Christian Nationalism is the Most Powerful Political Force in the World: And they are voting for Trump

Here’s the little con game they don’t want to talk about at Fox News and throughout the media that makes a lot of money off the election process through ads and consultant contributions: Christian Nationalism is far more powerful than they want to admit. After the New Hampshire primaries, where it was evident that Nikki Haley wasn’t going to win, which was her best place to succeed, the game plan for the opposition became quite clear. Keep the Republican Party from uniting around President Trump in a last-ditch effort to slow him down. It’s the same kind of strategy you see in college basketball games when a team is down 10 points at the end with under a minute to play, and the losing team switches to a full-court press, hoping to draw a penalty and go to the line to shoot points with no time on the clock. Of course, the fear is that the Deep State is about to lose all touch with someone in the White House, which will be a first for them. When Trump was president the last time, it was Mike Pence who was their representative, someone they thought they could deal with and who could control President Trump somehow. But before that arrangement, Reagan had his Bush. And George W. Bush had Chaney. Nikki Haley, for traditional Republicans, is their safety rail, and they were talking her up as if she could have some hold over President Trump, which is absurd. I have traveled to almost every corner of America and know it very well. I can tell you that the world’s most potent force in politics is Christian Nationalism. There are a lot of them, as the evidence shows, all across the landscape from sea to shining sea, there are a lot of nice white steeples from churches that reach into each community with the values of Biblical text, and they are more engaged in politics now than in any of the years past. And they are voting for Trump.

The media narrative that Republicans have to work harder to win anything against some vile Democrats and independents is a game of chicken I’m perfectly willing to play.  I would argue that Trump is already a Democrat enough to pull over votes from the other side, especially the union vote.  Trump will draw Democrats from concerned suburban women worried about putting food in the refrigerator; he will get immigrants chasing the American dream to vote for him, and he has a lot of minority support in general.  Then there are the classic Republicans.  Trump in a general election against an entrenched Biden is a blowout.  What the political forces fear is their lack of relevance.  And then there is election fraud, which has kept Democrats in power and is the real story behind the scenes with the donor class.  They believe they own elections because they control the money that feeds the media culture and, therefore, can control election messages and the world with it.  President Trump does not need Nikki Haley as a running mate.  He can afford to pick anybody he wants and would be wise to choose a successor, someone most like him.  I have stated my favorite pick would be Kristi Noem.  But Vivek Ramaswami would be great because of his youth and energy as an attack dog.  But this next Trump term, a revenge tour in a lot of ways, is about stopping the Deep State, as it is anything else, and Nikki Haley is their pick.  Not Trump’s.

If you have been paying attention, all the things that make America great have been under attack by these same people propping up Nikki Haley, even as a loser.  With strong families and strong faith in religion, when Ben Carson compared Trump to King David recently as an imperfect man picked by the hand of God to lead the American nation, the reaction was desperate.  The panic was evident on many fronts with that kind of talk.  And that’s how you know they know that people are seeing through their long-established scam, a divide-and-conquer strategy that they thought would always protect them from just this type of election with political people like Trump changing the game away from their control.  I believe the comparison between King David and Trump is a good one.  Trump does look to be the hand-picked agent of God, and that hand is at work with the power of the universe behind it to defeat the forces of evil that have embedded themselves into the American government as globalists.  And a lot of people who would have never otherwise voted are as good Christian soldiers marching as to war, and they are voting as if it was a war.  Engagement is much higher than usual, and Trump is poised in every state to blow Biden off the map in ways we have never seen before.  When Newt Gingrich recently said that the 2024 election was shaping up to be a return to the kind of blowout numbers that Reagan had over Carter, I think he was being nice, and that will essentially be because of Christian Nationalism.  America is a Christian nation, and so is much of the world, and they see in Trump the work of God that is a destiny.  And they are willing to play their part in it, one way or the other.  As I said about traveling around the country, America is not controlled by Democrats.  Most people are Christian Republicans, and the only reason they haven’t voted in past elections was because they didn’t have anybody to vote for. 

And that is the little secret that the Deep State would like everyone not to know, that Christian Nationalism beats them in every form they present themselves.  To win, not only do they have to cheat, as they have been doing for many years.  But they have to erode people’s foundations of value, so they have been attacking the church as one of their primary objectives.  It was not an accident that the ridiculously unscientific social distancing standards were trying to keep people from attending Church together during Covid.  The goal is obvious: the political left and the Deep State, in general, have been trying hard to subdue Christian Nationalism as a strategy for their takeover of global politics, and they have been working hard at it in America.  This only pushed Christianity’s influence to the back burner because there was nobody to vote for in the past.  But now there is.  And it’s a much more powerful political force than anything else.  It is the biggest rival of the United Nations attempting to take over global politics as godless heathens of polytheism and a return to the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods that have been around since the dawn of human intelligence.  The ideas of individualism are what they find objectionable, and there is nothing more individual than a God who runs the universe all by himself.  That is the enemy of mass collectivists everywhere, and they have been working hard to separate the world from such a relationship with God and nature in themselves, individualism, and the impulse of their spirit.  To serve the globalist and their United Nations political autocracy is to serve the polytheism of their ancient gods and return to the kings over their subjects, which is the fantasy of the World Economic Forum and communist governments around the world, especially socialists like Justin Trudeau and the lunatics at the European Union.  People get it; through Christian Nationalism, they can take America back and spread that influence to the far corners of the world, as we should.  And Trump is the means to do that, and people are going to crawl through broken glass naked to do it.  Nikki Haley has no role in that effort as the RINOs need to be crushed and removed from the Republican Party, and the media culture that has supported all these tyrannies be eradicated for the role they have played in America’s destruction.  Trump is just the start of it; there is a lot more to come on behalf of Christian Nationalism. 

