Getting Rid of Herbie: Why Trump’s economy will be so much better than Biden’s

This will likely be one of the most valuable things I will ever tell you.  It’s worth a lot of money to many companies all over the world, but not for the reasons they think.  But on the topic of why Trump’s economy will be better than Biden’s or that Biden and Obama’s economy was worse than Trump’s and why, you have to understand the very nature of all communist and socialist governments.  It’s why, even with over a billion people in China, they still have a GDP that is less than America, with 2/3 fewer people. It is one of the most significant crimes happening in the world; it is not strictly against the law, but laws are created to preserve its nature.  That trend is expressed in the classic book on efficiency called The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt, which deals with the Theory of Constraints and how to deal with them.  Goldratt is the Jonathan Cahn of business books, and he has a series of them that many companies worldwide have sought to improve their lives in some way, and for all the same reasons that people pursue religion.  They don’t necessarily want to fix anything, but they go through the motions, hoping to trick God into letting them into the Heavenly Gates at some point.  And that is the approach that many people have with The Goal.  On the surface, it’s a pretty good book with a fictional narrative about a plant manager with minimal time to turn a company around to start making a profit.  But behind the scenes, it’s a soft sale on communism that has infiltrated the marketplace over the last several years.  The goal is to identify the constraints in your manufacturing process and manage them instead of trying to jam things through them. 

When I talk about The Goal to people, which happens all the time actually, I tell a story from the book where a bunch of backpackers are hiking to a destination, and they have a big fat kid named Herbie who is holding up the rest of the hikers from reaching their destination on time.  Since Herbie is fat, not as strong as the other kids, and has a hard time carrying a heavy backpack through the wilderness on a long trail, the kids behind him bunch up to his back while the kids in front of him pull way out ahead.  They arrive at the destination many hours ahead of Herbie and those behind him, and the goal of the exercise is to have process flow built around team cohesion.  So, the story’s purpose is to find ways to lessen Herbie’s burden on the group and to pace all the activities to those limits.  For instance, don’t force Herbie to carry the heavy backpack because it will just slow him down.  Have those who can take the backpack do it for him because, as the communists say, “those who can, each by their means,” and all that.  Once you realize that people reading the book, especially government types, are using this Theory of Constraints to hide their laziness and incompetence and trying to sell it as an efficiency tactic.  Without question, constraints are a genuine thing.  But how you deal with them is something I’m afraid I have to disagree with most of the world emphatically.  Constraints are meant to be managed, not yielded to, and the point of The Goal is to find out what they are and build everything around them. 

See the problem here, lower your expectations and live with the limits of Herbie

In my worldview, I advocate for removing Herbies from the process. I believe in finding individuals who are about 100 pounds lighter and can carry a heavy backpack. I don’t believe in forcing the rest of the group to slow down for slow old Herbie.  I say remove as many constraints as possible with good, competent people.  But to do that, we must acknowledge that all people are not equal.  Some people are better than others, and in a business environment, this is the opposite of what political trends have tried to create in the world. They emphasize equity and inclusion, not performance and competency.  And you can see this in the performance of the world today, from your local drive-thru to the store stocker at your local grocery.  In my view, the Biden administration is all about creating a society of Herbies. In my world, I would encourage them to be the first to be fired or pushed out of your work culture.  Rather than building around the Herbies, I would say to get rid of them and replace them with someone faster and better. This goes against almost every unspoken rule of our modern world.  However, the government, especially under Biden and Obama, is all about putting as many Herbies into your system, so it’s no wonder their governments are much less efficient and covered with slowness and waste.  They have made it pretty much illegal even to judge the performance of the Herbies of the world. When you want to understand what has happened in the world to slow everything down, The Goal, as a book, has captured the problem well.  But not for the reasons it intended to define the Theory of Constraints.  Lazy losers in the world and incompetent people afraid of competition have been empowered by it to prevent performance from being the measuring criteria and instead made group cohesion the mode of operation as a central value. 

Don’t learn to live with constraints. Improve them or get rid of them all together

During his first term, Trump thinks about Herbies the way I do.  He brought free market capitalism back to the markets where competition drove expectations for about three years until COVID-19 was invented and released to tamper with the 2020 election and get a Great Reset to all global markets influenced by the communists at the World Economic Forum.  And the American economy flourished under Trump.  But the policy of Obama and Biden, which is attached to global communism, China style, and corporate control superseding elected governments, wants a society of Herbies that they feed with welfare checks and entitlements because it gives them more centralized control over mass populations.  If they can sell that inefficiency to the public as “efficiency,” you can bet they will try.   So few people understand why Trump’s economy was, and will be, so much better than Biden’s.  Most economists don’t understand it; they have been taught only one way of viewing economic value, so they are oblivious to what Trump will do, which differs from Biden.  However, the real difference is that any good economy or company trying to implement a process will seek to eliminate as many Herbies as possible. And if they do have them, to mitigate the damage they cause to others by slowing everything down.  Speed is our friend in a thriving economy and successful business.  And rather than manage around our Herbies, we should get rid of them whenever we spot them and replace them with someone much faster and more competent.  That holds of a machine or even a business model.  If speed is not the emphasis, then incompetence becomes the breeding ground of fools, and you end up with horrendous economic numbers, such as we have seen with Biden.  The fix is easy, but it is something the government doesn’t want to see happen as they attach themselves to the global communist movement where Herbies are made, not managed.

A much better world, one without Herbies

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

After Trump Wins, Democrats Will Get Violent: Be sure to utilize concealed carry or at least, Constitutional Carry a firearm

Of course, just as I said it would, Trump is going to be re-elected, and all the schemes that the Democrats have used over the years to manipulate the mass public aren’t going to work.  And it’s going to get ugly.  I don’t think there is any way around it; this is what happens when you let Marxist radicals into your country, into your corporations, and your communities disguised as Democrats.   It would never end well, but at some point, we would always arrive at this juncture.  No matter what happens, even if they somehow manage to keep Trump out of office, there will likely be violence on a mass scale.  Appeasing them won’t help, it will just make it worse.  They are planning violence one way or another.  For the rest of us, the best-case scenario is to use the laws and follow them to the very end.  Trump needs to win the White House properly because it will force the Democrats to reveal all the horrible things they have been up to over many years.  But yes, we are in a civil war, and there is no way to stop it now.  We couldn’t have stopped it in the 1950s.  America was always on a collision course with the radical communists in the world who were openly working to subvert American laws built on the foundation of the Constitution.  The only reason violence hasn’t happened yet is that good people turned the other cheek for decades and empowered these losers to think they had more power than they did.  And now it’s playing out daily.  Trump isn’t using some magic power to find power again.  A lot of what is happening in the MAGA movement is revenge for what Democrats have been doing, and there is no way to put all that back into a bottle and forget about it.

