Dr. Fauci Has the Right to Remain Silent: After reading Kennedy’s book, he should

The Omicron is Here!

Well, the answer to Dr. Fauci’s statement to Ted Cruz about what happened on January 6th, 2021, when the senator advocated for the prosecution of the coronavirus government bureaucrat, is that nothing happened.  On January 6th, people were upset at the election fraud certification by lazy politicians who didn’t want to rattle the cage when the cage certainly needed to be rattled.  And if I were you, Dr. Fauci, I would advise that you have the right to remain silent, and you should do so because everything you say can and will be used against you.  After reading several books about Dr. Fauci’s career, especially this latest book by Robert F Kennedy Jr., I wouldn’t be poking anybody through the fence that he thinks protects him in the swamp.  The election fraud that happened was caused by his work with the Wuhan lab in China which made the virus, and he has a lot of explaining to do.  He probably shouldn’t be talking.  In fact, for lying to Congress, he should be in jail.  Not conducting interviews on progressive television news shows seeking to shield him from justice with new talk about some ridiculous Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus that has been so damaging to the world. 

The book I’m talking about, The Real Dr. Fauci by Kennedy, is hard to get, it’s selling like hotcakes, and it has the goods.  It talks extensively with significant research into the antics of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates in creating Covid-19, to begin with, and it is the defining book on the matter.  Fauci shouldn’t even have a taxpayer-funded job after what was revealed in that book.  Was it all on purpose? I don’t think so.  Not at the level of Dr. Fauci.  It looks like China knew what it was doing when it released the virus, likely to knock Trump out of the White House.  They were losing the trade war, and China wanted to strike out at the West and take down the president.  Without question.  Fauci was working with China, but his role was more on the bioweapons side, as usual in his deeply involved pentagon work.  In working on bioweapons, Fauci could command funding wherever he wanted, which was his motivation.  It was a chance for such a little man to be the big man on campus, which is why such an old man is still working in that government job.  He would never get so much respect in the private sector.  It’s not about money for Fauci; it’s all about respect.  He was and is still high on power which his unelected office gives him.  Fauci got caught playing with fire with the Covid virus funding gain of function research, then letting it get out of hand and becoming a bioweapon for his partners, the Chinese.  As bad as all that is, what’s worse is the cover-up.  Fauci sees this Omicron variant the way the rest of the guilty see it as a much-needed cover for their massive crimes now that books are coming out like Kennedy’s.  Public opinion has been turning against all these characters, and they need some way to deflect attention away from what we are all learning. 

What Bill Gates did is actually worse than all that because, without his funding, nobody is listening to anybody on vaccines and pandemics.  Gates created this Covid-19 pandemic, and the world followed his funded plan revealed at Event 201 for how the world should react as they role-played the whole thing out in New York during October of 2019.  Everyone wanted a little of Bill Gates’ money, so they played along doing whatever he wanted to do.  Yet, for Gates, he treated people management worldwide the way he did with Microsoft programs.  Through vaccines, he intended to put everyone on an equal playing field to control mass populations to fulfill his desire for a zero-emission world.  Gates has been behaving as a Bond villain for a long time and was the power player behind Covid’s worldwide domination.  With all the costs of the lockdowns, Gates has responsibility for them all over the world.  He funded it, and he owns it.  Clearly, his goal was to tamper with the entire human race for what he thought was a good cause.  But that was the justification Hitler had when he went to war with the world to advance the cause of Germany.  All this and a lot more are in Kennedy’s book, and the number of references there leaves the guilt of Gates beyond dispute.  Gates is a bad guy who got caught tampering with the world, and you can understand why he is hoping for a sequel in the Omicron variant.  If he could deflect attention away from himself with a new pandemic, nothing could be better for him. 

Then there is the Great Reset by the United Nations.  They wanted to shut down the economies of the world, and how else were they going to get control of all of them?  Well, they were going to use the coronavirus as the excuse, of course.  This was particularly well planned in advance; Bill Gates was on board and funding it.  Amy Acton in Ohio, the abortion supporting health director who worked for Governor Mike DeWine and was quoting Joseph Campbell while she shut down Ohio, then all the other states that followed, indicating it was all for the greater good.  Dr. Fauci loved the attention, and as a lifelong Democrat, big government, centralized planning supporter, he was all on board.  This all gave him a chance to be a hero and to be more powerful than an elected president like Trump was.  That is why we caught him snickering behind Trump’s back on stage a few times.  Because he knew a lot about the big plans that Trump had no clue about, they stuck Trump on stage to be the fall guy for his undoing.  Yes, they all thought it was funny.  But they had to punish Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord.  They could not allow an America First policy to rule the world.  That was their job, so they were going to do anything to unleash the virus to cause chaos and havoc wherever it could, no matter what it cost. 

