The Corporation of the United States against The United States of America: We are well into this new Civil War, which is behind the actions of Letitia James

I hate to say it, but there is a reason a lot of this diabolical behavior has been allowed to gestate in our American culture, where radical Marxists like Fani Willis and that goofball loser from New York, Letitia James, are permitted to cover for a maniacal menace to our Constitutional Republic.  We don’t discuss it much, but it’s a genuine problem.  I of course have talked about it for years, but to this detail we haven’t spent much time, because it’s a depressing concept.  And that is the idea that the truth of our nation and the nature of globalism is that corporations run it rather than the people.  And that our governments are set up to give the illusion that people are in charge, just like in the marketplace, but that behind-the-scenes decisions are made for the preservation of the corporation at the expense of everything else.  Of course, there are all kinds of things wrong with this idea, and I refuse the premise.  Not that it exists, but that it is the foundation for our rule of law.  Yet, when it is analyzed why so many people in government hate the idea of President Trump, and that they will do anything to stop him from even running for office, let alone being in charge of the Executive Branch, then we have to talk about this essential problem that we do not have a United States of America ran as republic, but a Corporation of the United States ran by corporate communists.  This traces back to the battlelines that the World Economic Forum has established, and we saw their footprints all over COVID-19 and the Great Reset economy they attempted.  However, the roots of this corporation idea started a long time ago, most notably in the 1950s during Eisenhower’s term in office.  He didn’t want to sell us out to the global corporations, but they pinned him down which led to his famous speech upon exiting office, warning us of this menace.

Not only do I know a lot of lawyers, but I also know many people with very high IQs.  And I know and have known quite a few people with IQs in the 200 range, which is supposed to be impossible.  I can say that I have known more than one to keep some form of anonymity for their own good.  Because they are not necessarily flag-waving patriots the way I am, or you might be, dear reader.  These are people who have been trying to recruit me for the last thirty years into the Sovereign Citizens Movement, and they have been in and out of jail and have all kinds of problems.  Not because they are dumb, of course, but they are too smart to play the game, which the rest of us do.  And that game is that America is a free nation run by free people.  They would argue that it’s a corporation, that our Social Security numbers are our only real names, and that we are all products of the state as the state decides.  And that government is run by corporations, which I think is beyond a doubt.  What we’ve seen over these last few years when we talk about the Deep State is these kinds of characters scrambling around in a panic.  Like the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, Toto pulled back the curtain to the Wizard’s little booth, where he made all the illusions the world saw.  Trump’s was in that effect, Toto pulling back the curtain to the Deep State, and suddenly everything real started to emerge, shattering the illusion of a free republic.

I have told these people over the years that I do not acknowledge a Corporation of America.  I only recognize the American Constitution, and anybody who does not adhere to the Constitution of the United States of America will have a lot of trouble with me.  And that has certainly been the case over a long period, and there’s not much anybody can do about it in protest.  The courts must support an assumption that they follow the Constitution to maintain the illusion of a republic.  But due to their impatience, they have been pushing to subvert the Constitution for years and replace it with a kind of corporation human resource handbook intending to enable outright communism, which most corporations are attracted to for obvious reasons of centralized planning.  But strategically, I have expressed to all these citizen protestors, again, not stupid people, that I would always stand with the Constitution, and anybody who wanted to fight about it would have to deal with it.  Because I wasn’t giving up on it, and I certainly had no plans to be a fugitive rebel living in the mountains, hoping the FBI, CIA, and IRS never find me.  I’m a kick-the-front-door kind of guy, not a sneak-around subversive type.  So, that has been an impasse I have lived with for a long time, and my position on it is essential because of what we are witnessing now.  There are no longer a few random people talking about these things, but essentially everyone.

