Make Sure to Judge and Judge Often: Learning from Ecclesiastes 10:8

One of the dumbest things I have ever heard come out of the mouth of another human being is, “Don’t judge.”  Of course, we should judge, and we should put up high barriers around the things that we love.  I say, “judge and judge often.”  Have strong opinions and cast judgment aggressively everywhere.  And to best illustrate the necessity of this value, I think Ecclesiastes 10:8 best describes the need for review by saying, “he that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.”  One of the reasons we have the mess we have today on so many fronts is that we allowed ourselves to turn off this valuable ability that the human race has to change their environment.  Most animals in the world cannot come up with such conceptual faculties.  They can only function from their biological impulse.  But human beings can alter their environment through their intellect, and in that way, creating something of value and then protecting that value from the impediments of evil is one of the greatest attributes that we have, which is the meaning of that Ecclesiastes phrase.  We live in a world now run by the snakes of evil, as portrayed in the Garden of Eden story.  There are always snakes; the world is full of them and on many layers of life.  They don’t just come in one shape or size, but many.  Snakes are abundant in the world, and they are seeking evil for the way that evil feeds itself.  So, to advance in life, human beings must come up with some way that isolates the mechanisms of the snake, of evil, in our lives.  In our culture, we have created property rights and then defended those rights with barriers, represented in Ecclesiastes as “hedges.”

We can call something evil by its desire to remove value from consideration.  When the snake tempted Eve, we see clearly that the desire was to focus her mind on good and evil instead of eating from the Tree of Eternal Life, which is to say, a life of value.  For evil, it’s in removing value from society that it does its work, whether we are talking about desecrating our bodies from being temples of God, to the kind of language we use, or even having casual Fridays in a business climate.  Divorce has been one of the most intrusive evils to be enacted in our culture, the desire to destroy the concept of family so that children are left vulnerable in an evil world to the intentions of every vile specimen.  Evil wants easy access to the creations that spawn out of value, so desecrating any of those values is their primary objective.  It is why evil wants people to do drugs to abandon their religions, their families, their jobs, their politics, and their values.  Evil is the snakes always tempting Eve away from the Tree of Eternal Life and into the duality of conflict, which sin always controls by controlling what people value or don’t.  Judging others is essential because it does not allow evil to hide in the background of ambiguity and is at the core of any civilized society.  The Bible contains excellent wisdom accumulated from the efforts of the human race over many thousands of years, so it goes well beyond any religious assumption for the afterlife.  What the Bible does best is reflect values from lives well lived or not so well lived and provide that wisdom for future generations to build a foundation of judgment from. 

And that is why it is dangerous to cut down the hedges because that is where the snakes hide.  And when you cut them away, and there is no hiding place, the snakes will surely bite.  Hedges are barriers that we often place around our property to make sure that other people recognize our boundaries and our values.  We value things, whether it be a home, a spouse, children, a job, or a car.  It should be obvious when studying Marxism that much of the premise of collectivism is in removing barriers to ownership, such as saying, my wife, my country, my family, etc.  This is why open marriages are such a disgusting concept, the idea of sharing a spouse with strangers for the sexual excitement of it.  Not only does it desecrate the value of a lifetime commitment to another person, but it also defiles the idea of a marriage that creates a family at the most foundational level.  So we wear a wedding ring as a hedge to let others know we have boundaries.  Snakes might gather there to hide in wait, hoping to catch someone off guard and stumble into their lair of hiding so they might bite them or even consume them.  That is why we have locked doors in our homes, to keep out people who might do us harm.  That’s why we lock our cars in a parking lot so that anybody can’t get into them and drive them away.  So, too, must we have locks on our most personal thoughts and ideas.  Being open to the world is not a good thing because it allows the snakes of our lives easy entry into our most personal possessions.  And yes, the keys to Western Civilization are creating values and defending them because, in that process, we make social value, which the rest of the world is starving for. 

Of course, there must be standards and established protections around those things you love and care for.  And that the evil of the world will embed itself in those barriers but will keep clear of those things you value because of their natural inclination to hide.  That is the way to manage evil.  Not having standards allows evil to move anywhere and to hide in the open, where chaos can camouflage their intentions, which is the problem of modern times.  When we ask why there is so much evil in the world, we have removed our hedges and allowed sin to hide among us at close range instead of the safe distance of our established boundaries.  We must judge, set up barriers against evil, and cast opinions about it.  Once we listened to the dumb serpents in the Garden of Eden, we opened ourselves to this vile existence of living with and putting up with evil instead of keeping our minds on the things that matter.  And we learn what matters through possessions that we seek to protect their value from the world’s evils.  In that process, we keep our minds on the Tree of Knowledge, on the things that matter.  To best fight evil, we must maintain hedges that keep it from the things we most value.  We don’t open ourselves to evil and live without judgment.  To do that, we become no better than animals and every other lifeform just eating, reproducing, and fulfilling some lifecycle of some cellular decomposition.  To live our best life, turn to Ecclesiastes 10:8 and learn the wisdom of the past to bring value to the future and keep those snakes obscured at a safe distance.  Because at every opportunity, they will bite you because that’s what snakes do. 

Rich Hoffman

In the 2024 Election Trump Wins Big: With Kennedy in the race, he pulls votes from Biden

They aren’t brilliant on the Clay and Buck Show. They talk about politics, but they just don’t have the sage advice that Rush Limbaugh always had, and I think corporate media wants it that way. They lack the Metaphysics of Quality as I like to term it from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. They are not at the front of the train but do all their radio work from the caboose, at the back, where things have already happened. So, their thoughts about Robert F. Kennedy getting into the presidential race as a third-party candidate have been way off and the record needs to be set. I have had a lot of people concerned about what they heard on that show, and a few other media sources that all are getting it wrong as to who Kennedy would draw from. The initial impression has been that Kennedy would pull away votes from Trump, similar to what happened in 1992. It would be the opposite: Trump would win easily and it would be Biden who would lose voters to Kennedy, precisely the much-needed independent voters that everyone is always so concerned with. If it happens it will play out very similarly to when Ross Perot ran as a third party, but instead of the Democrat winning in Clinton, it will be Trump winning over Biden, by similar margins. Which would be fitting in many ways, a proper bookend to a period of nightmarish government scandal. A lot of bad things happened along the lines of globalism when Bush entered office on the coattails of Ronald Reagan so people like me couldn’t support Bush. So I worked for the Ross Perot campaign and he peeled away 19%, and Clinton won, and we ended up with not just eight bad years of him, but all the government expansion after 9/11, then the Obama terrorism mess. It’s been rough.

