The Indictment of President Trump: A gift that will change the world–they don’t have the guts!

Actually, the original influence for the religious symbol of the “cross” was in reference to when the planet Marduk collided with the planet Tiamat between Mars and Jupiter, destroying it completely, leaving behind the asteroid belt we see today, and seeding life on Earth in a modern context, within 400,000 years. But most contemporarily, the cross symbolizes the crucifixion of Christ as the classic struggle between institutionalized religion controlled by the state, and the kind of independence that Jesus Christ was teaching, and the punishment for it. The symbol of crucifixion became a whole new religion that changed life on Earth forever, and the death of Christ gave life to a new way of thinking, which would eventually become the country of America, by the evolution of the story of the Bible which ultimately inspired the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The cross utilization was a reverence that the Romans had in their mass killings as a sacrifice to some of that ancient history mentioned, but the reality became something far from the original intention. If suppression of Christ’s teachings was the goal, then the reality was greatly disappointing to the established order; they started a whole new religion that would permeate most of the world and cause them to lose control entirely of their empire. And in many ways, the mug shot of President Trump will have the same effect. The intentions of corrupt powers often don’t learn from history, and that is essentially what Democrats have done to themselves with the indictment of President Trump and the publication of his mugshot, which was always their intention from the beginning, to show the world that they are in charge and that the world must bend the knee to their government of communism, socialism and tyranny as a global menace. 

It’s not an accident that two of the world’s greatest works of literature, the Bible and Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, both feature their main characters being crucified at the end by ominous tyrannies represented by out-of-control governments. In Atlas Shrugged, it was John Galt who was tortured at the end and made an example of to serve the state and to show power over all of mankind’s hopes that fantasies of individual Government would be possible. It was, after all, in our own Declaration of Independence written on July 4th, 1776, that we said as newly created Americans, “that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” It goes on to say explicitly “that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government and provide new Guards for their future security.” And that is what is happening now; our government has grown out of control; it is evil, and to hold power, they are abusing that power, most notably with the indictment of a former and future president. The abuse is widespread; the J6 prisoners had every right to get control of a government they could see was not reporting to them, which caused the government to dig deeper into its own evils, culminating in the violation of many constitutional concepts to preserve an insurgent global force that seeks the destruction of us all. 

My wife actually said it all perfectly what the prosecution by the radicals of New York means regarding Trump; she stated to me simply that we are dealing with two ideologies that just can’t live on planet earth together. Our side, “conservatives,” have more of a live-and-let-live attitude and have accommodated other points of view. But the other side wants our complete destruction, and those ideas are not merged. They simply cannot live together. And she’s right. We’ve been turning the other cheek for too long, trying to make it work. But it’s just not possible. And that last desperation from them, “the globalists” who run our government presently are abusing their power everywhere, hoping to destroy all of us before we figure out what they are trying to do to us, which is destroy all opposition and enslave the rest who bend the knee to them out of self-preservation. There isn’t any middle ground with them; it’s complete destruction of the American concept or nothing else. And when we see such a government at work, as stated in our founding documents, we have every right to throw off that tyrannical Government and to start over. And based on the actions of the government swamp toward a freely elected President in Trump, there is no redeeming value in them to preserve. We are at that point now where we must start over our government for the management of our sovereign country away from the globalism that has been imposed on us with a kind of military force conducted through the destruction of our financial system.

I think it’s great that all this has happened to Trump because of what history tells us it means. The Trump “mug shot” will become a new kind of cross, and all Americans will view it as a sacrifice, which is precisely what it has been. I personally don’t think the government has the guts to go through it, but I’m hoping so. We are lucky Trump has been willing to go through all this, even if he doesn’t like it. The flimsy laws that these prosecutors of Trump are just as ridiculous as those leveled at Jesus Christ, for which he was killed for, and the fictional character of John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, where the ultimate sacrifice for the demand of public consumption was pressed upon him to break him and force all of civilization to follow. We are dealing with that here, and the results are known. Trump’s campaign for 2024 will be elevated to Biblical levels. People needed to see just how corrupt our modern Government is and be reminded that they actually had control all along. And it is in our time that we are called to act on their tyrannies, as our own founding documents demand of us. And like the cross became a symbol of something new, the Trump Mug Shot will become just as powerful, if not more so. Populism worldwide is waiting for a trigger effect, and the actions of this mug shot by the corrupt DA of New York will put it in perspective for people. Which I think is the greatest gift in politics, something I have been hoping for my entire adult life. This government overreach by these desperate Democrats with roots in global commerce has nothing else but fear and intimidation to work with, and it has forced them to make this dreadful error. Much as the Romans did when they killed Jesus Christ. It was Christianity that would eventually destroy their empire under Constantine. And through this crucifixion of President Trump, the Democrats will destroy themselves along with their globalist alliances. But what’s different with Trump is that we have a whole Bill of Rights that will prevent the actual death, and the resurrection of his presidency is contained within our founding documents. We don’t have to put up with tyranny, which this Government clearly intends. We have a right to end that Government, and now they have given us every reason in the world to do so without any second guessing. 

Rich Hoffman

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