What Happened to Feminism: Now its transexual issues that show the real goals were the destruction of the American family

Wait, what happened to feminism, you know, all that crap about “bringing home the bacon, frying it up in a pan, and never forgetting about the romance of your man” that suckered millions and millions of gullible women into following some political disorder to their dooms? Because those same people who pushed feminism are the same losers who are now telling us that we can’t even designate what a woman is, that a man can compete in women’s sports, that we are bigots if we don’t want to date some dude dressed up in a skirt and lipstick, and that we have to change laws to accommodate such insanity such as the difference between a boys and girls bathroom. Did you see what they did there? And I have been warning about it for more than three decades. The feminist movement, as it was introduced at the end of the Gilded Age, ahead of the 1900s, was always a sucker ploy to destroy the concept of the American family; it was never about “women’s rights.” It was a wholesale attack on the creation of the family, taking moms out of the house, putting them in the workplace to serve corporate needs for labor, and ultimately destroying the family’s role in political society. It was a scam, and most people fell for it; now we see the aftermath. The insanity that is going on now, especially regarding the transexual movement, that was introduced to millions more misguided youth with the Rocky Horror Picture Show that was ritualistically shown on most college campuses where liberal professors were reprogramming the youth toward liberalism and introducing them to bizarre acts of sex at an impressionable young age, aimed at destroying their minds before they ever created a family.   Come on, admit it, the whole topic of feminism was a sucker job, and most everyone you know fell for it, and now they are trying to pick up the pieces of their lives, wondering what to do. 

And it wasn’t that long ago either, just a few years, even lasting until the end of the first Trump presidency. Women’s issues were what drove politics. Did they get equal pay to the men, and were they equally represented in government bodies? Remember Hillary and her “glass ceiling,” and as a liberal, I believe she believed it. And like some buffalo being pushed over a cliff in a stampede by hard-driving Indians looking for an easy slaughter of the herd, women followed the buffalo in front of them right over a cliff to their destruction, believing that the values given to them politically, through corporate culture, were the right ones, and not some malicious cult-driven attack on the very foundations of human life instigated by sheer demons from Hell itself. It was never about glass ceilings and fairness. It was about destruction and using the mask of fairness to separate family support from each other and to get at the children while the parents were too busy divorcing and having affairs. The promise that the public schools would take care of their children while the adults pinballed through life aimlessly pursuing corporate objectives and political destruction, all so that Aunt May wouldn’t call women names at Christmas dinner for not freeing themselves from the clutches of those evil men whom they shared a bed with. And now, to watch those same mindless activists for feminism defend transsexual issues is comedic if it wasn’t so serious and insane. Yet there it is, and within a few short years of Trump leaving office, the dial of social change has been turned up by those who always have their hands on such things, the billionaires who are members of the World Economic Forum who are always tampering with the human race through cultural collections, such as politics, entertainment, and the legal world flowing out of the Bar Association, once the criteria for insanity was set, people followed because they blindly trusted such “experts” without validating where those ideas came from. They just followed to their own destruction.

For over three decades, my wife and I have heard every kind of ridicule a person could listen to on this feminist issue. I’ve always thought it was stupid, and I told people that. I married young on purpose to a woman who wanted a traditional marriage and lifestyle. And we’ve been married for over 30 years and could write many books on how to have a happy marriage. But the short story on the matter is not to listen to political liberals, especially feminists. The whole game was meant to destroy the family, and my wife and I could tell stories about this topic for years without pausing the dialogue. We experienced the worst that humans can do to each other just over our decision to marry, stay married, and to have traditional roles in our marriage. She takes care of the domestic front; I take care of the stuff beyond the driveway. I don’t cook, ever, anything. I don’t even microwave my own popcorn. She does, and she brings it to my reading chair to me politely and is dedicated to preserving her husband in a very Biblical manner. And I take care of the world and all its vast evils, and I hand her all the various fruits of those efforts direction to distribute toward the family needs. The purpose of our marriage, which people still marvel at coming from the 80s as we did, was to fight this corrosive political order of liberalism meant to destroy the family. We had a front-row seat to that destruction, and family members were trying to push us into that life, which we both wanted no part of. So we got married, started our own thing, and have fought through it ever since. And we’re glad we did, and we love where we are now because of it. Liberalism was a lie; feminism was a scam. After years of arguing that fact with people, we are enjoying seeing everyone react to this transexual movement out of desperation now because the absurdities that were always there are now raw and out in the open and a lot of people have egg on their face.

I think it was because of Trump that all this is happening so fast now. I went with friends to a Rocky Horror Picture Show at Miami University to see what all the fuss was about in the 80s, the midnight show where everyone threw their garbage all over the theater. I knew then that I was seeing an occult evil that had manifested in a political movement by a few strange progressives who influenced politics and entertainment through the mechanisms of finance. There was a plan back then, more than three decades ago. That plan was meant to take a century or so to implement, to change the behavior of the human race into something else, something certainly pagan, anti-God, anti-family, and ultimately to fulfill the goals of climate change activists today, to depopulate the earth to save it from those pesky humans. And if men and women were too busy earning money for the corporate culture they controlled through policy and regulations, and the children were vulnerable to the babysitting service of public education, they might just be able to stop the progress of human beings and save the earth from its growth. But when we elected Trump, we scared them, so they have accelerated their plans which has revealed their absurdities now at a pace much faster than people are willing to put up with, and we see the train wreck that is our modern society. It was never about equality for women; it was to remove them as the strong family center so that families could be eradicated. That was all feminism ever was politically. And the proof is in how quickly they abandoned it in favor of transsexual issues and moved quickly to cram it down our throats as they did feminism, for all the same destructive reasons. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

No, It’s Not Time to Move On from Trump: Nobody has unified American politics more, and that’s why “they” hate him so much

To make something very clear, I have heard from numerous Republicans on the matter, many of whom I respect a lot, that it is time to move on from Trump and start getting behind someone like DeSantis for 2024. They reason that Trump is in the news every day and that he is a distraction from the politics at hand. If we moved away from Trump, we could move away from all the negative news coverage but still get a good executive in the White House who gets it. After all, sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard was a good, bold move to protest the open border policies of the Chinese-bought Biden administration. It was a very Trump-like thing to do. Yet, DeSantis doesn’t come with all the negative daily news splashes, especially with the DOJ pressing down to abuse their authority and indict Trump on fake charges of anything just to keep him from running again in 2024. All this is a distraction dividing the country in painful ways, and many Republicans just want it all to stop. They hope that if they sacrifice Trump to the media gods that perhaps they will then leave DeSantis alone, or whoever fills in that massive political void of the “Trump” character, and we can all live happily ever after again. I’ll remind people that I warned about how things would be going into the Midterms. The Democrats have lied, cheated, and stolen power because they desire to abuse that power for power’s sake, and they won’t give it up easily. They have created an FBI in the intelligence community, a vital arm of the Liberal World Order, and they are playing for blood. And their constant attacks on Trump are to protect their long-established plans for destroying American sovereignty and to redistribute everything into the United Nations-controlled New World Order. If you think you have seen bad now, wait until the oil from the strategic oil reserves is gone. They are being depleted as we speak, and the lower gas prices are meant to borrow time until after the Midterms to trick voters into voting for some Democrats. 

