I Love Private Planes: Public transportation is garbage, more people should have access to more personalized transportation

There are few things better in the world than getting where you want to go to see people you need to see and not wasting a lot of time doing it so that you can do more of other kinds of things.  So you will never hear any complaints about corporate jets and other luxury modes of transportation from me.  I think it’s OK if extreme liberals like Taylor Swift and the mega communist John Kerry or the global terrorist Bill Gates use private jets to fly around the world attending meetings.  I think it’s great that President Trump has his own 757 to fly around in.  This goofy talk about fossil fuels destroying planet Earth is a scam.  We understand how to terraform entire planets; we can undoubtedly maintain CO2 levels on Earth to sustain clean air artificially.  The entire climate change debate is a hoax designed to change political sentiment from capitalism to communism and is ridiculous.  So you will never hear me complain about private jets or corporate planes.  As a matter of fact, I am looking at the new Piper M700 Fury for many personal reasons.  Anytime I can make my life more efficient, it is a good idea to do so.  And time management is the key to that process.  The new Piper plane is a very good way to get groups of people around the United States quickly.  It costs around $5 million and around $1,200 per hour to operate, but when you have to travel a lot, it is cheaper and more reliable than commercial air travel, which takes too long to fly domestically these days because of all the big government TSA cumbersome security.  When it comes to private planes, you show up to the airport and fly off on time.  Commercial air travel is just a big fancy bus, whereas private planes are like cars, and in our American capitalist economy, we all need more planes to do things faster and more efficiently. 

A great innovation for personal transportation

This isn’t a new thing for me, for years, long before I started this blog site, I worked hard to bring Paul Moller’s M400 Sky Car into some kind of public recognition.  The trouble with that was, during the 90s, the engine development wasn’t there to provide the kind of controlled flight needed for a skycar to float like a hummingbird, the way drone technology today allows.  But in the ’90s, I was working out the details and trying to connect them to private delivery travel, with companies like FedEx and UPS to have point-to-point delivery.  We should have already had a kind of Jetson’s future where everyone had sky cars flying out of their driveways and landing at wherever they worked.  The only reason we don’t is that social governments have slowed down the rate of innovation.  And, of course, their whole plot for the world was revealed during COVID-19, the “work from home” culture.  Communists and central planners have been using climate change as an excuse to reduce the freedom of personal transportation and force people onto public options, such as trains and Uber vehicles.  The Administrative State represents tyrannical centralized governments, and their Deep State partners want less freedom for people and for them to exist in a kind of aristocratic bubble, which is where the whole present mentality has emerged in the private jet culture.  They want to fly them because they are busy saving the world from the masses of people they’d love to kill off to save the planet.  So when people fall into the trap of making the reverse argument, such as Taylor Swift, Bill Gates, and John Kerry are hypocrites for flying private jets, then the trap is set for the argument to support that climate change is real, which it isn’t.  So by criticizing celebrities for flying private planes, the argument for climate change is sustained in public debate, when in actuality, the reverse is true.

One of the most advanced concepts revealed in the Bible, as we know it, is the concept of having dominion over the earth.  Before the Bible and the creation of Western Civilization, humanity was in servitude to nature, which is precisely where progressives want to regress politically in our current time.  By having dominion over nature, capitalism formed to fuel the imagination of the people of Earth to innovate.  And that rate of innovation is essential to the universe’s natural state.  As far as micromanaging finite resources, technical innovation easily solves the problem, especially as we become a space emerging culture.  The argument over private planes, private cars, and even space travel is to take away options from people and force them into micromanaged centralized governments, which stunts GDP growth.  But to maintain control over populations, that is a perfectly acceptable attribute.  Most of those types of people don’t want a population of innovation from free people.  They want control, which means making people dependent, and as a byproduct, they innovate less, and society stifles in reaction.  Which is why we don’t have our own version of Jetson cars.  By now, we should.  Private flight is the ultimate way to get around; more people should have it. I’d like to see it moving away from airports altogether and becoming an option in our driveways, just as easy as getting into our cars as we do now.  We need more options, not less, for independent, remote travel.

The ultimate way to travel

It’s the same argument we have with the RV culture, which I am very supportive of.  Why should people be allowed to pack up a part of their house and take it thousands of miles away when gas mileage consumes about 8 miles per gallon?  You could otherwise fly and stay at a hotel when you arrive.  From experience, I can say that there is nothing like having your own bed while traveling and your own kitchen and dining area.  When you stay at a hotel, you never feel at home, but in your RV, you are always home.  When we travel with our grandkids, they prefer to use the RV restroom instead of going to gas stations that are almost always too dirty.  It is much better not to share space if you can help it.  And to that same effect, it would be good for me to have a new Piper M700 Fury so that I could fly somewhere and back on the same day and not even worry about the sleeping over part when you can fly 5 or 6 people comfortably and quickly somewhere that has far more value than in saving the planet from fuel consumption.  Consume the fuel, achieve the task of intellect, and if the earth needs some resource management, apply terraform technology to maintain stability.  Burn the gas to feed the human intellect because the process of thought and meeting other people to do so is more critical than fake preservation of the planet to serve the needs of micromanagers and centralized authority types.  I love private planes and if more people had them, the cost could come down, and they’d be much more common.  I would like to see a lot more personalized transportation in the sky than restricting travel to the ground as the future evolves.  Humans were made to create; to do so, they need personal freedom.  And private planes provide that kind of freedom in wonderful ways, ways we need to advance and support in a much better way.  We should have a world where everyone could have a Piper M700 Fury or a sky car in every driveway that anybody could fly with the push of a button.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Ramaswamy, Vance and Musk All in One Place: The future looks bright after Trump finally leaves office

I am glad that a brilliant person invited me to an unusual online town hall on the X platform with Elon Musk, J.D. Vance, and Vivek Ramaswamy, along with others, talking about political events.  It reminded me of just how much power new media has, but more than that, it was a glimpse into the future.  Of life after President Trump.  We spend so much time talking about getting Trump back in office that the more significant issue of what kind of future comes after Trump often gets ignored where it shouldn’t.  We know what Trump will do in office; he has done it before, and history will remember him as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the world.  And because of all Joe Biden’s radical executive orders, many of the terrible things happening to America right now will be able to be undone quickly, and fiscal and social policy that has been detrimental will have quick solutions to them.  And Trump will be able to do great things fast over the next four years.  But then what?  Does the pendulum swing back in the other direction as it is about to do against Democrats, who have grown way too big for their britches and need a righteous ass-kicking?  I have already stated my position, which I think is becoming more apparent to everyone else by the day; my pick for the Vice President of Vivek Ramaswamy is an investment into the future.  I have met him a few times, as well as J.D. Vance, and there is a deep bench of Republicans who are ready to offer themselves in leadership positions.  They are brilliant and personally wealthy, which makes them least tempted toward corruption, and they are willing to follow a blueprint established by Trump that will last for many decades.  So, more and more, the VP picked by Trump for his next term is more important than any other factor.