The reason of importance now to discuss it, in the wake of all that’s happened to President Trump, and the more success he has, the more panic that there is from these Corporation of America types, which we loosely call RINOs, Deep Staters, Administrators of the Administrative State, people like Mitch McConnell and other members of the House and Senate who have become very rich off politics.  People like Biden and his puppet master Barack Obama.  Who do you think put the terrorists from the Weather Underground in power who then put Obama in the White House?  It was not a random act, and it turned out to be the same people who used the power of government to steal the 2020 election.  It’s the members of the hostile Corporation of America, and they wish to keep their gig going without revolution.  But we are in another Civil War as we speak, and yes, people are being killed.  The battlefield is in our living rooms, school boards, and Chambers of Commerce.  And it’s not so easy to see who the good guys are.  But for me, the good guys stand for the Constitution.  Those against it are the enemy.  We are fighting for a free United States of America from the forces of the Corporation of the United States, which is just one door in the centralized planning scheme of the World Economic Forum.  Unfortunately, these guys have been in power operating outside Constitutional law for a long time.  And now we are ripping away their assumptions about existence, and it will be messy.  And the days of battle that I have told my friends over the years that I would stand on are here.  I stand for the Constitution, and anybody who says otherwise is an enemy of the United States, and that’s how it will be.  And they will suffer accordingly.  This isn’t a new problem.  For most of us, it has been in the background our entire lives.  But it’s not how it’s supposed to be, and they won’t give up their scam easily.  Which ultimately, is on them when they suffer for it.

Rich Hoffman

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A House Divided is OK: What I learned from Gretchen Wollert’s book ‘Born To Fight’

Its Better to be a House Divided than to put up with Evil

When Gretchen Wollert sent me an invite to review her new book, Born to Fight: Lincoln and Trump, I’ll have to admit that I was a little skeptical.  And I always think about that skepticism whenever I bring out a new book as I am now.  Many people are out there writing books, so how are you supposed to know one from another now that publishing has decentralized?  Ironically, we live in a time when more books are produced and sold globally, yet human beings seem to have lost the means to their intellect.  But there was something about Gretchen that I liked a lot, so I read her book and found it quite good.  It was more than just another book on Trump riding on the coattails of his presidency.  What she did that was unique was compare President Lincoln and President Trump in a parallel that was oddly similar in so many ways.  Not to mention was an unusual reminder of the times we live in and how they aren’t much different than how things were before and after the Civil War.  Where I didn’t expect to learn much new for me, it turned out that Gretchen’s comparison over more than 100 years of American history was the exact thing needed to answer a question I had been thinking about a lot lately, whether we should be a house divided or value the ways we are different.  And to accept that fate. 

In my book, The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business, I have many quotes that I like a lot. Still, as I read Gretchen’s book, one came to mind how the Civil War started essentially because Lincoln was elected. Soon after he won his re-election, he was killed by a radical leftist, an actor from that social order, just a few days after the war was over.  JFK was killed very early in his term, again by a radical leftist—an open communist that many think was deeply tied to a newly created Deep State.  By the time Trump came along, the killing of presidents had changed. My quote reflects this transition as such: “Once the dandies of the world took ownership of production, the means to a living, a new way of killing people has become fashionable–the ruining of their reputations or at least the attempt of it. These days we call it “cancel culture,” but that is just a new name for an old practice: that replaced the honor of a gunfight to the death to preserve honor and integrity.”  The attempt to kill Trump was under the new method of erasing him from existence, starting with Twitter.  The modern belief is that a killed reputation is better and cleaner than actually shooting someone in the head, removing them from life itself.  We might now look at the behavior of the political left and our modern Deep State and be shocked into inaction by the evil of it all, but it’s not new. It’s a repeat of history over and over again.  These repulsive forces against the righteousness of America will never go away until they are defeated and utterly destroyed.  There has always been an assassin element rooted in political parties in America, so far always on the political left, and our good Christian sensibilities have usually turned the other cheek over and over again, empowering the bullies.  But what is happening now is not unusual.  It happened before, which is what Gretchen was able to capture wonderfully in her book.  And if we don’t put an end to it, we will see assassinations physically or by social ostracization well into the future.  There is no making peace with it. 

The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

Now Lincoln tried to bring everyone together by stating that a “House divided cannot stand.” And to this day, many Republicans are still saying it, and they are always the first to compromise.  That gives the wild communists always left-leaning the power and leverage politically.  They know Republicans will move off their position; they never meet anybody halfway.  Democrats take and take and take until there is nothing left but an empty husk of the country.  And if you don’t do what they want you to do, they plot to get rid of you in every way possible. That’s how they function.  They know Republicans don’t want a “house divided,” so they are always looking to show just how much the house is divided.  And they use that leverage to dominate the right in every way.  That is until people voted for Donald Trump, and he was willing to fight the good fight against the Deep State, much to the political left’s consternation.  But this time, the left was slipping, and they had to get rid of Trump before they lost their grip on power, which I would argue has already happened.  The left has power on paper.  But they do not have the hearts and minds of the masses, and that brand has been forever damaged.  They are presently living a very slow-moving death. 

