Pay Rates for top 434 teachers at Lakota Schools

Lakota Levy, by the numbers Blog:  NOTICE--Since this list came out in mid-2010, these numbers have increased dramatically. How much?  Well, there are 625 people in this category just one year later in a bad economy when teachers told the public they took a pay freeze.  So they mislead the public greatly.  Yet, step increases made this number grow when lay-offs and busing cuts have hurt parents all over the district.  Click here to see the new numbers. 

At the bottom of this post are the salaries of all teachers and administrators making over $65.000 per year working at Lakota Schools in Butler County, Ohio.  Why is this important?  Because those wages have moved out of the community’s ability to sustain them, as those same wages have more in common with government positions than the wages of the community. 

Education jobs are now government jobs in practice, and we have to admit this to ourselves first before a community can take action to fix it. This is an ad from Federal, and shows how government advertises positions.

“Are you considering a government job? The federal government employs approximately 2 million federal workers plus 700,000 Postal workers and hires hundreds of thousands each year to replace civil service workers that transfer to other federal government jobs, retire, or leave for other reasons. Average annual salary for full-time federal government jobs now exceeds $79,197.”

Kind of makes you want to get a government job doesn’t it.

Just before writing this I received a message from Darryl Parks of WLW Radio. He wanted me to post something on here for you, “If you vote for a school levy, you’re stupid!”

Because it’s a scam, where you pay a government agency at a wage greater than your own pay rate, for a service you could in almost every circumstance, do yourself.  Government doesn’t make anything, so they completely rely on tax dollars to supply their income.  So when government jobs pay in the ranges that are higher than private sector jobs, as Mr. Parks says in his statement, you’re stupid.  Your stupid because you are taking your job as a tax payer for granted and not performing to the task of a much-needed regulator within the community.  Did you know that government workers make 45% more than private sector jobs?  Isn’t that stupid?  Yet we’re all responsible for saying yes at some point in the past. 

The U.S. Government is the largest employer in the United States, hiring about 2.0 percent of the nation’s work force and the workforce is expanding significantly due to health care reform, in-sourcing, and many new regulatory programs. Federal government jobs can be found in every state and large metropolitan area, including overseas in over 200 countries. The average annual federal workers compensation, including pay plus benefits, now exceeds $119,982 compared to just $59,909 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Isn’t that stupid?  How did the American people allow that to happen? 

Unfortunately, school systems are no longer community run, but are still community funded for the most part. Like everything in the government these days, whether it’s Social Security, Medicare, Health Care, you name the government program; you’ll find that universally the same philosophy is at play, a government job will pay more than a private sector job. That’s dangerous, because it actually disrupts the conduct of a republic. After all, who would vote themselves out of a job, so politicians that give out jobs like candy, tend to get re-elected.  And it’s even more foolish to allow education positions to migrate into the ranges of government paid workers, because those are people in our own back yards, not in some far away place like a state capital, or federal government.  We should have noticed it, and done something about it early on. 

Such irresponsible behavior will destroy everything we hold dear as a way of life both locally and nationally.  It’s all coming down as we look around. The cracks are forming everywhere, and where do we see it first, our schools.

The chart below shows that a majority of Lakota’s budget is going to wages and benefits, which is a recipe for disaster. The ratio here is not even something that can be discussed in any sort of business appraisal.  But this type of ratio is not uncommon in government work, which is why to them, it seems perfectly reasonable.  So school board meetings and community events to discuss how bad it is are pointless, because they aren’t even close to a reasonable ratio.  My solutions, and the solutions of the type of people I know in the business community would suggest radical things that the school administrators couldn’t even fathom as cuts.  However, they aren’t alone in this. Most school systems are operating this way. But so is the rest of the government.

These numbers come from Lakota Online. The only difference with this chart and the ones they have are I combined the salaries and benefits together, to show just how much money is going to those activities.  The point of the chart is this, all that blue is bad.  It’s too much for a local community to support, more than $120 million where the real number should be closer to $60 million based on the size of the school district.   If you’d like to see the real numbers of the Lakota School System, see them here.  Click on the pictures of the balance sheets to zoom in on the Excel Docs. 

Why is it so high?  Well, years ago, we heard that teachers were a group that was working too hard and not getting paid enough.  But not anymore.  As you look at the wages below, there are 434 administrators and teachers that make more than $65,000. Just those 434 employees represent more than $31 million dollars.  So that proves how quickly things can get out of control if people aren’t paying attention.  Lakota, like all government, have painted themselves into a financial corner and can’t get out unless they either redo their contracts at a lesser wage and benefits, or the LEA (teachers union) lobbies Columbus and picks up the 21 million they are trying to raise in the levy, from the state.  The community doesn’t have it, and even if they did, it would be irresponsible to spend the money on this levy when the labor cost is so extraordinarily high.

As you can see the people below make up 35% of the salary budget. It is a sad situation that because these people in these positions know there is no place else that they could make this kind of money, they resort to misleading the community into believing that everything will just be ok if they approve one levy after another and continue to throw money at the situation.  They would rather extort the money from the community to preserve their extremely lucrative incomes.  But government does that to us as well.  And when it comes time to cut, they’ll most likely cut teachers out of the 65%, leaving the 35% pretty much alone and protected.  The 35% has the most seniority, and in a union, that means just about everything.  So the people who will be cut will also be the people who are least costly.  So you’d have to cut more people of less seniority to equate the value reached if the desired savings was a 30% to 50% reduction. 

This information is public record, and it’s that way for this very reason, so the public can see what they are spending their tax money on and decide if enough is enough.  So look it over and decide for yourself.  For my own opinion, I’m with Darryl Parks.  Don’t be stupid. 

