The Lies of the Biden Economy: Claiming Covid jobs as economic credit for a Marxist government

Calling someone a liar and a typical political thief is one thing.  But in the case of Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers, to have proof of it is something else.   The economic numbers for Biden are not good and, in many ways, getting worse because not even the communist media will carry water for him as they have.  When they try to tell us that he was legitimately elected, remember what I did as the very first thing.  My wife and I packed up in our RV and went out into the desert to think and get some perspective, which I needed.  I remembered some of this as recently, my wife and I traveled to Cleveland for a fast-draw competitive event and lived out of our RV for an extended period.  We were watching Trump’s speech in New Jersey, where he indicated that he would make a play to win some of those heavy Democrat areas.  It was raining outside, and we had an exceptionally cozy evening together.  We were talking about Trump returning to office and thinking of the first few months of the horrendous Biden presidency, where the shoe was on the other foot.  Since we were so political, we were among the hundred ones, which had been made clear to me.  So we went to the desert of New Mexico to consider what to do next.  I made some adjustments to my life as a result, and then there we were, watching Trump from that same RV a few years later with the rain pouring down outside after a day of shooting and lots of gunsmoke, and the truth was all coming out on Biden.  We knew Biden didn’t win the election with 81 million votes because we had traveled extensively, and they were nowhere to be found.  The Biden people had lied about their election and their presidency, and we were the first to see it.   Now, it was obvious to everyone. 

That same process occurred with Biden’s economic numbers.  We all know we had a much better economy with Trump until the Covid virus was created in a Wuhan lab and released to the world by not only the Chinese but the global communists at the World Economic Forum who wanted to distribute the China model of communism to the world with a Great Reset had wanted to stop that excellent Trump economy hurting him during an election year.  According to Department of Defense reports now, COVID was a bioweapon, and they released it during that year, as they had been planning to destroy Trump’s economy and make their power move for global domination.  Things didn’t work out as they had imagined, and world domination wasn’t happening. All those lunatic billionaires retreated to their hiding places in Davos, and the world tried to somewhat return to normal, hoping everyone would forget about it, even though millions of people had died along the way.  We are all still coming to grips with that tragedy and our government’s role in the scamdemic.  The contents of that contemplation are still considered a massive conspiracy theory, even though the proof is all around us and was all along.   Those same forces wanted a puppet president and found one in Biden. They put him in place with massive election fraud done behind the veil of COVID-19, which allowed them to do so.  This is an element they would not have in 2024, as people are just waking up to deal with all this terrible news, most evident by the Biden economy, which was harming people at every level of society.

Oh, I know, these are hard to think about for people who want to take their kids to soccer practice and buy their next steak dinner off Amazon.  I had a front-row seat, and I think about these things in ways others don’t, so it doesn’t matter when people realize that they have been scammed by a massive government conspiracy centered around the United Nations trying to push Chinese communism to every corner of the world through corporate influence and international finance.  But the truth is easy in this case: the Biden administration has been lying about their economic recovery, saying they had created more jobs than any president in the history of the world, and even skeptical people have been scratching their heads, wondering where they were.  Well, they were the jobs destroyed during Covid, when these same con people convinced President Trump to turn off the economy to save lives, which he did—resulting in the biggest con job the world had ever seen.  And once Trump was out of office, and all the political rivals of Biden had been hunted down, prosecuted, or thrown in jail, the Biden people had to finally give up on Covid as a cover story because the world was coming apart in anger over the issue.  If the Biden people could have, Covid lockdowns would still be happening, with the “new normal,” as they used to say.  But people realized there was a thing called the Constitution, and the lockdowns were illegal.  And the governors across the country were losing their cases and had to reopen the economy. 

Along the way of that reopening, the jobs that the COVID lockdowns had destroyed became open again, and those are the massive job creations that Biden is now claiming his administration has created.  They are saying all this with a straight face and expect the public to accept it without question.  That’s how stupid they think we all are.  And how malicious they are and how much they have lied to everyone.  Even with all the scrutiny, they believe they will get away with lying about their job numbers without the context of a pre-Covid lockdown reality that returned to normal in the years following during the Biden administration.  The Biden economy has been a disaster, as any socialist economy would be, and that has been their policy, and the measures have been obvious.  Their lies about the job reports are much worse because people know better.  But think that if they will lie about these job numbers, what else they have been lying about that is that much harder to prove?  The only thing preventing people from seeing the truth is that they won’t believe it because they can’t imagine that people are that evil and malicious.  Yet, they are, the Biden people.  They are cruel and malicious.  And slowly, people are realizing it.  That’s why people were camped out in New Jersey to see Trump give the same speech over and over, and even Fox News carried the whole thing from beginning to end.  There were over 100,000 people at that Trump event, and it did terrify the political left and the uniparty.  Even with all the crazy court trials, nothing was stopping Trump, and the writing was on the wall.  People knew they had been lied to about Trump and many other things.  And they wanted a change; they wanted their good economy back.  And they were done with Biden and his con artist lies.  They have started to admit to this, which was the first step in solving the problem for good. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

A Love Letter to America: Season 5 of ‘Yellowstone’

Now that I have watched the Yellowstone series it has confirmed something that I had suspected, which made it a more urgent project.  There is a lot more going on with it than just an entertaining television show.  Taylor Sheridan and the gang are making a point and they know who their audience is, which was obvious at the start of Season 5 if you know what you are looking for.  Of course, Yellowstone is the popular television show for Paramount Plus, which many have called a love letter to the MAGA political movement.  Over the various seasons, Sheridan and the gang obviously struggled with this impression.  After all, they are Hollywood lefties and they didn’t want to be viewed by their peers as a bunch of radical right-winged lunatics.  However, the show has become increasingly popular over the five seasons because the topic of a modern Western has captured the hearts and minds of an audience hungry for content that represents their concerns.  Taylor Sheridan has become a scorching commodity since all the shows he’s producing suddenly are doing very well, not just with Yellowstone, but also the spin-off shows like 1883, 1923, and Bass Reeves.  There are more in the works, but these are all excellent shows, and in my wildest dreams, I never thought I’d see them on television.  They remind me of the old westerns I grew up with, like Gunsmoke and Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie, and I didn’t think Hollywood could produce anything like that ever again.  However, with Taylor Sheridan and Kevin Costner, along with others, there is a revolt against Hollywood that has been going on in Montana and Texas, which has its own kinetic energy that is giving voice to America, which is crying out for its own existence. 

