We Must Save America: Flying the red, white, and blue over the destruction of our enemies should make everyone very happy

For most of my life, people I would speak with thought that America was a permanent thing that required no maintenance.  They took for granted that the concept of a country would always be there, that we would win all the wars and have the best economy, and all they had to do about it was pop popcorn in the microwave and watch the whole thing go like a movie on a streaming service.  America would be great whether or not they participated in its greatness.  But now, things are much different, people have seen a level of viciousness they didn’t know the enemies of America were capable of.  And it has pushed people to understand just how fragile the concept of a country really is and why we must all work hard to keep a great country great.  After all, a country is just a set of ideas; some ideas are better than others.  However, in the pursuit of global communism, many want to run the world with a centralized bureaucracy through the newly created United Nations, and they don’t like the concept of one country being better than another.  They want communist sameness, especially the corporate communists who are lazy and don’t want one market in the world to have different rules for them than other countries.  They want everything as uniform as possible, and of course, they will try to destroy America to satisfy their own needs in the world from their perspective.  They aren’t out there fighting for America.  They have been working against America, and they have no shame in it.  Many people now reflect on this impasse by understanding that we must Save America because America is in danger, as a concept and Constitutional Republic. 

When I was little, 3 to 5 years old, my mother realized that I was a very patriotic kid who gravitated to parades and shows of national pride.  So she painted my room in stars and stripes of red, white and blue.  As the years passed, I wore an army hat everywhere, so much so that I wore out the bill of the cap with my fingertips.  I never took it off.  I have been intent on fighting for the red, white, and blue in my country for as long as I can remember, and there is no other outcome for me.  There is no, “coexist.”  There is no “not American.”  There is no “global citizen.”  Some people are better than others.  Some families are better than others.  And certain countries are better than others.  Now, fighting for our country does not include military life for me.  I see them as part of the problem; the structure of military life is built on a rules-based aristocracy that I find repulsive.  I’m happy to go anywhere and fight anybody over anything as a contractor.  However, giving up my rights as an individual citizen and being owned by a government is not my idea of patriotism.  Many people think that military service is the only kind of patriotism.  I think of it as one kind, not a very good one.  Patriotism isn’t about dying for your country and giving it all away like some sacrifice to the maniacal forces of existence.  I am way too strong-headed to take orders from anybody.  It just was never going to happen.  Many have tried and found out just how difficult that is with me.  So military life was never in my cards.  But if some attorney generals want to give me a free get-out-of-jail card, I am happy to take care of any problem for free.  We all know where all the bad guys are; we must decide to move on them.  It’s purely out of patriotism.

The next time I see President Trump, I will tell him that if he needs anything, sign me up as a contractor, and I won’t charge any money for it.  But I would be happy to make other people die for their country or for their commitments to collectivist groups in whatever menace they present themselves.  Once Trump is president again, many bad guys in the world will have to be put down, and I’m happy to help out wherever possible.  But the aristocracy of military life is not for me.  But patriotism, in general, is.  With all that said, I was certainly never going to let America be destroyed without doing something about it.  As I have said many times, I will follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the general practice of law established by the American Supreme Court. However, being pushed around by some corrupt WHO director or United Nations diplomat isn’t going to happen.  Nor will putting up with sellouts in our Senate and Congress.  If a bunch of communists take to the streets to cause trouble in my country, then in my view, they are behaving against the law and will have to be put down.  There is no compromise with people who want to destroy America.  They must be killed themselves for posing the threat.  And this isn’t just something I thought of a few days ago.  This has been at the core of my life, my whole life.  And I have lived it with every cell of my body, well beyond the traditional reverence to military service. 

In that context, there are domestic and foreign enemies, and all of them must be destroyed when in conflict with the idea of America.  Any notion of communism, given the fact that we have spent most of the last century fighting communists, is not going to rule over America.  All these foreign and domestic enemies have gained a lot of strength because people have not protected America the way they should have.  And now we have a situation where violence is very likely on a mass scale.  But accepting this communist, globalist view of the world is not in the cards.  This is not just from my point of view; now, many people are just realizing how precious and delicate the concept of a good country is.  They took it all for granted, and now they see the threats to their country, and they are angry.  Well, they should be.  There is a lot to be angry about.  But it’s not too late to Save America.  America is a set of ideas that are better than the ideas of other countries.  In a competitive world, good ideas are apparent, and bad ideas are snuffed out due to the pressure, which is how it works.  Artificially, propping up ideas to make globalism work isn’t possible.  I’m not going to let it happen.  Many more people are increasingly aware of this trend and are poised to stand against it.  So, any fantasies that the globalists out there had about a one-world government rooted in China-style communism are going to see those dreams shattered.  I have been ready to fight these people all my life, so I’m excited about it.  But yielding to any of them.   Well, that’s just not going to happen.   The only thing on my mind is their destruction, entirely and with great fanfare.  And I intend to fly a red, white, and blue flag over them to rub their faces in the majesty of their destruction and warn others in the future what is coming their way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

After Trump Wins, Democrats Will Get Violent: Be sure to utilize concealed carry or at least, Constitutional Carry a firearm

Of course, just as I said it would, Trump is going to be re-elected, and all the schemes that the Democrats have used over the years to manipulate the mass public aren’t going to work.  And it’s going to get ugly.  I don’t think there is any way around it; this is what happens when you let Marxist radicals into your country, into your corporations, and your communities disguised as Democrats.   It would never end well, but at some point, we would always arrive at this juncture.  No matter what happens, even if they somehow manage to keep Trump out of office, there will likely be violence on a mass scale.  Appeasing them won’t help, it will just make it worse.  They are planning violence one way or another.  For the rest of us, the best-case scenario is to use the laws and follow them to the very end.  Trump needs to win the White House properly because it will force the Democrats to reveal all the horrible things they have been up to over many years.  But yes, we are in a civil war, and there is no way to stop it now.  We couldn’t have stopped it in the 1950s.  America was always on a collision course with the radical communists in the world who were openly working to subvert American laws built on the foundation of the Constitution.  The only reason violence hasn’t happened yet is that good people turned the other cheek for decades and empowered these losers to think they had more power than they did.  And now it’s playing out daily.  Trump isn’t using some magic power to find power again.  A lot of what is happening in the MAGA movement is revenge for what Democrats have been doing, and there is no way to put all that back into a bottle and forget about it.

