China and the Cincinnati Bengals: Being tough, winning and losing.

When you talk to just about anybody about sports they are quick to declare what their favorite team should do in order to win. “Get rid of T.O. He costs too much and is a pain in the ass!” Or, “get rid of Chad, he runs his mouth too much, he’s too expensive and they can’t even win with him.” I am refereeing to a couple of players for the Cincinnati Bengals, and I hear comments to that effect all the time.

But speak to those same people about how to deal with Social Security, or Education, or any number of social programs, and people clam up and refuse to commit an opinion. I suppose that’s because the game under which politics is played is just too complicated for many of them, or they are taking something out of the systems in question, and lack the courage to assert an opinion.

And that’s the beauty of sports. Sports allow people to become arm-chair coaches because they don’t have anything invested in the team other than committing to an occasional game or a sport jersey. So they can be objective as to the possible problems with the team they’re watching.

People like Doc Thompson, and myself, can be objective about social issues, because we aren’t expecting government to do anything for us. I wrote off Social Security a long time ago, along with all the other entitlements that are floating around out there. So I particularly enjoyed Doc’s show on January 18, 2011 where he laid it on the line as to what the real problems are. Listen to that here.

Hey, he’s not exaggerating. The issue truly is whether or not the United States will stay on top of the heap in world affairs. We won’t do it complaining about silly issues as to whether or not Native American bones are returned to their graves, or whether or not the entire Constitution can be read because of our internal guilt over slavery. The rest of the world is not hindered by that type of restrictive guilt, and we have to compete with them economically.

My team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are not in the playoffs, but I am proud of how they played over the 2010 season. I watched how management approached the off-season last year and I believe they are on the march to winning ways going forward. But the team in my home town, the Cincinnati Bengals continue to be a bad team no matter how much money they spend.

Now you can go to any sports bar in America and even a drunken fool could tell you why the Bengals can’t win. And the same holds true for our county. Everybody knows how to fix the problems. But we won’t win if we don’t toughen up. It’s that simple.

What Doc talks about in that clip is a perfectly articulated synopsis of our counties problem. It sounds easy to hear him say it, but he has the luxury of seeing things clearly, because he doesn’t want anything from government. People like Thompson rely on themselves first to do most things, so the problems are easy to see.

So America, you better get tough quick. Because being tough is how you win.

Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior

Net Neutrality is the Villian from Tron

The following line is NOT a bit of dialogue from the new Disney film Tron.

“We must take action to protect consumers against price hikes and closed access to the Internet—and our proposed framework is designed to do just that: to guard against these risks while recognizing the legitimate needs and interests of broadband providers.” FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski


Who do these people think they are? That’s almost as audacious as trying to regulate the air. But that statement almost sounded like the uttering’s of the character Clu as he addresses a sea of program soldiers about to be unleashed upon society in the new Tron Legacy film.

This is clearly a power grab by the FCC to further attempt to justify their existence. It must be terribly frustrating for them to have a part of the media that they don’t have any control over, and this is an attempt by a government agency to get control.

If you don’t understand what NET NEUTRALITY is, listen to Bill Cunningham of 700 WLW discuss it here:

As far as the platform the FCC is using to justify this move, the prices on the internet have regulated themselves. Prices too high are beat out by companies that offer better rates. It’s pretty simple really.

I can remember when the internet was new, and charged by the hour, then service for the month for a flat fee. There were many different combinations of price packages that were created along the way, but ultimately cheaper prices in a competitive fashion created the internet we have today, where a single user can talk on their Smart Phone, while talking on a headset over their XBOX and answering their email on a laptop, all done on the internet. The bandwidth drop that the FCC is talking about is a complete fabrication.

It has regulated itself and is one of the only aspects of society that is free. The internet is the model for what society should mimic.

But the FCC under the disguise of “fairness” is attempting to get their little feet in the door, and once there they will unleash many, many, many more regulations, just as they have for television and radio. It won’t take long for everyone that wants a website to have apply for one to the FCC just as a radio broadcaster does. And if you violate their terms, you’ll lose your license.

You have to consider what we’re talking about here, and that is access to the internet. Since the internet is just a bunch of computers talking independently of each other, it might as well be air. It has no central location and does not stop at a nation’s border. Therefore, the only way a government can get control of the internet is to control the on-ramp to the World Wide Web. In this case the FCC is using “fairness” to begin a relationship with internet providers that will become a much more parental relationship down the road.

