The Scam of Biden’s Presidency: A speech from the Resolute Desk meant to hide massive corruption

You know the Biden people understand what kind of trouble they are in when they let the old man give a speech from the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.  That speech was meant for the Fox News, Brit Hume types, the people who need a hand while walking down the stairs.  It was a prime-time throwback to the years when America was fantastic, and the world was a place where people could live good lives.  It was apparent even before the now famous speech, according to Fox News pundits, the best address of Biden’s career.  People wondered why Joe Biden was going to Israel to show support while still trying to support his base, who support the Hamas terrorists of Palestine.  Joe is down in the polls, bleeding independent support quickly, and needed a new war to distract everyone from the horrendous news of his lousy presidency with some good old-fashioned parental warm milk on prime-time television.  People like Brit Hume, who expect way too much out of government because they aren’t strong people, to begin with, are suckers for that kind of thing, which was the entire point of the speech following the visit to Israel, which nobody wanted to be seen with Biden while there.  Many influential people skipped out, leaving it looking awkward at best.   But the point of the effort was to attempt to appeal to Americans traditionally and to look presidential in a year where it’s the last one of his stolen presidency, and he is facing a landslide against him.  The world is on fire, and it shows that stolen elections around the world have put all the wrong people in office.  These problems are not the fault of people who voted for bad people. Instead, this results from fools who tampered with elections to gain global power, and now everything is blowing up in their face.  Partly on purpose, but primarily due to sheer incompetence, which happens any time you remove competition from a selection process.

Like the Obama administration before it, the Biden administration has had a general policy of desecrating American traditions.  You don’t see many speeches from the Resolute Desk, which has been a tradition of presidents for many years during times of crises to reassure Americans that someone in charge had a grip on the problem.  Obama and Biden have given speeches just about everywhere but the traditional Oval Office on purpose, to break people of their dependence on such measures to gradually wear away the tapestries of tradition that only strengthen people’s resolve for their country and the utterances of patriotism that often follow.  On the first day of Biden’s stolen term, he spent the day wiping away all traces of Trump’s efforts to restore patriotism and made an ostentatious effort to eliminate the famous fireworks display at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota on the Fourth of July.  These are globalists and representatives of the criminal community.  Barack Obama was a direct political figure of the Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and had all kinds of problems that still linger to this day.  He is proof that election fraud has been going on for a long time because he won two terms even after the Benghazi mishap occurred just a few weeks before his second term.  Mysteriously, the media carried the water for his campaign and put him in office by many methods. Looking back on it, it should have been more deeply scrutinized.  Then there was Biden, Obama’s vice president who, mysteriously on a Senator’s salary and no other official income, could buy a $2 million home with cash after leaving office in 2017.  And is facing a current scandal involving a direct check for $200K that shows Biden was selling his office to those seeking access to his stolen power.  The evidence of the totality of it is that the Biden and Obama clan have been trying to purposely destroy America from the inside out during their entire presidencies. 

Then suddenly, there was Joe Biden grabbing for tradition to reassure the Brit Hume’s of the world and the Bret Braier types that Biden was just the president that people needed in a crisis.  It was political theater because polls show that Biden is losing almost everywhere to Trump, even in the critical battleground states.  Some reports indicate that Trump is up in 5 of the seven key states, including Pennsylvania, where Biden is supposed to run away with the election.  Other polls most recently show Trump winning in 6 of the 7, with him tying Biden in Michigan.  And that is one year out with Trump facing multiple indictments and nearly a thousand years in jail.  The Biden DOJ has thrown everything they could at their political rival, and that was the best to come of it.  In the coming months, Trump will gain in appeal, many of these phony court cases will fall by the wayside, and independents will feel more comfortable supporting Trump over Biden, so it will only get worse for Biden.  And his people know it.  So in an act of desperation, happy to have another war as a distraction to the many failures and criminal activity that has come from the Biden family itself, they put President Biden onto prime-time television from the Oval Office, hoping to get a shot of patriotism to change the narrative of otherwise horrendous political news. 

But this is the problem with stolen elections where people didn’t pick the guy the first time.  The thieves hoped that once the presidency was acquired, they could use the power of media to hide the villainy, but the incompetence has shown itself as performance standards were expected, and people see what a mess Biden always was.  They didn’t vote for him the first time, which is evident on multiple fronts.  Only stupid people believe the 2020 election “was the most secure in history.”  Yeah, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you.  But people gave Biden the benefit of the doubt; they just wanted to live their lives.  If the election were stolen, they would sort it out in the next election, and now, here we are.  The bad guys in the world have been trying to bring COVID back because, as I always said, if Democrats can’t cheat in elections, they can’t win.  And it will be tough to hustle to the level they did in 2020 without some health crises like COVID-19.  They have been trying to prop up Biden to look presidential with the war in Ukraine.  But that hasn’t been working.  So this Israel war is their last best shot.  The globalists have blown on the fires of terrorism to provoke Hamas, much like they did with the Russians, and now there is another war caused by globalism, and Biden is getting his last chance to look presidential before this political race gets away from him in 2024.  And in a last-ditch, desperate effort, Biden gave a speech from the Resolute Desk essentially to ask for 100 billion dollars to send to his supporters, the Palestinians, while also trying to appeal to supporters of Israel.  In the last days of Trump, there was peace in the Middle East, but the criminal class that runs all these world governments didn’t like that, so they put Biden in place and did all they could to erode America as the only place in the world to uphold moral standing.  And in their final desperate hour, they put Biden behind the famous desk to deliver a fatherly speech of comfort.  And there were a few dumb people who bought it hook, line, and sinker.  But not nearly enough to save his grip on power before the next election.

Rich Hoffman