But there is a wild card in Elon Musk that is new.  Four years ago, even a year ago, Elon Musk was flirting with the idea of a Ron DeSantis candidacy, but he was very reluctant to commit to political discussion as he has been a kind of global citizen as that movement spawned out of the World Economic Forum.  He was their poster boy for the future and, as the world’s richest man, their greatest asset.  So, people were slow to trust anything Elon Musk had to say about anything.  But he did buy Twitter and turned it over to X.  I’m a big fan of SpaceX, and I like Tesla vehicles for what they are: significant innovations in the field of fancy golf carts.  I admire the ambitions of Musk, and I think I understand him pretty well because we are both fans of Douglas Adams, which establishes an intelligence that I can indeed find common ground.  But the person I heard on that podcast with Vivek and Vance at the same time was a person noticeably interested in politics and, I would dare say, supportive of the MAGA agenda.  And I came away from that broadcast very happy that the future was going to be covered and be perhaps even better than with Trump in the White House. Because we saw a blueprint with those personalities that could change the world in a very positive way, all three of them have done great work lately to contribute to a capitalist world and know how to defend it from the global socialists, and that is something new.

While there are people who have been justifiably reluctant to trust Musk on anything, I do have personal experience with some of these people and understand that politically, they are all people who were not necessarily born Republican.  In J.D. Vance’s situation, he was very anti-Trump in 2016 after making a movie about his life with Ron Howard, one of the biggest anti-Trumpers on planet earth.  But as most intelligent people do, they gather information and figure out what’s best, so now, in 2024, even 2022, when he was running for the senate, J.D. Vance has become one of the most excellent MAGA representatives that there is on the world stage, and he has had a significant impact.  He has not let me down, that’s for sure.  I asked him some very specific questions in the backyard of Nancy Nix’s house about this exact time, and he has more than lived up to his answer.  He’s the real deal.  And I’ve told similar stories about Vivek Ramaswamy.  He has grown into his role as Mr. MAGA, but he didn’t start that way.  Like any intelligent person, he has observed the world’s conditions and adjusted his politics to meet them.  Along the way, new friendships have been formed, and I certainly like having these guys on the right side. That’s how you get to be a big tent party, and there is undoubtedly nothing phony about their commitment to a better political world.  With minds like theirs in politics, as they are both still under 40, the future looks very bright after Trump finally leaves office and is out of politics for good.  We may see several decades of prosperity with personalities like this leading the way. 

But I’ve said of Musk before, while others have been very reluctant to support him, that eventually he would figure out that there was no way that Earth could become a space-faring society with the current globalist plans toward communism.  And Musk has undoubtedly become more vocal, which I thought was stunning during that political podcast, to hear all three of those guys and others joining in talking about the future of the world.  Listening in with the rest of the audience, it was clear that Trump was just the point guard in this effort, a way to distribute the ball of capitalism to this next generation, which Musk would play a massive part in.  For the new economy of space to flourish the way Musk wants it to, and so do I, there had to be a regime change across the entire world, and these guys understood it.  I thought it was one of the most remarkable broadcasts I have ever heard and wouldn’t have happened before Elon Musk bought up X as a communication platform.  It’s not so much in the obvious things that the improvements will come.  It’s far more significant than President Trump returning to the White House, tearing up the horrendous Executive Orders from Joe Biden, and making America Great Again.  It’s what comes after that we should all be excited about.  And yes, there is an after.  By electing Trump, we get minds like Vance, Ramaswamy, and Musk on the world stage to build genuinely remarkable economic opportunities that will make it possible to have a whole new market economy on the frontiers of space.  And as bad as things have been, things have real potential to improve.  There is no point in history where such minds have pulled together for the good of the future, but in the wake of President Trump and his bold tenacity poised to save humanity from certain doom with optimism and intelligence unleashed perhaps for the first time in the history of all lifeforms in the universe.  And that makes today a pretty good one.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

George Lang’s Business Ratio: The New Bass Pro in West Chester, Ohio

Over the last several weeks, it has been interesting to hear from so many people upset that I support George Lang, the current State Senator in the 4th District in Ohio, and will continue to do so.  They think he is a RINO and that somehow I can’t tell the difference between a rhino and an elephant.  And the concern continues because I know many politicians, and I like many of them, and I’ve been very open about it.  People new to politics or who don’t have an excellent understanding of what the government is supposed to do for all of us get wrapped up in the horse race criteria that the media creates for them, so supporting candidates for various positions becomes a kind of football game where some people in Ohio support the Cincinnati Bengals because they happen to live south of Columbus while people in the north support the Cleveland Browns.  Those in Columbus fight over which is the better, depending on the record.  But in the end, it’s all rigged, and they are all the same guys and corporate products designed to sell advertising to people.  Politics is much the same kind of thing, and what we usually end up with are people who don’t do a very good job once in office.  They talk the talk but never walk the walk.  And the people I tend to support do so on merit-based standards.  I judge them more on what they actually do than what they say, and when it comes to George Lang, who doesn’t say much about himself too often, he does a lot in the background that is very successful.  And one of these, there was undoubtedly a topic of conversation ahead of the March primary; I had the good fortune to attend the opening of Bass Pro for a unique sneak peek ahead of the crowds with George.  And we geeked out by what we saw.  But as we enjoyed a private tour and I did a scouting report on some of my hard-to-find .500 magnum ammunition and acquire much-needed 209 shotgun primers, I was reminded of why I like George so much.  Not that it’s a struggle, but when I say he’s a great politician and has done all of us such a great job, I look at Bass Pro moving to West Chester as part of the great free enterprise initiatives that George Lang has built over the years, things that operate in the background, and the case for George Lang makes itself quite clear. 

