Why Birth Rates are Down: Communists have set family building policy in the West

This is a good story because many people do not realize how manipulated they are from moment to moment in their daily lives.  They do not know where their thoughts come from; they follow the social trends created by others for them.  That is the problem with the sudden realization that birth rates are down worldwide, and there is a real danger of the human race depleting themselves in the future.  Now, there is a ritual aspect to this where the ideas were started about feminism, attacking the concept of a Biblical church, and the perpetuation of earth worship as a replacement for old Mesopotamian mythology.  And they reside within the global communist movement, the people I used to talk about in Socialist International.  People giggled in the United States when I said things like that because they didn’t see socialism and communism at their high school football games or NFL draft picks.  They did not know that they were being manipulated like a cat might play with a ball of yarn by malicious people who want the end of the human race to save Earth from the parasitic destruction of their earthly habitation.  I spoke about those kinds of things from traveling extensively worldwide, so I saw what was going on in other places, and most of the world was leaning toward global communism, as China was an example.  So, the One Child Policy in China was not just an anomaly but an international strategy to reduce birth rates and deplete the human race’s impact into something more manageable by centralized authorities.  So far, when people talk about reduced birth rates, they miss the big-picture terms and report the facts they can see.  But they ignore the cause because that creates other kinds of problems that most people are not ready to deal with, the level of deceit we are dealing with, and the number of people who knowingly and unknowingly participated. 

Instead of a One Child Policy in America, the communists working from the political left created the feminist movement to frustrate the creation of the American family and, by design, significantly reduce the creation of children because parents didn’t have time for them.  Instead of having prominent families with 6 or 7 kids, families dropped to 1 or 2 by default because they had careers to maintain and had to save up six figures a year to send their kids to college by age 18.  So, the birth policy in America was established through social peer pressure driven by the communist left, not official government policy as it was in China.  But the intention was the same.  I suppose I was fortunate to have a front-row seat to all this, too, so I can talk about it now.  My mom was a housewife, and I had very traditional grandparents.  So, I watched this conflict when all these forces started imposing themselves on my family early in the 1970s.  As a housewife, my mom was severely attacked on all fronts by other family members and neighbors, along with community members.  The idea of a family was being destroyed by leftist political philosophy right out of the pages of Karl Marx.  I later learned that this was not a regional concern but a global one attached to everything the United Nations involved itself in.  So it’s not something that happened by accident but by design.  Of course, I liked the traditional manner of family building and couldn’t wait to do it for myself, so my wife and I married early and started having kids immediately.  By the time of my five-year high school reunion, we were the only ones in several categories to be that far along, to have been married the longest, had the most kids, and the oldest kids, etc. 

To this day, I still have never washed dishes.  My wife and I have always held very traditional roles in family building, and I see it as critical to a happy marriage.  We have just celebrated our 36th anniversary, and when we went out to dinner, and people heard about it, they looked at us like we were from another planet. Nobody stayed married that long and had the kind of traditional life we had.  I do all the work outside the house and keep things fixed.  She takes care of most of the domestic front.  It works, and we adopted it early in our life.  And one of those things is the roles men and women play in the family.  And doing dishes was a woman’s job.  When other family members heard that kind of talk from me, they felt obligated by the political left to entrust themselves in our affairs, and they put a lot of pressure on our marriage to essentially emasculate me to the feminist movement and recruit my wife to their marching orders.  This caused a lot of trouble and a lot of nasty fights and eventually we removed most of them from our lives.  When we would attend family activities and the first thing out of their mouths was, “Does your wife have a job yet,” or, “When is she going to get a job and help out,” my reaction was to go in the opposite direction and dig in harder.   The anti-family movement was wrong, and I wasn’t going to play along at all.

Of course, most people had no idea why they thought about what they did; they were following social trends.  And many people don’t understand where those things come from and certainly don’t associate them with a global communist movement that is highly politically motivated.  People trust too much, which is how many get suckered socially because they trust where ideas come from without the scrutiny necessary to live a good life.  They are teaching communism and anti-family behavior in public schools, so of course, people are vulnerable to it.  But the result has been a significant decline in the birthrate and in people getting married and staying married, which has screwed up all kinds of economic factors along the lines of housing, buying cars, and how groceries are distributed throughout society.  But there isn’t a scientific reason that birth rates are down, where more alpha males are now betas, making the sperm count too low to have many children.  Those are the leading causes of the injection of communism into family planning in the West and the results of several decades of practice.  Because I didn’t do it in any way, it’s easy for me to see as opposed to the family who forced the man to wash dishes so that the mother hens of socialism didn’t denounce a couple at the next family gathering where submission to feminism, not femininity were the value systems being utilized.  The difference in those terms is about 100 extra pounds of weight into a perpetual fat ass that can barely fit in a lawn chair.  Not a well-put-together woman oozing sexuality and filling up the bedrooms of a large house with a lot of kids produced from vigorous sexual conduct.  Who had time for that because the man was too busy washing dishes to show how socially obedient, he was?  As a result, family building has been destroyed, and the birth rates are down because the communists of the world were the idiots who created our social policy in the West.  After all, if you want to lower birthrates, then give the men a bunch of fat feminists to deal with, and make them share in domestic utility.  And the idea of leading a family goes away quick.  And so does sleeping together in a bed to make a family in the first place.  Who wants to engage in that kind of activity with a plus-sized monstrosity who complains all the time about everything?  As a result, birth rates are detrimentally low, and not improving any time soon.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Nature of Power: Bill Barr endorses President Trump

I will tell you something likely more valuable than anything you’ve ever learned about the nature of power.  And you can use it in infinite ways every day of your life.  But I can tell you that President Trump understands it very well, which is why he should be in the White House representing us in our Constitutional Republic.  I think I tell this story at least once a week; when I give speeches here and there, I usually talk about the nature of the gunfighter at the bar with his back to the room.  I’ve also done a few videos on that trait, and it’s the secret to all power in all interactions with any lifeform, anywhere in the universe.  The gunfighter knows that the room he is in is a bunch of cutthroats, criminals, scum bags, looters, and parasites of all kinds because that is the nature of all life as God designed it.  Life was meant to feed off life, so why would anybody assume otherwise when dealing with others, even on intimate matters?  Perhaps my perspective has much more to do with it than most people ever experience.  I had a pretty wild beginning to my life, and it has been quite a ride along the way.  But I have known quite a few “hit men,” personal assassins who made a living killing people.  And the courts knew all about it and encouraged the behavior.  From them, I learned a lot about human behavior that they don’t teach in college or any other way.  Certainly not from the church pews.  People are always looking for ways that they can rob people of something, so they never think to kill them first.  That is why the gunfighter, who is known to all to be a threat to everyone’s existence, does not get shot in the back while he’s at the bar.  He knows that everyone in that saloon wants to find some way to get something from him, and if he’s dead, then he’s no use to a parasitic society.  People would instead make friends and build alliances to their advantage rather than take responsibility for actually killing someone and removing them from consideration for existence.   