And what they fear most is the kind of influence that Trump recently had over the Pennsylvania rally, then the Ohio event to pump up J.D. Vance. I have watched a lot of Trump rallies, and his event in Pennsylvania was undoubtedly one of his best. Very few people in the world could do what Trump has done, to become independently wealthy with a family business, not connected to all kinds of shady characters around the world. Or a personality who has dominated the media in the way Trump has over the years, writing so many best-selling books, creating top-rated television shows, and having a social persona that is so magnetic that people will show up to hear him speak without a rock band to accompany him. People show up at these rallies to repeatedly listen to the same speech, and they wait many hours beforehand just to see him. No other political figures can do that anywhere in the world. And here we have this magnificent person at the height of his powers who wants to apply them to the Republican Party. I’m all for that and happy to have Trump on the team. But then, what Trump has now mastered late in life is the art of public speaking, the ability to stand in front of a crowd for two hours and talk, talk, talk in such entertaining ways that people never want it to end. The people who are after Trump are terrified of these relationships that Trump has with the public. They know the truth about the 2020 election. They know what they did to conceal the steal sponsored by the American intelligence agencies to remove an elected president from power. Their actions tell us everything we need to know about who was guilty of the biggest crime in human history. Instead of physically killing Trump, as they might have done with Kennedy or some other obstinate political figure, they are attempting to create a police state like they have in different places and sell it to the public by destroying Trump with it. They hope that it will stick with our culture in the aftermath. 

What Trump has done that is the most valuable attribute is that he has truly unified the country in ways nobody realized beforehand that it could be. Trump was a former Democrat, as were Dr. Oz, Keri Lake, and several other characters who the MAGA movement has now inspired. Suppose you look at all the kinds of people who are getting elected into MAGA roles. In that case, whether it be for a senate seat, a congressional seat, or a governor, there are more women, more people of color, and more people from other nationalities who are becoming part of the MAGA movement that no longer are the stuffy white guy executive who doesn’t hire women attributable to the Republican Party. Trump has created the most diverse party to ever represent people politically in world history. That is precisely why the established order hates him so much and dedicates so much of its time trying to destroy him. Their only defense is to make so much noise about Trump that perhaps people might abandon him just for the possibility of peace. That is the nature of war, to wear out your opponent and to secure a victory. And for many Republicans, the constant barrage from the media and the intelligence community has made them want to surrender to those forces. 

But Trump isn’t done politically yet. There is a lot more that needs to be done, but we clearly are not the same world as we were in 2015 when Trump and his wife came down the escalator in Trump Tower for their big announcement speech. All these elements were there, but we didn’t talk about them. We thought everything politically was on the up and up; we didn’t know how radical the FBI was in favor of Democrats, and we didn’t realize just how complicit the media was with the Liberal World Order. And we might have suspected election fraud at times. Still, we had no clue that so many forces had their hands in our cookie jar and were openly conspiring to put one political party in power in America for their own benefit and how much they wanted to destroy the other. They were the creators of the “uniparty,” a mixture of Republicans and Democrats who get very rich while in office as a kind of payoff to create legislation that harms America and redistributes our wealth to other countries in the name of globalism. Politicians like Mitch McConnell, for example. But Trump even made “China Mitch” a good guy by holding firm to get a good Supreme Court. When it comes to Trump, there are many great things to consider. But most of all is, the reason they attack him so viciously, and that is because they have nothing else. Through their hatred, we have learned much about our election system’s political forces. And it might be ugly, but it always was.   Yet now we can identify it; we have seen it attempt to defend itself. And the failures of the Liberal World Order are currently on the ballot in ways they never intended, and it’s because of Trump and the pressure he brings that has revealed it so spectacularly, perhaps for the first time ever.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

The Desecrators of Davos Plan to Rob America and Destroy Us All: The five vectors they used to attack us all right under our noses

I keep hearing about how terrifying the World Government Forum in Dubai was. This year, people noticed the yearly event. This time, the Desecrators of Davos types, the Klaus Schwab lunatics of central bankers, and global climate terrorists seemed more confident in their attack vectors into American life. After all, they had managed to get rid of Trump with election fraud; with the help of the American intelligence agencies attracted to their power grabs, they had the dumb old fool, the compromised Joe Biden, in the White House. They had dirt on his son, so what was Joe going to do to the Desecrators of Davos? They were confident that their decades of plans for global domination would come true, and Americans noticed this, which sparked concern. But this isn’t new; they have been holding these “take over the world” conferences every year; Barack Obama used to suck up to them. And you better believe that they plan to take over the world. They have another meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho, and when they meet, they aren’t making pancakes and trying out new maple syrups. Their goal is the destruction of all national sovereignty as we know it, including Russia and China, and to have a Great Reset to a world, they control through centralized banking. And they are playing for keeps. I enjoyed their meeting this year in 2022 and the American reaction to it. I have been waiting a long time for people to wake up to these losers, and perhaps, finally, they are ready to do something about it. 

But how did we get here? Well, we’ve talked about the various attacks in a variety of ways, but until recently, we didn’t have a lot of proof. We had lots of speculation based on experience, but we couldn’t prove it. Only recently have we learned the details and followed the paper trail of everything back to the Desecrators of Davos. Essentially, there were five attack vectors that they purposely engaged in to undo America, attack our sovereignty, break our laws, assault our freedoms, plot our country’s demise, and steal all our wealth built from capitalism right out from under our noses. And they started with Bill Gates and his more than two decades of planning to put vaccines in every person on earth’s bodies. Gates helped start the Great Reset when he essentially funded Covid-19, everything we knew about it with phony studies, phony death projections, and the funding of the actual bioweapon that Dr. Fauci connected his money to Defense Department action. Dr. Fauci, for his part, was the dot connector, applying Gates’s money to all the aspects of government that were developing through gain of function various bioweapons produced in other countries like China with less regulation so that they could be used for some strategic option. Fauci and Gates had their dream scenario when the Desecrators of Davos decided 2020 was their time to unleash their plot. The populist uprising in the world had to be put down, so off they went. Fauci did with the Trump administration as he had with several previous presidents going back to Ronald Reagan; he controlled the narrative by scaring the bejesus out of the government, then used their fear to control Gates-funded policy into place. Without Bill Gates, there would never have been anything going on with Covid-19 or the disastrous two years that followed, including the theft of a presidential election to install their puppet, Joe Biden.