I recommend that everyone who can start to conceal carry, or at least Constitutional Carry.  Get as many firearms as you can and learn to use them.  Be prepared.  When Trump wins, the most likely scenario is something we have seen before.  Remember when Madonna said that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and several other celebrities like Johnny Depp suggested that killing the President was something we might think about doing?  This is how the left thinks, and when we say left, we mean communists, as Karl Marx defined them.  I talk to politicians all the time who think they can have lunch with Democrats and get along.  I know several Democrats who present themselves as friendly people who would be nice to talk to in a backyard cookout.  But make no mistake about it: they are plotting the doom and death of America with mass global collectivism.  And when they realize, which is happening now, that people are onto their game, that they have lost the ability to manipulate the public through media and entertainment, and that people are turning away from communist ideas, they will turn to violence because it’s all they have left as a strategy.  And in many cases, they have no interest in working with Americans.  They only think to suppress America, and it’s been going on since before the 1930s.  The Great Depression, never forget, created a crisis by applying communist policies to the tremendous economic machine of American capitalism.  And Democrats and progressives have been selling communism to anybody who would listen for over a hundred years now, hiding it behind racism, feminism, environmentalism, social reforms of all kinds, and children in schools.  It’s been a long process, and as Trump continues to increase in polling, there is panic forming among these communists presenting themselves as Democrats and RINO Republicans.  People have been on to them and are showing support for an alternative that was never part of their plan.  And they will fight to keep their plan alive through violence because that’s what every communist revolution has done around the world.  But like the last time Trump was elected, they will take to the streets to start riots and mobs of chaos incited by the many billionaires who have invested in global communism, of which America is just a part.  They never had a plan B. 

Many people, I remember it from 2020, hesitated to admit that they were voting for Trump because they worried that the mob of agitators would arrive at their house and bring violence to them.  So they either voted in favor of Biden or denied that they voted for Trump.  Either way, they felt they had to suppress their opinions to save themselves from a violent outcome by a radical leftist mob.  That is not how it should ever be in America, and I think we will have to fight for it in ways many never thought they’d ever have to.  We read about other people fighting for our freedom, but most never thought we’d have to do it ourselves.  I believe, in a lot of ways, our time will be the worst because the mob of violence is loose on our streets, and they are in our neighborhoods, and it’s going to get chippy for a long time.  And a lot of people are going to get hurt.  Sure, it will be needless violence.  Sure, there are lots of ways to solve problems besides violence.  But we have been trying for a long time, and it’s only been our side who have given an inch only for Democrats to take a mile.  And they aren’t going to give that mile back out of kindness.  It will have to be ripped from them.

At this point, there is no peaceful scenario.  If Trump doesn’t return to the White House, people are going to turn to violence to remove the communist government that is impacting our lives at every level of American life.  And if Trump does end up back in the White House, the Democrats are going to cause every kind of trouble you can imagine.  They will attack and do so viciously.  I would advise you all to be well-armed and stand firmly behind the Constitution, the rule of law, the Supreme Court, and the White House with Trump in it.  And dig in for the fight and expect violence to come your way.  But we aren’t just talking about people’s feelings here; we are talking about outright communism.  We have gone to war in other countries for far less than we are seeing coming out of the Uniparty, especially where Democrats are concerned.  And we won’t be able to call up the military to attack on behalf of a civil war.  No, this is a fight we will have to win ourselves, and it will likely get messy.  I hope not, but there is nothing in me that thinks there’s any way out but violence.  And if there’s violence, make sure you’re the one who wins on behalf of capitalism against communism and defend the flag from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  It will take courage, but it all starts by voting Trump back into the White House, and from there, Democrats will do what they have always done: stand for violence to propel communism on their enemies.  And there’s no soft way to land that plane.  It’s happening regardless of what people hope to avoid.  The longer we put it off, the worse it will get.  But it’s going to happen regardless.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Nature of Power: Bill Barr endorses President Trump

I will tell you something likely more valuable than anything you’ve ever learned about the nature of power.  And you can use it in infinite ways every day of your life.  But I can tell you that President Trump understands it very well, which is why he should be in the White House representing us in our Constitutional Republic.  I think I tell this story at least once a week; when I give speeches here and there, I usually talk about the nature of the gunfighter at the bar with his back to the room.  I’ve also done a few videos on that trait, and it’s the secret to all power in all interactions with any lifeform, anywhere in the universe.  The gunfighter knows that the room he is in is a bunch of cutthroats, criminals, scum bags, looters, and parasites of all kinds because that is the nature of all life as God designed it.  Life was meant to feed off life, so why would anybody assume otherwise when dealing with others, even on intimate matters?  Perhaps my perspective has much more to do with it than most people ever experience.  I had a pretty wild beginning to my life, and it has been quite a ride along the way.  But I have known quite a few “hit men,” personal assassins who made a living killing people.  And the courts knew all about it and encouraged the behavior.  From them, I learned a lot about human behavior that they don’t teach in college or any other way.  Certainly not from the church pews.  People are always looking for ways that they can rob people of something, so they never think to kill them first.  That is why the gunfighter, who is known to all to be a threat to everyone’s existence, does not get shot in the back while he’s at the bar.  He knows that everyone in that saloon wants to find some way to get something from him, and if he’s dead, then he’s no use to a parasitic society.  People would instead make friends and build alliances to their advantage rather than take responsibility for actually killing someone and removing them from consideration for existence.   

That’s how it is with Bill Barr, the former Attorney General for President Trump, who was America’s top cop. After spending much of the last three years as a devout Never Trumper, he recently gave his endorsement.  It was never President Trump’s job to go out and repair his relationships with people, as the world assumed would have to happen before Trump could ever think about getting back into office.  No, Trump gets it and understands the nature of leadership in ways that very few people do.  Bill Barr and everyone else will always do what is in their self-interest.  They don’t do things because they are ethically upright or morally sufficient.  They do them because they want to survive, and they hope that by looting off others for their sustenance, they will find a way to survive the day.  It is always their first and only genuine concern.  Most people spend their entire lives trying to make friends so that they can perform this essential task.  Very few people ever figure out the truth or have the courage to understand it.  But Trump does, and now that he’s the leader of the Republican Party, everyone who wants to be relevant has to come to him to kiss the ring. 