That’s how it is with Bill Barr, the former Attorney General for President Trump, who was America’s top cop. After spending much of the last three years as a devout Never Trumper, he recently gave his endorsement.  It was never President Trump’s job to go out and repair his relationships with people, as the world assumed would have to happen before Trump could ever think about getting back into office.  No, Trump gets it and understands the nature of leadership in ways that very few people do.  Bill Barr and everyone else will always do what is in their self-interest.  They don’t do things because they are ethically upright or morally sufficient.  They do them because they want to survive, and they hope that by looting off others for their sustenance, they will find a way to survive the day.  It is always their first and only genuine concern.  Most people spend their entire lives trying to make friends so that they can perform this essential task.  Very few people ever figure out the truth or have the courage to understand it.  But Trump does, and now that he’s the leader of the Republican Party, everyone who wants to be relevant has to come to him to kiss the ring. 

Our entire education system, even at the collegiate level, is based on this premise of friendship.  We are taught to make friends to be successful.  When the truth is, if you make yourself into something valuable, everyone will be at your door looking for some way to appease you.  Even killers, cutthroats, and maniacal lunatics of a vile reputation.  Trump knew Bill Barr and his “lethargic” fat ass would be there ready to please, to be on the right side of power.  So when Barr gave his endorsement at the end of April 2024, after all the terrible things that had been done to Trump through the court system and the Uniparty of the American government, along with the betrayal of the Deep State, the Administrative State, and every criminal conjured up by ill intent, and Trump survived them all, Trump did not feel he had to please Barr with nice words and appreciation.  He made fun of the loser because what’s Barr going to do?  He wasn’t trying to help Trump get re-elected; he was trying to use the President to stay close to power himself, just as I say about the gunfighter with his back to the room.  People don’t kill you when you are a person of absolute power.  They try to use you for their lazy reasons.  And that is a universal concept.  If a bunch of aliens landed from another planet, far away from their home, they would do precisely the same thing.  If their technology did not give them decisive power over others, their first relationship to existence would be appeasement.  Many would assume that if he wanted to win as the President, Trump would have to be the most popular guy, so the power was on the shoulders of those who might give that friendship and make him powerful through those relationships.  And that everything in life was built upon the foundations of “whom you know” and how they can help you.  And, of course, this is all completely wrong, and people have been taught all the bad things about the power of human relationships and what motivates them.   Appeasement and friendships are not power. 

Trump always knew, just as he understands about all the boot lickers who are around him now, that people like Bill Barr have no real power on their own, so they always need to appease people like Trump.  It is not the job of Trump to reach out and appease people like Bill Barr, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Fox News, or anybody in the world for help.  Once power is established, by whatever means, they will all come to you whether you want them to or not.  They will likely bug you day and night for your whole life to be your friend, giving you little time for anything else.   And what is this power that offers such an advantage?  Well, it comes from value.  When you establish value, whether as a person, services rendered, or thoughts from your mind, people will want to take some of that value from you.  So, the power comes from the things you have in life that other people want.  You can be considered influential if you have things others want to steal because they all do in some form or another.  Even the fraternity brat from college who let “the one” get away from a one-night stand and marries the woman his mother told him to, the compliant sorority sister that would make the family proud, who grows up to become a plump Ohio celebrity at the area wine tasting with Jimmy Buffett playing in the background.  And that guy spends the rest of his life befriending that lost woman’s husband so that he can at least know something about her life and stay close, even if she completely forgot about him.  Power is in those who have something others want.  And the more you gain in life, personally, the more power you will have by default, and the rest of the world, filled with Bill Barrs of all kinds, will always come crawling on their hands and knees to your door looking for friendship with endorsements of all forms.  And it will happen so often that it will drive you crazy with their pesky nature.  But few understand the rules of the universe, much to their detriment.  But Trump understands fully and well. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

The Horrible Biden Economy: A purposeful attack on our personal lives by global terrorists

There is an anti-ownership movement going on globally that is working in the background of the communist Biden economy, which is reflected in the grotesque financial numbers coming on the heels of 1st quarter reporting.  When you understand what kind of lies the reporting machine puts out to deceive the public on the economic health of the American economy, then you’ll understand why only reporting 1.6% growth when the prediction was over 2% was so devastating for the Biden people.  Just as most people never saw a bullet or a battlefield during most of the wars in the world, this modern battle, which is much different, is impacting them the same.  People might not have fought in a modern war, but they would see the cost of goods increase as supply chains are disrupted by fights around the world where people are at war.  But this fight is connected to virtually every person in the world, at every bank, and the movement of a dollar.  The intent is to eradicate private ownership of everything and turn it all over to collective associations, just as Karl Marx always proposed.  In America mom and pop shops are being replaced with corporate boards, and private ownership of homes is being consumed by companies like BlackRock off fake Fed money funneled through Wall Street to clean it up for public consumption, with the intent to make renters out of owners, and to gradually steer them all back into city life, where they can be controlled more efficiently with a centralized government.  Meanwhile, in line with Agenda 21 initiatives and 2030 goals from the United Nations, communities are building lots of apartments to shift ownership from private homes to apartment life.  From buying a car to using shared vehicle services.  There is a subtle communist plan behind most of what our money touches that is a real menace, and people have been slow to understand it.  But when the lying machine can’t produce anything better than that silly 1.6% GDP growth, you are starting to see the rabbit under the table for the global magic trick, and people aren’t happy about it. 

A few years ago, while traveling across the countryside of Canterbury, England, I noticed how much open green space they had and how so many people lived along the train routes from that city to London, about an hour to the west.  Most residential property in England was focused around traditional towns and communities.  And the price of private flats and homes was extremely high.  As I asked about this, it became clear that England and France were well on their way, decades ahead of the United States in fulfilling the globalist plans of the United Nations and frustrating private ownership of homes and cars by raising the prices of everything to push everyone but the most wealthy away from ownership.  If you understand the intentions of the Masons Karl Marx and his best bud Friedrich Engels in Das Kapital, for instance, the real estate across the English countryside makes sense for a socialist, communist government.  However, private people would rebel if told to accept a communist government.  To take it, they would have to be manipulated over a long period where death and inheritance would insulate people from seeing the overall global strategy embedded in every centralized bank.  The kids would never see what the parents lost because they were too busy with their own lives to notice, and gradually, over time, everyone would lose everything in the managed chaos created by these globalist forces. 