Lakota Salaries 2010

1 Taylor William Superintendent $ 147,505.00
2 Jones Craig A Treasurer $ 121,571.00
3 Hamilton Richard Principal $ 111,370.00
4 Stettler Lon Assistant Superintendent $ 109,603.00
5 Kline Keith Principal $ 107,844.00
6 Passarge Christopher Director $ 107,844.00
7 Spurlock Ronald Assistant Superintendent $ 106,134.00
8 Pike David Principal $ 104,648.00
9 Linda French Principal $ 100,598.00
10 Laws John Edward Director $ 98,340.00
11 Holbrook Michael V Principal $ 98,131.00
12 Kelly Georgetta Director $ 97,928.00
13 Diblasi Kathy Administrator $ 97,416.00
14 Pangallo Marco Principal $ 97,416.00
15 Spurlock Elizabeth Principal $ 97,416.00
16 Mcglothin Robert Teacher $ 95,374.00
17 Moats Cheryl Teacher $ 94,591.00
18 Ash H. Clayton Principal $ 94,336.00
19 Snyder Gregory Teacher $ 94,147.00
20 Smith Derek Administrator $ 93,504.00
21 Berry Mary A. Media Specialist $ 92,665.00
22 Buschle Judith E Other Educator $ 92,388.00
23 Gendreau Andre Denis Principal $ 92,024.00
24 Weisgerber Gerry Assistant principal $ 91,544.00
25 Simmons Ericka Renee Principal $ 91,354.00
26 Petro Jeri Psychologist $ 90,946.00
27 Scroggins Roger Psychologist $ 90,946.00
28 Bailie Gregory H Teacher $ 90,772.00
29 Malone Scott Psychologist $ 90,510.00
30 Wittich John Psychologist $ 90,510.00
31 Finke Greg E Principal $ 90,197.00
32 Kriner Helene Counselor $ 89,540.00
33 Howard Thomas Teacher $ 89,327.00
34 Shaffer Timothy Assistant principal $ 88,652.00
35 Drumm Christopher E. Teacher $ 78,674.00
36 Burns Amy E Tutor $ 78,600.00
37 Yauss Roger Teacher $ 78,557.00
38 Hackman Pamela Teacher $ 78,426.00
39 Skeldon Elaine Teacher $ 78,426.00
40 Wadl C. Jeffery Teacher $ 78,406.00
41 Reid Jennifer Teacher $ 78,395.00
42 Van Sickle Cheryl Media Specialist $ 78,382.00
43 Stiver Lisa Teacher $ 78,339.00
44 Dunaway Honey L Teacher $ 78,323.00
45 Morrical Kimberly Teacher $ 78,288.00
46 Brumback Kathleen A Teacher $ 78,215.00
47 Saunders Karen Teacher $ 78,215.00
48 Kornau Tracey Teacher $ 78,105.00
49 Combs Lori A Teacher $ 78,043.00
50 Gelter Robert E Counselor $ 77,976.00
51 Hemsworth Ginger Teacher $ 77,949.00
52 Ryan Carol Psychologist $ 77,923.00
53 Cooper Fredrick C Teacher $ 77,829.00
54 Ritz Anne Teacher $ 77,804.00
55 Harvey Kristen Teacher $ 77,761.00
56 Fuchs Beth Marie Teacher $ 77,728.00
57 Folta Mark A Teacher $ 77,684.00
58 Woody Marsha Teacher $ 77,666.00
59 Cornett Brigitte B Teacher $ 77,476.00
60 Beck Dennis E Teacher $ 77,467.00
61 Martin Dana Administrator $ 77,410.00
62 Preston Philip Teacher $ 77,383.00
63 Theimann Carol Teacher $ 77,358.00
64 Gorman Catherine P Teacher $ 77,315.00
65 Popplewell Theresa Speech Therapist $ 77,142.00
66 Teller Frances Occupational Therapist $ 77,142.00
67 Mullins Jewelyn Speech Therapist $ 77,132.00
68 Colliver Tamelaj Tutor $ 77,114.00
69 Landvatter Sandra Teacher $ 77,109.00
70 Andres Stephen E Teacher $ 77,107.00
71 Ray Elizabeth Teacher $ 77,099.00
72 Adams Marilyn C Teacher $ 77,076.00
73 Riffle Angela Teacher $ 76,910.00
74 Davis Julia E Curriculum Specialist $ 76,803.00
75 Berberich Nancy Teacher $ 76,681.00
76 Floyd Michael C Teacher $ 76,680.00
77 Slomsky Scott Teacher $ 76,650.00
78 Osterling Emily Tutor $ 76,619.00
79 Lehman James Teacher $ 76,569.00
80 Heaton Sharon Teacher $ 76,528.00
81 Schallip Jacquelyn Teacher $ 76,499.00
82 Barnes Lori A Teacher $ 76,495.00
83 Anthony Elaine M Teacher $ 76,472.00
84 Supringer Christine Teacher $ 76,373.00
85 Swanson Paricia Marie Psychologist $ 76,304.00
86 Scott Carol Teacher $ 76,300.00
87 Denton Sandra M Teacher $ 76,300.00
88 Latessa Robert Teacher $ 76,179.00
89 Snider Kimberly Teacher $ 76,176.00
90 Fugate David W Teacher $ 76,149.00
91 Jacobson Robin Teacher $ 76,119.00
92 Alford Sharon A Counselor $ 76,114.00
93 Bateman Sue W Teacher $ 76,114.00
94 Gorman John S Teacher $ 76,114.00
95 Montgomery Carrie B Assistant Principal $ 75,986.00
96 Jones Anthony Teacher $ 75,974.00
97 Wiles Randall Teacher $ 75,930.00
98 Dagenbach P. Damian Teacher $ 75,814.00
99 Griffiths Laura Lynn Assistant Principal $ 75,794.00
100 Berry Darryl A Teacher $ 75,750.00
101 Piontek Ana Teacher $ 75,701.00
102 Wernersbach Margaret Baker Speech Therapist $ 75,632.00
103 Kehm Janice Teacher $ 75,629.00
104 Smallwood Lisa Teacher $ 75,629.00
105 Tompkins rebecca Curriculum Specialist $ 75,593.00
106 Derossett Shari H Teacher $ 75,588.00
107 Boerke Margaret L Nurse $ 75,569.00
108 Walls Toni Teacher $ 75,555.00
109 Bauer Susan A. Teacher $ 75,442.00
110 Muia Jennifer Teacher $ 75,375.00
111 Turner Debra Teacher $ 75,326.00
112 Pinder Joanne Teacher $ 75,270.00
113 Klus Richard Adam Teacher $ 75,251.00
114 Valdini Michael Teacher $ 75,246.00
115 Smith Scott Teacher $ 75,126.00
116 Henrich Ronald T.A. Teacher $ 75,037.00
117 Hammond Michelle Teacher $ 75,037.00
118 Alexander Melissa K Assistant Principal $ 74,969.00
119 Brown Benjamin W Assistant Principal $ 74,969.00
120 Wesley Todd Administrator $ 74,969.00
121 Knueven Kathryn Teacher $ 74,955.00
122 Luan-Miller Patricia D Teacher $ 74,942.00
123 Ruder Pamela Teacher $ 74,987.00
124 Meyer Steven Teacher $ 74,872.00
125 Gfroerer Beverly A Teacher $ 74,860.00
126 Szul Jill Teacher $ 74,849.00
127 Mitchell Drews Counselor $ 74,820.00
128 Ebbing Juith A Teacher $ 74,819.00
129 Copeland Sherri Sue Psychologist $ 74,675.00
130 Stamp Audrey Teacher $ 74,670.00
131 Peck Doreen Teacher $ 74,646.00
132 Mcdowell Linda Teacher $ 74,638.00
133 Redden-Jenkins Michelle S. Teacher $ 74,591.00
134 Eldridge Kimberly D Teacher $ 74,591.00
135 Combs Jeffrey A Teacher $ 74,587.00
136 Bugg Ledral A Teacher $ 74,581.00
137 Cantrell Cladia Teacher $ 74,581.00
138 Fisher Carmela A Teacher $ 74,581.00
139 Schnittger Mary Nurse $ 74,560.00
140 Prohaska Melissa Curriculum Specialist $ 74,544.00
141 Dolloff Paula M Teacher $ 74,492.00
142 Senne Julia Teacher $ 74,458.00
143 Lange Gail Speech Therapist $ 74,431.00
144 Girard Connie S Teacher $ 74,422.00
