A Love Letter to America: Season 5 of ‘Yellowstone’

Now that I have watched the Yellowstone series it has confirmed something that I had suspected, which made it a more urgent project.  There is a lot more going on with it than just an entertaining television show.  Taylor Sheridan and the gang are making a point and they know who their audience is, which was obvious at the start of Season 5 if you know what you are looking for.  Of course, Yellowstone is the popular television show for Paramount Plus, which many have called a love letter to the MAGA political movement.  Over the various seasons, Sheridan and the gang obviously struggled with this impression.  After all, they are Hollywood lefties and they didn’t want to be viewed by their peers as a bunch of radical right-winged lunatics.  However, the show has become increasingly popular over the five seasons because the topic of a modern Western has captured the hearts and minds of an audience hungry for content that represents their concerns.  Taylor Sheridan has become a scorching commodity since all the shows he’s producing suddenly are doing very well, not just with Yellowstone, but also the spin-off shows like 1883, 1923, and Bass Reeves.  There are more in the works, but these are all excellent shows, and in my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d see them on television.  They remind me of the old westerns I grew up with, like Gunsmoke and Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie, and I didn’t think Hollywood could produce anything like that ever again.  However, with Taylor Sheridan and Kevin Costner, along with others, there is a revolt against Hollywood that has been going on in Montana and Texas, which has its own kinetic energy that is giving voice to America, which is crying out for its own existence. 

If you’ve ever dealt with Hollywood types you will know that they are cosmetically, outright Marxists.  But around the catering truck, they are like everyone else.  They are mostly Marxists because they have to be to get work, and the financiers of their projects want global communism; otherwise, their projects don’t get greenlit.  But on rare occasions, sometimes you can flip the script on that process, and when someone like Taylor Sheridan is successful, the greed factor takes over, and the finance people forget about Marxism and turn to the glitter and glory of massive profit, which is one of the great attributes of capitalism.  Yellowstone is not a show that could have been made for state-run television.  It is a love letter to the foundation of America, and it is oozing in patriotism.  With the success that Taylor Sheridan has found with these projects, he is moving in a more obvious direction politically, which is similar to what we’ve seen with Elon Musk, President Trump, and Joe Rogan, all people who voted Democrat but have changed over time, based on what they have seen.  At the beginning of Season 5, when John Dutton becomes governor of Montana to essentially save his ranch from developers who want to build an airport, during the swearing-in scene, there is a long pause before putting his hand on the Bible, where Kevin Costner is throwing obvious red meat to the Hollywood community.  The purpose of the scene was to show that the Yellowstone production had not gone native and thrown their lot in with God, even though Kevin Costner does end up doing so and swearing to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.  But the scene’s purpose, even if Taylor Sheridan will never admit to it, was to throw the Hollywood Reporter types into a tailspin of doubt.  Because the rest of the season, the next eight episodes are a love letter to American life that I never thought I’d see in a Hollywood production again. 

In real life, Sheridan and much of the cast have found themselves enamored by the majesty of the flyover states, which has rarely happened to famous Hollywood personalities.  And rather than hiding from it, they have embraced it more.  In the case of Sheridan, he has bought ranches and is desperately trying to tell the story of everyday Americans in this struggle with a true phantom menace of Marxism without calling it that.  There are many parts of Season 5 in Yellowstone where Beth Dutton, the daughter of John Dutton and the apparent future of the show, delivers some of the best pro-American lines that have ever been done in entertainment, on the level of Clint Eastwood and John Wayne.  And they were possible because of that setup of ambiguity at the start of the season with the Bible.  Usually, with these kinds of projects and the success that comes with them, any romantic notions that a producer like Taylor Sheridan receives take the ambition out of the projects, and they become more corporate as more people are interested in attaching themselves to the success.  But not here; Yellowstone has become more authentic.  And even though they probably find the idea repulsive, Yellowstone is more MAGA in the notion of Make America Great Again.  They may not want to admit that they like President Trump.  However, they are after the same things Trump and his supporters wish for in life.  We want our country, and we want to love it.  America is speaking and doing so loudly at the heart of the Yellowstone series and all the Taylor Sheridan projects. 

I don’t think Yellowstone planned to be this way from the beginning.  But what it has ended up becoming, and Taylor Sheridan himself, is an authentic love letter to the creation of America.  As I became more interested in these Taylor Sheridan shows, I caught him on a podcast with Joe Rogan talking about the western 1883 and the genuine plight of a new nation needing to fulfill the needs of Manifest Destiny, where advertisements around the world were begging people to come and settle America for a piece of it.  And much of the world, under various forms of tyranny and the early versions of Marxism, wanted more than anything to have a piece of their own life, even if it meant having to come and fight Indians to the death just for the opportunity.  Taylor Sheridan, throughout his various television series, is grappling with this problem, and it all leans toward the reasons America needed to exist in the first place and is stepping away from the Hollywood Marxism that has so ruined entertainment to its present condition.  And because of all that, people love Yellowstone and the other Taylor Sheridan projects.  I am indeed a fan.  There is some real heart in what is being produced around the Yellowstone series, much better than The Godfather or Dallas, which it has been compared to.  Yellowstone is a love letter to America that has needed to happen for a long time.  And it’s a story told by people going through their own transformation into patriotism.  I have always been conservative.  But I am happy to see more people becoming that way as they learn the real history of America, even if it takes success to free them enough to have that point of view.  Watching Yellowstone is worth the effort to get to Season 5.  And whatever happens in the future with the show, what has happened up to this point can’t be undone.  It’s part of America’s story now; and many people will be better because of it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

It Shouldn’t Take Kristi Noem to Teach America How to be a Man: The future will be far tougher than just shooting a sick dog

The story about Kristi Noem’s dog doesn’t change anything for me regarding her qualifications to be the Vice President with President Trump.  There are two main things that a VP will need to do for Trump: defend his plan for MAGA, which she has been doing.  And to establish a continuity culture that will continue for another eight years after Trump leaves the White House this next time.  Someone will need to work with the Trump family for the future of politics and everyone out there with the right brand to do so; it is Kristi Noem who is the best for that need and its fulfillment.  The Guardian newspaper in England is aware of where Kristi’s name is on the selection list, so they read her new book No Going Back and twisted the story around about the dog that she had shot many years ago, hoping it would have an adverse reaction from the public and steer Trump away from picking her.  Based on everyone’s response to that story, I think Trump should pick Kristi Noem more than ever.  Reading that section of the book myself and comparing it to what the radical leftists out there think about it, it’s clear that Kristi Noem is just the right person for the VP job, and this character assassination thing against her needs to backfire in a spectacular way.  I personally like Kristi Noem.  And I like the idea of Kristi Noem being close to the White House and having the potential to be the first woman president.  We know someone will be the first, and the way that Kristi Noem represents America, she would be a great opportunity.  She has been a fantastic governor in South Dakota.  And she knows how to present herself on a national, even an international stage. 

