Trump is Protected by the 8th Amendment: Letitia James, the communist, won’t get what she wants

I haven’t said much about the Letitia James case in New York against Trump because, in many ways, it’s such a joke.  Under no circumstances will Trump have to suffer under this ridiculous prosecution, and I think the Trump team has known this all along, as now they are talking about it a bit more since the talk of confiscating the President’s assets is now something this prominent communist Attorney General in New York is pushing for.  This is the communist playbook, the confiscation of private property, and is a direct result of the Marxist movement infiltrating minority communities, which was what Black Lives Matter was all about.  This goofy behavior by James is to see if she’ll get away with it because she is clearly in violation of the 8th Amendment; Trump is Constitutionally protected from excessive bail nor, excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.  The reason the Trump team declared that such a 454 million dollar bond was unreasonable wasn’t because Trump doesn’t have the money.  Trump can easily cover these costs with just the revenue from Truth Social.  However, to emphasize the protection of the 8th Amendment, the definition needs to be established that this is an excessive bond and is cruel and unusual punishment by an out-of-control government way out of its lane.  What Letitia James is doing with the loser Judge Engoron is illegal, and they represent the government trying to do what the government is not allowed to do, and that is confiscate property and take out political rivals with the legal system.  Something not new in history, but it’s certainly an expectation that people in America have, is the protection of their lives and property under the Constitution.  But all that outright Marxism is testing our courts now, an infiltration that many weren’t ready to admit to. 

It has been sad to see, even though I have warned about it for decades, the obvious problem of just how many people, especially in the media but Democrats in general, are salivating over this tragedy. This is the kind of government they want on the Jimmy Fallon show, on The View, and on just about every network television outlet, and it’s so far out of line from what ordinary people want in the country that it can be shocking.  Obviously, many of these people have never read a book, and if they had, they would understand some basic civics lessons.  But they are too happy that some crooked political judge in New York could come up with an excessive fine and impose an unreasonably high bond.  How do we know it’s unreasonable?  Why did the Trump legal team have to define it that way in court?  Because it’s the largest in history and proportional to case law, it is cruel and unusual punishment.  It’s not that Trump didn’t have the money or resources to pay the fine to keep his assets from being seized.   It was that he shouldn’t have to, and the power of the government had to be regulated by invoking the definition of the 8th Amendment.  The confiscation of wealth by the government is a big no, no.  It’s just something we cannot allow in our society, and its attempt is yet more proof that Marxism is the thrust behind the Democrat Party unleashed by the political rival in the White House, put there through massive election fraud.  We are seeing up close just how deeply this Marxist philosophy has infiltrated American society.  People didn’t see it because they assumed that the Constitution was the law of the land, which it was supposed to be.  But Marxists like Letitia James have been trying to overthrow the law of the land by getting elected into Attorney General positions and attempting to challenge the rule of law to erode constitutional limits and destroy our culture as a capitalist nation. 

These are the same people who ran the NRA out of New York, and those legal cases are still pending, but it’s the game plan of the radical left who have as their foundation of government China-style communism.  And there are a lot of people who have been purposely dumbed down in our education system to believe that all this was possible in American law, which we have not previously challenged because of skin color concerns.  Communism has been hiding in the background of racist talk purposely to set up this particular kind of intrusion on personal rights and protections of private property.  To the dumb and unknowing, it can be scary or thrilling to see the government abuse its power, such as Letitia James has.  But under our Constitution, which is the law of the land, this behavior is prohibited.  Without it, Letitia James has no control.  Power doesn’t just flow one way.  Suppose you abandon the Constitution under some conditions but not all others. In that case, the total of it no longer has any meaning, and any Constitutional oath of office that James might have would be cast away to the mob. There would be no stopping the violence that would follow if everyone abandoned the law, as she is suggesting.  The power of government is meaningless without the Constitution’s constraints, such as the protections under the 8th Amendment.  The purpose of the 8th Amendment is to keep the government from doing what it’s trying to do to a political rival in President Trump. 

There will be no confiscation of Trump’s assets by a communist judge in New York and a radical Marxist Attorney General.  All of Trump’s political enemies can laugh and giggle at the prospect of power exhibited by James and the hostile New York culture in general, but it will be short-lived.  This is the same kind of terrorism that was shown toward America in the World Trade Center attack, an attempt to stick a dagger into the eye of capitalism and cut it out of our culture by attacking symbols of it.  Trump is a symbol of that capitalist culture that they have targeted for destruction, just as terrorists always do.  But the perpetrators of this communist advocacy should have read a few books before they made a move because they aren’t going to get what they want.  It’s ridiculous.  The Trump legal team has smartly played these aggressors to reveal their hands, which showed who and what they always were, so as to establish to the Supreme Court an unchallenging perspective of a violation of the 8th Amendment.  They let the communists go too far to set a standard that history could then judge by.  By revealing the actions of the communist hostilities, the public at large can see what’s really going on and make decisions for themselves accordingly.  This isn’t just a legal case in New York; it’s an invasion of Marxists into our Constitutional Republic.  And by attacking symbols of capitalism, their radicalism is being unleashed for all to see.  This is why there was an 8th Amendment in the first place: to prevent this abuse from being passed by the courts.  We have seen under great desecration these past few years many cases like this one in New York where radical communists have infiltrated the legal system.  But that doesn’t change the Constitutional limits to their powers of government that keep them from harassing innocent people.  This is a hard lesson that Letitia James and the gang in New York will learn quite spectacularly.

Rich Hoffman

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