Why Birth Rates are Down: Communists have set family building policy in the West

This is a good story because many people do not realize how manipulated they are from moment to moment in their daily lives.  They do not know where their thoughts come from; they follow the social trends created by others for them.  That is the problem with the sudden realization that birth rates are down worldwide, and there is a real danger of the human race depleting themselves in the future.  Now, there is a ritual aspect to this where the ideas were started about feminism, attacking the concept of a Biblical church, and the perpetuation of earth worship as a replacement for old Mesopotamian mythology.  And they reside within the global communist movement, the people I used to talk about in Socialist International.  People giggled in the United States when I said things like that because they didn’t see socialism and communism at their high school football games or NFL draft picks.  They did not know that they were being manipulated like a cat might play with a ball of yarn by malicious people who want the end of the human race to save Earth from the parasitic destruction of their earthly habitation.  I spoke about those kinds of things from traveling extensively worldwide, so I saw what was going on in other places, and most of the world was leaning toward global communism, as China was an example.  So, the One Child Policy in China was not just an anomaly but an international strategy to reduce birth rates and deplete the human race’s impact into something more manageable by centralized authorities.  So far, when people talk about reduced birth rates, they miss the big-picture terms and report the facts they can see.  But they ignore the cause because that creates other kinds of problems that most people are not ready to deal with, the level of deceit we are dealing with, and the number of people who knowingly and unknowingly participated. 

Instead of a One Child Policy in America, the communists working from the political left created the feminist movement to frustrate the creation of the American family and, by design, significantly reduce the creation of children because parents didn’t have time for them.  Instead of having prominent families with 6 or 7 kids, families dropped to 1 or 2 by default because they had careers to maintain and had to save up six figures a year to send their kids to college by age 18.  So, the birth policy in America was established through social peer pressure driven by the communist left, not official government policy as it was in China.  But the intention was the same.  I suppose I was fortunate to have a front-row seat to all this, too, so I can talk about it now.  My mom was a housewife, and I had very traditional grandparents.  So, I watched this conflict when all these forces started imposing themselves on my family early in the 1970s.  As a housewife, my mom was severely attacked on all fronts by other family members and neighbors, along with community members.  The idea of a family was being destroyed by leftist political philosophy right out of the pages of Karl Marx.  I later learned that this was not a regional concern but a global one attached to everything the United Nations involved itself in.  So it’s not something that happened by accident but by design.  Of course, I liked the traditional manner of family building and couldn’t wait to do it for myself, so my wife and I married early and started having kids immediately.  By the time of my five-year high school reunion, we were the only ones in several categories to be that far along, to have been married the longest, had the most kids, and the oldest kids, etc. 

To this day, I still have never washed dishes.  My wife and I have always held very traditional roles in family building, and I see it as critical to a happy marriage.  We have just celebrated our 36th anniversary, and when we went out to dinner, and people heard about it, they looked at us like we were from another planet. Nobody stayed married that long and had the kind of traditional life we had.  I do all the work outside the house and keep things fixed.  She takes care of most of the domestic front.  It works, and we adopted it early in our life.  And one of those things is the roles men and women play in the family.  And doing dishes was a woman’s job.  When other family members heard that kind of talk from me, they felt obligated by the political left to entrust themselves in our affairs, and they put a lot of pressure on our marriage to essentially emasculate me to the feminist movement and recruit my wife to their marching orders.  This caused a lot of trouble and a lot of nasty fights and eventually we removed most of them from our lives.  When we would attend family activities and the first thing out of their mouths was, “Does your wife have a job yet,” or, “When is she going to get a job and help out,” my reaction was to go in the opposite direction and dig in harder.   The anti-family movement was wrong, and I wasn’t going to play along at all.

Of course, most people had no idea why they thought about what they did; they were following social trends.  And many people don’t understand where those things come from and certainly don’t associate them with a global communist movement that is highly politically motivated.  People trust too much, which is how many get suckered socially because they trust where ideas come from without the scrutiny necessary to live a good life.  They are teaching communism and anti-family behavior in public schools, so of course, people are vulnerable to it.  But the result has been a significant decline in the birthrate and in people getting married and staying married, which has screwed up all kinds of economic factors along the lines of housing, buying cars, and how groceries are distributed throughout society.  But there isn’t a scientific reason that birth rates are down, where more alpha males are now betas, making the sperm count too low to have many children.  Those are the leading causes of the injection of communism into family planning in the West and the results of several decades of practice.  Because I didn’t do it in any way, it’s easy for me to see as opposed to the family who forced the man to wash dishes so that the mother hens of socialism didn’t denounce a couple at the next family gathering where submission to feminism, not femininity were the value systems being utilized.  The difference in those terms is about 100 extra pounds of weight into a perpetual fat ass that can barely fit in a lawn chair.  Not a well-put-together woman oozing sexuality and filling up the bedrooms of a large house with a lot of kids produced from vigorous sexual conduct.  Who had time for that because the man was too busy washing dishes to show how socially obedient, he was?  As a result, family building has been destroyed, and the birth rates are down because the communists of the world were the idiots who created our social policy in the West.  After all, if you want to lower birthrates, then give the men a bunch of fat feminists to deal with, and make them share in domestic utility.  And the idea of leading a family goes away quick.  And so does sleeping together in a bed to make a family in the first place.  Who wants to engage in that kind of activity with a plus-sized monstrosity who complains all the time about everything?  As a result, birth rates are detrimentally low, and not improving any time soon.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Wonderful Purity of Leviticus: Dying on a cross doesn’t solve the problem, but taking a shower will

I hear it all the time: Jesus died on the cross, so my sins were forgiven, which erases away the rituals of the Jewish people in serving God.  To which I say, but never forget the Ten Commandments, which were created out of the same culture to create a new society out of the old, this one that worked.  And it has given the Jewish people the longest-lasting civilization on the face of the earth.  And it has given us the foundation laws for a civilized society.  Jesus is all good, but all that dying on the cross and stuff is for the birds.  It was a society of failures conquered by the Romans 1500 years after the Ten Commandments were followed that proposed this compromise, and once they did, the Jewish people never had their former glory and power on earth directly again.  With all that said, I think there is a lot more to the rituals of the Old Testament that are important to God, and I think we see the apparent blasphemy of it in modern times as a direct assault on the concept of goodness and return humanity to the primitive where they are easy to control.  The laws of God, as given to humanity through the biblical texts, were intended to advance civilization, and those who have followed them have enjoyed such an experience.  So to me, as I explain a lot to people, Jesus and the God of the New Testament are not enough for me.  They are not religious enough.  Jesus had a lot of good to say about life and the afterlife.  But there is more to the game of life, and by the time the New Testament came around, the concept of a Christian rose out of a tired society that was exhausted from being conquered.  So they used Jesus to forgive their sins and hoped that would be enough.  But of course it wasn’t.