145 Coffman Alyson R Teacher $ 74,328.00
146 Mccracken Nancy Media Specialist $ 74,307.00
147 Hofferberth Mary Teacher $ 74,216.00
148 Dickerson Kathleen S Nurse $ 74,191.00
149 Williams Christina Teacher $ 74,125.00
150 Redman Margaret Teacher $ 74,113.00
151 Shapro Sharon Teacher $ 74,061.00
152 Mays Sharon Teacher $ 74,054.00
153 Schey Janet Teacher $ 73,982.00
154 Farnell Susan K Speech Therapist $ 73,962.00
155 Vanover Lori Teacher $ 73,942.00
156 Gibbs Loris S Speech Therapist $ 73,935.00
157 Draper Ralph A Teacher $ 73,923.00
158 Whiles Lisa Media Specialist $ 73,856.00
159 Tubb Sharon Other Educator $ 73,788.00
160 Rubin Bradley Counselor $ 73,765.00
161 Williams Pamela Teacher $ 73,724.00
162 Smith Rebecca Teacher $ 73,680.00
163 Janusz Diane Teacher $ 73,633.00
164 Darpel Kathleen M Teacher $ 73,628.00
165 Hicks Jeffrey Elliot Assistant Principal $ 73,591.00
166 Davis David L Teacher $ 73,556.00
167 Tipton Sandra Teacher $ 73,519.00
168 Klingelhoffer Sharon Teacher $ 73,496.00
169 Loman Kathryn Teacher $ 73,494.00
170 Durerler Cathy C Teacher $ 73,483.00
171 O’Keefe Marilyn Teacher $ 73,456.00
172 Powers Tamara S Teacher $ 73,456.00
173 Stewart Penny Lynn Teacher $ 73,456.00
174 Tabben Sarah Teacher $ 73,456.00
175 Blaylock Heather A Teacher $ 73,250.00
176 Staley Leanne Cirriculum Specialst $ 73,150.00
177 Weber Angela Teacher $ 73,140.00
178 Hundemer Lorraine Teacher $ 73,117.00
179 Silverglade Lisa Wackler Teacher $ 73,105.00
180 Brewer Troy G Teacher $ 73,096.00
181 Boling Janet Ann Counselor $ 73,039.00
182 Brown Laura C Teacher $ 73,010.00
183 Anderson Judith Ann Other Educator $ 72,987.00
184 Authur Paul E Teacher $ 72,966.00
185 Krayick Amy Teacher $ 72,963.00
186 Corris Ryan Anderw Teacher $ 72,939.00
187 Smith Mary L Teacher $ 72,919.00
188 Vincent William James Teacher $ 72,916.00
189 Long Annette Teacher $ 72,916.00
190 Jenkins Holly Teacher $ 72,879.00
191 Rouff Jeffrey Assistant Principal $ 72,806.00
192 Mckain David Teacher $ 72,806.00
193 Batdorf Brian Ray Teacher $ 72,799.00
194 Hathaway Staci D Teacher $ 72,721.00
195 Carlberg Douglas E Teacher $ 72,628.00
196 Weber Tonya M Tutor $ 72,628.00
197 Grady S. Paulette Assistant Principle $ 72,606.00
198 Klein Jennifer Antoninette Assistant Principle $ 72,606.00
199 Cooper John C Teacher $ 72,599.00
200 Gallagher Linda J Teacher $ 72,531.00
201 Buckenmyer Michael J Teacher $ 72,518.00
202 Alsip Janet Ann Teacher $ 72,486.00
203 Wullenweber Tracy Teacher $ 72,486.00
204 Lvers Susan Teacher $ 72,486.00
205 Kunkel Laura Teacher $ 72,454.00
206 Lidman Monica Teacher $ 72,330.00
207 Spotts Connie Media Specialist $ 72,285.00
208 Tuskey-Woods Karen Teacher $ 72,246.00
209 Fakes Robin D Teacher $ 72,208.00
210 Augutis Linda J Teacher $ 72,168.00
211 Connett Jennifer L Teacher $ 72,168.00
212 Hart Deborah Ann Teacher $ 72,168.00
213 Williams Darmen Teacher $ 72,168.00
214 Thomas Katherine Teacher $ 72,164.00
215 Yaw Jeffrey Alan Teacher $ 72,091.00
216 Baroch Terri L Teacher $ 72,091.00
217 Bodden James F Teacher $ 72,075.00
218 Chapman Dana L Teacher $ 72,035.00
219 Noxsel Douglas W Teacher $ 71,955.00
220 Purcell Pamela Teacher $ 71,946.00
221 Murray Carrie Lynn Teacher $ 71,944.00
222 Kelly Ann Teacher $ 71,818.00
223 Fugate Amy M Assistant Principle $ 71,690.00
224 Akers Jennifer R Teacher $ 71,688.00
225 Jerome Shelly Mary Teacher $ 71,631.00
226 Niebling Marla Administrator $ 71,563.00
227 Alexander Andrew G Teacher $ 71,539.00
228 Banet Peggy M Teacher $ 71,538.00
229 Plymale Jodi Teacher $ 71,457.00
230 Dinsmore Barbara Teacher $ 71,438.00
231 Vidourek Kevin Teacher $ 71,438.00
232 Williamson Terrie Teacher $ 71,438.00
233 Wilson Sara Glynette Teacher $ 71,438.00
234 Kessler Tim Teacher $ 71,389.00
235 Hatterschide Mary Beth Teacher $ 71,362.00
236 Copley Victoria L Teacher $ 71,348.00
237 Allshaouse Gail D Assistant Principal $ 71,272.00
238 Montgomery Valerie Assistant Principal $ 71,272.00
239 Brophy Mary L Assistant Principal $ 71,272.00
240 Reder David Administrator $ 71,264.00
241 Binggeli Janet Terese Tutor $ 71,258.00
242 Martin Karen Teacher $ 71,244.00
243 Berleman Kelly Lynn Counselor $ 71,217.00
244 Terndrup Tamera Teacher $ 71,204.00
245 Anslinger N. Jean Media Specialist $ 70,986.00
246 Kornau Joseph Teacher $ 70,955.00
247 Mahlerwein Gregory Teacher $ 70,819.00
248 Bateman Joann H Teacher $ 70,812.00
249 Tegarden Catherine S Teacher $ 70,773.00
250 Dyer Colleen S Teacher $ 70,772.00
251 Mclinden Denise M Counselor $ 70,766.00
252 Vernile-Fuller Valerie each Teacher $ 70,716.00
253 Klein Edward Teacher $ 70,559.00
254 Sorrell Michelle Teacher $ 70,559.00
255 Tomes Deana Maria Bowling Teacher $ 70,559.00
256 Powell Patricia Teacher $ 70,510.00
257 Aprahamian Ann M Teacher $ 70,480.00
258 Adams Heidi L Teacher $ 70,409.00
259 Meyer Diane Teacher $ 70,390.00
260 Siniger Shirley Teacher $ 70,350.00
261 Degennaro Debra M Teacher $ 70,319.00
262 Hudson Pamela Assistant Principal $ 70,319.00
263 Cox Lawrence J Teacher $ 70,217.00
264 Riley Judi Lynne Speech Therapist $ 70,172.00
265 Alexander Amy G Teacher $ 70,119.00
266 Morrison Lawrence Curriculum Specialist $ 70,055.00
267 Gohmann Kelly L Teacher $ 70,030.00
268 Reed Valerie Media Specialist $ 70,028.00
269 Mcgowan Renee Teacher $ 70,019.00
270 Lofton Gabriel E Principal $ 69,955.00
271 Sizemore Julie Teacher $ 69,796.00
272 Austin Arnie A Teacher $ 69,791.00
273 Helsinger Cheryl Teacher $ 69,775.00
274 Landers Lisa Rene Media Specialist $ 69,775.00
275 Adkins Jason B Teacher $ 69,749.00
276 Hunter Joyce Teacher $ 69,742.00
277 Phipps Michael Teacher $ 69,742.00
278 Scarbrough Kelly Teacher $ 69,705.00
279 Egbers Julie A Teacher $ 69,642.00
280 Moody Mark Teacher $ 69,574.00
281 Hallgarth Dana Michelle Counselor $ 69,536.00
282 Terndrup Glenn Teacher $ 69,507.00
283 Hummer Todd Teacher $ 69,490.00
284 Castner Gary e Teacher $ 69,484.00
285 Perry Donna M Teacher $ 69,464.00
286 Fahrenkamp Ryan B Teacher $ 69,456.00
