War from the Unseen Realm: How the Murder of good people paves the way the Politics of the Divine Council

I was disappointed to learn that Michael Heiser, the author of The Unseen Realm, had passed away in February of 2023. I do not want to go into massive conspiracy theory territory, but the first thought that came to my mind about his very rapid and specific pancreatic cancer diagnosis was that “they” wanted to get rid of him.  And by “they,” as we often refer when speaking about things just beyond our visual spectrum, have best been captured in literature and human thought by the Hebrew word, Elohim.  I am quite a fan of Dr. Heiser’s work, his series of books on the subject I came to as I was thinking about things along the same line for several decades, essentially going back to my Sunday School days and catechism.  His books started with success, selling around 100,000 to much more by the time he died.  Not exactly the New York Times bestseller’s list, which would be regarded as mainstream, but certainly successful among Christian authors.  The shame was that he was not an old man by any measure but relatively young, at just 60 years old.  His death reminded me of what happened to Michael Landin from Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven a few decades ago, who died of almost the same thing, and it brought to my mind an eternal war that is the actual theme of the Bible, which most everyone misses.  Best thought of as the Elohim they are rebelling against Yahweh’s plans for earth and the people on it; there are real wars between them and us humans that have been there from the beginning.  Most cultures seek to appease this unseen power and the politics of the Divine Council with some form of sacrifice, especially today.  If you dig enough, you will uncover that this very attribute is the core of the Climate Change radicalism of communist desire all around the world.  And yes, these Elohim, as the Hebrew Bible calls them, do kill people with premature diseases and other ailments because they have an agenda, and they don’t like whistleblowers who alert the world as to what they are up to. 

Of course, the CIA and other intelligence agencies have their way of killing people who are in their way, most notably what they did to President Kennedy and President Nixon, as well as President Trump.  Killing can come in many forms, and over time, because of the messy press, killing has morphed more into social castigation, the preferred method of communist governments, which China has been exporting for over 40 years now using The Art of War as their deployment method which has been chronicled explicitly in the book Unrestricted Warfare if you’d like to reference it.  The CIA has their heart attack guns that can put people into cardiac arrest, making the murder look like natural causes.  Steve Bannon from the Warroom thinks that the killing of Andrew Breitbart was a natural occurrence because he had other health issues.  But I’ve always looked at it as a combo murder, a spiritual weapon that loaded him with health concerns that were then triggered by physical weapons by assassins who thought they could get rid of him and mask the whole thing as death by natural causes.  What doesn’t get talked about is how all these good people end up with these mysterious diseases that they quickly die of, while truly detrimental people live wild, crazy lives of excess, and they never get sick by anything.  It’s a pattern of behavior that is impossible to ignore if you are paying attention.

I would go further to indicate that the Elohim are a wild group of characters who exist within our understanding of quantum mechanics and are every bit as stupid, power-hungry, and malicious as anybody we know in politics or business on Earth.  The point of the more than 1500 years of history indicated in the Bible written by many people over such vast periods is to tell a story about their downfall, even if it’s fictional in its overall plot line, hopeful in its delivery.  The point of the Bible is to complete the story of the fall in the garden with the resurrection of Christ and the forgiveness of that original sin, eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as opposed to the Tree of Eternal Life.  If you read carefully, what God is saying in the Bible over the entire span of it is that he very much wants human beings to be his partners in bringing Heaven to Earth but is perpetually frustrated that they never seem to listen and instead fall for all the lessor gods of the Divine Council and their politics of Heaven that is every bit as vicious as what we see on Earth.  And it doesn’t matter if you are a four-dimensional individual like we are or a character from the fifth, sixth, or eleventh dimension; we are all competing lifeforms fighting for either the right to goodness or appeasement toward unseen forces hellbent on control over all life, everywhere.  We are not wise to think that just because a menace comes from a dimensional space outside our experience, they are working toward our benefit.  I would say they are as power-hungry and malicious as any human counterpart.  And they maintain their power like our current shadow governments, beyond our visual spectrum.  And they like it that way. 

So my first thought, based on a lot of experience in seeing the same thing happen to many other people, was that Dr. Heiser was killed for what he was reporting.  His books take a scholarly approach to the subject of The Unseen Realm as indicated from the Bible in the ways that humans could understand the perpetual war that is quite vicious and on a scale that we don’t have terms to define.  I think it’s pretty remarkable that several people, under the weight of massive political pressure of empires and time, could capture such a vision as intact as it is in the Bible.  But in truth, we are just scratching the surface, and people like Dr. Heiser were unique, making him a target of the malicious.  And when the enemy from that Unseen Realm is threatened by what people do that might alter their plans for people on earth, they do as all governments do who think they have infinite power: they seek to eliminate them.  And one way to do that is to destroy people from the inside out.  After all, the Democrat Party and cancer cells work the same way, just on different scales.  Both pretend to be one thing while they overtake healthy tissue to destroy it from within.  On a quantum level, to kill a person, you just have to turn their immune system against the body it is supposed to be defending, and soon the body dies from an invasion of diseases that are always present but are defended against to maintain a healthy body.  After all, isn’t that what we see happening with the border invasion and the general policies of Joe Biden?  It’s the same method of murder, and the perpetrators aren’t necessarily human but vessels of deceit propagated from eternity for the elimination of goodness.  And God always warned us of them and wished to fight against them since appeals to their mercy were not followed.  But before you can fight them, you must understand them, and yes, they are killers.  Malicious, unsympathetic killers and they are everywhere all the time. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The New War in the World: Bioweapons, corrupt governments and health care tryanny

War is no longer what we thought it was.  We have always thought of war as tanks, troops, and aircraft with arrangements on a battlefield to suppress an enemy into capitulation.  But a new kind of war is upon us, and we all knew it was coming since 2010 when Obamacare was seeking to take over 1/5 of the American economy and control whether people lived or died by a new Administrative State of mindless government pinheads.  Just like in war, the goal is to make enough people die to cause their opposition to lose the will to fight.  And that is precisely what we are dealing with now with health care.  By controlling whether or not people live or die, these modern attackers gain control over human behavior and can then get them to do political actions they otherwise wouldn’t consider.  This presents us with the biggest threat to modern society, the Healthcare Alliance, and the prevalence of bioweapons that are now part of joint globalist efforts at creating weapons of terror that kill more efficiently than a bullet or a bomb.  We are dealing with a new kind of enemy here, fighting over government funding and allocation rather than governments against other governments.  Our biggest enemies are not China, Iran, or South Korea.  They are the various biolabs who are making weapons of war that destroy a person from the inside out without them even knowing that they are sick.  And to live, then you will have to take the medicine they make to keep you alive.  Once that relationship is established, people are conquered in ways they never previously thought possible. What would people be willing to do to live life?  Would they give up all their freedoms and independence?  Of course, they will, and we certainly saw that strategy play out during the most recent Covid outbreak. 

