Paying Taxes is Not Patriotic: What Hillary Clinton and O’Hare International have in common

For me personally, the big takeaway from the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was not when Trump declared himself “smart” for not paying huge amounts of federal tax—it was Hillary’s reaction the next day—and that of the media which actually sent me into a rage for which I have not yet recovered.  As everyone who knows me understands—I hate taxes and it disgusts me to see my hard-earned money wasted on government inefficiencies that the private sector does much better.  When I’ve been to Japan on business it amazes me to see their people so industrious working in their public parks picking up the tiniest bit of litter—happily.  Here in the states whether it’s the Great Smokey Mountains or Huston Woods, the government workers there are often lazy, bitchy, and entitled, and those are often the ones I like the most compared to IRS workers or the employees at the BMV.  It literally makes me sick to give money through force to entitled people whether those recipients are welfare zombies or government workers like socialist teachers and other monopoly driven union entities who make 40% more than everyone else for doing far less productive work than a majority of our country.  So when Trump said he was smart for not paying a lot of federal tax, I was so excited I almost leaped into my television to high-five him—because he was speaking my kind of language.  But Hillary, what a pathetic socialist mess she is.  I thought her husband was a leftist scum bag.  She is far, far worse—a Lenin ideologue representing the zombies of our society and hearing her squawk like a broken chicken with a cold actually made me quite angry when she insinuated that paying taxes was a patriotic duty.  Boy is she wrong!

It is not patriotic to pay taxes.  It has become for the last hundred years a perceived obligation that the political left has formulated through public education to seem patriotic, but it’s really a fool’s premise.  It is at best an illegal confiscation of wealth by the federal government for the use of idiots who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to put their hands on that kind of money—if not by the force of government.   With the kind of wealth that Trump has, if he found a way to pay zero percent of it in taxes, I would think of him as a genius, and I would admire him a lot more than I do right now.  That is exactly the kind of president I want in the White House, someone who understands the tricks of the “federal reserve” and is against higher taxes while supporting a simpler tax code.

Yet progressives need taxes to pay for all the “stuff” they have given away over the years to win votes.  They have enjoyed their success in life by literally stealing money and giving it to people who keep them in high paying government jobs—and it’s a pathetic racket.  What government workers do for our society is not worth the cost and I would point to the fine Japanese people who work hard at everything they do as the example of what I expect.  Just a few months ago I sat on a park bench waiting for my entourage to finish dining and I watched not just a few very diligent female workers picking up liter in a park with little devices that looked like chop sticks.  A small army of those people did that job daily in the town of Himeji—and they didn’t look like homeless despots that crawled out of a cardboard box.  They didn’t look like our park rangers and national park employees in the United States—typically fifty pounds overweight and looking like they had their eyes only on quitting time.  Those workers in Himeji worked their asses off and they actually looked prideful about doing it. I told one working closest to me how much I appreciated their effort and they bowed deeply in thanks and resumed their work.  When flying into Tokyo from Chicago it’s literally like landing on another planet.  The airport workers in Tokyo treat you with respect to your time because they assume whatever your doing—it has some value.  They move you through the immigration lines quickly and the luggage handling is efficient.  I recently approached a line and thought I would have to stand in line for two hours.  They moved through all those people in about twenty minutes.  If the same line had been present in New York, Chicago, or Atlanta—it would have easily have been two hours.  The work ethic in the United States these days is pathetic and compared to others around the world, it shows and it became that way with this ridiculous entitlement culture that progressives like Hillary Clinton has nurtured along for the last century—and I don’t want my money feeding that system.

I don’t blame Trump one bit for his comments, because they reflect my own.  If government wants to help people, do it through natural economic growth, not through punishing personal income tax that never should have been implemented in 1913 with the 16th Amendment put in place by the progressive politics of the age—which should be repealed at the earliest possible date.  It is not our patriotic duty to pay for the garbage we get from our federal government, the bad service, the terrible attitudes of the employees from the TSA to the IRS agent that is impossible to fire.  To the Chicago school teacher that makes six figures for 9 months of work and goes on strike every two years.  I’ve seen better around the world and I expect Americans to be better than those examples, and until they are—I don’t want to pay for the lackluster behavior of the government entitlement class.  I wish I could take everyone in the world to Himeji, Japan—or anywhere in that country—and let them see people who work their asses off not for money or prestige, but because they enjoy the internal benefit of doing a good job for the sake of doing it.

Hillary Clinton in her refute of Trump missed the point of many of her arguments against him.  If someone does a bad job—should they still get paid?  If a waiter gives me bad service, I don’t tip them.  If a company tries to rip me off, I go somewhere else.  Competition is the key to instilling quality in the marketplace and without it, you get bad service.  Trump understands this.  He’s not obligated to paying for bad work in his buildings and he’s certainly not obligated to share his accumulated wealth on losers like Hillary Clinton—government employees who clearly don’t get it.  I can’t think of a single job in the world that I’d hire a loser like Hillary Clinton for largely because she has that pretentious snobby attitude of entitlement—a ruined mind made lazy by years of unchallenging government work which she lawyered herself through in a climb for power to spread progressive philosophy to the masses—which has made her a detrimental menace.  I am embarrassed by people like her because she makes Americans look bad around the world—especially in places like Himeji, Japan.

