Puff Daddy and the Rap Music Industry of Marxism and Mayhem: They always intended to destroy American culture

Whatever they call him, Puff Daddy, P Diddy, or whatever it is that the famous rap star is in trouble with, it’s not that the music industry is saturated with sex trafficking and child molesters that is the problem.  Everyone knows what Puff Daddy has been up to, and loose sex with lots of crazy women and underage kids is part of their lifestyle. The record industry has made a lot of money over the years, pandering to the worst of the human race, the typical losers who used to worship Baal in the Bible and sacrifice their firstborn children in trade for sex and glory.  If Puff Daddy is in trouble now, it’s likely because he has fallen out of favor and he’s being offered as a sacrifice to the gods of chaos by a corrupt FBI trying to appear like they are doing their job in an election year where they are trying to divert attention from President Biden, the inserted president, not the elected one.  No, the worst thing about this recent story is the origin of rap music to begin with, as a deliberate attack on American culture by Marxists looking to undermine our culture through the inner cities and to make ground troops out of the discontent with a communist revolution.  Don’t ever forget that Black Lives Matter was a Marxist organization that many corporations openly embraced.   But not before the rap music scene came along to pave the way for that nonsense and guilt people into believing they had to embrace that hate music to prove that they weren’t racists left over from the Civil War.  Also, never forget the Republican Party was created to end racism, and it was the Democrats who fought that effort, a mistake that would hurt them until they tried to use the Civil Rights Movement during the communist 60s to rebrand their image. 

People who are not very well educated in history have let pop music define their political parameters, so they have no context.  But the truth is, rap music was introduced to American music to destroy our culture and usher communism into communities of color to rot us from the inside out.  And Puff Daddy and all his other child-molesting rap buddies, like the dope smoker Snoop Dogg and even the whitewash sucker Eminem and the Beastie Boys, were creations of the music industry meant to be weapons of destruction to rot the minds of the youth and turn them against the culture of their parents for the destruction of America as a nation.  It was just one aspect of the globalist plans to attack America without tanks and troops and instead attack the minds of the youth so they wouldn’t be able to defend their culture from those vile enemies beyond our shores, let in by finance who promoted the effort.  What?  Do you think all those great Motown hits disappeared overnight?  Think of all those great songs that came from Detroit record labels.  Are we to believe they all disappeared during the 1990s only to be replaced by these losers, Puff Daddy and the gangster rappers of hate and destruction daring us to call them out for their blatant racism baited through politics to paralyze judgment and promote a drug-induced society of criminals and cop-hating thugs.  Is anybody surprised that Puff Daddy is in trouble or that the law is being selectively enforced?  Or was he allowed to break the law to get the goods on compromised people attending his parties for extortion rackets later? 

The damage is already obvious, I was at Liberty Center, Ohio a very nice shopping complex recently enjoying a nice day with my family.  And while in the food court was a bunch of thugs obviously raised on rap music using horrendous language and treating each other like gangs from the video game Grand Theft Auto.  And they didn’t care who heard them or what anybody thought of their social conduct.  They were obvious Lakota school students and they looked like they belonged in a music video for Puff Daddy.  I’ve warned everyone if you don’t run these losers out of these shopping complexes, then the same fate that happened to Forest Fair Mall, and Tri-County Mall will happen to Liberty Center.  Nice moms and family people don’t want to share space with these gangster rappers and their bad conduct.  They will just stop going to such places.  They don’t want to hear the bad language and witness the sorry attitudes and they will find alternatives.  Everyone has to understand that those kids were taught to be that way by Marxist elements of our culture.  It has nothing to do with racism.  If it did, then the Republican Party would be the refuge for all such discussions.  Instead, the American way of life has been under attack by the music industry to make such kids weapons of their war against America.  And instead of drafting our children into service to defend our country from the communists, the communists have drafted our kids through music to kill the concept of family.  And in so doing, to destroy the foundation of American life, the youth of tomorrow.  Those young Lakota kids have been radicalized to be weaponized terrorists against good people.  And that was the purpose of Puff Daddy and his FBI, CIA friends who empowered him.  They knew what they were doing all along.  They knew about the young girls, and the sex trafficking.  Heck, they helped facilitate the crimes, until it was to their advantage to cash in their investment and throw Puff Daddy under the bus.

If it was just about making money, the music industry would still be making music like they did with Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, and Prince.  Marxists infiltrated the music industry purposely to weaponize it, and Puff Daddy was one of those weapons.  And they used him until they wanted to close up a loop in their story.  Puff Daddy was a creation of those who hated America, as the entire rap culture was.  It was intended to destroy a whole generation with victimized sentiments and attempt to assign to mainstream America all the sins of the Democrat Party leading up to the Civil War.  And like the mechanisms of evil everywhere, the devil lies to all and twists the words of fate to their advantage to souls entirely too trusting.  And while we accepted this rap culture to erase away sins the Democrats caused, they used that guilt to destroy our nation’s youth with gangster rap that only now people see the proper strategy, entirely too late.  And think of all the poor kids who have had their lives destroyed by Puff Daddy and his friends of malcontents.  Rap music wasn’t created as a free market necessity but as political activism by Marxists looking to steer more losers toward the Democrat Party to keep themselves in power while trying to erase their guilt in the process.  And while kids were distracted by easy sex, drugs, and anti-American culture, the true motives were shaping our political world for the worse.  And Puff Daddy was just one of the losers; the record industry itself was ripe for the corruption it unleashed.  And the weapon of war was guilt; if they could make us feel shame, just like those dumb Lakota kids at Liberty Center, nobody would do anything about it.  And allow them to destroy our culture to prove they weren’t racists.  Meanwhile, massive numbers of underaged kids have had their lives ruined forever by these destructive rap stars and their record producers.  And only now is the whole destruction apparent to see, making it necessary for us to judge once and for all. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Kimonos in Japan: If America wants to be Great Again, perhaps we should dress for that greatness

You might have heard about Jimmy Kimmel’s recent trip to Japan, a topic of its own.  But he is right about several things: Japan is clean, and crime is low.  He didn’t understand why, which I’ll break down in a separate article.  However, one thing that is quite clear that I admire about the Japanese people quite a lot is their embrace of their traditional culture and their kimono dress.  I, too, was recently in Japan. I’ve been there a few times during this year, so I am very familiar with some of the unique customs that they have there.  However, during this most recent trip, I saw quite a lot of Kyoto on a Thursday afternoon and for an extended period, and I was surprised by how they dressed.  Most of the people I encountered there were walking around the streets, the temples, and the bamboo forest in full kimonos, both men and women.  And there were rental shops everywhere that kimonos could be rented to wear around town.  It wasn’t a samurai cosplay convention, which was what I thought was going on.  This was how people dressed all the time, and it was very refreshing to see.  It reminded me of something I have been saying all the time, that in America, we need to embrace more of our traditions.  While in Japan, I fully expressed American culture, which they appreciated.  In America, I tend to wear a poncho to my gun competitions and other Second Amendment activities, the kind of Western wear that is very traditional to Western expansion and hard, cold nights on the open ranges next to campfires.   I have several of them, and when I wear them, I always get a lot of strange looks.  But I don’t think they should be considered strange at all.  And when I dressed that way to go out to the store in the middle of the night outside my hotel in Kobe, nobody in Japan thought it was strange at all. 