Yesterday, some of my children were shopping for a new car and were frustrated that most of them were not good enough. These days, the decent cars were all over 100K dollars.  By the time you compensate for the cost of compliance and the regulatory environment to build a decent car, the cost structure is too high for most people to afford, so they can’t.  The car market in America is struggling, especially with the push for EV cars, which will cost car companies enormous amounts of money.  Of course, the Federal government will bail out these big companies just as it did in 2008.  However, in the process, those companies will have to turn over some of their control to the government and lose their independence to manage their affairs.  Do you see how the game is going?  It’s not so subtle now, but over the years, it has been, and the increased costs are purposeful to steer people away from private ownership of cars, homes, and businesses and to frustrate them into selling off their assets and moving into an apartment controlled by a centralized authority.  That plan was well underway in America until people picked Trump in 2016. Trump turned off all these artificial controls and gave some power back to private people, and of course, the economy thrived.  This was devastating to the globalist’s plans for communism everywhere, so it was not a surprise that they lost their minds and created Covid as a cover for their World Economic Forum Great Reset, and had to steal the election of 2020 to get control of their Agenda 21 plans, which were eroding from them with a populist movement popping up around the world, not just in the United States.

And Biden put in place all the economic controls that had been planned, many of them by executive order, and as I have been saying for several years now, we are technically in a Great Depression, and people feel it.  However, like in the 1930s in America, it was not caused by natural occurrences but by massive government tampering.  The Great Depression was made by the government to push communism into America with FDRs New Deal politics.  Then to cap it all off, World War II created the United Nations and we have what we see today.  Massive government tampering caused it all, just as they are causing it now, for all the same reasons.  Except now, they have a media culture that will help them better sell failure to the public.  So, they deliberately hid the Biden economy from the public even if everyone could see the results in extremely high prices.  Since Biden took office just a few years ago, overall prices for everything are up 19.4%, food prices are up 21.1%, rent is up 20.9%, and electricity is up 28.3%.  Gasoline is up a whopping 47.8%.  These are not natural occurrences, but purposeful military strategies meant to destroy the American economy through rigged elections, criminal syndicates running our elected offices, and global scum bags entrenched in centralized finance.  And even with all their propping up the economy with phony Fed money, all they could legitimately show for economic growth was 1.6% when they needed to show much, much more to attempt to keep Biden in office.  If they could have shown a better report, they would have.  But the truth is that the economy is much worse than that, which tells you everything you need to know.  Communist terrorists are running our financial systems in detrimental ways for the destruction of our way of life.  And they are terrified of another Trump term where all these controls will be cut off, and justifiably so.  The United Nations is going to lose the power it has spent most of the last seven decades building.  Which is the fight of our day and what is on the table for the future.  But the high prices are not natural; they were created for political reasons, and the economy, as bad as it is, was managed to be that way by our domestic enemies, with which everyone will have to come to terms.

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Defrauding the American Government: How the Supreme Court is poised to rule against the Biden administration

Don’t let the con people fool you. The facts of the matter are this: President Trump and his administration, one of whom Peter Navarro, is currently in jail for no reason other than his association with President Trump, were the legitimate government in 2020, leading up to the transfer of power to Joe Biden, by force and manipulation, in January 2021.  The events that removed President Trump from office were a purposeful and malicious defrauding of the American government by insurgents who associated with global Marxists, outright communists, and European socialists of every order.  They broke the law and declared war on the American Constitution, and under the rules of our Republic, President Trump had presidential immunity to protect that government from hostile enemies, both foreign and domestic.  And that was the essence of the line of questioning at the Supreme Court by three of the justices to lawyers from both sides, the Jack Smith case and Trump’s defense team.  As the elected government at that time, Trump had immunity in his actions to defend the nation from hostile invaders.  Now that the smoke has cleared from those events, there is no question about what Trump was doing and the intentions of those attacking.  At best, the hostile agents intended to defraud the United States of America.  And what happened thereafter clearly shows the strategy to wreck the economy of Western civilization purposefully to continue a socialist plot started by the Obama administration, who was still whispering in the ear of Biden and his despots of doom, and compromised assets of the Chinese communist government.  There is a lot of evil that occurred in 2020, but regarding the issue of President Trump’s actions, he was defending a legitimate government from hostilities against the wishes of American voters, and those forces are now deeply entrenched in our culture for destruction. 

Really, the only choice that the Supreme Court has on the immunity case before it now, is to punish the challengers against Trump severely, which looks to be where the court is headed, with likely at least a 5-4 decision or perhaps even a 6-3, in favor of Trump.  Democrats are the ones who started this process of lawfare and insurrection using election fraud to perform a massive crime against our country.  After all, they are progressives who intend to “progress” beyond our Constitutional Republic fully.  What is the greatest threat to democracy?  Democrats.  They have no intention of having free and fair elections.  They are trying to rig the game to grab power so they can use that power to commit massive crimes using the power of government to do so.  It’s about as bad as it gets regarding defrauding the government, the Trump government that we elected to handle our business and protect our country from its enemies.  This is why we have a Supreme Court: without the protection of the basic premise of the law, on constitutional principles, we have no country or values to protect.  This is the apparent strategy of the hostile agents of the world who want an end to America, for which the Biden administration is a creation.  The intent to commit the crime was never more apparent, and the Supreme Court is the backstop to stop that crime when all other measures fail, which they had up to this point.  However, it was not surprising to hear how they set up the case after hearing from the Jack Smith lawyers.  The prosecution’s case against Trump was even thinner than many thought it would be because the foundation of their case is meant to hide that the Biden administration and their Department of Justice, as insurrectionists who gained power through a stolen election, committed an intentional defrauding of our government in their pursuits for power and control.

Of course, in the aftermath of the Supreme Court presentations of the case and their reaction to it, the communist news media and global insurrectionists had their faces melting.  They weren’t getting away with their fraud and people were on to them, as best represented by a majority of the Court.  Leftist radicals had taken over most of our institutions and controlled the lower courts, and now this Supreme Court was ruining their plans to defraud our government with maliciousness, and they were already thinking about the next steps.  Study communist takeovers worldwide, especially after World War II in China. You will see precisely the same thing going on in the United States by big government types, Republicans and Democrats for several decades.  And their efforts were well on their way under the Obama administration, and the American people, not constantly aware of the severity of the problem, picked Trump as their representative, which screwed up the communist plans.  Most people don’t think about these things; they just want to live their lives and be left alone, which was part of the strategy of the communists who put Joe Biden in power as a compromised asset who would do their destruction to keep his own family out of jail.  The best way to do that is to control the Department of Justice as inserted President of the United States.  There was nothing legitimate about any of it.  They defrauded the United States of America over many years and conducted a massive insurrection with Covid-driven election fraud to acquire power from a legitimate American government against the American people.  And at best, they broke the law in detrimental ways. 