The wonderful laws of Leviticus

My position has been to just not sin.  Why ask for forgiveness of sins when you could just not conduct the action?  And that has been my policy most of my life.  I see the laws of Leviticus to be particularly interesting, mainly as they deal with the laws of bodily fluid.  I’m a person who never passes gas and despises it because it is an act of bodily function. I would say the purpose of life is to become more than that, not surrender to the animal acts of the body and its consumption of destructive life mechanisms.  Based on understanding something about quantum mechanics, I would further say that the laws of Leviticus, particularly from Leviticus 15, God needed a clean platform to deal directly with his people, and once people showed that they could not live this clean life, God no longer appeared to his chosen people.  It wasn’t possible. The last successful time they were able to do it was in Solomon’s Temple.  But once the Ark was no longer there and the Jewish priests lost their technique for cleanliness, God was not able to appear to subsequent generations of people.  Instead, Jesus had to be born as the son of God directly to carry away all the sins of society in the flesh, which is very interesting.  This leads to only one conclusion about the interaction with characters of the spirit world: they like and respect clean people.  So, people needed to keep themselves clean to stay close to God. In those times, constantly taking showers without running water was difficult. 

If people spit on each other or discharged sexual fluid in a less-than-contained way, the rituals of cleaning themselves up were quite extensive, and we must conclude there was a good reason for it.  For instance, the interaction with God in the Tabernacle had to be behind a veil so that he could manifest in a cloud of smoke upon the mercy seat of the Ark, the rule of law of the Jewish people.  And bodily fluids, a clear product of our dimensional world, held back this relationship with characters beyond the terrestrial world.  God brought people on Earth laws to live by, but people needed to be clean to interact with God.   And those who found themselves clean were successful.  Those who weren’t saw their societies rise and fall accordingly.  So if people found themselves dirty after sex, for instance, there were detailed rituals they needed to perform to clean themselves so that God could interact with them.  They weren’t belching and farting and giggling about it.  They were locking themselves away until they could clean themselves in the presence of God.  As a creature of another dimension, bodily fluids got in the way of this process.  Leviticus, in particular, was not included in one of the oldest surviving texts of humanity because it didn’t have something important to say about human maintenance.  That God would be so picky about how people preserved themselves is quite an astonishing revelation, especially given the context of those times.  That such concepts forced society to adapt to those needs could undoubtedly contribute to advancing all civilization into what we see today.  Clean behavior was central to a proper relationship with God and the universe.

Yet I will also say, look at the enemies of our culture, especially the one in America, which was built from ancient Jewish law, which our Constitution and Bill of Rights indeed were.  The obvious promotion of personal desecration, especially sexually, in the pornographic culture is a deliberate strategy to keep people from God and higher ideas about living and life in general.  Everyone should be concerned about the invention of the internet, not to help humans survive a nuclear holocaust around the world or to have central control over all humanity, but to pipe pornography into every home and every personal computer for the ritual of destroying the people consuming it.  To keep them as far from God as possible in direct rebellion against God’s intention to help his chosen people live fruitful and productive lives.  Even the concept of Jesus dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins was part of that ruse.  So that people would dirty themselves up and think that all would be forgiven.  So they would allow themselves to be defiled and to live life without the worry of sinning because Jesus had it covered.  When the real scam by evil in the world was to separate people from their God and the concepts of creation that would take all humans back to the Garden of Eden, the perfect union with the universe for which they were created.  The rebels of God’s divine council intending to overthrow God’s work in the world want the desecration of his creation, so they temp humanity with disgusting rituals of filth and call it a reverence for nature, when in fact, the design is to destroy all who listen.  The pornographic life is meant to keep the mind of humanity in primitive animal life and far away from God and the need for righteousness.  And we see the effects now in a dirty world full of disgraceful sexual conduct meant to push God away so that evil can take over and rule from the chaos.  And to think that it all starts with a simple shower and a desire to live a clean life as the first step toward a righteous order of truth, justice, and the American way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Lifting the Curse: What we must do in 2024

One of the key ways that the enemies of America have been able to erode our ethical values as a society is by attacking our morality once it has been exposed. And we are made vulnerable to this trait once attackers gain control of our basic needs for survival by controlling our means of income. That is the entire strategy of the Desecrators of Davos, the global tyrants of the World Economic Forum, and their propped-up bad guy, China, to rule the world through a communist plan. The more they have been able to attack the basic value system of Western Civilization, the more control they have been able to exert over individual people in a cultural, mass way. That is why I have said often lately there are things in life that I clearly won’t do for money because if you are functioning from an ethical behavior, then automatically, the bad guys lose a tremendous amount of leverage over you by nature. This is, after all, what the whole Epstein Island extortion racket was all about. And I can say, and I’d like to share that freedom with other people, that the best things in life do not come just from the most income. Not that wealth is bad. But wealth that is tied to strings attached that people in the World Economic Forum control is bad, and often results in a loss of freedom. Sure, you might have large sums of money in the bank account, but if the bank can take it away from you on a whim, then what you have isn’t yours. So we have to fight these bad guys with all that in mind. Over the last few months, I was offered a few seven-figure opportunities that I turned down. The reasoning was similar to an old story I love from a great book, Myths and Folklore of Ireland, by Jeremiah Curtin, specifically “The King of Erin and the Queen of the Lonesome Island.” What makes Western civilization so great is that our culture, cascading off of biblical tradition, produces great art that represents real values, which are at the heart of this specified story. I think of this story when people ask me why I turn down offers like that. And I offer it to other people when we discuss what should or should not be done to acquire wealth, and the traps that often come with it by the tyrants of the world that want nothing more than to control you and everything you care about.