I remember when George and I were friends as he was a trustee in West Chester 15 years ago, and he struggled to fight to keep the trend of the area toward small government and generate much economic wealth, as a township instead of a city.  I have a rule I talk about all the time, which I discuss in great detail in my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, which people worldwide have been enjoying because the balance of government is the key to a country’s success.  Just as it was set up to do in America, the government needs to be big enough to support the needs of a country or a community but not too big to become authority figures, which is tricky business among anybody in the human race, anywhere in the world.  But few places have done it better than West Chester, Ohio.  I have been a part of it since the beginning, starting when we used to call it Union Township, and it was mostly farmland and open fields.  It was strange to stand in the new Bass Pro parking lot with my wife a few days later during the grand opening when she remembered me racing cars against other rival people in that area.  Things have changed quite a lot.  However, the form of government formed around the growth of West Chester Township is a success story that traces back to George Lang.  To have such a community run by three trustees is unusual in the world, where so much wealth is generated among so many people, and to have such a high standard of living is almost unheard of.  But George established much of that in those early days, and the trustees there now have continued those policies and resisted the temptation to turn West Chester into a city with a mayor and city councils running everything.  The success in West Chester is that George Lang and future trustees have embraced the capitalist concept of free enterprise and kept government as small as possible to allow businesses to grow, and as a result, West Chester has been, and continues to be, one of the best places in the world, not just the country.  I’ve been all over the world several times.  And I’ve been all over the United States and seen a lot of very nice communities.  There are few places as good as West Chester, Ohio.  I would argue that no place is better.  The reasoning is that the government ratio has been figured out and maintained in West Chester mainly because of George Lang’s precedent.

The Bass Pro story is a good one.  We have been fortunate to have a Bass Pro in Forest Park and a Cabela’s in West Chester by Liberty Center.  Since Bass Pro bought Cabela’s over the last decade, I have mixed feelings about them combining resources to make this new Bass Pro in West Chester, which opened on February 21st, 2024.  I liked both previous stores and hated to see them go.  But the property for the new one was established over a decade ago, and once they were planning to move to the new location, Forest Park made them an excellent deal on their lease, so they stuck around while the market settled down and the agreement with Cabela’s matured.  The giant outdoor store market has found its balancing act, as Field and Stream have discovered.  How big can you be and still be small enough to survive?    I tend to judge all Bass Pro stores based on my favorite, the one in Springfield, Missouri, the headquarters of a vast store, as I have discussed before.  As George and I stepped into the new Bass Pro, it was more Cabela’s in its presentation than Bass Pro, but it’s a fantastic size and filled with everything anybody could ever hope to have regarding outdoor life.  My family spends a lot of time exploring and traveling, so a store like this is a wonderful addition to our life.  The new West Chester store is enormous.  It is noticeably different from the one in Forest Park, but it is right-sized to fill the needs of the current outdoor market.  Having the ground on the Streets of West Chester is far better for them than in any of the other two previous locations. 

And that’s the trick: why did Bass Pro select that location in West Chester instead of other regional places?   The Forest Park site was failing because the community failed, as has Fairfield, Springdale, and Sharonville around the area.  All those places have moved in the city direction and have added government in the form of mayors and city councils that slowed down the growth rate because they started looting off their businesses to support the government.  West Chester is very business-friendly, and the tax structure is not penalizing.  If you keep your government small, they don’t have the ability to loot off the community.  And additionally, we have kept the government school of Lakota under check for well over a decade now, so they haven’t been able to suck the life out of West Chester and Liberty Township the way the schools do in other parts of the world.  The result is that investments like those that take a Bass Pro Shop to build and develop can happen, where different communities would choke off the opportunity at the development phase.  Working in the background as one of Ohio’s most powerful senators, George Lang is bringing those same sensibilities to the entire state of Ohio.  And he’s doing a great job.  Whenever I go to Columbus to talk politics, the word about George is that he stays focused on his Business First Caucus and doesn’t get wrapped up in much else.  He is applying the West Chester model, which he helped to build from the start to Ohio in general.  The Ohio Senate listens to him, as does the House, and he has the ear of the governor in a healthy way.  You don’t see George running for every microphone to broadcast everything he does.  When I took a few pictures of him at the opening of the new Bass Pro, he was a little shy about taking credit.  But I know the details behind the scenes, and he deserves much credit.  And that’s also why I’m so supportive of him over these many years and continue to be.  George understands how to support just enough government to make it functional.  And takes away the flash of temptation for it to grow into a monster.  And everywhere George has been, his fight has been to keep government small and manageable.  Bass Pro is just a recent but obvious example.  And it was great to see it happen.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Lawyers Are Usually Too Dumb and Worthless: The scam that leans to the political left to corrupt our entire soceity

I’ve never liked lawyers.  For me, they were always con artists who overly complicated the legal system so that they could take money away from innocent people.  The law should be so clear that ordinary people can represent themselves in court.  But courts have been horrendous substitutes for dueling as it was classically conducted in America.  When we say these days, “See you in court,” it’s a poor substitute for “pistols at dawn.”  But we wanted to consider ourselves a civilized society and that we were a nation of laws, not lawlessness.  So, we have replaced those classic gun duels with a bunch of pinheaded fools who use the legal system to conduct justice in unsatisfying ways, enriching themselves in the process.  I would instead just shoot the bad guys.  It would be more honorable, and cheaper.  But saying all that, I have been to court a lot more than I’ve been in shootouts with people, so I know the lawyer type extremely well.  And I’ve hated them to such an extent that I have represented myself in court on more than one occasion and done just fine.  And when I think of these things I have a friend who once had so much legal trouble that he had a bedroom in his house filled with unpaid bills and legal notices that was over one foot deep from wall to wall.  He used to let his kid swim in that room like it was the ball pit at Chucky Cheeses and she would bury herself under them when playing hide and seek, and nobody would find her.  He did end up going to jail eventually for disputes with an ex-girlfriend that he couldn’t outsmart the lawyers in that case because he was technically in the wrong.  But on the many cases worth many, many, many millions of dollars in judgments against him, there wasn’t a lawyer in Ohio or Kentucky who could move him off a mountain of superior intellectual positioning. 