People’s reaction to the Noem story about the dog was most astonishing, though.  Kristi had a dog that was out of his mind and not getting better.  That happens sometimes, especially on farm life, where many animals come and go, and sometimes you get a dog that just doesn’t get it.  And you have to get rid of the dog.  Both of my grandparents were farmers, so I understand farm life better than other people; I know what it’s like to bale hey and what it feels like to get a call in the middle of the night to give birth to a calf.  And I’ve seen many hundreds if not thousands of animals killed either for food or to prevent them from eating the products of a farm.  But farmers are some of the best conservationists in the world, and many animals have a far better life on a farm than they would in the wild, so in the context of farm life, Kristi Noem’s story about her problem causing dog is consistent with all of rural America.  And that America is part of Making America Great Again, which is why Kristi told that story.  The dog was killing other animals and biting people, so she had to do what was done at the end of the movie Old Yeller, and that was to take the dog out back and shoot it.  It used to be people could watch the movie Old Yeller, produced by Disney, and they could relate.  But now, there are lots of these urban dwellers who have grown up as dependent Democrats who have just lost touch with reality, and that Guardian story was intended for their ears as much of the American media picked it up and ran with it.  I’d say that what happened only proved a point I have been making about the differences in those who support Trump are far different from those who have global communism in mind, and the Trump supporters far outnumber those who want big daddy government communism to rule their life from top to bottom.

But it was Clay Travis who had the most surprising reaction to the Noem story for me.  Here is a guy who was picked to fill in the radio void of Rush Limbaugh and lives in Nashville, well outside the media loop culture of Fox News, where he is very well respected as a voice of the future. He loves sports and is a classic man by today’s standards.  But he was really emotional about this dog story.  For him, it was a deal killer.  I listened to him talk about dogs and his love of them, and I was shocked that he was such a beta man.  Not that shooting dogs prove your manhood, but it’s an urban context.  Don’t people realize how cruel the world is for dogs?  How many dogs end up in shelters?  I have picked many dogs from the pound over the years; some worked out great, and some did not.  But I have had to put a lot of dogs to sleep.  Now I live in an area where putting dogs to sleep is easy.  It’s more preferred than shooting a dog when they get sick beyond repair or go bad mentally, which happens as it did in the Old Yeller movie.  But when you live in rural America, as Kristi Noem has on her ranch, and the nearest medical facility for dogs is an hour or more away, shooting the dog on the farm is the most humane way to deal with it. 

Clay Travis, as a modern man, didn’t know that.  He thought that if Kristi couldn’t make the dog work out, she should have given the dog to someone else.  As if dogs were a precious resource.  Hey, there are a lot of dogs in the world, and most of them are not in good homes.  Most of them are being abused to some degree or another.  And there are lots of poor dogs at the pound being put to sleep every day because nobody wants to care for them.  And you know what’s worse? There aren’t enough homeowners these days to even give dogs a proper home because too many people are renting.  And the more that the United Nations gets its way with its Agenda 21 policies that every trustee in America has to deal with, where communities are more urbanized, there are fewer homes for dogs, so many more of them will be killed as communism runs our communities as they have been.  It is not a dog-friendly world, and Clay Travis, out of all people, should understand that.  But the modern left and manhood have shaped his perspective and been defined in new ways that are far from classic American farm life.  And I would say that was Kristi Noem’s point with the dog story.  She certainly set herself apart from the rest of the pack.  Many would say not in a good way.  But based on the reaction of so many people like Clay Travis, I think it was good.  Especially men, need to find a way to be Great Again.  Not by shooting dogs, but it shouldn’t take a woman to tell you how to be a man, and that is a problem in our modern times.  People have lost a connection to the harsh realities of where their food comes from, and how hard farm life can be, which is one of the backbones of American life.  To get too emotional over a dog is to be too emotional to save America from the communist losers who are far worse than that dog Kristi Noem shot on her ranch.  There are a lot of decisions over these coming years that will be far harder.  And people are going to have to have the stomach to do the hard things when required.  Kristi Noem gets it.  But many people need to learn to be tougher, especially those like Clay Travis. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Proof of 2020 Election Fraud: How will Biden explain the lack of support in 2024

I’ve heard all the excuses about election fraud in 2020 and the denial that it happened at all.  But as I have said all along, don’t sweat it, because the proof is right in front of everyone.  And the Biden administration knows they have a problem.  Because here it is, another election four years later, and it’s the same two guys.  But they won’t be able to fake it this time, and they know it because COVID-19 was their cover story for insurrection in 2020.  But they won’t have that opportunity in 2024.  They might want that opportunity, but they aren’t going to get it.  So now they have a problem which will be evident to everyone on the day after the election of 2024.  Why didn’t old man Joe Biden get 81 million votes this time?  But instead, performed only in the 60 million range?  Well, that’s because they cheated in 2020 and made up all those fake votes with dead people, illegal immigrants, counting some mail-in ballots several times, and many other scandals to get Biden up to that ridiculously high number because they knew they had to cheat under the cover of a global pandemic to suppress the Trump vote.  In 2024, they won’t be able to duplicate the results because cheating will be much more complicated.  And that will be the ultimate proof of the massive election fraud of 2020, the inability to replicate the results even as the same conditions were presented.  So when you hear stories about panic in the White House, now you have some context.  It’s not just about trying to win an election and staying in office.  But it’s about covering up one of the biggest crimes in the history of the world, the massive election fraud of 2020 that inserted Biden in office against the will of the American people. 

I told everyone after the last election, and this was before we knew all the stories about the 51 intelligence agents who lied to the American people hoping to commit election fraud, knowingly, when they associated the Biden laptop with Russia disinformation, or the outrageous discrepancies on counting mail-in ballots for days after the election until Biden had the number he needed, and election officials were not allowed to monitor the results.  There are also many problems with digital machines that had votes switched due to algorithm settings that were not even conducted in the United States.  Or that Facebook spent half a billion dollars on their own version of voter activism in favor of Joe Biden.  As I said then, and continue to say, I traveled all over the United States over those next couple of years and personally verified that there weren’t 81 million voters for Joe Biden.  They just weren’t there, and that was before he had four years of horrendous results.  The economy is horrible.  The world doesn’t respect America the way it should.  The open border policies by Biden are an obvious Cloward and Piven collapse strategy meant to overthrow our nation.  So due to being a bad president, Biden has bled away support.  He hasn’t gained them.  So their problem is, how will they show competitive results in this upcoming election, knowing all that?  The answer is, they won’t be able to.  They planned that lawfare would destroy Trump, preventing a direct matchup; that was how they planned to suppress the results this time and avoid exposure.  But since Trump is the Republican nominee, the sweetest revenge possible is now before us.  A direct head-to-head matchup to prove that the results from 2020 were always wrong, showing that a major crime had been committed and now punishment would be more than justified. 