I highly revere Irish literature, especially the kind attributed to the King of Erin and his love interest, the Queen of Lonesome Island. It’s a good story about some ill-fated characters who find each other romantically inclined, but he’s married to an evil queen and has a couple of illegitimate kids with her that he thinks are his own. So when he has a kid with the Queen of Lonesome Island and grows up to reconcile with his father and compete with these other siblings for the father’s attention, the mother’s love, and the rights to a kingdom, the setting is set for a grand adventure. One of my favorite books in the history of the world is Finnegans Wake by James Joyce, which I consider to be written in the language of the Elohim. I don’t think it was meant for human eyes and ears. But to the Divine Council and their rebels against goodness that thrive beyond our ability to see them. Yet they are there with massive armies of malice; to deal with them, we must have some intellectual capacity to accommodate them into our thoughts. And many of these Irish stories do just that. With that tradition in mind, the young prince, trying to reconcile with his father, is told to save his kingdom by going to the flaming well of Tubber Tintye and retrieving three cups of water from that golden castle, currently under a dark spell that has corrupted the world, kind of like our current times with the Biden administration.

After a series of adventures, the prince arrives at the castle where all the giants and monsters plagued by the curse are asleep for seven years, a recurring numerical theme we see in the ancient world.  It is certainly present in the Bible, but it traces back tens of thousands of years to pagan religions obsessed with star alignments and heavenly bodies’ mathematical comings and goings.  So the prince plans to get into the flaming room of gold to get water during this 7-year period when all the monsters are asleep.  So he comes to the hall in the castle that has thirteen rooms along it, more numerical significance.  The thirteenth room is the destination, and along the way are rooms with beautiful women in each one, twelve rooms in total; these are the twelve disciples, the twelve months of the year, the relationship to eternity, and the universe in general.  As the young prince walks toward that thirteenth room, he looks into the first room door and sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen lying there invitingly.  He is tempted to go in but resists.  He’s there to accomplish a mission and tries to stay focused.  This would be equivalent in our current time to China offering to pay off a politician or to send a honeypot to your hotel while out on a business trip, hoping to get dirt on you. 

The prince goes to the next room, and in that room, he sees a woman who makes the previous woman look ugly by comparison.  And so it goes all the way down the twelve rooms, each with a much more beautiful woman in them.  Until he gets to the thirteenth room, where he sees the most beautiful woman ever created by the universe. This is the Queen of Tubber Tintye, and she is sleeping on a golden couch, spinning around the room around that well of fire where he is supposed to get his water to save his kingdom.  The prince rests for the next six days (these are the days of the week leading up to the Sabbath), gathers his water, and then leaves to save his kingdom.  But first, he leaves behind a polite letter explaining to the Queen who he is and what he has done.  After another six years, the Queen wakes up and sees a baby about six years old playing there on the floor, waiting for parental guidance, so she is angry to know who gave her a baby.  After some searching, she finds the letter and learns about the prince.  The story climaxes with the death of the evil queen and her two manipulative sons.  All the bad people die, which is just a great story.  The King of Erin is reunited with his real love, the Queen of Lonesome Island as the Queen of Tubber Tintye lifts the curse over all the land.  The young prince marries the Queen and is now the king over Tubber Tintye, and everyone lives happily ever after.  But why? The prince resisted temptation and stayed true to his purpose in life.  And while he could have stopped by that first or second room and had relations with what he thought at the time was the most beautiful woman in the world, he would have given up entire kingdoms in the process.  But he saved the world because he held out, resisted temptation, and stayed focused on retrieving the golden flaming fire.  And in so many ways, that is how we will defeat evil now.  Only the burning well is our upcoming election of 2024.  And we must stay on point to deliver our society from evil and slay the parasites that stand in our way for the betterment of all humanity. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Whoredom of Taylor Swift: Alex Soros owns her and the NFL is using her for political activism

It was Taylor Swift who decided to get political, and she has very much made herself just as anti-Trump as LeBron James. When I say that her behavior is no different than a whore, how could anybody think differently? Perhaps people don’t know the story, but since the summer of 2023, Taylor Swift has been purchased to be a political weapon by Alex Soros in order to attack the election trajectory for 2024. When Alex Soros said that he was worse than his dad regarding the level of progressive radicalism he was willing to fund for the benefits of anti-American globalism, this is the kind of thing he had in mind. According to some great reporting by Laura Loomer, the Soros family, among others, own the rights to Taylor Swift’s music, and she has been struggling to regain control. Even though she is a billionaire on paper and people think that makes her very powerful, her kind of money is not dangerous. Instead, it’s meant to prop up the lives of celebrities to make them enticing to the public and give promise to the kind of life that fills the mind of a gullible public about a perpetually easy life if only they could become their spouse. People like Taylor Swift, aside from some real talent, are “allowed” to make that kind of money because they serve a social message that people like Alex Soros use for political objectives. And that is certainly the case here; Taylor Swift is owned by Alex Soros in the same way that a common whore can be purchased to appease the ego of the consumer. And the whore has to do whatever is desired of those who pay the money. What Taylor Swift has been willing to do since this struggle over music ownership, to regain some control of her own is the same type of justification that all whores use to sell their services to a public willing to pay for it.

Don’t be a sucker; all this romance with Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs didn’t just happen. It was arranged because the NFL needed to fix its image with young women, and there is nothing better than a royal romance with a pop icon and one of their premier players. And what does Alex Soros get by allowing this romance to brew? Well, the NFL moved in a bad direction with the Black Lives Matter campaign, and kneeling at the National Anthems still has left a bad taste in people’s mouths, so they are looking for a way to fix their corporate image. It has taken a hit from their wokeness, and they feel the revenue slip. So Travis Kelce is a good spokesman to appease all parties. He is, as Aaron Rogers has said about him, “Mr. Pfizer” because he supported the vaccines and his open support of Joe Biden for President. Ironically, when the Mr. Pfizer comments came out at the start of the NFL season this year, Taylor Swift started dating Travis Kelce, apparently arranged by Erin Andrews the sports reporter, and she started showing up in the box during games with Kelce’s parents. As a result, women are happy to watch NFL games with their male partners now, whereas before, they weren’t so pleased about it. Young people have been moving toward socialist soccer rather than American football due to the campaign to demonize it over concussion protocols. So this arrangement with a couple of very progressive young people willing to do and say whatever is needed for liberal politics to utilize as a weapon has been more than beneficial.