We all know the work of George Soros as he continued to fund the destruction of America through extremely progressive district attorneys, open border policies, and the color revolutions of ANTIFA. Notice how after Biden became president, they all went away? Soros’s money fueled all the protests and other members of the Desecrators of Davos group. Soros gets the credit, but there is a lot behind the scenes. Then, of course, there was the work of Larry Fink, who we can see his actions on all the coal plant closures in Ohio and other states, and in the current turmoil at Disney. Now that the public has discovered what kind of people Disney has been hiring as executives over the years, they can see the impact that Larry Fink and his ESG scores have had on business, all business. Fink runs BlackRock, one of the world’s largest money management asset firms. And they got that way from an incestuous relationship with the Federal Reserve, which printed fake money for Wall Street. Larry then would sell those assets to investors and then used that money to take control of all these corporate boards to install woke policies. The exact concern that President Jackson and President Thomas Jefferson had about a Federal Reserve came true in a nightmare scenario that has come unraveled in 2021. The asset bubble created by the Fed and exploited by Fink has essentially destroyed the American economy by attacking the most fundamental of our values, our corporate culture, and the essence of our economy. The Desecrators of Davos don’t care if Disney goes out of business. They are thrilled if it tears down family value and billions of dollars of revenue.

Then, of course, there is the work of Mark Zuckerberg, the propped-up Facebook kid who has always had an unholy alliance with DARPA, the shadowy government group that created the Internet. As it is now being proven in a couple of documentary films that are coming out fast, one from David Bossie called Rigged 2020 and another from Dinesh D’Souza called 2000 Mules show how Zuckerberg’s $400,000,000 investment stole the election for Joe Biden with abundant proof carefully chronicled to withstand any scrutiny. Of course, the American intelligence community helped the Tech titans run cover for the operation, but the evidence is overwhelming. The FBI and CIA have shown their clear intentions of getting rid of Trump, and if it meant working for their new bosses, the Desecrators of Davos, they were okay with it. Under the New World Order, they would get more control over the human population, which was attractive to them. So they helped Zuckerberg with the overthrow. But it was the money of the Desecrators who funded all the activity. What do billionaires care about throwing away hundreds of millions of dollars if it gives them their long-planned utopia?

Yet remember, these losers are just another modern version of a bank robber. What they want is what America has. They want to loot and rob it; they want to steal our wealth and gain power in the world by redistributing that wealth around the world. But we still have the metaphorical gun. None of those people in Dubai had control of the global market conditions and the productivity of American life. They clearly intended to rob us, but it still is up to us whether we let them. We have all the power to stop them, mainly if we stick to our constitution and gain control of our election laws. And also cut their control over our money supply. The value in seeing all this is that we can now act on what we know. These are not conspiracy theories; these are now facts. They have been caught doing everything mentioned here, which has been published not on some tin-hatted conspiracy theory websites but in America’s publishing industry with New York Times bestsellers that have stood up to the scrutiny of the accusations. The information is well known now; it’s just not all been put into such a collection of the independent vectors, all of which trace straight to the door of Klaus Schwab and his New World Order confederates, who are planning to rob America and everyone in it. We have seen all this before. It’s not too late, and we must fight them back. They started the fight, and now we must finish it. And by the reaction people had to this year’s Dubai meeting, I think people are finally ready to do so. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Understanding Natural Law: There is no place for communism, socialism or Marxism in the world

Not to make things overly simplified but what it all comes down to, it is about natural law and understanding it which makes up the divisions about everything in any culture.  If it is said today socially that we are a “divided nation” it is because the people of that society have different understandings of natural law.  The means for which people measure political affiliation is purposely disjointed, America has endured over 100 years of attack by foreign powers, by countries, banks, political idealists seeking desperately to hold on to their passive aggressive monarchies, their dictatorships, their centrally managed societies which give a few power at the top subjugating people under them in every way possible, just as the idea has recently been introduced to America through Covid-19.  We don’t have a political spectrum in America where the radical left are Antifa and the radical right are racist fascists like the Nazis.  Looked at that way everyone between that spectrum is a radical leftist, and to this day a vast majority of people have been deceived from birth into believing such a thing.  Yet, as I have said time and time again, the more people learn about life and about themselves, the more to the political right their personal ideologies move which was certainly the case in the United States during the formation of the country.  Because back then it was generally agreed upon what natural law was and the roots of it could be found in the pages of the Bible of Christian text.  But the aim of socialists, Marxists, Maoists, communists, progressives, all the same thing essentially by different names was to erase natural law from our institutions and our lives and replace it with the laws of whimsical men and women until a takeover of our great nation was fulfilled.  They didn’t think it would happen fast, but now that more than a century has transpired, the footprints of their movement are obvious to our eyes today, after the first four years of the Trump presidency. 

In the video above I gave what I think is a pretty good modern interpretation of what natural law is, for those who have lost touch to it.  People who are very religious, as the Trump legal team obviously is, have a trust in natural law that is naturally conducive to their studies of the Bible.  Its easy for them because they have already put their trust in the faith that it takes to be a religious subject.  Very religious people have already taken the step to accept the Bible’s definition for natural law by just accepting that things are what they are and that’s all there is to it.  However, and this is largely how the Marxist infiltration started in American colleges starting with 100 people in the 1905 group the ISS, (intercollegiate socialist society) which slow brewed socialism in various institutions over a long period of time.  For those who claim to be “smart people” or intellectual leaders of some kind, blind trust in faithful religions just wasn’t acceptable so they rejected the natural law of our Christian society and started leaning toward the laws of man for their political ideology.  And we’ve seen the result as frogs slowly being cooked after all these years toward socialism and communism with the temperature slowly being turned up at our education institutions since that 1905 date.  What I share with them is that I don’t just blindly follow anything.  My life is not ruled by faith, but by reason and logic.  However, the easy way for looking at something is to either reject a premise like natural law because it requires faith to believe it, or scholastic evidence to reject it, as our colleges and public schools have done, especially under the guidance from communist inspired labor unions.  My argument however would be that everyone is wrong and that they should have pushed themselves for the answers intellectually, because the true answer to natural law requires a bigger view of existence than what has been known two thousand years in the past. 

I would state emphatically that natural law is present in the positioning of Jupiter in our solar system, which has allowed earth to happen with life on it as the big planet has acted as a vacuum cleaner in space to suck away gravitationally all the asteroids that might have destroyed the earth over the last 30,000 years of human development.  Asteroids do get through and strike the earth, but at a much less rate than if Jupiter wasn’t where it was in our solar system.  Perhaps Jupiter has given the human race just enough time to evolve into a thinking species that could escape earth and flee to space for its continued survival before the next asteroid does get by Jupiter and strikes the earth.  We could also look at our own immune systems and say that the plight of our white blood cells is to fight off invaders in the form of disease.  Or on a more grand scale, perhaps that is the point of our entire universe, to act within a body of many universes according to the many thoughts of multiverse quantum understanding in advanced physics where there are more than 10 dimensions that are interacting with us all the time.  The “creator” may well be the body we all fight to keep alive just as our own bodies have many such cells keeping us alive, and within them, perhaps an infinite parade of fighters and seekers of justice to do their part to make our body good and whole.  Natural law may very well postulate that the purpose of our very existence all across our known universe is to keep that cell healthy and doing the good work of justice within the very body of God, for which he, she, or it is just one massive body of billions all fighting it out on a cosmic plane inconceivable to our point of view, but that natural law agrees on any scale is the right thing to do.  Therefore, the United States was formed to make our universe healthy and whole for the purpose of justice in a multiverse of teaming life. 