I recommend that everyone who can start to conceal carry, or at least Constitutional Carry.  Get as many firearms as you can and learn to use them.  Be prepared.  When Trump wins, the most likely scenario is something we have seen before.  Remember when Madonna said that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and several other celebrities like Johnny Depp suggested that killing the President was something we might think about doing?  This is how the left thinks, and when we say left, we mean communists, as Karl Marx defined them.  I talk to politicians all the time who think they can have lunch with Democrats and get along.  I know several Democrats who present themselves as friendly people who would be nice to talk to in a backyard cookout.  But make no mistake about it: they are plotting the doom and death of America with mass global collectivism.  And when they realize, which is happening now, that people are onto their game, that they have lost the ability to manipulate the public through media and entertainment, and that people are turning away from communist ideas, they will turn to violence because it’s all they have left as a strategy.  And in many cases, they have no interest in working with Americans.  They only think to suppress America, and it’s been going on since before the 1930s.  The Great Depression, never forget, created a crisis by applying communist policies to the tremendous economic machine of American capitalism.  And Democrats and progressives have been selling communism to anybody who would listen for over a hundred years now, hiding it behind racism, feminism, environmentalism, social reforms of all kinds, and children in schools.  It’s been a long process, and as Trump continues to increase in polling, there is panic forming among these communists presenting themselves as Democrats and RINO Republicans.  People have been on to them and are showing support for an alternative that was never part of their plan.  And they will fight to keep their plan alive through violence because that’s what every communist revolution has done around the world.  But like the last time Trump was elected, they will take to the streets to start riots and mobs of chaos incited by the many billionaires who have invested in global communism, of which America is just a part.  They never had a plan B. 

Many people, I remember it from 2020, hesitated to admit that they were voting for Trump because they worried that the mob of agitators would arrive at their house and bring violence to them.  So they either voted in favor of Biden or denied that they voted for Trump.  Either way, they felt they had to suppress their opinions to save themselves from a violent outcome by a radical leftist mob.  That is not how it should ever be in America, and I think we will have to fight for it in ways many never thought they’d ever have to.  We read about other people fighting for our freedom, but most never thought we’d have to do it ourselves.  I believe, in a lot of ways, our time will be the worst because the mob of violence is loose on our streets, and they are in our neighborhoods, and it’s going to get chippy for a long time.  And a lot of people are going to get hurt.  Sure, it will be needless violence.  Sure, there are lots of ways to solve problems besides violence.  But we have been trying for a long time, and it’s only been our side who have given an inch only for Democrats to take a mile.  And they aren’t going to give that mile back out of kindness.  It will have to be ripped from them.

At this point, there is no peaceful scenario.  If Trump doesn’t return to the White House, people are going to turn to violence to remove the communist government that is impacting our lives at every level of American life.  And if Trump does end up back in the White House, the Democrats are going to cause every kind of trouble you can imagine.  They will attack and do so viciously.  I would advise you all to be well-armed and stand firmly behind the Constitution, the rule of law, the Supreme Court, and the White House with Trump in it.  And dig in for the fight and expect violence to come your way.  But we aren’t just talking about people’s feelings here; we are talking about outright communism.  We have gone to war in other countries for far less than we are seeing coming out of the Uniparty, especially where Democrats are concerned.  And we won’t be able to call up the military to attack on behalf of a civil war.  No, this is a fight we will have to win ourselves, and it will likely get messy.  I hope not, but there is nothing in me that thinks there’s any way out but violence.  And if there’s violence, make sure you’re the one who wins on behalf of capitalism against communism and defend the flag from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  It will take courage, but it all starts by voting Trump back into the White House, and from there, Democrats will do what they have always done: stand for violence to propel communism on their enemies.  And there’s no soft way to land that plane.  It’s happening regardless of what people hope to avoid.  The longer we put it off, the worse it will get.  But it’s going to happen regardless.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Yes, Supporting Israel is Good: The ancient evil from that region that still wants to exist

Before anybody can say that Israel should have never been created, we need to understand how and why we get thoughts.  I was listening to a radio station from my car the other day, a traditional AM radio station where the broadcaster was in a studio speaking to a tower, which then broadcasted the AM signal to thousands and millions of people.  The casual listener tuned into this radio broadcast could then get information directly from the speaker from the studio, one person speaking to potentially millions.  I would say the same could be said of the particle sciences, as we have observed in neutrinos, where trillions of them pass through our bodies from all over the universe every second.  What kind of information do they carry which impacts our thought processes?  Then think of all the other particles and radio waves from all kinds of unknown sources that are doing the same.  And then can you say that your thoughts are your own, or are we just radio receivers picking up on millions of radio stations piping thoughts right into our minds 24 hours a day, seven days a week?  And in that context, how much of us, is “us.”  And how much is just some radio broadcaster speaking their mind to us in all kinds of crazy ways?  And we assume them to be thoughts without really knowing how they arrived in our heads.  And that was the conflict chronicled in the Bible for over 4000 years of human development.  I have been a radio broadcaster on several occasions, so this is something I have thought about a lot, and now that there is so much contemplation about the conflict between Palestine and the creation of Israel, it is obvious that people believe all kinds of things without understanding why they believe them.  The same could be said of blind followers of Israel and the concept of the God, Yahweh.  The Jewish people were obviously talking to somebody at the Tabernacle who existed as a puff of smoke and inspired people to go into the land of Canaan and kill every last man, woman, and child because of their evil and vile nature. 

I am a big supporter of Israel, not because the Jewish people are said to be part of a conspiracy to run the world’s centralized banking.  I think many of the conspiracies against the Jewish people are made up, even by evil participants of their own culture who, as many Jews from the Bible did, rebelled against God for the short-term gains of their meager lives of excess and bodily fulfillment.  I’m also not a fan of the United Nations, which, in hindsight, clearly was the point of World War II, to create the kinds of global villains who could unite the world together as a one-world government.  And Israel was created to fulfill an ancient prophecy rooted in Western Civilization.  And to this day, Israel is a nation of globalism created to impose centralized control over all humanity.  To all that, I would say people believe a lot of things for many reasons, but do any of them understand the source material?  Probably not, not even a little.  They think what they think for reasons that may not be for their advantage but the perpetuation of some sinister plot created by single minds speaking to the masses through means we are just figuring out.  We can call such efforts evil because they seek to crush our own individually motivated thoughts for the purpose of suppressing our culture. 

