Beating the Government Mob: It’s all about the down-ballot races

Yes, Trump is going into areas where typically Democrats have dominated, such as his massive rally in New Jersey.  Trump is going to do a rally in New York and other places Republicans gave up on a long time ago, not just as some vanity project, but because he’s working on a more significant issue, and going into those areas is how you bolster not just the Executive Branch, but the House and Senate too.  I verified it myself, as I have been saying since the last election.  I’ve been to heavy Democrat areas and do not see any enthusiasm about President Biden anywhere.  It’s one thing to say that there was election fraud.  It’s another to prove it, and there is no way to explain why a person who was supposed to get 81 million votes can’t be found to have any enthusiasm from the public.  Well, that’s because the public didn’t pick him.  Biden was picked for people, and they resent it even more now than they did in those cold first few months of 2021 when Biden replaced Trump in the White House.  Lots of people who count the votes and are hostile to America put Biden in place with election fraud, and to understand that, I will tell stories about Cincinnati in the weeks and months to come where the mob ran just about everything, specifically the battle between Simon Leis and Larry Flynt which come to mind.  The two men were military veterans, but in Leis, he was a patriot who bleeds red, white, and blue to this very day.  Flynt wanted to destroy America after his term in the military, and he spent his life on an openly destructive crusade to kill our nation in any way possible.  Living in Cincinnati, I had a front-row seat, but to understand election fraud and the forces that put Biden in office over Trump, the efforts are the same.  The only difference is the scale, and this is why Democrats want power and want to keep people off their turf.  And why Republicans typically don’t go into hostile territory.

Even though the mob-controlled much of the entertainment activity in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati through most of the war years, from the Red Scare of the 30s in post-prohibition times, and the government imposed Great Depression, through World War II and Vietnam, until the period where the mobsters got tired of fighting prosecutors like Simon Leis, and decided to move their operations into government, which is why you don’t hear about them in quite the same way now.  They permeate behind communist efforts and global socialism, but the concept is the same.  And this must be talked about to understand why nobody supports Biden, yet he’s in office and Trump isn’t.  When I think about the situation, I think of how Simon Leis stayed in office as a patriotic prune that the progressives who wanted global communism behind the hippie movement wanted to destroy completely.  That was because people understood that the mob was in control, and Leis was willing to fight the mob and win.  And it was the mob who bankrolled Larry Flynt as a front for their many other crime organizations.  In many ways, we are fighting the mob in a modern form as they have given up their turf wars and have now joined together within the context of our government.  But it’s the same game as it always was.  And where Simon Leis remains alive and well in Cincinnati going into his 9th decade, Trump has become the same kind of patriotic character for the entire nation.  And what we are up against is much worse than what was going on between Cincinnati and Newport, where even Bobby Kennedy targeted the Cleveland Four as his national crusade against the mob who certainly could care less about our right to self-rule and the rules of our Constitution.

Trump had to battle crime families and labor unions in New York, so he understands how to deal with this government mob.  And he knows that their power comes from turf control of regional areas where blue cities count the votes.  So the goal is to inject enough patriotism into those areas so that you take away the ability to cheat in those regions.  Looking at precinct maps of the previous election, the percentage spikes are obvious where election fraud occurred.   So, by disrupting those areas and their control over the regional population, Trump may not win those areas against Biden. Still, he can help the down ballots, where all the meat and potatoes are in this election.  We know there was election fraud, and the power of these government mobsters is in control of the regional areas, which is how they stack the deck.  However, the Trump and MAGA movement, in and of itself, is very similar to the fight between Simon Leis and Larry Flynt.  In that case, smut and pornography were used to hide the other criminal elements of the mass amount of normal mob business.  In this modern sense, it is progressive causes, such as racism, woke values, and trends of communism, as conducted by China through finance.  While many of us are looking at one thing, such as the unfairness applied to Trump by this far-left legal system, going all the way into the Bar Association, the real crimes of power occur in broad daylight, such as the fake war with Russia and Ukraine all to clean money through the effort toward the aims of territory control of those regions.  It’s the same game. 

Republicans could pick up at least ten seats in Congress in 2024.  And the Senate is a pretty wild ride.  It is leaning Democrat for now, but there are at least 5 or 6 races that could give a firm majority to MAGA Republicans.  But we need every last one to get those elected, like Bernie Moreno in Ohio and Kari Lake in Arizona.  That’s why it would not be wise to take a person who might otherwise be a good Republican senator, like J.D. Vance, and make them a VP pick, which takes them off the table for controlling the Senate.  We need to do more than elect Trump back into the Executive Branch.   We have to take control of the mobsters who run the Deep State.  Trump can best help himself in that effort by campaigning in areas controlled by that mob to free the people there in much the way Simon Leis did in Cincinnati in his smut war against Larry Flynt, which he mostly won.  Cincinnati is the model for how to save America from those same forces.  And in the coming months, I will spend a lot of time telling those stories so people can relate to the modern context.  The only difference is scale.  So, Trump’s campaigning in Democrat-controlled areas is more than a novelty.  It’s about overcoming the cheating machines in those areas to keep Democrats in office with high-engagement voters.  Trump has the personality to do that.  And in so doing, he will help take over the House and make a significant play for the Senate.  For those who think that voting doesn’t matter, the mob wants you to believe that.  That’s how they have continuously operated, taking hope away from innocent people who want to live their lives.  But they aren’t all-powerful, and their mechanisms can still be defeated, as they were in the past.  It just takes good people to stick up for themselves and to run these hoodlums back into the shadows to which they belong.

Rich Hoffman

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