We are dealing with people who have already tried to kill congressmen at baseball games and made death threats against Supreme Court members, only to receive a slap on the hand for their efforts.  That is part of the defrauding process, to control our political mechanisms so they can determine the rule of law and, in this case, ignore the law for their acquisition of power.  But to then use that acquired power to prosecute their political enemies, such as what they have been doing to President Trump, to keep him in exile, they forced him into.  Because they know that the people of America picked him the first two times, and they will do it again.  So their only option is to go all in with insurrection, play this game with the legal levers of power, and hope that people don’t notice.  If they could get rid of the Supreme Court in some way, either through court-packing or some other measure, they would do it if they could hold power through sheer force and intimidation.  But what’s important to remember is that they are not a legitimate government, and they don’t care that you know that.  All communist governments have their challengers, so how to deal with them is well known.  And they have no fear of defrauding the American government because they intend for America to be eradicated, crushed by debt and corporate control.  As progressive communists, they have “Moved On,” which is the name of the George Soros organization that is behind most of these purposeful intents to defraud America.  And why people like him have not been arrested and thrown in jail to stop their menace tells you why the problem persists.  Too many compromised people are willing to take easy money to sell out their country, and such a problem falls into most of our population.  But that still doesn’t change what it is: the defrauding of the American government by hostile enemies, foreign and domestic.  And they are going to lose that immunity case against Trump. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Getting Out of Bed to Fight for Your Country: Most people don’t have the guts to be President Trump

There are a lot of sunshine patriots out there who will fly the American flag over the Fourth of July and cook their hot dogs on a grill. But when it comes time to do any kind of heavy lifting and to stand for something, they are nowhere to be found. Most people bootlick their way through life, and they will do so to make the most money possible while doing as little work as they can. And when times are tough, they hide under their covers and turn off the alarm clock until the danger is averted. The world is full of such people. And it is because of them that there is so much evil in the world, empowered and doing what they are doing to destroy the world. I have been warning about these things for most of my life and as people ask me about some of the chapters in my book of life and wonder about all the carnage and hurt feelings, it points back to this essential issue. When times were tough, who got out of bed and did something about it. And one thing I can say, with all the violence and debate, I did not turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed while it was storming outside. I got up, went to where the trouble was, and did what needed to be done. When I fly an American flag, I do so knowing that I have done all I could to make it proud, because the fights to have the right to fly that flag are always under threat by hostile enemies foreign and domestic. It would have been easy to just do like everyone else, take a nice vacation, go to fancy dinners, and play golf without ever talking about anything too serious. But that would never be enough for me, because there was always a lot of work to do, and America needs as many people doing it as possible.

And I saw in Trump many years ago, 2012 to 2014 a person who had achieved a certain place in life where he wanted to do the work that it takes to keep America alive and well. I would point out even back then that Obama was a socialist, and that his birth certificate had major problems and that he probably was not qualified to be president. Which at that time sounded crazy. I remember what I was doing on 9/11 when terrorists attacked the symbol of American capitalism, the World Trade Center. I sent my wife to pick up my kids from school as everyone around me was as floored as everyone across the country and our skies stopped having air traffic for a couple of days. But I never believed the narrative, what made those terrorists think they could get away with it. Globalists looking to topple America are always involved, and they are sloppier these days than back then when people still had some trust in authority figures. 9/11 was a provoked terrorist attack meant to expand government and to give the FBI, and the CIA more authority, which they have obviously abused. And it all happened right under our nose, while people went about their lives worrying about being too controversial, because they might become social outcasts. But out of all that came a few people here and there, like President Trump, who were able to do something to help the flag, so he started thinking of running for president and he was visiting Tea Party groups to build up his brand in that direction.  And I was a supporter, because I knew what kind of work really needed to be done in America, and most people were not willing to do it.

When history looks back on this time, it will remember all the sunshine patriots who sat on their hands and never engaged the enemy, which empowered that enemy to the levels of menace that we are seeing now. Their neighbors might think they are swell people. At the local wine tasting where everyone is talking about sending their children to college so they can learn about Karl Marx, essentially, people might complement the high heels of an attractive woman, but talk behind her back at all the men she is sleeping with, while an American flag flies outside looking for someone to defend it from the tyranny of a jealous world.  But it will also remember that it took 12 years of Trump to return our country back to all those worthless people who should be more grateful than they are. Everyone will be grateful in hindsight even though they did extraordinarily little to help along the way, including most of the current Republican Party. They talk tough, but when it comes time to go out into the rain to engage the enemy, they stay where it is safe, and let others do that. The very few others. Trump is one of them. Thank goodness he won that first term in 2016. And in many ways, what happened in 2020 had to happen because people needed to see just how bad this current government of criminals really was. How deep the rot really extended. They did not believe me when I told them in the 1990s, then the 2000s. And of course, in 2020. But now, because Trump was essentially a president in exile in Mar-a-Lago, and all these horrendously bad people have come after him to destroy him, do people finally see the danger. 

It was always going to take three terms of a presidency fully committed to the preservation of American life to do the job. And Trump seemed poised to do that job going back to the Reform Party. I am not new at this. I remember talking to Ross Perot’s family in the parking lot of their Texas company on the eve of the 1992 election about all this. And most people just would not get out of bed, they wanted to stay asleep. I did all I could, including being in that parking lot with the Perot family in Texas, and 19% of America knew something had to be done and supported Ross Perot anyway. That number has grown over the years to around 38% who would stand by Trump no matter what, because they get it. They are out of bed with the alarm clock off. And I think now, because of these previous two terms of Trump, one official, one in exile, that a third Trump term will put that number closer to 60% of America will finally get out of bed and do the work of patriotism that is required. And as bad as it is for Trump, he has inspired others to finally get out of bed and to fight for our flag. Sometimes it takes a person like President Trump, or a Ross Perot, people who have achieved a certain level of success in life to turn away from polite society, roll up their sleeves, and fight for their country in ways that very few have the courage to do, because they are too busy trying to build a life for themselves to get to some level of independence.  I know what it has cost me, and many people just will not do it, because they do not have the stomach for it. But that did not take away the requirements of the job. It will take three Trump terms to start to fix our country from the hostile communists who have been attacking it for most of the last one hundred years. And it will take another decade or two to implement patriotic policies to restore America to greatness. But we are seeing that process play out now, and thank goodness for people like President Trump, and an exceedingly small group around him who are doing the right things for all the right reasons. I have a lot of respect for them because I know how hard it is. And everyone should appreciate the effort for many thousands of years to come, because it was necessary.