Rich Hoffman

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From the Hebrew Bible Where the Term “Hamas” Came From: The Muslim Brotherhood under Barack Obama was an act of terrorism to destroy Western Civilization and all of us as a result

To understand the story correctly, and how the terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood came to be, you really must go back to a Jewish Bible and understand the purpose of Hamas and how horrendously bad people wish to use the perception of biblical prophecy to terrorize people politically. In the Jewish Bible Genesis 6: 11 it states “The earth has become corrupted before Elohim, and the earth is filled with Hamas” (lawless violence). Of course, we know that the terrorist group of Hamas that has sworn to destroy all the Jewish people from a Palestinian perspective is of the same name, which is completely on purpose. And that’s not the first time such a thing has been done due to biblical response politically. I’ve read the Quaran many times, and I generally think of religions, whatever they are, as beneficial to people on a quest for spiritual enlightenment. But obviously, the purpose of the Quran, written 600 years after the death of Christ, was political. And that same politics is at work for global domination now and we see it blatantly on our nightly news with the war against Israel and the flash mobs of violence that have been erected overnight. That’s because terrorism is baked into the religious argument, and it’s been that way since the beginning. So when malicious characters today want to hide what they are doing, they have baked into the belief system of people push-button terrorism. Just blow on their tempers, set in motion by the religious practice itself, and suddenly, you can have global wars to cover the tracks of crime and international villainy. The Quran, for me, was never a book of peace and love; it was a political response to Roman control of the Arab world, and once they moved toward Christianity, suddenly, there was a book that took many of the Bible stories and recategorized them toward terrorist aims for purely political objectives.

And so I told everyone that the Muslim Brotherhood, connected directly to these international terrorist intentions, moved into our White House with the election of Barack Obama, and it has gained a foothold in our government ever since.  We now see the result when Obama said he fundamentally wanted to change America. It all started in the living room of the domestic American terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, in Chicago, where they launched the career of a kid who was not born in America; nobody knew who his father was. His mom was a sleep-around lunatic who had attachments to all types of communist radicals.  Barack Obama was perfect for the domestic terrorists to use the mask of racism as a way to freeze the gullible Americans into an attack they could do nothing about, and the intention was to bring America down from within.  Obama was hand-picked right then and there to destroy America first as a senator, and they fast-tracked him into the presidency, manipulating the media behind the scenes to remove any barriers that might get in the way.  And it worked because Americans hadn’t seen that kind of deceit before.  Some of us tried to warn everybody, but until the end of Trump’s term, which was a direct response to the terrorist intentions of Barack Obama, who still whispers in the ear of the hapless fool Joe Biden, people had no context for just how evil some of these people were.  And that was part of the plan, nobody would ever suspect the level of evil we were dealing with.  And in that way, the Muslim Brotherhood, just like Black Lives Matters, and Antifa, was born to act as terrorists against the foundations of American, Jewish/Christian values. 

And it was that same type of arrogance, fueled by the ancient belief in prophecy, such as in the quote I cited in Genesis, that evil, however you define it, was unleashed to conduct its villainy.  I tend to think of the principalities with their own political agenda and always working in the background.  But in front of them are the people we actually deal with, the political characters of the world, and all their varied motivations to rule over all of us, for all different reasons.  The Palestinians behind the Hamas terrorist group have sworn the destruction of the Western world.  And we have certainly seen that behavior from the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, perpetuated and strengthened by the first two Barack Obama presidencies, and through a stolen election, had their strength rekindled during Joe Biden’s term.  This is ultimately one of the many reasons that there was a stolen election, to facilitate this level of global terrorism that sees a desperate opening in 2023 to advance their plans.  The Hamas terrorists didn’t just parachute into Jewish events and slaughter all those innocent people like it was straight out of the Call of Duty video game because they didn’t have a belief that they would get away with it.  And that such an action would provoke Israel into war, and that war would lay ground cover for the real military objectives in the world, fueled by religious terrorism.  And overnight we had terrorist cells hiding behind free speech, daring us to take it away from them, so that we would, in turn, destroy our own Constitutional foundations, declaring in city streets the destruction of all Western civilization.

