them the promised land, where the indigenous people were worshiping all these pagan gods and were considered the original owners?  Who was this God to come along and give their land away?  That is where morality comes into play and the right and obligation to pass judgment on the wicked and decide that a proper morality has more value than just surviving.  Defending the world from evil has more merit in Heaven than just giving up and appeasing evil so you can survive another day. 

And we see this same mentality in supporters of liberal politics, those who support Democrats in America, for instance, the Steven Spielberg types.  For them, the fantasy characters they created in Hollywood that did fight back represented the desire all people have to fight back against evil.  But then there is the ethical problem of saying, “It’s only money.  Give it to them so they don’t shoot us.”  And once that kind of appeasement has been entertained, Hollywood types like the Spielbergs of the world lose their audience because that’s not what MAGA Americans want their country to be like, appeasers to evil who don’t fight back.  That is the essential element of those against Trump.  To make America Great Again means fighting back against evil oppressors when so many Democrats and RINOs have decided that the best way to survive is to give evil what it wants, not to cast judgment against all the Jezebels of existence, and to make peace, not war.  Isn’t that what all the dope-smoking, communist hippies always said?  Going back to the movie Poltergeist, I always had a problem with Steven Spielberg putting that pot scene in the bedroom where the main characters were smoking a joint together.   No wonder the ghosts ran them off from their home because they were weak-minded losers.  But that was Steven Spielberg on a plate.  And that is why Hollywood isn’t what it used to be.  Like the Biden administration, which talks out of both sides of its mouth, not because it has any conviction but because its goal is to survive at all cost, the goal is not to fight evil, but to yield to it.  Even if it means appeasing the evil in the world when God wants people to fight against it, appeasing evil was never God’s choice.  Jesus came along and gave everyone an excuse to embrace peace, which has all kinds of Hindu elements to the approach that has only fed many villains in the world, appeasement, which has only encouraged them to rob more trains and take more people’s money without working hard to earn it for themselves.  And in that way, appeasement is the root cause of how evil spreads worldwide.  And when we look around at why there is so much evil thriving everywhere, it’s because we have too many appeasers who look to avoid conflict when they should be embracing it, as Yahweh always tried to convince them to do with his full support.

Rich Hoffman

The Comeback of Adam Smith Capitalism: What the economy will look like beyond 2024

Included here is a picture of Adam Smith from Scotland, where his Wealth of Nations was born, which I consider one of the most outstanding books ever written. It just so happens to be about economics and is the secret sauce to America’s great economy and why it has been at the top of the world. Many countries have many more people in them or even have more mineral resources. But for some reason, America has produced more economic wealth than any other place, anywhere, at any time. Even with all the big government restrictions that come from these socialist intrusions over the last century, significant government types have tried to ride the camel of productivity while at the same time imposing Marxism on them. America still outproduces the rest of the world in fundamental, economic value. So, the Wealth of Nations is an essential book written in 1776. But I also keep talking about Johan Norberg’s recent 2023 book, The Capitalist Manifesto, because it’s a really good book. Not necessarily from a conservative American perspective. But he’s from Sweden and he talks about IKEA a lot, but from a European liberalized mindset, he’s preaching the benefits of capitalism that I thought the left would never dare utter. And he’s doing it in an effort to save the concept of globalism from its massive failure of attaching itself to global communism. He sees, much the way Adam Smith tried to convince everyone, that capitalism is the best means of helping the most people, and in The Capitalist Manifesto, Norberg puts forth in a written and non-boring way, all the benefits capitalism has brought to the world over time and makes his case for everyone to get it for reference to the future of all global economies.

A statue of Adam Smith in Scotland

I was an economics major in college, but I was miserable. They were teaching Marxism, and I was far away from that vantage point, so it was painful, and through most of my adult life, I have worked in the opposite direction of all academics. I also found Adam Smith’s work to be my favorite, and I have rejected all forms of Keynesian economics from centralized authorities, which Smith also argued against. And over the years to feed my sentiments, I have enjoyed the work of Ayn Rand because as a Russian who lost everything to communism in her home country and had to flee to America to have a shot at a decent life, she understood Adam Smith too. But I was always the odd person over in the corner standing against the tide of globalism that we were all told was going to move in a noticeably communist direction, with China being the model that globalism created. So I can’t tell you how happy I am to have lived long enough to see that whole Marxist empire die in front of our faces. You could see the last gasp of it when Xi from China visited Biden in San Francisco late in 2023 for a kind of communist summit. Globalism was trying hard to show that they had reached the finish line. But due to populism yearning for Adam Smith capitalism, the water is flowing through their cupped hands fast, to the point where soon there will be nothing left to drink from. Looming in the background of all this political activity is the return from exile of President Trump, he has a vicious plan to end globalism as it has been proposed, and economic advocates like Johan Norberg see the writing on the wall, that if the world of liberals wish to save their hard work at establishing globalism, that they were going to have to throw the towel in and adapt capitalism, quickly.