The first thing that people need to realize is that Covid-19, as we saw it unleashed on the world from a Wuhan lab in China, was not an act of nature.  It was manufactured through gain-of-function research, of which Dr. Fauci was fully aware, along with many others, and the battleground was about funding.  Dr. Fauci gained power as the government bureaucrat who could distribute the government’s funds for research.  And once those researchers knew who was paying them, their loyalties were driven in that direction.  Our first mistake was thinking that all these government scientists would behave ethically.  That there would be checks and balances on ethics.  But, unfortunately, there are research whores who are every bit as unethical as a street walker, and they will do just about anything for a new condo in Florida or a boat.  To have easy money for their bank account, even if that means killing off a large portion of the population.  And that is what Covid was: a bioweapon designed to control behavior, and it was a test run.  Some people would be driven toward government compliance and would take the government medicine to stay alive, and some wouldn’t, and those people would be quickly eliminated once the manufactured virus strain was released to the public.  For Covid, also chronicled in The Wuhan Cover-up by Robert F. Kennedy, the Department of Defense was very interested in bioweapons to control nations.  It didn’t take long for the Administrative State to realize that an unelected Deep State could gain power over governments, which then controls funding stolen legally from taxpayers, and then distributed to this new threat in the world, the white-coat tyrants who run the Administrative State through the unique power of government health care. 

It started in America at Fort Dietrick under American efforts but quickly jumped into an international partnership with China once it was realized that there was too much regulatory burden in the States.  China had their hand up, and Dr. Fauci and the gang set up shop there knowing exactly what they were doing, even purposely misleading presidents of the United States to build their bioweapon, with the intent to control the world and, in that effort, to gain control of the funding streams provided by governments.  In the past, there were always fights over natural resources, such as oil, gold, or access to a harbor.  This new war doesn’t care about things like that.  The latest fight is over government funding; the money governments take from their people under great power is allocated to these various forms of government healthcare.  Of course, someone, or in the case of Covid, many people were going to figure out that the best way to secure all this government funding was to make people terrified of death, then all the money these research groups could ever hope to get would be easy.  Because governments were pretty dumb by themselves, they had the power of taxation, so they could easily be made to throw massive amounts of money at health care, even though those same researchers were making the most significant threats in the world.  It is all about terrorizing the public into throwing money through their governments at health care, which they are always motivated to do to avoid dying.  The attack zone, even for the media manipulations that took place during the COVID crisis, is that significant advertisers spend money on their reputation, which is more accessible for all involved to build up brand recognition as a savior for the viruses that are being created as bioweapons.  Without the bioweapons and the threat of doom that comes from them, nobody cares about vaccines and big pharma companies. 

In war, everyone always thinks their side is justified in what it does.  And that is the case of this new warfare as well.  People like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates think they are interceding into people’s lives who will be better off if only they are forced to listen to them.  The money spent on research will ultimately improve science, from their perspective.  So, if many people are harmed along the way, the ends justify the means.  From their point of view.  The greatest danger, however, is no matter how maddening such a thought is, when they gain leverage of mass society to enforce their view of the world with dollars confiscated by governments and then allocated to research whores, scientists who will do anything for money, who will say anything in a report, make any bioweapon, and is willing to lie about it to get more money than they’d ever get through legitimate means.  Our mistake was assuming that these people had our best intentions in mind.  Just as the error of forming the CIA has turned out to be one of the greatest threats in the world.  We always assumed they had our best interests in mind and were passionate about defending American sovereignty.  But what we learn, as a secretive organization filled with globalist sympathizers, they work aggressively to undermine America altogether, including their associations with the COVID-19 virus, President Trump’s overthrow, and election fraud in 2020.  The danger is when these people who have way too much power think they know better than the rest of us, and they have access to money that only governments can take from people, to be used against them as weapons of war in the form of bioweapons, which Covid-19 certainly was.  What might be considered madness that market competition will sort out, now we have artificially empowered forces who can unleash their insanity on mass populations that they wouldn’t otherwise have.  And it’s the most dangerous thing in the world and is undoubtedly the new kind of war on the world stage. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Epstein Island Client List: A Deep State game embracing sheer evil to take over the world

I don’t understand pedophilia at all; there is nothing that can make it acceptable in any way, especially in the novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.  This is the name of Jeffery Epstein’s flight to his private island in the Caribbean, which is the subject of so much talk going into the year 2024.  The talk is that around 170 names from the flight record are going to be released and that big names like Prince Edward and RFK Jr. are going to be on that list, naming them as attendees to the island known for its sex with underaged girls set up by Jeffery Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell who is currently in jail, convicted of sex trafficking.  You might remember that Jeffery Epstein, they say, was killed in prison.  Perhaps, but I believe he and Osama bin Laden are playing video games together somewhere in a CIA safe house after fulfilling their social roles of a scandalous nature.  After what we have seen out of these intelligence agencies with their open coup against Trump, the election fraud in many elections, and the release of the bioweapon COVID from a lab in Wuhan, China, I don’t trust a word that they leak to the media.  And if a list is released, you can bet that it’s a controlled leak, that the more detailed information is far worse, and that what we will find out is meant to take the edge off the truth.  They are throwing a bone at the public due to massive public pressure to attempt to control the expectations of what the government does.  Everyone already knows that Bill Clinton flew to the sex island with Jeffery Epstein, including many other big names like Bill Gates.  For me, with the number of people I talk to in a week, I’m likely dealing with people who feel the same way and enjoy that book, Lolita, and it bothers me a lot to realize that there is such an evil openly loose in the world and that so many people do accept it. 

I never understood why the book had such a following and that it seemed to empower the rich and powerful toward an almost rebellious propensity to scandal and evil.  In the book, a college professor becomes sexually obsessed with a 12-year-old girl who becomes his stepdaughter during the story.  I find it bizarre that such a thing would ever be published as it is more than controversial, but then again, with evil loose in the world the way it is, perhaps not.  And that the publication is purposeful, for the full effect that Jeffery Epstein looks to have been an intelligence agency asset intent to control society on the high end, and books like Lolita gave people the gateway admission to themselves that their feelings about pedophilia were perfectly alright, and that they could take that plunge into the abyss without fear of social castigation.  The situation is so bad that we now see this movement going mainstream and that the shock of this current link from the client’s list on the Lolita Express has another motive altogether: to normalize pedophilia the way that an illegal fourth branch of government views the world.   This is also why there is a war against Christian judgment and the Jewish people to eradicate the kind of judgments that would scold practitioners of pedophilia.  Instead, we are now being told by our government employees that such a thing is okay in our public schools.  That we are the ones who are sick in the head for having judgments.  This trend has gained momentum over the last several decades, culminating in this exact moment, and it’s on a collision course with a brick wall.  It’s OK to judge people for the evils they do, and we need to judge a lot more often and openly.  The scandal is wanting to have sex with underaged people.  Not in judging it as bad and ill advised.