This power move is so audacious that they by-passed congress to do it. We can’t even blame the incompetence of our congressional politicians on this one. This is a raw power grab from a branch of government functioning without any checks or balances, and in the context of things, is very serious.

If you dear reader scanning over these words don’t find this whole NET NEUTRALITY issue to be EVIL, and doesn’t provoke you into an outrage of forced accountability of the FCC, you can count the days that you soon won’t be able to read these words, because I will, along with this entire Blog Site will be found in violation of the FCC regulations, and will be shut down. And you will have to get thoughtful comments from an “orthodox” source that the FCC has given an approved license to.

That’s what’s at stake. As always, government sells itself as having your best interest in mind. It’s all about fairness, according to them. But history says otherwise.

The internet has thrived without any government regulation. And now, those public employees that have their socialist tendencies toward securing their own wallets in a collective utopia desire to hang themselves like parasites from internet commerce.

As always, it’s about the money.

While I write this there is a court case against WLW for setting up a Christmas manger at their tower in Mason, Ohio. The reason for the law suit is because they have a FCC license and that the argument is any government entity should have a separation of church and state.

Also, the FCC is using AL Sharpten to crack down on conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh, because the bottom line is people like Rush need to be shut down in order for government to expand, which is the goal of these types of regulators. They desire to secure employment for themselves from tax dollars. That’s all there is to it. The whole concept is incredibly short-sighted and selfish. But that’s what you usually find are the quality of people that desire to make a living off government work.

Once this line is crossed, these parasites of government regulation will embed themselves like a tick on a dog to suck the life-force of the creature.

Without Net-Neutrality, an entire industry, which young people are quite aware of has risen. These sad politicians wouldn’t know much about that industry because they are too busy pursuing lobby supplied prostitutes on K-street, or exotic dinners where they believe their discussion will pave the way for the nation.


You can see the future by simply turning on a Nintendo Wii. The interface of either the Wii, the XBOX or the PlayStation 3, which is all internet based, provides at a glance Netflex, weather updates, news from around the world, and a portal to play Black Ops with a friend from half-way around the world in real time. That is the world of tomorrow, and it was created without governmental control.

Before I went with my family to see the new Tron film, I watched my kids swordfight with each other on the Wii, and many of those images came to me while I was watching that very interesting film. Tron is all about the world of cyberspace and the empires that can rise and fall within that world. And every new game created is a new experience for each and every human being on this planet to be a part of. But the overall theme of Tron was the perilous course of pursuing perfection.

In Tron, Jeff Bridges created an exact opposite of himself called Clu to implement the perfect world, a utopia. What it turned out to be was a hellish digital fascism that Bridges was unable to control and that society completely turned on him. It was heady stuff, not intended to be watched with just a light eye for entertainment.

Net Neutrality is in our world the fictional villain of the Tron film. Initiated with good intentions, but resulting in a hellish existence.

Art becomes reality, most of the time. “Your focus will determine your reality,” a line from another great science fiction film proclaims, and it’s true. Too bad human beings don’t think through things and learn from their art, instead of repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over…………………………………infinity.

We don’t remember what life was like before social security, or Medicare, or any number of government programs. But every one of us knows what the internet was like before the government decided to stick its nose in it. And it has thrived.

Don’t believe the lies. Encourage the new congress to escort the FCC to court for this gross imposition on our freedoms and liberty, and instruct them to stay out of our nation’s way.

Guess who is the main man behind this push………………..George Soros.  Listen to Rush Limbaugh discuss it here. 

Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior

Giants in Ohio: The Hidden History of the Human Race!


I found a unique treasure at the 2009 Mothman Festival at Point Pleasant in, West Virginia while on a trip with my wife. It’s a map of paranormal activity in the State of Ohio called Hidden Ohio. It features Ancient American sites, haunted locations, sacred geography, scenic byways, strange creatures, unexplained mysteries, and unique sites.

It was on this map that I noticed two sites where giant human beings were discovered. One location was just outside of Cleveland, and the other was just south of Cincinnati. The below picture I don’t believe is real, but it gives you an idea. I am currently looking for the private citizens that have these discovered bones. In both cases the bones of the giant humans were 8 to 10 feet tall. Prior to seeing those excavation sites on that map, I had never heard of giant humans in an actual historical sense.

