The RINOs Who Helped Pass Issue 1 and Issue 2 in Ohio: Freedom of choice to hide the real evil hiding in the background

After more than 24 hours of review on why Issues 1 and 2 passed in Ohio, the right to kill babies and the pot head legalization measures that were passed by essentially the same margins on Election Night, November 7th, 2023, a clear pattern emerges which is wonderfully represented in the picture below. A guy I call Skippy, who has always loomed in the background of our county politics like a lot of people who think similarly, felt entitled to let me know after the election that he was a “freedom” Republican and that my view of the world was authoritarian. And that he voted for “freedom of choice.” And, of course, my response is that with Republicans like him, who needs Democrats? I live in a very conservative area, but I go to plenty of events, some with that guy, and they drink and smoke openly like a bunch of derelicts and quite honestly, it has always bothered me. I don’t encourage drinking and I certainly don’t smoke, anything. I don’t even take aspirin when I get a cold. I despise drugs and those who use them. So I’m not surprised by those kinds of comments, but it certainly isn’t a rationalization for why Issue 2, the legalization of marijuana in Ohio, passed. There are a lot of weak people in the world, and a lot of people who abuse various drugs, alcohol included who I think make the world a much worse place because of their weak politics. The people who put the abortion issue forward, the attackers of our state of Ohio with a lot of outside money reflecting progressive causes, knew the attack vector, and they know people like Skippy here will vote in their direction because they like their drugs. So they attached it to the baby-killing law and snuck it across the finish line. Sure, the Democrats are vile and evil. But so are many who call themselves Republicans because they have their vices, and the bad guys are always able to exploit them for the perpetuation of evil.

Freedom of choice is actually presented as the right to make bad choices that impact other people with the degradation of the aftermath

I warned everyone prior to the election, quite a few weeks ahead, that Issues 1 and 2 would pass with around 56% to 57% of the vote, which is exactly what happened. It was essentially the same margin as we saw in August when we tried to raise the threshold of the constitution to 60% over what it is now at 50+1 to add amendments to the Ohio Constitution. Outside radicals, after they lost Roe v. Wade, turned their progressive intentions toward the states and saw that Ohio had a weak threshold, so they attacked, and now we know the result. By the time Republicans noticed the vulnerability it was already too late. The bad guys put marijuana on the same ballot as abortion purposely in the same way that candy is placed along the checkout line, encouraging temptations for last-minute purchases. If Republicans weren’t so busy smoking and drinking, they might have noticed a long time ago the threat. But they got suckered and played because there are way too many liberals in the Republican party who are soft on all issues, so they water down the defense of truly ethical problems, keep their minds focused on business only, and maintain a socially soft stance on morality which lets vast amounts of evil flourish in the back door of our society. And they are quite proud of it, even haughty. But when it is wondered why abortion passed in Ohio, and how attackers of our state were able to gain so much support, thank your local RINOs for being lured to the dark side and helping evil seed itself into our great state, which is now an embarrassment.

Generally, my favorite places in the state voted my way; they did not support Issue 1 or 2 in the northwest, Midwest (such as Darke County), and all of southwest Ohio flowing over into the east. But Dayton, Columbus, and all of Cleveland and Akron flowing over to the Pennsylvania border and along the coast of Lake Erie voted to smoke dope and kill babies, and that’s not surprising. There are a lot of RINOs in those areas and certainly plenty of scum-bag Democrats who tend to run those liberal cities. And that’s how the margins became what they were, which voter turnout was higher than usual. If Trump had been on the ticket, the ratio might have been better for real conservatives. But as it was, it didn’t surprise me and was a shame to watch. Anyone pushing drugs in a culture of any kind is causing the degradation of intellect and the destruction of your society from within. It has nothing to do with “freedom” of choice. Such things are hidden behind popular sentiments to hide their intentions, which is essentially a military attack to destroy us from within. History is filled with compliant fools who drank their way toward personal destruction, and now can Cheech and Chong laugh at the social degradation that they have now let into our culture to be, as the Pink Floyd song says, “comfortably numb.” Meanwhile, while everyone is numb, they expect you to walk compliantly into a slaughterhouse with a smile on your face because you have your drugs to numb any thoughts you might have about your actual condition. Drugs are poison that are intended to destroy the enemy with evil; that is why they are encouraged in any society that the bad guys want to kill.

I would remind everyone upset about these baby killers and pot smokers that the best way to defeat them is not to follow the rules they create to frame the argument. I say it to people dozens of times a week, and it certainly applies here: never let your enemies define the rules you live by. Laws, often as they are put forth, are constructed for people with bad intentions to perpetuate some ill will behind government power. The abortion issue isn’t about whether or not a baby is a baby at 12 weeks or nine months. A killing is a killing and evil, the same evil that caused God to give Canaan to Abraham, and abortion is murder, and pot and other drugs are inventions to numb the guilt people feel when they live immoral lives and make bad choices. And that’s what RINO Republicans did when they joined vile Democrats to pass both Issue 1 and Issue 2. They have the right to choose, even if those choices are wrong. They want the right to be diabolical scumbags if they so choose, and they use ballot language to hide their narrative of choice behind the real intention of vice for the sake of sin. That’s always why these same types of people didn’t have moral convictions when it came to the Lakota problems, where administrators were displaying a tendency to have sex with children or teach students alternative sexual lifestyles. It’s all the same moral depravity, and there are plenty of Republicans who live lives filled with bad choices. And when you combine them with diabolical Democrats, you get 57% who will vote to kill babies and do drugs without fear of prosecution. Because they want “freedom of choice,” as some vile libertarian argues it. The choice to be a scumbag, the choice to be child molesters or sexual swingers desecrating their marriage covenant in the eyes of God, or dope addicts stoned to Pink Floyd songs. And if such bad decisions produce a baby with some unwanted sexual union, they want the ability to kill that baby to erase the mistakes they made so they are free to smoke, drink, and be wastes of human flesh in a world in solid need of intellect.

Smart people get it

Rich Hoffman

Vote for Russ Loges on November 7th, 2023: The freaks will be out in force voting to kill babies and smoke dope, don’t give them an easy victory

Just remember, all the baby killers will be out in force to vote in favor of Issue 1, and the dope-head druggies will be voting for Issue 2. So don’t get caught sitting on the couch. Be sure to vote for Russ Loges for Lakota school board. There will be more losers, misfits, killers, transsexuals, tax whores, RINOs, than usual because their issues are on the ballot in Ohio. Don’t give them an easy win; at least show up and give your support to Russ Loges.

