Let the Communists Leave America: Nobody will miss you

It’s comical to watch, and we all deserve the pleasure of it.  But the communists are threatening to leave when President Trump is re-elected, and they think we care.  As in the threat of it will frustrate the America First political movement.  So, for context, let’s review how we arrived here.  For years, the communists, because that’s what they always were on the political left, communists, planned to conquer American capitalism with guilt by exploiting race tensions and gender roles to advance their Karl Marx agenda.  We can say what we couldn’t before because they have revealed their agenda in the wake of the stolen 2020 election.  The communists thought that their capture of the legal system would put Trump down for good and that the MAGA movement was gone forever.  And it’s not just Democrats; in Ohio, it was Speaker Stephens and the Blue22 coalition who have been working against state central committees to put Matt Dolan on the slate cards across the state over Bernie Moreno, which is just as dumb as when Governor Kasich, ignored the political sentiment of the state and continued to run for President, just as Nikki Haley just did.  The people they are talking to all believe they understood how politics worked in America and that they would continue to enjoy this left-leaning version, even in the Republican Party.  So it’s not just a few dumb people going through all this.  But in the face of the reality that Trump is coming back to the Executive Branch, and this time, there will be a lot more support in the House and Senate to support his administration, those same communist personalities are turning toward their narcissism as their last resort revealing the inherent insanity of their position, that people actually care what they think.  If they threaten to leave the country, people will miss them.

I would be completely fine with all communist-oriented people would leave America after this next election.  Go!  Please do us all a favor and leave.  Go to some other communist country and ruin their lives.  Please leave us alone in America.  We don’t want you!  Nobody will miss you!  If all the communists leave America because of the Trump election, then our country will be a lot better off.  And yes, communists is the right word.  Anybody who has sympathy and a yearning for anything Karl Marx advocated should be said to be a communist.  Those standing against the MAGA movement are functioning communists and that’s not an inflationary statement.  Even the soft-shelled Republicans like the Dolan supporters are functioning communists because they support a government form of collectivism and state controls that Karl Marx advocated for.  And that people are so willing to reject the communist plan is shocking to them.  That the race-baiting and exploitation of the sexes have run its course.  People are no longer sympathetic to the dumb messages in the NFL endzones, “stop racism,” and those types of propaganda.  They got suckered before, and people were burned when they watched the communists ruin their country with a communist insurrection in 2020 and endure the constant criticism the previous four years.  Now, we have had eight years of outright communist propaganda, and people are finally done with it.  Their economy is ruined, their jobs are infected with corporate communism, and life has been horrible.  But those same people finally see what I’ve been warning about for thirty years.  Communism has been loose in America through the Democrat Party and the Republicans who want to make deals with those communists, and it has been a good gig for those playing the game.  But it has been horrible for America, and people are finally ready to admit to just how bad it was.

Part of the communist plan was to control the media; it was one of their goals starting in the 1930s, during the “red decade.”  What kept communism in the background was the outbreak of World War II.  But it was communism that was behind the hippie movement and that dumb peace sign.  It was communism that was behind the Rap music radicalism of minority communities seeking to destroy America.  It wasn’t an organic movement but an attempt to overthrow the values of American culture.  And Americans put up with it for a long time because they were living somewhat decent lives.  There was bread on the shelf at the grocery.  They had March Madness to watch.  And they had easy access to gasoline.  Even though the communists continued to turn down the screws of their plan a little bit each year, the pace of change was slow enough for people to ignore.  That is, until the communists got desperate after Trump was elected, and they increased their radicalism, showing the world what they always had been.  In so doing, they exposed their scam all along.  People were shocked by what they saw happening, and those who doubted that communism was a real problem in America suddenly were seeing the light.  Which is about two decades too long, but who’s counting?  Communism has no place in America, not as a mixed economy, not as a social enterprise.  Communists must be destroyed just as McCarthy was trying to establish in the 1950s.  The threat was always there, but only recently were Americans forced to face the facts. 

I also talk about the public school system being designed by communists wearing the mask of progressives to avoid the stigma.  In public schools, children are introduced to the class system of a communist society.  To get into a higher class, you must appease the members of it to be accepted into their collective membership.  So they are used to setting the terms for their appeasement.  Such as, “I won’t like you if you don’t wear Nike tennis shoes.”  And some people become very stressed about these parameters.  Over time, the communists in America have gotten used to setting the priorities for their appeasement because they controlled a political class, and like dummies, Republicans and Democrats crawled through broken glass naked to appease them.  “No, I’m not a racist.  See, I voted for Obama.”  Or, “See, I’m not a sexist or a member of toxic masculinity because I wore a pink dress shirt with rainbows on it.”  And in so doing, we have worked to undo our country and its values and to usher in a society of communists. That is, until now.  Knowing that the class setting the standard was communists, Americans are now changing their tune and are not working to appease those people.  And now the communists, in a fit of anger, are threatening to leave, as if we ever really cared.  What they fear is that people don’t care because that was the only leverage point that they had was that people would want to appease them for acceptance into the communist class in a social structure.  In that context, what we are seeing now was something that it took us over a century to admit to, and I think we will be far better off for it.  The communists have been exploited and shown for what they always were.  And finally, people are ready to confront them honestly, instead of trying to appease them.  This means there is a lot of hope for the future that we are just now beginning to understand. 

Rich Hoffman

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