And from that perspective, the morality for the Constitution of the United States could and should be accepted even by those who struggle with faith in what they can’t see understanding that such laws permeate everything that existence is built upon.  And for that reason, we should fight for it.  The thoughts of Marxism that have corrupted our minds for so many years are those very viruses we are meant to fight to do our part to keep life happy and thriving even if its just here on earth in our countries and homes, or whether we are on the other side of the universe millions of years from now, which to the universe might only be a second of cosmic time, the rules still apply and the work we do today is just as relevant as the world of tomorrow.  And knowing all that, we cannot afford to be a divided species, nor can we be accepting of other ideas as if the world were big enough for all thoughts and feelings co-existing.  A virus wants to kill the body and that is what communism, socialism, and Marxism have wanted from the beginning and there is no co-habitation with them.  The only law that matters in the world, or in the universe is natural law, our idea of God simplified for our very minds through the invention of the Bible so many years ago.  But we know more now than we did then, and natural law is just as relevant as it was for the traditional Bible thumpers.  It wasn’t that faith was the prerequisite for understanding the magic of America’s constitution, or Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, but it was in the scale for which these things were measured.  And when that scale has matured, the key to life and happiness is always within the beauty of natural law.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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The Terrorist Gretchen Whitmer: And her FBI conspirators against Trump

Wait a minute, we are supposed to accept that 13 terrorists were plotting to kidnap and possibly kill the tyrant Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer based on the investigation of the same FBI who worked with the Hillary Clinton campaign to cover for her destroyed emails and the Russian Hoax to disguise that scandal in a hope to overturn the 2016 election of Donald Trump?  (6 arrested on federal charges, another 7 on state charges)  In a week where Democrats have looked pretty terrible due to the president overcoming the Covid-19 virus and being restored to the public without quarantine just a week after getting the diagnosis, and a week after the Michigan Supreme Court ruled against Whitmer’s emergency order mandates in reaction to the virus, which has destroyed many millions of lives, we are supposed to believe her?  The timing of the accusation against a militia group that was talking on social media of taking action against the Michigan Governor because they saw no other recourse, this being months before the Supreme Court finally got around to a ruling justified their arrest for calling her names, scouting out her property, and buying a taser justified a full press conference that went national essentially to attempt to blame their actions on President Trump because nothing else had been working in the months leading up to the 2020 election.  There was some kind of assumption that wanting to retake control of the government out of control in Michigan was bad, and even a terrorist act.

Well, where were all these arrests as Democrats and big donors were plotting to overwhelm our cities with rioters, where Antifa groups (which these guys arrested sounded like they were) and Black Lives Matters activists were literally beating and killing people in our streets all summer and terrorizing people in the suburbs with threats of violence?  Those events were organized on social media, where was the FBI on those cases to bust up the rings of terrorism?  Where are the arrests of those government organizers who are actively seeking to destroy the American Constitution?  If the FBI is paying attention to 13 supposed “right winged” conspirators, what about all the left-winged attackers?  We all know the answer.  Gretchen Whitmer lost a supreme court case, she has hell coming her way due to her massive abuses of power, and she is hoping that the Democrat Party will give her a future for being a good “radical” against the Trump administration in an important time in the election, and she is using this story at the expense of the 13 people supposedly involved in the plot to give her a cover story to deflect her own crimes from the public eye.

Let’s think about how serious this is for a moment, this arrest of some people who were calling Gretchen Whitmer names over computer networks and how the FBI was able to use that information to make arrests.  So far it appears that all these people did was talk about bringing harm to Whitmer, which I have heard just about everyone say lately, from Wal-Mart to our neighborhood McDonald’s.  When a governor like Whitmer abuses her authority as grossly as she did and it destroys jobs and people’s lives the way it has, what are people supposed to do if they can’t call on the law to save them from the tyranny?  These people were looking at their constitutional options as a means to fix it, which is perfectly understandable.  Until that Supreme Court judgment last week, these 13 people had a good case for recourse.    But what’s troubling about this issue is that they were arrested just for “thinking about it” which is a very real kind of Minority Report type of government passing judgment against others to protect itself from their own mistakes.  To set the premise that people can be arrested for free speech because the contents are deemed dangerous by those who are in an authority position.  That is very bad, and scary stuff—no wonder those guys were thinking what they were thinking.  Sounds justified to me.  If the law only serves those in power, then what are people supposed to do to defend themselves?

Gretchen Whitmer and many others in government forget that she is an employee of the people who voted for her, she is not an empress.  The government is there to serve the people, not to subject the people to the rules of a tyrant.  If an elected official begins to show the signs of a tyrant, it is not enough to say wait until the next election and vote them out.  We did vote for President Trump and look how this system has treated him.  They have tried to erase our decisions as a free people and show us that we are under their control, and they have used this Covid-19 virus as a means to abuse emergency powers to gain more authority.  That is the real issue, and for these people arrested by the FBI, they were seeing the writing on the wall and they were doing what they thought they had to do in order to protect a country they love.  That’s not racist or “Right Winged.”  It is the attack of left-winged progressives that are trying to push the political spectrum so far to the communist left, then redefining the political parameters that is the issue.  It is the change state that the political left has implemented that has caused the tension.  Then trying to use that change state to paint Bill of Rights supporters or Constitutional purists as crazy radical terrorists.  No, the terrorists are the change agents who call themselves radicals who are abusing the law and causing all the trouble, including with this particular case involving Whitmer.