I hate landing at O’Hare International airport—especially after a trip from Japan.  Immediately you can feel the entitlement from the employees at the airport—especially the unionized TSA agents.  Most of them are slow, and fat—and I say that because being overweight symptoms is a sign typically of overabundance and lack of effort—and those are the people in charge of whether I catch my connecting flight back to Cincinnati or get stuck in Chicago for the night wasting my time with more inefficiency—which costs me even more money.  Time and money are not elements that progressive liberals understand—or respect and when I see these slugs in action I think of people like Hillary Clinton.  O’Hara International airport is the land of Hillary Clinton—fat, unambitious, lackadaisical, greasy, broken, and entitled without a care in the world to how much time of yours they waste or how much it costs.  They could care less.  In Tokyo complain to someone at the airport that you had to wait for ten minutes and they bow deeply and a team of people rush to make you happy—because they honor the essence of your time.  At O’Hara, or at the IRS—they tell you to take a number while some Jabba the Hutt character tells you to talk to the hand.   It is that kind of thinking in America that we have to fix and paying taxes blindly to a bunch of government losers isn’t the way to get there.   Trump however is the way to start that journey by first looking in the mirror and calling things the way they are—whether they are fat, stupid, slow, or just plain wrong—and then solving the problem from there.  Trump is that solution—or at least the start of it.  Hillary is an insult.  My time is valuable, and many of Americans have better things to do than to work hard just to give their money away for bloated government entitlements that actually make our country much weaker.

Rich Hoffman


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How Trump Beat Hillary Clinton: The realities of a new kind of politics

It was pretty clear to me that while watching the Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton debate on September 26th 2016 that the New York billionaire won the debate.  The Donald maintained control throughout the entire debate negating the moderator Lester Holt and forcing Clinton to spend much of the event quiet with that stupid chipmunk awkward smile she uses when trying to rationalize through her various learned behaviors to evoke some level of confidence on topics she is uncomfortable with.  So it came as a shock to me that all the establishment types declared her the winner of the debate during the spin room conversations that took place afterwards.  Nobody with a sane mind could rationalize that Clinton had won the debate—yet most did evoking some invisible standard which the rest of the nation didn’t respect.  Online polls—not the most accurate—but ones that reflect direct passions of the electorate voted that Trump had won—handedly, while establishment media from all walks of life enjoyed the status quo performance of Hillary.  Likely their standard of success was that she didn’t pass out on stage because that would be the only measure of success that I’d give her.  The proof is in the debate highlights seen below where Trump clearly dominated with his performance. 

After the debate it was evident the Clintons hoped to work the VIPs in the room by shaking their hands.  Bill Clinton avoided the Trump family leaving them on the stage alone for several minutes.  I watched this with my tongue in my cheek because it was obvious they weren’t pleased with Hillary’s performance.  Usually the families mingle a bit showing the country that the election is bigger than the candidates—but that’s not how things ended on Monday night.  After a few minutes of the cold shoulder, Trump and his family left the stage for the spin room where Trump himself worked the media.  Hillary played the celebrity shaking hands with her sergeants hoping they would do that job for her.  While Trump was still giving his interview to Sean Hannity, Hillary and her husband Bill—carrying a beverage casually as if he just woke up at a hotel somewhere and was taking his time getting started in the morning—walked to the Econoline van that picked up the passed out Clinton from the 9/11 ceremony recently, and they left the debate facility rather quickly.  I thought it was a very interesting strategy for an unnaturally weak candidate.   Even though I don’t like Hillary Clinton or her family, even objectively thinking—she is just a weak person and can’t help coming across that way.  The more she talks, the worse she sounds, including in the debate. 

So it was stunning that so many establishment types declared her the winner.  Charles Krauthammer from Fox News declared it a draw—which seemed fair for him—but most others thought Hillary Clinton had won which left me scratching my head.  I have a great memory and during the entire debate I was pretty happy with the way Donald Trump asserted himself and literally handled the entire room with confidence.  He owned the stage by every account.  He controlled the pace of the discussion, and he controlled the topics.  He purposely didn’t go for the knockout because it had been decided it would be bad for a man of over 6 feet tall to slap around a little 5’ 4” elderly woman on stage which might actually bring her to physical harm—so Trump avoided the bait—looked presidential, and stayed on the high ground the best he could.  He defended all the sensitive areas well and avoided being pulled into a defensive position without getting himself out of it by the end of the segment. 

So what on earth were the establishment types looking at?  Clearly they were judging the performance based on a measure of static intellectualism which sought to protect itself from the dynamic force Trump represented and they had turned away everything he had said to protect their known reality.  It was a classic case similar to the woman who knows her husband is cheating on her, yet is afraid to disrupt their family income so chooses to ignore the facts to protect her livelihood.  Or the abused spouse married to an alcoholic that is afraid of the conflict that might occur by intervening in the destructive habit.  Hillary Clinton and her supporters—many in the media who have learned to live their entire adult lives under the destructive habits of establishment politics—and fear any changes to that system, are more than happy to preserve that system because they have some level of expected success they wouldn’t have any other way.  So they fight to preserve it even if that means ignoring some simple facts.

Hillary Clinton is a wounded animal representing a status quo political aristocracy that is being rejected—globally—and in the United States Trump showed that he was willing to take on that entire institution fearlessly and with mass charisma—and “they” hated him for it.  So they inserted “their” own static deductions hoping to ignore the dynamic force of change Trump represents.  They created a fictional outcome that simply did not exist at the debate—and time will show over the coming week that people will continue to choose Trump in the polls leaving her reeling from the competition.   Hillary Clinton spent over five days preparing for that debate and she needed a dominating performance which Trump denied her of.  She relied afterwards too much on the establishment media—which has been replaced by The Drudge Report, blogs like this one, and broadcasts like Infowars, leaving her without representation where it counts most in the 2016 election.  That is the reason Donald Trump has been surging to begin with—because the rules are now different and shockingly, the entire establishment ignored those rules in favor of some outdated engagement procedures which no longer have any relevance.

