Time Portals and the DNA of Gilgamesh in Iraq: The real cause of America’s invasion, it wasn’t WMDs or oil

Apparently, many people found my article on Space Arks in Ukraine and Russia disconcerting as a possible real cause of the war between those two countries. As I have been saying, the war in Ukraine is a United Nations thing where they are trying to bait Russia into a conflict by destroying nationalism because that’s what the United Nations wants to do; they want to eradicate nationalism everywhere, have open borders, and to become the world’s next governing power. They pushed Putin’s buttons with NATO and provoked him to attack Ukraine to defend the concept of Russian borders, and now the rest is history. All the bio lab talk in Ukraine, the money laundering talk in that corrupt country, and the current cult of Nazis that are so prevalent in Ukraine suddenly all became about Russia, and the terrible Biden economy suddenly had a scapegoat. But of course, there is another layer to these things which often has more truth than fiction, and that is the prevalence of ancient Space Arks, like Noah’s Ark; only these have traces of seeding from other civilizations that started life on earth, and they are reportedly all over the earth. There seem to be two of them in Ukraine; Russia has one, and there is one in New Mexico and other places around the world. And that the real fight in Ukraine is to possess the technology in those Space Arks for whatever culture can control it. I mean, we are dealing with governments who have lied to us about election fraud, the origins of Covid, about the Kennedy assassination, Benghazi, everything. So what makes anybody think they wouldn’t lie to us about Space Arks and the origins of mankind on earth? 

I thought everyone knew about these things, but apparently not. For instance, there is a lot of talk about the real cause of the two Iraq wars invoked by Daddy Bush and then by his son using weapons of mass destruction as the root cause for the invasion. Of course, we found out later that there were no weapons of mass destruction, so it’s just another instance of a government that lied to us. And we know that the CIA had put many of the tyrants involved in destabilizing the Middle East in power as part of American operations, so what was the real cause of the wars there? Was it oil? Likely not. The more you get to know rich and political people, the more you find out that they often have roots in occult belief, which is at the foundation of their politics. And that they believe in all kinds of things, from UFOs seeding the planet many hundreds of thousands of years ago to being able to currently make deals with settlers from other planets to gain technology that through evolution we might not achieve on earth for many thousands of years in the future. Notice how fast we went from flying kites as aircraft to landing on the moon? Many think since the invention of radio waves that, we have had help. And logic would be correct to ask that question for the obvious timeline we are dealing with. Anyway, the war in Iraq where Sumerian culture started over 6000 years ago is where the American troops were during those conflicts, and many say that the wars had nothing to do with oil or weapons, or even Saddam Hussain himself, but were all about getting the DNA of Gilgamesh from the museum of Bagdad and uncovering the technology of portals in the region, “Stargates” as science fiction terms them, both natural and artificial that were there since before Sumerian culture formed into the powerhouse that history knows it to have been. 

Of course, when you start talking about Stargates and their viability, you have to talk about time travel and whether or not it is even possible. And people believe that Einstein’s Theories of Relativity were the conclusive opinion on the subject. But I would argue the opposite without violating Einstein’s thoughts on the matter. People time travel every day. I recently had people visit me from Asia, and they traveled through time. They arrived in Cincinnati a whole day behind when they had left; their watches were all messed up. And that is how it is on earth regarding time zones. Time is only a measure that depends on the earth’s rotation around the sun and its rotation on its own axis. Things get funky when you start dealing with time on other planets where gravity has a massive effect on the time that passes. People living in space experience time differently than those living on the planet’s surface. And on planets that have or are near higher levels of gravity, time can slow down relative to other places in the galaxy that have much lower gravity applied. One second on a high-density planet might be 70 years relative to another place. So anytime you communicate with a society dealing with gravity differently, there will be time displacement. Time is not consistent on earth, let alone throughout the Milky Way or some other galaxy for that matter. 

So for a very insecure culture of government, such as our own present, where governments want to stay in power by denying information to the masses that they can’t control, understanding the science of these supposed time portals in ancient Sumerian culture would be very attractive. It would also be good for science to understand what the DNA of Gilgamesh might contain within it that allowed people to live for many hundreds of years in that time period, especially if they were half man, half gods, meaning they came from a culture outside of the earth in those historical contexts. And that when we talk about time travel, we might actually be talking about the science of time displacement regarding communication in real-time across vast differences, not necessarily the physical manifestation of life forms from one place to another regarding where and when they exist along the measures of time. For a culture like the Sumerians, who had worked out star alignments in increments of 25,920 years for a zodiacal cycle, they indeed would have also been concerned with how time moves differently within those celestial bodies. If they wanted to call home to mom, maybe they were 120 years in the future on the home planet, and they might not want to wake her. The point is, when we study the motivations for war among governments, we must never underestimate their motives. Power is often granted by knowledge, so it is entirely believable that the American government was only involved in the Iraq wars to gain powerful knowledge in a war-torn area purposely kept that way for the same reasons. And if enough people in government believe in Space Arks in Ukraine, then to control those assets, they certainly would go to war to protect their belief system and keep others from gaining that knowledge. And that everything isn’t a conspiracy if the science that is rational is applied. Yes, time travel is possible. We do it every day, and we take it for granted. But because it’s not like we discuss it from a movie like Back to the Future, we don’t think of it the same way. Yet the truth of the motivations for understanding something like time portals is that there is likely a logical explanation that is much more rational than not. 

Rich Hoffman

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