Defrauding the American Government: How the Supreme Court is poised to rule against the Biden administration

Don’t let the con people fool you. The facts of the matter are this: President Trump and his administration, one of whom Peter Navarro, is currently in jail for no reason other than his association with President Trump, were the legitimate government in 2020, leading up to the transfer of power to Joe Biden, by force and manipulation, in January 2021.  The events that removed President Trump from office were a purposeful and malicious defrauding of the American government by insurgents who associated with global Marxists, outright communists, and European socialists of every order.  They broke the law and declared war on the American Constitution, and under the rules of our Republic, President Trump had presidential immunity to protect that government from hostile enemies, both foreign and domestic.  And that was the essence of the line of questioning at the Supreme Court by three of the justices to lawyers from both sides, the Jack Smith case and Trump’s defense team.  As the elected government at that time, Trump had immunity in his actions to defend the nation from hostile invaders.  Now that the smoke has cleared from those events, there is no question about what Trump was doing and the intentions of those attacking.  At best, the hostile agents intended to defraud the United States of America.  And what happened thereafter clearly shows the strategy to wreck the economy of Western civilization purposefully to continue a socialist plot started by the Obama administration, who was still whispering in the ear of Biden and his despots of doom, and compromised assets of the Chinese communist government.  There is a lot of evil that occurred in 2020, but regarding the issue of President Trump’s actions, he was defending a legitimate government from hostilities against the wishes of American voters, and those forces are now deeply entrenched in our culture for destruction. 

Really, the only choice that the Supreme Court has on the immunity case before it now, is to punish the challengers against Trump severely, which looks to be where the court is headed, with likely at least a 5-4 decision or perhaps even a 6-3, in favor of Trump.  Democrats are the ones who started this process of lawfare and insurrection using election fraud to perform a massive crime against our country.  After all, they are progressives who intend to “progress” beyond our Constitutional Republic fully.  What is the greatest threat to democracy?  Democrats.  They have no intention of having free and fair elections.  They are trying to rig the game to grab power so they can use that power to commit massive crimes using the power of government to do so.  It’s about as bad as it gets regarding defrauding the government, the Trump government that we elected to handle our business and protect our country from its enemies.  This is why we have a Supreme Court: without the protection of the basic premise of the law, on constitutional principles, we have no country or values to protect.  This is the apparent strategy of the hostile agents of the world who want an end to America, for which the Biden administration is a creation.  The intent to commit the crime was never more apparent, and the Supreme Court is the backstop to stop that crime when all other measures fail, which they had up to this point.  However, it was not surprising to hear how they set up the case after hearing from the Jack Smith lawyers.  The prosecution’s case against Trump was even thinner than many thought it would be because the foundation of their case is meant to hide that the Biden administration and their Department of Justice, as insurrectionists who gained power through a stolen election, committed an intentional defrauding of our government in their pursuits for power and control.

Of course, in the aftermath of the Supreme Court presentations of the case and their reaction to it, the communist news media and global insurrectionists had their faces melting.  They weren’t getting away with their fraud and people were on to them, as best represented by a majority of the Court.  Leftist radicals had taken over most of our institutions and controlled the lower courts, and now this Supreme Court was ruining their plans to defraud our government with maliciousness, and they were already thinking about the next steps.  Study communist takeovers worldwide, especially after World War II in China. You will see precisely the same thing going on in the United States by big government types, Republicans and Democrats for several decades.  And their efforts were well on their way under the Obama administration, and the American people, not constantly aware of the severity of the problem, picked Trump as their representative, which screwed up the communist plans.  Most people don’t think about these things; they just want to live their lives and be left alone, which was part of the strategy of the communists who put Joe Biden in power as a compromised asset who would do their destruction to keep his own family out of jail.  The best way to do that is to control the Department of Justice as inserted President of the United States.  There was nothing legitimate about any of it.  They defrauded the United States of America over many years and conducted a massive insurrection with Covid-driven election fraud to acquire power from a legitimate American government against the American people.  And at best, they broke the law in detrimental ways. 

We are dealing with people who have already tried to kill congressmen at baseball games and made death threats against Supreme Court members, only to receive a slap on the hand for their efforts.  That is part of the defrauding process, to control our political mechanisms so they can determine the rule of law and, in this case, ignore the law for their acquisition of power.  But to then use that acquired power to prosecute their political enemies, such as what they have been doing to President Trump, to keep him in exile, they forced him into.  Because they know that the people of America picked him the first two times, and they will do it again.  So their only option is to go all in with insurrection, play this game with the legal levers of power, and hope that people don’t notice.  If they could get rid of the Supreme Court in some way, either through court-packing or some other measure, they would do it if they could hold power through sheer force and intimidation.  But what’s important to remember is that they are not a legitimate government, and they don’t care that you know that.  All communist governments have their challengers, so how to deal with them is well known.  And they have no fear of defrauding the American government because they intend for America to be eradicated, crushed by debt and corporate control.  As progressive communists, they have “Moved On,” which is the name of the George Soros organization that is behind most of these purposeful intents to defraud America.  And why people like him have not been arrested and thrown in jail to stop their menace tells you why the problem persists.  Too many compromised people are willing to take easy money to sell out their country, and such a problem falls into most of our population.  But that still doesn’t change what it is: the defrauding of the American government by hostile enemies, foreign and domestic.  And they are going to lose that immunity case against Trump. 

Rich Hoffman

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