If you’ve ever dealt with Hollywood types you will know that they are cosmetically, outright Marxists.  But around the catering truck, they are like everyone else.  They are mostly Marxists because they have to be to get work, and the financiers of their projects want global communism; otherwise, their projects don’t get greenlit.  But on rare occasions, sometimes you can flip the script on that process, and when someone like Taylor Sheridan is successful, the greed factor takes over, and the finance people forget about Marxism and turn to the glitter and glory of massive profit, which is one of the great attributes of capitalism.  Yellowstone is not a show that could have been made for state-run television.  It is a love letter to the foundation of America, and it is oozing in patriotism.  With the success that Taylor Sheridan has found with these projects, he is moving in a more obvious direction politically, which is similar to what we’ve seen with Elon Musk, President Trump, and Joe Rogan, all people who voted Democrat but have changed over time, based on what they have seen.  At the beginning of Season 5, when John Dutton becomes governor of Montana to essentially save his ranch from developers who want to build an airport, during the swearing-in scene, there is a long pause before putting his hand on the Bible, where Kevin Costner is throwing obvious red meat to the Hollywood community.  The purpose of the scene was to show that the Yellowstone production had not gone native and thrown their lot in with God, even though Kevin Costner does end up doing so and swearing to protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.  But the scene’s purpose, even if Taylor Sheridan will never admit to it, was to throw the Hollywood Reporter types into a tailspin of doubt.  Because the rest of the season, the next eight episodes are a love letter to American life that I never thought I’d see in a Hollywood production again. 

In real life, Sheridan and much of the cast have found themselves enamored by the majesty of the flyover states, which has rarely happened to famous Hollywood personalities.  And rather than hiding from it, they have embraced it more.  In the case of Sheridan, he has bought ranches and is desperately trying to tell the story of everyday Americans in this struggle with a true phantom menace of Marxism without calling it that.  There are many parts of Season 5 in Yellowstone where Beth Dutton, the daughter of John Dutton and the apparent future of the show, delivers some of the best pro-American lines that have ever been done in entertainment, on the level of Clint Eastwood and John Wayne.  And they were possible because of that setup of ambiguity at the start of the season with the Bible.  Usually, with these kinds of projects and the success that comes with them, any romantic notions that a producer like Taylor Sheridan receives take the ambition out of the projects, and they become more corporate as more people are interested in attaching themselves to the success.  But not here; Yellowstone has become more authentic.  And even though they probably find the idea repulsive, Yellowstone is more MAGA in the notion of Make America Great Again.  They may not want to admit that they like President Trump.  However, they are after the same things Trump and his supporters wish for in life.  We want our country, and we want to love it.  America is speaking and doing so loudly at the heart of the Yellowstone series and all the Taylor Sheridan projects. 

I don’t think Yellowstone planned to be this way from the beginning.  But what it has ended up becoming, and Taylor Sheridan himself, is an authentic love letter to the creation of America.  As I became more interested in these Taylor Sheridan shows, I caught him on a podcast with Joe Rogan talking about the western 1883 and the genuine plight of a new nation needing to fulfill the needs of Manifest Destiny, where advertisements around the world were begging people to come and settle America for a piece of it.  And much of the world, under various forms of tyranny and the early versions of Marxism, wanted more than anything to have a piece of their own life, even if it meant having to come and fight Indians to the death just for the opportunity.  Taylor Sheridan, throughout his various television series, is grappling with this problem, and it all leans toward the reasons America needed to exist in the first place and is stepping away from the Hollywood Marxism that has so ruined entertainment to its present condition.  And because of all that, people love Yellowstone and the other Taylor Sheridan projects.  I am indeed a fan.  There is some real heart in what is being produced around the Yellowstone series, much better than The Godfather or Dallas, which it has been compared to.  Yellowstone is a love letter to America that has needed to happen for a long time.  And it’s a story told by people going through their own transformation into patriotism.  I have always been conservative.  But I am happy to see more people becoming that way as they learn the real history of America, even if it takes success to free them enough to have that point of view.  Watching Yellowstone is worth the effort to get to Season 5.  And whatever happens in the future with the show, what has happened up to this point can’t be undone.  It’s part of America’s story now; and many people will be better because of it.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

We Must Save America: Flying the red, white, and blue over the destruction of our enemies should make everyone very happy

For most of my life, people I would speak with thought that America was a permanent thing that required no maintenance.  They took for granted that the concept of a country would always be there, that we would win all the wars and have the best economy, and all they had to do about it was pop popcorn in the microwave and watch the whole thing go like a movie on a streaming service.  America would be great whether or not they participated in its greatness.  But now, things are much different, people have seen a level of viciousness they didn’t know the enemies of America were capable of.  And it has pushed people to understand just how fragile the concept of a country really is and why we must all work hard to keep a great country great.  After all, a country is just a set of ideas; some ideas are better than others.  However, in the pursuit of global communism, many want to run the world with a centralized bureaucracy through the newly created United Nations, and they don’t like the concept of one country being better than another.  They want communist sameness, especially the corporate communists who are lazy and don’t want one market in the world to have different rules for them than other countries.  They want everything as uniform as possible, and of course, they will try to destroy America to satisfy their own needs in the world from their perspective.  They aren’t out there fighting for America.  They have been working against America, and they have no shame in it.  Many people now reflect on this impasse by understanding that we must Save America because America is in danger, as a concept and Constitutional Republic. 

When I was little, 3 to 5 years old, my mother realized that I was a very patriotic kid who gravitated to parades and shows of national pride.  So she painted my room in stars and stripes of red, white and blue.  As the years passed, I wore an army hat everywhere, so much so that I wore out the bill of the cap with my fingertips.  I never took it off.  I have been intent on fighting for the red, white, and blue in my country for as long as I can remember, and there is no other outcome for me.  There is no, “coexist.”  There is no “not American.”  There is no “global citizen.”  Some people are better than others.  Some families are better than others.  And certain countries are better than others.  Now, fighting for our country does not include military life for me.  I see them as part of the problem; the structure of military life is built on a rules-based aristocracy that I find repulsive.  I’m happy to go anywhere and fight anybody over anything as a contractor.  However, giving up my rights as an individual citizen and being owned by a government is not my idea of patriotism.  Many people think that military service is the only kind of patriotism.  I think of it as one kind, not a very good one.  Patriotism isn’t about dying for your country and giving it all away like some sacrifice to the maniacal forces of existence.  I am way too strong-headed to take orders from anybody.  It just was never going to happen.  Many have tried and found out just how difficult that is with me.  So military life was never in my cards.  But if some attorney generals want to give me a free get-out-of-jail card, I am happy to take care of any problem for free.  We all know where all the bad guys are; we must decide to move on them.  It’s purely out of patriotism.

