The Lies of the Biden Economy: Claiming Covid jobs as economic credit for a Marxist government

Calling someone a liar and a typical political thief is one thing.  But in the case of Joe Biden and his Marxist handlers, to have proof of it is something else.   The economic numbers for Biden are not good and, in many ways, getting worse because not even the communist media will carry water for him as they have.  When they try to tell us that he was legitimately elected, remember what I did as the very first thing.  My wife and I packed up in our RV and went out into the desert to think and get some perspective, which I needed.  I remembered some of this as recently, my wife and I traveled to Cleveland for a fast-draw competitive event and lived out of our RV for an extended period.  We were watching Trump’s speech in New Jersey, where he indicated that he would make a play to win some of those heavy Democrat areas.  It was raining outside, and we had an exceptionally cozy evening together.  We were talking about Trump returning to office and thinking of the first few months of the horrendous Biden presidency, where the shoe was on the other foot.  Since we were so political, we were among the hundred ones, which had been made clear to me.  So we went to the desert of New Mexico to consider what to do next.  I made some adjustments to my life as a result, and then there we were, watching Trump from that same RV a few years later with the rain pouring down outside after a day of shooting and lots of gunsmoke, and the truth was all coming out on Biden.  We knew Biden didn’t win the election with 81 million votes because we had traveled extensively, and they were nowhere to be found.  The Biden people had lied about their election and their presidency, and we were the first to see it.   Now, it was obvious to everyone. 

That same process occurred with Biden’s economic numbers.  We all know we had a much better economy with Trump until the Covid virus was created in a Wuhan lab and released to the world by not only the Chinese but the global communists at the World Economic Forum who wanted to distribute the China model of communism to the world with a Great Reset had wanted to stop that excellent Trump economy hurting him during an election year.  According to Department of Defense reports now, COVID was a bioweapon, and they released it during that year, as they had been planning to destroy Trump’s economy and make their power move for global domination.  Things didn’t work out as they had imagined, and world domination wasn’t happening. All those lunatic billionaires retreated to their hiding places in Davos, and the world tried to somewhat return to normal, hoping everyone would forget about it, even though millions of people had died along the way.  We are all still coming to grips with that tragedy and our government’s role in the scamdemic.  The contents of that contemplation are still considered a massive conspiracy theory, even though the proof is all around us and was all along.   Those same forces wanted a puppet president and found one in Biden. They put him in place with massive election fraud done behind the veil of COVID-19, which allowed them to do so.  This is an element they would not have in 2024, as people are just waking up to deal with all this terrible news, most evident by the Biden economy, which was harming people at every level of society.

Oh, I know, these are hard to think about for people who want to take their kids to soccer practice and buy their next steak dinner off Amazon.  I had a front-row seat, and I think about these things in ways others don’t, so it doesn’t matter when people realize that they have been scammed by a massive government conspiracy centered around the United Nations trying to push Chinese communism to every corner of the world through corporate influence and international finance.  But the truth is easy in this case: the Biden administration has been lying about their economic recovery, saying they had created more jobs than any president in the history of the world, and even skeptical people have been scratching their heads, wondering where they were.  Well, they were the jobs destroyed during Covid, when these same con people convinced President Trump to turn off the economy to save lives, which he did—resulting in the biggest con job the world had ever seen.  And once Trump was out of office, and all the political rivals of Biden had been hunted down, prosecuted, or thrown in jail, the Biden people had to finally give up on Covid as a cover story because the world was coming apart in anger over the issue.  If the Biden people could have, Covid lockdowns would still be happening, with the “new normal,” as they used to say.  But people realized there was a thing called the Constitution, and the lockdowns were illegal.  And the governors across the country were losing their cases and had to reopen the economy. 

Along the way of that reopening, the jobs that the COVID lockdowns had destroyed became open again, and those are the massive job creations that Biden is now claiming his administration has created.  They are saying all this with a straight face and expect the public to accept it without question.  That’s how stupid they think we all are.  And how malicious they are and how much they have lied to everyone.  Even with all the scrutiny, they believe they will get away with lying about their job numbers without the context of a pre-Covid lockdown reality that returned to normal in the years following during the Biden administration.  The Biden economy has been a disaster, as any socialist economy would be, and that has been their policy, and the measures have been obvious.  Their lies about the job reports are much worse because people know better.  But think that if they will lie about these job numbers, what else they have been lying about that is that much harder to prove?  The only thing preventing people from seeing the truth is that they won’t believe it because they can’t imagine that people are that evil and malicious.  Yet, they are, the Biden people.  They are cruel and malicious.  And slowly, people are realizing it.  That’s why people were camped out in New Jersey to see Trump give the same speech over and over, and even Fox News carried the whole thing from beginning to end.  There were over 100,000 people at that Trump event, and it did terrify the political left and the uniparty.  Even with all the crazy court trials, nothing was stopping Trump, and the writing was on the wall.  People knew they had been lied to about Trump and many other things.  And they wanted a change; they wanted their good economy back.  And they were done with Biden and his con artist lies.  They have started to admit to this, which was the first step in solving the problem for good. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Getting Rid of Herbie: Why Trump’s economy will be so much better than Biden’s

This will likely be one of the most valuable things I will ever tell you.  It’s worth a lot of money to many companies all over the world, but not for the reasons they think.  But on the topic of why Trump’s economy will be better than Biden’s or that Biden and Obama’s economy was worse than Trump’s and why, you have to understand the very nature of all communist and socialist governments.  It’s why, even with over a billion people in China, they still have a GDP that is less than America, with 2/3 fewer people. It is one of the most significant crimes happening in the world; it is not strictly against the law, but laws are created to preserve its nature.  That trend is expressed in the classic book on efficiency called The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt, which deals with the Theory of Constraints and how to deal with them.  Goldratt is the Jonathan Cahn of business books, and he has a series of them that many companies worldwide have sought to improve their lives in some way, and for all the same reasons that people pursue religion.  They don’t necessarily want to fix anything, but they go through the motions, hoping to trick God into letting them into the Heavenly Gates at some point.  And that is the approach that many people have with The Goal.  On the surface, it’s a pretty good book with a fictional narrative about a plant manager with minimal time to turn a company around to start making a profit.  But behind the scenes, it’s a soft sale on communism that has infiltrated the marketplace over the last several years.  The goal is to identify the constraints in your manufacturing process and manage them instead of trying to jam things through them. 