I do read many books, about three of them the size of Norberg’s book a week.  But after I got through The Capitalist Manifesto about a third of the way, I considered it the most important book about economics since Adam Smith.  And I say that knowing that Norberg and I would likely see eye to eye on very little, politically.  But this book is a glaring admission that I know a lot of my old college professors would probably commit suicide over.  I would get so angry at their sheer stupidity that I would jump into just about every risky business proposal that came my way to shake off the stink of it all.  But I learned a lot in the process that is what we might say, unique to the present marketplace.  So, it all worked out in the end.  And I can see where Norberg is going even as the people on the political side of Norberg found Ayn Rand to be the incarnation of the Devil in all the details.  This was all a mainstream admission that the only way to save global markets was to adopt capitalism, purely and without much micromanagement, which is a massive statement from any economic circle.  It’s one that I have known about for decades, and it cost me much trouble to be on the side of pure markets while the rest of the world was moving toward various degrees of Marxism, from the stock market to the making of plastic baseballs in China. 

So, boys and girls, this is the question of the century, the answer all wrapped up into one, and the reason that Norberg published his book at this particular time.  What happens in 2024 and 2025 and beyond economically?  Norberg is not a populist, and he is not a fan of President Trump.  Yet, Trump is the leader of the political world, all over the world, despite all these attempts by globalists to keep their dead duck alive by trying to destroy Trump.  And revenge is coming once he is president again, and the last threads of globalism are as good as gone.  The entire plot of the World Economic Forum and their paper tiger of China will disappear.  That’s why Xi met with Biden.  They all know it’s over.  National capitalism will have to make a massive comeback, which will impact all the global markets attached to communism, which will be allowed to die on the vine to separate itself from the market flow of America.  That is where America is heading; for a while, we will close our borders and let the rest of the world rot on the last vestiges of globalism as envisioned by Tragedy and Hope (the book).  And if the world wants to survive, it will have to start thinking like Norberg and, fundamentally, getting to know Adam Smith better.  The Karl Marx experiment driven by all the Masonic lodges was a massive failure, and now people like Johan Norberg must fess up to it, which makes his book, The Capitalist Manifesto, the most important book of our time.  I can’t recommend it enough because it is the roadmap for the rest of this century.  And it all starts with what Trump will do in America once he’s reelected.  And the world struggles to catch up, which will be very hard for them.  But do, they must, if they want to survive the world that is coming. 

Rich Hoffman

The Problem with Peace: When sperm find themselves in the wrong place

I’m not a big Jesus guy, I love his dad. But I’m not OK with the peace and love that Jesus is always talking about in the New Testament. This idea of the Fall in the Garden being redeemed by Jesus dying on the cross for all our sins sounds to me like a Greek and Roman desire politically to control the mass population for the preservation of their imperial perspective. I prefer the Old Testament and the wrath of Yahweh to the anti-ownership and anti-wealth sentiment in the New Testament. I grew up with such religious assumptions, but over the years and after traveling a time or two to Asia to see things for myself, I think there is a big piece of the story in the Bible that is missing from its regional perspective, which is directly applicable and is being exploited in a very modern way. I think Jesus studied the Hindu religion as it is articulated by the blue skin of the poisoned Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, which is essentially part of book 6 of the Mahabharata. The Hindu religion actually goes back to the days of Abraham emerging from Mesopotamia, so these influences along the Silk Road are pretty obvious, and so are the many contextual references to Jesus in the many war-torn areas of that part of the world that seem very intent to conceal this information. Apparently, the Vatican knows all about Jesus studying in India, and by the time he came along, Buddhism was already 500 years old. So the New Testament starts to make a lot more sense when you understand how its perspective was influenced along the Silk Road, which is a vast span of territory that is mysteriously not part of modern Archaeology and is war-torn even though there really isn’t much going on there economically these days. So why so much war and terrorism?