The next time I see President Trump, I will tell him that if he needs anything, sign me up as a contractor, and I won’t charge any money for it.  But I would be happy to make other people die for their country or for their commitments to collectivist groups in whatever menace they present themselves.  Once Trump is president again, many bad guys in the world will have to be put down, and I’m happy to help out wherever possible.  But the aristocracy of military life is not for me.  But patriotism, in general, is.  With all that said, I was certainly never going to let America be destroyed without doing something about it.  As I have said many times, I will follow the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the general practice of law established by the American Supreme Court. However, being pushed around by some corrupt WHO director or United Nations diplomat isn’t going to happen.  Nor will putting up with sellouts in our Senate and Congress.  If a bunch of communists take to the streets to cause trouble in my country, then in my view, they are behaving against the law and will have to be put down.  There is no compromise with people who want to destroy America.  They must be killed themselves for posing the threat.  And this isn’t just something I thought of a few days ago.  This has been at the core of my life, my whole life.  And I have lived it with every cell of my body, well beyond the traditional reverence to military service. 

In that context, there are domestic and foreign enemies, and all of them must be destroyed when in conflict with the idea of America.  Any notion of communism, given the fact that we have spent most of the last century fighting communists, is not going to rule over America.  All these foreign and domestic enemies have gained a lot of strength because people have not protected America the way they should have.  And now we have a situation where violence is very likely on a mass scale.  But accepting this communist, globalist view of the world is not in the cards.  This is not just from my point of view; now, many people are just realizing how precious and delicate the concept of a good country is.  They took it all for granted, and now they see the threats to their country, and they are angry.  Well, they should be.  There is a lot to be angry about.  But it’s not too late to Save America.  America is a set of ideas that are better than the ideas of other countries.  In a competitive world, good ideas are apparent, and bad ideas are snuffed out due to the pressure, which is how it works.  Artificially, propping up ideas to make globalism work isn’t possible.  I’m not going to let it happen.  Many more people are increasingly aware of this trend and are poised to stand against it.  So, any fantasies that the globalists out there had about a one-world government rooted in China-style communism are going to see those dreams shattered.  I have been ready to fight these people all my life, so I’m excited about it.  But yielding to any of them.   Well, that’s just not going to happen.   The only thing on my mind is their destruction, entirely and with great fanfare.  And I intend to fly a red, white, and blue flag over them to rub their faces in the majesty of their destruction and warn others in the future what is coming their way. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Who is Behind the Pro-Palestine College Protests: It’s a global communist movement looking for a smokescreen to hide their many crimes

It was certainly the case in the 1960s with the campus protests that defined that generation, and we see part two of it now. The same forces are at work, even if the demonstrations are over different issues. Columbia and other schools are following their example with a pro-Palestine message, always lingering behind the diatribes all this time is Marxism.  Marxism with various degrees of socialism and communism, was not an organic occurrence but a strategic device meant to usher in a globalist management system centrally controlled for a global currency.  It was never not a plan.  It was an attempt to take over the sovereignty of the entire world by corporate interests.  It was exported from Europe with Lenin and stimulated throughout Asia in the 50s and 60s.  If you want to understand the process, investigate how Ho Chi Minh, the busboy who later turned communist leader in Vietnam, became a communist radical.  It was at the end of World War I when Woodrow Wilson and others were dividing up the world where many of today’s troubles started, including the creation of Hitler.  Ho Chi Minh wanted help to remove the French from his homeland, and of course, the French hosted the Treaty of Versailles.  You could tell a similar story about the rise of communism in North Korea, China, and especially Russia.  Lenin was sent to Russia to be “disruptive” and get the youth to turn on their country.  And it was the KGB working with the CIA to do the same in America years later with the campus protests over the Vietnam War that “they” created.  Who are “they,” well we got to know them better in 2020 when “they” stole an election and “they” created Covid to give the World Economic Forum a “Great Reset.”

There is no “right” to campus protests; they are not a fundamental expression of “free speech.”  Our education institutions have been infiltrated now for over 100 years by Marxists, and they are implementing a plan of radicalism intent to overthrow all capitalist countries for global communism.  And these Palestinian protestors against Israel are all about the destruction of Western civilization.  It’s far more complicated than a bunch of communists in China who are the personal handlers of Joe Biden, who they put in the White House over trade deal disputes.  In America, calling campus protests acts of free speech is just a way to attempt to use the American Constitution as a vehicle to destroy the culture itself.  All campus protests that seek to make noise for their interests disturb the peace, which is not permissible in a free society where values are protected.  People can support Palestine, but they do not, through the force of a mob, have a right to impose those beliefs on innocent people by canceling classes and holding up traffic patterns.   The anti-Israel movement is all about destroying the concept of God and the creation of America so that centralized power can shift to the communists who want to rule through the United Nations.  It can be a complicated story, but to understand it, you have to understand the kinds of people who rejected Ho Chi Minh at the Ritz, who put Lenin, a leader in exile, on a train back to Petrograd to overtake the ruling class in Russia, and who propped up communism in China with Mao Zedong.  FDR knew what he was doing when he allowed Pearl Harbor to be bombed by the expanding Japanese forces because all the carriers were out at sea.  And he only gave Claire Lee Chennault 100 old P-40s to fight the entire Japanese invasion of China.   Chennault was never meant to win the war; it was just to hold off Japan so that China’s government would be strained of resources and communism exporting out of Russia could gain power by 1949.  Meanwhile, years earlier, they needed a World War II, and in jail sat Adolf Hitler, watching the depletion of his country economically. Some anonymous writers slipped him a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which was a book of conspiracy that blamed the Jews for all their tampering with global finance.  Nobody knows who wrote the book. It was probably people who wanted to run global finance but wanted to blame it on some group of people they wanted to knock off as rivals.   He had a target for his misapplied youth to the follies of his country, which was destroyed economically at that same Treaty of Versailles, where Wilson turned down Ho Chi Minh only to walk down the road to the communist recruitment center to work on their behalf.  We could tell a similar story about Cuba, how Castro was encouraged to invade it, and how the political left in the United States who wanted to see Cuba go communist worship at the feet of the killer Che Guevara.  Bill Ayers, the guy who launched the political career of Barack Obama and was a convicted terrorist for the Weather Underground, loves Che and was inspired by him for the Marxist movement that all these globalists have always had in mind.  None of this is “organic.”  None of it happened or was designed by “self-expression.”  These are tactical inconveniences meant to shake mass society off their love of capitalism and to steer them into the arms of communism by brute force and capture of the youth movement to destroy a country’s traditions and, at the root, the families who produced those kids.  For the communists, it’s like picking up the weeds in a garden by the root.  It’s purposeful, malicious, and flows into a culture through money and finance.  It finds advocates for their cause by Marxists like Bill Ayers and most of the political left in the world who gather at the World Economic Forum. 