Rich Hoffman

Issue 1 in Ohio, the Cult of Death: The evil that was happening in the land of Canaan is behind the modern Democrat intention to change the Constitution to include abortion

Ironically, all the same characters who support the Palestinian attacks against Israel support Issue 1 in Ohio. I, of course, am a hard no on Issue 1, which is an attempt to put a radical abortion agenda into the Ohio Constitution up to the 9th month. It’s an outrageous death cult that we are dealing with here that is precisely the same as when Yahweh granted the land of Canaan to the Hebrew people because the Palestinians in the area, the “indigenous people” were sacrificing their firstborn children to the gods of Baal, Moloch, and Ishtar and God had enough of it. So, the state of Israel was created to silence a vast evil that had been taking place. And no less than that is the scope of the problems with Issue 1. When the previous Issue 1 that failed in August of 2023, we knew this attack by the various death cults outside the state was coming. They had targeted Ohio because it had a low threshold to bypass the various conservative governments in the House, the Senate, and as governor and could change laws with a simple 50+1 majority. So as soon as Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and kicked back to the states, some conservatives saw the vulnerability. But it was too little too late. A vote was taken to attempt to raise the threshold for constitutional adjustments to something more reasonable, like 60%. But the out-of-state money poured in, and the push for this death cult activated all the losers, the murderers, the slack-jawed drug users, the trans crowd, the gays, the two or three real Joe Biden supporters, the lowlifes, the criminals, and the Israel haters into voting in August in what was supposed to be a surprise election. But Issue 1 was defeated with around 57%, so now this cult of the death abortion issue is on the November ballot as the new Issue 1. And I would like to see it fail.

But on this one, I’m taking the long view.  I can see that the vile Democrats think they have this one in the bag with early polling, along the same lines as what Issue 1 failed on in August.  Around 57% support this cult of death for various reasons, the same reasons that Israel was constantly challenged by the temptations to worship Baal with human sacrifice.  When people wonder how the ancient Canaanites could have killed their firstborn children screaming for their lives just to appease a god, all they have to do is look at the supporters of Issue 1 in Ohio for their answer.  The same could be said of them.  What the abortion activists want to do to the Ohio Constitution and the money from out of state that set the table for it is nothing short of human sacrifice.  This proposal is so radical that even contentious arguments about the 20-week ban, the Heartbeat Law, and even parental notification will be thrown out the window without any legislative input, and the evil menaces out there have drool dripping from their mouths at the prospect of turning such a red state as Ohio is into a victim of blue state politics with a simple majority vote.  In an off-year election where a president isn’t on the ballot, Democrats think they will see a surge in support over Issue 1 and the pot smoking Issue 2, another subject for discussion.  I see teacher unions puffing out their chests already through extremely liberal school board members who they think will get elected because they supported this cult of death.  So unless something drastic happens with turnout on election day in November, it looks like a long fight is ahead of us on this one. 

It is hard for good people to grasp just how evil Issue 1 is, or abortion rights in general, are.  But then again, this isn’t a modern problem; it’s a death cult that has always been with the human race.  It was the reason that Israel was created in the first place, to stand against that death cult.   Over time, it has been hard for people to stand with Israel and the various death cults of the world and stand up for progress and human decency.  Many conservative voters will sit at home on election night; at least, the supporters of Issue 1 expect that to be the case.  They think they will sneak this one under the fence, just as Jezebelle had corrupted her husband and the nation into Baal worship and the eventual destruction of the Jewish people.  We have that same evil menace manifesting behind out-of-state abortion groups seeking revenge over the federal Supreme Court position by targeting states like Ohio for this vicious attack.  And it is an attack; there is no soft way to put it.  There are plenty of losers in Ohio at the various Democrat strongholds to get this Issue 1 passed, especially in the college portions of the state where Democrat politics have seeded themselves into an otherwise very conservative state.  But it would take an outrageously high turnout of conservatives to stop Issue 1, which is hopeful but unrealistic.  As a result, millions of lives will be lost, which makes those functioning from evil in the world very happy. 

But it’s not too late yet.  I would recommend everyone go out and vote.  Don’t take this one lying down.   History shows us that we will have to confront evil like this many times in our lives and throughout time.  And this is undoubtedly one of them.  Encourage your friends and family to get out and vote against Issue 1.  Vote against this Cult of Death that Democrats want to bring to our sacred state of Ohio. But be prepared for the day after the election; the liberal media is already poised to throw gas on the fire and show Ohio as a victory and a ripe target for radical politics.  What is being attacked is the core of Ohio values, and to turn it into a complicit blue state for the vile intentions of actual evil that have their fingerprints all over Issue 1.  So we cannot lose our composure.  There are many ways to fight corruption, and we certainly will have to.  But before we resort to those methods, we can solve the problem with an election, which would be best.  Fighting these death cults is a mandate of existence that will occur with intense voracity regardless of what is written on a page and called law.  Ethics can and will be defended irrespective of any legislative endeavor.  I would recommend that we all be much more vocal about these cults of death and not let them hide in the background of our society and to shame them into oblivion.  But first, show up and make your voice known on Issue 1.  Give it your best effort at defeating it at the ballot box.  Then, depending on the obvious outcome, but nothing is sure until it is, we’ll go from there to defend life from the grips of death that come from all Democrat policies and their desires of doom for the human race.

Rich Hoffman

The Cult of Moloch: Why Government, and specifically Democrats, think the Killing of Children is Beneficial

A lot of people do not make the connection that the ancient Gods of Mesopotamia are emerging again in our current culture or that through quantum entanglement, they never went away, but they have only become increasingly evident the more that Americans have allowed Christianity to be pushed out of our culture. Forget for a moment that the communists that have inserted themselves in our government since the 90s, and even earlier, are godless heathens. I’m old enough to have a reference point; I remember when the PG13 rating system for movies was implemented and when it was hard to see naked pictures of women for teenagers wanting to see them. We are seeing nothing more than a return to pagan God worship, just as cultures have done for tens of thousands of years. That is the theme of a Jonathan Cahn book called The Return of the Gods that is very much worth great attention because his premise is good. That many of the evils we are currently seeing are the results of the same spiritual energy that the people of Babylon and ancient Canaan were experiencing in the classic struggle between Yahweh and the God Baal as expressed in the Bible, and one of those gods was the controversial God Marduk, or otherwise referred to by Cahn as Moloch as the ancient Canaanites called him. Anti-Bible, anti-Christian crusaders even up until this current day in the disputes over Israel and its creation after World War II have argued that the people of Israel never had a right to invade the land of Canaan and take it over as the promised land. But to Yahweh’s hot temper against the immoral behavior of the ancient Canaanites, the people there were practicing human sacrifice, specifically of their children to the God of destruction himself, Molock, and that justified their destruction by the invading Israelites and the domination of the chosen people of the region out of the sheer morality of the action. 