It might also be recalled that around the same time all this was happening there is a recording of Taylor Swift talking to her dad about her mission to be more vocal about President Trump in the upcoming election, and to use her power and influence to stop him. That is where the whoredom really comes into play. Up to this point, Taylor Swift has stayed somewhat politically neutral, where she didn’t want to alienate members of the other political parties; she just wanted to make music and perform for audiences. But this was something different, this was part of an anti-Trump move declaring that she would use her celebrity to stop Trump at the voting booth. And that is pure Alex Soros and this leverage he has over her music rights, which is how the Soros family has manipulated politics for years. That makes this Kansas City romance with Travis Kelce even more phony, because for them both, it’s a power move to appease the progressive political forces that look to be shaping the world, from their perspective, and they are willing to do whatever they need to do to appease that power. Travis Kelce made that clear in his recent visit to the White House at the start of the NFL season, again at the same time all this activity with Taylor Swift started. I think they probably actually like each other, but it’s more of an appeasement relationship for both of them. And that is what whores do for money. It’s not always about the sex, which, in this case, it is, too, but it’s about giving a buyer attention when they otherwise wouldn’t have it. Taylor Swift is selling access to herself just like the Biden family has been doing to foreign instigators, and the whole show is being displayed across the NFL platform as a woke, corporate whorehouse for progressive politics. Alex Soros is the pimp who is letting the woke NFL carry the message of his political activism so long as he can attack Trump with the celebrity of Taylor Swift and one of the NFL’s most popular players during an election year. And it was a bad move for Taylor Swift. In the end, she will be viewed in the same way that prostitutes are after their actions with those paying the money, without much respect and as a cheapened commodity. But she is willing to trade that lack of respect for her music rights, which Alex Soros owns. Either way, it’s not a good situation for her. But this romance with Travis Kelce is more of an arranged marriage than a self-fulfilling romance, and she doesn’t have a choice. Sure, many women can feel for Taylor Swift and identify with her through her music, but she is not in control, and by making herself a vehicle of the anti-Trump movement, she will destroy her brand in the process. Alex Soros doesn’t care, neither does the NFL. They are seeking political outcomes and don’t care about the lives of the people they destroy in the process. They’ll use them in the same short-sighted ways that got them into trouble in the first place. But don’t think all this wasn’t planned out for this upcoming election year. This Taylor Swift romance is another form of mind control that is often part of mass marketing. It’s not authentic; it’s purely manufactured. And indeed, in this case, it’s a strategic weapon against the soft-minded who want to believe in the romance among progressive royalty. Just like the person who pays for sex wants to believe that the person with them loves them, when all they really get out of the deal is money to pay their rent and buy some food.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Alex Jones Interview with Tucker Carlson: Freedom from the Octogone that Elon Musk is providing, purposefully

I’ve watched what is happening to Elon Musk happen to a lot of people over the years.  I watched it happen to Trump during the last half of his many seasons at The Apprentice television show.  It’s where financial security gives people freedom from public opinion.  Because most of the tyranny of our modern age comes from the peer pressure controls of peer pressure mechanisms, the kind of stuff they have been teaching in public schools since the late 1970s.  Usually, for people like Elon Musk, who happens to be the richest person in the world, it takes them time to realize what that wealth really means.  What does it mean to have so much money, and to flaunt it to the public?  Well, the answer is that wealth audacity means independence from the heard, and to get the flaunting of that wealth to show other people that they do not have control over you is usually a lifelong passion that few people ever get to experience, let alone, develop themselves beyond that desire to earn the respect of their peers by making them jealous with the kind of wife you have, the car you drive, or the amount of wealth you have acquired.  At this point, a new type of wealth becomes much more important, and only a few people who have ever lived gain the ability, and that is the luxury to measure wealth not in dollars but in independence from social norms.  Trump acquired that kind of wealth shortly after he married his third wife, Melania, after hitting the heights of his success with that television show, The Apprentice.  I could see it in the books he wrote, the transition.  And it’s why he can run and do so well as President now.  He has an independence in his life that he wants to share with others, especially his family. He doesn’t want to see an oppressive government rob people of that chance. 

I know what has happened to Elon Musk, he has sought to acquire wealth for an entirely different reason: to move civilization into space.  So much of his life has been dedicated to that cause, including the acquisition of money to perform the task.  But to balance himself out, he has purposely sabotaged his public appeal to be the opposite of someone like President Trump.  He doesn’t like to be associated with wealth. Instead, he’d prefer to be viewed as the cool dad video gamer who looks like he can barely dress himself.  That is to show himself, and the world, that money has not corrupted him.  Maybe someday I will get a chance to talk to him directly about this need, but it’s essential to our present situation in many ways.  But I understand it because I have been in a similar place for most of my life.  Money is necessary to pay for lawyers and put tires on your car.  Making sure everyone has Christmas presents—the tools of living life.  But as I have said before, I see myself as one of the wealthiest people in the world not by financial measures but by my independence from the mechanisms of society, and their opinions of me.  In that regard, I earned my freedom from the peer pressure society back in my twenties, under enormously hostile pressure that would have and should have killed anybody with just a fraction of what I experienced.  But in that process, I acquired a different kind of wealth that put me where many of these billionaire rebels are now enjoying and acting upon to make the world a much better place. 

The final straw for Elon Musk wasn’t just to be a pitchman for the World Economic Forum so that he could soothe people over to the dark side in exchange for the way he became wealthy in the first place, through government subsidies and relationships with communist China. To get where he wants to go in life, and that is to make Mars one of the neighborhoods of Earth, is a change in the state of world priorities. So he acquired Twitter, knowing it would be a loss. And he has sought to use his power and independence to unleash the same in others. So he gave Tucker Carlson his show on the newly renamed Twitter platform now called “X.” And one of the first things that Tucker did was something that Fox News would never have let him do, which was to interview Alex Jones, the wild conspiracy theory guy who had just been de-platformed by everyone, especially YouTube, and was ordered to pay the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting over a billion dollars in damages. By putting Alex Jones on the air, Tucker, Elon Musk, and even the Warroom with Steve Bannan, an official Trump White House strategist, they made Alex Jones “mainstream.” And they did it with this power of independence new to Musk and Trump and something I have experienced over the last thirty years. And moving into the back half of the 2020s into 2025, these types of people aim to make the world more accessible to this kind of wealth. Not so much the full bank account, which is undoubtedly part of it, but it’s the social judgment that drives capitalists to overcome their circumstances and become independent of social controls.