No, these campus riots didn’t just spring up during an election year, while the previous three years were peaceful.  Just as the riots against Trump in 2020 were creations by the same manipulative forces.  They didn’t protest because they felt something; they were driven to it like scared cattle provoked by a rancher to move in a direction by the crack of a whip.  These campus protests may be harming President Biden politically, but they are saving the back sides of the communist infiltrators in the world who are under scrutiny for the many crimes and lives lost by their antics.  And they need a smoke screen.  Those Palestinians in October didn’t just parachute into an Israel rock concert and start killing people and raping young girls for the heck of it.  It was planned, and the aftermath was meant to start a war in the Middle East.  But why, and by whom?  The same background characters who are always causing trouble: the people with the money to give it who don’t want to be the front face of a movement but are happy to pay others to do their dirty work.  They never get in trouble because they never actually do the crimes.  And people who want easy money never want to burn a bridge by busting the funders of these terrorist activities.  They’ve been doing this kind of thing in favor of communism since mass communications were created at the end of the 1800s.  Remember the stories I have told about how Karl Marx’s daughter and her socialist husband were fans of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show during this period, and how socialism was spread in all the civilized circles, and they studied how Buffalo Bill used his show to communicate American values.  The political left would learn lessons and apply the same toward their movement of Marxism, and they have been doing so ever since.  These protests on college campuses are not the students’ rights, and they are not expressions of free speech.  They are criminal acts against the nation of America and “disturbing the peace,” at a bare minimum.  They should be met with jail time and, worse, significantly, when they impede the happiness and freedom of property owners and their intentions to manage a free society.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Getting Rid of Herbie: Why Trump’s economy will be so much better than Biden’s

This will likely be one of the most valuable things I will ever tell you.  It’s worth a lot of money to many companies all over the world, but not for the reasons they think.  But on the topic of why Trump’s economy will be better than Biden’s or that Biden and Obama’s economy was worse than Trump’s and why, you have to understand the very nature of all communist and socialist governments.  It’s why, even with over a billion people in China, they still have a GDP that is less than America, with 2/3 fewer people. It is one of the most significant crimes happening in the world; it is not strictly against the law, but laws are created to preserve its nature.  That trend is expressed in the classic book on efficiency called The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt, which deals with the Theory of Constraints and how to deal with them.  Goldratt is the Jonathan Cahn of business books, and he has a series of them that many companies worldwide have sought to improve their lives in some way, and for all the same reasons that people pursue religion.  They don’t necessarily want to fix anything, but they go through the motions, hoping to trick God into letting them into the Heavenly Gates at some point.  And that is the approach that many people have with The Goal.  On the surface, it’s a pretty good book with a fictional narrative about a plant manager with minimal time to turn a company around to start making a profit.  But behind the scenes, it’s a soft sale on communism that has infiltrated the marketplace over the last several years.  The goal is to identify the constraints in your manufacturing process and manage them instead of trying to jam things through them. 

When I talk about The Goal to people, which happens all the time actually, I tell a story from the book where a bunch of backpackers are hiking to a destination, and they have a big fat kid named Herbie who is holding up the rest of the hikers from reaching their destination on time.  Since Herbie is fat, not as strong as the other kids, and has a hard time carrying a heavy backpack through the wilderness on a long trail, the kids behind him bunch up to his back while the kids in front of him pull way out ahead.  They arrive at the destination many hours ahead of Herbie and those behind him, and the goal of the exercise is to have process flow built around team cohesion.  So, the story’s purpose is to find ways to lessen Herbie’s burden on the group and to pace all the activities to those limits.  For instance, don’t force Herbie to carry the heavy backpack because it will just slow him down.  Have those who can take the backpack do it for him because, as the communists say, “those who can, each by their means,” and all that.  Once you realize that people reading the book, especially government types, are using this Theory of Constraints to hide their laziness and incompetence and trying to sell it as an efficiency tactic.  Without question, constraints are a genuine thing.  But how you deal with them is something I’m afraid I have to disagree with most of the world emphatically.  Constraints are meant to be managed, not yielded to, and the point of The Goal is to find out what they are and build everything around them. 

See the problem here, lower your expectations and live with the limits of Herbie

In my worldview, I advocate for removing Herbies from the process. I believe in finding individuals who are about 100 pounds lighter and can carry a heavy backpack. I don’t believe in forcing the rest of the group to slow down for slow old Herbie.  I say remove as many constraints as possible with good, competent people.  But to do that, we must acknowledge that all people are not equal.  Some people are better than others, and in a business environment, this is the opposite of what political trends have tried to create in the world. They emphasize equity and inclusion, not performance and competency.  And you can see this in the performance of the world today, from your local drive-thru to the store stocker at your local grocery.  In my view, the Biden administration is all about creating a society of Herbies. In my world, I would encourage them to be the first to be fired or pushed out of your work culture.  Rather than building around the Herbies, I would say to get rid of them and replace them with someone faster and better. This goes against almost every unspoken rule of our modern world.  However, the government, especially under Biden and Obama, is all about putting as many Herbies into your system, so it’s no wonder their governments are much less efficient and covered with slowness and waste.  They have made it pretty much illegal even to judge the performance of the Herbies of the world. When you want to understand what has happened in the world to slow everything down, The Goal, as a book, has captured the problem well.  But not for the reasons it intended to define the Theory of Constraints.  Lazy losers in the world and incompetent people afraid of competition have been empowered by it to prevent performance from being the measuring criteria and instead made group cohesion the mode of operation as a central value. 

Don’t learn to live with constraints. Improve them or get rid of them all together

During his first term, Trump thinks about Herbies the way I do.  He brought free market capitalism back to the markets where competition drove expectations for about three years until COVID-19 was invented and released to tamper with the 2020 election and get a Great Reset to all global markets influenced by the communists at the World Economic Forum.  And the American economy flourished under Trump.  But the policy of Obama and Biden, which is attached to global communism, China style, and corporate control superseding elected governments, wants a society of Herbies that they feed with welfare checks and entitlements because it gives them more centralized control over mass populations.  If they can sell that inefficiency to the public as “efficiency,” you can bet they will try.   So few people understand why Trump’s economy was, and will be, so much better than Biden’s.  Most economists don’t understand it; they have been taught only one way of viewing economic value, so they are oblivious to what Trump will do, which differs from Biden.  However, the real difference is that any good economy or company trying to implement a process will seek to eliminate as many Herbies as possible. And if they do have them, to mitigate the damage they cause to others by slowing everything down.  Speed is our friend in a thriving economy and successful business.  And rather than manage around our Herbies, we should get rid of them whenever we spot them and replace them with someone much faster and more competent.  That holds of a machine or even a business model.  If speed is not the emphasis, then incompetence becomes the breeding ground of fools, and you end up with horrendous economic numbers, such as we have seen with Biden.  The fix is easy, but it is something the government doesn’t want to see happen as they attach themselves to the global communist movement where Herbies are made, not managed.