I think Trump won big and that isn’t just wishful thinking.  He achieved his objectives—but Hillary didn’t.  She didn’t show that Trump was unfit, or that she could outmaneuver him.  All she showed was that she could run out the clock and get out of the building with her skin still intact, which was what Trump wanted from the outset, to show that he had compassion for an old woman who is smaller and less powerful than he was.  In the aftermath, Trump’s online presence with potential voters far eclipsed Hillary Clinton leaving her to resort to old tricks about calling women names like “Miss Piggy” and other derogatory names—which in the minds of the typical sports bar attendee—is accurate assessments of various female embodiments—which actually leads credibility to Trump’s truth telling.  Just 12 hours after the conclusion of the debate Hillary was desperately grabbing for a life raft as the world around her had changed without her understanding—and she was truly lost.  With the amount of energy, she put into this first debate to get such sluggish results the path to victory just got a lot longer and more narrow—and for such a weakling as her—much more unachievable leaving the vision of her dreams dimming by the moment.  And if I didn’t hate her so much—I might feel sorry for her sorry ass.  But I don’t.  She’s a vile criminal who deserves all this and more—and then we have October and the surprises yet to come—and the gray clouds around her political future embroiled within them leading to a satisfying conclusion for those who hate her as much as I do. 

Rich Hoffman


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Trump the Conqueror: The truth of a metaphorical ‘300’ video ahead of the great debate

I know you are all ready to watch the great debate between Donald Trump and the detrimental criminal Hillary Clinton.  But you are tired of waiting at your watch parties and you are checking with me to see what I have to say on the matter—because you want reassurance that Trump will win and win big.  Well, I predict he will.  And better yet, he is about to do what is shown in the following parody to the movie 300.  The maker of this short little movie nails the political climate that we are all in and cuts to the core of the challenges behind this debate.  So enjoy both the debate and this movie which does what art is supposed to—tell the truth in a way that people can understand.

Rich Hoffman


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The Very Sick and Unfit Hillary Clinton: Diamond and Silk doing the job the media won’t

So just how bad is Hillary Clinton’s health?  Well, the evidence says that it’s pretty terrible.  She may have difficulty making it through the 2016 campaign let alone a four year stint in the Oval Office.  However, since the media is trying to cover up her incredibly lackluster vigor, and since she has went out of her way to say Donald Trump doesn’t have what it takes to be president, we must turn our gazes to independent journalists—like Diamond and Silk for the hard facts.  Here they are.

Rich Hoffman


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The Destruction of Hillary Clinton: Ending the political class finally over a 24 year journey through Hell

Really, the summation of just about everything I’ve written about over the last six years on these pages is coming to fruition at the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on September 26th 2016.  In so many ways Donald Trump is my dream candidate largely because most of my suggestions to America’s large problems have been to have more private sector leadership in government instead of trying to influence government with campaign contributions.  A false aristocracy has emerged over the last two hundred years because of the experiments with democracy and that society of benefactors has been poised for a long time for an overthrow by the governed.  Once people see with their own eyes how much more effective a private sector president is in the White House, they’ll apply the same methods to their school boards, their state seats, and their federal elections and the nature of politics will change dramatically.

The political class cannot compete with the hard-boiled proven executive who has spent a lifetime building a successful existence and that was never more evident than the dismal performance of Hillary Clinton leading up to the record-breaking debate on that famed evening which changed forever the nature of politics.  While Donald Trump was out campaigning across the country and doing interviews with Sean Hannity and many others—Hillary was locked away in her fortress behind thousands of handlers hiding.  The only significant interview she gave over a five-day period leading up to the debates was this pathetic mess below with Zach Galifianakis which was a terrible decision.  Whoever made that decision should have been not only fired, but skinned alive—because it was terrible—even by the standards of that show.  As the leading Democrat and long time connector between Hollywood and politics, Clinton has people like Bon Jovi on speed dial, and friends like Steven Spielberg to help her shape her image—yet under pressure from FBI investigations, obvious criminal conduct in front of Congress, and a political record laced with murders, incompetent accidents, and left-leaning radicalism all she could muster before that big Monday Night Smackdown was an appearance on Galifianakis’ silly show which obviously didn’t go the way she would have liked.  Even on such a friendly production set she was stiff, unlikable, and accident prone revealing that under the pressure of over a billion people watching and obvious health problems that could reveal themselves beyond her control, and an uncompromising opponent who will do anything to win standing next to her—Hillary Clinton is truly in trouble and it’s a dream come true for me.

If Hillary Clinton were just a senile old lady living down the road, I might have compassion for her condition.  But she’s seeking to manage my life with more expanded government and an even further left-winged political agenda that has proven to be a Trojan Horse intent on ending American sovereignty in favor of global governance—and I despise her for it.  What she has done along with her fellow leftist radicals has been a declaration of war against the kind of America that I love—an innovative place full of diversity and tradition.  Hillary’s America, like the recent movie articulated quite well, is a criminal empire guided by corrupt politicians that would make Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars pale in comparison.  So I have no sympathy for her situation.  She has literally painted herself into a corner—everything she has done in her life leading up to this moment in time—and the physical and mental pressure of it, are proving to be too great for her.