But what was the point of the Lolita Express and the Epstein sex island, where young girls were recruited into underaged sex with hand-picked clients?  Well, I think the best example in entertainment is the movie The Firm with Tom Cruise from several years back, based on the excellent John Grisham novel.  Once the Tom Cruise character joins a respectable firm, his wife and he think they have made it big.  He is invited to a training retreat to some exotic island paradise and is treated like a king with his new company.  As things usually go at these kinds of things, which is the purpose, he ends up sleeping with a young woman who was there to seduce him and get compromising photos of the main character, all for the point of controlling him as a new member.  The plot line is that by the end of the story, Tom Cruise has to come clean with his wife because the secret is destroying him as a person, and the plot then continues into becoming an escape from the Firm rather than a member of it.  That is clearly what is going on at Epstein Island; members of an elite club meant to control the world through globalism were taken to the island to enjoy sexual fantasies in exchange for dirt on each other so they could all be trusted to support institutionalism rather than their individual morality. 

It’s the same kind of behavior that we see in hazing rituals, especially in college, where new members are expected to debase themselves as individuals and be resurrected as members of the group.  That is precisely the psychological effect of joining the military.  Once you get off the bus, get your head shaved, and put on the uniform, you are then the property of the United States government, and they let you know that in boot camp, explicitly.  As a result of all this, very few people make it into their 30s without having their individual character in some way crushed, and they behave as slaves to those systems for the rest of their lives.  This was clearly what Jeffery Epstein’s role was as a broker of sex to important clients who were seduced and utilized as participants in sinful undertakings.  The social stigma keeps everyone in a tight-knit group where secrets are necessary not to spook the public with sheer audacity.  But to open up that Pandora’s Box, the scandal of Lolita was the mechanism used to keep all these secretive members in check, just like in the movie The Firm.  There is no escape from this because we are dealing with the fourth branch of government, not just a law firm that is very prestigious.  We are dealing with a vast evil here that extends well beyond the client list of people who flew on that plane, names we all know who shape the world we see through entertainment and business.  What might have started as an innocent backrub by underage girls given to middle-aged clients looking to resurrect their corrupted lives with another chance at youth ends up as an extortion racket to empower a deep state illegally manifesting power in secrecy toward an apparent attempt to take over the world in foundations of sheer evil.  And if they are releasing the client list now, it’s for a strategic reason, not one of morality.  They have so little respect for us that they believe they can manipulate us at every level, and they are attempting to do so audaciously with this information, or lack thereof.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Elohim and Plight of the Divine Council: Fighting the great war that spans eternity

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, we are being played in a kind of chess game with some basic patterns of thinking that are precisely how marketing motives are revealed. To say that the Jewish people are all one way or another is utterly ridiculous. That is like saying that Joe Biden and I are both American. But the next question about Republicans and Democrats, traditionalists and progressives, ends the conversation. There are no more similarities between Joe Biden and me than in saying that we live within the same borders of the same country. It has come up a lot over the Holiday season where people have been asking me a lot about the Bible, why and how I can support the Jewish people, and the creation of Israel at the expense of the Palestinians the way I do, even knowing what I do about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. So, of course, that opens up many explanation opportunities, which I’m happy to divulge. But to put it nicely, if you have allowed yourself to be marketed into foolishness, then you will be a little upset to find out all the ways you’ve been suckered, including most of the translations of the Bible. I think most people, including some of the most vigorous religious studies, get their interpretation of the Bible all wrong, and I often turn to Psalm 82 for the entire purpose of the Bible, which I would argue runs counter to everything people believe. 99. 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of everyone gets the Bible wrong. They have allowed their worldview and their religions to be shaped by institutional aggressors who are prone to mischaracterizations and influences of scandal that reside in the hearts of most translations, on purpose or by accident.

The Elohim is the proper word for God

There is quite a movement looming in the background that has figured some of this out and has been gaining momentum over the last few decades, which I would attribute to the nature of mass communication and having so many cultures interact now in ways they never could before. The old game of keep-away isn’t working like it used to, of pitting various sides against each other. I love the Jewish people because they are the oldest surviving group on earth. They are an ancient people, and with them and their rituals comes a window into the past that I find fascinating. Why do they believe the things they do? And why have so many groups, including those of today, want to eradicate them from the face of the earth, yet they are still here after many such attempts? And regarding any references to the Jewish people running all banking and controlling the world in the way that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have chronicled, I would use the Joe Biden comparison, too. We both might have white skin. We both might live in America and be called American, but the differences end there. Otherwise, I’m nothing like Joe Biden, and regarding the many conspiracies, the Jewish people are not like the Rothchilds and various globalists who try to hide their tendency to want to control the world by hiding behind a religion, a region of the world, or the sentiments of history. Those who try to put everyone into these neat little categories are part of the problem, and their antics should be revealed for what they are: the actual manipulations of the Elohim and the Divine Council politics that work their way into our lives daily but reside far beyond our reach materially, into the chess games of Heaven that are very much a part of our daily life.

An amazing book compiled over a tremendous amount of time

In that wonderful passage, Psalm 82, we find the proper word for God, Elohim, used by the Jewish people in their Hebrew Bibles, particularly before the modern era of progressive impact on the publishing industry began tampering with words, that the Hebrew names for things are essential.  God calls on the Divine Council of Heaven to pull it together and judge wickedness righteously.  Even though God spoke about here as the singular Elohim, he has trouble keeping his Divine Council together even as creator of the universe.  They are plotting and scheming always to undercut all civilization for their political purposes.  We tend to think of Heaven as a relief from the concerns of Earth, but reality indicates that things are on Earth as they are in Heaven.  Politics is a creation of Heavenly existence; our motivations are similar everywhere, including on the other side of the universe among all living creatures.  The idea of a utopia where everyone gets along is the fantasy of those who don’t have the will to fight and understand politics as living things interact.  I have many different Bibles that I use for study, and one of my favorites for this very reason is a Complete Jewish Study Bible that has gone to great effort to put its original Hebrew words in it to translate the true meanings of biblical passages.  One of my Bibles, my study Bible for the King James version, is wonderful, but purposefully, the translation from the original Septuagint in Greek is very much watered down.  These last few decades, It has been challenging to find a Bible with the correct term for God, the Elohim, in it for the context of meaning.  And even then, there has been a lot lost to time and translation by minds not entirely up to the task of wrapping their minds around the concept of a “divine council” that is always rebelling against God and using the plight of humanity for malicious purposes. 

