I Want Revenge: Bathe in the suffering of our enemies–they deserve it

We just had the three-year anniversary of President Trump leaving the White House which they showed recently on the Warroom with Steve Bannon and I’ll have to admit, I want revenge.  I want my political enemies to suffer deeply for what they did; that day was one of the worst days of my life.  And there have been some bad days.  It was worse for me because of what I do and my role; I pay more attention to these things than most people care to.  I was very mad when Trump gave that last speech before flying off in Air Force One that last time after his first term.  I am still angry.  Mad.  I want bad things to happen to the thousands of people who participated in that exile.  There were very few Republicans who were there to send away one of the most popular presidents in history.  The SWAMP was happy to get rid of Trump after all they did to conspire against him.  On that day three years ago, and since, we have learned just how bad the Uniparty truly is and to what effect the Deep State thought it was in charge. And that was indeed one of the darkest days of my life because, to my very soul, I love America and the concept of America.  And it was obvious that we were not in charge of America.  We were shown that we did not have a representative government, and that day’s message was, “Thanks for playing; we’ll fly you where you want to go in our airplane and drop you off.  And we never want to see you again.”  I was so mad at that time that my wife and I packed up our stuff and headed out into the desert for a while in our RV.  I didn’t want to see anybody or talk to anybody.  I needed to clear my head and recalibrate.  And I’m glad I did.  While traveling, Rush Limbaugh died, Biden moved into the White House, and what I think of as the darkest days of America were in front of us.  It was a horrible time.

You don’t want to know what I was thinking when this picture was taken. Thank goodness there was a vast desert for me to cool down in

And as bad as it was I told everyone, some people wanted to grab guns and overthrow the government, to hold tight and use the rules to beat these guys.  I went way out of my way to convince people that the insurrection act of Trump refusing to leave the White House and use the military to fight back against the apparent coup was not the right one, as tempted as I was to snap myself.  To say I hate the people who participated in that day is an understatement, and people can tell me it’s not very Jesus-like.  But I speak to all of them that if Jesus wants to forgive them, he can at the Heavenly gates, or the Devil can at the gates of Hell.  But I want revenge for what they did.  I want them all to suffer and more.  My message to everyone upset has finally come back around to fulfillment and I’ll have to admit, I have been waiting for this day all this time, and I can taste the blood in my mouth from the vengeance I want to see happening to people like Paul Ryan, Barack Obama, Joe Biden and his ridiculous family, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Mittens Romney, and the entire band of globalists at Davos, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, ABC News, NBC News, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, all of them.  They deserve to suffer for what they did and did a lot.  Covid was a bioweapon made and released to facilitate a Great Reset, a Marxist plot hatched at the World Economic Forum and released from China because everyone figured the communist government could contain the story of its release.  And Covid was released to perform massive election fraud and, steal the election from Trump, and ruin the American economy that was at that time thriving.  And I took it as an act of war that our people were deeply involved in.  The kind of people who did not show up to see Trump off that day.

It was ironic that in a Georgia courtroom at the 3rd anniversary of Trump leaving the White House on that horrendously cold day in January of 2021, it was proven that the digital machines could be hacked and votes changed, which has been happening for a very long time, likely since the invention of the internet. There is no question now what happened. Over these last three years, the proof has come out, and all the conspirators are trying to advance the topic so they never have to pay for what they did, essentially telling us that we are not in charge of our government. And that when they sent Trump packing, they were spitting in our face. Which is why my wife and I went to the desert to think. I had been telling everyone to use the rules to beat these guys because once you drew guns and fought them with a violent insurrection, then you couldn’t use those same rules to put Trump back in office and the whole system of justice would be gone forever. As it stands now, the Uniparty has to make the same move, and if they choose to pick up arms and defend their power, then it is on them. We have waited and played by the rules as much as possible because we have been planning for this day all this time: the revenge tour. And I couldn’t wait.

While in the desert, my wife and I found an excellent place to eat breakfast called the Cowboy Café. Each morning, we would get an omelet and take it back to our camper to dine and watch the news on television.  It snowed in the desert that year, and temperatures were devastatingly cold.  There was a little grocery next to that Cowboy Café where we bought most of our food for that time, and it was the people in that region that picked up my spirit, and I figured out the path to hope that was in front of us.  And I came away from that trip ready to fight and do whatever had to be done, which I have been doing behind the scenes since then and even more than I had been doing up to that point.  But here we are.  Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the race, as well as Vivek Ramaswamy, as the primaries are clearly showing that most of America is ready for Trump again in the same way I am.  But make no mistake: I’m not alone in wanting revenge for what has been done to us.  A lot of people must pay for the crimes they committed.  And as I said, you beat these guys with the rules even though I was tempted otherwise.  They used the rules to steal away Trump, the best president likely in American history, so we can utilize them to turn the tables on them, which is happening now.  But don’t cry for your enemies.  Bathe in their tears, enjoy their howls of anguish, delight in their suffering, and don’t feel sorry for those losers.  They have it coming, and they should handle the kind of wrath that makes people beg for the fires of Hell and the impalement of a pitchfork into their worthless carcasses for eternal damnation.  Trump prefers to take the high road and says the best revenge is living well and winning.  And to be a gracious winner.  That’s not where I’m at and never will be.  I want a pound of flesh from each who contributed to the crime, and I’ll never get over it.  They are lucky Trump is so gracious.

Rich Hoffman

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The Interview Between President Trump and Steve Bannon: A political class that wants to keep the bar low hate those who challenge them

For some strange reason, people have all the wrong values about what makes a good president, and they are reluctant to support President Trump in public. And when I say that, I’m thinking of people who think Ron DeSantis is a better option. This past week, Ohio Senator Matt Dolan made it clear that in his future political efforts, he wasn’t in favor of Trump, which is just bizarre that he thinks that’s a smart political calculation that people will respect. Because when Trump recently sat down with Steve Bannon to give an hour-long interview on the Warroom podcast, the Trump everyone should know was clear to see. Steve Bannon used to work for Trump, was one of his chief strategists, and they know each other well. And Steve knew how to get the soft side of Trump out in the interview. And it was glaringly obvious why Trump won the first time and continues to win. And in being so obvious, it’s then clear who all the bad guys are out there, making it much more conducive to defeat their hostile interests. I’ve said I like Matt Dolan as a person. But what in his mind does he think is needed in politics that he couldn’t support Trump? It’s not that Trump needs Dolan’s support. Instead, the other way around, for anything Dolan might want to do as a senator in Ohio, Trump would be an excellent name to have behind it. But somehow, they were likely the same people he listened to when he changed the name of his baseball team from the Indians to the “Guardians.” Too many politicians think that playing nice and sucking up to the mob will show the voting public that they are willing to work with others instead of fighting for their rights as their elected representatives. 