A much better world, one without Herbies

Rich Hoffman

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After Trump Wins, Democrats Will Get Violent: Be sure to utilize concealed carry or at least, Constitutional Carry a firearm

Of course, just as I said it would, Trump is going to be re-elected, and all the schemes that the Democrats have used over the years to manipulate the mass public aren’t going to work.  And it’s going to get ugly.  I don’t think there is any way around it; this is what happens when you let Marxist radicals into your country, into your corporations, and your communities disguised as Democrats.   It would never end well, but at some point, we would always arrive at this juncture.  No matter what happens, even if they somehow manage to keep Trump out of office, there will likely be violence on a mass scale.  Appeasing them won’t help, it will just make it worse.  They are planning violence one way or another.  For the rest of us, the best-case scenario is to use the laws and follow them to the very end.  Trump needs to win the White House properly because it will force the Democrats to reveal all the horrible things they have been up to over many years.  But yes, we are in a civil war, and there is no way to stop it now.  We couldn’t have stopped it in the 1950s.  America was always on a collision course with the radical communists in the world who were openly working to subvert American laws built on the foundation of the Constitution.  The only reason violence hasn’t happened yet is that good people turned the other cheek for decades and empowered these losers to think they had more power than they did.  And now it’s playing out daily.  Trump isn’t using some magic power to find power again.  A lot of what is happening in the MAGA movement is revenge for what Democrats have been doing, and there is no way to put all that back into a bottle and forget about it.

I recommend that everyone who can start to conceal carry, or at least Constitutional Carry.  Get as many firearms as you can and learn to use them.  Be prepared.  When Trump wins, the most likely scenario is something we have seen before.  Remember when Madonna said that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and several other celebrities like Johnny Depp suggested that killing the President was something we might think about doing?  This is how the left thinks, and when we say left, we mean communists, as Karl Marx defined them.  I talk to politicians all the time who think they can have lunch with Democrats and get along.  I know several Democrats who present themselves as friendly people who would be nice to talk to in a backyard cookout.  But make no mistake about it: they are plotting the doom and death of America with mass global collectivism.  And when they realize, which is happening now, that people are onto their game, that they have lost the ability to manipulate the public through media and entertainment, and that people are turning away from communist ideas, they will turn to violence because it’s all they have left as a strategy.  And in many cases, they have no interest in working with Americans.  They only think to suppress America, and it’s been going on since before the 1930s.  The Great Depression, never forget, created a crisis by applying communist policies to the tremendous economic machine of American capitalism.  And Democrats and progressives have been selling communism to anybody who would listen for over a hundred years now, hiding it behind racism, feminism, environmentalism, social reforms of all kinds, and children in schools.  It’s been a long process, and as Trump continues to increase in polling, there is panic forming among these communists presenting themselves as Democrats and RINO Republicans.  People have been on to them and are showing support for an alternative that was never part of their plan.  And they will fight to keep their plan alive through violence because that’s what every communist revolution has done around the world.  But like the last time Trump was elected, they will take to the streets to start riots and mobs of chaos incited by the many billionaires who have invested in global communism, of which America is just a part.  They never had a plan B. 

Many people, I remember it from 2020, hesitated to admit that they were voting for Trump because they worried that the mob of agitators would arrive at their house and bring violence to them.  So they either voted in favor of Biden or denied that they voted for Trump.  Either way, they felt they had to suppress their opinions to save themselves from a violent outcome by a radical leftist mob.  That is not how it should ever be in America, and I think we will have to fight for it in ways many never thought they’d ever have to.  We read about other people fighting for our freedom, but most never thought we’d have to do it ourselves.  I believe, in a lot of ways, our time will be the worst because the mob of violence is loose on our streets, and they are in our neighborhoods, and it’s going to get chippy for a long time.  And a lot of people are going to get hurt.  Sure, it will be needless violence.  Sure, there are lots of ways to solve problems besides violence.  But we have been trying for a long time, and it’s only been our side who have given an inch only for Democrats to take a mile.  And they aren’t going to give that mile back out of kindness.  It will have to be ripped from them.

At this point, there is no peaceful scenario.  If Trump doesn’t return to the White House, people are going to turn to violence to remove the communist government that is impacting our lives at every level of American life.  And if Trump does end up back in the White House, the Democrats are going to cause every kind of trouble you can imagine.  They will attack and do so viciously.  I would advise you all to be well-armed and stand firmly behind the Constitution, the rule of law, the Supreme Court, and the White House with Trump in it.  And dig in for the fight and expect violence to come your way.  But we aren’t just talking about people’s feelings here; we are talking about outright communism.  We have gone to war in other countries for far less than we are seeing coming out of the Uniparty, especially where Democrats are concerned.  And we won’t be able to call up the military to attack on behalf of a civil war.  No, this is a fight we will have to win ourselves, and it will likely get messy.  I hope not, but there is nothing in me that thinks there’s any way out but violence.  And if there’s violence, make sure you’re the one who wins on behalf of capitalism against communism and defend the flag from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  It will take courage, but it all starts by voting Trump back into the White House, and from there, Democrats will do what they have always done: stand for violence to propel communism on their enemies.  And there’s no soft way to land that plane.  It’s happening regardless of what people hope to avoid.  The longer we put it off, the worse it will get.  But it’s going to happen regardless.

Rich Hoffman

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A Perspective on the Value of Money: What a long marriage can teach you

Perspective is an important thing, especially when its based on experience. And unless you live in a culture that can produce experience, it will be difficult to create a society that embraces any hope of wisdom.  Recently, I think it was a combination of the Kentucky Derby and all its festivities, where invites to that event created challenges to our schedule and the 36th anniversary of my marriage to my wife.  Many things get said, and stories are told, especially when people discover how long my wife and I have been married.  There are just assumptions that nobody stays married that long these days for any reason.  Our perspective on social values is very traditional, as well as our opinions on money, how it’s made, and what it says about people.  One story about our early days is worth some perspective and sharing, which is the point here.  I’ve told many stories about my past; it was unique.  To put it mildly, I worked for the mob, not because I wanted to work for mobsters, but because it was an excellent job to get some experience in Sharonville, Ohio, along the Chester Road corridor, which back then was the entertainment zone for the entire city of Cincinnati.  I was a very ambitious young man who wasn’t afraid of anything, which was very attractive to my employers.  I came to know many influential people in Cincinnati politics very early in my life, and some of the wealthiest people were people I called friends.  I was the private chauffeur for many local celebrities, especially team members of the Bengals at that time, so I had an early education about the value of people unique to my circumstances.  I was making more money before I turned 18 than my parents had, and I was just getting started. 

