After Trump Wins, Democrats Will Get Violent: Be sure to utilize concealed carry or at least, Constitutional Carry a firearm

Of course, just as I said it would, Trump is going to be re-elected, and all the schemes that the Democrats have used over the years to manipulate the mass public aren’t going to work.  And it’s going to get ugly.  I don’t think there is any way around it; this is what happens when you let Marxist radicals into your country, into your corporations, and your communities disguised as Democrats.   It would never end well, but at some point, we would always arrive at this juncture.  No matter what happens, even if they somehow manage to keep Trump out of office, there will likely be violence on a mass scale.  Appeasing them won’t help, it will just make it worse.  They are planning violence one way or another.  For the rest of us, the best-case scenario is to use the laws and follow them to the very end.  Trump needs to win the White House properly because it will force the Democrats to reveal all the horrible things they have been up to over many years.  But yes, we are in a civil war, and there is no way to stop it now.  We couldn’t have stopped it in the 1950s.  America was always on a collision course with the radical communists in the world who were openly working to subvert American laws built on the foundation of the Constitution.  The only reason violence hasn’t happened yet is that good people turned the other cheek for decades and empowered these losers to think they had more power than they did.  And now it’s playing out daily.  Trump isn’t using some magic power to find power again.  A lot of what is happening in the MAGA movement is revenge for what Democrats have been doing, and there is no way to put all that back into a bottle and forget about it.

I recommend that everyone who can start to conceal carry, or at least Constitutional Carry.  Get as many firearms as you can and learn to use them.  Be prepared.  When Trump wins, the most likely scenario is something we have seen before.  Remember when Madonna said that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and several other celebrities like Johnny Depp suggested that killing the President was something we might think about doing?  This is how the left thinks, and when we say left, we mean communists, as Karl Marx defined them.  I talk to politicians all the time who think they can have lunch with Democrats and get along.  I know several Democrats who present themselves as friendly people who would be nice to talk to in a backyard cookout.  But make no mistake about it: they are plotting the doom and death of America with mass global collectivism.  And when they realize, which is happening now, that people are onto their game, that they have lost the ability to manipulate the public through media and entertainment, and that people are turning away from communist ideas, they will turn to violence because it’s all they have left as a strategy.  And in many cases, they have no interest in working with Americans.  They only think to suppress America, and it’s been going on since before the 1930s.  The Great Depression, never forget, created a crisis by applying communist policies to the tremendous economic machine of American capitalism.  And Democrats and progressives have been selling communism to anybody who would listen for over a hundred years now, hiding it behind racism, feminism, environmentalism, social reforms of all kinds, and children in schools.  It’s been a long process, and as Trump continues to increase in polling, there is panic forming among these communists presenting themselves as Democrats and RINO Republicans.  People have been on to them and are showing support for an alternative that was never part of their plan.  And they will fight to keep their plan alive through violence because that’s what every communist revolution has done around the world.  But like the last time Trump was elected, they will take to the streets to start riots and mobs of chaos incited by the many billionaires who have invested in global communism, of which America is just a part.  They never had a plan B. 

Many people, I remember it from 2020, hesitated to admit that they were voting for Trump because they worried that the mob of agitators would arrive at their house and bring violence to them.  So they either voted in favor of Biden or denied that they voted for Trump.  Either way, they felt they had to suppress their opinions to save themselves from a violent outcome by a radical leftist mob.  That is not how it should ever be in America, and I think we will have to fight for it in ways many never thought they’d ever have to.  We read about other people fighting for our freedom, but most never thought we’d have to do it ourselves.  I believe, in a lot of ways, our time will be the worst because the mob of violence is loose on our streets, and they are in our neighborhoods, and it’s going to get chippy for a long time.  And a lot of people are going to get hurt.  Sure, it will be needless violence.  Sure, there are lots of ways to solve problems besides violence.  But we have been trying for a long time, and it’s only been our side who have given an inch only for Democrats to take a mile.  And they aren’t going to give that mile back out of kindness.  It will have to be ripped from them.

At this point, there is no peaceful scenario.  If Trump doesn’t return to the White House, people are going to turn to violence to remove the communist government that is impacting our lives at every level of American life.  And if Trump does end up back in the White House, the Democrats are going to cause every kind of trouble you can imagine.  They will attack and do so viciously.  I would advise you all to be well-armed and stand firmly behind the Constitution, the rule of law, the Supreme Court, and the White House with Trump in it.  And dig in for the fight and expect violence to come your way.  But we aren’t just talking about people’s feelings here; we are talking about outright communism.  We have gone to war in other countries for far less than we are seeing coming out of the Uniparty, especially where Democrats are concerned.  And we won’t be able to call up the military to attack on behalf of a civil war.  No, this is a fight we will have to win ourselves, and it will likely get messy.  I hope not, but there is nothing in me that thinks there’s any way out but violence.  And if there’s violence, make sure you’re the one who wins on behalf of capitalism against communism and defend the flag from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  It will take courage, but it all starts by voting Trump back into the White House, and from there, Democrats will do what they have always done: stand for violence to propel communism on their enemies.  And there’s no soft way to land that plane.  It’s happening regardless of what people hope to avoid.  The longer we put it off, the worse it will get.  But it’s going to happen regardless.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

President Trump and the Lee Greenwood Bible: The Key to Making America Great Again

I have always had a relationship with the Bible, starting when I was very little.  I love to read books, and it is one of the world’s most essential books of literature. It has undoubtedly had a great impact as the foundation of Western Civilization.  But I’ve generally had a policy on religion not to impose it on other people because not everyone was fortunate enough to be born in America or under Christianity, so they are already starting in life with an impediment to success.  And I was willing to try the whole separation of church and state thing in the way that the destroyers of the world proposed it.  But due to the way the world is now, and what happened with COVID-19, the government coups around the world, and the general murder of innocent people, I began to explain things to people in a biblical context because that was what it took.  I’ve told the story before, and there have been many times since, but after Biden was put in office and Trump flew away for the last time, my wife and I headed into the desert and did some thinking.  A lot of thinking.  I bought a Lee Greenwood Bible shortly after because I thought he was onto something, and after reading it and sharing it with other people, a clear strategy became very obvious to me, which would defeat many of the villains in the world.  They were exposed, and a path to their destruction was clear to see.  And all it took for us, as Americans, was to reestablish a connection with the Bible.  That is why Lee Greenwood published a God Bless the USA version.  I have many Bibles, but this one was unique, and I thought upon receiving it, that every American should have one.  Within the text of the Bible is just about everything you need to know about building a successful society.  This Lee Greenwood Bible was a great place to start if America wanted to find its way again.

