The New York Times Admits to a Deep State: People have learned that it’s not a conspiracy theory but very real, and deadly

I never used to talk about the Deep State, especially before what they showed us of themselves before President Trump was president.  People were skeptical about the CIA and FBI; there were always people who wondered whether Barack Obama was a foreign domestic terrorist and there were people who wondered who was responsible for 9/11.  Even though I have always been a very conservative Republican, I did work to get Ross Perot elected because I thought George Bush was a globalist.  There has always been a healthy suspicion of the government, but some of us knew it was more sinister than polite society was willing to admit to, while others wanted to remain blissfully unaware.  But people did not talk about a Deep State, an unelected group of government radicals who run everything.  Julian Assange and Snowden were warning us about the NSA’s nanny state and how much power they sought to acquire, and the big social media companies were assets for that data collection.  But people were not looking for that overt government control to rule their lives with every breath.  That is, until we saw what they were willing to do to keep Trump out of office, and after all those methods failed, we ended up with Covid, essentially to steal the 2020 election.  Then we watched that Deep State reveal itself and show what big teeth they had and how vicious they were willing to be.  And now, going into 2024, much of that Deep State is like the dog you tried to pet but bit off your arm.  People do not trust them or even the concept.  And now it’s not just conspiracy theory types who dare to question the trustworthiness of their government, but this extended out into the realm of ordinary people just minding their own business, filling out their March Madness brackets, and trying to use a sale at the grocery to buy one of something and get another free. 

But the New York Times, the paper of record for many, is trying to do damage control in the New York market over this very issue in attempting to put a lovely face on what the Deep State is, which they offer is just your average, every day, government worker: your postal worker, local regulator, school teacher, and inspection engineer.  The suggestion is that we are all Deep Staters, and our neighbors, our friends, are those people we should be concerned about.  I hate government employees because they are often driven without market value in mind, and they are created for the needs of the government, not an economy that represents society in general.  They generally make 30% more than market value demands and tend to be lazy because there are no suitable measures to extract performance from their positions.  The Deep State is not those people. Instead, and this is why the proposition is so insidious, we call it a Deep State because it runs under the layers of conventional government to pose a phantom menace to the rest of society.  Essentially, the Deep State is when the government seeks the power of the government to gain power for itself.  And in this case, it’s a collection of intelligence agencies in our taxpayer-funded government that uses a made-up 4th branch of government to suppress the public in a direction that the public doesn’t want to go.  Most obviously, with President Trump, people picked him in 2016 to run their government for them because they read his books and watched his television shows. They wanted him to bring those management skills to the office of the President and see how things went. 

And in truth, things went well.  President Trump did much better at running the government than the average government worker, and in protest, we saw just how radical many of those government workers were and what they were willing to do to hold power.  And now, going into 2024, as we have seen the full weaponization of government to throw people in jail, knock out political rivals, and abuse the public to hold power that nobody even knew the Deep State had, we have seen a very vicious dog biting everyone to protect a perceived power they should never have had in the first place.  When we talk about the Constitution being the law of the land, we learned that the Deep State was a collection of government workers networked all over the world steering us all into some one world government control through the United Nations, and they plan to ignore the Constitution completely, any notion of rule of law, or reference to America as a sovereign nation.  And it has scared people.  This isn’t Alex Jones or Glenn Beck going on and on about the latest conspiracy theory.  This was our nightly news, and the Deep State, in their hunger for power, couldn’t any longer conceal themselves behind polite society.  So, they have been exposed, and people want nothing to do with them.  Why do you think, dear reader, that Barack Obama was in England meeting with globalists recently?  He’s not the president of the United States.  But he’s acting like it and being treated that way around the world.  Why would that be?  Because to their eyes, the Executive Branch is just a cosmetic caricature, just like the Constitution and the concept of an American flag.  They allow those things to exist to appease the masses, while in reality, they function as a globalist community of earthly citizens bending the knee to the latest communist insurrectionists, whether they be in the United Nations or China. 

The New York Times has been advancing this globalist vision for decades now and is at the heart of all progressive concepts, where progressives want America to “progress” beyond their idea of nationalities and traditional desires for nation-building.  But they see the writing on the wall, which is why they are trying to put a spin on this Deep State thing that is now out of control.  The Deep State assumes that the public will be willing to submit to being ruled by “experts” created in college institutions and trained in Marxist philosophy.  But after COVID-19, that fantasy flew out the window forever.  Out of desperation to get rid of Trump in the world, the “expert” class moved too aggressively and spooked the horses.  And they have all run out of the barn and aren’t returning.  The New York Times, in their experience, is seeing what’s going on in 2024, and they are trying to put a friendly face on what the Deep State is because it is something.  It’s not a conspiracy theory to witness that the government wants perpetually more power, and without a Constitution designed to limit those powers, then a nation, any nation, will drown in its corruption brought on by the needs of government to create a Deep State to protect itself from the judgment of a public that might reject them wholesale, which is what is happening politically in 2024.  As long as the government looked like it was doing some decent things in the world, people were willing to give it a free pass.  But once they learned how dangerous and presumptuous they were with election fraud, a coup against a famous American president, and the willingness to kill people with COVID to stay in power with growing centralized powers given over through an emergency caused by the Deep State, then their branding has been lost to judgment.  And that trust is gone for good.  And the New York Times and many others from that side of politics know it. 

Rich Hoffman

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