I had a few ponchos in Japan which I like to put on instead of a jacket, especially in inclement weather.  It’s like having a wrap-around blanket without worrying about it falling off your shoulders, so it frees up your arms underneath.  It’s suitable for short-term warmth without messing around with a cumbersome jacket.  And I like that a poncho hides a lot of what you might not want people to see, such as the many knives and guns that I carry all the time.  With concealed carry across multiple states, it is better to hide the big stuff with very baggy clothing instead of trying to contain the weapons in modern-day America’s conventional dress.  In Japan, their reverence for history, especially in their samurai culture, is unmistakable, and they openly embrace it, which I thought was very classy.  It was nice to see the women dressing up in these classic robes to go shopping and be seen around town.  And the men dressed similarly to accompany them.  Instead of being repealed by the display of my own dress, a few times on this latest trip, as I wore my poncho down to the local store to pick up supplies, people wanted to take a picture next to me in my boots, poncho, and Stetson cowboy hat to show they had met a “real American.”  And they were pleased about it.  As they snapped their pictures with me, I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite quotes from the Dune books: “How else do humans invent the traps that betray us into mediocrity?” 

Mediocrity is what we have adopted in our modern Western cultures, with our associations with communism introduced through our education system.  They have rejected this mediocrity primarily in Japan due to their reverence for traditional values.  But in America, these days, we have associated fashion with an alliance with sportswear.  Nike, Adidas, and other brands seen from college sports programs have largely inspired our public presentation of ourselves.  These days, the idea of proper dress on casual Fridays is a golf shirt that shows we are interested in sports programs.  That is something that they don’t do as much in Japan.  They love sports, especially baseball, but they don’t go out of their way to show reverence for it out of disrespecting their traditional cultures.  But in America, we want to look like the coaches and players of our sports teams, which behind them have all kinds of corporate communism attached to them.  So, our American dress has shifted from individual expressions of a rugged outdoorsman to billboards for corporate influence over our sporting markets.  And the not-so-subtle message there is to accept that individuals are less important than the team’s greater good.  And, of course, behind that is that communism defines the greater good.  So, wearing a cowboy hat in America is quite a statement.  More people are doing it now than they used to, mainly because of the popular Yellowstone television show and the failed politics of the communist left.  People want to make America great again, and like the Japanese, they are turning to traditional dress to convey that trait.  But in America, our dress directly influences our society’s condition. 

I have always worn a cowboy hat.  But over the years, I have been less inclined toward sporting goods fashion trends in favor of my traditional gunslinger apparel.  I’ve been that way for many years.  I remember many late-night encounters in my twenties where I would wear my ponchos everywhere, including the Kenwood Mall in Cincinnati.  It’s one thing to do when you are in your 50s, as I am now.  But when you are in your 20s, many people look at you weird because you are so out of step with mainstream culture.  But it’s always been a visual hedge against mediocrity, which is how I view modern dress codes, and I largely reject the premise.  A culture should strive to stand out from the crowd in everything, individually.  Not to retreat into submission to the mob.  In Japan, particularly Kyoto and even Tokyo, even though the kimonos are uniformly similar in their loose-fitting robes, they are colorful and full of individualized expression.  I thought that seeing that expression was wonderful and was a major contributor to the quality of their society.  I had a chance to eat at a very nice restaurant in Kyoto with some friends.  It was a classic place; most people wore kimonos, and you had to take off your shoes while eating.  It had a spectacular garden to walk in while you waited for your food, and they provided you with slippers to do so.  I stepped into that place, mostly having to duck because the ceiling was low, and the whole place was primarily made of paper and wood.  They gave me a very large locker for my big cowboy boots, which is what they do when you enter to put your shoes in while you eat, but I still wore my cowboy hat.  And they took notice of it.  But it wasn’t in a “you’re not like us” way.  But rather, a respect for the culture that I came from.  And they were proud of their culture.  And what we all shared was a disrespect for sameness as defined by communism and an embrace of versatility as defined by capitalist markets.  They brought us mostly raw fish and vegetables, certainly not chicken nuggets as I might otherwise be used to in the States.  But it was a good look into a culture that embraced their uniqueness and certainly wasn’t shying away from their projection to the rest of the world.  And if America wants to be Great Again.  Perhaps we should start dressing for that greatness instead of playing everything down to some corporate version of casual and accepting sameness as a value rather than uniqueness. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Third Term of Obama: What a dumb fundraiser they had for Biden in New York

To add the ultimate failure to the Biden term we have been experiencing is to acknowledge it for what it is.  No, this was not a freely elected man who spent his life in public service and made good on the people of Pennsylvania to help them from the Executive Office. Instead, this is a crime lord put in office by conspirators who want to topple America and wanted a third term of Barack Obama, a continuation of the Weather Underground terrorism that gave us two terms of that communist insurgent, who was never qualified to be president in the first place.  But they got away with a lot with Barack Obama, and so, of course, they were going to steal an election and put Obama in place and use a compromised person and old fool in the White House so they could move his mouth and make him say anything they wanted him to.  They were willing to break the law for the good of their communist revolution, which they suckered so many into embracing, in a push for a global world order under the rule of China, the propped-up impoverished country that only gained wealth because it essentially became the 401K plan for the billionaires of America.  It’s been a sucker game all along, but you know what’s funny?  It hasn’t been working.  Biden is trying to run for president after trying to be Fidel Castro for his first term essentially, and people are sick of him.  So, at a fundraiser in New York, they brought out all the old tricks, Obama being one of them, and they looked like a bunch of out-of-touch fools.  Supposedly, they raised 26 million dollars at that fundraiser, as two former and one current president were raised dramatically out of the stage.  But in many ways, it was a perfect metaphor for what they had done to America and were now losing. 