The greatest, and most precious freedom in the world is to not be tied to the clutches of collective based social norms controlled by these losers

When you understand this fundamental concept of independence, you can see how important this one thing that Elon Musk did, by putting Alex Jones back on X after he had been banned from every media platform that there was, that declaration of independence was much more potent than what created America in the first place. And the radicals of Marxism know it. They had built their entire society around the control of people through social pressures; it started at the front of the progressive movement itself and involved Carl Jung and Sigmond Freud, who helped the vile despots learn to control the mass population not through superior firepower, but through social sentiment, to the point where they could gain control of the kinds of conversations that occurred at Thanksgiving Dinner. Peer pressure had been weaponized in society, and people who wanted to be free of it would do anything, including making deals with the devils they created, to acquire wealth so they could show their freedom in the process. But few ever acquire the personal wealth to become a President Trump or an Elon Musk. I would put Vivek Ramaswamy and J.D. Vance in that category as well. I’ve met them both more than once, and I can see it in their eyes; they are still very young men. And watching these various people come together toward the building of the same kind of wealth, not the bank account kind that feeds the power of the World Economic Forum radicals and their global insurgents, but the type of wealth that makes people free of those clutches so they can indeed have something that is the most valuable element in the universe. And develop the ability for others to feel it, too, for the benefit of all civilization. When Elon Musk put Alex Jones back on a big social media platform, it was out of more than compassion. It was a military attack going the other way to destroy the controls that very tyrannical people have over social systems. And to set Alex Jones loose when all intents were to kill him and those like him completely and utterly. And saving Alex Jones, Elon Musk essentially saves the world in a way only a truly free person understands. And as a result, millions and millions of people will gain the same result. It was quite an extraordinary moment in human history, the Tucker Carlson/Alex Jones interview on the social media platform that Elon Musk bought to make happen. Boy, the Octogone has lost its power, and as a result, those many mafias of social collectivism, most of which reside in the shadows, are losing their power in ways they are not prepared for. And as a result, absolute freedom has an opportunity to grow in ways nobody has ever thought possible.

They are everywhere, including your local police. Unified by the need for human affirmation, one of the greatest tyrannies the world has ever experienced

Rich Hoffman

‘Irresistible Revolution’ by Matthew Lohmeier: Marxism is everywhere and people are just now willing to admit to it

I was having a perfect top-grade Kobe steak in Japan with a friend of mine, a retired colonel in the military when the next layer of discussions started to happen. Usually, in polite conversation, you talk about all the surface stuff from the time you order until the food arrives, between 15 to 20 minutes. And in those conversations, you talk about family, hobbies, and general interests that are usually neutrally driven, and non-political. I typically have many of those where the actual talk of anything never has time to hatch. Yet these days, more often, that polite conversation is not happening and people are discussing with me the heart of most matters, the actual survival of the human race in what appears to be the apocalypse as described by John in the Book of Revelation. Usually, among military people, people who work all their lives with ranks and procedures have typically kept their opinions to themselves. But growing among this group is a concern that they have had for a long time, accelerated by their observations of woke policies advancing into the military, they are not happy about it, and they want to do whatever they can to save it. My advice to them is to vote for Trump in the next election. But our dinner conversation went further than that, and a book recommendation came my way which I then read quickly once I returned to my room, and finished while on the plane back to the States. I was surprised by it because I usually get recommended these types of books, and I don’t learn much new. But the book Irresistible Revolution by Matthew Lohmeier was excellent and current. It’s only a few years old, but as I read it, I was surprised by the content because it went down the rabbit hole on Marxism in America in ways I had not seen before from what I would consider a mainstream, military personality.

Honestly, this is the talk of the world; people aren’t happy, normal, regular, everyday people. They ask me about the crazy politics in the United States and their first concern is “When will Trump be back,” because the world wants a strong dollar, and they want a political defender of it because most of the world sees what’s been happening now that the trouble has arrived at their front door by way of altered supply chains, the hidden tax of inflation, and the moral depravity of the current generation. And especially military people, once they achieve a high enough rank to express their opinions, they are concerned by what they see, which is the case of this author has a very respectable military career that migrated into the recent Space Force and has several advanced degrees. He’s not Alex Jones or Glenn Beck, who is known for conspiracy theories; he is a regular guy who has been among the best that the military produced, and I was surprised to hear other knowledgeable people beginning to talk about the cost of woke policy to American policy generally, and how destructive it has been. It was something that they wouldn’t have been caught doing before 2019, which was the last excellent year for America in most categories before Covid came along, and the unmasking of Marxism overtly showed itself to an unsuspecting public. What was unique about this particular book, Irresistible Revolution was that it was saying about Marxism much of what I have, but it was coming from another reliable source with a cutting critic that was very refreshing, and helpful to many people who are now clamoring for some sense of sanity, wondering what is wrong with the world.

It’s true, even though the Illuminati only lasted for just over a decade as a secret society political movement, before it was eradicated, dissolved under its own pressure, or went underground and stayed underground behind the Masonic activity disguised as something else, what political people would in the future call globalism, Marxism was a creation by them to perform precisely what we are seeing today, the overthrow of all the world’s governments so that a one world government ran by these secret society orders could then run everyone from the background. The culmination of all these plans over the last several centuries was in Covid, used as a bioweapon of terrorism to stun the world into global compliance. But the goal was always the spread of Marxism to every corner of the world to gain control of powerful countries’ governments in an international chess game meant to confiscate the world’s wealth into a centrally controlled power. Don’t forget Karl Marx and his friends at the time were Masons, and it was through that order that Marxism spread behind the many social masks they wore in public to advance the old aims of the Illuminati, which created the policies of Marxism and then spread them. How does anybody think that Vladimir Lenin was in exile and suddenly, by train, was sent to St Petersburg to overthrow Russia, and it did it on its own? That sounds pretty wild to regular people who don’t read many books and get their news from CNN or Fox News. But that is part of the mask that has hidden Marxism from everyone’s views because it was too wild of an idea even to be accurate. Yet, now we know it was all too real all along.