In 2024, President Trump is putting his name behind this effort and is partnering with Lee Greenwood to sell the God Bless the USA Bible, which comes in the back of it: the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and other patriotic documents.  I love all those things, so to have them all in one place makes perfect sense, as American law was formed around biblical principles.   For me what I had to overcome in the desert that year in 2021 was an answer to what the attackers of America were really after.  It’s one thing to talk about and write about, but admitting it to yourself at a fundamental level is something else.  Removing the Bible from our legal system as a basic foundation was the key to the plan of our attackers, the globalists looking for a one-world government rule through the United Nations.  These perpetrators were the socialist and communist heathens of Europe and Asia who wanted to make God the government, not a reference to a biblical past.  To achieve their victory over America, they had to change us from a Christian nation to a heathen one, something that had happened before in Israel when they had fallen from grace and turned back to the worship of Baal in the land of Canaan, and other places throughout the Near East.  Yahweh was just one competing God when the Bible was written, establishing himself as the creator of Western civilization, overcoming the pantheon of Greek gods, the Romans, and all the deities along the Silk Road.  Yahweh was older than many, but it was a long journey to work out social interaction correctly, which took many thousands of years to figure out. 

Then, in our modern times, the latest band of despots and global crime syndicates wanted to overthrow America and steal all its vast wealth by taking from us the basic morality of the Bible and splitting our legal system on its head for apparent destruction.  And we have seen over these past three or four years that this obvious strategy and its implications play out.  There is no longer guessing what these people were trying to do to us.  What has been challenging is to admit that people were willing to be that evil.  And they have been.  So, to understand that level of evil, a relationship with the Bible is essential in the context of the human race and its development.  The Bible has been the best at communicating those values, better than any country in the world, and the fact that America was built on that foundation was simply magnificent.  The concept of natural law and these ideas were, for me, the key to working all this out, so I was in Indian territory thinking about whether America had a right to impose its freedoms on the collectivist-based cultures that happened to be in North America at the time, and much like the reason God wanted the Hebrew people to inhabit Canaan, the same moral justification was present in the founding of America.  And people needed to understand that context.  The enemies of America wanted us to doubt that enterprise, so they sought to steal our reference point, our Bibles.  So, to beat them at their game put the Bible back into the center of American culture, and it would essentially be like Holy Water applied to the demons of existence.  So, it was brilliant for President Trump to get behind in selling this Lee Greenwood Bible.  It is also wise of him to make this upcoming election a resurgence of Christian Nationalism.  Not in the negative way that the enemies of America want to portray it as a derogatory position where we are supposed to give up our lives and lifestyles to accommodate the heathens of the world and all their dumb gods.  No, we only need to return to the basics and learn from history.  And use as a foundation for our civilization the tools that work, the rule of law built on the back of Biblical principles.  It’s one thing to have compassion for people who do not have the Bible as the backdrop of their entire culture and to be respectful of their beliefs.  But to destroy your belief system to make those heathens happy is not an intelligent idea, only to then have the United Nations redefine values based on a Karl Marx definition where communism makes government the new God and that the goal of our lives is to redistribute wealth using that new God as the arbitrator of justice.  And what the government gets is power and prestige, which has always been the downfall of civilizations, to repeat a cycle we know doesn’t work.  And to achieve that, they have to convince us to give up on the elements of society that do work.  President Trump getting behind the Lee Greenwood Bible is one of the most brilliant things he has done so far, and the media is melting down over it, like the Wicked Witch at the end of The Wizard of Oz.  I would recommend getting at least one Bible to pass out to friends and family.  The Bible is the battle plan to Make America Great Again, and we should not be shy about it.  This story has happened many times; the Bible captures those events well.  And for our present circumstances, we don’t have to reinvent the wheel.  We need to understand how to use it, and the Bible, especially the Lee Greenwood Bible in partnership with President Trump, is a great place to start.

Here is a link to that Bible:

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The CIA Behind the Terrorist Attack in Moscow: ISIS was a creation of Barack Obama and his globalist friends

You know you have lost the public when the first thing everyone thought after ISIS claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack at a Russian entertainment venue in Moscow was that the CIA was behind it.  That’s not just conspiracy theories anymore, but ordinary people, and if you didn’t notice, the story died within a few days, leaving all these globalists reeling as a reaction.  The old games aren’t working anymore, and the CIA’s involvement in those games is resented by the taxpayers who fund them.  The CIA has not been working on behalf of The United States of America, but the Corporation of America, the globalists who have been trying to subdue the Constitution for well over a hundred years now.  The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) brings very little to our nation, especially for what they cost.  After what they did to perform a coup against a popularly picked President Trump in 2020, along with activism from the FBI, people have been more open about their feelings about this secretive group.  Based on the evidence, if the CIA were disbanded today and every one of their employees picked up a job at the local McDonald’s, security of America’s borders would increase dramatically, and our local drive-thrus would get faster because the employees would be better served.  Because that’s about all they are suitable for.  The CIA causes trouble; they don’t solve problems.  And if there is danger in the world, it’s usually them causing it to drive social narratives in the direction of globalism everywhere.  The creation of the CIA occurred in post-war 1947, along with several other dumb, globalist ideas, and America has not been better off for it.  And the Moscow terrorist attack is just such an example.  It’s not that a terrorist attack occurred in Russia by Ukrainians trying to put an end to the war.   But it is really about if the CIA did not exist, would there be a war with Ukraine, let alone a terrorist attack?