There are a lot of bad guys in this story; we could go on for days.  But at the center of it is Dr. Fauci because, without him, there wouldn’t have been a virus that jumped from a bat to humans without his NIH tampering with the process as a developing bioweapon.  We can see all the bad people who then used it for malice now as far as the eye can see deep over the horizon.  But it all started with Fauci.  And now that he’s in trouble and people are calling for his head, he hides behind the Omicron.  He and Bill Gates need a diversion.  Nobody is distracted by the Bill Gates divorce anymore or his connections to Jeffery Epstein even as James Comey’s daughter runs the trial that remains from that scandal, obviously to protect all those criminal scumbags who have always been involved.  They think they know something we don’t, so they commit these mass crimes thinking they are doing it for the greater good.  Yet the truth is that they are feeble people who have abused the resources they have in life, whether its money, political power, or just commercial influence; they all have it wrong in their own little ways, and to hide it from the public, they have given us the Omicron!

Rich Hoffman

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Netflix Propaganda Trying to Prop up Joe Biden: Turning Point 9/11 and the War on Terror

Netflix Tries to Help Joe Biden

To say the least, the new Netflix movie Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror was one of the worst pieces of propaganda that I have seen in a long time.  It was essentially an explanation of the Biden administration pulling out of Afghanistan so recently that it covered all the current events of August 2021.  It was as If community organizer Barack Obama had been whispering in the ear of Joe Biden after all, telling him and his administration precisely what to do with Afghanistan, letting him be the face of it. At the same time, Obama and his Nantucket friends worked on this documentary for Netflix to sell to the public.  The documentary series, which is five episodes long, sounded like a speech written and performed by Barack Obama.  It was an utterance of progressivism in all its despiteful colors.  But it’s worth watching because it’s always good to understand how the other side thinks.  After showing the history of 9/11, before and after the event that eventually gave so much power over to the federal government intruding American privacy forever, the series went right up to the scripted withdrawal of American troops by the Biden administration.  It was an attempt to whitewash the troop exit by blaming every conservative president over the last 40 years, including Ronald Reagan.  But the Democrat presidents, such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama get a free pass which led to Joe Biden having to clean up the whole mess with a message that ended the program with a solution.  If only people loved each other more, none of the terrible things that happened with the war on terror would have occurred.

The series never addresses why the anti-capitalist terrorists of Osama bin Laden flew planes into the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.  Only, it insinuates that we had it coming because we helped Afghanistan fight the communists of the Soviet Union during the years of Reagan and that we had all that anger coming.  So, we were supposed to take our medicine and accept the terrorist activity instead of going into a rage against every terrorist we could find and torture them until we were satisfied. We could infiltrate every terrorist network in the world.  While it was true, America was attacked, and people expected someone’s head on a plate, and the government under Bush at the time had to give them one.  Someone’s ass needed to be kicked.  And kick it, we did.  The documentary questions the sanity of this approach as if defending American ideas was something that we shouldn’t do.  These are the same forces advocating for ANTIFA, for Black Lives Matters burning down cities, and for Marxism wherever they can get it.  These are also the same people who don’t want sports players standing for the National Anthem or even saying the Pledge of Allegiance anywhere.  We are dealing with radical America-hating tyrants here who made this Netflix documentary, and it should make anybody sick to their very souls.

As I explained recently, winning the war with Afghanistan or anything regarding the War on Terror has been impossible because we have many in politics who indeed are domestic terrorists who want to see the end of America and the rise of the United Nations.  They generally take money from George Soros or Michael Bloomberg and many other liberal billionaires functioning outside the election parameters of our republic, and their plans are already well established.  Our soldiers could fight in Afghanistan every day for the rest of their lives, and those domestic terrorists in our government would not let them win.  Many have open alliances with China, and China wants to re-establish control of a kind of Silk Road through Afghanistan to acquire mineral rights and the black-market drug trade.  And they want to leverage Taiwan, so they wanted Americans out of the region.  It’s Vietnam all over again; terrorists in America wanted communism and were undermining patriotic efforts at every turn to make it happen. It’s the same thing in Afghanistan. 

I used to watch interviews of John Wayne, who made the great film The Green Beret, to motivate the American war effort in Vietnam and see him so dejected throughout the war.  He made movies about gunning down enemies who were defined as villains.  But in the case of Vietnam, the enemies were political.  The soldiers did their fighting and were good at it.  But the objectives were deliberately kept obscure to allow communism to flow into the country and take over as the big industrial country of America was forced to yield to village antagonists and be embarrassed on the world stage.  That is precisely the same strategy in Afghanistan.  The Taliban loves their goats a lot more than their women.  They have nothing to lose, so they fight with no fear.  They have been radicalized to the extreme and politically poised to win by hiding in the mountains until America was defeated from the inside out. Of course, China was whispering in their ear.  And to swallow the whole thing altogether, Obama and Biden did what they always wanted to do, pull out of Afghanistan and attempt to blame it all on a Republican president.  And if anybody questioned them, they would scream, “COVID” and try to force everyone to put on a mask and hide from the world while they did their bidding. 