Rich Hoffman

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The Top 1% Are Broken People, Not Elite: What many think is a virtue is really a social dysfunction

There is a kind of permeating fault wired into the human race that necessitates a need for the aristocracy to have meaning and importance over their peers in the destructive pursuit of self-importance.  To my mind, the need for it is like potty training a puppy; the rebellion of defiance of pooping on the floor and then jumping around happily once being scolded that comes from the behavior.  They are undeveloped minds broken toward advanced concepts.  Unfortunately, human beings have not yet developed a proper understanding of the value of such people because we are still struggling with that emotional development, where praise from our parents and peers in society is all important to us.  So, until it’s usually too late, do we come to a proper understanding of the all too tempting notion of measures of importance as understood culturally?  When in reality, the opinions of the masses are rooted in an undeveloped brain functioning from elements of insanity.  We’re talking about the top 1%, as they are often called, or the “elite,” as the media calls them.  They are usually the people most successful in some measurements, but they all have social dysfunction in common.  A switch in their minds that never fully develops gives them the appearance of social maturity, but in practice, they are still unrestricted with critical thinking, which might otherwise guide them toward other decisions.  And because we have never come to grips with this fundamental insecurity that most people have, the social illusion that is the byproduct is that these people are more critical in a social hierarchy, which then promotes these same people to obtain an aristocratic status with ruthlessness and destructive utterances.  In my experience, people who are in the top 1% in our society economically or politically tend to have severe problems in emotional development where the parts of their brains that tell them their problems shouldn’t do something, is undeveloped making them a liability, not a true asset to all social discourse. 

Because we mistake those traits for power and control as virtues, we have not dealt with the core problem of these people other than modes of philosophy that are just as destructive toward a prosperous society, such as Marxism.  The struggle for personal power and its impact on the rest of the world is a long struggle that has always been with us.  But to my mind, our present time is turning the corner toward those assumptions, which is the real merit behind all populism occurring worldwide.  The old idea that a few ruling elites, whether it be a king, a CEO, a politician, a business tycoon, or some other single-point personality, would rule over the masses of society like a shepherd over a flock of sheep is finally dying in our present time, and that has led to mass confusion about the merits of leadership.  What is it, and how does society function with it or without it?  For all this time, the traits that built an aristocracy were valued as special and unique when, in fact, they were essentially broken people who had not yet entirely developed the aspect of their emotional development where such peer acceptance and yearning were not part of a functioning intellect.  As in the example of the puppy, they are not yet potty trained in the world, and their minds are not yet ready to guide anybody toward anything.  That was one of the most important developments of the American system of government, to decentralize authority so that the ill effects of that broken 1% would have less impact on mass society than in other places in the world at different times throughout history. 

Generally, as a culture, Americans resent being told what to do by a centralized figure, more so than other places in the world that have not yet tasted full autonomy of thought.  So they have not yet realized how much better a society is when aristocratic fools are not guiding it from a monastery or corporate influence where the desire for power over many people corrupts the minds of the few in rule over the masses and the perceived power that comes with it.  A truly developed mind with a healthy intellect doesn’t crave that kind of power, so a lack of aristocracy is far more beneficial than having one.  It has taken a long time to arrive at this place, and it took America to give birth to it, but finally, in the world, populism has grown into this expansion beyond the control of the few over the many that have always previously persisted.  So now it is fashionable to question authority and the “elite” who have been running things as long as humans have attempted to organize mass society.  When you get a human being that does not crave power over others, you can be said to be a culture that is being born into a healthy intellect, and its evolution is quite natural and inevitable.  But it’s devastating to those who thought it was acceptable, even those who desired to be those undeveloped few who craved power to fill the vast vacancies of their emotional learning in society.  What is happening now is truly terrifying to them.  But then again so are little puppies terrified when they are scolded for pissing on the carpet.  Just because the puppies are cute doesn’t mean they don’t get hit with the newspaper for leaving their bodily discharge in the walking path of the true owners of a home. 

So, most of the crying that is going on now comes from those little dogs of our society who are whimpering from being scolded.  They thought they were in charge, just like all undeveloped minds assume until they learn the truth.  And for those broken adults who never quite develop, this behavior is more of a retardation, rather than a value.  Still at wine tastings and other social gatherings usually assembled by Democrat types of personalities, the old aristocracy is still a valued commodity, and they crave the leadership of a shepherd in their daily affairs because they, too, lack the confidence to approach life on their own merits.  They prefer to have someone to think for them, and there are always these undeveloped 1% types, “this elite,” who step forward to take on the role.  But most people grow out of such needs to be led and rule over others because their minds no longer value such things once they fully mature.  Yet, such a distinction would have never been made if not for America to provide such an example, where aristocracy and rule over others was not a value system but a rejected premise.  It continues to be the guiding light for populism worldwide, where more people crave to be wolves in their own right, not sheep looking for a shepherd.  Those craving to be our shepherds are often let down by personal failures, which then prevent a healthy society from reaching its true potential.  It was always the perceived “elite” who were the broken minds who got in the way.  And now, in the long evolution of the human race, we are finally growing away from such immature desires.  And our society is improving, even if it is scary to those who thought they were in charge all along.  They are finding out that they never were and never will be. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Bernie Sanders Dumb Idea for a 32-Hour Work Week: Socialists and Communists are Lazy, dope-smoking losers

This is a long-term gripe from me and one of the most significant reasons to never listen to socialists and communists.  Communists are lazy people by nature; that’s why they want big government to confiscate the wealth of others and redistribute that income to them while they sit around all day smoking pot and playing video games.  We can see socialists a mile away, and their work ethic exposes them.  Lazy people tend to favor the works of Karl Marx.  So it is unsurprising that Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator who has been in the news a lot over the last several years, has proposed a 32-hour work week.  I missed the news in a form I could comment on because I was traveling through many airports and happened to be in Japan waiting on a driver sent to pick me up when I heard the news.  I watched a video clip of this ridiculous proposal as my Japanese driver ran down the road to get our car.  He was running because he didn’t want me to wait an extra 15 to 20 seconds and to be guilty of giving me an inefficiency problem that day.  So, the news was particularly powerful at that moment because of the excessive contrasts.  They like to work in Japan, and they want to work hard.  So do I.  Out of a 24-hour day, 17 of them are dedicated to working.   I don’t have much time for silly chit-chat and wasting time on stupid things.  And I also work Saturdays and Sundays most weeks.  And I like it.  I love Mondays, I see Fridays as just another day in the week.  And I expect the people around me to work hard, too. Otherwise, I don’t get along with them.  No matter what people think about politics, sports teams, or religion, I can find common ground to build a relationship if a person likes to work hard. 