And behind it, all in America is the terrorist intentions of the Muslim Brotherhood, not an organization of peace and study for relationships with the afterlife, but international terrorists’ intent, just as Hamas is, to destroy Western Civilization in the same way that Islam was created to destroy Rome.  And there is no peaceful co-existence.  These are people who want war with all of us.  We may be advocates of peace, but they want war and our destruction.  We have let them into our culture under the premise of elected office, under the accusations of racism, and they are deeply penetrated through at least three stolen elections into our government.  As I say often, I knew how corrupt the FBI had become during Obama’s administration when there was that Muslim terrorist event during Christmas in San Bernardino, California.  Remember that one where the FBI let the media into the apartment of the killers to taint the evidence, and they refused to call the couple who performed the mass shooting, Islamic terrorists, which they clearly were, as indicated by what they left behind?  These terrorists aren’t all Muslim, but they do share the kind of hate that was indicated in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 6:11.  Kings James versions have watered down the language a bit, but the Hamas name didn’t just come from nowhere.  It was meant to invoke terrorism into the Western World, and they have no intention of co-existing with anybody.  And they have no desire for self-preservation, they don’t mind sacrificing themselves to the cause.  And now, because of our acceptance of American terrorists, like the group that came from Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground during his entire adult life, we have a very unstable society that may well break out into war in our streets.  And much of our government is currently sympathetic to those terrorist intentions.  They hate the Christian/Jewish foundations of Western civilization, and they are intent on rotting it from within.  And that is giving them a lot of credit.  They are actually much more vicious than that.

Rich Hoffman

The Scapegoat of Yom Kippur: Why the bad guys expect Israel to be destroyed, and President Trump

The acceptance level of sacrifice indicates in any society the ratio of liberalism we are dealing with.  The belief that by appeasing some greater power through sacrifice, redemption for some mistake can be made is at the heart of all liberal policies in the world.  And that notion is also used to control people.  So it was no accident that the Hamas attack was initiated against Israel during their festivities of Yom Kippur which is a direct association with the two goat ritual, which is the origin for the term “scapegoat” that we often say all the time without knowing its meaning.  In that ritual, one goat is offered for killing in the usual way, so a high priest would slaughter it and sprinkle its blood appropriately on an altar as an offering.  The other high priest would put their hands on and dedicate the nation’s sins, then send the goat into the wilderness to carry those sins away.  The insertion of the Jesus stories into the Bible was always meant to represent him as the ultimate scapegoat.  As an innocent man, his social role was to take away the guilt of the nation killing him, and through his crucifixion, he would carry that guilt into the afterlife.  So over the years, very evil cultures have built into people this accepted belief that they are not responsible for their actions, but can redeem themselves through Christ by sacrificing him or innocence to the needs of a corrupt society.  With that in mind, Hamas, who is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish people, felt that they would be protected from retaliation if they struck on that Day of Atonement Holiday so that the sins would be carried away in the usual sacrificial manner.  That is why many of us watched, astonished in the aftermath, as such attacks were expected to be part of the sacrifice.  Israel wasn’t supposed to strike back, they were supposed to be the willing participants in the notion of sacrifice, which was being exploited at this particular time for purely political reasons. 

Of course, Israel has a right to attack the Palestinians who have been plotting their destruction.  The only logical rationalization resulting from the horrendous Hamas attack against Israel is the destruction of all those who stand against the Kingdom of God.  Not just because religions say so but because we now have a history that shows the benefits of Western Civilization, and we must defend it for the perpetuation of the human race.  Yet, even religions we like have apparent traces of the concept of sacrifice that are part of a much larger problem.  And that assumption was evident in the days after the attack in protests worldwide that didn’t expect the goat to fight back.  It was supposed to go quietly into history and carry away the sins of corrupt nations and religions seeking global domination.  So now we have protests from the attackers against the country that was supposed to be their scapegoat.  An enemy on paper and policy, but functionally in pursuing the ever after, the carrier of sins from those most guilty of reprehensible behavior.  The belief is that evil conduct can be committed just by the nature of living and that those sins can be placed with blame upon whoever will serve as the scapegoat for that society.  And everyone else will live happily ever after.  That is the absurdity of the belief that Israel must be like Jesus, to accept the role of international scapegoat, take its slaughter and the blame, and carry it away from those most guilty. 

This is the essential Deep State plan against President Trump.  The Government Gangsters so well flushed out in the excellent book by Kash Patel made President Trump their target for the carrying away of their sins, and it is expected that he will serve that purpose, which was the intent of the J6 controversy, the Russia hoax, the FBI spying and all the tampering of a fourth branch of government and its desire for sustainable power as a creature of liberalism and the perpetuation of the Liberal World Order.  What most people have in common is some notion of religion, and at the core of that belief system, no matter what gods are celebrated is a notion of sacrifice for some greater good that can then override whatever individual input might get in the way.  When personal responsibility is not a value system of a culture, then these kinds of beliefs can then be used to mass control entire civilizations into a guilt shedder and encourage sinful behavior with the knowledge that the gods can be appeased in the rituals of mass sacrifice.  This is how we constantly see this Democrat notion that what they are guilty of can be erased away by the creation of some social scapegoat.  They could kill and destroy individuals as long as they identified them as a scapegoat for their culture and could justify the violence as a redemption process.  That’s also why the Romans were sure to include Jesus in the context of the Bible because what was important to them was to have the entire story wrapped up in a sacrifice.  Once people are willing to sacrifice to a god, they will be open to the next best thing on earth: sacrifice to the state.  That’s what the Romans were after, and the Arab world was as well with their expansion of the Quran, written by many people because Muhammad didn’t know how to read or write.  But many of his Christian friends did, so he would have them write for him; after all, their results were all for the same purpose: creating scapegoats in a social context to wash away the sins of evil nations looking to justify their vile actions.