The wars we are fighting are instigated by many of these same forces who jump into the minds of the stupid and weak willingly for purposes that cannot be understood until the context of the entire Bible is conceived as an attempt over many thousands of years to see this big picture of politics among the Divine Council for what it is.  Psalm 82 was likely written around 1450 BC, so it predates the building of Solomon’s Temple by 500 years and the birth of Christ by over a thousand.  So, to put together this story as the Jewish people had by being one of the only civilizations to be together still after such an ancient past is quite remarkable and worth preserving.  Another interesting fact is that Jewish people, by heritage, can all trace back their genealogy to one common ancestor 140,000 years ago, which makes sense to me.  To all those who want to think about the entire history of the world starting about 6000 years ago, I believe that is because the translations are off.  That doesn’t cheapen the religious experience but is driven because the context of history is off in translating ancient material.  Such a consideration gives the Adam and Eve story a lot more merit.  If the Middle East didn’t have so many wars all the time, we would likely be able to confirm all this, but then perhaps that’s the point of all the political turmoil.  To keep us from figuring it out, the political mechanisms can be applied for reasons that extend well beyond the concerns of the Earth.  And that is my answer on the Jewish people and religion in general.  I like to understand politics and am very interested in why people do what they do.  But saying all that, I am very interested in the Elohim in the plural sense and their politics so that we, too, can play the big chess game and win it on the side of goodness and righteousness.  And to not be victims as Job was, or many other characters who were caught up in the political antics of the Elohim.  But to fight back against them in ways they aren’t prepared for, and to win.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

They All Have it Coming: The Beltway is preparing for the Trump revenge tour

With all the positioning propaganda against Trump that has come out in the 2023 election cycle, the purposeful Christmas Dinner conversation meant to steer people away from Trump to neocon losers like Birdbrain Nikki; the truth is lingering behind people’s actions. Most notably, the way Marco Rubio and others acted regarding the recent NDAA signage pushed recklessly through the House and Senate for continued spending.  The baseball insiders know what’s going on with Trump and understand that the media will not be able to shape stories as they have in the past and that all these attempts to knock Trump out of the 2024 presidential race will fall flat.  The SWAMP doesn’t want to be drained, and the alligators and snakes are fighting back with a brutal sentiment.  But they all know what’s coming, which is precisely why they put a provision in that latest NDAA bill that will prevent Trump from pulling out of NATO over support of Ukraine’s fight with Russia over border disputes.  They know Trump will be in the White House again, and they are already working to protect their nest eggs, so if it wasn’t already apparent to the world, it is now.  The inside baseball people in politics know that the inevitable is about to happen, and there is nothing they can do about it short of starting a Civil War, which is actually on the table from their perspective.  Before they hand over the reins of government to the MAGA political wave, they are going to pull every dirty trick in the book.  This NDAA thing is just an easy one to spot because it always involves Republicans like Marco Rubio, who are just whores for distributing government money confiscated from taxpayers and giving it to big globalist goals like the support of NATO, so long as America funds it while other countries don’t. 

These tricks have worked in the past because a level of trust came with them.  People trusted the media because they didn’t want to waste their time doubting them, and they trusted politicians enough to let them make up bills like the NDAA NATO supporting horror that it is because it didn’t affect ordinary people very much.  But we had a stolen election in 2020, and we had a bioweapons attack that killed people.  We shut them up in their homes, destroyed their businesses, and broke up families in a truly terrible year, and people have not forgotten.  The arrogant people who perpetrated this attack thought they had it all figured out.  Disney would help them create “global citizens” in America, the media would steer everyone into the slaughterhouse compliantly, and globalism would be well on its way to world domination.  And people wouldn’t be any wiser to it.  All the pinheads in media who can barely write 300 words without consulting an AI program thought they had it all in the bag.  The plan going into the election season would be that lawfare would keep Trump off the ballot, planted news stories around Christmas time would steer the public away from the troubled Trump during the Holiday of 2023, and the bad guys would win once again because the dumb, gullible public would be too busy watching football and unwrapping presents to understand what was happening.  The scam perpetrators, like Dr. Fauci before them, would get honorary degrees and peace prizes and be invited to Davos to speak at the World Economic Forum as celebrities. Leonardo DiCaprio might even sit next to them at a round table event. And globalism would continue to grow unimpeded.

But that plan blew up over that same period, the entire fourth quarter of the 2023 year.  The bad guys were going through the motions, but the results weren’t returning as intended.  Going through the Holiday season, Trump was pulling way ahead of Biden, leaving the other GOP competitors in the dust.  The Colorado story about taking Trump off the ballot was going nowhere.  The Supreme Court was signaling that it wasn’t going to support the Jack Smith insurrection case as a fast track to impact the primary season, which the Colorado story depends on for a Constitutional verdict, and Nikki Haley is not catching Trump the way Fox News tried to sell it.  People who saw these stories said, “We aren’t going to be suckered by you people again.”  And they turned the channel and watched something else.  People are ready to vote for Trump for one primary reason.  Globalism has cost them money, and they are tired of sending money to places like Ukraine while China continues to abuse old man Biden ruthlessly, indicating they are planning to take Taiwan back as a part of their country, putting all of us at risk of losing computer chip manufacturing.  The conversations I was in with people who never think about things like this are concerned about one thing: their money isn’t worth as much now as it was before that 2020 attack against American sovereignty.  When Trump was in the White House before, life was better for them.  What they have seen over the last three years has terrified them.  And they want their country back.  I’m not going to say, “I told you so, all of you,” But “I told you so,” all along.  I can think of many Christmases in times past where I was the only one talking about these things.  Now, everyone is. 

And the Beltway insiders know it too; everyone knows it.  This won’t be an average year for anybody.  People want Trump back in office for normalcy.  Continued ANTIFA riots are only going to make people angrier and less supportive of progressive politics.  Either way, a continuation of the radicalism of 2020 into 2024 is going to turn people away from Democrat priorities, or Trump moving back into the White House will set it in motion with a revenge tour that is perfectly justified.  Lots of people need to suffer for what they did to us all.  And we see it in our bank accounts.  All these globalists who thought they were going to crush the American economy to reset global expectations with their Great Reset forgot that there were people who would be angry about it.  And they were going to blame the globalists, people like Marco Rubio, who plays a Republican on television, but as a senator, sees his role in protecting global military police, NATO, and other partnerships that are grossly one-sided, to impose border disputes on nationalists to make them states of the United Nations.  All those flights of fancy in previous years sounded like ambitious plans that didn’t impact Hometown USA and everyone’s Christmas Dinners.  Plenty of presents were under the tree, and food was easy to get.  But this year, not so much.  Food is costly.  The cost of all goods and services is dramatically higher than during the Trump years, and people are furious about it.  So Little Marco and his gang of government thieves have stuck support for NATO into the NDAA while they still have the power to do so.  Because they know what’s coming, and they are bracing for impact.  And from my perspective, they will need much more than a seat belt.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Second Call Defense May Be the Most Important Thing You Do in 2024: Catherine Herridge thinks there will be a “Black Swan” event, and I think she’s right

Catherine Herridge is one of the only reporters I still respect from the mainstream news, and there is a lot of talk about a recent statement she made about the upcoming year of 2024 when she indicated that she thought there would be a Black Swan event at some point. I agree with her; there may be several. There are a lot of bad guys in the world that have been dramatically empowered by bad laws, weak politics, globalism, terrorism, and eroded values, and the power and money that have come from these activities are not going to be given up easily. I expect a lot of attempts to unleash violence into our society before power is given back or taken back by force. Whatever the case, the bad guys will not just ride off nicely into the night. That’s why they are bad guys; they do bad things and harm innocent people. So I think 2024 will be unusually difficult, much worse than 2020 when color revolutions were unleashed in the streets with a few phone calls from the rich and famous. Sheer whores who will do anything for a buck took over entire cities in 2020 and nearly burned Washington DC to the ground. The media and political figures responsible for the terrible things that happened in 2020 want you to think about the time that people pushed back on January 6th, hoping to erase from your mind everything you had seen and experienced and that some fantasy of normalcy could come from the Biden administration in those early days of 2021. But no, people didn’t forget, and they are voting for Trump anyway; populist movements everywhere are looking for revenge, using the law first to implement it. But that leaves the bad guys nowhere to go, and you can bet they will try every desperate thing to outrun justice.