For me, the FBI lost its moral authority during the Trump cases, so I don’t believe anything they are doing now.  Picking on these 13 people who talked about kidnapping Whitmer in order to save their idea of the Constitution is pretty reprehensible when you consider that there are far worse conversations going on out there, especially on the political left, and the ballot harvesting plans.  For the FBI to pick on this one case to give Whitmer something else to talk about other than her massive Supreme Court loss shows a federal division that is still willing to help Democrats win elections against the people’s choice of Donald Trump.  The timing of the story couldn’t be worse—it shows the guilt of a complicit FBI to pick and choose their cases based on political merit, not in the blind pursuit of justice, which is why those people in that so-called militia group felt they had no other recourse but violence.  Yet they hadn’t acted toward that violence and the FBI arrested them anyway, a week after the Supreme Court case.  I’d be willing to bet the results of that case would have quelled the plans of the militia so why arrest them now?  Well, because the FBI wanted to help a sister out in Whitmer, and they wanted to help shape the results of the election as the Governor tried to use the arrests as an attack on Trump now that he was triumphantly beating on his chest for surviving Covid-19—the very virus she had been using to grab for so much power.  With Trump getting over the virus, and people realizing that most of what the news has told us about the coronavirus of 2020 was complete bullshit, Whitmer had to get control of the dialogue, so for that 13 people were arrested and accused of crimes against the state.  But as it is obvious, it is the state that committed all the crimes. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Government Can’t Make You Wear A Mask: Seeking to cover up a massive crime including many murders

I’ve explained the nonsense about wearing a mask in public many times during the Covid-19 “plandemic” but something people need to understand is that you do have a right and obligation to fight back at government if they issue you a ticket or a citation for not wearing one as many mayors and governors have begun to mandate, especially in places like downtown Cincinnati. Now for the life of me, I can’t imagine why anybody would want to go to downtown Cincinnati with all the Black Lives Matter protests, many of the nicer restaurant shut down, no sports going on, the museums micromanaged to the point where social distancing mandates ruin the experience. But some likely have to interact with government services and to do that the mask mandate is something they will have to be concerned about and for those occurrences it is important to remember that the government has no right whatsoever to demand that people wear those stupid masks. Government doesn’t own public space; they don’t dictate what goes on outside. They can give a recommendation, and that’s it. Any government that says they can fine you or punish you for not complying with their mask mandates is lying to you and they deserve to be punished.

The mask mandate for employees is a bit of a different story, unfortunately state government has its fingers in commerce to an unreasonable level and they can mandate the wearing of a mask if you want to make money in the normal way. Government unreasonably controls the means of production in every state jurisdiction so challenging the mask mandates is a bit trickier. But legally, it is quite clear, government cannot compel people to wear masks in public under any conditions on fake emergency powers and a façade of concern over people’s safety. There is one reason and only one reason that government wants to mandate the wearing a masks in public and that is to cover up their criminal behavior in what they did to our lives and our economy in their neurotic reaction to Covid-19.

By forcing you to wear a mask, government is forcing you to accept that Covid-19 is dangerous, and so long as people believe that, government can justify all the trillions of dollars of damage they have caused by letting a stupid virus get out of control in the public. Wearing a mask in public is an admission that lets the government off in the many thousands of court cases where they will be sued from now until eternity for the many constitutional violations they have imposed on free people and so long as people are wearing masks in public, it is a cover story for the actions of government.

The threat of a fine, or to suffer some punishment from government for not giving them a cover story for how they mismanaged Covid-19 is not only insane, but it is against all laws in every conceivable way. If government went out and committed murder, which in many ways they have, the murderer cannot go out and put guns of a similar caliber in the hands of the public to make it hard to prove who killed who. That is what the mandate for masks is a way to throw off any blame that might come down on government for mismanaging the coronavirus crises. We can talk about well-intentioned emergency powers trying to protect the public from a safety crises, the interpretation of what elected officials should do under ill-defined health concerns—but when government causes the death of people through micromanaging them, and it ruins the lives of millions of people, then someone has to pay. And they don’t get to hide behind perpetual emergency powers to keep people on their heels and out of the lawyer’s office with more lawsuits. The whole point of the masks is not to protect other people from you, or to mitigate any kind of impact from Covid-19, it is to cover up a crime.

The slowing the spread strategy that government has enacted toward the coronavirus started off as a well-intentioned exercise. It was kind of like a child using a gun and shooting someone who steps into their house late at night while the kid is terrified of whomever is trying to get through their front door. Once inside and after shots are fired the kid realizes that they had just shot and killed their drunk father who had lost his keys at the house of a mistress and was impatient to get inside so he could crash into his bed and sleep off his drunkenness. Everyone was guilty of something in that case but they all could explain their actions away with some “good intention.” Yet murder was the result. That is much the way government had screwed the pooch on Covid-19. For all the malicious intentions that Covid-19 entered our lives, government was like the kid who just shot at it not knowing all the details, and what we ended up with was a dead economy, a political situation that favored the Democrats desperate for some way to win something in the upcoming fall elections. And once they realized their crime, they sought to cover it up with more safety mandates that would keep people from discovering just how stupid they reacted over the coronavirus from the beginning.

Sure, hindsight is 20/20 and there are lots of government officials who regret their panic and would likely do it over again differently. But that doesn’t change the fact that the media drove the story for political reasons and many of them were caught as suckers. Yet it doesn’t mean they get to fine us and punish us for not following their cover story—that the virus was dangerous and what they are doing in reaction to it was for the good of the public. No, what they did was only good for them and they are seeking to make the public play along with their defense. After all, who would bring forth a lawsuit against government while there are mask mandates for the population in general? It sort of drives home to any judge that the government at least believes that what it is doing has the best interest for the public in mind. If that were to come into question, then what judge could say otherwise about any of their judgments?

The wearing of the masks creates something of a legal paradox that keeps the government off the hook for a while, and that’s all its about. But know this, they can’t make you wear the damn things. Government can’t even keep the streets safe from anarchists and race baiters, and they think they have a right to issue you a ticket for not wearing a mask? Please………….that is as grotesque an abuse of the law as there is in our legal system. And for what, to cover up their much bigger crimes of tampering with our economy, destroying our jobs, and ruining lives in just about every way that they could—because essentially they were the dumb, ignorant kid who used a gun they knew nothing about to shoot their drunk dad who was out in the night with ill intentions and malice, yet found themselves shot dead trying to get back into the house by their panicky child. Government hopes that by wearing the mask, people won’t see what idiots they were. But day by day, the more rules they come up with, the more they confirm it.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Calling the Bluff of Government on Covid-19: They want you to bend the knee to the virus with a mask

If you haven’t figured it out yet and are still terrified of every little thing that Dr. Fauci says, there are a few things to remember, even though I have been explaining it to you Dear Reader for months. The purpose of the testimony that Fauci and others gave on Capital Hill this week was to panic the public into complying with their interpretation of the virus, Covid-19. And “they” meaning the political forces against President Trump and his supporters felt they had to turn up the heat after Trump’s Oklahoma Rally recently and the follow-up in Arizona to prevent the campaign from resuming the big rallies for which Biden could in no way compete. The Democrats have such a bad candidate that the media—who have proven themselves to be nearly entirely trained Marxists these days—and radicals for their cause, are propping Joe Biden up ridiculously at this point. They know he can never go toe to toe with Trump, so they are trying to change the rules of the game to make it easier to help out Joe Biden. Covid-19 isn’t about saving lives, its about helping Democrats win elections in the fall—and nothing else.