They work hard in Japan

But this idea of Bernie Sanders was one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.  America was trying to dig out of several years of bad economic policy during the third term of Obama’s presidency.  During Trump’s first term, America had three years of prosperity, but Biden quickly turned all that into a disaster, and America needs to work its way back to greatness.  And here is this idiot saying we must work a 32-hour workweek.  What will people do in all those other hours? Look out the window.  Have more leisure time.  How long must people sit on a beach and look at the water?  It reminded me of the many things that I don’t like about Europe.  They have too much vacation and have a daily expectation of doing too little.  It’s common in Europe to only work three days out of five and to have frequent breaks.  And to be honest, it disgusts me to my very soul.  What a wasteful existence.  America has been great in the past because the people weren’t afraid of hard work.  It was hard work that built a great country, and it was hard work that made any culture prosperous.  And here is an old hippie socialist advocating for Americans to work less.  It’s probably the dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas.  It’s a general attitude you can easily observe in communist and socialist countries; their social centers are often crowded with people walking around aimlessly eating food and sitting anywhere available because they aren’t working enough.  And they wonder why they have poor GDP numbers. 

That isn’t unique; in my experience in Japan with the driver, it’s expected.  Japan has the third-largest economy in the world for a reason.  They work hard there, and they don’t complain about stupid things.  When there is work to be done, they pull together and get things done quickly, and they aren’t in love with the hours of the day.  If it takes longer to do a task than the usual hours of a business day, they stick around and finish it, making tomorrow always filled with completed work, waiting on new opportunities.  I am always impressed by even ordinary people on the street who are overtly ambitious and gratified for an opportunity to work.  Whether it’s a clerk at a convenience store or an attendant at the airport, when work is faced, or the chance to do business with another person presents itself, they honor that opportunity with a deep bow to revere the work and the opportunities that come with it.  You are in for a treat when you fly to Japan on any Japanese airline with an all-Japanese crew.  They work hard and treat everyone very respectfully.  They really care about the work and it shows as they enter the work zone, they bow to the public and bring real diligence to the effort.  But often, when you return home on Delta, United, or some other American airliner, you get a menagerie of lazy characters brought to you by Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and they are ridiculous to deal with, especially on a long flight.  Even in premium seating, they make the experience miserable because they are usually lazy, overweight, and can barely fit between the seats, and you can tell they are always in a hurry to sit back down and waste their life away somewhere.  With the Japanese airlines, everyone is in a hurry, but for the opposite reason, so they can do more work. 

Bernie Sanders lists himself as an independent who caucuses with Democrats.  And he’s had a few good runs at the presidency, headed off by the Democrat’s cheating machine who would not let him near the White House.  But as a result, Democrats have steered hard left on Bernie Sanders types of communist policies.  Sanders is technically a socialist, and there are many like him in the Democrat Party; they don’t refer to themselves as such.  Much as in the Republican Party, there are Democrats who know they could never get elected if they called themselves what they were.  Socialists and communists in America have been changing their name to Democrats, trying to hide their real nature.  These days, they feel more comfortable revealing what that nature is than they were in the past.  And it’s communism that is behind the effort to have America work a 32-hour work week.  I think Americans need to work a 70-hour work week, at minimum.  I never have any compassion for someone who says they don’t have enough money when they are barely working 40 hours a week.  It was labor unions who gave us the stupid 40-hour work week, and that just isn’t enough when you have a productive culture filled with opportunity. What are people expecting to do with all that time off?  Why not work and make more money?  In my life, I have often worked two full-time jobs of 40 hours each, and held a part-time job on weekends, four or five hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays.  And I always spent time with my family.  I had time to play video games, read books, and watch movies.  People waste a lot of time in life, depending on the political philosophy that governs their society.  And if Americans want to Make America Great Again, they need to learn to work hard again.  And to stop listening to ridiculously stupid socialists, Marxists, and communists who just want to sit around smoking pot, living off welfare, and wasting their lives away with scratch-off lottery tickets, hoping to hit it big so they can work even less.  Those kinds of people are the slugs of society, and any culture that wants to be better needs to make fewer of them. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Trump Was Always Protected Under the 8th Amendment: Playing chicken with the federal government, and winning

All you need to know about America’s domestic enemies and that they are a Marxist insurrection is in the case against Trump in New York, where the attorney general, Letitia James, pushed for an obviously unconstitutional bail amount in an effort to enforce a default and confiscate the President’s property.  This is a funny story, even as sinister as it is, because it’s the guide for how all these cases will go against Trump, but it holds for any of us.  Luckily, Trump, with the amount of wealth he has amassed over the years, is willing to play chicken with these guys and expose them from the platform of the American Presidency.   His willingness to do so has brought to the surface this obvious communist strategy so audaciously, that everyone can understand it.  However, this notion that Letitia James was going to be able to take Trump’s property and bankrupt him was never going to work.  As the radical left made up the scam, they assumed that people would abandon the American Constitution well before now, but that hasn’t happened.  By the time everyone entered the last week of March 2024, and the media speculated on the awesome power of the federal government, with all its infinite resources and ability to destroy people’s lives, the truth ended up as a lesson in civics.  Trump was, and has always been, just as we all are, protected from the government under the 8th Amendment.  This indicates that any excessive punishment imposed by the government, along with outrageous bail, was prohibited.  And given that Letitia James and Judge Engoron set the bail for Trump’s real estate case at 454 million dollars, essentially half a billion dollars, it showed that they weren’t serious about the law but were trying to do something they were legally prevented from doing.  There has never been such a bail cast against an individual before, so the definition of “excessive” was easy to establish. 

It’s pretty clear

Of course, the appeals process reduced the bail amount to something more manageable, although still excessive, but it was easier for Trump to get his hands on raw cash.  And once that occurred, the New York case fell apart, and the theatrics were concluded.  It is actually funny that Biden began to call Trump “broke” on the campaign trail because his handlers wrote it that way, according to the Marxist script they had all been following.   Trump’s attornies pleaded during the ruling because they had to, that Trump didn’t have $454 million lying around and that it was an unusual hardship.  The appeals court lowered the amount to $175 million just as Letitia James moved in to put a padlock on Trump Tower in New York to accommodate the ridiculous bail amount.  The abuse couldn’t be more apparent to the world and it ended up being a great example of the Marxist invasion of our country that a lot of people were not willing to acknowledge.  However, during this process, Trump received considerable money from his social media platform, Truth Social, so he quickly had the cash to pay the lowered bail amount and move on.  Even though even that amount will be considered “excessive” and unconstitutional in the end.  For now, Trump just pulled out a wad of cash and paid off the communists and, in the process, doubled his wealth.  Any hopes that the radical left had about Trump going broke and being forced to sell off his assets along the New York skyline were averted, and Trump entered a new era in the world of politics that nobody had ever seen before.  He had won the standoff with the federal government, which nobody had expected. 