Peace is for suckers. I love the God of the Old Testament

I find value in just about all religions, even Islam.  If it helps people relate to higher concepts, it’s wonderful.  But we must consider the political implications of faith and how they are often weaponized to rule large groups of people, and that is what I see emerging out of Hindu religions and Buddhism.  Not by device, but by default.  I heard a joke the other day about sperm that provoked all this contemplation that is actually very relevant.  It becomes our business because just about every rock band that we’ve had for decades points to India and specifically the Hindu and Buddhist faith, and says we should calm ourselves down and be more like them.  Even in Christianity, we are told to be more like Jesus, including the Jesus movement that came along during the hippie era, Jesus Christ Superstar, and the Helter Skelter cult.  Jim Jones and many crazed religious lunatics have taken this passive value toward life and become maniacal dictators of personal destruction.  I know a lot of Hindu people, and I’ve read all their religious texts, and I’m not a fan.  I don’t like Gandhi.  And I’m not a fan of Jesus offering to sacrifice himself for the benefit of all humanity.  I think everyone has read it all wrong from the very start, and to understand that, we have to understand the vast influence that the Old Silk Road had in our history and what role it still plays today.   My suggestion is that the war in the Near and Middle East is purposeful to conceal the vast history of the most enormous land mass on earth.  Meanwhile, we’re supposed to keep our focus on just European history and the Renaissance, and the efforts of the Greeks and Romans to create civilization.

So the joke goes like this, and I’m sure many people have heard this, but I think it’s very relevant to these religions of peace that are so prevalent and wrong for the human race.  A couple of sperm find themselves injected into a situation, and they are eager to find an egg for the fertilization process, as we understand these things from sex ed.  It takes thousands of sperm, but only one will penetrate the egg, and a life is born—the miracle of life.  So here are a few sperm injected into a sexual union, and they are looking for an egg.  One is ambitious and works hard to beat the other sperm to the prize.  But there is a wise sperm who is saying to the ambitious one, “Why are you working so hard.”  Of course, the ambitious sperm says, “I want to be the first to get to the egg.”  But the wise sperm says, “But dude, we’re inside some dude’s “exit.”  There is no egg, so why try?”  To frame a homosexual experience nicely.    That is the essential message behind the Hindu faith, Zoroastrianism, as it developed in Iran in 600 BC.  Buddhism as it developed in 500 BC.  Jesus started Christianity due to studying in those many lost years in India, in the Kashmir region 500 years later.  Islam would come along 600 years after that as an aggressive religion invented by the Arabs as a reaction to their continued occupation by the Romans, who went underground as an empire and became a church intent to rule over Europe and the world.  We have falsely centered our study on the Mediterranean region when we should have looked at the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea all over the Himalayas.  Many people were displaced by war, and they had developed a means to deal with its many disappointments—the religions of indifference, peace, and non-action. 

So what are we dealing with here, a vast conspiracy of Bilderberg, World Economic Forum, or Rothchild manipulations who have constructed all these religions to control mass society and perpetually keep wars going in the region to prevent anybody from learning the truth?  Because they want the masses to adopt peaceful beliefs and not fight back against their intrusion.  I’d say it goes deeper into that and was best explained by Paul in the Book of Ephesians when these manipulators were identified as “principalities.”  These creatures work to undo the world God made and stand against goodness as defined by the perpetuation of the human race, as chronicled in the Old Testament, which is older than all the mentioned religions.  My argument is that these principalities have plotted against Yahweh for many thousands of years, and many of the conflicts that are dealt with today are directly associated.  When Jesus and the rest of the Hindus sought to get away from the mess in the mountains of the Himalayas and started so many religions that developed along the Silk Road, they all missed the point.  The goal of life is not to avoid reaching the egg and create a new life.  All the sperm should at least try, even if they are in the wrong place.  It’s not their fault; they should still try to do what they were designed to do: create a new life.  The purpose of humans is to fight and develop as a result of battlefield victory, so in that regard, peace is bad for civilization.  I can understand what Jesus and the Hindus were after.  Buddhism is a great way to manage stress in life.  But like the wise sperm who knew where he was and pointed out the pointless task in front of them, all creatures should fully embrace their job in the hopes that one of them will reach an egg and bring forth new life, either in a physical form or perhaps only in an idea.  But in creation, everything should be dedicated.  Which the Hindu perspective of “non-action” stands against. 

Rich Hoffman

From the Hebrew Bible Where the Term “Hamas” Came From: The Muslim Brotherhood under Barack Obama was an act of terrorism to destroy Western Civilization and all of us as a result

To understand the story correctly, and how the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood came to be, you really must go back to a Jewish Bible and understand the purpose of Hamas and how horrendously bad people wish to use the perception of biblical prophecy to terrorize people politically. In the Jewish Bible Genesis 6: 11 it states “The earth has become corrupted before Elohim, and the earth is filled with Hamas” (lawless violence). Of course, we know that the terrorist group of Hamas that has sworn to destroy all the Jewish people from a Palestinian perspective is of the same name, which is completely on purpose. And that’s not the first time such a thing has been done due to biblical response politically. I’ve read the Quaran many times, and I generally think of religions, whatever they are, as beneficial to people on a quest for spiritual enlightenment. But obviously, the purpose of the Quran, written 600 years after the death of Christ, was political. And that same politics is at work for global domination now and we see it blatantly on our nightly news with the war against Israel and the flash mobs of violence that have been erected overnight. That’s because terrorism is baked into the religious argument, and it’s been that way since the beginning. So when malicious characters today want to hide what they are doing, they have baked into the belief system of people push-button terrorism. Just blow on their tempers, set in motion by the religious practice itself, and suddenly, you can have global wars to cover the tracks of crime and international villainy. The Quran, for me, was never a book of peace and love; it was a political response to Roman control of the Arab world, and once they moved toward Christianity, suddenly, there was a book that took many of the Bible stories and recategorized them toward terrorist aims for purely political objectives.