Our entire education system, even at the collegiate level, is based on this premise of friendship.  We are taught to make friends to be successful.  When the truth is, if you make yourself into something valuable, everyone will be at your door looking for some way to appease you.  Even killers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics of a vile reputation.  Trump knew Bill Barr and his “lethargic” fat ass would be there ready to please, to be on the right side of power.  So when Barr gave his endorsement at the end of April 2024, after all the terrible things that had been done to Trump through the court system and the Uniparty of the American government, along with the betrayal of the Deep State, the Administrative State, and every criminal conjured up by ill intent, and Trump survived them all, Trump did not feel he had to please Barr with nice words and appreciation.  He made fun of the loser because what’s Barr going to do?  He wasn’t trying to help Trump get re-elected; he was trying to use the President to stay close to power himself, just as I say about the gunfighter with his back to the room.  People don’t kill you when you are a person of absolute power.  They try to use you for their lazy reasons.  And that is a universal concept.  If a bunch of aliens landed from another planet, far away from their home, they would do precisely the same thing.  If their technology did not give them decisive power over others, their first relationship to existence would be appeasement.  Many would assume that if he wanted to win as the President, Trump would have to be the most popular guy, so the power was on the shoulders of those who might give that friendship and make him powerful through those relationships.  And that everything in life was built upon the foundations of “whom you know” and how they can help you.  And, of course, this is all completely wrong, and people have been taught all the bad things about the power of human relationships and what motivates them.   Appeasement and friendships are not power. 

Trump always knew, just as he understands about all the boot lickers who are around him now, that people like Bill Barr have no real power on their own, so they always need to appease people like Trump.  It is not the job of Trump to reach out and appease people like Bill Barr, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Fox News, or anybody in the world for help.  Once power is established, by whatever means, they will all come to you whether you want them to or not.  They will likely bug you day and night for your whole life to be your friend, giving you little time for anything else.   And what is this power that offers such an advantage?  Well, it comes from value.  When you establish value, whether as a person, services rendered, or thoughts from your mind, people will want to take some of that value from you.  So, the power comes from the things you have in life that other people want.  You can be considered influential if you have things others want to steal because they all do in some form or another.  Even the fraternity brat from college who let “the one” get away from a one-night stand and marries the woman his mother told him to, the compliant sorority sister that would make the family proud, who grows up to become a plump Ohio celebrity at the area wine tasting with Jimmy Buffett playing in the background.  And that guy spends the rest of his life befriending that lost woman’s husband so that he can at least know something about her life and stay close, even if she completely forgot about him.  Power is in those who have something others want.  And the more you gain in life, personally, the more power you will have by default, and the rest of the world, filled with Bill Barrs of all kinds, will always come crawling on their hands and knees to your door looking for friendship with endorsements of all forms.  And it will happen so often that it will drive you crazy with their pesky nature.  But few understand the rules of the universe, much to their detriment.  But Trump understands fully and well. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

The Horrible Biden Economy: A purposeful attack on our personal lives by global terrorists

There is an anti-ownership movement going on globally that is working in the background of the communist Biden economy, which is reflected in the grotesque financial numbers coming on the heels of 1st quarter reporting.  When you understand what kind of lies the reporting machine puts out to deceive the public on the economic health of the American economy, then you’ll understand why only reporting 1.6% growth when the prediction was over 2% was so devastating for the Biden people.  Just as most people never saw a bullet or a battlefield during most of the wars in the world, this modern battle, which is much different, is impacting them the same.  People might not have fought in a modern war, but they would see the cost of goods increase as supply chains are disrupted by fights around the world where people are at war.  But this fight is connected to virtually every person in the world, at every bank, and the movement of a dollar.  The intent is to eradicate private ownership of everything and turn it all over to collective associations, just as Karl Marx always proposed.  In America mom and pop shops are being replaced with corporate boards, and private ownership of homes is being consumed by companies like BlackRock off fake Fed money funneled through Wall Street to clean it up for public consumption, with the intent to make renters out of owners, and to gradually steer them all back into city life, where they can be controlled more efficiently with a centralized government.  Meanwhile, in line with Agenda 21 initiatives and 2030 goals from the United Nations, communities are building lots of apartments to shift ownership from private homes to apartment life.  From buying a car to using shared vehicle services.  There is a subtle communist plan behind most of what our money touches that is a real menace, and people have been slow to understand it.  But when the lying machine can’t produce anything better than that silly 1.6% GDP growth, you are starting to see the rabbit under the table for the global magic trick, and people aren’t happy about it. 

A few years ago, while traveling across the countryside of Canterbury, England, I noticed how much open green space they had and how so many people lived along the train routes from that city to London, about an hour to the west.  Most residential property in England was focused around traditional towns and communities.  And the price of private flats and homes was extremely high.  As I asked about this, it became clear that England and France were well on their way, decades ahead of the United States in fulfilling the globalist plans of the United Nations and frustrating private ownership of homes and cars by raising the prices of everything to push everyone but the most wealthy away from ownership.  If you understand the intentions of the Masons Karl Marx and his best bud Friedrich Engels in Das Kapital, for instance, the real estate across the English countryside makes sense for a socialist, communist government.  However, private people would rebel if told to accept a communist government.  To take it, they would have to be manipulated over a long period where death and inheritance would insulate people from seeing the overall global strategy embedded in every centralized bank.  The kids would never see what the parents lost because they were too busy with their own lives to notice, and gradually, over time, everyone would lose everything in the managed chaos created by these globalist forces. 

Yesterday, some of my children were shopping for a new car and were frustrated that most of them were not good enough. These days, the decent cars were all over 100K dollars.  By the time you compensate for the cost of compliance and the regulatory environment to build a decent car, the cost structure is too high for most people to afford, so they can’t.  The car market in America is struggling, especially with the push for EV cars, which will cost car companies enormous amounts of money.  Of course, the Federal government will bail out these big companies just as it did in 2008.  However, in the process, those companies will have to turn over some of their control to the government and lose their independence to manage their affairs.  Do you see how the game is going?  It’s not so subtle now, but over the years, it has been, and the increased costs are purposeful to steer people away from private ownership of cars, homes, and businesses and to frustrate them into selling off their assets and moving into an apartment controlled by a centralized authority.  That plan was well underway in America until people picked Trump in 2016. Trump turned off all these artificial controls and gave some power back to private people, and of course, the economy thrived.  This was devastating to the globalist’s plans for communism everywhere, so it was not a surprise that they lost their minds and created Covid as a cover for their World Economic Forum Great Reset, and had to steal the election of 2020 to get control of their Agenda 21 plans, which were eroding from them with a populist movement popping up around the world, not just in the United States.

