Foreign Money in Ohio, The Rest of the Story: Why Governor DeWine wants Joe Biden on the Ohio ballot

Why would Governor DeWine push to get Joe Biden on the ballot in Ohio?  Why would Republicans again work to help out their political rivals while the other side is willing to cheat, steal, manipulate, and put in jail any of us?  When I first heard about DeWine calling a special session of the House in Ohio to resolve this matter, my first thought was, “No wonder we lose all the time as Republicans.”  And this isn’t the first time DeWine would let me down, acting more like a Democrat than a Republican.  I’m not a fan of Mike DeWine or any of the DeWines, for that matter, even in the Supreme Court in Ohio.  They are way too liberal for me.  But as the media was going crazy with the irony, I was getting more to the story from many people coming straight out of Columbus.  As I learned more, the smoke started to clear, and I found that this is a position in which I support DeWine.  We want Joe Biden to appear on the Ohio ballot for several reasons.  One big one is that Bernie Moreno and J.D. Vance want it because they don’t want to frustrate any Democrat turnout that will turn in their direction.  Bernie has a tough race with Sharrod Brown for the Senate, and Brown is a deeply entrenched political target.  But in hindsight of this upcoming election, none of us want Democrats to claim they lost to some technicality.  So we don’t want to be desperate and hope to win because not enough Democrats showed up. Instead, we want to win over Democrats and tip support in Republican favor because they think, J.D. Vance and Bernie Moreno, need all the turnout they can get to win over Brown. 

Yet, it’s more than that; it’s the essence of this endeavor.  There is still the problem that is quite extensive regarding the Issue 1 loss in August of 2023, where too late, lawmakers noticed that powerful foreign money was coming into Ohio to pass pot legalization with loose abortion laws in the wake of recent Supreme Court rulings, specifically regarding Roe v. Wade.  Once the Supreme Court finally did the obvious, and that is rule that only the states can regulate abortion, then Ohio became one of the prime targets because Constitutional amendments only required a 50+1 vote.  So, Issue 1 in August of 2023 was supposed to pass in a low-turnout election to protect Ohio’s Constitution with a 60-vote threshold.  But it failed, and that led to abortion and pot passing in November of 2023, which has fed the progressive anti-American destruction efforts of globalists and domestic cut-throats infinitely.  Meanwhile, still mending from a House coup that took out a Speaker of the House who would be much more supportive of an America First agenda. Instead, Speaker Jason Stephens was put in place with Democrats and RINOs to soften the Republican agenda in Columbus and essentially erode any leverage the GOP had with their majority.  It was a matter of some filthy politics, and locally, in Southern Ohio, Sara Carruthers got caught up in the mess as a part of the coup to put in place a more “Democrat” friendly Speaker.  And it cost her in the primary for 2024.  She will lose her seat this year because of her affiliation with Democrats.  Instead, it’s going to be Diane Mullins who will face off against the Democrat Vanessa Cummings in the November election for that Representative seat.  In Butler County, the GOP censured Sara because of her role in putting in place Speaker Stephens, a known RINO.  It cost her the party endorsement, which then went to Diane.  Are you following along, dear reader? This is not the kind of stuff you get from the newspapers anymore, if ever, or the radio.  But this comes straight from the halls of the Statehouse, a building I often say is much loftier and nobler than the people in it, but the effort is worth the consideration.

Republicans this time around are looking at their options, and they can make Biden getting on the ballot much easier for him, but they want something in return.  A few bills in the Senate, S.B. 215, have sought to deal with the foreign money problem that defeated Issue 1 with the amendment threshold and allowed so much foreign money to backdoor our political process for destructive purposes and make a deal with Democrats.  The House has a similar bill that is much more active at the moment, H.B. 114, which has been through the House, went to the Senate, and is now back in the House for a concurrence vote.  And that is where the impasse is, which Governor DeWine is well aware of and wants to break loose.  But, people like Sara Carruthers and her RINO-supported Speaker, Stephens, want to keep that foreign money flowing because there are a lot of corrupt politicians who feed off it for their sustenance.  And they don’t want to take it out of Ohio.  DeWine can afford moral clarity on this as he is in the final years of his second term.  So it’s no skin off his back, and the direction of politics is headed more in this kind of MAGA direction anyway.  Democrats have something they want from Republicans: they want Joe Biden on the ballot.  So, Republicans are looking to get foreign money out of the state for future elections.  And that’s where the impasse is. 

No matter what happens, Joe Biden will be on the ballot.  Republicans don’t want to win like Democrats are trying to do with Trump, and that is win in the courts and in a game of keep away.  When you beat someone, you should beat them fairly and squarely, leaving little doubt in the aftermath.  So, Republicans are playing this issue with H.B. 114 very well.  And on May 28th, 2024, DeWine is looking to push the issue toward resolution.  Likely, people like Sara Carruthers will vote to keep foreign money flowing into Ohio because, without it, all the progressive invasions will lose their funding and stall out.  But progressives know what they want to do, and Sara has proven she is one of them, which is how we ended up with Speaker Stephens, a Republican in Name Only—a (RINO).  Many of them would never get elected any other way, and once they are in office, they love access to all that foreign money, so they will fight to preserve it, which is why the issue has stalled out among the Representatives.  They’d rather play dirty tricks to keep the money flowing than make a deal to get their guy, Biden, on the ballot in Ohio.  But yes, DeWine is on the right side of this one, and so are many other Republicans looking to do the right thing in 2024 to beat Democrats fairly and squarely.  In the case of Bernie Moreno, to win Democrats over to Republican votes on the back of a strong Trump ticket that will help all the down ballots, the priority is voter turnout.  This happens best when you get voter representation that is fully engaged and pushes out the foreign influence and soft-shelled RINOs who work with the Democrats to undermine our system of government.  And that is, as Paul Harvey used to say……………..” the rest of the story.”

Rich Hoffman

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