Below is a history of the giant bones discovered in North America. Some of the bones are without question stuck in drawers at museums. But most are in the hands of private collectors. I would love to see them for myself.

Historical North American Giants

1792 New York, Buffalo: Turner’s History of the Holland Purchase reports that 7 and 8 foot skeletons were found at an earthen fort in Orleans county with broad flat topped skulls.

1800 Ohio, Conneaut: Among the normal size skeletons found in the remains of mounds were found gigantic bones. Some of the skulls and jaws were large enough to fit over the head and face of a normal man

1821 Tennessee, White County: An ancient fortification contained skeletons of gigantic stature averaging at least 7 feet in length.

1825 Ohio Valley: David Cusick, a Tuscorora by birth, wrote that among the legends of the ancient people of the stock, there was a powerful tribe called Ronnongwetowanca. They were giants, and had a “considerable habitation.” When the Great Spirit made the people, some of them became giants. After a time, and having endured the outrages of these giants, it is said that the people banded together, and through the final force of about 800 warriors, successfully annihilated the abhorrent Ronnongwetowanca. After that, it was said that there were no giants anywhere. This was supposed to have happened around 2,500 winters before Columbus discovered America, around 1000 BC.

1829 Ohio, Chesterville: In digging away a mound where a hotel was to be built, a large human skeleton was found, but no measurements were made. It is related that the jawbone was found to fit easily over that of a citizen of the village. The local physicians examined the cranium and found it proportionately large, with more teeth than the white race of today. The skeleton was taken to Mansfield, and has been lost sight of entirely.

1833 California, Lompock Rancho: Soldiers digging at Giant Lompock Rancho, California, discovered a male skeleton 12 feet tall. Carved shells, stone axes, and other artifacts surrounded the skeleton. The skeleton had double rows of upper and lower teeth. Unfortunately, this body was secretly buried when local Indians became upset about the remains.

1835 Illinois, Lake County: In the numerous mounds in the county, skeletons ranging between 7 and 8 feet are discovered.

1845 Virginia: A human jaw bone of great size was uncovered in a burial mound on which the teeth stood transversely in the jawbone.

1849 New York: From “Illustrations of the Ancient Monuments of Western New York” comes the report that an elliptical mound above near the Conewango Valley held eight big skeletons. A thigh bone was found to be 28” long. Exquisite stone points, enamelwork, and jewelry were found. Also discovered in the area were a number of other large skeletons one almost 9 feet in height.

1850 New York: From the History of Allegany County in 1879 a report that very large human bones were uncovered during excavation for the railroad

1851 New York: A skull rib bone, and shinbone were found that indicated the height to be over 8 feet tall.

1856 West Virginia, Wheeling: A human skeleton was discovered by labourers while ploughing a vineyard measuring almost 11 feet tall.

1858 Ohio, Vermillion Township: Skeletons of a race of beings much larger than the local inhabitants were discovered.

1870 Ohio: In Brush Creek Township a large mound contained skeltal remains of several humans up to nine feet tall. A large stone tablet with unknown insriptions similiar to Greek writing was also found.

1872 Ohio, Seneca Township: When the “Bates” mound was opened the remains of three skeletons, whose size would indicate they measured in life, at least, eight feet in height, were found. A remarkable feature of these remains was they had double teeth in front as well as in back of mouth and in both upper and lower jaws.

1873 Ohio, Seville: An Ohio Bicentennial Commission historical marker serves as a reminder that the Giants of Seville, Captain Martin Van Buren Bates and his wife, Anna Swan Bates, lived in the village of Seville in Medina County. Anna stood 7 feet 11 1/2 inches tall and weighed 413 pounds. Martin was 7 feet 9 inches tall and weighed 480 pounds.

1873 Washington DC: “The objects here collected which have not been given, or acquired by exchange, have been purchased for the use of the museum by order of the surgeon-general… There is a skeleton of a giant, who, in life, measured seven feet, prepared by Auzoux and mounted by Blanchêne’s method, which, if I may use that term, is really a beauty. It is as white and clean as new fallen snow, and the brass joints and screws which keep it together are bright, and of the latest style and finish.” From the article “The Army Medical Museum in Washington” by Louis Bagger, Appletons’ Journal: A Magazine Of General LiteratureVolume 9, Issue 206

1875 West Virginia, Rivesville: Workmen constructing a bridge near the mouth of Paw Paw Creek uncovered three giant skeletons with strands of reddish hair clinging to the skulls. The skeletons had supported people approximately 8 feet tall.