Essentially, this has been Obama’s third term.  Hillary Clinton was supposed to carry the torch in 2016, but Trump won.  And the globalists who had put so much effort into the destruction of America were angry about it; after all, that was Obama’s first mission, to “remake” America.  To “transform” it into something else, from a capitalist country into a communist one.  That was why the newcomer Obama had his political career launched in the living room of the American terrorist Bill Ayers.  We were told to ignore that little news story; it was no big deal.  Neither were the problems with the Obama birth certificate, which turned out to be a digital fake made on a modern computer.  They got caught trying to fake one during Obama’s terms in office to shut up all the “truthers” out there who were onto the many problems with where Obama came from and who his daddy was.  Many still don’t know, but we do know that they lied to us about a lot of things.  But they got away with those lies, and the media, already taken over by this communist globalist plot, were willing to carry water for Obama and keep him propped up.  But they never wanted him to go, so they were angry with Trump for interrupting their communist takeover of America.  So they conspired and plotted and manipulated to extremes to destroy Trump, his supporters, and any notion of the Make America Great Again political platform.  Because for them, that was the worst thing in the world.  They wanted to destroy America.  Not make it great again.

But who are “they,” you might ask, dear reader?  Who are they?  Well, it’s the international finance community who were allowed into our money supply with that stupid Jekyll Island mess that created the Federal Reserve.  The secret societies of Europe have been plotting and scheming the decline of the West since it was essentially started.  The globalists have their people in the European Union and the United Nations.  It’s the billionaires who invest so much money into China-style communism for the entire world, using that paper tiger to look like the sales face of managed communism success by tying the hands of all the other countries in the world with ridiculous economic policy and climate change standards.  And “they” keep their politicians in office to destroy the world to their liking with massive election fraud, which they utilize all over the world.  Why do you think they were so upset that people were onto the scam with digital voting machines in the United States?  Because that was their most accessible means of election fraud.  That’s how they do it in communist countries like China, Russia, and South and Central America.  Don’t forget that Mexico and Cuba are socialist countries.  All of Europe are socialist countries.  The head of the United Nations is a socialist.  The head of the World Health Organization was a socialist.  Everything about COVID, created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan by human beings as a bioweapon, was about bringing socialism and communism to the world through mass manipulation of our health care system where they could get access to all people without the stigma of a political movement.  Oh, yes, “they” have been naughty, and they’ve killed a lot of people along the way.  And they didn’t care who it was or under what conditions.  They just wanted power and were willing to do anything to have it, including keeping Obama in the background and pulling the strings to Biden to keep their plans for globalism intact.

However, those efforts have spectacularly failed, and they are pretty well aware of it, which was apparent when they tapped into Obama and Clinton thinking that putting them on stage with Biden would help him.  The effort showed how tone-deaf many globalist consultants are to reality.  When forced to come out of the shadows and reveal who they are, they are bland, even out of touch.  Putting many old men on stage whom many Americans hate together shows how regional their thinking is and how little they respect ordinary American voters.  And that’s why they are losing any notion of a fair fight.  Without election fraud, they are desperately exposed.  And out of all that 26 million they raised, they couldn’t move the needle with a billion dollars.  The media might want that money wasted on them, so of course, their will whore themselves out to the Democrat Party, America’s version of the communist party in the West.  But people have been lied to, killed, harassed, abused, and manipulated in every way by both parties.  And “they” are sick of it.  Trump was never supposed to be in this position, the frontrunner as President once again.  I’ve been telling everyone since January of 2021 that he would be.  I understand the guy.  I knew he’d be back.  And he’s going to be president again, and many of us are going to aggressively undo all these communist plans that have been pressured upon us for many years, including all the terrorism that came from Barack Obama.  We will undo their corrupt world right in front of their faces, and they will deserve all the pain that comes with that.  And they should consider themselves lucky that their punishments won’t be more severe for all they have done to us.  In my mind, they are getting off too easily.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Great Replacement Theory is Very Real: To understand it, just watch the classic film, ‘Scarface’

The Great Replacement Theory is not some politically driven rant; it’s a real political strategy that has been around for a long time, and it’s a heavily used communist tactic.  Even Elon Musk has come to see what the strategy is of Democrats in America, the purpose of the open border policy, which is well underway, and sending over 10 million undocumented migrants into the United States to essentially saturate their voting base.  For them to deny that is what they are doing is to deny history, and one of the best examples of this kind of thing in history was captured in the great Brian DePalma movie Scarface with Al Pacino.  The plot of that movie, which had a historical backdrop supporting a fictional storyline but one based on reality, was that Fidel Castro had let all the criminals out of their prisons to flood the border in Florida in order to saturate a red state with illegal immigrants and convert them to Democrat voters.  It was a Jimmy Carter policy to take them all in, just as Biden is now doing on a much more massive scale.  But the point of the communist regime and the Democrats in America was to take in all the criminals from those prisons and have them infiltrate America, mix in with a lot of other people, and overrun Miami and other Florida cities with massive crime and drugs.  It was a military maneuver, and the movie Scarface did a nice job of showing all the different layers of politics involved and how those decisions impacted people at all levels of society.  The root cause of the problem was the strategy of Castro to offload the criminals of his country to bring down his rival in the United States with poison.  This tactic is clearly behind the modern open-border movement.

People who don’t believe this is happening aren’t very good at geography and politics and don’t understand the characters at play.  Of all the countries that people are fleeing from, such as Venezuela, Mexico, Central America, and even Canada, they are all run by socialists.  Even in Brazil, you might recall they let a communist out of prison to overthrow their own populist leader there.  Everywhere you look behind this open border policy are advocates who want a strong centralized government in the style of Chinese communism, and their method of delivery is to overwhelm countries with immigration to change them into socialist and communist countries by migration.  In the process, they destabilize the economies of their targets with chaos and crime.  We don’t have to speculate about whether such things are happening because we can see them with our own eyes.  But we also now have historical context.  We saw what happened in Cuba when Scarface hit the movie theaters.  The whole point of the movie was to show how criminals were let out of jails only to become members of crime syndicates to push drugs into Miami, Florida, and other places in the United States.  The antics of Tony Montana became legendary in movie history as it was one of the first movies to almost be rated X because of hard language and violence.  But that was back in the early 80s and history remembers what happened.  People were so outraged by the communist insurgency at the time that they elected Ronald Reagan, and America survived even if the character of illegal immigration purposely changed the kind of people associated with Florida demographics.  There is no doubt that the same kind of strategy is being employed now, and behind all the impoverished areas are communist and socialist-led countries that people are fleeing from. They purposely antagonized innocent people to make them want to leave and overwhelm the border of the communist target, America. 