One of the reasons Trump has been going around and doing interviews on outlets like The Warroom is because he’s putting out a new book, Letters to Trump, which is a collection of letters from many celebrities who have sent the President very nice letters over the years. And in many cases, it’s letters from people who have been recently hostile to him once he entered politics. Names like Alec Baldwin are featured. People at this point forget just how popular Donald Trump has been for many decades; after all, he did have 14 seasons of The Apprentice, which was the top-rated television show produced by NBC for a long time. Under any other condition, if a president or former President has been on a television show, that show would be on syndication perpetually. But it’s hard to get any copies of past shows of The Apprentice under any format, even DVD because the media culture has so invested of itself into the destruction of Trump’s image that they would gladly sacrifice any amount of profit for themselves to destroy any potential of President Trump entering politics again. Why? It certainly works against their self-interest. Leaks from the recent Tucker Carlson firing at Fox News indicate that there is a belief among the executive staff and board that if only they could get rid of Tucker covering Trump accurately, it might harm his re-election chances. Fox News isn’t that influential, folks. More people watch the Warroom over the course of the week; that is the changing marketplace. Yet we see these little pockets of the belief that the media is compelling, especially among cord-cutters, and that politicians think that it’s still fashionable to play softball in politics when the opposition wants to eradicate you and your country along with it.    

The book Letters to Trump is filled with lots of personalities that essentially show how cheap some of the biggest celebrities of our culture are, that they were so nice to Trump when they thought there might be some opportunity for them by sucking up to him while he had the number one show on television, or even before when he had all the hotels and casinos and was on the cover of every tabloid magazine with a new hot model during his playboy years. Everyone wanted to be near Trump; they wanted a donation from Trump or a kind word from Trump. Then to see how many of those same people have turned against Trump once he entered politics is very jolting to people who aren’t prone to such contrasts. But people get it; Trump is still the leader in the polls for all the same reasons Trump had the top-rated show on NBC for 14 years, which the media is trying desperately to hide. Everyone thinks the people out there are stupid. But people get it. They know Trump is the answer to many political problems because he’s a real person who has done real, significant things in life, and our politics is run by looters essentially who do very little and take a lot from the world to produce consistently bad results. And people want successful people running their country with a proven track record over many years. And Trump is undeniably that. He did great the first time around; people had good lives with Trump as President, no matter their political affiliation, and who in their right mind wouldn’t like that?

Watching this interview with Steve Bannon and President Trump was more interesting than other interviews because both men have accomplished a lot in their lives before ever entering politics and had very interesting things to discuss. And that is why the political establishment so hates both men. What people who hate Trump, or Steve Bannon for that matter, hate most is the effect of accomplished people in politics. It really comes down to the old labor union’s jealousy about merit. If one person works harder than all the others, it makes all the lazy people look bad. And where the rubber hits the road with Trump, many lazy people make a lot of money off political inefficiencies, and they hate Trump because he wants to solve the problems. But to the political class and all the support groups that advise them, there is a lot of money to be made off chaos. So they never intend to solve the problem. They want the problems. And voters want solutions, which is why they are done with politics the old way. They want Trump because they want results, which is what many of the bootlicker types out there are terrified of. It’s not just Trump himself they fear, but their own role in a world that expects results. How can they compete with a President Trump, who has accomplished so much over a lifetime, and feel like they have a co-equal seat at the table? So rather than improve themselves somehow, they would rather tear him down to preserve their public appeal as a looter-class politician. And that was all so obvious in Trump’s very unique interview with Steve Bannon. People understand what the problems are in the world. They understand the threat of globalism. And they don’t see anybody else out there who can fix it. But Trump can, and that’s what people are supporting, someone who isn’t afraid to fix things. Who doesn’t write suck-up letters to people hoping to get a job. But they want the person that all the suck-up letters go to because they want to win at life, and not experienced the managed failure that the political class has given them for over a hundred years. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Ukraine War Only Helps the Deep State: It’s all about destroying nationalism in favor of globalism

To understand the war in Ukraine, the first thing that needs to be made clear is that it’s all about globalism fighting against Nationalism. And this is a long story and really could be traced back to the origins of World War I and World War II, where the goal of both those efforts was to create a United Nations, a one-world bureaucracy that the Deep State could manage through their primary weapon of war, the Administrative State. Remember that secret societies like the Thule Society created the Nazi party. Even the crown in England was involved in the Nazi Party as a sympathetic ear, which is why much of Europe allowed itself to be dominated by Hitler the way they were. It was all part of a plan which put Hitler in front as the bad guy for the world to hate, where the eventual goal would be the creation of the United Nations, which is precisely what happened in the wake of World War II. And most regional wars since then have been for the same purpose, the uniting of the world in some way toward a New World Order run by the administrative state, whether it was Vietnam, Korea, the Gulf Wars, all the conflicts in Central America, leading up to this war in Ukraine. There are Nazis involved in Ukraine as well, and we are told by popular media and our political people that we should fly Ukrainian flags, give endless amounts of money to them, and we should hate Russia because they invaded and are hostile actors. But when you understand how the Deep State plays the game, there are many reasons that Ukraine shouldn’t be trusted or those who support it. It’s not so simple as just flying a Ukrainian flag and calling Russia the bad guys. 

The real fight is against all forms of Nationalism as Globalism proposes to replace it. I’m from Cincinnati, and I remember well what happened to Marge Schott when she made some comments about Hitler back in the 1990s that caused her to lose her ownership of the Cincinnati Reds. The weapon of the Deep State has been these woke pressures. I knew many people in Indian Hill, where Schott lived then, so I watched firsthand the social pressure that was applied to her to force her to sell the Cincinnati Reds to Carl Lindner because of those Hitler comments, which I never thought were off-color. There are a lot of German immigrants in Cincinnati, and Schott was simply making a point about what happened in World War II; after all, it only threw the world at war with each other, so it’s probably something people should talk about. For some reason, Hitler only took over the known world, and people should probably understand how that happened. But for talking about it, Schott was destroyed in public circles, and this was several decades before the woke movement we see now. This stuff has always been working in the background, and I could see it up close as it emerged. But Hitler was always about making Nationalism look bad; that was the plot from the beginning, to allow Hitler to get power, to abuse that power, and to convince the world by drawing everyone into the war to join to destroy Hitler and nationalism wholesale. And any Germans who had bought into the Hitler nationalist pride marches would then be forced to retract their embarrassments and join in the efforts at globalism to show they would confess their sins and become part of the global New World Order, as so expressed in the book on the subject, Tragedy, and Hope, one of Bill Clinton’s favorites. 