The people of the time would sacrifice their first-born child, or whatever offspring they had to the ancient gods of the Middle East, for which there was a very long history well before Moses rescued his people from enslavement in Egypt. Archaeology and institutionalism by governments have not done a very good job of discovering much beyond the relics of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley bordering India and the Middle East in the current war-torn region of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq. I would go so far as to propose that the purpose of those wars by governments is to keep hidden this deep and dark past from the eyes of modern intellect. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was sacred long before Abraham went there to sacrifice his son Isaac to Yahweh, as was the custom in that region long before, to Moloch. We think of ourselves as sophisticated and enjoying the benefits of modern approaches to ancient problems, but still in the back of our minds is the need or temptation to take the easy way out and sacrifice our children to these same gods. That level of evil never went away; it’s wired into us, and the less we recognize ourselves as a Christian nation, the more we push God out of our lives as the shining city on a hill, and the more the ancient gods from Mesopotamia who the morality of Yahweh had drowned out, re-emerge back into our culture. That those sacrifices of children occurred is no doubt, the deaths were common. And the hope was that by killing the children, the gods would benefit the killers in some way, whether by career choice, good luck, fertile fields as farmers, or even more vile and evil purposes. The practice was far from unusual. 

The disbelief comes from analysis today, where we have hidden these kinds of sacrifices to Moloch through the lens of polite society. The alters of sacrifice have moved from a public venue where the children would be killed in full view to the abortion clinics of Planned Parenthood where the undoing of the American family, the Christian invader of the pagan gods could be kept out, and the work of evil could thrive behind closed doors and government funding. But a cult of death it is, the same reasons for the sacrifice are provided. A woman who doesn’t want to be encumbered as she commits her life to her career, to the ultimate service of the God of government, and service to the state. She has no time to be pregnant, tied down to one man for the rest of her life, and build a family. So she kills her baby after a sexual union made not through love but drunken play to the ancient goddess Ishtar. And the result was a pregnancy that was not allowed to alter the mother’s life; she had better things to do than raise a family. This is the same kind of mentality that provoked Yahweh in the Bible to go to war with the land of Canaan and the justification for their destruction because they were an evil people. Evil because they sacrificed their own children to the God Moloch and hoped to prosper from that destructive and terminal act. 

Once that is understood, then the current culture of Epstein Island by some of our top social celebrities starts to make a lot more sense. The cult of sex with underage children and their eventual destruction through the death or psychological abuse is common, not unique. And our government is protecting this evil so that it can grow stronger because the government is pushing God away and opening the door to the same old Sumerian gods who have always been with us. We tend to think of the Biblical period as a long time ago, but in truth, it’s only a very recent past, and since the creation of Western Civilization, society has prospered the more we moved away from the godless heathens of ancient pagan god worship. But the ancient jealousies are still there, and so is the hunger for the death of children. And we see it now on the nightly news by some of our modern richest and most popular personalities. Sex with children is an endorsed act that we see in our public schools, a full endorsement by even our law enforcement personalities. The appeasement of the Cult of Moloch is everywhere. Mass sacrifice to those ancient gods is part of our lifestyle. It was never about separation of church and state with these vile characters of ancient evil; it was always to push out God, the invading Yahweh, and to restore the power and might of Moloch, Ishtar, Baal, and the entire pantheon of ancient figures from a society that has risen and fallen many times under the weight of its own stupidity. Because their rise to power was never understood because not enough from mass society has yet detected the evidence with their historical mythology, which goes back many hundreds of thousands of years. Without the Christian influence of Western Civilization, the world plunges like a rubber band back into darkness, as it always has. And the cult of killing children is very much a part of that past, as it is our present future. It’s the Cult of Moloch that is behind the vast evil, and the people who should be protecting children are the very same that are sacrificing them for the same stupid reasons as the ancient killers did, for their own benefit and hopeful appeasement of bloodthirsty gods who consumed death like potato chips over a cold beer. 

Rich Hoffman

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Christian Values Stand in the Way of the Progressive Death Cult of Abortion: Why there is so much political turmoil over Roe v. Wade

Based on the behavior of the pro-abortion crowd in the wake of Roe v. Wade, there is a lot more going on than just the argument of “my body, my choice.” Without question, abortion for the political left is all about the destruction of the American family by desecrating one of its most sacred unions, sex. When the currency of sex is cheapened and given away freely without consequence, the institution of marriage is destroyed, and the wish-fulfillment of progressives can begin. Sex without consequence and without value so that government can replace the central roles with authority figures is at the core of their strategy. The idea under attack was that if a man managed to get a woman pregnant, that he would be obliged to marry her and raise the child under marital bliss was the core tenant of the progressive attack. The rest of the marriage might progress under sexless circumstances and the couple only being together for the benefit of the child, and lots of resentments would ensue. But, if abortion could wipe away all the responsibility, then government could replace the pressure with a cheapened version of relationship building and then could introduce all kinds of perversions, such as gay relationships, gender-neutral lifestyles, and the eventual destruction of masculinity to make way for a mass collapse of society allowing for it to be rebuilt under new gods and authority figures, all from the radical point of view of the political left.