And Biden put in place all the economic controls that had been planned, many of them by executive order, and as I have been saying for several years now, we are technically in a Great Depression, and people feel it.  However, like in the 1930s in America, it was not caused by natural occurrences but by massive government tampering.  The Great Depression was made by the government to push communism into America with FDRs New Deal politics.  Then to cap it all off, World War II created the United Nations and we have what we see today.  Massive government tampering caused it all, just as they are causing it now, for all the same reasons.  Except now, they have a media culture that will help them better sell failure to the public.  So, they deliberately hid the Biden economy from the public even if everyone could see the results in extremely high prices.  Since Biden took office just a few years ago, overall prices for everything are up 19.4%, food prices are up 21.1%, rent is up 20.9%, and electricity is up 28.3%.  Gasoline is up a whopping 47.8%.  These are not natural occurrences, but purposeful military strategies meant to destroy the American economy through rigged elections, criminal syndicates running our elected offices, and global scum bags entrenched in centralized finance.  And even with all their propping up the economy with phony Fed money, all they could legitimately show for economic growth was 1.6% when they needed to show much, much more to attempt to keep Biden in office.  If they could have shown a better report, they would have.  But the truth is that the economy is much worse than that, which tells you everything you need to know.  Communist terrorists are running our financial systems in detrimental ways for the destruction of our way of life.  And they are terrified of another Trump term where all these controls will be cut off, and justifiably so.  The United Nations is going to lose the power it has spent most of the last seven decades building.  Which is the fight of our day and what is on the table for the future.  But the high prices are not natural; they were created for political reasons, and the economy, as bad as it is, was managed to be that way by our domestic enemies, with which everyone will have to come to terms.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Defrauding the American Government: How the Supreme Court is poised to rule against the Biden administration

Don’t let the con people fool you. The facts of the matter are this: President Trump and his administration, one of whom Peter Navarro, is currently in jail for no reason other than his association with President Trump, were the legitimate government in 2020, leading up to the transfer of power to Joe Biden, by force and manipulation, in January 2021.  The events that removed President Trump from office were a purposeful and malicious defrauding of the American government by insurgents who associated with global Marxists, outright communists, and European socialists of every order.  They broke the law and declared war on the American Constitution, and under the rules of our Republic, President Trump had presidential immunity to protect that government from hostile enemies, both foreign and domestic.  And that was the essence of the line of questioning at the Supreme Court by three of the justices to lawyers from both sides, the Jack Smith case and Trump’s defense team.  As the elected government at that time, Trump had immunity in his actions to defend the nation from hostile invaders.  Now that the smoke has cleared from those events, there is no question about what Trump was doing and the intentions of those attacking.  At best, the hostile agents intended to defraud the United States of America.  And what happened thereafter clearly shows the strategy to wreck the economy of Western civilization purposefully to continue a socialist plot started by the Obama administration, who was still whispering in the ear of Biden and his despots of doom, and compromised assets of the Chinese communist government.  There is a lot of evil that occurred in 2020, but regarding the issue of President Trump’s actions, he was defending a legitimate government from hostilities against the wishes of American voters, and those forces are now deeply entrenched in our culture for destruction. 

Really, the only choice that the Supreme Court has on the immunity case before it now, is to punish the challengers against Trump severely, which looks to be where the court is headed, with likely at least a 5-4 decision or perhaps even a 6-3, in favor of Trump.  Democrats are the ones who started this process of lawfare and insurrection using election fraud to perform a massive crime against our country.  After all, they are progressives who intend to “progress” beyond our Constitutional Republic fully.  What is the greatest threat to democracy?  Democrats.  They have no intention of having free and fair elections.  They are trying to rig the game to grab power so they can use that power to commit massive crimes using the power of government to do so.  It’s about as bad as it gets regarding defrauding the government, the Trump government that we elected to handle our business and protect our country from its enemies.  This is why we have a Supreme Court: without the protection of the basic premise of the law, on constitutional principles, we have no country or values to protect.  This is the apparent strategy of the hostile agents of the world who want an end to America, for which the Biden administration is a creation.  The intent to commit the crime was never more apparent, and the Supreme Court is the backstop to stop that crime when all other measures fail, which they had up to this point.  However, it was not surprising to hear how they set up the case after hearing from the Jack Smith lawyers.  The prosecution’s case against Trump was even thinner than many thought it would be because the foundation of their case is meant to hide that the Biden administration and their Department of Justice, as insurrectionists who gained power through a stolen election, committed an intentional defrauding of our government in their pursuits for power and control.

Of course, in the aftermath of the Supreme Court presentations of the case and their reaction to it, the communist news media and global insurrectionists had their faces melting.  They weren’t getting away with their fraud and people were on to them, as best represented by a majority of the Court.  Leftist radicals had taken over most of our institutions and controlled the lower courts, and now this Supreme Court was ruining their plans to defraud our government with maliciousness, and they were already thinking about the next steps.  Study communist takeovers worldwide, especially after World War II in China. You will see precisely the same thing going on in the United States by big government types, Republicans and Democrats for several decades.  And their efforts were well on their way under the Obama administration, and the American people, not constantly aware of the severity of the problem, picked Trump as their representative, which screwed up the communist plans.  Most people don’t think about these things; they just want to live their lives and be left alone, which was part of the strategy of the communists who put Joe Biden in power as a compromised asset who would do their destruction to keep his own family out of jail.  The best way to do that is to control the Department of Justice as inserted President of the United States.  There was nothing legitimate about any of it.  They defrauded the United States of America over many years and conducted a massive insurrection with Covid-driven election fraud to acquire power from a legitimate American government against the American people.  And at best, they broke the law in detrimental ways. 

We are dealing with people who have already tried to kill congressmen at baseball games and made death threats against Supreme Court members, only to receive a slap on the hand for their efforts.  That is part of the defrauding process, to control our political mechanisms so they can determine the rule of law and, in this case, ignore the law for their acquisition of power.  But to then use that acquired power to prosecute their political enemies, such as what they have been doing to President Trump, to keep him in exile, they forced him into.  Because they know that the people of America picked him the first two times, and they will do it again.  So their only option is to go all in with insurrection, play this game with the legal levers of power, and hope that people don’t notice.  If they could get rid of the Supreme Court in some way, either through court-packing or some other measure, they would do it if they could hold power through sheer force and intimidation.  But what’s important to remember is that they are not a legitimate government, and they don’t care that you know that.  All communist governments have their challengers, so how to deal with them is well known.  And they have no fear of defrauding the American government because they intend for America to be eradicated, crushed by debt and corporate control.  As progressive communists, they have “Moved On,” which is the name of the George Soros organization that is behind most of these purposeful intents to defraud America.  And why people like him have not been arrested and thrown in jail to stop their menace tells you why the problem persists.  Too many compromised people are willing to take easy money to sell out their country, and such a problem falls into most of our population.  But that still doesn’t change what it is: the defrauding of the American government by hostile enemies, foreign and domestic.  And they are going to lose that immunity case against Trump. 