When I talk about The Goal to people, which happens all the time actually, I tell a story from the book where a bunch of backpackers are hiking to a destination, and they have a big fat kid named Herbie who is holding up the rest of the hikers from reaching their destination on time.  Since Herbie is fat, not as strong as the other kids, and has a hard time carrying a heavy backpack through the wilderness on a long trail, the kids behind him bunch up to his back while the kids in front of him pull way out ahead.  They arrive at the destination many hours ahead of Herbie and those behind him, and the goal of the exercise is to have process flow built around team cohesion.  So, the story’s purpose is to find ways to lessen Herbie’s burden on the group and to pace all the activities to those limits.  For instance, don’t force Herbie to carry the heavy backpack because it will just slow him down.  Have those who can take the backpack do it for him because, as the communists say, “those who can, each by their means,” and all that.  Once you realize that people reading the book, especially government types, are using this Theory of Constraints to hide their laziness and incompetence and trying to sell it as an efficiency tactic.  Without question, constraints are a genuine thing.  But how you deal with them is something I’m afraid I have to disagree with most of the world emphatically.  Constraints are meant to be managed, not yielded to, and the point of The Goal is to find out what they are and build everything around them. 

See the problem here, lower your expectations and live with the limits of Herbie

In my worldview, I advocate for removing Herbies from the process. I believe in finding individuals who are about 100 pounds lighter and can carry a heavy backpack. I don’t believe in forcing the rest of the group to slow down for slow old Herbie.  I say remove as many constraints as possible with good, competent people.  But to do that, we must acknowledge that all people are not equal.  Some people are better than others, and in a business environment, this is the opposite of what political trends have tried to create in the world. They emphasize equity and inclusion, not performance and competency.  And you can see this in the performance of the world today, from your local drive-thru to the store stocker at your local grocery.  In my view, the Biden administration is all about creating a society of Herbies. In my world, I would encourage them to be the first to be fired or pushed out of your work culture.  Rather than building around the Herbies, I would say to get rid of them and replace them with someone faster and better. This goes against almost every unspoken rule of our modern world.  However, the government, especially under Biden and Obama, is all about putting as many Herbies into your system, so it’s no wonder their governments are much less efficient and covered with slowness and waste.  They have made it pretty much illegal even to judge the performance of the Herbies of the world. When you want to understand what has happened in the world to slow everything down, The Goal, as a book, has captured the problem well.  But not for the reasons it intended to define the Theory of Constraints.  Lazy losers in the world and incompetent people afraid of competition have been empowered by it to prevent performance from being the measuring criteria and instead made group cohesion the mode of operation as a central value. 

Don’t learn to live with constraints. Improve them or get rid of them all together

During his first term, Trump thinks about Herbies the way I do.  He brought free market capitalism back to the markets where competition drove expectations for about three years until COVID-19 was invented and released to tamper with the 2020 election and get a Great Reset to all global markets influenced by the communists at the World Economic Forum.  And the American economy flourished under Trump.  But the policy of Obama and Biden, which is attached to global communism, China style, and corporate control superseding elected governments, wants a society of Herbies that they feed with welfare checks and entitlements because it gives them more centralized control over mass populations.  If they can sell that inefficiency to the public as “efficiency,” you can bet they will try.   So few people understand why Trump’s economy was, and will be, so much better than Biden’s.  Most economists don’t understand it; they have been taught only one way of viewing economic value, so they are oblivious to what Trump will do, which differs from Biden.  However, the real difference is that any good economy or company trying to implement a process will seek to eliminate as many Herbies as possible. And if they do have them, to mitigate the damage they cause to others by slowing everything down.  Speed is our friend in a thriving economy and successful business.  And rather than manage around our Herbies, we should get rid of them whenever we spot them and replace them with someone much faster and more competent.  That holds of a machine or even a business model.  If speed is not the emphasis, then incompetence becomes the breeding ground of fools, and you end up with horrendous economic numbers, such as we have seen with Biden.  The fix is easy, but it is something the government doesn’t want to see happen as they attach themselves to the global communist movement where Herbies are made, not managed.

A much better world, one without Herbies

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

After Trump Wins, Democrats Will Get Violent: Be sure to utilize concealed carry or at least, Constitutional Carry a firearm

Of course, just as I said it would, Trump is going to be re-elected, and all the schemes that the Democrats have used over the years to manipulate the mass public aren’t going to work.  And it’s going to get ugly.  I don’t think there is any way around it; this is what happens when you let Marxist radicals into your country, into your corporations, and your communities disguised as Democrats.   It would never end well, but at some point, we would always arrive at this juncture.  No matter what happens, even if they somehow manage to keep Trump out of office, there will likely be violence on a mass scale.  Appeasing them won’t help, it will just make it worse.  They are planning violence one way or another.  For the rest of us, the best-case scenario is to use the laws and follow them to the very end.  Trump needs to win the White House properly because it will force the Democrats to reveal all the horrible things they have been up to over many years.  But yes, we are in a civil war, and there is no way to stop it now.  We couldn’t have stopped it in the 1950s.  America was always on a collision course with the radical communists in the world who were openly working to subvert American laws built on the foundation of the Constitution.  The only reason violence hasn’t happened yet is that good people turned the other cheek for decades and empowered these losers to think they had more power than they did.  And now it’s playing out daily.  Trump isn’t using some magic power to find power again.  A lot of what is happening in the MAGA movement is revenge for what Democrats have been doing, and there is no way to put all that back into a bottle and forget about it.

I recommend that everyone who can start to conceal carry, or at least Constitutional Carry.  Get as many firearms as you can and learn to use them.  Be prepared.  When Trump wins, the most likely scenario is something we have seen before.  Remember when Madonna said that she “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” and several other celebrities like Johnny Depp suggested that killing the President was something we might think about doing?  This is how the left thinks, and when we say left, we mean communists, as Karl Marx defined them.  I talk to politicians all the time who think they can have lunch with Democrats and get along.  I know several Democrats who present themselves as friendly people who would be nice to talk to in a backyard cookout.  But make no mistake about it: they are plotting the doom and death of America with mass global collectivism.  And when they realize, which is happening now, that people are onto their game, that they have lost the ability to manipulate the public through media and entertainment, and that people are turning away from communist ideas, they will turn to violence because it’s all they have left as a strategy.  And in many cases, they have no interest in working with Americans.  They only think to suppress America, and it’s been going on since before the 1930s.  The Great Depression, never forget, created a crisis by applying communist policies to the tremendous economic machine of American capitalism.  And Democrats and progressives have been selling communism to anybody who would listen for over a hundred years now, hiding it behind racism, feminism, environmentalism, social reforms of all kinds, and children in schools.  It’s been a long process, and as Trump continues to increase in polling, there is panic forming among these communists presenting themselves as Democrats and RINO Republicans.  People have been on to them and are showing support for an alternative that was never part of their plan.  And they will fight to keep their plan alive through violence because that’s what every communist revolution has done around the world.  But like the last time Trump was elected, they will take to the streets to start riots and mobs of chaos incited by the many billionaires who have invested in global communism, of which America is just a part.  They never had a plan B. 