We have hit a kind of threshold in the rhetoric, and the Democrats and other anti-American forces know they have stepped in it and are making a lot of noise to attempt to cover it up.  They have gotten away with crimes before by kicking and screaming like a bunch of babies in the past, which prevented the questions from even being asked.  But this is different.  Nobody could have survived what Trump had to return back to the exact same ballot matchup, so nobody was prepared to explain this problem on the day after the 2024 election.  If Biden had 81 million voters in 2020, then where did they all go?  By around 20 million lost voters?  Without question, the Democrats will cheat as they always cheat, and have been cheating for decades.  But those efforts only keep the races close and make it look like we are a 50/50 country, while we actually aren’t.  To win in 2020, they had to perform the task under the cover of COVID protocols and all the dumb social distancing and unconstitutional laws to allow theft to occur on a kind of one-time basis.  They never thought they’d have to face Trump again because he would be destroyed, so they went all in on the effort and thought they’d be able to legally control the results and never have to explain the discrepancy.  However, a head-to-head match-up under the same conditions will more than show that election fraud occurred in 2020 because the Democrat Party will not be able to generate that same level of support just in voting numbers.  Because they never had them to begin with.

So what happens then?  Once everyone has to admit that the only reason Joe Biden was in office over the last four years was because of election fraud.   Meaning, every bill he signed, every executive order he issued, every policy that was done, including the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that killed innocent people, they were all the result of election fraud, an office acquired illegally under a massive criminal enterprise?  And this same criminal enterprise just used its Justice Department in an attempt to put in jail their primary political opponent.  They did put in jail members of the previous administration, such as Peter Navarro, who went to jail on the same day as the primary election in Ohio and other states in 2024.  It has all been unbelievably evil, so evil that most people haven’t believed it possible.  Yet the election results in 2024 will be all the proof needed because Biden will not get close to 81 million votes.  He’ll be lucky to get 60 million votes.  So how is anybody going to explain that?  Not only will they lose the power of the White House, but their crime will be revealed to the world.  Even the doubters will take notice.  So what will happen then?  We won’t be able to turn away and forget about it all.  We won’t be able to turn the page and wash our hands of what happened.  Many thousands of people were involved in that massive election fraud, and they all had to be punished for what they did.  Because the election results will be the proof everyone has been avoiding talking about, and once that election happens and Biden loses badly, there won’t be any way to explain the results except to admit the obvious, which will then compel us to deal with the matter the way we should have four years ago.  But we haven’t had the guts until now; irrefutable evidence is placed before us and can’t be ignored. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

“Decency is on the Ballot” The lying, cheating, sex-crazed Democrats and their need for power, to stay out of jail

When the “decency is on the ballot” statement is made by people like Jill Biden just as a family member of hers, Hunter Biden, her husband’s son, was called to Capitol Hill to testify on behalf of an impeachment query into multiple problems that their family has been involved in, you know you are dealing with some treacherous liars and scammers in a big way.  The Democrats represent below-the-line thinking and much more so than they used to.  These days, they are downright criminal and rely extensively on deceit to accomplish their task.  Just as Hunter Biden said to the public as he refused testimony showing obvious contempt for Congress, he was there to speak, just as he turned away and walked away.  We are dealing with people who need the power of government in order to justify their otherwise treacherous lives with deceit and scandal, which would otherwise not allow them to get out of bed in the morning due to all the guilt.  To say they are evil people is to slander the term “evil.”  They are horrendous.  And unfortunately, some people are suckers to vote for them, and Democrats have made it into a fine art to lie to them in every way possible and to toss away all guilt for their actions onto circumstances they say are beyond their control, just as Hunter Biden records himself taking bribes on a laptop from foreign governments, doing illegal drugs with physical evidence, engaging in sex acts with prostitutes, another illegal activity, then selling themselves as being virtuous.  For those who know the truth, it’s a bizarre thing to watch.  And to those who are too lazy or too stupid to know better, they are being suckered right in front of their faces.  Democrats think so little of their voters that they don’t even believe that anything they say and do should be rooted in reality. 

In truth, what is on the ballot is the economy.  The “Bidenomics” of the last three years has been in depression territory on spreadsheets.  But the system that put Biden in office and wants him to stay there for their consolidated powers denies that we are even in a recession, which would have been two negative quarters of GDP growth.  Probably the best measure for the economy was the gas prices because there has been a World Economic Forum strategy Joe Biden put in place to carry out, to end fossil fuels, destroy people’s reliance on car ownership, and attack the personal independence that people enjoy with a car in their driveway.  I have been to many places in the world, many civilized places, where people do not have cars.  Or they have to store their vehicles at some offsite facility because their apartments in the city can’t keep them anywhere, and if they did, they couldn’t drive them because the roads are too small and the traffic too intense for such a radical idea.  Americans generally have space.  Homelessness is a choice.  And you can be anywhere you want quickly, which is unique worldwide.  And that freedom has been under assault by globalist powers using Joe Biden to destroy it for a New World Order run by these same kinds of below-the-line losers.  The Biden administration has driven up gas prices into the 4-dollar-per-gallon territory to inspire people to give up their gas cars and switch to electric vehicles, conducting an attack against the very same oil companies that put the gasoline at our local pumps, hoping to destroy an entire market sector. 

But then, going into 2024 with the polls for Democrats down in treacherous ways, the oil companies conspired to bring down the price of their product to help Biden.  On the morning I did the included video, I was standing outside a gas station where unleaded regular gas was $2.62 per gallon, as just another form of deceit to the same gullible public.  When they win elections, those prices will return to the radical price fixes of an overly controlling government that seeks to put them out of business.  But some of these business executives for the gas industry are so afraid of Trump that they are willing to work with the Biden administration to keep him in power.  Because they’d rather have a puppet in the White House than free market competition, and they think people are too dumb to notice.  What is being done with the low gas prices is an attempt to get through the 2024 election season without the economy being the drag on re-election.  But even with lower gas prices, all the other consumer indexes are way off from what they were when Trump was in the White House, and people can feel that their lives have never recovered to pre-COVID optimism.  Unlike the first time, Trump ran for office with many promises, now he has a track record that even moderates remember as good.  And what Joe Biden has done to the American economy has created a lot of hate that won’t help them now because the damage is already done.  But they think so little of all of us that they believe they can fix everything with some artificially low gas prices and that the oil executives will play along toward their destruction like captured bank tellers hoping to live a few more seconds if only they comply with the bank robbers wishes and do what they say for their own survival. 