And so I told everyone that the Muslim Brotherhood, connected directly to these international terrorist intentions, moved into our White House with the election of Barack Obama, and it has gained a foothold in our government ever since.  We now see the result when Obama said he fundamentally wanted to change America. It all started in the living room of the domestic American terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, in Chicago, where they launched the career of a kid who was not born in America; nobody knew who his father was. His mom was a sleep-around lunatic who had attachments to all types of communist radicals.  Barack Obama was perfect for the domestic terrorists to use the mask of racism as a way to freeze the gullible Americans into an attack they could do nothing about, and the intention was to bring America down from within.  Obama was hand-picked right then and there to destroy America first as a senator, and they fast-tracked him into the presidency, manipulating the media behind the scenes to remove any barriers that might get in the way.  And it worked because Americans hadn’t seen that kind of deceit before.  Some of us tried to warn everybody, but until the end of Trump’s term, which was a direct response to the terrorist intentions of Barack Obama, who still whispers in the ear of the hapless fool Joe Biden, people had no context for just how evil some of these people were.  And that was part of the plan, nobody would ever suspect the level of evil we were dealing with.  And in that way, the Muslim Brotherhood, just like Black Lives Matters, and Antifa, was born to act as terrorists against the foundations of American, Jewish/Christian values. 

And it was that same type of arrogance, fueled by the ancient belief in prophecy, such as in the quote I cited in Genesis, that evil, however you define it, was unleashed to conduct its villainy.  I tend to think of the principalities with their own political agenda and always working in the background.  But in front of them are the people we actually deal with, the political characters of the world, and all their varied motivations to rule over all of us, for all different reasons.  The Palestinians behind the Hamas terrorist group have sworn the destruction of the Western world.  And we have certainly seen that behavior from the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, perpetuated and strengthened by the first two Barack Obama presidencies, and through a stolen election, had their strength rekindled during Joe Biden’s term.  This is ultimately one of the many reasons that there was a stolen election, to facilitate this level of global terrorism that sees a desperate opening in 2023 to advance their plans.  The Hamas terrorists didn’t just parachute into Jewish events and slaughter all those innocent people like it was straight out of the Call of Duty video game because they didn’t have a belief that they would get away with it.  And that such an action would provoke Israel into war, and that war would lay ground cover for the real military objectives in the world, fueled by religious terrorism.  And overnight we had terrorist cells hiding behind free speech, daring us to take it away from them, so that we would, in turn, destroy our own Constitutional foundations, declaring in city streets the destruction of all Western civilization.

And behind it, all in America is the terrorist intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood, not an organization of peace and study for relationships with the afterlife, but international terrorists’ intent, just as Hamas is, to destroy Western Civilization in the same way that Islam was created to destroy Rome.  And there is no peaceful co-existence.  These are people who want war with all of us.  We may be advocates of peace, but they want war and our destruction.  We have let them into our culture under the premise of elected office, under the accusations of racism, and they are deeply penetrated through at least three stolen elections into our government.  As I say often, I knew how corrupt the FBI had become during Obama’s administration when there was that Muslim terrorist event during Christmas in San Bernardino, California.  Remember that one where the FBI let the media into the apartment of the killers to taint the evidence, and they refused to call the couple who performed the mass shooting, Islamic terrorists, which they clearly were, as indicated by what they left behind?  These terrorists aren’t all Muslim, but they do share the kind of hate that was indicated in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 6:11.  Kings James versions have watered down the language a bit, but the Hamas name didn’t just come from nowhere.  It was meant to invoke terrorism into the Western World, and they have no intention of co-existing with anybody.  And they have no desire for self-preservation, they don’t mind sacrificing themselves to the cause.  And now, because of our acceptance of American terrorists, like the group that came from Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground during his entire adult life, we have a very unstable society that may well break out into war in our streets.  And much of our government is currently sympathetic to those terrorist intentions.  They hate the Christian/Jewish foundations of Western civilization, and they are intent on rotting it from within.  And that is giving them a lot of credit.  They are actually much more vicious than that.

Rich Hoffman