Many people, I remember it from 2020, hesitated to admit that they were voting for Trump because they worried that the mob of agitators would arrive at their house and bring violence to them.  So they either voted in favor of Biden or denied that they voted for Trump.  Either way, they felt they had to suppress their opinions to save themselves from a violent outcome by a radical leftist mob.  That is not how it should ever be in America, and I think we will have to fight for it in ways many never thought they’d ever have to.  We read about other people fighting for our freedom, but most never thought we’d have to do it ourselves.  I believe, in a lot of ways, our time will be the worst because the mob of violence is loose on our streets, and they are in our neighborhoods, and it’s going to get chippy for a long time.  And a lot of people are going to get hurt.  Sure, it will be needless violence.  Sure, there are lots of ways to solve problems besides violence.  But we have been trying for a long time, and it’s only been our side who have given an inch only for Democrats to take a mile.  And they aren’t going to give that mile back out of kindness.  It will have to be ripped from them.

At this point, there is no peaceful scenario.  If Trump doesn’t return to the White House, people are going to turn to violence to remove the communist government that is impacting our lives at every level of American life.  And if Trump does end up back in the White House, the Democrats are going to cause every kind of trouble you can imagine.  They will attack and do so viciously.  I would advise you all to be well-armed and stand firmly behind the Constitution, the rule of law, the Supreme Court, and the White House with Trump in it.  And dig in for the fight and expect violence to come your way.  But we aren’t just talking about people’s feelings here; we are talking about outright communism.  We have gone to war in other countries for far less than we are seeing coming out of the Uniparty, especially where Democrats are concerned.  And we won’t be able to call up the military to attack on behalf of a civil war.  No, this is a fight we will have to win ourselves, and it will likely get messy.  I hope not, but there is nothing in me that thinks there’s any way out but violence.  And if there’s violence, make sure you’re the one who wins on behalf of capitalism against communism and defend the flag from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  It will take courage, but it all starts by voting Trump back into the White House, and from there, Democrats will do what they have always done: stand for violence to propel communism on their enemies.  And there’s no soft way to land that plane.  It’s happening regardless of what people hope to avoid.  The longer we put it off, the worse it will get.  But it’s going to happen regardless.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

Getting Out of Bed to Fight for Your Country: Most people don’t have the guts to be President Trump

There are a lot of sunshine patriots out there who will fly the American flag over the Fourth of July and cook their hot dogs on a grill. But when it comes time to do any kind of heavy lifting and to stand for something, they are nowhere to be found. Most people bootlick their way through life, and they will do so to make the most money possible while doing as little work as they can. And when times are tough, they hide under their covers and turn off the alarm clock until the danger is averted. The world is full of such people. And it is because of them that there is so much evil in the world, empowered and doing what they are doing to destroy the world. I have been warning about these things for most of my life and as people ask me about some of the chapters in my book of life and wonder about all the carnage and hurt feelings, it points back to this essential issue. When times were tough, who got out of bed and did something about it. And one thing I can say, with all the violence and debate, I did not turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed while it was storming outside. I got up, went to where the trouble was, and did what needed to be done. When I fly an American flag, I do so knowing that I have done all I could to make it proud, because the fights to have the right to fly that flag are always under threat by hostile enemies foreign and domestic. It would have been easy to just do like everyone else, take a nice vacation, go to fancy dinners, and play golf without ever talking about anything too serious. But that would never be enough for me, because there was always a lot of work to do, and America needs as many people doing it as possible.

And I saw in Trump many years ago, 2012 to 2014 a person who had achieved a certain place in life where he wanted to do the work that it takes to keep America alive and well. I would point out even back then that Obama was a socialist, and that his birth certificate had major problems and that he probably was not qualified to be president. Which at that time sounded crazy. I remember what I was doing on 9/11 when terrorists attacked the symbol of American capitalism, the World Trade Center. I sent my wife to pick up my kids from school as everyone around me was as floored as everyone across the country and our skies stopped having air traffic for a couple of days. But I never believed the narrative, what made those terrorists think they could get away with it. Globalists looking to topple America are always involved, and they are sloppier these days than back then when people still had some trust in authority figures. 9/11 was a provoked terrorist attack meant to expand government and to give the FBI, and the CIA more authority, which they have obviously abused. And it all happened right under our nose, while people went about their lives worrying about being too controversial, because they might become social outcasts. But out of all that came a few people here and there, like President Trump, who were able to do something to help the flag, so he started thinking of running for president and he was visiting Tea Party groups to build up his brand in that direction.  And I was a supporter, because I knew what kind of work really needed to be done in America, and most people were not willing to do it.

When history looks back on this time, it will remember all the sunshine patriots who sat on their hands and never engaged the enemy, which empowered that enemy to the levels of menace that we are seeing now. Their neighbors might think they are swell people. At the local wine tasting where everyone is talking about sending their children to college so they can learn about Karl Marx, essentially, people might complement the high heels of an attractive woman, but talk behind her back at all the men she is sleeping with, while an American flag flies outside looking for someone to defend it from the tyranny of a jealous world.  But it will also remember that it took 12 years of Trump to return our country back to all those worthless people who should be more grateful than they are. Everyone will be grateful in hindsight even though they did extraordinarily little to help along the way, including most of the current Republican Party. They talk tough, but when it comes time to go out into the rain to engage the enemy, they stay where it is safe, and let others do that. The very few others. Trump is one of them. Thank goodness he won that first term in 2016. And in many ways, what happened in 2020 had to happen because people needed to see just how bad this current government of criminals really was. How deep the rot really extended. They did not believe me when I told them in the 1990s, then the 2000s. And of course, in 2020. But now, because Trump was essentially a president in exile in Mar-a-Lago, and all these horrendously bad people have come after him to destroy him, do people finally see the danger. 