287 Wittich Tamra Teacher $ 69,422.00
288 Hively Judy Ann Teacher $ 69,416.00
289 Marshall Matt Teacher $ 69,394.00
290 Coats Haan Sande J Teacher $ 69,378.00
291 Bush Margaret R Teacher $ 69,377.00
292 Pease Tiffany Teacher $ 69,366.00
293 Deak Julie A Teacher $ 69,358.00
294 Sylor Cassandra Teacher $ 69,344.00
295 Zugelter Lori Teacher $ 69,333.00
296 Dreisbach George W Teacher $ 69,332.00
297 Abbott Linda L Teacher $ 69,247.00
298 Parks Tracey Teacher $ 69,219.00
299 Emig, Robert Edward Counselor $ 69,202.00
300 Anderson Monica R Teacher $ 69,180.00
301 Peters Michael Teacher $ 69,167.00
302 Thomas David Teacher $ 69,167.00
303 Day Michelle Teacher $ 69,141.00
304 Baxter Katherine A Counselor $ 69,141.00
305 Ralph Donald Teacher $ 69,138.00
306 Davis Cheryl Teal Teacher $ 69,070.00
307 Underwood Trudy Teacher $ 69,023.00
308 Littig John Teacher $ 69,021.00
309 Barnes Melissa R Teacher $ 68,988.00
310 Berry Chris L Nurse $ 68,961.00
311 Koger David Teacher $ 68,875.00
312 Cagle Bryant P Athletic $ 68,832.00
313 Wisser Robert Teacher $ 68,832.00
314 Prior Fredrick J. Teacher $ 68,820.00
315 Simpkins Sandra Teacher $ 68,818.00
316 Nunley John Teacher $ 68,758.00
317 Peipmeier Christine Other Educator $ 68,746.00
318 Mayer Amy r Teacher $ 68,681.00
319 Hattersley Mark Teacher $ 68,658.00
320 Shields Rosemary Teacher $ 68,644.00
321 Nation Tricia Teacher $ 68,505.00
322 Kettler Karen Teacher $ 68,503.00
323 Yost David Teacher $ 68,391.00
324 Jones Pamela W Teacher $ 68,375.00
325 Mickle Martha Ellen Teacher $ 68,366.00
326 Reining Kimberly Sue Teacher $ 68,363.00
327 Den Herder Janet M Nurse $ 68,312.00
328 Waugh Carrie R Teacher $ 68,304.00
329 Tobergte Sarah Teacher $ 68,272.00
330 Prohaska Thomas Teacher $ 68,149.00
331 Lamb Mary Elizabeth Teacher $ 68,123.00
332 Flaig Anna L Teacher $ 68,117.00
333 Cronk Jason B Teacher $ 68,113.00
334 Schultz Terri Teacher $ 68,069.00
335 Trimbell Cindy D Teacher $ 68,050.00
336 Sawyer Tiffany Teacher $ 68,030.00
337 Combs Karla Teacher $ 68,002.00
338 Anderson Ellein Teacher $ 68,000.00
339 Raulin Janet Teacher $ 67,945.00
340 Baird Lara Maria Teacher $ 67,907.00
341 Lamas Patricia Teacher $ 67,811.00
342 Wise Neil Teacher $ 67,774.00
343 Glunt Katherine Media Specialist $ 67,727.00
344 Chumley Phillip Eugene Teacher $ 67,670.00
345 Schotte Tracy Teacher $ 67,650.00
346 Farmer James Teacher $ 67,548.00
347 Garriga Tracey Teacher $ 67,519.00
348 Taylor Stephen Teacher $ 67,467.00
349 Kitchen Deborra Teacher $ 67,384.00
350 Redwine Jeffrey Teacher $ 67,352.00
351 Junderson Julie Lynn Teacher $ 67,336.00
352 Fulmer Stephanie Stein Teacher $ 67,334.00
353 Muir Jo Anne Teacher $ 67,271.00
354 Hart Sean Teacher $ 67,213.00
355 Haar Linda Teacher $ 67,201.00
356 Bodden Debra Teacher $ 67,175.00
357 Minton Amy Counselor $ 67,175.00
358 Richardson Laura Teacher $ 67,175.00
359 Murphy Laura Teacher $ 67,073.00
360 Castner Kieth Teacher $ 67,034.00
361 Inniger Priscilla Other Educator $ 66,981.00
362 Kolbinsky Michael Teacher $ 66,959.00
363 Vanicek Tamea Teacher $ 66,938.00
364 Frentzel Sharon Nurse $ 66,898.00
365 Kelly Anna Marie Media Specialist $ 66,894.00
366 Fortman Michael Teacher $ 66,884.00
367 Peters Linda Teacher $ 66,882.00
368 Parfitt Jane Teacher $ 66,833.00
369 Turull Carmen Teacher $ 66,799.00
370 Nordyke Alan Teacher $ 66,769.00
371 Falato Elizabeth Teacher $ 66,737.00
372 Mueller Michael Teacher $ 66,719.00
373 Marqua Amy Teacher $ 66,716.00
374 Orlando Stephen Teacher $ 66,768.00
375 Snyder Susan Teacher $ 66,638.00
376 Severns John Teacher $ 66,638.00
377 Kirchner Regina Teacher $ 66,623.00
378 Dietsch Jennifer Lynn Teacher $ 66,618.00
379 Conway John Teacher $ 66,595.00
380 Statt Kristen Brenna Teacher $ 66,570.00
381 Heitz Gail Teacher $ 66,535.00
382 Carlin Kevin Teacher $ 66,510.00
383 Siemers Jennifer Teacher $ 66,418.00
384 Castner Kathy Teacher $ 66,389.00
385 Duff Larry Teacher $ 66,322.00
386 Lewis Jared Teacher $ 66,297.00
387 Yates Janine Rudolph Nurse $ 66,271.00
388 Flavin-Harp Faye Curriculum Specialist $ 66,270.00
389 Ash Susan Teacher Teacher $ 66,236.00
390 Ballinger Gerald Teacher $ 66,236.00
391 Dorsey Joellen Teacher $ 66,236.00
392 Joy Gwyn Teacher $ 66,236.00
393 Rosel Mary Teacher $ 66,236.00
394 Stoffer Sherri Teacher $ 66,236.00
395 Hensley Sally Teacher $ 66,236.00
396 Geroni Patricia Teacher $ 66,191.00
397 Smith Nicole Media Specialist $ 66,155.00
398 Jackson Alyce Teacher $ 66,135.00
399 Black Stephen Michael Teacher $ 66,058.00
400 Brockman Theresa Ann Social Worker $ 66,056.00
401 Waits Matthew Teacher $ 66,055.00
402 Lafferty Jennifer Teacher $ 66,033.00
403 Sample Marianne Hunter Teacher $ 65,954.00
404 Zachry Cheryl Teacher $ 65,931.00
405 Fuertges Cheryl Teacher $ 65,903.00
406 Wilkerson Michelle Teacher $ 65,868.00
407 Walsh Melissa Teacher $ 65,778.00
408 Fitzwater Marcie Therese Teacher $ 65,705.00
409 Cruse Teresa Lynn Teacher $ 65,697.00
410 Simpson Sheri Ann Tutor $ 65,653.00
411 Chapman Molly Teacher $ 65,639.00
412 Clevidence Mark Teacher $ 65,611.00
413 Johns Amy Teacher $ 65,549.00
414 St. John Wendy Michelle Teacher $ 65,509.00
415 McGuire Melissa Alma Teacher $ 65,503.00
416 Chaney Heather Teacher $ 65,467.00
417 Wahl Jack Teacher $ 65,457.00
418 Lerman Sandra Teacher $ 65,328.00
419 McDonell Tara Teacher $ 65,316.00
420 Peters Debra Teacher $ 65,314.00
421 Honhart David Frederick Teacher $ 65,309.00
422 Hoctor Krista Teacher $ 65,301.00
423 Nation Jeffrey Teacher $ 65,253.00
424 Bowmann Elen Beth Teacher $ 65,185.00
425 Barrow Jeffrey Teacher $ 65,131.00
426 Winkle Amy Teacher $ 65,131.00
427 Singer Kathleen Nurse $ 65,114.00
428 Revelette Vickie Scott Speech Therapist $ 65,053.00
429 Scott Cathleen Speech Therapist $ 65,053.00
430 Peters Tammy Lee Ann Teacher $ 65,013.00
431 Dupps Gregg Teacher $ 65,011.00
432 Gerhardstein Lynda Teacher $ 65,011.00
433 Waldfogel Elizabeth Ann Teacher $ 65,005.00
434 Hoeting Tanya Teacher $ 65,004.00