That ISIS claimed responsibility seems a little thin, considering that Russian authorities caught many of the terrorists trying to flee back over the border to Ukraine, where they wanted to be at least seen.  These were not your typical ISIS terrorist groups of Islamic radicalism functioning in the Near East.  My skepticism has its roots in my love of biblical archaeology, where political forces who want to use religion to control modern power distribution are preventing the excavation of essential landmarks from India to Egypt through terrorist discourse from creating just enough chaos that knowledge can’t take root in known history.  The same logic could be applied to this Ukraine situation where NATO provoked Russia into a baited attack to justify massive wealth redistribution in the region, and behind the scenes of this enormous taxpayer-funded scam is the CIA working their mechanisms of deceit behind every media propaganda distribution channel.  Much of the war with Ukraine could be blamed on CIA tampering in the region to lure Putin into attacking their former territory, as Biden had been briefed beforehand.  The days when Americans would accept the reports given by the CIA are long over, and for good reason.  They lost trust in them based on their behavior, and Americans did not want to be involved in another CIA-manipulated war.  After World War II, the CIA attempted to drag America into every national conflict as an excuse to advance globalism, as the United Nations views it, which was created in 1945.  Many things happened a few years after that War to End All Wars.  Israel, for instance, was created as a nation in 1948.  The Roswell event occurred in 1947 as well; see a pattern?  The late 1940s, going into the 1950s and the counter-culture 60s, were filled with political manipulations designed to destroy American sovereignty and a belief in ingenuity and compliance to forces more significant than even God. 

It’s been the CIA that is most thought of when we talk about UFOs, whether they exist or not, and what they intend to do.  UFO events didn’t just start in 1947 with Roswell; those events certainly shaped our reaction to them.  And behind it, all was the CIA trying to establish a perpetual nanny state of taxpayer government expansion because Americans would see the need for protection from all these mysterious forces.  And who wanted to fight in another war like World War II?  So, people hoped that the CIA might keep another Hitler from being cultivated by the secret societies of Europe for another international conflict.  Instead, we ended up fighting Korea and Vietnam to stop communism even as the KGB, in an apparent alliance with the CIA, let communism grow in our college campuses, and our music through groups like the Beatles, let drugs poison our youth and bring shame and scandal come to our nation so that people might give up their love of national borders, and become global citizens in service to the United Nations.  For many decades now, people have had to slug through the secretive effects of the CIA and their NATO creations to move the minds of the masses like cattle to a slaughterhouse.  And people have become numb to the tactics to the point where nothing the CIA says anymore is trusted. 

When Trump says that Obama created ISIS, that is based on historical knowledge.  That the CIA got caught yet again trying to tamper with global politics, prop up a threat of an Islamic caliphate that was ultimately the creation of the forces who propped up Barack Obama into the White House from the living room of Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground Terrorist.  ISIS was designed to make Americans feel less safe and to throw infinite resources toward the efforts of globalism for protection.  But without the CIA or Barack Obama, would there have been an ISIS to begin with?  Likely not.  And now that Biden is in office, we are supposed to believe they mysteriously rose to power again as a bunch of out-of-work assassins willing to do anything for a cup of coffee, which is what was revealed when the Russians captured these most recent terrorists in Moscow.  This was an apparent attempt to get Americans to send more money to Ukraine and to sympathize with an end to the war because appeasement and peer pressure work so well in the world.  Russia might be compelled through international pressure to end its border dispute with Ukraine because ISIS was mad at them.  So goes the logic of the fools at the CIA and their bureaucrats desperate for American money in NATO.  And the moment that Trump would be in office again, ISIS would disappear overnight because the CIA would lose presidential support, which is why they conspired to get rid of Trump during the first term.  Trump was never supposed to make friends with North Korea.  We were supposed to be infinitely afraid of the North Korean kid with the bowl haircut.  Instead, we learned that he’s just a kid who loves basketball and has been given a tyrannical rule over a group of people for diverting maniacal social policy from its neighbor, China.  Another propped-up creation of globalists looking for a communist New World Order with the CIA as their enforcement wing of chaos and destruction.  Whenever people caught onto the story, another UFO conspiracy would be floated into the news cycle to give cover for all the maniacal lunatics involved in truly menacing behavior, politically.  This is why nobody believes the CIA anymore, and they are worthless to even a dime of taxpayer funding.  They cause so much trouble because people would get along much better if they didn’t exist.  And they don’t want people getting along.  And with the Russia story cooling off in the world, they needed to remind people that there was still turmoil there, for the news to take notice of.  Even at the expense of innocent lives lost. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Best Way to Beat Global Communists: Be a man

There is an easy solution to all this wokeness.  I know it can appear shocking to witness all the incidences of woke behavior, but there is a classic countermeasure to it that makes beating this globalist strategy well within reach.  And that is classic manhood.  Be a man.  It really is that simple.  The truth is, the globalist progressives, the Marxists of communist advocacy, do not have an answer for manhood; that’s why they call masculinity toxic.  It is only toxic for them.  As it has always been, masculinity is wonderful for the rest of the world.  The progressive strategy of world conquest occurs only by forcing humanity to yield to its neutered power.  Just as when a dog is neutered to socially control behavior, this is what progressives have attempted to do to all of civilization by removing masculinity in our culture and replacing it with compliance and a docile nature so that the subject would be easy to control.  Just like a dog.  But in this case, the neutered behavior isn’t surgical, it’s purely emotional.  By taking away the outlets of masculinity, the belief was that they could remove its effects and, therefore, reconstruct the nature of society.  At the heart of wokeness, this was their strategy, and it is comical to watch their effects now, understanding the feebleness of the effort as a social movement.  These social movements are social experiments conducted by influences who believe that they have a right and obligation to conduct such a science experiment based on their acquisition of wealth, so someone like a George Soros type can pour money into avenues to promote the behavior, and much like Covid can implement a strategy that the rest of the world thinks is organic.  But it’s not; it’s purely the effort of a small mass of society to implement political control over those huddled masses. 