But when Cuba had their mass immigration into Florida, the Democrats didn’t get exactly what they expected.  That is because the way to beat communist countries in policy is to destroy them with capital and wealth generation.  And the capitalist government of America gave all those communist despots somewhere to work and a way to secure a decent life for their families.  And what we have seen over the last twenty to thirty years is a failure of the Democrat playbook to win the immigrants over as Democrats.  The Democrat party is so anti-family that they are unattractive to migrants who are very much pro-family and enjoy their family lineage.  2024 polling is showing that illegal immigrants and their immigrant families already in the United States are leaning toward Trump and the Make America Great platform.  After all, that’s why they migrated to the United States.  They didn’t want to be a part of the communist hellholes they ran from.  And the terrible ordeals they had to endure along the way, the disgraceful conduct, especially among their women.  Behind the manipulators of policy, the consultants, the financiers, and the despots of doom who purposely cause trouble among innocent people to inspire them into mass migrations to overthrow countries, many of their plans have backfired.  But that doesn’t mean their intent shouldn’t be punished.  What they planned to do and what they did do ended up harming many millions of innocent people on all sides, and all that tampering is catching up to them.  What might have been overlooked in the 80s because reporting was slower, and we hadn’t seen what was happening before is no longer hidden.   People understand this game now better than at any other point in history.

You might have heard what Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said recently, the president of Mexico about his role in protecting the American border from the drug cartels who essentially run his country.  He claimed it wasn’t his responsibility, that Americans want drugs, and they make the market for his drug cartels to do their business.  And that was very much the policy when the movie Scarface took place.  How do you attack a free market by injecting poison into that market and letting people die in it?  In that way, the resistance to the communist invasion destroys themselves with gratuitous sex and drug abuse, founded in a lack of morality by the destruction of the modern family unit that would otherwise disgrace such detrimental behavior.  The open border policies in America sponsored by Democrats and their RINO Republican conspirators are an attack against American sovereignty meant to destroy the country in ways that no military on earth could otherwise.  And we know that because it is straight out of the communist playbook that Castro in Cuba historically has shown the world, and the after-effects are still evident during any trip to Florida.  Even if the results failed to make Florida a blue state, as it’s a red state that still votes Republican, the intent can’t be ignored.  And it must be understood that what we are seeing now, with all the open borders with socialist countries, like Canada and especially Mexico is open warfare where people are used as weapons of war to convert capitalism to communism.  It’s certainly not a conspiracy theory.  It’s a malicious attack on our country and all of us, and it’s the only way to understand what is happening today.  It’s not like this is the first time we’ve seen it. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Revenge of 2024 Will Be Delicious: We played by the rules, and now they will have no choice but to match it

We’re at that point where it’s time to benefit from many good decisions made under challenging circumstances.  And to pay ourselves back for sticking with the Constitution and not being drawn offside by truly malicious characters.  But we played by the rules, even in the face of massive crimes in 2020, election fraud, and the distribution for purposeful terrorism, Covid from a Wuhan lab in China that killed millions of people, we stood by due process; Trump got on his airplane after leaving the White House, and we stuck to the rule of law even though most of us knew that the law had been manipulated to benefit the cheaters.  It was rough, and we had to endure it gracefully.  It certainly was not easy.  But we had to set up this particular election year of 2024.  In the process, we have rooted out many malicious characters who would have otherwise remained hidden from our view.  What should have been Trump’s second term in office ended up being a terror that showed the world who has been running things behind the scenes because they had to show themselves to attempt to hold power.  And now that they have it, we have a real opportunity to make America great again with more than talk and campaign slogans.  But now the shoe is on the other foot.  The pendulum is swinging in the other direction.  And because we did everything right, it forced the other side to do the same, even though they knew they couldn’t afford anything but violence and chaos in protest.  Because they have cheated to stay in power, they don’t have a very deep bench, and the players they do have are all compromised beyond scrutiny.  And they won’t be able to hold up to what will happen next. 

I had to have some hard talks with many people in the cold early days of 2021 as Biden took office.  We all knew that there had been election fraud.  We had seen the precinct maps of the entire country and knew where the cheating had occurred with over counts on mail-in ballots.   You could see county by county all across the country, then there would be these sudden spikes in voter turnout and results for Biden in critical areas around metropolitan areas, such as Detroit, Phoenix, Philly, Milwaukee, and Atlanta, and everyone knew the cause.  And we watched the paid-for color revolutions before that, where leftist billionaires poured money into minority communities to inspire them to burn down buildings, desecrate historic monuments, and drive discontent all over the nation.  All this happened after the COVID lockdowns, where genuinely evil and malicious people walked into Trump’s office in the White House and urged him to shut down the entire economy to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  We were all justified in picking up arms and taking down the many criminals who had done America wrong in 2020 to steal an election and to unleash an artificial virus engineered for its task to create the opportunity for stolen power.  Many people didn’t want to see Trump leave office in those dark days but to call in the military to prevent the takeover of our country by these globalists advocating open communism, what else were we supposed to do?  It was like the communist revolution in St. Petersburg many years ago, which was now happening in America.  And our American media, including Fox News, was in on it all, and people were lost as to what to do, and they wanted to fight.

I think I stopped many small wars from breaking out that winter and it wasn’t easy.  I had to convince people to let the process play out even though I wanted to lash out myself.  Every movie and book we had ever consumed in entertainment culture told us that the only thing to do was to grab our guns and go hunting for bad guys who had infiltrated our government and to remove them violently.  But we talked against it because there was a bigger prize.  We had a perfect opportunity to exploit these losers for what they were, and we could stand by the rule of law in the face of great adversity and lead by example, which is what we did.  It was challenging and excruciating.  But we have endured it, and now here we are.  Our time for revenge is at hand, and the victory will taste delicious.  It’s our time to watch the other side wiggle in the trap they set for themselves, and there is no reason for us to feel sorry for them for what’s coming because they did it to themselves.  They can only blame themselves, the person who looks back at them in the mirror, for what they have become.  They hoped to provoke us into a mountain of mistakes, and because we didn’t take the bait, they had no choice but to play the game the same way.  And now, after all these years of treating Trump and the rest of us with every kind of abuse of the law that they could get by with, it’s time to pay for all those crimes, and no amount of crying will alleviate them from justice.  Now, they will face the same kind of decisions we had to make, but they aren’t as good as we are, so they don’t have the intellectual means to survive.  Their defeat this time around will crush them and their Marxist, globalist movement with it, and our victory will be better than if we had fought for it with guns and the points of knives. 