I closed Gretchen’s fine book thinking that America can stand as a divided house.  Ultimately, Lincoln picked a moral war that killed hundreds of thousands of people for the idea of freeing the slaves.  The battle was a bloody mess, and it had to happen to do what was right in the world.  Trump, in his way, had to stand up to China and the jealous villains of the world who wanted to see the end of America. Trump’s America First platform was, in its way, a demand for freedom from the clutches of Chinese communism that had been well planned and was well on its way before Trump took office.  The violent reaction to Trump being elected was much the same as the South had toward Lincoln.  There will always be these violent uprisings when people pick a president outside of the forces that think they are in control.  And to take a page out of President Roosevelt, which I think is another good comparison to Trump, peace is no good if we allow evil to boil into life.  Specifically, Teddy Roosevelt said, “the pacifist is as surely a traitor to his country and humanity as is the most brutal wrongdoer.” When we see evil, we are compelled to face it down and destroy it.  Not to make friends with it. 

Ultimately, that is what I learned from Gretchen’s book.  For her point, she wanted to show how similar the lives of Lincoln and Trump were.  But it’s in the context of history that the more powerful message is clear to all.  As the American people, we always have picked the right kind of fighters to do what needs to be done.  The forces that want to keep us under control have always sought to kill off our champions for justice, which we have seen in our own time with how Trump has been treated.  But as we’ve seen, this isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last.  We must allow for the house to be divided, not to sacrifice everything to unite it.  We need to have our battles; we need to fight the fights.  And through the smoke, we need to see who wins.  But to accept evil, no, we can’t do that. 

Rich Hoffman

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Thomas Jefferson Was No Racist: And if not for America–and Republicans, there would still be slavery

Thomas Jefferson was not a racist, he worked to free the slaves and everyone of color

It was tough to watch over the 4th of July weekend the utterances of the many Marxists who have gathered people of color on a typical Kotter change state strategy to disparage Mt. Rushmore and the Founding Fathers. Knowing what I do about the country’s origin that anyone with just a little reading could discover, they’d be insulted too.  I just returned from Mt. Rushmore a few weeks ago, as of this writing, and I found it profoundly refreshing and intellectual.  There was a lot more to do at Mt. Rushmore than getting out of the car and look at some carvings on the big rock wall.  It was a temple of conceptual understanding into the nature of a functioning republic, something that had been attempted by Roman and Greek societies thousands of years ago.  It has only recently been resurrected from the impact of the Dark Ages, where mysticism and religion had placed over all humankind in the East and West a cloak a stupidity that held down civilization during the entire duration.  Only what the Founding Fathers proposed improved those lessons learned, not a return to the Greek or Roman, but a superior next step.  And if not for the people on that big stone mountain in South Dakota, there would still be slavery in the world.  America freed the slaves.  Republicans were the ones who did it, and Thomas Jefferson, even though he started as a slave owner for lots of social reasons specific at that time, worked behind the scenes to end slavery one way or another from the very beginning.

As I said in the video above, and in other videos, they had a couple of fabulous bookstores at Mt Rushmore.  At the very end of the viewing stand in the basement, one looks out over the statues through a big window.  I had read about 75% of the books in that bookstore before, but there was a treasure trove of about 25% that I hadn’t, and I bought them up.  One of the books was a little thing about Thomas Jefferson in his own words that I found very refreshing. I’ve read many books on Jefferson, all of which were written by the modern progressive biographers who have put work out that we see today on historical figures.  I find what they all have in common, even though I enjoy their work, perhaps none more than Edmund Morris, is a need to always put a progressive slant on their work to appease the market gatekeepers.  The big New York publishers all have the strategy of obtaining a New York Times review for the covers of their products.  To get that review, the author must pour some salt on the subject and show that they were not magnificent characters of history but rather people like you and me.  They are meant to be brought down to the ordinary level of the mud trollers who lean toward socialism out of laziness instead of the ambition of capitalism.  In that case, Jefferson has been attacked for his slave ownership and his alleged sexual relationship with Sally Hemings.  The purpose of all this side story stuff is to demean the great thoughts he evoked in creating a Declaration of Independence and the assistance in shaping a functioning Constitution for our new republic.  Not a “democracy,” a REPUBLIC. 