Masculinity has always been an essential part of social interaction, and when it works best, competition from other men pushes society to be better.  President Trump is a good example of this; using masculinity, he has established himself as a deal-maker worldwide, able to make the best business relationships and acquire the best women as a result in his life.  Which then produces pretty people in the Trump family.  These are horrendous elements of a communist society looking for sameness, this idea that a man could beat out other men for the right to mate with the most beautiful women.  Such a concept is precisely what the communists are trying to get rid of in society.  But by taking away the traditional reason that men and women get together and mate is to strike a blow at the core relationship of capitalism in a healthy society and to reengineer it with new values.  The best-looking women could then pick from the top-performing men to create a culture of genetic improvement based on performance.  So if a man wanted access to the best women, then he would have to work hard and be better than his peers.  This is why communists want to remove masculinity from their micromanaged culture and why woke rules were established, to begin with, to attack this essential element of civil society.  Communists hate competition, and competition is at the heart of masculinity, which elevates society in productive ways.  The reward for conquest has always been accessing beautiful women, so by removing the attributes of conquest, progressives, and other communists hoped to eliminate their rivals from global power with neutered dogs unable to exert a defense of their livelihoods. 

We knew there was trouble decades ago when these same personalities, the global communists, said that it was OK for men to cry, to show emotions, and to make them essentially into women.  As a result, we have a society of cry babies pleading to the mother government for appeasement rather than being a man and taking life by the horns and wrestling the problem to its rightful conclusion.  When social designers of this new political order were constructing their strategy, they desired to establish this parental role of government, much like authoritarian governments have over their people in Asian countries, especially China.  Women are not very well respected there, and men are only utilized as a service to their parental government.  They have been trying to establish this in America and Western cultures in general.  By making all the sexes the same, their objective was to replace the family idea with a society of children looking to the government for their parental necessities, then giving powers to those government roles for ultimate expansion, only to be ruled by mass compliance that suppressed biological necessity, at the core of all that was the elimination of competition between peers so that the government could establish value for the government’s sake.  I watched these policies arrive into American culture from the perspective of knowing better because it was not always that way.  And I watched the fools who adopted it with the same ease that they accepted fashion trends as if the idea of toxic masculinity would be edited out of our culture with ease.  It hasn’t; women still like men for what they are, and men who are men find great success in life because it’s how humans interact with each other at the heart of it all.  

Wokeness was an experiment in controlling the effects of masculinity on society.  But the moment those dumb rules are ignored, the impact of centralized governments falls apart quickly.  That is at the heart of all the Trump cases, which is trying to use lawfare to keep the president from running again.  Yet the reason all those efforts are failing is not just because they violate a constitution that projects limits on government power, but that by ignoring the woke rules of society, a man can easily conquer these political efforts.  The whole house of cards falls quickly to the men of society who ignore woke regulations and do what they are biologically inclined to.  People respect men, men and women.  This attempt to remove masculine efforts was always a politically driven science experiment by global communists who wanted to rule with a centralized government.  The social message for them was easily manipulated by a society struggling with growing up from their parents and living their own lives with courage instead of cleaving to the skirts of government as their new parental role model.  Manhood is how to beat the wokesters, at every level of society.  And it’s surprisingly easy to do once people understand the game that has been going on.  The best way to defeat the communist movement behind political progressives is to ignore their woke rules and to be a man.  Women will love you for it.  And other men will respect you.  And the power of wokeness will dissipate quickly.  The anti-man movement is now well into its effect, and people are growing tired of it.  The power of manhood is swinging back in the direction of tradition, and it will likely bounce back like never before.  And if you want to bring down global communism in embarrassing ways for them, then be a man.  Let manhood be toxic to them, and let them melt before our eyes for the lack of power they always had.  And enjoy the results. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

If you Vote for the Fairfield School Levy, You’re Stupid: What really causes communities to fail

I’ve said it for years, and it’s just as relevant today as it ever was, perhaps more so.  If you vote for a school levy, you’re stupid.  That’s what Darryl Parks and I always said on WLW radio when I was a frequent guest.  Many of our old interviews are still on my YouTube site, where we talked about why in a thousand different ways.  When he was the program director for Clear Channel Radio, we spent many hours discussing what had come true in public education today, well before anybody else realized it, and nobody can’t say that they weren’t told.  It was just an inconvenient truth that nobody wanted to admit to.  When they thought of public school, they thought about school jackets, class rings, homecoming dances, and the social aspects of being around other kids.  But public school designed by socialists, Marxists, and outright communists under John Dewey was never intended to teach anybody anything useful.  It was always about social controls that would last the duration of people’s lives with liberalized sentiment and submission to authority, which served the notion of big centralized governments.  And the entire system has collapsed on itself.  Finally, people have admitted that sending their kids to public schools was something they’d instead not do if they could get away with it. Suppose they could afford a private school or some other alternative.  And that is the state now where there are massive waiting lists for alternative schools to the government school option at the center of everyone’s community.  It’s taken many years, and COVID was the final straw, but people have finally admitted that the public school option is one they’d love to get away from for the benefit of their children.  Based on what we know now, if you are choosing to send your kid to public school, it’s more for your convenience than that you love them.  Nobody would choose to send a kid to a public school and, in the same sentence, mean it when you said to them, “I love you.”  Those things do not go together.

And so it goes; knowing all that, my wife and I were shopping at Bridgewater Falls in Fairfield, and we noticed all the yard signs advocating for a new tax levy for Fairfield Schools.  Fairfield is a school district neighboring Lakota, where I live, and they have been flirting with a new levy in Lakota for several years.  Public schools were designed to burden a community, so everyone has to go through a kind of divorce with their government schools where property values are perceived to be directly connected.  For years, it has been thought that people move into or out of a community based on the quality of the schools.  That’s what real estate people will tell you anyway, but that has, too, been a lazy way to manage school districts.  Government schools that are controlled by radical leftist teacher unions with consistently high wage rates in mind have no means to generate more money to pay their staff but ever-increasing burdens on their property taxes.  So the game continued; home values would increase, making more taxable revenue available for the government schools to confiscate.  That money is then used to program the next generation of children into the ways of Democrat politics, anti-God sentiments, transgender bathrooms, and racial politics, making for much of their youth, future Democrat voters.  Public schools are essentially teaching anti-family and a replacement of domestic concerns with obedience to centralized government. 