Except I had been saying for a few years now that the 8th Amendment prevented the government from doing precisely what they were doing to Trump.  I knew what the Trump legal team was doing when they declared hardship on the excessive fine imposed by Engoron because they had to get it on the record for the appeals process.  Trump could have paid the fines and fees, but should he?  That was the real question.  But the political left gave away their fantasy of a communist world with an out-of-control government running loose and, taking people’s property and throwing them in jail without due process.  This happens everywhere, especially with the Peter Navarro case and what happened to Alex Jones, Rudy Guiliani, and Sidney Powell.  All the J6th protestors.  I find it astonishing that more lawyers didn’t catch on to the unconstitutionality of these impositions quickly.  However, before the March 2024 property confiscations, the Trump legal team finally got specific about the 8th Amendment.  And once they did, the appeals court had no option but to reduce the bail and favor in the direction of Trump.  I think this whole argument could have been destroyed in the New York case months ago by citing the 8th Amendment protections, but Trump likely wanted to bait them along like the excellent negotiator that he is, for as long as he could get away with it, pushing them to overplay their hand.  Which they did, only to drop the bomb with them at the end of the case to make a point.  And in that process, the political left salivated at the destruction of Trump and showed the world who they were. 

I would have advised Trump to destroy his enemies in the very beginning and to never let them up for air.  All these cases against Trump have the same primary objective and fall under the same constitutional protections.  But Trump is playing this as a sportsman who might fish for those big guys in the water deep under a rockface.  The point of the Constitution that is important is that it limits government and takes away the kind of power the left is addicted to, which is Chinese-style communism centrally controlled.  The entire American legal system, including all Supreme Court cases, uses the Constitution to prevent the government from doing things it might want to do against people, with property rights and wealth creation being the center of proper social norms that sustain a functioning economy.  Without that stability, you end up with an out-of-control government, which Trump wanted to show with all these theatrics.  The Trump legal team let the dumb Letitia James make a fool out of herself with excessive abuse to show the world what she was really up to.  Then, when things got serious, the Trump team played the 8th Amendment card, and that essentially destroyed the case.  But Trump was never in trouble.  Trump played the situation wonderfully and took the criticism in the media to full effect, letting everyone speculate on his destruction, even as Letitia James coordinated all this government abuse with the Biden White House.  Because they were communists, they assumed that society would “progress” beyond the Constitutional limits of the American rule of law in favor of some ridiculous United Nations model of law and judgment.  But that’s not how it is in America, and now Trump has established a new value on that law that will solidify these court battles for many years to come.  For this reason, we are all much better off. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

Lessons From George Lang’s Primary Win in Butler County: Political terrorism isn’t the way to win people over

It was not surprising to me that George Lang won in the primary for the 4th District Senate seat.  He was the best person for the job and is an integral part of the MAGA movement in Ohio politics.  And I like the guy quite a lot.  However, some things happened in this primary that need to be discussed, particularly concerning Candice Keller, who ran against him.  I thought it was a huge mistake when I first heard that she would.  I personally like Candice, her husband, and her supporters.  However, my relationship with George was founded on years of built-up trust, so everyone should know where my support would go.  But I did get some nasty campaign utterances against George, which I could care less about.  But I heard from people who questioned me because they wanted to say that George Lang was a RINO just because they lacked the extra gear he has in politics.  I think there are all kinds of people needed in political efforts; there are people who throw rocks.  And some people make deals, and all sorts of people in between.  Just because a politician like George has skills that other people don’t have, it doesn’t make him a RINO.  As I said on election day, George Lang never ran away from Trump, where many people in Ohio did; he even put a picture of himself next to Trump on the slate card in Butler County.  I have known George for a long time, and his support of Trump goes back as long as mine does, well before many of the modern tag-alongs saw the light.  I’ve been involved in many scenarios with George Lang where I know better than most what kind of person he is, so my endorsement of him came with that knowledge, which should have been the end of the story.

Always stand by your people, and never let the mob impact your opinions

Yet, right before the election, another friend of mine, Jennifer Gross, a representative from the 45th District, had called George to let him know that she couldn’t publicly endorse him because all the Candice Keller people were giving her a rough time.  In general, some kid running against her got ahold of the recording and published it to embarrass her.  Jennifer is of the rock thrower variety in Columbus and tends to have much of the same support as Candice Keller.  By talking in a friendly way to George and not being antagonistic toward him, she somehow betrayed Candice.  By default, if you wanted to prove you weren’t a RINO, you had to support Candice Keller.  Jennifer should have been able to help George Lang with an endorsement and to do so without fear.  But that she did fear the Candice Keller people says a lot about what’s wrong in politics.  If one politician has a better platform than another, then that is a free market appeal toward politics.  But forcing people to vote for someone else is the same kind of garbage that the radical left communists do.  That came from the Candice Keller people, mainly as it was applied to Jennifer Gross.  This is precisely why Candice Keller lost her previous seat where she was in the State House.  It takes guts to get into the arena but more skills than that to stay in it.  She got into trouble and didn’t work to build the right alliances, and she soon found herself on the out.  Which is her fault, and hers alone. 

George Lang never turned away from Trump, while many others have

I like the kind of trouble Candice Keller gets herself into as a rock thrower.  She was the one who caught Cindy Carpenter campaigning for Democrats in Middletown, so her brand of politics has its place, which keeps everyone healthy.  Regarding George Lang, she doesn’t know him like I do.  And it was her choice to run against him, and if she wanted to be in the arena of politics, there were other positions she could have picked.  Instead, she tends to want to run against George Lang and see how much power she has within the evangelical community to pull votes away from one of the top Republicans in Southern Ohio.  That’s a choice she made that isn’t rooted in good tactics.  It might be interesting.  But the effort isn’t serious beyond rock throwing, with all things considered.  If we didn’t have George Lang to pick from, I would happily vote for Candice.  But when there is a George Lang in a race, George is better in many categories and would get the vote and public support.  Jennifer Gross should have felt she could publicly support anyone without harassment.  But she was harassed, which led to that phone call to George, and was recorded by political rivals trying to make a name for themselves.  When it comes to party politics, everyone either wants to win, or they want to make noise.  In this case, support for President Trump should be the establishing criteria.  Everyone should be able to agree on that as a baseline in politics and work from there. 