She’s in hiding while Donald Trump knows he has her cornered.  He is loose on his feet and ready to seal the deal of his own fate knowing that all he has to do put her away during this upcoming debate and he wins the presidency.  To put it in golfer’s terms, this is a putt under par literally on the rim of the hole.  All he has to do to win is gently tap the ball forward with the slightest of a putt and the ball will drop in.  However, for Hillary she has to hope for a 400 yard drive which will result in a hole-in-one, which is nearly impossible—and those just aren’t good odds.  The media is attempting to make the presidential race look even for their own ratings, but the difference is as I’ve metaphorically described.  Trump has all the high ground, Clinton has nothing but dirty tricks and cheating which will prove difficult on such a large stage—so she’s nervous—even scared—and she should be.

I remember the debates in 1992 when Ross Perot was on stage with George Bush and Bill Clinton and essentially the businessman easily outplayed the politicians earning a lot of respect for the Texas billionaire.  I worked hard for Perot back then even to the point of being at the campaign headquarters in Dallas the night before the election.  There was hope of getting between 15% and 20% of the vote which we all knew would have a lasting impact on future elections and we were excited.  We didn’t think Ross would win, but just being on stage planted the seeds for what would eventually become Donald Trump.  I enjoyed the company of Ross’s family that night.  One of his younger daughters was close to my age at the time which  made for an eventful, and respectable evening—but I remember vividly driving back from Dallas at over 100 MPH to get back to Ohio to vote and work the polls with just a few hours to spare.

Even as I got a speeding ticket in Tennessee for going 110 MPH—obvious reckless operation which I thought was going to put me in jail—the cop let me off with a much reduced ticket of 80 in a 55 zone because he liked the Ross Perot stickers that was all over the car I was driving—we called it the “Perot Mobile” back then.  It was often full of Ross Perot t-shirts, a banner which we hand delivered to the Perot family that they laced across their Texas mansion on election night which was made specifically for a CNN broadcast at a Dallas arena, and occasionally fashion models from Penthouse magazine which we dressed up to pass out Perot pins on Fountain Square during businesses lunches in Cincinnati.  We would pack the girls in the car to the point where there wasn’t any leftover space and when we all got out it was like a clown car of endless bodies emerging which seemed impossible to hold.  I remember vividly the optimism back then and it was nothing like what we are seeing on the cusp of the debate between crooked Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The Perot watch party was at the Omni Netherland Plaza in downtown Cincinnati and I was horrified literally to watch Bill Clinton win over George Bush.  All along with all the work I did for Perot I figured that Bush would remain president as the incumbent.  Change needed to happen, my protest of Bush was that he was such a globalist compared to Ronald Reagan, and he needed a shot across his bow to bring him back to reality—and the patriotism of nationalism.  But he was a one world government guy and he lost to the criminal drug pusher from Arkansas and Hillary Clinton was within sight of her ultimate goal of the presidency herself—riding on the coat-tails of her husband.  I sat on those steps that evening and felt terrible—and I resolved to fix it any way I could.  What happened next was 24 years of government expansion and a drastic move to the political left and a weakening of American presence around the world—and it has disgusted me.  I thought things were bad after just four years of George Bush the elder—enough so that Ross Perot was a wake-up call for the Republican Party.  What we ended up with was Hillary Clinton—the power climber and corrupt politician whose ultimate goal was to finish what Bush started—ending American sovereignty to the highest bidder—in this case George Soros—and bring America crippled from within to the feet of the world government compliant, and apologetic.

Knowing what I do about Trump he feels much the same way that I do. For years he gave money to these politicians to keep them out of his business practices, and to hope beyond hope that something might actually get done.  But he’s watched a lifetime’s worth of failures from the political class and now in his own elderly years he’s ready to just do the job of fixing everything himself.  As a person used to winning everything he does, he gets to debate a wounded radical with a lot to hide which is easy pickings for a guy like him.  It reminds me of the debates I had on WLW radio and in public with the levy supporters of Lakota a few years back when they could do nothing to answer the fiscal facts I presented but provide an emotional argument in favor of children, which was really easy for me—a businessman—to combat.  It was like cutting butter with a hot knife—it took almost no effort because the facts were on my side.  Leading up to those events people asked me if I was nervous because the Lakota people had this big political machine and I essentially had nothing but a few angry supporters—and I replied cautiously that I wasn’t.  I kept wondering if they knew something I didn’t—which wasn’t likely—but I wasn’t sure.  Of course history showed that I had nothing to worry about—and Trump has even less.  Hillary is a wounded animal literally hanging by a thread and after he puts her away Monday night—the media won’t be able to dress up her terrible performance.  The scouting report on her is that she can’t answer questions about her email and she can’t defend her thirty year record—and under stress—she physically breaks down.  Trump is the perfect candidate for the Republicans.  For me he is rectification of that night long ago at the Omni Netherland Hotel where I didn’t want to talk to anybody for several days—not even the friends of our “Perot Mobile” who were staying at the Omni Netherland and wanted to do something to salvage the evening.  I couldn’t think about any of that kind of stuff—I just wanted to fix the situation and I’ve had to wait a quarter century to get the next chance—and Trump is that solution.

I can’t wait for the debate to start—because at that point Hillary Clinton is one step closer to becoming a bad memory and for a change to send the Democrats into the depths that I have been on since 1992.  And when they get there, I won’t forget who they are—and they won’t be coming back.  The debate between Trump and Clinton is about more than just winning that one night—we are seeing the end of a political class that encompasses Republicans and Democrats and ushers in a new era of business men and women who are proven successes who bring to politics the best that they’ve been which will set our country on a completely different trajectory regarding economics, culture, world presence—virtually every category of human endeavor.  Needless to say, I will enjoy watching Hillary Clinton squirm to the bitter end—because she deserves everything that is happening to her for what she has tried to do to our country.  Donald Trump is simply making things right again starting with ending her career in a spectacle which will easily eclipse Monday Night Football.