So the longer a community survives this process, the more burden and expensive those government schools become before there is a collapse, and the following community with the next shiny thing becomes the new destination, leaving the old community behind and used up.  That has been the story of several communities around Butler County, especially Fairfield, where I have much experience.  My wife and I were married and went to church there for many years when it was a destination community for many people all over the country.  I have watched this government school game for a long time, and behind it all is the communist intention to attack private ownership.  We are seeing this trend in Liberty Township, within the Lakota district now, where apartments and lower-cost living seek to attract lower-income people who don’t own so much private property.  It’s not a massive conspiracy; I know all the trustees involved.  They are nice enough guys.  But it’s in the handbook of community development, written by the same dumb people from the United Nations who designed these horrible public schools.  What could go wrong with a community entirely of apartments and people who vote but don’t own property?  Then, people who own property are squeezed out of their homes with high taxes, and before you know it, the tax rates are too high and unmanageable, and people move away once their children grow up and start lives of their own somewhere else.  In the background of all these apartments and condos is the hope that the children will stay in the community when they grow up if only affordable options exist.  But what you end up with is Democrat voters until they grow up and take on more responsibility by starting a family of their own.  So they vote for school levies, but their landlords end up having to pay the taxes, and the schools achieve one of Karl Marx’s goals: the destruction of all private property.  We have seen this cycle everywhere, and Fairfield has suffered from it.  Most of their best companies picked up and left because the taxes were too high, the same story that could be told in every community around Butler County, Ohio, for the last four or five decades.  The Lakota schools are watching if any of these levies pass so they can try independently for their own.  We have managed to keep the taxes low in Lakota because plenty of people have a hostile reaction to the prospect of higher property taxes.  However, the system was built to fail in every way, providing a tempting lure to busy parents, free babysitting while they work, and dual income lives to pay for all this mess. 

However, changes are coming with another Trump administration; serious reforms to public education will happen by eliminating the Department of Education, which should have occurred during the Reagan administration.  But the communists fought to prevent it with the standard fear tactics, which Reagan listened to.  And so we have had this uncompetitive socialist model ever since, and Trump is poised to change it.  And to that point, the most apparent change will be that any federal dollars will follow the child, not the zip code.  That will mean that Fairfield, Lakota, Mason, and several other government schools along the outer loop of I-275 will have to fight to have children in their schools to access the funds that come with them.  And their cost structure will be challenged severely, which would be great.  Many teachers at Lakota schools make over six figures, which is a big part of their quarter of a billion-dollar yearly budget. If you have attended a school event anywhere lately, you will see many of these teachers can afford to miss a sandwich or two.  They are not specimens of excellent health, let’s just put it nicely.  The entire system is poised to fail, whether levies are approved or not.  And knowing all that, if you vote for a school levy, as I have said for several decades, you are stupid.  It’s silly to vote for any public school for more money that they are just going to waste on radical Democrat teachers.  And until we change that, it’s stupid to give them even a penny more. 

Rich Hoffman

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Too Big To Rig: Do we really want stupid people and slack-jawed, dope-smoking losers voting?

It’s a good campaign slogan and accurate; Trump has started using the term “too big to rig” at his campaign events, and it perfectly describes the challenge.  In the case of 2024, as opposed to 2020, Trump has a much better chance.  I have talked a lot about this because it’s only the biggest crime of the century and involves many thousands of people.  But based on the behavior we have seen out of Democrats with the open borders, the mail-in ballots, the law fare, on every front, who in their right minds don’t believe there was massive election fraud in 2020?  And that Democrats used it to take the White House.  It’s always strange to see Biden speak in a State of the Union speech because he never feels like the actual president.  He’s a fake caricature created by a crime, and we are all supposed to pretend as if he’s the real deal.  But to question the process and cry foul admits that we have not had a real president for the last several years, and the acceleration of the destruction of America perpetuates rapidly.  So, to keep the office of the presidency alive and, instead, beat the Democrats at their own game, we’ve had to put up with it in many ways, which has not been a pleasant experience.  But obviously, election fraud is part of the Democrat playbook and they can’t win anywhere, even in blue areas, unless they conduct stolen elections.  For some reason, despite the vast evidence that this has been going on not just in 2020 but in all elections since the 1990s, likely longer, we are not supposed to talk about it.  The truth is America is not a 50/50 country.  It’s made to look that way only through election fraud, which the Democrats conduct on many fronts.

So the strategy for 2024 has to be that voter turnout must be Too Big to Rig, which forces people to admit the obvious and is the only strategy that matters.  Trump is a unique personality, so he has a chance to get a much higher voter turnout than would normally be possible, 75 to 80 million, to outpace the cheating that is built into our election system through digital voting machines, mail-in ballots, and a Biden Department of Justice that knows the only way they can stay in power is to make as legal as possible every chance to get extra voters voting for their criminal syndicate in the government, with corrupted voter roles filled with illegal aliens, early voting, and extended unconstitutional deadlines after the election to keep counting fake ballots until their guy wins, like what happened in 2020, then expect everyone to accept the selection for fear of jail and prosecution.  Over these last several years, what we have seen has been intolerable and certainly not the kind of behavior a free society would expect.  But it’s what we have been dealing with, and it will take an unusually high voter turnout to beat the election fraud that is already baked into the system.  Covid was their cover story in 2020, which they will not have in 2024, and for this year and this year only, they are very vulnerable.  For those who want serious voting reforms, this is the best chance we will get in a long time, without an actual armed revolt, to get back to paper ballots on one election day, and with voter ID.  It’s no longer a question of “if” election fraud has been happening; we know it has been.  It’s now about policing it so that a proper representation of our society is voting and picking its government. 

Just remember what Major League Baseball did with their All-Star game set to take place in Atlanta after Governor Kemp advocated for voter reforms in 2021, part of his own cover story for accepting election fraud to get Trump out of office.  They moved the game out of Georgia and sent it to Denver, a much more Democrat-controlled city, at least for now.  The voter disenfranchisement argument has been a cover story for election fraud because Democrat voters are too stupid to vote on the same day that other people vote, and they need every derelict and slack-jawed pot-smoking loser to keep themselves in power.  So, they need to have people vote as early and as often as possible to justify keeping the numbers close.  But honestly, do we want stupid people who can barely wake up in the morning running our country with representation?  The victimization of minority communities for the exploitation of voting options is the same kind of behavior that Southern Democrats used to justify slavery that caused the Civil War, for which Republicans had to stand up to and beat to have the type of society where all people could vote and have an influence on their government.  But, those qualified to vote, no matter what their skin color or sex, were at least required to show an ID and to vote on election day on a paper ballot that couldn’t be accessed through the government-controlled internet.  With the way that our intelligence agencies lie to us, who thinks in their right mind that letting them have control over the technology that can manipulate reporting results has been honorable?  Give me a break. 