They will have no choice but to follow the rule of law, leave the White House, certify the election, and deal with all the policy changes Trump will make toward capitalism in the coming months.  And that is something I couldn’t have said we would have had with a typical Trump second term.  The world was on fire then, and the enemy was desperate.  And we had to play it out.  We needed these last four years to empty their weapons and expose them for what they were.  If Trump had been in the White House, it would have just been another term of a media circus.  People needed to see what Joe Biden and the gang were about, and the pressure forced them to reveal it all.  And since then, the World Economic Forum and their central bankers of doom have been exposed for the actual insurrection of our country that they had long planned and committed to.  And to hold power, they won’t be able to afford to live within the confines of the rule of law.  But they aren’t warranted to unleash their violence, which is their only means of achieving power because they don’t have any public support as a minority terrorist organization.  That is what the Democrat Party is, after all: a terrorist organization for globalists and insurrectionists who want America to be crushed off the world stage forever.  But because we didn’t take the bait, we exposed them in ways they weren’t prepared for.  And the revenge that is coming will be fantastic to witness.  We’ll achieve it because we stayed with the rule of law and did not allow ourselves to be pulled into a nation-ending battle, which we would have otherwise given them justification for violence and malice.  By sticking with the rule of law, they have no choice but to do the same, which they can’t afford to do.  It’s a wonderful paradox. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

War and Mashed Potatoes: Open borders are an act of war, and the aggressors must be punished as such

There is more to the border problems of the world than just attracting voting demographics.  In the United States, the assumption is that Democrats want new voters because they are losing their old ones, with reckless border security, and they intend to turn red states like Texas into blue states like Illinois and Minnesota.  And that is undoubtedly a surface-level concern.  But this isn’t just a problem in the United States.  I feel very fortunate to have seen with my family Notre Dame before it was burnt down by terrorists in Paris.  They are about to reopen it, although it will forever be damaged because of the history it contained; the cause of the destruction was globalism and the deliberate military intention to provoke open borders all around the world so that new ideas and cultures would burden the old cultures of nationalism and in that way, take down all notions of borders and achieve what progressives have always wanted, a borderless world ran by a one world government that identifies as global citizens.  With that known, all the attempts at such a cause must be viewed as a military objective as hostile agents, no different than when an Emperor of the past sent troops to conquer some foreign land so that they could acquire the resources of that territory.  That is how the Greek, Roman, and British empires and countless others were established.  Genghis Khan comes to mind.  What is happening with open border policies around the world is no different, it’s just being done on a scale we usually don’t consider, which is one of their strategies for aggression.   To override our cultures before we figure out what has always been the intention.  Which is to destroy all concepts of nationalism in the world and to replace it with globalism. 

Just imagine making mashed potatoes for your Thanksgiving meals.  The decision to isolate a potato and serve it as it takes work distinguishes it from the rest of the contents on the plate.  If you are looking for uniformity, you don’t want to isolate the ingredients when cooking; you want to mess them all together, like a stir fry or a mashed potato serving complete with a lot of gravy.  For those in the world at the World Economic Forum who want global communism and a centralized authority run by the United Nations but don’t have a military of their own, how else would they perform their task?  They have sponsored open border policies desiring to move migrants from one part of the world to the next to mix all the ingredients of the world so that the concept of identity is destroyed, and the newly displaced people, even in formally strong countries, will be thrown together looking for a new leader to unify them, and define new rules of conduct.  This was always the risk when transportation and communication worldwide made it possible; the temptation for the next tyrant to conquer everyone would prove too much.  But in this case, all the tyrants of the world have united under a common cause and set globalism as their means to achieve their tyrannies in a shared way under the banner of communism.  Because they at least share all that intention in “common.”  So there is only one way to view open border policies, as a military threat and an intentional world war against all nationalist concepts, nations that intend to maintain their identities and resist a global world order of centralized government.  The attack is no different than Pearl Harbor or any other aggression against American soil.  But since it’s innocent people being used as weapons, and not tanks and troops, people have been slow to realize what’s happening. 

This is clear to me as I travel around the world.  I visit Japan relatively often, so I see the dramatic contrast in apparent manifestations.  Japan is an island nation that is difficult to get to.  You can’t just have an open border; you must fly in or arrive by boat.  And it’s small enough of a nation to cover the borders easily by water.  Nobody is getting into Japan without them knowing about it.  So, they have maintained their culture in a very traditional way.  They are friendly to foreigners and are always nice to me, but they don’t give up their culture for anybody.  It is also why they are one of the top economies in the world despite the challenges of their remote location and lack of resources to work with on their island.  One striking thing about their culture is how little crime they have and how well their cities operate.  That is because they are mainly free of the manipulations of foreign hostilities, such as the World Economic Forum. Because Japan is isolated, the World Economic Forum has a hard time using policy to overthrow the country and to destroy its concept of nationalism.  The world has bigger fish to fry, and that is where the World Economic Forum is focused.  They will worry about Japan later once the rest of the world is under their thumb.  Currently, the game is to prop up China with phony money and then use the communist model to overthrow America and Europe.  The war with Russia is meant to degrade their concept of nationalism, and then once the domino falls, countries like Japan can be targeted.  But for now, the vulnerable countries are those who tolerate diversity so that open borders can destroy the concept of sovereignty. 

But for all those fools who say, “It’s for national security,” when you have open borders, your national security is gone.  And for all the money we spend on the military, what good is it if the real war is moving people all around the world with fake hostilities to provoke globalism in a kind of mashed potatoes presentation?  As I said what I did about Japan, I could say the opposite about England and France, obvious targets of globalism to weaken the former empires of Europe and beat them with incoming migrants from formally conquered territories.  Rather than fight them directly, the goal is to undermine their cultures.  And I have had a chance to see the progress over the previous decade.  The hostilities between cultures are purposeful.  Race relations were weaponized to achieve this goal of globalism.  And the only way to deal with it is to recognize it for what it is: war.  An attack against sovereign nations to overthrow them and, in the wreckage, create new laws centered around globalism.  Knowing all this, then we should be applying our military to these hostile actors and punishing them for their attack against our country.  Like Japan, a country is a set of ideas that produce good or bad results as they are applied to the world.  Japan is booming, and America has been.  Europe has been.  But this is just another attack on financial values, such as capitalism by communism.  It’s only that the approach has not directly involved military hostility.  However, hostility is different between races, sexes, and regional values.  Putting them all together as mashed potatoes to be served up to the lords of globalism is what the goals have been.  People have been slow to realize what the game is, and how to play it, by calling it what it really is, war.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Ramaswamy, Vance and Musk All in One Place: The future looks bright after Trump finally leaves office

I am glad that a brilliant person invited me to an unusual online town hall on the X platform with Elon Musk, J.D. Vance, and Vivek Ramaswamy, along with others, talking about political events.  It reminded me of just how much power new media has, but more than that, it was a glimpse into the future.  Of life after President Trump.  We spend so much time talking about getting Trump back in office that the more significant issue of what kind of future comes after Trump often gets ignored where it shouldn’t.  We know what Trump will do in office; he has done it before, and history will remember him as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the world.  And because of all Joe Biden’s radical executive orders, many of the terrible things happening to America right now will be able to be undone quickly, and fiscal and social policy that has been detrimental will have quick solutions to them.  And Trump will be able to do great things fast over the next four years.  But then what?  Does the pendulum swing back in the other direction as it is about to do against Democrats, who have grown way too big for their britches and need a righteous ass-kicking?  I have already stated my position, which I think is becoming more apparent to everyone else by the day; my pick for the Vice President of Vivek Ramaswamy is an investment into the future.  I have met him a few times, as well as J.D. Vance, and there is a deep bench of Republicans who are ready to offer themselves in leadership positions.  They are brilliant and personally wealthy, which makes them least tempted toward corruption, and they are willing to follow a blueprint established by Trump that will last for many decades.  So, more and more, the VP picked by Trump for his next term is more important than any other factor.