Rich Hoffman


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Trump and Child Care: Making families great again

Remember dear reader that I predicted the end of the Democratic Party on Matt Clark’s radio show early in the 2016 election.  I specifically said far before Hillary Clinton became the train wreck that her campaign has become that the Republican Party would split into two and that Democrats would cease to be and that the overall nature of the entire country would move to the political right.  Once that happened Trump, who as of now is considered one of the most radical right winged candidates in the history of the presidency, will be considered a liberal and that the critics of Trump’s recent child care rebate speech launched brilliantly at just the right time in the campaign, would launch themselves into a new conservative party yet named and headed by the likes of Glenn Beck and Ted Cruz.  I said on WAAM radio that I thought it would take a few years to occur but that the foundations were already present—the end of the Democratic Party is coming. Trump is about to destroy them and I love him for it.  Good riddance!

I am of the mind that Trump’s proposals greatly benefiting women and their child care expenses isn’t just another giant government program spreading big brother even more to the far reaches of our country—it’s the first step of a master negotiator to begin walking back the massive damage progressives have done to the American family.  I was just a little stunned by Trump’s proposal for the first time in our nation’s history that a tax credit the value of yearly child care would be provided to women who stay home with their children as well as those who decide to enter the workplace.  Whereas Trump’s proposals led by his daughter Ivanka look like the type of policies a Democrat would propose, the heart of the effort is distinctly conservative.

I’ve been saying it for over 40 years—women who stay home with their children are taking on the most difficult occupations of our society and the most important—the raising of our youth.  My mother was ridiculed to hell and back for being a housewife who was always home while I was growing up and my wife had it even worse—because she did the same.  Now my kids are staying home with their children.  They have professional occupations, but they work from their homes and they put their children first—which is hard to do.  Being a mom—not a neurotic mess like most school levy supporters are—not a panicking soccer mom or busy body latté sipper—but a mom is the most important job in the entire world and it’s about time that “government” recognize it as such.

Government run by progressives have been at war with the American family for the last seventy years—likely longer—and the quality of our people shows the negative results dramatically.  I can spot a person who had a stay-at-home mom a mile away—even as old shriveled up raisins themselves playing golf.  You can tell when a person was loved as a child by a mother.  It shows in how they walk, talk, and process information.  You can also tell who had chaotic childhoods that were raised in day care facilities.  Their minds are scattered messes—and sadly, many people reading this are of this experience.  This has been the fault of government.  It has attempted through public education to replace the parent at home with big government ideas that perpetuated lifelong entitlements—for which the paternal government would provide through wealth confiscation and redistribution.   Many years of this behavior has essentially destroyed our nation intellectually.  The starting point for fixing this problem is to incentivize the American family to remain intact and to nurture each other toward prosperity—because the top down government model has failed miserably. 

Not exactly a friendly crowd in that clip, but he handled things unusually well–unscripted, informal, and competent.  So it was quite a statement to acknowledge that stay-at-home moms would qualify for a tax credit worth the cost of child care.  That I think is huge, and extremely conservative.  For a change, a Republican is taking a conservative idea and dressing it up to appeal to moderates and Democrats and selling it in an appealing way.  But in so doing Trump is putting the American family first in a way that I’ve never seen done in politics before—and this is very encouraging.  Under Trump’s proposal, both of my daughter’s would qualify for a tax credit because they have stayed home to care for their children in a traditional way—instead of being penalized the way families have been in the past.  

These Trumps mean business—and continue to show what kind of Executive Branch they’d maintain every day while in the White House.  Nobody has worked harder on more hard policy innovation than they have just during this campaign—and given Donald Trump’s track record—I have no doubt that he will work even harder knowing that history is judging him—because he seems to really care about those types of things.  Trump from every direction seems to be doing exactly what I have been dreaming of in a presidential candidate all my life—and he expects himself to actually do the things he’s talking about.   Trump, he is a hard worker, he’s innovative, and he expects to accomplish things.  He also has the establishment scared to death—which is wonderful for a change.   He is a sign of real change and ultimately, I think the biggest impact will be on the two-party system.  When that happens, remember you heard it from me first, the Democratic Party is about to become extinct.  

The Trumps and the people of their campaign—some of which I know, are the best of what is produced in America.  Trump is planning to invest in the future not only fiscally, but emotionally by making the family the center of all our values once again—and that is a wonderful thing.

Rich Hoffman


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Trump International Hotel Washington:The biggest story of the week–Ayn Rand’s heroes are no longer fiction

The biggest news of the week after Hillary passed out at a 9/11 ceremony ahead of a big election wasn’t her criminal activity involving her emails.  It wasn’t even the start of an NFL season.  It was the quiet and unpretentious trump card that Donald Trump unleashed with a soft opening in Washington D.C. featuring his new hotel and likely one of the most prestigious destinations on planet earth—and that includes the many fine hotels of Abu Dhabi.  Trump and his team delivered in a big way on time and ahead of schedule essentially a masterpiece of modern architecture proving what I’ve said from the very beginning—we are electing into the office of president—finally in America, a hero from one of Ayn Rand’s novels which will perpetually change the political landscape for the better from here on.  While most politicians would be completely focused on their campaigns in these final days Trump was able to perform all those expected functions doing interviews with Fox and Friends—wishing good health to the ailing Hillary Clinton before jetting off to Alabama to a massive rally planned later that night.   In between Trump stopped by his latest building masterpiece to launch the soft opening and speak to his employees with this little speech.