As evident as it is, the revelation of the scam is very telling.  We are being flooded with lie after lie after lie, topped with more bad conduct at a pace that the Democrats can’t lie about it anymore.  They have imposed themselves on the public in detrimental ways, and people not even curious about politics can now see it for themselves.  And Democrats won’t be able to lie out of this one.  The gas prices won’t even help them this time because decency is on the ballot in many ways.  People have seen just how evil and corrupt the Biden family is.  With all the horrendous evidence that was on that Hunter Biden laptop, people see what has happened to the guy who had possession of that laptop, Rudy Guiliani, who now is seeking bankruptcy protection from a false court settlement in Georgia that is trying to destroy him as a political enemy of the Bidens.  This is criminal activity on a scale never before witnessed in such a way that people can see.  They know what Hunter Biden is.  They see how ineffective Joe Biden is.  They know that Jill Biden is a soothsaying liberal who means the exact opposite of what she says.  How could a woman of any value be head of a family like the Biden clan and ever say the word decency in the same sentence?  People know.  This is why the 14th Amendment cases are being applied because Democrats know they have been caught, and they can’t lie their way out of this one.  So, they are trying to keep their opposition from appearing on the ballot.  Who doesn’t think this band of cheaters didn’t rig the 2020 election now?  The pressure has revealed who they really are and always were.  And the American public doesn’t like it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Whoredom of Taylor Swift: Alex Soros owns her and the NFL is using her for political activism

It was Taylor Swift who decided to get political, and she has very much made herself just as anti-Trump as LeBron James. When I say that her behavior is no different than a whore, how could anybody think differently? Perhaps people don’t know the story, but since the summer of 2023, Taylor Swift has been purchased to be a political weapon by Alex Soros in order to attack the election trajectory for 2024. When Alex Soros said that he was worse than his dad regarding the level of progressive radicalism he was willing to fund for the benefits of anti-American globalism, this is the kind of thing he had in mind. According to some great reporting by Laura Loomer, the Soros family, among others, own the rights to Taylor Swift’s music, and she has been struggling to regain control. Even though she is a billionaire on paper and people think that makes her very powerful, her kind of money is not dangerous. Instead, it’s meant to prop up the lives of celebrities to make them enticing to the public and give promise to the kind of life that fills the mind of a gullible public about a perpetually easy life if only they could become their spouse. People like Taylor Swift, aside from some real talent, are “allowed” to make that kind of money because they serve a social message that people like Alex Soros use for political objectives. And that is certainly the case here; Taylor Swift is owned by Alex Soros in the same way that a common whore can be purchased to appease the ego of the consumer. And the whore has to do whatever is desired of those who pay the money. What Taylor Swift has been willing to do since this struggle over music ownership, to regain some control of her own is the same type of justification that all whores use to sell their services to a public willing to pay for it.

Don’t be a sucker; all this romance with Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs didn’t just happen. It was arranged because the NFL needed to fix its image with young women, and there is nothing better than a royal romance with a pop icon and one of their premier players. And what does Alex Soros get by allowing this romance to brew? Well, the NFL moved in a bad direction with the Black Lives Matter campaign, and kneeling at the National Anthems still has left a bad taste in people’s mouths, so they are looking for a way to fix their corporate image. It has taken a hit from their wokeness, and they feel the revenue slip. So Travis Kelce is a good spokesman to appease all parties. He is, as Aaron Rogers has said about him, “Mr. Pfizer” because he supported the vaccines and his open support of Joe Biden for President. Ironically, when the Mr. Pfizer comments came out at the start of the NFL season this year, Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce, apparently arranged by Erin Andrews the sports reporter, and she started showing up in the box during games with Kelce’s parents. As a result, women are happy to watch NFL games with their male partners now, whereas before, they weren’t so pleased about it. Young people have been moving toward socialist soccer rather than American football due to the campaign to demonize it over concussion protocols. So this arrangement with a couple of very progressive young people willing to do and say whatever is needed for liberal politics to utilize as a weapon has been more than beneficial.

It might also be recalled that around the same time all this was happening there is a recording of Taylor Swift talking to her dad about her mission to be more vocal about President Trump in the upcoming election, and to use her power and influence to stop him. That is where the whoredom really comes into play. Up to this point, Taylor Swift has stayed somewhat politically neutral, where she didn’t want to alienate members of the other political parties; she just wanted to make music and perform for audiences. But this was something different, this was part of an anti-Trump move declaring that she would use her celebrity to stop Trump at the voting booth. And that is pure Alex Soros and this leverage he has over her music rights, which is how the Soros family has manipulated politics for years. That makes this Kansas City romance with Travis Kelce even more phony, because for them both, it’s a power move to appease the progressive political forces that look to be shaping the world, from their perspective, and they are willing to do whatever they need to do to appease that power. Travis Kelce made that clear in his recent visit to the White House at the start of the NFL season, again at the same time all this activity with Taylor Swift started. I think they probably actually like each other, but it’s more of an appeasement relationship for both of them. And that is what whores do for money. It’s not always about the sex, which, in this case, it is, too, but it’s about giving a buyer attention when they otherwise wouldn’t have it. Taylor Swift is selling access to herself just like the Biden family has been doing to foreign instigators, and the whole show is being displayed across the NFL platform as a woke, corporate whorehouse for progressive politics. Alex Soros is the pimp who is letting the woke NFL carry the message of his political activism so long as he can attack Trump with the celebrity of Taylor Swift and one of the NFL’s most popular players during an election year. And it was a bad move for Taylor Swift. In the end, she will be viewed in the same way that prostitutes are after their actions with those paying the money, without much respect and as a cheapened commodity. But she is willing to trade that lack of respect for her music rights, which Alex Soros owns. Either way, it’s not a good situation for her. But this romance with Travis Kelce is more of an arranged marriage than a self-fulfilling romance, and she doesn’t have a choice. Sure, many women can feel for Taylor Swift and identify with her through her music, but she is not in control, and by making herself a vehicle of the anti-Trump movement, she will destroy her brand in the process. Alex Soros doesn’t care, neither does the NFL. They are seeking political outcomes and don’t care about the lives of the people they destroy in the process. They’ll use them in the same short-sighted ways that got them into trouble in the first place. But don’t think all this wasn’t planned out for this upcoming election year. This Taylor Swift romance is another form of mind control that is often part of mass marketing. It’s not authentic; it’s purely manufactured. And indeed, in this case, it’s a strategic weapon against the soft-minded who want to believe in the romance among progressive royalty. Just like the person who pays for sex wants to believe that the person with them loves them, when all they really get out of the deal is money to pay their rent and buy some food.

Rich Hoffman

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We Can’t Trust the CIA About Anything: Of course, they were involved in paying off informants of the lab leak in Wuhun

Sure, we believe the CIA was not paying off informants who wanted to leak that the Wuhan Lab in China unleashed COVID-19.  Why wouldn’t we believe them?  They lie about everything.  We know they have lied about tampering with the 2020 election; they get themselves in trouble with governments worldwide and get wrapped up in instigating conflicts.  We know they have been lying about their goals with the drug trade.  And due to recent actions on classified information on the Kennedy Assassination, they have their fingerprints all over it.  So now that we have info saying that Covid was a lab leak and the CIA knew about it all along, we are supposed to believe their denial.  I don’t trust the CIA; I have been saying for a long time that they were a form of government we shouldn’t be involved in, they aren’t worth the tax money given to them, primarily since they work against the country, not for it.  The CIA is not a Constitutional-based organization; they are a terrorist group of domestic enemies who have so little regard for the people of America that future funding them is ridiculously stupid.  They have been caught many times trying to overthrow America in the same way they have foreign dictatorships, and this latest COVID news is just adding to the pile of evidence showing how worthless and anti-American they are.  Funding them is essentially funding our destruction, which makes no sense.  No evidence indicates that the CIA, (Central Intelligence Agency) has the best intentions of America at the heart of its mission.  Only lazy, stupid people would think otherwise.  The CIA is an example of what’s wrong with the government when it grows too big and loses accountability to the public. 