Even more so, Mt. Hermon, just to the north of Jerusalem, is a point of assertion that Jesus was said to use to get into Heaven.  It was also a spot where a conviction of Nephalim entered the world for all kinds of maniacal mischief in the form of giants, which we have proof of as a massive global culture from the Archaic period for which very little study has been done for historical context.  Today, that spot is a ski resort in Israel, and it is a very mysterious spot, as are many places in that ancient land that have the leftovers of many massive battles between good and evil at its core.  When humans began to think about rebelling against those ancient forces ruling the earth as part of that pre-deluge society, the thought process was captured very well in the Bible.  Yahweh had very strong thoughts about the evils of the land of Canaan and he wanted it destroyed for many reasons.  In modern times, that task was restored after World War II for many Biblical necessities.  And the Palestinians are still carrying around in their culture that ancient evil.  Now, things have become very convoluted, especially in Masonic clubs and behind-the-scenes politics, where they have affiliated themselves with Marxism, global communism, and Islam.  Yet, their purpose in life looked to be to rebuild the Temple of Solomon there on Mt. Moriah.  So, even within the various conspiracy groups, there is a division of approach.  They don’t agree among themselves what to do in the world, or how to do it.  So, we have many splintering factions at work behind the noise we hear on the news of the day.  Should Israel exist?  Yes.  It is a creation of humanity to stand against the tides of evil that permeated the dark days of our ancient past.  And the bodies of those dead giants talked about so frequently in the Bible are in our Indian mounds in the United States with abundance.  It’s one of the great conspiracies of our day, and that it is a conspiracy is a window into the truth. 

When you study particle science and gravity, you learn that through many forms of quantum entanglement, time distortion is common.  So, thinking of the various influences that permeate our existence, it is logical that the same conflict with evil that was told in our Bible, of a 4000-year journey of human migration and thought, that those forces are very much alive and well today, and evoking their means of destruction among our modern politics.  So how can we know what to do or why to do it?  And I would say that the Bible, with all the hands that wrote it and why, is one of the best windows into the epic struggle against evil ever put to paper.  In that context, the creation of Israel was a stake in the creation of Western civilization that was important for the entire human race to use to fight an ancient evil that has always been with us.  And just as strong today in the actions of the Palestinians as it was in the ancient child-sacrificing Canaanites.   The desire to destroy Israel is the same evil that wants to destroy America and restore to the world the earth’s worship of the American Indian.   There was a majestic concept that Yahweh intended for the region of the Near East called the Holy Land.  And the conflict between the Israelites and the Canaanites was more than a fight over regional dirt.  It was a fight against evil by those working to be good.  Many things inspired those who contributed to the story and the following bloodbath, Yahweh being one of them.  But was Yahweh a God, or just some broadcaster from the universe carrying his message in particle science to anybody with ears to hear it and act?  We do know that in listening to Yahweh, civilization took a 5000-year leap in progress that has never been seen before in recorded history.  There is a desire to continue that improvement while fighting the forces that desire to keep the human race under submission to the gods of the universe as the Canaanites thought of them, and later, the Greeks and Romans, and even the Egyptians.  The creation of Israel was a rebellion against evil, which ruled the world and still wants to.  And I certainly support it for those reasons alone.  Israel should have been created, just as America needed to be.  To stand against the tide of evil that never went away and is as vigorous today as it was at any point in the Bible, which told the story of this conflict in ways very relevant to our current circumstances. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Why Birth Rates are Down: Communists have set family building policy in the West

This is a good story because many people do not realize how manipulated they are from moment to moment in their daily lives.  They do not know where their thoughts come from; they follow the social trends created by others for them.  That is the problem with the sudden realization that birth rates are down worldwide, and there is a real danger of the human race depleting themselves in the future.  Now, there is a ritual aspect to this where the ideas were started about feminism, attacking the concept of a Biblical church, and the perpetuation of earth worship as a replacement for old Mesopotamian mythology.  And they reside within the global communist movement, the people I used to talk about in Socialist International.  People giggled in the United States when I said things like that because they didn’t see socialism and communism at their high school football games or NFL draft picks.  They did not know that they were being manipulated like a cat might play with a ball of yarn by malicious people who want the end of the human race to save Earth from the parasitic destruction of their earthly habitation.  I spoke about those kinds of things from traveling extensively worldwide, so I saw what was going on in other places, and most of the world was leaning toward global communism, as China was an example.  So, the One Child Policy in China was not just an anomaly but an international strategy to reduce birth rates and deplete the human race’s impact into something more manageable by centralized authorities.  So far, when people talk about reduced birth rates, they miss the big-picture terms and report the facts they can see.  But they ignore the cause because that creates other kinds of problems that most people are not ready to deal with, the level of deceit we are dealing with, and the number of people who knowingly and unknowingly participated. 

Instead of a One Child Policy in America, the communists working from the political left created the feminist movement to frustrate the creation of the American family and, by design, significantly reduce the creation of children because parents didn’t have time for them.  Instead of having prominent families with 6 or 7 kids, families dropped to 1 or 2 by default because they had careers to maintain and had to save up six figures a year to send their kids to college by age 18.  So, the birth policy in America was established through social peer pressure driven by the communist left, not official government policy as it was in China.  But the intention was the same.  I suppose I was fortunate to have a front-row seat to all this, too, so I can talk about it now.  My mom was a housewife, and I had very traditional grandparents.  So, I watched this conflict when all these forces started imposing themselves on my family early in the 1970s.  As a housewife, my mom was severely attacked on all fronts by other family members and neighbors, along with community members.  The idea of a family was being destroyed by leftist political philosophy right out of the pages of Karl Marx.  I later learned that this was not a regional concern but a global one attached to everything the United Nations involved itself in.  So it’s not something that happened by accident but by design.  Of course, I liked the traditional manner of family building and couldn’t wait to do it for myself, so my wife and I married early and started having kids immediately.  By the time of my five-year high school reunion, we were the only ones in several categories to be that far along, to have been married the longest, had the most kids, and the oldest kids, etc. 

To this day, I still have never washed dishes.  My wife and I have always held very traditional roles in family building, and I see it as critical to a happy marriage.  We have just celebrated our 36th anniversary, and when we went out to dinner, and people heard about it, they looked at us like we were from another planet. Nobody stayed married that long and had the kind of traditional life we had.  I do all the work outside the house and keep things fixed.  She takes care of most of the domestic front.  It works, and we adopted it early in our life.  And one of those things is the roles men and women play in the family.  And doing dishes was a woman’s job.  When other family members heard that kind of talk from me, they felt obligated by the political left to entrust themselves in our affairs, and they put a lot of pressure on our marriage to essentially emasculate me to the feminist movement and recruit my wife to their marching orders.  This caused a lot of trouble and a lot of nasty fights and eventually we removed most of them from our lives.  When we would attend family activities and the first thing out of their mouths was, “Does your wife have a job yet,” or, “When is she going to get a job and help out,” my reaction was to go in the opposite direction and dig in harder.   The anti-family movement was wrong, and I wasn’t going to play along at all.

