The Biggest Cost of Election Fraud and Covid: A loss of trust in government forever

People Have Lost Trust in Government, Completely

Yes, the cracks are breaking loose in the dam of progressive sentiment that was meant to hold back the election fraud of 2020.  Likely, election fraud has always been there, and both sides, Republicans and Democrats, have known about it.  And they haven’t minded; the game has been rigged from the beginning.  Corporations can pick and choose the winners of elections with digital voting machines. If a politician greases the skids before the election, they can almost always know that they will win because election fraud can make it so.  Perhaps the most remarkable thing we learned during the Trump presidency is to what extent this election fraud has been occurring and has been shaping our republic not by our vote but by the pay-to-play scams at the heart of the various digital voting machines. Those machines can switch votes to whatever money can buy, as the evidence is revealing.  For reference, I would refer to the Maricopa County discoveries as well as the Fulton County evidence into election fraud recently flipping votes to Joe Biden from Donald Trump.  That isn’t a fantasy from a Trump-voting public; it’s a fact revealed reluctantly by many sources because the fraud is so blatant.  That provoked Democrats to scamper to some defense; the legislative body in Texas fled the state to avoid voting for voter reform attached to voter ID there.  Biden himself went to Pennsylvania to get in front of the story, beginning to do their audits.  But the cracks in the dam are cracking open faster than they can plug those cracks.  It’s at a point now where they won’t be able to stop it. 

Many people would be in trouble in a world functioning from justice, and they may be before all is said and done.  But criminals who will commit election fraud on the scale it was performed are also capable of other tricks to hide their crimes, such as the whole situation with Covid-19.  I said it initially, saying that Covid was created to push Trump out of office because the Chinese were losing their trade deal with him, and their economy was declining fast.  So, they had to eliminate Trump (China) to satisfy their global domination goals and worked with the American Democrats to advance their cause.  The DNC has essentially represented the Chinese communists in our American government. They all wanted to get rid of President Trump and the audacious notion that we, the people, could elect our representative in the White House freely.  Doing what China does, and how they control so much of our media anyway, they went about unleashing a weaponized coronavirus to shut down our economy. At the same time, they kept theirs open, bringing great harm to the rest of the world economically. 

Some history on the SARS virus disputing the NOVEL designation

But in America, people have grown tired of hearing about stupid Covid lockdowns and the dumb idea of putting on masks to go into public.  Those were diversions instigated by a communist-controlled medical industry intent to conceal the strategy of China against America for which the Democrats were their agents.  Oh, I know, that sounds very conspiratorial.  But the puzzle pieces are in the box, folks, and we can see the pieces with the edges.  The rest of the puzzle isn’t hard to assemble if you look at it.  Dr. Fauci was caught in the act with China and the weaponized Covid-19 variant.  The media cut a deal with China thinking they would rule the future, in many ways that the media did in the 80s when they thought Japan would rule the world economically. We’ve put this puzzle together before. There’s nothing fantastic about it, just in believing that people would be so audacious to think it would work and that they’d get away with it.  People are tired of Covid and started ignoring the health administrators from the government, and now they are looking at election fraud, which Covid was always meant to cover.  And now the story is breaking loose.  Democrats can’t stop it. 

It starts with the death counts of Covid.  There are many pro and against factions trying to dissect the death count numbers from year to year, starting backward in 2020 then tracing the trend back to 2019, 2018 on to 2001 and beyond.  And guess what, the trends per year are not significant.  Certainly not to justify the half a million-plus people they say have died in the United States.  Death counts were altered to manipulate the data to make Covid-19 appear more deadly than it was.  And once people figured out that Covid wasn’t so deadly, they stopped listening to the government.  Now that the covers are ripped off Democrat’s scheme with China for world domination, they want that safety blanket back.  If people aren’t afraid of dying, they will be more open to looking at the election fraud that Covid was used to remove Trump from office and perform a coup instigated by international, hostile forces.  For some strange reason, everyone in this malicious behavior thought they would get away with this monstrous behavior.  But they’ve all been caught, and they have no idea what to do about it.

Yes, there was election fraud. A lot of it.

As everyone goes into cover-up mode and the media tries to walk back their complicity into spreading Covid-19 lies, and their responsibility for actually killing people by denying them information about hydroxychloroquine and ultraviolet light as a means of containing the coronavirus escalates, the real tragedy is slowly coming to the minds of the criminals in our government.  People have lost trust in the government.  It may take a century to build back all the trust that has been lost in our government over the last decade.  President Trump was an attempt by the people of our American nation to believe in that government once again.  But the government’s behavior in trying to remove people’s choices is something they will never forget.  The government has lost its authority by crying wolf too often and using the fear they instigated to perform a political insurrection.  It won’t matter if nobody goes to jail, or we fill them with the white-collar criminals of the Beltway for what they’ve done; the net result is that a loss of trust in government for the sake of it has been eradicated and won’t be quickly built again.  To earn back that trust, it would take a near-perfect government many years to repair because people won’t forget. They’ve been burnt, abused, and lied to.  And they see it now, and the cost of that is more damaging than any legal matter.  When people laugh at the Biden administration over this Delta variant of Covid in a silly attempt to distract people away from the election fraud issues or to show command over the people to get a mandatory government vaccine, you can see that nothing the Biden administration does will have any weight to it.  People know what happened, and Biden and his Democrats have lost the American people’s trust, which will turn out to be the most significant punishment they’ll ever receive.  And they deserve the pain of it.  They sold out our country, and they have to pay for that.

Rich Hoffman

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