Whether intentional or by sheer stupidity, the true essence of 9/11 was that the CIA and the FBI screwed up.  They didn’t speak to each other and let the terrorists slip by to commit these monstrous acts.   And in the aftermath, just as we have seen with the Covid playbook, the government passed more laws, expanded the government, and made travel harder, all in the name of protecting America from further terrorist attacks.  But if the FBI had been doing their jobs in the first place, 9/11 never would have happened.  Based on what they did to the Trump campaign, the radicalism of their liberal ranks, it is believable that they might have let 9/11 happen on purpose so that our government could expand. They could usher in such a way some globalist utopia that the United Nations would manage in the way that Sir Thomas More imagined.  It sounds like a good idea when you are sipping wine in the backyards of Georgetown. Still, things get more confusing when trying to apply such things to real life.  Some people would vote for Trump as a solution in the future, and goats in Afghanistan have more political capital than a good-looking woman who they beat to a bloody pulp just for letting her skin show in public. Radical religious zealots and sheer stupidity caused 9/11.  And when Americans indicated that they were willing to give up some freedoms to have some safety, well then, the government thought it had a formula for world takeover working with communist governments, first in the Soviet Union, and now today, China.  This has left the rest of us to feel abandoned and confused as our government ran off without us to make deals not in the interest of the United States but by forces against us because that’s where the power of tomorrow they think will come from.  Like John Wayne from years ago, we couldn’t fathom the betrayal, the masks of evil we were presented with.  This is why until recently, we didn’t see it.  But now, even tricks like this documentary aren’t working.  People nowadays, enough people, see through it all to the truth. 

Rich Hoffman

The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business
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The Murder of Wild Bill: Ghosts are still in Deadwood that prove the intent of election fraud

The Murder of Wild BIll

It was perplexing to my family that I wanted so diligently to go to Deadwood, South Dakota, for really one reason, and one reason only.  I wanted to go to the spot of the Number 10 Saloon, the original one, and see where Wild Bill Hickok was gunned down by Jack McCall over what many thought was a sour poker game.  But many also thought that the business community of Deadwood paid McCall to kill off Wild Bill before he could bring his excellent reputation as a sheriff to the town to render justice.  Many in Deadwood wanted to keep it an outlaw town of villainy and sorrow because that’s where the profit was for them.  That was the rationale for why they couldn’t get a prosecution of McCall in the first trial because the town of Deadwood wanted to kill off Wild Bill before an official sheriff came to be.  Eventually, law and order would come to Deadwood in the form of Seth Bullock. Still, the criminal intent of the town was made clear early, and it’s a theme that is repeated many times over in the future years of America, leading right up to the election the first time of Donald J. Trump as president.  I like westerns because these kinds of things are easier to see without the complicated tapestries of modern society, so when looking for proof of malice in human hearts, I was eager to get to Deadwood to see the spot for myself. 

The Original Number 10 Saloon in Deadwood

My daughter and I clambered down in the basement of the modern saloon called The Wild Bill Bar.  The bathrooms are down there, so it was easy for us to see the original street level of Deadwood that was about 6 feet lower than the current street of the modern town.  That was where the actual Number 10 Saloon had resided, and we could get a sense down there of how it was back then, where Wild Bill had been sitting and what views Jack McCall had as he approached the back of the famous gunfighter and shot him point-blank in the head.  For me, from there, I wanted to go outside and look up and down the street to see where spectators would have been relative to the murder and listen for the gunshots and the mayhem that followed.  Deadwood back then, as it is today, is far away from the civilized world. It’s a long way from Washington D.C. or New York, so the arm of the law was feeble.  It reveals even today the true nature of most human beings if left to their own devices, which I find very valuable.  You may not like what you see, but it’s honest.  And being that this kind of topic is something I spend a lot of time thinking about, I considered it essential to see this last living place of Wild Bill, one of the greatest gunfighters that ever lived. 

On The Hunt in Deadwood

I took two big trips this year all over the west to see locations I had been writing about in my new book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business.  The first trip was to finish the book in Roswell, New Mexico, where John Chism had lived.  The second trip was a bigger one to celebrate the completion of all the gally proofs before heading to pre-production.  Seeing direct evidence of the murder of Wild Bill was important to me because it showed a repeat in history for the election fraud that had just taken place against President Trump.  It led to what extent and why people kill or destroy other people.  We saw it happening right in front of our faces on the nightly news.  But on the wild frontier of Deadwood, South Dakota, it had occurred in the Number 10 Saloon.  It was a crime scene preserved not just there but in the town itself.  It wasn’t Jack McCall who killed Wild Bill.  Sure, he pulled the trigger.  But it was the town itself that killed him, and that town was still pleading “not guilty.” Even as its streets flooded with the blood of guilt that still stained everything, including the parking garage in the town center, it was the dumbest parking garage in the history of parking garages.  It was too small, too expensive, and their validation system seems to be designed by a 5-year-old.