I left Mt. Rushmore with my new books in hand. I read them whenever I could throughout the rest of the trip, starting with this book on Jefferson because it was so relevant to the news of our day.  Our republic is under attack by race-baiters hiding their Marxism behind the guilt of slavery. They expect to use it to crush the morality of America into a change state of oppression and eventual control by the United Nations—which is already infiltrated by communists, socialists, and outright Marxists.  When these people talk of global unity, they are talking about socialism and communism being the method of government, and for that to happen, they must topple the United States from economic power. They work every day to do it.  Their best method of doing it is to convince the people of our republic to give up on capitalism which they think is quite possible due to the teacher union control of our education system.  The other way they plan to do it is to remove our good history of America’s foundation from our current reality.  That is why Mt. Rushmore is to them a bitter enemy which they hate.  It was also essential to build Mt. Rushmore in the first place, so people would never forget it. 

I also bought several other books across Kansas that talked in detail about the battle between the Jayhawkers and Bushwhackers well before the Civil War took place, the events of Bloody Kansas that led to the war itself.  America was never a racist nation to have those kinds of fights occurring, of which the Jayhawks, the Red Legs, and Union Army eventually won.   Slaves were freed because people used the Constitution that Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers created, and everyone fought it out.  It was England that brought the slaves to America.  Jefferson knew that if he tried to go too deep with the Declaration and eventual Constitutional Convention, the southern states would not stand together as the original 13 colonies. So, Jefferson took what he could and planned later to take another swipe at slavery with amendments, which is what happened.  It took another war to do it, but it happened, and, in that way, Jefferson revealed in his letters to immediates within his circle of friends.  Jefferson always planned for the formation of America to free people of all color, everywhere in the world.  The pressure of the victory of a Revolution would set off the movement all over the world.

That’s why it’s such an insult to listen to these modern ignoramuses utter such nonsense about America being anything of a racist country.  There is nowhere else in the world where so many people of different backgrounds have come together and lived so freely.  All we hear from the attackers is jealousy that the rest of the world hasn’t figured out how to do it yet.  Perhaps other places in the world would do better if only they learned from America.  It isn’t the American prerogative to give up what’s good so that everyone in the world can be equally wrong.  It is up to them to learn from us and the hard lessons won in the formation of America, which benefits all people.  And finally, what is even worse about the constant attacks of racism toward America is that the Democrats from the beginning were the Bushwackers, the slave owners, and the resistance to creating an independent republic.  They loved the aristocracy of European life and were not eager to take a break for independence.  Today, they are most anxious to retreat to Europe and adopt their socialism so they can be invited to the next Beltway party and live the life of the aristocracy.   The Founding Fathers started in the elite but decided to break away and create something new that resembled what worked with the old.  And for all they say, the Democrats in the modern era, none of it is good, educated, or relevant to history.  It is all malicious and meant to undo us all.

Rich Hoffman

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Trump and Fort Sumter: Understanding the election results and path forward

We’ve been doing all this for a long time, and like everyone else, I was looking for a good clean election and a second term of President Trump on November 4th.  And that’s where it was heading, until many, many government villains stopped the count on election night in five states and went into a scamper to recalibrate their voting machines which were switching votes from Trump to Biden to a new algorithm which had to be set in the middle of the night to keep Trump from winning with a massive landslide that was headed to give him over 400 electoral votes.  It was so embarrassing to the media, to the Deep State, to the Never Trumpers, to the globalist billionaire investors, to the consultant class, the pollsters to the open socialists and Marxists who have been calling for a hostile takeover of our American way of life.  Trump was going to win in spite of everything they had thrown at him and his supporters so they pulled a nuclear bomb for cheating which had never been tried before and they unleashed hell on us all essentially starting a second civil war formally in America on election night with even more audacity than the South had attacked Fort Sumter to start the last one. 

I feel good with what I have been doing with the blogs and radio over the last 10 years and honestly, I saw election night 2020 as an end to it all and a chance to start fresh.  But in the back of my mind there was this nagging feeling that we were dealing with government criminals, literally and they couldn’t afford another Trump term for their own good.  Trump had been holding off on all the dirt he had against many of these government attackers that make up what we call the SWAMP until after he won a second term, and the criminals in our government including in the CIA and FBI couldn’t afford for that to happen due to the massive complicity pointing in their direction for crimes of a massive nature.  So having nothing to lose they cheated on a scale that many think is unthinkable and the level of corruption that is now obvious to many of us, and will soon be obvious to all of us will force questions that will last for centuries about how any republic manages its representatives.  I wanted to move on with my life and do something else, I certainly didn’t want to fight in a war.  I wanted to enjoy watching movies again, playing with my grandchildren, make a decent living and occasionally go out to eat to have a nice meal with my family.  But we were attacked on election night by criminals, socialists and outright Chinese communists which meant all those nice thoughts would have to be put on hold and we’d have to go even deeper into the abyss of government corruption which had taken over through decades of lazy mismanagement by voters and politicians who took way too much for granted. 