What we are seeing dear reader is a man of high expectation at the height of his game and he has proven himself a master in the arts of mass utilization.  He’s an unrivaled spectacle of his own making and is the closest thing to the real life Howard Roark from the great American novel, The Fountainhead that we’ve ever seen—only he’s better.  Where Roark was uncompromising and socially awkward—the way Ayn Rand herself was—Trump is confident and can give a little in public to earn people to his side—but in the end he gets exactly what he wants without being a victim to social circumstances the way that the fictional Howard Roark was—where he had to blow up his own building to take ownership of it.  Trump just dominates whatever he does keeping himself from ever being a victim, and that is exactly what we should have as a presidential representative of the United States.   He’s his own kind of man and is certainly a product of American capitalism in a very positive way.

Not since Walt Disney has an American personality essentially taken on the status quo of virtually everything and elevated it for all who follow and Trump has done that in politics by performing the effort so leisurely without taking his foot off the petal of his professional interests.  As I’ve said all along, when Trump has his hard open to this grand D.C. hotel later in October—after the kinks of the soft opening have been worked out—the lead story going into the election will be that Trump can do for America as a country what he did to the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue—next door to the White House.   With ceilings more than twenty feet tall in some of the rooms the luxury hotel is a testament to excellence—and uncompromising integrity, a symbol of what’s about to happen in Washington D.C.—then across America.

Trump’s plan which has obviously been in the back of his mind for a long time was to use that hotel to raise the bar in the ailing United States capital and to fix policy from the White House that will correct the course America is presently on and bring it to unprecedented levels never before thought possible—and this hotel is the evidence of what can really happen when Trump and his family put their name on something.  The Trump D.C. hotel was essentially a project of Ivanka and she truly did deliver—and I honestly think it will be she who will be the first female president once she’s completed a few more of these massive real estate endeavors stepping out from under her father’s massive shadow.

With the hard opening in October displaying all the glamour and glitz that is expected from a capitalist country awing the media just before the election Trump will get a bounce that will be better than his RNC event and that will be the last impression voters will have going to the voting booth on November 8th.  That doesn’t mean you can stay home dear reader, the Democrats always have a few tricks up their sleeves.  But their act is a tired one—and they can’t hold a candle to Trump and his glorious escapades of which the Trump D.C. hotel is but the latest.  The media covered the soft opening with a focus on a few hairy socialist protesters outside the grand building, but the magnificence of the event overshadowed their efforts valiantly—and that scared the media—such as Reuters and the AP.  Talk about an exclamation point at the end of the most unusual presidential candidacy in American history—there really isn’t anything Democrats can do to compete with the Trumps from New York.  During the soft opening the polls were slightly in Trump’s favor.  From here on out, he will gradually pull ahead and Hillary will not be able to play from behind.  Her health won’t allow her, and she is too top heavy organizationally to adapt.  Trump has beat them with the cards in his deck and the Trump D.C. hotel is the last hand needed to win the presidency—and everyone on the inside knows it.  Once the American voter learns about it—the election will essentially be over.  Do not take anything for granted—show up on that first Tuesday in November and VOTE.  But Trump has essentially played his last card for a victory and it is the Trump Hotel in D.C.  What a masterpiece!  Ayn Rand would be very proud.

Likely such a supposition will fray the skin of people like Glenn Beck, and John Stossel who are big supporters of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism and would point at Trump and declare that he is no John Galt.  But Trump has been his own engine of the world—and he’s done it the traditional way through real, tangible assets and hard uncompromising work.  Objectivists all across the various political philosophies would disagree with me—but I know something they don’t.  Objectivism doesn’t go far enough as a philosophy to carry the human race forward—there are other aspects that need to emerge into practice as foundational principles friendly to a capitalist nation.   Objectivism is fine for foundations, but Trump is in a league of his own—I would call him a sequel to Ayn Rand.  He is an engine, but his definition and integrity are defined largely by him and his value than by what some philosopher has framed for him—and that makes him something truly special, and unique.

People like Glenn Beck have let down a lot of people over just this last year.  When he pleaded on Fox News over nearly six years ago for the world to unleash its real Hank Reardons he really didn’t mean it, because Trump is now before us.  His hotel in Washington D.C. is a shining example of what America can do if it unleashes its best and brightest, and in this case it is the Trump Organization which shines brightest in the dimming light of the Washington skyline.  And it’s about time that we have an engine of the world in the White House to unleash all that pent-up potential so that a decade from now, the Trump D.C. will look rather average for America—and not so exceptional—because the level of expectation will finally be raised to where it should be.

Rich Hoffman


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Hillary Loses her Mind Again, and her Shoe: Is the presidential candidate looking for a doctor’s note to get out of the debates?

By now dear reader you’ve probably heard, Hillary Clinton nearly passed out at a 9/11 ceremony even losing her shoe as her entourage ushered her into her motorcade before the cameras could capture her despair.  By all appearances Hillary Clinton looks ill—like she’s a very sick person.  And factually, that’s all we have to go on.  But beware of the scheming Hillary Clinton—the criminal—who will stop at nothing to cover her trail and do what she has to do to survive another day.  Consider that just before the Benghazi hearings, it was this same Hillary Clinton who supposedly had a concussion and couldn’t attend the congressional hearings for quite some time delaying the efforts.