If the election were held today, Trump would win easily in a head-to-head with Biden. Trump is beating Biden in six of the seven battleground states and is tied with Biden in Michigan. The corporate media has been shy about reporting this pronounced trend, but that’s how it’s shaping up. People want Trump back mainly because the economy has been so debilitating. I did notice in my area that gas prices have fallen below 3 dollars per gallon. Well, that is globalism trying to stay in power, it’s not because of Biden, other than all those types of people are fearful of what will happen when Biden is not there anymore. The wrath of the American people is at a full baritone and a quiet fear is emerging regarding the next day, after the next election. Suppose it’s Trump and all the economic policies from Biden suddenly get reversed, which will essentially be the end of the globalist experiment. In that case, many people are going to have a terrible day. So they haven’t been talking about how well Trump is doing this far out, even with all the legal cases. Trump by himself is fine against Biden. People want revenge for what happened in 2020 with the election problems, and they are ready to put their foot down and vote with excessive anger. This globalist economy has been paralyzing for many people, and they are furious about it. So without Kennedy in the race, it’s poised to be a bloodbath against Biden and artificially low gas prices won’t help. It’s too little too late, people have already made their decision. And the EV market problems aren’t going away. The stories will get worse in the coming year, especially in Michigan so there is a lot on the horizon that low gas prices won’t fix for Biden and his globalist insurgents.

Yet with Kennedy in the race, Trump wins easily, perhaps every state.  And if you are Bobby Kennedy Jr., that makes sense to do.  Because for the Democrats to go through the kind of populist alignment that the Republican Party has gone through, they have to take down all their corrupt hawks, and Biden is representative of that era.  So, Kennedy will run, whereas Bernie Sanders was open to a deal to sideline him.  Kennedy’s run in 2024 would be the launch of a 2028 campaign to put his family back in control as the kingmaker of Democrat politics.  And I wouldn’t mind that.  I like Kennedy for many reasons.  I look forward to his next book on the Wuhan Cover-up in December.  I have been waiting for that one for over a year now.  His previous book, The Real Anthony Fauci, has been excellent, and people are slowly learning how wrong and corrupt everything about COVID-19 was.  Kennedy has been great on that front.  He’s not so great on other things, but fantastic on Covid, and we will continue to see fallout as people learn the truth.  This new book will expose the connection of the DOD to the Wuhan lab in China, which is why every month it has continued to push out.  But it looks like December will be the last delay.  And it will be a ball buster, especially going into election season and exposing how much of the Biden administration was involved in the Covid cover-up and using the virus created in a lab in China to seize power they never deserved to have.

But essentially, Trump’s base support will at least be 39% after all the court cases come and go.  Those people will never leave Trump over anything.  Biden, on the other hand, has a base support of around 32%.   The Democrats stick together, but their base support isn’t as significant.  Usually, they make up their numbers with independents who cover that gap.  But if Kennedy is in the race, he will suddenly get around 22% of likely voters, with the remainder sprinkling around the other candidates.  And Trump will get his share of those, putting him quickly into the 40% range, making it impossible for Biden to beat Trump anywhere.  And such a blowout will be fitting, considering how they took power.  It will be the only thing that can heal our nation, and people are poised for it.  And I think Kennedy is so committed to the anti-vax message that has defined Biden’s presidency that he will run to put the issue at the core of the 2024 campaign.  All these horrendous things that came with the Biden administration are coming to a head. They have been trying to outrun them, but it collapses in 2024.  That’s why we have elections on things every four years; it’s just enough time to try something without giving elected leadership time to destroy our country.  So either way, Biden is losing; Democrats have ostracized their best next chance in Kennedy because they tried to crush populism instead of embracing it, and either way, Trump will win.  Campaigning from the basement just isn’t going to work without Covid to shut the world down again, so all the corporate media so profoundly committed to global communism and Marxism are going to be vulnerable, and that revenge people have been wanting is going to get its chance.  And that will be a great day to witness.  That’s how things look one year out from the next election, but it will only get better for Trump over that short period.

Rich Hoffman

I’m a Hard No on Issue 2 in Ohio: Legalizing marijuana is a horrible idea and an attack on American exeptionalism

I can’t think of a single good thing that could come from the legalization of marijuana in Ohio, which is what Issue 2 is all about in 2023.  Low-life losers who want to desecrate a red state with a significant liberal policy desire have been eager to exploit the lower threshold to change the Ohio Constitution to accommodate the legalization of pot.  When Issue 1 failed to pass earlier in 2023, which would have raised the 50+1 margin for amending the Ohio Constitution, the pot advocates grew eager to put the issue on a ballot as soon as it became apparent that the threshold would remain low.  Out-of-state money and influence have lost their advocacy on a federal stage, so suddenly, states that could easily change their Constitutions and are vulnerable to these kinds of policy attacks, which essentially bypass all legislative controls and give the law-making ability to radical lunatics, are seeing this legislative assault.  And already in some states where marijuana has already been legalized medically and recreationally, the degradation of their culture is obvious and Ohio has been a target for them because of its conservative nature.  Polling is undoubtedly in their favor as we now have a culture of people taught in public education to turn to every mind-numbing device that pharmaceuticals can market for relief.  Pot is one of the worst drugs that has ever been known because of its effects on the human mind.  You know you have a society that has gone to pot by the way they drive and giggle at dumb jokes.  In short, pot lowers the expectation level of any performance standard in society, which is the point of America’s enemies wanting to poison our culture.  And ultimately, why Issue 2 in Ohio is on the ballot.  It’s about desecration of something good, and turning to pot legalization is just the tip of the iceberg.  There is nothing good that can come of it. 

Oh, I’ve heard the ridiculous John Boehner talking points, the former Speaker of the House who stepped out of that office and into becoming a lobbyist for marijuana.  He and I have many mutual friends in the Butler County Republican Party, and his fall from grace has been embarrassing.  And how he was ever considered one of the most influential people in the world and a beacon of conservative value shows how flimsy that opinion is among most politicians.  So this isn’t just a Democrat thing, but it’s a RINO thing as well.  These people will talk about the benefits to business that marijuana legalization would bring to a state, the increased revenue that throws more money at politicians that don’t spend what they are given with much care at all.  And to talk about pot as a “pro-business” state platform is complete foolishness.  I get it; a lot of people have used pot recreationally and think they have to justify its destructive effects for the rest of their lives.  I see the impact everywhere in slow people, slow drivers, slow drive-thru workers, and slow-minded employees who have their minds turned off due to the detrimental effects of pot consumption on the human brain.  And pot advocates want more of that?  Of course, all capitalist-hating slugs of humanity want to slow down the threat of competition with poison, which is all pot is.  A malicious ingredient that is intended to destroy minds, not benefit them.  The pot lobby has hidden behind advocacy such as “you can make a rope with cannabis,” and that it’s a whole new industry that could bring revenue to the state as if those things justified legalization.  But what we know about marijuana far outweighs any conjured-up benefit of the plant itself as a cultivated new market share. 