It was always going to take three terms of a presidency fully committed to the preservation of American life to do the job. And Trump seemed poised to do that job going back to the Reform Party. I am not new at this. I remember talking to Ross Perot’s family in the parking lot of their Texas company on the eve of the 1992 election about all this. And most people just would not get out of bed, they wanted to stay asleep. I did all I could, including being in that parking lot with the Perot family in Texas, and 19% of America knew something had to be done and supported Ross Perot anyway. That number has grown over the years to around 38% who would stand by Trump no matter what, because they get it. They are out of bed with the alarm clock off. And I think now, because of these previous two terms of Trump, one official, one in exile, that a third Trump term will put that number closer to 60% of America will finally get out of bed and do the work of patriotism that is required. And as bad as it is for Trump, he has inspired others to finally get out of bed and to fight for our flag. Sometimes it takes a person like President Trump, or a Ross Perot, people who have achieved a certain level of success in life to turn away from polite society, roll up their sleeves, and fight for their country in ways that very few have the courage to do, because they are too busy trying to build a life for themselves to get to some level of independence.  I know what it has cost me, and many people just will not do it, because they do not have the stomach for it. But that did not take away the requirements of the job. It will take three Trump terms to start to fix our country from the hostile communists who have been attacking it for most of the last one hundred years. And it will take another decade or two to implement patriotic policies to restore America to greatness. But we are seeing that process play out now, and thank goodness for people like President Trump, and an exceedingly small group around him who are doing the right things for all the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for them because I know how hard it is. And everyone should appreciate the effort for many thousands of years to come, because it was necessary.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense

“Fat Boy” Bragg and his Communists in New York: Attacking Trump as a symbol of capitalism as terrorists have been doing since 9/11

At least finally, people are starting to talk about the Alvin Bragg case in New York against Trump, along with the Letitia James case and the Fani Willis case in Georgia for what they are: Marxist insurgencies against our system of government meant to topple us just as communists have all over the world.  I’ve been warning people about this trend for several decades and finally, people see what is happening and understand it for what it is.  These are communists; Fat Boy Alvin Bragg in New York shows clearly how the Marxist movement moved into minority communities and recruited people like Bragg to their cause of the overthrow of America.  We’re not talking about a thinly veiled disguise such as what the 1619 Project was and how most sizable corporations became spokespeople for Marxism willingly.  Now we are getting down to the nitty-gritty; there are no attempts to hide what they are.  They don’t care if they shatter legal precedent or wreck people’s trust in our judicial system.  They are going all in, and they don’t care what damage it might do to the country because they intend to destroy it, as planned from the beginning.  And this abuse of power in New York, especially in trying to stick President Trump with a bunch of phony charges just to keep him off the campaign for president because they have no other option, is just showing people that what I have been warning about, is very much a grim reality.  People never wanted to believe that it was possible, but here it is, in all its communist accessories.  There is nothing legitimate in these cases against Trump. In the end, they will only make people more persistent in voting for him because what is on display is proof that we have an out-of-control, abusive government. They have no intention of working within the American system of government but to destroy it.

Fat Boy Bragg deserves no respect; he’s an assassin of hatred that communists have toward capitalist endeavors, and Trump is the perfect spokesman for that anger in that he is the pedestal of capitalism exhibited by American culture.  With his giant towers, supermodel wife, and full bank account, Trump is everything that the communists hate, and to express those sentiments, they are showing their playbook, essentially because they have no other move.  It’s now or never for them.  They have been hiding in the background trying to fit into society behind a mask of racism to conceal their movements.  And they have moved into these district attorney positions, as well as attorney general efforts using skin color to gain sympathy, and once they obtained that power, they were then free to abuse it.  The race riots in America never just happened; they were provoked as communist revolutions around the world have been for most of the previous century.  This was never about slavery, which Democrats were in favor of, and Republicans abolished to free people of color.  This was always about abuse, attack, and military effort.  While loser politicians were making arguments about defending America with a more robust military, they were also allowing these Marxists access to the halls of government, sponsored mainly by George Soros money and other “progressive” activists, into attacking America indirectly, culturally, and economically.  “You keep the tanks, planes, and troops,” they were saying, “we’ll take the college campuses, the Bar Association, and your corporate boards through BlackRock, and we’ll change your culture from the inside out.  No need to conquer you with military force.  We’ll do it through culture.”  And the proof of all that is what Fat Boy Bragg is doing in New York, trying to prosecute Trump for issues involving Stormy Daniels, the porn star, which has already been dealt with beyond the statute of limitations.  People voted for President Trump anyway, and the matter has been settled.

Alvin “Fat Boy” Bragg has been concerned with using the court’s power to target political rivals, which has been going on in every communist country over the last century, so it’s not a surprise in and of itself.  The only surprise is that people assumed that America was free, and everyone looked to the Constitution as their guiding legal foundation.  Of course, these communists want to overthrow those traditions just as they have with race by hiding their actual efforts behind what they show the public.  In this Fat Boy case, Bragg is pretending to use the rule of law to destroy the concept of law and order and erode people’s trust as a gradual outcome.  In the short run, these court proceedings are intended to tie Trump up in court and waste his time, hoping to stick him with criminal proceedings and harm him to the public.  But people see what’s going on, finally.  Any benefit of the doubt that people had been willing to give to efforts like Black Lives Matters is gone now.  The attempts not to be called “racist” by accepting radicalized communists from minority community sleeper cells are no longer on the table.  People have strong opinions about what they see happening, which will carry over into all future elections.  I see a spell being broken for good resulting from all this because the communists have overplayed their hands.  They have gone too far against the American people. 

Of course, the danger always looming in the background is about our elections. Do we have free and fair elections that people can trust?  Going back to the days of the Black Panthers trying to intimidate voters at the polling places in minority neighborhoods to put their communists in power, they are now showing the results people were worried about.  And yes, you can bet your ass, Alvin Braggs “fat ass,” that these same people rigged the 2020 election to keep Trump out of the White House.  Of course, they stole the election under the cover of Covid.  And now, without a global pandemic set loose by the World Health Organization globally, these regional communists fighting for power and control of the American legal system have to turn to another form of election interference.  And that is all Fat Boy’s case in New York is about.  However, since Trump has shown that he is willing to take these losers on directly, it is forcing them to overplay their hand and force strong emotions on the American public, who they know voted for President Trump and will do it again.  It is the best and least violent way that Americans can retake their country away from these radical communists who have embedded themselves at all levels of our government.  Now that we know, and people are willing to admit to the problem since they can see it for themselves, the rule they have had over us is ending.  It might be scary to people who don’t want to admit such truths.  But now that we can see it on such a grand display, people are angry.  They have been suffering needlessly as their financial means have been eroded, the pride in their country destroyed.  And now we have watched rigged elections in America give us the same kind of communist results that have been seen in China, Russia, and Venezuela.  And for the communists, if they can take down a symbol of capitalism in America, like President Trump, then they would have done as the terrorists of the Twin Towers wanted to do with 9/11.  They always wanted to topple capitalism and our way of life and give us communism in all the vile facades that they could ever hope to utilize.  The Alvin “Fat Boy” Bragg case in New York is all about that, and nothing more.