It has been the same essential playbook with Vladimir Putin in Russia. The same globalist forces had propped him up to be the big baddy in the world everyone was supposed to fear, then when pushed as he was into attacking Ukraine over fears of NATO moving into the former Russian territory, Putin reacted as everyone knew he would. Well before the invasion, Biden was talking about the war as if it already had happened because the plan was for it to happen any day. The global forces, which Biden was the voice of in this particular incidence, were pushing the buttons to provoke Russia to attack. And now that they have, they have their bad guy. Ukraine is the symbol of a global community, and the effort is to destroy Nationalism in favor of united globalism. That’s why the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is a former comedy actor, put in place to sell globalism during this effort. But people are catching on; they have watched these same forces attempt to set up Russia during the Trump years and have observed all the fake reports about Trump and Putin that have not fleshed out into truth. And this New World Order plan, which is over a century in the making, is falling apart. Ukraine was a bridge too far, which now has people looking at all these other past wars, and they are starting to see them for what they always were. 

The real villains are the Open Border Society people, of which George Soros is a major player. But he’s not the only one. The southern border of America is just as much of a war zone as what is going on in Ukraine, but we are told that we should care about Ukraine’s border, but not the one with the United States. And I could put just as bad images of those killed along America’s southern border as the media is putting up with those in Ukraine. They are all bad, but the media tells us to care about one, not the other. Even political figures like Lindsey Graham and Sean Hannity are on board with calling for the open assassination of Vladimir Putin for what he has done against Ukraine, yet in America; the drug cartels essentially run the government of Mexico and, increasingly, the United States. The money flow is easy, and corrupt politicians are easy to buy. Yet the fight has never been about saving Ukraine from Russia but about using propped-up bad guys, like China, Russia, or even Iran, to force terror upon the world and cause people to cleave to a powerful, centralized government. That is how the globalists eventually convinced America to join the United Nations after World War II. And that’s what this war in Ukraine is all about, destroying the Nationalism of Russia, uniting the world around globalism using American money to fund the effort, and in the end, destroying the concept of national borders and making everything a state of the United Nations. So it’s right not to support Ukraine; it’s a war created by the Deep State for the objectives of the Open Border Society and their globalist aims, which have been at the heart of all their politics since the late 1800s. 

Often what we find, as bad as characters who have proven themselves to be killers like Putin and Hitler have been, is that there are worse characters than those operating behind the scenes. You can find them when you learn how people like Hitler obtained power, to begin with. Do people really think Hitler got out of jail and suddenly he took over all the politics of Europe and had Neville Chamberlain eating out of his hand? What about the exiled Vladimir Lenin being sent to Russia to incite a revolution there? Or Ho Chi Minh, who was a bellboy at a hotel when the Treaty of Versailles was signed, and he tried to get help from Woodrow Wilson to push the French out of Vietnam. In frustration, since the newly created European forces wouldn’t listen, he joined the communist party across the street essentially, and we all know how that turned out. That was all part of the chess game that goes on in the background. Communism spread through Asia and became the significant China threat we see today. Who put Saddam Hussain in power? What about Muammar Gaddafi? Or Osama bin Laden? Or Barack Obama?

Obama wasn’t born in the United States, he was an asset from Indonesia, born in Kenya, and they created a past for him that showed he was born in Hawaii, with a fake birth certificate. His political life was launched in the living room of Bill Ayers, the known terrorist of the Weather Underground, who turned into a college professor at the University of Chicago. How do all these characters connect? Well, read Tragedy and Hope; this time, they have been caught red-handed with Zalinski and Ukraine. Enough people are onto this game now and see it for what it is. Ukraine is a fake war by a fake political party aiming for a borderless world. And Putin has been played like many before him has. And that’s why sending money to Ukraine is a dumb idea and why flying a Ukrainian flag is a sign of stupidity, given the facts of the matter.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

“Walk Like an Egyptian”: Why Alex Jones is the king of populism and the secret of all secret societies

As vicious as it is and has been, I think the silver lining of all these assaults against Alex Jones will prove his life work to be worth the effort. With his Great Reset book coming out, which is very, very good, by the way, and a movie about him, and Steve Bannon’s Warroom putting its arms around him in new and unique ways, the efforts to prosecute him in the court of public opinion is only going to make Alex Jones more accessible to people who might otherwise be resistant to his message. I’ve always enjoyed Alex Jones, but it’s not enough to just talk about the surface conditions of things; I like to know the superstructure underneath. I don’t get much new information from Alex Jones, so I don’t talk about him often. For me, the role he plays in populism is critical, but it’s for the masses. As for my personal inclinations, I am much more interested in the more esoteric aspects of things. But those approaches aren’t readily accessible to a mass audience. Yet, perhaps now that more people know who Alex Jones is outside his regular Infowars audience, they may be ready to open their eyes and see what has always been there.

Regarding that, we are in a time when more people than ever are asking questions that only the Alex Jones side of populism can answer. Still, more profound than that, to understand a deep scandal that has essentially been with us since the start of all civilization, going back to even before the Egyptians and occupants of the Indus Valley, the plot for world control has always been with us. Then to understand, as I propose in my book The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, for the first time in all that history, America has it right with a new philosophy that has emerged that is part of a natural evolution, tens of thousands of years in the making. And that the struggles to contain people like Alex Jones and Steve Bannon have failed, and something very wonderful will come of it all. But first, we see a lot of ugliness, and we must understand it before comprehending where all this is going. 