Like many things lately, people are watching this apparent evil and scratching their heads.  But it has been at the heart of all liberal ideas since the beginning of time, and this is the essential Democrat playbook and that of the uniparty antics many have become so frustrated with.  Of course, individuals have a right to defend themselves when attacked by some antagonizers.  That is the heart of the concept of the American Second Amendment.  And, of course, Israel can defend itself when attacked by terrorist ideas.  But to those looking for a scapegoat for their sins, the belief is that individuals and even nations should sacrifice themselves for the greater good, just as Jesus did, or any other character that suffered through martyrdom the sins of mass society.  And if the masses desire the eradication of their sworn enemies, enemies because they have expectations of good conduct, then those scapegoats are to happily offer themselves to the mob for consumption, which is how the world’s evils have always spread.  Personal behavior is never improved because the mass population believes that a scapegoat concept will wash away those sins without correcting the detrimental behavior holding back that society.  And you get the kind of mess we see daily on the nightly news.  And we see the attackers of Israel, then protesting not at the country itself but in not accepting their role as the sacrificial scapegoat that was expected of them by a corrupt and evil Liberal World Order. 

Rich Hoffman

The Meaning of the Pride Flag: It’s a religious debate, not about fairness

It’s time to stop arguing obvious progressive intrusions as unfair. When Lakota school board member Darbi Boddy took pictures of obvious sexual grooming in the halls of Lakota, and the defense was that the evidence was the result of political tolerance of sexual lifestyles, the reality was much more severe. The rainbows that were being taught to young children in the schools of public school were not just symbols of sexual alternative lifestyles; they were the roots of a cult that was religious in its nature which actually goes back many thousands of years to the worship of the goddess Ishtar from the Mesopotamian region. In essence, the rainbows in the halls of Lakota schools were the same religious symbols with precise meanings, as though there were images of the Christian Cross hanging on the walls with the Ten Commandments. And when the issue of transsexual rights came up at Lakota schools in April of 2023 regarding the bathrooms, the nature of the discussion was not one of fairness but of a religious cult that is actually behind the trans movement, which exploded into American culture late in June 1969, just a few months before the Woodstock music festival and a month before the Moon landing. Many things were happening to America to sabotage the space program from NASA, and the KGB was hard at work to backdoor communism to an unsuspecting public through its young people, which is what happened at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village in New York City.

The examination into the root cause of the Stonewall Inn riots was that many of the participants were worshipers of the Cult of Ishtar and were using its sentiments to undermine the Christian nature of America through alternative sex practices, such as gay rights, trans rights, and the ritual practices of drunkenness and ostentatious pornography. Since that time in 1969, since the rest of the world was not landing on the moon, and there were lots of hostilities toward America that wanted to sabotage the effort, the same kinds of religious cults that destroyed previous civilizations, such as those from Sumer were introduced to do essentially the same in the United States. And for the diligent lawyers out there, the foundation argument for all this is in the excellent book by Jonathan Cahn called The Return of the Gods. In that book, he presents lots of evidence regarding the Cult of Ishtar that argues that the Trans movement is not about fairness or tolerance but is strictly a religion that should have the same rules applied to it that have been used to any Christian reference. If we cannot hang the Ten Commandments on the walls of our public schools and court houses, then we can’t put any rainbow references toward the Goddess Ishtar either. Because that is what the rainbow symbols refer to, Ishtar and her cult of followers. The rainbow was the battle flag of Ishtar, and the colors have particular meanings. So the argument that we have had regarding the use of rainbows in the halls of public schools and the evidence that America is a tolerant nation that will show compassion for people who are confused about how they feel inside and what biology they were given at birth, and the desire to desecrate their sexual rolls socially, the real issue was that of competing religions, the desire of one religion, the Cult of Ishtar and the Cross of Christ. If we had to accept Trans rights and activism, then public places had to tolerate prayer in the classroom and reference to the cross as the symbol of Christ’s crucifixion to die for the sins of mankind.  

The rainbow flag dedicated to the Goddess Ishtar was designed by Gilbert Baker, a drag queen and very openly gay man, on June 25th, 1978, just nine years after the riots at Stonewall. By 1994 that rainbow symbol was adopted as the official symbol of gay Pride and became recognized worldwide for that effort. Now the goddess Ishtar was a symbol of sex; she was a prostitute who was very promiscuous sexually. Whether she evoked in mankind the primary traits of sexual conduct and their perversion to satisfy the whims of a perverted deity or whether her reverence was purposely promiscuous intent on the downfall of whatever civilization adopted her practices as a priority, the results cannot be ignored. A worship of her by occult practitioners is why we have such a desire for drunkenness and sexual misconduct in our public schools and colleges to this very day. As stated, the KGB, which very much wanted to destroy the kind of culture from within that could put a man on the moon, was dusting off whatever aspects of ancient occult that might ruin America. And we are seeing the wheels set in motion then clearly in our present times because nobody has made an honest attempt to stop the madness. We instead have reacted by answering the argument posed, are we a tolerant nation? The answer obviously is yes, and we have been putting all our effort into fighting that accusation rather than the actual merits of the case that a religious ideology has been purposely trying to alter our country and destroy it at the foundations of its Christian belief. 