I have known these things about Marxism in our culture for the last three decades.  It has only been recently, though, that all the dots connected into how Marxism became the weapon of choice by the global insurgents and how they were able to spread their message, which was particularly appealing to low-level masonic initiates who thought they were studying the workings of Christ and not the ancient wisdom of Thoth and the seeding of the earth by an experiment of the gods contained in hidden history that isn’t so hidden these days.  The government of the world by these people using selected biblical passages to soft sell it to an unsuspecting public was Marxism, and we have it dripping wet all over American culture because nobody knew what they were dealing with.  The names were changed, and the motivations sold as wholesome and fair, until those masks have come off over the last few years to show what they were all along.  And in that crisis, we have very good people like the colonel I was talking about and military people like Matthew Lohmeier, who are heroically ringing the bell to alarm others to their discoveries.  I read Irresistible Revolution and thought it was about time for this level of conversation.  People just weren’t ready to admit to it before Trump came along and exposed this maniacal scheme.  But the truth is what it is, and Matthew Lohmeier hit the nail on the head.  And I can’t recommend enough to people his excellent book on Marxism.  But I would add, that it’s not just in the military, but in all levels of society, especially in corporate culture.  And Marxism will have to be destroyed everywhere in the world.  It’s the current world war.  It’s wrapped up in finance, entertainment, and politics; Secret societies spread it, not so secretly, and now the damage is apparent.  And before us for time to judge our reaction to it.  And with all that said, that Kobe steak was delicious, as was the conversation afterward.

Rich Hoffman

Stonehenge was a Clock: Understanding true history

One of my most treasured books is one by Francis Pryor, an archaeologist who has done much work at Stonehenge, where much evidence has been gathered to arrive at some conclusions about scientific discoveries.  And one of the books by Francis, Britain B.C. I was able to pick up at the actual Stonehenge site.  Over the years, I have been able to correspond with Francis, so I am sympathetic to the archaeologists who do all the hard work digging in the ground.  If you have yet to visit Stonehenge, it’s one of the excellent sites in the world, and they have turned it into a theme park for the consumer.  People who are curious help pay for continued science at the site, increasing our knowledge, which is always something we should be doing.  Just off to the side of the actual dig site of Stonehenge is a long line of tents and RVs that the working archeologists there live in while doing their work.  It is hard work that I respect tremendously. Warm showers are hard to come by as they dig in the dirt day in and day out, living well outside the social parameters of everyday society, and I feel privileged that the summation of that work can be read in books like the ones Francis has written.  Archaeology, like any science, starts with known assumptions, and those opinions can and should alter as more evidence comes in. At Stonehenge, like all other sites around the world, we have started with the idea that primitive hunters and gathers built it to pay reverence to celestial moments, like winter solstice and moon eclipses.  However, the collection of evidence says that primitive cultures made such sites their home after some previous cultures had already built them.  That brings us to the hard reality that we must admit to ourselves to avoid future scandals and an erosion of trust in our educational institutions. 

Stonehenge looks to have been built initially for a race of living creatures who visited the earth from outside our solar system; it’s a clock intended not to measure the movement of the world around the sun but celestial time according to the zodiac, an invention that was not meant to predict the future with advice in the Farmer’s Almanac, but to know when earth was in processional time according to the 25,900 years it takes to move through all the houses of the zodiac.  People visiting Earth would have to know when they were in time, not so much where they were.  So, all over the earth, we see these mounds and stone features that date back to the Ice Age in some places, all concerned with measuring celestial time, which has a very standard rhythm of 433,000 years, much longer than the observance of a single cycle could have utilized.  No matter how good a culture was at math, we are looking at a culture that could know the zodiac elements after a great history of determining its variations over an extremely long period.  Most likely, the evidence of these cultures is long gone, eroded by a very destructive earth.  So, our scale for discovering all this evidence is way off.  We tend to think of Mesopotamian culture and the Egyptians as being old.  But the truth is, they are all very young and share a relationship with people who have already been on earth for a long time.  Just like today, primitive people who didn’t have much technology were around, too, and tended to interact with such sites.  But they didn’t build them. 

That’s no small thing to admit to, but such evidence can even be found in Hamilton, Ohio, near my home at the site known as Fort Hill, which is at the Pyramid Hill preservation complex.  There, we see a giant boar mound in reverence to Aries’s zodiac sign as the earth moves from Taurus processionally.  Embedded in the tail is much information on the Pleiades star system, which would not be known to any primitive people.  This means everything we have assumed about the human race’s origins has been wrong.  The growing evidence found in such sites as Stonehenge does not indicate any evolutionary growth but relatively instant arrival and building things that lasted on the ground for a long time.  Traveling through space has its challenges.  A traveler may arrive instantly based on their internal clocks, but coming and going a lot relative to Earth, tens of thousands of years could have gone by because gravity and time are linked in ways that we are just beginning to unravel.  Gravity makes time work differently relative to its strength.  So, travelers coming to earth would need to know when they arrived, not so much in paying reverence to the gods as pagans viewed such activity.  Stonehenge looks to have been a practical invention to be a clock for celestial travelers.  They made sites like Stonehenge, Avebury, and Serpent Mound in Ohio easy to see from the air and made them out of materials that would withstand the erosion rate.  If you are going to leave a marker for when you get back, just like putting a ribbon on a tree in the forest so you don’t get lost, you want it to be there when you return.  And so it is that the earth is covered with all these markers.  Earth was a global community of visitors from outer space long before the Ice Age existed. 

That doesn’t mean that all the discoveries of arrowheads and bone fragments aren’t relevant.  Science works by putting what you know into a provable pile and building assumptions based on that evidence. But when it comes to unknowns, you put them into another pile.  And that other pile has now added up to the apparent conclusion that Earth was a global culture well before the times of the Bible.  And the people at the time understood that complex problem, even if they never had access to international travel.  They certainly heard the stories and created the mythology we can still study today.  Yet we allow current cultures to lie to us the way they do about fiscal budgets or even religion because they want, like all primitive people from the past, to be the latest versions of gods on earth, like the primitive hunters and gatherers have been for each generation that picked up a rock and threw it at a living thing to attempt to dominate it in some way.  We aren’t just talking about one species of interplanetary traveler, but many of them, and the markers they put on earth are varied but universal in their need to predict processional time celestially.  The need to tell time was the priority and nothing else.  But not time as determined on Earth by a people of the world, but as the planet moves through the galaxy of the Milky Way.  And before we can function from the truth of our ancient past, we must understand that it is far different from the infantile assumptions we have made.  Suppose we are to be a species insistent on the truth. In that case, we must stop diluting ourselves with previous assumptions about social diffusion that are outdated with new evidence beyond the scale of our typical measurements. 