Of course, most people had no idea why they thought about what they did; they were following social trends.  And many people don’t understand where those things come from and certainly don’t associate them with a global communist movement that is highly politically motivated.  People trust too much, which is how many get suckered socially because they trust where ideas come from without the scrutiny necessary to live a good life.  They are teaching communism and anti-family behavior in public schools, so of course, people are vulnerable to it.  But the result has been a significant decline in the birthrate and in people getting married and staying married, which has screwed up all kinds of economic factors along the lines of housing, buying cars, and how groceries are distributed throughout society.  But there isn’t a scientific reason that birth rates are down, where more alpha males are now betas, making the sperm count too low to have many children.  Those are the leading causes of the injection of communism into family planning in the West and the results of several decades of practice.  Because I didn’t do it in any way, it’s easy for me to see as opposed to the family who forced the man to wash dishes so that the mother hens of socialism didn’t denounce a couple at the next family gathering where submission to feminism, not femininity were the value systems being utilized.  The difference in those terms is about 100 extra pounds of weight into a perpetual fat ass that can barely fit in a lawn chair.  Not a well-put-together woman oozing sexuality and filling up the bedrooms of a large house with a lot of kids produced from vigorous sexual conduct.  Who had time for that because the man was too busy washing dishes to show how socially obedient, he was?  As a result, family building has been destroyed, and the birth rates are down because the communists of the world were the idiots who created our social policy in the West.  After all, if you want to lower birthrates, then give the men a bunch of fat feminists to deal with, and make them share in domestic utility.  And the idea of leading a family goes away quick.  And so does sleeping together in a bed to make a family in the first place.  Who wants to engage in that kind of activity with a plus-sized monstrosity who complains all the time about everything?  As a result, birth rates are detrimentally low, and not improving any time soon.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Nature of Power: Bill Barr endorses President Trump

I will tell you something likely more valuable than anything you’ve ever learned about the nature of power.  And you can use it in infinite ways every day of your life.  But I can tell you that President Trump understands it very well, which is why he should be in the White House representing us in our Constitutional Republic.  I think I tell this story at least once a week; when I give speeches here and there, I usually talk about the nature of the gunfighter at the bar with his back to the room.  I’ve also done a few videos on that trait, and it’s the secret to all power in all interactions with any lifeform, anywhere in the universe.  The gunfighter knows that the room he is in is a bunch of cutthroats, criminals, scum bags, looters, and parasites of all kinds because that is the nature of all life as God designed it.  Life was meant to feed off life, so why would anybody assume otherwise when dealing with others, even on intimate matters?  Perhaps my perspective has much more to do with it than most people ever experience.  I had a pretty wild beginning to my life, and it has been quite a ride along the way.  But I have known quite a few “hit men,” personal assassins who made a living killing people.  And the courts knew all about it and encouraged the behavior.  From them, I learned a lot about human behavior that they don’t teach in college or any other way.  Certainly not from the church pews.  People are always looking for ways that they can rob people of something, so they never think to kill them first.  That is why the gunfighter, who is known to all to be a threat to everyone’s existence, does not get shot in the back while he’s at the bar.  He knows that everyone in that saloon wants to find some way to get something from him, and if he’s dead, then he’s no use to a parasitic society.  People would instead make friends and build alliances to their advantage rather than take responsibility for actually killing someone and removing them from consideration for existence.   

That’s how it is with Bill Barr, the former Attorney General for President Trump, who was America’s top cop. After spending much of the last three years as a devout Never Trumper, he recently gave his endorsement.  It was never President Trump’s job to go out and repair his relationships with people, as the world assumed would have to happen before Trump could ever think about getting back into office.  No, Trump gets it and understands the nature of leadership in ways that very few people do.  Bill Barr and everyone else will always do what is in their self-interest.  They don’t do things because they are ethically upright or morally sufficient.  They do them because they want to survive, and they hope that by looting off others for their sustenance, they will find a way to survive the day.  It is always their first and only genuine concern.  Most people spend their entire lives trying to make friends so that they can perform this essential task.  Very few people ever figure out the truth or have the courage to understand it.  But Trump does, and now that he’s the leader of the Republican Party, everyone who wants to be relevant has to come to him to kiss the ring. 

Our entire education system, even at the collegiate level, is based on this premise of friendship.  We are taught to make friends to be successful.  When the truth is, if you make yourself into something valuable, everyone will be at your door looking for some way to appease you.  Even killers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics of a vile reputation.  Trump knew Bill Barr and his “lethargic” fat ass would be there ready to please, to be on the right side of power.  So when Barr gave his endorsement at the end of April 2024, after all the terrible things that had been done to Trump through the court system and the Uniparty of the American government, along with the betrayal of the Deep State, the Administrative State, and every criminal conjured up by ill intent, and Trump survived them all, Trump did not feel he had to please Barr with nice words and appreciation.  He made fun of the loser because what’s Barr going to do?  He wasn’t trying to help Trump get re-elected; he was trying to use the President to stay close to power himself, just as I say about the gunfighter with his back to the room.  People don’t kill you when you are a person of absolute power.  They try to use you for their lazy reasons.  And that is a universal concept.  If a bunch of aliens landed from another planet, far away from their home, they would do precisely the same thing.  If their technology did not give them decisive power over others, their first relationship to existence would be appeasement.  Many would assume that if he wanted to win as the President, Trump would have to be the most popular guy, so the power was on the shoulders of those who might give that friendship and make him powerful through those relationships.  And that everything in life was built upon the foundations of “whom you know” and how they can help you.  And, of course, this is all completely wrong, and people have been taught all the bad things about the power of human relationships and what motivates them.   Appeasement and friendships are not power. 

Trump always knew, just as he understands about all the boot lickers who are around him now, that people like Bill Barr have no real power on their own, so they always need to appease people like Trump.  It is not the job of Trump to reach out and appease people like Bill Barr, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Fox News, or anybody in the world for help.  Once power is established, by whatever means, they will all come to you whether you want them to or not.  They will likely bug you day and night for your whole life to be your friend, giving you little time for anything else.   And what is this power that offers such an advantage?  Well, it comes from value.  When you establish value, whether as a person, services rendered, or thoughts from your mind, people will want to take some of that value from you.  So, the power comes from the things you have in life that other people want.  You can be considered influential if you have things others want to steal because they all do in some form or another.  Even the fraternity brat from college who let “the one” get away from a one-night stand and marries the woman his mother told him to, the compliant sorority sister that would make the family proud, who grows up to become a plump Ohio celebrity at the area wine tasting with Jimmy Buffett playing in the background.  And that guy spends the rest of his life befriending that lost woman’s husband so that he can at least know something about her life and stay close, even if she completely forgot about him.  Power is in those who have something others want.  And the more you gain in life, personally, the more power you will have by default, and the rest of the world, filled with Bill Barrs of all kinds, will always come crawling on their hands and knees to your door looking for friendship with endorsements of all forms.  And it will happen so often that it will drive you crazy with their pesky nature.  But few understand the rules of the universe, much to their detriment.  But Trump understands fully and well. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Let’s Talk About Sex and UFOs: The point of everything, everywhere, all the time