Total $ 31,900,416.00

Total spent on saleries $ 92,258,928.00

Total Lakota spends on salery (Benefits excluded) $ 92,258,928.00
Total spent on top 434 teachers making over $65,000 per year $ 31,900,416.00

Total left for the rest of the teachers $ 60,358,512.00

The information provided came from Cox Publishing, March 18th 2010

For more info about the Lakota Levy check out these links as well:

Here, I explain how to remove politics from public need without hurting the public:

A Whip Trick to Save America

And of course our home site.

Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior

198 thoughts on “Pay Rates for top 434 teachers at Lakota Schools

  1. I am against higher taxes. We are overtaxed already. People who work, and have worked for the school district have told me that there is TOO MUCH WASTE! Asking for more money when it seems waste is everywhere is insulting and wrong.

    It seems to me that school teachers are too well paid, when the money comes from property owners who have little to do with their compensation. It is going to cause a backlash, and we shouldn’t let the teaching community suffer the excesses of those who are responsible, but they ALL are.

    Find other solutions to school district problems. Raising taxes is NOT an option. We all know that, if we are honest with ourselves.


  2. It’s Ok To Vote No Lakota Residents. Mike Taylor the Lakota Superintendent, Makes Threats Of A “State Takeover” Of Lakota. I bet the State of Ohio can run Lakota Schools Alot Cheaper and More Efficiently Than The Money Wasters We Have At The Helm Now. For Example, Little Miami Schools Were In A Similar Situation. The Voters got Sick and Tired of their district coming every few years with another Tax Levy. Two years ago the State of Ohio took over the finances of Little Miami Schools and Balanced Their Budget and The School Still Receives The Highest Honors with Distinction!!! Education Will Not Change In Lakota Schools!! We Cannot Afford Another Tax Increase By Lakota Schools, Police, Fire, Senior Services, Library, Etc. We Are Taxed Enough Already. I Encourage All Of You To Send A Loud and Clear Message– N O M O R E T A X E S !! V O T E N O!!


      1. Thanks for the comment, Tina. However, you can’t always think in those terms. The economy as a whole is in trouble, and homes would be hard to sell if schools weren’t in trouble. The value of homes are going down, because there’s not enough people to buy them.


      2. You are absolutely right, Tina. On a street that divided Kings and Little Miami, the houses in the Kings district (right across the street) sold in an average of 3 months, when the houses on the Little Miami side sat empty for years, unable to be sold. And yes, houses are selling in districts that are supporting their schools and not getting negative press from people like Hoffman.


      3. Tina, you are intelligent! This was in an article in the newspaper. A street on the edge of Little Miami and Kings school districts has houses on one side that go to Kings schools and houses on the other side that are in the Little Miami district. The houses on the Little Miami side have sat an average of 3 years without being sold. The houses on the Kings side sold on an average of 3 months. School district makes a lot of difference.


    1. Just FYI, the state is forcing Little Miami to put another levy on the ballet. If it fails, then the state will dissolve the district, blend it with near districts, and make those voters pay the bills. The people who voted no will instantly be required the pay the higher taxes of their new school districts. But that’s okay, no need to confuse you with the facts.


      1. Who are they going to blend it with? Mason? Who’s going to pay for it? I think you guys, George and Georgetta are decent people, but you are stuck in the past and the funding that went with it. You guys need some new bullet points because the old ones are useless.


      2. That’s exactly right, George. So the people who tried to save a penny because of people like Rich Hoffman telling them lies, will actually end up paying more because they will be moved to the higher taxed districts.


    2. Okay, actually, the state could not balance the budget and is forcing the district to put another tax levy on the ballot. If that levy fails, then the school district will be dissolved and absorbed into neighboring districts by the state. Then the people who voted no will be instantly charged the taxes of the districts around them, which are higher than what Little Miami pays. So, not an intelligent move. Let’s just hope they don’t ruin the good districts who absorb them.


  3. I agree with the previous 2 posts. I absolutely can not afford another tax increase of any kind. What am I to do, start signing my paycheck over to the local schools and governments? Hell No.
    I am fed up with all you schools and local governments thinking my wallet has no bottom! WE are in a severe recession. Three of my five children have been out of work for more than a year.Two of them were self employed so they don’t qualify for unemployment. The unemployment rate is actually at 21% when you factor all the self employed people that don’t qualify for unemployment into the equation. The government is being hush-hush about this fact! The teachers, principals, administrators, secretaries, police, fire, road crews, mayors, and all government workers should work at a pay freeze just like me. I am voting no on all tax levies!! Thank You–Tracy


    1. Are you hostile over teacher’s pay — or just jealous…all other points aside that seems to be where this all leads to.

      Mark Sennet — what a joke in Lakota — He sell properties based on the great schools and then screws the school — He is mad because he wants to develop more properties (continue to rape West Chester of its green space) and higher taxes will cut into his profits…


      1. uh-oh…Janet mentioned two things that draws the red flag of the elitist…jealous…and green.
        Jealousy has nothing to do with some chump making an inflated wage due to their scare tactics,”Its about the children!”…really?If its about the kids and all this concern for them, why dont these overpaid leaches offer up a paycut to help these unfortunate children on the brink of suffering?The green remark gets me because much of the greener’s drive electric cars powered by coal,…now thats good for the worlds enviroment,huh Janet?


      2. Um, hello, green space means a plot of developed land. It’s not a liberal term, it’s a word in the English language. What about a name like “Super Old Fart”?


    2. So you want everyone to be unemployed to make you feel better? I paid a lot of money for my degree and worked very hard to obtain the degree and the job. By the way, the list above is titled “Pay Rates for Top 434 Teachers”, yet it doesn’t get to an actual teacher until #16. And this is factoring in things such as coaching stipends.


    3. I am right there with you Tracy. How can they expect those who are suffering the most to pay more!! You cannot squeeze blood out of a turnip. As a working nurse who has only once made $56K (even with on-call and overtime)and that doesn’t include having the summer off!!! I am even more infuriated to read what the average income is; not to mention the extreme fat at the top! This is all not also mentioning the stellar pension/retirement that government AND teachers receive that the rest of us can only dream about. It’s great to see teachers making a good living, but NOT when our children’s education is suffering AND they are making more than the average working person AND more than we can afford to pay. My son is slightly disabled: prior to the levy failing twice, they were already not doing what they were suppose to with him-why would I pay more for that! Also, passing the levy would only be a band-aid at best. They have already said that it would just mean LESS cuts. It would also not send the state the message that we need help. It could also lead to forclosures on houses—not helping the economy/community/school district. I have seen many houses for sale in our subdivision alone that have sat empty since BEFORE the levy failed twice. I don’t think it passing will miraculously make those houses sell. Just the Super Intendent alone making over $100K—how bout they cut that!! Thank you. Terrie


  4. Just remember they have all summer off. a week for spring break, a week or two for Christmas,3 or 4 days for thanksgiving and the numerous one day holidays,ALL PAID plus they get sick days on top of that…. please, show me another job field where a 4 year degrees are paid that much working 3/4 of the year!!!!!


    1. A 4 year degree – usually implies a beginning teacher — who doesn’t make a large amount of money…but — are you jealous? Didn’t you have a choice of what to major when you went to college?


    2. Craig sorry you don’t work about 3/4’s of the year. I am not a teacher but this is a great “cop out” excuse to try and demean the work and salary a teacher does. I am a professional so I would like to do a simple math problem, 5 days a week x 52 weeks = 260 work days. Now subtract 3 weeks for vacation and 10 days for yearly holidays and you have 235 work days in a year. Advanced math would show this is working only 64% of the year. I make more then the average teacher salary so to me it seems like we are on par with each other.


    3. Please be aware of the fact that as a teacher I am effectively laid off during the summer, Thanksgiving, Spring Break and Christmas. I am not eligible to receive unemployment compensation. The only paid day off a teacher ever gets is a snow day. As far as why we get a paycheck during the summer; we get paid for work we do in May at the end of August, meaning the school district gets to bank that money until they must pay us. Also, in the state of Ohio, teachers are FORCED to continue education and acquire their Master’s Degree in order to maintain their teaching certification.


  5. I have worked in the Social Service industry for 12 years.. NO PSYCHOLOGIST has ever been paid as much as what is detailed above. In fact our forensic psychologist (who determines competency to stand trial, NGRI’s) doesn’t even make in the 70’s and has been in the industry for over 30 years.. By my estimates the psychologists are overpaid to the tune of 35-40%. Additionally many local agencies would gladly accept the contract work and would not encumber benefits as a result. This is an easy savings move. I will be voting no… again mind you.


  6. I’d like to see a listing of salaries for people who live in West Chester. I live in West Chester and I make more than most of the people on this list. I live in an average house in West Chester. So I’m guessing my salary is on par with most of my neighbors.

    So I don’t know what the shock is about the salaries. I do understand that not everyone in West Chester has a high salary. But the majority do. And what do you want the teachers who teach your kids and the future leaders of america to do? Live in a trailer park?

    No one seems to question the starting salary of a 50K (49,937) for our policemen!

    Many of the people who vote no are retired. How would you feel if you didn’t get a cost of living raise or someone said your pay was going to be cut? You already take out more than you put in. My generation is paying for your retirement. Shame on you all!


      1. I am a teacher and you aren’t paying for my retirement either. I know your Tea Party rhetoric, but the fact is, I earn my money and then money is deducted from my own earnings to be invested in my retirement. It isn’t the fault of teachers that you didn’t learn how to manage your money. Maybe your wife should have worked.