Many people have been asking me to do podcasts of my content since its hard for many people to find time to read.  We have turned into a video-oriented society and are used to some figure presenting information to us rather than reading it by candlelight or computer in a traditional way.  I figured I’d decide how to proceed after the election was over and now that we are there and there is an obligation to step away from traditional forms of media, I’ll be making some changes to how I distribute content, because we are at war and I don’t trust any of the cable networks or their cozy relationship with the political class.  Even more than that, usually I write articles which I then provide lots of evidence so that any reader can feel assured that other people are thinking the same way, so that their thinking doesn’t feel so lonely.  But after studying the election results, which appear to have Trump winning more than 80 million votes, with 7 million actively destroyed by activists or switched to Biden to siphon off Trump’s massive lead in many states to make things closer for the media pick for insurgency to crawl across the finish line.  Many figured that this even was bigger than any form of law and order and would transcend prosecution, so they made their move and expected us to live with it. 

With all that said I have decided that my best contribution to the war is to climb even further out on the edge and explain the elusive more clearly without all the support of other media, but to create all my own content so that strategies can be seen and used for the bigger picture.  For six or seven years now, I have primarily focused my content to top tier influence leaders and it has been successful.  But with this kind of trouble with a government looking for complete insurrection, the needs change considerably so I’m going to adjust to those needs and see where it takes us. So, we’ll start with this and evolve accordingly, where the major content is in the video message where a translation of the written word isn’t the only mechanism for understanding things.  On this topic of the election being more of a Fort Sumter attack than an actual civic process talking to all the people who are trying to sort out their feelings on this matter is the best way to go.  I typically give 1200 words a day to these articles, but as many have been telling me, a picture is worth 1000 words and there are a lot of pictures in a video.  So, it should allow us to cover much more ground that can then be confirmed with written text to support the contents of the video. 

For this specific topic, waiting out the legal cases, uncovering all the mass fraud and proving it in court as the media is trying to rush to certify the election so they can swear in their pick, it feels like, actually it is, that we are all being pushed to our dooms to capitalize on our surprise before we realize what’s happened.  It’s a military tactic and we are all experiencing it currently.  But my contention is to give my point of view and share how I plan to play the long game, and the one that will defeat these attackers.  They are a minority attacking a majority and everyone needs to understand that.  Don’t be a victim, don’t let them scare you, don’t let yourself feel helpless and be flat footed to realize that crimes have just been committed against us all and that justice can be scary for normal people who don’t want the trouble in their lives.  But it has been given to us to deal with.  And my plan is as I said in the video.  I don’t recognize anything that I’ve been hearing from government, the media or even most talk radio.  We are in new territory and are writing history as we speak.  And for that, there is no script to follow or historical context to guide us.  Therefore, the burden of writing that history falls on us, and the best way to attack the problem is with fresh and free ideas on how to live life during a war we didn’t choose.  We voted for peace, but they gave us war.   So, it’s up to us to complete that task for the future of our country and our own survival. 

Cliffhanger the Overmanwarrior

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Shockingly, a majority of our government voted for the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the president to declare that the military can detain Americans if the area they reside in is declared a war zone. This is a very bad thing, especially when we have a president who is provoking those war zones with the Occupy Movement. The move by the government in both houses on this action show the direction of our country. As this news broke, Herman Cain had to bow out of his run for president simply because the political machinery of both sides saw him as a threat. I don’t care if he had sex with several women from every single state in the union, he wouldn’t have been any worse than John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnston, or Bill Clinton. Yet the press would not let off Herman Cain because it scared them to hell and back to consider a black conservative running for president. I love Herman Cain! And the labor unions intent on pushing for an ever increasing progressive agenda seem poised to grow stronger, since many in the Tea Party movement are feeling the sting of a major loss in Ohio over Issue 2, which would have reformed collective bargaining. All those issues are activities by progressive politics on both sides of the political isle to destroy the Tea Party movement as a threat in future politics. The Republic Party has had enough of the Tea Party. They want to cut a budget deal with Democrats and are ready to sell out, so all things involving the Tea Party are about to be crushed politically. This is a move that has been long time in the making.