What Tucker Carlson said about UFOs being more spiritual than physical has caused a lot of discussion recently.  Elon Musk took notice and even added to the debate.  But I think when people think of UFOs and life on other planets and our interactions with all these things, we assume all the rules of conduct are applied to our observable universe without considering the still-revealing worlds of quantum mechanics.  A lot is happening in particle sciences with quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos.  Every second trillions of these hyper crazy neutrinos are passing through our bodies, and through the earth so fast that they act like the atoms that make up our material world, aren’t even there.  And all these quantum particles point to the very real issue of dark matter and dark energy, “dark” because we can’t see it with our visible light spectrum, yet it makes up most of the matter of our known universe.  So, things get out of control quickly with new information once you ask these questions.  Then, concerning all that, time dilation is very real, where folds of time actually wrap over themselves and behave differently relative to the application of gravity, the mass of a planet, and its position relative to us.  When you have moments of déjà vu, it’s likely attributed to this condition of dark matter folding over on itself with a physical reality that has already taken place but is observed at a different time because of all these attributes we are uncovering in particle sciences.  And, of course, as we go ghost hunting and record paranormal phenomena, we may actually communicate with ghosts who try to interact with us and talk back.  We have assumed that these are characters of the afterlife in a kind of linear format.  But logically, they would trace back more logically to the type of information we are constantly interacting with within dark matter, where the true location of what we call Heaven likely resides.  It is all around us, but men do not see it.

I say all that because of the need to understand these things where science is taking us.  Many of the religions of the world are likely our interpretations of interacting with many characters from paranormal phenomena.  In the Bible, prophets were constantly in a relationship with God who had a lot of concerns about what was going on in our world, even if he could only manifest in a puff of smoke over the gold wings of the Ark of the Covenant under certain conditions of blood sacrifices poured out over the lid with incense burning in the background.  Many of the events of the Bible and other religions could directly be attributed to quantum mechanics and the many lifeforms we are just learning to manage through our interactions with dark matter.  Some of these lifeforms could be massively bigger than us for which we are but a neutrino passing through them trillions of times every second, or much, much smaller, where the contents of an entire universe could be contained in every neutrino, that to our perception is smaller, and faster than anything known in the universe, probably breaking the speed of light by their very nature.  But what is the speed of light if time can actually be warped through dark matter?  So thoughts, feelings, and even politics based on these interactions would have a massive influence over our lives and the future of the known universe, in ways that nothing in science fiction has ever quite figured out.  Perhaps Frank Herbert from the Dune books was dancing with the truth in all its massive assumptions.  But probably, he was just pecking on the surface.

To understand some of these things, I think sex is the best measure.  A nice, attractive couple goes out on a date, cleans up their car, wears nice clothes, and puts on perfumes for dinner, where the food is prepared immaculately.  The wine is poured and consumed with sophistication and small talk to get the couple at ease with each other.  At the end of the night, there is a decision as to whether the couple wants to get into a state of undress and enjoy the human attributes of sex and the good feelings that come with it.  But all along were the sperm and eggs within the man and woman who are waiting in the multitudes to be injected into a situation to meet each other, and they observe the scale of all these things passively without having any fundamental understanding of why things are happening.  The purpose of it all is to inspire human beings to have sex and to make a baby that repopulates the earth.  Who designed that programming? That is the constant thought of religion, but science must increasingly be applied.  That is a lot of effort to make it possible to have a baby.  Most of the sperm that has ever been created, and most eggs in a woman, will never see a real opportunity to fulfill the meaning of their entire existence.  So they will interact with the mating rituals of procreation, the dinner, the dancing, the food, the smells, but will likely never meet an egg to fertilize and produce a child.  Yet, that is the entire purpose of the practice: to get a man and a woman filled with cells and all kinds of biological information to get together and exchange bodily fluid so life could be produced. 

When we look around our world and consider our political options, we are like the sperm looking to do our life’s work but with limited access to the big picture.  We know our impulse to act, and the conditions of our lives may be up to random circumstances well beyond our comprehension.  Yet those activities may have complete control over whether our life fulfillment achieves what it was designed for, whatever that is.  When we interact with and observe quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos, we see elements from the big picture without understanding them.  But we will, and I would argue that the purpose of the human imagination is to pull all these elements together for the benefit of everything.  Our thoughts don’t have to reside in our minds but are likely permeating everywhere in the universe’s dark matter on a grand scale.  What we tune into with our individual lives is but a radio of a constant broadcast that occurs over many lifetimes and people who arise to witness it.  But the purpose of the whole thing could be said to be like sex, with all the dating rituals that go on, all the small talk, to get to an opportunity to inject sperm into a woman to fertilize an egg released at just the right time and place that one out of many thousands will have a chance to fulfill its reason for creation.  And what is the meaning of that creation, a baby that has to spend 18 years growing into an adult, only to do the same thing all over again with different participants?  So when we talk about UFOs and paranormal activity, we need to understand that all those neutrinos passing through us have life and concerns contained within them that have information directly connected to the other side of the universe by the trillions.  They impact how we think, what evil or good might occur, and what creative concepts our minds might develop.  But in truth, we have much more to learn about the nature of these things. And it is likely the point of our imaginations to give birth to something new, which the universe is trying to achieve through us, and is likely the point to all life, everywhere, all the time.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Getting Out of Bed to Fight for Your Country: Most people don’t have the guts to be President Trump

There are a lot of sunshine patriots out there who will fly the American flag over the Fourth of July and cook their hot dogs on a grill. But when it comes time to do any kind of heavy lifting and to stand for something, they are nowhere to be found. Most people bootlick their way through life, and they will do so to make the most money possible while doing as little work as they can. And when times are tough, they hide under their covers and turn off the alarm clock until the danger is averted. The world is full of such people. And it is because of them that there is so much evil in the world, empowered and doing what they are doing to destroy the world. I have been warning about these things for most of my life and as people ask me about some of the chapters in my book of life and wonder about all the carnage and hurt feelings, it points back to this essential issue. When times were tough, who got out of bed and did something about it. And one thing I can say, with all the violence and debate, I did not turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed while it was storming outside. I got up, went to where the trouble was, and did what needed to be done. When I fly an American flag, I do so knowing that I have done all I could to make it proud, because the fights to have the right to fly that flag are always under threat by hostile enemies foreign and domestic. It would have been easy to just do like everyone else, take a nice vacation, go to fancy dinners, and play golf without ever talking about anything too serious. But that would never be enough for me, because there was always a lot of work to do, and America needs as many people doing it as possible.