1876 Wisconsin: Mounds were excavated containing a giant skull and vertebrae.

1877 Missouri, Kansas City: A giant skull was unearthed when mounds wore opened and giant man tracks belonging to humans 25 to 30 feet tall were discovered.

1877 Nevada, Eureka: Prospectors found a human leg bone and kneecap sticking out of solid rock. Doctors examined the remains and determined they were from a human being, and one that stood over 12 feet tall. The rock in which the bones were found was dated geologically to the Jurassic Period, over 185 million years old.

1878 Ohio, Ashtabula County: While excavating the ground for graves, bones were exhumed, which seemed to have belonged to a race of giants. A skull and jaw were found, which were of such size that the skull would fit easily over a large man’s head like a loose fitting helmet, even with the jaw in place. The number of these graves has been estimated to be between two and three thousand.

1879 Indiana, Brewersville: A skeleton almost ten feet tall was excavated from a mound.

1880 Ohio, Zanesville: A skeleton was reported to have been of enormous dimensions found in a clay coffin, with a sandstone slab containing hieroglyphics.

1880 Minnesota, Clearwater: Several giant skeletons were found with double rows of teeth.

1881 Ohio, Medina County: A jawbone of great size belonging to a human being was discovered, which contained eight jaw-teeth in each side, of enormous size; and the teeth stood transversely in the jawbone. It would pass over any man’s face with entire ease.

Why don’t we learn about this in school? That’s another story that I’ve covered elsewhere.


This is what people are saying about my new book–Tail of the Dragon

Just finished the book and am sweating profusely. Wow, what a ride !!!  Fasten your seat belts for one of the most thrilling rides ever in print.

While you wait for Tail of the Dragon, read my first book at Barnes and as they are now offering The Symposium of Justice at a discount which is the current lowest price available.

Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior

My Love of Real Science and the Adventure of Discovery!

It’s certainly not that I’m against education. Quite the contrary, I believe an education never stops. However, since I have continued my own education well into my adulthood, there are some glaring issues that emerge regarding traditional education.

About a decade ago, I read Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, a very meticulously written book. In short it is a catalog of anthropological and archeological artifacts that don’t fit nicely into the authentic endorsement of historians. The book demonstrates that relics that don’t fit in the scheme of things are routinely ignored. At first that sounds conspiratorial, but my experience says this is quite possible. Education institutions are routinely provided with facts that they ignore. Namely funding issues, where the unions insulate their membership from the evolution that is occurring in the outside world.

The new way of learning is quickly turning to computers; Rosetta Stone Software for foreign language comes to mind. And if the free market was opened up, and unions didn’t resist the change, similar programs would emerge for mathematics, reading, history, literature, just about every academic endeavor. The role of the teacher is changing, yet they are being paid more highly than ever, in a time that education is on the precipice of change, for the better. Do we still need a teacher in the front of the room teaching like an authority figure? But because of the protectionism that goes on, nobody can even ask the question.

And the same thing happens to relics. When evidence is presented that doesn’t fit the endorsed university theories, there is a lot of resistance, because that puts the credibility of the university at risk who published the original theories. It shouldn’t, but in the world of big business education, change threatens the income stream. So the result is that education is stagnate, and not constantly evolving as quickly as our technology allows.

Below, I’ll let Micheal Cremo explain for himself.

Because of this resistance from authentic education, emerging sciences, such as cryptozoology, and paranormal research is being ignored. Those sciences are at a phase similar to where archeology was at the turn of the century. Universities and their published results were what gave legitimacy to archeology and anthropology in the first place. And because universities are slow to accept new and larger ideas, they are missing the boat. The History Channel, and Travel Channel, and these kinds of cable entertainment are doing actual scientific investigation that will soon be considered legitimate. A show like Ghost Hunters is doing what universities should be doing, but they aren’t because at some point in the past, so-called legitimate scientists with university backing proclaimed paranormal research as hokey.

Yet all across the country, there are thousands of paranormal reports each year, and this phenomenon has a direct correlation to our own history.