Rich Hoffman

The Rigged Game of the Neocon: There is no foreign policy if we don’t deal with the World Economic Forum

There is no foreign policy in America that doesn’t deal with the problem of the World Economic Forum and its terrorism worldwide as a government that doesn’t see itself as a government.  Anything that doesn’t deal with the critical problem isn’t serious about foreign policy. This ridiculous idea that America is the beacon of freedom for countries worldwide is a stupid premise by stupid people to serve their purposes ultimately.  America doesn’t need to be involved in a bunch of foreign wars, when it can’t take care of itself, which is the state of our present condition.  This has been coming up a lot lately, especially since Trump has had an America First foreign policy, which Vivek Ramaswamy has adopted in his campaign.  As opposed to Nikki Haley who wants to be involved everywhere, wherever trouble is started, anywhere in the world.  The classic idea is that America is the parent of the world and has to settle matters wherever there is trouble, and those settlements involve tanks and troops, by whatever means necessary.  We are much brighter now than we were in the past, we have grown a lot as a country after a lot of disappointments.  Globalism has not been a wise strategy, and America has been used like a cheap whore by the world for all kinds of nefarious reasons.  But we are not that pre-World War II America who runs around the world like Captain America solving problems that everyone else started, and that is the general belief of the typical neocon, as the term has incorrectly been used for several decades now.  The conservatives believe that it is the task of Americans to be the world’s police officers, while moderates believe we shouldn’t be.  And that to prove your conservative nature, you must accept this premise of all wars everywhere by anybody. 

It would be hard for anybody to claim to be more conservative than me.  But I do not accept the definition of America’s role in foreign wars.  I see a trick that has occurred where our reports for things were given to us by the enemy, the real enemies out there who hide between sentences in history books and are never really discussed, as they should be.  And that is the type of people calling themselves globalists who set up this mess.  In the modern sense, the World Economic Forum has taken over the front for global communism, the preferred economic standard for all their efforts.  It is through banking and finance in general that the greatest threat to the world resides.  It’s not in some puppet tyrant by a small country somewhere yacking on about nuclear weapons, when the real goal is to attack capitalism by taking away the power that fuels it.  It’s all been a shell game, just as nuclear energy has been criticized because it reminds people of nuclear weapons.  The manipulations in our culture come from the real terrorists who have warped our definitions of things to serve their purposes.  Such as the “neocon” terminology.  You can’t be a “real conservative” if you don’t support every foreign war that the World Economic Forum starts around the world.  It’s no different than some stupid kid in grade school telling someone else that they aren’t cool if they don’t have the latest Nike brand of tennis shoes.  But the term itself is worthless and has nothing to do with conservative values because it requires a massive big government to have a global military and support any war efforts.  We have allowed other people, especially the media culture, to define what we are as Americans, and that has been destructive; it has directed our politics essentially down the road of big government centrally managed by ultimate globalists in the World Economic Forum. 

The real threat to the world, especially America, comes through finance, where Marxist-trained professionals have already corrupted everything beyond reason.  And it is the biggest issue on the ballot of 2024, this concept of whether Americans rule themselves or will be the latest victims of globalism.  It was all established years ago by the book Tragedy and Hope and was most obvious in the Rhodes scholarship programs.  Colleges have been oozing this material for years, and the ultimate result is that most people don’t understand the meaning of anything anymore.  Pick the neocon political route in life, like Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham, and you must expand government and spend infinite amounts of money to meet every challenge wherever they are.  Avoid that path, and you must pay unlimited cash and expand government reach to build an administrative state to keep the Deep State happy and hidden behind layers and layers of red tape that nobody ever sees.  And how could you?  When you are so busy trying to get a building permit for a garage addition, who has time to see what a menace a deep state truly is that releases bioweapons into the public to control population growth, or that some ridiculous concept of “democracy” has been long destroyed with rigged elections that the public never had control of.  While we debate whether we should send money to Ukraine to serve the interests of globalism, we hide the nasty stuff in our own country with ridiculous discussions about “trans rights” during reading hours in public schools with kids.  And that the political left wants to make murder legal, drug abuse a lifestyle choice, and pedophilia a sexually protected right.

But who blows on all these troubles worldwide and is the root cause of so much misery? Well, the World Economic Forum and their friends in finance are the most modern menaces.  They cause all the trouble that requires a big government to fix it, so no matter what you’ve been calling yourself over the years, a conservative or a liberal, the political definitions were created by the enemies of America to achieve their ultimate goal, which is to spend us into oblivion so that we’d be easy to conquer by putting us in debt to those global forces and putting a lot of foreign money into our efforts to protect our global turf.  In doing all that, they gain control of our country and our present condition.  And no issue is more important in the 2024 election than who controls what.  Do Americans control their destiny, or have we so attached ourselves to globalism and, ultimately, the constructs of the World Economic Forum that we have no national sovereignty?  We are at a point in politics where we must redefine all these previous assumptions and recognize the game for what it has been all along and to do that, we must go back to reconstruction after the Civil War.  Everything that happened after has had this globalist problem attached to it, and therefore, our foreign policy assumptions about what that meant.  But our definitions given to us were not our own; the globalists themselves created them for the goals of globalists, and any policy about foreign affairs that we are to have as a country must be directed at the World Economic Forum and its tampering of trouble around the world that always point directly at their door.  If you want to go to war, go to war with them.  Not their puppets.  And then, and only then, we’ll see who the neocons are, and who the liberals are, because the definitions of both will have to be adjusted to reflect reality truly. 

Rich Hoffman

The Testament of Solomon: History that is critical to our task

The Testament of Solomon is a pseudepigraphical work attributed to King Solomon, the son of David, and the purported author of several Old Testament texts. The work is believed to have been written in the late first or early second century AD, and it tells the story of how Solomon was granted the power to command demons and other supernatural beings by God.

The Testament of Solomon is a fascinating text that sheds light on the beliefs and practices of early Jewish and Christian communities. It is also an important source of information about the history of demonology and magic in the ancient world.

The text is divided into two parts. The first part describes how Solomon was approached by the demon Ornias, who offered to bring him great wealth and power in exchange for his soul. Solomon, however, was wise enough to outsmart Ornias, and he forced the demon to reveal the names of all the other demons and spirits that were under his command.