And I saw in Trump many years ago, 2012 to 2014 a person who had achieved a certain place in life where he wanted to do the work that it takes to keep America alive and well. I would point out even back then that Obama was a socialist, and that his birth certificate had major problems and that he probably was not qualified to be president. Which at that time sounded crazy. I remember what I was doing on 9/11 when terrorists attacked the symbol of American capitalism, the World Trade Center. I sent my wife to pick up my kids from school as everyone around me was as floored as everyone across the country and our skies stopped having air traffic for a couple of days. But I never believed the narrative, what made those terrorists think they could get away with it. Globalists looking to topple America are always involved, and they are sloppier these days than back then when people still had some trust in authority figures. 9/11 was a provoked terrorist attack meant to expand government and to give the FBI, and the CIA more authority, which they have obviously abused. And it all happened right under our nose, while people went about their lives worrying about being too controversial, because they might become social outcasts. But out of all that came a few people here and there, like President Trump, who were able to do something to help the flag, so he started thinking of running for president and he was visiting Tea Party groups to build up his brand in that direction.  And I was a supporter, because I knew what kind of work really needed to be done in America, and most people were not willing to do it.

When history looks back on this time, it will remember all the sunshine patriots who sat on their hands and never engaged the enemy, which empowered that enemy to the levels of menace that we are seeing now. Their neighbors might think they are swell people. At the local wine tasting where everyone is talking about sending their children to college so they can learn about Karl Marx, essentially, people might complement the high heels of an attractive woman, but talk behind her back at all the men she is sleeping with, while an American flag flies outside looking for someone to defend it from the tyranny of a jealous world.  But it will also remember that it took 12 years of Trump to return our country back to all those worthless people who should be more grateful than they are. Everyone will be grateful in hindsight even though they did extraordinarily little to help along the way, including most of the current Republican Party. They talk tough, but when it comes time to go out into the rain to engage the enemy, they stay where it is safe, and let others do that. The very few others. Trump is one of them. Thank goodness he won that first term in 2016. And in many ways, what happened in 2020 had to happen because people needed to see just how bad this current government of criminals really was. How deep the rot really extended. They did not believe me when I told them in the 1990s, then the 2000s. And of course, in 2020. But now, because Trump was essentially a president in exile in Mar-a-Lago, and all these horrendously bad people have come after him to destroy him, do people finally see the danger. 

It was always going to take three terms of a presidency fully committed to the preservation of American life to do the job. And Trump seemed poised to do that job going back to the Reform Party. I am not new at this. I remember talking to Ross Perot’s family in the parking lot of their Texas company on the eve of the 1992 election about all this. And most people just would not get out of bed, they wanted to stay asleep. I did all I could, including being in that parking lot with the Perot family in Texas, and 19% of America knew something had to be done and supported Ross Perot anyway. That number has grown over the years to around 38% who would stand by Trump no matter what, because they get it. They are out of bed with the alarm clock off. And I think now, because of these previous two terms of Trump, one official, one in exile, that a third Trump term will put that number closer to 60% of America will finally get out of bed and do the work of patriotism that is required. And as bad as it is for Trump, he has inspired others to finally get out of bed and to fight for our flag. Sometimes it takes a person like President Trump, or a Ross Perot, people who have achieved a certain level of success in life to turn away from polite society, roll up their sleeves, and fight for their country in ways that very few have the courage to do, because they are too busy trying to build a life for themselves to get to some level of independence.  I know what it has cost me, and many people just will not do it, because they do not have the stomach for it. But that did not take away the requirements of the job. It will take three Trump terms to start to fix our country from the hostile communists who have been attacking it for most of the last one hundred years. And it will take another decade or two to implement patriotic policies to restore America to greatness. But we are seeing that process play out now, and thank goodness for people like President Trump, and an exceedingly small group around him who are doing the right things for all the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for them because I know how hard it is. And everyone should appreciate the effort for many thousands of years to come, because it was necessary.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Fall of the Credentialed Class: People are tired of worthless losers running their lives

I know it’s scary, but I have been telling this story for over four decades. It’s just that people didn’t want to hear it—not that it wasn’t a problem all along.  Communism and Marxism, along with all varieties of socialism, have been running in the background of all institutional society for more than 100 years, so what is happening now is nothing surprising.  It’s new because people assume everyone plays according to the same rules.  But they never were, and that will put us all in a modern form of the American Revolution, which will be fought in our present time.  Which for many people is scary.  But if you love war and conflict, which I happen to, this is the best time to be alive that anybody could imagine.  And the direction in which everything is heading, aside from the usual chicken little conversations about the end of the world, is obvious.  You can see it clearly in the massive failures happening all across society, but it is never more apparent than in the failures of the ”credentialed class.”  Those who could equally purchase social status by participating in progressive society protocols, such as attending college, joining a fraternity, and following the directions of our education system left behind by such socialist pioneers as John Dewey.  While the path to Hell is always paved with good intentions, and yes, the intentions were good, “fairness for all” and all those ridiculous assumptions, Hell is what the path toward a credentialed society has given us.  And now people want their money back.  All the things the communists of the world told us to do, we have found out, do not give us a perfect society.  And people are turning away from it, which is the violent rejection we are seeing now and the hurt feelings of those who have invested their entire lives toward that credentialed society.  There are a lot of regrets, which was inevitable. 

Communism was everywhere leading up to World War II.  Socialists and Marxists from Europe were haughtily flowing their European viewpoints through high society, and our political class, fresh off their years of Western expansion and criticism over how the Indians were treated, were soaking in guilt and wanting to show the rest of the world they could name wines at wine tastings and eat fancy dinners with the best of them, so they came up with this plan for all of American life, to show the world that the United States deserved respect too.  And that we could go to college and function like civilized people all over the earth have been doing.  So we endeavored to adopt many of their methods, which was to create a credentialed society and create classes of people based on that tiered system, and there are still plenty of people who still think this way.  The communist belief was that skills were an unequal way to elevate in society because some people might be better at things than other people, so to correct that situation, they came up with this credentialed system where people could take a class, get a piece of paper, hang it on their wall, then get jobs based on that effort.  That way, people who were losers but paid the money to get a credential in the education system could have access to a job and climb their way into “elite” society.  So, people who weren’t very good at things in life or who didn’t want to work very hard to acquire a skill loved this system.  All they had to do was pay money and get their piece of paper; then, they could live the rest of their days as a respected member of society because they attended some college or another method of achieving credentials. 