It will take a personality as significant and loud as Trump’s to break this horrendous cycle.  Some average Republicans like Romney or Bush will never do it.  Average voting numbers for Republicans are what have allowed Democrats to cheat as a part of their base platform.  Only by unifying most of the country, which Trump can, can this cycle of election fraud to keep bad politicians in power, politicians that give extensive checks to labor unions, and other globalist interests.  With the amount of money off looted tax money being as high as it is, who in their right mind doesn’t think that election fraud is part of the strategy and always has been?  If you want honest elections, you’ll have to fight for them, not to assume that they would happen by default.  There are too many compromised people running the elections, and yes, they will cheat at every opportunity and have been.  That is the only reason that elections have been close.  Take away the cheating, and everyone will discover that America is much more conservative than anybody previously thought.  And in 2024, with Trump, the strategy has to be to make the election too big to rig.  We won’t be able to get legal reforms before the election; it has taken us this long to admit that it’s been going on.  But now that we know, we can make reforms, so long as we stay focused on beating election fraud in 2024, which is to have the results Too Big to Rig.  Trump needs to get at least what he had in 2020, which he is poised to do.  But for good measure, 80 million votes will make the results unquestionable.  And that amount is undoubtedly on the table after these disastrous years of Biden.  People are hungry for a change, and they can get it if they go to vote and vote in such large numbers that the Democrat rig machine won’t be able to stop it this time.

Rich Hoffman

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War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

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Lawyers Are Usually Too Dumb and Worthless: The scam that leans to the political left to corrupt our entire soceity

I’ve never liked lawyers.  For me, they were always con artists who overly complicated the legal system so that they could take money away from innocent people.  The law should be so clear that ordinary people can represent themselves in court.  But courts have been horrendous substitutes for dueling as it was classically conducted in America.  When we say these days, “See you in court,” it’s a poor substitute for “pistols at dawn.”  But we wanted to consider ourselves a civilized society and that we were a nation of laws, not lawlessness.  So, we have replaced those classic gun duels with a bunch of pinheaded fools who use the legal system to conduct justice in unsatisfying ways, enriching themselves in the process.  I would instead just shoot the bad guys.  It would be more honorable, and cheaper.  But saying all that, I have been to court a lot more than I’ve been in shootouts with people, so I know the lawyer type extremely well.  And I’ve hated them to such an extent that I have represented myself in court on more than one occasion and done just fine.  And when I think of these things I have a friend who once had so much legal trouble that he had a bedroom in his house filled with unpaid bills and legal notices that was over one foot deep from wall to wall.  He used to let his kid swim in that room like it was the ball pit at Chucky Cheeses and she would bury herself under them when playing hide and seek, and nobody would find her.  He did end up going to jail eventually for disputes with an ex-girlfriend that he couldn’t outsmart the lawyers in that case because he was technically in the wrong.  But on the many cases worth many, many, many millions of dollars in judgments against him, there wasn’t a lawyer in Ohio or Kentucky who could move him off a mountain of superior intellectual positioning. 

Most lawyers are pretty dumb.  They get into the legal profession because they never stand up to their parents and get used to being told what to do early in life.  When we look at these court cases against Trump and see how dumb Fani Willis and Letitia James are, people are stunned that these are people who have passed a Bar exam.  In my experience, these are common people in the legal profession.  It’s the same scam as the snake oil salesman selling whiskey to cure colds and snake bites in the same bottle.  Lawyers have been propped up to be considered standard bearers of righteous knowledge.  But the truth is they are mostly pretty dumb.  As I say all that, I can think of more than twenty I know whom I wouldn’t pay five cents for.  My first reaction is always to represent myself, and I have argued detailed legal matters with multiple people of high intellect as recently as yesterday.  I think anybody with average reading comprehension should be able to represent themselves better and more appropriately than any lawyer.  Lawyers get into the profession because they are compliant people who do what their parents want them to.   Then, as adults, they have the same weakness: they do what political parties tell them to, what judges ask them to, and what corrupt elements instruct them to.  In the case of Lakota schools, if you peel back the orange, the root cause of so much corruption comes down to lawyers running the school and taking their orders from the local teacher’s union.  I have found that most lawyers lean to the political left.  And those who do call themselves Republicans tend to be RINOs because they believe in big institutions to hide the ruse of their con game.  They make their money because of big government, not by freeing people from it. 

I’m a person who reads from the law every single day, and it starts with the Ohio Constitution.  For fun, I read The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers, and I love them.  There are legal minds in those pages who are magnificently brilliant.  Those are not the modern lawyers talking, and out of many thousands of people that I know, a lot of them legal types, we don’t produce people like those Founding Fathers today.  So when I say I would rather have a duel in the street with someone I disagree with, I mean it in that context.  We were a better society when people settled their differences directly and quickly.   These legal courtroom battles with third-party arbiters have been ridiculously dumb, significantly weakening our nation.  Lawyers are lazy, weak, and not able to properly represent strong, individualized Americans in the concept of a free people.  I’ve been on the stand interviewed by lawyers for testimony many times and given a lot of depositions, and in many cases, the lawyers were the best available at the time, and I’ve never been impressed with any of their intellects.  When dealing with them I often think of my friend who ran them in circles for years in a game of cat and mouse, including big federal cases, and they were too dumb to touch him.  He easily beat them in court every time because they were too stupid to argue with him.  With that guy, what ended up bringing him down was the same as with most men: a woman.  Not the law. 