Naturally, once I left that job for something more traditional, income was a prime concern and I wanted to make as much as I possibly could at 18 years old as I was moving out on my own.  And again, I would make more money at this time than my parents which was important to me.  I was in a race to conquer the world the way that the world measured it.  I would go as far as to say that I was ruthless and was intent on having millions of dollars of hard-earned money in my bank account within a few months of working as a car salesman at a local Tri-County front group for money laundering.  That was common in those days and why I know so much about the current Ukraine operation that the government is involved in, and why I said that the mob moved into government.  I was on the front line of that movement and watched it happen up close.  My job was legitimate: sell new and used cars to people and make a commission off that effort.  Even if the job itself only existed to wash money from organized crime efforts at that time, the ownership and upper managers were all in on the effort.  And yes, at all these jobs, the police were involved, and judges, and I knew everyone.  Or, instead, they knew me and were proud to tell people they did.  As I have said before, I had a get-out-of-jail-free card in several communities that lasted as long as I made people a lot of money.   But the moment I didn’t, it was a different story. 

But I had moved out of the house and made more than most adults in the Cincinnati area.  However, along the way, I met my wife.  The timing was inconvenient.  I wasn’t looking for a wife then; she had everything you would look for.  She was a fashion model, her family was wealthy, and they were prominent Beckett Ridge Country Club members nearby.  So our relationship got serious quickly, and soon, she visited me at my job for lunch dates.  On one particular day, she came to my desk just as I was sending over one of the most significant commissions this dealership had ever seen; it was an older man I was selling a used truck to for over $5,000 over invoice and to show how strong I was at the sale, I had him going across the street to the bank to take out all the cash to pay for it with a pile of money.  It was a big deal, and it set the men from the boys in the sales world in that particular culture, and I thought my wife would be impressed.  But she wasn’t, she started crying.  She already knew many successful people and wanted to get out of that life.  She was being set up to be the trophy wife of some doctor in that Beckett Ridge Country Club who was older than her dad, and she wanted off that train at 17 years old.  And I was that rebellious ticket.  So, to make her happy, I redid the deal and gave the guy the truck for just a bit over margin, and he was pleased.  I went from hero to zero in that dealership within an hour, and many life lessons were learned that set the course for many years.  Just making money isn’t enough, especially with people like my wife.  How you make it matters more, and this will be a theme for us over the next four decades. 

It was hard; I went from living high on the hog and being the center of every social circle to the opposite life.  To make my wife happy, I worked at a series of complex manufacturing jobs to earn money as honestly as possible, and I learned a lot of precious experiences from that perspective.  My wife’s requirement to earn money honestly seriously crippled my lifestyle, and it has been challenging over the years.  But that standard has allowed me to have a perspective that few ever get or survive in life—especially the Kentucky Derbi crowd, where the goal is to see and be seen in the crowd.  But most of it is cosmetic and not what my wife values in people.  And naturally, with those values, we have a concise list of people we associate with.  Because most people are still at that phase I was in at 18, where money is the measure of your worth, so you do whatever you can to make it.  To advance beyond that is a journey that few ever get to.  But obviously, we have been married for 36 years for a reason, and if she hadn’t pushed me the way she did, I might never have learned some of those hard lessons about money and value sometimes, when someone gives you a 7 figure opportunity, its better not to take that job but to do something that fulfills other requirements in your life.  But before you can do that, you must have standards to live up to.  At an early age, we were both blessed to have had the chance to get that kind of life out of our systems.  By age 19, I was married, and we were working hard to start a life of our own together, which continues to this day.  But when I say that making money is easy, how you make it matters most; that is the context.  I have never been impressed with people who make a lot of money.  But money is a good measure of people’s value because it tells you a lot about the quality of the person making it.  If they are cheats or cutthroats, money will reveal it, as opposed to some communist centralized government that is entirely built around who you know and how much they like you.  My perspective comes from that critical experience at the dealership and the highlife that came with it.  And the value of an great woman to chase after took me on a wild ride that brought experiences wealth itself could never provide alone. 

Rich Hoffman

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Yes, Supporting Israel is Good: The ancient evil from that region that still wants to exist

Before anybody can say that Israel should have never been created, we need to understand how and why we get thoughts.  I was listening to a radio station from my car the other day, a traditional AM radio station where the broadcaster was in a studio speaking to a tower, which then broadcasted the AM signal to thousands and millions of people.  The casual listener tuned into this radio broadcast could then get information directly from the speaker from the studio, one person speaking to potentially millions.  I would say the same could be said of the particle sciences, as we have observed in neutrinos, where trillions of them pass through our bodies from all over the universe every second.  What kind of information do they carry which impacts our thought processes?  Then think of all the other particles and radio waves from all kinds of unknown sources that are doing the same.  And then can you say that your thoughts are your own, or are we just radio receivers picking up on millions of radio stations piping thoughts right into our minds 24 hours a day, seven days a week?  And in that context, how much of us, is “us.”  And how much is just some radio broadcaster speaking their mind to us in all kinds of crazy ways?  And we assume them to be thoughts without really knowing how they arrived in our heads.  And that was the conflict chronicled in the Bible for over 4000 years of human development.  I have been a radio broadcaster on several occasions, so this is something I have thought about a lot, and now that there is so much contemplation about the conflict between Palestine and the creation of Israel, it is obvious that people believe all kinds of things without understanding why they believe them.  The same could be said of blind followers of Israel and the concept of the God, Yahweh.  The Jewish people were obviously talking to somebody at the Tabernacle who existed as a puff of smoke and inspired people to go into the land of Canaan and kill every last man, woman, and child because of their evil and vile nature. 

I am a big supporter of Israel, not because the Jewish people are said to be part of a conspiracy to run the world’s centralized banking.  I think many of the conspiracies against the Jewish people are made up, even by evil participants of their own culture who, as many Jews from the Bible did, rebelled against God for the short-term gains of their meager lives of excess and bodily fulfillment.  I’m also not a fan of the United Nations, which, in hindsight, clearly was the point of World War II, to create the kinds of global villains who could unite the world together as a one-world government.  And Israel was created to fulfill an ancient prophecy rooted in Western Civilization.  And to this day, Israel is a nation of globalism created to impose centralized control over all humanity.  To all that, I would say people believe a lot of things for many reasons, but do any of them understand the source material?  Probably not, not even a little.  They think what they think for reasons that may not be for their advantage but the perpetuation of some sinister plot created by single minds speaking to the masses through means we are just figuring out.  We can call such efforts evil because they seek to crush our own individually motivated thoughts for the purpose of suppressing our culture. 