There is a lot of talk about corporations being part of so much evil in this New World Order, which is a shame because I like capitalism and all manner of making money.  Unfortunately, corporations are usually run by lazy people with walls full of credentials but not much skill in performing a job.  So their entire lives are filled with trying to hide that embarrassing fact from the world.  So, they have plunged themselves into more and more socialism and communism in their corporate structure and have taken their companies more toward a Chinese model of authoritarian control by default.  I call these types of people bottom feeders, even when they hold high office in an essential position, because fundamentally, everything they are was built on this premise of a credentialed society.  As long as everyone played by the same rules, nobody would find out what phonies these people were.  They can maintain the illusion as long as a credentialed society protects them from actual results.  So this is how it has been for many years, certainly coming out of World War II and the push to adopt a Middle Class and a tiered education class, which is talked about all the time now, because the belief is that if only more people had gone to college, they wouldn’t be voting for President Trump, as uttered by Katie Couric recently in frustration that nothing seems to be stopping the former President and billionaire from returning to office.  The belief all along from the communist left was that their “credentialed society” would protect them from market expectations. 

But people have now admitted that they don’t like this world created by “credentialed society,” and market forces of need are finally catching up.  Kids coming out of high school now are watching what their dumb parents did, and they don’t want any part of that mess. They certainly don’t want the debt that comes with the buy-in to credentialed society.  And they don’t like the kind of people that credentialed society makes.  The world is starving for the good old-fashioned merit-based society where the best and brightest work hard to climb to success, and the results benefit everyone.  However, the key is to unlock hard work through merit to true innovation, which credentialed society is not inspired to utilize.  For them, it was about equality and the ability to buy your way into advanced society and respect.  For the merit-based capitalist system, it was hard work and perseverance.  The equalization model has left everyone but the lazy starving for better options.  So, as we speak, that credentialed society is falling apart.  They are making a lot of noise about it, but in essence, the trend of the world is moving toward skills and hard work, perseverance, and competency.  Much to the anxiety of the communists and lazy losers of the world who thought they could buy their way into social respect.  As that trend falls apart, the screams are loud.  But it doesn’t change the fact that people want quality and effort in their social interactions, not losers who live in a higher social class just because they attended a school and received a “receipt” in the form of a diploma.  As it has turned out, that paper has shown itself worthless.  And the people hanging it on their walls who paid fortunes to get it weren’t any better off than if they hadn’t done anything.  They still didn’t have the skills to be professional because they didn’t have the guts to do the work.  They tried to cheat it by hiding in the credentialed class.  And the world is tired of it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Puff Daddy and the Rap Music Industry of Marxism and Mayhem: They always intended to destroy American culture

Whatever they call him, Puff Daddy, P Diddy, or whatever it is that the famous rap star is in trouble with, it’s not that the music industry is saturated with sex trafficking and child molesters that is the problem.  Everyone knows what Puff Daddy has been up to, and loose sex with lots of crazy women and underage kids is part of their lifestyle. The record industry has made a lot of money over the years, pandering to the worst of the human race, the typical losers who used to worship Baal in the Bible and sacrifice their firstborn children in trade for sex and glory.  If Puff Daddy is in trouble now, it’s likely because he has fallen out of favor and he’s being offered as a sacrifice to the gods of chaos by a corrupt FBI trying to appear like they are doing their job in an election year where they are trying to divert attention from President Biden, the inserted president, not the elected one.  No, the worst thing about this recent story is the origin of rap music to begin with, as a deliberate attack on American culture by Marxists looking to undermine our culture through the inner cities and to make ground troops out of the discontent with a communist revolution.  Don’t ever forget that Black Lives Matter was a Marxist organization that many corporations openly embraced.   But not before the rap music scene came along to pave the way for that nonsense and guilt people into believing they had to embrace that hate music to prove that they weren’t racists left over from the Civil War.  Also, never forget the Republican Party was created to end racism, and it was the Democrats who fought that effort, a mistake that would hurt them until they tried to use the Civil Rights Movement during the communist 60s to rebrand their image. 

People who are not very well educated in history have let pop music define their political parameters, so they have no context.  But the truth is, rap music was introduced to American music to destroy our culture and usher communism into communities of color to rot us from the inside out.  And Puff Daddy and all his other child-molesting rap buddies, like the dope smoker Snoop Dogg and even the whitewash sucker Eminem and the Beastie Boys, were creations of the music industry meant to be weapons of destruction to rot the minds of the youth and turn them against the culture of their parents for the destruction of America as a nation.  It was just one aspect of the globalist plans to attack America without tanks and troops and instead attack the minds of the youth so they wouldn’t be able to defend their culture from those vile enemies beyond our shores, let in by finance who promoted the effort.  What?  Do you think all those great Motown hits disappeared overnight?  Think of all those great songs that came from Detroit record labels.  Are we to believe they all disappeared during the 1990s only to be replaced by these losers, Puff Daddy and the gangster rappers of hate and destruction daring us to call them out for their blatant racism baited through politics to paralyze judgment and promote a drug-induced society of criminals and cop-hating thugs.  Is anybody surprised that Puff Daddy is in trouble or that the law is being selectively enforced?  Or was he allowed to break the law to get the goods on compromised people attending his parties for extortion rackets later? 

The damage is already obvious, I was at Liberty Center, Ohio a very nice shopping complex recently enjoying a nice day with my family.  And while in the food court was a bunch of thugs obviously raised on rap music using horrendous language and treating each other like gangs from the video game Grand Theft Auto.  And they didn’t care who heard them or what anybody thought of their social conduct.  They were obvious Lakota school students and they looked like they belonged in a music video for Puff Daddy.  I’ve warned everyone if you don’t run these losers out of these shopping complexes, then the same fate that happened to Forest Fair Mall, and Tri-County Mall will happen to Liberty Center.  Nice moms and family people don’t want to share space with these gangster rappers and their bad conduct.  They will just stop going to such places.  They don’t want to hear the bad language and witness the sorry attitudes and they will find alternatives.  Everyone has to understand that those kids were taught to be that way by Marxist elements of our culture.  It has nothing to do with racism.  If it did, then the Republican Party would be the refuge for all such discussions.  Instead, the American way of life has been under attack by the music industry to make such kids weapons of their war against America.  And instead of drafting our children into service to defend our country from the communists, the communists have drafted our kids through music to kill the concept of family.  And in so doing, to destroy the foundation of American life, the youth of tomorrow.  Those young Lakota kids have been radicalized to be weaponized terrorists against good people.  And that was the purpose of Puff Daddy and his FBI, CIA friends who empowered him.  They knew what they were doing all along.  They knew about the young girls, and the sex trafficking.  Heck, they helped facilitate the crimes, until it was to their advantage to cash in their investment and throw Puff Daddy under the bus.