You can know that government is lying to you by their choice in measurements. Dr. Doom Fauci himself tried to jump out of the closet during his testimony to yell, “boo” hoping to rattle America back into closures which some of the red state governors fell for under great pressure. Government doesn’t have a right to close down bars, or anything for that matter. Government should never be in the way of economic commerce. If they aren’t there to help grow it, then they need to get out of the way. Using a virus as an excuse to throttle economic activity, which they hope and pray will still be an issue at the time of the upcoming election, is criminal conduct to drive home the issue and get people to buy in to the massive levels of corruption they need to force Americans to bend the knee to the virus with the mandating of masks to sell the implications to an otherwise innocuous issue. But concern is not what anybody should feel, because essentially what the election is forcing, and Trump’s response to it, is to push the CDC and its Marxist surrogates to go all in, which Fauci did by stating there could be up to 100,000 cases per day. Well, so what if there is? Who cares?

You see, the government has been trying to sell to you that cases are the same as death, even after they are literally sending in the National Guard to help conduct testing so they can get more results of cases, faster. In this way they can use “cases” to justify the trillions of dollars that the dummy government types have wasted on panic, and on political action to alter the course of the election. Additionally, these same dummies are all in on contact tracing, mandated vaccine development, and the scheme to continue the socialization of medicine, enact Agenda 21 strategies from the United Nations, and a whole host of other goals, none of which involve saving lives because lives aren’t unusually in danger due to the virus. The push would be to trace every virus in this same way now that they have started it, to justify getting suckered into it in the first place. So, yes, they are going all in on this Covid-19 issue because they have no choice in the matter now that they have put so much on the line. But they don’t have the cards. Once people realize that death and cases are not connected, the scare literally loses its meaning and this whole argument will abate embarrassingly into nothing.

Anybody who willingly wears a mask is an idiot. If some place of business requires the masks, then people should honor their rules, but otherwise, it’s a dumb acknowledgement to bend the knee to a virus the government reports it has no control over. Yet the government is using that lack of control to control election politics and the happiness of people in general. Again, I’m not going to kiss and tell but I have been in conversations recently with high level people, and I can tell you, they are not very smart. One of those people was Dummy Mike DeWine who said that one of his jobs as governor of the state of Ohio was to protect the lives of those most vulnerable. Auhh, the Constitution doesn’t say that anywhere, that is every bit as dumb as when John Kasich justified Medicaid expansion “socialized medicine” because he thought God told him to. Breaking the law, shutting down businesses, and expanding government out of some interpretation of a job description doesn’t make power grabs any more justified. When DeWine and other government losers like Nancy Pelosi advocate wearing masks in public it is to get you to bend the knee to their bad decisions and acknowledge their power to manipulate the public in the way they are by yielding to their power. If they say the situation is dangerous, then by God, it is.

Well, its not. In a few weeks even with 100,000 cases per day, or 500,000 cases per day, it won’t change the outcome. Hospitals won’t be overrun. Medical staff might have to work and not play on their phones all day, but our health care system will be just fine. One thing that the Marxist media hasn’t been reporting is that hospital discharges are occurring as fast as people are incoming, meaning, people are getting over Covid-19 and getting back to their lives quickly. Government doesn’t want anybody to know that, they want to slow the spread so that it lasts until the election. They want to have the power to shut down businesses when someone comes down with Covid and to take them off the job for 14 days, and mandate that all the people they contacted do the same, not for safety, but to slow the spread and keep this story alive until the election. And if we don’t cave into their fears, and we just keep chugging along economically, people will see for themselves that the Covid-19 thing was a lie from the beginning, and its going to piss them off.

Yes, losing sports for most of the year was unnecessary, not being able to drink with friends at a bar or pub was foolish. Wearing around a stupid mask was completely dumb and useless. It was a fake crises, a real virus, but the government reaction to it was purely politically and globally strategic. The goal of Covid-19 was to sucker Donald Trump to play along to his own election detriment. And he did play along for a while, but he’s seen the light and there is an election to win. Out of all the fake polling that is going on out there to shape public opinion, if Trump took a hit, it was because his supporters were disappointed in him for playing along. The media wants nothing more than for Trump to wear a mask in public to bend the knee to a virus. Rather Trump and the people who will be voting for him want to dominate the virus. Americans don’t hide and kneel to a sickness, and they don’t ruin their economy to them, ever. It happened thus far because people got caught trusting people like Fauci. Well, he cried wolf too many times, and we found out the wolf was a little midget puppy dog, nothing to be concerned with. And in a few weeks, the government will have to admit to it once they see that the people are rejecting their premise, and at that point, there will be nothing to stop the hatred of government that comes thereafter.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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General Flynn is the Key to the Whole Story: It all comes back to covering high crimes conducted by Biden and the Obama Administration

It was a little astonishing that media outlets were urging Trump supporters not to spike the football after General Flynn’s case was dismissed by a federal appeals court this week. There was a subtle warning that in so doing, Flynn and the Trump team in general might bring more trouble upon themselves, which was more than insulting. In fact, it was beyond arrogant. After all, if we peeled back the onion of Covid-19, of the daily race riots, of the collapsed global economy, we would find out that all of it was essentially to cover up the grand scandal of the Obama administration tampering with the 2016 election and seeking to use tax payer funded organizations, such as the Department of Justice and the FBI to overturn an American election and get rid of the people’s pick in that election turnout. It is in fact a scandal so large that most people simply can’t get their minds around it. It was so evil and malicious that good people refuse to believe that a small group of billionaires have that much power of American affairs and willingly wish to destroy the American Constitution to fulfill at any cost their own version of global unity, ruled by them of course. But the Flynn case is the biggest thing to happen in American politics, or world affairs in the history of the nation, and at the heart of the whole thing is Joe Biden, who is trying to beat Trump in the next election. With Flynn’s case dropped, a great well of fear bellowed from the Deep State and the ramifications of it are just becoming clear.

To understand this story you have to understand dear reader that we live under an unfulfilled pretense of freedom. Our American Constitution is but a bunch of paper with ideas written upon them, just as our other founding documents. If everyone doesn’t agree to them, typically with an acknowledgement to the flag in some respectful way, then we can’t be said to have any law and order. Now when I talk about a few billionaires who are trying to rule the world I am of course talking about people like Bill Gates, George Soros, Mike Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Oprah—those types of people who are very rich, and are very progressive in their ideas. They have homes all over the world and no longer think of the United States as a sacred place. Instead, they want a global society where they can be part of the leadership and many people would be surprised how much normal people would sacrifice of their own liberty to get a little bit of the money these people have. These billionaires have quickly learned that its not documents and laws that people follow, its money and if they can get some of it by sucking up and doing very little work, they will happily be controlled by whomever just to get their hands on a little for themselves. That’s why we had to elect a fellow billionaire to compete against them, to play the real game they have been playing all along. Conventional politics was never going to work.