One thing that has been on my mind is that I had to scold a few of our local news people from the network news who were trying to stoke riots from downtown Cincinnati to come up into West Chester to harass people outside the I-275 loop. A few did come, but it didn’t go very far. My response was similar to what I’m about to say, and in some cases, I walked people I know through the process of buying guns to defend their homes. These were people who don’t usually think this way but were not about to let a bunch of thugs ransack their homes, rape their women, and make a general mess of things in their community. But you can bet that George Soros and all his friends intended for all that to happen even more. What happened recently in Israel could quickly occur anywhere in the United States; the intention of the bad guys is undoubtedly there, and if they aren’t going to respect our laws and enforcement community, then what choice does anybody have? So I helped a lot of people get their hands on guns “just in case,” and the critical riots from Fox 19 News and Channel 5 fizzled out and moved back down the highway to hang out in Over-The-Rhine. Thankfully, it got close to being messy and never quite evolved into a crisis. But people learned from those events that it was possible and needed to be prepared. That’s why I’m recommending to everyone this time membership to Second Call Defense, which is insurance for gun owners who may need to make that second call after a defensive shooting to keep a very corrupt judicial system from destroying your life in the aftermath, which is one of their strategies against the Second Amendment.

We’ve seen how lawfare has been used against Trump, and before all these recent ostentatious displays of law abuse, it has occurred in many ways in our own hometown. Right now, I can think of how the law has been weaponized against Darbi Boddy, who has a bogus hearing on December 29th. She’s the school board member from Lakota who has so many radical elements trying to destroy her life just because she exists, and they want her in jail. And the local Republican Party has been stoking the fires to make it happen—hazardous stuff. I could say the same of what happened to Roger Reynolds, the former Butler County auditor. I just received a very nice Christmas note from Judge Elderstein, a story where the Butler County judges go after their own in really detrimental ways, and this story involves the prosecutor of Butler County, Michael Gmoser, and many other influential people in Ohio who have been engaged in lawfare against political rivals. These law enforcement types cannot be trusted and they are not the people you want to be dealing with after a defensive shooting. Ohio is a lot better on gun laws, particularly Stand Your Ground and Constitutional Carry as a result of our current government doing really good things to make them happen. I’m a permit holder and probably always will be. And yes, because of my lifestyle, it comes up more than you’d like. I had an incident just a few days ago where everyone made it to Christmas Dinner. But gun altercations are more of a reality in a politically charged society as we have now, where radical elements are empowered to bring harm to innocent people, and those innocent people have no choice but to defend themselves. We want to trust the law to do their jobs, but there are many reasons to understand that trust isn’t on the table.

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

You will get benefits if you use my name to join Second Call Defense.  I know the people involved and I like them a lot.  I usually don’t bring up these kinds of memberships, but I would say, especially this coming year of 2024, to protect yourself with Second Call Defense or an insurance program like it.  I’m not here to sell you insurance.  I have been associated with Second Call Defense for a long time, around ten years now.  Over that span, there have been six times when I almost had to make that second call, counting the recent incident from the other day.  And believe me, before you pull the trigger on an attacker, it does run through your mind.  Because once you do pull that trigger and someone dies as a result, the political hellhounds who want to attack the Second Amendment will be all over you, trying to use that tragedy to destroy your life in every way they can.  With Second Call Defense, you let their lawyers handle your case as soon as the police arrive. They’ll help you get your gun back, and they help with bond money and the kind of procedures that a person without representation would find to be a nightmare.  You don’t want to become a January 6th prisoner or go through what Darbi Boddy is going through now because the law has targeted you for their acquisition of power.  A self-defense shooting is bad enough without having the legal system destroy your entire life for its display of power and political objectives.  So, as some friendly advice, I would recommend everyone who carries a firearm, even in a Constitutional Carry way, to join Second Call Defense, even if just for 2024.  I hope it’s not the case, but things will likely get very rough in 2024, and you want to be prepared on all fronts.  Putting up with detrimental behavior is not an option.  But it would be best to protect yourself with more than a gun.  Insurance certainly helps, and it will rest your mind in those times when you do have to use a weapon and pull the trigger against someone attacking you.  I can’t recommend Second Call Defense more; it may be the most important thing you can do for yourself in 2024.  It’s rough out there; access to good legal representation certainly needs to be part of any strategy that deals with the malicious intent of a society gone mad. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

“Decency is on the Ballot” The lying, cheating, sex-crazed Democrats and their need for power, to stay out of jail

When the “decency is on the ballot” statement is made by people like Jill Biden just as a family member of hers, Hunter Biden, her husband’s son, was called to Capitol Hill to testify on behalf of an impeachment query into multiple problems that their family has been involved in, you know you are dealing with some treacherous liars and scammers in a big way.  The Democrats represent below-the-line thinking and much more so than they used to.  These days, they are downright criminal and rely extensively on deceit to accomplish their task.  Just as Hunter Biden said to the public as he refused testimony showing obvious contempt for Congress, he was there to speak, just as he turned away and walked away.  We are dealing with people who need the power of government in order to justify their otherwise treacherous lives with deceit and scandal, which would otherwise not allow them to get out of bed in the morning due to all the guilt.  To say they are evil people is to slander the term “evil.”  They are horrendous.  And unfortunately, some people are suckers to vote for them, and Democrats have made it into a fine art to lie to them in every way possible and to toss away all guilt for their actions onto circumstances they say are beyond their control, just as Hunter Biden records himself taking bribes on a laptop from foreign governments, doing illegal drugs with physical evidence, engaging in sex acts with prostitutes, another illegal activity, then selling themselves as being virtuous.  For those who know the truth, it’s a bizarre thing to watch.  And to those who are too lazy or too stupid to know better, they are being suckered right in front of their faces.  Democrats think so little of their voters that they don’t even believe that anything they say and do should be rooted in reality. 