To grasp much of what Alex Jones has covered over the years, you must first understand who the enemy is and why they want to control mass civilization to the extent they do. Who are the “globalists,” and why do they want to rule the world so badly? I’ve never liked to use the term “globalists” personally. It’s a Carroll Quigley thing, and I personally have always found people like that guy revolting. I’ve read the books and studied their nonsense, and the term globalist just makes me sick and makes me think of losers like Bill Clinton and George Bush types. I’ve hated these people even when the world was good, in the pre-Covid days, before the Administrative State went after Trump with everything they had from 2015 on. I would go so far as to say that even when life was at its best, Top 40 musical artists were coming out on the radio weekly, and video games were coin-operated at an arcade when American life looked most prosperous. Everyone who wanted a job had one; I read the books of globalists like Quigley and the gang, hated them with every essence of my being, and watched everything they did with great scrutiny. Alex Jones did too and built an entire media empire out of that hatred called Infowars. A small percentage of the population felt similar about the goals of globalism. Over the years, Alex Jones continued expanding his media reach to the point where the globalists decided he needed to go. He was targeted for destruction in much the same way that Inquisitors from Europe destroyed rivals to their churches at the time, to protect their true intentions for religion, which is to control mass society with a common belief. The way they meant to control people was to control what you believed, and from that threat, Alex Jones created Infowars. Now that the cat is out of the bag on globalism, the modern Inquisition from global progressives cannot hide their disdain for the populist movement any longer. Trump’s administration gave them too much of a scare, and now they are out for blood, fangs out. What used to be considered a conspiracy theory is no longer a theory. Its fact.

Of course, that has unsettled people, and now there is a great hunger to understand all the various secret societies behind the globalist movement. And for many people, they are bewildered by all the options; there is talk about the Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, the Masons, devilish blood cults that feed off of young people and participate in mass public orgies that are disgraceful. Who were the Knights Templars in the world, and why are they relevant? And if all these groups have their roots in serving Christ, why are they dancing around campfires in the woods and worshiping goat heads and pentagrams? Well, as it turns out, considering all the secret societies that there are and have always been and the nature of all the major religions, it all comes down to two points of view, no matter where in the world you might find yourself. There are the “dualists” and the “materialists.” And once you understand that, it all makes a lot more sense. Dualists are the foundation of all religions from the emergence of the city-state and go back to the times of Egyptians, even further and believe that the purpose of life is to shake off the body’s prison and be reborn as a spirit. It’s very much an oriental concept and still persists in the earth worship movement. When we talk about climate change, we are simply talking about people who want to put the latest mask on the dualist movement. Then, the materialists evolved out of the Roman Catholic acquisition of Christianity and emerged to keep their empire intact. Because of their power and force over governments they pushed anybody with any other beliefs to go underground and start secret societies. Secret societies survived thousands of years of persecution by putting on the mask of Christianity and then revealing to the highest initiates much later their true intentions for an oriental religion that shakes off all materialism and works toward spirit alignment to everlasting life. If you want proof of such a thing, just look at the giant obelisk we have right next to the White House in Washington D.C. It doesn’t get much more Egyptian than that. Or think about the old Bangles song, “Walk Like an Egyptian.” The influences on our culture are literally everywhere. But they are hidden and work in the background to guide all of society toward their ancient aims of mass sacrifice to the same old stupid gods of destruction and mayhem. 

The conflict in the United States may have always intended to free those secret societies from the Roman Catholic Church’s purges and create a utopia in America that recreates paradise lost in the New World. There is a lot of talk these days that North America is where Atlantis resided and was destroyed by the Younger Dryas calamity and that Egypt emerged from the ashes of Atlantis. So the creation of America was always meant to get back to the roots of what was great before, or at least by the measure of the duelists. The American Constitution was written to prevent European governments from imposing religious persecution on the freed minds of American inhabitants. Meanwhile, the push toward globalism was a long-planned creation to spread the dualist religion all over the world, putting China as the model for the future, communism, anti-materialist socialism with lots of centralized planning to manage society back to Egypt as it was, it would be again. But the American experiment had gone wrong for the globalist types. By trying to defeat the Roman Catholic inquisitions, they had created a new kind of person, a free person with the will not to be controlled by anybody. And now they have a problem they can’t put back into the bottle and erase. Americans were created, and people like Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, President Trump, and many others are the spokespeople for a new form of populism that is a new kind of religion, not of the original two that have caused all the wars known to history. But something else. And for that something else to live and grow, we are living history moment by moment, and something truly remarkable is being born, for which the entire populist movement around the world is creating as we speak. And it’s nothing like what we’ve seen in the past, but something radically and wonderfully new. 

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

People are innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around: The media often helps the real villains get away with crime while the innocent are prosecuted

One thing I have no tolerance for is bullies. I’ve never looked away from bullies when they show their ugliness in the world, and I’m not going to start now. When people wonder why I get up at 4:30 AM in the morning every day to write on this site and do the number of news stories I do, its because I have a lot of experience with the courts, I have known a lot of judges, lawyers, and media people, and I know how the game of law and order works from all sides of it. So to answer the question that I have heard from dozens of people over the last few weeks when they say that they have noticed that I have been supporting a lot of people who are accused of pretty serious crimes, I say to them, I don’t support criminal activity or law-breaking. If I come out in support of someone in some way, it is because I think them to be good people who are victims of bullying, and when I see it or even hear about it, I will help them at every opportunity. Not to the point where it leads to a trap, but where applicable. And when it comes to Steve Bannon from the Warroom and the false prosecution against him from the Biden Department of Justice, or the Darbi Boddy drama at Lakota schools in my neighborhood, or the Roger Reynolds case of corruption in Butler County, Ohio by the Sheriff’s department, if I come out in support of them, its because I think they are victims of abuse of authority by political bullies, and that is not something I am willing to tolerate. That is the reason I run my own news service in the form of this blog. I have learned over the years that the media is too lazy or lacks the philosophical parameters to explain things the way they need to be stated for the general public to understand, so I just do the job myself. So if I come out in support of some controversy, there is a really good reason why. 

The Steve Bannon case is self-explanatory. I know firsthand how the law can be used as a weapon to destroy people, and that’s clearly what is happening with Bannon. I like Steve; I have corresponded with him on occasion. We both have busy lives and work in different spheres of influence, but I greatly sympathize with him. The Biden DOJ is clearly abusing its authority in prosecuting him, just as Congress has abused its authority in the two impeachments of Trump, and this phony January 6th commission to attack Trump allies on popular podcasts to attempt to scare off a second Trump term. The law is being manipulated and used purely for political theater, and people’s lives are being threatened to be destroyed because of it. I would point to the local George Lang case of purgery several years ago where the very good man in the now Senator Lang was drug through the courts purely to attack him for knowing John Boehner. The target was Boehner, who was poised to be Speaker of the House in the not too distant future, and his political enemies wanted to get to him through his friends. It was one of the most disgusting court cases I had ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of them. If I live another hundred years, I still would not have exceeded my many personal court appearances and ridiculous entanglements with the law. Just because you are accused of something doesn’t make you guilty. We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but in cases like the one against Steve Bannon, and others like him over the years, who are convicted just because they know someone who is the real target, political assassinations through twisted concepts of law and order are not acceptable and must be punished. In the end, that will be what happens coming from Steve Bannon. The bad guys will get it in the end because tolerating the kind of society that would convict him is not acceptable. 