These billionaires have allowed us when it was convenient to them, to let us think that our Constitutions were important because it helps coral us into places where they can control us. They may not like those constitutional ideas, but if they see us migrating to them, they at least know how to control our minds in their favor. So understanding how all those mechanisms work, particularly through media companies always hungry for revenue which these types of people give them, that reporters are much more interested in making news than reporting it. They are much more interested in advancing Marxist ideas they learned in college then in using the 1st Amendment to defend a civil society. And that’s how the whole coronavirus got out of control. That’s how they planned to overthrow Trump from the presidency. Its also how they were able to provoke race riots to reactivate the Democrat base after Joe Biden really screwed up by what he said about black people.

Most of us have a feeling that these forces were always working against us, but so long as we get a little piece of the pie, and can enjoy our culture of sports and movies, we don’t say much about it. We certainly aren’t provoked to fight them over our rights. If they give us the illusion of freedom, most people are happy to take it even if deep down inside they are a little miserable from the experience. Most of the time, the ugliness of how everything works is kept from our eyes and we don’t notice how the game works, that is, until we have an election where the billionaires do care about the results for their own sake, and they break the rules to keep order for their own minds. Which is what happened to President Trump when people shocked the world and voted him into office to manage their affairs and people like Michael Flynn were attacked as collateral damage to keep that order in place. And the result is that the rule of law had to be tested and measured in a way that nobody thought would ever happen. And now its at the center of the entire presidential campaign for 2020. With General Flynn being finally freed of the charges brought against him, the entire political base of the opposing party, and the long-placed schemes created by billions and billions, and trillions and trillions of dollars is suddenly shattered, and suddenly, history is not so well scripted.

You must look beyond what the media is showing you every day. The coronavirus is a fake measurement never before conducted not for our safety, but to take our eyes off the real prize, the Obama administration’s global activism of turning America into a global Marxist state to be placed under the control of the United Nations. And the race riots are simply lots of stupid people provoked to be the attackers of capitalism and to erase the history of the Democrat Party in an election year where their dark history to slavery might be hidden to keep the black population in their corner because they know they’ll need every vote they can get their hands on to have a chance to stay in power. They know that no matter how much money the billionaires give them that they are rooted in a dark past and their future intentions are garbage, and people finally know it and have been sticking up for themselves through President Trump. And they never intended for the 74-year-old to make it this far. If they didn’t get rid of him through process, they might pressure him until he keels over dead. Whatever it took. What was never foreseen was that there would be a day where a staunch Trump supporter like General Flynn might not rot in jail, but would be instead free to join the campaign once again and deliver the goods against a corrupt government and media that had him dead to rights.

Yeah, don’t let them distract you from the real issue, all the crazy stuff in the media—all of it, is mostly fake and designed to keep people from understanding what happened to General Flynn and what role the Obama administration abused government power to advance global political interests. But some of us have known, and before its all said and done, many more will too. The cat is out of the bag and the creatures of the swamp in Washington D.C. are exposed, and they don’t like it. And of course, that exposes others as well. And for the first time in history, literally, those documents of our founding might finally get a fair shake, because once you sever the ties to these corrupt global interests which always stood in the way, you get a truth for which they were written, and that is worth all the pain we are currently feeling, and then some.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Amy Acton gets The Spirit of Columbus Award: She should be prosecuted for terrorism

On the same day lawsuits were announced against Amy Acton the Columbus Foundation gave her The Spirit of Columbus Award for essentially being an economic terrorist. Gotta’ watch why people give you awards. Often it is a pat on the head like a dog well behaved. That the Columbus Foundation would reward her in such a way says a lot about the Columbus Foundation and what kind of society they support. And to give Acton the kind of award that had previously went to great aviators like Jerrie Mock and author Michelle Alexander is that ultimate pat on the head for a job well done by a girl who went from homeless squatter to tyrant of Ohio’s economy to serve the needs of an ill defined greater good only now obvious when awards like this are given out as 22 million people across the nation collect unemployment largely because they followed her actions over a cliff to their doom. While Amy Acton could only take a back seat to the President of the United States and his defunct Health Department advisors who started this mess to begin with, it was Ohio who started the stay at home orders by first closing down restaurants early in the process, which governors across the country followed willingly. Acton led Governor DeWine down a path of utter nonsense exhibiting the ultimate fears of an out of control nanny state and for that she gets rewarded, even as lives everywhere are utterly destroyed and businesses eliminated from economic recovery all in making mistake after mistake with global models that showed Covid-19 being much more deadly than it truly was.

Each day since Amy Acton has preached like a bunch of religious fanatics at 2 PM from the capital hosted by the Governor demeaning messages of compliance, social distancing, and staying home to save lives and keep the capacity of our hospitals down to a bare minimum by wrecking our economy in the process it is astonishing that organizations like the Columbus Foundation aren’t furious with her, instead of giving her prestigious awards. The gesture is out of touch at best, but troubling once analyzed, because its obvious that the activism Acton displayed are those that the Foundation supported, a socialist takeover of our economy in Ohio and the state controlling the means of production. Karl Marx would be very proud; this was his dream after all, and it was Amy Acton who whispered in the Governor’s ear the entire time. It was Acton who attached Ohio to the mistakes the world was making with Covid-19 with its medical approach instead of allowing the innovation of America’s healthcare system to flex its muscle, it was artificially constrained with bureaucrats which has harmed the lives of many more people than that Covid-19 outbreak would have taken. As history looks backward at the actions of Acton and Dr. Doom from the CDC it will see a nation that had largely had Covid-19 as early as November and December of 2019 and had developed herd immunity, and that the surge that Amy Acton and many other health professionals were predicting was completely wrong. We know that now by the models, which always had social distancing as part of the calculous. The decision to follow the rest of the stupid world into staying home to slow the spread was an intentional act of terrorism to support liberal causes such as climate change and universal healthcare by placing administrative constraints on hospitals by federal and state government tampering that ended up destroying huge sectors of our national economy, and for that she gets a prestigious award?

As any good manager knows, capacity is limited not so much in machinery, but in willingness. Labor always talks about constraints when they just aren’t willing in manufacturing to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. A decision to only work 4 hours, or 8 hours total, or like a lot of nurses do, work three 12 hour days and then tell the public that a hospital is constrained by healthcare workers unwilling to work more, or to hire more new labor because the rest of the staff wants the job security of a lack of competition is what I call an artificial constraint. At no time during the Covid-19 outbreak were Ohio hospitals overloaded with need. And the effort to take over convention centers in the three largest cities never needed based on the bad forecasts provided by Amy Acton. The entire time when Acton spoke of hospital capacity, she wasn’t talking about hospital beds, she was talking about the willingness of the workers to embrace the challenges of a surge in activity. It was essentially just another marketing tactic similar to a school levy plan to promote teachers as the heroes that save our children from ignorance by allowing labor unions and their socialist philosophy to destroy their minds with money stolen from our property values. I know a lot of nurses. I wouldn’t want to wipe the ass of sick patients and some of the other duties they perform, but they aren’t exactly the smartest people in the world. Even the best educated doctors from those hospital cultures aren’t the kind of people you want deciding what capacity is and how a state or federal government should address it. Heck, they are people who have difficult times figuring out what they are going to have for lunch. They certainly aren’t good at budgets, except to always ask for more. When someone like Amy Acton comes along to put a unique issue like Covid-19 on the table, its not for the actual danger it poses to society, but how much funding can flow into that ill defined capacity that the labor of healthcare workers are espousing is a limiting condition, limited by their own complacent efforts.