Most lawyers are pretty dumb.  They get into the legal profession because they never stand up to their parents and get used to being told what to do early in life.  When we look at these court cases against Trump and see how dumb Fani Willis and Letitia James are, people are stunned that these are people who have passed a Bar exam.  In my experience, these are common people in the legal profession.  It’s the same scam as the snake oil salesman selling whiskey to cure colds and snake bites in the same bottle.  Lawyers have been propped up to be considered standard bearers of righteous knowledge.  But the truth is they are mostly pretty dumb.  As I say all that, I can think of more than twenty I know whom I wouldn’t pay five cents for.  My first reaction is always to represent myself, and I have argued detailed legal matters with multiple people of high intellect as recently as yesterday.  I think anybody with average reading comprehension should be able to represent themselves better and more appropriately than any lawyer.  Lawyers get into the profession because they are compliant people who do what their parents want them to.   Then, as adults, they have the same weakness: they do what political parties tell them to, what judges ask them to, and what corrupt elements instruct them to.  In the case of Lakota schools, if you peel back the orange, the root cause of so much corruption comes down to lawyers running the school and taking their orders from the local teacher’s union.  I have found that most lawyers lean to the political left.  And those who do call themselves Republicans tend to be RINOs because they believe in big institutions to hide the ruse of their con game.  They make their money because of big government, not by freeing people from it. 

I’m a person who reads from the law every single day, and it starts with the Ohio Constitution.  For fun, I read The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers, and I love them.  There are legal minds in those pages who are magnificently brilliant.  Those are not the modern lawyers talking, and out of many thousands of people that I know, a lot of them legal types, we don’t produce people like those Founding Fathers today.  So when I say I would rather have a duel in the street with someone I disagree with, I mean it in that context.  We were a better society when people settled their differences directly and quickly.   These legal courtroom battles with third-party arbiters have been ridiculously dumb, significantly weakening our nation.  Lawyers are lazy, weak, and not able to properly represent strong, individualized Americans in the concept of a free people.  I’ve been on the stand interviewed by lawyers for testimony many times and given a lot of depositions, and in many cases, the lawyers were the best available at the time, and I’ve never been impressed with any of their intellects.  When dealing with them I often think of my friend who ran them in circles for years in a game of cat and mouse, including big federal cases, and they were too dumb to touch him.  He easily beat them in court every time because they were too stupid to argue with him.  With that guy, what ended up bringing him down was the same as with most men: a woman.  Not the law. 

Lawyers have made our system of justice far worse.  The only people who benefit from it are the legal people.  The people who get drug into court to be represented by lawyers end up losing everything while the same lawyers who battle it out in court end up going to lunch together after the case.  It’s not skin off their back what happens to their clients.  The judges and lawyers are often golf buddies, and the client pays for the corrupt access their lawyer has to judges.  That is not how our legal system was supposed to be and as I say all the time, it would be better and more righteous if we just shot the bad guys instead of making all these lawyers rich off the pursuit of justice that never comes.  We have too many lawyers chasing too few needs, so they often end up in politics looking to write laws or broker deals that put money in their pocket for their investment in the law practice.  So when we talk about the corruption in our political system, it becomes obvious that the primary cause is that it is filled with too many lawyers who find private practice too hard to manage, so politics becomes a good destination for them, and they hardly bring ethical behavior to our representative government.  Just as in the Lakota case in my neighborhood, it all comes down to keeping dumb people on the school board to make it easy for the lawyers to throw money at the leftist teacher’s union because they are too lazy to argue on behalf of justice.  And what’s more important to them is a nice dinner at a wine-tasting ceremony than strengthening our republic with legal wisdom.  No, most lawyers are just like Fani Willis and Letitia James.  Fortunately, many people who don’t deal with lawyers have had the illusion of what kind of people are in the legal world ripped away from them on national television.  And they are disappointed with what they see.  But it’s indeed no surprise to me.  We should drop the courtrooms and get back to dueling.  We would be a far better society.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Giving up the Ghost in Georgia: Fani Willis and the legal Marxists Attacking America, and getting caught

The fate of Fani Willis will be the same for Judge Engoron in New York, Letitia James and dumb, dumb Jack Smith, and many others who have joined in this lawfare game against President Trump.  They are following an old Marxist mode of population control that never worked, let alone applied to a free society.  I’ve seen it applied in East Berlin during the 1970s and 1980s and in Cuba where intimidation and fear of death kept their people from fleeing to places with more freedom of thought.  The same kind of hijacking has occurred in the American legal system perpetuated by the Bar Association which tends to lean toward liberal sentiments just like most of academia does these days.  They believed that people were as afraid of the law as they were tyrants with guns, so if they filled our legal system with Marxists from the 1619 Project, they would take over America, and people would be forced to hide from tyranny with blind compliance and mindless pandering.  But, as is always the case, those in charge can’t live with their own rules, and that was the problem with Fani Willis and her boyfriend, prosecutor Nathan Wade.  They had an illicit affair, abused their power in office, and engaged in tremendously reckless behavior, traveling the world together expecting never to be caught for their antics because they believed the system itself protected them from public scrutiny.  It does not.  As ugly as all this is, what happened in the Fani Willis case in Georgia is precisely why we have the Bill of Rights, and yes they work.  Because of the nature of human beings, there must always be checks on power.  We can never allow a centralized organization to rule over anybody, because people can’t handle the responsibility.  So when it comes to good government, people like Fani Willis can never be allowed to have the kind of power she assumed she had.