In truth, what is on the ballot is the economy.  The “Bidenomics” of the last three years has been in depression territory on spreadsheets.  But the system that put Biden in office and wants him to stay there for their consolidated powers denies that we are even in a recession, which would have been two negative quarters of GDP growth.  Probably the best measure for the economy was the gas prices because there has been a World Economic Forum strategy Joe Biden put in place to carry out, to end fossil fuels, destroy people’s reliance on car ownership, and attack the personal independence that people enjoy with a car in their driveway.  I have been to many places in the world, many civilized places, where people do not have cars.  Or they have to store their vehicles at some offsite facility because their apartments in the city can’t keep them anywhere, and if they did, they couldn’t drive them because the roads are too small and the traffic too intense for such a radical idea.  Americans generally have space.  Homelessness is a choice.  And you can be anywhere you want quickly, which is unique worldwide.  And that freedom has been under assault by globalist powers using Joe Biden to destroy it for a New World Order run by these same kinds of below-the-line losers.  The Biden administration has driven up gas prices into the 4-dollar-per-gallon territory to inspire people to give up their gas cars and switch to electric vehicles, conducting an attack against the very same oil companies that put the gasoline at our local pumps, hoping to destroy an entire market sector. 

But then, going into 2024 with the polls for Democrats down in treacherous ways, the oil companies conspired to bring down the price of their product to help Biden.  On the morning I did the included video, I was standing outside a gas station where unleaded regular gas was $2.62 per gallon, as just another form of deceit to the same gullible public.  When they win elections, those prices will return to the radical price fixes of an overly controlling government that seeks to put them out of business.  But some of these business executives for the gas industry are so afraid of Trump that they are willing to work with the Biden administration to keep him in power.  Because they’d rather have a puppet in the White House than free market competition, and they think people are too dumb to notice.  What is being done with the low gas prices is an attempt to get through the 2024 election season without the economy being the drag on re-election.  But even with lower gas prices, all the other consumer indexes are way off from what they were when Trump was in the White House, and people can feel that their lives have never recovered to pre-COVID optimism.  Unlike the first time, Trump ran for office with many promises, now he has a track record that even moderates remember as good.  And what Joe Biden has done to the American economy has created a lot of hate that won’t help them now because the damage is already done.  But they think so little of all of us that they believe they can fix everything with some artificially low gas prices and that the oil executives will play along toward their destruction like captured bank tellers hoping to live a few more seconds if only they comply with the bank robbers wishes and do what they say for their own survival. 

As evident as it is, the revelation of the scam is very telling.  We are being flooded with lie after lie after lie, topped with more bad conduct at a pace that the Democrats can’t lie about it anymore.  They have imposed themselves on the public in detrimental ways, and people not even curious about politics can now see it for themselves.  And Democrats won’t be able to lie out of this one.  The gas prices won’t even help them this time because decency is on the ballot in many ways.  People have seen just how evil and corrupt the Biden family is.  With all the horrendous evidence that was on that Hunter Biden laptop, people see what has happened to the guy who had possession of that laptop, Rudy Guiliani, who now is seeking bankruptcy protection from a false court settlement in Georgia that is trying to destroy him as a political enemy of the Bidens.  This is criminal activity on a scale never before witnessed in such a way that people can see.  They know what Hunter Biden is.  They see how ineffective Joe Biden is.  They know that Jill Biden is a soothsaying liberal who means the exact opposite of what she says.  How could a woman of any value be head of a family like the Biden clan and ever say the word decency in the same sentence?  People know.  This is why the 14th Amendment cases are being applied because Democrats know they have been caught, and they can’t lie their way out of this one.  So, they are trying to keep their opposition from appearing on the ballot.  Who doesn’t think this band of cheaters didn’t rig the 2020 election now?  The pressure has revealed who they really are and always were.  And the American public doesn’t like it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Speed and Risk Make Things Better: The nightmare of the By-Pass 4 interchanges

There is a silent evil that works in the world that I had to explain to a few smart people this past week, which deserves to be heard by everyone.  One of the great examples of this evil is a road I have driven on for many decades, the By-Pass 4 interchange in Butler County, Ohio, one of the largest arteries for industrial traffic in a very productive county.  It used to be that I could drive 100 mph down that road all the time, and it was never a problem.  But these days, there are too many lights at every intersection to get up any speed before you have to slow down again, which is, of course, by design.  Over the years, to answer all the upset families who lost people to car crashes, not to mention the complaints of the insurance industry who had to make payouts on all the minor fender bender claims, the answer to this overly managed world is to lower the speed limit, put up more stop signs and traffic lights to frustrate high-speed travel in the name of safety.  But safety has a cost all its own, and productivity usually gets sacrificed.  If you can’t drive 100 mph, you will arrive at your destination much later, and among the world’s bureaucrats, there is almost a delightful glee when they tell you that something is going to take time because “it’s better safe than sorry.”  But to my eyes, the question must always be asked, “Is it?”  I would argue, and do all the time, that things were much better when we could drive 100 mph down By-Pass 4.  Sure, there were occasional crashes and deaths as a result.  But drivers were noticeably better; they had to be. Whenever you dumb down a human population with over-processing, you tend to inspire them to think less, and high-speed driving makes people think more, and they are better people as a result.

The solution to the By-Pass 4 complaints by the central planners who tend to get involved in these political problems of traffic management was to slow everyone down to where it’s faster to ride a bicycle and to take as much risk out of the process to make it so that accidents rarely happened.  This might be fine if the goal is to remove automobile accidents in your culture.  But if productivity is the goal, and speed is associated with that objective, then the By-Pass 4 exchanges along its path are devastating, which I point out in my video.  Without question, a World Economic Forum or United Nations statistician could show that such an arrangement will save lives and property value by eliminating crashes, but ultimately, the safest thing anybody could do if they didn’t want to have a collision is never to leave their house, and that looks to be the intention behind the traffic pattern design of Butler County.  Without question, everyone had good intentions, but the result of all this activity has produced slow roads that greatly limit personal freedom and make driving a real pain in the neck.  It takes a long time to get anywhere because political problems have always been solved over time by addressing complaints of every crash with more traffic lights, speed limits, and stop signs.  In the case of By-Pass 4, presenting traffic in such a way that a driver-side door never faces oncoming traffic to eliminate crashes that statistically occurred often when traffic had to engage each other at 90-degree angles and human decisions had to be made for everyone’s preservation.  By taking that decision-making process out of human hands, we must now ask whether we are all better off.  Is a safe society better than a risky society if the result is dumber humans? 

Of course, this is about more than traffic, and you can find this same mentality in almost every industry, particularly manufacturing.  Whenever there is an employee accident or an engineering challenge, the trend of the college-trained European worshipper is to put up the stopsticks and slow down a process to make a safer world.  But is it a better world, and I would argue it’s not?  Safer does not make something better.  That may be one value, but it’s certainly not the entire value.  As I always say from my favorite sport, Fast Draw, you have to manage speed and accuracy with the amount of risk your skill level allows.  If people are forced to improve their skills rather than pandering down to their weaknesses, often the result will be much better because the process of thinking makes it so that you get a better human being in the process, rather than playing to those weaknesses so that anybody can do anything.  That is the trend in our highly regulatory environment filled with government bureaucrats.  Their answer to everything is to slow things down so they can get their slow-minded, feeble minds wrapped around the problem.  Once you accept that strategy, your entire society is filled with timid people who lose the skill to manage risk because their lives depend on it.  Instead, they only need to know how to follow the rules and follow the guy in front of them as designed by some centralized planner. 