If it was just about making money, the music industry would still be making music like they did with Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, and Prince.  Marxists infiltrated the music industry purposely to weaponize it, and Puff Daddy was one of those weapons.  And they used him until they wanted to close up a loop in their story.  Puff Daddy was a creation of those who hated America, as the entire rap culture was.  It was intended to destroy a whole generation with victimized sentiments and attempt to assign to mainstream America all the sins of the Democrat Party leading up to the Civil War.  And like the mechanisms of evil everywhere, the devil lies to all and twists the words of fate to their advantage to souls entirely too trusting.  And while we accepted this rap culture to erase away sins the Democrats caused, they used that guilt to destroy our nation’s youth with gangster rap that only now people see the proper strategy, entirely too late.  And think of all the poor kids who have had their lives destroyed by Puff Daddy and his friends of malcontents.  Rap music wasn’t created as a free market necessity but as political activism by Marxists looking to steer more losers toward the Democrat Party to keep themselves in power while trying to erase their guilt in the process.  And while kids were distracted by easy sex, drugs, and anti-American culture, the true motives were shaping our political world for the worse.  And Puff Daddy was just one of the losers; the record industry itself was ripe for the corruption it unleashed.  And the weapon of war was guilt; if they could make us feel shame, just like those dumb Lakota kids at Liberty Center, nobody would do anything about it.  And allow them to destroy our culture to prove they weren’t racists.  Meanwhile, massive numbers of underaged kids have had their lives ruined forever by these destructive rap stars and their record producers.  And only now is the whole destruction apparent to see, making it necessary for us to judge once and for all. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Communist Left is in a Panic Because Trump Doubled His Wealth: Why capitalism always beats communism

In the rock, paper, scissors game of life, capitalism beats communism 100% of the time.  It doesn’t matter that the world has been taught communism in their universities, public schools, and government centers of inefficiency.  When in direct competition with capitalist elements of any society, communism always loses.  So, as we prepare to become a space-fairing species as if we ever stopped being one, capitalism should be at the center of every culture that participates.  And there was never a more obvious example of this than in the battle to destroy President Trump by the SWAMP gas of the communist left of the Washington D.C. beltway culture.  They planned to bankrupt Trump with a bunch of corrupt courts and leftist judges and keep him from being able to run for President of the United States by the fall of 2024.  In the minds of the “left,” the political affiliates of Karl Marx, Trump would be serving 700 years in jail, have all his vast assets confiscated by the state, and his family would be broke and begging on the street.  That was their American-hating fantasy.  But what ended up happening was that President Trump, to defend his right to free speech, started Truth Social, and his total wealth value doubled to a present level of over 6 billion dollars. This infused Trump with more cash to fight all these Marxist criminal cases and took the air completely out of the plans of his political enemies, who are also our political enemies, and they are pretty desperate now.  They bet everything on this plan, and now it’s falling apart in front of their faces, as I said all along that it would.  Even a few months ago, when people said that Trump was done for in politics, I reminded them that he was far from finished.  And that he was going to win and win big.  Because capitalism always beats communism, and by the time all this work against him was done, the communist left would bankrupt itself in a way they would never recover.  Everybody laughed.

But news report after news report showed the anxiety of those who had bought into different levels of communism injected into American life, in a panic over their entire political philosophy falling apart right in front of their faces.  Where they thought the New York court cases were the end of Trump and that Trump Tower was going to be confiscated by the state, the opposite happened.  And there was plenty of desperation to go around on their part.  But America was set up so that people like President Trump could exist.  I gave an excellent little talk this past week to a group of people after I read the book about Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson, which I thought was astonishingly good, and I compared it to the Trump book The Art of the Comeback which I have been saying was the guidebook for the 2024 election.  If you want to know what Trump will do next, it’s all in that book published in the 1990s.  But the point of my talk, which I told them was likely the most crucial thing anybody would ever tell them, was that while how we measure wealth might change, the creation of it still has some essential ingredients that are important to the human race.  Wealth creation, specifically capitalist systems, requires the propensity of the human race to create new things out of risk.  To take chances.  And when you hit it big, the win may be celebrated differently.  Back in the 1990s, Trump was all about supermodels, fast cars, and tall buildings made of gold.  Elon Musk in 2024 has some compelling pictures of his most valued treasures on the covers of his book, one showing Starship stacking on SuperHeavy.  Then, on the back cover is a Tesla factory with a robot working in a nice, clean facility.  Both examples show the company’s success and how the people behind the enterprise measured that success.  But what made that success was always a risk and the ability to manage it for the betterment of all. 

Communist systems are all about averting risk.  They are the antithesis of creation.  It takes risk to do anything, so when you take the risk out of life, you take away the creation of things that are positive for the human race, which is why communist cultures, such as China, Cuba, Iran, and other places, are hellholes that depend on stealing from rich countries to sustain themselves.  That is why governments have to have massive taxes; they exist in at-risk environments that must be subsidized off the looted wealth of productive people who take many risks.  The more tolerance for risk a person had, and the better they managed it, the more successful they were.  Of course, those who don’t like risk and want a mother government to take it out of their lives will resent those who can handle it.  But what leverage can they inject into the world if they don’t bring any real value to an enterprise?  While the displays between the way Elon Musk displays his wealth as one of the world’s wealthiest people and President Trump may be different, it is similar to how they can handle more risk than others and use that trait to improve the world.

That was the swagger President Trump brought to his court cases.  When he was being hit from all sides by the communist left, he had the thought to use his money to start his own social media company, and I am proud to say that I was one of the first few hundred to sign up for it, which is how I was able to get my actual name in my username, @rhoffman.  And when Truth Social went public in March of 2024, it gave Trump access to plenty of cash to deal with all these pesky communists.   Trump could have spent these last few years working to be the wealthiest man in the world if he wanted to.  Instead, he doubled his billionaire status enough to stay alive for this presidential race, and the communists, because they count on systems to protect them from risk, were no match for someone very successful in managing risk and thrived in that environment.  This is why communism will never beat capitalism, even as much as the fantasy might wish such a condition to be so.  That’s why Karl Marx died broke.  That’s why the movement of Freemasonry in Europe failed to inject the entire world with socialism; group affiliations were intended to disguise people’s aversion to risk.  But it is always the risk-takers who succeed in life.  And there are always people who instead take risks to live the safe life of bootlicking their tribal leader in exchange for food from the confiscated wealth taken by mob rule.  It is that crucial designation that indicates why capitalism will always beat communism and why Trump has succeeded so well against these communist plots against him.  Most good things in life are created by risk, including asking out a pretty girl for a date.  Or driving a car that you just spent all day cleaning up for a night on the town, starting a new company, and making a profit.  People like Trump were successful because of their comfort with risk.  And what they create with that success makes the world a better place.  Which is why he’s winning, and the communist left is losing so spectacularly. 

Rich Hoffman

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