But there is a wild card in Elon Musk that is new.  Four years ago, even a year ago, Elon Musk was flirting with the idea of a Ron DeSantis candidacy, but he was very reluctant to commit to political discussion as he has been a kind of global citizen as that movement spawned out of the World Economic Forum.  He was their poster boy for the future and, as the world’s richest man, their greatest asset.  So, people were slow to trust anything Elon Musk had to say about anything.  But he did buy Twitter and turned it over to X.  I’m a big fan of SpaceX, and I like Tesla vehicles for what they are: significant innovations in the field of fancy golf carts.  I admire the ambitions of Musk, and I think I understand him pretty well because we are both fans of Douglas Adams, which establishes an intelligence that I can indeed find common ground.  But the person I heard on that podcast with Vivek and Vance at the same time was a person noticeably interested in politics and, I would dare say, supportive of the MAGA agenda.  And I came away from that broadcast very happy that the future was going to be covered and be perhaps even better than with Trump in the White House. Because we saw a blueprint with those personalities that could change the world in a very positive way, all three of them have done great work lately to contribute to a capitalist world and know how to defend it from the global socialists, and that is something new.

While there are people who have been justifiably reluctant to trust Musk on anything, I do have personal experience with some of these people and understand that politically, they are all people who were not necessarily born Republican.  In J.D. Vance’s situation, he was very anti-Trump in 2016 after making a movie about his life with Ron Howard, one of the biggest anti-Trumpers on planet earth.  But as most intelligent people do, they gather information and figure out what’s best, so now, in 2024, even 2022, when he was running for the senate, J.D. Vance has become one of the most excellent MAGA representatives that there is on the world stage, and he has had a significant impact.  He has not let me down, that’s for sure.  I asked him some very specific questions in the backyard of Nancy Nix’s house about this exact time, and he has more than lived up to his answer.  He’s the real deal.  And I’ve told similar stories about Vivek Ramaswamy.  He has grown into his role as Mr. MAGA, but he didn’t start that way.  Like any intelligent person, he has observed the world’s conditions and adjusted his politics to meet them.  Along the way, new friendships have been formed, and I certainly like having these guys on the right side. That’s how you get to be a big tent party, and there is undoubtedly nothing phony about their commitment to a better political world.  With minds like theirs in politics, as they are both still under 40, the future looks very bright after Trump finally leaves office and is out of politics for good.  We may see several decades of prosperity with personalities like this leading the way. 

But I’ve said of Musk before, while others have been very reluctant to support him, that eventually he would figure out that there was no way that Earth could become a space-faring society with the current globalist plans toward communism.  And Musk has undoubtedly become more vocal, which I thought was stunning during that political podcast, to hear all three of those guys and others joining in talking about the future of the world.  Listening in with the rest of the audience, it was clear that Trump was just the point guard in this effort, a way to distribute the ball of capitalism to this next generation, which Musk would play a massive part in.  For the new economy of space to flourish the way Musk wants it to, and so do I, there had to be a regime change across the entire world, and these guys understood it.  I thought it was one of the most remarkable broadcasts I have ever heard and wouldn’t have happened before Elon Musk bought up X as a communication platform.  It’s not so much in the obvious things that the improvements will come.  It’s far more significant than President Trump returning to the White House, tearing up the horrendous Executive Orders from Joe Biden, and making America Great Again.  It’s what comes after that we should all be excited about.  And yes, there is an after.  By electing Trump, we get minds like Vance, Ramaswamy, and Musk on the world stage to build genuinely remarkable economic opportunities that will make it possible to have a whole new market economy on the frontiers of space.  And as bad as things have been, things have real potential to improve.  There is no point in history where such minds have pulled together for the good of the future, but in the wake of President Trump and his bold tenacity poised to save humanity from certain doom with optimism and intelligence unleashed perhaps for the first time in the history of all lifeforms in the universe.  And that makes today a pretty good one.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Yes, The NFL is Rigged: Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are in a fake relationship Meant to sell globalism

Yes, I think the NFL is rigged, and I don’t believe that most players and coaches know about it.  I think the game is a lot like a poker table in a casino where the illusion of winning is provided, but any wise person knows that the game is rigged so that the House always wins, at least by average.  The NFL is a registered entertainment company; they are not legally obligated to be anything other than entertainment, much like a gambling house, and the referees, at least the top ones, are great at what they do.  You can call or not call any number of penalties in a game to steer the outcome where the betting odds want them.  Some referees are better than others; not all are part of that club.  They have to give the illusion of self-fulfillment without giving away the secret; otherwise, the players and some of the lower-ranking referees would not commit themselves to the task just as the gambler has the illusion of winning to drive them to recklessly throw away their money to the House.  The illusion of winning makes gambling behavior so pervasive, whether it’s a casino or an NFL game.  But there is too much money at stake to allow outcomes on a field to be determined by twenty-something kids throwing around a little ball.  I think many of the coaches know the game is rigged, but they play along hoping to win anyway in the same way that gamblers do.  The House has to let some people win sometimes to keep everyone playing, and they hope to play well enough to be selected in the betting odds and eventually get to play in a Super Bowl and achieve great fame and fortune.  But otherwise, NFL football is no different than big-time wrestling; the outcomes are pre-determined, and the game is rigged to make the most money for the people who sit in the boxes and beyond, to drain money from the unknowing and fill up the pockets of the maniacal, sinister, hustlers.

Mr Pfizer

And to that point, of course, the Travis Kelce relationship with Taylor Swift is a fake corporate monstrosity meant to pull in new viewers to the NFL product, which hasn’t yet recovered to its previous status after kneeling for the National Anthem was a thing players were encouraged to do by these exact shadowy figures. Never forget that Kelce is Mr. Pfizer and was the first to kneel to protest American patriotism. He is a Biden supporter and has been one of the leading voices to vaccine mandates, which is why Aaron Rogers gave him that name, justifiably. Of course, some players figure all this out, like Rogers and a few other people, and once they do, like gamblers in the casino, they are fast-tracked into retirement and lose their access to the limelight. If they hang around too long, they are disgraced in the media, much like Brett Farve was, even today. Whoever controls the money, controls the courts and the prosecution of rule enforcement. Much like the NFL itself, the same could be said about life in general. But to keep people coming to the casino, there are always people like Travis Kelce, the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. Notice how there hasn’t been any controversy in the NFL about the name of the Chiefs while the Washington Redskins had to change their name? The rules, just like in life, are controlled to force an outcome that makes the House the most money. It has nothing to do with fairness, it has everything to do with slavery to a shadowy group of malcontents. And people like Travis Kelce are always ready to use their natural talents to boot-lick their way into a good and easy life. Kelce has made it clear that he’s willing to sell the illusion and to appease his masters, which is how he has gained so much fame and fortune. In reality, he isn’t much more than a prostitute who will do anything for a few bucks while he still has the body to do it.