Passage of the legalization initiative is looking in favor of this destructive drug; it’s trending about the same as what defeated Issue 1 earlier in the year and is supporting the new Issue 1, the death cult of abortion, for November of 2023, at around 56-57%.  There are a lot of people who like to kill babies and do drugs, and they are winning the culture war.  But it doesn’t help when Republicans join in the mess, which is undoubtedly the case with pot legalization in Ohio.  Full disclosure: I have never consumed marijuana.  That has been by choice; I’ve watched what it does to people.  I have lost many friends and family over my opinions on pot, and I’m perfectly fine with pushing people out of my life forever for their use of marijuana.  I am a strict no on marijuana consumption on any basis, even on the medical front.  The value of a human mind to me outweighs any physical virtue of numbing pain and pot without question, exacerbates depression in people, propels suicidal thoughts, and stimulates the tendency toward schizophrenia.  There are a lot of people who have tried pot and used it recreationally who will declare that it never impacted them in such a way.  But there is a percentage of people who do, and the effects are devastating.  But I am against all forms of intoxication.  If I had it my way, people wouldn’t be able to drink and get drunk.  I’m against it all, especially pot.  There is nothing good in destroying a mind, and that is what the consumption of marijuana does to people.  When foolish people without much knowledge of history say to me, “But the Indians used it, and they loved nature and were a peaceful people,” I reply, “That’s why the Indians were so easy to beat and destroy.  Because they smoked too many peace pipes and consumed marijuana.”  This is why the enemies of America want drugs legalized so that they can destroy the intellect of what makes America exceptional to begin with.

Nobody is doing to the business community anything beneficial with the legalization of pot.  Nothing makes more of a human resource nightmare than the sudden belief that a bunch of workers can go outside on break and smoke dope because they believe it’s legal in Ohio to do so, and return to the job site stoned and impaired.  Even though alcohol is legal, people can’t show up for work drunk or drink in an intoxicated state on the job.  But the pot sticks around even longer.  I travel a lot, and in states such as Colorado, where pot has been legalized, the degradation of the state economy is evident at just a casual glance.  A state that values impaired thinking over productive output is asking for trouble, and that is precisely what legalizing marijuana gives you.  It will hurt Ohio much more than it will help put more money into the pockets of politicians to waste on dumb projects at the expense of intellect.  More vape shops to promote a degraded state of social value will push away more business than it brings in through the newly created pot business.  The ultimate consumer is numbing their mind and body in ways that make them less than they could be, and that is never a good policy.  It’s not like I didn’t have options to try pot.  I decided a long time ago, based on extensive experience, that I could tell stories about for days and days without pause, my history with pot and my decision never to consume it and to push people who did out of my life, sometimes very violently, that I would never consume marijuana.  I’m a very hard no on Issue 2.  I consider legalization an attack by hostile forces on the American dream, and regardless of what a loser percentage votes in favor of, I will never be a supporter and will always speak against it.  So far, it’s not too late, but I’m prepared for that next stage with increased vigor.  I’m not just “vote no” on marijuana legalization and have strong opinions about its social use.  This attack only inspires me to be a much more vocal critic of it.  And if the odds against that opposition is a trillion to one, that’s fine with me.  A trillion brain-dead, pot-smoke-infested fools is no match for an unrestrained intellect.

Rich Hoffman

Issue 1 in Ohio, the Cult of Death: The evil that was happening in the land of Canaan is behind the modern Democrat intention to change the Constitution to include abortion

Ironically, all the same characters who support the Palestinian attacks against Israel support Issue 1 in Ohio. I, of course, am a hard no on Issue 1, which is an attempt to put a radical abortion agenda into the Ohio Constitution up to the 9th month. It’s an outrageous death cult that we are dealing with here that is precisely the same as when Yahweh granted the land of Canaan to the Hebrew people because the Palestinians in the area, the “indigenous people” were sacrificing their firstborn children to the gods of Baal, Moloch, and Ishtar and God had enough of it. So, the state of Israel was created to silence a vast evil that had been taking place. And no less than that is the scope of the problems with Issue 1. When the previous Issue 1 that failed in August of 2023, we knew this attack by the various death cults outside the state was coming. They had targeted Ohio because it had a low threshold to bypass the various conservative governments in the House, the Senate, and as governor and could change laws with a simple 50+1 majority. So as soon as Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and kicked back to the states, some conservatives saw the vulnerability. But it was too little too late. A vote was taken to attempt to raise the threshold for constitutional adjustments to something more reasonable, like 60%. But the out-of-state money poured in, and the push for this death cult activated all the losers, the murderers, the slack-jawed drug users, the trans crowd, the gays, the two or three real Joe Biden supporters, the lowlifes, the criminals, and the Israel haters into voting in August in what was supposed to be a surprise election. But Issue 1 was defeated with around 57%, so now this cult of the death abortion issue is on the November ballot as the new Issue 1. And I would like to see it fail.

But on this one, I’m taking the long view.  I can see that the vile Democrats think they have this one in the bag with early polling, along the same lines as what Issue 1 failed on in August.  Around 57% support this cult of death for various reasons, the same reasons that Israel was constantly challenged by the temptations to worship Baal with human sacrifice.  When people wonder how the ancient Canaanites could have killed their firstborn children screaming for their lives just to appease a god, all they have to do is look at the supporters of Issue 1 in Ohio for their answer.  The same could be said of them.  What the abortion activists want to do to the Ohio Constitution and the money from out of state that set the table for it is nothing short of human sacrifice.  This proposal is so radical that even contentious arguments about the 20-week ban, the Heartbeat Law, and even parental notification will be thrown out the window without any legislative input, and the evil menaces out there have drool dripping from their mouths at the prospect of turning such a red state as Ohio is into a victim of blue state politics with a simple majority vote.  In an off-year election where a president isn’t on the ballot, Democrats think they will see a surge in support over Issue 1 and the pot smoking Issue 2, another subject for discussion.  I see teacher unions puffing out their chests already through extremely liberal school board members who they think will get elected because they supported this cult of death.  So unless something drastic happens with turnout on election day in November, it looks like a long fight is ahead of us on this one. 

It is hard for good people to grasp just how evil Issue 1 is, or abortion rights in general, are.  But then again, this isn’t a modern problem; it’s a death cult that has always been with the human race.  It was the reason that Israel was created in the first place, to stand against that death cult.   Over time, it has been hard for people to stand with Israel and the various death cults of the world and stand up for progress and human decency.  Many conservative voters will sit at home on election night; at least, the supporters of Issue 1 expect that to be the case.  They think they will sneak this one under the fence, just as Jezebelle had corrupted her husband and the nation into Baal worship and the eventual destruction of the Jewish people.  We have that same evil menace manifesting behind out-of-state abortion groups seeking revenge over the federal Supreme Court position by targeting states like Ohio for this vicious attack.  And it is an attack; there is no soft way to put it.  There are plenty of losers in Ohio at the various Democrat strongholds to get this Issue 1 passed, especially in the college portions of the state where Democrat politics have seeded themselves into an otherwise very conservative state.  But it would take an outrageously high turnout of conservatives to stop Issue 1, which is hopeful but unrealistic.  As a result, millions of lives will be lost, which makes those functioning from evil in the world very happy. 

