The Real Isaac Adi: ‘Thriller’ is alive and well at Lakota schools

The first thing I thought of when I heard Isaac Adi and watched the video of him laughing at me when Darbi Boddy brought up my name during a Lakota school board meeting was that a demon of some kind had taken over his consciousness. And that conclusion would match his behavior since the campaign the year before, where a very different person spoke to me, a very sincere and godly person who I would never think would behave in such a way. Many people don’t have room to think about those things, so making such a statement is a bit wild for them. But Isaac’s behavior toward Darbi and others as a school board member has perplexed many people regarding the change. He has been making fun of the opposition, who supported him initially; he’s been caught on camera pushing people around and losing his cool in embarrassing ways, and when confronted with evil, he has a severe reluctance to look at the truth. He has been especially caught on the premise that there is no CRT in Lakota schools because the nice old teachers say there isn’t any CRT.   Surely he’s not naive enough to believe they have been telling him the truth and that they have been playing him for a sucker by hiding it in plain sight. That’s why Darbi went to look for it on her own; she didn’t trust what people were telling her. Both of these new school board members were people of God when they started, but only Darbi has been able to rely on that faith as a backstop for her convictions. Isaac, from the start, seemed too enchanted by the soothsaying of the opposition, which then became grotesquely obvious during that school board meeting when the person I saw on stage was nothing close to the person I had come to know during the campaign.

A lot of people had asked me since that school board meeting if my feelings were hurt by the way people laughed when my name was brought up. After all, I have been good friends with Lynda O’Conner, the school board president. Frequent phone buddies are more like it, and hugs when we see each other at political events, more than just casual acquaintances. To see her play along with the mob of laughter would be hurtful to many people, and that was the hope people had that I would be devastated at the social rejection on such a big stage. Then there was Isaac, a guy I have said so many good things about and had such high hopes for, leading the charge on stage. I remember taking a picture of him and Jim Jorden at a big event with the GOP, and he was such a happy and optimistic guy with such great faith in God and the good he could do with the community. Of course, my political enemies would assume that I’d be devastated, embarrassed, and hurt beyond repair to see a good person like Isaac joining the dark side and becoming like Michael Jackson in the famous video Thriller as one of them.

Just another member of the zombie apocalypse. The nice guy, the man of God being pulled into the woke mob of anti-Christ warriors, colored hair, upside down crucifixes and all, and abortion supporters who deep in their hearts want to have a mass social sacrifice to the biblical God Baal whose soul-eating hunger cannot be quelched with logic, or consensus building. It was almost as if they were saying to me, look what we have done to your good people. And when they laughed at Darbi and at me, it seemed most appropriate to look to the jealous malice of the spirit world for the true intentions and detect their plot to convert good people into agents of destruction intent to spread evil to every crevice of our lives for the ill scheme to make maniacal lunatics out of all the world. But rather than be angry about it, I found the information extremely valuable. I’d rather know the truth about people than not, and in such formats, there is a lot that can be learned, which nobody would know if Darbi hadn’t brought up my name. What you see might hurt because you desire good things for them. But when you are trying to figure out motives under pressure, then there was a lot valuable that was revealed during that meeting.

Yes, I believe very much in demons, devils, villains from the 8th dimension, and characters of malice that reside in the back of our minds who are at war for our souls. But you can’t discuss them in a modern context without the veil they use to hide behind, making you sound like an insane person for talking about them logically. Instead, we have invented the field of psychology to explain these things away in a way that the Liberal World Order has deemed appropriate, which is acceptable in a case like this and just as effective. But for those curious, yes, demons and malicious spirits are very real things that most people believe in once they quiet their minds. And some people are more prone to attacks by them based on bloodlines, from their ancestors who may have been host to demonic spirits hundreds or thousands of years in the past. Those same characters look for those blood types and seek them out as hosts, completely unsuspecting. The host may not know such characters are guiding them, but to the outside world, it’s as obvious as the sun at noon on a beach in Florida without a cloud in the sky. But for this case, the psychological explanation will suffice to explain what has happened to Isaac Adi. It’s the desire to be liked by your peers, which is the classic gateway that governs so much evil in the world, that we see at fault for the conditions we have witnessed at Lakota. 

It’s easy to fall in love with the people you are working with and managing, and good managers learn to think beyond such impulses. At the same time, inexperienced managers hope that they can control people through friendships and favors. And school board members are managers of their school districts. So it’s to be expected that when positions of power are acquired, every loser, sexually deviant, lazy, overpaid psychopath will seek the favor of the new power, which Isaac won during that election. But in that moment of insecurity during the initial day and year of such a service, it’s easy to fall in love with all these new friends who suddenly want to appease you. And to keep that feeling from going away, you stop looking at the truth that might bust that bubble of goodness at suddenly being such a popular character doing important work in the world. This is precisely how the OSBA teachers and school board members build consensus in community settings. They get so good at it that they don’t even realize that they do it to all the relationships in their lives, not just the professional ones. And when those relationships are standing in the way of good management of a taxpayer asset, then we should all be concerned. But to put it simply, to allow peer pressure to make rational decisions based on friendship and sentiment is the path of evil. People inexperienced in these kinds of things tend to fall for them. And I’m not inexperienced. So what Isaac did wasn’t a surprise. It is valuable to know what a person can take and how they function in a social setting. What their motivations are during a behavioral change? And what we saw at that meeting on March 6th, 2023, was necessary. Hurt has nothing to do with it. But the truth is all that is interesting, and we saw plenty of the truth, for which we can then make decisions based, which is very valuable to know.

Only strong and resolute people can withstand the evil of the “Thriller.”

Rich Hoffman

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