And just like a big-time wrestling storyline, Taylor Swift, the most famous pop star in the world, started mysteriously dating Travis Kelce at the start of the season, and by the championship game, ahead of the Super Bowl, she was in the center of the field kissing her boyfriend as if she was his wife of many years. And it drove the media narrative like a pack of hungry wolves devouring a carcass. Yet there wasn’t something quite right about it all. Kelce, who has access to some of the most beautiful and experienced women in the world, was kissing this milk-dud pop star like it was his sister or his mom. He even kissed her nose at one point. Neither of them, young thirty-somethings, seemed very attracted to each other. They seemed like actors carrying out a plot that they didn’t write. An arranged marriage between two corporate entities, the NFL and the World Economic Forum, was meant to distract the masses away from the populism of the world and to keep them at the gambling table running like hamsters on a meaningless plot for which they were being exploited.

Kelce’s brother was recently seen at a game walking shirtless and drinking more than 30 beers as he held up children in the stands. It is as if he were a king granting the people an audience.  He was being shown as a man’s man, yet only selling an image and driving a plot.  The whole name of the game for the image building was to drive a narrative that provoked the flow of money with betting.  To win that game, you have to make that House happy.  And that House isn’t in America; it’s a group of globalist bankers who use the governments of the world to do their dirty work while they hide in the shadows and use money flow to control millions of people like Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.  Why would Taylor Swift even play?  Well, she is nothing without her music rights, her value worthless because, on paper, she may be a billionaire, but the money is tied to all these same people.  So she doesn’t have any money.  She has talent that these same people want to exploit to sell their narrative to the hardy fools of civilization.  And she is allowed to have money and make music as long as she sells their rigged game.  And if she is told or “inspired” to kiss Travis Kelce in a big NFL game, she will do it, even if her heart isn’t in it.  And if she is told to support Joe Biden, to steer the youth vote toward the old puppet for the New World Order, she will do it as any whore would do.  She may not like it, but she will do it the same way a dealer at a casino plays their cards.  Let the public win a few games, but always make sure the House always wins, and drain the pockets of the participants to keep them coming back after their next paycheck.  Like the NFL, many corporate alliances do not salute the National Anthem but serve globalism hidden behind finance institutions.  Yes, the game is rigged. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Trump the Invincible: A person only America could have produced

Now that we’ve been through a few primaries, and the bad guys out there have done everything they possibly could, including gross manipulations of the legal system to exert control over Trump, we are now seeing why only the President could have run for this office, and why he’s the only one who could return. Some real treacherous characters have been wrapped up in our government and media culture, even our military, and they have shown their worst. Trump sees himself as bigger than all them and beyond their influence, which we need now in America. What Trump is doing is something I teach to people, which is why I recognized many years ago the value of Trump running for president, even though everyone laughed it off as ridiculous at the time. I remember returning to the Ross Perot Reform Party days with Pat Buchanon when Trump tried to make headway as a third-party candidate. The key to Trump’s personality is a personal recognition of something significant and is quite specific to the American mindset, which naturally undoes the concept of globalism, which is of the individual showing dominance over collectivist behavior. When I teach these things in public and private settings, I use my metaphor of the lonely gunman who steps into a bar late at night during a storm with lightning streaking across the sky. He gets a drink at the bar with his back to the room, which is filled with criminals, thieves, and maniacal cutthroats. And the gunfighter drinks his drink in peace because he knows something about them that not even they learn about themselves. He places himself above them and their mechanisms of evil in ways that only individuality can do, and it is precisely what America has needed because only America could produce such a person.

A dog whistle from the radical left hoping to eliminate Trump from the realities mass collectivism

To watch Trump bringing the Republican Party together again after all that has been done and revealed over the last few years is astonishing compared to traditional measures, where politicians are always boot-licking someone because of the nature of getting elected, and they can never entirely do what is needed in these kinds of jobs, once they get them.  Even Julius Caesar was a pawn of the public as the conniving political machine of Rome dictated his ever-eroding concerns.  Reagan was an actor and could fake this swagger, but he never was a rugged individualist, the way people recognize Trump.  Trump learned to be that lonely gunfighter through many hard knocks in life, and now he is showing the value, and I’m pretty happy about it.  For some context, I’ll demonstrate here a speech I did to a crowd not long ago, and this was precisely what I was talking about.  I give that same speech to smaller groups of people in more focused settings, but it holds everywhere in every situation.  Trump is performing it on a large scale, but many people operate this way and are very successful in life in many ways of defining success.  It starts with an individual being born of their nature and value and expressing that in a cultural setting.  It’s essentially what the great American novel The Fountainhead was about, the famous novel by Ayn Rand, which should be required reading in every public school as soon as children can learn to read.  If we were serious about teaching kids to be great and have an excellent education in America, we’d teach kids those concepts.  Instead, we teach globalism and righteousness to authority, which destroys them for life. 

Many people never imagined that Trump would lock up the nomination through the New Hampshire primaries, wiping out all the rivals who have come out against him, thinking that collectivism would constantly beat out individualism. To conventional thinking, nobody would survive such a gauntlet. That is, except for me. I knew this day would come and how it would happen, even in the darkest days when everyone thought Trump was toast. Just as nobody would expect that lonely gunfighter to step into a bar of bandits ready to slay him with the twink of an eye at a moment’s notice, let alone enter that room with his back to the room. It is not at all surprising that Alex Soros has been putting out cryptic messages about assassinating Trump. There are lots of these bad guys who are thinking the same thing, but as I say, and sometimes have to prove, just because people intend to kill you, it doesn’t mean they can. Often, many other conditions keep them from doing it, which is part of my speech on individualism and the power of it over the collective masses. Coming out of New Hampshire after a dominating win in Iowa, it is good to see that Trump is invincible to all these hostile forces, even as they now plot to destroy him in any way possible. Just because they want to doesn’t mean they can, which is a condition at the heart of all of Ayn Rand’s novels, especially Atlas Shrugged. Why didn’t they kill John Galt at the end of the book? Because they couldn’t. For the same reason, they can’t do the same to Trump. They need him to make the world work, and the biggest secret is that collectivism is powerless and entirely depends on individuals to carry them through life.