Lawyers have made our system of justice far worse.  The only people who benefit from it are the legal people.  The people who get drug into court to be represented by lawyers end up losing everything while the same lawyers who battle it out in court end up going to lunch together after the case.  It’s not skin off their back what happens to their clients.  The judges and lawyers are often golf buddies, and the client pays for the corrupt access their lawyer has to judges.  That is not how our legal system was supposed to be and as I say all the time, it would be better and more righteous if we just shot the bad guys instead of making all these lawyers rich off the pursuit of justice that never comes.  We have too many lawyers chasing too few needs, so they often end up in politics looking to write laws or broker deals that put money in their pocket for their investment in the law practice.  So when we talk about the corruption in our political system, it becomes obvious that the primary cause is that it is filled with too many lawyers who find private practice too hard to manage, so politics becomes a good destination for them, and they hardly bring ethical behavior to our representative government.  Just as in the Lakota case in my neighborhood, it all comes down to keeping dumb people on the school board to make it easy for the lawyers to throw money at the leftist teacher’s union because they are too lazy to argue on behalf of justice.  And what’s more important to them is a nice dinner at a wine-tasting ceremony than strengthening our republic with legal wisdom.  No, most lawyers are just like Fani Willis and Letitia James.  Fortunately, many people who don’t deal with lawyers have had the illusion of what kind of people are in the legal world ripped away from them on national television.  And they are disappointed with what they see.  But it’s indeed no surprise to me.  We should drop the courtrooms and get back to dueling.  We would be a far better society.

Rich Hoffman

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Shooting ‘Old Yeller’: What the Darbi Boddy case at Lakota schools means to the world of American politics

It’s never wrong to learn the truth about things.  But it can be painful, disillusioning even.  And that is certainly the case at Lakota schools with the Darbi Boddy situation on the school board.  You can talk about these kinds of things in a conspiracy kind of format, but there is nothing like the truth to tell the world what is going on, and this is undoubtedly the case in all politics, from a local school board to state races, federal positions, even governorships.  Politics, at its most fundamental level, is about managing people’s needs for government.  Government is not meant to be an aristocratic position where the public serves those in government but a condition where politicians serve the people through it.  And in many ways, I can’t blame people for getting it all wrong.  These are problems people have had for thousands of years.  The United States has fixed the problem better than anybody else, and we wrote it down in our Constitution.  But living up to that high measure is extremely difficult for most people.  And when we put three conservatives on the school board at Lakota in 2022, we did so believing in the Constitutional law system and community representation.  But wherever money is involved, there will always be thieves and cutthroats to bring corruption to the task, and that is precisely what we find ourselves dealing with at all levels of government, from the Darby Boddy situation at Lakota to tax money being sent to Ukraine.  It’s all the same game for the same ridiculous reasons.  That doesn’t mean you pack up your toys, go home, and use corruption as an excuse not to participate.  But if you stick around and try to solve the problem, you will be very disappointed, and I am, on many levels. 

Many people have asked me a million different ways to get involved in one of these elected positions.  And I would never say I won’t do it.  But I have a very mobile life that has every hour of the day extremely spoken for.  It is not uncommon for me to do one thing one day, and 24 hours later, I’m on the other side of the world doing something completely unrelated.  And political life takes a certain level of commitment to stability that I just don’t have.  But I do respect people with that level of dedication, and I try to help them whenever possible.  I respect people who provide that commitment, even if they do things not as I would.  I respect them for doing government work because it ultimately takes good people to be in government for the right reasons to even hope for a good government.  And with that said, I have a lot of friends who are in politics whom I like quite a lot.  Darbi Boddy is one of them, indeed.  I remember talking to her about getting on the school board, and she innocently said yes for all the reasons I wanted her to.  I wanted a good person to do good work in government for all the right reasons.  And for all those same reasons, I wanted Trump to run and win in 2016, and we are seeing the after-effects of those types of people colliding with the corrupt forces that were always there.  I would say I am as much of an insider in politics without actually being a politician myself as a person can get.  But I was certainly surprised to learn the raw facts of this Lakota case with Darbi.  I’m glad I did, and it answers a lot of questions I have always had.  And it certainly helps articulate a solution to these many problems. But in the end, it is very disappointing to see so many people functioning on such a preposterously foolish level. 

When Darbi was first elected, I kept hearing all this crazy talk about elections being elections and governing is governing.  The thought was that if Darbi intended to be the school board member she ran her campaign on, there would be trouble.  Which is something I have thought for a long time.  The school board positions, as well as just about every elected position in our country, have an assumption that you say one thing to get elected.  Then you serve some blind aristocracy once you are in office.  There is a belief from the donor base that they own the rights to your opinions because they gave you the power you ultimately wouldn’t have through campaign contributions.  This is what we see with the Never Trumper movement behind Nikki Haley, in which they are learning the same hard lessons as we speak.  And it took some time to unravel the Darbi Boddy story, even as I was very close to it.  But pulling away all the tape to get to the core problem took time.  And what we found out is that the law firms run Lakota schools.  They have no intention of ever letting a real representative elected by actual voters handle the quarter-billion-dollar tax-fueled budget that the union-controlled public school runs.  That’s why primarily stupid people end up on these school boards, the Joe Biden types.  Because they are easy to control, and Darbi refused to be controlled.  So they conspired to get rid of her, and ultimately, the lawyers had to show their cards in their role in the whole scam, which was disappointing. 

When it comes to school boards and public schools, I am done trying to help fix them.  I’m certainly not done criticizing them, but I have no faith in government-run schools because we should always be wary of government because of the vast amounts of confiscated wealth they control.  I’m not an anti-government guy.  And I’m not “a my way or the highway” kind of guy regarding politics.  But I would expect everyone to at least follow the Constitution, which is not even close to the reality of it.  And these lawyers who have acted to subvert it openly have been disgusting.  It violates everything the Bar Association intended to establish by the rule of law in America.  But it’s not just at Lakota; the entire Washington D.C. Beltway operates precisely the same way, and that’s why they hate Trump and are terrified of him reentering the White House.  When money is involved, many bad people will do anything in the world to be Lords of Easy Money, except work hard to earn it.   The public schools are just as corrupt as money in Ukraine or most things the government gets involved in.  And when you realize that, it’s like learning that the old dog you have loved all your life has become sick, and you must put it down for its own good.  That’s the plot of the movie Old Yeller.  It was sad to shoot the dog at the film’s end because it had acquired rabies and was turning on those it was supposed to love.  And as I see how the lawyers have similarly twisted our Constitution, we must understand what that means.  It’s time to take those corrupt, sick lawyers out back and keep them from biting innocent kids with their diseased personalities for the good of our Republic.  They may have been good dogs in the past, but now they are sick, and we can’t let such sick minds run our government and harm innocent people in the process, as they have been doing.