Even more so, Mt. Hermon, just to the north of Jerusalem, is a point of assertion that Jesus was said to use to get into Heaven.  It was also a spot where a conviction of Nephalim entered the world for all kinds of maniacal mischief in the form of giants, which we have proof of as a massive global culture from the Archaic period for which very little study has been done for historical context.  Today, that spot is a ski resort in Israel, and it is a very mysterious spot, as are many places in that ancient land that have the leftovers of many massive battles between good and evil at its core.  When humans began to think about rebelling against those ancient forces ruling the earth as part of that pre-deluge society, the thought process was captured very well in the Bible.  Yahweh had very strong thoughts about the evils of the land of Canaan and he wanted it destroyed for many reasons.  In modern times, that task was restored after World War II for many Biblical necessities.  And the Palestinians are still carrying around in their culture that ancient evil.  Now, things have become very convoluted, especially in Masonic clubs and behind-the-scenes politics, where they have affiliated themselves with Marxism, global communism, and Islam.  Yet, their purpose in life looked to be to rebuild the Temple of Solomon there on Mt. Moriah.  So, even within the various conspiracy groups, there is a division of approach.  They don’t agree among themselves what to do in the world, or how to do it.  So, we have many splintering factions at work behind the noise we hear on the news of the day.  Should Israel exist?  Yes.  It is a creation of humanity to stand against the tides of evil that permeated the dark days of our ancient past.  And the bodies of those dead giants talked about so frequently in the Bible are in our Indian mounds in the United States with abundance.  It’s one of the great conspiracies of our day, and that it is a conspiracy is a window into the truth. 

When you study particle science and gravity, you learn that through many forms of quantum entanglement, time distortion is common.  So, thinking of the various influences that permeate our existence, it is logical that the same conflict with evil that was told in our Bible, of a 4000-year journey of human migration and thought, that those forces are very much alive and well today, and evoking their means of destruction among our modern politics.  So how can we know what to do or why to do it?  And I would say that the Bible, with all the hands that wrote it and why, is one of the best windows into the epic struggle against evil ever put to paper.  In that context, the creation of Israel was a stake in the creation of Western civilization that was important for the entire human race to use to fight an ancient evil that has always been with us.  And just as strong today in the actions of the Palestinians as it was in the ancient child-sacrificing Canaanites.   The desire to destroy Israel is the same evil that wants to destroy America and restore to the world the earth’s worship of the American Indian.   There was a majestic concept that Yahweh intended for the region of the Near East called the Holy Land.  And the conflict between the Israelites and the Canaanites was more than a fight over regional dirt.  It was a fight against evil by those working to be good.  Many things inspired those who contributed to the story and the following bloodbath, Yahweh being one of them.  But was Yahweh a God, or just some broadcaster from the universe carrying his message in particle science to anybody with ears to hear it and act?  We do know that in listening to Yahweh, civilization took a 5000-year leap in progress that has never been seen before in recorded history.  There is a desire to continue that improvement while fighting the forces that desire to keep the human race under submission to the gods of the universe as the Canaanites thought of them, and later, the Greeks and Romans, and even the Egyptians.  The creation of Israel was a rebellion against evil, which ruled the world and still wants to.  And I certainly support it for those reasons alone.  Israel should have been created, just as America needed to be.  To stand against the tide of evil that never went away and is as vigorous today as it was at any point in the Bible, which told the story of this conflict in ways very relevant to our current circumstances. 

Rich Hoffman

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Why Birth Rates are Down: Communists have set family building policy in the West

This is a good story because many people do not realize how manipulated they are from moment to moment in their daily lives.  They do not know where their thoughts come from; they follow the social trends created by others for them.  That is the problem with the sudden realization that birth rates are down worldwide, and there is a real danger of the human race depleting themselves in the future.  Now, there is a ritual aspect to this where the ideas were started about feminism, attacking the concept of a Biblical church, and the perpetuation of earth worship as a replacement for old Mesopotamian mythology.  And they reside within the global communist movement, the people I used to talk about in Socialist International.  People giggled in the United States when I said things like that because they didn’t see socialism and communism at their high school football games or NFL draft picks.  They did not know that they were being manipulated like a cat might play with a ball of yarn by malicious people who want the end of the human race to save Earth from the parasitic destruction of their earthly habitation.  I spoke about those kinds of things from traveling extensively worldwide, so I saw what was going on in other places, and most of the world was leaning toward global communism, as China was an example.  So, the One Child Policy in China was not just an anomaly but an international strategy to reduce birth rates and deplete the human race’s impact into something more manageable by centralized authorities.  So far, when people talk about reduced birth rates, they miss the big-picture terms and report the facts they can see.  But they ignore the cause because that creates other kinds of problems that most people are not ready to deal with, the level of deceit we are dealing with, and the number of people who knowingly and unknowingly participated. 

Instead of a One Child Policy in America, the communists working from the political left created the feminist movement to frustrate the creation of the American family and, by design, significantly reduce the creation of children because parents didn’t have time for them.  Instead of having prominent families with 6 or 7 kids, families dropped to 1 or 2 by default because they had careers to maintain and had to save up six figures a year to send their kids to college by age 18.  So, the birth policy in America was established through social peer pressure driven by the communist left, not official government policy as it was in China.  But the intention was the same.  I suppose I was fortunate to have a front-row seat to all this, too, so I can talk about it now.  My mom was a housewife, and I had very traditional grandparents.  So, I watched this conflict when all these forces started imposing themselves on my family early in the 1970s.  As a housewife, my mom was severely attacked on all fronts by other family members and neighbors, along with community members.  The idea of a family was being destroyed by leftist political philosophy right out of the pages of Karl Marx.  I later learned that this was not a regional concern but a global one attached to everything the United Nations involved itself in.  So it’s not something that happened by accident but by design.  Of course, I liked the traditional manner of family building and couldn’t wait to do it for myself, so my wife and I married early and started having kids immediately.  By the time of my five-year high school reunion, we were the only ones in several categories to be that far along, to have been married the longest, had the most kids, and the oldest kids, etc. 

To this day, I still have never washed dishes.  My wife and I have always held very traditional roles in family building, and I see it as critical to a happy marriage.  We have just celebrated our 36th anniversary, and when we went out to dinner, and people heard about it, they looked at us like we were from another planet. Nobody stayed married that long and had the kind of traditional life we had.  I do all the work outside the house and keep things fixed.  She takes care of most of the domestic front.  It works, and we adopted it early in our life.  And one of those things is the roles men and women play in the family.  And doing dishes was a woman’s job.  When other family members heard that kind of talk from me, they felt obligated by the political left to entrust themselves in our affairs, and they put a lot of pressure on our marriage to essentially emasculate me to the feminist movement and recruit my wife to their marching orders.  This caused a lot of trouble and a lot of nasty fights and eventually we removed most of them from our lives.  When we would attend family activities and the first thing out of their mouths was, “Does your wife have a job yet,” or, “When is she going to get a job and help out,” my reaction was to go in the opposite direction and dig in harder.   The anti-family movement was wrong, and I wasn’t going to play along at all.