The Original Street Level in Deadwood under the Number 10 Saloon

Even saying all that, I loved Deadwood.  I loved it for all its wildness, even though my taste is more for towns like Jackson, Wyoming, as destination places to visit. I’m glad places like that still exist because there is a lot to learn from it.  Today it’s a biker town, wild and wooly and proud of it.  We ended up eating as a family at Mustang Sally’s, and to my back were various gambling machines that were everywhere in Deadwood.  There were more gambling devices there than anyplace I’ve seen except for Vegas.  But per square inch of floor space, Deadwood has everyone beat. It’s a gambling town.  That tends to produce many down and out people in life, but as I say in my Gunfighter’s Guidebook, gambling gives people hope that they might elevate their station in life with sudden wealth.  It may be a kind of flytrap that ends up making them poorer, but the hope of it is what matters.  Just like the boomtown Deadwood used to be for gold mining, the idea of quick, new money to elevate people’s station in life beyond the aristocratic norms was the driver of the entire future economy.  And that’s not a bad thing.  As I drove across South Dakota and Iowa for many thousands of miles, I had been thinking about election fraud and the Covid scam by globalist-minded insurgents who were using fear and crises to control all of humankind toward lawlessness.  It reminded me of the kind of people who paid Jack McCall to kill the great gunfighter Wild Bill, the motives and the political climate that would follow in its wake.  Eventually, justice was served, and that will be the case in the United States as well.  What I wanted to see was the spot where Wild Bill was shot and compare it to what Deadwood eventually became in a modern sense.  It wasn’t a sad song for me to see the actual places, but it was revealing.  I felt my visit to Deadwood was a visit to a ghost of many maniacal creatures, and they are still hovering over the events there.  There is a kind of cold killer in the air at Deadwood that people are desperate to gamble their way away from.  But with every pull of a slot machine, they only make those ghosts that much more menacing by the hour.  Deadwood has always struggled to climb out from under its lawlessness established during its founding.  It’s good to see that even where the law is abandoned or even hated, that there is still a kind of sense of justice everywhere.  Whether it is the young lady sitting half outside of her shop covered in body piercings and tattoos smoking a cigarette looking for a new male roommate that might whisk her away on the back of a motorcycle for fifteen minutes of fame, or the overweight guy in Mustang Salley’s who just spent his entire paycheck for a chance to strike it rich, buy a Class A rig and spend the rest of his life roaming the earth off the winnings, what the town of Deadwood has always wanted, just as all Americans want, is a chance to get somewhere in life without the rules of an aristocratic society guiding them.  They want freedom, and if murder is the means to get there, they’ll undoubtedly do it

My Granddaughter looking for me and her Mom in the site where Wild Bill was Murdered

Rich Hoffman

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The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Nice to See Parents Fighting Back: Finally, people are beginning to see what a scam public education has always been

I have been enjoying lately the company of people who are just starting to figure out how bad public education truly is.  Maybe the best thing about Covid and its disaster has been forcing parents to think of alternative babysitting services for their children.  You know how I always say that liberals love to plan, but they never know what to do once they get where they want to go.  That is what liberals did to themselves over Covid and using it as an excuse to stay home from work.  Now that people have had a taste of life without public schools, now they can afford to ask questions about it that they may have never dared to ask before.  And now they can see just what vile institutions of progressive intrusions that they have been all along.  Now that they are speaking out against Critical Race Theory and other liberal causes taught in taxpayer-funded schools, we may see a ray of hope yet in a future for education in general.  And that is a good thing.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: RINO Paul Ryan and others

Donald J. Trump

9:23am May 28, 2021

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!

Don’t Be Distracted by the UFOs: Government has been caught in major crimes, and they want a diversion

Don’t be distracted by the new shiny object.  Keep your eye on the ball.  Suddenly the government is talking about UFOs.  The Pentagon is revealing lots of top-secret information about the frequency of the UFO sightings and that they have become accustomed to the violations of restricted airspace.  But the real story is not about UFOs or the possibility of a “full disclosure” that aliens have been visiting earth for centuries.  The real story is about “gain of function” at the Wuhan lab. Dr. Fauci was directly involved in funding in China to modify viruses for whatever reasons making them more transmissible. Isn’t it something that Fauci became the mouthpiece of how to fight Covid-19 when in fact, he was directly responsible for its creation?  And we can only ponder now why he worked to create it in partnership with China.  We have seen how Bill Gates was behaving who was a partner in crime with Fauci.  With the divorce with Malinda Gates, we learn a lot about Gates, especially regarding the pedophile rumors that always surrounded Bill’s relationship with Jeffery Epstein. Isn’t it interesting that just as the divorce was announced of the Gates radicals and Dr. Fauci was getting in trouble with his connection to the Wuhan lab in China, suddenly we hear all these stories about UFOs splashed on the news, even on 60 Minutes?  Oh, and now suddenly there are very few Covid cases, and our country is going back to normal like nothing ever happened.  Hmmmmmmmmm. 