I’ve always said that the COVID-19 virus was a created enterprise intended to facilitate the Great Reset’s grand plans through the World Economic Forum intent on infusing communism into global commerce.  Of course, the CIA would be interested in helping those anti-America factions; they have been caught so many times in similar conditions, and nothing says that it’s just an accusation this time.  Based on what they do as an organization, they would be involved in unleashing COVID-19 to the public to inspire that long-planned Great Reset, and whistleblowers who wanted to come forth about that information would be managed by the CIA.  That is precisely their relationship to the drug trade, which is purposeful poison intent on the destruction of American sovereignty.  We have learned that we can’t trust the CIA about anything or the FBI.  They are just a few examples of government that has spun out of control and has to be eliminated to inspire reform.  They believe they are a fourth branch of government accountable to the Deep State only.  And they forget that Americans don’t want to be managed by them like cattle led to the slaughterhouse.  But since its inception, the CIA has been a lousy organization, creating trouble wherever they involved themselves.  The only saving grace is that people believed that they were well-intended and meant to keep Americans safe.  That illusion is no longer practical because the evidence shows that there is no foundation in assuming they mean safety for Americans as a sovereign nation.  Instead, their behavior has been hostile to the people who pay for them, and the intentions of a country with borders.  They have lost their way, and have too much power, and too much money.

This is important in that the CIA not only worked with government forces to overthrow a sitting president, Trump, who had been voted popularly by the people of the country, but they openly participated in the killing of innocent people with the COVID-19 so that election fraud had an open door to success.  They were aligned with hostile forces in the process of voter participation, and they were caught in the act.  Their denial means nothing in this case because their behavior is consistent with guilty behavior.  Entire economies were ruined, and many lives were lost by their direct involvement.  And once their objectives blew up in their face, they are only trying to erase what they did to help make Covid happen.  Because of these impediments, we must defund all these intelligence agencies.  We would find that our world would be much safer without them not in it.  Even about the 9/11 attacks, which the CIA got caught allowing to happen through stupidity, as they claimed if only they had more power, which they were given after the Patriot Act.  But all they have done is slow down society needlessly for trouble that they are the ones perpetuating.  When you study all these stories of terrorism, very few work things out independently.  There is always some intelligence agency blowing on the fires to spread terrorism strategically for the goals of globalism.  Knowing that, why should we continue funding such a hostile force?  The CIA is filled with losers who couldn’t get a job in any other field, and they tend to be seduced to abuse their power, which was always a concern with a country having standing armies.  Safety in this case is that the CIA acts as their firefighters, as they are the ones often starting the fires. 

I’d love to cheer on the CIA and other intelligence agencies as patriot organizations.  But they aren’t.  They have proven themselves to be hostile to American sovereignty and seek to change the American way of life, a strategy that globalism wants to implement.  Not real Americans.  They should be eradicated as an organization for what they knew and when they knew it regarding COVID.  They are liars, and they lie about lying.  Nothing they say can be held to represent the truth. And everyone involved in knowing terrorism regarding COVID needs to be punished.  When they say they did not act to pay off informants, the same statement would apply to drug dealers and enforcement officers, and we know that is not the case.  The CIA is directly connected to the drug trade.  They are actively involved in assassinations—election tampering.  And now the release of artificial viruses made in a Wuhan Lab is part of their multitude of domestic actions intent on destroying all Americans.  They are not our friends, they are not protectors of the Constitution, and they certainly have made it so they aren’t accountable to voters.  As a fourth branch of government, they believe themselves to be committed to a Deep State of unelected bureaucrats, and their intent was well revealed through election fraud in 2020 carried on the back of the COVID-19 virus.  So that’s where we are with the CIA; they are not trusted, made that reputation on their own, and should be defunded completely.  They are a globalist terrorist organization of domestic enemies, and until we face the truth, we will continue to be disillusioned with their results.  We may want to trust them.  But we would be fools, based on the vast amount of evidence, to continue.

Rich Hoffman

The Indians Were Not Indigenous to North America, Aliens Were: What we have learned about the giants found around the world

It’s not hard to see how it happened; if you understand politics, you know that mass populations are easily controlled by a political system that can capture a narrative, and humans, by nature, are best communicated with through story. So, if you own the story, you control the population, the primary focus of religions, and the politics that have spawned from them since recorded time. But this line of questions for me started in 2009 while at the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and I picked up a map that had known burial sites of giants, people of gigantic stature. I thought that was interesting, so I have kept my ears open since then for evidence as it has come in. And as that evidence has been collected, it is pretty evident that in the Ohio River Valley and across the world, just about everywhere, especially in mound-building cultures, are the remains of giant people. That is why there isn’t better archaeology looking into the contents of these mounds, even in China and Japan and all over the Near East, specifically the many mounds of Israel that are essentially of the same construction and design. It came alive for me after visiting Stonehenge that something was strange because I saw the same features that I saw at home in Southern Ohio. And once you learn that the mounds weren’t burial in their orientation as much as they were intended to be celestial clocks, then suddenly things start making a lot more sense, which is the case of a massive earthwork near my home at Fort Hill, in downtown Hamilton, Ohio, and Serpent Mound about an hour and a half to the east.

Knowing what I do now, I am very comfortable calling it; the earth was settled by life from other places in space, likely many different species, and they have probably been interacting with us all along.  But they come and go, and when they arrive on earth to settle or for visits, they need to know when they are.  And that is the purpose of things like Stonehenge, the features at Göbekli Tepe, and even the mysterious Keyhole tombs in Japan.  We are dealing with a culture that lived quite well and vibrantly in what we call the Archaic Period, from the age of Leo and Tauras, and dying out around the age of Aries, only to emerge into what we now call Biblical ancient.  We know that because once you stop trying to look at history through what you find lying around the ground, which decays and erodes rather quickly, and start understanding that you measure activity in celestial time, which is the purpose of inventing the zodiac always was, relevant to stable ground features described, then you start to get the picture.  And the people doing all this were huge, called giants.  And that the Bible refers to as the Nephilim.  Only they were a global culture that understood how to navigate across the oceans, and they did so frequently.  Our assumption that hunters and gatherers rubbed sticks together and migrated across a land bridge into North America during an Ice Age period is, by now, just ridiculous.