Many—such as yours truly—believed she was faking the injury to delay justice—until public sentiment had worn out on the topic blunting the effect on her professional life—which worked to some extent.  I believe this is the same kind of “injury.”  Hillary does not want to debate Donald Trump.  I believe she is looking for a doctor’s note getting her out of the upcoming events and that she is trusting the element of sympathy and a friendly media to carry her over the finish line.

She knows that she has better chances at the presidency if she avoids the debates than if she will if she gets pounded on her emails during them.  The only way she can hope to endure the ridicule of the Wikileaks email releases and the public embarrassments Trump will unleash on her are to avoid the debates all together.  And to get away from that—she needs a doctor’s note and a whole lot of progressive sympathy.  Be very careful of the wounded animal that whimpers until you get close enough for it to swipe at you one last time.  Hillary is a criminal, and nothing she does can be trusted at face value.

Rich Hoffman


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Donald Trump Speaking on behalf of Phyllis Schlafly: Leadership and honor even at a funeral–which is expected

As the world was concerned about other things, conservatives respectfully sent their wishes to the family of Phyllis Schlafly, as the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was given a standing ovation at the St. Louis Cathedral Basilica at the funeral for Phyllis Schlafly. The congregation stood to its feet and applauded Donald Trump after his wonderful remarks. I thought it was interesting, and revealing to the type of President Donald Trump will be to show what the press virtually ignored.  Trump even under grim circumstances projected strength and honor in the face of gloom bringing the entire room up a level as we all walk the precipice between life and death.  Nothing is worse than a funeral, yet Trump’s energy for life uplifts everyone, which says a lot in defense of what kind of conservative leadership he possess, which Phyllis believed in.

Schlafly was a constitutional lawyer, conservative activist, author, speaker, columnist and founder of the Eagle Forum.

Phyllis was active promoting conservative agenda until her passing. She wrote a weekly column for over 50 years. Schlafly released a book in August, “The Conservative Case for Trump,” with co-authors Ed Martin and Brett Decker – The Conservative Case for Trump.

In March Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Donald Trump for president at the Peabody Opera House in St. Louis.

Rich Hoffman


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Send in the Clowns: Hillary Clinton’s coughing secret revealed–a coded message to her base supporters

I honestly don’t think things are as close as the media wants to believe things to be in the 2016 presidential race.  That doesn’t mean that we can all take things for granted, the forces against us are tremendous, but the bottom line of the Hillary Clinton run for POTUS is that she is damaged beyond repair—no matter how much you like her or don’t.  She lost her moral authority a long time ago to serve in that position whereas Donald Trump is at least a fresh face worthy of a chance.  In the end, people will rationalize their vote accordingly—but take nothing for granted—because “The System” will do whatever it has to do to protect itself.  That was the premise of a rather comedy driven hour of radio on WAAM in Ann Arbor, Michigan on September 10th just 60 days out from the upcoming election in November. Matt Clark brought me on to provide color commentary as we covered a number of topics and actually took several calls.  But even more importantly, we broke a story that may be the biggest of the entire election season—that Hillary Clinton’s coughing fits—which were a huge part of our show—is actually a coded plea to her progressive followers.  Her coughing message is one that only radical insurgents like Barbra Streisand and George Soros understand.  Listen for yourself and pass it along to a friend who needs to hear it.  If you translate her coughing message it says—“HELP ME OR I WILL GO TO JAIL.”

With what we knew about Hillary Clinton before the DNC convention it would have still been hard for the old Washington insider to be president of the United States—because people on my side of the political aisle would reject her by default.  Clinton is too divisive of a figure to represent most of America and there would be a continuation of the hatred that seeps out of the progressive left which would further erode away the stability of our country—culturally.  But after, after the resignations at the DNC and the evidence provided from the hacked emails regarding Hillary’s private server, her conduct with the FBI—the FBI’s role in assisting with her cover-up—the Iranian payoff—the inability to think on her feet during debates or press conferences because as a candidate, she is so carefully scripted that her campaign can’t afford to have her any other way—her candidacy is doomed.  It would be impossible for Clinton at this point to be POTUS even if the political left and the media that supports them managed to push her over the top at the Electoral College.  These same dirty tricks put Barack Obama in office and in a lot of ways there is more hatred of him by the politically conservative right after eight years of his efforts because the evidence of our suspicions actually came to fruition.  Many have been counting down the days until his exit—which has kept the peace.  But with Hillary—who is the only selection of the Democratic Party—the evidence is quite clear before the election that she actually committed crimes to be there and those same people simply won’t stand for the potential of another eight years of Democratic presidential rule—because they’ve reached their limit.