Darbi Boddy at my home school district of Lakota has made national news over essentially being attacked as soon as she was sworn in after she had just won an election. I understand that not all the school members like her or like each other. I get that the administrators did not like the newly elected school board member who asked too many questions and didn’t seem to respect the administrative red tape that they hide so many bad things behind. For instance, the attempt to vote her off the board over a minor incident and to make a media circus out of it was reprehensible. It showed a willingness by the board to undo a person the voters had just assigned to do a job. Then to make matters worse, the school superintendent added fuel to the fire by citing her with trespassing in two of the schools as Darbi went to them unannounced as part of an official investigation into CRT, which other board members were dragging their feet on. What makes this case so bad is that the superintendent, Matt Miller is not a person of high moral integrity. Based on things he has done, he should not have a job, and he only does because other school board members have helped him keep it. I haven’t said much about it because I have not wanted to destroy Lakota schools. I have wanted to see this new school board work. But some people are really afraid of Matt Miller and what he did to Darbi Boddy; based on what I know about him was a classic case of transference, where a guilty party will assign blame to other people for actions for which they are really guilty of. That kind of behavior is a classic problem of liberalism when they abuse law and order to hide crimes they are actually guilty of. But Darbi is not a danger to student populations. There are many more accusers of Matt Miller who would say that he is the dangerous one. I have been willing to look beyond accusations in his case for the benefit of the school and the school board in general. But it disgusts me to see someone attempt to put crimes of trespassing and other bad conduct out to a predatory media intent to destroy Darbi just to protect all the other bad things that I know are going on behind the scenes; that probably should be the focus of everyone’s attention. With all that said, I am very happy with Darbi Boddy and would like to see many more like her on the school board at Lakota. She is doing a great job.

Then there is the case of corruption thrown at Roger Reynolds. I’ve known Roger for a long time. I think he and I both love Liberty Township and remember how it used to be. I think Roger, an auditor for Butler County, has done a great job. I’d go on to say that I think he is one of the best auditors in the country for any county. I think the charges against him are politically motivated, and the Sheriff’s office could not hold up to the same scrutiny they have put on Roger. When evidence is presented to a grand jury the way it has been, they have no choice but to advance the cause. But if the tables were turned, I could think of dozens and dozens and dozens of people who would happily come forward and accuse Sheriff Jones of abuse of authority and unlawful interest in public contracts. That wouldn’t mean he’s guilty of those accusations, but there are plenty of people who would accuse him of it, and that would be enough to present to a grand jury. The media has pretty much thrown Roger Reynolds to the wolves with a play-by-play narrative that clearly is trying to destroy him as a person. I haven’t wanted to see the same applied to Jones; he’s been a good sheriff. Ending a career with so many black marks would not be good. It wouldn’t be good for Butler County. But the case would be much worse if the same investigations leveled at Roger Reynolds were applied to Sheriff Jones. So in that context, I support Roger Reynolds, he is being bullied for personal reasons, and the law is being used as a weapon to make it happen. If the law were equally applied, we’d lose a lot of public servants. Maybe it should be. But this picking and choosing of law and order to take out political rivals, there is no place for that in any society. And it’s a case of bullying that is reprehensible whenever it’s done and is unforgivable. 

Just because people are accused of something doesn’t make them guilty. Often, what it means is that the accusers are up to far worse and hope to divert their crimes to the innocent. Unfortunately, this is a common practice dramatically under-covered by a complicit media that has helped perpetuate it to the doom of our culture ostentatiously. And when I see it, I have never accepted it and never will. We have a very corrupt society because law and order are not respected by those most in their care. And if we ever want that to change, we must see through the smoke screens and the media hype at the real villains who are often the most vicious accusers because what they are attempting to hide is often far worse.

Rich Hoffman

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They Have Already Eaten the Pie: Steve Bannon and Titus Andronicus

“It’s too late; the bad guys have already eaten the pie.” That’s the message I left for Steve Bannon, whom I like, respect, and have been talking to a bit through text messages and on Gettr.  Steve had been reposting some of my contributions, and we have had discussions about the ground game of the populist movement. As he gets raked over the coals for the phony trial in Washington D.C., intent on destroying the populism that put Trump in the White House the first time, I am proud of what he has done. And happy to say publicly I support him and still would despite the mudslinging from CNN, who published a documentary about Bannon at 8 PM on the 17th in an obvious attempt to taint the jury in the case against the popular Warroom host. I thought the documentary fascinating. I often pay a lot of attention to the enemy’s thoughts and where they get their information. I try to see the world from the enemy’s perspective, walk in their shoes metaphorically, and understand their motivations. And with CNN, they were clearly lost as to why Steve Bannon was so popular. They were looking desperately for some way to stop Trump from running again in 2024, and their obvious hope was that perhaps if they took out Bannon, that Trump would be left dead in the water. But, the situation is much bigger than that, much bigger than Steve Bannon. And as the Bannon case for contempt of Congress goes to court and the Biden Justice Department attempts to stop the strategy of the populist movement across the world, it looks like the light is going out of their eyes as they begin to realize that Steve was just a tiny drop of water in a massive ocean of red that is coming at them from all directions. The rejection of the administrative state, the Liberal World Order, and the dreams of progressivism most expressly conveyed in the 1988 book Looking Backward were coming apart. And there was nobody to blame but themselves. 