The result is that you might have fewer accidents, and you may fix the problem of quality escapes in whatever business you might be operating.  But like the traffic patterns, the safest thing you can do is to do nothing, and all too often, that is what we get out of society.  We get things slow, but at least we live to get them.  But the process of getting it kills us.  Because we may be alive physically, but our minds are dying because we stop challenging ourselves.  Such is the case in Butler County, Ohio; due to hundreds and thousands of traffic accidents and residential complaints, there are now traffic lights at almost every intersection where people travel.  And it’s tough to get from one place to another.  Not because the roads are bad.  They are pretty good.  But because there is too much starting and stopping, you can never get a good flow from your commute.  That is because the political solution to traffic problems was to hire pin-headed European-oriented Marxists to solve a uniquely American problem. You embrace risk and manage it for personal fulfillment, resulting in productive output.  Not that safety isn’t necessary, but it doesn’t take priority over productive enterprise, whether it’s getting to your destination 4-6 minutes faster or achieving a higher sales objective in your company.  Managing risk is the way to improve output.  Slowing everything down only panders to people’s weaknesses and, as a result, makes your society much less dynamic.  Everyone might live in the end, but is that the goal of life?  If everyone is just a brain-dead slug, is that better than a society where you could drive 100 mph to rock and roll music with the window down and vastly enjoy the experience because you don’t have to stop?  I’ve seen it both ways, and I can say from experience that driving 100 mph is far better.  Speed is better most of the time.  Among the skilled, accuracy can also be achieved.  But when you pander to society down to the weaknesses of the participants, then you get a lot more of it, and the satisfaction of an enterprise diminishes incredibly, such as we see every day at the By-Pass 4 interchanges created by monsters of Marxism and their bureaucratic plots of doom.  It’s good to live a little dangerously; it makes you a better and much happier person.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Strategy for 2024 to Keep Globalist Power: Covid Part II, a government sponsored bioweapon to ultimately stop Trump

I am pretty sure that people do not understand, nor do they have it in them to comprehend, the level of evil we are dealing with. This is, after all, a world where the New York legislature is contemplating ways to force Chick-fil-A to stay open on Sunday as a defilement of the faith-based company and to show that government is more powerful than any god or reverence to one. This attack on the 14th Amendment to keep Trump off the ballot, which I have widely explained, is nothing compared to what I think is being planned for 2024 by many thousands of people who know what a Trump revenge tour will mean for them, and to answer the ultimate question, yes, they are willing to kill over it. They have before, evident in the new Robert F. Kennedy book The Wuhan Cover-up. I would challenge anybody to read that book, which is not a conspiracy theory; it’s a fact-based history of the development of bioweapons in America and what role people like Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates played in the government development of viruses intentionally created to control mass populations through fear. It should be the number one book in the country, and many politicians should be using it to prosecute the pharmaceutical industry and various government branches of who knew what and for how long. Our jails should be filled with these corrupt personalities, or even more so, our gallows should be swinging with the weight of the vile and corrupt, for which there are many. One way or another, there is no way that we can “co-exist” with evil, and there will likely be no way for a depopulation agenda not to put a significant strain on the earth’s birthrate. It’s not like we haven’t seen this before; we have in 2020. COVID-19 was not an accident of nature; it was a purposely created bioweapon released to gain control of world governments and to manipulate elections. And they were perfectly willing to kill and destroy to acquire that power. It’s all spelled out explicitly in that mentioned book.

The quiet war in the background is killing people off in abundance

In the wake of all that I have explained to people probably 100 times over the last several days what I think Democrats, and more explicitly, their partners at the World Economic Forum, and communist nations seeking to take over the world like China, what I think will happen in 2024. Why does China think it has the right to invade Taiwan? And why aren’t the Biden people afraid of his terrible poll numbers? Well, that is because they have no intention of letting anyone in the world pick their elected representatives ever again, and if you want the right to choose anything in your life, you will have to fight them for it. Because they will not give it to you willingly, that right must be taken from them. The proof of election fraud is abundant from the 2020 election, and they are planning to steal this next election, too. But in a different way. My thoughts on the matter are based on the facts of the behavior I have witnessed from these types of people, significant government types by the many of thousands who will do anything to keep their jobs and be on the side of a perceived power that will rule the world for the next 100 years. These are killers who will do anything to stay in power, and we have only scratched the surface of the kind of evil they are capable of. So, my comments have been calibrated to that type of consideration.

Covid was a bioweapon, not an accident

I said before COVID-19 came out that the virus spread was a military attack similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor, which caused us to go to war against known enemies as a nation. In many ways, Covid-19 was far, far worse of an attack. It was conducted against a civilian population purposefully and on the mainland. Not a military target removed from neighborhoods where innocent people would not be harmed. Here’s a little factoid for your morning breakfast with friends. This last year, 2023, 158,000 Americans died more than expected, which is a number more than all the wars combined since Vietnam. Among 35-44-year-olds, this number is up 26% since the spring, while deaths among 25-34-year-olds rose 19% above pre-COVID levels. The attack is happening quietly, in the background, and is provoking other diseases to conduct the murders that otherwise would not be happening. And my statements about a follow-up strategy are based on these successful results from the first time we experienced the bioweapon Covid. Now that they have seen what works and doesn’t work, and when I say “they,” it’s the many thousands of people who want big government and support this current Biden administration around the world for all kinds of nefarious reasons. As sure as you are reading this, plans are being made to unleash a COVID-23 or 24, but this time, it will be not just a weapon that stresses immune systems but one that attacks unvaccinated people, who will tend to be Trump voters. Based on the evidence I would think it perfectly logical for Covid part II to be designed to kill the body of anybody who has not taken the vaccine, which would be an optimal way to get rid of the Trump voters, and populists around the world who fought the vaccine mandates the first time around, and to reset the world with compliant people who will kiss the feet of big government and give the World Economic Forum their depopulation plan and leave behind the kind of people who will worship them as a new power.

Oh, before you say that is too far-fetched, you must understand that every communist country in the history of the world has conducted this exact kind of purge in their societies 100% of the time.  It indeed occurred in Russia during their revolution, and China started in 1949 by deliberately killing off all their political rivals in door-to-door raids.  So to think that the same kind of purge from society isn’t a priority in 2024 to stay in power is dangerously naive.  Of course, people are planning the mass destruction of political rivals.  And you can see it in their behavior.  They aren’t worried about elections taking them out of power because they know what they are willing to do to keep that power they have already stolen.  For the first time, COVID showed them precisely who to target and how.  They know who their voter base is; it’s the people willing to comply with state mandates to wear masks and get the vaccine.  Only this time, and you can bet that Pfizer and Moderna already have a vaccine ready to go; those who take their medicine will live, while those who refuse will die.  And it will just so happen to occur down political lines.  The way to destroy your political rivals in this new world is literally to kill off your competitors and put them in the ground.  That would leave only Biden supporters and those bending their knee to the World Economic Forum.  And honor China as the new economic power in the world.  While everyone would be blaming the virus, the real villains are the governments that funded all these bioweapons that were unleashed into society on purpose.  To take and maintain their power. 