In the rainbow flag of Ishtar are definite meanings to the eight primary colors, with pink representing sex, red representing life, orange representing healing, yellow representing the sun (sun worship as a deity, turning the culture to worship of solar gods, solar power, reverence to the forces of the sun) green representing nature, (climate change, ESG measures) turquoise representing magic, (dark art, occult practices) indigo representing serenity, and the last color violet represented the spirit of sexuality, in whatever form it manifested, gayness, lesbianism, transsexuality, all the alphabet sex practices that are being shoved at us today as a value system. The purpose of the priority is to desecrate our traditionally Christian nation and replace it with the flag of domination by the Goddess Ishtar. It truly has nothing to do with sexual tolerance and social inclusion but desecration and undermining of our culture from its roots by hiding behind the concept of Church and State. I do not doubt among my readers that some very clever lawyers can see these implications. Once case law is established that the rainbow symbols are references the same as the Cross of Christ and prayer in public places, we have a whole new way of looking at this vast evil that has been cast upon our culture. Darbi Boddy at Lakota schools has had the right instincts about this issue from the start of her term. And the anger at her for pointing it out goes back to the kind of social activism that was evident at the breakout of the transexual movement beginning at Stonewall in New York City in 1969. These things didn’t happen by accident and aren’t about fairness. They were always attacks on American culture meant to corrupt our youth, and now many of those corrupted youth are running our country from a political position and are embedded in our media and other places of authority. And they worship the Cult of Ishtar, and their reverences, such as the rainbow flags of the Pride movement, are religious. Not symbols of inclusion but the battle flag of cultural domination and social destruction purposely invoked from ancient history to destroy America and everyone in it.

Rich Hoffman

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A Good Friday To Remember: Anti-MAGA forces missed it completely

I have loved Good Friday for many years since I had a unique experience in Mexico, right in the middle of the Yucatan Peninsula. I don’t know that it was a life-changing moment so much as it was an affirmation of a lot of work on my part to learn something new. I had spent more than twenty years reading voraciously a number of subjects, and during one particular Good Friday, I happened to be at Chichen Itza in Mexico, a destination I had wanted to see for myself since I was a teenager. Prior to this trip, I never cared for Good Friday, the idea of Christ being killed by institutionalism has always bothered me, and it was not something I wanted to celebrate. I certainly didn’t like the Bible story that I was born a sinner, weak and meek by heritage, not by my own design, and that Christ needed to die for me so that I would not be locked into eternal persecution by a wrathful god, for all of existence. I always felt sorry for Jesus and had an intimate relationship with him after playing many roles in the Passion Play at my Church as a kid.   I felt I had a unique understanding of what Christ went through, and it never seemed fair to me. I always wanted the version of the story where Christ escaped from the cross and killed all his enemies and fed their flesh to the dogs while their harems of lovers cried over their dead carcasses. The idea of sacrifice was never OK with me, not in Christianity, and certainly not in other cultures, which is why my wife and I were in Chichen Itza studying the ruins there of a Mayan culture that had human sacrifice at the center of it, all day, every day. I had many questions, and I needed to visit the site to set things right in my mind about them.

After, my wife and I swam in a local cenote near the Chichen Itza complex, as it was very hot, and the cave water in the cenote felt great. It was crowded, it seemed as if everyone from the local town had the same idea since it was an impoverished region where people lived in literal thatched huts, so nobody had swimming pools. I had put some of the video from that trip into a little promo video I did for Sheriff Jones at the time dealing with illegal immigration for the Liberty Township Tea Party that shows some of the sights from this trip, referred to here. We got to know the Mexican people very well on that trip, well beyond the media cameras, and saw how those people lived, and it was interesting. I couldn’t help but respect how hard they worked and how much they loved their families. Later, after we had cooled off, we stopped by a tiny town for lunch, and we were stunned by a flash parade recreating the Passion Play, where the entire village came out to watch or participate. There were thousands of people involved; it was quite astonishing. Now I respected the Passion Play a lot because I had been in many of them myself, playing all the main characters, from Jesus to Pontius Pilot to Roman soldiers. So, I had seen more than my fair share of Passion Plays, and this one was magnificent. They had great costumes; they had a Mexican Jesus stripped nearly naked with blood covering him, carrying a cross, with very authentic Roman soldiers surrounding him, and mobs of people crying after the suffering of Jesus. The entire town had come to a stop to witness this epic occasion. Because we were in the process of getting food, we happened to be on a street corner with a front-row seat to witness the whole thing. And we really couldn’t move until it was over, so we watched respectfully.    

I never forgot that Passion Play on that particular Good Friday in Mexico, pretty far away from America and the news of the night. A collision had occurred with me regarding personal experience regarding the Church, many millions and millions of words that I had read about these topics, my keen interest in politics, which I was thinking about intensely since the terrorist Barack Obama had just been elected under very suspicious methods, and the Republican Party was trying to figure out how to win over people from Mexico and Central America to vote their way as conservatives rather than liberals. According to the Koch brothers, they had a plan, which we now understand as RINOs, moving more toward liberals than holding tight to conservative values. And I was far enough away from my regular everyday life to think about all these things on that street corner, watching a very real Passion Play in Mexico by people who had given up their previous worship of Mayan and Aztec gods for the gods of the conquering Spanish, Catholicism, and the worship of Jesus Christ which they embraced with great vigor. Until then, I had always thought of foreign immigrants who wanted to come to America as often more American than those born in the world’s greatest country but took it for granted. I found that foreign immigrants shared my Passion for America more than the native people, so I have always had a great relationship with people from all over the world who came to America for the Constitution and the opportunities that come with it. Specifically in Mexico and most places considered “third world” I found the people in those places still had a very close relationship to religion and their families, and I love that about them.