But it’s not too late yet.  I would recommend everyone go out and vote.  Don’t take this one lying down.   History shows us that we will have to confront evil like this many times in our lives and throughout time.  And this is undoubtedly one of them.  Encourage your friends and family to get out and vote against Issue 1.  Vote against this Cult of Death that Democrats want to bring to our sacred state of Ohio. But be prepared for the day after the election; the liberal media is already poised to throw gas on the fire and show Ohio as a victory and a ripe target for radical politics.  What is being attacked is the core of Ohio values, and to turn it into a complicit blue state for the vile intentions of actual evil that have their fingerprints all over Issue 1.  So we cannot lose our composure.  There are many ways to fight corruption, and we certainly will have to.  But before we resort to those methods, we can solve the problem with an election, which would be best.  Fighting these death cults is a mandate of existence that will occur with intense voracity regardless of what is written on a page and called law.  Ethics can and will be defended irrespective of any legislative endeavor.  I would recommend that we all be much more vocal about these cults of death and not let them hide in the background of our society and to shame them into oblivion.  But first, show up and make your voice known on Issue 1.  Give it your best effort at defeating it at the ballot box.  Then, depending on the obvious outcome, but nothing is sure until it is, we’ll go from there to defend life from the grips of death that come from all Democrat policies and their desires of doom for the human race.

Rich Hoffman

When Jerusalem Was a Space Command Center: Why there are wars, to keep power in the hands who have seized it and use ignorance to suppress rivals

Examining the mysterious site of Ishi-no-Hoden in Japan

I find that science fiction and fantasy often contain more truths than what mainstream sources would ever admit to, such as television shows like Battlestar Galactica, where the concept of human seeding on earth was explored, or Lord of the Rings, where the nature of evil in some far ancient past, or future, is the dominating topic, or the Robert Jordan series, The Wheel of Time that was a very good book series that dealt with essentially the Vico Cycle that I talk about so much. And, of course, Star Wars has been a favorite of mine that was set a long time ago in a far-distant galaxy. Not even our own. Examining abstract concepts in science fiction certainly does help us deal with reality much more effectively and provokes the questions we should be asking. And when you start to do that, you can see truths lost to others, such as why there are so many global wars. Well, especially in the hot zone of the Old Silk Road, many of the conflicts we have these days, such as the war in Israel, and then of Ukraine and the whole Russian puzzle with China and other places that don’t have massive economies, but are perpetually in conflict for some mysterious reason. And I would offer that the best evidence indicates that these regions have very ancient pasts, far extending into what we today consider old. We think of a few thousand years as a lot, but the evidence from many sources, not the same idiots who tried to tell us not to take Ivermectin to deal with the lab-created virus, COVID-19, and that there was no election fraud in 2020, have tried to tell us about true history. But the result of decentralized media that is finally talking about real, substantive issues indicates that the wars of our modern times are purely created to conceal a deep and ancient past, allowing a corrupt global network to remain in power over the human race through sheer deceit.

The Millennium Falcon at the Black Spire Outpost

And that’s what I was thinking about when my family recently visited a very favorite place I have, the Star Wars land at Disney World, Galaxy’s Edge. I’ve always loved that particular science fiction story, and specifically the spaceship, the Millennium Falcon so to see a land where all these things were built and you can walk around and interact with them, was magnificent. So, I found that I was able to get my family to Disney World and to that specific place and we had one of the most marvelous days of our lives, together. But there had been something bothering me over these last few years since I had last visited what they call The Black Spire Outpost that I resolved while there with my family. I had a lot of time to think about it, and it all came together for me during this recent visit. The place reminds me of what Ancient Jerusalem would have looked like in a period of largely unrecorded history, around 8,000 BC, when that region of the world was said to have been a space command center for a landing corridor that was very important in the near east area, where many of our most significant religions were born, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. And the haunting passage from the Bible that I couldn’t get out of my head was that from Genesis 22:2, “and he said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” This action was in around the 2070s BC, long after any settlement of a spaceport in Jerusalem would have been located there. All Abraham would have seen of Mt. Moriah, where King Solomon, over a thousand years later, would build the great temple and place the Ark of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, upon that exact spot where Isaac was to be sacrificed, in that precise spot. In 3000 to 5000 years, most stone structures erode away into nothing, so anything that would have been in that region at that time would have long eroded from 8000 BC.

My kids

I’m a fan of Zecharia Sitchin’s books. Many people, especially mainstream scientists, have said that his books are purely science fiction and not based on accurate science. Even Graham Hancock has said such things. But I think those are not fair assessments, and I think time has proven that Zecharia Sitchin was very authentic. He has since died, but his work lives on in his students, who have done some exciting work on the activity on earth that may have occurred based on stories passed down through various cultures that are just as scientific as anything else over a roughly 450,000 year period, which paves the way not only for our current world religions but also the notion we have of kingships and even burial practices. After all the lies that the world’s governments have told us, more people are looking at things that used to be considered wild conspiracy theories and reexamining them with fresh eyes. When looked at with this updated perspective, it becomes evident that the power structures on Earth who desperately want to hold on to what they consider royal bloodlines given to them through heredity wish to maintain their right to rule Earth by controlling what we know of the past, so that is the real cause of all these ridiculous wars. If there are wars, actual science can’t do any research because those regions are too dangerous for that kind of activity. I’m also a fan and dedicated member of the Biblical Archaeology Review Society, and I understand and sympathize with their task of digging and gathering evidence in such a hostile part of the world, politically.

How things likely looked, a long time ago. But not so far away.

For me, uniquely, I had just stepped off a plane from Japan while I was with my family at the Black Spire Outpost and had visited the very ancient site of Ishi-no-Hoden and studied how the modern city of Osaka was built around the Kufan tombs that were built in the shape of keyholes, very mysterious.  Going to the Black Spire Outpost reminded me of what an ancient Jerusalem would have looked like well before there was Abraham, Isaac, or the Jewish people.  A mixture of high technology that could navigate the known galaxy, perhaps even the universe that has long since come and gone interlaced with primitive structures and building methods erected quickly to facilitate the need from a growing economy not rooted to travel on earth.  But what was left behind was some remote memory of these actions lost only to telling stories and an understanding of that truth within our subconscious brains, which most of us share.   And those memories are most effectively communicated through science fiction.  Yet, at the Black Spire Outpost, you can walk around and touch something that may well have been part of our far ancient past only manifested through storytelling.  But it is as accurate as anything else—perhaps more.  The wars in the world that dominate much of our political discussion these days are meant to hide the truth from us, which is why I am talking about them more than ever.  Because we have been lied to, we must have a culture that deals with the past to have an honest future.  The reason that Jerusalem is such a hot zone even to this day is that power is sought in concealing the truth and giving people controlled narratives through religion that keeps them in power and prevents people from learning their true history, which is buried under the streets of Jerusalem well past the typical periods that we have always thought of as ancient, but in reality, are just scratching the surface.