It’s not a conspiracy, the facts are in this book

Understandably, people who have heard this from me these last few weeks have been apocalyptic because I have a track record of being right. And as I remind them, it hasn’t happened yet. And there are many ways to stop such a thing from happening. But I am pretty sure there is a plan and an intent to hatch it based on what I know from research and observation. The only thing we can hope to do would be to stop them before they can launch it. We know who they are and where they come from. But first, we have to admit to ourselves that they are that evil to do such a thing. And to take corrective action before it is too late. The killing is already going on in the background with the increases in death numbers just in America among much younger people than we traditionally talk about. And now that those killers have succeeded, they are emboldened to take their plan to the next level, which is what 2024 is all about. Prosecute the bad guys before they do it again, this time with a much more lethal outcome.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Assassination of William Cooper: Yes, the government kills people to stay in power, and to acquire it

Just like the way to treat alcoholism is to admit that you have a problem, we must admit that we have a vile, criminal government that will kill people to acquire power before we can ever hope to reform it. A good lesson for that viciousness is the assassination of William Cooper just a few months after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, where Arizona police gunned him down at his front door. Bill Cooper is the author and father of Behold a Pale Horse, which is the Bible of the truther movement and the origin of many conspiracy groups and militia efforts. This is an important admission because what we know now about the intentions of the government in developing and deploying the bioweapon COVID-19 was that they were perfectly willing to kill many innocent people to stay in power. Many of these government agencies aligned with health care professionals controlled by the funding mechanisms of people like Bill Gates were so threatened by the Trump administration and the prospect of a second term that they made their move in many malicious ways in 2020 and the only way to get your mind around just how bad it was, Bill Cooper wrote about it in that classic book, which has turned out many years later to be excessively true. They had to kill off Bill Cooper in an effort to conceal what they were up to which has led us all to this current juncture. But to understand all that, you’d have to understand a bit about how the police were provoked to have that shootout with Bill Cooper, with arrest warrants thrown together over relatively minor charges and tax issues. We’ve seen what intelligence agencies are willing to do to prosecute President Trump. But back in the 90s, we were still naive to these things. We didn’t want to believe our government could be this vicious. But it was, and usually is wherever unchecked power is allowed to grow intended.

I read Behold a Pale Horse in college over a collection of breakfasts. In those days, that was my favorite time of day. I was not into the nightlife of campus life, and I loved to get up early, as I still do, and have breakfast and read books. I had a favorite spot in Coryville just off the University of Cincinnati campus that overlooked the parking lot to Kroger. I loved to people-watch and study human behavior, so I would get up early and go to that place for a nice omelet and read books for about 4 hours each morning before everything in life got off to a start. William Cooper’s book had just come out, and I found an early copy and enjoyed reading it the way I would enjoy reading exciting fiction. I like to know what people think is interesting no matter what, so I tucked that information in my back pocket to draw from for many years after that. I had just worked for the Perot campaign against Bush and was not happy to see the Clinton administration come into power. So, Bill Cooper’s book Behold a Pale Horse had an edge to it that I could relate to at the time. And would make a lot more sense over the coming years. As the Clinton administration went to work quickly to undo America for the benefit of globalism, a pattern of behavior was obvious, which was at the core of Cooper’s warnings. First, there was the gunfight at Ruby Ridge. Then there was Waco. Spawning from that was the Oklahoma Bombing. The rise of Rush Limbaugh on the radio. And a Clinton administration that is remarkably connected to the current Biden administration in priorities and behavior.

In the mid-1990s, it was revealed that Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were also fans of William Cooper, who was, by comparison, an early version of Alex Jones.  After the publication of his book, Bill was running a small radio program that was growing in popularity and it was reaching the ears of militia groups, as revealed in the trial of the Oklahoma City bombers.  There is a lot more to that Oklahoma City bombing that involves a third terrorist and the government itself, but that is for another time.  We eventually saw the buildup to all this with 9/11.  But at the time, the Clinton Administration was looking to attack talk radio, specifically Bill Cooper, as a way to get Rush Limbaugh off the radio, much the way the J6 prisoners were attacked as a means to expand the role of centralized government.  It’s a game that has been going on for a long time and has become worse, culminating recently with the COVID-19 bioweapon.  Taken in isolation, it would be hard to understand, but observed over a long period, as I have done, everything makes a lot more sense.  The government exerts power, and a few people respond to it negatively.  Those people are made examples of in order to justify massive government expansion that has direct connections to the globalism movement, the intentional growth of government to protect the efforts of international corporations and banks to rule from beyond sovereign government authority, for all kinds of malicious reasons.  To justify that government growth, they attacked people most poised to stand up to them, which is how William Cooper found himself in a gunfight with authorities.  He killed one before he was gunned down in a bloody heap leaving fans everywhere angry and distraught. 

Conspiracy theorists tried to piece together all the pieces, and for a long time, they looked pretty kooky.  Nobody wanted to be called a 9/11 truther, as the media called them, because they believed that the government was behind the efforts to destroy the World Trade Center, and explicitly Building 7.  But there are lots of people who have done tremendous amounts of research, and these operations just so happened to conveniently destroy massive amounts of evidence in the game of globalism.  People like William Cooper were not inclined to believe the government’s justification and were the first to ask the fundamental questions that mattered.  But because there was a fight to kill the voices of people like Bill Cooper and Alex Jones, along with many others, Covid-19 happened.  The malicious nature of it is well chronicled in the Robert F. Kennedy book The Wuhan Cover-up, which every human being on planet Earth should read.  That’s the level of evil we are dealing with and how bad and global it has always been.  I’ve been reflecting on the big picture lately because we are in this 2024 election season, and we witnessed the massive election fraud to keep Trump out of office and what the governments of the world have been willing to do to stay in power, such as release the Covid virus after they spent years making it for the particular purpose of what 2020 was all about, a Great Reset as designed by the World Economic Forum.  My enjoyment of the book Behold a Pale Horse went from a casual curiosity on a college campus to a stern warning about the future that has been valuable.  Because once the dangers of government were well out of the bag thirty years later, it was more obvious to see than if I hadn’t exposed myself to the warnings of that generation.  And they turned out to be right, and now, in hindsight, their killings make a lot more sense.  That’s all a government can do to stay in power when they are up to no good.  They get rid of those who most criticize them, hoping nobody else will notice for fear that the same thing might happen.  And that is a truth that is hard to wrap a mind around.  Yet, it’s the truth.

Rich Hoffman

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