Did anybody think it would be easy?

Two things greeted me over the weekend that showed me that the story will not end there however, and that the Republican betrayal of the Tea Party is just the first chapter in a long book leading to the next Civil War in America, first was the news that in my home township of Liberty, Issue 2 passed with 56% of the vote. At least somewhere in the world people are not complete idiots bought and sold by the socialist unions. That’s good news. The other thing I found refreshing was this young man fighting for his right to hang a Confederate Flag in his dorm window. Listen to him here:

The Confederate Flag is one of those aspects of progressivism that has been painted in a negative way so to help spread socialism throughout the country. It has been highlighted to be the symbol of slavery in the south since that was what created the first Civil War, and the Confederate Flag was the flag of the south. The Confederate Flag has been the target of many demonstrations and protests by civil rights groups and other progressive politicians who look to African-American suffrage as a way to more power. The young man in that video makes a number of great and sensible points and it is refreshing to hear a young person who is able to articulate such beliefs at a young age.

The real intent behind the progressive attack on the Confederate Flag has absolutely nothing to do with slavery in the south. Slavery was well on its way to being abolished and the clock on it was ticking down rapidly. The Northern states were the first to replace slavery with other industry so it wasn’t difficult for them to suddenly grow a conscious once they had an economy that allowed them to have morality and pity for their fellow man. The south being too dependent on cotton hadn’t found a way to rid themselves of slavery. In hindsight, it is easy to say the plantation owners should have just paid all their workers, but at the time, the entire world functioned with slavery as the mode of operation, and it was in America where the discussion to get rid of slavery completely took place. So the war between the North and the South was important for virtually every human being on planet earth.

Progressive politicians have needed African American demographics to look back in horror at their ancestors because those politicians and civil rights leaders are simply looters. They used sorrow in the slave history the way they used guilt against the Native Americans to make all Americans accept socialism as a means of government. It is under this guilt that progressives have spread the welfare state, voting blocs for the Democratic Party, and even talk of reparations. The intent of all this activity was to keep the Caucasian majority on its heels and defensive so they did not question the true intentions behind progressive political movements, which is a complete overthrow of the United States government into a socialist country falling into place with the policies of Socialist International.
The real reason to attack the Confederate Flag is the same reason that the America Revolution has been smeared and all the founding fathers were discredited as being slave holders and unable to even write the Constitution. The American Revolution is about rebellion and the Civil War is about rebellion. Ultimately the south, even if it was wrong in defending its ability to maintain slavery as an economic means for their survival, did have the right to exercise their states rights to not take orders from a federal fovernment. In fact, the federal government used its victory in the Civil War to impose more federal control in a trend that ushered in the progressive era. Many of our complaints about public education, a far reaching centralized government, incredibly high taxes, and the loss of freedom and the rise of socialism come from the fate of the Civil War. To prevent any further successions from the union the federal government in an attempt at its own preservation has tried to aggressively remove all symbols of freedom and further rebellion so that the United States never has to go through such a thing again.

But in the south, they have never really ever bought in to this centralized government idea, and to this day, the southern states are still very resistant to federal government control, so they have held on to their Confederate Flag as a symbol that if the time should come again, they’ll take that flag up and fight against the Union if need be.

According to progressives, every slave ancestor was a beaten down person that had their very souls robbed from them. And in some cases this was certainly true. But as I speak about the golden age of piracy with great reverence, many of those early pirates were former slaves who had been freed on their way to the West Indies from Africa. In fact many of the best pirate ships were former slave vessels that had been taken over by pirates, the captains of the English, French and Spanish had their crews killed and the slaves on those vessels were free to roam the seas as pirates in the captured vessels, where as I described, freedom was born 100 years before The Declaration of Independence. For a review check out this article:

Oh yes, it is this little bit of history that roams in the soul of many southerners and sets them apart from their countryman in the North. Many of these slaves turned pirate settled in New Orleans and other port towns, particularly Charleston, South Carolina and started lives as free men and women. (BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW ANY OF THIS…………..DID YA?)

This is why to this very day in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, you can see in the streets of that mountain town pirate flags and Confederate Flags for sale in abundance which tourists soak up like a dry sponge. Even though many people have forgotten all this history, somewhere deep in the genetic makeup of southern people their cells remember.