However, based on the reaction of many after the Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court to abandon the activism of the court in the first place and to return the issue of abortion back to the states for resolution, there is obviously more going on than just a policy decision. The ability to have an abortion has meaning to progressives that go far beyond the strategic ability to destroy the concept of family and replace it with government. Watching the behavior and anger of many in the wake of the Supreme Court decision, there is only one conclusion that could be made by comparing that behavior to what is known in history. And that is that many in the progressive movement are looking to abortion for further strategies that aren’t being talked about but are at the center of their belief systems and ones that paint them as evil and vile concerning the needs of the human race by allowing for the idea that the progressive left’s belief in abortion as a social norm, that there is an occult element to their desires that extend well beyond political policy. Considering the past of Alister Crowley and the Golden Dawn radicals, who were spinoffs of the Freemasonry movement coming out of Europe, the seeking of blood sacrifices, as was common in most city-dwelling societies throughout history, then suddenly abortion makes much more sense within the view of a massive death cult political in nature. Its always been the belief that sacrificing humans and releasing their life energy, the fuel that makes a human life live, that agents of the spirit world could be conjured up and used for maleficent practices. The belief persists in many cultures and over vast periods and has always been a part of liberal culture. There is no reason to conclude that the practice suddenly went away in the 20th and 21st centuries. Instead, it became stronger and much more widespread. Only now, the sacrifices were being done on a mass scale before a child was physically born from a mother creating the opportunity to kill many more lifeforms to appeal to a massive global desire for a blood cult to be satisfied for mass ritual conduct. 

It doesn’t take long to learn that many of the gods of the progressive movement are not of the Christian kind. Religion centered around the teachings of Jesus Christ has been attacked for many decades by these liberal groups. Now, with the strange obsession with gay sex and the in-your-face insistence on drag queens in public education, we are now seeing desires to incorporate insane perversions into mainstream life; we are witnessing rituals designed to appeal to the pagan cults of yesteryear hiding behind the mask of climate change and coming out of Europe where Celt beliefs and other gods of nature were worshipped and appealed to for cultures over many thousands of years.   So given the antagonism that the political left has for Christianity and their reverence for “mother earth” worship, it’s only logical that abortion to them is a mass sacrifice to the collective nature of humanity as a global civilization that is viewed as secondary to the power of the planet itself. And if those sacrifices can occur before there is an actual, “defined birth” while the child is still in the womb, a more consistent sacrifice can be made to those gods of progressive belief, on a much more vast scale, and that they can get the medical community to commit the deed and give the malevolent spirits of existence energy to feast on and conduct great injustice on the concept of the world created by Judeo-Christian belief, that mankind is dominant over nature. For the progressive, the goal is to return mankind into subservience to nature and ultimately appeal to it with a blood cult of death and destruction on bended knee. 

Given the propensity of weakness in the liberal view of the world that has no answers or desires for them toward a creative world of mankind’s domination over nature, for nature to serve society, it is evident that all roots of progressive politics point toward mass collectivism, where identities are stripped away and lives sacrificed to the demons of the underworld for reverence to ancient characters in worship to the earth. Liberals are enormously insecure creatures, so they perpetually seek to hide themselves in group associations. To best serve that cause, appealing to those long dead or dying energies makes perfect sense. They are not interested in a society that produces answers and build material wealth. They see all that as an assault on their mother earth and the spirits that fuel it all toward the safety net of history where they can hide their timid personalities behind blood sacrifices literally on a massive, global death cult. Abortion, to the progressive, is the essence of their religion and the reason they are so upset over the Roe v. Wade decision. It’s not just a policy decision for them; it’s a religion that defines life and death in eternal aspects. And for the mind of the Christian, which they hate for the standards upon society that were molded from it, they desire evil, and destruction and a return to the world of the pagan primitive, to the gods of nature, and to put all decision making into the reality of the supernatural. They view the minds of humanity to be corrupted by their desire for a material world, and their goal is to return humans and all of history back to nature for it to do what it will. And to prove it, they have a blood cult of abortion to appease the old gods with reckless, pointless sex, and when that sex produces a pregnancy, then another sacrifice can be made to those ancient evils that have always feasted on the flesh of the innocent. And so long as that Christian world is there to judge them for their vile behavior, they will never sit unattended for schemes of malice and destruction.

Rich Hoffman

Click to buy The Gunfighter’s Guide to Business

My Thoughts on Roe v. Wade: Families First will Make America Great Again

My thoughts on Roe v. Wade were always that it was wrong and incomplete like it would be overturned at some point. It was a mistake made in a time of turbulence, which is always a strategy of the political left in hindsight. Some of those Nixon-appointed judges had never seen anything like what they had seen in the 60s, especially in 1968, and they were scared. The Watergate trial was unraveling at the time, so there were many things in 1973 to shake their opinions and rule from the bench because they didn’t want radical lunatics coming to their homes and killing them all in their sleep with a lynch mob. And those were the conditions of the judicial activism that came from the decision of Roe v. Wade in the first place. It was never law based on constitutional concepts and, as I have talked about before, was part of the socialist incursion into America, driven at that time by the Soviet Union, to undermine our rule of law and topple our country from within. This kind of activity has been going on for a long time, and the dumbest and least secure among us, who grow up to become Democrats, fell for the ruse and joined the agents of chaos to undo America in many ways before many of them were even born. It was a plot of mass extermination that could only have been conceived from the outset by sheer evil. There is nothing logical about abortion or the policy of legalizing murder. It was always wrong and rooted in evil. The judges were suckered into it at the time out of concern for their very lives, and that is no way to make or uphold law and order. 

I am old enough to remember what life was like before Roe. I watched during my early childhood many things that were deliberate attacks on what I call the “Eddie’s Father,” or “Andy Griffin Show” America that we were and to turn us into this free love life broadcast directly from the KGB straight into our schools by attacking our youth. Nobody knew better; this was the first time America had seen such a thing. And a decade later, after Roe was known as the law of the land, I entered my teenage years, and the results were obvious. Sexual lifestyles were open, dates were expected to provide sex, and if a young lady became pregnant, then abortion on demand was the way to go. For guys, it was the first time in our history where if a girl got pregnant, you wouldn’t be expected to marry the girl, as it was in the previous generation just 20 years earlier. Now, all you had to do was take her to an abortion clinic and erase the mistake. And the door to immorality had been kicked open and sexual promiscuity was now a way of life that I have watched get worse and worse and worse over the next 40 years. Speaking as a grown adult who has been married to the same woman for over three decades and had sex many thousands of times, I can say to the people coming up in this new generation that sex just isn’t worth it. None of the mess that comes with sex is worth anything if the activity of building a family is not attached to the process. I’m not saying that out of religious zeal, but from living a good life and coming out of a youth, that was one of the wildest and most reckless that anybody could hope to live through. There is nothing about sex that is worth the garbage that comes from messy lives entangled with other people who are only experienced through sex. It was a bad idea to loosen sexual proclivity, and it was introduced to us by our enemies at the time to destroy us. And it almost has several decades later. So I always knew at some point that the Supreme Court, and America in general, would have to take a moral stand on several fronts, abortion being one of them, and that “A” Supreme Court would have to set everything right. And it appears that this current one is the one to do it. 