Rich Hoffman

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Puff Daddy and the Rap Music Industry of Marxism and Mayhem: They always intended to destroy American culture

Whatever they call him, Puff Daddy, P Diddy, or whatever it is that the famous rap star is in trouble with, it’s not that the music industry is saturated with sex trafficking and child molesters that is the problem.  Everyone knows what Puff Daddy has been up to, and loose sex with lots of crazy women and underage kids is part of their lifestyle. The record industry has made a lot of money over the years, pandering to the worst of the human race, the typical losers who used to worship Baal in the Bible and sacrifice their firstborn children in trade for sex and glory.  If Puff Daddy is in trouble now, it’s likely because he has fallen out of favor and he’s being offered as a sacrifice to the gods of chaos by a corrupt FBI trying to appear like they are doing their job in an election year where they are trying to divert attention from President Biden, the inserted president, not the elected one.  No, the worst thing about this recent story is the origin of rap music to begin with, as a deliberate attack on American culture by Marxists looking to undermine our culture through the inner cities and to make ground troops out of the discontent with a communist revolution.  Don’t ever forget that Black Lives Matter was a Marxist organization that many corporations openly embraced.   But not before the rap music scene came along to pave the way for that nonsense and guilt people into believing they had to embrace that hate music to prove that they weren’t racists left over from the Civil War.  Also, never forget the Republican Party was created to end racism, and it was the Democrats who fought that effort, a mistake that would hurt them until they tried to use the Civil Rights Movement during the communist 60s to rebrand their image. 

People who are not very well educated in history have let pop music define their political parameters, so they have no context.  But the truth is, rap music was introduced to American music to destroy our culture and usher communism into communities of color to rot us from the inside out.  And Puff Daddy and all his other child-molesting rap buddies, like the dope smoker Snoop Dogg and even the whitewash sucker Eminem and the Beastie Boys, were creations of the music industry meant to be weapons of destruction to rot the minds of the youth and turn them against the culture of their parents for the destruction of America as a nation.  It was just one aspect of the globalist plans to attack America without tanks and troops and instead attack the minds of the youth so they wouldn’t be able to defend their culture from those vile enemies beyond our shores, let in by finance who promoted the effort.  What?  Do you think all those great Motown hits disappeared overnight?  Think of all those great songs that came from Detroit record labels.  Are we to believe they all disappeared during the 1990s only to be replaced by these losers, Puff Daddy and the gangster rappers of hate and destruction daring us to call them out for their blatant racism baited through politics to paralyze judgment and promote a drug-induced society of criminals and cop-hating thugs.  Is anybody surprised that Puff Daddy is in trouble or that the law is being selectively enforced?  Or was he allowed to break the law to get the goods on compromised people attending his parties for extortion rackets later? 

The damage is already obvious, I was at Liberty Center, Ohio a very nice shopping complex recently enjoying a nice day with my family.  And while in the food court was a bunch of thugs obviously raised on rap music using horrendous language and treating each other like gangs from the video game Grand Theft Auto.  And they didn’t care who heard them or what anybody thought of their social conduct.  They were obvious Lakota school students and they looked like they belonged in a music video for Puff Daddy.  I’ve warned everyone if you don’t run these losers out of these shopping complexes, then the same fate that happened to Forest Fair Mall, and Tri-County Mall will happen to Liberty Center.  Nice moms and family people don’t want to share space with these gangster rappers and their bad conduct.  They will just stop going to such places.  They don’t want to hear the bad language and witness the sorry attitudes and they will find alternatives.  Everyone has to understand that those kids were taught to be that way by Marxist elements of our culture.  It has nothing to do with racism.  If it did, then the Republican Party would be the refuge for all such discussions.  Instead, the American way of life has been under attack by the music industry to make such kids weapons of their war against America.  And instead of drafting our children into service to defend our country from the communists, the communists have drafted our kids through music to kill the concept of family.  And in so doing, to destroy the foundation of American life, the youth of tomorrow.  Those young Lakota kids have been radicalized to be weaponized terrorists against good people.  And that was the purpose of Puff Daddy and his FBI, CIA friends who empowered him.  They knew what they were doing all along.  They knew about the young girls, and the sex trafficking.  Heck, they helped facilitate the crimes, until it was to their advantage to cash in their investment and throw Puff Daddy under the bus.

If it was just about making money, the music industry would still be making music like they did with Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, and Prince.  Marxists infiltrated the music industry purposely to weaponize it, and Puff Daddy was one of those weapons.  And they used him until they wanted to close up a loop in their story.  Puff Daddy was a creation of those who hated America, as the entire rap culture was.  It was intended to destroy a whole generation with victimized sentiments and attempt to assign to mainstream America all the sins of the Democrat Party leading up to the Civil War.  And like the mechanisms of evil everywhere, the devil lies to all and twists the words of fate to their advantage to souls entirely too trusting.  And while we accepted this rap culture to erase away sins the Democrats caused, they used that guilt to destroy our nation’s youth with gangster rap that only now people see the proper strategy, entirely too late.  And think of all the poor kids who have had their lives destroyed by Puff Daddy and his friends of malcontents.  Rap music wasn’t created as a free market necessity but as political activism by Marxists looking to steer more losers toward the Democrat Party to keep themselves in power while trying to erase their guilt in the process.  And while kids were distracted by easy sex, drugs, and anti-American culture, the true motives were shaping our political world for the worse.  And Puff Daddy was just one of the losers; the record industry itself was ripe for the corruption it unleashed.  And the weapon of war was guilt; if they could make us feel shame, just like those dumb Lakota kids at Liberty Center, nobody would do anything about it.  And allow them to destroy our culture to prove they weren’t racists.  Meanwhile, massive numbers of underaged kids have had their lives ruined forever by these destructive rap stars and their record producers.  And only now is the whole destruction apparent to see, making it necessary for us to judge once and for all. 

Rich Hoffman

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The Lords of Easy Money Are Trying To Keep Biden in Power: We should have never created the Federal Reserve

I told everyone many months ago that the Lords of Easy Money were corrupt, and more to the point, the entire purpose of our present government is to make them money.  The Jekyll Island experiment with the Federal Reserve was a dumb idea when it was conceived in 1913, and now, after more than a century of its sheer stupidity, we are seeing the net result of its massive failure.  It is not a failure for them, but for the people the government is supposed to serve.  Not having a firm grasp of our financial system has been a terrible idea, and a group of private bankers running the whole show with globalism in mind has had the predicted results that many people have warned about for decades.  And we aren’t just talking about quantitative easing anymore, with bizarre communist Keynesian economics driving this mess; it’s complete on Modern Monetary Theory, just what they said they weren’t doing, they have been, since Biden took office under a stolen election—stolen, for just this precise reason, to make people under the influence of the Federal Reserve wealthy.  Not just by printing fake money leveraged heavily in debt spending, but in flat-out market manipulation, by dumping vast amounts of counterfeit money into Wall Street, propping up everyone’s 401K plans with dreams built on a wet paper napkin, and nothing else.  To keep the scam running, they must hold power through stolen elections and complete control over centralized banking.  Otherwise, it all falls apart for them.  Our monetary policy has been constructed around this kind of hostage holding, where if we check their power, they will just kill the patient, and poof, there goes all that fake 401K money and any hopes that millions of people have for a sustainable retirement. 