Rich Hoffman

Why Standing With Israel is Good: Western Civilization is worth defending from those who want to stay primitive and fight against human progress

So why stand with Israel and against the Palestinian position of destruction?  I thought it was interesting in my neighborhood this morning to drive by a home with a flag of the Palestinians in the front yard blowing along proudly in the breeze.  They also had a sign for Julie Shaffer, the liberal school board member on the corrupt Lakota school board.  Why did those things go together? Because they do, and why should people have an opinion on the matter even though it’s a conflict on the other side of the world?  Well, the first thing I would say is that we are primarily lucky to have been born in the United States, those reading this.  If you have traveled any of the world, it is not as nice of a place to live.  I have been to quite a few places worldwide, and there is never a better moment than landing back in America.  I did this recently late on a Saturday night.  It was just me traveling on that trip so I was alone with my car, which needed gas.  It had been over a week since I had my favorite drink in the world, a Mello Yello, so I stopped at one of the gas stations across the highway from CVG airport for both things.  There was a Mexican attendant who was blaring country music and watching some Latino talk show on his computer who was the attendant and it was just us late at night.  The world was pretty quiet, and I felt fortunate to call America home from where I had been to where I was.  And that happens to me every time I travel, even to places like Paris and London.  No matter where in the civilized world or the primitive, there is no place like home, truly. 

One of the reasons I like the Bible so much is that it has very clear standards.  It’s not just religious utterances, but it has a story about the progress of the necessity for cleanliness and has an overall decision about the state of nature as a whole.  Yahweh is my kind of God.  For people who know me, and this goes back a very long time, to when I was a little kid, well before my first conscious Bible school studies, which I did have through the 8th grade, I don’t like human stuff.  I don’t like belching, farting, or any references to animal traits.  When I drink from a class, I do not let the part of the liquid that touches my lips run down the glass.  I wipe it away.  In short, I am a very clean person.  I don’t like bad breath.  I don’t like unshowered people.  I don’t like hairy armpits on women.  I don’t like sloppy men with fat stomachs.  I like to see humans maintain themselves and live at a level above nature.  And to show dominion over it.  The Bible tells the story of a chosen people who were supposed to live an elevated existence and step above the level of gutter rats.  I do judge others and judge often, and I am very proud of it.  I have compassion for people like that guy at the gas station who are reaching for the American dream but weren’t born into it.  I was lucky enough to be born an American.  I love to see people working to be more Western in their lives, and I will always show them the way.  But I am much more judgmental of human behavior than even Yahweh.  I love civilization and excellence and am always reaching for personal betterment.  But I detest humans who do not go for the stars and surrender to their animal instincts.  I despise them, honestly. 

The history of Israel was an intentional injection of a regional problem where the Palestinians, in the form of the Canaanites, in the region where Israel is now, were child-sacrificing barbarians worshipping ancient gods that demanded blood, a lot of it.  They were a superstitious group of people who had been around by the stories of the region for more than 450,000 years, and they were never able to advance as a civilization because of their need to worship such corrupt and flawed personalities in their deities.  So along came a god that called himself king of all the pantheon, Yahweh, and gave them the Ten Commandments, which are rules for good living, and the nation of Israel was created.  As a result, humanity stepped into a better world, and Western civilization was built.  The fight to this day is from the lazy, the vicious, the scandalous, the desire for blood and human sacrifice to prevail in the region as it has for tens of thousands of years, and it shows.  When traveling to such places there are many in the world, such as the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, for instance, where Marxism has been accepted over capitalism, where the drastic differences between the two societies are grossly noticeable.  The Palestinians are not a civilized, clean people.  They are barely getting along, which is evident by their housing, cars, and youth’s lifestyles.  I typically feel sorry for such people, but sympathy goes out the window very quickly when they start belching, farting, and looking like they want to hump the leg of every passerby.  They are essentially fighting for the right to be a douchebag, which is the same as saying that they don’t want to advance to the finer things that come from human imagination and expectation. 

Always in the background of the indigenous people’s argument, which for the Palestinians is similar to the Indians of North America is the argument that the greedy capitalists have interrupted the previous civilization that was crawling around in the dirt and worshipping nature with human sacrifice.  In my view, the invention of competitive cultures that may be better has improved the world everywhere it is utilized and because of that competition, the world is a much better place.  Because if left to their own devices, people would continue to get along and feed themselves barely and have a deficient standard of living.  So, I view the advent of Israel as extremely good for the region’s people; it has forced them to be better than they otherwise would be.  The same with the Indians in North America.  The standard of living improved for all people, even them.  Playing in the mud, worshiping a bunch of dirty nature gods, and not having a culture driven by quality and science is not a good life.  That is the difference between capitalist and Marxist cultures.  Or cultures that thrive from biblical context under the laws of Yahweh or those surrendering to an animal condition.  The Palestinians are not striving for excellence; they want to live as they did in the brutal past and are fighting for the right to continue those animal-driven lifestyles at the expense of human progress.  Which is a horrible idea.  Western Civilization was a great invention driven by the Bible, and the world would be much better off if everyone adopted it.  But as long as people fight against it, there will be conflict.  And in such disputes, the efforts at betterment through Western Civilization is a noticeable improvement over what previously was, in every case.

Rich Hoffman

The Scam of Biden’s Presidency: A speech from the Resolute Desk meant to hide massive corruption

You know the Biden people understand what kind of trouble they are in when they let the old man give a speech from the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.  That speech was meant for the Fox News, Brit Hume types, the people who need a hand while walking down the stairs.  It was a prime-time throwback to the years when America was fantastic, and the world was a place where people could live good lives.  It was apparent even before the now famous speech, according to Fox News pundits, the best address of Biden’s career.  People wondered why Joe Biden was going to Israel to show support while still trying to support his base, who support the Hamas terrorists of Palestine.  Joe is down in the polls, bleeding independent support quickly, and needed a new war to distract everyone from the horrendous news of his lousy presidency with some good old-fashioned parental warm milk on prime-time television.  People like Brit Hume, who expect way too much out of government because they aren’t strong people, to begin with, are suckers for that kind of thing, which was the entire point of the speech following the visit to Israel, which nobody wanted to be seen with Biden while there.  Many influential people skipped out, leaving it looking awkward at best.   But the point of the effort was to attempt to appeal to Americans traditionally and to look presidential in a year where it’s the last one of his stolen presidency, and he is facing a landslide against him.  The world is on fire, and it shows that stolen elections around the world have put all the wrong people in office.  These problems are not the fault of people who voted for bad people. Instead, this results from fools who tampered with elections to gain global power, and now everything is blowing up in their face.  Partly on purpose, but primarily due to sheer incompetence, which happens any time you remove competition from a selection process.