Much of what progressives have brought to America has been with ill intention and malice, and its coming unraveled. As I watched the various pro-choice protests with such young people in the crowd, obviously corrupted by public education from their youth, with parents too busy in their lives to guide them, you can’t help but feel sorry for them. In their youth, you can’t yet tell them that all they were fighting for, the death of children and the guilt that comes with it, would ruin their lives if they went down that path. I have known many people over the years who had abortions and tried to bury the effects in their lives, and they never really ever got over them. Even after the effects of the abortion came the psychosis of all those start-up relationships where sex isn’t consummated in marriage but from some loose dinner cheapened at the end of a night, a perpetual feeling of being unhinged emotionally turned out to be the common result. Knowing that the attackers of America before Roe v. Wade ever was a decision in the Supreme Court, they wanted to destroy the concept of the American family. Modern progressives are apocalyptic at the idea of ever losing the ground they have gained over the years; the loss of the family experience has been something that Americans want very much to return to. Progressives have had a few generations to make their case, and the people of those generations are looking for a correction. The guilt that comes from living a progressive life when the knowledge of a better way of doing things was always there in American culture has led people to this MAGA movement, and it’s spreading, and that spread is now showing up in our courts. 

The only real purpose of sex is to make a baby. Anything less than that is to cheapen the child’s potential life but to ruin the concept of the family that is created by having that child and starting a family. Being in a family and starting a family of our own is one of the strongest instincts any of us will ever have, and artificially replacing those actions with social falshoods of the pleasure without the pain was never going to be a satisfying concept. The effects of these decisions don’t often get talked about in the time of the deed but are reflected in generations speaking to generations, as we are now. The Roe v. Wade decision is one of those decisions where millions of lives were killed, and society was thrown into a rot that many are so ashamed of that they don’t even want to talk about it. But their feelings come out in elections when they are alone in the voting booth, and they reflect on their lives and think about what was worth it and what wasn’t. What wasn’t worth it was a two-week relationship from the 1980s that resulted in breaking up because once you’ve had the sex, what else are you going to do as a couple if you aren’t going to start a family? So you’d like to break up, but a pregnancy results. Rather than work it out and do the responsible thing, the young girl would just get an abortion, and that would be it. And as millions of those relationships came and went and the products of the sex failed to join them in marriage, our society has faltered, and people aren’t happy about it. This Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court of 2022 goes a long way to rectify that mistake, and that is an excellent thing for the American idea, not just in making America Great Again, but in doing it by making Families First.

Rich Hoffman

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The Hypocrisy of Democrats and Global Progressives: They love to kill kids as babies until they want to use death as a way to get gun control

It’s not even about the obviously disturbed kid who shot up young students and a teacher in a school in Uvalde, Texas. Salvador Ramos was an obviously disturbed 18-year-old kid who shot his grandmother in the face and then went on a rampage to the nearby school for all kinds of bad reasons, which we’re learning more and more about by the day. It is about whether an administrative state in the form of government can stop violence like this from happening. While it is my argument that they are the cause of it. And to disguise their complicity, they seek gun control to hide their obvious social failures. Ramos was a product of progressive society; immigration is undoubtedly part of his story especially living right on the border with Mexico and Texas. He had turned toward the “EMO” life as described by others. There isn’t much talk about a stable parental structure for him, certainly not a strong father figure. And he was projecting warning signs toward violence that the authorities, who are supposedly watching every one of us all the time with every keystroke on a computer, failed to pick up on. It almost looks as if progressive politics wanted this kid to snap, so they could exploit the carnage to advance their agenda. Ramas bought his guns right after his 18th birthday, put pictures of them online, and sent messages directly to a recipient talking about what he wanted to do with them. The FBI was watching, and they should have picked him up. Yet they didn’t. They either wanted him to commit the acts, or they were just stupid and lazy. Or a combination of both. The mass killing was a complete creation and failure of progressive politics, the John Dewey view of the world. 

But only within a few hours of the murders Joe Biden and many from his political caucus were exploiting the violence to support their gun-grabbing agenda as if they really thought that this tragedy was justification for advancing their long-established plans, the disarmament of society in general, so that they could rule everyone through an administrative state with even more power. Looking at the situation clearly, if the administrative state was at fault for this shooting, which it is, then why would anybody in their right mind give them more control? It was an absurd notion, yet we saw Beto O’Rourke attempt to do that very thing, pushing for gun control legislation which the communist left desperately wanted so they could implement their Marxist plans for America without even hiding it. Smartly, President Trump will give his speech to the NRA on Friday anyway, as he should. This exacerbated the gun grabbers even more because Americans see the game, as I’ve talked about many times before. They are losing feeling to these mass casualty events because they understand that the government is far more dangerous to their lives than the crazy Salvador Ramos types. So, they aren’t responding to the wall-to-wall news coverage. They are buying more guns, and they still support the NRA, even more after these tragedies, not less. So when Joe Biden gave his little speech talking about how “they” need to stand up to the gun lobby, he’s essentially forgetting who the gun lobby is. It’s not some administrative state competing with them for power; it’s the people who are really in charge who have decided that the government is more of a risk than the next government-produced lunatic.

You can see the hypocrisy in the abortion argument; the same people who are pointing to the murdered young kids in a school are advocating for the murder of kids just 9 or 10 years younger while they are babies in a mother’s womb. For some reason, murder while a child is in the birthing process is a mother’s right to choose, but when progressives advocating for a strengthened administrative state want to value life, they use school shootings to push for removing guns from society. The liberal television commentator Whoopi Goldberg actually went on a rant about confiscating all the assault weapons of Americans as if that were an option. Without considering that by doing so, we would surrender our lives over to be managed by lunatics like her? Meanwhile, there are mass shootings every day in Chicago, and nobody seems to care. There are cries to defund the police and restrict their ability to establish law and order. Mexico’s drug cartels have been empowered like never before to bring murderous drugs into America to eradicate our population with intoxication and mayhem. Nobody cares about the lives destroyed by drugs from the illegal cartel trade or the many murders and beheadings that occur along our border to maintain their “turf.” All of those are creations of a progressive administrative state. Yet, the assumption is that we are all so stupid that we might be pulled into a sad story of even more incompetence, the failure of that system to teach Ramas properly. Instead of becoming a productive member of society as a member of the immigrant community, he became an emotionally fragile killer. And gun control legislation will do what exactly, Whoopi? 