The UFO stories are nothing new.  The enticement that the government is going to come clean on what they know about UFOs is attached to a report that is due to us in June, which won’t say too much, but will tell enough to take all these other major scandal stories off the front page as headliners.  Compound the problems with Gates and Fauci and add election fraud from Mike Lindell, who refuses to go away and is all over the Dominion voting machine problems. Arizona is doing an election audit that has a lot of people very scared of the results. We have some of the biggest stories in the history of the world happening at the same time.  So, suppose you are one of the criminals involved and trying to save face for your involvement in any of them, especially from the perspective of the media. In that case, there is only one story that could be bigger than the sum of them all, and that is contact with an alien species. 

Yes, authorities are that pathetic to stoop to such a level.  For many years the UFO sightings have been dangled out there as a means of control over the population.  To get the public to look at one thing while the government did other things.  I recently spent some great quality time in Roswell, New Mexico studying at the UFO Museum they have there, an excellent facility full of inquiring minds.  I was very disappointed that their extensive library was closed due to Covid restrictions. Still, just a glance shows the massive evidence that there is that UFOs are very common. Our government has been deeply involved with them, kind of like a parent hiding presents for Christmas and blaming Santa for their concealment until someday in the future where they can be unwrapped.  Given the amount of conspiracy that surrounds the UFO cases, it almost looks as if the government has been building up the anticipation to play those cards for their self-preservation at some future time. 

My take on our time in Roswell was that the government was covering up something. I’d say that the prominent something was nuclear missile tests that were going on in the area and that the arsenal of delivery was housed there for a time.  Regarding the UFO crash, it was likely an accident.  Likely friendly fire and some diplomacy was involved in correcting it.  But it gave the military an excellent cover story, with Russia always trying to peek over the fence at the time to see what we were up to.  To build up that story, if the government ever got into some real trouble, like they are now with destroying the economy with Covid to get rid of President Trump, and their knowledgeable participation of election fraud, again to get rid of President Trump, then if they were caught, they could do as they did in Roswell, they could get people looking at these UFOs and hiding the actual crimes.  So perhaps some little fellows from outside of earth’s historic timeline were flying around over New Mexico and crashed.  The crashed remains were brought to my backyard and studied at Hanger 18 at Write Patterson Airforce Base.  So what?  The real story was the nuclear testing going on in that area; the UFO crash was just a needed diversion.   To this day, it’s evident that the dying town of Roswell is embracing its UFO past to stay alive as a tourist trap.  I can’t blame them; Roswell is a great little town.  It has a lot more going for it than just a UFO conspiracy, and people should go for its vast cowboy history.  But now, it’s all about UFOs because that’s what people are interested in.

From that perspective, it’s clear what the Pentagon is up to.  They have all these UFO stories tucked away.  Now they are in trouble for what they know about the Covid attacks on American sovereignty and the ill intentions of the government seeking to commit massive election fraud.  So out come the UFO stories to get everyone talking about the next shiny object.  Once they think the Covid stories are safely tucked into history, once they see that people have hopefully forgotten about election fraud, then they can turn the UFO stories back into conspiracy theories and get back to ordering their lattés for lunch without worrying about their complicity in the most significant crimes of the century.  UFOs are and have been for a while not so much about full disclosure; it’s always been a cover story for government ineptness and a shiny thing to look at to avoid people seeing the real problems.  It’s never about the UFOs themselves or the civilizations they may represent.  It’s always about using a perceived cover-up to hide the authentic cover-up, the crimes the government gets themselves involved in while micromanaging society at large.

It should come as no surprise that big-time liberals like the Clintons and Podestas are all about Full Disclosure regarding UFOs and their history.  They love the diversions from their governmental failures.  During the years of Trump, there was very little to talk about regarding UFOs.  Sure there were sightings, but the American First Agenda was more significant than the silly UFO stories, so the public appetite wasn’t in favor of hearing about them.  But now, with Biden in the White House, with America thinking small again, UFO stories are back in vogue, and they are coming at us faster than ever before.  But not because they are new stories, but because they are a convenient distraction from a government that is drowning in crimes they’ve committed and seek desperately to keep concealed from an increasingly angry public.

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: Have fun!

