The Best Way to Beat Global Communists: Be a man

There is an easy solution to all this wokeness.  I know it can appear shocking to witness all the incidences of woke behavior, but there is a classic countermeasure to it that makes beating this globalist strategy well within reach.  And that is classic manhood.  Be a man.  It really is that simple.  The truth is, the globalist progressives, the Marxists of communist advocacy, do not have an answer for manhood; that’s why they call masculinity toxic.  It is only toxic for them.  As it has always been, masculinity is wonderful for the rest of the world.  The progressive strategy of world conquest occurs only by forcing humanity to yield to its neutered power.  Just as when a dog is neutered to socially control behavior, this is what progressives have attempted to do to all of civilization by removing masculinity in our culture and replacing it with compliance and a docile nature so that the subject would be easy to control.  Just like a dog.  But in this case, the neutered behavior isn’t surgical, it’s purely emotional.  By taking away the outlets of masculinity, the belief was that they could remove its effects and, therefore, reconstruct the nature of society.  At the heart of wokeness, this was their strategy, and it is comical to watch their effects now, understanding the feebleness of the effort as a social movement.  These social movements are social experiments conducted by influences who believe that they have a right and obligation to conduct such a science experiment based on their acquisition of wealth, so someone like a George Soros type can pour money into avenues to promote the behavior, and much like Covid can implement a strategy that the rest of the world thinks is organic.  But it’s not; it’s purely the effort of a small mass of society to implement political control over those huddled masses. 

Masculinity has always been an essential part of social interaction, and when it works best, competition from other men pushes society to be better.  President Trump is a good example of this; using masculinity, he has established himself as a deal-maker worldwide, able to make the best business relationships and acquire the best women as a result in his life.  Which then produces pretty people in the Trump family.  These are horrendous elements of a communist society looking for sameness, this idea that a man could beat out other men for the right to mate with the most beautiful women.  Such a concept is precisely what the communists are trying to get rid of in society.  But by taking away the traditional reason that men and women get together and mate is to strike a blow at the core relationship of capitalism in a healthy society and to reengineer it with new values.  The best-looking women could then pick from the top-performing men to create a culture of genetic improvement based on performance.  So if a man wanted access to the best women, then he would have to work hard and be better than his peers.  This is why communists want to remove masculinity from their micromanaged culture and why woke rules were established, to begin with, to attack this essential element of civil society.  Communists hate competition, and competition is at the heart of masculinity, which elevates society in productive ways.  The reward for conquest has always been accessing beautiful women, so by removing the attributes of conquest, progressives, and other communists hoped to eliminate their rivals from global power with neutered dogs unable to exert a defense of their livelihoods. 

We knew there was trouble decades ago when these same personalities, the global communists, said that it was OK for men to cry, to show emotions, and to make them essentially into women.  As a result, we have a society of cry babies pleading to the mother government for appeasement rather than being a man and taking life by the horns and wrestling the problem to its rightful conclusion.  When social designers of this new political order were constructing their strategy, they desired to establish this parental role of government, much like authoritarian governments have over their people in Asian countries, especially China.  Women are not very well respected there, and men are only utilized as a service to their parental government.  They have been trying to establish this in America and Western cultures in general.  By making all the sexes the same, their objective was to replace the family idea with a society of children looking to the government for their parental necessities, then giving powers to those government roles for ultimate expansion, only to be ruled by mass compliance that suppressed biological necessity, at the core of all that was the elimination of competition between peers so that the government could establish value for the government’s sake.  I watched these policies arrive into American culture from the perspective of knowing better because it was not always that way.  And I watched the fools who adopted it with the same ease that they accepted fashion trends as if the idea of toxic masculinity would be edited out of our culture with ease.  It hasn’t; women still like men for what they are, and men who are men find great success in life because it’s how humans interact with each other at the heart of it all.  

Wokeness was an experiment in controlling the effects of masculinity on society.  But the moment those dumb rules are ignored, the impact of centralized governments falls apart quickly.  That is at the heart of all the Trump cases, which is trying to use lawfare to keep the president from running again.  Yet the reason all those efforts are failing is not just because they violate a constitution that projects limits on government power, but that by ignoring the woke rules of society, a man can easily conquer these political efforts.  The whole house of cards falls quickly to the men of society who ignore woke regulations and do what they are biologically inclined to.  People respect men, men and women.  This attempt to remove masculine efforts was always a politically driven science experiment by global communists who wanted to rule with a centralized government.  The social message for them was easily manipulated by a society struggling with growing up from their parents and living their own lives with courage instead of cleaving to the skirts of government as their new parental role model.  Manhood is how to beat the wokesters, at every level of society.  And it’s surprisingly easy to do once people understand the game that has been going on.  The best way to defeat the communist movement behind political progressives is to ignore their woke rules and to be a man.  Women will love you for it.  And other men will respect you.  And the power of wokeness will dissipate quickly.  The anti-man movement is now well into its effect, and people are growing tired of it.  The power of manhood is swinging back in the direction of tradition, and it will likely bounce back like never before.  And if you want to bring down global communism in embarrassing ways for them, then be a man.  Let manhood be toxic to them, and let them melt before our eyes for the lack of power they always had.  And enjoy the results. 

Rich Hoffman

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