      2. Hey Georgetta, nice to hear from you. And I know your organized labor rhetoric. I don’t have time to answer all you other little messages so I picked this one. I manage my money just fine. Enough to know when I’m being ripped off as a tax payer. With your attitude you prove my point. And my wife has better things to do with her time, which is how it’s supposed to be.


      3. Of course your wife has better things to do than earn a living or work with our future generations. You wouldn’t give anything to help a child.


      4. I help more kids than you can imagine. Your view of the world is wrong and belongs under a different form of government. You’re collective ideas are disturbing and should not be taught to children. You are taking your job WAY too serious. Now, society has allowed you to do that, but you are a perfect example of why the system is broken. Thanks for your comments. Keep writing them. This is great material.


    1. No Joe. Shame on YOU!!! Which one is it…REALLY? Can we no longer afford to educate our children for the sake of the teacher’s salaries? Or can we no longer afford the teacher’s salaries for the sake of our children’s education? It sounds like you are choosing to protect the teacher’s salaries. You seem to be more concerned with the adults…the people doing the “educating” more than you are with the children who are actually supposed to be RECEIVING an education!!! ARE WE FUNDING SALARIES OR ARE WE FUNDING E D U C A T I O N ! ! ! ! No one is saying the teachers need to live in a trailer park. But it’s crunch time baby! The children are losing a great deal of their education for the sake of the teacher’s salaries! WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? Every single cut TAKES AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN! And all the while the TEACHER’S TAX-PAYER FUNDED SALARIES ARE BEING PROTECTED! The teachers will continue to get step raises??? Through all of these cuts??? THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! The teachers don’t need you to protect them Joe. They have a big, powerful union to do that FOR you, which is evidenced by the size of Lakota’s compensation & benefits budget! But the children? They DO need your protection! And YOU need to get in touch with what’s going on in this country. EVERYONE is having their pay cut or their benefits cut or their VERY JOBS cut. If you are rolling along status quo, you are one of the lucky few! It’s time you stop defending the teachers salaries and get on board with helping our innocent, defenseless children who are the ones REALLY being hurt by this, but have ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN THE MATTER!!! YOU make the choice. The teachers? Or the children? May your conscience be your guide.


    2. Oh and Joe… I have one last question. Would you rather have the teachers living in a trailer park, or have the future generations of America living in a trailer park? That’s exactly what will happen if YOU continue to put the teacher’s interests ahead of that of our children! Let it be on YOUR conscience, not mine.


      1. Teachers teach children so they DON’T end up working themselves into an early grave and barely making payments on a lot in a trailer park. The good teachers will go elsewhere in order to make a living wage. Rich Hoffman raised children and his wife didn’t work. Apparently he is making too much money. Yet, I hear no one attacking him. Some of us have to have both parents work in order to put food on the table.


      2. Who are you to say I make too much money? What kind of socialist are you? Hey, I have news for you, let the teachers go to the next broke district. Because they don’t have any money either. So keep beating that drum while the parade keeps going down the road.


    3. Please see my above reply regarding what I make as a nurse. I have lived in two parts of Liberty Township, sold a house in West Chester, and have parents in West Chester. None of my neighbors, nor myself or family, even make close to what you and the teachers do. Keep in mind there are a few spots of West Chester that the housing is a lot larger (and newer) than the rest. If you are in one of those areas, you are in a much smaller percentage. And yes, I do feel policemen should start at the $50K–which is still well below these teachers; they put their lives literally on the line. Ask yourself, if the average teacher is making $70K, but the average tax payer is not–then how do we pay. I think for most (myself included), if the money was there, I’d give it! But when I have to choose between paying more in taxes for an already failing system versus paying more for therapies my son on the spectrum needs–there is no competition. Therapies that if I had the insurance of those we are discussing, I would most likely be paying less. Thank you. Terrie


      1. The AVERAGE teacher salary is NOT $70K. That kind of figure just proves you don’t know anything about this issue. In Ohio the average salary is $51343 and the average starting salary is $33671. Your bunch will be the first ones to bitch we your kid is sitting in a class with 65 other kids. And trying to find someone else to blame for a failing school progress report. And Rich’s solution is home school, like every kid in the world has a home with two parents and more over one that has the smarts to school their kids.


      2. The average at Lakota is 62K. My solution is for the teachers at the top end to take a 30% reduction so teachers on the bottom can stay employeed. There should be a cap on salery for teachers somewhere between 70 and 80K. No teacher in a public school is worth six figures. If they want to make that type of money, they should be in administration. There’s plenty of money if people were reasonable.


    1. And who are you, Rich Hoffman, to say that I make too much money? It’s the same thing you are doing, you hypocrite. So no one can say it to you, but you can say it to others. Nice.


      1. Because if you work in the private sector, which it sounds like you do, you work for me. And to educate you, a hyprocrite is someone who says one things and does another. I don’t do that. Learn what words mean before you write them.


  7. I am voting no for everything. The police, the levy, the parks. I wish I could take my yes vote for the MRDD program in past elections (its their parents responsibility). When I get 40% of my paycheck taken away due to taxes I AM DONE! People always want something for free. At least I can afford my home and haven’t taken a second mortgage on it for toys like others who say they are strapped. People/government/schools need to learn self control, isn’t that why greed is one of the seven deadly sins? Nobody else is getting any more of my money. Thank goodness I make more then MR. Taylor!


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  10. Reading the Pulse Journal I read that Stu Eversol,retired Athletic Director many years was listed as”Consultant” to Lakota.I guess Double-Dipping was the best he could come up with to rip-off the Lakota Tax-Payers one more time!


  11. Man, talk about a fantastic post! I?ve stumbled across your blog a few times within the past, but I usually forgot to bookmark it. But not again! Thanks for posting the way you do, I genuinely appreciate seeing someone who actually has a viewpoint and isn?t really just bringing back up crap like nearly all other writers today. Keep it up!


  12. I voted YES, because I can’t continue to pay private school tuition for my 7-year old. Lakota schools are so overcrouded, that most of the kids don’t get enough attention, especcialy if they are doing above average and behave well. Lakota needs more teachers, not less. And if you think $76-100K salary is way too high – look up the average household incomes in West Chester, these figures are just on the median.


  13. Do you know what the bus drivers do when they take away bussing? They sit in that big building and play cards all day. They are still paid and must report to work. So while we are driving our kids to and from school, the system is still paying the bus drivers to play cards.
    Lakota can save a million by turning the bussing over to Peterson. The drivers would lose their school pension so it was turned down. They spent a lot of money on consultants (the same group that Fairfield used) to help them pass the levy. What a waste of our money. Time for a class action lawsuit against Lakota for Extortion.


  14. It seems so easy to bash these people. When this country turns it back on it’s education it’s a short slide back to the days’ when the USA didn’t carry a lot of meaning in this world. It seems to me that if you “Really” cared about this issue you would be fighting it’s real cause, the unfair method of funding at the state level. But no, that’s not what we have here. We have your “Bullwhip” ego, pound my chest, I’m on DA BIG ONE thing. In the middle of all this is our kids, and parents that are working there asses off to keep out of the bread line. They now have to figure out how to get there kids picked up or dropped off and having to jump threw more hoops. The first kid that get’s hurt or killed because there are now going to be multitudes of kids on the streets now. A whole lot of people will be thinking of you and your “March To Justice”. I got a feeling you’ll be the first to bitch about all the traffic in the mornings. I wonder Mr. Hoffman, did you ever walk 2 miles to school and back??


    1. Hey Mike, since you came on here to be a smart ass, I’ll feel free to direct that right back at you. First off, the school doesn’t need to make the cuts. We have the numbers here.