Donald J. Trump

12:02pm May 19, 2021

I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here. The Attorney General of New York literally campaigned on prosecuting Donald Trump even before she knew anything about me. She said that if elected, she would use her office to look into “every aspect” of my real estate dealings. She swore that she would “definitely sue” me. She boasted on video that she would be, and I quote, “a real pain in the ass.” She declared, “just wait until I’m in the Attorney General’s office,” and, ”I’ve got my eyes on Trump Tower.” She also promised that, if elected, she would “join with law enforcement and other Attorney Generals across this nation in removing this President from office,” and, “It’s important that everyone understand that the days of Donald Trump are coming to an end.” The Attorney General made each of these statements, not after having had an opportunity to actually look at the facts, but BEFORE she was even elected, BEFORE she had seen even a shred of evidence. This is something that happens in failed third world countries, not the United States. If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish to enact political retribution, then we are no longer a free constitutional democracy. Likewise, the District Attorney’s office has been going after me for years based on a lying, discredited low life, who was not listened to or given credibility by other prosecutorial offices, and sentenced to 3 years in prison for lying and other events unrelated to me. These investigations have also been going on for years with members and associates of the Trump Organization being viciously attacked, harassed, and threatened, in order to say anything bad about the 45th President of the United States. This would include having to make up false stories. Numerous documents, all prepared by large and prestigious law and accounting firms, have been examined, and many hours of testimony have been taken from many people, some of whom I have not seen in years. These Democrat offices are consumed with this political and partisan Witch Hunt at a time when crime is up big in New York City, shootings are up 97%, murders are up 45%, a rate not seen in 40 years, drugs and criminals are pouring into our Country in record numbers from our now unprotected Southern Border, and people are fleeing New York for other much safer locations to live. But the District Attorney and Attorney General are possessed, at an unprecedented level, with destroying the political fortunes of President Donald J. Trump and the almost 75 million people who voted for him, by far the highest number ever received by a sitting President. That is what these investigations are all about—a continuation of the greatest political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States. Working in conjunction with Washington, these Democrats want to silence and cancel millions of voters because they don’t want “Trump” to run again. As people are being killed on the sidewalks of New York at an unprecedented rate, as drugs and crime of all kinds are flowing through New York City at record levels, with absolutely nothing being done about it, all they care about is taking down Trump. Our movement, which started with the Great Election Win of 2016, is perhaps the biggest and most powerful in the history of our Country. But the Democrats want to cancel the Make America Great Again movement, not by Making America First, but by Making America Last. No President has been treated the way I have. With all of the crime and corruption you read about with others, nothing happens, they only go after Donald Trump. After prosecutorial efforts the likes of which nobody has ever seen before, they failed to stop me in Washington, so they turned it over to New York to do their dirty work. This is what I have been going through for years. It’s a very sad and dangerous tale for our Country, but it is what it is, and we will overcome together. I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system. It would be so wonderful if the effort used against President Donald J. Trump, who lowered taxes and regulations, rebuilt our military, took care of our Veterans, created Space Force, fixed our border, produced our vaccine in record-setting time (years ahead of what was anticipated), and made our Country great and respected again, and so much more, would be focused on the ever more dangerous sidewalks and streets of New York. If these prosecutors focused on real issues, crime would be obliterated, and New York would be great and free again!

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: Maricopa County election fraud

Donald J. Trump

2:12pm May 15, 2021

The entire Database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been DELETED! This is illegal and the Arizona State Senate, who is leading the Forensic Audit, is up in arms. Additionally, seals were broken on the boxes that hold the votes, ballots are missing, and worse. Mark Brnovich, the Attorney General of Arizona, will now be forced to look into this unbelievable Election crime. Many Radical Left Democrats and weak Republicans are very worried about the fact that this has been exposed. The DELETION of an entire Database and critical Election files of Maricopa County is unprecedented. Many other States to follow. The Mainstream Media and Radical Left Democrats want to stay as far away as possible from the Presidential Election Fraud, which should be one of the biggest stories of our time. Fox News is afraid to cover it—there is rarely a mention. Likewise, Newsmax has been virtually silent on this subject because they are intimidated by threats of lawsuits. One America News (OAN), one of the fastest growing networks on television, and the “hottest”, is doing a magnificent job of exposing the massive fraud that took place. The story is only getting bigger and at some point it will be impossible for the weak and/or corrupt media not to cover. Thank you to OAN and other brave American Patriots. It is all happening quickly!

The Chronicles of Geekdom: Terrorism and Divorce in the world of Bill Gates

Bill Gates has a Girlfriend and it looks like he’s been using Covid activism to hide it

In the Chronicles of Geekdom, this is all very normal. We have heard all by now that Bill Gates and his wife Melinda are getting a divorce, which is a pretty tricky thing to do considering that during their entire marriage, Bill has maintained a relationship with his old girlfriend, Ann Winblad. Bill’s wife was alright with all this, and so were the kids as Gates would take yearly trips to Ann’s place in North Carolina to walk on the beaches and talk about things. Usually, this wouldn’t be any of our business; whatever couples do, they do.  But Bill and Melinda Gates, throughout the Covid crises, which Gates and their Foundation primarily funded, have been telling us what to do and how to live for quite a long time.  And now they can’t even manage to keep a marriage together for the sake of their teenage children. Think about that, you have all the money in the world, Bill Gates had a hall pass from his wife to carry on a relationship with an old girlfriend from the 80s, but they can’t find a reason to stay married. Isn’t that something?