Rich Hoffman

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Judge and Judge Often: Don’t get hung on a cross or be destroyed like the Indians–punish evil and make them pay

Here’s my thing: we’ve been too friendly to the Marxist movement behind much of our social interactions.  There are a lot of people upset with me over my recent smoke shop article and find my anti-pot stance intolerable.  Hey, I told everyone back in August 2023 how it would be before a bunch of losers and lobbyists worked to make marijuana legal.  And if there is an edge to me now that people didn’t notice so much before, it’s because of things like this.  I have watched the pot movement grow over the years by these hippie flower children forces that have been gaining ground since I was born, and I never liked them.  I treated them fairly, but their intentions were always to take and take more, no matter how much kindness we gave them, and now they are going for the destruction of our country, and they aren’t shy about it.  And now that pot has been legalized in Ohio, a place I call home, I consider it an act of war.  And anybody who has looked up my past and researched me already knows my position.  There is a lot of violence in my wake over fighting pot in my various communities.  I have been evident in my position, and I could tell stories all day about my long life fighting against it that have much more relevance to people now with the context.  There are lots of police, mayors, and commissioners who hear my name and know the trouble, and they’d rather forget about it.  These were not things done in secrecy; it’s all been well documented.  But this whole “you do you, and I’ll do me” libertarian nonsense isn’t going to work for me.  So the pot heads brought it on themselves; now that they’ve brought that stuff overtly into my community, pot is the new “Lakota Schools,” for me.  Locals in my community will understand what that means.

One thing you will never see in front of one of these smoke shops selling marijuana paraphernalia is a nice car.  People who do dope tend to be lazy losers who drive beater cars and look like the kind of people who can barely get out of bed in the morning.  Anybody who thought they could replace good business in all the vacant strip malls with these smoke shops and that it would be “good for our community” was not thinking straight.  When people say to me, “Who died and made you king,” here’s the deal: if people are free to rub pot consumption in my face, then I am free to cast judgments on it and the people who use it.  For me, there is no blurred line on pot consumption because it’s the sign of a society retreating to the primitive, to follow the Vico Cycle back to the village hut of compliance to a tribal council, and is the opposite of freedom.  Consumers of pot are weak, and they are seeking to justify it with a chemical substance that hides it from the world where they should be working to make themselves better.  So when people tell me I should be like Jesus and “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1), I say, look what happened to Jesus when he was hung on a cross crying for the Father not to abandon him.  Don’t end up hanging on a cross.  Humans can bring whatever meaning they want to religion, but I’m not OK with the teachings of Jesus if people think we aren’t supposed to judge lousy behavior or punish people for it.  I’ll stick with the Old Testament, thank you. I say, “judge and judge often,” and punish those who intend harm to you and your society.  And any advocate of marijuana is intending harm to our society.

I warned everyone of the old hippie notion of “live and let live.”  I’ve told everyone the truth about how the KGB and the CIA worked hard to import communism to our college campuses, just as they are now with the anti-Israel movement, to erode the foundations of our youth.  The concept of “let’s party” was revealed in the excellent Ayn Rand book We The Living, a youth movement meant to usher communism into their society in Russia.  Ayn Rand would know because she had to flee her homeland and her family to escape it.  And all that nonsense was brought to America in the 1930s with Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, and it culminated in the 1960s with all the campus riots.  And it’s still happening, festered on by people like George Soros, who fund a lot of this destructive behavior among people willing to take the easy money and bring chaos to our streets, to submit to communism.  And pot is one of those strategies of communism against America.  The intent was to weaken our youth and our Biblical culture of values and to fall to communism because everyone was too stoned to fight back.  That is why I have such a hatred for the stuff.  I’ve known this for a long time.  I feel this way because I read a lot.  And I don’t take attacks against my country kindly.  And all drug consumption, even alcohol, as far as I’m concerned, is an attack.  The legalization of pot is meant to destroy the concept of civil society and replace it with a bunch of stoned losers who won’t work, won’t lead their families, and are no good to anybody for anything.  Yes, I will judge others, and I will judge often. 

I ordered a margarita with some friends at a fancy dinner the other day.  People around me at the table were shocked because they knew my position on drugs.  Occasionally, I’ll drink something with alcohol in it because the texture of the drink makes it interesting.  I’ll occasionally sip on a wine as well.  But not very often, and never to get drunk.  In a long list of people who have known me over the years, nobody will ever be able to claim that they saw me drunk and disorderly.  I was always the one who was sober and had my head on straight, even when I spent time with some very wild and crazy people.  In my church, there was an epic battle between them, my congregation, and me over communion.  If not for the church, I likely would have never tasted a drop of alcohol.  I was never OK with the cannibal ritual of eating the symbolic body of Christ and drinking his blood, which is a Roman way of bringing all the religions of their empire under one roof of Christianity.  I’d rather not sacrifice people to the powers of the universe in any way.  And I’d always recommend staying sober to do it.  But with pot, there is no redeeming factor.  Like many people have said to me recently, “But the Indians did it.”  Yeah, that’s my point.  Most of them ended up dead and eradicated from existence, with their culture destroyed.  See a pattern?  There is nothing good about pot smoking, and anybody who is trying to sell it to you is trying to destroy your culture.  And there is no compromise with it.  If people want to bring it to my front door, they will get what they get.  Now that they have, I am much less tolerant of their other behaviors that I find objectionable, and they will hear from me about it often.  Because I will be doing what you should be doing dear reader, and that is “judging and judging often.”  And punishing those who have done wrong.  If you want to save your country and not end up destroyed like the Indians or hung on a cross like Jesus, try something different, starting with judging evil and punishing those who commit it.  And look at intoxication the way I do, as a slow way of killing intellect and, therefore, the person that houses it.  And punish it as attempted murder because that’s what intoxication, all intoxication, is.  The murder of a mind. 

Rich Hoffman

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Let’s Talk About Sex and UFOs: The point of everything, everywhere, all the time

What Tucker Carlson said about UFOs being more spiritual than physical has caused a lot of discussion recently.  Elon Musk took notice and even added to the debate.  But I think when people think of UFOs and life on other planets and our interactions with all these things, we assume all the rules of conduct are applied to our observable universe without considering the still-revealing worlds of quantum mechanics.  A lot is happening in particle sciences with quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos.  Every second trillions of these hyper crazy neutrinos are passing through our bodies, and through the earth so fast that they act like the atoms that make up our material world, aren’t even there.  And all these quantum particles point to the very real issue of dark matter and dark energy, “dark” because we can’t see it with our visible light spectrum, yet it makes up most of the matter of our known universe.  So, things get out of control quickly with new information once you ask these questions.  Then, concerning all that, time dilation is very real, where folds of time actually wrap over themselves and behave differently relative to the application of gravity, the mass of a planet, and its position relative to us.  When you have moments of déjà vu, it’s likely attributed to this condition of dark matter folding over on itself with a physical reality that has already taken place but is observed at a different time because of all these attributes we are uncovering in particle sciences.  And, of course, as we go ghost hunting and record paranormal phenomena, we may actually communicate with ghosts who try to interact with us and talk back.  We have assumed that these are characters of the afterlife in a kind of linear format.  But logically, they would trace back more logically to the type of information we are constantly interacting with within dark matter, where the true location of what we call Heaven likely resides.  It is all around us, but men do not see it.

