Merrick Garland Needs To Go To Jail: The organized crime of a government run by thugs, criminals, and murderers

Yes, Merrick Garland needs to go to jail.  This procedure to hold him in contempt is important, which Congress is going through now.  Or, however, things turn out, to hold him accountable for his actions in weaponizing the DOJ in favor of Biden, a criminal president in his own right.  The only defense that any of these characters have as a defense against jail is that their political position of anti-Constitutional sentiment seeks to move the goalposts out of the arena, so they are no longer applicable.  Marrick Garlan, Obama, Eric Holder, Hilary Clinton, Mayorkas, Wray, Fauci, Pelosi, Biden, under any premise of a law and orderly society, people like these should be punished in the harshest way possible for their lack of respect for the American voter.  And their purposeful participation in crimes against America and the way they have knowingly used the law as a weapon against their political enemies while daring people to apply those same standards to them.  There has been so much wrong and under normal conditions, especially in the pre-progressive era politics imported from Europe on banana boats and immigrants with Harvard degrees.  It doesn’t get much worse than what Merrick Garland has done against President Trump and against the rest of us who voted for Trump.  There must be punishment for those who commit crimes.  We can’t let criminals use the law to hide crimes, much like mobsters have done throughout history.  What the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and many other three-letter agencies have done as controlled by modern Democrats in a manner we might point to and call the Deep State has been horrendously corrupt and manically vicious.  In the context of some history, it was purposefully exploited.  When a thug like Merrick Garland becomes the top cop in America, directs the law in a corrupt way, and gets caught.  Then, the law in every manner of justice must be thrown in his direction.

To understand a bit of history here, when mobsters got away with killing JFK and their primary target, Bobby Kennedy, with cold-blooded murders, a new standard was set for government partnerships where the mob essentially moved into government to control the prosecution of their many criminal enterprises.  Suppose you know how Bobby Kennedy went after mob bosses to prove his worth as an Attorney General, the exact role Merrick Garland has now. In that case, you will understand how personal crusades and power abused in that office can quickly get out of control.  Even though I agreed with what Bobby Kennedy was trying to do for his brother’s administration in cracking down on mob activity in America, the abuses of power were ostentatious and quite overt.  J. Edger Hoover, the cross-dressing FBI director who started it all, hated the Kennedys and denied that there was even organized crime occurring anywhere.  He wanted to fight communists, which the mob was happy to see because it got the government off their back.  But as history washed out the results, they were all the same kind of menace. China proved that organized crime hidden behind a communist government could take mob control to national levels, and that is what has been happening in America for most of the progressive political movement, starting with the turn of the last century.  When Hoover had to report to Bobby Kennedy as attorney general and had to go after criminal thugs in the mob, like labor union bosses and shadowy figures in Newport, Kentucky, he was targeted for assassination.  And yes, the FBI knew about it and helped facilitate the killers as a means to perform the task.

Now that we know that Biden’s White House, through Merrick Garland, had plans to invade Mar-a-Lago with deadly force, meaning they hoped that Trump and his people would fight back and be drawn into a shootout, we see years of this behavior culminating in a very modern way.  But when the mob burnt down the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Newport, as a result of all this mob behavior, the media carried the story as some faulty wiring, a playbook of criminal activity using the government and the mob control of the media to divert attention from an unsuspecting public was well underway.  The passive-aggressive position against voters and mob behavior started there, with the killing of the Kennedys, where the powers of government in the White House, where people picked their representative every four years, were manipulated by mob activity that evolved into government power acquired by organized crime.  What Joe Biden has done with his office in selling it, as we see in evidence through his children, is no different than the mob crime bosses known from the rough and tumble days of Newport, Kentucky, where so much mob behavior started.  People associate Chicago with mob mentality, but it was Newport, Kentucky, where much of the practice for the rest of the nation began.  And why it was wrapped up in the killing of President Kennedy and his brother, the Attorney General.  I used to work at the Mike Fink floating restaurant in Covington and the Islands in Newport, and I got to know some of the characters left over from that time.  Just because many people don’t know these stories and don’t want to admit that such corrupt monsters run their legal system doesn’t mean it isn’t happening and that it’s all a conspiracy.  It’s far worse than the conspiracies. The top floor of the FBI has always had a soft spot for organized crime, which the government has become against the wishes of tax-paying voters. 

Merrick Garland has abused his power to cover the crimes of this Biden White House in grotesque ways.  And it’s all been far worse than the killing of the Kennedys and the destruction of the Beverly Hills Supper Club in 1977, which killed many people and was done right out in the open.  Government and organized crime have been locked arm and arm all along.  And we are seeing the results of that relationship explode in front of us to this day, with just some of these characters mentioned.  And it will continue until we stop it.  Merrick Garland has done what he has because he knows this history and thinks he can get away with it because now, in 2024, the most prominent organized crime family are these national communist movements.  China is the largest.  And one trying to form in America which performed a coup against President Trump and is now being led, with the help of the FBI and CIA, by Merrick Garland and his Biden-controlled DOJ.  We know Bobby Kennedy abused the office of the Attorney General to prove to his brother that he was worthy of that lofty job. In that case, you can imagine what low-life characters like Garland, Obama, Biden, and the Clintons would do with all that power to their political enemies.  And knowing all that, we can’t permit it to persist. Otherwise, we have no country or premises from which they have already accepted and are operating.  While many of us still cling to classic notions about law and order and constitutional principles, most people seeking government power do it for the same reasons people joined the mob.  They wanted power and the lifestyle of easy money because they were generally lazy and didn’t want to work too hard at life, so they wanted power to steal money from other people.  And because of that conscious decision, people like Merrick Garland, once caught, and he has, must be punished severely and without remorse so that any concept of justice can live into the future.

Rich Hoffman

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