      Do you know how to read a balance sheet? Second, I used to walk a lot more that that for fun, every day. In fact, I still do. Would I make my kids do that. Heck no. I’d have my wife drive them. And yes, I’d make sure my wife wouldn’t have to work so she could care for my children. Call that sexist if your small little mind can only understand that term. I’d call a man that leans on his wife a wimp. Yes that’s old fashioned, and I’m proud of it. And so is my wife. I spent a small fortune taking my kids to school everyday. I didn’t want them riding the bus. Don’t confuse public school for daycare. And as to the funding from the state, I am working on that. Just not in a public way that a simpleton would understand. You see, you’re problem is that you are not being a parent. You are hiring a school system to do that job for you. And listen punk, I didn’t put the kids in the middle of anything. You’re feeble grasp of the situation is pathetic. This is a union strong arm tactic to hide behind our kids, and that makes me mad. And it makes you a putz for turning your back on the real problem. Read the balance sheet. Or the articles below.

      If a kid gets hurt, it’s on the school system, and the union. I’m not throwing money at more foolishness run by people that think like you.


  15. “I’d make sure my wife wouldn’t have to work”, Wow what a heavy weight. Did your wife stay home with the kids?? And do you think kids that ride the bus are Un-American??? Why you wouldn’t let your kids ride the bus when it was something that you pay for is a mystery, more big thinking on your part I’m sure. Do you even believe that children have the right to an education? Spread sheets are like the Holy Books you can twist them around to make them tell you what ever you already believe. Doc compares the average salary of teachers to the average person in West Chester. It should have been between people of equal qualifications, don’t you think. Or doesn’t a higher education and experience count for anything with you? I’m not talking about just teachers, I’m talking in any field.Do you think say electical engineers with masters degree’s should be compared to say a carpenter if they live in the same city??


    1. I pay the taxes because the community voted for them. I chose not to use the service because I don’t trust the service. I can do a better job myself. And its the parents job to give a child an education. Education is not a right. That’s where your thinking is wrong. Education is purely a social idea.

      And yes, my wife stayed home with my kids the entire 18 years. And I’m proud that she did. You can clearly see the behavior difference in kids that didn’t have the same opportunity.


  16. I just watched your You Tube post “Glenn Beck, George Soros, and My Explosive Announcement”. No Cowboy movies since 1992, really, Wyatt Erp, Tombstone, 3:10 to Yuma, Hidalgo,Dead Man, Last of the Mohicans, Legend of the Fall. You mean there were none you liked since 1992. Did Unforgiven come with a coloring book and some underoo’s. What an insult to your family to get on camera and post to the WORLD that what you are thankful for, this holiday season, is Glenn Beck exposing an anti-cowboy movie conspiracy. How people like you get traction is a mystery and why I lowered myself to this level and waisted my time with crap like you. I needed something to do while I helped my wife with the laundry. I guess I’m “Whimp” because didn’t tell my wife to get her bitch as down and do the laundry. Good night and don’t forget your meds.


    1. Yes, you are a Whimp. And I don’t take a single med. Wyatt Erp, before Unforgiven, before Unforgive, Last of the Mohicans, was earlier. Hidalgo and 3:10 aren’t exactly westerns.

      You only lowered yourself because your head is in the clouds. The only place your reality works is in the sky where everything is open in all directions.

      And don’t forget to do the dishes too.


      1. And a coloring book and underoo’s? Don’t even pretend you could hold an intellectual candle to me you silly fool. Again, I don’t normally issue such talk, but you started the insults buddy. Thanks for the laugh. It’s like a fly stuck in a web about to be eat by a spider providing advice to a much higher life form about how not to get stuck in a web. Funny stuff. Nice to know you know what underoos are. Do they still make them?


      2. If 3:10 to Yuma isn’t a western then Unforgiven is a Comedy. And everyone of those movies were made after, it’s just another example of you talking out your a@@.
        Kinda gets away from the point about the Anti-Cowboy Movie Conspiracy don’t you think. I wish more people would watch that one.It would make a good Simpsons Episode.


  17. Anyone that would post to the world crap like “Anti-Cowboy Movie Conspiracy ” isn’t exactly going to make a whole lot of folks believe there intellectual candle burns very bright.


    1. Last of the Mohicans was 92, Tombstone 93 and Wyatt Earp was 94, so you’re right about those. I had forgotten and had to look them up. I liked Earp and Last of the Mohicans. Hildago isn’t a western just because it had horses in it though. And 3:10 was terrible.

      There’s been a few here and there. Someone reminded me of the film Open Range back in 2003, which was a good film that I had forgotten about too. When you put stuff up, it is subject to ridicule, and that’s fine. But my point still gets made even if you want to argue small details.

      And I don’t care what people believe. There will always be some that go my way, there will always be some that go against me. Nobody will always be happy with everything. My point with the wages is that if a school system says they have a crises, then what causes the crises? Do they have control of that crises? The answer is yes on both accounts. So the truth is to make them look at why they have a problem. If people get made, so what. As long as people ask my opinion, I’ll give it. I write stuff on here because I don’t have time to answer everyone on an individual basis. As far as traction, I get it because deep down inside, people believe the same things I do. It may not be socially acceptable. But they believe similar things. Unfortunatley, people only face that in darkend theaters and not in the voting booth, which contributes to the problem.


      1. I don’t think the 70’s is to high for these folks but as much as I hate to agree with you, 90 grand for some of those positions is hard to get my small mind around. Please don’t let anyone know I agreed with you. It’s bad for my reputation. I think you should organize all the parents that have kids in school have them put the 9000+ students X how many dollars to equal what there savings is going to be ,2.4 million or whatever and call the districts bluff on the busing. If you do that, and it works, I get to be on Scott Sloan with you the next time. You have to promise not to rip off my earlobes with your whip.
        I need my earlobes since that’s the only place hair will grow anymore.


    2. You go, Mike! I totally agree with you and am so relieved that there are some intelligent people still left in Lakota. I’m afraid if the housing market picks up, intelligent people like you will flee to school districts that realize our country’s future is tied to our children’s success.


      1. Your children are what you make them. For god’s sake I hope you don’t plan to surrender their lives to a teacher like Georgetta from Vote Lakota. Teachers are great, but they all aren’t worth as much as we’re paying them. You see George, in business there is a thing called the 10-80-10 rule. And Lakota isn’t doing that, and that has led to a budget crises. Check out the last post I just put up and go to the Buckeye Institute site. Check the numbers for yourself.


      2. You actually have no idea what kind of teacher I am. I am a nationally recognized teacher who has touched many lives for the postitive, unlike a land developer like you. If you came and sat in my classroom, you actually might have become educated yourself. My students achieve far beyond any test expectation. My scores are always among the top, but my students learn so much more than what’s on a multiple choice test. But speaking about things you don’t know anything about is your speciality.


  18. I don’t think the 70’s is too high for some of the most senior people with masters either. That’s not a bad idea on the 2.4 million. Have you thought about sending that to Joan?

    I’m trying to get everyone organized, although it’s hard because the division is encouraged. There has to be a pro and con side for the whole shell game to work. If everyone kind of falls in the middle and just asks the basic questions, the shell game doesn’t work. I hope that the school board realizes that the public is going to be educated on the process, before things get too far out of control. There are many, many options that aren’t being used. And way too much politics that are in the way.

    And I wouldn’t hit your earlobes. Don’t sweat it. : )


    1. That would break down to about 10 bucks a week. A bargain if your trying to keep from changing your work times or pay for an after school program. I didn’t know Snyder the band nazi made that kind of $$.
      As far as the center, that’s where I consider myself.
      And all kidding aside, it’s going to be real hard for you to pull in the other side of this issue for some sort of compromise at this point. You are the enemy to a whole lot of people, and this whip cracking, conservative/libertarian persona is the face of you that people see. And it is your total right to be as you are but if you want to reach some middle ground that image will be a hendrance to you. The difference between you and the typical person that was pro levy is that they won’t put the kids in the middle of this. And that’s what we have now. And a whole lot of people consider education is a right, and it’s basically the law of the land.


      1. You’re right about a lot of that. Sadley, we are dealing with extremes on the other side, so I do the bullwhip stuff to help pull those radicles more to the center. It’s an equal reaction to the opposite position. While you won’t find those radicles wearing cowboy hats and running around with bullwhips, they are still creating an extreme image of safety and elitism in order to convince people to sign up for what they’re selling. Pointing out things that people are trying to hide behind will of course make me an enemy to many. But then again there are a ton of people in that silent middle that can’t get enough and see me in a very favorable light. It is out of those people that the middle ground will be found. I won’t be that person. But I can let those people in the middle know that I’m clearing the field for them to do some good work by eliminating the radicles that would otherwise stand in their way. That’s my role.