I’ve never had much faith in our institutions—like the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security and those associated government branches—but many were willing to give them the benefit of doubt for the security of the county.  Those people willing to turn the other cheek are much like the caller Sheri who appeared on our radio show to give Matt a piece of her mind regarding the fun we were making of Hillary Clinton’s physical and mental health.  They have been happy to pray for the political left and hope that God would show them the light.  But others like me increasingly have been taking matters into our own hands—like the song “Onward Christian Soldiers Marching As To War” suggests.  There is a reason we have the Bill of Rights in our Constitution and it is for when government ultimately fails us—like it is presently—most notably when the FBI dumps important case documents about Hillary Clinton to the media on the Friday before Labor Day—a trick that would have worked just a few years ago. But now, with the 24-hour news cycles and the 7 day a week coverage of talk radio—things like that don’t get buried anymore.  The fact that they tried to bury the story is the worst evidence yet—it’s actually a bigger story than when the IRS personally targeted conservative groups a few years back—and that story still makes conservatives extremely angry.  There is no way that people will forgive the FBI or Hillary Clinton within the possible eight years of her presidency. Rather, more and more people will use the Bill of Rights to stand up to an obviously corrupt government to change it—and that level of anger was never covered by Saul Alinsky in his leftist guide to tyranny and control, Rules for Radicals.  His book on strategy was aimed at nice people like Sheri, but when they stop praying for people like Hillary Clinton and join the Rich Hoffmans and Matt Clarks of the world with a sword in hand “marching as to war”—Saul Alinsky’s methods disintegrate—which is exactly what is currently happening to the entire progressive movement globally.  Hey, even Al Capone went to jail—which is the figure Saul Alinsky modeled his strategy on.  Like Capone—who had the media, the legal system, and the public eating out of his hand—Hillary has been caught and she knows it.  Everyone around her knows it, and they hope that their old tricks will work one more time to at least get her in office so she can earn the power of the pardon.  But even if she did manage such an act—there are too many people ready for action that won’t put up with it.  If the political left thought the Tea Party movement was hard to deal with—wait until they have to deal with what comes next.

The media needs this election season to appear close; they need the campaign money spent with traditional advertising, because that revenue is actually part of their budgets.  They have to make this race look close for their own survival.  They can’t afford to say at CNN that the race was over before Labor Day and that only the Republicans have a viable candidate running at this point—so essentially the election is over.  They can’t allow the news cycles to move on to football coverage and the upcoming Holiday Season—because they need the candidates themselves to continue injecting millions and millions of dollars into advertising and commentary into copy for newspapers, television, and talk radio for their own sustainability.  But I’m telling you dear reader that the election is over one way or the other.  Like or hate Donald Trump—he’s the only one running and with him there is a hope that something might change—because he’s a different kind of candidate. But Hillary will be rejected regardless of what happens during the election—and things could get very ugly.

I continue to be proud that I’ve had the opportunity to meet Donald Trump a few times now—and that I was with his campaign from the start.  I am excited that he might actually bring competition to the public school system through School Choice and take the shackles off our economy.  If he did just those two things he’d be a success in my book—and he’s the best shot we have at fixing those two problems.  I’ve had a Trump sign in front of my house for a while now, and just last week I saw a change among my neighbors.  Now they too have Trump signs in their yards.  At the end of my street is a medium-sized manufacturing business and it now has its entire frontage displaying Trump signs eager for his upcoming election.  What has changed over these last few weeks is that normal people have made their decision.  They can’t vote for an obvious criminal, so they will vote for Trump—likely in higher numbers than we’ve seen in any recent election.  And for one last time—we’ll trust the system to get it right.  People like Sheri will vote and pray one more time—and if at the end of that process Hillary Clinton is in the White House, then open insurrection will slowly come to a boil.  Because what Saul Alinsky and his liberal followers never learned about the political Christian right is that their behavior of kindness is rooted in belief that things will at some point get better.  If that hope is taken away from them, then they will fight—and they’ll fight with a desperation that few on planet earth understand—especially George Soros.  People born free and relatively happy know the difference when they are being openly scammed through a massive government insurrection.  There is a reason that committed leftists like Barbra Streisand don’t make movies like The Main Event anymore—because people like my mom wouldn’t go to see her, or buy her albums, because of her political beliefs—which has been destroying Hollywood since the Clintons were first in office during the 90s.

For so many years people like Barbra Streisand on the far left have made fun of us on the right essentially because each time nice women like Sheri heard conservatives like Matt and I giving it back to the left—we listened, and those on the left continued because they didn’t believe in anything.  They have mischaracterized our behavior to believe they have some almighty power of philosophy that entitled them to impose themselves on everyone else.

Yet Streisand even with all her Hollywood friends couldn’t get a movie made today if she wanted to—because she is box office toxic—due to her politics.  And regardless of what Hillary Clinton does or says in the next 60 days, she will not be able to convince any more than half the nation that she has the authority to be in the White House.  And when you take away people’s power of the vote—they will resort to other measures.  As I look at the battlefield, I don’t see that America is quite ready for that—and I believe that when the smoke clears, Donald Trump will be the president and we’ll see what happens—and I don’t think it will be close.  However, if Hillary wins, that anxiety on the political right will increase to a level nobody has yet seen in the history of America.  When law and order no longer matter, and agencies like the FBI actively assist in committing crimes—then bad things will happen—and nobody is ready for that.  George Soros certainly didn’t plan for that, and his kids have no idea.  Streisand has lost touch with the everyday people.

She can sing songs from Hollywood about Trump, but she doesn’t understand what is behind the movement that fuels him.  And neither does Hillary when she made a break from trying to appeal to Trump voters last week to calling them “deplorable” this week—the real fear was revealed.  We are in new territory and nobody knows what to do about it.  But I can tell you this dear reader—Hillary Clinton will never be accepted as president—even if the system names her in such a way.  She’s a criminal at best and she was caught—and we all see it.  She lost the election before the DNC convention when the emails were released—and its only gotten worse since then.  What’s even scarier for her—is that the worst of the evidence has yet to be released.  The only clowns in this issue are the Barbra Streisand types who are so out of touch that they don’t even understand the pulse of mainstream America any more.  They look in the mirror and think they are the righteous ones—when in fact they are part of a criminal class born on the philosophies of a mobster—and their day of reckoning is coming one way or the other—through a vote, or through the violence that follows injustice.  Bring on the clowns—we’re ready for them if they steal this election by inserting a criminal in a position of power—knowingly.

Rich Hoffman


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