I’ve heard a lot of idiotic stuff over the last four years, starting when the COVID bioweapon was released from China to attempt to destroy Trump’s presidency.  The core of the dispute was collectivism against individualism, and nothing is more effective for scaring the sheep than a deadly virus to convince the masses to run into the arms of an overly protective government and to give up these fantasies of individualism like a global pandemic.  The core of the strategy, which is how you know the whole thing was fake, was the intent to terrify people away from individualism.  When, in fact, the world was rebelling for individualism, which isn’t a new process, but one that started very early in America with a mass movement that was reflected in the Ayn Rand books and certainly played out in the best of the Hollywood movies which expanded on those ideas best when done well.  From Ben Hur and The Ten Commandments to God’s role in the universe as the ultimate individualist, a solitary figure who created the universe and everything in it, which we celebrate on Sundays in church.  The struggle was always against individualism from the mass collectivists hoping to hide their parasitic natures behind a social safety net that keeps their ruse from the world.  But Trump exploits that, and now people can see the truth, a truth they want for themselves.  They want to be free of the parasites of collectivism, and Trump gives them the best chance of breaking free by inserting a barrier between them and those, (who would dare stand at the bar with their back to the crowd and those in the crowd who plot to use that person for all they can squeeze out of them as all collectivist societies do to their individuals.  Trump is unbeatable and has learned to embrace that nature of himself over time and a well-lived life.  As a gift, he is bringing that personality trait to America, which people want desperately, and it’s showing itself in dramatic ways in 2024 politics.  And I love it!  Finally! 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

It’s Far Worse Than Anybody Thought: Covid was a Bioweapon and a Criminal Enterprise Released from China by Private/Corporate Terrorists, and those People Must be Prosecuted

Coming out of Davos in 2024 is something that I have been warning about for a few years now, and of course, with things being the way they are, we are getting the details. There are certainly plans from the same monsters who created the Covid crisis to unleash Disease X. And when you want to know who to go after for its development and release, just turn your gaze to the unelected monsters who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos. We now know that COVID was a bioweapon created by a criminal syndicate and released from China by private/corporate terrorists. Some of those terrorists are common household names, like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci. Others are not so well known, like Richard Hatchett and Ralph Baric. We know that people made it to destroy the world, and we know the names; they have been listed nicely in the Robert F. Kennedy book, The Wuhan Cover-up, which I can’t say enough about how good and relevant that book is. And it’s one of those stories much worse than reporting can point out. There was nothing natural about Covid or the methods used to deal with it. If the people who were behind the Covid outbreak of 2020 are not punished in a kind of war trial type of way, they will be inspired to do it all again, only this time worse than before. Of course, people learned at this most recent Davos gathering that Disease X is ready to go, which is why none of these people fear prosecution. Because they can release such a virus at will, and they already have a vaccine to protect them from the ramifications. We are dealing with a new kind of war here that most people can’t even wrap their minds around, yet here it is.

Richard Hatchett came up with the paper that caused the lockdowns and promoted the China strategy, not for health reasons but to crush the concept of the Bill of Rights. It’s on pg. 382 of The Wuhan Cover-up. Then, on pg. 386, he recommends to the Chinese, “There is a literature which I would certainly encourage the Chinese authorities to review.” His direct attack was on the Bill of Rights from a 2007 study and a 2006 Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan. When you want to know who created the ridiculous lockdown plans, it all started with this guy. Covid cost America alone 16 trillion dollars in losses and destroyed over a million small businesses. Who is going to pay for all that? And it was Ralph Baric, the prolific gain of function researcher at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill who mastered the cloning of the RNA viruses and seamless ligation technology that hides genetic manipulation in a process called the “no-wee-um” method. Yet, we know that Covid was genetically modified to jump from animals to humans by Baric’s people, and Dr. Fauci knew all about it. They were haughty about what they had done because they thought nobody would ever figure out that they had erased their crime. However, researchers from Duke University and the University Clinics of Wurzburg found a way to see these invisible identifiers, and they have been able to trace back that manipulation into SARS-CoV-2. That means humans made Covid in the lab at Wuhan under the full knowledge of people like Bill Gates, who was pushing for a gain of function to build vaccines ahead of time for a bioweapon that the Department of Defense could never make in the states due to regulatory oversight. China didn’t care, so everyone moved their operation there so that nobody would learn what they were doing with taxpayer money, thinking that they had the cover of a communist tyrannical government to hide their crimes.

Ultimately, this is the danger of letting a few control the many. It’s a nightmare scenario when mindless bureaucrats are given too much power over individuals and, indeed, explain the faults of an administrative state. We can never again let people like Dr. Fauci or Ralph Baric have power over the masses, no matter what you think of their sanity. When coming up with the concept of COVID protocols, Richard Hatchett let it be known in his recommendations that the target wasn’t the virus itself but the behavior of the masses in destroying the concept of individual rights, such as the Bill of Rights in America. These power-hungry maniacs can never be allowed to have the kind of power they had with COVID-19, where Bill Gates used his money to buy up media that hid the whole crime from the public with serious misinformation, which money could then determine what information was valid. Such as they did with the medical journal The Lancet, formally respected but shown during Covid to be just another whore of outside money that would say anything for a price, no matter what it did to the world. They lied, and lots of people died and continue to have their lives ruined by Covid. Covid alone is worse than any war experienced on Earth, and now we know it was only a test. The deadly viruses made by these same people are loaded up and ready to go from a bioweapons facility in various places around the world. And it’s why many of these people knew that COVID was a bioweapon meant to make globalist health policy through an emergency that would suspend the world’s constitutions and give power to the United Nations through the World Health Organization.

Thousands of people were knowingly part of this crime, and they did it anyway. The Biden administration knew by the time that they demanded everyone take the vaccine that Covid was a bioweapon made by the government for just what they were using it for. People like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates had no problem lying to President Trump about COVID-19, and they felt they were beyond the reach of the American government. That they were untouchable like some mob boss feels they have paid off all the cops and prosecutions, so they are immune to justice. COVID was not an accident; it was a purposeful terrorist act against the freedoms of all people everywhere in the world, and they attacked us viciously with that bioweapon. The bioweapon was not intended to bring harm to other countries; it was made to force compliance and to develop vaccines that the new power would control so they could pick who was going to live and who would die, which was the ultimate conquest of the world. By the time people figured it out, they would have control of the deadly viruses they make in labs, and the vaccines will be under the control of the World Economic Forum characters who have been after a Great Reset of wealth distribution for decades. And this was an attack by them that can only be viewed as a radical leftist military invasion of the entire world. And if you wanted to continue living, you’d have to do what they say, take their vaccines, and give up all your rights. Which was their plan all along, and why they no longer hide their plans, such as what was revealed in 2024 at Davos and their next weapon is Disease X.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707