With all that in mind, just the other day, I saw a report indicating that Democrats were perplexed why so many Latinos were supporting President Trump and the MAGA movement and not coming to America and voting for Democrats the way that the political class in Washington, D.C. thought they would. And the answer is easy; Democrats had presented themselves as a bunch of godless heathens, which was not attractive to immigrants from Mexico and Central America. Seeing many of those people as I did on Good Friday should have been evident to everyone. But the professional pundits had got it all wrong, and President Trump showed himself to be respectful of strong families and religion. So, of course, once Mexicans immigrated to America, once they learned the various politics would support the MAGA movement. They didn’t want a free lunch; they wanted the respect of good work and a government that would get out of their way so they could raise their families, which they cared about intensely. It’s for all those reasons that even now, I get along much better with people from foreign countries than I do from my own backyard because the immigrants have a romantic idea of America that I share with them. Whereas the dope-smoking losers from the American education system have created a bunch of lazy, entitled babies that look to the Democrat Party to feed them without having to get up off the couch. And the Democrats seem surprised by all this. But I’m not. If you look at the political scene today, it is not a surprise that Latinos are moving toward Trump; the MAGA Republicans are now filled with people of color, and there are lots of very strong women who are just as tough as Trump. There is a lot of diversity that the RINO Republicans missed the boat on wholly, which is now the core of the party. And those are demos that the Democrats lost because they simply presented themselves as the kind of communists that many of those immigrants were running from. And when Democrats presented themselves as antagonistic toward religion, that was the end of that. That’s why this particular Good Friday in 2023 is special and unique. A long-hatched plan is finally coming together, and where the rubber hits the road in politics, religion is at the core of what the future will bring. And the anti-MAGA forces missed it completely. 

Rich Hoffman

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Progressive Politics and the Transgender Cult of Death: The religion of earth worship goes back a long way and is at war with the American idea of Christianity

The number one question I keep getting from people is understanding the transexual movement emerging from the Democrat Party. And the reason it’s such a jaw-dropping consideration is because many conservatives are looking at the world assuming that everyone sees it the way they do, from the Old Testament consideration that God gave mankind dominion over all of nature and to go forth and be fruitful. Multiply and be happy. And we could make many arguments that if all civilizations followed that basic premise, then the Vico Cycle, as Giambattista Vico conceived it in his book New Science from 1725, might be able to divorce themselves from that constant process of internal destruction, such as humanity has seen since its inception. American culture, after all, is, without doubt, the best society that does the most for the most people that is on written record to date. But, there are forces in the world, old, ancient forces that have never given up on the pagan religions of the past, which predate Christianity by many thousands of years, and those ideas are alive and well in the progressive political movement of earth worship. And the gender-neutral push is simple reverence for Mother Goddess worship of a seeded birth, where all life emerges from a non-sexual seed and gives birth to the world. Many of those ancient religions, including many that considered themselves some variation of Christian, including the Gnostics and the Cathars, and many variations in between, view all existence still as a fight between good and evil, where anything materially made, including the flesh is considered evil. And that the entire purpose of existence is to cast off our shell of materialism and be reborn of the spirit. That might sound like a very Christian idea until you realize that many of these progressive religions do not consider the Old Testament relevant and that surrender of their material selves to the nature of the spirit world, which drives all of Mother Earth as a consciousness all its own, is all that’s important. 

There are three major centers in which bisexual mythological generation occurred: Middle America, the Mississippian cultures, Southwest Asia, and the Near East. In these zones, ideas of the seeded earth emerged as a religious reverence for Mother Earth goddess worship. And, of course, a seed is not a male or a female as we come to understand the sexes but is whatever it needs to be to bring about procreation. So, when we see the current push for gender neutrality, this is what progressives are advocating for. We are dealing with an extreme religion from an ancient past that has failed over and over many thousands of years and re-invented itself into our modern Climate Change movement. All the same themes from history are present, even those values from very primitive hunter and gatherer societies. It is common even to this day for shamans in various tribal cultures to take on the form of a man or a woman of the opposite sex to duplicate nature for a better relationship with that spirit world. And when we talk about spirits, we are talking about the energy that drives all life, trees, plants, animals, and all primordial existence. Shamans in these cultures commonly take on same-sex partners in marriage to appease the spirits of that world, which is at the center of the current ayahuasca movement. For those in the world who lack confidence, who find safety in crowds, and who do not have strong individual identities, these religious concepts of earth worship are very reassuring, and they become the disciples of those ancient religions. They are against eating meat and believe Klaus Schwab and his cross-dressing friends when they say that the earth is on a course of destruction and that climate change is the highest priority politically. 