The audacious nature of such a stupid person, to think that by going after a former president, she would get away with it and that she had a right to do it, is comical.  Sure, it’s ugly to know the things we do now about everyone involved, but this is the critical element of the First Amendment, why free speech is the key to beating the obvious Marxist plan that is globalist in nature.  The perpetrators of these plans never really understood human nature, yet they have engineered this plan of globalism expecting it to work.  And as Fani Willis came to the stand to provide testimony on her own behalf, as if she owned the courtroom, and said a lot of really dumb things, it was clear that she got involved in law expecting to have power over other people, and that her crazy case against President Trump just for questioning the results of the 2020 election in Georgia was a mandate that would destroy him, but protect her from the same First Amendment scrutiny.  Over the last few years, I can think of several significant cases where the First Amendment rooted out the bad guys without physical altercations and personal destruction.  Our Bill of Rights was a brilliant addition to the American Constitution that understood human nature all too well.  And by following it, it keeps people like Fani Willis from having so much power in law, that they could abuse people with immunity.  So, with the tables turned on her, as Trump has a right and obligation to do, as will happen with all these other cases, the perpetrators abusing the legal system will find the scrutiny coming back in their direction irreparable.  Just like East Berlin and Cuba during their communist revolutions. 

What was good for the world to see was just how dumb some of these people controlling our legal system really are.  I find that people like Fani Willis are typical, not unique, especially in legal scenarios.  I was fortunate early in my life to have so much legal trouble and meet so many judges.  And to know a lot of judges even now.  And many lawyers.  Most of them are not very smart.  They are just as dumb as Fani Willis has proven to be.  When given power, they clearly intended to abuse it, and Fani was so dumb that she couldn’t even see her own mistakes even as she was making them.  Expecting to hide behind the church and the legal profession to conceal who she was all along.  When you have a government that empowers those people to be in it, it will always go wrong.  Without honor and merit involved in the law, you get chaos.  And the expectation was that so long as a small group of elite people were in charge, all others would follow.  When those expectations collapsed in a courtroom in front of the world watching television, a lot of people were surprised.  But because there is a necessity, Constitutionally mandated, to have open disclosure, which is why there were cameras and media coverage of the kangaroo court Fani Willis was trying to sell in Fulton County, Georgia, she found it could not live up to the lofty expectations she was trying to set against President Trump.  And that it would take more than ghetto talk and being a bully with power and position to pull it off. 

I see our Constitution working the way it was designed to.  Many people are shocked by the intentions they see from these various prosecutions.  The private lives of the legal Marxists were always going to be exposed and that should have been clear to them before they ever launched cases against Trump.  To make charges stick as they have been trying, they must have lived clean lives and had no skeletons in their closets.  When in truth they had a cemetery hidden away, as Fani Willis has been exposed as having.  Her testimony was hilarious.  It was no Perry Mason episode; it came across as George Jefferson being beaten over the head with a purse in the classic television show The Jeffersons, with an IQ level along the same lines.  But that Georgia case was, in theory, one of the most robust cases against Trump as the media pounced all over it during the past year.  I never thought so, but they did.  And it has fallen apart because the prosecutors were dumb people who had no business being in law enforcement in any way.  But they were put there due to a Marxist attachment to race relations to slide such dumb people under the door of public scrutiny and to gain power over a country that the world doesn’t understand.  With all of George Soro’s money and open hostility against the American way of life, he hasn’t yet figured out who he is fighting.  People in America have tasted freedom, and once they realize that they can’t trust people running their government, they won’t become more compliant; they will become rebellious, even resentful.  And people like Fani Willis will never rule over Americans, not once the mask is pulled away.  Which is what occurred when Fani provided testimony.   Any benefit of the doubt that she had received from the public, she lost, and lost it forever, which will be the story of all the cases against Trump, as history remembers them. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Government Could Never Run SpaceX: Technical innovation works best under capitalist markets

Again, let’s make something clear.  The government cannot make things, and most everything it does in most cases is terrible.  However, we need the government to maintain national and statewide concerns.  You need just enough government to manage a community but never enough to become tyrannical.  So, I’m not an anti-government guy, but I am an anti-stupid guy.  Dumb people tend to be drawn to government work because they hope the power of government will cover up how stupid they are and can hide it from the world; government tends to have all the wrong people in it from top to bottom, so what we let them do has to be managed to a minimum.  Those same people never become magically competent and suddenly make things better by attending a few meetings and acquiring some name tag at a meet and greet where they draw their name on it with a marker.  So it is absolutely absurd that anybody in government thinks they could do anything with SpaceX other than fill out a permit, which they can’t even do promptly.  But that is the word on the street, now that they’ve seen that the Starship from SpaceX is going to be successful, with the third test flight coming up soon, there are leaked talks that the government wants to take over the Starship as a “national necessity” and make it part of the military.  First of all, I do not doubt that the government in any form, through the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, the Space Force, the Air Force, or any branch of government, thinks that all civilian enterprises as valuable as SpaceX have become, should be held down to the limits government can provide.  Many in government believe that no company such as SpaceX should exist beyond the control of government and that they can’t be the first to claim the moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies as a private company, set up bases, and govern people in the far reaches of space. 

There are many people who think only a government can have power that is then accountable to voters, and they can never get their minds wrapped around the purpose of government in the first place, which is why we have the current Civil War that we do in the world, the corporations against free people.  Who does the government report to, and what is its purpose?  Corporations use the power of government not as capitalist, free market enterprises but as clubs to beat down their competition and secure their stake in the marketplace.  Pfizer comes to mind in its relationship with the World Economic Forum to be in the business of making bioweapons in a Wuhan lab and releasing them during election years to control who runs countries through stolen elections so that they can then use government to force private people to consume their product.  I don’t think SpaceX will let the government take over anything.  They have shown that they can partner with the government, such as they have with NASA, to have success, but such relationships have slowed SpaceX down a lot, not made it better.  But because the government regulates so much of the space industry, such partnerships are essential, if not stupid.  Amazingly, SpaceX has managed to do as well as with such government partnerships.  But now that SpaceX has been successful, with the Falcon rockets and the Dragon programs, now that Starship is ready to make its mark as a very efficient space taxi, many in the government are having delusions that they could run SpaceX better than the private market and that is just absurd, and will never happen.  It can’t happen. 