America is a society of guns; they represent protection not just from gangs of thugs and delusional killers but from the administrative state’s failures that are currently grabbing for power in maniacal ways. And no amount of emotion will change how Americans view that situation. Other places in the world may have gone along with the gun control scheme, but they have miserably paid the price. Most notably in places like New Zealand and Australia during the lockdowns from Covid, where the police state grew into all the frightening realizations of a dystopian novel. When Joe Biden asked the question as to why these school shootings are only happening in America and no place else, well, that’s because America hasn’t been stupid enough to give the government that much power. After all, as we can see throughout the world, they will abuse it. Other countries, like China, have killed off their political rivals, and people know not to stand up to authority; otherwise, they will be destroyed. Other countries also don’t have such open cultural standards as we do in America.

No place on earth does so many nationalities interact with each other with all kinds of religions so well. There are always bound to be tensions, but most countries don’t have close to the type of diversity that America does culturally. So there are shootings that happen, and there is violence. But in our media culture that reports every bug killed crossing the road, other countries in the world have control of their media conduct, and the world never hears about the killings, the political sabotage, and the many different ways that violence is conducted upon the citizens. For instance, they don’t have their version of Salvador Ramos in China because they would have locked him up the first time he put on a dress and posted it online. He would have just “disappeared” from society. And that is the kind of world that progressive Democrats like Joe Biden want in America with gun confiscations. And the sick part about it is that they only care about the lives lost of children when it gives them some political victory. But not before. Otherwise, they are the party of death, and they produce people like Salvador Ramos by the bucketloads. And they will kill again, and often. But those killers are nowhere near of a threat as the blunders of the centralized administrative state.   Americans are onto it, and they aren’t falling for the scam.

Rich Hoffman

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Roe v. Wade is Not the Story: Its the cause of the leak to hide election fraud that really matters

Never listen to what people say; judge them based on what they do because people lie, even in the Supreme Court. To understand what is going on with the leak of the Roe v. Wade ruling by Justice Alito, you have to not look at the nonsense they provide by way of public opinion and memos; you have to judge them based on behavioral presentations that constitute their overall philosophy, and projected intentions. It was not an accident that during the same week that Dinesh D’Souza released his film, 2000 Mules, which presents election fraud evidence of the 2020 election, some unknown leaker put the Alito ruling out to the public. There is no way that it is unknown who leaked the ruling. They likely all know many of the members of the senate and house. The media certainly knows. It was a major crime to leak the ruling, a catastrophic, intentional act meant to bring harm to the Supreme Court, one of our three branches of government, and it’s no small matter. From the conservative viewpoint, everyone knows that Roe v. Wade will be overturned at some point because it was never constitutional. And the leak takes the edge off an eventual ruling and gets the crazies out to scream in the streets for the right to murder unborn babies. But for the liberals, it does a couple of things. First, it erodes away the validity of the Supreme Court, to hopefully cause a court-packing justification effort in the months to come. But more than that, it provides a much-needed distraction to give the public some red meat hoping they don’t get any funny ideas after seeing 2000 Mules. Because that film is the real smoking gun, suppose people don’t trust elections, which they have lots of reasons now not to. In that case, most of the Washington Beltway may not deserve to be in their positions, and all the bills they have signed over the years would be completely invalid, which is a much larger legal argument than Roe v. Wade would ever be. So the motive to leak this Justice’s opinion of Alito at this specific time is quite purposeful, and because the person who leaked it has not been punished tells you everything you need to know about the case.

It must be understood that liberals and other progressives are not just fighting for the right to murder babies. Their obsession with murder as a constitutionally protected right isn’t their real aim of strategy. Their primary concern was the erosion of our constitution. For them, Roe v. Wade was a win because it showed that sheer intimidation and force could push the Supreme Court into a ruling that eroded the constitution, which was always their real goal. Liberals do not want the constitution to be a fixed document but a living one that can be adapted as time moves on. Their professional administrative class can then adjust depending on their needs and desires. So Roe v. Wade is not about the “woman’s right to choose,” as much as it is about eroding away the effects of the American constitution. The crisis, therefore, for them is that a ruling that strikes down Roe v. Wade based on constitutional parameters strengthens the constitution. Even though abortion would not go away by striking down Roe v. Wade because the states would regulate it, the desire by liberals to have an all-powerful centralized government that can impose its will on people everywhere loses leverage. And that’s what really upsets them. Ironically, many minds have had plenty of time to think about this problem. I didn’t offer any immediate opinions about the matter because it seems like the most obvious thing in the world, but apparently not. 

Imagine being a leftist, crazy progressive right now. They have plotted the demise of American law for over a century, and Roe V. Wade showed them that it was possible to manipulate the judicial branch toward their aims. So it’s quite deflating to know that a Trump majority on the court was about to take that victory away from them and strengthen the constitution, not to erode it away further using an emotional degradation policy like abortion to drive their narrative. And they cheated in the 2020 election to get rid of Trump so that they could gain control over the constitution yet again, and erode away the effects of Trump’s four-year term, which showed that many of the crises that we see on the nightly news mainly was all nonsense, even the threat of North Korea, and that the enemies of the world were easy to defeat, that the economy could be massive and that most of what the Beltway culture did was present artificial constraints on everything so that the administrative class could rule the world and shove America into a United Nations controlled New World Order. And now that evidence of that theft was coming out. So hoping to sabotage everything ahead of a Supreme Court ruling in June of 2022, they leaked this Alito opinion to soak up the news cycle and hopefully keep this election fraud story out of the news. Roe v. Wade instead was a desperation attempt on their part to stay relevant. But in doing so, it took the edge off their mob mentality when the actual ruling hits, meaning the violence they can take to the streets will be much less impactful. People already know it’s going to happen, so the surprise element is now gone. 