Using this knowledge, Solomon was able to command the demons and spirits to build the Temple in Jerusalem and perform other tasks for him. The second part of the text is a collection of spells and incantations that Solomon used to control these supernatural beings.

The Testament of Solomon was highly influential in the development of both Jewish and Christian demonology. Many of the demons and spirits that are mentioned in the text became part of the standard demonological taxonomy used by later Jewish and Christian writers.

In addition, the Testament of Solomon influenced the development of magic in the ancient world. The spells and incantations that are included in the text were widely copied and adapted by later writers, and they continue to be used by practitioners of magic to this day.

Overall, the Testament of Solomon is a fascinating and important text that provides insight into the beliefs and practices of ancient Jewish and Christian communities. It is a testament to the enduring power of myth and legend in human culture, and it remains a valuable resource for scholars of religion, history, and folklore.

The Common Era (CE) is a calendar era that is widely used around the world. It is also known as the Christian Era or the Current Era. The year CE is equivalent to AD (Anno Domini), which means “in the year of our Lord” in Latin. The Common Era began on January 1, 1 CE, which is the year that is believed to be the birth year of Jesus Christ.

Rich Hoffman

Meet Russ Loges for Lakota School Board: A great guy to help with some looming challenges

I liked Russ Loges the first time he ran for the Lakota school board.  I came to know of him during the last election as my focus was on the Republican-endorsed candidates in the previous election.  Russ wanted to remain independent as he was getting involved in the school board business then.  However, without any name recognition and much support outside of his efforts, he had an excellent showing, gaining several thousand votes with a noticeably conservative position.  I have since met Russ at a few events here and there, and each time, I found that I liked him quite a lot.  He’s a very likable person who has an excellent temperament.  And now that we are in September with the November election coming up quickly, one that will have a lot of Democrats voting because abortion and marijuana will be on the ballot, so there will be unusually high voter engagement during an off-year election, it’s time to get endorsements.  And Russ has already received an approval from some Central Committees around Butler County.  One of the two that are specific to Lakota schools.  So, he came to a meet the candidate night with the Liberty Township Central Committee to present himself with some questions and answers, which are shown here for those interested.  I’ve been to quite a lot of these over the years, and this one was unique.  I liked Russ Loges before the event, but after, I found my opinion of him had inflated quite a lot.  He answered many tough questions very well and cared a lot about what’s going on in Lakota and the specific challenges that are on the horizon.  Russ Loges is precisely the kind of person that the community would benefit from putting on the school board during the upcoming election, and he will win the support of many more Republicans for a party endorsement due to his excellent conservative positions. 

Yet what Russ Loges is not is a person trapped in ideology.  He’s a very even, measured person getting into the school board business from parental concerns.  We have seen over the years that, typically, the best school board candidates who become board members are passionate parents who want to make things better for everyone.  It’s a generally thankless job that doesn’t pay back any real fiscal compensation, but to play in that game, you must raise a substantial amount of money to become impactful in an election, especially in the Lakota school district, which has around 100,000 people within it.  When Russ ran before, he did it as a concerned parent who wanted to help.  This time, he has a broader approach that makes him well-positioned for much more support.  And given the crowd reaction at the Liberty Township Central Committee event, many more will become very eager to support his run for the Lakota school board.  Based on his answers, Russ is more than prepared for some of the complex challenges that are coming quickly on the horizon, and to deal with those challenges, Lakota will need people who care which was clearly expressed during the questions asked by Matt King during the event.  Russ has kids in the district and a wife who is a teacher.  Currently, he is a nurse and his bedside manner is instantly noticeable.  He’s personable, cares, and wants to help his community, so all those traits were very encouraging and made it easy for everyone who met him to get excited about it. 

On those times that I had met him, I wasn’t sure if he was the real deal.  So often, when it comes to political events and the people filling specific seats, you get images of people but not much knowledge of the person.  When I learned Russ Loges was a nurse, I instantly thought of a smart car driving, COVID mask-wearing big government type.  But I was able to meet Russ outside this event, getting out of a big truck, and he’s a good fit for the conservative base of Butler County, Ohio.  He’s outdoors-oriented and robustly presents himself.  He reminded me of many of my friends in the fast draw community, even down to the jokes.  Good, sincere people who love the American flag and the many who revere it with the pledge of allegiance.  He’s certainly not a political radical but more of an even-balanced family man who is proud of his country and wants to help it improve.  He’s a big guy with a warm personality who comes across as sincere without many pretenses.  As he shook my hand, he seemed ready to go fishing, or hunting more than anything.  He has a very natural leadership ability that is instantly noticeable.  So, it wasn’t a surprise to learn that he has already sat down with the Lakota superintendent to talk about improving test scores for the students and building a successful team that can tackle some of the challenges looming.  You could tell that he wasn’t just a nurse as an occupation, but that he was a leader as well.  He is used to managing other people because he has a balanced approach to communication that has been well-tested by experience. 

There are a lot of challenges on the horizon for Lakota and it will take outstanding leadership to meet them.  There is a teacher’s contract coming up that could be very contentious.  There is a facilities plan also emerging that will require a small fortune.  There are indications that the current school board is planning to seek a tax increase even as property value rate assessments will increase sharply due to state challenges.  So passing a levy will be even more challenging, especially in an environment where school choice will increasingly become the reality of tomorrow, regarding education.  It would be easy to sit on the sidelines and turn away from some of these community problems, especially for those who have grown kids.  But Russ and his wife plan to be in Lakota for a while.  He mentioned that he wanted Lakota to be good for his grandkids, so he’s planning to keep deep roots in the community, so this isn’t a fly-by-night endeavor for him.  He wants to help, and after meeting him, I am sure he is just the kind of person we need to work on some of these very difficult problems that are on the horizon, storm clouds coming in fast that will be painful.  Yet, those problems are manageable with the right kind of people to deal with them, and Russ Loges was very encouraging.  He could have easily won if more people had known him during the last race.  More people will know him this time so he should be able to get votes in the required numbers just by letting people get to know him.  I will certainly be voting for him, and I’ll be excited to do it.  Things don’t always go how you want them to in politics, but sometimes you get to meet good people, and if not for this school board race, I wouldn’t know Russ Loges any other way.  And after meeting him, I’m happy I did. 

Rich Hoffman