Just because someone is successful or has more skills in a field than other people doesn’t mean they are wrong.  George Lang, in my experience with him, is far from a RINO.  He might be able to work with RINOs and Chamber people.  But he’s always the same guy at the end of the day, and I know his politics.  Making deals and getting along with people is only bad if you compromise who you are, and George doesn’t.  There is a lot of evil in the world, and just taking a hard line about a progressive topic such as transgenderism might make sense from a biblical perspective, but in general politics, not everyone is driven by such motivations.  And at that point, politics is not an evangelical enterprise.  If the goal is to use politics to enforce scripture, then you will lose support from the public, not gain it.  Whereas, if you are accommodating people’s viewpoints, even if they are evil, you might end up with a few more people in the pews on Sunday looking for leadership in their otherwise rudderless lives.  Trying to intimidate people into submission isn’t going to do the work for God.  God sells himself.  Doing an excellent job for people who need it, politically, is the way to go, and we should always pick the best people to perform those tasks.  And not try to intimidate people into support through fear of peer pressure.  There were a lot of primary positions that didn’t have challenges, such as Sheriff Jones’ seat, which I think he’s very vulnerable.  It was a choice to go after George Lang, so there will always be costs in the aftermath.  However, people should be able to express their opinions for or against candidates in a free market way.  Otherwise, the tactics are the same as the terrorists from the Karl Marx left.  And we should all be able to agree on how we feel about them.  Yet the harassment of Jennifer Gross shows a deeper problem that, until fixed, will continue to keep us from winning the way we need to, where the evil truly resides, in collectivism that both sides utilize to cover a lack of political skill whenever they are at wit’s end. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707

‘Remember the Alamo’ at Lakota Schools: Fake news hiding lawyer activism toward progressive politcs

“Remember the Alamo” is all I could think of as I saw Julie Shaffer’s signature on the notification that was sent to Darbi Boddy, hand-delivered at 7 AM on Monday, the 18th of March, 2024.  The letter was to notify Darbi that they were going to vote on the Lakota school board to vacate her seat since she had not been attending meetings, and now that a 90-day period had occurred, they were going to act on it on Wednesday the 20th.  What they failed to disclose to her or the media in the wake of the incident was their complicity in the occurrence.  Darbi wanted to attend the meetings as a popularly elected school board member but couldn’t because of a court-ordered restraining order that prevented her from being 500 feet from Isaac Adi, another school board member.  So Darbi was prevented from attending the meetings by activism from that same school board, which did not work to resolve a condition they caused under advisement from Lakota’s lawyers and little Judge Lyons.  And I emphasize “little” because it exhibits a common trait many of these people get into politics for, to begin with, the power the office brings and what they are willing to do with that power.  In this Darbi Boddy case, abuses of power are everywhere, and it was interesting to watch.  But as I looked at that signature and listened to the lies that the various school board members told the public about the incident, I couldn’t help but wonder what kinds of lies Julie Shaffer told people in the wake of her famous “Remember the Alamo” dancing panties party at an education retreat where she had to be put back together again by another school board member after a night of scandal and degradation.  And here was this same person signing the notification to Darbi Boddy, her political rival on the board, to using legal gymnastics to remove her from the board, then lie about it to everyone in the wake.

Like I always say, the rules are often made to protect the incompetent

Of course, the actual Alamo that occurred in Texas during the Spanish-American War involved a mob of parasites who overran the outpost there on the wild frontier, and some of America’s greatest heroes were killed in the bloodbath.  That is what is happening at Lakota schools; only Darbi Boddy will live to fight another day.  What was lost was a seat that was worthless as there an onslaught of parasites converged under the pressure of radicalism to take back their school from conservative influence.  The most significant value in Darbi’s term in office was that it revealed all the bad things I have always said were there and showed them to the community for what they are.  I wanted the election process to work, and I worked with many people I usually wouldn’t talk to for the school’s good to help make it happen.  But upon seeing that letter given to Darbi, I felt relief and freedom from playing nice with people who didn’t deserve it.  It wasn’t the first time I was willing to work with people who were not precisely as conservative as I am to do something good for Lakota.  But I get tired of being let down by them because they don’t have the guts to follow through, and they always compromise with radicals.  Ultimately, many people like to drink and get disgraced at some of these public events.  Everyone knows the Julie Shaffer story of her “Remember the Alamo” event, yet she was in a position to play her part in removing a school board member to protect the real people who run the Lakota school board, the lawyers, and the courts. 

Very true stuff. Revenge is the balance of existence. Always remember the battle cry of The Alamo and the giggles of drunken fools saying the same

Until Darbi was on the school board, I hadn’t noticed how much the Lakota school board punted everything to legal advice.  We always assumed we elected school board members and they worked on our behalf to run a community school.  We didn’t know that the school board was but a front group for lawyers in the background who are very progressive.  I know many of them, and they are not bastions of conservative value, especially those in the big law firms.  They are very much aligned with the Larry Finks of the world, politically, so when Darbi or anybody would speak in public to stop political activism from infecting our children, these lawyers work in the background to advance their cause on the radical left.  And the value of school board members to them is to pave the way for political activism.  And anybody who stood in the way of that would be eliminated.  The public election process was only an illusion to keep the tax money flowing through what people thought were honest elections.  But when someone like Darbi got elected, this was how the system protected itself.  If they couldn’t be controlled, they’d be eliminated.  In this case, they found a complicit victim in Isaac Adi to play his role, just as Julie Shaffer has, and the new Bobblehead Doug Horton and the outright communist, Kelly Casper.  That school board doesn’t represent the public, but it does the dirty work for the lawyers and keeps money flowing to them with easy cases and billable hours.  Because they are too stupid to think on their own, the legal bills add up for the law office with easy money that they protect with viciousness, obviously present in this Darbi Boddy case. 

And many of the characters involved are so stupid they don’t see the obvious, much like the Remember the Alamo moment in history, or Julie Shaffer’s personal disgrace, the comfort of the mob mentality often hides them from reality.  They think they can build a five-member board with hand-selected advocates for a new facilities plan and that they’ll put forth a tax increase that the public will support.  Yet, just next door in Fairfield, they just tried for another levy, which was shot down rather spectacularly.  And they forget that Darbi Boddy was popularly elected in their drunken binges where clothes are undoubtedly optional, and they giggle about it within the power of their networks of misfits.  And that she is still popularly supported.  What they have done to her will be remembered, certainly.  I think Darbi is far better off.  We learned what we needed to learn from her being in that seat, and it exposed people I had previously thought were decent people.  But it’s better to know who is doing what and why they did it, which we know now.  Like that classic battle in Texas, the short-term mob behavior overran the fortifications.  But soon after, the entire war effort collapsed under its own weight.  This is what I see happening at Lakota schools as a direct result.  The politeness was gone.  Fake news was presented for all to see because they knew the truth of what the school board did to Darbi under the guidance of the lawyers who ran everything against the taxpayer’s wishes.  And yes, we will “Remember the Alamo.”  We now have the freedom to act on what we know, which we didn’t have before because we had to work with the system to prove that we could and were willing.  But now we are free of that burden, thankfully.  We can “Remember the Alamo” and apply justice without regret. 

Rich Hoffman

Click Here to Protect Yourself with Second Call Defense https://www.secondcalldefense.org/?affiliate=20707