So, of course, they have been lying about the economy, trying to make Bidenomics appear like a boom when, in fact, we have been in a legitimate depression.  The cost of goods is out of control; if you haven’t bought a hamburger at Burger King lately, you couldn’t help but notice.  The cost of everything has gone up to extraordinarily high rates, including labor.  The tampering with the wage rates of minimum wage workers has screwed up everything; then, to make matters worse, they tried to hide their communist mess with fake money printed by the Fed to stave off the inevitable.  And they’ve managed to keep interest rates down for several sessions now but are leaning toward lowering them in June to juice the economy over the summer and hope that people won’t take their pain out on Biden, who was the cause of the terrible economy.  They create a few more worthless government jobs here and there and call it economic growth.  They print some money and flow it through Larry Fink directly, and Vanguard, State Street, and the rest of them, and everyone looks at the Dow hitting close to 40,000, and they hope it holds.  But it’s all built on phony government, phony media, phony money, and phony people empowered by a Federal Reserve that grew too drunk on its power and ability to manipulate the public.  And now it’s too late to fix.  And to keep the scam going, they need Joe Biden to stay in office. Otherwise, Trump is poised to take a wrecking ball to their scam.  By opening the doors to the economy and taking power away from the globalists, the leverage of the few against the many goes away.  The economy under a free market would be much more powerful.  The poor handling of it is because the Fed, under corrupt presidents like Obama and Biden, attached to international central banks, held the economy down for their quests for power.  And they will do anything to keep that power they never should have had in the first place. 

Because the Fed printed too much money chasing too few goods due to a throttled economy caused by them, we have massive inflation, evident when you buy a Whopper at Burger King or any other fast food restaurant.  Or take a trip to the grocery.  Our government, led by the Fed, which never should have been created, has screwed up everything, and to hide it while they tamper and plot in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, each year, they prop up losers like Biden to sit in the White House to keep them in power.  So, of course, they are covering for him by keeping interest rates low when they should be raising them to deal with inflation so that the reality of the actual economic depravity won’t hit most Americans until after the election is over.  With all the horrible policies of the Biden administration with EV cars, the war against fossil fuels, which is purely a socialist European thing, and the flooded border with immigrant turbulence flooding our welfare system with a Clowerd and Piven strategy met to destroy our financial network, the Fed is helping Biden out for just long enough to hope that Americans elect him through a slightly less stolen election this time.  Just long enough to keep their people in the White House and to keep the public from coming for the perpetrators in the Federal Reserve and their globalist infiltrators with all the anger that is deserved.

When Trump is president again, and it will take more than four years to pull off, we can’t fix a century of bad economic policy in just a few short years; we will have to rethink our Federal Reserve system completely.  Everything is on the table, especially the progressive tax system implemented around the same time.  At this point, we have to look at the creation of the Federal Reserve as an invasion of America’s financial system, something that is just as valuable as any hard-target military objective.  The people behind the creation of the Federal Reserve wanted control of our government and our country, and they have plunged us all into global central bankers in ways that have been hostile to our nation and the people it is supposed to serve.  Instead, these fools think they are aristocrats, and we are their subjects, and they think we are so stupid that we can’t see what they have been doing to us.  The ultimate crime is covering up poor performance, which the Biden administration is most guilty of.  But more than that, it’s been years of poor-performing economies that the Federal Reserve has tampered with to benefit globalists.  The Lords of Easy Money never thought they’d get caught.  They thought they could hide their crimes behind fancy talk and a manipulated media of whores who would do anything to carry their water just to be invited to the next Wall Street party.  But without the corruption of the Fed, many on Wall Street would be broke and beggars on the street.  Only in their unholy alliance with the Fed do they have any power at all or political influence.  And to keep that power, they will do anything, the least of which is to artificially hold down interest rates, hoping to outlast fate before all these crimes catch them with the next Trump administration, which will make President Jackson’s war on the banks look like a trip through Kindergarten. 

Rich Hoffman

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Democrats Have a Major Engagement Problem: It’s all catching up to them

How sure am I about President Trump’s strength in this upcoming election?  Well, it’s a simple math problem.  The traditional way of looking at things is in a panic because they know.  And for all those people I have been telling for four years that there was massive election fraud in 2020 and that Biden was illegally put into office, making everything he has touched all this time completely illegal, the proof they have been looking for is about to take place.  Because they know, they know what they did.  And so do many others.  But you don’t have to take it from me.  The facts are the facts, and everyone knows it.  Democrats have an engagement problem, which is one of the many reasons they are scrambling for voters now at the last minute with illegal immigration.  They have lost the inner city vote.  They have lost the panicky suburbanite moms.  They have lost the immigrant vote.  Biden has been so bad. Obama was also horrible during his third term behind Biden that the Democrat brand is now associated with outright communism.  And people don’t want it or like it.  And they aren’t excited about voting for it.  So without massive election fraud, like they had when they took power in 2020 under the ruse of Covid, Democrats know they have significant problems.  The media has been trying to keep it close because they desperately want the ad revenue.  We don’t want everyone getting cocky and not participating in this 2024 election, assuming that everything will be alright.  But if voter engagement stays high, and Trump gets another 75 million votes, which he can easily do, the Democrats won’t be able to keep up in this one.  They are in for a very sharp punch in the stomach, much deserved.

But Trump is only up by 4 to 6 in the Battlegrounds?  You might say.  In some polls, Biden wins by a few.  No, that’s all smoke and mirrors designed to sell political ads and keep the race close so people pump their billions of dollars into the Fox News life stream, the horse race of politics.  If you go out and poll 1500 likely voters, you are expected to get close results.  But we aren’t dealing with potential voters in this presidential race.  This is all about those who usually don’t vote, who are willing to crawl through broken glass naked to vote for President Trump, which I think will be a number closer to 80 million people.  And the Democrats will be hard-pressed to break into the 60 million range.  It’s just math; they don’t have it on their side, even with isolated cheating.  And they won’t be able to duplicate the level of cheating that has kept it close for them this time because of how outrageous it was during the last.  When Obama was running during both terms, he could not break out of the 60 million range, and many of those voters now find themselves to blame for many things in the world.  So, they are not exactly excited to vote.  Biden has been so horrible even The Rock is pulling back his endorsement because this current monstrosity has been horrible for business, the Democrat platform.  Oh, how about those gas prices and those EV mandates?  People are still sick of COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by a Biden executive order.  The embarrassment on the world stage.  The projection of weakness.  The corruption of the Biden family in general.  Biden has been horrendous, but that’s what happens when someone cheats to win, gets put on the stage, and nobody remembers voting for him, so they are already critical.  Then, it all starts to add up. 