To understand Steve Bannon, you would have to understand the Shakespeare play Titus Andronicus. It is by far my favorite play by the famous English playwright, and Steve translated it to movie screens in the 90s with his Anthony Hopkins effort, Titus, which featured a whole cast of Hollywood heavyweights who told what many consider the bloodiest of Shakespeare’s plays. I loved the movie when I first saw it and when I found out that Steve Bannon had been the executive producer, I was a fan of him, even when he took over at Breitbart before the first Trump term. Bannon would have to really understand the role of Titus to do what he is now in the world, and I would argue that he is the real-life embodiment of the famous character. For a quick review, Titus Andronicus was known throughout Rome as their hero general. He brings to the emperor the captured queen of the Goths, whom Titus had killed her son. The emperor then marries the captured queen making her superior to Titus now as a head of state. She vows revenge against Titus. She uses her remaining sons to torture and rape the daughter of the great general.  Titus falls into despair and goes mad. The emperor gives him a job in the court kitchen out of respect for his depleted condition. But Titus was only pretending to be crazy. He traps the queen’s sons, hangs them upside down in the kitchen, and slits their throats in front of his disgraced daughter. Then he slices up the boys and makes a pie out of them. Then he invites the emperor, the queen, and the rest of the court to a fine dinner he has prepared for them and feeds them the pie, which they eat happily. Revenge is a wonderful dish served cold. 

CNN was very upset that Steve Bannon’s Warroom has connections to populist movements worldwide. Bannon has been involved in Brexit, the uprisings in Hong Kong, the populist revolts in Europe, and of course, the Ulta-Maga posse in America that is poised to put Trump back in office with even more votes than he had in 2020, which officially was 75 million. He likely had much more than that, and the election fraud story just won’t go away from those who committed the biggest crime in the history of the world. Now, after two years of a failing Biden administration, the fantasy from the insurgents, who gained the power of the White House through illegal activity, believe that if they can shut down people like Bannon, they just might get away with it. And in so doing, they might send a message to the rest of the populist movements around the world to put away their mechanisms of rebellion and to fall in line. They intend a crucifixion of Bannon on the largest stage possible. And many of the same people involved in the election fraud scandal are involved in this attack against Bannon. The crime is one thing, the coverup is far worse, and we are into the coverup now. That’s what the contempt of Congress charge is all about, and only about that. 

Yet like the queen in the great Titus story, they have already eaten their own. Bannon has already made the pies with over a decade of leadup to the present day. And if Bannon hadn’t done it, someone else would have. There is a vast network of freedom fighters out there who will always refuse the tyranny of the globalists. The only reason this fight hadn’t happened sooner was that those attackers of America were hiding their intentions behind charities and tax shelter foundations with globalist intentions. And with his crazy hair and disheveled appearance, Bannon has been playing the cook, Titus, and has been busy making pies in the kitchen to feed to the globalists the flesh of their own kind. And they have been eating it with smiles on their faces. They thought he was crazy. They thought he was done and destroyed politically when Trump released him as the White House strategist. But now you know the rest of the story. Steve Bannon is the real-life Titus Andronicus, and to do what he needed to, with the forces that were against him and the MAGA movement, he put the sword away and went into the kitchen to fight the battle in a way that the enemy would never suspect. And now that they are at the table and presented with fine pies to eat, they had no way of knowing that all their progressives’ schemes from the last century were cooked within it. And now they have eaten it and turned the whole thing into digestive interest. And now comes the time when Titus gets to tell the world what was in the pie.

The midterms are coming; the red wave can’t be stopped now. Europe is turning to populism. So is Hong Kong against China. Japan will strengthen its constitution to take the passivism out of it. And Brexit is such a real thing that Boris had to step down because he failed to stand up to globalism. And to the Desecrators of Davos, they are learning that they aren’t safe in the mountain town any longer. The world is on to them, and they want their scheming antics in the next pie they intend to eat. The sentiment goes way beyond Steve Bannon. He was just the cook. The hunger for pie was already there.

Rich Hoffman

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The Arrest of Peter Navarro is Unforgivable: Compliance to a corrupt government is not an option, Revenge is coming

I’m glad to see that Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon are pushing back against the obvious harassment they have had to endure as a result of the bogus January 6th committee in congress, especially after the arrest of Navarro at the airport in front of everyone when it was clear they meant to embarrass him to the furthermost extent they could to make an example of him. Navarro, the author of the excellent book In Trump Time and a member of the Trump White House team regarding trade policy, is a similar target as others have been, such as Roger Stone, where the government, guilty of many crimes of their own, have been seeking to destroy members of the Trump White House to send a message just like mobsters would, that they were not welcome in town, and that if they chose to play in the world, they controlled, the targets would be punished. Well, that’s not how it works in the world, especially not in America. Peter Navarro or nobody else from the Warroom podcast owes the January 6th Committee anything. The Jan. 6th Committee in congress led by Nancy Pelosi and known scandalous characters like Adam Schiff is meant to hide their complicity in election fraud, which is the entire point of why people were upset on January 6th, 2021 anyway.   To talk about anything else is simply harassment and nothing else. The purpose of the Commission and the ridiculous arrest of Peter Navarro is to show the public that the government is in control and that if you step out of line, the power of government will come down on anybody, even against someone who has “executive privilege.” 

Taking the emotion out of the situation is hard because if there’s one thing I can’t stand in the world is a bully. But this behavior indicates that the other side is losing. For those who hear stories like this and get worried, or perhaps worry that the FBI might show up outside your house too and arrest you, understand that the reason for the show of force is because they must cover up their lack of integrity and value. And when you are missing those things, whatever side you represent on a matter is soon to fall. The abuse of government power is meant to hide the lack of validity that the perpetrators actually have. They are very vulnerable to their personal ideology; in other countries where people are much more compliant than Americans, overhanded efforts like what was done to Navarro work. But that’s not going to work in America. They have gotten away with it up to this point because Americans have had a pretty good life and tend to let other people live and let live. But when you mess with their lives and freedoms and put them under some heavy-handed authority, that’s an entirely different matter. A fraction of the population puts compliance ahead of justice 100% of the time, but in the United States, those people are much less common than they are in Europe or Asia. And what the January 6th Commission assumes is that compliance with authority is the priority of most people, which is a terrible miscalculation for them. Fighting back against the tyrannical authority is what is expected, at a minimum, and Peter Navarro, in reaction to what the FBI did to him during the arrest at Reagan International Airport, is doing just that.

To set a precedent for the future, the arrest of Peter Navarro at the airport, rather than at his home as he lives right next to the FBI building in D.C., and strip searching him, putting him in leg irons, in solitary confinement, and using John Hinkley’s cell to do it all—the attempted assassin of Ronald Reagan—was a panicked overreaction to the political conditions of the future. To punch the MAGA movement in the face the way they did only now opens the door to having much worse done to them in the future. The Trump administration tried to work with opposition forces to build more of a team environment, but the SWAMP creatures of D.C. wanted nothing to do with him. Instead, they sought to destroy the Trump presidency by throwing everything they had at him and his staff, Navarro being one of them. And now they are starting to panic because it’s evident that Trump won the 2020 election, the election fraud is being exposed, people do not like Joe Biden, even nonpolitical people, and the fear that Trump will be back is a real terror to these corrupt people. So, they should be worried because they know what they have done. But going so far over the top and arresting Navarro the way they did, knowing that they are only making the other side angrier, looks like a suicide plot more than a harassment effort. But to analyze their situation, they don’t understand how to do anything else but harass people. There is no second strategy. They have top-heavy force and nothing else. That’s the real indicator of their true position.