Even though seeing how progressive acts can be scary, their desperation tells us a lot more about the honesty of the situation than in the violence of protesting in front of the Justices’ homes, trying to intimidate them into changing their minds regarding Roe v. Wade. Liberals participated in the election fraud of 2020. Many news outlets are the same ones trying to hide who the Supreme Court leaker is because they assumed that the constitution would be eliminated by now, especially under the controlled Biden administration. We already have seen the intentions of the Biden administration to give health authority over to the World Health Organization, so from the point of view of liberals, the sovereignty of America is already over and the constitution meaningless. But reality shows that people in America will not give up their constitution, and they aren’t falling for the old tricks. They still support Trump, and the President’s political endorsements are shaping up a much more conservative Republican Party than they are used to. There will be many more rulings like this one from Alito on Roe v. Wade in the future.   So even though the immediate effect is scary to look at, it’s important to understand the substance of it. Liberalism in the form of the administrative state is failing everywhere it’s being tried in the world. As a result of a century of radicalism, the left is about to lose its greatest victory, the right to impose federal rule over states’ rights. They could care less about the concept of abortion as its presented, whether it’s 12 weeks or full term. What matters to them is the ability to impose federal rights over states’ rights and to centralize government around their created administrative state. And to maintain that, they must have control of elections. People cannot be allowed to have free will. Yet, what the leak from the Supreme Court indicates, and the trend concludes, the free will promised by the American Constitution is alive and well and is, in fact, getting stronger, which for the crazy progressives who have wanted to undo America from the start, is a nightmare they never thought would happen. 

Rich Hoffman

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Disney’s ‘Eternals’ is All About Guys Kissing and Abortion: How people like Larry Fink are ruining the world

More news sites don’t talk about things like this one does due to freedom; I am freer than most anybody who would write an article like this, so the information never gets out. In most cases, everyone has a master, which is undoubtedly the case with Disney. After a horribly progressive movie like the Eternals, Disney is the obvious target for criticism. The same with how they have handled Star Wars. It’s easy to get mad at the traditional family company without realizing all the Woke politics that are going on behind the scenes, which are literally ruining the world, starting in America with our art and entertainment. To understand why Eternals is such a terrible movie, you have to understand the latest stock report of Disney, where they had a record-breaking quarter to close out the year. Yes, more people than ever are flocking to the amusement parks in Florida. People have been locked down with Covid, and they want to get out there and spend money on something, anything. So attendance is up. The new Spiderman movie was great, a Marvel production that ultimately boosted interest in the Disney + streaming service. Some things make the stock price look attractive, so the shareholders are happy and empowered to continue to do something as they have, which produced the disaster Eternals with all the arrogance that Woke culture could muster. However, I’m in a position where I am free to have an objective opinion about Disney, one that most in the industry just can’t because the money flow they need to live is controlled by the elements that are killing Disney, despite the smoke and mirrors that come through on the stock report. Disney is an asset bubble that is poised to burst, and the evidence is in the movie Eternals, which is now streaming on Disney + for all to see.

The top stock owners of the Disney Company are the Vanguard Group, BlackRock, State Street Corporation, and Morgan Stanley. Vanguard, for instance, owns 137,572,834 shares of Disney stock. BlackRock, with all the Woke advocacy strategies of Larry Fink, owns 119,795,456. The shares go down to the local buyer who just wants to pad their investment portfolio with some entertainment options. But when you understand that these large investment firms believe they are too big to fail and control the world’s governments through finance, they become the next generation of tyrants on earth clawing for power. And in the case of Larry Fink, who comes up a lot these days when talking about all things Woke, we have to address the issue as a menace that has not been on anybody’s radar up to this point. Nobody talks about it because they most always have some financial stake in the company, like Disney. Even though the actual controls come from shareholder pressure, Disney doesn’t care about the ordinary people who might buy a few hundred shares of stock and post negative reviews about Eternals on some social media platform. The Board of Directors and ultimately the CEO Bob Chapek care about what BlackRock thinks about what they make, and when it comes to Eternals or Star Wars, the garbage that ends up on screen is precisely what Larry Fink wants. A Woke message that will poison the West and destroy it for consumption, China intends to take over the world and restore itself as the dominant power. Something they think about a lot and have people like Larry Fink to be their flaming arrows of warfare at the helm of all finance which ultimately controls everything. Bob Chapek may make a lot of money as Disney’s CEO, but he is not free to have an opinion on the matter. When BlackRock calls, or Vanguard, he does what they tell him because one thing Bob can’t afford to see happen is a quarter to quarter slide of the Disney stock price. And if Larry is displeased with the level of Wokeness coming out of Disney, then BlackRock could dump its stock and send Disney tumbling with a massive sell-off. And that would be the end of Bob Chapek, so ultimately, that is why the movie Eternals was so terrible. 

I had high hopes for Eternals. I had wanted to see it at the theater. Generally, the Marvel movies are great, so a film about some beings who inhabit the universe like white blood cells in a body and are born from planets seemed like a cool premise. But sadly, the whole point of the movie was to show guys kissing and to drag a nearly three-hour movie into an event of torture as it was a bunch of dysfunctional characters of all nationalities arguing over dumb things to ultimately have an abortion at the end of the movie to save the earth. The whole point of the Eternals was a kind of metaphor on abortion; to save mother earth, we had to kill the baby, the Eternal that was being born from it and was the point of 7000 years of human evolution. For the Eternal to be born, mankind had to create culture, which then fed the baby as it grew in the egg of the earth. So in that way, the Eternals became a vehicle for all the modern progressive causes that people don’t like, yet it was crammed down their throats with this monstrously bad film. The movie wasn’t about entertaining the audience; it was about forcing progressive politics down the viewers’ throats who thought they were showing up to watch the latest Marvel offering. And what they got was essentially the strategy of Larry Fink, large doses of progressive ideology that they thought would open the door to a modern political platform that embraced gay rights and forever abortions. The decision at the end of the movie to kill the Eternal so to save “Mother Earth” is so evident that it’s almost like sitting in an abortion clinic with a daughter who wants to kill a grandchild so that they can go clubbing later that night and not have the burden of being pregnant. It was bad, bad stuff. 