There are a lot of people who can’t wait to vote for President Trump again, especially after all these court cases.  Democrats have made it personal, and people want to punch them back.  And all these criminals in government should consider themselves very lucky that most Americans are so fair, willing to live within the confines of the Constitution and punch back with a vote rather than violence.  These news shows claim the opposite who are in a total meltdown know better.  They all have it coming because of what they did and conspired to do.  When they get paid back, they deserve it, and then some.  However, many people are ready to vote for Trump to get that vote.  Biden has many people hiding because of their guilt in a string of crimes they assume would never catch up to them.  But it has.  All these years, we have assumed that there was a 50/50 split in America, where both sides were happy about their person running for office and that they would equally show up and vote on election day, making polling somewhat relevant if you could get a statistical sampling of “likely” voters.  But not this time.  This election is all about engagement and which side has more of it.  And because of the way that Democrats have been caught lying, stealing, and cheating in every way that they could, they don’t have much support except for the toxic communists who know this is their chance at revolution.  Everyone else, the idealists, the college kids, the perpetually scared suburbanite housewives who won’t let their kid leave the driveway without a Band-Aid for every scratch, nick, and bruise, are not excited about putting their name next to Joe Biden.  Some might vote anyway, but they aren’t motivated to do so.

That’s usually how it is at sporting events, where all fans enter a stadium excited about how their team might play.  But at the end of the game, when the score is 35 to nothing, people either leave to go back to their cars, happy or sad.  And when your team loses, and you have blown $500 on snacks and souvenirs, you feel terrible.  That is how Democrats are feeling right now, deep in their gut.  They studied these communist revolutions worldwide and saw how they did it, and they have tried it here in the United States.  But too many people were free.  Too many people have guns.  Too many people run their own businesses.  Too many people have access to too much information.  And there has never been someone as self-made as President Trump willing to pledge his fame and fortune to the cause of freedom.  So, the whole house of cards that the Democrats have built for global communism has fallen apart.  And people can’t wait to see it.  They can’t wait to vote against Joe Biden and the third term of the domestic terrorist, Barack Obama.  If the polling does not favor Biden, then it will not get better when actual people vote.  Because there are a lot of elements that polling doesn’t capture that will come into play.  And that is essential engagement; for Republicans, it will be very high.  For Democrats, it is low because they are the losing team, and people are not excited about the brand.  All they have is fear; most people aren’t afraid of them.  So they don’t even have that to drive people to vote.  So, Democrats have a big, massive problem.  And they deserve all the punishment coming to them, and then some.

Rich Hoffman

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The Third Term of Obama: What a dumb fundraiser they had for Biden in New York

To add the ultimate failure to the Biden term we have been experiencing is to acknowledge it for what it is.  No, this was not a freely elected man who spent his life in public service and made good on the people of Pennsylvania to help them from the Executive Office. Instead, this is a crime lord put in office by conspirators who want to topple America and wanted a third term of Barack Obama, a continuation of the Weather Underground terrorism that gave us two terms of that communist insurgent, who was never qualified to be president in the first place.  But they got away with a lot with Barack Obama, and so, of course, they were going to steal an election and put Obama in place and use a compromised person and old fool in the White House so they could move his mouth and make him say anything they wanted him to.  They were willing to break the law for the good of their communist revolution, which they suckered so many into embracing, in a push for a global world order under the rule of China, the propped-up impoverished country that only gained wealth because it essentially became the 401K plan for the billionaires of America.  It’s been a sucker game all along, but you know what’s funny?  It hasn’t been working.  Biden is trying to run for president after trying to be Fidel Castro for his first term essentially, and people are sick of him.  So, at a fundraiser in New York, they brought out all the old tricks, Obama being one of them, and they looked like a bunch of out-of-touch fools.  Supposedly, they raised 26 million dollars at that fundraiser, as two former and one current president were raised dramatically out of the stage.  But in many ways, it was a perfect metaphor for what they had done to America and were now losing. 

Essentially, this has been Obama’s third term.  Hillary Clinton was supposed to carry the torch in 2016, but Trump won.  And the globalists who had put so much effort into the destruction of America were angry about it; after all, that was Obama’s first mission, to “remake” America.  To “transform” it into something else, from a capitalist country into a communist one.  That was why the newcomer Obama had his political career launched in the living room of the American terrorist Bill Ayers.  We were told to ignore that little news story; it was no big deal.  Neither were the problems with the Obama birth certificate, which turned out to be a digital fake made on a modern computer.  They got caught trying to fake one during Obama’s terms in office to shut up all the “truthers” out there who were onto the many problems with where Obama came from and who his daddy was.  Many still don’t know, but we do know that they lied to us about a lot of things.  But they got away with those lies, and the media, already taken over by this communist globalist plot, were willing to carry water for Obama and keep him propped up.  But they never wanted him to go, so they were angry with Trump for interrupting their communist takeover of America.  So they conspired and plotted and manipulated to extremes to destroy Trump, his supporters, and any notion of the Make America Great Again political platform.  Because for them, that was the worst thing in the world.  They wanted to destroy America.  Not make it great again.

But who are “they,” you might ask, dear reader?  Who are they?  Well, it’s the international finance community who were allowed into our money supply with that stupid Jekyll Island mess that created the Federal Reserve.  The secret societies of Europe have been plotting and scheming the decline of the West since it was essentially started.  The globalists have their people in the European Union and the United Nations.  It’s the billionaires who invest so much money into China-style communism for the entire world, using that paper tiger to look like the sales face of managed communism success by tying the hands of all the other countries in the world with ridiculous economic policy and climate change standards.  And “they” keep their politicians in office to destroy the world to their liking with massive election fraud, which they utilize all over the world.  Why do you think they were so upset that people were onto the scam with digital voting machines in the United States?  Because that was their most accessible means of election fraud.  That’s how they do it in communist countries like China, Russia, and South and Central America.  Don’t forget that Mexico and Cuba are socialist countries.  All of Europe are socialist countries.  The head of the United Nations is a socialist.  The head of the World Health Organization was a socialist.  Everything about COVID, created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan by human beings as a bioweapon, was about bringing socialism and communism to the world through mass manipulation of our health care system where they could get access to all people without the stigma of a political movement.  Oh, yes, “they” have been naughty, and they’ve killed a lot of people along the way.  And they didn’t care who it was or under what conditions.  They just wanted power and were willing to do anything to have it, including keeping Obama in the background and pulling the strings to Biden to keep their plans for globalism intact.