It is an insult to call healthcare workers heroes for being on the front lines of an artificially propped up labor crises exhibited by Amy Acton when the real heroes of society are headed for the unemployment lines based on bad advice from doctors who had a taste of power given to them by weak-kneed politicians. Amy Acton was there to promote the efforts of the healthcare worker with an ultimate goal of bringing more money in their direction. Labor unions in general have their many lobbyists in Columbus and for the healthcare profession, that is essentially what Amy Acton was—using a medical concern in Covid-19 to lobby on behalf of artificial capacity need by the medical community for funds not yet allocated, but are now certainly on the front burner. Teachers have their teacher’s union for similar concerns and funding need. But who is standing up for the real heroes who make society tic, the businesspeople who now have their lives destroyed by an out-of-control government who sat on them with a fat ass nanny state and crushed them into begging for help from that same government just to live. Who is giving them awards for trying to keep people employed and fighting to keep people from being just another unemployment statistic? Amy Acton knows what she has done, and she and DeWine have to play along with the danger of the Covid virus prevention with continued social distancing and steps to get our economy back together not because of any real threat, but so that people don’t see how stupid it all was from the beginning. And obviously many organizations don’t want to have such a thought of reality stamped on their forehead. So rather than prosecute Amy Acton for negligence, they are giving her awards so that nobody has to face the real music that Covid-19 was never really a threat. The most dangerous threat was the mistakes made by a tyrannical, unchecked government throwing due process out the window all because the decision makers were terrified losers—led by Amy Acton. That is a truth they can never face because if people start feeling that way, there will be even worse justice to come for those thus complicit. And nobody in power presently wants that fate.

Rich Hoffman

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The Good Thing about Covid-19: Kids didn’t have to go to public schools

There have been some good things to come out of this international shutdown of our economy. People have learned how non-essential they really are, especially public-school teachers. Think of the next time one of their teacher unions demand a strike and shut down their school and parents must scramble how to find a babysitter to watch their kids during the day, the solution has presented itself. Parents can just stay home and work from there and can solve both problems rather easily. When government shut down our economy a new precedent has been established, and that will also be the case for the next time there are budget battles where anything in government shuts down. We have learned not to care because we have had to face the fact of not having those services for several months now, and can now adapt rather easily to labor shortages coming out of government, one of the most non-essential employer bases anywhere in the world. So, the next time teachers strike and walk off the job over pay to “save the children” with their education, we can just home school them as the nation has been doing, and we’ll have a plan because we’ve had to do it for a sustained period of time and it won’t be hard.

The best thing to come out of the whole shutdown is that we’ve broken a kind of spell on children stuck in public schools for a significant part of their life typically must endure painfully. I can imagine how wonderful it has been for many of them to have essentially the entire spring and summer off. As we all know, the things that make a public-school experience even somewhat useful are the dances, sports and other social programs that come with them. When my wife and I were raising our kids and we homeschooled for a significant amount of time we had just about every family member in an outrage because they felt we were denying our kids access to these public social events. In the post-world of social distancing where many so quickly accepted that such things were actually a deadly encounter, the denial of not having access to school dances will never have the same kind of value. Kids were always far better off not going to those kinds of things and the poison going into their minds from public education has now been broken and going back to how things were will be difficult for everyone, especially now that we have all witnessed how useless many of those jobs really are. It was already bad enough that schoolteachers were paid to be off all summer long, now adding an entire spring to the mix shows just how useless many of those positions really were. Parents have had to spend that extra time with their kids and learned that its not so bad, and if they find they can’t leave them home by themselves, then they can just work from home with their employers like most everyone is doing presently. Even employers have learned how to solve these kinds of problems and who they really need physically present, and who they don’t.

I remember how great it was to get one snow day and be able to stay home from school, to break the spell of public education and be able to choose anything you wanted to do with your day in the middle of the week. It was wonderful. I can’t imagine how great it was for kids to learn that they were going to be free of the public education menace for weeks, if not months—perhaps for the rest of the year. I’m sure there are kids who are paying attention to the coronavirus drama just so they can make sure they won’t have to attend school until the fall of 2020. We have all had to deal with the unimaginable with this virus shutdown and have learned that none of these things were nearly as bad as we used to think of them, like not having the school as a free babysitter, and teaching kids from home instead of the government programming that typically goes on. We have learned that much of what government does for us isn’t essential at all and the next time they try to have parades justifying their labor strikes we can just blow them off as a waste of our time, because they are. The employees in those fields may be just as excited as the kids in being out of school and on vacation for much of the rest of the year, and still getting paid but think of the next school levies where teacher pay is the prime issue. People have learned to live without them, and I don’t see them voting for many tax increases when parents have now learned they can do the job themselves and likely get permission from their employer to stay home to do it.

It will be difficult, if not impossible to erase this experience from the minds of the young people who have experienced it. For most of us our public educations were a consistent drum beat of liberalized programming that we experienced from our early childhoods to our early adulthoods. A break like what we have seen over Covid-19 was never an option so it will be interesting to see how minds not so corrupted for such a long time behave in a post Covid-19 world. For most people their paralysis over the government stupidity in shutting down the world and so blindly adhering to the United Nations Agenda 21 strategies started with those public educations that taught us to take orders, stand in line and behave and to not question authority started in those classrooms and have not been good for us. Too many people were way too quick to just accept that the government knew what it was doing, and as each state’s governors were in competition to become the next tyrant people treated them as they would a bad teacher in school, by just sitting quietly and hoping to get through the class without being punished. They held their breath and just took every draconian measure when what was required is a good ass kicking by the public toward their elected representatives. There were some real tyrannical problems coming out of Michigan, Kentucky, California and Illinois by liberal Democrats who let the power of the nationwide shutdown go to their heads. And we learned to accept those abuses in public school. It will be interesting to see how this break has boosted up the minds of the kids now attending their school age endurance with much more self-empowering options.

I’ve been saying for a very long time that staying home was a much better way to teach kids, and that the entire public education experience was a waste of time. Well, now people can see that for themselves, their kids didn’t melt, they certainly haven’t lost opportunities to learn new things. And spending more time with their families has been the best thing to come out of Covid-19, because kids need to be raised by their parents, not the state. Certainly not a lot of lazy minded schoolteachers being paid by the state to make products of the state who will then serve the state as adults blindly and without any rebellious thoughts. What we get out of public education is entirely non-essential and that will certainly play a part in future funding debates. Why pay those idiots fortunes to do a job we can do better ourselves from home? And the answer to that question will change the world for the better for sure.

Rich Hoffman

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