But, the world’s politics has wanted us to think of them as gods and to worship them and their time of rule on earth.  So, they have been working to conceal this information behind the mechanisms of institutionalism.  To maintain that story, they have been trying to sell us all on this idea of indigenous people and that America should never have been settled by Christopher Columbus in 1492 because we interrupted the harmony of a nature-loving group of nomads with capitalism.  But that was all a lie; the Indians were not indigenous to North America.  Aliens were.  The Indians were the latest visitors migrating around the earth for thousands of years.  The way things look, we are dealing with at least 400,000 years of human history.  Probably longer.  We only see what hasn’t eroded yet, but there has been a lot of intelligent life on Earth over a long period.  That doesn’t mean there weren’t hunters and gatherers doing their thing, just as we can find such people worldwide today.  There were always homeless people not living within a structured society.  But our assumptions about life and how we arrived where we are, based on abundant evidence, are entirely wrong.  I think today, if we had reasonable archaeology into the many mounds of the world, we would find in them skeletons, like have been found at the Miamisburg Mound just south of Dayton, Ohio, lots of 8- to 10-foot-tall people.  The fact that nobody is seriously studying this matter tells you everything you need to know.  The social narrative of the exploitation of so-called indigenous people is far more valuable to the current political order of global communism than the truth of scientific discovery.  The evidence is so abundant, mainly by private investigations, not science funded by government grants committed to a political narrative, that there is no longer a question. 

I was always weary of this kind of alien settlement thinking until I watched the world’s governments lie to our faces about COVID-19.  We all know that the virus was artificially made in China and released to the public in a way that the world’s governments knew about.  They had even role-played the response, which Bill Gates led the effort.  They were so arrogant about their ability to lie to the public through controlled narratives that they essentially painted themselves in a corner and had to tip-toe through that wet paint to reveal their guilt.  Part of the reason for the arrogance, a big part of it, was their success in manipulating religious and scientific narratives to the public, such as they have gotten away with the indigenous people’s history, arbitrarily picking a habitation date of 1600 AD to 1800 AD, and saying that they were the indigenous people of North America and that all migration was evil so that the greatness of America can be delegitimized to the world and they would clamor for Chinese style communism because of their associated guilt.  People didn’t question the narrative much, which inflated the egos of those who seek to control narratives in the world so they can easily control masses of people.  So now that we know that aliens, or rather, our ancestors, came here from other planets, do we call them the indigenous people?  Or were they the invaders of what was here before?  But we know there was a global civilization that dates back all over the world into times during and even before the last ice age.  And that what was left behind were fragments of their previous cultures that were quite advanced, as we can see in all these ground-based celestial clocks that still have crop circles appearing next to them all the time as if someone were writing notes on the ground to figure out when they were in time and space.  Since time doesn’t move the same everywhere in the solar system, the galaxy, or the universe, which is the giveaway, they were concerned with time and the way we would wear a watch to measure our rotation to the sun.  These very tall people and others needed to know relative to their orientations in space when they arrived on Earth.  Was it 100 years later, or many thousands?  And that is the way we must look at history in the future.  Not in the way we have been.  Or allow governments and institutions to lie to us to control a narrative that benefits them politically when science says otherwise.

Rich Hoffman

Isaac Adi Loses His Man Card: Despite modern woke rules, people are still people

So they have drug Judge Lyons into all this? I love the Judge, and there he was in court serving as the stooge for a failed political figure, as Lynda is calling in all the favors, hoping to turn back the tides of reality like some crazy old woman seeks the fountain of youth before the grip of old age seals her doom. These political gymnastics can’t hide the terrible report card at Lakota. Lynda was in charge, and it’s on her, which will be the subject of tomorrow. But for now, man cards are still crucial in the world, despite the attempt to use new woke rules to remove such judgments from society. Men and women still have expectations from each other that have been relevant for many thousands of years, even millions. And that was something an old friend of mine, who ran WLW radio then, used to enjoy during his Saturday radio show from 9 a.m. until 11. Back before there was ever a YouTube, through the Obama first term, I used to do a lot of talk radio all over the country, and I had a good relationship, especially with Clear Channel Radio, who ran WLW, specifically through Darryl Parks when he was the big man at the station, setting all their programming priorities. He and I had similar politics, so I was a frequent guest with him and many other Marconi award-winning personalities, and we had a good time having fun with forbidden early woke social rules. It would be woke politics that would have Clear Channel remove most of the conservative talent (Bill Cunningham is not a real conservative; he only plays one on the radio), and Parks eventually lost his title. But while he had it, we had a lot of fun and did a lot of good radio making fun of ridiculous things, such as woke policies, well before anybody even knew what they were. We would often exploit that trait on his radio show, and one of the most popular mechanisms we would employ was removing people’s man cards when they showed weak behavior in a public setting, especially men who were not standing up for traditional masculine attributes. We would talk about them on the air during his show to hundreds of thousands of people and remove their man cards as a shame for their lack of courage and strength when it was needed most.

So in that fabulous and influential tradition, we must bring back the removal of man cards when they show they do not deserve them, and that is certainly the case with Isaac Adi, the Lakota school board member who attempted to have court protection from fellow school board member, Darbi Boddy.  He and Darbi were at a conference in Florida and had several arguments, which isn’t unusual.  They ran for school board together and have turned out to be quite different politically.  It didn’t look that way at first, but since Isaac won his seat, he has essentially become much more liberal, whereas Darbi is still the conservative mom that she ran herself as.  But unlike regular politicians, Darbi didn’t say one thing and then show herself to be something else.  And that is what the establishment types call a lack of “professionalism” when politicians do what they say they will do with the naive assumption that they might be able to change anything. For most politicians, you throw populist opinions to the public to get them to vote for you.  Then you say other things to those who donate money to political campaigns.  But when you are in executive session with other politicians, you are all friends; you talk about Bill’s cat and Sarah’s new dress, and no matter who they are, Republicans and Democrats, you enjoy a kind of silent membership to the club.  Darbi was always the same person: the campaign Darbi, the fundraising Darbi, and the daily school board member.  So when efforts were led by Lynda O’Conner, a supposed conservative school board member, to get control of these two new school board members a few years ago, Isaac and Darbi, only Isaac listened.  Darbi remained independently conservative, and since then, Isaac and Darbi have had a very contentious relationship, and they argue frequently for obvious reasons. If it’s anybody’s fault for destroying their relationship, it’s Lynda O’Conner who did it.

According to court testimony on September 15, 2023, because of this incident, Isaac was admitted to a hospital for two nights and three days, and he had a medical bill as evidence. That says everything.