Government workers cannot perform at the rate of technical innovations required for the space industry.  They don’t have it in them, and the nature of government prevents such a possibility.  So, for the government to take over SpaceX in any way is unrealistic.  Like everything they do, from building highways to teaching children in schools, the government cannot perform the task better than free markets.  The concept of profit fuels ambition, and the typical government bureaucrat, even in the military forces, can not do great things without the idea of profit being used to fuel the task.  And profit doesn’t just come in the form of money.  It can come in the ambitions of a future task, but those who can provide opportunity tend to evoke such ambition that creates invention.  All government work tends to fall under a structured concept that limits the work to the scope of the people doing it.  In the private industry, people tend to rise to meet the needs of the work.  However, in government-managed enterprises, the work is limited to the skills of the people who manage to get into government work because of multiple psychological problems that draw them to it.  This is why there aren’t more companies like SpaceX: they never grow so big and powerful in such a short time and on such a scale that the government doesn’t see them as a threat and destroys them well in advance.  When you watch a SpaceX launch, and the crowd cheers the way they do, there is a collective celebration from the human race with each new achievement that is quite audible.  That’s because people know.  They know how significant many of these technical innovations are and that SpaceX has been able to outrun the limits of government to achieve them for the betterment of everyone.

It is a problem that civilization has reconciled that has not occurred yet in our development over many thousands of years.  Work is done best by free people who benefit from the invention, as opposed to controlling powers manipulated by a few administrators who can distribute that power based on favors.  Depending on the ratio of those effects, you can know if your civilization is good and successful or oppressive and tyrannical.  And no tyrannical civilization has ever been successful at innovation and invention.  That’s why communist countries like China must steal everything they do.  They cannot think independently because they use the power of government to hide their incompetence through collective government power, so they stifle creative thought instead of unleashing it.  To do what SpaceX wants to do over the next decade, there are literally millions and millions of inventions that will have to occur from many more sources than SpaceX to make it happen.  But the effort starts with them and their free ability to meet marketplace demands.  But without profit being the key to their operation, none of it will occur, and the government will regulate the industry back to the stone age, which is the only thing they can do predictably, holding back innovation and the spirit of invention.  America and American capitalism have been more successful than any other place in the world because we have a country that prevents government from harming people more than any other place, so companies like SpaceX can form.  A company like SpaceX would never occur in a communist country like China.  They can copy but can’t create, which is the rule in most endeavors.  In that way, anybody who is worried that the government will take over SpaceX can rest assured that it won’t.  They might try, but once they did take over SpaceX operations, they would ruin everything they had built, and it would be just a matter of months before the government would celebrate screwing in a light bulb rather than unleashing flights into space.  And that is being kind to the light bulb. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

‘Yellowstone’ Has Been Made By A Bunch of Slack-Jawed Hippies: I’ve never seen a show because they are way too left for me

As of now, I have never seen one episode of the popular television series Yellowstone.  I’ve been to Yellowstone, the actual place, but I have never watched the show.  My wife and I have been looking for an opportunity to take the time to watch it, but as of 2.20.24, have not yet done so.  I’m sure we will at some point.  The main series and offshoots look pretty good.  I think they are great for what America has been going through lately, but honestly, they are too liberal for me, from what I do know of them.  The producers and actors, from my vantage point, are money-hating hippies from Hollywood, where the plot lines are all about the big, powerful money people beating up on the poor ranchers, which are classic Western themes.  A lot of good is talked about in these kinds of shows regarding the value of property ownership and family values, and those are the parts of the show that match the public interest.  But for me, they are all a bunch of Liz Cheney-supporting filmmakers who have built the Republican Party into the lame duck that it has been for far too many years until Trump has come along to bring an expectation of victory to party politics that it didn’t have before.  Classic westerns, and these modern ones, never really developed a proper relationship with money and power that is best reflected in American culture, and that has been frustrating to me, which is why, after all this time, and given the content, I have not yet watched the show.  It comes up a lot because of how I dress, and people think the show inspired me.  In reality, it’s likely the other way around. 

Since I was in the fourth grade, I have dressed the way I do, with a cowboy hat and boots just about everywhere I go.  I’ve always worn a hat of some kind, especially cowboy-style hats.  Many times, I go into public dressed in full gunslinger mode, complete with a poncho.  Especially in my 20s, I dressed ready for a gunfight everywhere because, in a lot of ways, every day was a gunfight.  I walked around the Kenwood Mall in Cincinnati dressed like I was off the set of A Fistful of Dollars, which is the Sergio Leone western with Clint Eastwood that I always loved because those movies embraced capitalism in a positive way, and I always liked them over the American westerns that had lots of socialism sprinkled into them by Hollywood.  And I always wanted to make it clear to those around me that I was not like them.  The cowboy hats were a clear signal that I rejected most of the premises they had built their lives around and that, for me, like a robe in the priesthood, my hat was a sign of an embrace of capitalism and a culture of property ownership and a rejection of European civilization as servitude to kings and aristocrats.  For me, the cowboy hat means freedom from those tyrants and a rejection of their desire to control our every move.  As things started getting more complicated socially in the 4th grade, I started wearing cowboy hats to let everyone know where I stood, which is still my practice.  I seldom ever leave my house without wearing a cowboy hat of some kind.  It’s certainly not something I have done lately because of the success of the show Yellowstone, as many have asked me. 

Several times a week people tell me I would love Yellowstone because of the character of Rip, who they say I remind them of, because of things I do in my community.  I’ve seen a few interviews from the Yellowstone cast that tell me that a train station is involved and that sometimes those kinds of eliminations of the enemy are part of living life.  When people won’t leave you alone or the people you tend to associate with, you can’t play patty cake with them.  Bad people don’t understand anything else.  So I get it.  And because of these constant comparisons, it has generated interest in me to watch it at some point.  But my wife and I don’t have that kind of time to watch television.  I watch a lot of news, and we watch documentaries, but my lifestyle is just too busy to watch a streaming series.  I read around three books a week and we do a lot of family activities.  I have to pick what I do for leisure pretty carefully.  A few years ago, when Kevin Costner, who stars in Yellowstone, came out in support of Liz Cheney over President Trump, and the creators of the show rejected the idea that Yellowstone was “red state” entertainment, I put the show on the back burner.  I’m not particularly keen on the whole Indian subplot.  I see all references to “Native Americans” as a communist attempt to degrade American culture by putting the nature-worshipping heathens of a primitive culture on a pedestal they don’t deserve.  I have studied Indian cultures and am not very keen on them.  They were collectivists and best represented by mass group behavior.  I have never been much of a fan of Kevin Costner movies.  He has made some decent westerns, my favorite with him was Silverado.  My least favorite is Dances with Wolves.  I don’t like movies that put down Western expansion at the expense of the Indians.