Like the Obama administration before it, the Biden administration has had a general policy of desecrating American traditions.  You don’t see many speeches from the Resolute Desk, which has been a tradition of presidents for many years during times of crises to reassure Americans that someone in charge had a grip on the problem.  Obama and Biden have given speeches just about everywhere but the traditional Oval Office on purpose, to break people of their dependence on such measures to gradually wear away the tapestries of tradition that only strengthen people’s resolve for their country and the utterances of patriotism that often follow.  On the first day of Biden’s stolen term, he spent the day wiping away all traces of Trump’s efforts to restore patriotism and made an ostentatious effort to eliminate the famous fireworks display at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota on the Fourth of July.  These are globalists and representatives of the criminal community.  Barack Obama was a direct political figure of the Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and had all kinds of problems that still linger to this day.  He is proof that election fraud has been going on for a long time because he won two terms even after the Benghazi mishap occurred just a few weeks before his second term.  Mysteriously, the media carried the water for his campaign and put him in office by many methods. Looking back on it, it should have been more deeply scrutinized.  Then there was Biden, Obama’s vice president who, mysteriously on a Senator’s salary and no other official income, could buy a $2 million home with cash after leaving office in 2017.  And is facing a current scandal involving a direct check for $200K that shows Biden was selling his office to those seeking access to his stolen power.  The evidence of the totality of it is that the Biden and Obama clan have been trying to purposely destroy America from the inside out during their entire presidencies. 

Then suddenly, there was Joe Biden grabbing for tradition to reassure the Brit Hume’s of the world and the Bret Braier types that Biden was just the president that people needed in a crisis.  It was political theater because polls show that Biden is losing almost everywhere to Trump, even in the critical battleground states.  Some reports indicate that Trump is up in 5 of the seven key states, including Pennsylvania, where Biden is supposed to run away with the election.  Other polls most recently show Trump winning in 6 of the 7, with him tying Biden in Michigan.  And that is one year out with Trump facing multiple indictments and nearly a thousand years in jail.  The Biden DOJ has thrown everything they could at their political rival, and that was the best to come of it.  In the coming months, Trump will gain in appeal, many of these phony court cases will fall by the wayside, and independents will feel more comfortable supporting Trump over Biden, so it will only get worse for Biden.  And his people know it.  So in an act of desperation, happy to have another war as a distraction to the many failures and criminal activity that has come from the Biden family itself, they put President Biden onto prime-time television from the Oval Office, hoping to get a shot of patriotism to change the narrative of otherwise horrendous political news. 

But this is the problem with stolen elections where people didn’t pick the guy the first time.  The thieves hoped that once the presidency was acquired, they could use the power of media to hide the villainy, but the incompetence has shown itself as performance standards were expected, and people see what a mess Biden always was.  They didn’t vote for him the first time, which is evident on multiple fronts.  Only stupid people believe the 2020 election “was the most secure in history.”  Yeah, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.  But people gave Biden the benefit of the doubt; they just wanted to live their lives.  If the election were stolen, they would sort it out in the next election, and now, here we are.  The bad guys in the world have been trying to bring COVID back because, as I always said, if Democrats can’t cheat in elections, they can’t win.  And it will be tough to hustle to the level they did in 2020 without some health crises like COVID-19.  They have been trying to prop up Biden to look presidential with the war in Ukraine.  But that hasn’t been working.  So this Israel war is their last best shot.  The globalists have blown on the fires of terrorism to provoke Hamas, much like they did with the Russians, and now there is another war caused by globalism, and Biden is getting his last chance to look presidential before this political race gets away from him in 2024.  And in a last-ditch, desperate effort, Biden gave a speech from the Resolute Desk essentially to ask for 100 billion dollars to send to his supporters, the Palestinians, while also trying to appeal to supporters of Israel.  In the last days of Trump, there was peace in the Middle East, but the criminal class that runs all these world governments didn’t like that, so they put Biden in place and did all they could to erode America as the only place in the world to uphold moral standing.  And in their final desperate hour, they put Biden behind the famous desk to deliver a fatherly speech of comfort.  And there were a few dumb people who bought it hook, line, and sinker.  But not nearly enough to save his grip on power before the next election.

Rich Hoffman

I Still Like Sidney Powell: A corrupt court and the Tortures of Terror meant to beat out a confession from innocent people

I still like Sidney Powell. She took the plea deal on the Georgia election fraud prosecution, and people are mad at her. But I get it. She’s broke and doesn’t have much money or the potential to get more money. This is part of the strategy by a corrupt Marxist ideologue such as Fani Willis to prosecute so many people who were part of President Trump’s inner circle, which Sidney Powell was undoubtedly a part of. And what has happened to Sidney since she essentially rooted out the radicalism of the intelligence community in how they have been committing election fraud for many years is what authority regimes have done through all of human history. Regarding this case, the stretch racks in the Tower of London come to mind. The point of such torture was to pull people apart until they confessed to a crime, whether they committed it or not. Then, to use that confession to steer public sentiment in the direction of the agents of tyranny. Fani’s goal is to get people close to Trump to flip on him, get a confession letter and testimony against Trump that she can then use for her real target, taking down an American president. For Sidney Powell, who is out of money and has been on the stretch rack of federal prosecution for many years now, she’s ready to say uncle and get taken off the torture rack. For her six years of probation, a six thousand dollar fine with a few thousand dollars of restitution sounds like a pretty good deal. At this point, she wants the pain to stop. All she has to do is confess to sins she never committed. That is the point of the torture, to begin with.

In America, we are supposed to have an assumption of innocence where the court has the burden to prove you are guilty.  But that’s not how our courts work these days.  Sidney Powell and all of the people in Trump’s circle were considered guilty by association and, once indicted, had to rush to defend themselves from the associated guilt.  There are only two ways to deal with that condition.  To throw money at it, many thousands of dollars, sometimes millions.  Or to self-represent and blow up the internal court workings, which is my favorite method.  But either way, Marxism has moved into our judicial system for many years, and the assumption of guilt that abandons the Bill of Rights purposely.  Sidney Powell had to prove she wasn’t guilty, which cost a lot of money.  Now, if you can afford to play the legal game with lots of expensive lawyers like Trump, you can prove to the court that you aren’t guilty.  But that’s the game: if you don’t have the money to pay off the lawyers for long periods, you can’t win a court case.  That’s not fair.  But that’s not the game these days.  You either disrupt the court’s comfort zone by interrupting their procedural expectations or throw money at the problem with lawyers who negotiate on your behalf.  However, assuming that there is an assumption of justice is the wrong way to think.  Going to court is war, and you must treat it that way.  Their goal is to drain their enemy of resources and resolve until they get what they want out of you. In this case, all Fani wanted out of Sidney Powell was a confession letter and apology, which makes her fake case suddenly have merit against Trump.

