The Turning Point of the War: When conspiracies turn out to be true and we learn the Constitution and guns are all that really matter

The Turning Point in the War

I have been talking about the FEMA camps that we are now seeing happen in Australia and Austria for decades.  Of course, they call them something else in those places, but in essence, the tyrannical intentions of those governments have been unleashed over Covid, and we have seen attempts in America toward the same.  Recently, in fact, two times in the year 2021, I took my wife through Indianapolis, where the FEMA camp railyards for my sector of the country we’re supposed to transpire.  Given the world’s blueprint, it’s pretty obvious now what the plan was.  I could never figure out how our constitutional republic would ever pull off a FEMA camp imprisonment similar to what Hitler did to the Jews, but after 2021, we now see who and why they would be sent to FEMA camps.  It would be the unvaccinated, of course, and similar government disrupters such as the rioters at the January 6th event that has violated all kinds of constitutional liberties for those still imprisoned.  And in many ways, I feel like the fever is breaking, that there is a tide turning in this war that many never knew was even happening.  But it was, and it goes back a long way. The way that Australia and Austria have been behaving over Covid and how the media has shown themselves to be agents of their corporate sponsors, we now see what many thought years ago were just conspiracies. 

But I’m not all doom and gloom over these revelations; I’ve always known about them.  My problem was that I couldn’t prove it to people who were much more interested in getting their kids to soccer practice and having a block party for the Ohio State/Michigan game than in getting to the bottom of why our government would have planned FEMA camps for innocent people decades ago, only to come true now, in the early 2020s.  Then we saw the unthinkable in September of 2021 when the Biden people put out an Executive Order mandating vaccines for a virus our government created as a bioweapon in a Chinese lab, for most employers in America targeting all the people who work for them.  It was perhaps the most aggressive overreach of the federal government any of us have ever seen outside of wartime escapades. It was alarming to Americans not used to such an imposing government.  People really didn’t know what to do because they had never been challenged legally in these ways.  In the country’s history, we had never seen conspiracies like this playing out before our eyes, and it was scary stuff.  But I said then as I say now, it was always unconstitutional, and that is what sets America apart from the rest of the world, is that bit of constitutional philosophy that is so wonderfully debated in two of my favorite books ever written, The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers.  I personally prefer The Anti-Federalist Papers.  Even though I’m from Hamilton, Ohio, which is named after Alexander Hamilton, of Federalist Papers fame, I’m a hardliner for the Anti-Federalist Papers.  I admire those works in the context of history. I’ve been to the site in England of one of the Magna Cartas.  Our American Constitution wasn’t just put together yesterday; it’s the culmination of many years of human intellect which modern progressives are trying to toss out the window.  But it’s the law of our land, and so long as we stick by it and defend it from attackers by using the Second Amendment, everything will be fine.

That’s precisely what broke this sickness; as I said, it would end eventually when the legal system caught up to the crimes.  Up to this point, December 8th of 2021, the crimes of international governments were far outpacing the ability of our courts to deal with them, which was part of the strategy, a standard Cloward and Piven tactic of overwhelming a system and forcing it to collapse.  Just like blitzing the quarterback in football, that is what attackers of America have been doing to us all, including some within our own government, such as the Biden administration.  And like everywhere that Covid protocols by overreaching politicians have attempted it, a judge in Georgia put a hold on the federal portion of the Biden executive order, pretty much killing the unconstitutional mandate as soon as it was born.  That has been the case in all Covid cases, but that hold on the federal mandate was the big one, and from this point, it will establish all case law in the future.  Governments have limits on their powers on purpose, and that doesn’t go away when there is a panic; even a government-created one like coronavirus has been.  The plan was to suspend our constitutional rights with Covid and replace direct military authority with medical authority, which was always a plan by those types of people.  This is why we have a constitution that protects individual liberty from those declaring collective salvation.  Because it was always a power grab, and those who didn’t follow along would be sent to FEMA camps to enforce compliance to this new global authority.

But that’s not how it rolls in America.  It took people a few years to get their feet settled in America, but finally, people are learning about the Constitution in ways they should have always known.  Government schools that wanted to acquire power for themselves, of course, will not teach constitutional value in their classrooms.  We were crazy to think they ever would.  But people have learned through this Covid nightmare the value of limits on government which the Constitution provides.  Finally, people have the context they can relate to.  Our rights do not get put on hold because the world’s governments can’t manage a silly virus.  Their inabilities do not constitute imprisonment, sorrow, or a loss of enjoyment of life.  And that essentially is what judge R. Stan Baker granted from Georgia regarding the federal portion of the Biden Executive Order.

A president doesn’t get to make orders like some king from the White House.  Governor DeWine in Ohio tried similar stupidity during Covid, which the legislature had to take away from him.  In America, we understand we need government for the basics.  But we must put limits on the powers of government because if stupid people get to be in charge by some deficiency, then people need insulation from that stupidity.  And that has certainly been the case with Covid-19.  There is plenty of stupid to go around.  And while the stupid people sort out their errors, people need to live their lives.  And in that way, I am happy to see more people than ever understanding finally what these differences are.  It is dangerous to let a government become all-powerful and even consider that FEMA camps were a possibility.  If not for our Constitution, the government certainly would have tried to send me to one of those camps, and we would have had a lot of unnecessary loss of life in the process.  It would have been tragic.  But because of the Constitution and our ability to defend that law with gun rights behind every door, we still have a functioning country.  Not because of government, but despite it.  And that is why the great machine of America has not been turned off the way our attackers globally had wished.  And now, Americans have seen these intentions for themselves, and it looks like they are finally poised to do something about it.  It’s about time!

Rich Hoffman

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