But the only time they’ve been violent, that type of thing was initiated by Isaac. At least two times, I know where Isaac has punched at cameras recording him, and it was women holding those cameras. Isaac has a temper and has expressed it openly. He likes to be in control, and when he feels he’s losing control, he turns to physical aggression. I never thought it was a big deal, but under the definition of harassment that he expressed to a court on September 15th, 2023, then the smeller is the feller in this case. He’s the guy in the elevator passing gas and then looking at everyone else as if it were their fault. So it is ironic that after that Florida trip for school board business, he went to the courts to file a petition against Darbi, citing that he did not feel safe around her and that she had been “bullying” him. And that she carries a gun and he doesn’t feel “safe.” Jiminy Christmas, that is not how men talk! I understand that Darbi is tough, and she has a powerful personality. I have been to the firing range with her and her husband, and I can report that she does know how to handle herself with a gun. But what world is Isaac living in? Everyone carries a weapon, or at least they should. It’s like saying that a woman has earrings. Carrying guns is a common social enterprise, so it should not have been a big deal to Isaac. But he went to the courts to seek protection from her, which was pretty embarrassing, and he felt he needed to. The judge denied the request, as should have been understood from the start. Isaac failed to present evidence that an ex parte order is necessary for his safety and protection from imminent danger.

They should have never tried to knock Darbi off the school board. They just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper.

All that might be fine in the legal world of court talk and political discourse.  And to say it’s a dysfunctional relationship doesn’t go deep enough to the true heart of the matter.  What is the purpose of these frequent confrontations?  It comes down to acceptance of honest public discourse, and what I find valuable about Darbi is that as a genuine representative of the community and an unpolished political figure, she is a good gauge of how people feel in the district.  Yet the political trend is to be one way in public and another in private, which is an inherently dishonest position, and that understanding has led to healthy conflict.  But if you are a man, you don’t run to the courts looking for protection, for the “state” to protect you.  You handle your battles and don’t seek government help to resolve them.  That is why Isaac Adi must lose his man card.  By the woke rules of the modern world, it’s OK for men to cry and be emotional.  And to be afraid of guns.  But by the fundamental laws of manhood, those are all reprehensible traits that women classicly find destructive and unattractive.  And I think Darbi’s primary source of disappointment, knowing her pretty well as I do, is that Isaac has shown himself to be everything but the kind and conservative person she ran with on the campaign.  Darbi never wanted to be a political figure in the traditional sense.  She just wanted to be on the school board to help kids get access to a better life.  And she has had no desire to become what Isaac has, and that anger spills over into their conversations.  The Lakota school board’s dysfunction started when Isaac attempted to remove Darbi from the school board with many other hostile people, led by Lynda O’Conner, literally the moment that Darbi gave her the critical vote to make her president.  So, who in their right mind would expect Darbi to get along with them at this late date or that she’d want to join hands under a banner of peace now?  She can only hope that she gets more people on the school board who are better representatives of the community to work with, and until then, she is just holding her nose, like many people are.  But compromising with people without integrity is not an option, or dealing with people who have lost their man cards. 

Rich Hoffman

Vote No on Recreational Marijuana in Ohio on November 7th: The world needs more shepherds, not more dope smoking sheep

There are few things I hate in the world as much as pot, so now that recreational marijuana will be on the ballot for the November 7th election, 2023, I will be an emphatic NO.  I’m against marijuana use in every way possible, especially recreationally.  I don’t care if you can make a rope out of it or clothes.  Marijuana is a horrendous drug.  I have about a third of my family members who either have used it or are using it.  Some for medical reasons because they have chronic pain, and my answer to them is all the same.  My relationship ends with them once they use it, which has been the case no matter who they were.  There are many things I can overlook, personal failures that I can sympathize with.  But the purposeful destruction of a mind is not one of them.  I have always been in the camp of capital punishment for drug dealers, even if small quantities might end up in the hands of kids.  But even further than that, I also feel that way about users.  Marijuana is a poison intended to decrease how a brain works and is detrimental to the human race.  I don’t care how natural it is. I’ve heard all the excuses about it making people “mellow.”  That the Indians used it and that its nature’s way of chilling out the world.  No thanks.  It didn’t help the Indians very much, and for what it did to them, bad people today want to do to the United States, which is the ultimate goal behind the mass destruction of America by its enemies.  The drug culture was a purposeful poison introduced to our country because nobody wanted to fight us on the battlefield after World War II.  So they plotted to ruin the minds of the youth, and the results are what we see today, several generations of people compromised by the drug.

I’ve never been a “libertarian,” a do-what-you-want-at-all-cost kind of guy.  I’ve always been a slave-destroying Republican promoting capitalist economies and an intellectual society smart enough to vote.  This live-and-let-live crap is for the birds.  If I smell marijuana, I get furious, even if it’s in my backyard.  I have gone to war, which is well chronicled in many courtrooms, police reports, and mayor’s offices over the last thirty years, and my thoughts on pot have never wavered.  I suppose my hatred of marijuana started in school as I watched kids in the back of the bus pass joints around.  It made them look stupid, and they were glad of it.  Then I saw a few Cheech and Chong movies which they seemed to want to copy, and I didn’t think they were funny in the slightest.  My earliest thoughts on pot are that it was a weapon given to American culture to poison it, and my observations have proven this to be the case over time.   I’m not unrealistic about marijuana; trying to find people who feel the same way I do about it is about as realistic as looking for a virgin in a whorehouse.  Just about everyone has at least tried it once or used it at a time in their lives.  Depending on what’s going on with people, they may come and go in their use of it.  The result is that most people don’t have strong opinions against it because they can’t afford to.  Well, I can.  I’ve never used it.  I have been in many bloody fights over it and was successful.  And I’m not changing my opinion about it now.  Once I find out that someone uses pot, they are dead to me, no matter who they are.

Marijuana is a poison meant to rob people of their intellect, and I would go as far as to say that it has no redeeming value.  Humans are supposed to be thinking creatures with dominion over nature.  Not a bunch of slack-jawed hippies stoned at a music festival.  Recreational marijuana use is an appalling concept.  If it doesn’t pass this time, it likely will in the future because many people out there are too weak to stand up to its temptations.  But there is nothing good about intoxication, not even with alcohol or prescription drugs.   And as I told a family member a few weeks ago, you don’t take marijuana under any circumstances; I don’t care how much pain you are in.  You fight through the pain and preserve your intellect.  I don’t care if marijuana is in a vaping condition or a little pill; you never take it.  It is a weapon of war against human civilization and was always meant to be that way.  I have lost many friends over my opinions about marijuana and am glad to have lost them.  I had some really close friends with whom I had gone through a lot when I was younger.  I went out to a movie, and when I returned to my apartment, I smelled pot in my bedroom, where I had a little parakeet bird.  While I was gone, they had tried to get the little bird stoned.  I moved out and never spoke to any of them ever again.  That is just one example.  Many similar situations go back to my essential hatred as a kid in watching how stupid people behaved when they used it and how it was a celebration of a lack of intellect.