For instance, how can you study the motives of North American Indians without investigating the source of their beliefs where they routinely reported visits from the Gods, and had a strong belief that the rulers of the spirit world dwelled in animals?

A few years ago I went to the Mothman Festival in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. In case you don’t know the story, in 1967, to 1968, Point Pleasant was ravaged with UFO reports, strange government agents, and a creature called by the press, a Mothman. The Mothman is a 6 foot tall creature that flies around with red eyes terrifying people, and supposedly shows up before major disasters.

I don’t want to get into all that here, but I couldn’t help but compare the stories of the Mothman in Point Pleasant to the civilization of Cahokia just outside of St. Louis.

Cahokia was an ancient city of Native American habitation around 1200 AD and contained at least 20,000 residents. It wasn’t discovered until developers built a neighborhood over it in East St. Louis. Developers thought the ancient North American city was just a bunch of hills. As it turned out, Monks Mound at Cahokia is the third largest pyramid in the world by volume.

At this site they worshipped a god called “Birdman.” Its description was almost exactly like that of the Mothman, which was just up the river about 400 miles in Point Pleasant some 700 years later. This in itself is a mystery. And while at this archeological site, you can’t help but think of the world without buildings. You can see St. Louis from the top of Monks Mound. The primary highway runs right by it, yet most of America doesn’t know much about Cahokia because it’s not taught in school. It doesn’t fit nicely into the scheme of our educated belief system.

But the evidence is right in front of all of us. And I’m the type of person that will try and connect the dots even further. I’d be inclined to ask why such a city was built at that particular location in the first place. I mean there are lots of locations along the Mississippi River.

An interesting aspect of St. Louis is that it is built on a series of caves. Caves used to be very important to Native American cultures. Most agriculturally based cultures, and especially hunting and gathering cultures have ceremonies for the youth that involve going into caves and letting the spirits guide them to some sort of revelation.

One of the most haunted spots in St Louis is the Lemp Mansion, which was a family of early beer brewers that had a tendency to commit suicide. The Lemp Mansion had access to these caves where a fantastic pool was build down in the cave system, under the mansion. It is hard for me to not connect some of these mysteries that are hidden to us by the busy contemporary existence that hurries itself on the surface of things. I can’t help but think that the caves of St. Louis were important aspects to life in the city of Cahokia, and that the same god that residents of that city worshipped is possibly the same creature that hunted Point Pleasant, West Virginia. And the same “spirits” that resided in the caves, that ancient Cahokian’s sought out in their rituals were the same ones that haunted the residents of the Lemp Mansion and inspired them to decrypted lives of misery and suicide. It’s just a thought, you never know.

However, modern science doesn’t have anyway to deal with all that. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or aren’t connected in some way.

In the end, it all comes back to money. Money is the god of modern institutions. And because they are always primarily concerned about how they will get it, or how they will preserve their union endeavors, they will overlook obvious mysteries that are all around them, and actually take steps to suppress the information to protect their budgets for fear of explaining how scientific theories of the past are suddenly wrong.

Basically, we are changing as a human civilization. And we’re changing faster than orthodox systems can keep up with. And that makes just about everything they are protecting irrelevant.

We know now that there are over 10 known dimensions. Quantum physicists can even name them to some extent, even if we can’t yet understand how to relate to something that is not part of our 4 dimensional realities. Much like radio waves, these other dimensions exist even if we don’t have a device that can detect them. There are many such revelations that are coming at us at a furious pace. And yet orthodox education and politics is always in the way of understanding.

So when I speak out about institutionalism, it’s for reasons such as those mentioned above. I look at people who proclaim the above as “hokey,” “crazy,” or even “silly,” as being a big part of the problem. They are the same fools that proclaimed the world was flat, or that Hell was under the earth because they were aware that volcano’s spewed lava. Science is expanding and institutions cleaving to the old ways will soon be as relevant as a dinosaur fossil in a museum and we’ll laugh at how old and archaic we used to learn information truly was.

When it came to Forbidden Archeology, the evidence of suppression was so obvious it started me thinking of how much of that suppression actually goes on. And it is clear that there are many scientific factors that are not yet discovered, and not part of our human existence by understanding. They may be felt, or suspected, but not yet proven. So to cleave to the old ways is to cleave to what is false.

Rich Hoffman