I say all that because of the need to understand these things where science is taking us.  Many of the religions of the world are likely our interpretations of interacting with many characters from paranormal phenomena.  In the Bible, prophets were constantly in a relationship with God who had a lot of concerns about what was going on in our world, even if he could only manifest in a puff of smoke over the gold wings of the Ark of the Covenant under certain conditions of blood sacrifices poured out over the lid with incense burning in the background.  Many of the events of the Bible and other religions could directly be attributed to quantum mechanics and the many lifeforms we are just learning to manage through our interactions with dark matter.  Some of these lifeforms could be massively bigger than us for which we are but a neutrino passing through them trillions of times every second, or much, much smaller, where the contents of an entire universe could be contained in every neutrino, that to our perception is smaller, and faster than anything known in the universe, probably breaking the speed of light by their very nature.  But what is the speed of light if time can actually be warped through dark matter?  So thoughts, feelings, and even politics based on these interactions would have a massive influence over our lives and the future of the known universe, in ways that nothing in science fiction has ever quite figured out.  Perhaps Frank Herbert from the Dune books was dancing with the truth in all its massive assumptions.  But probably, he was just pecking on the surface.

To understand some of these things, I think sex is the best measure.  A nice, attractive couple goes out on a date, cleans up their car, wears nice clothes, and puts on perfumes for dinner, where the food is prepared immaculately.  The wine is poured and consumed with sophistication and small talk to get the couple at ease with each other.  At the end of the night, there is a decision as to whether the couple wants to get into a state of undress and enjoy the human attributes of sex and the good feelings that come with it.  But all along were the sperm and eggs within the man and woman who are waiting in the multitudes to be injected into a situation to meet each other, and they observe the scale of all these things passively without having any fundamental understanding of why things are happening.  The purpose of it all is to inspire human beings to have sex and to make a baby that repopulates the earth.  Who designed that programming? That is the constant thought of religion, but science must increasingly be applied.  That is a lot of effort to make it possible to have a baby.  Most of the sperm that has ever been created, and most eggs in a woman, will never see a real opportunity to fulfill the meaning of their entire existence.  So they will interact with the mating rituals of procreation, the dinner, the dancing, the food, the smells, but will likely never meet an egg to fertilize and produce a child.  Yet, that is the entire purpose of the practice: to get a man and a woman filled with cells and all kinds of biological information to get together and exchange bodily fluid so life could be produced. 

When we look around our world and consider our political options, we are like the sperm looking to do our life’s work but with limited access to the big picture.  We know our impulse to act, and the conditions of our lives may be up to random circumstances well beyond our comprehension.  Yet those activities may have complete control over whether our life fulfillment achieves what it was designed for, whatever that is.  When we interact with and observe quarks, gluons, muons, and neutrinos, we see elements from the big picture without understanding them.  But we will, and I would argue that the purpose of the human imagination is to pull all these elements together for the benefit of everything.  Our thoughts don’t have to reside in our minds but are likely permeating everywhere in the universe’s dark matter on a grand scale.  What we tune into with our individual lives is but a radio of a constant broadcast that occurs over many lifetimes and people who arise to witness it.  But the purpose of the whole thing could be said to be like sex, with all the dating rituals that go on, all the small talk, to get to an opportunity to inject sperm into a woman to fertilize an egg released at just the right time and place that one out of many thousands will have a chance to fulfill its reason for creation.  And what is the meaning of that creation, a baby that has to spend 18 years growing into an adult, only to do the same thing all over again with different participants?  So when we talk about UFOs and paranormal activity, we need to understand that all those neutrinos passing through us have life and concerns contained within them that have information directly connected to the other side of the universe by the trillions.  They impact how we think, what evil or good might occur, and what creative concepts our minds might develop.  But in truth, we have much more to learn about the nature of these things. And it is likely the point of our imaginations to give birth to something new, which the universe is trying to achieve through us, and is likely the point to all life, everywhere, all the time.

Rich Hoffman

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The Benefits of Trophy Wives: How women really make the best economy possible

Communism has been presented to us in many forms and in ways that many never suspected.  However, the perpetrators have been caught in how they structured stories for COVID-19, election fraud, and many legal cases against President Trump.  In the desperation to keep Trump out of political office, all the old games have been utilized, and outright communists and their wealthy donors have revealed the game plan.  And how assumptions flow through society as values, such as feminism, racism, or wealth distribution.  And how people find themselves followers of some communist political movement without ever realizing it until it is too late.  Specific to our topic here, what is the real essence of hatred for President Trump and his lifestyle?  I have pointed this out before, but perhaps not in the required detail, especially now.  And much of it traces back to Melania Trump, the President’s supermodel wife.  She represents an aspect of capitalism that the enemies of the world want to destroy.  The counter to communism’s basic premise of “equality.”  How can you have an equal society of beautiful women marrying men just over their money?  To obtain such beautiful women and show that you are better and more hard working, men generate a lot of financial wealth as job creators to access such women.  The criticism of the classic trophy wife is that it’s shallow for a woman to marry a man for his money and power.  People should marry over “love” and friendship, and men should cry and let their spouses feel their emotions as a soothing venture.  Trump doesn’t cry; he doesn’t seek comfort in the bosom of his woman.  He audaciously pursued wealth to access the most beautiful women in the world, and he married one, and now she has the opportunity to be the First Lady of America again.  To the communists of the world, this has been a massive problem because that was an attribute of human society that they have been trying to erase. 

I was in Japan recently with some friends, and our host told one of our young and single members at dinner that he needed to find a nice Japanese girl and marry her.  In Japan, even though they have gone through the motions of letting women work with men in the workplace, traditional marriages to traditional Japanese women who devote much of their lives to sustaining their husbands’ happiness are treasured.  And still, around much of the world, arranged marriages to unite family powers and political associations are very much at the core of their society structure.  Arranged marriages are expected and encouraged from the Near East to the Far East, such as Japan.  People don’t marry over love and personal fulfillment of choice.  They do so to align with rigid social structures.  And upon considering that and meeting several Japanese women who were working very hard to be good wives to their Japanese husbands, this trouble about feminism in the United States becomes grotesquely apparent.  The concept that men and women should marry over issues of equality and that the man should do the dishes and share in all Mr. Mom’s duties has its roots in communism, as a way to attack the economic engine of America and replace it with the destruction of the family and the relationships between men and women.  And it wasn’t an “organic” movement that just happened; it was created to destroy our culture.  And you don’t notice that until you travel to other countries untouched by such parasitic utterances.  Traditional marriages are still valued in Japan.  But because they are collectivist-based, they don’t emphasize beauty as the measure of a good wife, but in her domestic skills.  As is generally agreed upon there, an overtly attractive wife is not put on a pedestal like in the United States because there, they don’t value individual input but absorption into the net of society as a contributor. 