Yet Disney is the company that gets all the shots of criticism, and it will be Bob Chpeck who gets lacerated at the shareholder meetings if he doesn’t come up with some way to make Blackrock happy. The everyday people willing to spend $10,000 on a Disney vacation package in Orlando get ignored. Disney was built on solid Main Street traditional American values for the people who go to the parks, so they are willing to spend the money. But people like Larry Fink don’t really care about the money they make in their investment firms. They care about the power they have amassed through finance to control the creative process at companies like Disney, and it’s in that way that Eternals even found a way to make it onto a screen, and ultimately the Disney + streaming platform. Eternals breaks all movie-making rules and presents everything they don’t want into a movie to audiences. But the arrogance of Disney shows more than just a bad movie; it’s an assumption that the path of least resistance runs through the audience and not through BlackRock and Vanguard. Ultimately, who controls what Disney produces isn’t the fans, it’s the investment firms, and those investment firms feel empowered to impose Woke politics onto our culture at every opportunity. And Eternals was so bad that it’s almost a dare for the public to rebuke it. Otherwise, Larry Fink and the investment hounds beyond the stock prices will crush each and every one of us, or so they think unless we do and say everything they want, without a thought.

Rich Hoffman

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Gavin Newsom is Wrong In California: Guns are Constitutionally protected, abortion is not

Abortion is Murder, Gun Rights is about Protecting LIfe

The best thing about the last few years in America has been that people have read and understood the Constitution more than ever.  I remember well that our local Tea Party used to have Saturday classes to teach the Constitution.  My son-in-law also took a lengthy class at Liberty University as an immigrant from the United Kingdom that he valued quite a lot.  Many in the world have understood the Constitution for a long time, the law of the land, and our country.  Without those laws, we don’t have a country.  Otherwise, there is merely a mob of power-hungry bureaucrats who live to tell other people what to do, like Dr. Fauci.  Little people like him gain a lot of power if there is no constitutional law, so there are apparent forces at play to erode our laws so that a bureaucratic expert class can take over.  For instance, if people had just followed the law from the outset of Covid, there wouldn’t be many of the problems we have now.  We don’t change our laws to solve emergencies, even government-made ones like Covid-19 and manufactured variants.  We use science to solve those kinds of problems, and while that occurs, we stay on target with a law-and-order society.  Those are the rules, and more people than ever understand those rules.  So, it didn’t take much for people to see through the problem quickly of California’s Gavin Newsom’s attempt to turn the world upside down to rally progressives to their increasingly losing cause.

Newsom and other progressives were upset about the trajectory of the Supreme Court, specifically a Texas law that allows for legal procedures against abortion clinics that enable abortions after six weeks.  They attempted to flip the script and apply the same methods to firearms in California.  The effort gained a lot of press from the communists, socialists, and soothsayers of public education who work in the media, but nobody seemed to understand the differences.  Many media types referred to the abortion law of Texas as an attack on a constitutionally protected right, whereas removing gun rights in any form was somehow validated.  This is where a decent understanding of the Constitution comes in handy.  Every American should understand it.  It should be taught in public schools when we are all little. It’s the essential thing you can learn, yet obviously, that has not been the case with most people in politics.  The Supreme Court made a mistake with Roe v. Wade that will be rectified after a few decades of analysis.  The trajectory of the law is that it will be revisited, and that decision that allowed for abortion will be reversed because it was never a constitutional right.

Meanwhile, gun rights are in the same mold in that their effectiveness has been eroded unjustly because they are a constitutionally protected right.  Thugs and losers posing as a mob threatening to destroy the lives of members of the court were how Roe v. Wade came about in the first place.  And if guns had played a more central role in the protests, preventing acts of violence from being threatened, then a more logical court decision would have transpired, and we wouldn’t be talking about all this now. 

The trajectory meanwhile of gun rights, despite the progressive controls we see all around us from the government, is that restoration of legal purity is underway.  In Ohio and many other places, we aren’t just talking about Concealed Carry; we are moving toward Constitutional Carry, where you don’t even have to let the police know you are armed if you get pulled over for a traffic stop.  Carrying a gun should be as common as carrying a wallet, and that’s where many of the mistakes progressives have made are taking our nation to a more pure appreciation for the Constitution in the first place.  I say it often; I have copies of The Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers next to my reading chair, which I look at several times a week for pleasure.  I see them as works of philosophy emerging from western civilization resulting from centuries of trial and error.  They are incredible human achievement works, and I often remind myself of them by sifting through their pages during football games and other television programs.

Additionally, I have a copy of the Ohio Constitution that I do the same with.  These are law and order components of our society which has worked well for all people.  And I stand by them.  On the other hand, I don’t have tolerance or understanding among law enforcement or politicians who do not follow the rules.  What happened to General Flynn, Roger Stone, even Brad Parscall won’t happen at my house.  I will defend it the way the Constitution specifies.  The legal system doesn’t get to suspend my constitutional rights while they figure things out as a slow, dim-witted, bureaucratic society.  In their world, people like Dr. Fauci are king.  But in the world of the constitutionally protected, kings are rejected, and their powers are limited to some useless office position behind a desk somewhere.  They are not allowed to bring their nonsense into our lives. 

Now, regarding that California proposal, which is just air coming out of the mouth of Gavin Newsom, looking for revenge and intimidation meant to hurl at the Supreme Court if Roe v. Wade is overturned in the summer of 2022.  Gun rights are legal and constitutionally protected.  They are intended to protect us from overreaching authority figures like Gavin Newsom and Dr. Fauci.  And yes, that means that gunfights are expected and patriotic if a government goes bad and comes to spread their “badness” to constitutionally protected people.  Not desired, but neither is government abuse.  Gun rights are the last right of defense against an out-of-control government, and over the previous several years, we have seen just how bad it can get.  It’s one thing to warn about these things before people know for themselves how dangerous government can be and what we saw from the government over Covid should be enough to rattle the foundations of anybody.

Nobody wants to shoot people in self-defense.  But living under tyranny is worse.  So that is why there is a trend in states toward even fewer gun restrictions instead of more.   And this has all happened as the government is trying to bankrupt the NRA financially.  Like Trump, through the NRA, the government thought those were the forces behind gun rights, so they attacked them in ways to destroy them.  No, the NRA was just a collection of over 5 million people who supported gun rights.  They would continue to support gun rights whether or not there was an NRA.  One did not create the other.   There are no rights to apply to anti-gun advocates seeking to use the Texas abortion law to gun sales in California.  Guns are constitutionally protected.  Abortion is not and never was.  Only threats of intimidation allowed for abortion, and that portion of the law will soon be restored to constitutional observations of life.  Guns are meant to protect life, liberty, and happiness.  And abortion is about killing life.  Now that more people appreciate the Constitution, we see a restoration of its legal value.  And from my observation, that is a wonderful, new trait that I welcome tremendously. 

Rich Hoffman

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