It is not by accident that Herman Cain was from Atlanta, Newt Gingrich is from Macon, Georgia, Ron Paul is from Texas, there is a spirit in the south that is unmistakably rebellious, and ready for a fight. Progressives have attempted to plant their feet in the south, Al Gore was governor of Tennessee after all, and Ted Turner started CNN with his communist wife Jane Fonda in Atlanta, Georgia. But this has been to no avail, since more than just about any other place in the United States people in the south rejects centralized authority. For instance, every single state in the south is a right-to-work state, meaning the labor unions cannot force members to join a union. People are free to choose, which is how it should be! Check out the map for yourself:

When I go on vacation in the south, particularly in Florida I relish the giant Confederate Flags that fly just off of Interstate 75 a few miles south of I-10, then again where I-75 meets I-4 outside of Tampa. They are huge flags that fly proudly and when I see them I don’t think of slavery. Not at all. I think of a people who love freedom and want to be left alone. I think of a people who are openly displaying their willingness to fight at a moment’s notice again if need be, to fight for freedom. When I see the Confederate Flag, I think of a rebel!

Progressive politics using the Hollywood influence seduced by the Democratic Progressive socialists has attempted for years to smear the south in many ways as a bunch of dumb hillbillies. The exact same tactic is used against people who say no to progressive school levies up in the North. The common progressive tactic is to call those who challenge them names in an attempt to keep anyone from wanting to follow such rebels. In response Nashville has become the Hollywood of the south. LA produces rap music and rock and roll. Nashville produces country music and other folk talent. It’s been a kind of Civil War of the arts that few people give any credence to, but it’s alive and well to this very day at this very hour as a minute just ticked by.

Most Americans simply don’t pay much attention to all this. They hear a song on the radio that catches their attention and they tap their feet to it. Or they see a flag here and there while traveling and they may admire such displays even when they are told by the media that they are bad to consider such things. But inside every human being is a desire to be free. The problem is—now–just as it was before and during the Civil War, not every human being has the courage to live free or to fight for it when fighting is the only option available.

With all the talk that emerges from the lips of progressives like Barack Obama, Richard Trumka, Nancy Pelosi , Chuck Schumer, it is those pretentious costal politicians who think that the rest of the country revolves around their narrow version of the world. The proof is in who they speak to, who their voters are. You see, progressives would rather dumb down the rest of the world with socialism, to get everyone addicted to their welfare checks, to their government services, their union collective bargaining so that they can buy a vote and remain part of the political elite. To me, this is in itself a form of slavery. Look at the poor people who live in the inner cities where they have become addicted to government services, and compare those lives to the poor people who live in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia, who would rather live in a broke down RV than take government assistance and the difference becomes quickly evident. The progressive political addicts are slaves to government, and they are paid to vote for expansion of more government with our taxes. They are being used and we pay for their slavery by endorsing the political process that enables it. In the south they’ll just give you the finger and tell you to go to hell.

Yes, in all the years of scheming from the Department of Education, with all the money poured into Hollywood from the progressive left to make “certain” kinds of films, to control publishing, to control politics, progressives have yet to figure out how to get rid of “southern pride.” They tried to take away the symbol of all this rebellion by taking away the Confederate Flag. But it hasn’t worked. In fact, it’s back fired, and now a kid, who progressive politicians tell should hate the Confederate Flag because of its connection to slavery, is fighting to hang the Confederate Battle Flag in the window of his dorm window, and it delights me to no end.

About a year ago a man was hired from Progress Ohio in an attempt to smear me for some of my work in the Western Arts by attacking one of my videos that showed a Confederate Flag that was flying in an event I was at. It wasn’t my flag, I wasn’t holding the flag, it was simply part of the competition that I was at. The progressive spin doctor attempted to paint me in the press as a racist because of it. You can see that article and his press release to the media for review in case you missed it:

That shows just how far, and to what extent progressives have used the extortion of guilt to manipulate our population. I’ve never owned a slave and I never would. I’d never endorse another human being owned by anyone. In fact I preach every single day of my life why people should be freer. I have even went so far to bring awareness to the slaves in this world that are currently being abused and nobody in the Barack Obama camp cares at all about them, currently under the whip and chain in modern day Africa. And nobody in the wonderful United Nations, or Socialists International cares about the poor girls who are stolen EVERY SINGLE DAY in this world and sexually used for “worldly” travelers. That is where the hypocrisy of progressive politics shows its ugly head.