Climate activists are wrong, of course, as they have always been wrong. They are simply repeating the ancient battle cry of spirit world affiliation against the needs of material existence. From their perspective, anything from the material world is considered evil. Many of the duelist religions, those religions that believe that the entire material world is run by the Devil, including the Roman Catholic Church and all its offshoots, and that the only Good God is the one of the spirit world, are extreme in their assumptions which they fully intend to inflict on the rest of the world. And to serve that God, you must completely surrender all possessions, including spouses and children, to pay honor to such a supreme being properly. And with these people, they always look to the way cultures did it in the past, such as Egypt. You can’t visit Washington D.C. or Paris, France, and not see the obvious dedication to Egyptian society. We have a massive obelisk from Egypt at the heart of the American capital, right across the lawn from the White House. So these ancient ideas go a long way back. Their hatred of Trump, the MAGA movement, and the kind of materialism generated by our capitalist society is sheer evil to them. At the same time, we view them as evil because of their worship of a pagan concept of Christianity, a rejection of the Old Testament domination over nature, and the many religions that caused the Vico Cycle for thousands of years before the rise and fall of everything only to continuously start over as a primitive culture. We see that yearning happening again where progressives want to regress back to a time before the light bulb and to destroy our power grid to save the planet from the impact of mankind upon its surface. 

This battle has always been with us, and until the Nature Worshipers are finally destroyed, mankind will always be held in bondage to ancient stupidity. It’s not that nature is a bad thing. There are lots of great things about nature. But nothing in the universe is more impressive than the human imagination, and I would argue that creation by humans of use by what nature provides is the meaning of life and our natural purpose in the grand scheme of things. Humans are doing what nature intends by building coal plants, going to space, and inventing new things all the time, making better use of nature than what nature can do on its own. That the concept of mankind having dominion over all nature is a philosophical success story that is obvious to America, it may not be the kind of freedom the Masons wanted in the beginning, but it’s what was born once monarchies were removed from holding entire societies down by authoritarian control. Great things happened when that authority was taken away, and people were free to produce and create. The duelist religions killed many millions of people, so there is no shame in the many deaths that occurred so that America could be born.   These cultures clashed, and nature benefited. It wasn’t penalized. Nature needs to be led by leaders in the human race because, without mankind, nature is just a mess of living organisms bouncing around aimlessly.   Mankind gives nature meaning, and that is the meaning of life. But the progressives, the Democrats, and all the other supporters of Nature Worship are fighting a losing war that goes back all of human history, and they are standing against the solution to life itself. And that is where the urge is for all the crazy stuff we are seeing today, the strange obsession with transsexual lifestyles, the insane war against fossil fuels, and the odd hatred of President Trump and the political movement that put him in place and continues to support him. The plan was never for mankind to gain dominion over the earth and all of nature from the duelist religions of the world. Their intention was always to surrender to it, and they expected the rest of us to follow or else. They do mean violence if we prevent them from their diabolical schemes of ancient mass sacrifice. 

Rich Hoffman

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THE QURAN IS OUTDATED: Gabriel’s Middle-Eastern adventures of sex and nonsense

Recently, I provided evidence that religion is one of the stumbling blocks which prevent a proper investigation into earth’s past.  Due to religious strife and careful adherents to ancient documents and paper-thin prophets—it is clear that religion does more harm than good and is one of the aspects of human society which must be adjusted.  However, this does not mean that I am an atheist, or a godless heathen.  I simply don’t sacrifice myself to the notion of a god the way humans have done since the dawn of time and desire to see a new pattern emerge regarding spiritual worship—because to my eyes, virtually everyone everywhere in the world has gotten it wrong.

Most people use religion as a bridge to step over bad behavior into what they think is everlasting life.  It allows them to make mistakes in their daily living by attending a church on Sunday and being forgiven by some deity.  I would encourage you dear reader that if you are too weak-minded to live your life well, to not drink too much, have sex with too many partners, molest the youth, or treat others poorly without the fear of God to keep you in check, than this article is not for you.  Keep attending your religion—keep reading its text, and preparing for the life ever after.  Because I would rather you waste your life with such a sacrifice if it keeps you from being just another tyrant over the lives of others.  But for those with a little discipline and self driven curiosity it is time to scrap the old for the new in regards to religion and come up with some new mythologies which are more meaningful.

Even atheism has become a religion of sorts—its function is to declare that life is to be lived now and it has a kind of hedonism aspect to its followers which is not what I’m talking about.  The trouble with the human being is the collective notion of sacrifice which needs to be eradicated without the value of religion being stripped away—the establishment of positive parameters to live life by.  If that could be done, than religion would earn its worth, and lose the destructive nature indicative to its existence in whatever form it arrives—whether it is Islamic, Christian, Buddhist or Jewish—it is time to stop worshiping the life and times of old mythologies and folklore with a blind adherence to historical fact.  Most of those stories from all the major religions were passed down second-handed from one group of power controllers to another and cannot be trusted.  The contents of the writing have been fed to a collective public more to control behavior than to usher them off into the next life—and given what science is attempting to show the human race—they are no longer relevant.