But still, in America and under a capitalist system, women are free to marry anybody they want, and pretty women have power that women not so pretty don’t have, to find a man of great wealth and to use her looks to buy her way into a comfortable life where money comes easily.  Women who are not so attractive have to settle for what gets left over, and that may not seem fair, but it has produced one of the best economies the world has ever seen.  Which then lifts all boats in the process.  Compared to other places in the world, the wealth created by the American economy allows most people to have a much better life, especially people who aren’t very good-looking.  In President Trump’s case, he worked hard to make a lot of money and have all the best cars, homes, golf courses, and attire so that he could have access to the best-looking women.  And attractive women know that if they have good looks, they can avoid marrying some dope-smoking loser who is too lazy to get out of bed.  We all see as a crisis the poor young woman who was pretty in her youth but listened to society and married some slug for “love.”  Only to find out that love doesn’t pay many bills or earn you respect when you walk into a room with your spouse, which everyone hates because they are of poor quality, and everyone knows it. 

The communist idea of not being shallow and marrying people just because they are wealthy is one of the first things that was attempted in the United States to erode the powerful economic engine of capitalism.  To the Marxists, it wasn’t fair that some ugly, comb-over man could marry such beautiful women just by working harder than everyone else.  However, many jobs were created in that process, and society improved significantly based on that one premise.  A hard working man wants to marry and produce children with the most attractive woman he can get.  So he works hard to do so, and in the wake of all that activity, a massive GDP is produced that communist countries can’t compete against.  So, of course, if your goal was global communism, you would have to put a stop to this mating ritual between ugly, hard-working men and the supermodel wives who would not feel guilty at all being the trophy wives and give their husbands all that he was looking for in a mate, respect, domestic tranquility, and a club to beat over the head of all his rivals in social occasions by having such a woman on his arm to remind everyone how much better he is over his peers.  And in a capitalist society, you want that.  You want competition.  You don’t wish for sameness as communists do.  Not everyone can be a trophy wife or a man who can afford one.  However, everyone benefits from the results of such an exchange in terms of better economic activity.  And that is why there is so much hatred toward Trump and his wife, Melania.   She is a nice housewife who is a supermodel and is not embarrassed that she is a trophy of a man who worked his butt off to have a woman like her on his arm when he wants her.  In a world full of arranged marriages for social alignments, the premise in America works great for values over economy and freedom.  A woman has the right and ability to marry anybody she wants to.  And attractive women can significantly elevate their lives if they can use their looks to get a powerful, wealthy man.  This gives the man a reason to work harder and be better than everyone else.  And that is the trait in America that the communists have been attacking.  And how so many people have been suckered into destroying their civilization over the simple premise of fairness that the rest of the world has been choking on since the dawn of the very first city-state. 

Rich Hoffman

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Getting Out of Bed to Fight for Your Country: Most people don’t have the guts to be President Trump

There are a lot of sunshine patriots out there who will fly the American flag over the Fourth of July and cook their hot dogs on a grill. But when it comes time to do any kind of heavy lifting and to stand for something, they are nowhere to be found. Most people bootlick their way through life, and they will do so to make the most money possible while doing as little work as they can. And when times are tough, they hide under their covers and turn off the alarm clock until the danger is averted. The world is full of such people. And it is because of them that there is so much evil in the world, empowered and doing what they are doing to destroy the world. I have been warning about these things for most of my life and as people ask me about some of the chapters in my book of life and wonder about all the carnage and hurt feelings, it points back to this essential issue. When times were tough, who got out of bed and did something about it. And one thing I can say, with all the violence and debate, I did not turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed while it was storming outside. I got up, went to where the trouble was, and did what needed to be done. When I fly an American flag, I do so knowing that I have done all I could to make it proud, because the fights to have the right to fly that flag are always under threat by hostile enemies foreign and domestic. It would have been easy to just do like everyone else, take a nice vacation, go to fancy dinners, and play golf without ever talking about anything too serious. But that would never be enough for me, because there was always a lot of work to do, and America needs as many people doing it as possible.

And I saw in Trump many years ago, 2012 to 2014 a person who had achieved a certain place in life where he wanted to do the work that it takes to keep America alive and well. I would point out even back then that Obama was a socialist, and that his birth certificate had major problems and that he probably was not qualified to be president. Which at that time sounded crazy. I remember what I was doing on 9/11 when terrorists attacked the symbol of American capitalism, the World Trade Center. I sent my wife to pick up my kids from school as everyone around me was as floored as everyone across the country and our skies stopped having air traffic for a couple of days. But I never believed the narrative, what made those terrorists think they could get away with it. Globalists looking to topple America are always involved, and they are sloppier these days than back then when people still had some trust in authority figures. 9/11 was a provoked terrorist attack meant to expand government and to give the FBI, and the CIA more authority, which they have obviously abused. And it all happened right under our nose, while people went about their lives worrying about being too controversial, because they might become social outcasts. But out of all that came a few people here and there, like President Trump, who were able to do something to help the flag, so he started thinking of running for president and he was visiting Tea Party groups to build up his brand in that direction.  And I was a supporter, because I knew what kind of work really needed to be done in America, and most people were not willing to do it.

When history looks back on this time, it will remember all the sunshine patriots who sat on their hands and never engaged the enemy, which empowered that enemy to the levels of menace that we are seeing now. Their neighbors might think they are swell people. At the local wine tasting where everyone is talking about sending their children to college so they can learn about Karl Marx, essentially, people might complement the high heels of an attractive woman, but talk behind her back at all the men she is sleeping with, while an American flag flies outside looking for someone to defend it from the tyranny of a jealous world.  But it will also remember that it took 12 years of Trump to return our country back to all those worthless people who should be more grateful than they are. Everyone will be grateful in hindsight even though they did extraordinarily little to help along the way, including most of the current Republican Party. They talk tough, but when it comes time to go out into the rain to engage the enemy, they stay where it is safe, and let others do that. The very few others. Trump is one of them. Thank goodness he won that first term in 2016. And in many ways, what happened in 2020 had to happen because people needed to see just how bad this current government of criminals really was. How deep the rot really extended. They did not believe me when I told them in the 1990s, then the 2000s. And of course, in 2020. But now, because Trump was essentially a president in exile in Mar-a-Lago, and all these horrendously bad people have come after him to destroy him, do people finally see the danger. 