Bill Gates took weekend trips to see ex-girlfriend while married to Melinda (msn.com)

Remember when Socialist Obama gave Bill and Melinda awards for dedicating themselves to giving away all their money, as these communist losers from the Democrat Party have always believed.  The political left propped up the Gates family because of all their philanthropy, as everyone wanted some of that money for their “great” causes.  The panic in the mainstream world over this announced divorce is harsh, so many people from the left have come to rely on the vast wealth of the modern-day power couple.  But like Citizen Kane, where all he wanted as a wealthy and powerful figure was his Rosebud, Gates wants to walk on the beach with the now old lady Ann Winblad and talk about biotechnology and play putt-putt.  This has increased the panic because, as the media has been telling us, drunk off Gates’s money, Bill and Melinda were the ultimate power couple fully equipped to advise us on how to live our lives.  They meant to inform us how we should think, raise our families, and how our government should operate.  Now that all that is not true, the foundations of many people’s lives have fallen out from under them, and they are worried in a way that is entirely foreign to them.  ABC News sounded as if they had just lost a favorite dog and that they may never be happy again. 

It was, in fact, Gates who was Mr. Covid.  He worked with the Chinese to unleash Covid and used the virus to help change how outbreaks were managed not by science but by media consensus, thus controlling governments.  Bill Gates was dangled by the strings of his crazy wife, Melinda. He told President Trump well before Dr. Fauci said much the same thing: his administration could be responsible for millions of deaths if he didn’t shut down the economy.  Of course, Trump didn’t want to kill people, so he listened to the scientists, all controlled or influenced heavily by Gates and his climate change agenda.  Gates was giving money to China; Gates was giving money to the World Health Organization.  We know now that the teacher’s unions were influencing the CDC, which was all influenced by Gates money, so Bill Gates put himself out there everywhere where the trouble came to our society.  And he knew what he was doing.  The Friday before the first of the lockdowns by Mike DeWine on that following Sunday, Bill Gates resigned from the Microsoft Board to divert the negative attention away from the company that made him rich.  So this was all a very continuous decision by him to attack our world politically and economically.  And this so-called genius can’t even keep a marriage together.  He misses his old girlfriend Ann Winblad, his own personal “Rosebud.”

I don’t personally care if people have flaws like the Gates family does.  As I’ve said before, I always felt Melinda was a radical leftist who drug the geek boy Gates along as a vehicle for her activism.  That’s their business until they drag the rest of us into their lives by sticking their noses into our business, with climate change, disease control, and acting as if they knew best what we all should be doing and using their vast wealth to do it.  They put themselves in all our living rooms, directed policy that cost millions of jobs, caused massive, illegal voter fraud, and deliberately tampered with the happiness of millions of people worldwide. The media ate out of their hands—they were featured everywhere.  Their money bought them access to the press. That allowed unfiltered communism to be uttered out of Melinda’s mouth straight to our ears. There was no way to turn away from them unless we chose to quit life and move to a mountaintop with no electricity or running water. The Gates family put themselves into our lives in every aspect of it and presented themselves as unelected tyrants.  Dr. Fauci was never a real threat; his puppet master Bill Gates was from the start.  Fauci wanted Gates money for his various enterprises and, like any trained seal, would do anything—anything—to get it. 

And now we learn that this vast intelligence of Bill Gates all along, for several decades, never lost his love for an old girlfriend that all the money in the world couldn’t supplant.  Or a new wife who Gates asked his girlfriend permission to marry like a child asking a mother to move on to a new caregiver.  We learn that with all the attempts to save the world from a liberal perspective, all it ever was was an attempt to fill a void that Gates had in being away from the love of his life,  Ann Winblad.  Now that Covid is falling apart as a story and the geeks in the Gates political spectrum are learning about the true rebellious nature of the American spirit. They are now rejecting everything that came out of Covid; walking on the beach with Winblad sounds pretty good.  More than good.  She may be an old lady now, but she and Bill can play putt-putt and hide from the damage caused by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  Covid by genius Bill Gates and all his money invested was supposed to change the world and save it from humans by tricking them into staying locked in their houses, giving up their cars and even their jobs.  And for a while, too long, Americans gave Gates and his government insurgents the benefit of the doubt.  But after losing Trump in the process and many of their jobs, the tide is changing.  After a year of losing sports and other entertainment and having to wear a stupid mask everywhere, people are finally starting to fight back.  Ultimately history will show that was why Bill and Melinda divorced.  Bill already had a pass to hang out with his old girlfriend.  The pressure of getting caught in so many manipulations has now hurt the Gates brand in a way that no amount of money will ever fix.  And suddenly, playing putt-putt with a 70-year-old lady sounds like the best thing in the world.  To hell with the kids, it’s t-time on hole number 1 that is a par 3. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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China’s President Biden: The timeshare of communism in America