All religions are based on faith, which forces a participant to accept things without evidence.  Once the mind is opened to this folly it tends to do the same for virtually everything it encounters.  As an example, the Saul Alinsky method which Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama so effectively uses allows them to gain a kind of religious following by appealing to the part of a human brain which has been opened to accept religious mythology as fact.  This allows them to stand in front of people like a high priest and utter complete lies without anybody questioning them—hiding their bad behavior in the light of day.   It was Hillary Clinton who wrote a thesis on Alinsky while at Wellesley College for which she received an “A.”  Saul Alinsky offered her a job for her two interviews which Hillary declined.  Barack Obama is of the same mind as both Alinsky and Clinton and within the social circles of community organizers and attorneys, they learned how to use Alinsky methods to appeal to the religious nature of people and force them to do things they otherwise wouldn’t.  Hillary in her critique cited benefactors of Alinsky’s approach to Martin Luther King Jr. and Walt Whitman in the way that Mormons cite Joseph Smith, or Christians do Jesus Christ, or Islam reveres Muhammad.  This places the characters of the narrative above reproach and prevents analysis of their actions.  Once this is done further inquiry into their motives cease and faith takes over as the guiding light.

More is hidden from the human being under this process than anybody acknowledges and is the largest contributors to the spread of evil throughout the world.  The religion itself might actually be beneficial on one level, but since the mind as been opened to accepting things on faith then a chain reaction of bad events often follows.  Politicians aligning themselves with a religious order use this open door to get people to accept higher taxes, political corruption, and even the premise of war applying basically the same Saul Alinsky methods. The religious high priest does the same to manipulate the public into committing collective evil without consideration.  Because the masses view their participation as a collective enterprise, they use faith to accept their role and cast off logic to the “hand of god.”  In this way they do not take responsibility in life for their actions, but instead defer responsibility to a “higher order.”

Once a mind shuns responsibility for their thoughtless actions on their religion, they will do it for their career, their family, their daily commute and soon everything that happens to them is “meant to be,” as if some god were steering their life-like a car down a lost highway.  This takes away the responsibility for living and allows people to believe that they are part of something bigger—which then sets the stage for political corruption when the same methods are applied to pass school levies, take away the Second Amendment, or pass Obamacare.

I have thoughts on what should replace the old religions—which are clearly ineffective in the modern world.  The life and times of the characters in the Bible, or in the Quran are outdated and no longer relevant.  If there is one trait that could be blamed on the Middle East not accepting capitalism and still looking like it did in the times of their religious leaders of thousands of years ago—it is that their religions hold back their social development.

In my family there is a joke about the archangel Gabriel where I say that he met Mary outside of their village and had an affair with her for which she became pregnant.  Back then, a woman who became pregnant without having a husband was often killed, so Mary came up with the story of immaculate conception to explain how she came to be in that condition.  The reason it’s a joke is because that same Gabriel came to Muhammad in a cave and recited the Quran which then became the sacred text of the fast growing religion in the world.  Gabriel was a busy guy…………….he was a lot of places at the start of these two religions—where to this day are in constant conflict in Jerusalem and everywhere else they meet.

I have read the Biblical Archaeology Review magazine for over thirty years and watched carefully the events of study in the Middle East, particularly Israel, Jordon, Egypt and Iraq, and my conclusion was that Gabriel was either a Jim Jones, or Charlie Manson type—charismatic leaders who were deranged intellectually and ran around planting all kinds of seeds—having sex with women putting them in danger culturally and speaking nonsense to lonely hermits in a cave—and anybody else who would listen.  Or that Gabriel was some kind of ultraterrestrial prankster designed to occupy the mind of man foolishly on low-level intellectual pursuits while they pulled the strings of society in the desired direction.  But what Gabriel was not–was sacred.

I’ve had a few run-ins with these Gabriel types over the years and always send them packing.  It helps to be intellectually fit so to see through their ruse—but for irresponsible people looking for a miracle at every turn of their lives living hapless existences like a pinball caught between the bumpers of life—Gabriel types find their minds ripe for plunder.  And they become the next tyrants thinking they are bringing to the world a boon.

It is time to evolve and religion as we know it today is holding down the human race.  It might hold some individuals together—giving them purpose and meaning.  But ultimately that meaning is toward the ends of collectivism and works against individual responsibility.  The number one reason that people are having a hard time with capitalism as an economic engine for their nations and instead gravitate toward socialism is because of their addiction to religion and hatred of self-responsible activity.  Religion feeds this lack of self-initiative and instead provides a crutch into the next life—allowing this life to be lived poorly and recklessly.  After all isn’t it the Christian premise to declare that “we are all sinners?”  So what’s the point?  Let’s just do what they tell us and hope we can live better in Heaven for eternity.  In the meantime we do what our preachers tell us to do, and if our politicians say the same kind of things-we follow them as well.  And vast amounts of evil spread across the world as a result—all in the name of some god at the center of religion inspired most of the time by the archangel Gabriel.

It would not surprise me to learn that while Gautama Buddha was sitting under the tree of enlightenment and was approached by the demon Mara where temptations were presented—that Mara’s real name was Gabriel and that he was a feisty traveler with malicious intentions similar to Saul Alisnsky—who was just a “community organizer” who carried on his tongue the end of civilization and single-minded purpose to have sex with lonely women and use religion to pull them into his tent.  Thus began all of the world’s primary religions.

It’s time to rethink things—without such people a part of the process.

Rich Hoffman