Any fantasies that the members of the January 6th Commission and their Beltway supporters had about China-style authority control over the population are out of the window. That kind of behavior is not going to work in America. Americans gave those authority figures the benefit of the doubt so long as they stayed out of their lives. But the genuine fear about the January 6th Commission is that people were mad that day; they were angry at election fraud and having their President taken from them. And by arresting Peter Navarro, for no reason at all, only to show they could, they have only ignited more anger. Compliance is not on the minds of these angry people. Everyone has learned some hard lessons over the last several years, as the relationships of many politicians with China have become more commonly known. We saw what the political class wanted to do as authority figures during Covid, which was an artificial pandemic that they are still holding on to; Americans aren’t going to sit around and be pushed by bullies. There will be payback for all this, and as it happens, the aggressors will only have themselves to blame. The election fraud that the January 6th Commission was meant to hide unleashed an anger that, at the time, only a few felt comfortable publically displaying. That anger is real, and even grandma living alone in her house with a shotgun and an old blind dog, is feeling it. They want revenge against this out-of-control government, and they will elect President Trump again to get it. People are counting the days until they can cast a vote against this tyranny, and if that vote is taken too, well, then January 6th will look like kids playing on the playground. The government is not in charge of the people in America. Just because people have been friendly to the government up to this point, it is because they didn’t believe that the government was as corrupt as it obviously is. But now everyone knows better, and the arrest of Peter Navarro only confirms what many have long suspected. And they aren’t going to just sit back and take it. They will fight back, and the other side won’t like the results. 

Rich Hoffman

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Covid Deaths Were Part of the Strategy: An evil so vast that many can’t comprehend it

The difficult thing is to consider the vast level of evil we are dealing with here, to admit to ourselves that the Administrative State, for lack of a better collective term for the mass behavior, is vastly evil in incomprehensive ways and that they purposely have used that audacity to murder people on a global scale. Listening to Dr. Harvey Risch on the Warroom with Steve Bannon, it was the first time a person from the academic side of the discussion admitted in the open something I have been talking about since the beginning. But coming from him, it was shocking.   We weren’t talking about radical conspiracy theorists here; this was one of their own, from the academic viewpoint regarding the actions of the Administrative State and its preservation as an evil entity using Covid-19 as a murder weapon, what many had been thinking about, but had yet consciously admitted it in a news flash kind of way.   This topic was hot recently because of Neomi Wolf’s book, The Bodies of Others which digs into many of the terrible deeds and motives that occurred behind the Health Department’s push to gain administrative control over virtually every person’s life in the world and to ruin those lives as they saw fit. Other books had been out, such as Dr. Peter Breggin’s book, Covid 19 – We are the Prey that had been calling attention to this detrimental problem, but there was some great levity to this interview with Dr. Risch that was the culmination of all this investigation that pointed to just one all-inclusive word, evil. 

This isn’t the kind of information that you’ll find on Fox News or NBC, for that matter. Pharmaceutical companies and their advertising dollars completely control those outlets for the news. So they haven’t covered the biggest story in the history of mankind because they can’t. They are bought and paid for by the vast amounts of money that are behind this evil push to actually kill people to fulfill some global plot of population control. The crazy lunatics of the fringe climate change movement, such as Bill Gates, obviously have no problem with the mass murder of millions of people, and they have hidden that desire behind the invented Covid-19 virus that was created through gain of function by Dr. Fauci’s people in a Chinese lab in Wuhan. The virus was released during a hot election year where the perpetual plot to overthrow President Trump was a key need of the Chinese to avoid the trade war that they were about to undergo, and they didn’t like it. That history we have talked about abundantly, and as bad as it all is, that’s not the worst of it.

According to Dr. Risch, there were discussions of preventing the public from getting access to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as a corrective action to the impending Covid-19 as early as 2019. That means that they knew what they were planning to do, much earlier than even the Event 201 in New York that year, where they actually role-played the viral outbreak, which was followed completely just a few months later in February and March of 2020. The medical community was knowingly planning the murder of many thousands of people by denying them the medicine needed to fight Covid once it was released from China because they wanted the shock and awe of the death count to get the attention of the public and change their behavior toward a more favorable climate change public position. Without the deaths, there would be no public outcry for change, so the plan to kill people as part of the decision-making process was a substantial part of their strategy. And the governments of the world played right into their hands. It’s the worst death cult that has ever been unleashed on earth, and it’s every bit as bad as the imagination can support. This explains why all the media outlets were ready to project their death meters on their broadcasts and why so many governors and health departments were all ready to go early in 2020 with the lockdown procedures and the media narrative. While most people were shocked at what was happening, many from the administrative state side of things were ready to kill people to advance their social cause as viewed from the liberal mindset.

We often point to Hitler’s behavior in Germany toward the Jews as an ultimate act of mass murder and evil. But what happened with Covid-19 was far, far worse. Every advertiser in pharma, every government who thought that by killing off people that the earth might be saved from climate change, every scientist looking for funding from Dr. Fauci who knew the plan but kept their mouths shut so not to jeopardize their funding they, all knowingly committed mass murder by giving an innocent population a virus that was made through gain of function, by our own Department of Defense and released by a communist government that wanted desperately to torpedo the Trump presidency and to drive the point home, they needed deaths to get everyone’s attention, so to serve the needs of climate change, a religion for the political left that they are as fanatic over as suicide bombers who kill people in hopes of being greeted by an orgy of virgins in the afterlife. What we just experienced on a global scale is mass insanity from the mind of murderers, and the crime is so big that no government in the world can get its mind around how to deal with the situation. And until recently, nobody could even discuss that evil without sounding like a radical conspiracy theorist. But this is no conspiracy; it’s true and getting worse by the day as we learn more and more about what really happened. As I said initially, the information is getting out, the books are being written, and the guilty parties are being exposed. So far, I think the Robert Kennedy Jr. book The Real Anthony Fauci is the most damning of all the books. But the other books mentioned here tell the story we all need to hear. But there isn’t anything more powerful than hearing from people who were in the know, like that Dr. Risch interview on the Warroom. It’s a stunning revelation that the murder of people due to Covid was pre-planned and considered acceptable. And knowing that, we have to deal with these characters with a new assumption, not that other people always intend good, even if they make vile mistakes, which had been the assumption regarding Covid-19. In a dire situation, people meant well, and mistakes cost lives. No, we are dealing with people more evil than Hitler or any other mass murderer from history. Covid was meant to kill people, and the means to save themselves were denied from a planned beginning by people who clearly had evil intent from the outset. And until we deal with that, the world will continue to be vulnerable to more vile acts even more vicious. This is evil so bad that our minds cannot grasp it, and that evil counts on our lack of ability to conceal itself in our living world, through our news media, through our politics, through our rules and regulations to prey on the innocent and consume our very souls for the maniacal and twisted plans of infamy in some Hellish plot meant to end all mankind, and nothing less.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Jared Schmeck is Just the Beginning: Americans are better than anybody in the world at sticking it in the eye of authority