Fani Willis and the Georgia prosecution overcharged with the clear intent to drain Sidney Powell and the rest of the Trump inner circle and force an admission by taking a misdemeanor charge instead of all the initial jail time on the table.  When you add up the cost of a trial to prove that you are innocent, you may do so in the end, but you’ll spend a lot of money, which only feeds the corrupt court system.  You might spend millions of dollars to prove you are not guilty, which is corrupt beyond acceptance.  That is not how our legal system is supposed to work.  It contradicts everything our Bill of Rights is supposed to stand for.  But for a Marxist like Fani Willis, who wants to destroy the American Constitution, that is no problem.  I just went through Fulton County, Georgia, so I understand the region’s politics, and Marxism is undoubtedly part of the culture that the courts are now representing.  They know Sidney Powell won’t be the only one to take the plea deal.  Getting her to take it is equivalent to letting the following people in line hear the screams of the tortured victim.  More will be willing to take the deal before ever getting to court, giving this phony prosecution more confession letters and apologies to dangle in front of Trump.  It’s a rigged game beyond corruption, but complaining about it now won’t do any good.  For people who think they would hold up better than Sidney Powell, I don’t think so.  They wore her down just as torture victims have over all of history.  People have their breaking point, and Sidney hit hers.  And there will be many more.  I would advise Sidney otherwise, but she is a good lawyer herself.  Her law license means something to her, so she wants to play by the rules, but to play by the rules means you must willingly get on the stretch rack in the Tower of London and let them torture you.  My method would be to burn it all down and everyone involved, to take them out of their comfort zones and not let them hide behind such a corrupt system. 

It won’t matter when it comes to Trump because the same Marxist activism behind this judicial corruption will also be the prosecution’s downfall.  To present these confession letters to the court and jury doesn’t validate the individual integrity of President Trump himself.  The weakness of Marxism is in its dependency on collective judgment, but Trump’s case is his own.  Without question, Fani’s strategy is to show these confession letters to the jury to give merit to her assertion that election fraud didn’t happen in Georgia, which we know it did.  What will end up being displayed as a result of the case is the gross overcharging that was applied to these innocent people to beat a confession out of them to attempt to turn reality into their own making.  To say that election fraud didn’t occur when it did.  And the Trump team is prepared to show that it did beyond a reasonable doubt.  So, in the end, it won’t matter what Sidney Powell did.  The judicial system tortured her to exploit corrupt activism with political assassinations of presidential politics as its primary objective.  And to hide an actual crime of election fraud behind confessions received from the process of legal torture.  It is not precisely a society of law and order, but rather the same means that communist countries use to prosecute their political enemies.  And Sidney Powell was overcharged to achieve just what they received.  She gets her life back.  And the prosecution gets a confession, which they hope gives them some foundation for a phony case that never had any real merit.

Rich Hoffman

A Review of ‘Government Gangsters’ by Kash Patel: The proof everyone has been looking for

I see it all as turning a corner. The story laid out in Kash Patel’s new book Government Gangsters is irreversibly potent. You can’t unsee it once you have seen it. I have watched America wake up for years to the kind of government that it has, and it’s clear where it’s all going. It’s most evident with the Speaker of the House situation in Congress. The peer pressure pushes for order and compromise, where the voters have had enough. They just want to save the idea of their country, and now they know how bad some of these Government Gangster types are. Just a few years ago, people like me would talk about how bad the government is, and people would squawk about wanting to talk about something else. Now, when it’s evident that the uniparty is willing to pull off their Republican masks to keep Jim Jordan, whom President Trump endorsed, from becoming Speaker and to get Congress going again, we can see who the activists are in our government who don’t want the will of the American people represented in congress but are tethered to lobbyists and international tyrants willingly. They’ve been hiding behind the Republican brand while doing whatever it took to profit themselves no matter how much they sold out our country, and now people can see. They can see how some low-life judge in New York has tried to show power over a former president, Trump, who just so happens to be leading over all rivals, including the current president, in polling one year away from the election, by being ahead in 6 of 7 battleground states and is tied in Michigan. The scam was always in the order of things, and disorder is emerging to expose who these Government Gangsters have always been. And it has been not fun to see.

Kash Patel is no slack-jawed loser; he served high up in President Trump’s administration in several capacities, including Senior Director of Counter Terrorism and Chief of Staff to the Department of Defense. So he was there for most everything directly over many years of the Trump presidency, which most of the Swamp would love to pretend never happened, just as they are currently in denial of the direction of Congress. People don’t want more sell-outs in Congress. They want people like Jim Jordan and a minority of participants in the House on both sides; Republicans and Democrats are hoping that if they drag their feet longer, everything will snap back into the scam that got us all into trouble in the first place. But that’s not happening; people are now awake, although slow to respond. Ultimately, it’s economy that people judge their government by, and this economy isn’t good. There has been a lot of hope that if Robert Kennedy jumped into the race to make it a three-way entanglement, it would help the Democrats. But early polling shows that Trump, one way or the other, no matter what is going on with court cases during the upcoming primary season, will have 39% of the vote. And he will get a share of independents who are sick of the price of milk and eggs being too expensive under Joe Biden. And Trump will win easily. That reality has not sunk in yet, but it will. Rather quickly. Now that these Government Gangsters have shown who they were, there is no way to put all that back in a bottle and move on. Which I think is a great thing, as ugly as it has been.

Early after the election, after I started my Rumble channel, which now has over a thousand videos that get respectable viewership, considering they are primarily about politics, I explained to everyone something I had known for a long time. The mob got tired of running from the law and instead moved into government, so we now call them “Government Gangsters.” It has not been a government for the people by the people but has essentially become a fourth branch of unaccountable government called the Deep State that has captured law enforcement and the military to perform the kind of mob hits that Al Capone was famous for in Chicago. People at the time thought I was overly dramatic, but in 2023, after three years of hindsight, people saw that what I said was true. That it is all too true. We don’t have a government serving the people in America; that was all an illusion, performed through rigged elections, a Marxist-oriented media, and a K-Street lobby that gave easy money to anyone who defected from Constitutional concepts. And once Trump was elected, impossibly because the system was so rigged against something like that, they hit the panic button and started to show who they were all these years. Government Gangsters brings the evidence of just how bad it is, and it is. The FBI has become essentially a hit squad for the Deep State, which has its roots in international finance and a legal system deeply committed to concepts of globalism and the abolition of the American Constitution. Most of the time, all books like this are missing other points of view, but in this case, there is only one view. That our government is out of control and is hostile to the people it’s supposed to serve, and they have now all been caught, and it’s up to voters to sort it all out, which will happen now that it’s all so obvious.