It was always going to take three terms of a presidency fully committed to the preservation of American life to do the job. And Trump seemed poised to do that job going back to the Reform Party. I am not new at this. I remember talking to Ross Perot’s family in the parking lot of their Texas company on the eve of the 1992 election about all this. And most people just would not get out of bed, they wanted to stay asleep. I did all I could, including being in that parking lot with the Perot family in Texas, and 19% of America knew something had to be done and supported Ross Perot anyway. That number has grown over the years to around 38% who would stand by Trump no matter what, because they get it. They are out of bed with the alarm clock off. And I think now, because of these previous two terms of Trump, one official, one in exile, that a third Trump term will put that number closer to 60% of America will finally get out of bed and do the work of patriotism that is required. And as bad as it is for Trump, he has inspired others to finally get out of bed and to fight for our flag. Sometimes it takes a person like President Trump, or a Ross Perot, people who have achieved a certain level of success in life to turn away from polite society, roll up their sleeves, and fight for their country in ways that very few have the courage to do, because they are too busy trying to build a life for themselves to get to some level of independence.  I know what it has cost me, and many people just will not do it, because they do not have the stomach for it. But that did not take away the requirements of the job. It will take three Trump terms to start to fix our country from the hostile communists who have been attacking it for most of the last one hundred years. And it will take another decade or two to implement patriotic policies to restore America to greatness. But we are seeing that process play out now, and thank goodness for people like President Trump, and an exceedingly small group around him who are doing the right things for all the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for them because I know how hard it is. And everyone should appreciate the effort for many thousands of years to come, because it was necessary.

Rich Hoffman

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The Trouble with ‘Visibility Filtering’: If Twitter wants better ad revenue under “X,” it could do much better by removing that practice

A term called “visibility filtering” goes on all over the internet, and I am specifically a target of it.  That is probably more than most of anybody out there, even celebrity pundits.  There are people online with millions of followers, and the talk has been that many of them are bots or purchased in some way.  Every day, I get offers from online tech helpers to help me expand my followers and visibility.  The trick to the sauce on these helpers is that they know when a name or account has been weighed down with “visibility filters.”  And for a price, they can remove some of the causes of that filtering and expand your online visibility.  For a long time, this practice has been called “shadow banning,” and is what the intelligence agencies were doing to people they thought were provocateurs.  The reason I have been a specific target, and this goes back well over ten years to the early days of the Tea Party, is that I am very dangerous because the manipulators aren’t sure how to deal with me.  So, they might shadow-ban an online account and eventually ban them, such as what happened on Twitter to people like Alex Jones and President Trump.  They aren’t sure what to do with people who aren’t so overt with the rules and are not motivated by the sense of popularity, socially, for which they control.  When Elon Musk bought Twitter, a central problem he had to deal with was the practice of visibility filtering.  He could claim that Twitter, now “X,” was a free speech platform, so people like me weren’t banned by the content they exhibited.  But they could put serious visibility filters on a person so that nothing they produced would go viral and reach tens of millions of people.  They might allow the content to be on their platform, but they weren’t obligated to help make it visible to anybody who didn’t come to find it shoved over in the corner where they hope nobody will see it. 

This is largely a liability thing, with Elon Musk, Twitter has been better.  But once the word is out on a person, like me, then everything they are involved in gets tagged with visibility filtering.  I’ve told people for years that this was the case with me.  While my blog gets millions of hits per month, I can see the activity on my administrator side, so I have known what’s been going on for a long time.  But interaction with me or my content has been very frustrating to all but those who deliberately seek out what I produce.  You indeed won’t find it on a Google top search if it’s the only thing made with the keywords specified.  The internet was never free and built to control the human population.  Not to free it with the intentions of free speech and open elections.  The intent of the internet was the other way around.  Most of the world is a socialist or communist hell hole, and the internet has been perfect propaganda for their political movement; it has been the menace of globalists for sure, especially those acting as domestic enemies within the United States.  But my motivations don’t fit nicely on their profile sheet, so they don’t know what to do with me.  So my name, associated with anything Rich Hoffman, “overmanwarrior,” or gunfighter, has a lot of visibility filtering on it to frustrate people from finding my content.  Even with all the restrictions, it is still worth doing what I do because a lot of people do see the material, and it provides context to what they would otherwise observe in mass media. 

I have the same problem with Truth Social and Gettr as with YouTube and Twitter.  I have been completely removed from Truth Social at least five times as editors on their server have been alarmed by my content and removed me for liability reasons.  Elon Musk is challenged with the same legal premise.  How do you provide free speech to just anybody?  What is the social media’s responsibility to constitutional concepts when dealing with a global exchange of ideas?  To avoid these complicated legal parameters, the safest thing for them is to reduce visibility and provide free speech but do everything they can to ensure that nobody sees it except those who seek the information out deliberately through that user profile.  You can see the evidence of this by looking at my YouTube account, which I hardly ever use anymore.  I have videos on there that have been up for over ten years with less than 100 views on them.  While the same type of content put up on my Rumble account has that many views in just a few hours.  Twitter has been really bad about it.  And Elon Musk has been happy to extend that criteria under the advice of the lefty lawyers that are part of all law firms these days.  However, he has been torn about the practice and has supported characters like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.  However, they are known celebrity commentators who have a free speech parameter that stays within the intelligence agency safe zones.  What they say might be dangerous, but it falls within the controls of the specified groups that can be monitored more easily by the FBI and CIA.  My stuff often goes many steps further and is just too controversial to roam free all over the internet.  So, it is visibility filtered heavily. 

Many of these social media platforms were never supposed to be profitable, so these controls are how they operate with content restriction while still being a fly trap for radicalism that the lazy intelligence agencies can monitor from the comfort of their office cubicles and corner offices.  However, Musk bought Twitter to make it a profitable enterprise and quickly converted it to “X” to facilitate an online presence that he had been thinking about for a long time.  And it’s a pretty good idea.  However, like all things free market-driven, the social controls that exist in the background, the “visibility filtering” that has been going on so aggressively, is holding back the ad revenue Musk is seeking.  When woke corporations make up most of the advertising dollars these days because they know the social controls are the driver to visibility, so they all play by the same woke rules; if Elon Musk doesn’t operate “X” the same way that BlackRock is running the boards of all their other companies, then ad revenue can choke out the business model forever for “X” and ownership will continue to be a drag on Musk, forever.  Which is the game that is played and how they get everyone to follow the rules.  But of course, there is a strategy that can make “X” profitable, and I would point to MMA fighting as the model everyone could follow.  The fewer restrictions on a social occurrence, the more people want to see and participate.  If “X” eliminated the practice of “visibility filtering,” more real people would be attracted to its use, breaking the ban from advertisers and forcing everyone into woke criteria.  The advertising would indeed be market-driven based on the need for authentic content.  Not social media editing.  People want to show up to see a fight and enjoy advertising supporting that consumption.  But suppose all the rules are the same woke garbage. In that case, people are indifferent, and advertising is greatly restricted within the funnel of woke social rules and global goals of communist centralized authorities of state media, such as Russia, China, Cuba, and most other places all over the world experience—just some friendly advice.  I don’t care; I’ll do what I do regardless.  But if you want social media to be profitable, get the “visibility filtering” out of the business and watch how quickly things change for the better.

Rich Hoffman

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