Jared Schmeck is a real American

Of course, the Democrats support the filibuster change in the senate. Biden knows he didn’t win the election and that none of the Democrats will win anything in the Midterms. Democrats are not the majority in America. They know it, and voting proves it. They can only hide their extreme minority opinion by cheating in elections. So for them, it is a nail in their coffin to contemplate tighter controls on future elections. They have convinced us to open up the voting dates and voter ID parameters, but that has proven to be a disaster. And after 2020, of course, voting rights will have to be much more tightly controlled. There will never be another election in America where the entire nation openly accepts the results.

Democrats have been pushing their luck for decades on vote cheating, and this time they just went too far. A certain amount of cheating in places like Philadelphia and Detroit were give-ins that we put up with to get along with Democrats. But never again, after what happened in the middle of the night, where “someone” stopped vote counting in five critical states after Vegas had called the race for Trump around 10 PM on election night, will our society ever go back to what it was. When we all woke up on election day, we were told that Joe Biden was going to win and that massive leads in Pennsylvania would be erased for Trump and that we were going to like it. Take it, or take it, the media told us. We had no other choice. Our country’s corporations had taken over our government, and they were letting us know that we had no choice but to go along if we wanted to get along. Because they didn’t care really what we thought about it, they were taking our government from us.

That’s why it didn’t surprise me in the least to hear Jared Schmeck tell Biden on Christmas Eve, “Let’s Go Brandon.” As incompetent as the Biden administration is, and to not screen their calls any better than they did during a call to promote Santa Clause, Trump supporters got a different kind of Christmas present from a young dad and Trump supporter. The “Let’s Go Brandon” rally call has been fuming all through 2021 and epitomized the thoughts of a majority of Americans. More than 75 million people voted for Trump, more than any political figure in history. It all started at a NASCAR event where fans made television cameras nearby know their feelings about Joe Biden. Of course, the camera crew could hear what the crowd was saying, “F, Joe Biden.” But the news reporter stated on camera, even as we could listen to it for ourselves, that the crowd was saying, “Let’s Go, Brandon.” As the election results of 2020 and the panic over Covid continued, most Americans can see the con game in real-time because they are free to think about such things. Here was a group of people saying obviously one thing, but the media said that it was something completely different. So to reflect that paradox, among disenfranchised Trump voters, “Let’s Go Brandon” has become a thing to remember the ridiculousness and corruption of our political system in general and our media culture that is obviously controlled by a corporate narrative that thinks they are actually in control of our government through soft money, dark money, all kinds of money. And that our Constitution to them is meaningless. 

I think we all understand the problems of our government, but this illusion that the media has created over the years is kind of like holiday dinners where you put up with loved ones who may have fallen off the wagon over the years. Usually, our dealings with them are short. Once they leave, we don’t have to deal with them for another year, and everyone goes back to their own little worlds. That is how this massive corruption has managed to take hold the way it has. That is why all the cheaters of the 2020 election thought they would get away with it. Suddenly the undesirables weren’t just stopping by for Christmas dinner; they wanted to come over for Memorial Day and the Fourth of July too. They were sticking themselves into our lives in ways that crossed the line. And people weren’t happy about it. I thought hard about it after the election. I was so thoroughly pissed off that my wife and I packed up our RV and traveled the country extensively through the year. I was pleased to meet many, many, many people like Jared Schmeck. They were at every gas station, restaurant, and rest stop from Cincinnati to Idaho and all the way to the border with Mexico. My wife and I went to all those places in the heart of America to get to know if we still really had a free country to live in. If the people living in the country really still believed in the Constitution.

As it turned out, I wondered after all our trips if anybody had actually voted for Joe Biden. He certainly didn’t get the number of votes that the election results showed. Democrats had cheated massively, and they had been caught. And even with all their tightly controlled messaging, so many people hated Biden that spillover into something like that Christmas Eve Santa call with Jared Schmeck was bound to happen. There are millions of people like Jared out there. The media has tried to ignore them and cover everywhere that they aren’t. But, because of the incompetency of the lying Biden administration, that is becoming impossible to do.

I was listening to that call live. My home is a nerve center of monitoring whatever is going on in culture for people who know me. I usually have my reading chair in my living room that has four points of media coming to me at all times, not counting the large television we have there, which is always watching something from football games to movies. At that station, I monitor podcasts, videos through the computer, audiobooks, all types of information, all at the same time. Then in my gun workshop, I have an additional three inputs that are always playing. That way, I don’t miss anything as I move around my home. So I was listening to the Biden call with Jared as it happened. I even turned down the other inputs to hear it as it started to sound like something that was about to fall apart for Biden.

When it did, of course, I laughed pretty hard for a long time. Not only was it funny that the Biden’s were clueless and incompetent even to allow the call to happen in the first place, but that the spirit of America was very alive at that moment. Even with all the media manipulation that is going on, the censorship, the threats from the left toward violence, Americans can stick it in the eye of authority better than anybody on planet earth. Here it was happening in quite a spectacular way on Christmas Eve, a year after the misery of the 2020 elections made it look like all was hopeless. It was far from hopeless, and we see that in people like Jared Schmeck. The media wants to think of him as unusual. But he’s not. Actually, I learned this year that he is pretty common, more so than all the Democrats put together. And it is that which they know too, which scares them the most. 

Rich Hoffman

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