I was in a public place where people watched the Ohio State football game over the weekend with Penn State.  And games like that used to occupy all of America’s leisure energy, but not now.  People remember the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State.  People know how much less money they have to spend on fun stuff during football games like that.  People aren’t nearly as distracted as they used to be, which allowed these Government Gangsters to thrive, hidden in the background.  At a game like that, usually, people wouldn’t talk to me with my guns and cowboy hat looming around in the background.  They would try to ignore me the best they could.  But not anymore.  Instead, they ask me, “When is Trump coming back?  Is he going to beat all these federal charges?  Will Trump be able to get our economy moving again?”  People know I’ve been involved in this stuff for over 30 years.  My answer to them is, and has been, that there will be a lot of turbulence.  Fasten your seat belt; it will be a bumpy landing.  But yes, Trump will be back, beat all the charges, and be able to get the economy moving again the most powerful in the world.  It’s simple: just get rid of the government gangsters, push out the organized crime element of our current government, and things will suddenly get a lot better.  But first, you must admit that there is a problem, which is where many people are right now.  People are hoping and praying for a return of Trump and the destruction of the Government Gangsters, which are now clearly evident for all to see.  But the gangsters are hoping to wait out the storm and are planning on everyone going back to sleep so they can resume their crimes against humanity.  However, America is waking up for good this time, and the results will be inevitable. 

Rich Hoffman

Jesus Lived and Died in Kashmir: Why the Led Zeppelin song is so popular, and how Islam hides the truth

I’ve never been much of a Jesus fan from the Bible. I like the character from the show Chosen, but the way Jesus has been portrayed everywhere else has always been to me, something more Eastern than Western. I love his dad, Yahweh. Now that guy I can understand, making a footstool out of your enemies, an eye for an eye, punishing entire nations. That is someone I can relate to. But his son is more like the spoiled second-generation kid of a cutting-edge self-starter. He might be a super nice guy, but I have always found the message of giving your enemy your cloak if they want to take your shirt personally revolting. Many people don’t like to talk about these things because religions have some strict rules on the matter, but I’m not much of a rule guy either. I understand law and order, but all too often, the rules are made by all the wrong people so that they can control their peers without the armed conflict of tradition. I love the Bible; I have read it thoroughly and still do. But I’m not sure that people understand what the Bible means and that honoring God means accepting those human mistakes. I certainly don’t believe that humans understand God perfectly and without flaws. Instead, I see that the Romans wanted to unite their empire and used the concept of Jesus, the scapegoat, to perform the task, and the world reacted with other religions, such as Islam. To this day, the conflicts in the region of the Near East are suspiciously occult-driven and hide behind a veil of religious belief that is keeping us in these modern times from knowing the whole truth and nothing but the facts. Something else I do love is the truth, not belief in how other people interpret it out of fear or anxiety over their afterlife.

A very interesting book

Another thing I have never liked is the Led Zeppelin song, “Kashmir.” It’s not a bad song; I think it’s a fantastic one, but I have never liked it, and I hate watching people dance to it at rock concerts. It’s one of those personal revolting attributes of life that has existed since I was a little kid. I was reminded of this hatred while traveling recently in Japan, where I had just explained to people I thought the reach of King Solomon’s empire had a heavy influence on their early culture, with the many keyhole tombs that they call Kofun tombs that are all over the Osaka area, and elsewhere. I base that on several books about Solomon that never made it into the Bible’s final cut, so when you read about the reach of his empire, oddly, there is almost no mention of tapping into the East. I have a great map that I love out of my favorite Bible and I love it for all the things it doesn’t show. Remember, I always judge things not by what people tell me but by their actions, and in this case, that map shows more in what it doesn’t offer than in what it does. A person as influential as King Solomon would have been trading along the early version of the Silk Road, which extends from Europe, over the northern part of the Himalayas across China, down through Korea, and then into Japan. I propose that the cult of King Solomon found its way to early Japanese emperors.

The Old Silk Road, known for many thousands of years pre-dating the ancient world as we know it.

Based on wide reading from many sources, the topic of Jesus being influenced by the Buddhist cultures of India and that of the Hindus and the Jains makes perfect sense.  Where was Jesus from the Bible in those teenage and young adult years up until around age 29?  Which, in those days, was a pretty mature adult.  Then, suddenly, he shows up and starts teaching the people of Israel.  I’ve heard the stories over many years that Jesus never actually died on the cross and that he had lived and died in Kashmir, which is in northern India, right in the middle of the hot zone for all modern political terrorism, surrounded by Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal with Iran and Iraq looming nearby.  I have for most of my life also been a massive fan of Biblical Archaeology Review and can report a much more significant than average interest in the kinds of things that lots of outstanding and intelligent scientists have found digging in the dirt in the ancient Holy Land.  It is rich and abundant, but nowhere near the effect it could have if there weren’t conflict in the region.  And when it comes to the Old Silk Road, the entire span of it these days is wrapped up in political turmoil, I think on purpose, to keep investigations into the truth of the past from ever being revealed.  Because a story isn’t being talked about, that should be.

As I returned from Japan in one of the many airports I had to travel through, a young lady who looked more Indian than Chinese sat by me with her headphones, listening to that Led Zepplin song. I could hear it clearly even though she was in her own little world. And I was thinking of the Silk Road. So I picked up a copy of Suzanne Olson’s book Jesus in Kashmir and read it, which confirmed a lot of what I had been thinking for a long time, and biologically, I think most of the world understands it too, which is why that Kashmir song was so popularly received and continues to be an icon of pulp culture. I tend to believe the stories that Jesus was either cut down or had stories by the Romans who made up his death for their convenience. Because there was no body, it was explained away as an ascension to heaven. They wanted to impress their Roman supervisors, so the regional overlords and the Jewish political influence wanted to let everyone know they got rid of the rebel Jesus from their society. And that Jesus escaped, injured, back to Kashmir, where he had spent much time as a youth, married there, and had many kids. And died a king, and the tomb is still there, hidden not by sight but by politics.

The way that Romans interpreted Christianity served their empire well and the church that would follow.  Be like Jesus, sacrifice yourself to the state, and prepare yourself for the afterworld by being friendly, compliant, and much more like Gandhi than that radical warlord of a father, Yahweh.  Even Jesus managed to put a soft edge on the plight of the Hebrew people, the descendants of Abraham who had been traveling to Kashmir for thousands of years.  Moses, as does his brother Aaron, has a tomb in the Kashmir region.  So does Mother Mary and other characters, including the remains of King Solomon.  When you consider this Kashmir story suddenly, many mysteries of the Bible start making a lot more sense.  But proper investigations into those mysteries are stifled because of the politics of modern warfare that keeps anybody from looking under the veil, as radical Islam seemingly keeps regional control on purpose.  Which then, we are all reminded of this recent conflict with Israel.  We are witnessing a shell game that takes place over most of the world to prevent people from learning the truth of their past and future.  And much of that truth is hiding in plain sight, which we subconsciously understand, in songs like Led Zepplin’s “Kashmir.”  But because we fear death at the hands of terrorists, death in the eternal fire of damnation, or the cry of public scrutiny because our quest falls outside the established religious parameters, we find ourselves prisoners to the obvious.  And part of that obviousness is that Jesus lived and died in Kashmir.  And the implications of that are jaw-dropping and necessary.

Rich Hoffman