However, those efforts have spectacularly failed, and they are pretty well aware of it, which was apparent when they tapped into Obama and Clinton thinking that putting them on stage with Biden would help him.  The effort showed how tone-deaf many globalist consultants are to reality.  When forced to come out of the shadows and reveal who they are, they are bland, even out of touch.  Putting many old men on stage whom many Americans hate together shows how regional their thinking is and how little they respect ordinary American voters.  And that’s why they are losing any notion of a fair fight.  Without election fraud, they are desperately exposed.  And out of all that 26 million they raised, they couldn’t move the needle with a billion dollars.  The media might want that money wasted on them, so of course, their will whore themselves out to the Democrat Party, America’s version of the communist party in the West.  But people have been lied to, killed, harassed, abused, and manipulated in every way by both parties.  And “they” are sick of it.  Trump was never supposed to be in this position, the frontrunner as President once again.  I’ve been telling everyone since January of 2021 that he would be.  I understand the guy.  I knew he’d be back.  And he’s going to be president again, and many of us are going to aggressively undo all these communist plans that have been pressured upon us for many years, including all the terrorism that came from Barack Obama.  We will undo their corrupt world right in front of their faces, and they will deserve all the pain that comes with that.  And they should consider themselves lucky that their punishments won’t be more severe for all they have done to us.  In my mind, they are getting off too easily.

Rich Hoffman

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Trump Was Always Protected Under the 8th Amendment: Playing chicken with the federal government, and winning

All you need to know about America’s domestic enemies and that they are a Marxist insurrection is in the case against Trump in New York, where the attorney general, Letitia James, pushed for an obviously unconstitutional bail amount in an effort to enforce a default and confiscate the President’s property.  This is a funny story, even as sinister as it is, because it’s the guide for how all these cases will go against Trump, but it holds for any of us.  Luckily, Trump, with the amount of wealth he has amassed over the years, is willing to play chicken with these guys and expose them from the platform of the American Presidency.   His willingness to do so has brought to the surface this obvious communist strategy so audaciously, that everyone can understand it.  However, this notion that Letitia James was going to be able to take Trump’s property and bankrupt him was never going to work.  As the radical left made up the scam, they assumed that people would abandon the American Constitution well before now, but that hasn’t happened.  By the time everyone entered the last week of March 2024, and the media speculated on the awesome power of the federal government, with all its infinite resources and ability to destroy people’s lives, the truth ended up as a lesson in civics.  Trump was, and has always been, just as we all are, protected from the government under the 8th Amendment.  This indicates that any excessive punishment imposed by the government, along with outrageous bail, was prohibited.  And given that Letitia James and Judge Engoron set the bail for Trump’s real estate case at 454 million dollars, essentially half a billion dollars, it showed that they weren’t serious about the law but were trying to do something they were legally prevented from doing.  There has never been such a bail cast against an individual before, so the definition of “excessive” was easy to establish. 

It’s pretty clear

Of course, the appeals process reduced the bail amount to something more manageable, although still excessive, but it was easier for Trump to get his hands on raw cash.  And once that occurred, the New York case fell apart, and the theatrics were concluded.  It is actually funny that Biden began to call Trump “broke” on the campaign trail because his handlers wrote it that way, according to the Marxist script they had all been following.   Trump’s attornies pleaded during the ruling because they had to, that Trump didn’t have $454 million lying around and that it was an unusual hardship.  The appeals court lowered the amount to $175 million just as Letitia James moved in to put a padlock on Trump Tower in New York to accommodate the ridiculous bail amount.  The abuse couldn’t be more apparent to the world and it ended up being a great example of the Marxist invasion of our country that a lot of people were not willing to acknowledge.  However, during this process, Trump received considerable money from his social media platform, Truth Social, so he quickly had the cash to pay the lowered bail amount and move on.  Even though even that amount will be considered “excessive” and unconstitutional in the end.  For now, Trump just pulled out a wad of cash and paid off the communists and, in the process, doubled his wealth.  Any hopes that the radical left had about Trump going broke and being forced to sell off his assets along the New York skyline were averted, and Trump entered a new era in the world of politics that nobody had ever seen before.  He had won the standoff with the federal government, which nobody had expected. 

Except I had been saying for a few years now that the 8th Amendment prevented the government from doing precisely what they were doing to Trump.  I knew what the Trump legal team was doing when they declared hardship on the excessive fine imposed by Engoron because they had to get it on the record for the appeals process.  Trump could have paid the fines and fees, but should he?  That was the real question.  But the political left gave away their fantasy of a communist world with an out-of-control government running loose and, taking people’s property and throwing them in jail without due process.  This happens everywhere, especially with the Peter Navarro case and what happened to Alex Jones, Rudy Guiliani, and Sidney Powell.  All the J6th protestors.  I find it astonishing that more lawyers didn’t catch on to the unconstitutionality of these impositions quickly.  However, before the March 2024 property confiscations, the Trump legal team finally got specific about the 8th Amendment.  And once they did, the appeals court had no option but to reduce the bail and favor in the direction of Trump.  I think this whole argument could have been destroyed in the New York case months ago by citing the 8th Amendment protections, but Trump likely wanted to bait them along like the excellent negotiator that he is, for as long as he could get away with it, pushing them to overplay their hand.  Which they did, only to drop the bomb with them at the end of the case to make a point.  And in that process, the political left salivated at the destruction of Trump and showed the world who they were. 

I would have advised Trump to destroy his enemies in the very beginning and to never let them up for air.  All these cases against Trump have the same primary objective and fall under the same constitutional protections.  But Trump is playing this as a sportsman who might fish for those big guys in the water deep under a rockface.  The point of the Constitution that is important is that it limits government and takes away the kind of power the left is addicted to, which is Chinese-style communism centrally controlled.  The entire American legal system, including all Supreme Court cases, uses the Constitution to prevent the government from doing things it might want to do against people, with property rights and wealth creation being the center of proper social norms that sustain a functioning economy.  Without that stability, you end up with an out-of-control government, which Trump wanted to show with all these theatrics.  The Trump legal team let the dumb Letitia James make a fool out of herself with excessive abuse to show the world what she was really up to.  Then, when things got serious, the Trump team played the 8th Amendment card, and that essentially destroyed the case.  But Trump was never in trouble.  Trump played the situation wonderfully and took the criticism in the media to full effect, letting everyone speculate on his destruction, even as Letitia James coordinated all this government abuse with the Biden White House.  Because they were communists, they assumed that society would “progress” beyond the Constitutional limits of the American rule of law in favor of some ridiculous United Nations model of law and judgment.  But that’s not how it is in America, and now Trump has established a new value on that law that will solidify these court battles for many years to come.  For this reason, we are all much better off. 

Rich Hoffman

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