I like Teddy Roosevelt’s opinion on Western expansion and think it was one of the most important things human beings have ever done in the history of the world.  Many of the Hollywood ideas about Western expansion came from European migrants who brought all their socialism with them, and they found in the Indians someone they could identify with.  And at the core of Yellowstone, from what I do know about it, is that kind of reverence.   For me, a good western is where a gunslinging hero makes a lot of money, wins a beautiful wife, and kills all the bad guys.  But these Yellowstone kinds of filmmakers like to cry about victimization and how the all-powerful rich people and their government pawns destroy the little guy, and the little guy has to fight back, always on their heels and looking over their shoulder.   I can’t relate to that mentality.  My favorite westerns were movies like the Dollars trilogy, where Clint Eastwood never worried about being outnumbered or out financed.  He always won his gunfights and nobody was better than him.  And that carried over into other movies he did, like High Plains Drifter, one of my absolute favorites, The Outlaw Josey Wales, and Pale Rider.  You can keep The Unforgiven.  It was only good in the last five minutes.  The rest of the movie was a hippie diatribe from a bunch of Hollywood losers.  So, with all that in mind, you can see why Yellowstone still hasn’t been watched in my house.  They may dress the way I do, but that is more of them coming into fashion than me being inspired by it.  They are copying people they have seen in the world, and they put them in a television show.  But there is a lot they don’t understand about American culture, even if what they do get is something that starving Americans wanting to see something good about their country cling to.  I like seeing shows like Yellowstone being successful.  But for me, they are still being made by mind-numbing hippies who have a lot to learn.  Money is not evil; it reveals evil in people who would otherwise conceal their nature from the judgments of the sane.    

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Zandaya at the ‘Dune II’ Premier: There is hope for the human race yet

With all that’s going on in the world, there are traces of some fascinating things, and one that certainly attracted my attention was the premier of Dune II in London.  It’s not just because it’s a great science fiction story from 1965 put exceptionally well into a movie format, which people have been trying to do for many years.  They have tried it before with David Lynch.   A lot of people didn’t like that earlier movie.  I did like it and thought it was an exciting interpretation of Frank Herbert’s original story.  The first movie came out a few years ago and did quite well, being recognized as a cinematic masterpiece, where even critics agreed with the fans that Dune was something special.  The buzz for Dune II of course has been looming in the background because it’s essentially Part II of the original first book.  Dune is a massive story that takes place across six original books by Herbert. Then, after his death, his sons completed the story with two additional books, which span across the entire universe and involve thousands of years, and the whole thing isn’t just about science fiction but about the problems with power and how living things have difficulty managing it.  It’s very sophisticated and it looks like the producers of Dune understand the content of the story very well, and finally digital set design has caught up to the ambitions of the film and something really special ended up on screen.  But that’s not what dazzled me as a fan of the books and Herbert himself.  Zandaya showed up in a stunning robot outfit that reminded me of many things I had been thinking about lately.  And she made a bold proclamation that certainly did set the world on fire in more ways than one. 

The outfit itself was ultra sexy with cutouts that exposed the sexual areas of a female body in ways that reminded me of a Heavy Metal magazine cover from when I was growing up that put high science fiction concepts into sex appeal to young adolescent boys.  But I had never seen a young woman on such a widespread scale as Zandaya do something like that before.  It wasn’t slutty like something Madonna would do, or even Lady Gaga.  It was bold, innovative, and classy yet very ambitious.  I follow the launch of every Starship from SpaceX very closely, and another launch is coming up, the third for actual flights into space. The first thing I thought of was that her outfit matched the ambitions of these civilian space flights, and I instantly thought of the beautiful statues from the great novel Fountainhead as the perfect embodiment of this current time, when corporate communism and global fascism from that sector of the economy was spreading terror all over the world, A.I. was making people weary with worry about being controlled by machines.  Space travel was displacing all the philosophies and religions of the world with the uncomfortable reality of life on other planets.  Politically, the world was in a populist revolt.  And there was Zandaya boldly managing it all with a very knowledgeable understanding of it all by showing up to that movie premiere dressed in that outfit, which is what I would have expected as a young 12-year-old looking into the future of 2024 and considering what life should have been like.   She certainly understands the director of the film Dune and what he’s trying to do.  And she clearly understands the author of the book, Frank Herbert.  He certainly was not a socialist like H.G. Wells and some of those early European writers.  He was a small government kind of guy who appreciated the founding fathers, and that went into the extensive work of his Dune project, with all the books being between 600 and 800 pages each.  It was a very ambitious work, so there was a lot going on. 

And there were a few times over the last few years when I thought nothing like this would ever happen again, especially a young woman like Zandaya openly expressing her femininity and sex appeal without being raunchy about it.  Not after the Covid lockdowns destroyed the movie industry, and a firm commitment to socialism pretty much provided the final nail in the coffin.  I never thought I would see something like that again or for the first time.  I had all the Heavy Metal magazines for several years, and I loved the ambitious art.  I also loved the animated movie when I was a kid.  This Dune premier was all those magazine covers coming to life.  I think Zandaya is a pretty good kid.  She is younger than my daughters.  I thought she was perfect in the latest Spiderman movies, and she showed up at the end of the first Dune movie.  She’s a singer and a high fashion model who grew up as a Disney talent.  Despite all her early success, I think she has a pretty good head on her shoulders, which came out in interviews with Tom Holland while promoting the Spiderman films.  Unlike other Hollywood types, she is a good entertainment representative for this upcoming generation.  At least so far.  She didn’t have to show up to that premier with that outfit.  But that she did shows she understands far more about the nature of our current reality than most people do, and she was bold about it. 