Progressive socialist like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and her husband “Bubba” don’t give a rat’s ass about southern slaves in 1850 America. Those academic looters simply copied the words of Henry David Thoreau as socialists studied his work in Civil Disobedience and they hung their hat on Thoreau’s movement, and used everyone involved in their quest for power. How do I know……………………….because their actions tell the whole story.

Right now, just two blocks from the White House over on K Street every single night of the year prostitutes work the avenue as the pimps watch over their girls. Many of those girls are SLAVES, in that they are stolen in some way through sex trafficking, hooked on drugs and forced to work as prostitutes to service the crooked congressman, senators, and lobbyists who work the capital away from their families. Prostitution is highly illegal yet not a single soul does anything about it in Washington D.C. The police just drive on by, and the president could wave at them through his upstairs window at the White House. Yet not a single law maker does ANYTHING about it! NOTHING!!!!!!! This is what it was like in the 1800’s when just about anyone who controlled any amount of wealth had a slave. They only cared about slavery in America when the North wanted to exert economic dominance over the South for political reasons, because the South was producing many of the high profile politicians of the day and the politicians of the North wanted to put a stop to it. So they decided to take a stand against slavery to hurt the south economically. They certainly didn’t do it to free any man from being owned by other men. The North went after the South politically for exactly the same reasons that the political establishment went after my man Herman Cain and his sexploits. The very same media people and politicians who pointed their finger at Herman Cain are buying blowjobs on K Street from modern day slaves, but it is Herman Cain who was attacked, because he was a threat to the political class.
Any progressive politician who points to the Confederate Battle flag and says it’s evil, while at the same time seeking sex on K Street, like many of them do, while the rest, including President Obama turn a blind eye to it, is simply practicing in modern day slavery themesleves. They seek to rid any reminders of rebellion from those who are prone to threaten their quests for power, and that’s all they care about. It doesn’t have a damn thing to do about human rights. It has everything to do with power and control by the political class.


The attack on the Confederate Battle Flag is scam, just like most everything that comes out of progressive politics such as global warming, green energy, and socialism. The goals are to suppress minorities into a pity so that they seek the government to help them. The goal is to make more dependents out of the population so that wealth redistribution can be attained, and while doing so, rid the people of their symbols of rebellion so that they might forget and become more compliant in the future.

In the North, my friends who read here often in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and New Jersey are feeling overwhelmed. The Tea Party movements are reeling as the labor unions are attacking in full force, and it feels like we have no friends in the world. In fact, every day in Washington, such as with the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act I see that a new Civil War is eminent. Because one of the first people the president will send the military to round up as a dissident would be someone like me, and when that happens there will be violence, I can promise. That moment will be the Fort Sumter moment for the next Civil War.

And the politicians who think they have everyone beat, are really just kidding themselves. All they really control in this nation is the two coasts, and the big cities. All the green space in between is occupied by gun carrying, Confederate Flag loving, pick-up truck driving, NASCAR lovers who are looking for a fight at a moment’s notice. And as shown it’s not a bunch of radical white men who love the Confederate Flag, its men and women of all color and from all backgrounds who love that flag because of the fight for freedom that it represents.

And when that next war does break out, look to our friends in the South, because they are the heartland. In Dixie, they are the last refuge of freedom on earth and they show no signs of giving it up. In fact, I think the South isn’t too far off from succeeding from the union yet again, with Texas leading the way this time. That will happen before progressive socialism occupies the entire United States and sells us to the doorstep of the United Nation as proposed in Agenda 21.

Back in 2004 I got myself into a bit of trouble when I wrote in my book The Symposium of Justice, about a future Civil War where a group of rebels attacked Washington D.C. Well, I didn’t give a rat’s ass if it pissed off people, because I thought the story needed to be told. Sadly, just about everything I said that would happen 8 years ago is happening now. So if the rest of the story plays out the way I wrote it, I can’t wait to be one of the first to march into Washington and run the corrupt politicians into their hiding places like rats on a sinking ship and free the real slaves of America, the poor girls of the sex trade whom EVERYONE in America is currently ignoring because they fear the organized crime that stands behind the practice. That is the real enemy of our nation and when the next war breaks out, every single one of those sons-of-bitches have coming what they deserve for practicing modern day slavery!

And don’t be surprised if the last thing they see on this earth is a Confederate Battle Flag flying above their bodies as an army of bandits dressed in skull and cross bone bandanas lead the way!

Yeah, keep it up you progressive politicians…………………………keep it up!


Rich Hoffman!/overmanwarrior