Of course, most people had no idea why they thought about what they did; they were following social trends.  And many people don’t understand where those things come from and certainly don’t associate them with a global communist movement that is highly politically motivated.  People trust too much, which is how many get suckered socially because they trust where ideas come from without the scrutiny necessary to live a good life.  They are teaching communism and anti-family behavior in public schools, so of course, people are vulnerable to it.  But the result has been a significant decline in the birthrate and in people getting married and staying married, which has screwed up all kinds of economic factors along the lines of housing, buying cars, and how groceries are distributed throughout society.  But there isn’t a scientific reason that birth rates are down, where more alpha males are now betas, making the sperm count too low to have many children.  Those are the leading causes of the injection of communism into family planning in the West and the results of several decades of practice.  Because I didn’t do it in any way, it’s easy for me to see as opposed to the family who forced the man to wash dishes so that the mother hens of socialism didn’t denounce a couple at the next family gathering where submission to feminism, not femininity were the value systems being utilized.  The difference in those terms is about 100 extra pounds of weight into a perpetual fat ass that can barely fit in a lawn chair.  Not a well-put-together woman oozing sexuality and filling up the bedrooms of a large house with a lot of kids produced from vigorous sexual conduct.  Who had time for that because the man was too busy washing dishes to show how socially obedient, he was?  As a result, family building has been destroyed, and the birth rates are down because the communists of the world were the idiots who created our social policy in the West.  After all, if you want to lower birthrates, then give the men a bunch of fat feminists to deal with, and make them share in domestic utility.  And the idea of leading a family goes away quick.  And so does sleeping together in a bed to make a family in the first place.  Who wants to engage in that kind of activity with a plus-sized monstrosity who complains all the time about everything?  As a result, birth rates are detrimentally low, and not improving any time soon.

Rich Hoffman

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The Nature of Power: Bill Barr endorses President Trump

I will tell you something likely more valuable than anything you’ve ever learned about the nature of power.  And you can use it in infinite ways every day of your life.  But I can tell you that President Trump understands it very well, which is why he should be in the White House representing us in our Constitutional Republic.  I think I tell this story at least once a week; when I give speeches here and there, I usually talk about the nature of the gunfighter at the bar with his back to the room.  I’ve also done a few videos on that trait, and it’s the secret to all power in all interactions with any lifeform, anywhere in the universe.  The gunfighter knows that the room he is in is a bunch of cutthroats, criminals, scum bags, looters, and parasites of all kinds because that is the nature of all life as God designed it.  Life was meant to feed off life, so why would anybody assume otherwise when dealing with others, even on intimate matters?  Perhaps my perspective has much more to do with it than most people ever experience.  I had a pretty wild beginning to my life, and it has been quite a ride along the way.  But I have known quite a few “hit men,” personal assassins who made a living killing people.  And the courts knew all about it and encouraged the behavior.  From them, I learned a lot about human behavior that they don’t teach in college or any other way.  Certainly not from the church pews.  People are always looking for ways that they can rob people of something, so they never think to kill them first.  That is why the gunfighter, who is known to all to be a threat to everyone’s existence, does not get shot in the back while he’s at the bar.  He knows that everyone in that saloon wants to find some way to get something from him, and if he’s dead, then he’s no use to a parasitic society.  People would instead make friends and build alliances to their advantage rather than take responsibility for actually killing someone and removing them from consideration for existence.   

That’s how it is with Bill Barr, the former Attorney General for President Trump, who was America’s top cop. After spending much of the last three years as a devout Never Trumper, he recently gave his endorsement.  It was never President Trump’s job to go out and repair his relationships with people, as the world assumed would have to happen before Trump could ever think about getting back into office.  No, Trump gets it and understands the nature of leadership in ways that very few people do.  Bill Barr and everyone else will always do what is in their self-interest.  They don’t do things because they are ethically upright or morally sufficient.  They do them because they want to survive, and they hope that by looting off others for their sustenance, they will find a way to survive the day.  It is always their first and only genuine concern.  Most people spend their entire lives trying to make friends so that they can perform this essential task.  Very few people ever figure out the truth or have the courage to understand it.  But Trump does, and now that he’s the leader of the Republican Party, everyone who wants to be relevant has to come to him to kiss the ring. 

Our entire education system, even at the collegiate level, is based on this premise of friendship.  We are taught to make friends to be successful.  When the truth is, if you make yourself into something valuable, everyone will be at your door looking for some way to appease you.  Even killers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics of a vile reputation.  Trump knew Bill Barr and his “lethargic” fat ass would be there ready to please, to be on the right side of power.  So when Barr gave his endorsement at the end of April 2024, after all the terrible things that had been done to Trump through the court system and the Uniparty of the American government, along with the betrayal of the Deep State, the Administrative State, and every criminal conjured up by ill intent, and Trump survived them all, Trump did not feel he had to please Barr with nice words and appreciation.  He made fun of the loser because what’s Barr going to do?  He wasn’t trying to help Trump get re-elected; he was trying to use the President to stay close to power himself, just as I say about the gunfighter with his back to the room.  People don’t kill you when you are a person of absolute power.  They try to use you for their lazy reasons.  And that is a universal concept.  If a bunch of aliens landed from another planet, far away from their home, they would do precisely the same thing.  If their technology did not give them decisive power over others, their first relationship to existence would be appeasement.  Many would assume that if he wanted to win as the President, Trump would have to be the most popular guy, so the power was on the shoulders of those who might give that friendship and make him powerful through those relationships.  And that everything in life was built upon the foundations of “whom you know” and how they can help you.  And, of course, this is all completely wrong, and people have been taught all the bad things about the power of human relationships and what motivates them.   Appeasement and friendships are not power. 

Trump always knew, just as he understands about all the boot lickers who are around him now, that people like Bill Barr have no real power on their own, so they always need to appease people like Trump.  It is not the job of Trump to reach out and appease people like Bill Barr, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Fox News, or anybody in the world for help.  Once power is established, by whatever means, they will all come to you whether you want them to or not.  They will likely bug you day and night for your whole life to be your friend, giving you little time for anything else.   And what is this power that offers such an advantage?  Well, it comes from value.  When you establish value, whether as a person, services rendered, or thoughts from your mind, people will want to take some of that value from you.  So, the power comes from the things you have in life that other people want.  You can be considered influential if you have things others want to steal because they all do in some form or another.  Even the fraternity brat from college who let “the one” get away from a one-night stand and marries the woman his mother told him to, the compliant sorority sister that would make the family proud, who grows up to become a plump Ohio celebrity at the area wine tasting with Jimmy Buffett playing in the background.  And that guy spends the rest of his life befriending that lost woman’s husband so that he can at least know something about her life and stay close, even if she completely forgot about him.  Power is in those who have something others want.  And the more you gain in life, personally, the more power you will have by default, and the rest of the world, filled with Bill Barrs of all kinds, will always come crawling on their hands and knees to your door looking for friendship with endorsements of all forms.  And it will happen so often that it will drive you crazy with their pesky nature.  But few understand the rules of the universe, much to their detriment.  But Trump understands fully and well. 

Rich Hoffman

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