Yes, the speech to congress in late April of 2021 might as well have been written by Karl Marx.  And that is what most of the commentators heard and reported in the wake after.  It was the usual banter back and forth with some lovely comments about Tim Scott’s response.  Tim is a great guy, and yes, he’s a black guy.  I thought the Biden speech was so weak that my dog could have responded to it, so it was kind of a waste of time for Tim to connect him to the same event.  It shows that Republicans missed the entire point of the Biden speech.  Putting a black Republican into that parade of socialism was what they thought was a clever move when in all actuality, it was an endorsement of playing this political fight the way Democrats want it.  No, the truth of the matter wasn’t about the issues or anything positive that Tim Scott might have said to poise Republicans to take back the House and Senate in 2022.  The subtext and intent of the speech were much more sinister and global.  I suffered through the address because I thought I needed to for my political hobby of commentary and advisement.  And I’m glad I did because I wouldn’t have known otherwise that Xi Jinping was such a prominent character in the Biden speech.  Biden spoke about how much time he had spent with Xi over the years and talked up the Chinese communist leader as a very ambitious man and that if we weren’t careful, we were going to lose everything to them. 

Biden was soft-selling communism in the same way that people who sell timeshares get you to buy their product.  They invite you in with the promise of no commitment, except for a little bit of your time.  Then once you’ve slept in their condo, and they’ve treated you to a nice vacation, they insist on a pitch that throws loads of guilt at you, and before you know it, you are signing up for a timeshare.  In this case, Biden said a whole lot that wasn’t obvious unless you understand these kinds of selling games.  Biden threw out a very liberal agenda.  Used Xi as the quintessential example we are chasing after in the world marketplace and that if we did not implement that liberal plan, we would all be working for China soon.  Biden mentioned that we need to add pre-K classes to three-year-old kids and to offer two years of community college after high school, all for free, paid for by increased taxes on the rich and dynamic.  Of course, Biden ignored the fact that our K through 12 education is a joke of liberalism that is harming children, not helping them now.  But the point of this speech was to sell more government education to shape minds into friendly communist subjects for an emerging government. 

But Biden said something else too, something that flew right over the heads of everyone.  He suggested that Xi would often tell him that democracy doesn’t work, that it’s too messy.  The implication is that communism is the way to go; that’s how you can get things done.  Democracy is too slow.  That the secret to success is in pushing things down people’s throats, they’ll thank you later.  Biden, of course, was using Xi as the bad cop where Biden was playing good cop.  Of course, Xi would approve and feed him a nice snack the next time they met on how well Biden did in selling communism without naming the beast to the top of the American government and the nation.  Biden made it sound as if he was willing to give democracy a chance, but that soon we’d have to make a decision; otherwise, China would be kicking our ass economically. So, if Republicans didn’t get on board and unite with Democrats on infrastructure, taxes, health care, open borders, and the Green New Deal, then we would all fall to China in the years to come.  Again, fear of a foreign power calling the shots and adopting socialism to fight communism is essentially the same thing.  Capitalism isn’t even an option to the Biden administration.  Of course, we knew it already, but Biden said it with his example of his admitted friend, Xi Jinping.

Now for anybody who truly understands economics and human empowerment, they know that China isn’t prosperous. I’ve addressed the issue many times here.  China only succeeds by copying the United States and stealing intellectual property.  Communist cultures destroy individual creativity and therefore ruin businesses.  The only way they can achieve this is by luring American companies to their economy and selling Americans things at a cheaper rate than buying American typically does.  Biden also addressed that issue by advocating that American’s “buy American” but then promoted that unions regain their power to take over the management of businesses, which are all socialist and communist in their intentions.  Labor unions are not pro-American groups.  They are international for a reason: to protect workers while selling to them the concept of socialism, which then ruins our culture from the inside out.  Either way, Biden plans to hand America over to Xi Jinping by making it look like it’s for our good without telling anybody that China is helpless without the United States.

The real answers are, of course, more free-market enterprise.  Less government school and more school of hard knocks.  In buying American with those American companies being dedicated to the United States and not global conglomerates like Coka Cola, which is operated out of London these days, just a few blocks away from the grave of Karl Marx.  And why would corporations still support Biden with his proposed tax hikes on the rich?  Well, it’s to get into new markets; they want access to the markets of over a billion people in China.  So to play ball in that game, they must adopt communism and China’s way of doing business.  China put Biden on that stage that night, and he spoke as their representative.  He certainly didn’t represent America.  Biden said that if Republicans fought him too much on his policies that we’d have no choice but to turn to communism to survive as a country. It’s the same trick that these politicians have pulled on the global corporations. The sales pitch is that there are only 300 million people in America.  There are over a billion in China.  Which market is more valuable to you, Mr. and Mrs. Corporation?  The Chinese never tell those corporations or our government about our partnership because there is always a catch, just like the timeshare salespeople.  You might have access to those billion people, but they don’t have any money to buy those products.  But by the time that these global corporations learn the hard truth, they have sold their souls to communism by then.  And the paid-off politicians, like the Biden family, are in on the game.  They work against America every day and sell the switch to communism through speeches like the one we heard from Biden.  That is what the speech was about; it was a warning to cooperate with the radical Democrats or be destroyed.  Because China is looming, and they are the ones in control. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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