Let’s Talk About Sex and UFOs: The point of everything, everywhere, all the time

What Tucker Carlson said about UFOs being more spiritual than physical has caused a lot of discussion recently.  Elon Musk took notice and even added to the debate.  But I think when people think of UFOs and life on other planets and our interactions with all these things, we assume all the rules of conduct are applied to our observable universe without considering the still-revealing worlds of quantum mechanics.  A lot is happening in particle sciences with quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos.  Every second trillions of these hyper crazy neutrinos are passing through our bodies, and through the earth so fast that they act like the atoms that make up our material world, aren’t even there.  And all these quantum particles point to the very real issue of dark matter and dark energy, “dark” because we can’t see it with our visible light spectrum, yet it makes up most of the matter of our known universe.  So, things get out of control quickly with new information once you ask these questions.  Then, concerning all that, time dilation is very real, where folds of time actually wrap over themselves and behave differently relative to the application of gravity, the mass of a planet, and its position relative to us.  When you have moments of déjà vu, it’s likely attributed to this condition of dark matter folding over on itself with a physical reality that has already taken place but is observed at a different time because of all these attributes we are uncovering in particle sciences.  And, of course, as we go ghost hunting and record paranormal phenomena, we may actually communicate with ghosts who try to interact with us and talk back.  We have assumed that these are characters of the afterlife in a kind of linear format.  But logically, they would trace back more logically to the type of information we are constantly interacting with within dark matter, where the true location of what we call Heaven likely resides.  It is all around us, but men do not see it.

I say all that because of the need to understand these things where science is taking us.  Many of the religions of the world are likely our interpretations of interacting with many characters from paranormal phenomena.  In the Bible, prophets were constantly in a relationship with God who had a lot of concerns about what was going on in our world, even if he could only manifest in a puff of smoke over the gold wings of the Ark of the Covenant under certain conditions of blood sacrifices poured out over the lid with incense burning in the background.  Many of the events of the Bible and other religions could directly be attributed to quantum mechanics and the many lifeforms we are just learning to manage through our interactions with dark matter.  Some of these lifeforms could be massively bigger than us for which we are but a neutrino passing through them trillions of times every second, or much, much smaller, where the contents of an entire universe could be contained in every neutrino, that to our perception is smaller, and faster than anything known in the universe, probably breaking the speed of light by their very nature.  But what is the speed of light if time can actually be warped through dark matter?  So thoughts, feelings, and even politics based on these interactions would have a massive influence over our lives and the future of the known universe, in ways that nothing in science fiction has ever quite figured out.  Perhaps Frank Herbert from the Dune books was dancing with the truth in all its massive assumptions.  But probably, he was just pecking on the surface.

To understand some of these things, I think sex is the best measure.  A nice, attractive couple goes out on a date, cleans up their car, wears nice clothes, and puts on perfumes for dinner, where the food is prepared immaculately.  The wine is poured and consumed with sophistication and small talk to get the couple at ease with each other.  At the end of the night, there is a decision as to whether the couple wants to get into a state of undress and enjoy the human attributes of sex and the good feelings that come with it.  But all along were the sperm and eggs within the man and woman who are waiting in the multitudes to be injected into a situation to meet each other, and they observe the scale of all these things passively without having any fundamental understanding of why things are happening.  The purpose of it all is to inspire human beings to have sex and to make a baby that repopulates the earth.  Who designed that programming? That is the constant thought of religion, but science must increasingly be applied.  That is a lot of effort to make it possible to have a baby.  Most of the sperm that has ever been created, and most eggs in a woman, will never see a real opportunity to fulfill the meaning of their entire existence.  So they will interact with the mating rituals of procreation, the dinner, the dancing, the food, the smells, but will likely never meet an egg to fertilize and produce a child.  Yet, that is the entire purpose of the practice: to get a man and a woman filled with cells and all kinds of biological information to get together and exchange bodily fluid so life could be produced. 

When we look around our world and consider our political options, we are like the sperm looking to do our life’s work but with limited access to the big picture.  We know our impulse to act, and the conditions of our lives may be up to random circumstances well beyond our comprehension.  Yet those activities may have complete control over whether our life fulfillment achieves what it was designed for, whatever that is.  When we interact with and observe quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos, we see elements from the big picture without understanding them.  But we will, and I would argue that the purpose of the human imagination is to pull all these elements together for the benefit of everything.  Our thoughts don’t have to reside in our minds but are likely permeating everywhere in the universe’s dark matter on a grand scale.  What we tune into with our individual lives is but a radio of a constant broadcast that occurs over many lifetimes and people who arise to witness it.  But the purpose of the whole thing could be said to be like sex, with all the dating rituals that go on, all the small talk, to get to an opportunity to inject sperm into a woman to fertilize an egg released at just the right time and place that one out of many thousands will have a chance to fulfill its reason for creation.  And what is the meaning of that creation, a baby that has to spend 18 years growing into an adult, only to do the same thing all over again with different participants?  So when we talk about UFOs and paranormal activity, we need to understand that all those neutrinos passing through us have life and concerns contained within them that have information directly connected to the other side of the universe by the trillions.  They impact how we think, what evil or good might occur, and what creative concepts our minds might develop.  But in truth, we have much more to learn about the nature of these things. And it is likely the point of our imaginations to give birth to something new, which the universe is trying to achieve through us, and is likely the point to all life, everywhere, all the time.

Rich Hoffman

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