        There are a lot of good people that are starting to get involved. It gives me hope that this problem can be solved. And that’s what I want, so i can get back to doing other things. Before I got involved in all this, I had a busy life, and I like that life. So I’m not looking to be the leader of a movement. I only take up that role till others feel comfortable to take up the baton and run their lap on this relay race we’re all in.

        You’re not so bad.


  19. I believe down to my soul that every person that walks this earth have are 90% alike, but the politics of division. It’s like a good marriage it takes a little compromise. We all need to work on the 90 and not exploit the 10. Have a Thankful Thanksgiving, my son and I will be working and eating at a soup kitchen in Hamilton.


  20. Man! It’s like you read my mind! You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you can do with some pictures to drive the content home a bit, but other than that, this is great blog post. A good read. I’ll definitely be back.


  21. Certainly agree with just what you said. Your explanation was certainly the simplest to comprehend. I tell you, I usually get annoyed any time folks discuss issues that these people obviously don’t know about. You were able to hellot the nail on the head and spelled out the whole thing with out complication. Perhaps, folks could take a signal. Will likely be back to obtain more. Appreciate it


  22. I dont know what it is about this blog that turns me off so much, but you just dont seem to get me excited. I dont know if its the lack of content or just the way you wrote it. But you really dont seem to understand that your readers may not agree with you. Youre really just too out there for me.


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  29. We moved from westchester in 79, to of all places morrow ohio…Dad must have seen the writing on the wall.For a principle to be making 100grand a year…unthinkable,and for what/ Heck now days a principle cant even paddle a kid…so what ya get’n for all that money?p.s. Pop sold the place in morrow too!


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  31. I believe the Federal Employment data at the top of the article is quite misleading (and unnecessary for the point, that voting for the levy IS stupid, but for many other and much better reasons). The vast majority of Federal employees are in white collar jobs, and most (though not all), have a college degree or some college education. Comparisons to the entire lot of private sector jobs is an apples-to-oranges comparison. The private sector figures includes Wal-mart cashiers, McDonalds or other fast food employees, and other non-skilled labor that frankly doesn’t exist (to any significant degree) in the Federal job structure. There have been a host of pay comparability studies, comparing Federal jobs to equivalent private sector jobs, and all that I’m aware of show Federal workers doing the SAME JOB as private sector workers are indeeed lagging behind the private sector in pay. Everyone want their borders defended, national security, potholes fixed on our streets, drugs removed from those same streets, safe air travel, safe food, water, environment and workplaces, but they don’t want to pay taxes or fund the people charged with the responsibility of providing these services or protections. C’mon! Don’t reach for this low-hanging fruit. It deflects from and dilutes the central message being put forth. That voting for the levy is effectively a vote of surrender to the disengenuous and coercive (near spiteful) tactics of the pro-levy crowd.


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    1. Shannon is just the hatchet boy assigned the job by the Lehman Loser trying to bust the unions.

      oh and by the way, I am a Republican but I won’t defend my party when they try to blame public workers for a budget crisis caused by politicians themselves.


      1. Not all Republican’s are smart. And to answer your question, a salery cap needs to be put in place. 70K should be the limit, teacher, cop, fireman, whatever. From there only a cost of living increase. If you want more money, move into administration. A society cannot pay everyone 80K or more who are “workers.” That’s unrealistic and is a dream of socialism that never works anywhere it’s been applied.


    1. can someone tell me what a teacher with 20years experience, a Masters +50 CH, and a stellar history with a school system should get paid? Seriously people… it 20k, 30k? I hear all this rambling about salaries but I never hear what they actually should get paid? I mean…..teachers are employed by the taxpayers right?

      What about cops. What is it worth to get get shot at, run over, work on Christmas, work allnight, etc. To date in 2011 there has been 30 cops KILLED in the line of duty. The people were just out “working for you taxpayers”.

      Hey warrior… bout you come out in the street, put a uniform on…..and be a REAL warrior. Wouold it be worth 50k to you?


      1. Gladly. If I could bust drug dealers, corrupt people, and other parasites to society I’d do it for less. If a cop has a few years in 50K isn’t so bad. But 70k to 110K is too much. Throwing money at the situation doesn’t stop cops from getting killed. You either want to do the job or not. Risks are part of that job. And if you don’t want to, there is someone willing to do the job standing right behind you. So get off your high horse. It’s an old argument that sounds like a bunch of kids wanting more candy.

        I’d do police work for free if I were allowed, just for the satisfaction of fixing elements in my community.


  43. had to laugh when I stumbled upon this site. What a bunch of union busting fruitcakes we have here huddled in the corner.

    Overmanwarrior’s wisdom?? really??? How bout you run for school board since you obviously believe you can do it better.

    PS…..if you havn’t heard lately, even the republican members in Columbus are not liking Senate Bill 5. Watch and see people. RIGHT will prevail in this situation.


    1. After S.B.5 passes, there will be more ability for the school board to manage their problems. Right now, it’s a one way road. I have a lot of friends on school boards across the state and they are powerless. S.B.5 is needed to make the playing field level again. Then I’d be happy to negotiate with the union leadership. But I won’t be dictated to by them under any circumstances. And that’s how it is now.

      Laugh all you want, but based on your knowledge, we’re not the fruitcakes. And we certainly aren’t huddled in some corner. That’s what you supporters of collective bargaining do, huddle behind some leader to bargain on your behalf. That’s “huddling” in a corner.


  44. Random question: I know you are using WordPress for this blog, but have you tried any other platforms? I am trying to decide whether to use WordPress or BlogEngine and I ask because I like yours.


  45. Just like above. No consideration that the country is in a financial bind. Some of these people feel they are entitled to drain the last drop of blood from the rest of the citizens and feel they are entitled to it. No one is jealous, it is a matter of your misguided self-importance and with like-minded individuals who justify each other who are blind to the fact that you are killing (financially) the people who feed you.


  46. Youre not the average blog writer, man. You definitely have something powerful to add to the web. Your design is so strong that you could almost get away with being a bad writer, but you’re even awesome at expressing what you have to say. Keep up the good work man!


  47. I admit, I have not been on this webpage in a long time… however it was another pleasure to see It is such an essential topic and ignored by so numerous, even professionals. I thank you to help making people more aware of possible issue Excellent stuff as typical.


  48. Rich “Huff-a-lot” should shut his pie-hole, all of the teachers have taken a pay freeze and a cut in benefits not to mention there was a retirement hike after the last levy. 3 from my school alone are on your stupid list and none of them have been replaced, some teachers have been layed off. There are band teachers being school counselors in their free periods. we’ve cut spending more than you cut the cheese. We’ll be running this country in 20 years and you want us to be under educated? You’re a sick person. Speaking without knowing the truth is the same as lieing and the simpletons who believe you should be ashamed as well. Think about the students before the teachers because they earn their pay. Just think from the other side of things before writing another one of these stupid articles.
    A Pissed- Off Lakota Kid


    1. Sorry, but I don’t know a person by the name you indicated, but if I run into this Huff-a-lot character, I’ll let him know. As far was seeing things from the other side, that is exactly what those in the school system need to do, and if you think they have already done so, then you have not been getting a successful education.

      If you think those school employees are doing a lot now, what is that compared too? Compared to years past, compared to other schools, what is the foundation of your argument besides repeating what you’ve been told…….by them?

      I really don’t care if you’re angry. You’re a student to a system we are paying employees to care for you. If they are doing a lot of complaining about the work load, then they aren’t being very productive. And you’ll learn all about what I’m talking about in just a few short years.

      As far as quality, I think we have some really good teachers, I think we have a lot of average teachers, and I know there is some garbage out there that needs to go. Since you’re on the inside, how many instances of the below article do you personally know about?

      I don’t want to pay for employees who behave that way. If we get rid of them, it might free up the budget for some of the really good ones.


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  50. I was curious if you ever considered changing the structure of your
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    awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures. Maybe you could space it
    out better?


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