What a gift she provided to the director of Dune, Denis Villeneuve.  He should be ecstatic with excitement that one of his stars from the new film so openly embraced the overall vision of the Herbert books, which is not to spoil it for anybody, but that Zandaya’s look explores what Frank thought was the background of the entire universe.  But that fashion model of Zandaya knew how to look and express the totality of Frank Herbert’s work with just a few simple gazes, and I felt the entire human race had just leveled up a bit.  Because of the Dune movies, more people will understand the point of Dune, which is a very anti-tyrannical effort that questions the nature of all life and how power flows down to every form of it.  With all the bad news that has been going on in the world, I saw this premiere for this movie as a bold rebellion against those vile forces.  In much the way that I was surprised by the Godzilla Minus One movie.  With all the bits of tyranny that have emerged, these little bits of hope are emerging from the human race.  And sometimes, someone like Zandaya captures the effort with high art and fashion in ways that seem iniquitous, even unintentional.  But you can’t go into public dressed like that, yet face everything down with such boldness without the intent being purposeful and intelligent, without scrutiny being applied.  And with the production of Dune, the launch of the Starships, and the political landscape lashing out at fascism the way it is, many elements came together in human expression that refused to be a victim to it all, which was very encouraging and a sign of a lot of good things to come.  I would say there is hope for the human race yet!

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Corporation of the United States against The United States of America: We are well into this new Civil War, which is behind the actions of Letitia James

I hate to say it, but there is a reason a lot of this diabolical behavior has been allowed to gestate in our American culture, where radical Marxists like Fani Willis and that goofball loser from New York, Letitia James, are permitted to cover for a maniacal menace to our Constitutional Republic.  We don’t discuss it much, but it’s a genuine problem.  I of course have talked about it for years, but to this detail we haven’t spent much time, because it’s a depressing concept.  And that is the idea that the truth of our nation and the nature of globalism is that corporations run it rather than the people.  And that our governments are set up to give the illusion that people are in charge, just like in the marketplace, but that behind-the-scenes decisions are made for the preservation of the corporation at the expense of everything else.  Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with this idea, and I refuse the premise.  Not that it exists, but that it is the foundation for our rule of law.  Yet, when it is analyzed why so many people in government hate the idea of President Trump, and that they will do anything to stop him from even running for office, let alone being in charge of the Executive Branch, then we have to talk about this essential problem that we do not have a United States of America ran as republic, but a Corporation of the United States ran by corporate communists.  This traces back to the battlelines that the World Economic Forum has established, and we saw their footprints all over COVID-19 and the Great Reset economy they attempted.  However, the roots of this corporation idea started a long time ago, most notably in the 1950s during Eisenhower’s term in office.  He didn’t want to sell us out to the global corporations, but they pinned him down which led to his famous speech upon exiting office, warning us of this menace.

Not only do I know a lot of lawyers, but I also know many people with very high IQs.  And I know and have known quite a few people with IQs in the 200 range, which is supposed to be impossible.  I can say that I have known more than one to keep some form of anonymity for their own good.  Because they are not necessarily flag-waving patriots the way I am, or you might be, dear reader.  These are people who have been trying to recruit me for the last thirty years into the Sovereign Citizens Movement, and they have been in and out of jail and have all kinds of problems.  Not because they are dumb, of course, but they are too smart to play the game, which the rest of us do.  And that game is that America is a free nation run by free people.  They would argue that it’s a corporation, that our Social Security numbers are our only real names, and that we are all products of the state as the state decides.  And that government is run by corporations, which I think is beyond a doubt.  What we’ve seen over these last few years when we talk about the Deep State is these kinds of characters scrambling around in a panic.  Like the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, Toto pulled back the curtain to the Wizard’s little booth, where he made all the illusions the world saw.  Trump’s was in that effect, Toto pulling back the curtain to the Deep State, and suddenly everything real started to emerge, shattering the illusion of a free republic.

I have told these people over the years that I do not acknowledge a Corporation of America.  I only recognize the American Constitution, and anybody who does not adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America will have a lot of trouble with me.  And that has certainly been the case over a long period, and there’s not much anybody can do about it in protest.  The courts must support an assumption that they follow the Constitution to maintain the illusion of a republic.  But due to their impatience, they have been pushing to subvert the Constitution for years and replace it with a kind of corporation human resource handbook intending to enable outright communism, which most corporations are attracted to for obvious reasons of centralized planning.  But strategically, I have expressed to all these citizen protestors, again, not stupid people, that I would always stand with the Constitution, and anybody who wanted to fight about it would have to deal with it.  Because I wasn’t giving up on it, and I certainly had no plans to be a fugitive rebel living in the mountains, hoping the FBI, CIA, and IRS never find me.  I’m a kick-the-front-door kind of guy, not a sneak-around subversive type.  So, that has been an impasse I have lived with for a long time, and my position on it is essential because of what we are witnessing now.  There are no longer a few random people talking about these things, but essentially everyone.

The reason of importance now to discuss it, in the wake of all that’s happened to President Trump, and the more success he has, the more panic that there is from these Corporation of America types, which we loosely call RINOs, Deep Staters, Administrators of the Administrative State, people like Mitch McConnell and other members of the House and Senate who have become very rich off politics.  People like Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama.  Who do you think put the terrorists from the Weather Underground in power who then put Obama in the White House?  It was not a random act, and it turned out to be the same people who used the power of government to steal the 2020 election.  It’s the members of the hostile Corporation of America, and they wish to keep their gig going without revolution.  But we are in another Civil War as we speak, and yes, people are being killed.  The battlefield is in our living rooms, school boards, and Chambers of Commerce.  And it’s not so easy to see who the good guys are.  But for me, the good guys stand for the Constitution.  Those against it are the enemy.  We are fighting for a free United States of America from the forces of the Corporation of the United States, which is just one door in the centralized planning scheme of the World Economic Forum.  Unfortunately, these guys have been in power operating outside Constitutional law for a long time.  And now we are ripping away their assumptions about existence, and it will be messy.  And the days of battle that I have told my friends over the years that I would stand on are here.  I stand for the Constitution, and anybody who says otherwise is an enemy of the United States, and that’s how it will be.  And they will suffer accordingly.  This isn’t a new problem.  For most of us, it has been in the background our entire lives.  But it’s not how it’s supposed to be, and they won’t give up their scam easily.  Which ultimately, is on them when they suffer for it.

Rich Hoffman

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