I don’t care if Shakesphere smoked dope or Albert Einstein.  It doesn’t matter who it is; if they smoke dope and advocate for marijuana in any way, medicinally, recreationally, or historically, they are dead to me.  I have been let down by just about everyone in my life at some point over pot, and I’ve heard it often; maybe the problem is me.  Do you want to be the only one with such strong opinions?  Well, the answer is yes.  I would rather have nobody in my life and keep a strong intellect completely marijuana free than accept such a device to have a few worthless friends and family members.  Marijuana is the weapon of choice of people who want to control us, and they understand that using the drug lowers society’s IQ in general.  It slows down people and their thinking and makes them dumber.  And for me, that is the worst attribute any community could embrace.  So, I am a very emphatic no on recreational marijuana in Ohio.  I’m okay with that if I’m the only one who votes against it.  I will never accept pot in my culture and will work against it constantly.  Legalizing drugs, especially marijuana, is a race to the bottom by dumb people who want to hide their timidity in the collectivism of mass culture.  The more stoned people, the less guilty they feel for being diabolical losers.  That’s why they say, “Don’t judge.”  Well, I say, judge and judge often.  And don’t be a loser.  And the recreational use of marijuana is a choice to be dumb and to turn off your mind when the goal of existence is to think and create.  Marijuana is the opposite of those things, and once a state accepts it as a part of its culture, everything goes downhill. That is certainly the case for states that have already legalized it.  You can tell the moment you cross over their borders.  It would be terrible for Ohio, especially when companies have to deal with brain-dead employees who miss work too much and feel that they don’t have to pass a drug test to maintain employment.  Marijuana causes nothing but problems and should never be legalized in any way, shape, or form.  Anyone who advocates for marijuana consumption as a country, a state, or a personal right is attempting to destroy the consumer. The world needs more shepherds, not more sheep. And marijuana is for the sheep, those who would be herded to the slaughterhouse, which is just what the enemy wants.

Rich Hoffman

Yes, My Wife and I Have Been Married for more than 35 Years: Danger is the key to happiness

On a lighter note, it has come up almost every day since the Nancy Nix fundraiser on Friday, August 4th.  Yes, it’s true; my wife and I have been married for 35 years.  It was at that event because I was sitting right next to the stage where some excellent comedians were performing next to my wife where I was the set-up for a joke that personal details about my life would be discussed in public.  I knew as I sat in a room full of people that I would be the subject of their comedy acts, but that was part of the fun.  After all, I am shy and like to keep a low profile, which helps me come out of my shell a bit.  So the comedian asked me how long my wife and I had been married, assuming we were much younger than we were.  He was working on a joke that poked fun at our conservative nature.  My wife is attractive, and it’s always an assumption that people make when they meet us in person that there must be some interesting story and that premarital sex would likely be involved.  That’s where the comedian was going with the line of questioning.  He asked how long we had been married.  I told him 35 years.  There was a bit of a gasp from the audience and in his face because it blew his set-up.  People don’t think we are that old, but we are.  And the following line of questioning was that we have kids in their 30s, which is also unusual.  Because his joke required us to have children older than our marriage, and in our case, that just wasn’t possible.  So to recover from this mild disappointment, he asked me if we ever argue, assuming that I would say the typical thing for a long-standing marriage, that we get along great and love each other emphatically.  My response was that we argue daily, which drew a laugh because everyone assumes conflict is destructive for a marriage.  But it’s the only way I can have a relationship with anybody, especially a wife. 

Since that nice fundraiser, I have been asked about the length of our marriage and whether it was true that my wife and I argue daily or if it was all just a joke from many of the people there.  No, it’s true; we have been married for 35 years and argue daily.  People wrongly assume that getting along is how you have a good marriage, and spicy conversation is the key, at least for me.  I like to fight; I will fight about anything, anywhere, about anything.  Peace is boring to me.  I would be mind numb if there was no conflict, so for me, conflict is a heavenly device, and the more conflict there is in my life, the happier I am.  However, arguing with someone doesn’t mean that you don’t love them.  It means you care for them; otherwise, you wouldn’t try to convince them of your opinion.  If you didn’t love or care for them, you likely wouldn’t want to convince them over to your position.  In the case of a marriage, through an argument.  And I can say honestly that my wife and I have argued over something passionately nearly every day of those 35 years and likely will for another 30 years.  The reason is that I am a very volatile personality.  And she is a very cautious person.  She gets what she doesn’t naturally have in me: a constant presence of danger and instability.  In her, I get someone to argue with.  It’s a recipe for a great relationship. 

I could tell stories from now until the end of time on a few examples, but a few that come to mind for context is one recently where we were in the mountains of Idaho driving down into Utah from a very high elevation with our RV in tow.  The wind was gusting so severely that there were cautions about going in it.  So we had our RV blowing behind us like a giant sail that felt like it would drag us right off the mountain.  We had much of our family in the car, four adults and a few children, and a dog, and there were very few guard rails.  A wrong move, and we could have easily been swept over a thousand-foot drop to the river below.  My wife was white-knuckling any handhold she could grab and was terrified with each wind gust.  She wanted me to stop immediately and wait out the wind, which would not happen soon.  We were in the middle of nowhere, and going backward was just as dangerous as going forward.  So I did what I did in most of those situations: I went faster and more aggressively and enjoyed the whole thing immensely.  We had another such incident just a year before, where we were outrunning an incoming snowstorm coming out of Colorado into New Mexico.  And the roads were covered with snow and ice drifting across the desert.  It was the same situation; we were hauling our RV at a high rate of speed, trying to outrun the storm after driving 13 straight hours to Roswell, New Mexico.  She wanted me to stop because we were sliding all over the road, and I had to go fast to outrun the cumulous cloud above us that was gaining steam from the setting sun.  It was night, and the lack of a sun fueled the storm into a monstrosity of more cold air, and it was moving across the desert at over 80 miles per hour.  She was furious with me, and I had a giant smile.  Those are what keep marriages together for 35 years. 

I would be bored out of my mind without experiences like that, and truthfully, she loves having those experiences with me.  I can only tell you how happy she was when we arrived in Roswell, New Mexico alive, or Vernal, Utah, with all our family safe after that scary trip on the mountain tops at over 6000 feet.  Surviving those kinds of things make the microwave popcorn taste a lot better when you get to camp and enjoy the luxuries of home in some distant place, in a favorite foldout chair.  And that’s also why we sat right next to the stage at that comedy event.  Being safe is not fun for me.  And if not for me, my wife would not push herself to expand her boundaries of comfort.  She is rarely comfortable with how I do things, but if she didn’t grab on like she does, cursing at me and all, there are a lot of crazy stories she wouldn’t have in life that have made our life together very interesting.  I could tell of one from Paris recently that is very funny, and it involved a bicycle and a few more of my kids as we were trying to catch a train.  We still joke about it at Thanksgiving dinner, which makes for an exciting life.  And while people make assumptions about safety being the root cause of happiness, I can report the opposite as accurate.  Danger is the best thing for a long marriage; to maintain a long one, comfort zones must be pushed to have a healthy relationship.  And zest is undoubtedly the key ingredient to frequent arguments.  Docile compliance would be disastrous.  Arguing is very beneficial in almost all circumstances in all parts of a life, marriages especially.

Rich Hoffman