The Old Yellers Are Sick Beyond Help

Rich Hoffman

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The Filth of Collective Religions and their Politics: I support the Jewish people because they are cleaner than the miscreants–belching, farting, grotesque, lazy losers of the world

I’ve never been one to talk much about religion to people until recently, when the intentions of the bad guys were never more apparent, so proclamations against them are more than warranted.  I think those who are fortunate enough to be born in Western civilization are extremely lucky to have exposure to Biblical religions.  But not for the reasons many might feel about immortality, the Trinity, and life in the church.  But for a point of religion that I don’t think gets near enough attention.  At the heart of Jewish religion is how they prepare their minds for spiritual life with God, and that is through cleanliness. Mainly the way the Jewish people set up the tent of the Tabernacle with the laws of God so carefully worshiped everlasting concepts at the heart of their relationship.  To behold God, the people, especially the high priests, had to be clean.  And I like clean people.  So, as I hear all this garbage about how bad the Jewish people are for the world and why we shouldn’t have ever created a state of Israel for them to reside in as most cultures around the world have wanted to eradicate them from the face of the earth, there is a kind of quiet hatred that permeates the whole concept.  Heathen religions are dirty.  The worship of Baal was dirty and still is.  Most of the religions of the world are pretty dirty.  But the Jewish people were very clean.  The Ark of the Covenant, which had within it the mercy seat where God could actually permeate into our world and communicate with people, had to be approached with purity.  They had to wash their hands carefully and keep all the dirty world of human life on the other side of a veil that protected the Ark from the dirtiness of life itself.  And I think there is a lot of good from this simple recognition. 

When we look at all the communists in the world and what they stand for I think of filthy people.  And that goes for the concept of partying.  Rock concerts, mosh pits, and dancing on dance floors at night clubs are dirty, sweaty, disgusting social exercises that are rooted in ancient Baal worship, and they are meant to appeal to the many maniacal characters of the spirit world, which I have explained many times as being explained by quantum mechanics.  I very much see the Bible as a rebellion from their previous domination of religion on earth and the kind of societies that were born from them, submissive, dirty, heathens to power players and politics.  What the Hebrew people were worshiping was something more significant than the dirty humans had previously embraced, which is very appealing to me.  As we are told that we need to be accommodating of homosexual relationships, transexual understanding, drugs, sacrifice, and collective-based entertainment, all that says to me is filth.  I like the concept of circumcision—washed bodies without the sweat and discharge of human mechanisms.  And sex was designed one way between a man and a woman.  Getting dirty with other people during sex is gross and I like most that the Bible addresses this issue in a way that is most appealing to me.  Most of the people in the world preaching communism, and the primary platform of the Democrat Party in America is also preaching filthy lives and gross interactions that naturally come from nature.  When they say to worship nature as globalists, they also say to abandon values that judge cleanliness from filth.  Nature is dirty.  Being clean is an act of conscious living.  To be clean is to rebel against nature and to show dominion over it.  Clean culture is a good one, and as we travel down the road of capitalist values, clean, nicely washed cars with wonderfully perfumed women going to dinner in them, and nicely pressed clothes are what we start to deal with instead of some human covered in denigrating tattoos and body piercings willing to give it a go with just anybody because we are all collective goo from the universe living life until death when we are all thrown back to the dirt from which we came, so why bother?

My grandparents both lived on farms, and one thing I always hated was wearing tennis shoes to their house and leaving with poo in the tread, especially when I had to go near the hen house to get eggs.  I was somewhere between the ages of 4 and 5 years old, and my parents and grandparents would look at me in bafflement as I tried to wipe my shoes clean of any poop in the grass.  They didn’t understand.  Nobody taught me to be that way; it is just something I have always hated, the filth of the human race, the things that the body produces to discharge waste.  I find it all disgusting.  So an orgy at some music festival with a bunch of stinky-haired losers sharing pot smoke and conducting acts of drunkenness was never appealing to me.  I was a bizarre teenager, and I couldn’t wait to get married and get off the rat race of social interaction.  I don’t like people who belch, fart, or who dress dirty.  I have learned to put up with them when I have to be around them, but I hold my breath in elevators so I don’t have to breathe other people’s air.  And I wouldn’t say I like touching them with bare skin, even accidently. 

The cleanliness of the Jewish religion is something that I find very appealing, and when a God demands such things, I get it.  That makes those religious preparations very lucrative to me.   In the Bible, humanity was to have dominion over nature, not to worship and be subversive to it.  And certainly not to relish in the filth of existence.   All this coexisting talk about putting up with other people’s dirty beliefs is not an appealing concept, and it has always bothered me.  I will never coexist with dirty people who have poor personal values, and in the politics of collectivism, there is this general assumption for social interaction that goes back to Baal worship, which I find most significant.  Behind their premise for existence is this worship of nature, of the dirty nature of life that comes with it, that I find utterly disgusting.  And I was born that way.  It’s not necessarily something I learned by attending church at a young age.  But I formed my opinions to pursue the divine through intelligent contemplation.  The dirt of life is meant to be subdued and not relished.  And politically, when those dirty religions want to impose on me their dirty lifestyles, I’m a hard no.  A very hard no.  It’s not just about having differences of opinion, but it’s about not accepting filthy people who are too lazy to bathe and justify it through collective-based religions.  I like the rituals that the Jewish people started, and I would support a Jewish state over just this premise alone.  Who has the cleaner religion?  That is the one I will take seriously.  That after-party at the Super Bowl, which I will have a lot to talk about once I cool down from what I saw, is not my idea of a good time.  And it’s certainly not what we should be celebrating as a culture.  But the rituals of the Jews and the demands of the God Yahweh, I respect that for how clean they were.  And how being clean was a domination over nature.  Not an embrace of it.  Which is the purpose of the human being as the universe created them.  Not to be disgusting animals eating their feces and humping the leg of anything that moves.  But to be deliberate in our work and clean while doing it.

Rich Hoffman

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